Zmovu, sob shvidshe z v'yaznitsі let in. Zmova in'yaznitsi. Vіd ganebniy court

Every hour had a temper, if an innocent person could opine behind the gates. Unfortunately, the justice system was by no means perfect. A living person is not insured against undeserved punishment. To this day, as before, popular rituals, which allow you to win the court, to protect yourself from those close to you.

Prayer words that rhyme in victorious victorious, if people threaten the term

Rules for reading prayers and prayers

Prayer words that rhyme in victorious victories, if people threaten the term. Zavdyaki words of texts vydbuvaetsya svyazok іz greater forces, yakі can help turn the situation around your bik. Head rules for reading prayers and prayers:

  • it is even more important to read їх з ією впевненістю, what stinks є єіємімі and help;
  • man, if you want to call, may be innocent;
  • conduct rituals more often at the povnіy samotі;
  • before the readings of prayers, they should repent for all their sins;
  • it is important to clearly vikonuvat mustache vimogi to the rite;
  • to get up to the highest strength is required not only for prohannyam, but for vdyachnistyu;
  • words varto vivchiti zazdalegіd ta read in memory;
  • the one who conducts the ritual is not guilty of being a widow or a widower.

How to read prayers

Navit on vіdstanі vіznіznenіy vіdchuvaє moral podtrimku close people. Prayer helps to increase one's morale, giving hope on the freedom of the swede. People can ask God for a fair trial by reading prayers:

  • to the Lord, the guardian angel, the Most Holy Theotokos;
  • Before the Pochaiv icon;
  • Matron Miracle Workers;
  • Anastasia the pattern-maker;
  • Fomaїdi Egyptian;
  • Peter Afonsky.

Anastasia the Virishitelka herself was placed into slavery by her man, who knew her. Vaughn turned to God with prayers, like feelings of guilt. Prohannya about aggravated:

“O richly-suffering and wise Great Martyr Anastasia of Christ! Your soul in heaven beat the Lord’s throne, on earth, given to you by grace, the cost of a robish healer: look more graciously at the future people and pray before your relics, asking for your help: reach out to the Lord your holy prayers for us, and ask us for extra our sins, ill health, mournful and poor I'll help the shvidka: Pray the Lord, let us give us a Christian death and goodness at Your Last Judgment, let us be vouchsafed and glorify the Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit with you forever and ever. Amen."

You can pray Matrona of Moscow

“Blessed is Matronushka, the full healer Sergius, through the prayer of yogo from the pit, virval, And becoming Vladika Stefan, I remember all life to you, first for the father and mother, accepting a blessed death at the vіvtar, for the day the Myrrh-bearing Woman.

Take a look at the one who is full, who is suffering from the servant of God (im'ya), in a difficult situation.

Pray for Vladil the Force to free him from captivity, with the prayers of the Blessed Prince Danil of Moscow for the glory of Our Lady of the Blessed Mary, and the bloodless Sacrifice of Sina Її, to be offered for the world today.

Let all the sins of yoga be washed with the blood of the Lamb (3 times) Radiating the Myrrh-Bearers punishing you, Lament for the fore-mother Єvi vgamuva ti, your resurrection, Christ our God. To preach to his apostles having punished Jesus, the Savior has risen in the face of trouble. Amen."

Prayer of people in the air

They let the man loose, to make him read the prayer texts of Mykola the Wonderworker. Instructed with a lighted candle to spread the icon of Mykoli the Pleasant, ask God for the release of a person to freedom. Required to read a few times "Our Father", to cross. Let us not hasten to repeat the special prayers, sent to Mykoli the Wonderworker:

  • “The Wonderworker Mikolay, Zahisnik and Savior. Let go of the sins of a person - in acuteness of a sedentary, in the presence of a sick person. Yakshcho was judged to svіlnitisa dostrokovo, let's go to faith to be attached to mіtsno. Let your will be done. Amen."

  • "Mykola the Wonderworker, God's Pleasure. Thank you, help people, in the years of evil save. Let it be corrected yogo correctly, and navіk vydkine tsyu filth. On freedom, leaning again, to steal the love of the Lord. Let it be so. Amen."

