I will rise as a slave, be blessed, I will cross myself. Great book of words'yansky zahisnih zmov. Zmova vіd bisіv

I will get up, bless, see, cross, from the door at the door, from the gate at the gate to the blue sea. 12 brothers stand there, I go closer to them, I bow lower. 12 Brothers, descend on the blue sea, on the blue sea there are islands, on the islands there is an oak, under the oak there is a slab of stove, tight sum, dryness is dry. Lift this stove, take that tightness, bring it, put it on the zealous heart of the servant of God (im'ya). Let go of the yoma tight-sum, schob sumuva, sumuva, shouting in a filthy voice for me, the servant of God (im'ya). Sob not a moment, no life, no buti, no day to day, no year to year, no whiling. With you, the Sun is red, with you, the dawn of the rank of Mary, the evening Mary, the night of Ulyana, with you, the bright Moon. Walking bi without stopping, sitting bi without zasidzhuv, thinking without zaslyuvavsya, smoking bi without smoking, walking bi without going on a spree, їv bi without zaїdav, drinking bi without drinking, sleeping bi without falling asleep, getting up early, taking me, a slave, to rozum-rozum God (im'ya). It’s lighter than the afternoon wind, better for a glimmer of fire, high for a new girl to be scary, like a leftist, like a fire part, like a scary sea, like a swarthy owl, like a hairy witch. And I am for the new one, the servant of God (im'ya), a firebird. Amen.

Devil Satan, horns on his head, he baked every day, help me, the servant of God (im'ya) turn to me. With the wind I send dryness, maєtu, kohannya that tightness. You go to the new one, evil, from the violent wind in disguise. So she took the yoga of love-tight, beat, lamala, didn’t let me sleep at night, sent me to ganok. Evil is evil, sorrow is gruesome, the heart is, do not give, love, to the servant of God (im'ya), do not eat, do not sleep, do not sleep with others; support you, my beloved, all people and non-humans, uncles, son-in-law, mothers and fathers and friends, all kinds of young women, like peace kobilis, knowing one me, about me one nudguvav, grieving-sumuav, none of kim bi not benketuvav , bread not їv, drive not beer, without me I would not sit for an oak steel, not laying down to sleep at night, take yoga, tight, kohannya, and do not let it in like a whilin, not in a year. The words of majstra mіtsnі, liplennya, mіtsnіshі for kamin, hostrіshі for damask steel, shvidshe for the sparkle of fire. Amen.

Strong dryness

Namovlyat for a drink, for a drink, so that, having fallen in love with the fellow:

Old Beelzebub, give me the ring-key to open the door, de lie terrible beast. Call yogo tight. I will let go and send yoga to the servant of God (im'ya). Hai vin on the heels to follow him, to torment him with a heavy tight one. Beelzebub is horned, you are the head of Satan, you have been given the power to do evil, I will heal my power to you, I ask you for help, give me the heart of a servant of God (im'ya). Amen.

Love spell on the ring

At the Intercession, put the hoop of a man near a flask with holy water and put this flask under the light. At night, if you are sweet, think to yourself and say:

The country has no kintsya, my man has no other country for ever and ever. I am youmu persha, I am youmu and stay. Amen.

Lie, give the man's ring.

Love spell on straw from seven courtyards

They take straw from seven yards, put it in a cup, and then the woman can roll on the ground for a price of a cup. Straw podpalyuyut and read on dim:

As straw is given to the power of this fire, so, my dear person (im'ya), give me your calmness. As we dim the fire, rise up in the mountains, so you, the servant of God (im'ya), for ever and ever, bow down to me, do not be separated from me. In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit. Ninі i povyakchas i for vіki vіkіv. Amen.

Love spell

Sob a man for friends and girlfriends without dangling, take a dog walk, step forward and backward, and then, knocking on the edge, say:

Like until the first time they hoisted the dogs, tamed them to the master, so that my man (im'ya) nailed to my doorstep, never saw his house for ever and ever. At Mondays, I hugged you, at the second you were sweet, at Wednesday it was hot, at four you didn’t see the hem, at Friday you looked at it, at Saturday you would have seen it more strongly, at a week in love before me dying, crying and suffering, white light without me , God's servant, not bachiv. Key, lock, language. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Sound words on the fishing line

Get on the threshold entrance doors, I’ll tell you to the apartment, and read the language directly from the book, so that you don’t confuse the words and don’t have mercy. If you read it, then at any time you cannot interrupt. Until then, the order is with you at the time of the ceremony, it’s not guilty to be creatures, so try to clean them up at home. Sophisticated words are like this:

I will become a servant of God (im'ya), be blessed,
I’m going, cross over.
I walk on mother earth,
I will cover the sky, I will wash myself with dew,
I'll be ahead of the stars,
On chotiri side I bow.
Nobody can cover the sky
The dawn is clear
І all parts of the stars to frighten.
So none of my children can do me,
Reflect your matir, think evil,
Dashing to think, raise your hand,
Mine is in super school preschool.
Lord, take them tight after me,
For my mother, for God's work (im'ya).
How the stench screamed at my milk,
For my mother's titka nudguguli,
They seized me for a podіl, they beat me for me,
Seen my hands did not rise,
Pishla - scolded,
Came - radio sounded,
Mustache, like one, they called mom,
Bula I їm i їzha that water,
So b y ninі i zavzhdi,
At all times
Children would have summed up on me,
For the joy of me they breathed,
They would call me Mom
They marveled in their eyes, they did not want to.
Lord, King of Heaven,
You love Your Mother of God,
Don't let me imitate my children.
Be you, my words, mіtsnі, lіlennya
For today, for ages, for all hours.
For the world, that love, mother, and children
City, Lord, with holy mud
From the earth to the sky is me (im'ya)
I my children (names).
Sob mizh us
Buv light is eternal and inexhaustible,
Like in the world, so at home.
Like you, Lord
Love Your Mother and Shanuesh,
Complain and respect,
Also my children are with me
Buli at the evil and kokhanni
Forever and ever.
My word is mіtsne,
On the right is my sticky.
In the name of the Father and Sin
I Holy Spirit.
So that the children heard the father and mother

In front of me at the reception of my mother with my father that їhnіy son of nine years. The stench is snarling that they can’t reason with him. Don't put a child in anything. The neurologist seems to be in good health. It’s just that I’m good at understanding that the fathers are somehow soft in character and love him even more. І axis result: vin right despot, dictator near the house. Vymagaє vіd them a computer, then water lizhi that everything you want. Zveda, ale get it. Don’t eat, don’t break the lessons, threaten that you don’t go to school, until you don’t break it like you want to.

In such vipadkas, you can fix it like this. Boil an egg cool. Cook the need for the third year of the night. While it's hot, wrap yoga on the table, or else you won't fall and break. While the egg is spinning, read the call:

On the holy field, on the holy expanse
There is a bay mountain, there is a hole near the mountain,
The burrow has a lot of straw.
I will call who is at home.
Wiishla with nori trigger,
God's light to squint.
Dam їy zalіzne kіltse
In exchange for a cold egg.
Yak no chickens without an egg,
Like a child without a mother, that father,
So it will not be with the servant of God (im'ya child)
I will close my mind
Constipation on the flood.
Key, lock, language.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

God bless the unhearing child.

How to take away the hatred of sin to the mother

3 sheets:

“My son hated me for those that I made a yoga girl with a woman, as older than him for fifteen years. Vaughn went, and now I hate wine. I already messed up what I did so, and I’m already worried. I have a heart attack, but my son didn’t pass through and bring me without coming to the clinic. Help me, tell me how you can fix everything ... "

A love spell on nudga is strong to read in detail - s report description all the magical events, the ritual of the presence of negative consequences.


Strongly sigh at the love tightness of a lad for a girl, read independently

The girls can’t stop reading the sound and slinging the tightness of love on the kokhanoy lad, sob nudguvav and sumuav and all the way shukav the ability to chime in with the kohanoy, like I read on the new zmovu on a strong tightness. Yakshcho Virishi bewitched the kokhan, sob vin "soh" and sumuvav after you and zamіzh you sooner taking vikoristovyte one of the far-reaching signs, and which of them you read time - in the wind, or from the photo virishuvat you, one important mind for reading, Tse say words move on a tightness it is necessary for five days at the gathering of the sun standing at your home for a wedding and reading rankings, move on a tight clapping for priyshov only in such a time, a strong love tightness podіє already shvidko.

Read zmovu on tight wind

So that a person would grieve for you, standing up behind the wind to say the words of the induced distance, move to a strong tightness. And from how to independently read tsyu strongly zmov at the love tightness of a lad for a girl, veyshovshi at the crossroads of the road at the windy weather and after reading the words, having swung a whirlwind, spit in a new one, then the lad is not only sumuvatim, but be very much bewitched by you, . . A person will love all his life only the one who has performed the whole magical rite on a new one. Move the words of the strong on the wind, as it is necessary to read independently:

I will get up blessed, I will see crossing,

From door to door, from gate at the gate to the blue sea.

Twelve brothers stand there, I go closer to them, I bow down.

Twelve brothers, go to the blue sea, to the blue sea is an island,

There is an oak on the island, under the oak there is a slab of tiles, a tight bag.

Lift this stove, take that tightness,

Bring, put її on the capricious heart of a slave (im'ya).

Let the yoma tight-sum, schob vin sumuva, sumuva,

Sob vіn not a moment nі live, nі buti, nі day to day,

No years to yearn, no whiling to bavite.

With you, the sun of the red, with the mother of the dawn of Mary,

Vechirnіy Marím'yanі, opіvnіchіy Ulyanі, with you, bright moon.

Walking bi without entering, sitting bi not sitting, thinking, not thinking,

Smoking bi, not smoking, walking bi, not going on a spree,

Їv bi, not zaїdav, beer bi, not drinking, sleeping bi, not zasinav,

Rising up vranci, taking me, a slave (im'ya), to my mind, my mind.

Lighter than the midday wind, brighter than the sparkle of fire,

Let the new girl be scary for the new one,

Like a leftist, like a fire part, like a scary sea,

Like an owl is smugasta, like a witch is kudlata.

And I am for the new, slave (im'ya), a firebird.

Strong zmova on tight for a photo of a lad

The strongest way to put pressure on a girl for a kohan lad is to victoriously step on the sound, so that the lad is very sumuva. For the ritual, we need a photo of a young man on the yak readily, I call for a girl, but be prepared before you have to come out of the house to carry out the ritual. Opivnochi at the last month, stand at the crossroads of the roads, pressing to the breasts the photo of the beloved lad with crossed hands at once, and begin to read the old words of the most powerful love spell on the strong tightness of the lad for the maiden, after such wines, it will become friends with you:

Clean field, wide spread, I call to these brothers,

13 devils, drink, walk, trample, remember the slave (im'ya).

