Authoritative award. For some principle, the Russian vyaznitsy give a bonus. Chi can be imaginative Prіzviska in the zone

It seems that all the carnivores of evil can be called a nickname, and they are rarely called right names and a nickname. Why is it necessary and for what principle to give a prize to the criminal world?

Dedicate rituals

The tradition of giving evildoers and bandits a prize (otherwise, in thieves' jargon, "poked") vinyl in the XVIII century, if in Russia even a little, but evilness began to take shape. In order to join the “villainous brotherhood”, they were asked to contribute a penny sum of pennies to the villainous “common fund”. If the stench was taken away, it could be taken in by full-fledged members of the criminal community. At our own hour, our co-workers performed such a ritual. A newcomer, who wants to go to the criminal community, standing up outside his cell and shouting: “Prison is old, give me a cry.” At the vidpovіd іnshі, the convicts began to pronounce the yoma of the conscience. When tsomu vіn mav the right to act as a “foul”, as if it were not up to you like. Enough Bulo to shout: "Do not kitty!" Not much has changed in this plan. So, dedicate the rite to the “evil in the law”. A gathering of criminal authorities is being elected, as if they are discussing the “candidate” and proving who is the best of that so-called “coronation”. If everything goes smoothly, then all zatsіkavlenі individuals (those gangs of wicked groups) take away “little ones” - a messenger to avenge short information about the “recruit” and including yoga.

Change the nickname

Doslidniki D.A. Koretsky and V.V. Tulegeni see a sprinkling of various criminal nicknames. Here are the “elite” prizes that reinforce the high status of the carny evil: Givі Nіs, Vasya Diamant, Vasya Buryat, as well as the Prince, Count, Baron; neutral, as if they could resemble names, mental and physical authorities, biographical data - Gorobets, Sting, Dovgy, Chechen, Afghani, Karabakh. Nareshti, use figurative awards that show the low status of your nose - Goat, Sheep, Pig, Patsyuk, Mashka, Galmo, Gondon ... Ring the award to give "senior for the ranks." Thus, the gutsy villain Pavlo Zakharov, after shrugging off Pasha Tsirul, looked like an old villain, whom he had not far away shivered at the vineyard, shaking his head with a razor. Victor Nikiforov otrimav prizvisko Kalina - on the name of my mother Kalina Nikiforova, as she was also tied up with crime. The famous V'yacheslav Ivankov Yaponchik was christened by his mentor in the criminal right, which Mav was named Mongol.

Are the sounds taken by appointment?

In some vipadkah "poked" є pokhіdnym vіnіmen and prіzvisch karnih zlochintsіv. For example, Vladislav Kirpichov otrimav Tsegla, Yuri Pichugin - Pichug, Mansur Galyavova began to click simply Mansur, Viktor Panyushnik - Pan, Oleksandr Severov - Pivnichchyu, Oleksandr Desyatnik - Chervonets. To finish often on the basis of the name of the city, the stars of the “thieves” kind abo de vin having grown their “career”: for example, Georgy Aloyan was called Zhora Tbіlіsky, Anatoly Shakurov - Kievsky, Oleksiy Sergіїvsky - Siberian. Quite often, it’s like that, that “fouled” it, they seem to be like the quality of their noses. So, Andriy Isaev took off the award for those that all the body was inscribed in tattoos. Pavel Struganov was nicknamed Pasha Muzyka for the manner of blinking fast for an hour of remembrance. Givi Gvindzhiliya becoming Givi Nose of a veil of the visible part of the guise. There are few nicknames for the specifics of malicious activities. So, currency traders are often given the prize "Diamant", murderers - "Kat". Vіdomі vipadki, if the prize is given for the profession, which is engaged in mischief in the "colossal" life: "Duhar" - a musician, "Klistir" - a doctor, "Finanist" - an accountant. For example, it is unknown, like Gennady Zagorodnikov becoming Knur, Yuri Smikov - Khmir, Boris Petrushin - Barigoya, Oleg Semakin - Yeva, Volodymyr Bikov - Baldoya, Lev Genkin - Siskoyu. The peculiarity of the criminal prison is in the fact that it is saved for the “thieves”, you don’t know where you are and where you don’t spend: follow him from one penitentiary mortgage in another, from one place in another ... tse vdaєtsya.

Abwehr - operative part of the ITP.

Avtozak - a specially equipped car for the transportation of people, as they are pacified under the hood.

The unit is a syringe for injecting drugs. So - vag for the sounding of drugs.

Openwork - order.

The Academy is a place for the selection of villains and cheaters.

Aquarium - the next insulator of timchasovy trimann (ITT).

Acrobat is a passive homosexual.

Assets - tі v'yazneni, yakі spіvpratsyuyut for the administration of the right-labor establishment.

Shark - judgments on the term for the confiscation of the lane.

Aligator is a wicked man, built to be a wicked man.

Altushka - pennies, a small coin.

Alura - poviya poviya.

Amara - goodbye.

Amba - lifelessness.

Ambets - end, death, death, collapse, spend evil on the mischief.

Embrasure - a flat at the door of the cell.

American - gra coins for pennies.

Amnukha - amnesty.

Ampoule - a dance of alcohol.

The anarchist is a villain who works alone.

Antique - antique virib.

Anthracite - cocaine.

Arap - Shahray, Shahray.

An aristocrat is a villainous-kishenkovy villain of high qualification.

Arkashka - loop-zashmorg.

The Queen of Virmensk is a passive homosexual.

The artist is a shahrai.

Athas! - Be careful! Guard point or a cry, a signal about a problem.

An attacker is a person who gives a sign to different nebezpeki.

Afer is a swindler.

Acetone is a drug, purification for the help of acetone.

Babai - old; likhvar; Asian

Baban is a simpleton, a strong man.

Babtsya - ring, ring.

Babs - pennies.

Metelik - shirt, t-shirt.

The trunk is a mess.

Badai - take it.

Badyaga and spread the badyaga - basics, work inappropriately on the right.

Badyazhiti - cook zhu.

Bazaar - scream, noise, rozmov.

Bazarilo is a person who cannot be trusted, basic.

Bazuvati - zdiisnyuvati stealing from the guts of a crowded place.

Baslati - click for help, shout.

Baybut is a dagger.

Baidan - airport, station, pier.

The baidan worker is a person who steals on the baidan.

A tale is a sign of a ganchirka or a vaty bіlja guise of a sleeping sleeper.

Baikal is a weak tea.

Bucky is a birthday boy.

Drive in tanks, drive in, twist - fool your head, deceive, give respect to rose.

Cormorant - misunderstood, villainous-pochatkіvets, hooligan.

Cormorant - dribne hooliganism.

Balabani - pennies.

Balalaika - revolver.

Balanda is a prison yushka.

Balandu tskuvati - lies, say fools.

Balander - the distributor of їzhi at the v'yaznitsa, the auxiliary worker in the kitchen.

Balani - sawn logs, cleaned from knots.

Balda - head; drugs; article member; deception.

Baldu ganyati - ledariti, engage in masturbation.

Baldezh - narcotic sp'yaninnya.

Baldoch is a soldier.

A ballerina is a guide, a tool for making safes.

Balcony - apartment villain.

Baluster-fat, cowbass, oliya, lard.

Ban - the station or the place for the collection of evil spirits.

Bandersha is the keeper of the brothel.

Bandyak - parcel.

Banzhikha - station povіya.

The bank is steel, the place for the collection of cheaters.

Bank Trimati - zdavati cards, lead the game.

A jar - a liter of burner.

Put the jars - beat with the edge of the dolon on the shkir, pulling it on the stomach or twisting it with your fingers.

Bankuvati - give out cards to graves, treat alcohol to sleepers after you have done well, spend stolen money.

Banov - station povіya.

Banovy, bathhouse attendant - station villain.

Lazne - sickly punishment.

Ram, ram - swag to the ITT controller for transferring speeches.

Lambs are handcuffs.

Fight - fight.

Junk - stolen speech, clothes, inappropriate speech.

Pan - tucked the middle of the convicts.

Bark - skhovanka in ІTU.

Barkaz - a fenced area, a fenced wall in a colony.

Baruch - an available woman.

Bariga is a buyer of stolen goods, a merchant-speculator near the zone.

Basivala is an incorrigible villain at the law.

Basiti - speak in a moving tone.

Batar is godfather.

Batteries - ribs.

Baton is a young woman, a new woman.

Babut - nіchlizhka.

Dad is a cook.

Batsati - grati, dance.

Bacila - fat, high-calorie products, transmission.

Bacillus - ailments, qualia, thin.

Bashkir is a police officer.

Bayan - a syringe for injections, a battery of steam burning.

Bebekhi - stolen speech.

Babies - eyes.

Bebiki zagasiti - vykoloti eyes.

Bigati - steal.

Bida is Finnish.

Vidnist - arrest, zatrimannya.

Bidolashny - pistol.

Bezoka is a person without documents.

Biy - take out a coat and a jacket from the victim at the hour of the battle.

Biy tops - a steal from the upper intestines.

Beytsali - human testicle.

Snipe is a louse, not a match.

Bila kіstka - naivescha villainous caste.

Whites are pennies.

Bile-chorne - a passport for someone else's name.

Beluga - woman's bag.

Benzolka - codeine.

Bіsіvka - the villain's girlfriend.

Besogon is a lie.

Svavilla - malice grouping, so that evil spirits and traditions are not tolerated.

Lawlessness - destruction of the evil law; impudence, which cannot be between.

Shortness - the head.

Say - drugs.

Tusk is a jerk.

Beaks is a young beautiful woman.

Bility - know.

Bimo - golden speech without expensive stone.

Birzha is an industrial zone in a colony.

Birka is a tribute to an individual.

Bat is a high-class villain.

Bita hut - illumination of the kublo.

Vitka - litigation for evil hooliganism due to zastosuvannya cold and inflammable fire; revolver.

Bity (lad) - information, information, hope.

Beat tambourine - beat.

B. on batteries - beat on the ribs.

B. pont - to be swept away at once from a victim from the drive of a stolen theft.

B. on the screen - repair the intestinal crannies.

B. tail - see sleepers.

Bich - Volotsyuga.

The benefit of the villainous is the collection of pennies, speeches, products that honestly work with the colony, to go to the aid of the villains, as they demand the law.

Blessed - vіdmichka.

Grace is a sink.

Blat - zv'yazki, scho vikoristovuyutsya in ugly colors.

Blat from the city - the militia practitioners, yak take khabari.

Blat at the doshka - faithful to death.

Blatna, blatna - make connections with evil world.

Blatkoshka - povіya, spilnitsa robber.

Blatmashinka is a secret room.

Blatmusika - villainous jargon.

Blutuvati - to entice.

Blatok, blatokain - carrier of stolen goods,

Blatsky is close to the evil world, his own people.

Blatkhaza, blatkhata - the place of the zustriches and the dwelling of the evil-doers.

Blukati - know the villainous jargon, join the villainous grouping.

Mlintsiv - TUZ.

Block - lynching, katuvannya.

Fornication - unacceptable for a condemned situation (for example, swearing).

The beaver is a well-dressed man, who can have a large sum of pennies with him; speculator; litigation, which does not vykonuє vymog administratsії.

Bobby is patrony.

To breed a bodyagu - to lead an empty rozmov for a long time.

Bodyazhiti - protsidzhuvati rozchin drug through cotton wool syringe.

Boyova gra - gra in cards without cheating tricks.

God's grass is hashish.

Biy - cards.

Been targeting - marked cards.

Bichna - gamanets.

The night wind is a cheat trick.

A boxer is a hooligan, like a b'є people.

Sickness - perebuvat under the varta, the consequence of the court.

Bolt is a human organ.

Bil - arrest, zatrimannya.

Illness - zaareshtovaniya, zatrimaniya.

Great skies - great steal.

A great person is a recidivist; organizer and gang bandy.

Bomb - intestinal year.

Bombist - zhebrak.

Borzeti - show brilliance.

Beard - bad luck.

Bortanuti - help someone with deceit.

Bortanutsya - know bad luck.

Tramp zucheny - denunciation, pіdozryuvane stukatvі.

The barefoot zone is a colony, in which the villainous understandings are transported.

Botati - speak.

B. don't give a damn - speak villainous jargon.

Badilla - hairy; demagogy.

The boyar is the head of the villainous grouping.

Boyaruvati - entice, roztashovuvati to yourself.

The brazhka is its own lads.

Bracelets - handcuffs.

Brotherhood - friends, comrades.

Bratko is a big prisoner.

Brother's point - four (gradle card).

Brother - doors.

Brother - steal; beat the card; arrest.

B. on the darling - choking.

B. for zyabra - vikriti.

B. horse - throw a skein with a note into the camera or out of the camera.

B. on the bass - slander malice without sufficient evidence.

B. for an addendum - take a part of the pennies when buying, do not give them away.

B. at the gop-stop - grab.

B. for a stretch - hovatisya, crusting through the yard.

B. on a dog - sleep the victim with drugs and steal.

B. on character - rob the victim, roaming with her.

B. with a sheet - cut the bag of the victim, making a steal.

B. on the collar - swipe with one hand from the back for an hour of robbery.

B. on hropіnnya - go by the throat.

B. na sharap - children boldly.

B. pіd rіllu - to sell goods that are insidious.

The brigade is villainous, gangster.

The brigade is a villainous group at the colony of chi in the village.

A tramp is a shameful name for convicts.

Kid - transfer of products, speeches through the fenced zone.

Brunette - paddy wagon.

Bubo - roll, bread.

Bugai - gamanets.

The bully is a shahrai, who gives a gamanets.

Bugor - foreman at the colony; Chief; a bunch of convicts.

Booth succia - the same cell for convicts, as a threat of reprisals.

Budnik-fly agaric is an informer.

Dzvonitimu - vіdbuvannya reprimand until the end of the term in the colony.

Bouquet - a bunch of articles of the QC in one convict; special pickup of cards, cheating by a cheater; a person who has been charged with statutory acts in various forms.

Bulan is an intestinal villain.

Rolls (batoni) - side.

The boulevard is a pidloga.

Bulza is an active homosexual.

Buliga is a fake diamond.

Buntuwati - shuffle the cards.

Bura is a gra in carti.

Buriti are bullshit.

Burkali - eyes.

Buroviti - speak not those who are required.

Burom - NATO, cheeky.

Burchati - to honor the victim with roses.

Namista is a lover of licorice life.

Props - a situation specially created by sharpers for gris in a card.

Butilivka - crowding of people; tovchachi.

Buffers - women's breasts.

Booze - alcohol drinks.

The bay is above kublo.

Bukhtiti - speak, basic; fool.

Butsati - beat.

Bik is a perplexed person; man, as a victorious will of the leader.

Beak-horn-thrower - a reconciliation plan.

Booty in evil - suffering through the use of drugs.

Beechok is a badass.

Valezhnik - p'yany, from whom they steal the thief.

Jack - stupidity.

V. Chervoniy - Shakhrai.

Ballet - silly.

Get down - go.

Valiti - drive in, cut; go.

Crash - infect, drive in.

Valtanutisya - God's will.

Option - party with drugs.

Yours is not dancing - you have played; you are wrong.

There are none of yours - program.

Fall in - buti zaareshtovanim.

At the top - at the ovnіsh guts robes.

Lower the doshka - kill.

Camel - two-tiered lіzhko.

Bezukha - spring.

The age of freedom is not visible - the oath of evildoers.

Vinik - venereal disease.

Motuzka - collapse, failure, arrest.

Virzati - viporozhnyuvatisya.

Virniy - image.

Vernyak is a cheat trick.

Turn - scrambled from the counter.

St kut - fit the valіza.

Swivel - steal the hand luggage.

Helicopter - nari, tapchan.

Vertun - steal from the counters under the eye of the purchase.

Turn - postovy.

Top - outer garment.

Verhіvnik - steal from the upper intestines.

Spinning - spritnik; nevіdoma, nevyvchena people.

Paddle - spoon.