  • “The Wonderworker Mikolay, the Savior that Zahisnik. I suffer for the sinfulness of a person, I check for a new one. Help the soul of the mournful, autumn for the faith of the right. You are close to blessed blessings, I will pray for you. Amen."

So that a person was released into the wild, to make them read the prayer texts of Mykola the Wonderworker

Effective prayers and speak

Yakscho close people, a relative of a friend was imprisoned under a varta and they called at a malice, which they did not repair, it is necessary to vikorista a special rite. It is necessary to give papiers to you before SIZO with a prayer in the pit. Have nіy mayut buti words:

“The Servant of God (im'ya) is a guarding angel in the pit of the ryatu, all the castles in front of him are visible. Take care, Lord, of the servant of God (im'ya) from the lies of people, from the slander of the evil-doer. Grant freedom to you, like an innocent by honor, with a slander of entanglement. Help youmu, O God, that zahisti. Defend against the human court. In the name of the Father and Sin of the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Let's read 12 days of opivny and opivnoch. Tsya prayer obov'yazkovo more help.

For those who are resting on the porosity of the yaznitsa, the wild zmovoy є the advancing text:

“The birds in the heavens are expanding freely and do not know between її polіt. Fish in the sea is free and the whole ocean is not a boundary for her. So let it be and ti (im'ya) you will be in the future in the wall and in the gate, in the sight of a bit and in the state booth. Do not know between your paths, and let you be free to choose yourself where to go. Let only God be your judge, and not a man whose thoughts are unclean! Amen!

This rite of passage is called the "Shield of the Vyaznitsa". Yoga can be twisted both for yourself and for other people. Zverene cool egg zagortayut at the new nose hook. Necessarily, schob attracted to vіdpovіdalnosti, before the ritual chiu khustka in her hands.

It is necessary to drink the last month to the nearest bridge across the river and bury the egg there, where the water is broken before the new one. The land that was left out of the hole should be put in a bag and brought home. Її spread before the entrance to the booth of the accused. This rite is not the fault of the bachiti. If a person goes to court, then say:

“As long as the place is worth it, I (yoma) do not sit at the barn. Holy thresholds and bridges. All the holy martyrs will help me. Amen."

We need to take the earth in hand and throw it at the first crossroads, and whisper:

“People go through the crossroads, take my bidu from you and spread it around the whole world. Don't turn around any more, don't let me get away, and don't let you get away. Let the bіda viparuєtsya and without a trace open up. Amen."

This rite is to allow the court to take a decision on the merit of vikonavtsya, or a person close to you, on the way of straightening out.

Popularity koristuyuyutsya zmovi before the court

offensive strong zmova to help win the court If the accusations enter the courtroom, you are guilty of thoughts of vimoviti:

“The Orthodox world is forever judging. Buli in court and princes and boyars. I, the Servant of God (im'ya), come to sue here. I am unfairly washed by my hands, I hold the holy truth. What I say to fair judges, then stink and believe. Do my thoughts right. No one dares to tempt me. Amen."

Ale needs to go in song and do not hurry. If you want to clench your fist strongly right hand and stomp with your right foot.

At the date of going to court, stand in the middle of the stone, turning to the left, and say three times:

“E pіd skhіdnoy side,

There is a steel, the throne of the Lord.

Yogo of the Lord God the throne of the powers of heaven,

I can't sway and marvel at my own eyes.

Tsars and queens, princes and princesses,

boyars and boyars

I all laity, Orthodox villagers

And so judge me, the servant of God (im'ya),

Do not smile b evil,

Hang your eyes and brows,

I speak with dashing words and speak,

Raise your hands,

The twistedness of the heart will flare up

And all the guests can not be held.

By heaven and earth, by the Name of the Lord, forever.