Drink wi (im'ya) blood, sit on a kam'yan board,

Give him a heavy burden on me, God's servant (im'ya)

Schob vin tediously sumuva, grievously suffering, grief sumuva, blood reed.

Like crying sister by brother at the remembrance,

To grieve for grandma at the vіdspіvuvannі.

Don't eat, don't eat, don't take anything into your head,

no work, no work, no joy, no turbo.

Not from the wound and not a day, not with water and not with fire.

Prayer do not blame, do not see the thoughts of the slave (im'ya) on me,

God's servant (im'ya) I lock with a lock, I lock with a key.

A pike by the water, a relief for me.

As long as I'm alive, my business cannot be killed,

Do not pray at prayer, do not take it, do not kill it.

So to that i buti ninі th to vіku.

In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit.

After the next move, turn back home and never hesitate to take a flowing shower (rinse at least from the basin), slaying yourself in the negative. The next thing you can say and live the most extraordinary life does not seem to anyone about the conduct of this most powerful magical rite for a nudga for a person. A photo of a lad on a yak read a zmov for a tight fit, carry it with you (you can have it with your bag). After the black lure of love, the lad, who is known for being in the country, having strongly confused, having come to the maiden, yak made a strong sound for the tightness of the proposition to win for her zamіzh.

Strong zmova on tight

Move the wind to my kohan, stream your heart yogo, catching the tightness,

It’s like a fish without water, like a lack of mother’s milk, so it’s free (im’ya kohanoi people), without me (vlasne im’ya).

Not a moment to live, not to live, not to drink, not to eat, not to early morning, not to evening, not to nights, not to partial stars, not to violent winds, not to daytime in the sun, not to nighttime in the month.

Amen, amen, amen!

Having read this strong sound on the tight, check the stars in the name of a crazy person. After the introduction of a love tightness, the lad will miss you. In practice, it is often necessary to make phone calls, arranging an alarm. Why don’t you go to the conflict with you, the stronger the love, we press the soul and the heart of the person on whom they read the zmov for a strong tightness, and you should take a vivicual position and check the dugout for nudga - tightness.

Zmova on tight lad

And the axis and one more love spell on the tightness of the kokhan, schob vin after you strongly sumuvav and zustrіchi shukav. You can make love tight by staring at the photo and reading, I’ll step on the call.

If you want the object of your kohannya to be confused and want to get in touch with you, read over this photo the following words, move on tight:

I will stand, a slave (such and such), be blessed, go, cross, from the hut in the door, from the yard at the gate, go in the open field, at the bottom of the bik, at the bottom of the side there is a hut, in the middle of the hut lie a doshka, under the doshkoy tight. Weep hard, ride tight, white light check, white light red sun check, glad and have fun! So to me, a slave (takus), check, glad and have fun, not a moment to live without me, not to be, not to drink, not to eat at the dawn of the morning, not at the evening; like a fish without water, like a lack of mother's milk, you can't live without a mother's womb, so a slave (such and such) without a slave (such and such) could not live, no buti, no drink, no sti, no on rank dawn, not in the evening, not in the wild, not on the day, not at partial stars, not at stormy winds, not on the day with sun, not at night during the month. Get drunk, tight, get in, tight, at the chest, in the heart, for the whole life of a slave (such), grow up and be born in all veins, in all brushes with dryness and dryness for a slave (such).

It is necessary to read on your own. Diya, look at the tightness of the yak, it was read in the evening, it’s already early in the morning for the mind, that the ritual was carried out correctly only in the right way, it’s strong to squeal the kohansky shvidko to come to you or call.

Love spell schob lad sumuvav: read 6 rituals

Love magic is rich and varied. Among the rituals there are a lot of such rituals, which are not recommended for home prospectors, the shards will wake up even more intensely serious forces, as they can save the victim at once from the magician from the face of the Earth. And yet, it is easy to carry out and breathe, like a zvichayny thought-form, it is merrily unimpressed. In fact, the stench is clean and unobtrusive, not harsh for a mosquito bite.

Before such rituals, everything can be seen, united by the common name “spell, sob lad nudguvav”. Їх impersonal. Let's take a look at how to make it simple, to win on your own. Usі vvedenі nizhche rituals to do without suvorih naslіdkіv. If there will be inaccuracies, then only the “magician”, who is not able to defend his rightful bazhannya in the light of the powerful “him”.

Love spell, schob lad nudguvav: with a wind

For the ritual to be carried out, you need nothing, you see, you don’t need anything. Be alert to see the victim. It is necessary to create mental contact. For which sound, it is recommended to reveal that your foreheads (space between eyes) are connected with an energy bundle. If there are seams, then take a photo.

Now bite your tongue and wash (promise):

“I bite my language, so that the Slave (im'ya) crouched before me! Shchob Slave (im'ya) having summed up that nudguvav, he did not mark joy! I didn’t know the whole world, I blew under my windows, shedding tears, I couldn’t sleep, that knocking at my threshold! Amen!”

The love spell must be repeated three days later. And between the rituals of the varto, you can ask the victim. After the third day, "appear" from the field of Yogo Zoru. Axis pobachite, he will start to joke you, wanting to explain to yourself that you can’t, why behave like this.

Love spell, schob lad nudguwav: contact

In order for the lad to become sympathetic to you and demand your supplication, it is necessary to take a moment, if you look at your wife. At this moment, it’s fast paced:

"Agadaga pra drast"

Then we need to read one more spell, standing behind you:

“The servant of God (his own name) went to the field, that garna was stately, that privilya was on the rozdolli, I sighed again, I spit out of the earth. There is a birch tree, shedding tears. Vaughn the Servant of God (im'ya) rang, not letting you see or die, only stand in order to wipe those tears. I will overcome the shackles, break free. Just don’t go far, turn the knives, don’t see the eye, be mine without fetters! Amen!"

Love spell, schob lad sumuvav: follow

If you want your image to be at the head of a young person, you can perform a yoga ritual in traces. For whom it is necessary to bring a new whisk. Put Yogo on the photo of the lad for three days. Let's pick up three pins, go there, de vin sound to walk, throw pins and say on the skin:

“According to the Slave (im'ya), I launch a tight road, I punish it. So that the smile of Yogo Wust did not stick around, there was no joy in the soul. Sob and a day and in dreams, only about the Slave (his own name) thinking, grieving, that suffering, zustrichi checks. And on the road, and on the road, in the house and in a foreign place, only not for a hard time! Amen!"

Love spell, schob lad nudguvav on a poppy grain

Buy a poppy, take the troch in your hand. Put a photo of a lad in front of you. Above it, sip the poppy from the tsієї doloni into the іnsha, provoking the spell:

“Across the field on a horse gallop, a good fellow before me! Vin and stately and rich, wine to my radium bowl! Ti Slave (im'ya) block the road, let the horse in, overcome the good fellow! I inspire Nudgu, I take on a feat! I instill a tightness, sob n_ spav, n_ їv, only succumb to hotiv! Yak ordered, so the Slave (im'ya) to the point! Amen!"

Now take those grains that took part in the rituals. It is necessary to make a sacrifice for one victim of a love spell. Vіn mає hang around with your hands this day, sleep. Just drop one grain at a time. You can repeat the call every day, just remember that it didn’t work out right away.

Love spell, schob lad nudguvav on snіg

Tse, zrozumilo, winter love spell. Yogo robyat todi, if for a vіknom to bring down snow. It is necessary to go to the street, present the valleys and the wickedness of the snizhinok. Reveal the image of a kokhan and say:

“As a small drop in my hand, so spread your bait, turn into tight and tedious, twist you with an evil curl! Come, warm, I will melt my heart! As I can’t take my hand down, so the Servant of God (im’ya) burn on me, burn, suffer, nudguvati and sumuvati! Amen!"

Love spell, schob lad nudguvav: on a scarf

In order to strongly inject a love spell into the object, it is necessary to bring a couple of human caps. Bazhano pіdіbrati so, yakі to the gusto of your dress. The subject of the toilet should be placed at the “chervony kutok”. Ring out for this vikoristovuyut skrinku. Lay them down, like the greatest cost, with the best efforts. In the evening open the “dungeon” and read the zmov:

“I call to the Angels and Bisiv, all the inhabitants of the world of this and that, dark and light, I bow on all sides, I listen to the goiter, I am stalked! I took the Servant of God (im'ya) from the full, sharpened it from the yaznitsa, pinched my legs, she tied it to herself. Sit, nudguє that for your vchinki v_dpovidaє! We Angeli in the spirit of the Slave (im'ya) bring in a tightness, pour love, she fly! We'll set fire to Bіsi robinnya, give nudga, that fly! Do not overdo what has been said, do not correct it, do not correct the Slave (im'ya) in the tightness! Amen!"

Put the wallets back at the screen. Sob it got brighter, at once the photo of the victim was “imprisoned” from them. Let it out only once a day, so that the attributes of the love spell were heard by Rozmov with representatives of the Greater Forces.

Love spell

You can prepare a special dish for a young person. In principle, you can be everything that is good for you to go out. And those who are not comrades in cooking can get some savory food in the store. Before Tim, how to propagate the lad, read trichі:

“A pie at the mouth, the Duma has a nudga, I close our separation to the castle! The wind blows in the open space, I will grant you the will! How can you help me, I'm the one for you! Thi Navіyu Rabi (im'ya) nudga, so that you could break the separation more quickly! Amen!"

If one is far away, then such a name is suggested for a “gift” from the socialist community. Just look for a surprise by guessing those that you want to know (picture of a cake).

Zmova on tight. Strong Zmova swiftly overtake the tightness of love to read independently

The most powerful and mitteva is a love spell, so that you can quickly bring a love tightness to a be-like person. It is necessary to work independently in such a way, so that you sum up the sumuva and constantly think only about you, guessing the best moments of your zustrіch, read the zmov to put pressure on the kokhan. Old-fashioned zmova naganyaet tight on the kohan ce of that single and true way, which is practical and quick to make the boy mad, or the person is grieving and thinking only about you, forgetting about everything in the world. To independently, in the home minds, quickly put a strong tightness on the kohan, open the apartment and make a stretch 2 times (behind the wind and against the wind) say text, move on the tightness of love on the wind :

On the island of Buyan, a strong wind walks. І day, and no stone to sharpen,

Move the wind to my kohan, stream your heart yogo, catching the tightness,

Let the heart of the servant of God (im'ya) cry, rejoice,

Tuga yoga for me (im'ya), zustrіchі zі me check and check,

Kohaniy can’t live without me, don’t live, don’t drink, don’t drink, don’t eat.