V. grab, drip from the smitnik - take a spoon, go to the far.

Spring, spring - dosvіdcheny judgments.

Wind - passenger cars.

Gilochka - railway station.

Vіtoshna raspberry - vipadkova apartment.

Vіtoshny - supra-worldly dovirlivy, hare.

V. kіshka is a kohanka of villainy, which cannot be brought up to a malicious world.

V. courage - go ahead, what's up to what ...

Vitrenka - a flat.

Vitryany ganchirka - nosile speech, stolen through the square.

Vіchny fraєr - the one who feels bad.

Vishati - rob.

Strimka - deceit when changing pennies.

Give money - steal pennies.

Doroslyak is a mature villain.

Take from Rome - vpіznati.

St in the game - beat.

V. stribok - break the castle with the method of stealing.

V. Smikhach for character - enter into a rozmov with a victim, as if he himself had robbed.

V. dream book - steal a steal from the room, if the masters sleep.

St for the clamp - shopit for comir.

V. holster - zlamati wall of the apartment chi shovischa.

V. raspberries - rob a rich apartment.

V. on Annushka - nalyakati.

B. on a scam - fool.

V. on anas - squeeze the chamberlain.

V. on the bull - rob for help the thrown gamantsy or gamantsy.

St on streamuvannya - plunder for additional deception.

V. on the gourd - achieve chogos with impudence.

V. on kalgan - hit your head in disguise.

B. on the envelope - fool.

St on a red crib - drive a knife into the shii area.

V. on the hook - suspect.

B. on the bear - drive in.

St on pіsok - sell mіd zamіst gold.

St on the show - fool, nalyakati.

V. to prihoplenya - it is not possible to attack the back, taking it by the throat.

V. on the garmata - fool.

Viglyad - be-yak rich, yak can be laid down.

Videlka - head.

Vila - failure; the inevitable arrest.

Vilyati - be true to yourself.

V. tail - pidlabuzniti.

Gwent is a human article member.

Gvinta give, narizati - vtekti.

Gvintovy is a soldier on the verge.

Vira - flowing out of the colony, in the hole.

Visit - perebuvat pіd pіdozroyu.

Visyak (glukhar) - unrecognizable malice.

Vikhor is a gut villain.

Vkotiti kulі - drive a third-party body ("wow", "collar") under the skin of a person's state member.

Contribution - zraditi.

Clog tanks - fools.

At the forehead - speak openly.

Put in - heal.

Vgamuvatisya - to graze, but to spod_vatisya on a wave.

In nature - true.

At incompetence - do not know your fault.

Inner - inner castle.

Water - ITN administration; warning about the lack of safety in Kartkovy grі; driving in.

Water flowing - beware.

To drive an ox is to deceive.

Vodіchka - dark nothing.

Waterfall - natovp, it is easy to commit intestinal steals.

Vodoprovid is a state member, not built before erection.

Povіtrya is nonsense.

Take a frog - watch out for the police.

The train station is a lazna.

Ox pasture - rozpovidat nebilitsі.

Vovk is a practitioner of law enforcement agencies.

Volga - smart viguk in front of the cob of beaten.

Hairy is a stranger.

Jiga - finally at the door of the cell.

Volina - pistol, model.

Volt is a cheat trick.

Evil - qualifications of evil-doers, who are less likely to be engaged in stealing, suvoro dorimuetsya evil spirits and traditions.

St in the law - a recidivist, who follows the evil traditions, acceptance into the brotherhood at the evil gathering.

Evil honesty - the one who enforces evil laws, svichaїv and traditions.

Gorobets is a padlock.

Gorobtsya zlyakat - zlyamati castle.

Vorovayka is a villainous woman.

The villainous caste is the main organization of villainous lawyers.

Evil family - evil grouping, united by great interests.

Evil raspberry - evil grouping, which includes at least five members of one "profession".

The villainous suit is a grouping of villains, as if they are engaged in one type of malicious activity.

Zlodiysky shmatok - products of eating, speeches, robes, pridbanі koshtom, zdobutі malice way.

The villainous common fund is the villainous community, to the extent that a penny is taken from villains and other convicts.

Raven, funnel - police car.

The gate is a female state organ.

Eight - deceive; feign.

In mihuri - vikritiy in nonsense.

Harness - do not take hold of your right; come forward to zahist be-whom.

Fall into - climb somewhere, get into an unacceptable history.

Likar is a lawyer.

Ask for a doctor - beat him.

Vrubatis - understand.

The all-knowing ganchirka is a skarga to the prosecutor.

The omniscient is the prosecutor.

Everything is a way - everything goes like a treat.

Zpotity - have a drink without the possibility of a call.

Zstrbnuti - voluntarily take a meal in the isolation ward, so that you can escape and spread the prison cells.

All the way - the whole hour.

Insert eyepieces - fool; beat hard.

Get up on the lizhі - start a right-wing order, to get out of the cell through the insanity between the chamberlains.

The whole homeland of Blіnovih is a guest - mothers in the arms of mustache chotiri tuzi.

A friend - take care of what is necessary.

Vterti - it is not possible to give a strong blow.

Rub on wuhah - fool.

Nishkom - attached, taєmno.

Vtiryak - scourge of trousers, tea leaves, which was left behind after chifir.

Vtiryachok - stealing from the guts of pants.

At colors - guess exactly, signify.

Voshiviy is a filthy person.

Vibiti - beat.

Turn the guise - insert the correct guise.

Cleanliness has a pose of suspicions.

Whisper the whip - spare the evil rights.

Vidra - the key to the passenger car; motuzka.

Vidri - cards.

Viymka is a stealer.

Dress up - be true, zvіlnitisya z-pіd varti.

Wikinuti on a common fund - voddati in the community koristuvannya be-scho.

Vilamati (put on a lick) - create for an objectionable chambermate of an unbearable mind.

Blame the frame on the vukhs - cut off at the window, so that you can hide yourself.

Keep the hut - steal a steal from the apartment.

Vipasti - vistezhiti; guess, guess.

Vspіvati - ask for it.

Vistribuvati - come out of the malicious activity, otrimavshi let the evildoers.

Vipul - order to hide in secret; a person who is happy for the first hour of gris in a card; Signature about unknown.

V. with a riveting - the overpayment will deprive the 24th year of the clause.

Virodok is ahead of convictions for embezzlement.

Viruchka is a practitioner of the ITP, who takes the hack.

Set up a beacon gintsyu - ahead of the dangers of a drug carrier.

Vistaviti shnift - vibiti sklo.

Vityazhnі eyepieces - passport.

Go to the rozbіr - pіddatisya look at the malicious middle.

Vishak, vishka - the treasures of the world of punishment.

V'yazalovo - arrest, zatrimannya.

V'yazati - zaareshtovuvati.

V'yazki - robbery.

V'yazki z pontom - robbery for the help of a guide.

Tavrilo is a doorman.

Galyushnik, viper - kublo.

Galyan is a diamond.

Gaman is a gaman.

Harmonica is a dog.

Garrik is a hero.

Gasiti - howati; beat anyone.

Extinguishing - get rid of the prison cells, having spent dobovilno to the punishment cell.

Gasha, gashnik - a fold at the upper part of the pants for saving objects in the fence.

Gayan - opiy.

Hydrokurka - settlers,

Talca - especially take the victim by the throat.

Guitar - chisel; women's state organs; vidmova, zaperechennya.

Guitar - villainous crowbar; hangout.

An eye is a tribute to an individual.

Glazilnik - train.

Clay - cal.

Glinomis is an active homosexual.

Glot - screamer; sknar.

Deaf - pinch Rozmov.

Deafly - irrevocably, nadіyno, singsongly.

Deaf wash - perebuvaє in euphoria, in narcotic sleep.

Glukhar is a person who robs drunkards.

Silence - foolishness; divinity.

Gnat - lies.

G. geese - vdavat fool.

G. arc - tell the wrong reports about the place of the transferred wickedness.

G-fool - pretend to be divine, a fool.

G. maidan - їhati pull.

R. maidan with rubella - accompany the goods train with valuable vantage.

G. empty - speak marno; remember nothing is important information.

G. in a black way - deceive.

G. kuli - inform on anyone.

Gnidiy is cunning.

Nits - useless, litigation, untimely to stand up for yourself.

Gnіdnik - spіdnya whiteness.

Rotten - a lot of evil; who does not fall for provocations; may a great life dosvіd, who knows the evil laws, zvichaї, traditions.

G. zahid is a cunning pidkhid.

Rotten - mіzki.

Gnulivka - compromising villainy in the eyes of sleepers.

Bend your soul - give a hell of a note.

Freebie - portfolio.

Goliy - bezperechny.

Turn your head - play cards, brushes.

Blakitny Danube - cafe, restaurant.

Golujol is a passive homosexual, which is a great demand.

Golub is a human head remover.

Goliy Vasser - bad luck.

Gole, golіє, golyak - the presence of pennies in the stolen gamantsi.

Golchik is a villainous bastard.

The messenger is a dribny sounder of drugs.

Distill - pereslіduvannya, stuzhennya; bogeville.

G. the mark - incriminate theft from the city's transport.

R. rotor - simulating mental illness.

The hound is a helper, an approaching bat.

Gop - a place where you can spend the night for a small fee.

Top stop - robbery.

Gopnik, gopushnik - a robber-guest performer.

Gorbatity - deprive someone of a rozpodіlі.

Humpbacked lipiti - deceive.

Woe - moonshine.

Burn - we will see the police.

The horizon is a panel in the chamber.

Burn fire - play cheaters.

Gorlovy is praiseworthy for being irritated by villains.

Misto - shop; GVVS, RVVS.

G. Kataev - v'yaznitsya.

Gorodukha is a steal from the store, which looks like a purchase.

The mayor is a person, like fixing burglars from shops.

Prepare a passenger, a show-off, a dude - shukati a victim for a cheater's grill.

Grabki, rake - hands.

The engraver is a counterfeiter.

The engraving is a counterfeit banknote.

Gramophone - hashish; dog.

Grand - robbery.

G. wet - robbery from driving.

Graffiti - Zaareshtovuvati.

Rook - what can I do with a large sum; intestinal villain; a victim named by the gut villain.

Hrebinets is a passive homosexual.

Gremlo - Vartovy.

Rowing half a sun - steal.

Mushroom - wooden spoon; big amount.

Grim - chiffonier, shafa.

Guchna, guchna - a steal with evil.

Guchnik is a villainous burglar.

Grimnuti - kill.

Rude - kind.

Rough shkira - gamanets z pennies.

G. a creaker behind junk at a frey's - a slurring of speeches at a carload from a hulk.

G. shmara is a beautiful girl.

Grubove - Vershkov oil.

Breastnuti - take the breasts.

The soil is an object of evil.

Pear - comorny castle.

Pears are food products.

Get dirty - spend it on the finish.

Goodlay is Jewish.

Beep - accordion; seats.

G. mishaniy is a passive homosexual.

Gudir, gudir'yan - anal opening.

Gouge is stupid.

Guzhban - water taxi.

Guzhuvati - live in alcohol without peace.

Guzhuvatisya - grow up.

Gulniy - a person who has flowed in a s-pіd varti, as if he was going to an illegal camp.

Gunka is a tiger.

Gunyavy is a syphilitic.

HES - a place for convicts who are unhappy, the edge of the table, the outermost bedrooms.

Giver - navіdnik.

Press the window - look.

Squeeze the liver - keep an eye on the woman, shilyat to the state act.

Vice - bed.

Give man firdati - give me a smoke.

Having given a piece of bread good people- inadvertently seeing a sleeper on the drink.

Dalnyak is a distant colony.

Tribute is the collection of costs from the condemned needs of the villain in the law.

Dati - sue.

D. imovirnist - reverify.

D. gvinta - flow into the convoy.

D. race - do not give a sneak.

D. anesthesia - slapped with a blow to the head.

D. a tattoo on a gintsya - tell a person from whom you can buy drugs.

D. cloth - flow into the mischief.

D. humu - welcome by the hand.

D. slam on the edge - having folded, give swag.

D. rose - beat.

Datsela - one cube. div. drug for injection.

Dacha, dacha - transfer of products to the convict.

Summer resident - what to steal stealth in the dachas.

Twenty by two - without a hitch, win the hand over.

Twenty p'yat - inspector of the operational-rozshukovy vіddіlu.

Two sixteen - carefully; behind two pracіvniki milіtsiї.

Two to the side - a prison watchman, a policeman.

Twelve by two - on the beat.

Ruhnuty - hopeless, perplexed, foolish.

D. bullshit - fool, do not pay the program.

Dvirnik - a practitioner of the prosecutor's office.

D. the youngest is the assistant to the prosecutor.

A nobleman is a vagabond, a bum.

A double-barreled shotgun is a woman who performs an article at the same time with two people.

Two-eyed - binoculars.

Dvokhidka - an apartment with two exits.

Deberts, terts - kartkova gra, in a yak cheaters play among themselves.

Nezaymaniy - suings for stealing the dermaine, which repented and stood on the paths of correction.

Nine is an informer.

Robity - steal.

D. legs - tick.

D. cork - make a tovkuchka, to make a gut steal.

D. wall - block the victim from outside eyes.

D. clean - steal pennies.

On the right, it’s more correct - gra, at the yakіy vikoristovuyutsya labeled cards; good preparations for evildoers.

Dilovy - villainous, who can be trusted.

Delyaga - viscok.

The demon - sees himself as a thieves villain at the law.

Dennik is a villain who works more than a day.

Derbanity - dility.

The village is v'yaznytsia.

Wooden to the waist - a perplexed person.

Trimati stiyku - do not confess to evil.

Trimatize for a pile - engage in masturbation.

Trimati - steal.

D. ban - steal at the station.

D. mazu - protect the sleeper.

D. style - behave proudly and zuhvalo.

Smiknut - go in.

Smiknut for the whistle - go for the throat.

The paratroopers are villains who throw off speeches from transport, which collapses.

Cheap - patient.

D. light - people who do not become interested.

Dynamo is a lie.

Disc jockey - dishwasher.

Dovgy is sensible.

For neviri - put a pill in your eyes.

Dovazhok - an abbreviation of the term punishment.

Nazdoganyat - razumiti.

Doshchevik - a stone for self-defense.

Dovbati kumar - ailments after drug addiction.

Get to know each other at home - get under arrest for an hour.

Home sniffer, home housekeeper, burglar - apartment villain.

A burglar-svetlyak is a villainous apartment that penetrates the living quarters every day with a path to the selection of keys.

The road is a spool of thread, stretched between the windows of the cameras for the transmission of any objects, speeches, notes.

Until melted - until the rest.

Dihati - drive in.

Donka is a homosexual faggot.

Teaser - mirror.

The dragon is the inspector of carnivorous roses; dog; visual

Firewood - sirniki.

Drijdzhi - pennies.

Drones of reeds - play the zatrimanogo sleeper.

Friendship is new - update is the key.

Poor screen - little speech.

Dubak - escort, doorkeeper, visual observer.

Duvan - gave a vidobotka.

Dougie - too bad; revolver: untruthful statements about the object of theft.

Dunuti - see; smoke marijuana.

Dunka - two in the cards.

Dunka Kulakova - onanism.

Duplo - anal opening.

Durnitsa - short-barreled zbroya; brucht; cannabis, from which marijuana is made.

A fool is a human member of the state.

Drive the fool - write an article act.

Foolish - beat, lose in fools.

Durdizvl - voluntarily pratsyyuchy yazneniya.

A fool is a woman's handbag.

Durnik - what to steal from women's handbags.

Durogon - Hibna information.

Fool is a common name for drugs.

Durinda - sumly pracyuyuchiy ob'yazneniy.

Spirit - the head of the paddock at the VTK; police officer.

Duharik, duhar - p'yany.

Oven - anal opening.

A spiritual person is a guardian of a wicked group.

Dukhovy is a badass.

Dushman is a spivrobitnik of carnage, who is engaged in the fight against drug addiction.

