The director of the Federal Penitentiary Service, who was arrested for a hundred years, was violated by two new criminal reports about shahraystvo. Oleg Shulika, head of the Federal Penitentiary Service, protector of the head of the Federal Penitentiary Service, intercessor of the Director of the Federal Penitentiary Service

The Federal Security Service conducts a search at the apartment of the intercessor of the chief Federal Service vikonannya karan of Russia (FSVP) from the capital life of Oleg Korshunov. Tse chergovy turn in the investigations of resonant criminal inquiries about large-scale shahraystvo and record-breaking swag during the life of Khrestiv-2 near Kolpino. The investigation was carried out after the shooting near the birch rock near the Vsevolozhsk district of the Leningrad region of the curator of the object, Lieutenant Colonel of the regional UFSIN Chernov.

For information from Fontanka, on 13 September, at about 6:30 am, operatives of the Service “M” (guardianship of law enforcement agencies) of the FSB of Russia came to the apartment before the intercessor of the director of the Federal Service of the Vikonanny of Punishment, the operational sovereign guard of the Russian Federation of the 2nd class (Lieutenant General of Justice) Oleg Korshunov near Moscow. Control officers carry out investigations within the framework of a broken criminal law under Article 160 of the Code of Civil Procedure - “appropriation of expenses”. Behind our tributes, there is a lot of stealing of fire-oil materials from the FSVP department.

Significantly, Korshunov was recognized for the tenth tenure by presidential decree in 2014, came to the FSVP in 2013, and until the first pratsyuvav head of the department of economic development and trade in the Ryazan region.

Behind the Dani Fontanka, the vibrator of that is actually the sketchy of the 54-river Oleg Korshunov-the Logichna of the Logichnoye of the Rosloduvannya of the Criminals of the Shrado Shakhriye in the Great Bagatomilione Khabaras at the other management of the Steering Committee from St. Petersburg.

Prote, like "Fountains" commented near the capital: "Until the new and around Khrestiv rich food."

In fact, in the middle of the sickle of the fate of Volgograd, ZMI told about the arrest by the FSB security guards and the economic police for the swag of the guard and the intercessor of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise UFSVP "Volgogradske", which works from capital life using an insulator.

However, it’s safe to say that even before the beginning of the future of the FSVP, it became clear that the new Khresti-2 insulator would not be ready at the lines: arbitration, having looked at each other, call the general contractor of GBK and the main subcontractor of Petroinvest, one to one, keep the budget Dirk hid herself with a total of 1.2 billion rubles, and Igor Potapenko, head of the UFSVP for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, declared to journalists that the state would not see the ruble any more.

Everything changed on the 2nd of March 2017. In the evening of that day, near the Vsevolozhsky district of the Leningrad region, on the Koltushsky highway, a foreign car was revealed, in which case the head of the department was mortally wounded from the technical observation of the operation of the life of Novy Khrestiv Mykola Chernov. A clip from a Makarov pistol was fired from the new one. On June 5, 63-year-old Petersburger Sadikov was caught, who took an active informal part in life, that intercessor of the head of the regional UFSIN from capital life, Colonel Moiseenko. On June 7, Colonel Chernov, not coming to you, died at the Viysk Medical Academy.

Nezabara also caught the head of the company "GSK" Kudrin, who was the general contractor. This year, the wine is being rebuked under house arrest for calls for spending 100 million rubles on the shakhraystva, but the next committee and the prosecutor’s office, yak, they stole the businessman’s pre-trial piety about spivpratsy, yakraz.

Then the situation began to turn out like this: on 11 January, Fontanka published a novelty about those that the Ministry of Justice's ceremonies took away the name of Gennady Kornіenko, the director of the Federal Service for Military Police of Russia, was killed. At the document, the head of the FSVP proponuvav. And on 31 sickles in St. Petersburg, Ruslan Khamkhokov, lieutenant-general of the reserve of the Ministry of Defense, the chief subcontractor at Khrestiv-2, was arrested. You should be blamed for giving a record swag in the sum of 350 million rubles to the one who was arrested at the right about driving in lieutenant colonel FSVP Chernov to the intercessor of the head of the regional FSVP Colonel Moiseenko.