Yak fish without water, how not to move without mother's milk,

So bi vіn (im'ya kohanoi people), without me (vlasne im'ya).

Not a moment to live, not buti, not to drink, not to eat, not at the early dawn,

Not in the evening, not in the night, not at partial stars, not at violent winds,

Nі in the day at sun, nі in the night at the moon.

Shvidko that effectively bewitch a man to himself can be read by a vikna from a lit candle, a strong sound on the man's kohanny. As soon as you read a person who you love, you will soon become very tight and the lady will flirt with you, as if it were more obvious - all the traces of a love spell, like you read on your own at home on a person’s kohannya. The shortest hour of reading a love spell is a month, which is growing or a new month, but it’s not a rule and it’s possible to suffocate a person in yourself with a zmovoy zmovoy for whatever phase of the month. In the evening after the 8th of the year at home, go until the vekna and light a candle. Wondering at the fire of the candle, and swaying at the sight of third-party thoughts, let's just say the swedish ale

If you read this love spell on Christmas time, then that person, on how broken the Christmas love spell, can’t fall out of love and change you, the very love spell among magicians is called an eternal love spell, which forever calls two souls at once. It is practically impossible to take a love spell of death on Christmas Day! As if they were violating the same Christmas rite for the kokhannya - once again garnenly call your loves to the lad or the person who is bewitched. Before the speech, you can read a love letter to a girl or a woman, if you love and want, that she loved all life only to you, to replace in the text the words of a girl in a woman and navpaki. For Christmas

It is possible to read spells on your own on Christmas Day from 7 to 18 September from various drives, and most of all, you can tell fortunes and read spells on Christmas time. Look at. Today we will tell you the most ancient and 100% working Christmas rite for the kokhannya, which is to work in the home minds at the hour of Monday Christmas time from 7 to 19 September. For the help of a magic ritual for a kokhannya, on some day of tyzhnya, Christmas time, it’s easy to lure a person, who, on the basis of a new fate, will love you very much and make friends with you. Dіє tsya lyubovna zmova і on the already іsnuyuchy chitаti chi kolovіka, like okholov pochuttami or more louder roaming levoruch - yakshcho on the new read zmovu

Tsya is strong in the spirit of the kohannya, the person is guilty of independently reading the squad, so that the person is loving її more life zavzhdy hotіv only її i і nіkoli not zradzhuvav єї retinue. After that, as the squad reads the sound of a kohannya, I’ll send a person to a bottle of water and give the choloviks yoga to drink, the kohany cholovik “take hold of his head” stop drinking and walking with friends, but always hurry up to your squad. After a love spell cast on your person, you will be strongly drawn home to your family, with a skin day, everything is stronger and love only your squad. Pour drinking water into a flask and say words over it

The love spell of a person on a hedge is the simplest way to work so that a person does not play and loves only a squad. In order to seductively and strongly bewitch a person to yourself, it is necessary to read a zmov on the strength of such a salt, to salt it for a person. What is it for a zmov, if it is necessary to read independently for the love of a person to a squad, read further. The best way to read the letter will be read on the next month, at the same time the letter will fall on a person already from the wound. Enjoy the Christmas Eve and salt the blessed sill, don’t be afraid to squash the smart sill yourself, just go for the man. It’s necessary for me to read after the 6th of the evening - no sooner, better than a little less! Throwing a vee

Vіdmi often read the most powerful love spell for tightness in disgrace. If you read a strong witch love spell in the snow or in a strong wind, then for additional magic you can bring black tightness and love to a person. Right at the moment of the victorious magic ritual at the enchanting one, an obtrusive bazhannya yaknayshvidsya pobachitsya and often buti at once. You will be charmed by such a rank, a person begins to call more often and show her love better, and perebuvayuschie in front of you on the vіdstani strongly grieve for you. Tsej more extensions among the people and dosit shvidka zmov what allows you to let go

A love spell and a spell for virnist and zabіgannya for the sake of what kind of pide mova is also strong and independently love spell, like squirming once more for a roaring man and a cotton, or a man, so that you won’t walk a livoruch and don’t change a snake. Zmova on virnist "tyagar virnosti" save the kohan man in the form of peace, change and will not stand for others. You are praised for saving fidelity to you as a kohan man, to conduct a ceremony for fidelity and live in peace. Read once more a love spell on the loyalty of a kohan cholovіka chi lad with yakim you live with a civilized lover. Shvidka is strong in the spirit of virnist and zabіgannya zradi it is necessary to read

A love spell against the sake of a person, to help him, to save that for the sake of a person, that roaring person, that lad, who is worthy of the help of the magic of prayer. How to independently read a prayer for the good of a person in a good life and vikonati a simple rite on the poppy, I can strongly work so that a person does not walk on the boat, not beer and not walking with friends and yogo always drawn to his squad. Bila zmova - a prayer to pin down for the sake of a person and turn calm that love until now. From long ago, sings and prayers against the evils of a shady man help the squads to take care of themselves from mutual love and harmony, take care of the evils and zealousness for the safety of their good life. Poppy for old clocks

How to bewitch a photo for help, that independently cast a love spell on a kohanny from a photograph, move it to you today. To create a magical rite for love, it is necessary to prepare and choose the attributes necessary for a love spell. To complete the love ritual, send a photograph, scribbled on the phone, but the photo can be alone (for a person to know one), so the photograph itself needs to be handed out on paper from the phone. Crimean photo, for a love spell you need a church candle, holy water, a new unsewn head and a red thread, a piece of cloth and a coin. A love spell is cast right at home at any hour of the day and night, the monthly cycle for a love spell does not mean so much.

Magic on the Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God on the 28th of the sickle, following the tradition of the ancestors, sprung up the love that was extinguished between the man and the retinue, or the spitting of the lingering love of the young (lad) who the girl wanted to bewitch and zakohati in herself. Move on the Assumption of love to continue to read independently and in our hour with the method of creating mіtsnoї sim'ї, as a way to save fidelity among friends. When will come the Assumption Holy Mother of God and born of Mary, you can guess the names of our ancestors and, having gone into the white love magic, read the zmovu - a prayer for love fidelity and marriage, having performed a simple rite at the church on church candles. Yaka Zmov

Having read the oath for strength, you can, without the name of a supergirl and without a photograph, quickly put a supergirl for help with magic and move. Zrobiti independently magical rite that having read the call to the supernitsa for strength, the competitor in the kohanna chi the kohanka herself will cook with the kokhana of you people and the power of magic will turn yoga to you. On the Internet, on the forums, you can read a lot of positive comments from those who are trying to cool down like a supergirl. Tsya zmova is more than quick to allow forever to put a supergirl down and turn the kokhan to yourself. A more simple rite for the vikonan, if necessary, the vikonat may be unprepared for a person for whose love another woman has withered and everything that is necessary for him,

Zmov to reconcile the person of that squad after welding, to break it up in such a way that the cohabiting person himself would win the same image to the squad of vibachiv. Magic for reconciliation is a magical rite, for the help of which you can reconcile by making friends in a very short interval of an hour. Tsya old-fashioned zmova on a person after welding can read the squad itself and don’t tell anyone about holding an independent ceremony for reconciliation with cohanim. Tilki for such a mind, navit yakshcho you have become very quarrelsome, gazing at the reconciliation of the adversaries, pouring into the kindness and love of a person, you can confuse him with the first drink for reconciliation and vibachitis with his squad. Strong Zmova to reconcile with the Kokhanoy people

It is necessary to read strongly on one’s own line, as it is necessary to work so that the person loved the kokhan very much and in separation only summed up for you. The magical power of the line is to break up so that the cohanies want to buti and splurge only with you and all the other women and girls that you will be baiduzhi. Even the old-fashioned love spell on a sleigh was often cast by girls in Russia, if their beloved boys went to earn money in another place. Lyubovna zmova - a love spell on a sleigh, having helped to save the hats and save the kokhan's sight for the sake of it. The magic on the sleen helped me more than once to let loose on the Kokhan more strongly

This rite is suitable for those who, having read the zmovu, want to be worthy of all people and turn their respect to themselves for additional magic. Having read the call to acquaintance with a singing person, it was worthy to work so that the power of magic could help to get to know the good person, “pidshtovhnuvshi” yoga the first to work krok serious withdrawals with you. And whom should I rob from a person, I’ll pour in on a new zmovoy virishuvati to you. If you want to know what kind of person you want to know on your own, having read it strongly and safely, I’m going to get to know you from a safe person, you yourself veer. You can tie a person to yourself with the magical bonds of a kohanny by going to the countryside, without contact with the person

Zmova for the nudga of a kohan cholovik

There are a lot of different reasons for the bazhannya to feel bored as a bastard. For example, if you break a trip without your maiden name, you need to go to hell for a trival hour.

Or maybe just spinning around with your everyday right and forgetting about the kohana. The situation may be impersonal, but the solution is one. For help, a spell for a tightness can be awakened in a beloved tightness for an outrage. Todі vіn himself did not see it, more than nudguvati and shukati zustrіchі.

What is it for?

Features of love rituals

Below, the butt of a strong and wild snake is aimed, like a varto to read a quick, if it is necessary to get it, so that the kohany is bored.

“Loves of my man (im'ya), I want, the servant of God (im'ya), Sob nudguvav ti and sumuva for me alone, And the white metal and the water of the key will help to bring confusion and tightness. Hi bi ti walking after me on the heels, And I would have seen you in your dreams, in your thoughts I would not leave you. I call up to the forces of heaven, the forces of the earth, I ask for help, I repent and subdue! Amen!"

If it is necessary

Chi varto read zmovu schoraz, if you want? Obviously, no. Whether it be love rituals, it is necessary to zdijsnyuvati only once, if there is another reason. Vitrachati magical power for the sake of any kind of rubbish is not reasonable. It’s even more important to have a confession for someone who is in the name of someone whose love begins the rite, it’s really necessary.

Having hurt someone for help, you can take a spell for the same punishment. Stepping forward is roaring for a quick result. For the vikonannya, the rite needs a fresh apple. Please choose beautiful, without wads. Bazhano, so that the apple was liquorice.

“As an apple will dry, so will the servant of God (im'ya) sumuvatim!”

Having spoken words on the cherry-bred apple, it is necessary to put yoga at the end. Let the plaid dry, and the lad at this hour should grieve more often and take care of his kokhana.