Dihati - wonder.

Dihati - pidlabuzniti.

Dinna is vaginal.

Dinya is the head.

Diryava thread - a place on the cordon, through the yak of smugglers to transport drugs.

Diryaviy - judgments, for which an act of sodomy has been imposed.

The devil - sees himself as a villain.

Ducati by the collar - take the back of the throat.

Dim - tyutyun.

Uncle's budinok - ІTU, v'yaznitsya.

Dyadko, uncle - illustrator, head of the paddock at the VTU.

D. Mityai - overpowering in'yaznitsya.

D. shed - rose.

The woodpecker is a passive homosexual.

Egor is a sleeper who doesn’t call out to you.

Їla - mouth.

Їdali - teeth.

Odnosibnik - villainous-same.

ELD is a man, you can’t lie down to a vicious grouping.

Elna is a villain.

Yelnya is a hot name for villains.

Yerikan - old.

Ershiti - see yourself as a villain in the law, shriveled up in the presence of such people in your company.

Є livoruch! - Viconano!

Chati - go under the convoy.

E. into the sky with taiga - I will brehati without estimating.

Єrsh - villainous, outcast from the evil middle, but I see myself for such.

Yalinka - p'yany.

E. Zelena is a large military serviceman, a kind of early warning.

A toad is a greedy person; Inspector of Cargo Roshuku; detective; a summer dance-maiden, de z'yavlyayutsya kishenkovі villains and povії.

Toads - pennies; escorts.

Javert is a man.

Sorry - angry.

Sting - needles for tattooing; lower; language; needle syringe.


Japo - the back of the pants.

Speck - bezvihіd.

Jargon - station.

Firebird is a light bulb.

Zban is the head.

A beggar is shy to the point of vagrancy.

Zheka - Finnish lower.

Halls - badges, medals, orders.

Zaliznitsya is a reckless card game.

Zalizny nis is a political practitioner of ITP.

Zalіzny fraєr - living bread.

Zalizo - crowns, false metal teeth.

The druzhina is a homosexual, who pleases only one convict.

Friendly - mishana z chimos.

Zh. dur - hashish, zmіshany with tyutyun.

Friend - rob.

Adverbs - a passenger who plans to steal a steal on the road; a gutsy villain who opens a woman's handbag; patient.

Women's monastery - the same camera for many informants.

Zhіnka - mattress.

Zherdka - vikno.

The vent is an anal opening.

Paliti - see the spіvuchasnikіv.

Zhzhenka - self-made farba for tattooing with smeared gumi or burnt tsukru.

Zhigan - zukhvaliy villain; a gang of malevolent grouping; scho live for rahunok shpani.

The vest is a gostry tool, soldered at the ring, for opening bags of chi.

Zhirna shkira - gamanets with pennies.

Zhirny - rich.

To live with the ruler is to punish the mister for freedom of will.

Redneck - greedy, greedy; villager.

Zhopnik - hind gut.

Zhorzhik, zhakh - shahrai.

Walk around with a fuss - get rid of pennies.

The beetle is a bad news.

Zhukuvatiy - know from the evil world.

Zhulban is evil.

Zhulman is a safe razor, or a small lower, an instrument of an intestinal villain.

A swindler is a small lower.

Swindle - urinate.

Zababoshnij - judgments, such as prudishness to sіm'ї.

Gore - sell stolen goods.

Zaburiti - know.

Fill up - heal; beat.

Fill up clean - drive in.

Fall in - get caught in mischief.

Start a volinka - entice convicts not to work at the zone.

Curl - sell.

Curl - vkti, go.

Zavodilivka - evil goblet; the apartment is broken, the victim is robbed.

For all the fuel oil - take revenge for all images. Tie tightly - see into the malicious middle.

3. dzvinok - kill the dog that protects the object.

Carriage is not full-time, which destroys the morning regime.

Extinguish - get away and spread the chambers in the isolation room.

Zagostyuvati - shovat, fool.

Grant - rob.

Zagrimіti - buti we will zatrimani on the mischief of mischief.

Shove - zdіysniti article act; brehat.

Stick in - inject yourself with a drug.

Zarobiti - beat, drive in; fit in.

3. a goat - bring a friend; help be-yakіy right.

3. behind the dream book - steal the sleepers.

3. hut - steal a steal from the apartment.

Zavіllya - villainous fun.

Back seat - women's seats.

The back is the back of the pants.

Zaposichennya - punishment cell.

Come in - arrest.

3. not in your own hut - graze on the mischief and get arrested or condemned.

Bunnies - sirniki; keys; into the fire.

Zagayaliti - beat the drunk and rob.

Download - put on handcuffs.

For looking parkan - shot.

Zakozliti - convey, snitch.

A lawyer is a villain, one who strives for the law, being punished by other villains.

Legal - good, domovilsya.

Zakositi - pretend to be ill, hide the robots in the zone or barracks.

3. soldering - fool the dispenser in the colony and reserve a portion for another.

The killer is a robber-guest performer.

To finish - remember.

Shut up - have a drink.

Zakumariti - to implant a drug.

Smoke up - hide.

Smoke up - fix the doors.

Smearing - under the supervision of the police officers.

Putty - swag; diya, which vibrates for the vision of the eyes.

Zamaliniti - sleep the victim with a drug, and then rob it of chi zavaltuvati її.

A lure is a woman, like a lure of people from a quiet place, de її robbing її spilniks.

Zamarchiti - hopefully hide; beat that victim.

Zamar'yazhiti - rob the client, zdiisnivshi statutory act with him.

Freeze - take communion, timchasovo interrupt the connection with the sleepers.

Zamіst - clean up from the road; zatrimat; arrest.

Zamitano - home.

Castle - earrings.

Wind up - find out the hour of investigation.

Marry - povіdomiti be-like vіdomosti.

Zrobiti - soften, stir up the situation.

Zrobiti - brew mitzny tea.

Stash - skhovanka, part of a vidobutka.

Get conceited - get conceited.

Behind the thread - behind the cordon.

Zamikati - hide.

Sniffing - zamuhrishka.

Zahid - I can't understand the prison taboo.

Fire up - burn in; heal.

3. Zenki - beware.

Get excited - forget it.

Zaparka is a pardon.

Reserve - bachiti.

Stock up - look around the militia worker, who knows how stiff.

Sleep with a steam locomotive - go to the right as a cot.

Zaspіvati - speak, almost be true.

Sealed - not borrowed.

Zapivokhin is an alcoholic.

Write down - charge.

Sign up as a peasant - stop leading a wicked life and start practicing.

Notes - Sirniki.

Pour new - take away a new term.

Screw up - infect.

Screw up the door - break the rules, such as dorimuetsya more.

Zaporoti vedmedya - open the safe.

Refuel - tell a lie, wag at the rose.

Zapresuvat - repair a vice.

Zapulitis - leave without permission.

Wash down - drink quickly.

Splattering - sneaking.

Behind the river - far from home.

Zamalyuvati - remember the soundness.

Zaruliti - talk.

Zakopatisya - have a meal on mischief.

Charge - vmilo zbrehati.

Light up to show yourself that article as an object of guarding the police.

To whistle - to show.

Zasіkti - remember.

Smolit - shoot.

Zasobochiti - beat, destroy, drive in.

Dry - shut up.

Zestebnut - razzbnut gudzikov coat with intestinal theft.

3. gudzik - get to the cheating grie.

Zaskliti - stave sklo at the window frame.

Zastoporiti - Zupiniti the victim and plunder.

Get stuck - hourly poke an outsider.

Get stuck - get caught on mischief.

Catch - strangle; slander mischief at the mischief; drive in.

Drought - prohannya to the free-rent, which works in ITN.

Zasipati - see be someone; heal.

Potim - hit on the head, so that the victim is not tired; kill by hitting the head with an important object; bury the body of the victim.

Wipe the booze - start a scandal.

Overwrite - underestimate evil; to change documents; to help change them with a nickname.

Sharpened old - marked cards.

Hold - place at ShIZO, ITT.

Zatikati - vouch for the respect of the victim in case of intestinal theft, shtovhayuchi її.

Overwrite - intestinal steal.

Rub - hide.

Grout - skhovanka.

To zahamnіchat - not to be taken into the borg pennies and speeches; do not see the program.

Zakhar - gentry vchinok; deception of the ITN administration; supra-lingual vypadok; focus.

The divak is suffocating - a man, as he sees himself as a sign.

Zahopiti - sit in ITT, ShIZO.

Zahopiti - zavagіtnіti.

Zahezana raspberry - kublo villains or drug addicts, which became the guide to police practitioners.

Zahezana - smeared with feces.

Start up - shut up; run out of steals on the spot, not looking for the opportunity to get out of the place.

Zahid - accepting hedgehog; coping with a single dose of a drug.

3. rotten - cunning pidkhid.

3. z pіvnochi - put unacceptable and unsafe food.

Come in from the pіvnochі - put vikrivalnі food.

Zahomutati - evil; put at the deposit.

Sickness - mind.

Zachaliti - evil.

Combing the wheels - zahovany pistol.

Zacherіkati - almost svіdchiti.

Zachuhaniti - strangle, belittle the prisoner.

Zachuhovany - neokhayny, nechupara.

Zaishov is not in soybeans - having spent up to the hands of the justice.

Defend yourself - spend time on mischief.

Zashuherity - heal, speak out on the drink.

Zoryany - sensible, tyamuschiy uz'yazyneniya.

Zirkohop is a happy villain.

Lanka - sloping at the vіkonnіy ramі, utensils.

3. insert - insert errors and remove them from the application.

Zviryatko - pistol; human state member; a person of non-Russian nationality.

Dzvin - Rozmova; learning villainy; language.

Dzvonar - basic; dog; telephone.

To ring a dzvinok - a dog barks.

Dzvoniti - speak marno; tell a lie; roar out villainous secrets; let loose stupid feelings.

3. Buzu - vіdbuvati early warning, the whole term.

3. at the apartment - squash the bug on the wall of the chamber.

Dzvinok - the end of the term.

Zgol - a mocker of villains-pochatkivtsy.

Healthy - take clothes from the victim for an hour of robbery.

Zebra - blinds on the windows of the cell.

Green conference - p'yanka in the forest; villainous gathering.

Greens - evil grouping (suit), as they do not know the daily norms of behavior.

Green prosecutor - spring.

Greens - villain-cob.

Zelyator is a Tatar.

Earth is respectful.

Earthlings - spare the villainous rights at the summit meeting.

Zemchiti - depict.

Winter - Finnish lower.

Zimagor - a tramp; representative of the community.

Zimovі ramie - eyepieces.

The serpent is a scrawny, spritny villainous bastard who penetrates the premises through the apartment.

The snake is a very proud person; harmful person; denounce vodkryto to the chambers of the ITN administration; villainous.

3. according to the jackpot - I often spend a lot of time with a malice, a group of friends, where to enter.

Snake - bracelet; zashmorg; resale of stolen goods; primisky train, electric train, tram; a thin steel file or a hair of an intestinal year, with which the cell grate is cut.

Snake - a motuzka; law; zashmorg; pull.

3. plive (stretch) - the train goes to the platform.

Signs are pennies.

To know music is to understand the villainous jargon.

Speck is a wound.

Ash is bad luck.

Zolotar is a jeweler.

The gold tirka - the stealer did not come close.

Gold is a towel.

The golden table is a place, where in the colony they play at the card for interest.

Parasolka - penetration into the place through a hole in the stele.

The tooth is a spoon.

Zubarik, Zubat, Zubast, Zubatik, Zubatochka prosecutor.

Zubotichka is an inspector of carnivorous roses.

Ziryanka - Finnish lower.

Ivan - Volotsyuga, who will bring his own name; a gang of malevolent grouping, which has acquired its own nickname, named after my father. .

I. Ivanovich is a prosecutor.

I. from the Volga - zukhvaliy hooligan.

I. toskun - shlunkovy bіl vіd nasty hedgehog.

Head - lower; syringe.

Golkowy is a drug addict.

Graє accordion - the dog barks.

Gras on the guitar - the introduction of a statutory act; hacking the safe for the help of a special villainous instrument - the guitar.

Gras for an eye - gras with marked cards.

Gra on zatrimka - kartkova gra, in a yak it is unremarkable to lure the victim.

Gra on the signal or telegraph - gra in the card, if the sleeper gives clever signs.

Folded gra - gra zі folded at the required position with a deck of cards.

Gras for happiness - gra in cards without cheats.

Gras for three brushes - gra in cards for the life of other people. The one who has failed is guilty of yoga.

Grab on the probe - graph with marked cards, on which marks are smeared with fingers.

Gra pіd point - gra, if s tim, hto program, an act of sodomy is required. ,

Grati on accordion, piano, grand pianos - fingerprinting.

Grati on the violin - rasplyuvati ґrati in the chamber.

Grati for the fifth number - feign mental illness.

Igroviy - active grave on the card.

Gravets is a sharpie.

Igrashka - pistol; human state member; sleeping bag.

Games - pennies, won by a cheater.

Ideyniy - the one who educates the evil spirits and traditions.

I. villainous - which is to follow all the evil rules of behavior and tradition.

An idol is a person, tied up with an evil world.

Idols - teeth.

To go to the gentry - do not know from someone.

You need to take a share - weave for the freedom of the will.

Іti hear zozulyu - tіkati z u'yaznennya.

Walk out of the sky - go at night.

Utrimanets - vikonu additional functions in the evil group.

Izbach is an apartment villain.

Vіznik - water; judgments for beshket and post-yni katuvannya of the squad.

Vignati at the zalizny row - spare for the decisions of the villainous gathering of the rights of the "honest villain".

From the Volga came - duck.

Izenbrova bixa - a pretty girl and a woman.

Zrada rolls - zayva pіdozrіlіst, camp after the praise of narcotics.

Icon - the rules of internal order in the ITT.

Ikru - rich.

Shiriy messenger - may with sobi for sale I mean a lot of drugs.

India - a penalty cell at the v'yaznitsa. Shizo at the colony.

Indik - a summer man, who can have a large sum of pennies with him and whisper success with others; business inspector.

Indichka - Indian tea.

Inteligent - litigation for land plot mischief.

Ira - Criminal Code.

Irik - old.

Irichka is old.

Shukati thora - pіdshukuvati object for a state act.

Shukach - does not engage in suspіlno-korisnoy practice, shy to vagrancy.

Vinyatok - a decrease in material values ​​for an hour of praise at the colony.

Vipektisya - prograte.

Spovіd - vіdverta rozmov on dopitі; writing an explanatory note.

Ishchan - bad news.

Cabal - Borg.

Boar - bus.

The cable is upper, the cable is lower - an evil stele or a pidlog when stealing.

Kabur - penetration of the host through the crushing of the pidkop.

Kozak - supervisor at ITN; a gang of a malicious group.

Kazanyuk - revolver.

Kozak glue - to persuade the controller of the ITP.

Show the suit - give an understanding, to some kind of villainous grouping; show the stolen river, so that you can signify її vartist.

Cossack otas - the moment when a river is taken from the vlasnik.

The treasury is a prison robe.

Cain is a shopper of stolen goods.

Like a rich pour - beat someone hard.

Kalach is a great padlock.

Kalgan is the head.

Camellia is a beautiful plant.

Kamin is a mystery.

Kamsa is an inconsequential one, as if it turns into a malicious group.

Kanarka is a police car.

Kapati - go; see yourself for something else.

To the smitnik - go to the far side.

K. on the tail - follow the be-kim.

K. at the right - to be attracted to the vіdpovіdalnostі for malice, skoєny in ITN.

Canvas - a note, taєmno handed over to the mission of recognition; document.

Kandey - punishment cell, ShIZO.

Kanіtel - bіyka; arrest, zatrimanya; super girl.

Kanіteliti - beat.

Rosin is a cheap river that can be seen across the road, deceit; pointless rozmov; nіsenіtnitsa; hashish of low quality, which is seen as high-yield.

