How to turn the psuvannya to death to someone. How to turn the psuvannya back to the one who її zrobiv. In emergency situations

Buvayut moments, if you give up, scho brought on you psuvannya. You can know the situation independently. Psuvannya is a kind of negative energy, and not a virok for all life. On food, how to turn the psuvannya, є vіdpovidі і not alone. There are a lot of methods, which are based on old hours and were passed down from generation to generation. Magicians, yakі navchenі, vmіyut rozchinyat energy regiment and lead psuvannya. But if there is no one to turn back to, you can independently try to turn back to someone who, having sent an eye to the trash, or simply squander it on self-fuel.

Psuvannya is a kind of negative energy, and not a virok for all life.

I am firm, but I don’t know anything, but I’m sure it’s true. Vroki is impossible to give to someone who is energetically clean. This means that if you її far away to work, you need to look over your life way. If you want to go over or pass on її - tsezh your own kind of sin, even in such a rank you can strike people. For everything, you will be told. And yet, you don’t care, and you firmly violated the blow at the blow, or just check for a quick deed, then we need to properly fix it. You can’t show your anger by turning it, you can’t show hatred and anger in yourself. Only with the right attitude, that with a pure soul, you can turn it around. Obov'yazkovo find out who navіv you, sob to give back to the same people.

How to recognize who has slandered you

With the magic of frying the filth, before him, like a robbit, the psuvannya turned, it is necessary to name that person, as if he was the initiator. It is possible to take as much information about a person as possible with the help of three methods. In the first variant, it is necessary to read out the call, and as a result, the person herself will appear before you. Another method is to bring to you that person, as if he was inciting, a magician or a sorcerer:

  1. Ritual of flowers. It is necessary to take a wonderful flower and score the same order with a house (behind the threshold) and read the call:

    “Whoever zіpsuvav me and naughty, I call flowers. If you don’t come in three days, then you’ll go to the grave through the fire.”

    Many words turn on magic, and for three days you check for your unkindness at a guest.

  2. This option is foldable and requires supplementary training. You need a bowl of filtered water and bjoline wax, not paraffin. It’s necessary to drink roses on the steam bath and properly zanuryuvat near the water and read the call at once:

    "I'm pouring water, I'm waving the enemy."

    Remember, you are not guilty of bad people, but concentrate on the process itself. In addition, how to drink water by the water, how to fill the singing form, how you need to signify. As a result, you have swayed the figure of a woman, even if it’s a month, it means that the one who induces a bias is a woman’s status. Just like that, just by the water, figurines made of wax can be seen near a rhombus, a square, a crow or a tiger. You can repeat the ritual, as if the first time you didn’t get a good look at the figure.

  3. The third rite of binding with black magic, it is better not to go for help before the new one, or only in the extreme version. Know the old keys, you can be equal to this. They let her bring the water to a boil, zanuryat her keys and at once read the zmov:

    "Whoever is the slave (your name) of the Skoda, the devil will bring him tomorrow."

    In the morning, this person obov'yazkovo came to you at the guest.

After carrying out the ritual with flowers for three days, check for your unkindness on a visit

Let's turn it around (option No. 1)

Zazdrіst pass or pass it back to the one who induces a magic ritual for help, which is necessary to spend 20 to 20 months of doba. Before conducting yoga, it is necessary to live at least їzhi, to finish fasting, for at least three days. After preparation, you need fresh meat and trich, read the zmovu with the upcoming text:

“Just as a dead city does not know the tightness - do not know, that її bagmen do not hurt, do not suffer from the tightness, do not shed tears, so I, the servant of God (my outside of im'ya), in the form of a black oath, through this meat and blood, I will sprout!

It is necessary to bury the meat in tsvintary and obov'yazkovo for your im'yam may be a grave. You are guilty and ask for forgiveness from the ruler of the grave for disturbing your sleep. Obov'yazkovo bring a sprat of apples and zucerok as a memorial gift. If you follow the ritual, if you turn around, you can’t turn back in any way. Only wonder ahead and go straight. On the way home, at the first crossroads, throw a coin and repeat the words:

"Paid back!"

The next day, it is necessary to drink to the church and light a candle for the dead of those people, the grave that you happened to shake, for the ritual, if you want to cross or pass yoga. Leave the church, raise donations. About those that you turn back, you can’t tell the one who has done it to you. For three days at home do not give your speeches to anyone and do not take anything from others.

Let's turn it around (option No. 2)

It’s better to turn to the one who can navіv on you, which is one more option. Take a frying pan and sip salt so that the bottom is completely covered. According to the soaking salt, cross the cross with a kitchen fork through the entire surface. As a result, you will see that you will have the surface of the pan divided into several parts. On її parts, paint chotiri crosses. Start painting crosses from the right lower kut of the anti-Year's arrow. Then you put it on a small fire and burn about fifteen quills. To pass, or pass on, if you continue to strike with a fork in circular motions, read the text, read:

“If you want to lubricate yourself, then let my enemy (im'yarok) lubricate. Go, my ailment, my sorrows, go, zazdrіst, hatred, evil chaklunstvo, there, the stars came, on the slave (slave) (im'yarok). I don’t shoot hard, but my enemy. You are robb (rob) me, and I will see you. Amen."

Sіl, yaku you started talking, to turn the road, it’s necessary to follow the route, which one can pass the one who pointed at you.

Force, to turn the road, it is necessary to hang behind the route of the unfavorable

Let's turn it around (option No. 3)

He will cross over or turn to the one who has yogo navіv, as if to conduct an offensive magic ritual of an occult attack. Before tsim, you need to buy or pick up and dry the grass of the budyak on your own. If it is better to tear and cook independently, but if there is no possibility, then buy it in a pharmacy. Ale іsnuє firmness, її dіya is not so strong. The day is coming - at Friday, closer to night, collect the crumbs of the prepared material near the wooden container, after which add the crumbs of salt. Let's move everything and for the next hour think about your enemy and the future. You are to blame for misfortune and negligence, yaki, to charge you shkodi. To cross or pass on to the filthy eye, if you come to the threshold of the enemy, and sumish sip so that the wine is bound. For an hour, repeat the words:

“Damn you (im'ya) strength in your eyes, burn your thoughts with a fire! Everything that you have for others, you yourself will get. You will only step over the power through the spell!”.

Stronger prayers that call, I believe, Lord. RU Published: 18 December 2018


Ritual on the turn of the priesthood chi psuvannya

Let's talk about those, how easy it is to turn the bias, psuvannya or negative energy back to your faker. But first, let's talk about those who need it. It’s not your fault at any other time to look like I’m on the spot. It's less self-defense.

It is permissible, you independently, or for the help of a professional magician, you took a negative magical injection. If you beat your enemy, it won’t hurt you anymore, wine, singly, try to do it again. Well, if you work out a ritual that sends back all these filthy speeches to falsehood, then you’ll think about it, why repeat similar experiments like you.