The main principles of love magic

Magic is a very serious word. Victory of love magic can be both povіdalnym and sensible. First of all, call on vikonnanny rites of directing to the kohanny of a person, it is necessary for oneself to swear, as much important as possible for this person.

Look at the nudga chi tight more strongly. Lyudina, they read similar incantations in a yak, begin to look at the same way. The power of magic is the effect on the ob'єkt, the docks of the wines do not strike with your wife, and the magical rituals can mother and more trivalu the day.

Features and general rules

All love rites are to be performed for a month, for growth, or for a new month. Vinyatkom is just a rite, the repayment of the adoption of objectionable feelings. Additional attributes for the creation of a ritual for nudga can be pure water, an apple, candles, papyrus. The basis of such ceremonies is the spell that spell, as if for the help of strength, the words call out from the singing people of the bazhan almost.

Come magical words to speak about a gift or a souvenir, which you need to give to your kohan. After that, as a person accepts qiu rich, a tightness settles in his heart, and a nudga for that woman, as a gift to him with a small amulet.

“I give you a river, and you take it, but with whom I have your calm breath. I will not be you day or night without a slave (in the light of my name) that strength is calm. Amen."

Like a gift, it is not necessary to choose anything symbolic. Tse mozhe buti zvichayny souvenir at the sight of a pen, a sharpie, a notebook, an igniter or something. Varto respect what a lad should spend abo vikin rich, donated to you, sala wash it all at once from this gift. The advancing slander is even stronger and calls out the neimover tightness of the one on whom the insurance is owed.

“I read the magical spell on the servant of God (im'ya). Sob sumuva and nudguvav after me, Sob his life without me not bachiv! I’m putting pressure on the new one, I’m strong, sum sumny! Hai be walking around me, Hai bi, making me happy only, Hai bi, happy for me! Amen!"

Another more difficult rite of conjurations for nudga was cast lower. It should be noted that the strength of this ritual is not exhausted by stretching the wind. That requires a good think, first of all, yogo.

“Words of charm I wilt and direct magic power on the servant of God (Im'ya Kokhanoy). I believe that I’ve been bored without me and have been bored after me, that I’ve been constantly summing up and not showing my life without me! I’m strong and strong, I bring these magical words to the new one. Sob vіn zavzhdy walking bіlya me і rejoicing only me one. Good luck only in the order of me and sob vіn keep in mind about tse. Amen!"

Prayer for blessed God

In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit. Lord, bless, Heavenly Father, as I grimaced in the dark, and covered the sun with my right hand, and left the moon. And do not rush about the blue sea, and mother earth does not hit, and lead the parts, and virut the winds of riot, and shine a clear sun, glory to the cherry Gods in the world, goodwill among people. Lord God, bless you to take strength in the blue of the sea, in the sight of a gray yaml roar, in the light of knowledge, in the wild wind of goodness, in the light of a clear son, you have exchanged gold, in the light of your blessed strength.

Zmova vіd zlidnіv

I get up, servant of God (im'yarek), bless and cross; I'm going, servant of God (im'yarek), in a clean field. In a clean field, light is bright, the red sun descends, the birds vibrate from the foxes, and the birds fly from the nests. I, the servant of God (im'bright), I am fenced in with light and I am supported by the stars. I will be covered in the bodily heavens, I will be in front of the bright dawns, I will cover myself with parts of the stars, which are hospitable arrows. Chur, my thought, zur, my mind, zur, my mind, zur, my thoughts, zur, my blood! I'll throw Qiu-zlidni over the sea. Mule zamiє, piskom skidding, get skidded, my word povіk not pass. Amen.

Zmova vіd pristritu that psuvannya on biznes

At dawn there was a rank, at the gathering a red sun, there stood a high mountain, on that mountain the king-maiden, a great war, stood guard. Viymi ti, maiden, batkivsky sword-hoarder, distance dididivsky shell, sholom bogatyrsky, vydkin raven horse; See you in an open field, and in an open field you can stand an army, but in an army there is no koshtoris. Shut you, girl, me with your veil in the face, in the face of vanity, in the face of scoundrels, in the face of misfortune, in the face of evil deeds, in the sight of evil people. By God's wise words, heaven and earth were established, the sun of that month, the month of that sky of the Lord. And so the heart of a person (im'yarok) be established at the feet of that commandment. Heaven is the key, earth is the lock; to that key of the callous. So ting, over the amen, amen. Amen.

Zmova for an easy contract with people

I will get up, servant of God, blessed, I will cross myself from the door of the hut, from the yard of the gate, I will go out into the open field, I will stand on the faces, on the back of the ridge. And in the open field, on the lower side, three oak trees at the same time called their peaks; so it was for me, servant of God Peter, princes and all nobles, servants of God, archpriests and archimandrites, priests and deacons, and deacons, generals, federal marshals, chiefs of that piddan, and all the lines of power, men and women, and red girls, and all the people of God. Like me, the servant of God Petro, on the day and on the day, on the night and on the night, on the year and on the year, on the month and on the drink, on the young and on the old, on Skoda and on the end, and on the block to all power , as the noblemen of the servant of God Peter were blessed with a similar red son and a young month, and the bright Sunday of Christ, the Great Day, so they were blessed with my parishion, the servant of God Peter, all the princes and great nobles, servants of God, archbishops, generals and deacons federal marshals, chiefs and chiefs, mustaches of power, men and women, and red girls, and all the people of God. Be, my words, new and great, and strong, and great, and strong, and hostri - best for the sword, hostry list, damask knife; so that my words from a white canvas and for me, the servant of God Peter, would not be blown in the wind, and the house would not be smitten, forever and ever. Amen, amen, amen!

Zakhisna zmova against psuvannya for wealth

Lord, help, bind, Lord, the mouth of my adversary, that (im'yarek) in front of me and by me from both sides, by me speak, by the servant of God (im'bright), by the new one, the servant of God (im' bright) zavzhdi ninі i povyakchas і in vіki vіkіv. Righteous of you, red Sun, bake at my enemies, at adversaries, at opponents, at the authorities of governors and punishment men, and at the whole people of God's mouth and heart, evil deeds and evil thoughts, so that they were not brought, they were not promoted, they were not promoted against me. Thy red month, come into my cell, fill it with good and slab. The sun is nice, come to my door, send happiness to my house and door, sanctify the throne of God with your light. Jesus Christ, King of heaven. Amen.

Zmova for prosperity and wealth

In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit. Breathe in the sky, grimacing, under the belt and the power of the Most Holy Theotokos and the holy angels її. I, the servant of God (im'bright) at the clear field - under the red sun, under the bright moon, under the part of the star, under the pollen gloom; I, the servant of God, will stand in a clean field on a level field, on the throne of my Lord, I will snuggle up, I will cover the skies, I will put the red sun on my head, I will be filled with bright dawns, I will turn with parts of the stars, with dew, I am dried by the sun, I am clothed with gloom, I operate with pure stars, God's blessings, all goodness and righteousness. The Lord loves the righteous, and He will bless every creature and the skin of a righteous person with the holy heavenly forces forever, forever and ever and forever. Amen.

Zmova vіd naklepnikіv i zazdrіsnikіv

I will rise, servant of God, and walk in the open field. Nazustrich meni Vogon and Polim'ya and buen Wind. I will get up and bow low to them and I will say this: goy Ti Fire and Flame! do not burn green onions, but wind! do not blow the flame; but to serve the virn, the great one: to fly to a high mountain, for this heaven, to bow to the Throne of our Lady of the Most Holy Theotokos. Holy Mother of God, with your holy angels, help me to your sinful slave (imyareku), and block my adversary's mouth, let them not speak evil on me. The angels of my saints are with me, the sun is right-handed, the moon of the left servant of God (imerak), the stars are on my head. The whole word is hardened and zmіtsnennya, it is also hardened and zmіtsnyuєtsya and zamikaєtsya, and nothing - no repeats, no storm, no water, but no water. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Spell to help the angelic forces in be-yakie good right

Angeli Yorog, Salevanil, Gromadyanil at all preparations. Vryatuy cross and help me and remember. Angels: Anutarasiy, Vosilutar, Espfedar, Naakt pervestok, schopravda, wisdom, fortecia, halfrar є mі Matviy, Bartholomew and Vselamor. Lord our God Jesus Christ Batko є Savaot i Sin, і the Holy Spirit, the only Lord of saints; and good people carry holy and all saving names. Apostles Pavlo brought to the church narokolі and otemlema, the docks the Lord has seen us sinners, do not deprive us of the cream of your intercession and will, Vladiko rich of mercy, have mercy on your servant (im'yarok) in the face of every evil people, and in the face of every misfortune. The key to these words is at the heavenly heights, and the castle at the sea depth is on the rib whale, and no one can get the whale rib and the castle does not see the Crimea for me; and whoever gets the fish and the castle of my vіdіprє, let him be like a tree that will burn with a sparkle. Amen.

Zmova growth of wealth

Lord God, bless the Father! In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit. Heavenly Christ. Holy sea Ocean; on that holy sea of ​​Akiyani there is a white stone Latar; on that white stone of Latara sit an old mother of a man, with gray hair, a white beard; stand in that matir of the people of Gesim'yana mountain at once and before sunset, from summer to pivnoch. I descend over it Zorya Rankova and Zorya Vechirnya. Goy ti, Zorya Rankova, and ti, Zorya Vechirnya! Fall on my gold, let it grow - like a tall fox, like an oak tree. Matinka Zorya Vechirnya, Rankova, Pivnichna! as you quietly fade away, glare, so bi and ailments and sorrows in the servant of God (im'ya) faded and faded - days, nights and nights. Month, ty Month, silver ribs, your golden legs, come and go. Month, know my sorrow, bring dryness to the darkness. My sorrow is neither small nor heavy, but your strength is mighty; I cannot endure sorrow, but your strength to endure. Tim, according to my words, destroy that teeth - the lock, my tongue is the key; And I will throw the key at the sea, the castle will close at the company. Amen.