In this rank, early on the 13th of spring, the battle should be followed by individuals from the FSVP and strategic businessmen, who without a doubt stand for the life of New Khrestiv near Kolpino. This is the intercessor of the head of the capital life of the regional FSVP, Colonel Moiseenko, the uninterrupted head of Lieutenant General of Justice Oleg Korshunov, the head of the GSK company, billionaire Kudrin, and the head subcontractor - Lieutenant General of the reserve Khamhokov.

Today, the Senior Committee was told about the conduct of a raid on the intercessor of the director of the FSVP, Oleg Korshunov. Vіn pіdozryuєtsya at the great spending of budget pennies. The investigators carried out searches like at Korshunov's apartment, de bulo they found millions of rubles, so on the yacht, they caught the suspect.

About those who will be in the Khresti-2 isolation ward, Oleg Korshunov told a significant group of the First Channel in 2014. Obіtsyanі lift dosi, vtim, do not take pіdozryuvanih, do not work line, like at the airport - the wake-up call is not obtained. The terms are to be postponed: the final date of delivery of the object is March 2017. As it happens, then, better for everything, without the participation of the intercessor of the head of the FSVP - today the FSB spivrobitniks hung up. The official commentary is less than for the next committee, and then without details.

“The chief officers of the IC of Russia have been criminally violated by the defender of the director of the FSVP of Russia, Oleg Korshunov, for signs of malice, transferred to Part 4 of Article 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (expenditure in a particularly great expansion of the service camp). The suspect has been caught. Ninі be held sіdchі diї, svorenі zadlya vstanovlennya vsіh obstavin zlochiny. Reporting comments at this stage will supercharge the interests of the investigation”, - the Investigative Committee advises.

For the money of a number of news agencies, as if relying on their own jackets, one can go for a sum of one hundred million rubles, and Korshunov is suspected of spending. There were raids at his apartment in Moscow, de, according to TARS, they knew bundles of pennies from various currencies and a collection of anniversaries.

The agency also directs the details of the zatrimannya - it became price on the yacht. Obviously, on this one, as it appears in the declaration of Mr. Korshunov for 2016, the river was under the modest name “boat”. Also, the power of the sovereign is another class - cars Mercedes GL, Cadillac Escalade, Harley-Davidson motorcycle, three garages and an apartment with an area of ​​154 square meters. All the same, vtim, є і in the declaration for the past and after the past, and the claims to Korshunov were blamed, for the tribute of the deacons ZMI, itself through the life of a new pre-trial detention center in St. Petersburg.

Khresti-2, as the press wrote, has risen in price from a few billion rubles to 12. The audience showed a shortage of a hundred million. At the right about shakhraystvo, the general director of the company GBK, Viktor Kudrin, the head contractor of the long-term future, was caught. Kudrin - under house arrest and slaughtered for the sake of investigation. So now it seems like a lot of experts, that zatrimannya Korshunov, it’s possible, please, please the result, and the strings will stretch themselves to the new one.

“In fact, the entire rich budget of the FSVP was given to the hands of many people. And I’m still unreasonable, why don’t Korshunov say anything for everything, don’t blame the great boss, and it’s all going to go to hell, ”said Eva Merkachova, intercessor for the head of the Gromadska guard commission of Moscow.

In the right place, the lack of production of Khrestiv, zgіdno іz the law of the criminal genre, is not only a big penny, but th blood. Near the birch near St. Petersburg, Mikola Chernov, the head of the police officer, was driven in for technical observation and operation of the facilities of that same SIZO. For suspicion, the head of the regional Department of the Federal Service for the Protection of the Capital of Ukraine, Colonel Sergiy Moiseenko, was imprisoned before being beaten. Vin, yak and Korshunov, supervising everyday life. Prote pitanya before Korshunov, for the words of pravokhisnikiv, do not discriminate with everyday life.

