You can have a half moon and that sweet cherry. Sweet cherries with vagity in early and late terms: coris of power. Simple salad with cherries and apples

Cherry is a whole tree with oval red fruits and a hard tassel in the middle. Behind the height, ring out without moving 3 meters. May have dark green leaves with a sharp edge. The Fatherland of the cherry tree vvazhayutsya Caucasus, Crimea. However, it grows in other territories. The largest is widened in Russia.

Denmark plіd maє masu korisnyh authorities, zavdyaki vіtaminіnam і mineralam, scho go to the warehouse. Cherry is especially brown at the hour of vaginess. Live in a natural way, cook jams, make sik, add stuffing to pies and cakes. We are not less interested in the leaves of this tree. Їх vikoristovuyut like vіdvaru, infusion. Such a drink is vvazhaetsya likuvalnym and building stubbornly with some kind of illness. Not less brown tea with cherry leaf additions.

Cherry varieties

Cherry buvaє kіlkoh vidіv. growing up of Russia. The most popular varieties:

  • Memory of Vavilov;
  • Nord Star;
  • Hlybotska;
  • Lyubska;
  • Zirochka;
  • Vіnok;
  • Novodvordsk;
  • Vinok.

Zvichayna cherry with vaginosti is the highest in comparison with other species.

On the territory of Japan, another type of cherry sakura is growing. Yaka became popular for its flower. During this period, the whole tree is covered with a white or erysipelas cover, and a miraculous aroma expands for kilometers. And the axis of the fruit of such a tree is small, dark in color. Їx practically do not live at їzhu. So, to the point of relish, stench is also found in other varieties. In the rest of the hour, sakura began to be crossed with other species. This type of cherry in Japan is called sakurambo. Such fruits are succulent and savory, wanting the sound of a swedish cherries.

Main varieties:

  • satonics;
  • Nanna.

In Mongolia and China, such trees grow to give a great harvest. The fruits are like licorice and savory.

So, you can see the steppe and hot cherries. Such fruits are practically not to live with hedgehogs. The stench rises to the wild trees.

with vagity

What is the truth about the berry korisna? A lot of female women ask: “What can you do with cherries when you are pregnant?”. Definitely, on such a supply, you can only use a drug. Tsі fruit mayut masu korisnyh authorities and singing protipozannya. Nasampered, cherry bagata on vitamins of group B. Stink is positively injected into the nervous system like a vaginal woman, and a future child. Cherries also have folic acid, which is necessary for the correct laying of the baby's organs. That is why it is not recommended to eat berries in the first trimester of pregnancy. Krim vipadkiv, if it is a contraindication. Cherry is rich in vitamin C, which ensures immune immunity. Protects the body from various infections. Vitamin E in the warehouse of cherries pleasantly blends into the elasticity of the skin and the vessel. Important for hair and nails. Also, these small berries are worth such necessary speeches, like:

  • mid;
  • manganese;
  • zinc;
  • zalizo;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • fluorine.

Cherry with vagity helps to get rid of low hemoglobin, which is an extended problem in this period. More in other terms the mother's body needs a lot of saliva, in order to provide herself with that future child with the necessary microelement. And from cherry brushes Live in the house, not varto. They have a bruised speech - hydrocyanic acid. A great number of people can have serious troubles. You can’t bring sprats of such brushes to the corrosiveness of the body.

The bark of cherries with vaginess, without a trace, is great. Ale zlovzhivat her all the same not varto. Cherry berries are rich in acids. The stench can cause some health problems. For example, succulent poisoning of cherries can cause inflammation of the duct and intestines, yak, in your hand, can go over to chronic illness and induce a viral infection.

Shkidlivist cherries with vaginess

To whom is cherry contraindicated for pregnancy? Korist and Skoda tsієї berries lie in the first black I will become healthy. Cherry is strictly contraindicated for people:

  • With virazkovy ailments of the mucus, intestines, 12-colon intestines.
  • Iz flamboyant diseases of the herbal tract (colitis, gastritis, gastroduodenitis).
  • With sucrose diabetes and other damage to the exchange of speech.

Do not bring this product to everyone else.

Cherry sik

Cherry, with vagity, is korisna, whether you look at it. Berries, yakі do not give up thermal processing save more of their brown bones. If you cook a brew from the fruits, then half of the vitamins will be depleted there. Simply grind the richly curly berries from the zucr. A rich woman in the period of vagity vvazhayut for better to live in. For their brown powers of wine, they practically do not compromise on the berries of a full-bodied look. There is no special meaning for this, as it is to get used to the product. All fall like a smakovih.