Healthy welfare

Lord God, bless the Father! In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit. Heavenly Christ. Holy Mount of Eleonska, I will stand on that mountain, I will pray to God, and God sent His Sin, and here is the Son of God on a golden horse, and put white for me, the servant of God (im'bright), flood tin in the air immediately before the sun sets and in the air i to pivnochі; in the kam'yanoї burn up to heavenly heights, to the Lord's throne; from the throne to Kam'yanoy Gori; from Kam'yanoy Gori to the valley floor up to three whales; and the tovshchina of three sazhns of Drukars. The Lord himself will lead the golden horse, with his golden spear to the middle gates, to the damask winds; and put the Lord himself Michael the archangel with a scepter, and in his faith Gabriel the archangel with a scepter and let me pass, a servant of God (im'yarok). I holy God, Kozma and Damian make gates to damask winds; Holy God, Michael the Archangel, Peter and Paul, the supreme apostles, lock with their golden lock, hold the key from me, the servant of God (im'yarok). The words are locked with locks, I throw the keys under the white-flammable stone alatir; and as at the castles there are zmichi mіtsnі, so my words are marks. Amen.

On success, be a penny right

Lord, God! Bless, Father! In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit. King of heaven, holy Cosmas, Damian, Mikhailo the archangel, Gavrilo the archangel, Peter and Paul the supreme apostles, put before me do the right thing and help, and I, the servant of God (im'yarok), you, sovereign angels, in the sweat of my disguise I pray; for you, sovereign angels, I will light the candles early, early in the evening, late in the evening, every day, every day, every day, on the old month and on the young, on the floor and on the ceiling. According to my words, the key is the lock. If you forget the word, then put the word, saints of Christ, all in advance. Forever and ever and every day and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer for God bless

Lord, You see, accept sinners! You raise the dead! I punish the waters of the sea, the winds of the sky! And marvelously the bread grows in Your hands, to give a thousand-time harvest, - sow, reap, beat and break at one and the same hour, in one minute! I want you to spare us the sight of gladness! I pragnesh Ty, let our help come! And you will appreciate the edge of our vygnannya for Yourself, so that we can turn back to us what we have spent, calmly, more than the malt of heavenly food! You shed your pet at the Garden of Gethsemane, so that we stopped shedding our pet at the well-being of bread, learned to shed yoga in prayers for the holy communion of Heavenly Bread. Growing us with the cursed earth of thorns, having taken you on your head; Having crowned thee, having wounded Thy most holy head with thorns! The world of the paradise tree of life and the fruit of yogo, having said immortality to those who are, were spared, - You, sprawling on the crossed tree, growing fruit for us, giving life eternally to Your partakers. The І plaid of life, and the tree of life appeared on the earth, in our camp of vineyards. This plaid and this tree is a thing for paradise: you resurrect immortality, and ci resurrect immortality and the Deity. With your sufferings, you have twisted the malt into our sufferings. We see the earth as malt, we take away our suffering as a foal, abit only to become partakers of Your malt! Vaughn, like a vision of the eternal life, sweeter and dearer than the timchas' life! You fell asleep in a deathly sleep, which is not a moment to take you away from your eternal sleep. You - God! You have risen and granted us wakefulness in the dream of death, in the fierce sleep of the mortal, granting blessed and glorious resurrection! You brought our newness to heaven, having planted with it the right hand of the owl, You, the owl, Your Father! Our Lord! Grant us both on earth and in heaven praise, bless, praise Your goodness! Grant us, in appearances, to look terrible, impregnable, beautiful Your Glory, forever look at You, bow down to You and be blissful in Him. Amen.

Prayer in the wake of hell

Odvіchny God! hidden clues! taste the heart and womb, sit on the Cherubim, and the days are endless, think my mind from afar! You hang, because I hate it, I don’t want it, and it’s not by will that I’m unclean, vile, blasphemous thoughts, attackers are cold on me; And I bless Your kindness, fence the filthy spirit, let me step into me, vigilant thoughts of evil, let me not studge me, quiet the praise of my heart, shove the storm of my thoughts, the quarrel of the enemy, to bless my zvistka, let me not harm the enemy about me; Tobі more tremtyat and tremtyat nasty spirits. The strongmen will listen to you. Tobi robotic essence of the whole; You blew a storm that praised my mind, let it be in silence, let it be without hesitation and blessing, I will correct You, my Lord, all the days of my stomach! Amen. God! see my sorrow, see my bіdu, see the unstudishness of my enemy, fiercely and heavily attack me with filthy thoughts, reflecting my soul, troubling my heart, obscuring my mind, and benevolent my conscience, first, lower me on you, my good God, thought to accept the filth, and let me, that my enemy is in my mind; but for my weakness, this wicked and blasphemous and blasphemous thought is healed, and I can’t see myself without Yours, my God, help me: for my passion, my mind is inconsistent, my strength is German, my adversary, my strength, and my strength will overturn mine strength; And it’s not like Thee, the Lord is a mitzny and a strong buv among His people, then who will please, save the lives of the enemy and the devil’s pliers? Tim, I bow down to You, O All-Merciful and Most Merciful! I don’t want to see my, Creator God! and I will help you with good omnipotence, beat the enemy on the head that knocks me, bliss the bliss, and the people have made me adversaries, sow light in the heart of my grace of your sweetness, I will bless You my Christ, who shines through every person, so that I will walk in the light of Your appearance, and I will serve your names of honor! Amen.

Prayer for the blessing of the house and household

O Lord our God, dzherelo good, punishing the earth to bring forth a plaid, pleasing for the sake of Thy kindness; bless and multiply and multiply this house, and the fruitfulness of your servants: make the treasures of yours any good fruit, wheat, wine, and oil, and save them from all the rest, be calm, with the mustache that are in them, and enlighten them from your knowledge, do not be pleasing to Thee your blessings. Bo bless Thy name, Father, and Sin, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer over us

Tsya prayer is read over us, whether it be like growing up, like you can grow into a booth, at the miner's for a ticket. Prayer for us to sit down, and put the roslin in the back side of the booth. As long as you grow up in a booth, you will not sleep.

Lord our God, in the presence of Thy purest valleys, in front of Thy face, before us, sweetly brought mercy by Vladiko, and to whom we entrust ourselves, we pray: not for the light of the soulless earth over the earth, if we do not bachim at Your command, , and bread on the hedge. And we pray to You, our God, consider You, what to pray, and give us Your great treasure, and good, and heavenly, and Your will, blessed by Your will, we will be content with Your untrue lies: point at us, sin for our sake: and Your riches bounty fell on all Your people, the grace of the love of people of Your only-begotten Sin, blessed with him, and with the most holy and good, and life-giving Your Spirit, nin and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer for a lot of good at home

Lord Jesus Christ, our God, in the presence of five grains of bread and two ribs, five thousand infestations, and in the face of the impersonal ukruhiv of the gracious brothers: Himself, Vladiko the almighty, and bless the predetermined gaps, blessed with prayers, glorious Lords of our saints of the Mother of God of all The Supreme Apostle Peter: and that they partake of the rib, in the world and health of the soul and body. Bo Ti, the giver of the blessings of the good, and to Thee we send glory to Your unearthly Father, and to the Most Holy, and good, and tenacious Your Spirit, forever and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer before the cob

Lord Jesus Christ, Sinu, the Only Begotten of the Beginningless Father! You speak with Your pure lips, for without Me you can do nothing. My Lord, Lord, I have spoken to you in faith in my soul and heart, I bow down to your goodness: have mercy on me, a sinner, it’s the cause, I’m starting to, about You, stir up Himself, in my name the Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer for the unforgiven image and memory of the evil

My Savior, learn to forgive me with a wide heart of all who have formed me. I know that I cannot stand before You with the feelings of the witches that are in my soul. Hardened my heart! There is no kohanna in me! Help me, Lord! I beg you, learn to forgive me quietly, who impersonates me, like You, my God, on the cross, having pierced Your enemies! Lord, don’t let me think about myself like I’m about the best of people, but think like I’m about the best and don’t judge anyone, but judge myself harshly. Amen.

Zmova zahisna against the enemy of the human race

In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit. Amen. I will become a language, a servant of God (im'yarek), be blessed, I will cross, on God's deeds, on God's way, from the door of the house, from the yard of the gate - in a clean field, from a clean field, in a dark fox, in dry swamps, in rot decks. Like these rotten decks do not become green, do not stand on me, on the servant of God (im'yarok), do not become parables and corruption, prizes and touches, and lessons, windy and wounded, daytime and noon, evening and opivnіchny, witchcraft and chaklunstvo vіdteper i dovіku, the servant of God (іm'yarok) povіk povіdayuchi, the most pure Mother of God, the Mother of God is on the throne. I forgot my words, servant of God, and put that word in front of everyone. I will lock the servant of God for distant locks, I will lock the locks for distant keys, I will throw the keys in the clear sea-oceans; I see the golden pike from that sea, the luska midna, and the farthest reaches of my springs, and the deep sea. And don’t slander pike to anyone, don’t know the keys to far away, don’t break the locks, don’t call me, the servant of God. Amen.

>Zmova for good luck

Lord God bless. In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit, holy father with prayers. I will stand, be blessed, I will cross, I will cover the sky, I will help the earth, I will fence myself with a cross. I bow, the servant of God (im'bright), heaven, I cloak myself at the shell, I am supported by my armor. I, the servant of God (im'yarek), bowed my head, of heaven in front of all dashing people and adversaries; for me, the servant of God (im'bright), the sun, over my head is a month, my star is in heaven. And do not fill the silence of my words with water, do not fill with dew, do not wet with wood. Amen. In my words, the key and the lock, and the whole fort of the Holy Spirit and Ninі and all the time and forever and ever. Amen, amen, amen.

Zmova, the opening on the right ended in success

Lord God bless. I, the servant of God (im'yarek), will be blessed, I will cross, I will cross, near the open field, near the green forest, I will, the servant of God (im'yarek), with water that dew; I will wipe myself with cloth, spinning, and I will rise, the servant of God (im'yarek), between heaven and earth; I will manage with partial stars; I am in front of a great light; I will close myself, the servant of God (im'yarek), a young bright month. And I will pray, the servant of God (im'yarek), to the Most Pure Mother of God: The Most Pure Being of the Mother of God; And about what I will pray to you, and about what I will bow to you, Most Pure Mother of God: pray for me, a servant of God (Im'arok), and for my promise of Jesus Christ, the Heavenly King. Jesus Christ, the King of Heaven, having created heaven and earth, and all the holy saints of Christ, and all the disciples of Christ, and us sinners, have mercy on all of us. Amen.

