The beginning of a special recognition of Mars. Russian special forces. Spetsnaz of the Internal Military Forces of the MVS of Russia

Pіdrozdіli special recognition Russian Federation

Parts and pieces of special recognition- added that part of the various special services, armed forces of the police (militia), as well as anti-terrorist pranks, recognized for the escalation and reduction of terroristic formations, operations carried out at the enemy’s deepest body, sabotage and other folding battlefields.


The Russian theoretician and author of the very ideology and the concept of the development of special forces can easily be considered Svichnikov M.S. The practical implementation and the real re-verification of the ideas were elaborated by Starinov I. G., he organized the first fight zastosuvannya pіd hour hromada war in Spain. Imovirno, a positive exchange of ideas between Svіchnikov M. S. and Starinov I. G., at the hour of the rest of the study at the Academy.

Updates for special recognition (SNN)

  • "Zenit" - operational group of special recognition (ODSN) KDB SRSR
  • "Omega"
  • "Cascade"
  • "Alpha" - specializes in recruitment of assistants.
  • Zaslon - spetspidrozdil SZR (services of zovnіshnyoї rozvіdka). Number of people 300
  • Spetspіdrozdіli FSVP Administration for the subjects of the Russian Federation. Kozhen teritorialny podrozdil my name (for example, OSN "Typhoon" UFSIN Russia in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, OSN "Saturn" UFSIN of Russia for Moscow, OSN (b) "Rosich" UFSIN of Russia for the Ryazan region)
  • Forces of special recognition of the Federal Drug Control Service

Police special forces (SOBR)

SOBR (special airborne response) - federal and regional special forces of the MFR of the Russian Federation, which were regularly included (until 2003) to the warehouse of the Department for Combating Organized Maliciousness of the MFR of the Russian Federation (they were driven over 200 cases during the 1990s). Since 2002, the SOBR was formed, and the current spivrobitniks were ordered to move to the OMSN (Zagin Militsii Special Appointment). In 2011, in connection with the reform of the bodies of internal justice and the renaming of "militia" to "police", the corrals of the OMSN were renamed into GSN (pens of special recognition). Since 2012, the name of all the corrals of the GOS was assigned the name - SOBR (special zagіn of the swedish response).

The main task of the creation of the SOBR is the fight against organized evil, in all manifestations, in all kinds of ways, and terrorism. Spetsnaz_vts_ successfully zastosovuvalis and military operations, which are carried out at the TFR.

SOBR KM GUVS near Moscow metro station - the first zagin of special recognition in the MVS system. Founding in 1978 roci. Officers of the SOBR are constantly changing at the brigades of the Pivnichnoy Kavkaz.

Vіdpovіdno up to іsnuyuchih homeliness, officers of the SOBR are allowed to test for the right to wear a maroon beret with the improvement of their specific service and assigned tasks. Tse vyyavlyaєtsya at kіlka zmіnenih probation.

Parts of that task of the Special Forces of the Ministry of Defense of Russia

Parts of the special forces of the GRU GSH

  • 2nd okrema brigade of special recognition of the GRU (Promezhitsi settlement, Pskov district, LenVO)
  • 3rd okrema guards brigade of special recognition (p. Chornorichchya PriVO)
  • 10th special-purpose brigade of the GRU (Molkine village, Krasnodar Territory, North Caucasus Military District)
  • 14th okrema brigade of special recognition of the GRU (m. Ussuriysk, Primorsky Krai, Far Eastern Military District)
  • 16th okrema brigade of special recognition of the GRU (m. Tambov, Moscow Military District)
  • 22nd guards brigade of special recognition of the GRU (Stepoviy settlement, Rostov region, North Caucasus Military District)
  • 24th okrema brigade of special recognition of the GRU (m. Irkutsk, Siberian Military District)

42nd maritime research point (Russian Island, Haluay Bay, near Vladivostok, Pacific Fleet);

  • 420th maritime research point (Polyarniy settlement, near Murmansk, Pivnichny Fleet);
  • 431st maritime development point (cape Tuapse, Black Sea Fleet);
  • 561st maritime rozvіduvalny point (p. Parusne, near metro station Baltіysk, Kaliningrad region, Baltic Fleet).