Like vicorist cherry leaves?

Cherry leaves with vaginess are not less corisne, lower fruits. From such leaves, vitamin teas are brewed, and brewed with infusions. The stench of revenge is rich in brown speeches. Such teas exude a light, pleasant relish and lower aroma, and have a slight calming effect. Also indispensable for the conservation of ogirkiv and tomatoes. Add їх i to sauerkraut. In addition, cherry leaves are widely planted like a splendid zasib. Cherry leaf infusions help to relieve zhovtyanitsa, stop bleeding.

Cherry for children

A lot of children already love these savory berries. The stench brings majestic malice to a small organism. Vitamins and mineral speech, which enter the warehouse of cherries, provide health benefits to the body and growth. Korisna berry for development nervous system that sweet sleep. Increases hemoglobin, reducing the risk of anemia. Improving blood flow and improving the tone of the judge. Give strength and energy. Contraindications drug for diseases of the herbal tract. Another suttєvim contraindications є development of allergic reactions. Even though there are no such problems, you can boldly give cherries to children in dead cities.

Sweet cherry is one of the first fruits that appear on the shelves of shops in the countryside. Vaughn may be low in brown powers, but for wealthy women in the position they are deprived of food: why can you plant cherries at the hour of vagity? Chi not zavdast out of shkodi mother and future malyukov?

Warehouse and power of the product

Sweet cherries are rich in biologically active speeches. The warehouse includes macro- and microelements, such as calcium, potassium, manganese, iodine, phosphorus, zinc, fluorine. Krym tsgogo, won bagata for vitamins C, K, E, B 1, B 3, B 6 and PP. Їhnya melancholy pogaє in the offensive:

  • iodine is vital for the work of the thyroid gland;
  • zalizo є the basis of the creation of hemoglobin;
  • potassium ensures the normalization of the heart rhythm;
  • calcium - the basis for molding brushes;
  • vitamin B1 improves the exchange of speech;
  • vitamin B 3 converts to the energy of fat and sugar;
  • Y 6 - vitamin for the synthesis of proteins and for the polypsy of the liver;
  • vitamin E saves old shkiri;
  • RR takes care of the living room;
  • K - vitamin, necessary for blood glottis.

Krіm tsikh plyusіv, cherries are even a low-calorie product. 100 g of berries contain 50 kcal. The fruits of the dark color are rich in antioxidants, which will take a lowered burden.

Thought of doctors about those who can eat cherries with vagity and how much you need to know

In the opinion of doctors, cherries can be present in the diet of women in the season of її ripening, but there is a large number of berries that can be harmful to the future mother, that є kilograms of women at the position are not possible. To the question "How many cherries can you get today?" Fahіvtsі give an attack on the onset: to live in її sіd іn іlіk priyomіv, іt іїїїy recommended schoden norm - troch more than 400 r.

Rich women flock to the hospitable bajans for the sake of the great number of cherries and the hour of ripening of the berries. Why do they have such a need? One of the possible reasons is lack of saliva, the stools of the same and the same as the last one, they spray the body with a microelement and increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood. The fall of strength, or lack of other vitamins and minerals, like in cherries, can also become the reason why women want to have these fruits themselves.

Naskіlki not safely forge a cherry tassel

When grafting berries, such a situation can be caused if the tassel in the form of cherries is badly spun. In this weather, do not varto hvilyuvatisya, there are no shards of any kind of trouble for the body: there is a natural way out. Ale, if you eat sweet cherries with tassels, then there is no congestion in the intestines (right up to volvulus). Cream of this, when forged, the brush can be consumed in a distal path.

It is not necessary to hurry up with the sweet cherry. Eat the berries properly, relatively water-creaming their kind of brush. Tse dopomozhe to escape the ingestion of hard stuff into the body and save your nerves.

Allergy and other contraindications for implantation of yagid, side effects

Sweet cherries are rich in vitamins, but don’t forget to bring melancholy to women in the position. Іsnuyut medical contraindications, for which the berry is harvested before implantation:

  • allergy;
  • circulatory diabetes;
  • diarrhea;
  • hypotension;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • cystitis;
  • gastritis that virazka slunk.