Roblyachi ritual on the turn of the street or psuvannya, you are guilty of vvazhat tse necessary entry to the defense. Don’t forget about such vchinki and start getting used to it as soon as you come to a person’s house, as if shkodi tried to hurt you. Otherwise, you have given you only your own knowledge. Let's hope, so simple speeches have made all the readers understand, so let's move on to the ritual on the turn of the chi psuvannya.

We specially chose the simplest rite, so that, be it a person, as if she had never practiced magic, she could spend it in her home minds. However, do not underestimate the effectiveness of such a ritual. You've been twisted by fate, and believe me, your hoaxer would no longer want to make similar speeches against you.

To carry out the ritual, we need three simple words: first, a candle. You can take a simple church candle, but there is only one problem with it: it’s too thin, and we will need to write on it that it’s not kind. It’s better for him to take a tovshu wax candle, moreover, an aubergine black color. It’s important that a black candle brings out negative energy, and we need to have some rituals.

In a different way, you need a small mirror, so that we won’t be sorry, we’ll let the shards of all the speeches, victorious from the magical robot. Thirdly, you need a piece of lemon. Like bachite, it’s easy to finish the ingredients, so you can go to the ritual on the turn to the street or psuvannya.


Otzhe, take a candle and write on it backwards in the name of a faker. To write on candles, you need to take either a head or a clerical bottom. For example, if your name is Ivan Ivanov, then on the candles you can be “won”. But it’s not famously, because you don’t know the name of your enemy. In such moods, you can simply write “My enemy” on the candles backwards, so you can write “garv yoM”. The result won't go wrong.

If you need to take a candle, cut it with a note, so that you can make it equal, so that you can put a candle on a new one. And you need to make the lower part of the candle, making a new note there. In this way, your candle is turned upside down. In tsomu, as it is easy to talk, there is symbolism. As you turn over the name and the candle uphill with your feet, so the negative energy turns over, pushing you up, vibrating back to your enemy.

After all, rub the candle with lemon juice. Behind a lemon, such a function has been fixed since ancient times, like a vіdshtovhuvannya negative energy and evil spirits. Ale vin not just їх vіdshtovhuє, but also to rob the evil spirits. So the aroma and the taste of lemon will give me a sense of pain. Tom in lemon juice so is the turning symbolism. Win does not only protect you from these negative energies, as if they are trying to force you, but turn it back to the falsehood and cause you serious pain.

Since you have worked out all these manipulations, you need to put a candle in front of the mirror so that the new one can see his name. The symbolism of the mirror, without a trace, is the same for all minds. Vono beats all the negative energy, I will put you back on the fake. Everything is simple.

Let's sweat and light the candle and check, the docks will burn out. After this ritual, all the negative energy, it will attract you to turn back to your enemy. Usі іngredієnti, yakі mi vikoristovuvali, do not forget to vykinuti for interі svogo booth. Ideally, obviously, the mirror and the leftovers of the candle should be thrown out at the crossroads, buried in the forest, or put near the running water, for example, near the river. Be-yaky tsey sposіb priber surplus of negative energy.


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  • Punish the supernik for harm, the introduction of a squad / person
  • Revenge for the evil of magic, turn the bіdu
  • Punish for a love spell, gate
  • Usunut zrada, signify someone having cast a love spell, magic
  • Punish Kokhanka, magic
  • Rites for punishment supernik
  • Forgive home rituals for the appointment of that punishment for supernik
  • Rite that spell for the early kokhanki chi kokhantsya
  • Rite voodoo for ruining someone else's kokhannya, that turn of a person, squad.

Turn the psuvannya to the one who її navіv.

In order for the psuvannya to turn to the one who її having done, create chaklunstvo.
Take a liver, or the heart of a creature, and make nine good triplets or heads from it. Vstromlyayu pershu neck, say:

Tse to the one who is motivated by the eye!

Another head is guilty of penetrating the heart at that moment, if you remember:

Tse to the one who psuvav!

If you build in the third goal, your words are to blame:

Tse to the one who slayed evil!

Build the fourth head and continue the spell:

Tsya head pierces your heart (liver)!


Tsya golka squeeze you mova!

І pierce the heart with the fifth head. When vikoristanny shostoy golki you are guilty to say:

Tsya golka tidy yogo evil thought!

If you come black with your head, move:

Evil thought, turn around!

Build the eighth goal with the words:

Deadly force, return!

I’ll stop, rush in the ninth, proclaiming:

Black eye, shut up!

If you burn your heart into a linen fabric, bury a hole in the pus, or hide it near the life of a false bastard.

Tie up the language of indiscretion.

If it is necessary to call on the name of these people, how to try to harm you, or put on the wrong tiles, write on the arkush a paper named after the one who harms you, burn the papier at the tube, tie it with a red paprika and lay it down dark skul. Mix sea strength, oak moss, magnetic metal thyrsus and plantain in the bowl. Zapovnіt tsієyu sumіshshyu plyashka may burn out and cork її, drip directly into the neck with the melted wax of the red candle doti, the docks of the wines will not close the opening. Hove this dance in a deserted place, and as long as you will be in the mystery of that lack of torment, your enemy will not be able to harm you.

Turn the flowers with flowers

Drive in three small flowers at the door from the side of the street, so that with their stink droplets they would settle the vishy equilateral tricoutnik.
If someone comes to the booths, fix the doors and move:

Three flowers in these doors.
The first flower - slaughter all the enemies,
another flower - all non-humans vapna,
the third flower - everything is bad news.
To all my words - at the right turn,
to all three colors - to the point of return.

Tse to protect your donkey from the invasion of evil spirits.



Amen. Amen. Amen.
Amen Amen Amen. "


Tau pose
Legs at once, tremaёmo head straight from the trohi to lift the boarders. Hands are twisted and killed under a straight kutom from straightened dogori arms.
The sign "Tau" symbolizes the jealousy of the Universe. This hour / space, all the proportions converge and become one.

Read the zmovu 3 times, after reading it three times, cross it 12 times. Read on the fall month.

How to turn vroki to the one who sent yoga

How to turn the vroki to the one who sent yoga.

Get a bucket of well water.

Scoop up a ladle from the bucket and drive it to the ground.

Scoop up another one - you can also roll it to the ground from the other side. Scoop up the third one - and wash yourself with this water, adding:

From the fox it came - go to the fox. Three people came - go to people. It came from the wind - go to the wind. Amen.

Water, which is lost, roll on the roses over the left shoulder.

New article: a prayer to turn the enemies of their evil on the site site - in all the details and details from the impersonal dzherel, which far away we know.

Information site about icons, prayers, Orthodox traditions.

Prayers that protect against evil, enemies, evil people, bіd

"Screw, Lord!" Please, that we have seen our site before, in order to get some information, please subscribe to our Vkontakte group Prayers for a skin day. Also subscribe to the YouTube channel Prayers and Icons. "Take care of you Lord!".

Our svіt neimovіrno zhorstoy. People are recaptured by a touch of zeal and hatred. It is rich who bazhaє one to one evil and simply vilifies the negative. To that richly someone jokes ways, how to protect yourself and your loved ones. With whom you can be helped even by divine prayers, which protect against the enemies of that misfortune.

