Oleg Shulika, the chief intercessor of the head of the federal service, was sentenced to seven years in prison. "chubby boo zhadibnim": how the intercessor of the head of the Federal Penitentiary Service Korshuniv was remembered by colleagues

Itself on such a sum it was given to zbitkіv the sovereign budget, vvazhaє Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. Now the Prosecutor General's Office is trying to figure out how reliable this figure is and charged Korshunov and others with episodes of criminal mischief.

The DSU of the ICR has completed the investigation of the first criminal investigation of the defendant of the director of the FSVP of Russia, Oleg Korshunov. Vin is called especially great shahraystvo in the organization of arranging for the sake of aggravation. According to the version of the investigation, Mr. Korshunov and his yogis stole 263 million rubles, becoming the deputy of shkir shkiryan split. Zahist, having read the materials, write a note about the appearance of the warehouse of evil. At every time, for її tribute, convicts and spіvrobіtniks of the FSVP took away their backs and dosi її to wear.

Oleg Korshunov, clerk of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Vyrobnicho-promislovy budinok FSVP Rosіy" (PPD) Vitaly Morusov and general director of TOV "Trading and industrial company" DACE Group "" (TPK) Smbat Arutyunyan are called in a particularly great shakhraystvo (part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code) . According to the version of the investigation, Svetlana Petrenko, the official representative of the Russian Committee (TFR), said that in 2015 the rotations of Mrs. Korshunov and Arutyunyan entered into a scam, directed at the distribution of expenses, which are seen in 2016 for the purchase of FVP. Zgіdno z razroblenim their plan, the accused virіshi created the appearance of what FSUE PPD is suddenly violating within the framework of state contracts. In fact, respecting the investigation, the charges were released by the forces of the territorial bodies of the FSVP of Russia and the WPK on the possession of Mr. Harutyunyan from the materials purchased by him, as they were not transferred by contracts.

In order to implement the plan, the participants organized the placement of sewing benches, machines, and other facilities for making clothes in the colonies, sewing near Lipetsk, as well as in the Perm and Krasnoyarsk regions, which belong to TPK and Pan Arutyunyan. Nadal, according to the version of the investigation, Pan Korshunov gave instructions to the clerks of the FSVP, including the number of colonies, to organize by the forces of early punishment of the convicts that they were asked to prepare out of the blue syrovin. Spіvrobіtnikіv FSVP vіn vvіv in Oman, having changed, what should be done by FSUE PPD. Then, the investigation established, for the instructions of Pan Korshunov, the heads of the territorial bodies of the FSVP of Russia were sent sheets of papers in order to place state contracts from the Federal State Unitary Enterprise for the delivery of the letter.

“Being introduced into Oman about the price, quality and characteristics of the delivered goods”, spіvrobіtniki of the regional administrations of the FSVP Rosії overpaid the FGUP more than 263 million rubles. For a year, the general director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Morusov paid the same amount of money to Arutyunyan's companies for renting the material for the experiments. In such a rank, vvazhaє sіdstvo, it was possible to steal money from the budget.

The TFR sent from the right to the Prosecutor General's Office to confirm the indictment with a distant transfer of yoga to the court. With every investigation, more and more malicious episodes for the fate of Pan Korshunov are being continued. On the right, Smbat Harutyunyan, who, having recognized his fault and stole pre-trial piety about spivpratsy, already went to court, de її look at a special order.

Sergiy Starovoitov, the defender of the big official Korshunov, also turned to the obvious department, yearning to turn the criminal investigation right through numerical pardons. As weeping out of the lawyer’s scare, Korshunov’s criminal right was destroyed on September 30, 2018, at the time of communication with the yogo activity in the period of 2015-2016. With all the materials, there are about those that, behind these facts of machinations and outbursts of the TFR on January 12, 2017, they did not begin to conduct another investigation, as if they did not begin to unite with another right.

