Medvedev oleg stefanovich health food center. National Doslidnitsky Center “Healthy Eating. Creatures and milk fat

The basic stress of Roboti ANO “National Doslidnitsky Center“ Healthy Kharchuvannya ”є Propaganda of the principles of healthy Kharchuvannya Surda Nyshiri's faith in the population of the Prej it, at the SIDOM of the SUSPANISHICS of the Harmoniyani Organization of the Russian .

At its robotic center, it follows scientifically-proven regulations and recommendations from leading nutritionists, cardiologists, and endocrinologists in the world. The founder of the ANO “National Preliminary Center “Healthy Eating” is Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine of the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov Oleg Stefanovich Medvedev.

To the main areas of activity of the NDC "Healthy Food" lie the explanations of the shortcomings of trans-isomers of fatty acids.

WHO documents have been introduced on the effectiveness of entering the lowering of trans fats in the food industry, come in, who live in the lands of Western Europe in the United States.

Establishment of the population with healthy food and balanced eating will not give the result of doti, the docks of the population will not be able to take away reliable information about the food of eating, like stinks they buy at shops and supermarkets.

It's a pity, as long as Russia is strong in the open lands in the sphere of branding food products, because on the labels there are daily data about the quantity different types fats (full, polyunsaturated, trans fats), about the number of calories in a portion of the product.

Often the label is inscribed in such a frivolous font that it is important to read. In connection with the CIM, the NDC spoke out with the initiative to change the labeling of grub products in Russia and other lands of the Mitny Union, so that the won bula was harmonized with modern systems marking other lands.

An important area of ​​interest is the improvement of the efficiency of lighting activity, the development of new ideas and technologies, which will help to absorb the knowledge and change of wide masses in the coority and the need for changes in the sonic style of eating. In this plan, we need to rely on mobile information technologies, based on modern day-time telephones, like at the same time in the skin hulk.

For informing the population about the science of planting a healthy meal, about the results of the remaining scientific studies at the center of the center, it is closely supported by mass information, newspapers, magazines, television channels.
We hope that the "National Healthy Eating Center" will be an effective partner of the Russian Association for the Prevention of Non-Infectious Diseases and other organizations, the work of which is dedicated to the prevention of non-infectious diseases in our region.

Kerіvnik NDC "Healthy Eating", prof. O.S. Medvedev

Today, 80% of the production falls on Indonesia and Malaysia. Oliya is obtained from the fruits of the olive palm tree (palm tree) and its tassels (palm kernel). Africa is venerated by the Fatherland palm tree. For the tribute of archeological excavations, yoga was celebrated in Egypt more than 5000 years ago.

Behind the warehouse of palm oil, they grow in the form of other growing ones; The very peculiarity of the warehouse, that neimovirna vrozhaynist of the olive palm tree, made the number one olive in the world.

Chervona palm ol_ya corysna for etching, the heart of that vessel. Vitamins A and E, palmitic, linoleic, oleic acids and coenzyme Q10 in the complex normalize the pressure, strengthen the walls of the vessels and reduce the risk of thrombosis.

Chervone palm oil is needed to be used in salads, yogo is also vicarious as a functional additive to other products.

Jeremy Weate/ BY 2.0

In Russia, they are actively discussing the so-called “technical” palm oil, which is not really known.

During the first purification, the oil turns into large fatty acids, so that it can be used for technical purposes - for example, the production of candles, - and the oil that is left out is called CPO (crude palm oil is crude palm oil).

Oliya is exported to rich lands, where it is further processed, refined and deodorized. At the exit, we can leave without color and smell, as to serve as a fat base for rich products.

Palm olea is actively planted in the food industry of the USA, Europe and Asia. Based on international statistics, in 2010, 70% of palm oli was used for food consumption, 24% was harvested from cosmetics, and about 4% became the basis of biodiesel fire.

In the whole world, we can reach the stage of purification of the palm oil, which is vinified in eating purposes. Varto signify that in Russia this product is not used for lubrication or deep-frying, for the authorities in Malaysia and Indonesia.

Palm oliya is faster for us to drink the finished product - fat is made from it special recognition(milk substitute), as well as fractions for whiskey in the confectionery, bakery and fat-and-oil industries.

Replacement of trans fats

Regardless of myth, palm oil does not avenge high trans fats and cholesterol.

It will not require “hardening”, for the inspection of rare dewy olives, as they are subject to special water testing - the so-called private hydrogenization.