As if it were possible, it is necessary to tear the sleeve out of the shirt, for some reason he died. Put the sleeve in the bosom closer to the heart and go with it to the court. Entering, vimovlyayut:

“Just as now you can’t sue this little sky, you can’t put him in jail for the zasov, so I, the servant of God (im’ya), don’t fill the courts, in the form of prison kaydaniv, kaydaniv vill. My word is kam'yane. My right is correct. Key, lock, language. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Korisno will be the order of the readings of prayers and the rules of the following rules:

  • On the Day of Judgment, it is not necessary to take anything and carry it at home, and also to give mercy to those who ask.
  • You can't give pennies to the borg all day long.
  • After insulting, do not marvel at the mirror image.
  • Before the sun descends, drink the holy water from the flowers with honey. Roblyat sim kovtkiv, stilki w maє buti spoons of licorice are added to the water.
  • Yakshto bring to the budinok some kind of speech, it is necessary to cross them over the threshold. Costs and products of eating.
  • The vikonovets of the rite can be present at the court and hear the victors. Clothes on the new may buti is over important white color.
  • Vikonavets after the rial is obliged to fast until the evening.
  • As if it became nasty for the judge in the courtroom, it was necessary to give him a drink of clean water and say:

    "Vіd lead forces to equal share."

The result and the consequences

Prayers are delivered by these stosunki with heavenly powers. If a person does not know how to pray correctly, they can find out more information, often visit the church. For some reason, the ritual was destroyed and wasted to induce a drіbnu diyu, the rite did not work out, it would not turn out the way it wanted to.

The skin is judged by the people will be called by the terms, which the Lord God has established. It is necessary to pray not to sin, to help others, to speak to Jesus Christ. It’s not surprising that prayer didn’t help, as if a person didn’t believe in God to some extent.

Іsnuyut natuzhnі zmovi for leaking out of vyaznitsі. But it’s already a cardinal decision, as it’s unlikely that I’ve brought it to a good point.

If you trapilos famously with a close person, you will be rebuked in the cell, or under investigation, then you can protect him from arrest, or the court for an additional rite. Zmova from Vyaznitsa vіdomy already a long time ago, richly someone swindles yogo іz zahisnim amulet, shield. Really zahisna zmova, ale did not guard. Adzhe amulet conveys the creation of a singing speech, endowed with magical power. And the zmova is the magical power of the word, like a zakhist.

Apply Zmov

  1. Like people threatening to yaznitsa. Opіvnochi zavariti egg, vіdnesti yogo pіd mіst і bury it there, it's dry. Take the beast a small harvest of the earth, bring people to the booth and visipati bіla її threshold. Say: “Stand on your feet, do not fall. Don’t put men (slave) at the vault, don’t put lancets near the forging, don’t push your hands against the hard wall.
  2. Have a day of judgment. To know a young birch, look for a feather from it (a piece of white soft measles, similar to papier). To come before the court, tremblingly turned over at the left hand and said whispers: “Just as on a young birch tree, they turned in the wind to tremt and bow, so my judges, the adversaries tremtili, did not know the words.”
  3. Turn over the empty bucket on the threshold in front of the threshold of the bucket and beyond the threshold of the basin. Say 3 times: “The motherland is not a homeland, a friend is in the plantation, a third for a cell. As the third in freedom beyond the threshold, so I (slave) in the court at will, again, water. The first eye of judges will be closed, the other will be taken away. Mouth, don't threaten me. Say - let it go, with light and bread. Put upside down containers beyond the threshold until the end of the trial.

Rules for conducting visits to court and court

  • On the day of the rite of victory, that one who is spoken to is not allowed to treat anyone with bread.
  • You can look at the mirror at least until noon.
  • If a person brings things at the booths of that day (purchases, gifts, sheets of empty leaves), then it is necessary to cross a bunch of them, and then we can hardly move them over the threshold.
  • People, like a court, from the very early morning, bazhano rob 7 bowls of water with honey, or zukr.
  • After the rite, the vikonovets are not guilty of anything until the evening, especially boron (buns, bread, oven).
  • As soon as the hour of judgment becomes filthy for the conspiring camp, then you need to squish youma in the guise of pure water and say: Otherwise, the virok will be more zhorst.
  • At the courtroom, the vikonovets are guilty of mother on clothes with a white color (hustka, belt) or robes in white.
Zmova from Vyaznitsa you can’t win over widows and widows. It is important that they stink the seal of death, that the conduct of this rite by them can be made possible by the camp of the court, we can accept the feat. As a Vikonian, he himself was condemned, before the rite of wine he is guilty of taking himself out of his own trap.