At the end of the year, Pan Korshunov was presented with a call in the residual edition, the text of which, for the version of the defender, to avenge the facts, which does not show the validity. So, for example, after acknowledging Sergiy Starovoitov, it was appointed to him that Pan Korshunov, having entered into a relationship with Pan Harutyunyan, had spread possession of three colonies. Prote, zgіdno zgіdno zgіdno zgіdno zgіdno zgіdno zgіdno zvіdno zvіdіl rozpodіl renovаzhen, іnіstіvіv іnskіdіr FSVP, from linden 2015 th travnі 2016 roka for virobnіch іyalnіst vіdpіvіdіv іnshiy intercessor head vіdomstva, Oleg Simchenkov. In every case, the same fault with Pan Harutyunyan in 2015, the roci have revealed new variances, as it is now being discussed, the “wrong” idea. At the same time, at the rich exhibitions of the products, the won won the prizes of the month.

At the full-time position between Pans Korshunov and Arutyunyan, having said the rest, that the possibility of stealing was discussed earlier in the middle of September 2016, and not in the other half of 2015, as it was designated in the ringing. Therefore, the placement of possession in the colonies "not later than September 1, 2016" for the outrageous machinations is also, in respect of the defender, to supercriminate the materials of the criminal.

As a reminder, quoting Pan Starovoitov, “Harutyunyan bought cheap material for the production of not transferring technical minds - shkiryan split wood.” However, having appointed wines, in the colonies themselves, like a lot of fates, they let out on the spur of the moment, no one for the yakistyu of the syrovin did not swear, and that was not a good product. On the other hand, if the officers of the UFSVP of the Saratov region established that they were given a split, not from a yuft sail, they were immediately replaced.

But if you want to buy leaves in order to buy them in the colonies yourself from the Federal State Unitary Enterprise PPD, then, for the version of the defendant, there is only one sheet, and in the new accusations, Korshunov slapped on the examination of the tests before the payment, and also for the purchases of the flights . The official document was multiplied and sent to all documents of the department. With this, the Federal State Unitary Enterprise itself, zgіdno z yogo statute, being engaged not in the manufacture, but in the yogo organization that “secure vikonanny derzhkontraktіv shodo supply comradіv nalezhnoї akostі”. The first decision was made not by one intercessor of the director, but by the collegium of the FSVP.

Not having waited for the defense and the cost of 263,278,421 rubles, we declare to the right, relying on those that are written in the same materials, that everything was taken out of the court for state contracts, it was delivered to the deputies and dosі can be victorious in the penitentiary system of the country. For the version of the representatives of the accused, to this particular type you can only talk about the difference in the vartost in the mouth, the warped collar and the split, which becomes close to 10%. Ale, vvazhayut zahisniki, є the subject of civil-legal superechki, and not criminal justice.

Oleg Korshunov Photo: FSVP press service

First intercessor of the director of the FSVP Anatoly Rudiy, acting as a side note to the defender of the criminal justice of the defendant of the director of the penitentiary system Oleg Korshunov, accused of embezzlement, rozpovіv, scho zavdyaki sued at the office had a lot of financial problems, and many times provocations were repeatedly reported in the service itself.

Rozmov about nonsense and provocations

Anatoly Rudiy arrived at the Gagarinsky District Court as a clerk of obov'yazkiv of the director of the FSVP - the head of the department Gennady Kornienko perebuvaet at the empty space.

It is known that Oleg Korshunov came to the FSVP from business, and, behind these words, everyone wondered: how can you get your own yacht, work in the penitentiary system? However, for yoga words, after the recognition of Korshunov, it was easy to get used to the system, focusing on the worst financial problems. The first intercessor of the director of the FSVP was especially appreciative that Korshunov was far away from getting grants for the supporters of the FSVP, for which there is a lot of money for you.

Rudiy Rozpov, FSUE "Vyrobnicho-Promislovy of the Houses of the FSVP of Russia" (PPD), ex-certifier of Yakogo Vitaly Morusov so to be on the lava of courts, it was not created from the initiative of Korshunov, as it respects the consequence of that sovereignty. Without passing through the intercessor of the director of the FSVP and the project, ties from the placement of the bells and whistles in the colonies. For virobnitstvo, naming wines, giving another number of intercessor of the director - Oleg Simchenkov, having acted at the court with a certificate of sounding Anatoliy Rudiy himself was against such arguments, a whole bunch of experts, and then the board of the FSVP issued an exclamation for convicts and spivrobitnikiv of the house. Virobnitstvo zdіysnyuvalos on tekhnіtsі z sirovini, given by the general director of TOV "Trading and industrial company DACE Group" (TPK) Smbat Harutyunyan, giving a certificate against Korshunov and suing for embezzlement in a special order.