Zmova to save money in the face of villains and dashing people

I will rise, the servant of God, bless, I will cross over, in a clean field; I will stand on the back of the ridge, on the faces of the faces, I will marvel at the clear sky: from the clear sky, a fiery arrow will fly; Tієї arrows I will pray, I will submit and I will sleep її: where did it fly, the arrow is on fire? - At the black fox, on the hitky swamps, on the orphan root. Oh, fiery arrow! Turn around and fly, where I will send you: Lord, our God, the obediences of Moses, stretching out their hands to You, and the people of the Israelites, slandering Amalek, Josus Nun’s anger at the like, punishing the sun of the article: Thy ninth, Vladiko Lord, feel us. Save Yogo's army: send Your angel to see them: give them all for the salvation of the prohannya: lay down, make peace and establish the world. Send, O Lord, Thy invisible right-bearer, Thy servant intercede in us: and by judging You, put your soul on the battlefield for the faith, and the homeland, forgive the sins of them, and on the day of Thy righteous resurrection, see the imperishable victories, like Your Power. The power to help you is all acceptable, we put hope on you, and we give glory to you, to the Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit, and forever and ever. Amen.

Zmova, schob conceived

I will become, the servant of God (im'bright), bless and cross, with fresh cold, spring water, get in, shake me, the servant of God (im'bright), clean, scold, thin, white towel. I, the servant of God (Im'arok), will stand before the holy image, I will bow and pray to the True Christ, and the Most Holy Theotokos, and the holy prophet of God, the Merciful. And I will pray to you holy Іllі the merciful and bow for myself, the servant of God (im'yarok), and about my promise. And like you, holy Іllya of mercies, ride on your gray horse in the mustache of the side, along the steep red mountains and along the yellow pisks, and like you, holy Іllya of mercies, with your holy spirit piskiv, and take care of the omivaesh, - and cleanse you for me, the servant of God (im'yarok), and from my providence for every psuvannya, be like a parable, which was earlier. And like you, holy Іllya of mercifulness, having embellished distant churches of God with the grace of God, so, holy Іllya of mercies, me, a servant of God (im'bright), decorate in a clean field, in a dark one, in a green fox with your Holy Spirit, the grace of God . Be, my words, mіtsnі that lіlennya, tоrіshі for kamіn, rather for glue i сіrku, sіch salt, sаrіshy sword-samosіk, mіtsnіshy for damask steel; scho conceived, those zdіysnitsya! Amen.

Zmova okhoronna vіd supernik i zazdrіsnika

I will stand, blessed, I will go, cross, from the door of the hut, from the yard of the gate; I see in an open field, on the blue Khvalinsk sea. Under the sea under Khvalinsky there is a medny dim, and in that medny house a fire serpent is curled up, and under the fire serpent lies a seven-pound key to the prince's tower, and in the prince's tower there is a hero's armor. I sing the swan: fly to the Khvalinsky sea, peck the fiery serpent, remove the seven-pood key. It is not for my wings to reach the Khvalinsky Sea, it is not for me to strike the fiery serpent, it is not for my legs to reach the seven-pood key; On the sea, on the ocean, on the islands on Buyan, there are ravens, our elder brother to the ravens: to fly to the Khvalinsky sea, to seal the fiery serpent, to attract the seven-pood key. I shake the prince's tower with this key, I remove my brave hero. In this armor, I can’t get any squeakers, or arrows, or fighters, or wrestlers, or Tatar, or Kazan’s army. Chur, the word is over, my right is the crown. Amen.

Zmova on the kokhannya of all people

Lord, God, bless! I, the servant of God (im'yarek), will become blessed and cross; father of forgiveness, blessed mother and good deed of teaching. And I’m going, a servant of God (im’yarek), from the door of the hut, from the yard of the gate, and I’ll go out into the open field, at the wide rozdolly, to the shid, to the skhid. And I will pray (Im'arok) on the shidny bіk, from the shid side the keys of fire flow, the keys were shone with gold, and all the hordes were healed, and all languages ​​were healed. At quiet keys, I rush in and rub myself with the Lord's veil, and I would give myself up to all judges and chiefs who are red for the sun, shining for a month. Whoever thinks evil of me, I myself take that person: I have a wolf's mouth, a stinging tooth. I lock my sound with 77 locks, 77 lancets, I throw the keys into the ocean-sea, under the white-flammable stone alatir. Who is the wisest to pull together for me, who pulls all the sand from the sea.

Zmova for the well-being of the house and the household

I lie down, a servant of God (im'yarek), bless, I will cross, dress with light, get ahead of the bright dawn, cry in the gloom, I will know part of the stars. I will walk in an open field, I will stand in disguise, I will hoarse, I will see Satan and the devil, I will see the Cherry Creator, the heavenly King, the Lord Jesus Christ himself, Sabaoth, God, with my own honest good, gold and silver, all wealth and to health, and to your good, and home, and households to save, to protect, and to change your mind, and to your yard for parishion, and turn safely from the road. Shvidky for intercession and prayer for help, become the grace of the strength of Your Nina, and having blessed the serpents, and for the good deed of the servants of Your zrobi to be brought to us: whatever you want, like a Strong God, you can do. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Zmova for multiplying that saving of goodness

I will rise, servant of God (im'yarek), be blessed, go, cross, near the open field, to the Ocean-Sea. And as the rivers flow to the Ocean-Sea from thin mountains, from dense forests, from moss and pain, and molasses, and from the ornih lands, and from the forest mowing, so the twinklings of pennies came and all goodness and lazily to me, and multiplied saved. And like a meeting of the holy of baptisms, the people of God, at the ringing of the call to the church, to the spiritual father, to the face of God, the Mother of God, the Mother of God, so the pennies converged and every kindness and like to me, and multiplied and saved like the sun at sunset . . And the hills of Mount Tabor stand on the mіstsі and won't rise at once, and the hills of mіtsno Mount Sinai stand on the mіsts and won together, and the hills of mіtsno Nativity scene stand and won't stop at once, and the hills of mіtsno Mount Athos they tremble at once, the Palestinian, the Jerusalem burns, they don’t rise and fall, and they don’t collapse from time to time - just like that, my little pennies and all sorts of things didn’t rise, they didn’t rise, and they didn’t pop out of the house. My zmova mіtsna, like a stone-alatir, whoever the stone-alatir is smoother, I will overcome that zmov. Tim, in my words, heaven is the key, earth is the castle, until now! Amen.

Zmova on the blessing of the Heavenly Host

Lord, Jesus Christ, Lady of the Mother of God, Mother of God, Michael the Archangel, Gabriel the Archangel, Gregory the Horobry, Saint Nicholas, saint of Christ and all the hosts of heaven! I, (im'yarek), a servant of God, I will pray and bow to you, holy saints, I will pray and bow: come and help me to my words, and put me, a servant of God (im'yarek), tin, garden, stowed, damask, stone 'Early in the form of a chakluna, in the form of a chaklunitsa, in the sight of a red maiden, in the sight of young young women, there would not have been a portion of that sample in the mire and in the city. Holy lamps, take the guests of bagnets, tijaete, mosque for tin and for the city. I, the servant of God (im'yarok), will take the key and the lock and I will become the servant of God (im'yarok), I will become that tin of zamikati and zamikati mіtsno mіtsno; I'll let down the key at the blue sea. Like this key, don’t go over the blue sea, so it wouldn’t be with me, the servant of God (im’yarok), no spoilage, no buns, no tightness, no stings in the day with sun and at night with moon, with ranking dawn, at evening dawn and on all days and years, and on Wednesday, and on Friday, and on all ages. Amen.

Health care

In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Lord, bless the true Christ. I will rise, the servant of God (im'yarek), be blessed, I will go, cross, on the red sun, on the sunset of the light of the month, on the quiet dawn of that evening. Don’t take the bright moon out of the sky, don’t take clear stars out of the sky, but I, the servant of God (im’bright), don’t let go of corruption and corruption in your wild head , neither in clear eyes, nor in a white appearance, nor in a deep heart, nor in a lung, nor in a liver, nor across, nor in a gank, nor in a hand, nor in a hidden penis, nor in a podkolinn lived, nor on my whole shelter. Like a Syrian gander swims on the water, and to cut off - all dry, so you, parable, dry, dry; like on the matir on the grass the ant dew dries, so you, commotion, dry, pidsikhayte; like a fire in the water of the rottenness, so you, the parable's parable, go out, extinguish. Go, spoil-parables, for dark foxes, for black bugs, where people don’t go, don’t ride horses, dogs don’t run, and free birds don’t fly, - moss near the greenery, swamp near the khistka, near the abyss. Forever and ever. Amen.

Wealth savings for a long time

I will rise, the servant of God (im'yarek), be blessed, walk, cross, door through the door, with frequent drabinka, on a wide street, on a shidny bik, under a red sun, under a bright moon, under a part of a starry sky, under a cloud of gloom. On a similar boat, the ocean-sea is great. In the middle of the sea is a great island. On that island there is a stone church; your church has a holy golden throne. On the sea on Asafi, under a cherry tree, three angels stand: the first one is Archangel Mikhailo; the other is Kuzma-Dem'yan; the third is Saint Simon. In the sky - a moon, at the oak - a worm, by the sea - a stone. As long as the three brothers do not come together and walk near a clean field under a dry oak on a white stone, until that hour, in me, the servant of God (im'bright) was all good and good, and God bless. And like the dead lie at the thresh, do not be afraid, do not alarm, lie dumbfounded and stunned, so beat me, the servant of God (im'arok), did not fear and did not throw off all good and strong, and God bless, until this day, until the end of the year, by qiu hvilin i by qiu second, and for ever and ever. Amen.

A conjuration-prayer for a multiplication of kindness and a tribute of longevity and prosperity

Mighty God, Holy Sin, King of the kings and the Lord panoychim, short of the heavenly forces, who are terrified by the mighty, nowhere and nobody can go, thousands of thousands and darknesses of the holy angel and the archangel check. Lord, God, you are the region of heaven and earth; for the sake of your great name and for the sake of your unspeakable grace, for the sake of the only-begotten Jesus Christ, feel me, your unworthy servant, in the time of qiu: where else will my life be read my prayer, let me be allowed, more wax melting in the fire, so crafty at the crafty human chi creaturely, chi grape maєtku їхніх small and great in the im'ya life-giving Trinity do not let the essence and permissions be illumined and hіba You do not know any other God. Like a stone Moses pouring water with a rod of Israel, so You, God, strong, lay your hand on your mighty and strong, holy, blessed home, that I pray. As if you have planted your paradise in Eden, and in addition, the chotir rivers will appear by your order: Geon, Fison, Tiger and Euphrates in quietness and Adam's man cannot be trimmed, because the charm on the right of the catching Bisivska apostolic fence can’t, what I will allow and allow, Banish And I’m banishing the gidka, evil, I’ve let go of evil people and evil biss - in the form of a servant of God, Imeneka, who call me to your names in the sky, as if having multiplied Ti lіto Ezekіya tsar, so don’t let all the earthly and spiritual multiply in order, who to pray. Amen.