Drive the fight with underwater sabotage forces and means:

Parts and units of the Special Forces of the Airborne Forces

  • 45th Special Forces Special Forces Regiment of the Airborne Forces

Spetsnaz of the Internal Military Forces of the MVS of Russia

With the help of the chief of intelligence of the BP, General Kuznetsov and his intercessor, General Chevrizov, after the first Chechen campaign, it was decided to try to form a regiment at the base of the corral "Vityaz". Prote veterans pіdrozdіlu otsіnuyuyut tsey krok schodo aggregation negatively. With the exit of the corral commander V. Nikitenok, it became possible.

In 1999, on the basis of the corral, the 1st Red Ensign Regiment of the ODON formed the 1st Red Ensign Regiment of special recognition "Vityaz". However, after three years of guilt, the task of reorganizing the zagіn was reorganized at the expense of a more effective vikonnannya. At the same time, the 604th Center for Special Recognition of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation was established on the basis of the pilot plant. Also, there is a special recognition of the Novocherkassk division of the internal troops of the MVS of Russia.

Vіddіli special recognition FSVP Rosії

Special airdrops Federal Service vikonannya punish. To enter the structure of the territorial administration of the FSVP for the subjects of the Russian Federation. Ninі may be named "Viddili special recognition." At the head of the guards, enter in advance and inflicted mischief and law enforcement at the FSVP facilities, search for and bury especially unsafe malice, ensure security at special entrances, slay the slaughter of convicts, as well as the protection of all the guardianships of the estate. Created at the period of rebuying of the Criminal Vikonavchoi System (GUVP) at the warehouse of the MVS.