Anatoly Rudiy, having confirmed the version of Pan Korshunov about those who, before Arutyunyan, blamed the food, rozpovshi, who at the top of that resounded a bit about the vodka sing vodsotka to the colossal intercessor of the director of the FSVP. " I recommended Korshunov to talk about Harutyunyan with the presence of other spivrobitniks, who”, - having given the certificate, having indicated that the largest partner of the FSVP should publicly support his version, without becoming, having referred to those who had been cheated on himself, to work with the ceremonies of the department.

According to the version of the Slider Committee of Russia (TFR), in 2015, the intercessor of the director of the FSVP of Russia Oleg Korshunov, the clerk of the PPD Vitaliy Morusov and the associate Smbat Arutyunyan, out of sloppy sponukany, entered into an evil scheme with the method of embezzling the budget. For those in the colonies, distribution near the Perm and Krasnoyarsk regions, as well as Lipetsk in the possession of the TPK and z iogo materials, a collection of bribes was organized for the recognition of those practitioners of the prison department. For the documents, the release of the zdіysnyuvavsya PPD, from which, for the instructions of Pan Korshunov, the teritorial podrozdіl FSVP were purchased in vain. Federal State Unitary Enterprise, within the framework of provisions of them, derzhkontraktiv otrimav 263 million 278 thousand 421 rubles, having repaid more of the money for the rahuns of "DATSI Group", TOV "Promtorgobuv" and "Multishveygroup", controlled by Harutyunyan. Having taken into account data about those who had more cheap material - shkiryan split leather, the FSB and the DSU of the TFR were wrong about that.

Tim hourly, appointing the defendants of the courts, during the course of the process, there was no evidence that the FSVP spy guards were caught vaguely, and they themselves were embezzled. Spivrobitniki FSVP and documents from the prison department confirm that all vzuttya was taken away and may still be victorious for confessions. Lawyers vvazhayut, scho right vіdsutnya warehouse of the condemned malice.

Anatoly Rudiy, having said that he himself is guilty colossal colleague do not believe, but instead may install the next organs of the court. І in case of guessing, earlier about the facts of corruption in the FSVP bakery, Korshunov’s zokrema, the ICR and the FSB, having told, for example, the big director of the FSVP cannery Pavlo Belikov, lawsuits for embezzlement on top of half of the rocks. It was a coincidence, as if we were talking about it, giving wine under a vise, and the stench turned out to be hibnimi, write "Komersant".

The Federal Security Service conducts a search at the apartment of the intercessor of the head of the Federal Service for the Protection of Russia (FSVP) from capital life Oleg Korshunov. Tse chergovy turn in the investigations of resonant criminal inquiries about large-scale shahraystvo and record-breaking swag during the life of Khrestiv-2 near Kolpino. The investigation was carried out after the shooting at the birch rock near the Vsevolozhsk district of the Leningrad region of the curator of the object, lieutenant colonel of the regional UFSIN Chernov.

For information from Fontanka, on 13 September, at about 6:30 am, operatives of the Service “M” (guardianship of law enforcement agencies) of the FSB of Russia came to the apartment before the intercessor of the director of the Federal Service of the Vikonanny of Punishment, the operational sovereign guard of the Russian Federation of the 2nd class (Lieutenant General of Justice) Oleg Korshunov near Moscow. Control officers carry out investigations within the framework of a broken criminal law under Article 160 of the Code of Civil Procedure - “appropriation of expenses”. Behind our tributes, there is a lot of stealing of fire-oil materials from the FSVP department.

Significantly, Korshunov was recognized for the first tenure by presidential decree in 2014, came to FSVP in 2013, and until the first pratsyuvav head of the department of economic development and trade in the Ryazan region.

Behind the Dani Fontanka, the vibrator of that is actually the sketchy of the 54-river Oleg Korshunov-the Logіchnya of the rods of the roslice of the criminals of the puppieus of the Shahrai in the spell of the Bagatomilionny Khabari, the rosli-dodes of the Yaki borrowed management of the Steering Committee from St. Petersburg.