This method was widely used in the light and radiant food industry during the early 20th century, until in the middle of the 1990s the Holland school did not bring that trans fats, which are eliminated as a result of this process, are deadly for people. The stench changes the lipid exchange, which leads to heart disease, diabetes,.

The recognition of trans fats as a shkidlivy grub component has led to the world's grub industry to change the frequency of hydrogenated fats. Palmova oliya was suitable for its food and technical characteristics.

Zinaida Medvedeva/NDC "Healthy Eating"

Hard at room temperature, the oil can be vicorated for the preparation of pastry, icing, cream and biscuit, but at the same time it is cheaper, lower top oil, and not so shkidlivy, like trans fats.

The stagnation of palm ole has increased since the mid-1990s, and її the production has increased over the next 20 years.

The rich countries have adopted state-owned fences for low-quality trans fats, which they have carried out active information campaigns and programs from their labeling on labels.

First, the removal of trans fats from food products was introduced by Denmark in 2003, while Iceland, Sweden, Ukraine, Norway, Austria, Switzerland, the USA and Argentina followed the same way.

With all the decline in palm oli in the EU since 2000, the year has declined, reaching a maximum of 7 million tons in 2015, which outweighs the amount of palm ole imported to Russia in the same year by 10 times.

Unfortunately, Russians may not know anything about trans fats. This confirms the data of the survey of the success of the buyers, conducted by the NDC "Healthy Eating".

Only 1 out of 10 people are talking about trans fats, and maybe they don’t notice anything, they don’t stink and the stench is small, but more than half of the respondents know about Skoda palm oil.

Today in Russia, there is less than a frequent reduction of trans fats. So, for margarines and spreads, norms have been set for 20% and 8%, apparently - from a scientific point of view, high indicators are not allowed.

According to the technical regulations, from 2018 the harvesters may change them up to 2% (international recognition rate). However, damaging the reputation of palm oli as the main substitute for trans fats, virobniki can prolobiyuvat savings of many indicators for five more years.

Razvantazhennya fruits of a palm tree at the harvesting

Palm Superchka

Opponents of the palm ole often seem to think that it can be made more difficult by overpicking it. Tse firmness is not subject to scientific grounding.

Palm oil is similar to other fats (top oil, cow fat, lamb fat, chicken fat, Sonyashnikova Oliya) and cleaved to help the lipase enzyme.

Injection of palm oil and її storehouses on the body of people dol_dzhuyut leading scientific institutes. So, in the base of scientific publications MedLine, there are more than two thousand reports on this topic.

The results are the same in their assessments: the replacement of trans fats with palm oil in food products significantly improves the lipid profile of the blood - a biomarker for the risk of heart disease.

The main medical treatment for palm oil is associated with a high content of essential fats.

Останні порівняльні дослідження пальмової олії з іншими рослинними оліями (соєвою, оливковою, соняшниковою) не виявили суттєвих відмінностей у їхньому впливі на біомаркери ризику серцево-судинних захворювань: рівень загального холестерину, ліпопротеїнів низької та високої щільності в крові людини.

Tim is not less, like and be-like fat, palm ol_ya revenge 9 kcal per skin gram. Therefore, in order to comply with the recommendations of the WHO, it is better to save no more than 30% of calories from fat, do not treat them with evil, shards can lead to the development of obesity and other illnesses.

In EU, the palm ole has not been harrowed. Prote zapokoєnnya vyklikaє povedіnka virobnіkіv tsy product. For growing olive palms, plantations are expanding in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

Ecological organizations make sure that for whom tropical foxes are cherished - many places where rich species of creatures live, that they know.

Light fund wildlife support the release of palm oli, protest sharply against the policies of wealthy virobniks: replace the creation of new plantations on the already broken large areas of land, the stench clears new forest territories, simply destroying those that grow on them.

In order to promote the struggle against the oppression of forests, a lot of European vineyards began to release products with the label “without palm ole”.

Tsey krok u bik zakhistu dovkilla buv vitlumacheniya bagatma like bazhannya vіdmovitysa vіd palm olії through those who won't become a threat to health. Zokrema, such a dream served as a vindication in Russia of myths about the palm ole.

Yaki provokuyutsya zocrema diyu transizomerіv fatty acids.

How to fence the palm ole, on which the deacons are so leaning, to increase the amount of hydrogenated fats. Tse, in my own hands, brought to the zbіlshennya oncological and heart-sudine diseases.