“The food was plentiful, all the stench was tied to this sphere, as Korshunov was busy, and the state contracts and state purchases were especially important. I know from the side of the FSB of Russia, that stinking two years ago, they investigated a sprat of rights. There, such nuances were explained that the FSVP laid the agreement with the undertaking, as if it had been recognized as a bankrupt the day before. I realized that it was not vipadkovo, and then the undertaking did not win its obligations, but it took away pennies for the state contract, ”Eva Merkachova, the intercessor of the head of the Gromadska guard committee of Moscow, seems to be.

Now it is announced that Korshunov has written a statement about the release vlasniy bazhannyam. Imovirno, after zatrimannya yogo call for some other article. And yet, not forgetting the last scandal at the Federal Service, the punishment was punished - at the chervnia for shahraystvo when purchasing electronic bracelets in the spring of the colony, having cut off the head of the department. The scheme is standard - the prices for bracelets were whistled at the kilka once, and then they were not paid.

The Basmanny Court of Moscow sanctioned the arrest of Oleg Korshunov, the intercessor of the director of the Federal Service for Punishment (FSVP), who had previously been charged with two episodes for part 4 of Art. 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (expenditure in a particularly great rozmіrі z vikoristannyam service station), RIA "Novosti" reports.

The court waited with the arguments of the investigation about those that Korshunov could enter or go over to the previous investigation, and linking him to the 13th leaf fall of 2017. At the hour of the court session, the investigation also suggested that the guilt of the intercessor of the director of the FSVP was confirmed by low evidence.

Zahist, at his side, asking the court to place Korshunov under house arrest, motivating him that the investigation of his troublesome "does not have obvious indications of Korshunov's accountability to the point of evil," and also we, that the accused became healthy and deplorable.

According to the opinion of the lawyer Oleksandr Linnikov, who represents the interests of Korshunov, "the court may have the right to reverse the arrest, not to impose on the death of the SIZO, to protect the health of the court. .

Linnikov also added that the oscars of Korshunov are a public person, it is impossible to move without a transfer to the territory of the Russian Federation. In addition, the intercessor of the director of the FSVP "suffers from blood diabetes, underwent surgery on a shunt and will require a permanent admission of liquids, also suffered a craniocerebral injury and has been undergoing surgery for a while, requiring medical control," appointing a lawyer.

Korshunov himself also asked the court not to take yoga under arrest. “I don’t think, like I, perebovaya under house arrest, can I add to the participants of this malice?

The defendant Korshunov already accused the Basmanny Court of insulting the decision. "The call is illegal, ungrounded, and also there is no proof that you can prove it. We are sorry for this decision. We plan to change this situation," the lawyer sings.

Under the circumstances of Linnkov, having appointed that the largest Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Oleksiy Ulyukaev, who was charged with 2 million dollars in free money, the court ruled under house arrest, and he was taken prisoner, who suffers from illness. The term of the investigation at the right is extended until 4 pm, the agency appoints.

According to the version of the investigation, Korshunov, especially the contract service of the FSVP, was engaged in state purchases, in 2015-2016, having organized the laying of two state contracts - for the supply of oil-oil materials and foodstuffs - at fixed prices. The accusations of those її spіvuchasniki with their actions, apparently, spent over 160 million rubles of koshtі FSVP of Russia.

The day before, on the 13th of spring, it was reported that the police carried out raids at Korshunov. On the way, looking around, the law enforcement officers knew that they stole over 3 million rubles from that collection of the Elite year. Also, the new one has a fleet of high-road cars. After the surveys, Korshunov was hounded.

The intercessor of the head of the Gromadska guard committee of Moscow, Eva Merkachova, earlier said that before the intercessor of the head of the FSVP "there were a lot of claims" and wines, having already written an application for a dismissal. In addition, the director of the department has murmured about this zvilnennya.

Korshunov became the director’s intercessor in 2013 and 2014, when he became the director’s intercessor in 2013 and 2014. Vіn є spravzhnіm sovereign radnik of another class, scho vydpovidaє rank of lieutenant general.