Allergy to cherries is manifested by changes in the side of the intestinal tract. The stench is manifested by tedium, vomit, carry and spasm of the slug. It is also a possible development of undead, nasal congestion and other symptoms characteristic of a cold. Shkirny visip and sverbіzh are rarely feared, so it is easy to get sick with other ailments. The woman is guilty of being respectfully placed before any changes in the body, and with the least suspicion of an allergy, take cherries.

The future mother was reminded that cherries look weak in fresh, and in dried, on the contrary, they give constipation. Overworld implantation of licorice berries promotes gasification and provokes abdominal distention. Krim tsgogo, the fruit of the building will be reduced arterial vice, even though in quantity, exceed the recommended norm.

How to choose and eat cherries correctly in order to reduce risks?

It is necessary to bathe sweet cherries at overripe months and less in the season of ripening, otherwise there will be no negative consequences for the body. Picking berries, give respect to them old look, freshness and springiness. Fruit should be washed well before the hedgehog, so as to save the trouble.

If you love cherries, then remember: doctors recommend їsti її okremo in other products. Mіzh priyomom їzhі and poїdannym juicy fruits may pass no less than a year. It is necessary for the improvement of over-etching and the acquisition of poison.

Cherry bark for a woman in position at the stove, high pressure and other situations

Sweet cherries in the period of pregnancy may have such an influx:

  • zmenshuє nudoty that spryaє po'yakshennyu symptomatіv early toxicosis;
  • improve the etching and do not provoke the appearance of the oven;
  • for the sake of improving the work and nirok and the nadanny of the sechoginal effect, it helps to avoid the streaks;
  • normalization of liver function; reduce cholesterol levels;
  • with regular implantation of the judge and the heart;
  • cleans the body from toxic speech and slags;
  • raises fire immunity;
  • it beneficially affects the work of the central nervous system, which is indispensable for stress and sleeplessness;
  • helps to relieve sputum in case of ailments of the wild ways.

Zagalom in the presence of peace, cherries brought more melancholy and future mothers, and little ones.

Can a berry winnow out at a cosmetologist?

Cherry zastosovuyt as the basis of life-giving and healing masks for different types of skins:

  • in case of fat - vicorist cherries independently or combine with other berries, fruits, lemon juice;
  • when dry - mix with olive oil or sour cream;
  • when combined - mix with honey;
  • in case of problems - grind with berries half-nits and zastosovuyt like a scrub.

Zavdyaki vitamin E, to enter the warehouse with berries, home cosmetics with sweet cherries smoothed out, to break the skin with a springy, lifted and fresh one.

What kind of sweet cherry do you want to win: white, yellow, or red?

In dark cherries, there are impersonal antioxidants, reduced arterial pressure, as well as strengthening the walls of the vessels. Tsya vlastіvіst yagid nezamenna for gipertonіkіv. Ale, the fruit of a red color can cause an allergy in the vagina.

In order to avoid the appearance of allergic reactions, future mothers should be reminded of the importance of yellow cherries, as enriched with vitamins C and PP and become more popular among pregnant women. And for the adoption of dysbacteriosis, it is better to eat a berry from a baked look.

In order to be saturated with a juice berry that in the winter hour, you can hang or freeze varieties of sweet cherries. With such a look, the stench of their power is not wasted.

Cherry Recipes

When cherries are taken in, fresh looking ones are enriched with vitamins and minerals to the body. The berry is cut short, but all the same savory.

As a rule, sour cherries make fruit salads, milkshakes, home-made compotes and jams, and also actively vincify the berry as an additive when brewing cakes and cupcakes.

The berry is easy to eat with various fruits, cereals and semolina, sour-milk products and yoghurt.

"Child" compote in Ugrian style

To prepare compote, you need the following ingredients:

  • water - 0.5 l;
  • zukor - 6 tsp;
  • I harvest cherries;
  • tops - 50 ml.

Brown fruit salad "Aroma of Lita"

To prepare this dessert, you need the following ingredients:

  • sweet cherry - 150 g;
  • nectarines - 2 pcs.;
  • plums - 3 pcs.;
  • midnight - 150 g;
  • apricots - 3 pcs.;
  • thick sour cream - 300 g;
  • zukor - 150 g;
  • I harvest black currants.
  1. Wash all fruits and berries.
  2. Let them dry.
  3. Divide the fruits into small pieces, and use them to make tassels.
  4. Cut half a half into 4 parts, pour 2 berries to embellish the salad.
  5. Beat sour cream z | iz | zucrom and gently mix z|іz| fruits and berries.
  6. Put 2/3 of the salad in a salad bowl, pour sour cream over the beast, what is left out.
  7. Decorate the salad with a cranberry and currants, grated with chocolate.