Prote, like "Fountains" commented near the capital: "Until the new and around Khrestiv rich food."

In fact, in the middle of the sickle of the fate of Volgograd, ZMI told about the arrest by the FSB security guards and the economic police for the swag of the guard and the intercessor of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise UFSVP "Volgogradske", which works from capital life using an insulator.

However, it’s safe to say that even before the beginning of the future of the FSVP, it became clear that the new Khresti-2 insulator would not be ready at the lines: arbitration, having looked at each other, call the general contractor of GBK and the main subcontractor of Petroinvest, one to one, keep the budget Dirk hid herself with a total of 1.2 billion rubles, and Igor Potapenko, head of the UFSVP for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, declared to journalists that the state would not see the ruble any more.

Everything changed on the 2nd of March 2017. In the evening of that day, near the Vsevolozhsky district of the Leningrad region, on the Koltushsky highway, a foreign car was revealed, in which case the head of the department was mortally wounded from the technical observation of the operation of the life of Novy Khrestiv Mykola Chernov. A clip from a Makarov pistol was fired from the new one. On June 5, 63-year-old Petersburger Sadikov was caught, who took an active informal part in life, that intercessor of the head of the regional UFSIN from capital life, Colonel Moiseenko. On June 7, Colonel Chernov, not coming to you, died at the Viysk Medical Academy.

Nezabara also caught the head of the company "GSK" Kudrin, who was the general contractor. This year, the wines are being rebuked under house arrest for calls for spending 100 million rubles worth of shakhraystva, and the Investigative Committee and the prosecutor’s office, as they put the businessman on pre-trial piety about spivpratsyu.

Then the situation began to turn out like this: on 11 January, Fontanka published a novelty about those that the Ministry of Justice's curiosity took away the name of Gennady Kornіenko, the director of the Federal Service for Military Police of Russia, was killed. At the document, the head of the FSVP proponuvav. And on 31 sickles in St. Petersburg, Ruslan Khamkhokov, lieutenant-general of the reserve of the Ministry of Defense, the chief subcontractor at Khrestiv-2, was arrested. You are to be blamed for giving a record swag in the sum of 350 million rubles to the man himself arrested from the police about the driving in of Lieutenant Colonel FSVP Chernov to the intercessor of the head of the regional FSVP Colonel Moiseenko.

In this rank, early on the 13th of spring, the battle should be followed by individuals from the FSVP and strategic businessmen, who without a doubt stand for the life of New Khrestiv near Kolpino. This is the intercessor of the head of the capital life of the regional FSVP, Colonel Moiseenko, the uninterrupted head of Lieutenant General of Justice Oleg Korshunov, the head of the GSK company, billionaire Kudrin, and the head subcontractor - Lieutenant General of the reserve Khamhokov.

The Basmanny Court of Moscow ruled that the intercessor of the director of the FSVP Oleg Korshunov, at the request of the embezzlement of 160 million rubles. Meals before Korshunov were vindicated at the link with the purchase of paliva and foodstuffs for eating at fixed prices

Photo: Anton Kardashov / AGN "Moscow"

On the right, about zukor and gasoline

The Basmanny Court of Moscow has arrested for two months the intercessor of the director of the Federal Service for Viking Punishment (FSVP) Oleg Korshunov, who is accused of embezzlement of 160 million rubles. on two holding contracts. This decision was praised by judge Olena Lensk, RBC correspondent reports from the meeting. Yogo was arrested until the 13th leaf fall.

Korshunov organized the supply of paliva and products for the needs of FSVP for the specified prices, . I was talking about purchasing a circuit and an automobile fire. On the right, 4 limestones were destroyed against the head of one of the chief officers of the FSVP timber security department, Oleksiy Danilov, for an article on non-balance, rozpovіv at the meeting of the investigators. After drinking low officials on the 12th of December, due to these very facts, a new right was destroyed - once about two episodes of spending. The accusation from the association was filed with Korshunov, adding a representative of the TFR. Two more accomplices of Korshunov, for the version of the investigation, were yoga accomplices.

“I will block against criminal justice. Those who put me at fault, it’s simply impossible to kill, ”saying Korshunov, who was escorted to court with a dog handler’s escort. “Yakby Danilov, singing namіr, skipping the delivery with a coveted price, and I signed the contract,” - this is how he described the plot of his call.