Zmova vіd zlidnіv

Guess, O Lord, King David and all the rest of the world! I will rise, the servant of God (im'yarek), at dawn, about the evening time, bless and cross, pray to the Lord God, I will see in the open field, on the blue sea. On that blue Okian-Sea, in a clean field, there was a kuzhlova birch - the very mother of the Most Holy Theotokos. I am, a servant of God (im'yarek), I will pray and pray, I will bow on all sides: Mother of God, Most Holy Theotokos, help, help me, a servant of God (im'yarek), to encourage every life and blackness and every human sin . Forever, ever and ever and for ever and ever. The key is sliv, the lock is for thoughts. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Against psuvannya on promisel

In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit. Amen. I will rise, be blessed; go, cross; from the hut door, from the yard with a cold, in the open field, on a bright month, on the part of the part, on the starry sky, not on the early morning, not on the evening. I will go, the servant of God (im'yarek), to the Sionsky mountain, and I will stand, the servant of God (im'yarek), on the stream under the midst of the stele; And I will clothe myself, the servant of God (im'bright), with heavenly heights, I will face the bright dawn of the evening and the rank, I will hoarse with parts of the stars and I will wash myself with fresh water - in the midday wind, in the evening wind, and in the rank wind, in the night; in the daytime tributaries, in the night tributaries, in the evening tributaries, in the ranking tributaries and in the opivnochі, and in the midday tributaries, and in the sights of ghosts, and in all sorts of evil people. I didn’t do anything for me, I didn’t harm, I didn’t win, I didn’t graft. The words of my mіtsnі mіtsnі zavzhdi, ninі i povyakchas і for ever and ever. Amen to the Heavenly King. Amen.

Zmova to get wealth

In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit. Amen. I will rise, servant of God, bless and cross; I will see, the servant of God, from the door of the door, from the door at the gate. I will see motherly blessings on a white street and I will stand on a mother or earth, on a shidny bik; And I will pray, servant of God, to the Lord God of Savao, our Savior, Jesus Christ, the Sin of God, and the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Heaven, and the Archangel the Archangel of God, and John the Baptist, the Baptist of Christ, and the apostles Peter and Paul, all the powers of heaven. I’ll be clouded with a cloudy cloud, I’ll survive the dawn, I’ll be hundreds of young months, I’ll hush up with parts of the stars, I’ll sink into God’s beauty. Praise to the father in the form of an arrow-splash, in the pattern of the horn, in the armored sword, in the damask of red and blue, in the steel of the knife, in the dagger, in the lead, in the middle, in the dart of the middle and in the fall, in the spices . zaliznogo. Amen.

Zmova for pennies

In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit. Amen. I, the servant of God (im'yarek), will get up, bless, go, cross, near the open field, on the way. At the opposite side there is an upper tree. Three miracle workers stand under the cherry tree: the first one is the miracle worker - Mykola the saint; another type of miracle worker - Kuzma-Dev'yan; the third type of miracle worker is Saint Simon. Go the tree for pennies: for gold, that copper was slain. Pennies near the earth; prihovane srіblo, razzhene, dosvіdchene, vіd zemlі cleansed by the seven. You, Lord, save us and care for us in every kind and nature. Amen.

Zmova as a cross to the spirit of the unclean

Eternal God, grant us the fullness of the devil, the serpent of Thy servant (im'bright) in the presence of any action of the unclean spirits, - and їm bіsom enter into the soul and body in the form of Thy servant (im'bright), and do not rest, melt lower in the dark , otherwise, attacking a new one, but do not let your only begotten Ti Sin, our Lord, Jesus Christ, and the life-day Cross, and your Holy and life-day Spirit in the creation of your hands, let them be cleansed in every devilish deed, righteous, holy, on , and piously pure those life mysteries, the only-begotten Ti Sin and the Lord our God, Jesus Christ, with him blessed with Ty and glorifications, with the most holy and good, and life Spirit, - forbid, nin and everlasting and for ever and ever. Amen.

Zmova for multiple gold

In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit. I, the servant of God (im'yarek), will be blessed, I will cross, I will see in an open field, I will stand on the fold of the faces, on the back of the ridge, I will pray to our Lord Jesus Christ that Mother of the Most Holy Lady of the Mother of God and all the saints; I will dress the morning white light, and I will be veiled by the morning dribbling stars, I will wash myself with the light dew of Solomon. O light dew of Solomon, as if you cover the wound with gold dewy grass, so it is less covered with imperishable, inevitable gold. Be, tsі words, spovna and mіtsnі on the servant of God (іm'yarok) in the name of the Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Zmova for savings from godless thoughts and vchinkiv

In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit. Come on, satano, and from us with your bisons and evil crafty people, your saints, from these temples in the chotyroh kutiv and two doors and in the eyes of the horses; in this temple is the throne of God, Jesus Christ himself, the Son of God, sits on the throne, rozіyat on the cross and in the ashes of hell and correcting your strength to the devil. Christ the King of Heaven, the angels of heaven and the archangels and all the powers of heaven created the sky, the earth, the sea, fenced me with squeaks with my hand and feet, fence me a servant of God with stone hail about three locks and fences, put a flood of mud near the heavenly height and in the sea clay. Set up a flood of mud, a bay of faith and a middle gate, make locks of those, bury in the dvinsk peak and in a stone oven, in the presence of a sorcerer and in the dribnitsa, in the sight of a sorcerer and in the sight of an enchantment and in the sight of every evil person, unkind. My mouth is a lock, my language is a key: I will lock it with a key, I will lock it with a key, I will lower the lock by the sea, and I will throw the key to heaven. Amen.

Zmova to God I will help in every good deed

Holy Adam was repetitive, Jesus Christ gave blue, and the Lord shone, and Mother of God watered, she gave it to all Orthodox. Creator and Creator of the mighty, God, the work of our hands, we repent to Your glory, quickly correct Your blessings, and we were freed from all evil, the only omnipotent and Human. Stop my directing after your word, and do not heal me of any lawlessness, allow me to deal with the slander of the people, and I will save Your commandments, enlighten Your rebuke on Your servant, and teach me Your righteousness.

Zmova, that the enemy did not care about being right

I, the servant of God (im'arok), will be blessed, I will go, cross, I will pray and bow to the Resurrection of Christ. Stand above the servant of God mustache holy saints, all angels and archangels, and all the heavenly hosts, and guard the servant of God (im'yarok) without a bar, come from heaven, a prophet on a chariot of fire, carry a great grim, and the spirit of yoga the bliskavka is great, the word of the yogo arrow, the spitting of the yogo stone is burning, the enemies of the damned are on you, to enter into the abyss the damned and crafty bis in the presence of the servant of God (im'bright) by the command of God, the heavens will turn and do not begin, sent by the Lord the true Christ, King Mary on you, accursed enemies, until the end of the seven-fold fire, and burn you accursed enemies, until the end, amen, amen, amen; and more from heaven to fly at you, damned enemies, sent by the Lord and mother Mary, wild beasts and two heads, and tear you apart, enemies, and they don’t let you into the world, de lure the servant of God (im’yarok) close. Amen.

Zmova against the approaches of dark forces

In the Name of the Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit, I will become a servant of God (im'yarek), blessed, early early and go far in the open field, like a blessed father and like a mother of forgiveness, and like a clan and a tribe near and far , I will see far away in a clear field and I will stand on the fold of the faces, and on the back of the ridge. Mother earth, father sky, dawn Mary, dawn Maremyaniya; I’ll put the red sun in my eyes, I’ll put a young bright month at the bed, I’ll light it with parts of the stars, I’ll cover the imperishable robe of the Lord. As in the presence of the King of Heaven and in the sight of the Most Holy Theotokos the horns of the devil are ticking, and every unclean creature at its own ashes of motherhood, under a stump and a deck, at a black lake, at a deep viri, so every kind of bida and every sin would flow into me. God be glorified, Satan has called, right now, until forever, and until another coming of Christ. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Zmova for every good thing on the right, that honest promise

Glory to You, our God, Glory to You! I will go at sunset, at the gathering of a bright month. Give, Lord, to the young moon for good deeds and for the honorable promise of golden horns, but to me, Thy servant, Thy God bless on high tops. I how to cast tsars and princes, and boyars, and all sorts of rulers, and all Orthodox Christians, and how to cast power on the Lord God of Savaot, and on angels, and on archangels, and on cherubs, and on seraphim, and on apostles, and on the prophets, and on all kinds of saints, and on the red sun, and on the child a bright month, and on the part of the star, and on the heavenly month and on the cherry, and do not think of the stink, kings and princes and boyars, and all sorts of rulers of power and all Orthodox, I do not think that I have power over the Lord God of hosts, and over angels, and over archangels, and over cherubim, and over seraphim, and over apostles, and over all the holy saints, and over the black sun, and over a child, a bright month, and on the heavenly moon, and on the heights of no evil, no evil, and on me the servant of God, and I would give up, the servant of God, in possession of him in the eyes of the chervonyach of the red sun, bright for the luminous month and part of the world, for ever and ever, the whole fortress of the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen.

Zmova on pіdkhіd to prіbnoї people

In the name of the Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit, amen. Christ is risen from the dead, correct death by death and bring the righteous sinners of the dead souls out of the hell, and like those righteous sinners of the dead souls, they healed and rejoiced on the Trinity of Christ's Sunday, so the cathedral apostolic church itself rejoiced and rejoiced, the martyrs of that reverend martyr fathers, pastors and teachers of the omnipotence, so they were glad to me, the servant of God (im'yarok), all judges and commanders, and governors, and bosses, and all the volodar of the earth. Saint Peter and Paul, supreme apostles, rise to heaven, take locks and keys, lock your words, and lift the keys to heaven, and throw the locks to the bottom of the Ocean-Sea. If the sky falls into the Ocean-Sea, then my words will open up. Amen.

Zmov on a sign about wealth

I will stand, the servant of God (im'bright), in the morning and in the evening, blessing, washing in the morning dawn and evening, shaking the white light, baking a red sun at my forehead, a bright moon in the ceiling, on the braids of private dribnі zіrki rise; we walk from the door, from the blue blue, from the gates of the thief, we went far in the open field, camped on the chotiri growth, camped on the disguise, on the back of the ridge. At the descending light of the true Christ, on the blue sea, there was a maiden, a dawn dawn, the mother herself and the queen. Zorya Zirnitsa, red girl, mother herself and queen; Bright moon, clear stars, take from me sleeplessness, sleeplessness, midnight sleep, give me sleeplessness, drowsiness, night sleepers. In the middle of the night, come to me as a red maiden, as a mother queen, and store for me and bring me a cursed strength and give me a Spasov hand, Mother of God castle. My angel, my archangel, save my soul, creak my heart, the enemy of Satan, watch over me. I cross with a cross, I fence myself with a cross, I call out with the cross of an angel, I call out with the cross of the evil one. In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit. Amen. I know the holy banner!