It is a great pity that not all people can know about their future. Deyakі from them can be successful people and for a few years already sit at the yard. Life is a foldable river, as I can make my own plans for the skin of the people. And it’s already easy to fight from the share. How did your life become a situation that native person leaning on the v'yaznitsa, or only if there is such a possibility, you should think over a plan ahead. Deyakі individuals repair a good lawyer and pay him a large sum of pennies. Ale є low people, yakі pochinayut shukati help in magic. Іsnuє miraculous zmov vіd vіznitі, yaku can be done independently in home minds.

In some situations, the problem may be of such magnitude that the found lawyer cannot help you. At such a time, you will simply throw away pennies to the wind. If you hurry up with prayer, so that they let a close person out of the pit, then find the strength to help.

Rules of conduct at the court

If you want to take away the mild virok, or else I’ll be right, then the next thing to do is to try a lot of rules.

  1. Under the hour of the investigation, no one will get pennies better. It is not recommended to give from your own home. Fenced dilitisya bread.
  2. In order for the zmova to look out of the hole is small in strength, it is not possible to look into the mirror. More shortly kіlka dnіv pokat z cym.
  3. That day, if judgment is trivatime, then in the future, drink special water. It is best to take the pearl water and add honey to it. Drink with slіbnimi kovtkami. Throats slid rahuvat. Їx may buti sim. No more no less.
  4. That person, who read all the ryatuyuchi prayers, can be present at the court.

Fakhіvtsі reconsider that the widow chi vdіvets can't carry out zmovi from vіd vіznіtsі. Their fate the stench can only make the camp more powerful.

A ritual that helps protect against negativity

Magic has an essential category of various prayers. In most cases, people pay respect to those prayers, as if buildings protect their specialty from evil fate. Among the people, such a ritual is called a "shield". Carrying out the ritual means that it is necessary to brew evenly chicken egg. Moreover, the important fact is that it can be cool. They gave the next to lay a boiled egg on the river, as it lay on the court.

This object should be brought to the bridge and buried near the distant view of the water. A small pinch of earth should be brought home to the courthouse and put on the threshold. When you follow me, read the zmovu against the yaznitsa:

“I, the servant of God (im'ya), want to vryatuvaty my native people, as I can become in'yaznem. I don’t want Yogo to be walled up at the place of free will and tormented there. I want to know that I was at home and found out not guilty. The problem is that wine is not really wine. Yogo htos podstaviv i bazhaє zruynuvati our sіm'yu. It’s quite possible that someone who sent a psuvannya chi on us will shoot. I still do not know to whom we could bring grief. Axis only I obov'yazkovo know about tse i I will punish the zradnik. Let something else help me solve the problem. I beg you, Lord, so kill me so that my son (person) will be released from behind the gates. I ask you to feel the words of prayer and my prohannya next vikonati. Let my son (person) have the opportunity to have a drink of your will. Vіn is guilty of dying, the shards of the innocent. Amen."

As soon as you pray the words of prayer, bring the earth to the crossroads and fill it there. Let the demons take away all your own. Such a building shield is built so that your sin chi man will quickly leave the place of free will.

How to hide yourself from the misery of aggravation

Іsnuyut prayers that zmova vіd vіznitsi, yakі can help people vryatuvat themselves vіd ґrat. The ritual should be carried out only in domestic minds and independently. No one is to blame for the nobility that you seek help for magic. Tse mozhe negatively vplinut on your distant share. As soon as lies are thrown, it is necessary to read a special zmova "from the vyaznitsa".

“I, the servant of God (im'ya), having suffered in an unacceptable situation. I happened to hit the wrong place and at the wrong time. I don’t know why, but in my life a stingy situation has developed. They choose to put me behind bars, only I can’t go there. Let the court tell me the truth and know the correct blame for this situation. Explain to me, powerful, why an innocent person can write his life. I will understand that I am not sinless. Ale, my mother, that team is going through. The stinks cannot know their own place and they try their best to help me. I don't want the stench to waste their strength and that health on a poshuk way poryatunka. Tell me to put me in jail, then let me go soon. Evil forces may know the correct blame. It's bad for the bird in the klitz. So why can I sit in a cell. I am self-sufficient and I myself virishuvatimu, which way I choose. Lord, I beg you, vryatu me in the face of evil fate. Help me to save my appearance before the present light. Only you can correct the situation that has developed. Send me your blessings. Amen."