Korshunov reportedly rozpovіv, like FSVP zabubuє goods: “Management Tilu prepare documents for the auction. The stinks are transferred to contract service and undergo an examination - they are signed by the financial department, legal management and government security. Less than once the auction goes to the electronic maydanchik, where the FAS is following it. After the end of the auction, the documents need to be signed for me. At the moment, the documents are accepted by all services. If Danilov corrected the price, and missed all the services - this can’t be done, ”stupefying accusations.

The high price, for which the FSVP purchased the fire and tsukor, is connected with the peculiarities of the purchaser's order, Korshunov said. Tsey order without transferring the prepayment: FSVP can take the goods in a row, and redeem with contractors for a long time. “The post-employees have to take large amounts of credit, so that they can get the post. This, of course, increases the compatibility of the product”, - Rozpov Korshunov. On the price of the fire of that product, after these words, other objects were added. For example, I had a chance to overpay for the tsukor through those who needed the delivery of the terms - the front postman signed the contract.

Special bail

Lawyer Nataliya Shubnova asked the court to obtain special bail for Korshunov for two Doctors of Laws – Stanislav Kuzmin, PhD student of the Federal State Medical University of Russia, and Yury Antonyan, academician of the MVS Academy. "Those people who can directly refer to jurisprudence and assess the activity of Oleg Adolfovich," the lawyer said. When hacking at Korshunov, for її words, they knew only 2 million rubles. preparation - tsya sum vdvіchі less for the official’s income, which, before joining the service before the FSVP, was richly worked in the banking sector and was not a harmless person.

Having lost his freedom, Korshunov can get in on his unrecovered spilniks and witnesses, as if he can beat him up - among the many who have fallen, having slandered him. Lawyer Oleksandr Linnikov recounted that Korshunov could not physically enter: “You can take pictures of your accommodation at strong necks, and be able to move around without having to be known, I can’t wine,” the defendant said. Adding that Korshunov is suffering from diabetes and dyscrasia, he will have to endure the consequences of a serious craniocerebral injury, which was taken away in 2008, and 31 sick days he underwent an operation on the tube and will be rehabilitated. Korshunov himself strong pain at the heart of the empty and letting go, it would be impossible for him to get the necessary weight in the SIZO.

The Basmanny court often takes away the wrong entry from people who are under house arrest, as they sound “for malices of equal severity or grave”, stating Linnikov: at the butt of the guilt of the ex-minister of economic development Oleksiy Ulyukaev, director Volodex Rosglav, director Kiril Serebrennikov Leonid Melamed. “Already after Ulyukayev, who, being a minister, is ringing in such a serious mischief and sitting under house arrest, it would be blues-nirsky to take care of our trustee under the warta!” - Vigukuvav another zahisnik Oleg Shlyakhov.

Zatrimannya Korshunova

Spivrobitnik FSB Korshunov Wednesday, 13 September. On the same day, the operatives of that investigator carried out raids at the apartment of the official and on the same yacht, moored near Moscow. At the entrances, the security forces also looted a collection of an expensive yearbook. Slowly, we can analyze Korshunov's income - in Volodya with a fleet of expensive cars, a Harley Davidson motorcycle and two boats, they staggered RBC's dzherel.

Korshunov was previously discredited for accountability before the organization of the embezzlement of close to 1 billion rubles. through a network of online stores for those who were contacted, the administration of the TFR for the Kaluz region carried out. Revising the initials for the project Gulagu.net Volodymyr Osechkin. Since 2014, the fate of private managers of stores, if they sell products and goods first necessary for suing and arresting, embarrassment, lay contracts not directly with the FSVP, but with the help of FSUE “Kaluzke”, we will create specifically for the management of such stores. The enterprise became a monopolist, closed financial flows appeared on the new one, connected with trade for the needs of the aggravated, and, in fact, it worked to the merit of a group of officials on the island of Korshunov, having vvazhav Osechkin. The results of the re-check were handed over to the central office of the TFR.