Turn the deck - I will help the gut villain, turning the victim in such a rank, so that it would be easier to rob.

Kantuvatisya - feign ailment, sob to get away with work at the barracks in the zone.

Cabbage - pennies.

Olivets - bruht; lower; pidlabuznik.

Karas is a rich client; victim of suffering.

K. bushkatiy - litigation for the battle of the squad.

K. is ugly - a sadist.

Vezha - eyes.

Picture - garna rich; far away stealth; valid passport.

Pictures gradient maps; pornographic photographs; Articles of the Criminal Code, for which malice was condemned.

Koriguvatisya - watch out for bіl chi poneviryannya.

Katati - play gambling; beat.

Katati kulі - pick up ganebnі vіdomostі.

Ride - intestinal steals in the city transport.

Kati pass such a quantity of potsіlunkiv - prohannya hang such a quantity of chogos.

Roll suit - recognize success.

Katyukha, Katyusha - codeine.

Katsi - robotic chereviki.

Kachalova is a great super girl.

Pump water - go where you can.

Swing - perebuvat at the places of free will.

Swing in kіchі - perebuvat at the mіstsyah uv'yaznennya, under the investigation.

Swing - collectively discuss the convict.

Porridge - a bear, a sack; NATO; tea.

The sperm whale is a badass.

Crane kvass - blood.

Let kvass - inflict wounds.

Keldim - budinok, gurtozhitok; hangout.

Kemel - summer head cleaning.

Kent is a friend, a hopeful sleeper.

Kesha - transfer to the isolation chamber.

Keshar, keshir - transfer to the arrested, which has not yet been judged.

Kivala is a people's assessor.

Nod your mane - wait a little, pіdtremuvati chiyu thought.

Throw - do not turn, take it to the borg, steal it.

Throw - rob.

K. on the grate - shout at the window of the camera: "Jail, give me a cry."

Kidnyak - scam, trick, trick; vishі, thrown into the ITP zone through the main fence.

Kipesh, kipish - homin, noise, beat.

Tsegla - the controller with an eye on the convicts; quarter door of the cell; diamond.

Kislyak - frown, frown viraz guise.

Kitobij is a bandit.

Kitcha is an insulator.

Kichman - disciplinary isolator at the VTK; in'yaznitsa.

Kisher - bear.

The gut is bad.

Guts are stolen and sold speeches.

Kishlak - v'yaznytsia.

Kishmish - drugs.

Masonry - skhovanka.

Kleiti - steal, entice.

Enema - navіyuvannya, separation; a woman who is not addicted to sexual intercourse.

Klini krusty - away, what's good.

Bed bug pressure - vimikati light; do nothing, sleep.

Klyauza is a bed.

Klyauznik is an olive.

Knatsat - posterigati, marvel.

Knorkaty - I know the truth.

Knock - cook.

The prince is a villainous recidivist.

The male is an active lesbian.

Forged - a mystical deck of cards.

Kovirnuti - rob; hit.

lope - steal a great steal.

Kilimka - a woman who is engaged in masturbation; lesbian.

Copy the earring - break the lock.

Goat is a cat.

Goat - bicycle, moped; informer; enemy; sales, a kind of spіvpratsyuє z administratsiєyu.

Kozloderka - a room for inspectors of the ITU; appropriation, where trials of convicts are carried out; a place near the barracks, de vіdbuvayutsya acts of masculinity among convicts.

The goat's rue is the teacher of the villain.

Goat section - this is the name of the convicts was taken away by the section on the prevention of offenses - SPP. Ussi ob'ednannya іz condemned activists.

Koknar, kuknar - opium poppy heads prepared for preparation of infusion; infusion of opium poppy; dried heads of opium poppy; common name for drugs.

Koknuti - drive in.

Kovbas z ochima - settled.

Wheels - chobots; drug pills.

Column - tell the truth.

Komіsar is a shahrai who looks like a militia worker.

Envelope - string; in'yaznitsya; camera; wuzol with speeches.

Horses - chobots, robotic boots; pracifically convict.

Having left the horse, he died.

Horse-moni - fashionable shoes.

K. shuffled and died.

Choose - lyakatisya.

Kont - a tool for opening safes.

Office - application of the RVVS, GVVS; hangout.

K. on the tail - beware: the lieutenant of the police officer, controller of the ITU.

Kіntsi - knives.

Kіn - a thread or a motuzka, for help, they pass notes or small objects to another cell.

Stayya is a wicked group.

Goduvalo is a cook at ITU.

Goduvati - buti zaareshtovanim.

The box is alive.

Box - steamboat; passenger train.

Box - a way to take a deck of cards for a single card; cameras.

Koroyid is an incompetent evil-doer.

Koroydka - VTK (vikhovno-labor colony).

Koroten hіd - gra in sіrniki.

Lead a corridor - tell a lie, fool.

Kositi - feign; look like a simpleton.

Kosmach is a misunderstanding, a fool.

Kosmaty is a gang of a well-organized evil group.

Bonesogriz is a vile villain.

Police - a portion of bread.

Kitty is a simulator.

The suit is a mess.

A jamb is a bandage on the sleeves of a condemned activist.

A joint is a rolled-up cigarette stuffed with hashish.

Keith is a pimp.

Cutlets - pennies in a bank package.

Kotli is a year old.

Kavoza - kava.

Kotsaniy - tagging.

Kotsi - felted boots with freebies.

The stoker is an active homosexual.

Kachan - image.

Kochet is a passive homosexual.

Kochka - oh. Sakhalin.

Kochumariti - sleep.

A cat owner is an apartment villain who penetrates the host through the apartment.

Krantik is a mortal virok, blamed by a villainous gathering.

Kranti - zatrymany chi zaareshtovaniya; end of hope.

The red hat is a big villain at the law; villainous grouping, like not knowing the "law" and destroying the regime of the colony; convictions for sodomy; passive homosexual; demobilization from military MVS soldiers; member of the convict team.

Redfeather - soldier internal military.

Red goods - gold, expensive speech.

Collapse - a person who has fallen; sleeper, that I take a part of the vidobutka.

Khrest - medicinal leaf, zvilnennya z roboti; end, death.

Cross - judge.

The villagers are yours.

Gyrfalcon is a homosexual.

Curve - lower.

The cry is rosemary.

Screamer - hiring firewood.

Kritikes - water taxi.

Krovnyashki - food products in the ITP.

Blood - driving in; pennies, yakі perebuvayut the victim.

nose pishla - rozrahunok zі beaten victim.

Crocodile - train.

Crete - pidkop, what to rob.

Kruzhiti - mothers of articles zv'yazok іz kіlkom zhіnkami one hour.

K. vіdchaydushno - zahopitisa woman, forgetting everything in the world.

Krutilivka is an operation from the capture of evil spirits.

Krutiti - arrange; supplement; investigate.

Turn the vіs_mki - vіdbuvati early.

ox - deceive.

cinema - think, guess.

Torsion - vіdchaydushny, bіdny.

Crilaty - a guise, a suspicion of homosexuality.

Patsyuk - head of ITT; inconsistency; zdіysnyuє drіbnі stole from the nightstands of convicts.

Chrissyatnik. - drіbny villain, scho to rob the stealers of the real z pіdvalіv.

Krita, kritka - v'yaznitsya.

Dah - restlessness; sour gut; PKT - application of the chamber type; gangster cover up.

Hook is an article member.

Gachok is a wise man, a policeman, a long-distance inspector.

Xiva - note, sheet; a document certifying a person.

Kukareshnik - ІTU insulator.

Lyalkam is a villain who lives on someone else's passport.

Kukurudza is a human organ.

Kukurudza is a homosexual.

Zozulya - litigation, which helps the administration of ITN; sentinel militiaman, watchman, guard.

Kulik is a revolver.

Kulikati in a swiss way - speak in villainous jargon.

Kum is an operational practitioner at ITT.

Merchant tea - mіtsna brewing tea.

Buy - fool; fit in.

The merchant's wife is a louse.

Kurazhny - rich, cheerful, hmіlny.

Kurkuwati - howati.

Kurnik - bedroom space at another tier.

Shmatok - controller-ensign; drib'yazkovy man.

The piece of the card is a pack of "Bilomorkanal" cigarettes.

Shmatochnik - dribny villain.

Kustar-odinak - shahrai-recidivist.

The coachman is evil.

Curly - good luck.

Laba is music.

Labaza - shop.

Love, love, love, love - pennies.

Lava to litter - pennies duzhe rich.

Loksha is a complete failure.

Lokshі - gradnі maps.

Lakshut - domino.

Lancey - pants.

Lantsyukhs are stolen speeches.

Lanzekh - Lanziug.

Lanzi - a set of garnet clothes and speeches.

Paw - swag; tea.

The paw is a part of the cheater's helper.

Paws - ticks.

Bast shoes - a tile for tea; clothes

L. weave - robiti vtechu.

Laptsa - disguise.

Lokshina - exchange; remіnets or lance for the year; criminal on the right.

Lusti - legs.

Lastivka - poviya.

Lachman - forgiveness of the card binding.

Swan - p'yany.

The swan, the swan is a villain among the p'yans.

Easy - accessible woman.

Lead - tsukor.

Linden, perepichka, lipin - a shirt; costume.

L. rozbitiy - a jacket and pants in different suits.

Linen - jacket.

Lipila, lipilo - medical practitioner of ITP.

Lipit - tell a lie.

L. Hunchback - deceive.

L. humpbacked to the wall - to see yourself for іnshoy; play with another card.

Lech - sufferers, who came from the countryside.

Bream - p'yany; cunning.

Throw a lyascha - rob a drunk.

Squeeze the lyascha - act against the mighty villains.

Lіver - watchfulness; warning about nebezpeku pіd hour skoєnnya malice; simpleton; liver.

Limonity - do not turn the software.

Linkin is a fake document.

Linden - pidrobka.

Lyra - guitar.

Leaves - gradle cards.

Letterka is a servant of the villain.

Catch a session - look after a woman.

Lozhkar is a cook at ITU.

Lozhkomynik - judgments, which is the practice of the scullery.

Lomanuti - break in.

Lamati - vityaguvati; revise.

L. xivi - review documents.

L. problems - talk.

L. v'yazi - perelamati ridge.

Lamati - bigti.

Lomatisya - bіgti, go to watch.

Break - go.

Lomka - shahraystvo; reverification of documents.

A crowbar of undertakings - a special suit (caste), close to svaville.

Aches - beatings, beatings.

Crowbar - shahrai.

Lopar - summer vzuttya.

Loh - rozzyav; patient.

Kudlata stealing - zgvaltuvannya.

Shaggy - ragged; business inspector.

Lokhmach - combatant, ITP activist.

Horses are Chobots.

A lunatic is a robber-one.

People are villains.

L. bezmezhni - hooligans.

Lyagavka is a criminal investigation.

To lie, to lie - to see sleepers, inform on anyone.

I will be a frog - an oath of evildoers.

The doll is a woman of easy behavior.

Maz is a wicked bat.

Maza - intercession; podtrimka; circle bond.

Mazati - hit; give swag.

Mazurik is an intestinal villain.

Fuel oil - fat, oliya; mascara for tattooing.

Grease - "qualifications" shakhray; order.

Ointments do not smear - do not spend in an unacceptable situation.

Maidan - wagon, train, station, platform; a piece of cloth, which is spread out for gris in a card; brothel, dezbirayutsya shakhrai; bag, valise.

Maidannik, maidannik - a villain who is operating at trains and at stations; litigation, covertly selling drugs and alcohol.

Maidannuti - steal a steal at the station or in the train.

Milo is the cut of a safety razor.

Makar is an unscrupulous villain.

Makara - bread.

Maklak, maklan - a stinger of graded wine.

Broker - additional documents, checks, rarely - pennies; posіbnik to the speculator who fills the price of goods.

Makli to bring - to please; exchange thoughts.

Maklya - litigation, which is to change your clothes for drugs.

Maclyanuty - exchange a moment.

Maknuti - suffocate by the water, drown.

Maxim - good-natured; chamber blaze.

Raspberry - a group of villains in one "professional"; hangout.

M. is marked - kublo is opened.

Maliga, small - a man of low growth.

The boy is the key.

Boys - vіdmichki; fingers.

The little one is a villain, adopted by the villainous family and from this moment is respected by the villain from the law.

Mara is a woman of easy virtue.

Marafet is a splendid glare; cocaine.

Marviher is an incorrigible villain.

Brand - Khustka; bus; tram; trolleybus.

Marcephalus - conflict.

Marshal - foreman at the colony.

The route is a bear with products at the vt_kach.

Masluki - cartridges.

Masol - Viyskovy; thin.

Oliya - overcoat.

The artist is a cheat.

Meister - master's signature; qualifications villain, which may have authority in his middle.

Maistruvati - the head of a stab wound.

Mastoviy is a passive homosexual among the non-religious.

Masterity, mastryachit - robiti.

Mastirka - zavdannya sobі poshkodzhen, schob uhilititsya vіd roboti; cigarette stuffed with hashish.

Lighthouse - a signal about the safety; lighter; nice apartment.

Furnishings - splniki cheater, yakі take part in the grі zbіlshennya number of partners; expensive speeches.

Vedmіd - non-combustible wardrobe, safe.

M. take it on the lasso - bring the safe so that it doesn’t burn.

Vedmezhatnik - burglar of safes.

Melodiya - ROVD-GOVS.

Menzhuvatisya - be afraid.

Cop, cop, cop, volotka - policeman; zone controller; lookout at the colony.

Menta - back.

The black moon is the back passage.

Metati - є; play in cards; deceive.

M. launches - koristuvatisya with a specially prepared deck of cards.

Mitla - mova.

Metro - pіdkop.

The bear is an insulator, a single chamber.

Blink - say, tell.

Grave - ITT; nіchlizhka; saving taєmnitsі; soup at the v'yaznitsa.

Corn is a collective farmer.

Wet is unsafe.

Wet on the right, sputum, mokruha - driving in, tied up with bloodshed.

Wet grant - robbery from bloodshed.

Prayer - add; lecture; instructions of the senior escort before the convicts leave the zone.

Milk is pennies.

Mosol is a thin person; brush.

A scooter is an article member, in the head of which a ring or a bag is inserted.

Motya is a piece of stolen goods.

Sechogin - lower.

Mochiti - beati; drive in.

M. horns - vodbuvaty early.

Moshnya is a portfolio.

Cholovik - pratsyyuchy uz'yazneniy, which is not spivpratsyuє za administratsiєyu.

The music of the nobility - understand the villainous jargon.

Musician - knowledgeable villainous jargon,

Mukir is a collective farmer.

Murakha is a gut villain.

Smittya is a practitioner of the militia.

Smittya Kolorove - ensign; military service of VR; litigation, such as perebuvaє at the SPP.

Mutilo, mutilivka - an acute conflict.

Mutiti - create a nervous tense situation.

Mutivka - beaten.

Mutna - suspected a person.

Mut - hibne ringing; not true.

A fly is a sack.

Bilim - go by boat.

On bzdyum - double.

On the beat - submit an idea.

Fill a picture (cards) - apply a tattoo.

Nablutuvatsya - make good acquaintances; learn to speak in villainous jargon

Sell ​​for blat - sell, knowing that the rich was stolen.

Nearby - vytyagnuti z kishenі hamanets.

Nabіyka brudna - addresses where you can buy drugs.

Nabіynik - sleeper.

Set of brushes - hand.

Nabusheny fraєr - a person, as you know the villainous sounds, but you can’t lie to the villains.

Guidance, tattoo - an indication of the object of evil.

Screw up - steal.

Nadibat - see, take a look.

N. on the case - choose an object for stealing.

For the winter - a cheat game in the cards, a victim is drawn into the yak.

Punish - put on a note; rob.

N. naoslіp - let it slip on the drink.

Nakotity - strangle a person with a method of pіdkoriti sobі.

N. woz - write a scarga to the prosecutor.

On kotushki - not in the world of living.