  • SATURN - 29.04.92 - Moscow
  • TORCH - 30.05.91 - Moscow region
  • FALCON - 17.03.91 - Bilgorod
  • Tornado - 11.06.91 - Bryansk
  • MONOMAKH - 06/21/91 - Volodymyr
  • SKIF - 07.07.97 - Rostov-on-Don
  • URAGAN - 04.01.91 - Ivanovo
  • GRIM - 23.09.91 - Kaluga
  • NATIONAL - 06/07/92 - Kostroma
  • BARS-2 - 15.01.93 - Kursk
  • TITAN - 06.01.91 - Lipetsk
  • ROSICH - 30.07.91 - Ryazan
  • JAGUAR - 13.08.92 - Eagle
  • Phoenix - 14.09.91 - Smolensk
  • VEPR - 17.04.93 - Tambov
  • GRIF - 04.12.93 - Tula
  • RICE - 03/26/91 - Tver
  • STORM - 19.08.91 - Yaroslavl
  • CONDOR - 07.07.91 - Republic of Adigea
  • SCORPION - 06/07/91 - Astrakhan
  • BARS - 13.03.91 - Volgograd
  • OREL - 11.11.92 - Republic of Dagestan
  • ACULA - 04.03.91 - Krasnodar
  • VOLCANO - 14.03.93 - Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria
  • GYURZA - 02.10.92 - Republic of Kalmikia
  • ROSNA - 14.03.91 - Rostov-on-Don
  • BULAT - 10.20.91 - Republic of Pivnichna Ossetia
  • RUBIZH - 01.03.92 - Stavropol
  • SIVUCCH - 18.08.93 - Arkhangelsk
  • VIKING-2 - 23.07.91 - Vologda
  • GRANITE - 07.07.93 - Republic of Karelia
  • SAPSAN - 11.03.93 - Republic of Komi
  • Bastion - 06.03.91 - Kaliningrad
  • ICEBERG - 11.07.91 - Murmansk
  • RUSICH - 11/13/91 - Novgorod
  • ZUBR - 11/13/91 - Pskov
  • TYPHOON - 20.02.91 - St. Petersburg
  • DELTA - 01.11.92 - Pivnichnoonezhsk
  • SPRUT - 07.07.93 - Mikun
  • FOBOS - 06/28/91 - Penza
  • ‎HAWK - 01/22/92 - Republic of Mariy El
  • RIVEZ - 14.03.91 - Saransk
  • BARSI - 17.01.91 - Kazan
  • GUARD - 06.08.91 - Choboksari
  • SMERCH - 03.04.91 - Ufa
  • KRECHET - 01.07.91 - Izhevsk
  • SARMAT - 01.02.91 - Orenburg
  • WEDMID - 06.02.91 - Perm
  • Mongoose - 06/22/91 - Samara
  • ORION - 05.09.91 - Saratov
  • DIAMOND - 01.03.91 - Kirov
  • Berserk - 04.03.91 - Nizhniy Novgorod
  • SHKVAL - 28.11.91 - Ulyanovsk
  • VARYAG - 03/23/93 - Solikamsk
  • CHEETAH - 23.04.93 - Yavas
  • CENTAUR - 01.10.92 - Foxy
  • MIRAGE - 31.07.91 - Kurgan
  • ROSI - 14.01.91 - Yekaterinburg
  • GRAD - 19.03.91 - Tyumen
  • PIVNICH - 09.09.99 - Surgut
  • URAL - 09.01.91 - Chelyabinsk
  • Vikhor - 22.12.93 - Sosva
  • SOBOL - 03/22/93 - Tavda
  • Wolverine - 01.12.2008 - Yamalo-Nenets AT
  • EDELWEISS - 05.04.93 - Republic of Girsky Altai
  • STRILETS - 11.07.91 - Ulan-Ude
  • URAGAN - 18.06.91 - Irkutsk
  • KODAR - 26.02.91 - Chita
  • LEGION - 17.04.91 - Barnaul
  • ERMAK - 21.02.91 - Krasnoyarsk
  • KEDR - 09.05.91 - Kemerovo
  • VIKING - 12.02.91 - Kiev
  • CORSAIR - 14.09.91 - Novosibirsk
  • SIBERIA - 12.02.91 - Tomsk
  • IRBIS - 06.06.91 - Kizil
  • OMEGA - 06.11.91 - Abakan
  • SHIELD - 25.02.91 - N. Poyma
  • SHID - 01.04.92 - Blagovishchensk
  • TIN - 26.02.93 - Birobidzhan
  • LEADER - 22.08.92 - Vladivostok
  • POLARNIY VOVK - 27.05.91 - Magadan
  • MIRAGE - 04.04.91 - Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk
  • AMUR - 12.02.91 - Khabarovsk
  • BILIY VEDMID - 05.05.92 - Yakutsk
  • Berkut - 31.03.93 - Kamchatka
  • Interregional Command Center for the training of spivrobitnikov in the special recognition "Chervona Polyana" m. Created on 29 April 2001. Official website:

Div. also



  • Official news of all regional departments of the FSVP of Russia
  • 1071 Okremy Commanding Regiment of special recognition of the GRU to the General Staff of the Ministry of Defense (Pechory Pskov)
  • Spetsnaz. (English)

The federal state unitary enterprise "ZV'YAZOK-BEZPEKA" was created in Zhovtni 2001 on the basis of federal law"About the guardianship" that Regulations on the guardianship of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, approved by the resolution of the Order of the Russian Federation.

Federal State Unitary Enterprise "ZV'YAZOK-Safety" is responsible for the Ministry of Defense and mass communications of the Russian Federation and provides services for the protection of objects and spores of the galaxy on the entire territory of the Russian Federation.

The main method of activity of undertaking is to secure the defense of objects that are known to the authorities. federal bodies vikonavchoi rule the sphere with a link, zokrema:

  • security and protection of information (information, technology) to establish service, commercial and other secrets that are protected by law;
  • protection of vantages, valuables, documents and other lanes in case of transported escorts, zdiyasnennya entering from the operation of the engineering and technical protection and security and fire alarms and іn.