It's easy to talk to yourself in the language. Slid less than vikonuvat all the help of the rite.

Zmova, only relatives can read

Like a member of your family, undeservedly imprisoned, you can lie to him. Read the words of the prayer maє or the squad of the wounded abo yogo mother.

Prayers of Saint Anastasia

Believers can ask Anastasia for help. Vaughn spryaє to that, schob on the right was rewarded and your native people were let out of z-pіd u'yaznennya. The words of the prayer sound like this:

“Holy Anastasia, you can ask the Lord for anything. So ask for a new one, to release our close and dear person from the free will. We cannot calmly marvel at this suffering. You always helped the people. So help me once again. Send your Angels here to solve this whole situation. Zrobi so that my son (person) has a moment of undeserved punishment. The whole century we will be with you. Amen."

It’s rich who asks, who can help you to read in the language and how to read її. In principle, they have nothing coherent. The stench is carried out independently at home minds. People should only follow all the instructions correctly, and the result will not get stuck.

The people have long said: "Vіd sumi ta vіd v'yaznitsi don't swear". Some people trapleyayutsya in the lives of people, like zmushuyut violate the law for the sake of their relatives, close, healthy health chi maina.

The system of modern justice of the floor has not been finished, that no one can say with the help of hundreds of people, the guilt of the person. Yakshcho tse, obviously, not driving in those other serious mischiefs, yakі, vtіm, so may be brought.

Against the backdrop of cruelty respect, that there are low rules, which are necessary to be enforced in the case of skoєnnі rites of defense against the court.

To play right at the judge chi help'yakshiti virok

  • On the day of the ceremony, it is not possible to bring anything of value to the house, to give charity, especially bread for other people. Pozichat chi let's go to the borg. The rule of standing and suspecting that vikonavtsya rite;
  • After noon, marvel at the mirror, strike with a blink of an eye, or be like a mirror surface that you see;
  • Yakshcho bring to the budinok be-like speeches: gifts, products before being transferred through the threshold of them to christen;
  • On the day of the court, before the court, it is necessary to make this coil of key water with honey or zukr. Bazhano, that the number of spoons of licorice in the bottle was a multiple of seven;
  • After the rite, the vikonovets are guilty of fasting until evening - do not get used to the hedgehog, especially the bog;
  • As if the hour of the court process was under judgment, a rite was performed on it, it became nasty, then in the guise of you you needed to squish clean water and repent: "Vіd vіd vіd force іn equal share". And if not, then the court judge will take away even more zhorst virok;
  • The vikonovets oath may be present at the courtroom at the process, especially when read to the priest. Obov'yazkovo in clothes may prevail light tones. Bazhano mati want one element to dress a white color.

Іsnuyut sings of obezhennya for carrying out the ceremony. Widows and widows cannot be vykonavtsy. The rite carried out by them can be less zashkoditi.

In case of independent conduction of the zmovi, you will lift up those scarves, the whole ritual is carried out barefoot.

Ritual-zmov "Shield of the Vyaznitsa"

As if it were not safe to spend before the pit, I threaten someone from your friends and relatives to conduct an offensive ceremony.

Take a boiled egg in the last month. Burn yogo into a new nose hook. We can live in the hands of a people whose fate is being violated Khustka suffice with the energy of the court.

Opivnochі, more often in the last month, pіdіt pіd mіtsny mіst. Try to get rid of the incomprehensible for passers-by. Bury the pack at the place where water does not go. The earth, yak vyynyali z pits, transfer to the friend's booth. Rozsipte її in front of the threshold, including the possibility of coming, if the lie of the judge comes out of the house. Write the words:

As long as that bridge is standing, I won’t be at the vaznitsa
Holy thresholds, holy bridges, holy martyrs. Amen

Vranci after the administration of the court at the court session to take the land to the valley and move it to the crossroads of some roads. Visipte її in the middle with the words:

Raznesіt, people, my life with light.
Let me not turn around,
And you can't get away.

