Strong damage to the death of the enemy. How to read a call to death. Zakhist vіd psuvannya

Vzaєmini mizh people hour buvayut unforgivable. Often in the aftermath of a person’s side in the soul, such anger is blamed, as if it were a gift to hate that reason for the death of a falsehood.

Zmova to the death of a person - singing manipulations with victorious black magic of such power that they can lead a person to the grave. Zdіysnyuvati tі manіpulyatsії smoothly and unsafely. The stench can bring suffering and ailments like a false narrator, and a rite of passage.

These manipulations are called the magic of death or necromancy. Zastosovuyt її in an extreme slump - if the help is great, and zdіysnit її іn other ways not to go. And here there are only two ways out: try to let the anger out and try the falsehood, otherwise you will perform a terrible rite from the risk of paying the greater forces.

See deadly snakes and curses

As it was said more, call for death to be different. Mayzhe all of them can be carried out at home. Deyakі may be able to visualize whether the speech of the victim, or yogo blood or hair, for yakihos enough yogo trace. Deyakі, naysilnіshі, vymagayut vіdvinіdin church.

The categorical classification of deadly prokloniv (abo riveting, as they were called in ancient times) is as follows:

  • stare at a candle;
  • rush to the zvintarnu land;
  • call for strength;
  • stare at the mirror;
  • move on a lower metal object, skhilny to іржі;
  • zmovi for eating;
  • look at the photo;
  • call on the wind;
  • move slid;
  • zmov on a wax figurine (voodoo magic).

The skin of them is in its own way simple for the Vikonan, but they share one bed of rice. In order to curse a person to death, it is necessary to hate in a right way.

Yakі naslіdki can be after chaklunstva

If a person undertakes to carry out the rite of a deadly curse, it is necessary to find out in advance about the traces, which you can inflict on yourself. And the last ones can be rich.

  1. In the first black, as if a zmova is reading a person with weak energy, otherwise the rules of the zakhist are not complied with, then the zmov can be thrown onto the zvorotny bek. And go out that a person is cursing not her enemy, but herself. And the son of the cursed sound even more smoothly.
  2. Another problem is often, with which the lack of knowledge of trainees, tse vodkati, is stuck.

Magical insights can be briefly described in one phrase: whether it is causing a backlash. Tobto magician, zdіysnyuchi evil spirit take away the equal amount of evil in your life. Curse on sickness? Make children sick. Curse to death?

We are sick of the whole motherland, and it’s kinder, even if only we are sick.

Zmova to death can zruynuvat sіm'yu conjuring, or yoga mіtsnі before tsim vіdnosini, or bring black swarm of misfortunes to robots chi business. I, zreshtoyu, wine can simply not be spratsyuvati. It’s just that the person who has a curse, a strong natural chi, is a spiritual zakhist.

Basic rules for the hour of reading snakes for death

  1. The first rule when reading signs for death was already more obvious: the reader is guilty of hating the people, and damning them. In the presence of strong emotions, it is simply not possible to start the mechanism, and the move is not working for everything.
  2. Another rule is that for rich snakes it is necessary to know them as people, given to them at baptism. It’s worth the quiet snakes, like they don’t let the witch with the special speeches of the damned. For envoltuvannya - the creation of wax figures after the image and likeness of the sacrifice, it is not necessary to know them for an hour.
  3. The third rule is that the greatest strength can be seen, it can be read at night - in the period from dawn to three years. In the day, it’s not enough to read the words on the zvintar, otherwise the people are crushed by the next.

Golovne well - tse dotrimannya ruled the zakhistu for an hour of reading, move.

Zmova on a candle

  • church candle;
  • photograph of the object.

Before carrying out the ritual, it is necessary to take a cross (like є). Put a candle on the table, put a photo in front of you. Vimknіt light at the kіmnati. Such a dream is better than work for the fall month.

“As this candle burns and burns, so don’t let that Likhomantsy servant of God (im’ya) burn at the fire, don’t let it shake it, you don’t know the spirit of peace.

Let Yogo take away death, but you won’t know the look of mine.

My strength is mitzna, I conjure my enemy! Like my word is mіtsno - so I don’t destroy my mіy, don’t kill it, just like the sea doesn’t see the coast, that creature will not rule people on earth! Burn, candle, I sharpen the servant of God (my enemy) behind me!

  • At the same time, a photograph of the one who is being read at the fire of a candle is burned.
  • It’s necessary to check until the candle burns out, then we’ll throw away the leftovers from the house.
  • For the zahist, it is necessary to wake up after the completion of the rite with cold water, dress the cross and read the trich “Our Father”.
  • Then, after the rite was performed, we will try to clean up the water in order to take away the excess of negative energy.

To raise respect: for example, look at the language point - mind, for which fault there may be violations (“like the sea from the coast is not visible”).

Yogo can be replaced by your judgment, giving people a curse, such a rank is a chance to turn around .

Chi can be performed before bedtime

This is the only other way to curse a person, without zastosovuchi special magic benefits. To create a ritual, you need a special officer, or a photograph of a spell. To spend yoga, ring out the nights, bazhano for the falling month.

  1. At the arrival, de readable zmov, not responsible for this night, third-party people sleep. If you have domestic creatures, especially intestines - take them away from the place, shards of stink can become at the beginning of the ritual.
  2. Put a pillow before going to bed
  3. Turn up the light, close your eyes and three promos:

“I’ll dream before you, the servant of God (im’ya) will come, I’ll bring your Death after me. As I sleep in a trouble-free sleep, so you will fall asleep for a long time. Your sins are great, richly brought hardships.

Death has taken a backseat on you, I've shown it to you. Do not break my word with a sword, do not cut it with a blade, but to overcome it, you need to let your sins go. I conjure you, the servant of God (im'ya), to death a shvidka and inevitably, let it be so!

  • Yakshcho you sing during the night at the dream of your enemy - also, the zmova podiyala.
  • In another time, the rite will need to be repeated, but no more than three times.
  • Remember that while reading the snakes you are guilty, concentrate as much as possible on the fire to make your enemy dead.

The rite of purification is carried out after waking up - stand on a sweater, take a bath, and put on a clean dress. Go to the church, put candles Mother of God and vibachte for your sin. Distribute mercy.

Rich, which is conjured, it will be necessary to burn it, or to reclaim it after the completion of the ritual.

Smovi yaki read for young people

As has already been said, deadly curses gain especially strength only once, if they are read on a falling month. Tsey period monthly calendar magicians have long respected the most suitable for the rіznomanіtnyh dark snakes.

Ale є th vinyatok іz th unspoken rule. Zmov, who is read for death for a month, who is born, who is guilty of guaranteeing the result exactly in one month.

For the ceremony, you will need:

  • candle made of black wax;
  • lusterko;
  • hair or trimmings of nigtiv incantations (as if there is nothing - a pidide object, like that one wants to p'yat khvilin, having touched it in her hands;
  • for the presence of any speeches of the conjured one, one can speed up yoga photography.

  1. The best hour for reading is from early night until the third year of night.
  2. On the table, open the mirror so that the new one has a month, as he grows.
  3. To christen on the table with a creed, in the center of which to inscribe the name of the victim and put a hair or a photograph.
  4. Know the cross. Sit in front of a mirror and light a candle.

“As you gain strength throughout the month, growth, then bring strength to you (im'ya) to the drop. Let's sharpen your interior virazka, unearthly tightness, let's hear the voices of the dead.

Von call you after you. As the moon rises, so the strength of the dead grows before you. As the whole month is on the decline, so the sky will take you with you. You will lie at the Syrian grave, mothers and fathers of their own.

Turning to the dead

Heavenly spirits, smell me, I give you my soul (im'ya)! My word is mіtsne and indestructible, like a stone Alatir, and my name is my yoga in the name of spells. The one who knows the stone, that only to you (im'ya) in the face of death vryatu. Mouth-lock, mov key!

After that, as you spend the rest of the word, extinguish the candle. Bury її leftovers at once from the river of the victim and with a mirror, as they were koristuvalis during rituals, near the ground (best on the zvintar).

Rituals to read in the afternoon

One of the strongest zmos to death is to be read every single day.

  • For yoga vikonannya you will need an egg or a zukerka, or another memorial hotel from a fresh grave. Tom before Tim, like reading tsyu zmovu, happens to go to tsvintar.
  • Having taken a hotel from the deceased yogi, agree to yoma for his name and obov'yazkovo remember the name's name. Under the hour of the ritual, you will need it.
  • Come home, get ready for the ritual. You need a wax candle, more beautiful than a church one, but ale pidide and sizable.
  • For the period of the ritual, it is necessary to be alone. If there is anything at home - try to see it under the drive.
  • Put the hotel from the deceased on the table, in an armchair with a crade. Light a candle and trich levoruch pravoruch to encircle the half-light of the hotel.

Start reading the call: “The soul (of the deceased) has come, brought a gift, you are offering a dear guest (I am of sacrifice). Accept a gift, then come to the gift box in the house.
You, (of the deceased), the soul is temporal, bodyless, the living guest has a way to the light of his own, let him come to you, she won’t turn back home! As my word was angry with the winds, so it happened with them, my word can’t be broken, I can’t speak, don’t interrupt. Gubi-lock, key - mova! ".

Having read the zmovu to the end, clean up the hotel from the sky and at the first good time pronounce it as a sacrifice. Otherwise, there is no such possibility, they scorch or bury, writing in front of the victim on the new name.