According to the words of the official representative of the IC Svitlana Petrenko, on the right it was destroyed for part 4 of Art. 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (expenditure in an especially great expansion to the vikoristannyam of a service camp). According to RBC, Korshunov instantly won over a billion rubles, and the malicious scheme of guilt was instantly expanded with a large FSUE “Kaluzka” FSVP FSVP Andriyem Mukhetdinovim. Today, the Basmanny Court may turn the tide. Dzherel of "Novoi" po'yazuyut zatremanny Korshunov zі scandal near the detention center "Khresti-2" near St. Petersburg.

The transitional insulator "Chresty-2", the life of Volodymyr Putin, who was in charge of orders, began in 2007, and may have taken the first inmates in 2013. Alecia is gone, perhaps, it will not become the next hour. On the right, it’s no less important that the life is not completed, that the general contractor of the General Budіvelna Corporation (GSK) and the subcontractor of Petroinvest exchanged calls about bankruptcy, that there was no road and electricity supply to the insulator. It’s notable that all the clerks, yak vydovdali for everyday life in the yaznitsa - the officials of the UFSVP, and the businessmen themselves, either in the SIZO, or under house arrest.

It was planned that “the largest insulator not only in Europe, but also in the world”, as proudly in 2015, called the head of the FSVP Gennady Kornienko the non-budgetary one, costing the budget 4.5 billion rubles. For a penny of 3,500 prisoners, they paid 7 meters per person, which met European standards (near the old Khrestakhs on the Arsenal embankment, up to 20 people sat at the five-meter chamber). Ale, in the contract between the deputy of the FSVP and the GSK, the amount grew to 11.9 billion. Before the speech, the subcontractor is Petroinvest, which became one of the gurantees in the right, goitre was close to 50% of the project obligation, you had 5.9 billion rubles. In 2015, the other parties signed a grant agreement for 1.3 billion.

Irrespective of those that the Rakhunkov Chamber of the Russian Federation, on the basis of the re-checking of the FSVP, stated that the Khresti-2 isolation ward was not a building, but the federal service allowed the creation of a contract for life, neither the Prosecutor General's Office, nor the Investigating Committee, with these facts. In addition, the control and revision inspection of the FSVP itself in spring 2016 revealed damage to a different degree of severity by 425 million rubles.

But all serious incidents brought respect to the prison department only after the death of Lieutenant Colonel FSVP Mikola Chernov as at the birch of 2017. Yogo was shot on the way home, after a few days he died. For dburry before driving in, the intercessor of the head of the regional UFSVP from capital life, Colonel Sergiy Moiseenko, was caught. For one version, Chernov told the CSS FSVP about the illegal activity of his boss, more precisely, about the system of citations. In the next - to sign an act about the acceptance of non-violent contractors and threaten to inform about shortcomings to Moscow.

On the website of the Head Office of the ICR from St. Petersburg, it is said that Moiseenko had a house with the director of Petroinvest Ruslan Khamkhokov, that “for winemaking, at least 10% of skin pererahuvannya ( for a holding contract.ed.) to ensure the signing of acts on the nibito vikonani roboti”. On scho the rest of the weather. From March 2010 to September 2015, the amount of swag wasted no less than 350 million rubles.

For the data of Fontanka, at the mobile phone of Mikoli Chernov, the investigators showed audio recordings of yogo roses about the break in the life of Khrestiv-2. What significantly hastened the investigation.

Sergius Moiseenko was arrested a few days after Chernov's death. For tyzhden in the Pulkovo airport, the head of the GSK company, Viktor Kudrin, was caught. Khamhokov was hung up on the cob on the cob, vin flatly not knowing his own fault.

Kudrin, however, less than a month later, went to the Federal Security Service and was transferred to his home arrest at his mansion near the front of St. Petersburg. View criminal liability for mediation at the dacha, swag yogo was called. At once, youmu will be charged with embezzlement and shakhraystvo for 60 million rubles.

To whom and how did the businessman give information within the framework of the pre-trial court, laid down by the investigation, it’s easy to say, but two months later, information appeared about those that the head of the FSVP Gennady Kornіenko could name his intercessor Oleg, having ended the fencing, he including the victory for the life of Khrestiv-2.