Good luck with the court

Qia zmov is carried out by a relative of the accused person. Vіn fight to hide, before the photograph of the suspected. Spend yoga appropriately in a water-reinforced space, with candles and tightly closed windows.

Speak the words:

Birds in the heavens widen freely and do not know between її polіt. Fish near the water is free and the whole ocean is not a boundary for her. So let it be and ti (im'ya) you will be in the future in the wall and in the gate, in the sight of a bit and in the state booth. Do not know between your paths, and do not let yourself choose freely, where do you go. Let only God be your judge, and not a person whose thoughts are not pure. Amen.

Qiu zmovu repeat unpaired number of times. If you want to achieve a good result - 15-17 times.

Among the aggravated Russian prisoners, the rightful colonies and the next insulators of a lot of people, including businessmen. Olga Romanova, a journalist and director of the Rukh, told those stories in a single book. Illustrations before her painted by Oleg Navalny, who Russian language. We are publishing one of the most destructive stories - about Magida and businessman Vasya, who leaned behind the gates for the Borg.

I've been here in a different situation. Maybe, if she laughs, I'll guess. Ale is clear river - you won’t laugh, you won’t come before us. I have black buns in my nightstands, strong buns, I need it every hour, if the new one is crying with a cascade fountain, but, I guess, it’s not in the right mood. The girl came strong and sensible.

Your name is Mia. Well, Mia is so Mia, garno, unspoken. And she herself is beautiful as I love: unremarkable, stylish, looked down, thin. Rockiv 30-35. Mabut, I won’t know right away who she is. Diamonds are navmisne, boldly modest, dotted picks may be unremarkable. For a squad of a lad who is happy up to an hour, she is very reasonable. For Donka - and never come, and nedochkin's independence, and deak dryness, may be callous. Do you have problems? It’s unlikely, she has good fighting manners and poise, I would only know about these problems, if she stumbled at the woman’s insulator, which can’t be seen with such pannies. It would have been the same thing - it was already the case, blancmange with jelly, I would have known.

I don't know who you could help. Surely, I'm happy. A man was imprisoned at my friend's house, p_dpriєmtsya. All documents are in me from myself.

I understood. Father, still a man. And not girlfriends, but your authority. Well, if you want, let's have friends.

We marvel at documents, we hear history. Zvichayna is such a crisis story: a person is alive and well, business is possible, moreover, to get a great, strong refinancing. Not zmіg our man suddenly rose with a single loan, but if he had a loan from a serious bank with a sovereign stake, the best friends of the man worked at the credit department; and raptom the bank became non-negotiable. Friends stopped calling back. The man of our cable plant on Dalekoe Skhodі, for which a loan was taken, the bank became right, but rightly v_dzhimati. And the person who replaced that, to see the factory to the bank, crossed over, repairing the opir, and for the sake of eloquence, it happened to arrest. Come on, Vasya, restructure the borg from the v'yaznitsi, as you are so smart. The factory was sacked, Vasya could be fired and let go, but then the security forces got into it. Who is now allowed, if the investigation worked, the prosecutor's office shoved, zvinuvachennya stverdzhuvala, the court of arrest continued, the jailers took away the salary, guarding Vasya, who was unsafe for the detention, - who should let him in? Now everything is absolutely monopenisual to the bank and turn purple - why Vasya should sit, why not sit, but then, it’s easier to sit, there’s a guarantee that Vasya won’t try to turn around.

What can you do to help here? On the right it is knurled, the fates of this are taken away, well, f'yat, just to spare. Yakscho є yakіs pom'yakshuvalnі furnish. So, before the speech, stink in the new?

The new one has three children, - after thinking, it’s like Mia.

No way would I have thought that Mia had three children. “Not my child, but my child’s like the first one,” Mia explained, raising her water, which hung a trifle in the air. - Little ones? - Little ones.

Oh, you bitch, the invisible cylka. Well, that harazd, buvaє, right zhittєva.

Vibachte nutrition, but for the vyaznitsa it is important. Is your hat decorated?

No, not framed. So, there’s a mind, what you need to draw up, you need to go to Blagoveshchensk and get married at the village. Otherwise, no one is right, її do not let them go to the party. If you want to become a defender in the order of a lawyer, the court admits such a defender, and Mії's knowledge and grip are quite enough, and here we have a little more її pіdnatskati and everything is rozpovimo. Then you can go to the parish as if you were a lawyer, so without borders. And to save a penny, and an hour, and with certificates, I would like to speak, as if not a native person, to talk and redirect to the court, appear and sit there.