Prayer to protect your family

More importantly, what is in the life of a skin person - tse її sіm'ya. Obviously, we want, that all її members had everything in abundance. Ale, don’t do it like that, so that there were no enemies, or just people, as if they were prone to negativity, even if we know active image life. People will end up alone on robots, on the streets, at the shops.

Buvaє so, scho can zazdrit colleagues on robots or judge askance at your homeland, mineo. Then it will be a prayer for you, as it protects from evil people.

Looking at negative people, looking at evil, you can read a prayer to Jesus Christ and Matrona of Moscow, Mother of God. You can turn for intercession to Jesus like this:

“Lord Jesus Christ, son of God. Zahist of your servant (calling your name well) as a fortune-teller's mind. Defend me in the sight of evil people that black zeal. Visions from the soul of the curse, psuvannya and filthy eyes. Cleanse my life path from leprosy, infection, sickness and pain, from languor, persecution of that animal. Let me go all my sins and evil deeds, send me holy forgiveness. Let it be so. Amen!”

If you get stuck, then it's the same. Ale, if you remember that your child has changed. If your child’s behavior has changed, your son’s daughter has become rude, success at school has fallen, or often the child has begun to fall ill, then you can make friends through your zadrіst. In this mood, you simply need to protect your son with prayer. And the doncis can be made to build a guardian against those filthy people.

The prayer service will be effective only once, if you believe in the best and that your child will be happy and happy.

Prayers that protect from evil

Sometimes, not only people can bring misfortune to your life, but it’s just possible to get black smuga, it’s necessary to survive. Alya can't just be patient, she needs to be patient.

Protect yourself from the sight of enemies, from the sight of these people, as if they bring more baptism, confusion and anxiety, prayer will help you, which protects the sight of evil people. There will be more children, like to read the blessing of the day. In addition, you are guilty of not just promoting it on automatic, but thinking about the skin word, putting a piece of your soul into it.

Return for help to Mother Matrona:

“Oh, blessed is the Old Lady Matrona. Cleanse my soul and the body of the dead in sickness and infirmity. If you have sent damage to the enemy and marked it with an evil look, turn it to those who nest in me. Send me a defender against evil people and ask the Lord God for a holy release. Pray for me in God's palaces and protection from the filthy eye and sorrow from the fortune-teller of us. Let it be so. Amen!”

How do you get it, that in your life you are simply revisited by the filthy news, sumn, which will make you confuse, then we will believe it, and the prayer will become a godly helper, as it protects the sight of the Holy Mother of God.

« Matinka Mother of God got up early,

She read a prayer for her son Christ:

"Be you, my love of sinku,

Under the gaze of the Almighty Creator, Your God the Father,

Everywhere vryatovaniya, theft,

Vіd whether it's dashing until the singing hour of defense.

Angels felt a prayer

Lord God's all the words of її conveyed.

So be me, God's servant (im'ya),

Tsyu mercy to know,

Schob go near your hut and hide.

Lord, bless, Holy Trinity, help me!

In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit.

Ninі i povyakchas i for vіki vіkіv. Amin"

Axis, if you start reading this prayer, a new, bright stage will come to your share. You will receive good news, at work, on a robot, at all your undertakings, everything will be wonderful for you. But just remember that blessing has become your ryativnik in difficult life situations, read up on these rules:

  • Try to pray every day, asking for those who are turbulent, turbulent;
  • Ask not only for yourself, but more for your relatives and those close to you;
  • Read prayers, ale, in difficult situations, if you can’t read the blessing, then just ask in your own words and help that support;
  • Roll up to the Lord, Holy Saints with a wide heart. Make sure that the skin word comes out of the depths of the soul;
  • Do not only ask, but yakue for the help of the Greater Forces.

The scariest thing that can be in human life is hell. So, try to unique її. It’s not enough to pray for those who didn’t piss you off, and that a little bit didn’t originate in your soul.

If you don’t put yourself out of anger, I’ll call on other people, you won’t indulge in evil, then the Lord will not deprive you of God Help that pidtrimka will always be with you.

Take care of you Lord!

Marvel at the same video prayer to the Lord in the face of evil:

The best thoughts in the form of unkind people and enemies and peculiarities of their conduct

Prihovani nebrozichlivtsі mayut kozhen, and the steps of these people zdatnі seriously zipsuvati our іsnuvannya. Haters have a great arsenal of guides, intrigue and slander. Vryatuvatisya help zmov vіd vorogiv - a magical ritual, foretold by our ancestors to reduce aggression.

People joke about Vanga's moves, words and Islamic rites - for the sake of zahistu in the negative. Take care of the enemies, and we will help you to get along with them. Punish the enemy, protect yourself from inaccuracies, simple spells will help you. Get ready to write.

How to calm unkind people

Vorogiv and zazdrіsnikiv everyday life vistachaє. Against unkind people good works natural magic, as if they were tormented by that suffering. Є revered zmov, scho ryat you in the absence of innocence and rob you so that the enemies were steeled. Read the text three times:

"Yakscho filthy people(called by name) on God's servant (your name) or if a cow, a dog, my horse quail, then you will be unkind. I take sand from the sea, I take your anger. You don’t overdo the tree and don’t drink all the sea water, so this people can’t heal me. Let the evil people break the drift, like the root of God's strength in the fox lama. Let's go back dashing. Let the arrow strike that prayers of the adversaries. Amen."

Magical neutralization of the opponent

Deyakі especially hard rites directed at those who are afraid of you. Such words are read in the eyes of enemies once, right hand what is put on the heart. Ozhe, as instructed by the present people, as they respect your life, cast your thoughts with a spell:

“I’m not suffering, but you. In spite of the evil, Lord, protect me, help the blacks get away. Your eyes are empty, brushes are wax. Vіd podstupіv that uncommon evil prayer is my mіtsna. Nazavzhd, adversary, from the path of my go. Victory will be with me. Adonai."

Letting go of the enemies on the robot

Some people may need to see enemies on robots, as if they had overcome the weakness of their competitor. In order to get rid of those wicked people who respect the career of a woman, remove their photographs. If the spell was effective on the robot, the sign could be individual. You don't want to black magic robbed filthy speeches with innocent people.

Well, 10-12 characters are shown on the picture, one of them is your cursed enemy. To conduct a magical rite, take knives and take away your characters. If you want to squawk you about a group of unkind people, you can improve on their collective images.

Reading away against colleagues

Taking a black thread, wind it more tightly around the photo you have. The thread against the enemies on the robot can be fluffy. The order of vikonannya diy:

  1. Read the spell for evil people this time.
  2. Tie the thread to the clearest (three knots for you to sew).
  3. Vimovte the phrase: "I'm going and I'll show - let it be so."
  4. Having read the sound of the enemy, go over the door and burn your photo there.