Undertaking to exercise its activity on the basis of the Statute, in close cooperation with law enforcement agencies, jointly with the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB.


FSUE "ZV'YAZOK-Bezpeka" has a great filial structure. As of September 2013, territorial subdivisions were launched in all regions of the country, 71 branches were created in 7 federal districts.

A number of practitioners in charge of burying should be placed over 16 thousand osib, under physical protection taken over 3 thousand objects of galleys, technically guarded over 30 thousand objects, 4.2 are used in military service. In order to achieve a successful response to the supernatural situation, which is blamed on the objects that are being buried within the framework of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "ZV'YAZOK - safety", a special designation "Mars" was created.

Announcements of special recognition of the Russian Federation

Spetsnaz ZS Russia

Spetsnaz GRU General Staff ZS Russia

  • 2nd okrema brigade of special recognition (formed in 1962-1963), m. Pskov, Western district);
  • 3rd class of guards of the Warsaw-Berlin red-breasted order of Suvorov, 3rd stage brigade of special recognition (formed in 1966), city of Tolyatti, Samara region, Central military district);
  • 10th award of the Order of Zhukov brigade of special recognition of the Pivnichno-Kavkazsky military district (formed in 2003), village of Molkino, Krasnodar Territory, Pivdenny military district);
  • 14th okrema brigade of special recognition (formed in 1963), m.
  • 16th brigade of special recognition (formed in 1963), relocated to the city of Tambov, Western district;
  • 22nd Guards Brigade of Special Appointment (formed in 1976), Stepovy settlement, Aksai district, Rostov region, Pivdenniy Viyskovy district);
  • 24th brigade of special recognition (formed in 1977), m. Ulan-Ude, Skhidniy Viyskovy district); relocated near Irkutsk metro station. In 2012 relocated near metro station Novosibirsk;
  • 346 okrema brigade of special recognition. m. Kabardin Balkaria. Pivdenny viyskovy district.
  • 25 regiment of special recognition. Created in 2012 for the safety of the Olympiad near Sochi in 2014. Deployed near Stavropol on the territory of the headquarters of the 49th army.
  • TsSN "Senіzh", military unit 92154, Sonyachnohirsk

Maritime research points of the GRU

  • 42nd maritime research point (Russian Island, Novy Dzhigit Bay, near Vladivostok, Pacific Fleet);
  • 420th maritime research point (Polyarniy metro station, near Murmansk, Pivnichny Fleet);
  • 431st maritime development point (cape Tuapse, Black Sea Fleet);
  • 561st maritime rozvіduvalny point (p. Parusne, near metro station Baltіysk, Kaliningrad region, Baltic Fleet).

Special Forces of the Airborne Forces

  • 45th Guards Division of the Order of Kutuzov, Order of Oleksandr Nevsky, Special Recognition Brigade of the Povitryano-Airborne Troops. Formed in 1994 c/year 28337 Kubinka.

Russian Navy Special Forces

Main article: PDSS

Drive the fight with underwater sabotage forces and means:

  • 140th PRO PDSS (Vidyaevo, Pivnichny Fleet);
  • 152nd PRO PDSS (Polar, Pivnichny Fleet);
  • 153rd PRO PDSS (Grіmikha, Pivnіchny Fleet);
  • 160th OOB PDSS (Zaozersk, Pivnichny fleet);
  • 269th OOB PDSS (Gadzhievo, Pivnichny Fleet);
  • 313th OOB PDSS (Suputnik settlement, Pivnichniy Fleet);
  • 311th OOB PDSS (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Pacific Fleet);
  • 159th OSPNB PDSS (Pavlovsk, Pacific Fleet);
  • 313th OSN of the Navy (Baltiysk, Baltic Fleet);
  • 473rd OSN of the Navy (Kronstadt, Baltic Fleet);
  • 102nd OOB PDSS (Sevastopol, Black Sea Fleet).
  • 136th OSNB PDSS (Novorosijsk, Black Sea Fleet);
  • 137th OSNB PDSS (Kaspiysk, Caspian flotilla);