The cape is a padlock.

Nakiden - lower with a wicked climb.

Nakit - prison "aristocracy".

Invoices - specially selected card sharper.

A tattoo is a choice of an object for stealing; tattoo bath; incomprehensible badge of a bare head on a grand card.

Sit on the cross - sing out of the work, otrimavshi medicinal sheet.

On the kukan - under the look.

Livoruch - illegal; spare life.

Muzzle - administrative sight; visor on vіknі ITT or cameras; porazka chi rights; cap with a large visor.

Winding up - signify the term of punishment; get infected with venereal disease.

Naparaffiniti - wash.

Braid your legs - zrobiti vtechu z-pіd protection.

Weave hanks - slander a zayvogo on a drink.

On the show - fool, oblutati.

Pull the darts - set up a link with evil spirits, as if they were resting at freedom.

Step on the tail - form.

Put on the wuha - plunder; turn everything over.

Nahabnik - trolleybus.

Nakhalivka is an illegal calling of the innocent.

For free - the fate of the podіlі without the participation of the right.

On character - grati on the weak beak of the victim.

Nakhovanka is an expensive stone.

Nahrap - choke.

Perebuvati on tatsі - spend all pennies.

Nachka - skhovanka.

Nachuditi - steal a steal in vain.

On a hurdy-gurdy, on a sharomizhka - for someone else's rahunok.

Nashkoditi - kill while stealing.

Stuffing - you know a lot of secrets.

On Shusha - stealing in the house, like moving on the street.

The sky is the ceiling of the camera.

Seine - grab for a wink.

The bride is a pillow.

Nevkipish, nevkhipish - unremarkable; carefully.

Do not enter - do not lie, where you do not need.

Don't harness yourself - don't lie on your right.

Not in witness - at the camp of spiritual praise (not in oneself); without information; don't know anything.

Do not yell - there is nothing.

Nedolik - be a villainous tool.

Do not twist the plant - do not pick up the food.

Do not lakshiti - do not understand.

Bezgluzdya - deception when grі.

If you don’t shave off, you won’t see, you won’t pass the whole number.

Do not pontuy maryana, she is laksheva - do not boast of morphia, tse falsification.

Do not show off - do not boast; don't brag.

Do not light - do not see anyone to drink; don't come, it's not safe.

Unhappy - fire-fighting zbroya.

Netryaki - revolver.

Don't give a tyutyun - take a hamanets.

Nephele is an excess of thickly brewed tea.

Nema chim kriti - get lost in drinking.

The unclean one is stupefied, like a victorious robot.

Nincha - goodbye.

Nistyak, zhebrak - mustache garazd; everything will be good.

Nishtyak - good, good; welcome.

Zhebrak is a cat with speeches.

Matsati legs - get ready until the leak.

The number is not found - it is not planned to cope.

Nora - living room, buttock.

Nordzeke - finish the job.

Normal walk - all harazd.

Wearing a cross - belonging to a malicious world.

The nose of the blood went - the victim is beaten and weeps.

Notny is cunning.

Nіchnik - a stealer at night.

Nutryak - internal castle; internal intestine.

Nuhgir - wins a part of the great intestinal crabs.

Mikati - howati.

Sniff - perevіryat; to know.

Nyamliti - razumiti.

Nanny - bread.

Tighten - ask; choose; deprive.

Significance - robbery.

Cursing! - Swear!

Obrazheniya - ob'yazneniy, z yakim forcibly committed an act of sodomy.

Run in - tame to a villainous world.

Oblopatisya - have a meal with hope for permission.

Obіrvatisya - niknut pereslіduvannya.

Pick up - cheat.

Turnover - what to be in an illegal camp, what to bring your right name.

Climb - sneer.

Obshamaniti - obshukati.

Obshchak - zagalna kasa, hedgehog, tyutyun for help at the zone and in the wild; hot regime in ITT.

Goloshennya - padlock on the door.

Beat for free - beat at the card.

Ogoletz is an incompetent evil-doer.

Vognik - an apartment, in which one is taken for gris in a carte; sirniki.

Fire is a villain among the chambermates.

Vogniki are diamanti.

Strike with a whole group - take away the present of the world for punishment; I will repeat the warning.

Oder is a strong man.

Kovdra - passport.

One - kilk.

One on the crown is a villainous suit; the villain is the same for the colony.

Okolevanets - death.

Dig in - lock, pinch and move.

Eyes - nadіyno zahovanі speechі; Tricky speeches.

Vіkontse bratsk - a card with a face value of 6.

Baptize - change name and name.

Ohrestiti Jack - zіskrebti engraving written in stolen speech.

To be christened - spare the rights of the court.

Describe the fraier - cut clothes and make a steal.

Oparofiniti ~ revise.

Opomiynichati - zmusiti condemned to clean up the toilet, blame the pomiї and so on.

Corrected - documents that zasvіdchuyut person.

Viznachiti - zaareshtuvati, zatrimati; sell something.

O. z butor - zatrimuvat s stealing.

Appointment to the ruler - spend until the mist of urging.

Lower into the pit - spare the evil rights.

To deceive - to deceive.

Gorikhi - cartridges.

The eagle is a duck from the city of free will.

Oritka - sheet; smart ticket.

Refresh thinness - infect people.

Osіsti on glybintsі - timchasovo to pin the evil deed.

Vіdvalyuvati - vіddavati part of the stolen goods; go without finishing the steal.

Turn, twist - twist.

Vіddaknuti - give.

Wait for the visit - drink until the wake-up call.

Clarify - explain.

Crack off - treat with a cigarette stuffed with hashish, that bov for tse zrobiti act of sodomy.

Vijati - take the blame on yourself.

Vidzharyuvannya - appropriation of a piece of stolen goods.

Prannya is a leaf.

Vіdmovnik - litigation, which is prosecuted pratsyuvati.

Vіdmovlyati - vіdmovlyati; see the castle.

Vіdchaydushny - vipadkovy zlochinets, like stealing s consumption.

Vіdshivati ​​- take all the blame for that for the sleepers.

Vіdshiti - to be true.

Vіdshmonati - vіdіbrati pіd hour obshuku.

Vіdіgratisya - to be true; take revenge.

The officer is a cheat.

Issue - zdіysniti article act; rob.

Pahuvati - deceive; entice.

Frowning - vislovlyuvati dissatisfied.

Okhnarik, okhnar - nedopalok.

Polyuvati on a bug - grabbing and robbing a drunken one.

Myslyvets - inspector of the ORO; zhebrak-profesional.

Ohcha - pennies.

Glasses - penetrate the apartment through the windows.

Ochokist - stealing pennies through a window of cash; penetrates the apartment through the apartment.

Eyepieces - documents; combinations with invoices and bank checks.

O. linkovi - a passport on someone else's name.

O. lipovі, temnі - passport update.

Point - anal opening; apartment; vikno kasi; vіchko at the door of the cell.

Break a point - zdіysniti a violent act of sodomy.

Beware - be afraid.

The point is not zalizne - try to tell the truth for fearfulness.

Charm - fool; rob.

Smoke - teeth.

Oshkar - the back of the pants.

Get naked - get naked.

Oshpalashiti - smear.

Fall! - be careful!

Fall - come in be-kudi; lie down to sleep; sit.

Fall on the tail - pragnennya take it for free.

Bastard, bastard - the most lowly image.

Piovik is a blackmailer who takes away a piece of stolen goods, threatening with a denunciation.

Tow - hair.

Packing - do not attach your own spіvrobіtnitstva for the administration (zradnik).

Pack - see, zrajuvati.

A paklomnik is a villain who steals in stores for the help of a sleeper, a kind of seller.

Pakuba - forward.

Pant - see yourself as a person, as if you can’t lie down to a malicious world.

Panushka, panchushka - a person, as if they don’t stream obіtsyanki.

Panchuk - a gang of wicked group of drug addicts; a bat of an evil group; the head of the corral at the VTK.

Folder - vartovy on vezh; prison watcher; business inspector.

The steam locomotive is a villain, which declares that it is a villain without a spivuchasnik.

Partak, partach - a novice, which is not a villainous newcomer; nevmіha.

Partak, partachka - tattoo bath.

A partisan is a person who is known to be under investigation.

Vitrila - white walls at the occupant.

Poruchi is a characterless person.

Parchuk - humiliation, destruction of judgments.

Parchushka is a prominent sleeper.

Graze - beat.

Passenger - "zayva lyudina" at the airlock and zone.

P. gotuvati - shukati a victim for a shulersky gri, shahraystvo.

P. mіtsniy, tsiliy is a victim, who has not yet run into cheaters.

P. zіpsovany, torn - a victim that already stuck with cheaters.

Graze - stitch for kimos; accompany.

The shepherd is the leader.

Pawuk is a visual observer; prison liquor.

Pavutinka - drіt, which is fenced with a control-slid smuga; jewelry embellishment: thin golden lance.

Pavutina take - zirvati z shi lansyuzhok; zdіysniti a piece of whiteness, dried for drying.

Godfather - the head of an evil group.

P. lizhka - litigation, yaky v_dpovidaє for refueling lizhok.

P. to the table - litigation, which is the way to choose the table.

P. having brought the box - the father loaded the parcel.

Pahlimo - pіdemo.

The boy is a lad; vyhovanets, which koristuєtsya privileges; a young villain, like to repair the stolen goods under the cerebration of a confirmed villain; a young villain, who fixes burglars no less than three times, is a candidate for villainy for the law.

Kid - girly; a young villain, as if she were applying for the status of a certified "professional".

Boys - cards; dialing keys from different locks.

The patient is a victim of an intestinal villain.

Nirkovik - shahrai.

Peck is a man, you don’t know what you can do right with malice.

The bakery is a place where fake pennies are made.

Pederast - a cap with a great visor.

Perezha - a jacket.

Hemp - style; inaccuracies, stupidity.

Pension - stolen pennies.

Throwing luck - in the distance, throwing through the fence of vocational schools for drugs.

Turn over the guise - recognize the right name of someone.

Translate arrows - show yourself under suspicion.

Translation is a way to detect suspicions.

Have a snack - remember in a flash.

Perekrivity, perekriti - steal from the villain the speech he has stolen.

Rebuy, grind - transfer the stolen pennies to your sleeper.

A fracture is the moment when, when stealing, the hamanets is half pulled out.

Change the situation in the room.

Peremiti, saw through - sell the stolen rich;

Recalculate - transfer; intercept.

Palette - Grati.

Perepuliti - pass; intercept.

To rub - change your old look.

Tampering is the transfer of stolen goods.

Perzhik - lower.

Perska kilim - a pidloga in a cell or a barrack.

The ring is a castle.

Perkhalka, perkhonki - cigarettes.

The dog is a suspicious person.

Petryat in a swine way - speak in villainous jargon.

Piven - radio in the cell; pederast - a category of convicts, where such acts of masculinity are committed; police officer; head of the railway station; five years of free will.

Spin the tail - fix thefts from the passengers of the city transport.

Pivnik - hand, rukoskannya.

Drukuvati - commit an act of sodomy.

The stove is a stone.

Pіchki-shops - in front of the zmova.

Pich - anal opening.

Pichnik is an active homosexual.

Pishak - lower.

Perk - a needle for tattooing by hand.

Peaks - legs.

Pilkuvati - zbuti.

Pindyusha - p'yany.

Pinzha - p'yat.

Pinul - nice.

Pipette - syringe.

Peruka - women's state organs.

Pirіzhok - soldering bread.

Write, write - spread the swarm of the victim during theft.

A pisalka, a squeak, a leaf - a safe razor's cut.

Letters are yours.

Bees - coolies.

Pishki - civil clothes.

Write a screen - rіzh kishenu!

Pishchik - throat.

P'yavki - vіdmichki.

Float - we will show up.

Swim - touring; reprimand.

Spatula - mouth.

The spittoon is a pistol, a screw.

Weaving a netting - tіkati, vivertatisya.

Weave - swindle; zdіysniti flow.

Pletin is nonsense.

Weaves to buy - weaves from the mist of education.

Bald - month.

Pleshka - old; place of picking villains on the street.

Pleshiti - beat with a pantel.

Plesom beaty - inform; pidlabuznit.

Nachkhati - know; see; zdіysniti flow.

Plinta - v'yaznitsya.

Plintuvati - to punish early at the places of free will.

The tiler is a villain who steals from the counters.

Schilniy - villainous.

Plive river - flow of passengers.

Spit - shoot.

Turn purple - smoke.

Talk - talk.

Goliti - plunder.

Zaohochuvati - beat with your feet.

To poke - beat for a fault.

Hang a crib - strangle the victim with a chi drotom.

The order of the day's taxes is to let the nobility know about yourself.

Pov'yazati - zatrimati mischief on the mist.

Pov'yaznik is an ITP activist.

The toadstool is an obvious lie.

It drove - prizvisko, prizvisko.

Pіdbiti klini - domogtisya roztashuvannya bіla necessary people.

Pidbirach - cheater's spy.

Pіdvaliti - pіdіti.

Podvalitsya - prilashtuvatsya.

Pіdvіsiti - plunder; choose the term free will; give a strong blow to the guise.

Pіdvedennya - preparation to evil.

Leading the term - ringing at the foreboding evil.

Driver - a person who collects data about the object of evil.

Podvorish - villainous-pochatkіvets.

Pіdchepiti - to have mercy on the victim.

P_dduvalo - p_dlabuznik; mouth.

Podduzhny is a helper of a villain.

Piddiruvati - piddrazhnyuvati.

Spіlnik - sleeper.

Under fire - at the PKT: chamber-type accommodation.

Pidkumok (pidkushok) - operative innovations.

Pidlit - vtecha.

Pіdlyanka - the best place; humiliation.

Pidmazati - give swag.

Pidmeister - a person who adds signatures.

Confusion - provoke a scandal and beat the victim.

Raise your fist - declare to the police.

Raise a nix - start a scandal; give a signal about the safety.

Pіdіgnati - pass the necessary rіch.

Pіdіgrіv - transfer of food products to ІTU; drugs.

Pіdpalitysya - spend evil on the mischief.

Pіdrobitok - spіvuchast have kradizhtsі.

Pіdrіzati - vkrasit.

Pidsadnik - intestinal villain; deceiver; hack.

Pіdsіvalo, pіdsіvalo - informer.

Pіdsidok - villainous, like a pіdmіnyає Valіzi; shakhrai, to enter at the door to the passenger.

Pіdkaznik - a person, yak pіdshukuє ob'єkt malice.

Proliski - children.

Sonyashnik is a golden year old.

Pіdstavka - sleeper.

Підхвіст - help with theft of stolen goods.

Pid cool - to the militia.

Pіd'єbіriha - prison yushka.

Vityag - the key to the apartment.

Pіdіbrati - pіti; marvel.

P. sessions - marvel at the woman who is going to be in the zone.

P. skok - steal away stealing.

Drink sour milk - grow up in the flow of ІTU, but we will appear spyman.

Pozhezha - bida, death; a signal about insecurity; zatrimanya on mischief mischief on mist mischief.

Pozіgkati, posіkuvati - marvel.

Ganebnik is a man, Doviri did not tell the truth.

Surprise - posterigati.

Spіymati parfіyu - vіdchuti nastannya narcotic sp'yanіnnya.

Spymati ace - buti condemned.

Spіymati nixer - buti mark.

Show the body - look around the enemy.

Window dressing - orders, medals.

Ride - exchange.

According to the canvas - according to someone else's document.

Pokotiti - to bring; hand over.

Shut up - listen.

Take a beating - know for a drink from a fellow.

Dig - beat.

Smoke lost - lost a little, for example.

Nap_vkrovka - a person, as you know the villainous jargon.

Napіvkіtnik - a villainous trainee at a confirmed villain.

Nap_vkolorovy - inspector of the ORO.

Nap_vprogulyanka - a six-month-old visnovok.

The Polish villain is the one who is the villain of the law.

Pray for the icon - remember the rules of internal order in the colony.