© Medvedev Oleg Stefanovich12, Medvedeva Zinaida Olegivna2

1 mg im m.v. Lomonosov, 119192, Moscow, Lomonosovsky pr. 27

2 National Preliminary Center "Healthy Eating", 121059, Moscow, post office 46. E-mail: [email protected]

Key words: child eating; palmitic acid; palm oliya.

Usі medichnі and pedіаtricіnі recommendations vaguely breastfeed vigodovuvannya vіtі vіtsi want b up to 6 months. At breastfeeding the risk of development of slunk-intestinal and legenevy illnesses decreases, otitis, the development of food allergies is delayed, the development of childhood obesity changes

However, in a number of depressions in the chest, it is impossible for medical indications, through a lack of breast milk from the mother, who will require the replacement of breast milk like infant sums (infant formula). The creation of a child's eating, almost equal to breast milk, is still impossible to connect with technological folding and with obvious mother's milk majestic number of biologically active speeches from a short hour of life. Vikoristannya cow's milk showed up a little in the distance through the vіdminnostі in the carbohydrate and protein warehouse (in cow's milk Casein is more important, as well as in breast milk (gray protein), as well as in fat stores.

With the growth of the body, the child is 13-15% composed of adipose tissue, depleted palmitic acid (C16: 0) becomes 45-50%. Up to 4-5 months of life, adipose tissue already becomes 25% of your body weight. The maximum amount of adipose tissue growth can be reached during the whole period of 400 g/month. During the first few months of a child's life, I take 10% of the total calories from breast milk in the form of palmitic acid (PC), so as to become close to 20% of all fatty acids. PC intake in children is close to 74%

The main activity of triglycerides in breast milk from plant olias (including palm oli (PM)) is due to the fact that in breast milk (PC) (16:0) it is mainly (70-75%) removed from the other position of sn-2 triglyceride, and in RM - at the sn-1 and sn-3 positions of the triglyceride molecule. Lipases of the duct and intestines forward split the extreme links in the molecules of triglycerides in sn-1 and sn-3, which influences at the same time PC, as it is known to bind calcium and magnesium, changing them and causing constipation. In the case of breast milk, after the splitting of extreme fatty acids into the triglyceride molecule, monoglyceride from PC is depleted, which is easily soaked in the intestines.

Therefore, for the production of children's eating, PM is recycled from the natural position of PC sn-1 and sn-3, the position of sn-2, creating the structure of triacylglyceride, more similar to that of human milk.

Recently published the results of rich-centric clinical trials on 171 children, of which 57 were tried on breastfeeding, 57 - on the traditional baby eating, in which only 13% of the PC were tested at the sn-2 position, while in the third group, 4% of the PCs were passed3 at position sn-2. On the 6th, 12th and 24th calendar days, anthropometric indicators, the number of deformities, saponified fats and PC were eliminated. It was shown that in children who were breastfeeding, there was the best soaking of milk components, which was expressed in smallest vase dry excretion per day, utilizing 88 mg/dobu SC, the same as in groups on a piece-wise diet with a standard sum - 716 mg/dobu PA, and in a group with a high dose of PA in sn-2 position - only 316 mg/dobu. In this way, it was brought that the use of child eating with a higher PC in the position of sn-2 is closer to the power of breast milk. As a rule, similar products are re-evaluated by the way of re-etification of palm oli, rich in PC.


Today, palm ole has a lot of negative associations among most Russian mothers: a non-sour and sloppy product, which can be added to make it cheaper, palm ole will not be conquered by a child through a high melting temperature, in Europe it has been fenced for a long time. Numbers and other myths can sometimes be brought up not only among the fathers, but also among the doctors, based on the results of scientific research.

The traditional model of eating food products in Russia cannot be called "healthy," - respects the professor of the National Center for Healthy Eating, professor of MDU im. Lomonosov, Doctor of Medical Sciences Oleg Medvedev. In the daily diet of Russians, it is possible to get rich meat and processed meat products, malted liver, and a little vegetable and fruit.

Eating and balancing the diet are now the main recipe for health, and 30-50% of the causes of illness (cardiovascular, oncological, circulatory, osteoporosis, gout) are due to violations of the norms of eating.

The following recommendations of Scandinavian scientists: for the similarity of the climatic minds of Russia and Pivnichnoy Europe, they can be taken for review by everyone who thinks about the health of eating. The rest of the follow-up point to the importance of reducing the consumption of food products with reduced calorie intake, increasing the amount of vitamins and micronutrients, and recommending a reduction in the reduction of non-essential fats.