Zmov to death from vikoristannyam tsvintarnoy zemli

There were few options for setting up on the blue earth for death, and the skin of them is based on the supreme principles of work. Deyakі maistri come to the tsvintarі gather required energy, Another group of magicians without intermediary hunts for help until the souls of the dead and "flickering" flickering to the victim, the third category of mediums for the removal of the bazhan calls on the victim of the terrible daily life of the sweating world.

Pochatkіvtsam magіchnoї sfera robit zvintarnu psuvannya to death is unacceptable. So that the creations of the negative have been directly directed at the need, it is important for the mother to confirm that she has sufficient strength. Otherwise, by the time of the year, you will take a turning blow on yourself, as if the object of zipping was suddenly caught up in the hour to a strong chaklun.

For carrying out rituals for death, you need other attributes:

  • Icons;
  • Photo of the victim;
  • Strichki;
  • Candles made of black wax / paraffin.

The simplest act is to pay tribute to the memory of a living person from the corpse to the dead. Zmov yogo is not accompanied by readings. Photo put under head chi clothes. It is even better to deprive the image of the heart. In this rank, early on, the sky will take the person from the photograph from the other world.

  1. The essence of vikoristannya іkoni for guiding psuvannya pogaє is that the magician secretly takes from the hands of the deceased holy image and lays yogo pіd lіzhko sacrifice.
  2. The soul is depicted, come to the people for it, to take away not only the icon, but the object of binding.
  3. For greater efficiency, it would be better for the ritual to bury the people in the very name of the sacrifice.

How to aim at the enemy

The land from the tsvintarya is dzherelom bіd that wickedness. You carry yourself severe ailments and the most unacceptable. And if you take soil from the namesake's grave, the spirit of the deceased is simply more clingy to the victim. Feeling the soul in it, I attract it to myself in various ways, I have not seen docks in the other world.

Method 1

Buy lower with a black handle and at the time of payment think:

“I take it not for myself, but for the vikonnannya psuvannya.”

Dock Thursday, if the month is flawed, and go to the zvintar with a new knife. Take 4 more bags and malt for purchase Black Widow. From the skin kut of the storehouse, take 3 pieces of earth and zipte її a cup in the center of any kind of zvintary crossroads.

To curse on the hump with a knife and say:

“The earth was black, that was, I break it for you with a dead cross, and black, but not church. Through this cross I call for the help of the corpses, which are lying in the bunks, and direct them at once from the black arrow in the heart (I am the victim). Let the stench torment you and spin around the virus, interrupt your arms and legs, and remind you of living blood with water. Let's tear yoga and throw it in pieces.

I conjure my words with the earth of the sparkling word, even if Satan himself breaks his horns on it, and the stench of washing is no longer there. Do not let the horns of the unclean into the body and life (of such and such), do not let it shake your whole soul and get lost, flicker in 4 corners.

Let day and night see all the little roads in the wake of your death. Don't let the grave come across the earth on a plate prepared by a demon, and not by people. We cut the sich and cut it (I make sacrifices), I throw yoga into the pit and sip the earth. Amen!"

Chrestopodibly podіlіt zhmeni i khnuyu part zipte in an okremi package (you have 4). Leave it in the same place with a ticket.

Kudi visipati the earth

“I punish the Black Mother to walk around with all the chotirma kutami and get to the body (im'ya), to drive it to the string. Amen."

Instead of the 2nd package, throw it in a flowing water basin and say:

“From the water, go, quarter, and the soul (im'ya sacrifice) for a black line of pull. Amen."

The third package is to be sent to the grave of the late namesake of an unacceptable person with the words:

“One to lie, and another order will soon lie. Don’t let yourself down and don’t get lost, and I’m afraid to accept death. Amen."

I’ll change from the 4th package you are guilty of hanging out in such a place, so that a hateful object passes through it. As soon as they set foot on the charmed land, the magic program will go through to the new one. Sipte the earth on the road and whisper:

“Everything is marked with a knife, and it is marked with kutas. Tuga black from the us nebіzhchikiv zіyde, іnshih nebіzhchikіv zbere i will bring to you. You can't drink, you can't repair an opir. Amen."

Method 2

Opivnochi between Friday and Saturday, stand in the center of the nameless grave and beat in an aspen tuft. Trichi say:

“Friday, you know with all the unfortunate right. Your conceived and the nameless, on which I stand. If I kill the unknown, and with a stake I bring death. Go, death is imminent, through the suicide bomber that oskovy kіlok i bring the slave (im'ya voroga) black bead. Everything is broken, everything is said. Amen."

Carry out the ritual of 3rd Friday afternoon and build a kill on the threshold of your enemy. Ruinіvnu the power of damnation vіn vіdchuє soon.

When check for result

For the average ritual, death is spratsovuє for 2 - 4 days. In a few fluctuations, the podia rises either earlier, or a little bit later. Healthy is that mіtsnu in terms of energy, the person is richly folded, lower than the irritating object.

How long do you get to check on the result, dosvіdchenі medium to speak, glancing at the photo of the future victim.

Chi will be traces

Psuvannya to death through the Tsvintarna earth - the most terrible, what is in magic. On the victim, she is overcome by unforgiving ailments, depressions and thoughts about self-destruction, tightness, fear, failures. The person feels broken, ill, and inappropriate to life and dying in the absence of a way out.

  • To the uninformed chaklunov, who did not put on himself a zakhist, the vikoristan of the zvintarnoy land for the sake of being sent to death also carries a difference of inacceptability.
  • On the back of my head I feel like I’m empty and a fall of strength, like a rotten resurrection.
  • And if you forget to buy into the dark forces, you will not get lost in the “return line”.
  • Tobto perish you, and not the enemy, which suspected evil and zmіg to remove the damage.

Diya vіdkatu rich-faceted. Vіn hoards the whole homeland of the magician-nevdahi and especially bothers the nastachki ієї zh statі, like a victim of chaklunstvo lay.

For the members of this family, the consequences of a naughty death sent to death from zastosuvannyam tsvintarnoy lands can be as follows:

  1. Without piddya;
  2. Bezslyubnist;
  3. alcoholism;
  4. impotence;
  5. addiction;
  6. Evil swells;
  7. Serious illnesses with a lethal end.

Psuvannya to death with victorious salt

How to lay a psuvannya

Fortified by strength and pidsipaєtsya on the threshold of the enemy:

“I don’t wheeze so much - I put it, I don’t see it - I quietly steal. Take away, devil, calm (im'bright), sob nudguvav, ailments in the day and at night, with sleep and with the month. Let it be so!"

How to distort the presence of a dream

Carrying out the ritual of psuvannya without prejudice, you can lead to energetic health. Re-verification of the presence of psuvannya is also required for additional salt.

  1. At clear night, closer to 24:00, take a good frying pan and a packet of salt.
  2. Put the frying pan on the stove and fry it, after which with your left hand throw salt on it, so heat up about 20 khvilin, feeding out loud, chi є you have a thief and chi robiv vin on you psuvannya or bad evil.
  3. If you do not mention anything marvelous, and if the hour of roasting is done calmly, you will shake a little and you will live a little, then your suspicions are unsupported.
  4. If it’s hard to smoke, vibrate, let black dim, then you definitely have a negative and you’re guilty of good thinking about it.
  5. Ale, for the cob you need to spare a pinch of salt, hanging on the street under a tree, with which, marveling at the sky, then, turning right-handed and praising the eyes to 21, and asking the sky to turn evil to the one who sent yoga on your head.

After completing the ritual, go to sleep and do not be surprised that nightmares torment you.

Before the speech, in them you can dream of your enemy, which sent a psuvannya against you. Lies will become much easier for you, shards will often pick up your negativity. On the next day, try to talk less, don’t say anything to anyone, don’t under any kind of drive - categorically.

Poryatunok budinku silly

Did you know the threshold of the head, the earth, the groats, the strength, whether it be another lining? Then you need to clean the booths from the negative. I’ll help you to help you!

  • When it gets dark, put strength on a saucer, light a candle.
  • With a candle to burn, try to cross the strength and speak on it a blessing about relief from the evil unleashed on you.
  • If so, it is necessary to go along the perimeter of the whole house for the year's arrow.
  • When tsimu maє buti quiet. More shortly, there will be no one in the house. Well, there are no households where you can ask them not to make noise and do not put a power supply.
  • Under an hour bypassing the booth of the apartment, throw a small amount of salt that has been spoken into the skin bin, as it is necessary to fill it up to the wound, so that it removes all the negativity for nothing. For a sweater, take a strong wine, store a paper bag at the door and send it out to the booth.
  • The best option is to take a tree near the running water.

Turning back home, carry out the general cleaning, reluctantly imvivshi pіdlogi and namkinets zahistivshi entrance doors like a talisman.

Translation of psuvannya into sil

One more way to help with psuvannia is to translate. You shift the damage back to strength, and then you move on to the one who її pіdbere. The ritual is carried out on a skin day independently during the phase of the month.

Strength is piling up at the saucer, a photograph of a zipped person is lying on it, and I’m still pressing salt on it, build a wax candle to the beast, like a light and read the sound:

“The pagost is thrown, the string of a new one is fine, in the string of whom you feel dead, that dashing with sins and blasphemy vartuy. Before the death of that witch, walk with overgrown stitches, she feeds on new blasphemy and throws evil at people.