Sirny pie with cherries.

Shorazu, if that chi іnsha berry catches up, we pragnemically get enough of it, saturating our body with vitamins and at once taking away satisfaction. Ale, during the wine-making period, the child should be brought to call the skin of her child. Without a turbo, those who want to get used to, you can already do not start.

How about a cherry? Why is the sweet cherry for the mothers and why do you carry away the shkoda of future mothers? Let's get it right.

Cherry bark at the hour of vaginess

For a weakened organism of a vagit woman, who would otherwise require a fortified meal, sweet cherries are a valuable berry. There is a bagat of whole low vitamins, leather from some of the most important for a pleasant overshoot of pregnancy and intrauterine development of the fetus. Ce vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, C, E, K, P, PP. The same is true of mineral resources: potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, salt, iodine, fluorine, boron, phosphorus, manganese, copper, zinc - all stinks are necessary during the winemaking period of children. Є in sweet cherries without any other brown words: glucose, fructose, sucrose, pectin, organic acids(apple, lemon, burshtinova, salicylic), amygdalin, anthocyanins, antioxidants, flavonoids, carotenoids, coumarin and others.

The warehouse of the berry is not only rich, but also good balances, but for the most part, such a product is easily acquired for our body and low in calories, which is also important for those who are fit to gain weight. zavoi vaga female women: 100 g of fresh fruits have an average of about 50 kcal.

  • boosting mother's immunity;
  • beneficially influencing the development of the placenta, ovum and fetal organs;
  • prevention of cold-deficiency anemia in a vaginal woman;
  • zmіtsnyuє heart m'yaz;
  • serve as a preventive measure for thrombosis;
  • zapobіgaє utavlennu nabryakіv;
  • spray cleansing the body from toxic speeches;
  • improves the work of the mucosal-intestinal tract, avoids constipation, relieves the natural bowel movement and improves the intestinal microflora;
  • normalize the work of nirok;
  • improve exchange reactions in the body;
  • improve blood circulation and delivery of the living speech to the fetus;
  • spriyaє zmіtsnennyu kistkovyh and m'yazovyh tissues of the mother of the fetus;
  • improve mood and emotional state.

Cherry is even more corny in case of toxicosis in women. She doesn’t just fill the body with lively speeches, if after all the nudity that vomiting of the woman is experiencing a great deficit, but it’s also good to feel a little hunger, that’s right, eat up, attack the nudoty and vomit until you vomit. And in case of constipation, after an hour of vagity, I’ll take a bite of fresh eggs in the morning, or at night before going to bed. Warn about every vipadok, that dried cherry berries can make the intestines creak.

Folk medicine recommends zastosovuvaty tastosovuvaty for coughs, colds, flu: sik berries and fruit compote (without zucru, in a warm look) may give you power, and if you drink flowers and leaves of a tree - it is painful, antiseptic and antiseptic. Vіdvar z cherry podonіzhok vzhivayut in case of ill heart, sudina that nirok.

Zagalom vzhivannya cherry spryaє short work all internal organs: heart, liver, intestines, gut, brain, nervous and endocrine systems. Even more often, doctors are encouraged to plant fresh berries in case of ill-healthy loam - arthritis, rheumatism. Not for the rest of the blackness - itself through the reduction of pain, which power can give the product.

Zhovta cherries with vaginess

Fallow in the presence of quiet chi іnshih speeches in the berries of the stink can be a mother of a variety of zabarvlennya. So, in dark varieties of sweet cherry, crimson, there are more antioxidants and flavonoids, such as zocrema, which promote the youthfulness of the whole organism and the strengthening of vessel walls.

Zagalom korisna and chervona, і black, і zhovta cherries with vagіtnostі. Ale, it’s important, what a dark berry, tim won’t be curly (like and what a sour variety). If there are dark varieties of berries, then the smell of the building will reduce the arterial pressure, which can be especially brown for hypertensive patients. Prote was sweet cherries with vaginess significantly less allergenically unsafe. And it also has more in it, lower in dark berries, beta-carotene, vitamins C and R.

Can you eat sweet cherries?

As it was already possible to understand from the foregoing, cherries are too sweet for women. Doctors and nutritionists are always happy to include a valuable berry in their daily diet, but when they do, they guard: you can’t be evil with it. The stench is happy to get around 300-400 grams per day, which is the best way to get money for a sprat of meals. In any case, it is not recommended to take in more than half a kilogram of a berry per day. Use more of the product for life-giving anti-wrinkle masks. And for the body's supply with vitamin-mineral speech, 200-300 g of yagid per day will be enough.