Special Forces GVMU MO Russia

  • 166 MOSN (Novosibirsk, Central Viysk district);
  • 183 MOSN (Yekaterinburg, Centralny district);
  • 220 MOSN (Dovgoprudny, Zahidniy Viyskovy district);
  • 529 MOSN (Rostov-on-Don, Pivdenny district);
  • 532 MOSN (Moscow region, Western district);
  • 660 MOSN (p. Chervone Selo, Western district);
  • 696 MOSN (Moscow, Western district);
  • 697 MOSN (Khabarovsk, Skhidniy viyskovy district);
  • 879 MOSN (Samara, Centralny district).
Special Operations Forces of the Russian Federation (SZG Russia)

Special services

Special forces of the FSB of Russia

  • OSN "Alpha" Department "A" TsSN FSB Russia
  • OSN "Vimpel" Department "V" TsSN FSB Russia
  • Management "T" - from counter-rozvіduvalnogo zabezpechennya ob'ektiv transport (Anti-terror)
  • ROSN "Kasatka", m. Murmansk
  • RSSN "GRAD", St. Petersburg
  • ROSN "Voron", m. Voronezh

Spetsnaz of the cordon service of the FSB of Russia

  • Chipboard "Sigma" (Management "C") - Formed in 2003.

Special Forces SZR Russia

  • OSPN "Barrier"

Special support for law enforcement agencies

Spetsnaz of the Internal Military Forces of the MVS of Russia

  • 604 TsSN - formed in 2008 at the ODON warehouse by the association of 1 OSN "Vityaz" and 8 OSN "Rus", the offender of the URSN.
  • 7 OSN "Rosich", m. Novocherkask
  • 12 OSN "Ural", m. Nizhniy Tagil
  • Company Special Forces "620 Regiment VV", m. Ekaterinburg
  • Platoon of Special Forces "620 regiment of explosives", m. Zarichniy
  • 15 OSN "Vyatich", m. Armavir
  • 17 OSN "Edelweiss", metro station Mineralni Vodi,
  • 19 OSN "Yermak", m. Novosibirsk
  • 21 OSN "Typhoon", m. Khabarovsk
  • 23 OSN "Oberig", m. Chelyabinsk
  • 25 OSN "Mercury", m. Smolensk
  • 26 OSN "Bars", m. Kazan
  • 27 OSN "Kuzbas", m. Kemerovo
  • 28 OSN "Warrior", m. Arkhangelsk
  • 29 OSN "Bulat", m. Ufa
  • 33 OSN "Peresvit", Moscow
  • 34 DOS, m. Grozny
  • 35th OSN "Rus" m. Simferopol
  • OVSN "Ris", m. Sіversk Okremy platoon of special recognition of the MVS
  • Wolverine m. Zaliznogirsk (Krasnoyarsk Territory).
    • Before the head of the center and the corrals, it is necessary to carry out anti-terrorist visits near the operational service zone, search and liquidation of illegal robberies, liquidation of mass disturbances, trapping of especially unsafe mischief, and call of guards.