The dead man is blind and does not know what sins to do through him, to sleep, to sleep, to live his deadness. To whom I am dead, I will quietly say my gloomy order, as if I had sent a blasphemy on (im'yarek), spoiling my wife in vain, living by the house, I will live, live, bila the light did not bachiti.

I leave that bag of salt dead, without paying, I’ll tell who I’ll give it to - to that shukat new black domina. What I say, to that buti. Amen."

Then you need to catch the burning candles and її leftovers at once from the village burn into a hustka, tie up, sack in a crowded place, saying:

“Whoever gets stuck, don’t drink, s (im’yarek) take everything away from the blasphemy of life. Amen."

  1. Until then, after the cleansing, there were a lot of forks.
  2. Cleaning can be carried out once in a while, until the next time you see the next one.
  3. For the ritual, the zvichayna kharchova chi sea strength is taken.
  4. You can take a candle like a church one, just like a wax candle, it’s small.
  5. In the photo, there is a sip of salt, so that you could put a candle in, and it didn’t fall out.

Zmova z vikoristannyam dzerkala to death

Some people have namings and are named to sing one for one, for one, for one, for oneself, by looking at the mirror. This is how acquaintance is made through mirror twins. I have such a thought that in the old mirrors the souls are quiet, who marveled at the mirror.

  • Like a mirror taking the energy of an evil person, we become angry ourselves.
  • Such a mirror is colder on a dotik.

There is a lot of people to believe in those who can put a psuvannya on a mirror. If a person marvels at your looking glass, and when you tell me to buy a guide, then everything is said to be clear. Tobto, in to this particular type the mirror appears to accumulate negative energy and її vibrate. Seeing such a mirror should be fun.

ale for the help of a mirror, you can also take care of the psuvannya. Shards of a mirror act as accumulating negative energy, it can remove all the negative energy in itself. And then we’ll take the mirror from the booth unsafely.

Yak can nashkoditi

Not just one person, but everyone who looked at her. It was noted by the vcheniy that people who were healthy in themselves, who loved to look behind the borg at the mirror, began to chronicle because of that memory loss. This phenomenon of stench was explained by Tim, but after all, mirrors are not simple objects everyday life tse consuming energy.

  1. A lot of doctors themselves, behind the help of a mirror, rejoiced at the sick.
  2. The thoughts of the ailing, ring out, beware of ailments, this thought forms a sing of negative energy.
  3. The mirror helps to help the energy supply, after which the ailments themselves come to light.
  4. Black magic also attaches great respect to mirrors.

A wide-width nabula was placed on the mirror on the mirror. With help, you can reach any good result, right up to the death of a person. To that, up to the mirrors, the varto are placed with great respect, give respect to those who are the guest of your booth and who look in the new one.

How to perform the rite

Psuvannia of a similar kind is the most effective, as if victorious for the tsvintarnuyu paraphernalia. So the axis is for you, Mikhailo, to see the tsvintar, to know the grave with the sky, which maw is the same as your victim.

  1. To take from the center of the grave, whether it be some object, or to wind a small piece of something: a flower, a tree that grows on the grave, a wrinkle is thin.
  2. Let's burn it down, and then take a drink from a khustinka.
  3. Then, as soon as possible, make a cross on the mirror with the words:

“We live - live! Dead - dead! Church (im'ya sacrifice) the way to the grave threshold! Graveyard ready! Open doors! Close your life (im'ya sacrifice) forever! I blink in the mirror all the light! (I'm sacrificing) go from life to the term - there's no way back!

Your victim can marvel at the mirror. There is no such possibility, just point the mirror at the victim.

Tsey ritual duzhe strong. Ale think a lot of times in front of him, like Yogo Zrobiti. Pomsta in this way will not bring you joy and satisfaction.

Zmova to death through lower

It’s hard to push a person to the bottom, it’s not rare, at the butt chaklunstvo it’s often suffocating. Nizh - an object, like a mimicry in the wake of the day. Whose object is in a skin booth, and as if it were to put a knife behind the help of a knife, which is known in a constant zіtknennі with an object, then a negative, to induce unprofessional, mother your own deed.

The steps of the lack of such subject matter are high, and the meta -

  • good health,
  • family welfare,
  • success
  • that prosperity.

In order to bring the zvintarny psuvannya to the bottom, put the very black knives, with which the skin of us is stained every day.

Exhausting damage to the bottom - the bottom of the threshold

As soon as you showed up on the threshold of your booth, a simple homely house, know that you were brought the strongest succumbing to ailments and family discord. Throwing up butovy lower, covered with a ball of fire, can mean that a magical attack was made, directing to worsening health, low inaccuracies, welding in sim'ї, death.

Psuvannya on іrzhaviy pobutovy nizh zazvichay aim at tsvintarі, maє znachnu force and more high rіven nebezpeki. Zlamaniy lower, intrusions at odverok - tsey podklad povidomlyaє about black psuvanya on self-worth.

  1. Ale, even if it was a strong curse - a magic spell on the lower side of any other mind, you can neutralize, and also liquidate the bad legacy.
  2. For effective rejoicing I recommend turning to practicing chacloons or chaclouns.
  3. The black magician will carry out diagnostics of the spelling of the broken one, establish the cause of your problems and conduct the necessary visits to eliminate the curse.
  4. Helping to cleanse yourself from the magic spell, practicing black magic, the chaklun will give you all the necessary roses and clarifications in order to come to the point of total aggravation, or the color spell to the bottom.

How to independently remove damage to the lower

The greatest strength of that ruinous psuvannya is to roar at the graves. However, there are other ways to send a message to the enemy without cost. For example, the black ritual:

  • you can grow on your own, without turning to chaklun,
  • on the photo of the enemy,
  • or directly to yoga booth through a podklad, yakscho ¾ free access.

Yakscho stronger magical spell cast on lower scho znahoditsya at the booth, it is necessary to liquidate the negative program.

Even though there is no possibility of turning for help to a practicing chaklun, you can try on your own to get rid of the black curse on the bottom. Most often, for whom victorious, zmov, prayers, church paraphernalia.

Zmova to death on їzhu

Naygіrshe, yakscho psuvannya induced through the hedgehog of the sky. You need to make close contact with your nebіzhchik and yogo relatives. After that, how to hug the deceased, take water. If you start laying down your food, you need to take a little bit of bread and salt. Get all the ingredients and start reading a special song.

“The sky (I’m dead) having remembered, and in another light dressed. Yogo's relatives were taken in full, and they put it on the rest of the way. Do not have dead companions near the dear, no one can keep you company. Do not throw yourself, God's servant (im'ya) after sleep.

Zhu stimesh, and stand across the throat. Break you into the ground and don't turn around any more. Turn those that you took from the deceased with a body. Meni pour your soul. Dead place with the dead. I live, and I will survive everything.

For a long time, don’t break me in that world. My words become a castle. Don’t change them and don’t fix them. Let my words become a cry. Amen."

You are bound to eat and drink those that you prayed for.

  1. Dane "grave" is necessary to see the victims, and perekonatisya, that you are alive.
  2. A victim of more suffering, you can not hesitate. It is only necessary to remember the axis of those who were given the psuvannya of the non-transferred.
  3. It is by no means incomprehensible to him that he is checking on you.
  4. As much as possible, you can also suffer.
  5. Moreover, no less, lower people, for yak rushed to psuvannya on їzhi.

Znyattya psuvannya on їzhu

Bagato who asks for food, how do you know the psuvannya z їzhi. You can spend your time on the hedge on your own in the minds of your home, or you can speed up with the services of professionals.

You can only know people's feelings in that moment, as black magic began to appear. Neutralization of pressure on їzhі may vіdbuvatisya in extremely fast mode. Dopomoga you nadas sacred water.

An hour later, how to take it to the church, you need to read a slander.

“I take water in order to get rid of ailments. The ailment is needed without barring me, the servants of God (im'ya) take away, and no more give it to her. I ask water to help me, and spare me from the black psuvannya. Force let me turn before me and never leave again. Amen." With holy water it is necessary to take in the appearance of stretching the day. When you do not forget to read the words: “I clean up the water in disguise, I turn myself healthy. Health shine the enemy, and I want it like that.

Zmov to death for photography

Virity chi ni in psuvannya on the right side of the skin. Ale zovsim іnsha rіch, if a person sees filthy energy on his loved ones, then already in disbelief there is no trace.

Himself in a simple wayє under the belongings of a photograph of a person, on the yak will be pouring in black magic, at the throne under the hour of the funeral. Mіsce podkladu can be like, but the most effective will be, like putting the photograph to the heart of the sky.

Such a curse is practically impossible.

Psuvannya for a supergirl from a photograph

If you want to go as far as another way, lower the photographs into the grave ground, then you should follow the following ritual:

  1. Put a glechik or a cup of water
  2. After boiling water, throw the sign of the supergirl into the circle.
  3. Read the zmovu: the body of the servant of God (Im'ya, on whom the spell is directed) is now burning, the blood is boiling in the veins, and then we will go on fire, I will never know peace. The words will wake up.
  4. Boil 5 hvilin|minutes|, after wrestling and drying.
  5. Water can be poured onto the smittya-abo water supply.
  6. This rite is carried out for a month, so that your task is to bring negativity to the life of a supergirl.

Such a rite is not considered the most powerful, for that it is necessary to carry out such a spell for a long monthly cycle and photography will be made after 2-3 procedures. Stock up on photographs to complete the ritual to the end.

Progress and rites of psuvannya

At our hour, it has become possible to take photographs on the phone. Vaughn trims the energy of a person in her own way, they took it on a sign.