There is no need to be afraid of combining rituals. Moves in the form of unkindness are different, they can be stastosovuvat for some groups of opponents okremo. For one evil-minded people, a spell is read for їzhu, for others - for three candles. Axis new text"working" spell:

“I am directing my will, I am practicing my word, so that the bagatioh adversaries have gone into a deaf kut. Let me (mystery of names and names) clean up my hands, they can’t reach my task. I'm winding a black thread, I'm slacking off the enemy. Let me suffer (im'ya enemy) in the face of hell, but you can't take away my strength. Forever blakatime, see me. Amen."

The Strongest Sounds

With a straining zmovoy in the eyes of the enemy, you will be inspired to strike at the great day. Magic works like on words, so on representatives of other peoples. Golovnya - know the name of a potential opponent. Having reached the sunset, wash the prayer coming (read three times):

“I call on the saint’s illusion to take away the misfortune that will come to me. The heavenly army, the forces of the earth and the waters, tell me, how to wake up the backer. Guardian Angel on the beat of the lead, all yoga power to repair the evil of the adversary is punished. Help me, heavenly host, to turn around with an unacceptable person. Whoever thinks unkindly - zapinіt, whoever pleases me - go ahead. The evil force will be overthrown. Amen."

Zmova on Khustka

shob strong zmova Vіd vorogіv prinіs bazhany efekt, you can vikoristati magic artifacts. With a zamovlenoy khustka, you can put the enemy in a deaf kut, override yoga with aggressive demons. Tse mіtsny zahist vіd vіd vorogіv, but robit the spell is necessary before leaving the apartment. Give respect to low moments:

  • we make a quick whisper;
  • the optimal hour for the ritual is before going to work;
  • vitershi with a spoken harsh disguise, shove the amulet, which is viyshov, into the gut;
  • the rite is repeated regularly;
  • spells can turn health wash your mind for business.

Khustka to create a kupa pereshkod filthy people. The one who reads like this, stop being afraid of competitors. The ritual is not found, but rather serious. Axis text:

“Seraphim and heavenly angels. I robbed a banquet for honest friends, the Lord's servants and rapt guests. Defend me in the face of a filthy eye, evil psuvannya in the house. What is stuck, go to the Khustka.

Ritual with poppy seeds

Zmova on the poppy is vvazhaetsya by a preventive rite - yogo vikoristovuyut, to get rid of potential enemies. With this status of a person, that step and proximity to you do not play a role. Axis that needs to be worked:

  1. Remove the poppy seeds.
  2. Recipe the poppy from the clay.
  3. Cross over the trichi.
  4. Read the call.
  5. Throw incantations poppy to the skin, who cross the threshold of your life.

Guests do not need to put grain on their hair - it is enough to put grain in the swarm of a jacket and a shirt. You can do it if the guest wants to go to the toilet. You will always be a good man, and a potential enemy will become a problem. Call text:

“I will cross the grain, I will not allow evil enemies at the booths. From whom a filthy thought was born, he immediately turned to the enemy. Let the enemies live and suffer, they do not encroach on my ruin and health. Yakscho scho vrazhin vrazhin, the devil take yogo.

Prayer with candles

Strong sounds sometimes come out of simple prayers. Spell on a candle become a mіtsnim zakhist against any adversary. For the ritual, you need a bottle of water and three candles. Cross and drink water, light candles and proceed until the prayer is read:

“Lord, save me from the steps and the fence, the steps of the vigadok and evil thoughts, the swords will be wiped off. Let the Muslim sword strike me not, vyaznitsya, bribe and divination will. Hot words, pardoning obitsyanki, drowning fluff, wild animal and fire, go get out. For me, Jesus and the twelve apostles, in the early death, the sickness of the inverted cross, I will not heal. Fuck me. Amen."

Zvorotny slander

Іsnuyut slander, called “boomerangs” among the people. Hover below the spell to read thoughts in front of the enemy that barks after you. Order dіy:

  1. Remember the text.
  2. Wash your thoughts with a slander.
  3. After swaying your opponent in the eyes of your opponent, add: "You turn around."

Hex-turning dee shvidko. The enemy is coming, not having caught up with you shkodi. The spell is like this:

“Mine will be lost with me, your evil will turn before you. Thought dark - at your body. Everything will be so. Amen."

How to build a guard against enemies

Dosvedcheni sorcerers recommend snakes, so that the enemies were afraid, to prepare for the preparation of magical artifacts. Remove the sipky Syrian poppy and begin the rite at four. An important point: the building in the store when buying poppy seeds is not taken. The very same protective poppy grows on the porosi and passively protects your life from unkind people. Call text:

“For a shoulder month, in front of my eyes a red sun. As if having thought of an unsafe adversary, I move with no stars, I will not be afraid of anyone. Rozkot, syriy poppy, to my enemies on ruining that conceived pіdlih collapse. The key of that lock is mine. Evil breaks out. Amen."

We have brought the simplest and most found rites, as long ago our ancestors have been stagnating in everyday life. Є th folded sound, that the great ones are moving religious holy. Part of the rituals are brought to the category of dark magic, so zastosovyte them carefully. Fight for the enemy of spells only in the extreme mood!

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How to turn the evil zmovoy there, the stars came out

If you have a lot of friends and zahisniks, then you can show up and so that the enemies will be no less. Ale, behind the great rahunka, sometimes zipsuvati be someone's life and destroy his calm enough one approachable and cunning enemy. If you are successful in some way, you will receive a significantly higher salary, the bosses value you, you know better because of the lads (girls) spilnu mova, have pennies to be happy, or in a kohanni, that is even worse. That, it is possible, to make your own heaps among people close to you, is the word zazdrіst.

Tim is no less, move to punish the fake varto zastosovuvat none, if you want to check the enemy, and if there is no other choice. If it is necessary to defend yourself and restore justice.

How to turn the falsehood evil zmovu

Sob to punish the false evangelist, not obov'yazkovo lure yourself to the aid of folded rites. Tim more, if you have already tried it for a long time, prote dієvі zmovi on a falsehood.

So that all evil has turned to the point of someone who constantly tries to chakluvat on you and bazhae evil to you, take the heads, one of them is simple, and the other is a gypsy.

Let's put a simple head at the eye of the gypsy's head (eye to the head) and fasten them in such a position with a slit thread from a black color, saying on them:

“If you want your head to be long, but mine will be more hospitable,

You do evil, and I do good,

Everything is evil and filthy, what are you thinking about me (a), you will turn around,

All the trash that you prepared for me,

And all the evil that you have prepared for me,

I turn everything back to you,

Tsієї well hvilini, right now and forever!

Then go to the booth of your faker and put a gypsy head in the door frame in such a manner that the small head will be directed at the beck of the door (entrance). After that, read the whispers again and again strongly zmov on the false bastard and shvidenko vanish.

For the old hours, they also did evil, in the villages the so-called “podkladi” were popular, so that, like in the above-described fall, the heads were tied up with black threads. So, as a pіdklad, a rusty spoon can serve - for evil, a namistinka - for a love spell, a year old - for stealing the life forces of that energy.