P. go to the music - but be counted to the wicked world.

Remember - make a steal.

P. phase - pierce with a safety razor.

Pond - cherga, natovp.

P. unmatched - unmatched.

Ponis - fit.

Znevyazhat - razrіzati.

Ponomariti - brag.

Pontus - wisdom, trick, cunning; surplus; win.

P. getuvati - shukati a victim for a cheater's grill.

P. beaty - get fooled (with tricks).

Pontashka is a counterfeit drug.

Pontuvati - beaty; deceive; make a dumpling; show the respect of the lonely.

Pontuvatisya - pretend, marvel.

Show off - create the visibility of something.

Pontschiki - villains, yakі zbirat vyavnym scandal chi bіykoy rozzyav natovp, yakі їхні participants intestinal steals.

Ponti - sincere praise.

Drink for a hook - scold; be stale.

P. up to the uncle on bail - spend until you get out of the colony.

P. to the bank - we’ll see it and we’ll win it from the stealers.

Shoot at the passenger - ask for mercy.

Plow with turpentine - to be suspected in the dark right.

Ass - vartovy on vezhi.

Pee eyepieces - pore your eyes.

P. walk to the vogniks - steal steals from the dark hour.

Rinse - beat.

Get lost - get stuck; vikriti at the scoєnі malice.

Papuhnuti - have a drink.

Resolutions - judgments.

The breed is a bad guy.

Empty - empty Rozmov; does not mean anything, but pardon information.

Piglet - gamanets or gamanets, full of pennies.

Kravets - victorious at full-time.

Poskisiti - marvel.

Salt - spoil.

The dreamer is a villain, who steals from the sleeping masters of apartments.

Put - create, wash for the scoєnnya malice; zdіysniti article act.

P. on the chorus - group zґvaltuvannya.

P. on the wuha - beat.

Postiyny - a person who repeatedly punished in the same ITT.

Stick a pipe - put in a fire pit.

Posik - river.

Posipati - pass.

Posypukha - tsukrovy pіsok.

Damn - welding and a beat, in a yak_y take the fate of a rich osib (beat).

Darkening - suffocation; kills.

Vtratitis - vkti; drink.

Potiti is a term used in ITT.

The stele is the greatest punishment in the world, transferred for the same article of the Criminal Code.

Bargain - rob.

Hurry up - get drunk dop'yan.

Poturiti - vignati.

Rub - rub.

Pofanizhit, pofantiti - smoke.

Spared - spared big.

By the fenist botati (kursati) - speak the villainous jargon.

To petrify on a hair dryer - to understand the evil jargon.

Pohіzati - go down, get out.

P. to Rome - drink home.

P. go - mizh right.

The funeral director is a villain who steals at the funeral.

The rule is to beat the vikritikh from the enemy.

The right purchase - far away the thief has finished.

Correct - right, kind.

Rule - ask the price; steal.

Edits - the rights of the gut.

Paraska Fedorivna - "slop", similar to the place.

Prahorya - Choboti.

Pred'yavlennya - document.

Press - a pack of pennies.

Press creation - gradually suppress the rights of a singing individual.

Press-hut - a chamber for vibivannya testimony from the convict.

Pret - to graze on mischief without hope for a call.

P. on kіchі - wіdbuvati early warning at v'yaznitі.

Stray, stray - dagger, Finnish lower; I'm sorry.

Bombiti - pridbati.

The moron - yazneniya, kakiy vykonuє easy robot.

To land - to eat up to the colony of chi in the yard.

Prick - tell; amuse, laugh.

Come, come, come, come, come.

Pretend - fool around; dress up.

P. jacket - pretend to be a simpleton, ugly.

Estimate - plunder; talk, like a bunch of malice.

Glue a beard - slander and do not grow, fool.

Glue - throw a coma of evils, incriminations to others.

Take a bite, pin up - strangle the victim with an application to the mouth of a soft object.

Pin - close, get close.

Pridbati - know the weak side in character; recognize.

Lunge - go to a restaurant.

Lubrication - fat, oil.

Admire - be attracted to criminality.

Lotion on the navel - lynching.

Assign - direct.

Accept - steal.

The prince is a fashionably and ohayno dressing up man.

Receive - pass.

Take a shoveler - steal a hamant from the intestines.

Supply - brass knuckles.

Burn - burn.

Solder - designate the most important term of punishment for this article.

Print (beard) - fool.

The river rushed - pidishov train to the peron.

Seasoning - lower, unsafe razor, brass knuckles.

Swelling - perebuvay at the places of free will.

Swell up - buti zatrimanim chi zaareshtovanim; sip until the supposedly inacceptable history.

Berth - villainous cup; place, where you can get together at the same time; place of buying stolen goods.

Approach - dine until the free will.

Comb - lure, tame.

To moor - superbly vlashtuvatisya.

Sew, primatity, sew into the doshka - kill for lynching decisions.

P. beard - fool, flow in stealing.

P. to the right - point out whether someone is like a sleeper.

Sew on - come on.

Primruzhit - zatrimati mischief on the mischief.

Sample - a pack of new counterfeit banknotes.

Probіgtisya - zrobiti kishenkovu steal.

Probirey - Shakhray, what do you try to try that brand.

Break the drum - steal a steal.

Korok - exit through the pidkop.

Scroll - walk, drink.

Drit - fingers.

Drіt thin - spritny intestinal villain.

Wire - group zgvaltuvannya; to carry the fenced objects unreservedly protected.

Progin - hibna information; hardening.

Burn out - squander.

Walking is the minimum term for freeing the will.

To walk away freedom - to be known to an insignificant malice with a method of grabbing harder.

Prosmikuvati - pass poz.

Prodіryavit alley - zrobiti passed by the parking lot.

A puncture is a failure.

Proknut - fool.

Propaganda - sales.

Disappeared, propollya, propule - transfer of stolen goods to a sleeper.

Registration - testing the convict, "examination", gaining food for kmіtlivіst, knowledge of criminal traditions and іn. The one who has seen his residence permit becomes a lawful bagman of the cell or in the yard.

Propulity - stop stealing.

Skip - zavaltuvati.

A simple frame is a vіdmichka for vіdmikannya vnutrіshnіh zakіv.

Prostiradlo - vtik.

A simple woman is an easy woman; badass villain.

Proshtovhuvati - deceive.

Stretch the chamfer - fool.

Profort - program everything to the penny, tobto. good luck.

Profura is a vagabond woman.

Profursetka - poviya nizhchogo rank.

Prokhoria - div. "Prakhorya".

Proydisvit - spritny shahrai.

To pass - everything goes.

Prokhodka - a walk in the prison yard.

The process is a group scam.

Pishov with focus - slipping through without a hitch.

Proshlyopatisya - talk.

A strand is a bicycle.

Psi - protection.

Birdie - non-commodity waybill; scoop for tidying up at the camera; part of the tool, which victorious for evil safes.

Bird water - burner.

Ptyukha - soldering bread.

Gudzik zaztebnuti - get to the cheater's grill.

Gudzik twist - lies on the drink.

Puyka - not full-time, inflicted with villains.

Kulemeti - Gradient Maps.

Kuli - pennies.

Kuli charge - deceive.

Pulley - steal.

Pulver - light.

Pulnuti - pass; put in ITT or ShIZO.

P. v_dvedennya - v_dverny respect.

Punem - face.

Puniti - say nіsenіtnitsa.

Puntsuvati, punching - capturing villains from the victim-man.

Let go of hammers - beat.

Let go of the pid metal - change the mind; heal.

P. tear - drive in.

P. dzhmelya - crawl into the gut for the hamant.

Empty - without a penny; zatrimany, ale without evidence.

Empty - penniless.

Bdzhilki - patrons.

Pasichnik - punishment cell.

Wheat - morphine.

Zhovta wheat is smuggled gold.

Peel - borosno; informer.

Piryati - steal; go.

Pisoman vijin - finished.

Pikhvora - market.

Shove - take a bite.

P'yatak - anal opening; mistse, where the villains are going to come.

P'yatelka - head.

F'yaternya - stolen speech.

P'yatikhvilinka - laboratory psychiatric examination.

Plyamati - hurt.

Plyama chocolate - anal opening.

Pats - nedopalok іz excess hashish.

P'yatu z - five rubles.

The fifth kut is a safe place for scandals and fights.

P'yat-shіst - perelyak.

Robot is evil.

R. at the chastka - take a guardian from you for stealing, who sees the chastka.

R. for ore - specializes in stealing golden speeches.

R. according to onuchi - specializes in the cloaks of the upper garment.

R. with a rozpisom - a thief from anteriorly cut intestines.

Pratsіvnichki - fingers.

Robiti - make a steal.

Robotnik - litigation, which honestly works.

Rozbіgtisya - see borg.

Break up - dility.

R. show off - disperse for orders.

Rozbiti - pull out of the guts of the bags of the sacrifice of pennies.

Rozgoduvati - discuss at the meeting.

Layout - report, detailed explanation.

Rozkuvati - razdyagnuti.

Rozkoloti - vikriti at the skoєnomu i zmusity zіznatsia.

Rozkolotisya - zіznatisya at skoєnі malice; see sleepers.

Rozkruchuvati - zmushuvati tell the truth.

Rozkukuliti sidora - insert a bear with speeches.

Rozkumaritysya - vzhivat drugs chi chifir.

Rozkurochiti - rozlamati.

To paint - to pierce the face with a razor; hit with a knife.

Rezpiska - Lezo safe razor or small gostry nizh.

The painting is a man, for example, I have a lot of tattoos.

Open the bucket - widen the hardening, svіdomo hibny hearing.

Unspring - rozstіbati the coat of the victim and repair the steal from the gut of the jacket.

Relax - zdіysnyuvati article act.

Rozsipannya - tea.

The grabber is a robber who wields pennies from the hands of that speech.

Radish is not a good person.

Dir, tails - play in the cell.

Rizet - dobir object malice.

Guma - bus, trolleybus; condom.

Rіzannya - trimming the belt of a bag.

The flight is a sign of advance.

Robe is a prison robe.

Robity - steal.

Rig is stupid.

R. zoni - the head for the sake of vihovateli at VTK.

Beat the horns - beat for the fault in front of the sleepers.

Rogomet - practice of judgments.

Naroditi - open on the right.

Rodsky - old dosvіdcheny zlodіy; a gang of villainous groups.

Wolverine is a cunning and enlightened person.

Rozsip - a bag with shahrai's stars.

Rota - hello.

Rukobiti - engage in masturbation.

Handle - brass knuckles.

Roulette - vіdmichka.

Ruslan is homosexual.

Fall - spend evil on mischief.

Fall - guess.

Manual - non-shkidlivy, fallow, what a vikonu, be it a mandate.

Riba is a spy, a cunning person.

Ribality - steal on the beach.

Ribina is a deceiver.

Ribkin soup - a rare yushka.

Rivoshnik - scho virivaє from the hands of pennies chi speech.

Ore, ore is gold.

Shable - doors.

Savateynik - duck.

Savostyan - bread.

Sadilnik - bus, trolleybus, tram, transport, for which the intestinal villains are operating.

Saditi - strangle, drive in.

Sadka - the environment of the city transport.

Salsal rozsipne - strong.

Himself is a gang of a malicious group.

Saman - pennies.

She herself is a follower.

Sam-beautiful - tyutyun-samosad (himself + krihtu).

The samovar is a tin can or a metal kitchen, used for brewing tea on fire.

Samodurinsky - alcoholic drink, to a certain degree it is snodiyne.

Samolyub - engages in onanism.

Nugget - housekeeper; villain from the number of service personnel of the hotel.

Sanakuni is gold.

Sanjuvati - shovat right.

Chobit - pivsklyanki gorilka; militiaman; Viyskovy; simpleton.

Saratov shaft - night guard.

Barn - club, cinema.

Sbatar is a villain, a villain.

Sbatuvati - arrest.

Zbiti - accumulate; take.

S. cauldron - if you steal a year old from a bracelet or a lancelet.

Zblatuvatisya - get into contact with zі zlochintsy and become among them your people.

There are two sides - to follow you.

C. three - carefully: a visual guide.

Zbolotuvati - wash.

With a beard - rich.

Zbruya - a bra.

Wesilla - court; change of title.

Svayka, sviyka - a human article member.

Swat is a practitioner of the opera part of the ITP.

To drive a wheelbarrow - to reward the nurses.

Fresh - shahrai, which zbuvaє false pennies.

Tsvirkuni - expensive stone.

Svetukh - card.

Lights - cards.

Fireflies - sirniki.

Candle - automatic, twine, carbine; on guard.

Candles - searchlights that visvet control-light smuga in the places of laying.

Call - sue to the term of free will; distort.

Pig splitter - a dagger with a narrow sword.

The sow is a woman.

Swish - crease.

Whistling is nonsense; acceptance of Shahrai.

Whistles - lies.

Svoєruchny - a fake passport.

Svіy is a common name for villains.

S. at the doshka - "virny"; who does not see sleepers.

Own - nadіyna villain; marked card.

Saints - Gradient Cards.

Svoemiriti - children independently, apart from a divided plan.

Sgamati - shopiti, zaareshtuvati.

Grounding - naming a plan for action.

Zdavati - hand over stolen goods.

Zdati - heal.

S. junk for blat - cheaply sell stolen goods.

S. at prana - prograte at the card.

Siver - nine.

Zrobiti - beat; drive in; fit in.

S. viimku - fall.

S. cleanly - inflict evil, without leaving traces; drive in.

Seki - marvel, listen.

Oseledec - crib; shablya, checker; sawdust; lance (jewelry virib).

Saltpeter - convoy.

Selop is an apartment.

Villagers - Stezhity.

Semashko - louse.

Semaphore is a group of villains in one "speciality".

Last - patrony.

Sim'ya - a group of convicts in the ITK from a large "table" and a small "common fund" (div.).

Sino - shag.

Seraphim - kettle, drinking tank.

Serzhik - sergeant of the internal service.

Siry - pills to avenge the drug.

Sire mandro - black bread.

Weave sims - lies, cheat.

Siri - prison clothes.

Sirius - lack of knowledge, middle peasant.

Syrian ram - a dilnichny inspector.

Seryak - overcoat.

Sist on a villa - have a meal on mischief.

S. on the cross - lie down to the hospital.

S. on likhtar - checks.

S. na yakir - buti condemned by a trivaliy term; opine at a lifeless camp through a day of pennies; sign up here for permanent residence; pokinchiti zі sinister past; reject.

Merezhi - pasta; hangout.

Sich - look, listen.

Spaliti - you can see the spivuchasniks with neobachnymi diami.

Zzhuvati - go down.

Spalyuvati - see spivuchasnikiv or report them to the administration of the VTU.

Sivar is a strong bagman.

The signalist is a swindler's spy, who accompanies you to the victim's card.

Sidilok - railway station.

Sit by the dance - sit in the police.

Sit on the king - do not get into the hall the warning of the terms of the front aggravation.

Sit from the door to the door - again, the term of the early warning.

Sidor is a bear.

Sit - sit at the vault.

Sizum - three.

Sikach - lash for be-Kim.

Sikrya is a strong resident.

Silіynuti - drive in (for Dal: pull up - zdolati, prestige).

Silipnuti - drive in.

Silage (S. - fodder crop) - vegetables, another grass in the ITC.

Silotovkhana - kublo.

Silva - little children.

Simaniti - hear.

The blue cap - having broken it with an evil light.

Datisya signs at home - do not repair support when you are caught.

The suit is a prison overall.

Stribok - apartment burglary without prior preparation.

Sverdlovina - new; internal lock.

Squaliga is a shakhrai speculator.

Through - in.

Seek - go, tick.

Protyag - kіlka vykhodіv іz apartment; passable door.

Shpak - padlock.

Shpakivnya - mouth.

Starling - head; vezha, to know how to guard.

Skes is greedy.

Skesuvati - be stingy.

Zbagnuti - marvel.

Skinko - skilki.