For the ritual you need two black wax candles.

  • It is also necessary to know the old grave, for a long time they have not looked at the obov'yazkovo photo that im'yam like a supernik.
  • You need to take a photo from the grave for an hour to yourself.
  • Ale, you just can’t take yoga, you need to save it for the lamentation of the deceased, I’m sorry for the pennies and remember the phrase: Soon I’ll turn you back, what I took from you.
  • If so, you can carefully take the photographs and the earth.
  • Before him, as you know the land, wash the words: Take your own, what I give you, and leave it for a buy. Do not be stingy with the purchase, otherwise the sky will be good for you. And you can't do yoga.

Zmova to death on the wind

At a long time ago, chakluni brought psuvannya on a person, proclaiming that I would step on the wind:

“Evil is shkidliva and the soul that opens up, fly with the wind on the Servant (s) of God (s) (I’m the victim). I send you to Skoda that bіl. See the strong wind and the dark dark into the soul of my enemy and never go back. I’ll let the words out in the wind and I won’t turn back in any way. Amen."

Zmova to death through slid

The most arduous spell, which is driven by the power of poverty, is practiced by dark chaklons and magicians to shy away from the object's natural biomaterial. Ale and black psuvannya on the trail, zroblen on the vіdstanі, maybe the mother is more seriously negative energy sufficiency.

For the help of independent support, follow:

  • the magician can send sickness to the enemy,
  • save your life,
  • zruynuvat hat,
  • rosority,
  • let my family go around the world.

Deadly psuvannya I follow on the tsvintary

And the ways to bring the psuvannya to the next impersonal. І force of negative programs can be changed. It’s easy, but it’s the same, which calls out serious consequences - severe illness, low inability, unfortunate depression.

For example, a chaklun can see the sight of the enemy on the flowerbed, throw yoga at a fresh grave, prepared for the deceased and read the words of the prayer:

Like trembling legs can not be carried, so the feet of a slave (im'ya) no longer get up and do not move. The earth is dead, but on the right is virna, the word is mitzne. Amen."

Second magical ritual work harder on the track on the stand.

On a fresh grave, like a cross, they spread the vibrations of the next and read the words of the psuvannya for a person:

“From the threshold to the tsvintar, there will be a road for the slave (im'ya). It is said, broken amen.

Pushing the target on the slide - the current option of targeting

For the old hours of the robot, the chacloons carried out the very next sacrifice.

And today, the rites of the day have taken place, and now, as a material for self-studying, the following people can be victorious

  1. a doormat that lies behind the doors of the victim,
  2. wipes from yoga vzutya,
  3. scarpets,
  4. pіdіyde old wear vzuttya,
  5. navit kilimok from your car.

Everything can be zastosovane in the ritual so very effectively, like a viinated next. Magical, self-sufficient rite of inducing a follow-up to speeches must be carried out according to these very rules, and repair them the same way, as if they were a winnowing next.

Yak dіє black magic - vpiv psuvannya on slid

Vіdomi modern black magicians and zastosovuvani them rites of deadly conjurations, but do not start them deadly. Tim is not less, it is not enough to kill them unsafely, among them there is a trace of a enemy.

  • Under their infusion, the person felt stress, anxiety, unreasonable fear, tightness, melancholy, which sooner brought it to a different kind of mental disorders.
  • Under the influence of black magic, a person spends life energy, which promotes self-improvement important illnesses, yaki can bring the damned to death.

Zmov to death with vikoristannyam voodoo

Yak robiti baby voodoo

Later, if you conceived a Voodoo doll for this ritual, you should think about how to ensure the similarity of a person and a doll. Tse mozhe buti yakkas characteristic at the age, which associates itself with the necessary people.

Tse you are guilty in front of him, like a child of Voodoo. And in such a way, Lyalka organizes a direct energy channel, which already gives access to the human biofield.

When preparing cradles, various materials can be included:

  1. wood,
  2. outside,
  3. visk,
  4. natural natural fabrics.

They know a lot about their recipes, like a child of Voodoo, wondering what it would be better to add a small part of the people, to strengthen the sound of the razi. Tse mozhut but particles of hair, nіgtіv, or to bring a vision of a person.

In the simplest way, the preparation is taken into account. From melted wax stick like necessary people. If you have hair, then yogo yak bi is implanted in a wax head. It will be wonderful, as if it were a man dressed up from a dress, you can put a lyalka in it. You can attach a beast to a lyalka with a saw from a greedy necessary person.

Lyalka Voodoo do it yourself

In such a rite, the voodoo doll comes out with its own hands, so that you can beat it for rituals.

  • Richly someone after preparation calls the lyalka im'yam, for an even greater energy connection.
  • So it is very important in the process of preparing your own voodoo dolls, keep the memory of your likeness in your work, and put in the most energy.

With the widest splash on the lyalka, it is pierced with stilettos, so you can drown, burn, bury it in the ground.

All the rituals with the little voodoo should be performed with your own hands using spells and spells, reaching the whole low level of intelligence. If so, the magician changes his mind to squirt, or if you want to take it, splurge more folded, put it down. Therefore, keep an important memory of the heritage.

Lyalka Voodoo in the minds of the home

  1. Another option for creating voodoo cradles in the home minds is to plant the method of chuckling on the American plant stands from two wooden blocks.
  2. Let’s tie the cross behind the help of a skein, and then we’ll wind the fabric clappers diagonally, until the silhouette of a human being is not predictable.
  3. All materials are due to victorious nature, and a tree for kilochkіv can be an osika or a lіshchina.

Such a little voodoo in the minds of the home can be cast to achieve a mild therapeutic effect, for example, to relieve a headache, either or to bake it too thin.

Lyalka Voodoo to death

However, do not always repeat the positive goals, even more often for the help of such a baby, you want to take revenge on the head of the shkodi. Roar the voodoo to death.
The most terrible rite, which is to rob Vudoy from the baby to death, is the ritual of the baby's death.

For such a time, Voodoo will be an instrument of black magic, it will take a hundred times to think about what to viconate tsyu. Nothing is left without a pocket, and if there is any thorough filling, you will start a reaction in the mind. Think about what is your priority: a clearer conscience and a place for the legacy.

Signs of a dream for death and how to take it її

To know in oneself or in another person the signs of a dream of death is also more foldable. All that stench is already similar to other negative magical infusions. Apply:

  • potyag to drugs and alcohol;
  • post-night nightmares;
  • severe ailments;
  • slump of forces;
  • intrusive thoughts about self-destruction.

One of shortest way reveal the symptoms of a dream for death - mothers in the house gut. Everything is simple!

These creatures have a strong nadіyny zakhist in the infusion of negative energy. I break through this Zakhist, maybe even a strong chaklun. Also, as a raptom, commemorate at your home lover I will change (for no reason). Tse yaskravy privіd to think, even if you happen to be recognized, like taking a prisoner to death.

Can you speed up folk secrets yakі show chi є on you negative dії. For whom you need salty water, that sir egg.

Stages of diagnostics

Diagnosis consists of the following steps:

  1. We take a container with salt water. We take three sirniki. Let it be sighed and once again extinguished. We throw qi sirniki near the water, as if the stink to drown - damage lies on you.
  2. For the help of the advancing croc, you can find out more information about this magic. Moreover, you can learn about important details independently and independently you can їх vithlumachity. We take a bottle, reminiscent of її 2/3 with salt water. Breaking into a new egg, trying not to hurt the chewing gum. Dali, sit down, squeezing the boarder to the knees. We take a bottle with water and an egg and put it on that head. Check for three hvilin. It's important not to freak out here. The only thing you can do is wash your hands.

We can see the results:

  • Like the water is readable, and the zhovtok of cilia - you don’t have any dark magic splashes on you. Your symptoms should be explained by other reasons.
  • As if there were stovpchiks at the sklyantsi - you have been put under pressure. Aleksanders can be different. And it’s more correct for them to be appointed to help you, as a pouring in to lie on you.
  • As soon as a spider appeared at your glass (thin stovpchiki) - a weak spell was imposed on you. Її traces will be scanty, insignificant. I nayimovіrnіshe, don't remember them. Such magic was cast on you by a weak, incomplete magician. Such magic itself will come to you in another hour. Vaughn turn to the spell.
  • If you turn the bulbs into a squirrel - it means that they put a scam on you, as if they were talking about the filth of life;

  • If your glass has rich black specks, which are spread all over the place, - these are symptoms of the most powerful color magic, as if I had brought the victim to death;
  • The first thing you can see in your glass - green and gray patches, torn edges of white. Tse means that a great evil was inflicted on you, as it was done, in order to take away the victim from terrible torment. Such a magic of the moment was cast only by a strong, enlightened chaklun, who knows you especially. You need a term-needed defender and a ransom for death, otherwise the consequences will be stingy.

How to take damage, crushed to death

In the best way to hide from any evil, you will be furious before the Lord. Go to the nearest temple. There they will help you to tell you what you need to work. Remember that the defender of our Lord does not look at anything.

Well, if the church doesn’t accept you (it’s so rare), you can try to turn to a psychic or a magician. Іsnuyut special potuzhnі runnі spells, yakі zdatnі help psuvannya.

Even more ancient independent way of fighting against dark magic. For vikonannya tsgogo ritual you need dobrovіlno help old ї іvy, the widow of that innocent maiden. Guilty stench:

  1. collect a pishka from a small bear;
  2. go to the svitanka at the open field;
  3. bend down the sun, what to go;
  4. vikopati a small hole;
  5. visipati in the pit of offerings of sand, reading at the same time a special prayer for the death.