Also, Korshunov's re-investigation may be connected with scandals around the Khresti-2 SIZO, which will be in St. The insulator is the largest in Europe; 12 billion rubles were seen at this plant. Rakhunkov's chamber in the linden diishla vysnovka, which is very dragged on. Officials, as they are engaged in everyday life, and the heads of two companies-contractors have already become figurants about shahraystvo and khabari. Robots supervising the shootings at the birch, the officer of the department of the FSVP for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, Mikola Chernov, at the police station, the head of the regional FSVP, Sergiy Moiseenko, was arrested.

Korshunov at the FSVP supported the economy, production, supply and everyday life. Recently, the Prosecutor General's Office carried out a comprehensive re-examination of the delivery of the service, for її pіdbags it was destroyed, rozpovidali dzherel RBC. The Rakhunkov Chamber, at its side, analyzed the results of the program for the life of the SIZO and the colonies. For a total of ten years, 57700000000 rubles were spent, the Prote program - more than half of the sighted pennies (30800000000) falls on not completed in the term of everyday life.

Close to the month is Ivan Melnikov, Korshunov, who was named RBC member of the Public Observatory Commission of Moscow. Tse bulo pov'yazano z scho, scho to the official "bulli pitannya", zokrem schodo "Khrestiv-2", specifying the law enforcement officer. However, there was no order about this letter.

The Basmanny Court of Moscow sanctioned the arrest of Oleg Korshunov, the intercessor of the director of the Federal Service for Punishment (FSVP), who had previously been charged with two episodes for part 4 of Art. 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (expenditure in a particularly great rozmіrі z vikoristannyam service station), RIA "Novosti" reports.

The court waited with the arguments of the investigation about those that Korshunov could enter or go over to the previous investigation, and linking him to the 13th leaf fall of 2017. At the hour of the court session, the investigation also suggested that the guilt of the intercessor of the director of the FSVP was confirmed by low evidence.

Zahist, at his side, asking the court to place Korshunov under house arrest, motivating him that the investigation of his troublesome "does not have obvious indications of Korshunov's accountability to the point of evil," and also we, that the accused became healthy and deplorable.

According to the opinion of the lawyer Oleksandr Linnikov, who represents the interests of Korshunov, "the court may have the right to reverse the arrest, not to impose on the death of the SIZO, to protect the health of the court. .

Linnikov also added that the oscars of Korshunov are a public person, it is impossible to move without a transfer to the territory of the Russian Federation. In addition, the intercessor of the director of the FSVP "suffers from blood diabetes, underwent surgery on a shunt and will require a permanent admission of liquids, also suffered a craniocerebral injury and has been undergoing surgery for a while, requiring medical control," appointing a lawyer.

Korshunov himself also asked the court not to take yoga under arrest. “I don’t think, like I, perebovaya under house arrest, can I add to the participants of this malice?

The defendant Korshunov already accused the Basmanny Court of insulting the decision. "The call is illegal, ungrounded, and also there is no proof that you can prove it. We are sorry for this decision. We plan to change this situation," the lawyer sings.

Under the circumstances of Linnkov, having appointed that the largest Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Oleksiy Ulyukaev, who was charged with 2 million dollars in free money, the court ruled under house arrest, and he was taken prisoner, who suffers from illness. The term of the investigation at the right is extended until 4 pm, the agency appoints.

According to the version of the investigation, Korshunov, especially the contract service of the FSVP, was engaged in state purchases, in 2015-2016, having organized the laying of two state contracts - for the supply of oil-oil materials and foodstuffs - at fixed prices. The accusations of those її spіvuchasniki with their actions, apparently, spent over 160 million rubles of koshtі FSVP of Russia.

The day before, on the 13th of spring, it was reported that the police carried out raids at Korshunov. On the way, looking around, the law enforcement officers knew that they stole over 3 million rubles from that collection of the Elite year. Also, the new one has a fleet of high-road cars. After the surveys, Korshunov was hounded.

Eva Merkachova, the intercessor of the head of the Gromadska guard committee of Moscow, had earlier announced that before the intercessor of the head of the FSVP "there were a lot of claims" and wines, having already written an application for a dismissal. In addition, the director of the department has murmured about this zvilnennya.

Korshunov became the director’s intercessor in 2013 and 2014, when he became the director’s intercessor in 2013 and 2014. Vіn є spravzhnіm sovereign radnik of another class, scho vydpovidaє rank of lieutenant general.

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