A torn map - for ruin, a wine or a fertile earth - for death, be it a product, for example, an apple, meat, sir, a radish - for welding in a booth, separation and childlessness. Clay - for the purpose of building all the dwellings of the house, it is possible to inspire death. Dried dinya - for a weekday, ribna kіstka - for a love spell, plus up to that bezpіddya and serious bad health. Drought blizzards - usually, as a rule, for self-sufficiency or something else.

For their directness, and with the end method, they mentally subdivide into two main vidi. Some are created and thrown in order that the victim of a yakomog could not know it before, for whom the stench is thrown at an important place, for example, at a yakus chink. So the subject of conspiracies, not manifestations, will be more likely to pour into your victim for a long time. And if the zmov was really strong and corrected a good magician, then the oath would be more important to take it, accept the subject until the conspiracies, know and zneshkodzheniya.

Another type of claim is made more than for the lack of evidence of the victim; How to give the power one more additional impulse to that force. To that, it is important that none of the subjects suspected that the speech should not be taken with a hand.

But be it some kind of conspiracy, the object can play an evil fire for him, who, having done yoga, having done it, as if the object is suddenly manifested, do not stick to the new with wet hands, throw yoga back. Into this turn evil turn, everything that you have blessed the enemy and everything that he tried to bring on you, you must turn around. And the axis scho tse will be, lie down in the sight of that which your unkind person wants to reach. There were fluctuations, if people chakluli died for a stretch of fate, but before that, their grown-up children died.

So, from my practice of growing up, if a woman spent five years of her life with her son and daughter, for one fate, she herself died, for about the same period. And the axis of three її nepovnolіh onukіv death spared someone, what can not be said about the share.

The axis of the share її onukіv yakrіv іn't misbehaved, and death showed its mercy more svidė for everything more than timchasovo, the shards of all the stench died early, not having made friends and not having a better life, and not waving good children. From the last three of them, one of them had lived found, having lived to be less than 27 years old, she lived longer, she was a granddaughter.

If it’s more than enough to see you with two heads, then you’ll be told here, as if the enemy will guess what the stars are up to, and send you back, then be afraid, especially not a trace. The little ones wanted to turn back the evil, and not bring it on, they were more likely to die.

If you don't know the name of the hoaxer, how to turn the evil on you

Attached and cunning enemies are not safe, but you can fight with the negative that you walk around them. The ritual is recommended to be carried out on the last month, in order to reverse all the evil that the stench wanted you to, but the strongest.

And for whom it is necessary:

Just a wooden spoon.

Stronger than a great broomstick.

For the old clock, they worked on a bill of bagattya, you can stand on a burnt stove. Fill a small saucepan halfway and put it on fire. Let's sweat, if the strength of the troch is growing, start with a spoon to stir it up, using it at the same time to force on the falsehood:

“Signs of evil have come, let them go and turn around, let all the battles go safely and without interruption, all the swamps should be carefully avoided, and before that, who has given birth to yoga, turn around”

After the old hours, the forces, as a rule, rose from their threshold to the street. For a long time, there were no particular problems, most of the people lived in villages and villages, and the wealthy city dwellers, out of necessity, turned for help to the chakluniv that vid. That and then, as if I were born a long time ago, then sing-songly remember, for the old hours at small places near private booths, you went out and went to the booth, but apparently, and on the threshold of the gatherings at the rich booths, you didn’t go to the entrance, but into the street.

In today's lower minds, if there are too many people who live in apartments, and even so, then you happen to get out of the door and there you can get out on the streets of the country. Already in the next few days, you can see the enemy for yourself and a little bit of all the hints are more likely to pour the negative on him with your strength. If necessary, you can repeat the call to the faker in the countryside, the docks do not feel yourself at the bottom of the security.

Zmova on the water on the false

And the axis for which rite is already needed, not only someone to bring evil on you, but de vin alive. In a small capacity, for example, pour a little bit of holy water near the flask, then put the flask on the Bible and in front of the mirror. Place a church candle between a mirror and a Bible (water), after which wash:

“Whoever comes before me with good, that with good and go,

Whoever goes with evil to me, then takes away all his evil back,

Who with a word we will defile and defile ide,

That let your own word inevitably choke on "

Let’s look in detail at the sight of the power of turning to the one who robbed - s report description all the magical events, the ritual of the presence of negative consequences.

The skin of a person can become the object of a negative infusion, so you don’t suspect about it, leading a great way of life and not thinking about the supernatural speech. The one who has sown the negative, can hide the best for you.

Turning back to the one who has grown - diyovі old-timey zmovi

It is important to immediately recognize the psuvannya, do not check until the situation gets worse, but start singing songs, Directed at the turn of the psuvanna of the unkind, believing that the magic of the language will help you. With whom you will not need to be supplemented by effective rites and thoughts, presented in this article.

Signs of what is on you

Raptom, without any objective reasons, a person who was previously happy and healthy begins to become healthier, or those illnesses are sharply aggravated, as if they had long ago lost their past. Sleeplessness may appear, confusion of thoughts and other ailments. People start to feel bad, they have a lack of energy, depression, like other great inaccuracies, it’s hard to start doing yoga.

As if the fortune-tellers follow you, then you should have killed negative program. Magic is the only exit from a similar situation. At such a time, you need to swear: take a negative program from your own energy, or try to send it back to someone who has become the culprit of your treachery.

It is necessary to go to the choice of choice. On the right, in the fact that magicians have been told not to work through the reason, that in such a rank you give a blow to a kind person, as if you were hurting through ignorance or your ardor, and that means - repair a sin. Negatively pompously respectfully, and the axis in a rank - you are guilty of virishit independently.

How to recognize, who himself has slandered you?

There are three ways, for the help of which you can take away information about the people, as you sent. The first way is to transfer the reading of a special mind. The magic is done in such a rank that a person will come before you.

In another way, you can call the spirits, so that the stench will bring you a chaklun or a chaklunka. And you can use your powerful ritual actions to turn before you at the booths to gain respect for yourself for the whole person, so that by the time you get married.

Ritual of flowers

You need a special flower. Kill the yogi of your home, white of the threshold, adding:

These simple, but effective words have all the magic. Nezabar check on the guests of your enemy.

Vilivannya wax

You need to stock up on such speeches, first read below:

  • a bowl filled with bottled or filtered water;
  • bjoliny vіsk (it is not possible to vicorate the replacement of new paraffin).

Native bjoliny visc to help diagnose the presence of pseudonymia

Melt the whiskey in a water bath. Gently, with a thin flower, lace yoga into the homeland, moving the zmovu. It's important not to say anything that rotten who is to blame for your inaccuracies, but concentrate on the ritual itself, so that the magic is activated:

Vіsk is guilty of nabuti shaping like a figure, її it is necessary to vitlumachiti correctly, having given all your intuition and respect. If you shake a ticket, moon, a figure of a unknowing woman, then a woman’s spying has brought you. Її nav_v cholovіk, yakshcho z'yavlyayutsya such symbols like a tiger, witch, borіv, raven, rhombus or square.