Psuvannya to death - a legacy for the deputy and the victim

Naygіrshe, what can become a victim - understood, death. If you are wise, a strange and professional magician, consecrated runic mysteries - you yourself can rozrahuvat the world, as you will need to pay for such black magic.

But if you don’t have enough information, or chaklun-pochatkіvets, you are not recommended to vicorate the floors with strong impure magic. Can you turn against the evil forces, so that you will call for death to another?

Navit yakscho vporaetsya - you have to bear the payment at any time. It is not possible to easily buy in the name of psuvanya to the one who її rob. Tsya magic is very unsafe. Zhartuvati with such forces is not possible.

Psuvannya є one of the most safe rites of black magic. For the help of this rite, you can call out various ailments, failures in life and bring death. Grati with similar speeches is already unsafe, it’s not clear what could happen.

Psuvannya to death for help photography

Before the varto, it means that this rite may not appear to the skin under the force. And absolutely all the reasons for the power of the "boomerang", so that everything will turn around to the world. Psuvannya can turn not to you, but for example to your children, chi onuks.

To that varto think well, varto tse of that chi. This ritual is not performed the first time, it is necessary to save a few days. Є kіlka vidіv vnedivnya psuvanna to death for the help of other attributes:

  • Photos;
  • Telephone;
  • Tsvintari.

We consider the first option - a death penalty from a photograph. This ritual is more clumsy and more effective. Especially, how to heal those who in our time do not care to know the photograph of the enemy.

Ale independently zdijsnyuvati rituals at any time, do not be afraid, even if your lack of professionalism on the right can lead to an incorrect result.

Іsnuyut so psuvannya, yakі can provoke a martyr's death. Your enemy will be right, but it will be painful to deprive the whole world.

Another easy trick to reach your goal. At the hour of the funeral of the deceased, add to your heart a photograph of your enemy and then, psuvannya is more often negaino. It will be more important to ask about your psuvannya.

How to lead a deadly pissing on the zvintar?

Psuvannya to death on the tsvintari. For whom you need to come up with a speech:

  1. Khustka black color. It is necessary to take two hustki. One obov'yazkovo before the ritual will need to be pulled in, to neutralize the negative energy. Have another you put a photo;
  2. Light of your enemy. It is necessary to know such a photo, de denunciation of your enemy is clearly visible. Better take a photograph, de people are taken close-up. Takozh best photo those who call people alone;
  3. Golka. Varto buy a new, garn golka;
  4. Candle.

With the help of objects, bring them to the tsvintar. There you will need to know that grave yourself, where it is written on the tombstone, so that your enemy will escape from them. The grave may be no older than the old one. Having taken a khustka, sip the earth there.

Let me help you to roll out a bare photograph. Then fill everything with wax like a candle and wrap it in a hoodie. Bury the matter at the grave. Remember the sprat rules for the ritual:

  1. Go and don't look around;
  2. Do not speak to anyone;
  3. Go the other way, not the same way you came to Tsvintar;
  4. At the third crossroads, throw coins over the left shoulder and remember "Paid off"

Try to vikonate everything that was redeemed earlier, the least pardon and pardon may not be thrown in or drunk against you.

How do you get a deadly snake?

Look at the people more strongly. Vіn more often vіdchuvati vіtom, all yоgo zhittєvі forces will be nache vikachanі. All the energy channels will be closed, and the people will have a bad time.

Possible financial difficulties, which can lead to serious problems, as well as to eternal depressive states. At such a pace, it is right for a person, but it is right to approach death.

Ale, if you conjure to start a pardon for an hour of the ritual, then the person will not die, but simply ill, though the ailment will last for a long time. Є kіlka ways ryatuvannya mortal smіn:

  1. At the hour of the fall month, you will be guilty to see the zvintar. There it is necessary to choose three graves with their names, like you have and put a memorial church candle. Ask for a resignation for the concern of the dead and read a special message. After the completion of the rite, the rite is bought with coins. Fill them on the graves of the dead;
  2. Buy a white hat and wear it for three days. After that, light up yoga at the great papyrus and bring it to the tsvintar. In the same place, read the special letter No.
  3. Tsey rite trivatime hour. Get on the cob of a week of this day to post. Today it will be necessary to see the church and the girls to read the prayer " Our Father».

How to designate a deadly sound?

It’s not easy to commemorate such a psuvannya. Victim tsієї zmovi begin slowly v'yanuti і not kozhen you can help him. Below, a few symptoms will be reviewed, for which you can count the number of symptoms:

  1. Eternal depression, like melancholy, thoughts about suicide can be blamed. Possible discomfort at sacred places (church, mosque);
  2. Ale є ymovіrnіst, scho psuvannya not like the images do not show up and the victim of the zmovi will not die;
  3. A person can sharply change into a person. A new one may have wrinkle, pigmented patches, cola. You can sit and hair. So a person can sharply popovnіti or lose weight. Under the hour of reading the prayer youmu can become more comfortable. Reading a prayer, perhaps, vykliche fear or anger;
  4. Nightmares revisit the victim at night, after which it is important for you to come to you. Through it, sleeplessness can spread;
  5. Creatures begin to learn marvelously in the presence of the sick. The stinks can stop, growl, and they can bring misfortune.

Ale, far ahead, you can secure yourself a variety of similar snakes for the help of talismans. Ring as a talisman to serve as a shkiryany bear, the middle of which is to rebuy prayers. So you can take it, be it a ring, a bracelet or a pendant, a brand, so that you can read a prayer.

Deadly psuvannya in the photo

How do you cry out for death from a photograph? It won't be easy and you'll take a few hours. The victim can live a long time, but yogo life is strong enough, and I’ll be healthy with a skin day.

In this rank, your victim is in agony. The new one is to blame for problems, both in a robot, and in a special life. Ale applied to a person from a photo, it is also punished zhorstoko. So that you don’t get ripped off, everything, without a hitch, turn around to you.

Chi can zrobiti zmovu zvichayna people? Crazy, in zmozі є є і practice, аlе tsiа саn nasty znachitsya on lyudinі, yak zdіysnyuє dans ritual. It is unlikely that you will bring your enemy to death, but you will definitely take care of the ailment.

Tsey ritual can be performed:

  • In the storeroom;
  • At the crossroads;
  • in the church;
  • In fox;
  • You can also work at home with a robot.

Go into the woods and find a tree, like you will be with human growth. Save the photo for the night, and take the photo early in the morning and pick up a couple of leaves from the tree. Burn them, but take them to the vessel. At night, put a vessel and a photograph on top of six candles. Rotate the photo with a black line and put in the order of the pair number.

As it was said earlier in the article, this rite is more unsafe. Rather, think a hundred times, anіzh pіznіshe shkoduvati about your vchinok. Vow, all your deeds will pay off, but pass the bond of obv'yazkovo to you and to your offspring.


If you want to bring inaccuracies, rozcharuvannya, lie and heal wounds, you want to hit the faker. Strong psuvannya to death - the most powerful way to punish unkindness.

Knowing all the rules, you can successfully carry out the ritual on your own without the help of magicians, especially for the obviousness you want some magic power. If the falsehood is punished, justice will be overcome.

Methods for applying a seal with a lethal end

It is necessary to understand that all the rituals from the category of black magic, and especially for death, are considered to be the most complex types of punishment. Many who seek help to reach the knowledge of magicians and chaklunivs.

Ale, few people know that the vikonati rite is completely independent. It is better to get right to nutrition and to know the secrets of conducting an effective training. Dosvіdchenі magicians do not want to reveal the secret of their strength. Therefore, in the article, I will try to highlight this topic as much as possible for understanding, let's forgive the readers.

As if calling for death is the only way to deal with the situation, then it is necessary to accurately follow the rites described below. At the process of more rituals, it will be necessary to see the tsvintar. Come pratsyuvati with grave land. But such a method is absolutely effective and straining. Yakshcho є fear of the tsvintar that blood, varto v_dmovitsya in the form of independent work.

Bagatioh to cry food: how to cry out for death, and how to trace traces on the one who directs. Black magic can be used to protect the robot from the dark force. Ale, do not varto boast for your safety. Spivpratsya zі "evil" does not bring negativity to those who rob psuvannya, as if robiting a singing zakhist. It's absolutely safe and more than that, you can enlist black magic power for a long time if you use it correctly.

With the use of rituals, directing to the death of unkindness, you can signify the following options:

  • A negative program for imminent death is from the many photographs of a person;
  • Strong is the call to death from the stagnation of the grave land;
  • Zastosuvannia of the black rite with the custom of a special speech of a person.

All pererakhovanі more methods and zastosovuyut for the negative power of death. The performance of singing ritual manipulations with dead matter is being carried out, for which the darkness of the dark energy from the other world is invoked. Death is the last of the world's punishment, so only black magic is stagnant. Dark forces in the strictures of the terms of the building will fade the living energy of a person and deprive the body without a spirit.

Just cry for death

For guidance, you need a fresh photograph of a person. Psuvanya to death according to the photo is considered one of the most effective and svidkodyuchih. In order to conduct a ritual, it is necessary to provide information, in which booth there is a sky, and mothers have access to the deceased's corpse.

It is necessary to take a sign and go to the sky with the words:

“Don’t go yourself, take “im'ya”. Amen. May the earth rest in peace for you."