Tim is not less than that, the forum is actively discussing food, and numer- ical observations about those who eat a lot of sweet cherry meals, without interfering with themselves in kilkost in any term. Ale next to understand that you cannot be absolutely inspired by the fact that such a trouble-free behavior will not turn into negative consequences for you. Like midnight with vaginess, sweet cherries can also be contraindicated in deyaky depressions.

Sweet cherries with vagity: caution and contraindication

І don’t take a counter-indication before implanting such a product, it’s not rich, but all the same, it stinks, and it’s not necessary to protect it. It was harrowed to plant the berry for intestinal obstruction.

Slid to consult with a doctor, even gastritis increased acidity chi tsukrovy diabetes.

Naturally, if you are intolerant to cherries, you can’t get used to it, you probably don’t want to. Take it to the point of respect, that cherries provoke gasification and bloating of the stomach (especially licorice varieties), and women in the camp already suffer from qi problems. In case of overtransportation of a quantity of berries per day, which is recommended, an arterial pressure may be raised.

Such a product can also cause allergic reactions in maybe mami that її child - be careful. Do not bathe the berries in the sumnіvnih mіstsyah. If it is such a possibility, then find out, where the cherry grew, as far as it is environmentally friendly.

Be-yak-to-time bear fruit before the vzhivannyam it is necessary to resolutely miti. And, insanely, the melancholy berry can bring more than season її natural ripening: a charge You risk causing a negative reaction from the side of the body.

If you love cherries, then remember: doctors recommend rozzhovuvati її vzhivannya z іnshimi products. If you can pass, as a minimum, pivgodini, persh nizh z'isti cherries. Such a technique will help the body to better over-pick and conquer the berry.

Especially for - Larisa Nezabudkina

Without a doubt, cherries are considered one of the first spring vitamins and vital speeches for the body. Think about it yourself can cherries be planted with vaginess, even for future mothers, the need for food and the supply of vitamins is especially important.

Zagalni vіdomosti about petiole

Cherries present a large number of brown micronutrients for the body such as iodine, salt, potassium, calcium, manganese, copper, phosphorus, fluorine, zinc, and vitamins B1, B3, B6, C, E, K, PP.

Let's take a look at the report, as a burden to bring qi speech:

    • є the main element, which ensures the normal functioning of the thyroid gland;
    • spriyaє hematopoiesis and creation;
    • potassium boosts the soft tissues, normalizes the rhythm of the heart;
    • , his black, necessary hard fabrics. Order of phosphorus, irreplaceable for brushes, teeth and nails;
    • manganese - for the correct development of clitin;
    • mіd pіdtrimuє normal krovі;
    • fluorine enters the warehouse of the bone tissue;
    • , order with other microelements, taking part in molding of brushes, protein synthesis, regulation of robots and m'yazyv;
    • vitamin B1 - improves the process of speech exchange;
    • vitamin B3 - taking part in reactions, in the course of which fat and sugar are converted into energy;
    • vitamin B6 - necessary for the synthesis of proteins, assisting the work of the liver, heart and brain;
    • - taking part in the synthesis of collagen, with the exchange of folic acid and saliva;
    • - a strong antioxidant, protecting cells from the influx of free radicals, which lead to old age and death. Therefore, vitamin E can be taken with a “zhіnochim” vitamin;
    • vitamin PP - a spray for clitin's diarrhea;
  • vitamin K - taking part in the process of blood pharynx, as well as indispensable in the process of molding brushes.

In order to make sweet cherries low-calorie, per 100 grams, a total of 50 kcal is added.

The darker berries, the more antioxidants in them, the stench of the greater world of buildings will reduce the pressure. If you eat yellow cherries, then it is less allergenic (but it is important to protect yourself when pregnant), they have more vitamins C and PP.

Sweet cherry pid hour of vagity


You can't help but notice that the cherry even help with. Berries relieve the feeling of nudity, and also change the vomit reflex.

Fresh cherry berries are used to stimulate the work of the intestines, blow like a smoke. normalize etching. Ale respectfully remember that at the dried looking, navpaki, put a fastening deed on the intestines.

Regular implantation of yagid spray the removal of toxins and slags, What will improve the work of the nirok and can serve as a sechoginny. On the authority of power, the next thing is to give respect to women who are suffering for.