Throw off the wudka - pass from the upper chamber to the lower note, nedopalok, etc.

Skipa - pich.

Turpentine - perebuvat pіd pіdozroyu.

Turpentine - fuse.

Skyria - chotiri.

Screaming - teeth.

Scrobies are chobots.

Twisted, twisted - twisted.

Scream - tsukor.

Skel - skarga.

Skility in Lubirski - understand the evil jargon.

A miser is a hoard.

Eat the top - steal the steal from the top dress.

Weakly - wiguk, which turns the zakid of the boyguztvi.

Slam - part of a vidobutku; friendship.

S. on the Antichrist - swag militia.

S. for help - swag to a long-term inspector.

S. on the dropper - swag to the policeman.

S. on the gut - swag to a dilnich іnspektor.

S. on the pharaoh - swag to the great militia rank.

Give slama to the herd - swag at the pool of militia.

The slammer is the one who takes away a part of the stolen goods, but does not take part in evil.

Zlyagati - to inform on anyone.

Slidak - slіdchy.

The next thing I saw was a criminal investigation.

A slug is a sheet of familiar chi we know from the prohannyam of material assistance.

Shed a tear - spend a mischief on the mischief.

Slipa - vіdmichka.

Slipozir - sleepy,

Slipy, slipy - a tramp who doesn't have a passport.

Slusar - villainous, specialist in evil castles, gratuity.

Slivak - vershkov butter.

Tops are gold.

Zlizati - take a blow to the guise.

Zlamatisya - do not show up for drinking and knowing; give up.

The elephant is a special symbol for the castle.

Sticks - hands.

Means - vkrasti; sell stolen goods.

Dog leg - revolver.

Bend - support your will of the strong.

Sokolik is a practitioner of the militia.

Z chola - rob the bells.

Soldier - jack (card).

Soloniy - Virmenin.

The sun shone - vyyshov from v'yaznitsa.

Sonechko - a light bulb in the cell.

Nightingale is a musician; prison guard.

Straw - hairy; shag, tutyun.

Straws - tea packaging.

So.ponkp - severance for convicts to strata.

Solun is a human article member.

Dream Interpretation - sufferers; steal from sleepers.

Dream Interpretations - Gradient Maps; drugs.

Smitnik - stealing pennies from gamants.

Spirka - pidlіtok.

Splavlennya is a deception of a poorly informed card sharper.

Spit - marvel.

Weave legs - arrest.

Split - vtekti.

From benefit - from leakage.

Spock - everything is calm.

Z pontom - navmisne.

Spontyari - vіdrazu take "on the garmata".

Corrected - above documents.

Spuluvati - wikidata, sell cheaply.

Zsucheny is a whistleblower on his own.

Zucheny tramp - the suspicions of the enemy.

Stabunitisya - organize a malicious group.

Put on knives - go for the virus; zmusiti zrobiti shchos, threatening with a knife.

S. on the rule - blame the villainous gathering for judgment.

S. on the vuha - rob from an uninhabited mist.

S. pike - inflict knife wounds.

S. fraiera - emboss the victim in a group.

Stavnik - sleeper.

The flask is a single chamber.

The standard worker is a state appropriation.

The senior doorkeeper is a prosecutor.

The senior slipper is a colossal villain, who does not break the link with malice.

The old rolled - dosvіdcheny kartyarsky sharper.

Strike - please.

Stovbur - pistol.

Sklo - eyepieces.

Skloriz is a valtivnik, a kind of punishment for corruption.

Stepan is a juicer.

Erase - drive in.

Stіbar - louse.

Pralo is a Kartyar sharpie.

Prannya, pranny - karti.

Reconcile, stirogoniti - grati in karti.

Stijka - lawyer, zahisnik.

Stolipin - a wagon for transporting ill people.

Stand on the otasі, on the nix - to protect the participants with the scoєnі malice.

S. on zinc - stitches.

Strilnik - guard.

Strim - watchman.

Strimko - rubbish; fearfully.

Zgasati - cover up when stealing.

Sugum is a towel.

Sudak is a member of the court.

Suk is a policeman.

The bitch is a sanctuary; informer; vidiyshov vіd zlodіїv.

Sultiga - bread.

A bag is a place of free will.

Screen - nekmitlivy, stupid; man, you don’t know what to do with villains.

Supega - bread.

The arch support is a gostra metal plate, as it is worn at the mouth of the mouth.

Soupnik, soup - pederast.

A bitch is a woman, like a change of spivmeshkantsiv.

Suchy kutok - the cell is the same for the penal insulator.

Knot - pistol; revolver.

Such is an informer.

Bitch booth - a single camera.

Succia muzzle - zradnik; poviya low shtibu.

Dryer - in'yaznitsya.

Sfoluvati - wash.

Shovati - hopefully steal stolen goods.

Shlosnutis - zіtisya, zmovitysya.

Skhodka, skhodnyak - zbіgovysko zlochintsіv de virіshyuyutsya important problems; choose the villains of different "suits".

Zgasuvati - poohovati.

Skhodyanka on a raspberry - a villainous gathering, which is held at a supremacy brothel.

Zіgrati in a point - zrobiti act of sodomy.

Sinok - anew pribuliy uz'yazneniy, call the young vіku, scho koristuetsya intercession of an authoritative convict.

Sipati - convey.

Siroyzhka is a villainous only product.

Siroyzhkin budinok - penal insulator.

Voucher for the Maidan - the shelter of the roaring at the carti.

Talgay - reports from Viysk.

Tali-tali - call.

Talyanka lamati - wander around the streets at night, not sleeping at night.

Tambi - tyutyun, smoke.

Tank - zuhwal.

Dance - bezhi.

The gibberish letter is a villainous secret writing.

Taraniti - pull.

Tarakhteti - speak silently.

Tarira! - Bey!

Tarochki - cigarettes.

Tartar is Jewish.

Tamarina's residence is an insulator.

There is a black one to sit (hang) - a hanging castle.

Tasuvatisya - get out at the brothel, let go.

Tashkent - bagatya; warm; heavily heated pekti.

Pull - understand.

T. visimik - pretend to be a fool.

T. on the tail - lead the police officers behind you.

T. zhebrak bridge - sleep hard songs; threads.

Struggling - bliss.

TB - bedside table for products; sitting; door quarter.

T. kolorovy - menstruation.

Віз - car, tramway; nonsense; scarga.

A telegraphist is a swindler's colleague, who draws the victim's cards and supports them.

Visit - tell a lie.

The telephone is a spool or a string, for help, they can transfer anything from cell to cell; scorching batteries or water pipes, as vikoristovuyutsya zadzhennymi for signaling from camera to camera.

The heifer is a pea coat, the upper garment of the condemned.

The theme is homosexual blues.

Dark tag - updated passport.

T. larva - internal castle.

T. Kif - the punishment of a prisoner with a comrade.

T. navіdnik is an unknowing sleeper.

T. goods - stolen speech.

Dark speeches - speeches stolen from one's own place.

T. eyepieces, t. eye - passport confirmation.

Temnik is an apartment thief.

Dark - a person who is engaged in deceiving others.

Darkness - beat on the head, so that the person was not tired; tell a lie; hovatisya in the militia.

Dungeon, dark - stolen speech.

Darkness - inexplicably priedbano like a path.

Temnyak is a villain, like to rob stealth from unlit places.

Temnik is a stinger of stolen goods.

Tenora - voshi.

Warmth is the outer garment.

Terti - beat; impose a statutory act; go.

T. Buzu - talk to me.

T. wuha - nonsense.

Terlovo - shlondra.

Tolerated (a) - tolerated.

Ters - variety card gri; twenty.

Tertius is a villainous qualification.

Technician is a hacker.

The Tibetan is a lover of women.

Тіг - Finnish low.

Tiki-tak - I praise, everything is good.

Timofiy is a person, like a victor of death.

A pip is a trigger (according to Dahl: T. - a bird of a disease and especially a chicken).

Squeeze - bring; brehat; fit in.

Titі-mitі - pennies.

Tikhar - informer; pratsіvnik karnogo roshuku in civil.

Quiet - a stealer, not safe for a villain.

Quiet - nothing is heard.

Tikhokhid - villainous-same.

Quiet - felting.

Tikhushka is a total villain, who wants to fix burglars.

Tikhushnik - po'yazany іz prats_vniki militsії; Steal from your own; the person is closed, sobі on dumci.

Quiet dihati - do not speak arrogantly.

Tishka is the inspector of the carnivorous rosette.

Tlumachiti - z'yasovuvati stosunki.

Tovkovishche - a villainous gathering, a rally.

Interpret, Ribkin - do not know.

Thin drіt - sprytny intestinal villain.

Toptogin - dancing maidan.

The marketplace is a speech bear.

Trade - steal.

T. naked, t. purely - steal a gamanets from a penny, but without documents.

We trade for a day - we steal twice.

Trade shkeri - steal from the guts of pants.

Galmuvati - take the victim in order to make it easier to commit theft; to trim a mischief on the mist; slaughter the victim on the street and rob.

Galmuvati on black - steal from trains.

Galmuvatisya at the hut - Zupinyatisya at the apartment.

Galma is a speech bear.

A torpedo is a fight that takes the punishment of a villainous grouping.

Tortsnut - hit.

Tortsі - sirniki.

Torch - marijuana.

Tokh - zruchny vpadok.

Tram is a tram.

Tram is lava.

Trekati - understand.

Trelity - vimagati part of stolen goods.

The chimney sweep is a homosexual.

Trynka - kartyarska gra.

Trinkati - play in cards.

The hold is a punishment cell, a single cell, a penal insulator.

Hold - the pressure of the ITP administration on the convict.

Ganchirka - paper.

Wagtail is a house master.

Shaker - lance for the year.

Shaking - zaluchennya to evil group.

Shake - rub the gut.

Tuban - panic; noise.

Tubanity - raise panic chi galas.

Ace - a person, yak hugging a ker_vnu posad and covering the roosts; a person who has a large sum of pennies with her; toilet tidy zone (abbreviation).

T. Kolyvansky is an overworldly dovirliva person.

T. to swear - a person thoughtlessly stains pennies at a restaurant.

T. boss - back pass.

Tuziti - beat for a fault.

The wooden sheepskin coat is a string.

Fog - speech market; obscurity; man, I don’t understand anything.

Tumba - Look!

Tunariko - dark.

Tungus is the guise of another nationality.

Dead end - shop; quiet place.

Tuporiliy is slow-witted.

Shoes - swag.

Bullshit - gra in a card without a penny; bad work; shakhraystvo, pidrobka, nonsense.

Tuftar is a guise, which is played by a card, without spending pennies.

Khmara - market, tovkuchka.

Teak - lower.

Garbuz is the head.

Tina is a villain, good.

Tyra is an aid to sleeper in case of intestinal theft.

Tirbazh - stolen speech.

Tirbanka - rozpodіl stolen.

Tirben is the object of theft.

Tiriti - steal; block the sleeper in case of intestinal stealing; to transmit stolen in case of intestinal theft; hopefully.

Tikhtun with a turner - a car with water.

Ters - gra in cards.

Tulka is a hoax.

Tulip - misunderstandings of judgments.

Tyumariti - sleep.

Tyurene is stolen.

Vazhkovagovik is a particularly unsafe villain; driving in.

Heavy - rozbіy іz vybivstvom; a villain who sees safes and signs.

Drive in a Jew - rozbagati.

Cleaning up - funeral.

Guess - deserve to be beaten.

Ugamuwati - take the stolen goods.

Vmoviti - kill an unsolicited certificate of theft, which is supposed to call for help.

Kut - valiza, cat.

Kutnik - a piece of material that is spread on the plank bed when grilled in the card; valise.

The strangled man is a Jew.

Boa constrictor - scarf.

To sting - to inject a drug into your vein.

Pete livoruch - see the villainous grouping and honest life.

Ukanati - vtekti chi piti.

Bite - form a sleeper.

Catch - guess.

Rozumnitsa is a homosexual.

Rozumnik zamakariti - try to cope with the enemy of the illuminated person.

Die - shut up.

Vmitis - do not check.

The universal is a malice, litigation for bribery is not full.

Urka is a common name for villains; member of the villainous group.

Urkuvati - commit stealing.

Lessons to give - do not work anything.

Ursky - criminal investigation.

Uryuk is Kazakh and Tatar.

Urilnik - management of the Criminal Investigation.

Sit down - photograph.

Usikti - pamper.

Mustache - understand.

Vusik is a bully.

Settle down, calm down - drive in.

Uti-Uti - wuha.

The pitcher is a lie.

Drown - hopefully hide.

Rannik is a country villain.

Utryanka - Svitanok.

Ukharitisya - viїhati in the other world after the scourge of misfortune.

Zahlinati - vtekti.

Chropati - straighten up.

Ukhrіt, uhrіvat - vkti, pіti.

Dіlyanka number three - tsvintar.

The school is a villainous school.

Oblіkovy stribok - what to lie up to maliciously

Pishov livoruch - shooting.

Fagos - vision, which is accompanied by a display of a doula.

Pheasant - young misunderstood villain.

Fay is a sharpie, shakhrai.

Factoria is the place for the sale of drugs.

Invoice - correct, inaccurate.

Fal - valiza.

Phaleng lomza - zlamati castle.

Faluwati - to entice.

Plywood - pennies; documents; Orogenital contact.

Fani - a party from the introduction of drugs.

Fan-fanich is a representative person.

Fanich is a teapot.

The pharaoh's tribe is the servants of the militia.

Fart is luck.

Lucky lads are permanent residents of the village.

Fartovy - spritnik; fashionable clothes; happy.

Fartiper is a helper of an intestinal villain.

Forshmak is a non-guy.

Farshmachiti - obsmiyavati.

Fari - eyes.

Trimati style - behave proudly.

Phoebus is stupid.

Lyuty is a fool.

Fenya - rich; villainous jargon; seats.

Fenebotati - speak jargon.

Ferten is a stealer.

Feska - kashket.

Figa - police officer.

Figariti - stitch for a kimono.

Gnot - ailments; ledar; a man who has fallen; tall, thin man; candle; what should be practiced in the zone or on the basis of exposure.

Flirt - jacket.

Weather vane - nіs.

Foka - Praska.

The magician is shakhrai.

Foul - a large bag, bag, bag; human state organ.

Likhtarist - a man, yak did not finish the word.

Likhtar - fenced rozmov.

Fonfan is a fool, a fool.

Fortanzer is a stinger of stolen goods.

Forten - coat.

Fortitsa - padlock; helper of intestinal villain;

Window - mouth; door leaf.

Fortecalo is more significant, which is victorious for pontoon (div.).

Photo, photo card, photo - face.

F. send - to remind someone of the slanderous information about the person, as if you were punished.

Fofan - a victim of evil; tylogryka.

Fofon - quiet, snarling villains of judgments.

Fraier - sacrifice; intellectual; misunderstood villain; a person is occupying a senior post.

F. zakharchuvany - villainous, who knows the criminal law well and stubbornly pursues traditions.

F. swellings - vipadkovy spilnik.

F. on coils - zhvavy, spritny.

F. stoporilius - villainous-same.

F. with kush is a fool.

F. zmalyuvav - patient recognition.

F. stamp is a fool.

Frazhuk - vikno.

Frain is a sleeper.

Frant - certificate; civil.

The Frenchman is a newcomer, lack of convictions, as well as convictions, which is less than three fates of free will.

The fruit is evil, which does not allow for evil spirits.

Fryu, frya - proud.

Fug - pennies.

A fugalet is an inconsequential judgment, which has become a way to correct.

Fugas - skarga.

Bullshit - do not wear your shoes; deceive.

Bullshit - obvious nonsense; not meritorious; seats.

F. shove - do not pay the kart borg.

The jersey is a person, the kart borg did not pay off; a person who does not vikonu obіtsianogo.

Fufleshnik - the one who plays at the card without spending a penny.

Fu-fu - pale.

Futsang - judgments, which is honestly practiced.