You can wind, having reported the singing zusils from your side, look at the clear image of your enemy, which “gifted” you an eye, at the miniature. The result is already very fast, but if you didn’t have mercy, repeat this ritual again.

The call of entities

Conducting this ceremony, you go to the aid of the devils, here is black magic. Obov'yazkovo zazdalegіd znaydіt sіm sіm old keys. Pour boiling water into the room, and throw the keys into it, having sung the call:

The vranci of the coming day, the people will come before you.

The process of turning a blind eye

If you didn’t follow the previous rite, then you’ll become a special memorial as your helper, as if it’s independent of the one you know who sent the prayer to you. Bazhano, at the time of the ritual, there were twenty soma months of doba. Tizhden before him, in order to make it easier for you to go back to the right place, it is recommended not to eat meat, ribs, not to get used to alcoholic drinks. Practice meditation, do not speak slanderously and do your best to work on your spiritual purity.

Do not add a lot of respect to the splintering, look like negative emotions, shards all the same aura. To work like this, as you think is right for yourself - it’s possible, you can pray for a thought of recession, or listen to classical music - do not resist it. Only in any direction you are guaranteed to take the negativity out of yourself.

After the winter fast, take up to the hands the pieces of orphan meat and move away:

“At the place of the dead, tears do not shed, do not know the tightness, do not mourn and do not suffer! Dead place! Take your own damage to the Servant of God (im'ya) yourself, forgive me for the hardship of that suffering, all sorts of illnesses! Amen!

Repeat the magic words of two. If anyone wants to go to the crossroads - the place is energetically stronger - and bury the meat in the ground. Turning the psuvannya may rise. You may not turn around on the wrong path - at any other time, do not allow that you will almost win over yourself!

Before you leave, throw a coin over your left shoulder with the words:

It’s better to go to the temple the next day to light a candle for your health and, as if you didn’t want to, for your health, “heaping” you with psuvanni. For the bazhannya you can make a donation to the church. If anything, soon you won’t praise anymore, how to take away the damage.

Now your request, "How to turn the psuvannya back?" May be higher. Obov'yazkovo perekonaytes, before him, as if to read a zmov, so that the unacceptable legacy from the one who її navіv will disappear. For the obviousness of faith in the power of magic, your winding will be crowned with success, and it will no longer make you turbulent.

Psuvannya features: turnaround

Buvayut moments, if you give up, scho brought on you psuvannya. You can know the situation independently. Psuvannya is a kind of negative energy, and not a virok for all life. On food, how to turn the psuvannya, є vіdpovidі і not alone. There are a lot of methods, which are based on old hours and were passed down from generation to generation. Magicians, yakі navchenі, vmіyut rozchinyat energy regiment and lead psuvannya. But if there is no one to turn back to, you can independently try to turn back to someone who, having sent an eye to the trash, or simply squander it on self-fuel.

Psuvannya is a kind of negative energy, and not a virok for all life.

I am firm, but I don’t know anything, but I’m sure it’s true. Vroki is impossible to give to someone who is energetically clean. This means that if you її far away to work, you need to look over your life path. If you want to go over or pass on її - tsezh your own kind of sin, even in such a rank you can strike people. For everything, you will be told. And yet, you don’t care, and you firmly violated the blow at the blow, or just check for a quick deed, then we need to properly fix it. You can’t show your anger by turning it, you can’t show hatred and anger in yourself. Only with the right attitude, that with a pure soul, you can turn it around. Obov'yazkovo find out who navіv you, sob to give back to the same people.

How to recognize who has slandered you

With the magic of frying the filth, before him, like a robbit, the psuvannya turned, it is necessary to name that person, as if he was the initiator. It is possible to take as much information about a person as possible with the help of three methods. In the first variant, it is necessary to read out the call, and as a result, the person herself will appear before you. Another method is to bring to you that person, as if he was inciting, a magician or a sorcerer:

  1. Ritual of flowers. It is necessary to take a wonderful flower and score the same order with a house (behind the threshold) and read the call:

“Whoever zіpsuvav me and naughty, I call flowers. If you don’t come in three days, then you’ll go to the grave through the fire.”

Many words turn on magic, and for three days you check for your unkindness at a guest.

  • This option is foldable and requires supplementary training. You need a bowl of filtered water and bjoline wax, not paraffin. It’s necessary to drink roses on the steam bath and properly zanuryuvat near the water and read the call at once:

    "I'm pouring water, I'm waving the enemy."

    Remember, you are not guilty of bad people, but concentrate on the process itself. In addition, how to drink water by the water, how to fill the singing form, how you need to signify. As a result, you have swayed the figure of a woman, even if it’s a month, it means that the one who induces a bias is a woman’s status. Just like that, just by the water, figurines made of wax can be seen near a rhombus, a square, a crow or a tiger. You can repeat the ritual, as if the first time you didn’t get a good look at the figure.

  • The third rite of binding with black magic, it is better not to go for help before the new one, or only in the extreme version. Know the old keys, you can be equal to this. They let her bring the water to a boil, zanuryat her keys and at once read the zmov:

    "Whoever is the slave (your name) of the Skoda, the devil will bring him tomorrow."

    In the morning, this person obov'yazkovo came to you at the guest.

  • After carrying out the ritual with flowers for three days, check for your unkindness on a visit

    Let's turn it around (option No. 1)

    Zazdrіst pass or pass it back to the one who induces a magic ritual for help, which is necessary to spend 20 to 20 months of doba. Before conducting yoga, it is necessary to live at least їzhi, to finish fasting, for at least three days. After preparation, you need fresh meat and trich, read the zmovu with the upcoming text:

    “Just as a dead city does not know the tightness - do not know, that yoga bag does not hurt, they do not suffer from the tightness, they do not shed tears, so I, the servant of God (my outside name), like a black oath through this meat that I’m crying blood!” .

    It is necessary to bury the meat in tsvintary and obov'yazkovo for your im'yam may be a grave. You are guilty and ask for forgiveness from the ruler of the grave for disturbing your sleep. Obov'yazkovo bring a sprat of apples and zucerok as a memorial gift. If you follow the ritual, if you turn around, you can’t turn back in any way. Only wonder ahead and go straight. On the way home, at the first crossroads, throw a coin and repeat the words:

    The next day, it is necessary to drink to the church and light a candle for the dead of those people, the grave that you happened to shake, for the ritual, if you want to cross or pass yoga. Leave the church, raise donations. About those that you turn back, you can’t tell the one who has done it to you. For three days at home do not give your speeches to anyone and do not take anything from others.