Police Special Forces of the MVS of Russia

  • SOBR - special corrals of the Swedish response of the UVS-GUVS of the sub-jects of the Russian Federation, earlier - OMSN (Corrals of the militia of special recognition). In this hour, the Central Office of the MVS of Russia is wearing the name SOBR "Ris" of the MVS of Russia. It is the “first among equals”, that, judging by the repeated statements of the ministry of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia at ZMI, it is a standard for the police special forces. Officers of the SOBR "Ris" of the MVS of Russia are constantly taking an active part in all significant special operations on the territory of the Russian Federation. In 2011, the abbreviation SOBR was turned to the police pens of special recognition. The main task of the creation of SOBR_v is the fight against organized malice in all manifestations, in all kinds of ways. However, in connection with the changing internal political situation, the SOBR successfully intervened in the number of military operations that were carried out in the TFR. Number: 87 pens, total 5 200 singles
  • OMON - zagіn mobile special recognition. As an offender of the OMON MVS SRSR, as well as the corral of the police of special recognition of the Russian Federation. Structurally, it consists of battalions and companies, deployed at all regional centers of the Russian Federation, as well as at UVST (management of internal transport rights). The main tasks are in the minds of the extreme complication of the operational situation, the elimination of group hooligan manifestations and mass troubles, the liquidation of ill-fated evils, the forceful support of the entrances, and the conduct of military operations of the OVS. In an emergency situation, "OMON" carried out patrol service to protect the public order and is engaged in service training. Under the hour of a violent conflict in the Pivnichniy Kavkaz, mayzhe all the regional units of the riot police visited the reunion, vikonuyuchi anti-terrorist come in. In 2011, roci, at the link with the reform of the MVS, renaming the letter backwards in the UN (zagіn special recognition), and later on, the abbreviation was turned back with a different deciphering (zagіn mobile special recognition). In 2012, there were 121 riot police officers, and there are 20,000 soldiers.

Special Forces FSVP

Vіddіli special recognition (OSN) of the Federal Service for Viconnance of Punishment of Russia was created on the 13th leaf fall of 1990. At the head of the guards, enter in advance and inflicted mischief and law enforcement at the FSVP facilities, search for and bury especially unsafe malice, ensure security at special entrances, slay the slaughter of convicts, as well as the protection of all the guardianships of the estate.

Today, there are close to 80 paddocks, for some time I can name them [dzherelo not indicated 939 days]. Acts of them:

  • The volcano is a special recognition of the Federal Penitentiary Service for the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria.
  • The hawk is a special recognition of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Republic of Mary El.

Special Forces FSKN

  • was awarded the special recognition "Thunder" of the Department of special recognition and protection of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation
  • 5th operational-combat squadron "Nika"

Special Forces of the Ministry of Taxes of Russia

  • Center of ryatuvalnyh operations of the special risk leader Leader.

Special delivery of the Federal Migration Service of Russia

Before the warehouse, there are mitnits and operative mitnits to enter special corrals of the Swedish response, yakі zdіysnyuyut silovі podtrimki zahodіv, scho carried out operative fіdrozdіlami Federal ї mitnoї service.

Spetspidrozdіli FSSP Russia

To the warehouse of the regional authorities of the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia, special corrals of the Swedish response are entered, so that they can undergo special training and may be fired at the automatic launch. To establish a forceful support for calls, to ensure the safety of courts during the resonant processes, ship bailiffs-viconauts for an hour of support (zocrem and slaughter), the special guard of the FSSP.

In 2012, by the order of the director of the Federal Bailiff Service of the Russian Federation, it was introduced іspit on the green beret of the FSSP of the Russian Federation (character for the most professionally trained spіvrobіtnikov in the service of ship's bailiffs), those who passed the іspit, are handed over to the cold cold armor - combat lower "Combat"

  • OSN "Skelya"

Who guards the object of the call, how often to listen to the people of Ulyanovsk, and also about the swing on the Ulyanovsk television, about the correspondents of "NG" rozpovіv kerіvnik of the department "ZV'YAZOK-Safety" in the Ulyanovsk region, Colonel Sergiy Lobin.

No call - no control

Without a call today, it is important to show our life, and as well as to bring it out of harmony, for example, transmissions or a primary center, lack of relay communications, then do not practice either stationary or telephone telephones. But beyond today's worlds - a global catastrophe.

Therefore, in 2002, in our region, for the defense of ob'ektiv galuzy zv'yazku against terrorists, a special support was created - the branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "ZV'YAZOK-BEZPEKA".