After all, the dead man needs to go away and not turn around anymore. I immediately burned the photo on the street and drank roses in the wind. In the house of obov'yazkovo, it is necessary to hold the commemoration of the deceased. After which psuvannya is gaining chivalry.

Chinny tsey ritual with a stepping rank: the deceased does not go to that world without the one whom they asked to take with them

The most effective rite

To one of the most effective magical rites, the invitation to death on the zvintar is respected. For the vikonannya, the ritual needs the mother to be able to see the tsvintar. There you need to know the abandoned ancient grave.

Bazhano, there was no sign on the cross. Choose an hour, if no one is able to watch over you: drive an aspen tuft into the center of the grave, repeating the text of the trich spell:

“Sleep calmly by the darkness for a long time. To be thrown, to be thrown, so that I have conceived my vikonati. Like a kill I kill, so the dead, the immensity, the life of a slave (im'ya enemy) is taken away. Everything is victorious while still near the ground. Let it be so."

Aspen chilok can be tried at the grave no less than 3 deb. After an hour, it will be necessary to see the ring again and beat the chick more, repeating the spell again. For the third time, after 3 dobi, it is necessary to kill the distance and beat in the house of the one on whom death is directed, adding:

"Kіl aspen I drive in, I curse the slave (im'ya enemy) to death."

If so, it is necessary to resolutely move your arms and legs up to your elbows.

Psuvannya on shvydka death

One more ritual іz zastosuvannyam photo just for the sake of negative programs. The only thing is given, the death is given for the shvidka, it is done by stretching the doby.

For the ceremony, you need:

  • a small piece of black cloth;
  • head, for which they did not fawn;
  • wax black candle;
  • coin;
  • Svitlina.

Psuvannya aim at zvintari. It is necessary to know the real grave of a person, who will escape from the name of the enemy. From the grave next take a little bit of earth and sip it on black cloth.

Light a candle and insert it into the grave. A photograph from the images of a person, on a yak to be pierced, it is necessary to pierce in that place, on a yak there is a big shkod: a heart, a head that іn.

“A candle is burning, dark hooting, a pistil of the dead is sprinkled. Like a head embedded in a slave (im'ya), so death will come. Amen."

Read zmovu trichі. It is necessary to put all that fierce anger into the people. Only through the anger of psuvannya are gaining decency. Especially, yakscho sent to go to death. The sign of the next light over the candle. Popіl zmіshati zvintary land and sipat їm grave zі words:

“I sip dead earth, I force death. Paid."

Put a coin on the grave and sprinkle a little bit of earth. Movchki turn around at home, don’t talk to them until the night. At the exit from the ring, say over the left shoulder:

“I’m going, I’m flooding everything for parkan. Amen."

Then resolutely move your arms and legs.

Guidance in home minds

For those who don't want to see the tsvintar, there is a variant of building up the building without seeing the graves. However, this rite is less effective. So that damage spratsyuval, majestic mother needs a great energy force.

Vaughn lashes out in colossal aggression, anger, fiercely against the people, and the yak is attacked. This rite is suitable for the leaders of those strong specialties, as they are able to cherubate people, and they mark similar talents from their own.

For the ritual, you need the following attributes:

  • two black trojans;
  • a photograph of a person, shattered by the stretch of the rest of the month;
  • black tablecloth;
  • 2 black candles.

The ceremony is held on the last month of the day. It is necessary to get rid of the official confirmation from the closed one. It is necessary to think ahead and guess what you are doing the prayer for and for whom.

It is necessary to be as frustrating as possible, directing anger at a photograph of a person. Then it was necessary to light two candles and set them on a table covered with a black tablecloth. The image is placed between candles. The Trojans also bow before the photograph at the sight of the cross.

Such an installation is liable to remain in the premises until the trojans dry up. It is important that no one could overstep the ritual and bring their energy to the stone. Therefore, it is better to choose a place, as you can close it with a key for 3-5 days.

If the black trojans are completely dry, it is necessary to sit in front of the table and cast the following spell:

“I see the servant (my enemy) in the sight of the heavenly helpers. Dry you in the earth and don't waste it in hell, or in paradise. You will be tormented by heaven and earth, you will not know peace. As dark candles burn out, so you let your breath down. Let it be so."

The spell is cast by trichi. Dried pelyustki need to be sprinkled with wax from candles. Those yourself to spend zі znіmkom. If you burn the sign, the Trojans rose and smashed with ashes. I drank roses, scho viyshov, beat the house of the unkind. Promote the following through the left shoulder:

“Crushed. I have been seen.”

Bury the leftover candles near the ground. Psuvannya begin the children of those nights, like a magic text.

To the victories of a special speech

If it is possible to take special rich people, then you can realize it literally in a few days. So the attribute itself can be not only rich, but hair, nails, blood of the enemy. To carry out the ritual, you need:

  • special rich people;
  • sacrifice (dribne creatures);
  • candle.

The rite to finish the zhorstoky for those who are afraid of blood. Hot wine is one of the most effective. Vikonannya at nine out of ten. For the sacrifice of a pidide, a misha, a shur, a hamster, and another dribny gryzun. Bazhano, that the creatures were more than 90 days old.

To carry out the ceremony, it is better to choose a deserted place near the fox. Lay out the candle and the order of the river is not kind. At the dark hour, finish the next light a candle and then the next text of the spell, cut the creature's head, sprinkling the blood of the special rich people:

“Dark forces, I call you, I offer an innocent sacrifice. Let the blood flow, and the slave (im'ya enemy) no longer laugh. The body of yoga breathlessly burn in the hell. At the moment of death, the unclean spirits will vanish and will not let their kaydans out. Let it be so."

After reading the spell, the creature will dig in the place where the ritual was performed. The special person will sing under the twilight or sing, and then dig into the ground at once from the sacrifices. From above, it is necessary to sprinkle the earth with wax from candles. Put the cinder on to burn out there.

You can’t take it from you at any time. Vіn dig at the first crossroads along the way to the house. To cross over to go, not looking back and moving along the road:

"I protect myself, I protect myself from the dark."


Carrying out the ritual of psuvanya independently, without having to think that the victim will die at any rate. For example, a person can often go through low inaccuracies, she won't lean on the hair in the face of death. So it’s possible for a small illness to appear, like a tormented hour and life, it’s heavy and painful. It is not uncommon to bring a person to self-destruction.

Psuvanya for death: 8 sign for Psuvanya for death + 3 ways to signify magical infusion+ 2 methods of guidance + 2 ways to take a spell to death.

How to direct a psuvannya to death can zatsіkavit the one who pragmatically avenge abo greedily on someone of images. And to inspire emotions in the heat of the moment before the cob of the planned entry, it is necessary to call everyone.

The results of the curse may be not transferable not only for the victim, but also for the "mere mortals" the ritual can be given optimal solutions (even if for the sake of not planting a new one).

Ale, yakscho vy chaklun-pochatkіvets or a simple zamovnik, more like "simm razіv vіdmіryati persh, nizh once vіdrіzat".

What is a psuvannya for death?

The very understanding in the magical world is interpreted as a negative attitude that attracts death. Vaughn can manifest step by step quickly (for income) - at the sight of problems with health, panic, loss of life.

Psuvannya to death one-time strongly affects the psychological and physical welfare of a person. A report about the consequences of unsafe chaklunstva to death will be given further.

Ale, you can say at once: you don’t need to be a magician, to understand that the final point of such a seemingly magical infusion is the grave.

8 sign psuvannya to death, yakі guilty of alerting you

On a person (to the point where “hungry spirits are “assigned”, soothsayers of astral reality), as if you are carrying on yourself to death and I will burn the “black” energy, ochіkuє death.

It is important for life itself to recognize the negative for yourself and your loved one.
How to understand, why stand behind a sharp snake of health and inner vigilance?

Tse can be attributed to such "symptoms":

nightmares uvі snі;

  • sipping to drugs and drinking;
  • important ailments that are caused by diseases;
  • suicidal thoughts that can sometimes cause the death of the victim;
  • causeless panic and anxiety;
  • almost like a constant moral pressure and tension;
  • zamikannya at sobi, raptova aggression;
  • medical assistance does not give a result.

3 Effective Ways to Detect Psuvanya to Death

The most widely used methods for determining the presence of black magic on death are respected options for victories:

  1. Sirnikov;
  2. wax;

No. 1. For sirniki.

For this next, collect another basin of salt water and throw 3 sirniki there (burned). Like drowning 2 or 1 sirnik, there is no sound against you. And yakscho all 3 on the day of the basin - someone else's negative energy is already working on its own right.

For the accuracy of the “experiment”, this method of predicting death should be carried out only on “human” days: Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday.

No. 2. on the vіsk.

For the manifestation of chaklunstvo to death, wax is needed for victories:

  • Bowl;
  • holy water;
  • sirniki;
  • three church candles made of wax.

Before the ceremony, next, drink a bowl of consecrated water, and pour it over a plate.

In a water bath, or just a weak fire, one candle is melted, and two are lit. For the purpose of drinking in another person, or for yourself, take a plate of water and, її over the head of the victim of the magical spit, pour the temple there.

If you want to perform the ceremony on yourself, to reveal what is going to happen to you for death, you need to call someone for help.