    Let's turn it around (option No. 2)

    It’s better to turn to the one who can navіv on you, which is one more option. Take a frying pan and sip salt so that the bottom is completely covered. According to the soaking salt, cross the cross with a kitchen fork through the entire surface. As a result, you will see that you will have the surface of the pan divided into several parts. On її parts, paint chotiri crosses. Start painting crosses from the right lower kut of the anti-Year's arrow. Then you put it on a small fire and burn about fifteen quills. To pass, or pass on, if you continue to strike with a fork in circular motions, read the text, read:

    “If you want to lubricate yourself, then let my enemy (im'yarok) lubricate. Go, my ailment, my sorrows, go, zazdrіst, hatred, evil chaklunstvo, there, the stars came, on the slave (slave) (im'yarok). I don’t shoot hard, but my enemy. You are robb (rob) me, and I will see you. Amen."

    Sіl, yaku you started talking, to turn the road, it’s necessary to follow the route, which one can pass the one who pointed at you.

    Force, to turn the road, it is necessary to hang behind the route of the unfavorable

    Let's turn it around (option No. 3)

    He will cross over or turn to the one who has yogo navіv, as if to conduct an offensive magic ritual of an occult attack. Before tsim, you need to buy or pick up and dry the grass of the budyak on your own. If it is better to tear and cook independently, but if there is no possibility, then buy it in a pharmacy. Ale іsnuє firmness, її dіya is not so strong. The day is coming - at Friday, closer to night, collect the crumbs of the prepared material near the wooden container, after which add the crumbs of salt. Let's move everything and for the next hour think about your enemy and the future. You are to blame for misfortune and negligence, yaki, to charge you shkodi. To cross or pass on to the filthy eye, if you come to the threshold of the enemy, and sumish sip so that the wine is bound. For an hour, repeat the words:

    “Damn you (im'ya) strength in your eyes, burn your thoughts with a fire! Everything that you have for others, you yourself will get. You will only step over the power through the spell!”.


    Today I, the magician Sergiy Artgrom, will tell you about the ritual of removing damage from turning. What is it, and why is it literally to understand the turn to the negative to the point of pershogerel? The purges are low, the mechanism of some kind of zmushue is more strongly encouraged to turn to those who, after having killed, oh, so, the magicians may be able to correct the situation after the curse, or steal, and magically take revenge on the false bastard. Ale, there is already a smell of magical wine, like a strong enemy and recognition from the Chakluns on the right. But we will be drawn into such a war, which is too much for a magician.

    Another topic, like me, the magician Sergiy Artgrom, to bump into this statue - how to turn your dobrobut after psuvannya. As if the keeper of good luck was crushed that spring (they have already suffered a lot, and suffer more), it’s good to go, be it cleansing, the main rank is the channel of magical healing. The black cleaning on the bottom is good, and also the forks fell off.

    Vіdsіkti kradnik — remove the damage and turn back to the one who navіv

    Zagalom is a sprinkling of magical rituals of robots with thieves of those heritages. To lay everything in the form of your special directions - how and why did you vikli pratsyuvati. The magician helps the swidshe to turn the lost, stolen. And yakscho є nastrіy i bazhannya, it is possible to punish the villain, turning the crushed psuvannya, or having robbed the thief on that very sphere, otherwise, taking a turn for yourself, hit on the vorogov with such a wrapped garna.

    After the magical cleansing of people, that zastosuvannya strong slings in the direction of the turn, For the sacrifice of good, put the lives of runes, power engineers. Once again, it is important to put a normal defense on the patient, wanting a strained defense against the negative, so that the client does not waste again on your own. Ale, you need to give Yomu an hour to come to you, so that a strong defender in the face of prejudice and prokloniv Yogo does not strangle.

    Therefore, I am the magician Sergiy Artgrom raju for an hour of reviving the strength of the patient, after recognizing the negative, to be greedy with an alternative to zakhist - to seal the enemy in mirrors. Tse, zvichayno, not zvorotne psuvannya, but the effect will be even more reconciled. After that, as a victim, I should put even stronger magical defense against black psuvannia and energetic negativity.

    Correct the spoilage back to the false one - overtake the heap of the bis

    The magic ritual does not apply to cleansing and turning to negativity. This is a different topic, as it will require a different approach. Not everyone needs to strive for the sub-settlement of daily life. Ale, as you have such a pіdselenets, yogo can be thrown to the unkindness of yours, but in the purest way. It’s all the same, that you can independently bring back the psuvannya, wanting to take revenge so you can not only foe, but it’s magical for you to mischief, but to the one who spoils the enemy in the physical plan.

    In the villages, all kinds of daily life were called bises, so the chaklunsky rite is suitable for binding black various essences. Buvay, scho y bіsa pomіchnik, on the job of a chaklun of titles, in the form of hands vydbivaєtsya and start shkoditi. So, such a demon can be thrown onto a thief. Ale, diagnostics before the robot is required. For the Chaklun rite of passage (as the curse worked with the Bisivsky settlements, then the rite can be zastosuvat in the complex with purges on znyatya damage to the turns) need:

    1. enemy photo
    2. cup of chicken blood
    3. wax candle
    4. cock for pickup

    On the photo of the enemy, paint the church cross with blood, put a candle in the middle of the cross, light it and read the words, move the turn of the induced psuvannya:

    If the candle is lit, you need to take a photo at the crossroads, throw a smoked carcass there, read the words of the spell on the turn of the lieutenant:

    Right there to go from the city. After the broken rite, 7 days to trim Suvor's settlement. At the complex with purges with turns, which allows the magician - vikonavtsu correct the psuvannya back to the one who її zrobiv, tsey ritual spratsyuє like dodatkove punishment. You can zastosovuvat as for the client, so for yourself, sparing your followers.

    In this rite, you transfer shkіdlivі energy.

    Such a program is asked from the beginning. Often the negative is going, and everything is normalizing. However, even if you yourself, or if some of your clients curses are strong, then the situation cannot be corrected by one change. Pratsyuvati happen seriously, long time in a complex way. The axis is a chaklunsky ritual, which allows you to sprout the return psuvannya. The price of vipadok, yakshcho є bazhannya chi is necessary to punish the nevgamov's follower chi supernik, some kind of negativity hangs on you and good luck to rob. You can independently make such a profit, turn the enemy gift. Such a ritual of reversal of damage to the one who navіv good to go out, navіt with independent conduct in the home minds.

    Zvorotne psuvannya - shob the enemy at the tears stomped

    At the funeral, where people are confused, you need to take away the hustka of those mourning-houses, which are torn by grief, and tears of grief. The axis of this is a chorus, leaked with tears, and it is required to win in an independent rite the turning of the vorogov’s psuvanya.

    And the i-axis describes how to turn the negative to the one who sent you.

    It is possible to carry out the ceremony on your own, whether it is a day, if before that you have watered it, and you have the strength to do it. Khustka slіznu speak on tsvintarі required. And they say so.

    Stand at the crossroads of the tsvintarny and trich, read the words, move the turn of the psuvannya to the one who її zrobiv:

    After that, drink with a treasury, and wipe 7 grave crosses with a sharp wipe. Be yakih, pull up to yakih. Wiping the skin of the cross, read the text of the move to turn back to the one who you її navіv:

    Khustka that, on the yak, the zmova was read in the form of a psuvannya to turn, for punishment for doing wrong, to throw your vorogov. From that hour onwards, all the dashing victories will follow.