Sweet cherries are beneficial to the work of the liver. Spriyaє zmenshenyu cholesterol in the blood. Normalize blood pressure.

In addition, you know the zastosuvannya is not only berries, but fruit stalks and cherry leaves. The vіdvar tsikh parts of the growth salutarily pour into the work of the heart, nirok and ship.

Sіk i compote (without tsukru) serve as a vindication.

In general, sweet cherries help to strengthen immunity and help to protect against colds and infections, which is important for women in women.

Widely planted cherries knew as a cosmetic zasib. The masks of soft cherry miraculously smooth out, eat the seaweeds and heal the dry skin.

For oily skins, a mask with soft cherries will be a good guide, as it does not only deepen the upper balls of the epidermis, ale and sound pores. Zavdyaki manifesto antioxidants, sweet cherry spryaє zberezhennu youth and beauty.

Looking back at the high vmіst rіdini in berries, cherries help to make spragu from the crust.

Sweet cherry give a calm effect on the nervous system, relieve stress and vacancy, if part of the mood swings


Also next look at the cherry people with spike disease and intestinal obstruction.



For evidence of gastritis due to increased acidity, it is necessary to consult a doctor before grafting cherries. It is also not recommended to eat cherries with the help of the sluice

A lot of future mothers chirp with stubble and shkoda fruit and yagid with a method to protect yourself that future baby from allergies and fructose poisoning in your warehouse. Quite often they blame the summer fresh berries, cherry licorice cream. Chi can vikoristovuvati її? What next should you mix portions of cherries and what else is it necessary to know about the berry at the hour of the wine-making of the little one?

Cherries of dominance

Vaughn is a low-calorie product; 100 g of fresh fruit contains about 50 kilocalories.

Cherry berries are rich in vitamins and microelements. The stench is rich in potassium, magnesium and saliva, midi and manganese, iodine, vitamins B1, B3, B6, Z, PP, Do, E.

Zavdyaki coumarins at the warehouse of cherries are ahead of the adoption of blood clots. Dark berries are brown in case of hypertension, the scales are reduced. Anthocyanins at the warehouse of the berries are capillary, and the vіdvar іz the stalks vicorist like zasіb in case of heart diseases.

Cherry fruits stimulate the work of the intestines, help with rheumatism, arthritis. Shards of stench are rich in cold and vitamins, they are recommended to be lived in case of undercrowding.

Berries cleanse the body well, remove toxins and slags, remove slurry from the blood. When cherries are taken in, it is easier to get constipated.

Amіgdalin at її warehouse zbudzhuє appetite, which is important for healthy eating children. Korisna berry and diabetics, even more than 70% of її in carbohydrates - fructose, which is good to get.

Sweet cherries can give you power, helping to relieve cough. Zhmenka cherries in season is a miraculous alternative to chemical liquors in case of ailments of niroka and hypertension, arthritis and rheumatism, intestinal atony and colitis.

And the cherry oliya, which is close to 30% in the tassels, often gets stuck in the perfume industry.

Cherry bark at the hour of vaginess

In cherry fruits, microelements help women to overcome the deficiency of sourness, and scatter drops. Potassium supports the work of the heart of the vagina, phosphorus and calcium take part in the molding of the musculoskeletal apparatus of the baby.

The berry is good for the functions of the central nervous system of the future mothers. Sweet cherry - garniy vodharkuvalny zasib in colds, which for the obviousness of vitamin C, as an antioxidant, takes the body's strength and helps to get out of a cold.

The berry also relieves nausea, calms the vomit reflex, and does not mean that the symptoms of toxicosis are relieved. Dried cherries can stick to the intestines, and fresh cherries can carry.

Vagіtnі zhіnki vykorovuyut cherries and yak cosmetic zasib. It miraculously helps with ailments of the skin, and also serves as a healing component of masks for the dry type of skin. Dobre dіє tsey type shkіri life-giving mask with cherries with tops. Just take equal proportions of cherries and then such a mask will sound like expanded pores and exfoliate the dead epidermis.

Sweet cherries for women to serve in their appetite and spragi, shards of it are added up from a great number of natives.

With vaginess, women need to know the world in all products, and especially berries, shards in them are rich in zucru. Follow the combination and balance the daily diet so that your body is full of vitamins forever. There are no specific recommendations on how many cherries should be planted per day. Ale is not at all guilty of overtaking 0.5 kg of food per day with the introduction of a small amount of drugs.

Especially for Olena TOLOCHIK

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