1 A lot of bulbs on a wax surface speak of a strong attachment to people.
2 The presence of great sacks is insanely, rushed to death.
3 The great zigzag-like figures and depressions are more powerful.
4 The faceless humpbacks along the edges of the wax bear witness to the curse on the victim.
5 Gostrokintsev figures are ahead of the negative magic program.
6 Figures at the sight of the drone - black magic for death.
7 The silhouettes of the letters indicate the cob of the name of the one who wants to harm.
8 The numbers show the term for death.
9 The presence of the girls on the figurines - the negative looks like a slurred speech.
10 Bachiti parts of the body - henceforth, the black energy of the special speech of the victim.

Number 3. On eggs.

More details about the presence of magic on death can be found out by taking 2/3 of a flask of salt water and breaking eggs into it. Zhovtok may be buti qilim. Farther away, the sacrifice was passed on to the maє sіsti, squeezing it to the knees of the head, and putting the flask from the motherland on the dark head.

Having predicted one of the most lucrative methods of the manifestation of chaklunstva to death, do not hurry to know the curse on your own. It’s better to turn to the confirmed magician for confirmation of the confirmation of the suspicion.

Do not forget about the immovability of the fact that the lingering signs of a dream to die just gave you. Apparently, "fear has big eyes."

2 ritual, how to direct a psuvannya to death

Even though, regardless of the risks, that person still refuses to perform a ceremony that allows you to put a mark of death on someone, you can choose one of two methods:

  • ritual іz tsvintarem;
  • a ritual without color attributes.

No. 1. How to send a psuvannya for help from the tsvintar.

Dressed up at the violet dress (or sire, black), you need to drink on the tsvintar, know the grave with the same names, like a potential victim.

For the last month, take a “pluck” of grass, twigs of trees, cut off a part of a piece of wine. Zієї zh opivnochі, zіbrane next to burn, drank zіbrati and “speak” the mirror, where the victim will be guilty of marveling.

Before the spell is cast, the finger is twirled at the popil and it is chaired on the mirror cross.
Promovlyayut these words:

“We live, we live. Dead - dead. Church (im'ya sacrifice) the way to the grave threshold! The churchyard is ready, the doors of the opening! Life (im'ya sacrifice) until vіku close! I flash in the mirror all yogo light ”(Im'ya sacrifice) until the term! There is no way back!

The more mirrored the surface, the more swidden the hell the hell out.

No. 2. Psuvanya ritual.

Carry out such a variant of the rite, if a person is energetically strong (for example, he miraculously treats the respect of the public and cherishes the team).

It’s necessary to bring chotiri trojandi, get ready in the vіvtar, take one of the fresh photographs of the potential victim. On the tablecloth with a black-coloured tablecloth, put up with your feet the icon of Christ (with the same face!), And along the edges, make up the same tone, like a tablecloth, candles.

Directly on the improvisations, a photograph is placed right on top of the improvisations, and the Trojans are placed right on top of it. The design is not chipped until the full sack of the quills, which will ring for three-chotiri dobi.

“I see (my sacrifice) in the sight of Jesus! I see (im'ya) in the sight of the Mother of God! Calling Satan! See into the soul (im'ya), take it! Ready stіl, nakrity throne, just one! I conjure that I punish! Take your soul (im'ya) to hell! Payment is ready! Take it away!”

When the rest of the word is spoken, the death spell is casted (ziv'aliy) trojandi and attached with glue to the prepared photo of the victim. All bodies can be but relatively glued.

Bury the image for rot (more). In a small pit, pimples sip. Retelly all pripsavshi, seem: "Done, take it!". The leftovers of undergrowth of the apartments burn the white of the church.

After performing one of the rituals, the victim may feel self-deprecating before the onset of doby. Death is less likely to come, if a strong magician is behind the rite. An unexplained chaklun, an ordinary person, is more afraid of hitting the enemy for an hour.

Regardless of the term dії, the format of the ritual, most often the result of the curse is suicide.

2 options, how to take damage to death

Let's just say: there is no universal recipe. Black magic has a lot of methods, how to take a prisoner to death, but all stinks are individual. One and the same rite of death can be done differently. All lie in the form of people that kind of negative energy.

Can you just take the most wide-ranging ways to get rid of “ailments” for help:

  • molites;
  • wax.

No. 1. Prayer against psuvannya.

The best way to defend against death is to go to the Lord. If you suspect a negative magical influx, see 3 different churches, as well as obov'yazkovo magpie for your health.

Likewise, at the church, before the icons, read the 90 psalms. And one more rule: shonedіlі vy povinnі povinnіst vystoyat service.

No. 2. How to remove damage with wax?

What do you need to stock up on?

When the candles are lit, “Our Father” is read. From another candle, the gnat is twisted and the shmatok is broken. Above the candle, which is to burn, is melted in the table spoon. Under the hour of the process, you will surely reach God.

Dalі melting vіsk wag around the plate with water. If you are caught, you are removed and everything is repeated anew. It is necessary to carry out such a rite 7 times (so soon you take a new candle!), At the same time, wag 3 times per ritual.

If you take away a straight figurine, without defects, you can be calm - the order in the wake of death is successful.

Surpluses of the wax paste are closed at the jar, brought to the tsvintar and buried there.

What is a psuvannya for death?

Chi varto zv'yazuvatisya z psuvannyam to death?

Inducing a curse on death is not for anyone to get away with. If a person who has suffered in the ritual, dies, the deputy may have a lot of misfortune. Dosvіdchenі magicians before the rite to put themselves a strong zakhist. Zvichaina people you may not know how to grow.

Psuvannya to death is brought to the point of magic, to the extent that one should go into extreme situations, and even more shortly - well, forget about such a method. Chi varto rizikuvati your health and navitt life for the sake of your own falsehood?

Sparing the mind, bezpіddya (for women), deadly ailment, self-destruction - still all the traces of a bazhanya who will take revenge, having cast a curse on death. The negative influx of black energy can spread to the close relatives of the deputy.

And why, to what extent are you going to die, do the signs not think of any magical bastard? Often the person herself becomes the cause of inaccuracies.

If you failed to sleep, you suffer because of the rapt set of the vag, or a friend half came to see you, better for everything, you can take care of it better, turn to the doctor and give more respect to your loved ones, and not shukat ways to fight against psuvannyam and prejudice.

Be careful when dealing with people and respect yourself!

I, the magician Sergiy Artgrom, will tell you this day, what work, like enemies, zazdrіsniki, what supernicks have caused damage to death? Fair food. People, recognizing the sight of a real magician about bringing a dream to death, fall into swindle and rozpach. Zhakh, what do the upholsterers look like with such an uplift. First they read the virok to them. And, in the meantime, you can take the most powerful and strongest hope for death, you can take it and neutralize it. I professionally practicing magicians know how to grow.

For the old hours, those who really practiced chaklunstvo, made in reserve a clip of far from good rites, black zms on a shvidka, the death of a person. Not only magicians knew about such things, but they dedicated them to themselves, ale and ti, who were from ancient, mіtsnih slopes. The hours were vague, restless, hungry and restless. People's lives were few. They fought against i as best they could. The black chaklun instantly spoiled for death through a candle of death, so that the falsehood burned like a candle of wax, and there was no yom poryatunka.

Now it's time. Ale, old, chaklunsky rituals for the death of the enemy are not forgotten. Vikoristovuyut black rites in the image, pain and powerlessness, and often - to reach your own for any price. I don't need to talk about morality and ideas. Like a fence, you know the truth of the skin people. Ale, like a black chaklunstvo see death on a shvidka, so є th zahis zmovi vіd mortal psuvannya. Strong chakluns stink in the house and vicorist. I’ll put one such magical text in my article – on the ace of spades, the defender of a deadly psuvannya, crushed by a black chaklun.

How exactly to assign chi є psuvannya to death on people

Induction of black psuvannya to death. What do the inhabitants watch, if they don’t know about chaklunstvo, if you can hear the words? Chill on the back, zamіshannya, pereljak, i... tsіkavіst, і zamyrannya heart. Those who today are loudly called black magic were saved and practiced by strong Russian chacloons. Buli in the arsenal of the skin magician rites for the good. Ale, buli and other magical rituals, which people feared and were more afraid of fire - a stronger curse on the death of oneself, a stronger curse on the death of the family, or the ruin of such a one person. Black chaklunstvo - tse zbroya. Great and elusive, like a word, like a name, like spirits, let the victim follow.

It is possible to prescribe death for death by independently going into the same rituals that are used during diagnosis:
  • psuvannya on zlidnі,
  • for good health,
  • the fading of youth and beauty.

Tarot cards, when laid out, will tell you about the correct standard of speeches. Magician, until you come, turn, really zoom recognize chi є damage to death, and that the people themselves are tight, that they came before the new one.

However, mine, the magician Sergius Artgrom, is an article for the quiet, who himself learns to be chakluvati. Who develops the theory and practices magical rites independently in the minds of the home. Firstly, at once, talk about those who can be afraid of a person’s symptoms of a dream to die - a strong curse that will shorten the earthly days of a person.

How to recognize someone who has spoiled for death

Unfortunately, there are no clear signs and signs, which will accurately indicate the presence of a person’s death. Lyudina, with the psuvannya induced by her, should not rob some of the standard ones; in the event of a deadly spell of guilt, it can behave the same way, as in the case of inducing chakluny ailments, failures, in the selection of material prosperity by a magical path. And yet, independently, intuitively, without diagnostics, more or less is possible accurately recognize chi є damage to death in a sick person, who suffers for a marvelous and rapt illness. Ale, the marriage itself is a sign, and not taken well, it gives a reason to look for detailed diagnostics, directed at a person to send death to a shvidka.