Mia think. - I, maybe, can’t drink at the zahisniki’s. The whole business is on me. Three backwaters, hotels, development projects, loans... The conference is still in Sydney, I can't miss it, my partners won't understand me.

Figasi named at the panіv pіdpriєmtsiv went. Here I її bachila for sure. I will ask in the forehead. Mia marvel at the anniversary, ask again, say goodbye and go.

Knowing. For a month, SMS comes: “Let's drink some kava. Mia.

Let's. About the boy Mії I already said a lot of things at that hour. І on the right to voice it, and the name is rare, and the business is remembered. The gloss has a photo of the secular evenings of another echelon, the devine is present with a fluffy white, it is clearly the front team. There is not a word about the collapse of the ship, only I have it in the ship's files, like Mia left me on the flash, the graph of the family began to appear “separations”.

Let's drink some kava. Mia is so self-harmonious and zapashna in the world, wanting to see that she was exhausted, and strongly, and for a long time.

Mia does not flirt and squeal on the forehead, because I don’t know who, who could win food for a penny. For some pennies. Vasya can be free. I tell him why it is impossible to be afraid. I do not add conscience and law, but I cannot pass everything to Miya. Axis, moving, let's take the risks, I say. It’s too expensive to let go of the hvilinka from the v’yaznitsa under a subscription about the unknown, you’ll go. Before the speech, make up the face at the cordon and turn around to the cameras. And there are also long-term prospects for far away from the country - there is nothing and here is the worst, the lowest is nothing, and in the worst time 10 years at the rose in Interpol. Without a guarantee that you won't see it, and without a guarantee that you might die. And you can sack for a lot of pennies, as you regularly pay good lawyers there.

Ale, better for everything, our virishalniki її still throw on the cob and fool, and you won’t be able to do anything: just shut it down and don’t close it. And save a good resource: you won’t have a penny for yourself, and the situation is long-term. Otherwise, for example, you can make money for closing money, do it after the second time in the night - you need everything that you need. Moreover, everyone should take a loan and yogo tezh vіddati - і tse vzagalі without guarantees, scho viide. If you don’t see it, you’ll go to the stage of the reputation of licorice buns, and you’ll never get angry at you, beaten by mortal combat and win pennies, there haven’t been any for a long time. And there is only one recipe: you do not need to give it from the cob itself. There is no need to give to anyone. Show these bastards a piece of pennies - then we'll screw up. Rip and trample. Do not squander this resource, lads still need it.

So, - Mia will wait, - I will cerebrate. Ale, I can’t explain to Natalia, the first squad, that the stream needs an appetite. There is no need to behave wisely, and the company at once cannot afford unproductive spending. I'm trying to figure out the effectiveness that the company will see better: take Natasha and our sergeant at the barn, or take yoga and take it beyond the cordon. I need to change the position, change the board of directors and minority shareholders. I need to sort out the KPI, why couldn’t I help you to consult about the swag with the prosecutor’s office of Blagovishchensk?

Lived up. Rozrakhovuєmo, otzhe, efficiency khabarіv and otsіnyuєmo the results of the method of equalization as a minimum.

I don’t show off and feed Mia, who is like that and how a hulking prisoner should be. Mia kivaє, to rob the great and dilatory kovtok of kawi. I begin to speak with the intonations of additional voices at the TV show “Schoolers with a Microphone”.

I'm the secretary. My work place is at the priymalni kerivnik, which at once sits at the barn. The word “secretary” is more appropriate for me, if I want to be a helper sooner, and because of this separation, I became a partner without a legally registered part. If my clerk was separated, he signed the letter on my behalf with the management of the company and wrote down the offshore bank account on me. I’m not a team for you, that’s not a friend, but I’ll explain it to you first. Vіn me vivchiv, I graduated from Columbia University. If it’s necessary for you, I’ll go to the new one to the yard and arrange a dress. I'm working on my job at the saving business and the working job, which I need to fight with my boss.

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