There is no call, no life, no management, - like Volodymyr Stepanovich. - For the safety of the objects of communication, we may need everything. Created zbroyny pіdrozdіl - zagіn special recognition "Mars". Є zbroya from pistols to automatic weapons. We bezporednyo pіdpriyadkovuєmosya Minіnіnіformzvyazku RF. For five years of their protective activity, the spivrobitniks of our administration have killed over 100 malices. Over 50 evil-doers were caught on the objects. Bagato who from them we will learn from them before criminal liability. In their activities, mutually with law enforcement agencies. Today, high-class fahivtsy work in the management, as if they know their right. As if it were an hour before our visit to our place, Ambassador to the Volga Federal District Oleksandr Konovalov, we sent the guards of the Federal Protective Service, as if they were taking care of the safety of the distinguished guest. Then the work of the FTS cheered up the Ulyanovsk colleagues for their work.

Fight against crime

It was said that the soldiers of the special forces "Mars" caught and criminal mischief. Not long ago, before the management of the guard, there was operational information that the Zasviyazh evil group wanted to steal the cable. The population of the great microdistrict could be deprived without getting a call and spend extra help in emergency jumps. It was necessary to pin this evil. At night, a group of corral special forces "Mars" was unremittingly thrown to the required area. The soldiers settled in the aisles. For the help of the fittings of the night tower, the stench guarded the territory. Rapto stench commemorated one person, as a car was spinning, parked in a living house on the street. Pushkarova. About the marvelous behavior of the man, the soldiers told the Zasviyazsky RUVS. The operational chergovy gave the “good” to touch the unknown, as if I were trying to open the car. So it went. A young man entered the salon and blared the sound of the car radio. Ale was suddenly caught by spivrobitniks of the Mars special forces. The soldiers handed Yogo along with the police.

For the rest of the hour, we struggled with the vikradachas of colored metal, - it seems Volodymyr Stepanovich. - As a rule, intruders cut the communication cables. We have a spratsovuє signalization on the control panel, and a group of hoarding is visible on the floor. Literally before New Rock, we caught two Ulyanivtsiv, who laid 15 meters of cable on Parfionova Street. The evildoers were handed over to the hands of the police.

Swing at the TV center

Recently, the spokesmen of the management of ZV'YAZOK-Safety forgot to try to broadcast the Ulyanovsk television in harmony. As a result, the entire television center will suffer in a moment.

It was like this. One recidivist, like, to the point of speech, stumbled out of the zone, swearing on the colorful metal. Pobachiv, that the cable is still on the wire. “Breaked” with a saw, a hammer, jumping over the parkan to the fenced area and rushing to the center, which is being passed. Ale the evildoer patted the guard that hung up. I once knew that I wanted to build a cable and earn money, there were no shards of bones for him. Before the speech, yakbi yomu once it was possible to see the cable, then the Ulyanivtsy would have spent a long time for the TV tower. The evildoer of the guards was handed over to the security officers. While they were sitting at the SIZO, the spivrobitniki of the regional UFSB were misinterpreting the terrorist attack. Ale didn’t reveal anything like that. After 15 days the vikradacha was allowed to enter.

"Bugs" on the line

In the middle of the 90s, there was a fashion for private detective agencies. Similar organizations appeared in the city. As a rule, the coolest businessmen begged private detectives for all the information about their squads. I agents often went as far as eavesdropping telephone roses. Alece is fenced by law. Listening to subscribers can only be done by the special services and then with the permission of the court.

Prote, on the cob of their activity, the protection of the administration zishtovhnulis from the problem of "bugs". So, two years ago, in Kindyakivtsi, at the hour of rechecking the "shafi-call" of the "Mars" soldiers, they revealed an object for wiretapping telephone calls and collecting information. The "bug" was picked up and handed over to law enforcement agencies.

To prevent illegal eavesdropping, today the mustaches of the cable line stand on the alarm. When spratsovuvannі system vіdrazu on mіstse viїzhdzhaє spetsgrupa. Also Ulyanivtsy can be calm: їхні rozmovi not eavesdrop.

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