On the 13th of spring, the Investigative Committee broke the criminal law against Korshunov for calling for spending money. Behind the words of the dzherel, in the next few days, there may be more clumps of thick zatriman among the top of the FSVP.

Oleg Korshunov, the intercessor of the head of the Federal Service for Foreign Affairs, was harassed by the FSB officers, the raids are being carried out in his apartment in Moscow and in the Federal Service’s offices, they punished RBC. Ahead of the day, 12 September, Korshunov nіbito zvіlnivsya zі services.

In the framework of criminal inquiries about the "appropriation of that cost" at the hour of life of the SIZO "Khresti-2" near St. The investigation took place after the shooting of the curator of the object - lieutenant colonel of the regional UFSIN Mikoli Chernov - near the Vsevolozhsk district of the Leningrad region near the birch of 2017. announces that Korshunov is not yet a figure in the criminal justice, pov'yazanoy z Dovgobud Khresti-2. Dzherelo vіdannya reminded that on 12 spring the intercessor of the head of the FSVP called from the service: “At black wines, having written a report on retirement, at once I’m going to let go.” With whom on official sites Korshunov's offices are listed as the protector of the head;

Dzherelo "Fontanka" povіdomilo, scho "to the new (Korshunov. - Approx. D.S.), and krіm" Khrestіv ", rich food, for example, for the sake of marveling at the city of Volgograd." So, in the middle of the serpny, the guards of ZMI were told about the zatrimanya for the swag of the kerіvnik and the intercessor of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise UFSVP "Volgogradsk", which works for the life of the next insulators.

For one version of RBC, the reason for catching Korshunov was the signal of the IC about his accountability to the embezzlement of a great sum. Zgіdno with a reversal of the administration of the IC in the Kaluzka region, the intercessor of the head of the FSVP "evilly served in the service" and taking part in the creation of a malicious scheme for embezzlement of "penny koshtіv, recognized for redevelopment to the budget of the Russian Federation", for a total sum of over a billion rubles.

At the sickle "Fontanka" spoke about the possibility of a shvidka, the name of the intercessor of the head of the FSVP with the initiative of his chief. Director of the FSVP Gennadiy Kornіenko sent a letter of commendation to the Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation Sergiy Gerasimov, urging him to "please send the rightful sovereign guardian of the 2nd class Oleg Adolfovich Korshunov to jail." Motivational part of the sheet occupied the highest arkushiv. Zvernennya Gerasimov may be represented by the presidents of Russia.

FSVP Korshunov has been practicing since 2013. Recently, the financial and economic management was recognized, and in the spring of 2014, the intercessor of the director of the department was recognized. "Fontanka" also wrote that Korshunov could spend the tenure through the situation near the life of the Khresti-2 SIZO. For the same reason, according to the version of what you have seen, let the head of the department of capital life, non-violence, operation and repair of the FSVP Vitaliy Durnev work. Today, looking at the information on the website of the department, Colonel of the Internal Service, Ildar Nazerov.

On February 2, 2017, on the Koltush highway of the Vsevolozhsk district of the Leningrad region, a mortally wounded chief was found, who was technically aware of the operation of the facilities of Khresti-2, Mikola Chernov. Vin died at the Viysk Medical Academy without coming to you. Sabir Sadikov, who takes an informal part in everyday life, and the intercessor of the head of the regional UFSIN for captivity, Colonel Sergiy Moyseenko, was imprisoned for suspicion. According to the version of the investigation, Moisєenko is a pidburyuvach, Sadikov is a vikonovets.

In addition, the general contractor of the new insulator, Viktor Kudrin, was called to spend 100 million rubles on the shakhraystva. Narazi wine is being rebuyed under house arrest and spivpratsyuє zі sledstvom. On the 31st of September in St. Petersburg, he was arrested, and after the arrest, Lieutenant General of the Reserve of the Ministry of Defense, sergeant and head subcontractor at Khresti-2, Ruslan Khamkhokov, for giving swag in 350 million rubles to Moiseenko.

The next insulator near Kolpino Khresti-2 has been in operation for 10 years, stained at a cost of 12 billion rubles. The terms of the project are transferred from 2013, the rest of the official date is the day of 2017.

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