    How to turn will attach to someone who has lied - a ritual through a well of water

    Pristrіt is a different type of energy supply. You can fool a person for sure, if it’s worth it, and be it. It’s necessary to get rid of this negativity, like only a few people, that it’s hard to fight, that life has gone ahead, that nibi rolling pin sit here. Such a negative is known, there are ways, how, ways and ways to turn it to the point where yoga has wounded on you.

    How to turn will attach your people, who її naslav.

    Axis of independent ritual from the well water. Put a cebro with water in front of you, scoop up a new ladle and pour that water onto the ground.

    Scoop up another, roll on the ground, from the other side. When you meet, scoop up water and take it in, read the words, move, to turn it around:

    The water that was left behind is splashed on roses over the left shoulder. This ritual is known well from the people, the one and the one who to piss you off evil, take the evil back. And the axis is still a chaklunsky rite, as if it were necessary to turn it back. Here they chuckle with their heads.

    Pick up and turn people off and shoot through 9 goals

    Magically turning to the negative, which will attract or black out the middle strength, you can work on your own, being a novice, more and more mastering the practice of chaklunstva. Need axis sho:

    1. fresh yalovicha liver
    2. 9 new goals
    3. clapping of natural canvas

    The liver, riddled with gols, read like a yak zmova schob turn point psuvannya back, it is necessary to burn into a cloth, throw it into a smіtnik, or bury it in a compartment of pus. You can bury a booth of the enemy nearby, as you know exactly what is to blame for your inaccuracies.

    • Vstromlyayuchi tickle the neck, say the need:

    Shvidko turn the psuvannya through the force - to the one who її zrobiv

    So without great expenses, which is called, little blood, quickly turn the psuvannya to the one who її robbed, it is necessary to diagnose it hourly, until the energy negative takes root, and the program of psuvannya did not begin to take full force. In order to help a person in the form of an impersonal help, it is important to know what helps, and to choose the right magical cleansing. It is necessary to know and the power of the elements, with which you happen to practice. Let's say cleansing sill іz turned negative- Translating to strength, about what I am, the magician Sergiy Artgrom already rozpovіd in his materials, having recommended himself well.

    Іsnuyut and positive results of relief from the induced chaklunskaya destruction, and positive feedback from practicing magicians, and quiet, who independently zastosovuvav tsey way of throwing off the negative for help shifting to strength. Ah, I'll show you the way, maybe, and here.

    For you, an independent rite of turning the induced psuvannya through the force.

    Robity, on the fall month. For which rite do you need:

    Sip strength on the pan, with a fork cross the entire surface of the pan (from the bottom uphill to the right). 4 squares are established, and in the skin of them, the cross itself crosses itself. Cross the crosses of the anti-Godinnikov arrow starting from the lower right square. After that, put the frying pan on a strong fire, start heating the power. At the same time, stir with a fork on a stake

    • first, take the negative,
    • and in a different way - independently turn the psuvannya to the one who sent:

    Let the salt cool and pidspati under the feet of the enemy. And yet, in that turn, you know for sure that you are to blame for your troubles, that it is magic for you to harm yourself, and in your own mind you read a strong zmov, to turn the psuvannya, and I will direct it to you. However, if you are not guilty of misfortune in the authors of your own, if you have no ability to throw it with a deposit, then carry it on the cross, where the people go.

    Garna zmova vіd psuvannya іz povernennyam - Zmiv on living water

    And the axis, as you can take the negative from yourself with living water, and turn back to the one who has crushed the psuvannya. Robiti is so necessary. On the third day after the last month, rise at the dawn and go to the dzherel. Scoop up a ladle of water and say:

    Immediately pour water on your head and say the strongest words of the Chaklunskoy zmovi, so that you can take a psuvannya from the turns:

    With water you can take a bath not only for yourself, but for other people - from a close relative or from a client who asks for help.

    Psuvannya and pristrіt back pіde, on the one who yogo navіv.

    Otzhe, stronger psuvannya taken from people. But do not check, that tomorrow you will be thrown into a new life. It appears that it is not enough just to remove the energy negative. It is necessary to get rid of yoga naslіdkіv. And on the whole there is a significant hour, more than one monthly cycle, roughly seemingly. I, the magician Sergiy Artgrom, respect how to turn my dobrobut after the psuvannya - food, more relevant for rich people, because people often know magic attacks.

    Turn your back after a dream - how to become prosperous and happy again

    A different kind of psuvannya that curse is in the arsenal of the skin chaklun. And, naturally, magicians are stuck in their practice. Steal is a variety of destructive chaklunism. Kradnik does not destroy the blessings of the victim, with this help a channel is created, by which the blessings of life flow to the magician - vikonavtsyu, chi to the deputy. Scrape in, drag everything that is worth it -

    How to turn your dobrobut after psuvannya?

    Need work on the positive. What does it mean? Buv drag pennies -

    1. perform rituals for pennies,
    2. well-being
    3. good luck,
    4. vikonannya bajannya, nareshti.

    They stole the beauty of that string - please yourself with rituals for beauty. And so it is with everything. It takes an hour and a hard time to work, to redeem the time spent and to know new blessings.

    Beginners often ask me, the magician Sergius Artgrom, food, why should I go after clumsy cleaning, and why should I turn around after znyatya? If the magician is engaged in purges, he turns to the Forces to intercede for you, clean up bad luck in the valley, turn the stolen luck, I'm healthy otherwise. Here it is necessary to understand that without a clear directed contact with the Forces - what are the Gods, Besi, dead light and etc. the result will be insignificant. Ale, navit with good contact, as if the banner of life’s blessings is strong, initiated by a right magician, for whom there is a mitzna zahist, and a lead, and a hassle of standing with locks, then turn into negativity, and then more turn the psuvannya to the one who killed, be even more important.

    Beginners cannot cope with such rituals, here you need real magical help. The robot of a strong magician has to be cleaned once in a while. In especially foldable moods, chaklunism is carried out in a complex way from the zastosuvannyam of various rituals of denial of negativity. So, and vrahuyte, scho when cleaning with turns, for example, as if you rob rite of turnіz zastosuvannyam svіchok, not far away share that all the negativity turn to stealth. And here you risk getting entangled in a magical war.

    Whom magicians are trying to hide. And even the newcomers are guilty of weaving in the light of the imovirnosti of the magical war, especially as the strongest enemy. So, my dear, you are pleased with the magician Sergius Artgrom, what is the ability to spread, what is the choice between purges from turns and purges to simply spitting on the negative, to work more quickly like this rites. Pomsta is good all the time. Do not look for trouble, especially as long as you have little strength and dosvіdu. I, concluding the article, I, the magician Sergiy Artgrom, ask for food, why do you need to turn after the day? Vaughn does not turn around, you do not know until the end. Possibly, for some hour you will ease the negative and feel relieved. But even if the damage was not done, the program did not improve again, with a new force.

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