Zmova on a white stone, bread and strength

For the sake of a dream, you need a white fireplace with rivers, pieces of bread and a pinch of salt. Put bread on the fireplace and sip the beast of the hill. Name trichi:

In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit. I take the bread-strength of the saints, and the little fireplace is white, and like on the bread-on-strength and on the fireplace, nothing comes, so it didn’t come to the servant of God (im’bright), nothing came: don’t parable, don’t mow, don’t touch, don’t wash and no sorrow. Go, lessons, mow, guard, and all kinds of nahіdnі and navіdnі, and napuschenі, and all sorts of psuvannya, hardships and pozihannya, tightness, dryness with the mustache of unclean spirits: go you, damned, cursed with your mustaches to your father on your satan, and go to the tartarari, who will spit out the glory of God in the sight of Sin; on me, a servant of God, the powers of the Lord and our Savior Jesus Christ will opine; hell is the power of the guardian angel, which the Lord God gave the holy baptism, for a skin day and nothing, for a skin hour, for our protection, and be the goodness of God on the servant of God (im'bright), nі and povyakchas і for ever and ever, amen .

Zmova for strength

Tsya zmova is read in the absence of forces and unsatisfactory work, especially on the cob, following that, for example, importantly.

Lord Jesus Christ, Sin of God, have mercy on us. I, the servant of God, (im'yarek), will be blessed, I will cross myself from the hut in the door, from the door at the gate, to the exit; є on the descent, on the skhіdnіy side there is a buoy island; on that buoy island there is a holy tree, from this holy tree a damask beak emerges, with damask horns to bador the mountain, with the legs of a shkrebe; And like at this damask bik the damask horns of the stone do not bend, and do not break, and do not flatten, Holy, holy, holy! gray at the thunder, raided by wild glints, torrential dzherela on the face of the earth, o terrible and terrible Vladiko! Judge the accursed devil yourself, and save us sinners, forever and ever and forever and ever, amen. Rozum reverend, selfish, honor in the sight of God, votchiznі savior, nіnі i povyakchas і for ever and ever, amen. Terrible God, wondrous God, living near the cherries, sitting on cherubs, walking in thunder, voluminous gleams, calling sea water and spilling on the faces of all the earth. God terrible, God of miracles! he himself guards the enemy of his devil, zavzhdi, ninі i povyakchas і for ever and ever, amen. The Trinity ordered, the Mother of God ordered, trichi to get bored, to pass through, and to get out of the way. Amen Tim to my words.

Zmova on pіdkhіd to the authorities, if necessary, he allowed you to ask for pennies

In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit. Amen. I, the servant of God (im'yarek), will be blessed, I will cross, I will see in the open field, I will stand in disguise, until the clear dawn of the ranking, until the red sun, until the evening dawn, until the dark night. Rankova dawn for the joy of the red sun, the evening dawn for the joy of the dark night, dark for the night, for the part and clear for the other stars of the young (or old) bright month, so they were merry and merry about me, the servant of God (im'bright people), all those beginning people the righteous, wherever I come, or I will come and in what I ask them, in what they could not encourage me and did not rob me of my bastard without melancholy; to my brothers and sisters, amen to prayers.


The whole sound, yaku can be read at the dark hour before going to bed. You can read this day - you protect yourself from the influx of dark forces, like you already love to feed the energy of the people who are sleeping.

I lie down, a servant of God (im'yarek), be blessed, I will cross over, dress myself with light, I will rise in the light of the dawn, I will cry with great gloom, I will fade with parts of the stars. And I will walk in an open field, I will stand on the fold of the guise, on the back of the ridge, in the presence of Satan the devil I will speak, to the greater Creator, the heavenly King, to the Lord Jesus Christ God himself, I see.

Great book of words'yansky zahisnih zmov

Remembrance - all the ancient rituals, which our ancestors used to make rich. For the widest meaning of the word zmov - the only verbal formula that can magical meaning. Old Russian sounds are often called: slander, amulets, drying, drying, whispering, words are thin.

The snakes slandered all spheres of life. With their help, people vied their hearts right, got success and penny dobrobut, stole their lives from evil spirits, they made them sick.

The Russian magic tradition has impersonal spirits of the jubilation of children. With these rites they were cured like a strong widow, the skin mother knew them to remember.

It is necessary to remember that if you are a healer against ailments, it is necessary to read only with a positive, good-natured attitude. Only a person with a pure heart and soul can speak both to himself and to a child.

Most of the people, like copying, saving, typing, and expanding handwritten collections of items, were not professional magical facsimiles. The stinks were turned up to the heights to solve such real problems, like a sickness, important curtains, the need to stand before the court, the existence of mutuality among the kohan people, the lack of attention to the results of fishing and fishing, the fear of wild creatures under the hour of thinness on the flock.

Included in different situations, zmovi poured in on healthy, mental and moral self-consciousness of specialty, a camp in the marriage and the stounki with other people. In the world, in which faith in magic was wild, the spirits helped people to see and feel in themselves, hope for clothes, gave strength to that will to the support of the outer furnishing.

There is a large number of ethnographic works and a selection of folklore creations of that hour about the everyday incitement of spirits among the XVIII-XIX among the people: the collection of the “Great Russian Spell” (1869), prepared by L. Maykovim; "Russian folk-pobutova medicine" G. Popov (1903); “Move, protect, ryativnі prayers that іn.” N. Vinogradova; “Materials from the ethnography of the Russian population of the Arkhangelsk province” (1878) P.S. Efimenko.

In 1841, the book of I. Sakharov "Telling to the Russian people" was released. Later, the works of V.I.Dal appeared “About faith, cares for the Russian people”, F.I.Buslaev “Historical drawings of Russian folk literature”, A.N.Afanasyev “Poetically look at the nature of words”.

After 1917, much less respect was attached to the fate of the wedding and the selection of serpents from Russia, less stink of merit. Wanting, insanely, the robot did not directly stick to whom.

Stacking the collections tried to separate the materials based on previous ethnographers of the past. The main part of the zmov takes the old spelling.

Say goodbye

Zmova for appetite

“Like me, servant of God, dear looking and hands, so that drink was given to me.”

Talk three times, then let's go to the leviy bіk, overhead.

“Like the thresholds of a mitzna shchilni, so I would be shchilna and mitzna bula: no lessons, no prize stuck.”

Zmova vіd bozhevіllya

“I will rise, the servant of God (im'ya), be blessed, I will go through the doors at the door, from gate to gate. I’ll see in the open field, on the dew of the ranking, I’ll blow in the heavenly dew, I’ll shake the red sun, I’ll pray on all 4 sides, I’ll go to the sea-ocean. On the sea-ocean stand the churches of Clement, Pope of Rome, chotiribrate, chotirigolovna, the doors themselves open, the heads themselves open, in the quiet heads of the chotirigolovnyh all the wisdom of God to walk in the white world. Do not go, wisdom of God, in the white light, but go to the servant of God (im'ya) and put in the servant of God (im'ya), on the top of your insides, sent the servant (im'ya) out of all madness , bogeville, bogeville, perelyaku, brain ruin, forgetfulness, reading out, forgetfulness, pardon, and debauchery, and stupidity, and sorrow, and ailment. Become a new moon in the sky, mind and mind, memory and mind, memory of that wisdom. Zmіtsni yogo, Lord, as if having creaked the light in six days, willed, Lord, as if having violated King David in the lawlessness, like Tsar Solomon was sensible, so be the servant of God (im'ya) sensible throughout his life, throughout his entire life. The word yoga mitzne.

In the name of the Father and Sin, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

“The Lord Himself was born, the light rose more brightly. The Lord Himself, Jesus Christ, descended from heaven and blessed his servant (im'ya) with holy prayers. Do not boil hot blood, do not grieve the heart of the servant of God (im'ya) like a filthy dog, like fox, like water, like first puppies. The Lord Himself, Jesus Christ, descends from heaven and takes right hand shovkovu batog and exhalation from an unclean spirit, from windy, from fox, from water, from a heretic, from a heretic. It came from the wind, come to the wind; it came from the fox, go to the fox; from the driver came, go to the water; in the sight of a filthy dog ​​came, go to the dog; in the presence of a heretic came, on a heretic come; came to the heretic, go to the heretic. Zorya zgasaє i lyagaє; at the ring finger, there is no name, it didn’t bulo - and there will be no poveki povoki, vіdteper and until vіku. Amen."

Zmova vіd ailment

“Lord Jesus Christ, Sin of God, have mercy on us. I will become a servant of God (im'ya), be blessed, I will cross myself from the hut in the door, from the door at the gate, to the exit; є on the descent, on the skhіdnіy side there is a buoy island; on that buoy island there is a holy tree, from this holy tree a damask beak emerges, with damask horns to bador the mountain, with the legs of a shkrebe; And like at that damask bik, the damask horns of the mitzna do not bend, and do not break, and do not flatten, so the servant of God in me and the camp did not bend and did not break, the mіtsno would stand, like a kіl, rіg would stand with a horn, stovp stovpom, arrow with an arrow, a copy of the list, neither the back of the bi, nor the front did not hurt, nor the pinch and not the ache, not in the daytime year, and not in the night year, not in the midday and pivnochі, not on the young, not like the moon, on my stomach up to my death, poviki on vіki i vіki vіkіv amen. In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit. Like a grim grimne and a glare to burn, so bi in the hands of my fiery armor fired and grimila; as if nothing could be created, God, the sun and the month, make the grim and shine, so they could not make the fire in my hands. Amen."

“I, the servant of God (im'ya), will be blessed, I will cross myself, from the hut at the door, from the gate at the gate, go down, go at noon. Nazustrich me Jesus Christ. I pray, a servant of God (im'ya): "Father Jesus Christ, help me in the form of 12 sisters, in the form of pivnіchny, in the form of midday." - “Look at the sight of the servant of God Demyan, go on mosses, on swamps, on empty places, on the Athos mountains, near dark forests!” Be my words mіtsnі, mіtsnіshe stone, mіtsnіshe way. I will put the key-stone by the ocean, the blue sea, I will lock you with a mitzny lock. Amen."

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