Want to:

  • Change in the diet of boron, zucru and malt in the fire.
  • An increase in the number of vegetables, fruits, berries and legumes.
  • Inclusion in the daily diet of ribs, olives, whole grains, low-fat dairy and meat products.
  • The speedy storage of red and processed meat, zucru, salt and alcohol.

Roslinní Olії

In the new norms, there is no more suvori obezhennya, but deyaki easing. So now it is possible to allow yourself more of the growing oil with a high amount of monounsaturated fatty acids - 10-20% of the total energy reduction. (If you are a woman, your age can be called "post-Balzac" or if you are engaged in office work, then your margin is 10%. For a young person engaged in physical practice, the benchmark is 20%). Go about such oils, like olive and peanut, as well as olives and avocados themselves.

Let's take a bean ration of 2000 kilocalories for a meal, then 20% of the total becomes 400 kcal - you have the right to take away from these products. As a matter of fact, 1 g of fat gives us 9 kcal, for health care we can take up to 44.5 g per day, that is 2.5 tablespoons of the product.

Creatures and milk fat

The concentration of the most fatty acids (that is, animal and milk fats, including a pinch of butter, as well as the so-called tropical oils - coconut and palm) is found in the range of 10%, that is 200 kcal, or a troch is more than a tablespoon.

And polyunsaturated fatty acids (quiet themselves, to avenge themselves in growing olives i in bold sea ​​ribi) may be 5-10%, including not less than 1% - Omega-3 fish fat it flows into the work of the brain, the elasticity of the vessels is thin).

Conservation of trans fats, which can be found in most fast food products, may be low, but it is possible. The stench itself leads to the vindication of ailments, which are tied from the exchange of speeches, destroy the exchange of lipids, increase the risk of aggravating ischemic heart disease. Trans-fats are found in high fats, ale in vershokov oil and yalovich fat (3-8%). A significant amount of trans fats (up to 48%) is found in the production of margarines using traditional technology. Before speech, for the preparation of sour spreads (with a total of less than 1% trans fats), a new technology has been launched today - trans-esterification.


Before the speech, before the schennogo diet did not include more than 5 servings of vegetables and fruits. In one go, for example, you can fry an apple, a large potato plant, or five blossoms of cauliflower.


Zukor at a rate of 2000 kcal in a diet can be no more than 200 kcal. How to guess that one gram of tsukru gives 4 kcal, to go, that you can get no more than 50 g or 10 teaspoons (or small pieces) of tsukru for doba. These are the mustaches of the tsukerki, the oven, the tіstechka and other joys. In the case of a glass of salted juice, you can take up to 12 teaspoons of tsukru - a garniy guideline for self-control.

Part of the total reduction in carbohydrates (and all Boroshnyans, including bread, pasta, thin), cereals and vegetables (potato, beet thin) in the daily diet should be 45-60%.


20% of the standard diet - squirrels. One gram of protein gives 4 kcal: 100 g of meat can be mixed with 15 to 20 g of protein, 100 g of syrup - up to 18 grams. Also, one good steak for 200 grams and a pack of syrah for the day - the same boundary. Even more legumes, yakі mіstat protein, and eggs, fish, cowbass and other products, in which the protein is approximately the same.


Scandinavian studies increased the RNP (recommended rate of reduction) for vitamin D - from 7.5 mcg to 10 mcg per day for children older than two years and adults, and up to 20 mcg per day for people of a frail age older than 75 years. Tse vdvіchі more, nіzh was recommended 16 years ago.

Also, the RNP for selenium is reduced for adults: 50-60 mcg per day (for adults and women) and 55 mcg per day for older women and mothers. Qi figures need to be checked for labels of polyvitamins and mineral complexes.

Vitamin D is not available in the winter period, if there are few sleepy days, and selenium deficiency affects all Russians, especially summer ones. Ale same vin protects us from cancer.

Physical activity

Growing up, you need to spend at least 150 quills per day for the pursuit of low intensity, or more than 75 quilins per day for the pursuit of high intensity. Children are recommended not less than 60 quills per day of evenly divided adventure of peace and high intensity - bigati, stribati, play in a baggy game, swim skinny.

Otzhe, Yakshcho Khdsumovati will please the Scandinavian, hirchuvati is not tunnered to Kalorіno - at the pupid Ratsyoni vіdmovy іz іza of the fat densit, mayonnaise, strawed fuels of the tasuke.

In principle, nothing new and sensational. Valuable are those who, for the sake of science, are grounded on the principles of evidence-based medicine - the best scientific studies conducted by Rest of the Rocks.

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