The axis of the list is a sign of the presence of a deadly attack on people:

  • apathy and waste of interest in life
  • intrusive thoughts about self-destruction
  • constant anxiety
  • sleeplessness chi filthy sleep
  • fear and nightmares
  • raptovі problems in vіdnosinah
  • a sharp deterioration in health
  • ineffective medical assistance

Buvay, deathly hitting blood relatives. Everything that stands for magic prokloniv is taken into account, individually. On different people, the negative chaklun program is applied in different ways. Show different sounds. Even more similar are the symptoms of a curse on the death of a person.

What the hell is cursed when you are sent to die, you know?

Damnation is one of the types of psuvannya. It is thought that it is not necessary to direct oneself at a sprat of people. widely seen kinda curse If you want to curse, let's say, your colleagues on the job. With damage, it’s not fair, one specific person is induced to die. Seeing the psuvannya of aiming at people is richer, all different, and may. Deyakі people invariably want to know who, having stubbornly sent to death. I, the magician Sergius Artgrom, consider this moment to be secondary. It’s a hell of a deadly psuvannya to diagnose yourself on your own other people, and clean up all the negativity without too much. Vryatuvat people.

Є purges, yakі just reduce the negative, and є osoblivi - z reversal, scho to administer the payment. Have some kind of temper of the one who was the initiator of the psuvannya, seriously suffers. There are no more superficial defenders. And those who go to chakluniv for magical help, but don’t practice themselves, don’t think of zakhista.

Ale, it’s possible to recognize someone who has sent a dream to death.

As a cost of zavdannya zhorstkoї that address payment, you can name the one who has cast a stronger spell on death. Crimean diagnostics with Tarot cards and runes, more ways to reveal the enemy - other dreams, rituals, such as those who want to confuse a person, as if they had cast a spell on death, manifest themselves. There can be no pardon here. Having revealed your enemy, you can take revenge on youmu, especially as the person died in the wake of, the initiator of which, if he became that very unkind person.

RESPECT IS IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergiy Artgrom, we recommend wearing a false Talisman for getting the energy of pennies and spring This hard Amulet brings good luck and wealth. PENNY AMULET is made strictly individually, according to the name of a specific person and the birth date. It’s a hell of a lot of yoga to do it right on yourself, according to the instructions that you ask, but it’s good for people, no matter what religion

How did the recognition bring about death, what is the negative of a different character?

Everyone strives for additional magical diagnostics of the obviousness of the appearance on people. Like a fatal damage to the professional, induced, it will not be easy to get lost. Ale, it's possible. Be some magic negative, bring on the safest, the strongest succumb to death you can take. How often do you turn back to the chaklun. Buvay, a person with the most intense psuvannya is dragged to the hands of a magician, if nothing is already possible. Can't help. The axle is covered.

What else is necessary to read about the psuvannya on the death of a person

Mayuchi evil, nevgamovnih unkindness, or strong enemies, who respect you on the right, and then the superwoman, who behind her bazhanni rushed stosunki with a kokhan people, and your life was hurting you, you need to read them, defend yourself and put hard defenses. And chaklunsky psuvannya to death is one of the sights of outrage, attack. Today know the rituals of psuvannya to death you can have different books. A lot of self-sufficient rites of inducing death on the Internet were announced for infamous chivalry. Self-restraint is strong enough to help people, as they may have little evidence of such rights. And here is the real problem of harming yourself. Ale, even if it’s right magicians, in the hands of some, to instill a simple-looking chaklunsky rite of inducing death on an important death, it can appear to serious znaryaddy shkodi, or you have to pay.

І once a smut food: why die in the wake of a psuvannya?

My, the magician Sergius Artgrom, I say: yes. People, in the field, like a sub-settlement, hungry spirits, shkidlivy astral daily life, people, as if you were carrying the seal of that curse, you might die. Important, but sometimes just vitally important, at times recognize the death penalty, and they themselves vryatuvat life themselves, or close people.

Yakі naslіdki psuvannya crushed to death

Later, I, the magician Sergiy Artgrom, will tell you in a moment that I have more than once had a chance to stick with people who are not safe, overconfident and distrustful, they came to me with a cry: help, caused damage to the world! However, my practice of depression, if it was true, was hurt by death, even by a strong magician, alone. It is not given to the skin, who black rites of inducing the strongest succumbing to the death of a vicarious person, are given a shvidko to lay a person in the zmovoy's thread. That one is not leather on those legs. Bo right is serious.

Tim is not less, there is a precedent, but it would not matter to you to know, after which hour the psuvanya for death appears. Actual signs of directing the strongest pressure on a person can manifest themselves quickly, and in no way should they look at the pressure on health, or pour into the blue or financially correct. Realizuvatisya zroblen to the death of a person can be called by the terms, by the magician himself. Ale, here the moment is so thin and folded, - a person, however, in a sense is stronger for any inhabitant, ale, after all, a person. A person who brings death to a shvidka can seriously fall ill, or can get into a situation that threatens one's life. And the axis of the ritual has reached its maximum and is realized, to lie down, depending on how much a person is respected to himself, and also on the basis of the fact that he admits reality and the power of chaklunstva, and the possibility of manifesting the supernatural, that which is important to explain, relying on the laws physics. I am new, the magician Sergiy Artgrom will give an armchair, I can die in the form of a psuvannya. Absolutely definitely you can, like a waste of an hour.

Strong damage to death on a head with a wax volt

Axis, what needs to be prepared for carrying out the rite of directing the enemy to the death of the enemy:

  • a piece of natural wax
  • enemy bindings
  • enemy photo
  • 3 goals
  • black candle
  • black box

On the fall month, prepare a wax figurine of those people, on whom they tried to inflict a deadly blow. Add up to a volt of natural attachments. Yakshcho їkh no, scorch the photo of the enemy, but drank to add to the volts. Name yoga and reveal the world, be it in any way that you know. Before the beginning of an independent ritual psuvannya to death through the goals click Dark Forces.

Ignite the black candle, take the volt of the enemy, read the words of a strong move to direct the falsehood to death:

“I’m not going to pierce the wind, but I’ll sage the death’s head in the heart (im’ya) (put the head in the heart area). I will not pierce the wind of the wind, but the mortal head in the legend (im'ya) of the saju (pierce the legend). (Take a black candle in your hand, and with melted wax, drip the heads and volts there, where the gols leak yoga). Let (im'ya) wheeze, let your chest hurt, let yourself not know the place, forge, let your life be wasted. Stuffiness, hoarseness, poison, death. I creak to the blacks, I creak to the names of Asmodeus and Astaroth. My mіtsne word. The head is mortal gostra, hot temple, death (im'ya) is inevitable.

Volt put a box at the black. Marveling at half-light candles, visualizing the enemy in the trunks, with the mustache details of those familiar features of a dead person. A candle in a strong pressure to die on the head and a volt is guilty of burning. Throw the cinder into the box, say the words of the spell:

"What has gone out is dead, dead to dead."

Close the box and hide in a dark place for 9 days. Do not forget to let in the calls of the Dark Ones. Repayment for help needed. Bazhano tієї zhі nіchі. On the 9th day, go out of the box to zvintar. Pratsyuyte for chaklunskimi rules - tse great istina. The grave, on which the rite will be completed, may be of the same name. At the burial ground, bury it and put it in a new volt (without a box).

Read the words of an independent mind to direct a person to the death of a person:

“I rejoice at the sight of God and the Life-Giving Cross, I see into the hands of the devils. I bow to the graves, the strings with flowers, the strings with flowers, the grave chrobaks, the dead, cold hands, cold feet, close my eyes. Slave (im'ya), who lies in the earth (im'ya), take to yourself a slave (im'ya), who walks on the earth. She was withered, she was dead. Powers of Hell, I see you in endless torment. Let her stumble, rot, swear by my word, and the Guardian Angel will step into her, and there will be no deed. Like corruption and rotten volts, so rotten and rotten slave (im'ya). Beelzebub, Satan, you have been given freedom over your soul. My word and oath is chip and sticky. Let it be so."

Magical defense against death - chakluvat on the ace of spades

Zahist vіd psuvannya on the death of a person in the rituals of black magic rich. Є vuzkospryamovanі, but more quiet, scho pratsyut complex, protecting noses in the whole spectrum of chaklunsky rituals and zms. Allowing also to defend yourself against the death penalty. And everything is more individual. Zhodin magic rite is by no means practiced by everyone. A strong zakhist in the direction of aiming for a bіsіvsku death, I do not recommend that you put it with more zahists. The conflict will be obvious. The conflict is not transmitted from black defenders, there is no prote of a universal recipe.

The guards followed this black amulet in the direction of a deadly attack. Stand on the card of the ace of spades with your right foot, close your fingers with a lock, and read the sound of a dream for the death of a person. The amulet will be good, to bury it from any chaklunstvo:

“I don’t respect the black ace, I affirm the black strength under myself. I punish that one with a trick, I pray with a voice, then if you lie under me, then if you stand under the fifth, then you protect me, then pray to the devil for me, then it’s hell for me to indulge. That sky is healthy for me, that one is for everything. That one on all days, that rocky you will cast, that you will cast a charm for me. That's true. That's right. Amen."

read zahisna zmova vіd psuvannya to death, a card with your own 7 days trim. If you save something in the middle of your speeches. The amulet helps to do good, as you have contact with the forces of that skill to magic.

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