Futsin - passenger; the victim is named.

Futsiya is a person, you can’t play in the cards.

Khabara - a piece of stolen goods; swag.

Khabarik is a badass.

Khava - mouth.

Havalka - hedgehog.

Hawati - take a bite.

Khavir is a person who invariably lowers a hamanets into the swarm of third-party intrusions.

Xavira is a villainous cup.

X. is sewn up, locked up - the apartment is locked, closed.

Khavka - bread, zha vzagali.

Khavlo - mouth.

Khavri - pennies.

Hazha is good luck.

Khaza - apartment, kublo.

Khazati - obidati.

Hazer is a pig.

Prick Khazivka - marvel at the apartment.

Hazuha - apartment.

Hai - a statement to the police; cry, galas.

Khala - swag.

Robe - coat.

Haldigovina - tram.

Khaltay - robbery.

A freeloader (freebie) is a person who called for free, "fall on the tail."

Ham is a human organ.

Khanka - gorilka; drugs.

Hapa is good luck.

Grab - blood.

A hut is a superb apartment.

Khatun - kublo.

Khvist - villainous, like having blamed the spivuchasniks.

Hvistatisya - die.

Scuff your tail - die.

Khvostun - steal from the counters.

Khevra is a villainous company.

Khezati - to vibrate.

Helyat, hliti - go.

Khibish, khipish - scandal, noise.

Khivro is a place, de zahovani stolen speech.

Cunning budinochok - militia.

Chlamydnik is a tramp; wicked villain.

Khlibalo, khlibobranka, hlіborіzka - mouth.

Khliburny - p'yany.

Khlimo! - Beezhi!

X. robiti - cheat on a steal.

Khliti - go.

Clappers - wow.

Clap, clap

Khmir is a cook.

Khovira - skhovanka.

Khodik is a guard police officer.

Walk - steal.

X. zhakhom - appear without pennies that dahu over your head.

X. on the vagnik - repair thefts from the apartments, for some daily masters that do not burn the light.

X. to the mansion - steal one by one.

A walker is a conviction.

Music Walker is a villain.

Gospodar - the head of an evil group; head of VTU; utrimuvach brothel; villainous, like a bastard to his own group of bastards.

The landlady is a mop, a mop.

The Lord is a goof.

Kholodnyak is an operative.

Hop - viraz good luck.

Round dance - zgraya, wicked group.

Round dance - a member of the country.

Howati - steal.

Hosen-log is a specific victim.

Khokholnik - gut.

Khropinnya - a variety of gris in a card; throat.

Kropok - throat.

Wheezing - speak.

Crisps are pennies.

Piglet is a pig.

Grunt is a lie.

Keep - pratsyuvati.

Khilkachit - smoke narcotic speech.

Khukhlyuk - a hat.

Hit is a police officer.

Hybr - scream.

Hubariti - click for help.

Chapli - hands.

Heron - Zalizna road; court.

The king is a sheep.

Tsar's dacha - v'yaznitsya.

The Tsar's name is - judgments, which often take transfers.

Kings - hands.

Swell - silver or gold embellish.

Kolir - penny bills.

Flowers - gold.

Ceck - too much to smoke.

Tsіliy passenger, pіzhon, pont - a victim, yak earlier did not stick with cheaters.

Cement - guilt disciplinary contraction.

Centivka - saw.

Centrovy fool, centrovy - hashish, delivered from Central Asia.

Centryak, centrifuge - the goods of the highest quality.

Lanzyuzhok - pavutinnya.

Tsigir - villainous.

Chicory - experiment.

Zinc - password; guard post of the guard.

Tsinkuvati - speak; to hand over stolen goods indiscriminately; at the same time give a signal about the problem; watch out.

Zinkanuti - every now and then help.

Tsipa is a chisel.

Ziper is an upper garment.

Circus - controller, foreman at ITT.

Tsipernik is a villain, like a stealer of the upper garment.

Cyric - protect yourself.

Tsirlikh - a steal from a hotel.

Cirli - navspinki.

Numbers are pennies.

Tsutsa - pennies.

Tziyk is a smart password.

Tsimus is a product of high quality.

Zinc! - Not safe!

Tsinta, tsintivka - v'yaznytsia.

Tsintuvati - sit by the vault.

Tsintovy is a villain, a kind of vartuє pіd the hour of theft.

Kurchata - chereviki.

Shepherd - the head of the corral at the colony.

A seagull is a person, yak is rich and fast.

Chakali is a year old.

Chakma, chakar - informer.

Chaldon is a sharpie.

Chaldonka is a deck of self-confident cards.

Chaliti - carry; marvel, bachiti.

Chalitisya - perebuvat at the missions of freeing the will.

Dress the chalka - sit at the bail.

Chalkine village is a place of aggravation.

Chaliy is a villain, which repeatedly punishes in the places of free will.

Chamkati - take a bite.

Chapa is a lancer.

Chapati - go.

Chaplan is a rough guy.

Chardo - stolen speech.

Charuvati - steal.

Often - vipadkovo.

Anniversary is a term for early punishment.

Chekukha - druk; new.

Chemarges - moonshine.

Chervonets - louse; ten fates of freeing the will; militiaman.

The jack of hearts is the shakhrai of the highest polot.

The worm is an olive.

Blackening - theft.

Cherin is a deception.

Cheremkha - black bread.

The skull is intelligent.

Turtle - basin at the camera.

Circassian - dagger.

Chorniti is a fool.

Chorne-bile - alien to him; passport on someone else's name

Black tree - tea.

Blackness - hibne zvinuvachennya.

Chornukha - nonsense, deceit.

Scoop - zatrimuvat.

The devil is a novice villain; simpleton; man, you can’t lie down to a malicious world, but you see yourself like that.

Risi - ti, who honestly works.

Chesati fraєra, kobla - foolishness in kartkovіy grі.

The watchmaker is a big villain.

Chesati shaggy - brehati.

Honest villain - a person who follows evil traditions.

Czech - Chechen-Ingush.

Chekhnar - tea.

Chekhti - everything is skinned; death.

Luska is white.

Chikva - chotiri.

Chikernuti - arrest.

Chiki - dagger.

Chiklukha is a recidivist.

Chinava - infect.

Chinarik is a nerd.

The official is an idiot.

Chipchiki - shoes.

Chirikani is a birthday.

Chirk - lower.

Chirkalki, teal - sirniki.

Cleanliness - pay for the preparation.

Purity - pennies.

Clean - a person who borrows a privileged camp in a cell.

Chistyak is a swindler; black bread.

The reader is a jacket.

Chifir (Chefir) - the most popular tea.

Chmil, chmin - hamanets.

Chmo - image.

Chuv - soft.

Chuvirka - spіvmeshkanka.

Chugaviy - Chuvash.

Chavun - wirmen; intestinal anniversary.

Divachok is an intellectual.

Divak is a victim.

Someone else's tyagar - recognize yourself guilty of evil, which is not timid.

Chukaviy is quick-witted.

Closet - punishment cell; ShIZO (penalty isolator).

The plague is a villain that has descended; new.

Freaky woman with a child.

Chumovy - cocaine; man, yak took a dose of cocaine; witless.

Chunar - roar.

Chur! - Wow!

Chukha - girl; fur coat.

Chukhan is a neokhaina person, morally and physically indulging judgments, ignorance of the greater.

Chukhanka - a drag in a cell.

Chukhati - bachiti, how to hide evil-doers;

zatrimuvat; tick.

Snuggle up - snuggle up.

Opudalo - monument.

Sha - a policeman, who should stand in the garden; "Move!"

Template - head remove.

Chabert is a crowbar.

Shabi! - Move!

Shabibon - a self-contained boiler.

Mongrel - informer; wicked villain.

The jackal is a convict-zhebrak.

Shalashivka - poviya.

Shalman - villainous cup; diner chi beer.

Shavlia - tea.

Shavliynik - teapot.

Shaleniy is a vipadian person who has committed a mischief.

Shalyaviy - lack of information.

The shaman is the eldest among the group of shakhraivs.

Shamanity - walk; steal someone.

Shambolukha - a blow.

Shan is hashish.

Shaner - tea.

Chance is luck.

A chansonette is a weak person who easily swallows someone else's infusion.

Shanumer is a watchman.

Shanghai - kublo.

Shapor, shapora - a villainous crowbar; informant.

Sharaborin is an easy-going person.

Sharaga is a villainous company.

Sharashiti - rob.

Sharashka - bezlad; okreme pri_shchennya.

Shargovani - stolen speech.

Kulka - spіvrobіtnik karnogo roshuku.

Sharmak - gratuity; scam.

Kuloplav - steamboat.

Kuli - eyes; plastic bags for implantation under the skin of a state member ("vkotiti kuli").

Kuli kotiti - beaty.

Schwertz is a villain, like a stealer of clothes.

Vorushiti - more often; beat for the inflicted image; commit violence.

Sh. horn - children in defiance of the law, think.

With a tail - destroy the villainous sounds of that tradition.

Sh. Kolіnami - tіkati, hovatisya.

Shiny plastir - a blow to the shi.

Shekel is a valise.

Shelekhvostka - female (gray card).

Shelupoyu - a tramp; wicked villain.

Lushpinnya - diamanti.

Rogue - overcoat.

Shem'yaga - Khustka.

Sheperka - shіstka (gradle card).

Whispers - sandals.

Shero is the head.

Vovna is a short-lived person.

Sh. sour - novoir.

Sh. bastard - get naked.

Vovnyany - appeasement.

Shosta! - Not safe!

Shіstka - waiter; pіdlabuznik; spivuchasnik, scho vykonuє pіdsobnu role.

Sixteen - a signal about the end of the theft.

Shiban - bread.

Shibanuti - live chifir.

Shima is a spilnik of an intestinal villain.

Shimbala is a fucking villain.

Shiner - schodenny at the barracks.

Hiss - bark.

Shiryovy ​​is a drug addict, who tries to inject himself with narcotic speeches.

Shirka - drug injection.

Shirmach is a gut-wrenching villain, who hides his hand when stealing, be something like an object.

Shitvis is a company of villains.

Shiti - to drive.

Shiti to the right - unprimed ringing.

Shitisya - see yourself for someone else; stick to be-whom.

Encrypted - bіgti.

Shkiri - pants.

Shkeri, shkefi - pants.

Shkerova - trouser flu.

Shket - pіdlіtok; misunderstood villain - the same; a man of low stature.

Shkirla is a villain's spivmeshka.

Shafi - eyes.

Shkonka - soft.

Shkrab - greedy, stingy.

Shkryabalo - Lezo; bad razor.

The skin is the outer garment.

Shkіrka - little taken when stolen, chi rozpodіli.

The hose is ice.

Splash - talk, brehati.

Sholomka - a bowl.

Kapelyukh is a human member of the state.

The old slipper is a colossal villain, who does not break the conflict with the evil world.

Shlif - window or apartment.

Grinding - hypocrisy.

Shlindati - go pishki.

Gateways, gateways are the keys.

Shlyumka - bowl, plate; new.

Shlyamati - sleep.

Shmaga - paper.

Shmal - hashish, hemp preparations for sawing.

Shmana - nothing terrible, not bad.

Shmarovoz is a pimp.

Jmeli - pennies.

Jmil is a penny bastard.

Kushch - disguise.

Shmen - gra on the numbers of penny bills.

Shmirnik is a night watchman.

Shmiyka - soldering bread.

Shmona, shmonka - obshuk.

Sh. great - general obshuk.

Clothes - stolen speech; stuff.

Shnivo - order, close.

Shnipar - villainous burglar.

Shnif - stealing, evil.

Schnifer home - mystic villain.

Schnift - oblique, crooked; downhill, vikno.

Shnifti - eyes.

To lace up - to lace up the trimming is unremarkable.

Schnier - lower state service (cleaner, etc.).

Shoment - mittevo.

Shondra - six.

Shop, shopnik - the back of the pants.

Shurkhit - scandal.

The driver is a people's assessor.

Tapestry - a pistol of charges.

Shpanyuk, shpanyuk - dribny villain.

Spaniti - beshketuvati.

Crib - a document that entitles a person; business paper.

Spiral - twist.

Spit - play.

Banging in pranny, in pranny - playing cards.

The veneer is skinned.

The stamp is a fake document.

Stitching - hedgehog.

Shtemp - inspector of the Criminal Investigation.

Shtep - judgments, which do not know the evil laws and traditions.

Shtipovy - zhvavyy, smily.

Darn - rob.

A corkscrew is a rose.

A corkscrew, a corkscrew is a robbery robber.

Shtrafuvatisya - vyyavitisya spіymanim on words.

Shtrik is old.

Shtrunnya, shtrukha - old.

Shtim - judgments, what a good practice.

Shtima - drops.

Stimp - villainous novice; simpleton; good clothes man.

Shtir - judgments, which do not corrode with pogogo.

Fur coat! - alarm signal.

Noise is a group beat.

Gamanets - paper.

Shumarstvo - shakhraystvo, villainy.

Shurik is a passive homosexual.

Shuri-muri - skhovanka in pіdborah; prison yushka.

Shur'є - stolen speech.

Shustriti - take care of dirty steals; wait, pidlabuznit.

Zhartivnik is an important subject, which can be used to strike.

Shuh! - Go!

Shuhariti - hooligans.

Shukher - a signal about a problem; scandal, welding; skinning

Shushara - basic; vіchko at the prison cell; aggravation, which is stolen from the prison cells; informant.

Shusheriti - listen.

Shkheri - nari at the barracks.

Crushed - crackers; sil.

Klosnuti - look, like a steal from the intestines or from the bag; make a mess.

Shchemiti - stiskuvat, belittle.

Tsutsenya is a police officer.

Nippers - fingers.

Shchipach - intestinal villain.

Pike - judgments on the term of free will for the confiscation of the lane.

Feel - twist.

Feel your legs - get ready for the leak.

Feel the oven - get ready for robbery.

Eiger is a castle.

Isp - court session.

Expedition - ledcho-operational group.

The crew is a wicked group.

Eclair is a human article organ.

Excursion - drug searches.

Eskimos - the guise of another nationality.

Yuvilyar is a person who used to get used to the drug for the sake of cicadas.

Yuzanuti - go in.

Yuziti - to wiggle with those roses; twist.

Yulit - twist.

Yurdoniti - drink away, kutiti.

Yurtsivka, yurzovka - kublo.

Yurik is evil.

Yurok is a Tatar.

Yursi - overnight; dari in the barracks.

Yurtsi - in'yaznytsia.

The Yavische is the safe arrival of a drug addict.

Otruta - evil; drugs.

Mova is an operative practitioner, a follower.

Yakirnik is a zhebrak.

Pit - a cotton pad; place to protect chi zberigannya stolen chi sale of narcotics; unsafe place; kublo; in'yaznitsa.

There is no, sing-song, like literature about the young and old, those mature evil-doers, especially in the books of the detective genre, there is no like a newspaper or magazine article about them, there would be no mention of them, and no mention of the adventures of the rest.

Significantly, the expansion of the prize and the middle of the legislative hearings and young people. stink characteristic rice special features of the nose, yogo status and role in the informal group.

In criminal cases of incompetent and young people, they may have a skin member. She will replace his name and name. The prolongation of the study, carried out by us in the period from 1979 to 1990, showed that from the number of obstructions in 69 to 80% (in 1979, 1981, 1983, 1985, 1987, 1990) confirmed the presence of cli. In special rights, there are about the presence of nicknames in 71%. Most of all, those who had a stink of a petulant and imaginative character did not want to name their own name.

Prіzvisko is an indispensable attribute of the criminal subculture. The stench is clearly visible peculiarities of mutual relations with the middle law enforcement officers. About 500 nicknames were selected and analyzed from the special rights of law enforcement officers and rozms with them, spіvrobіtnikami priymachіv-rozpodіlnikov, special schools, special vocational schools, VTK, similar insulators. 350 nicknames were taken from periodicals, and about 200 were taken from literary works and films.

In the course of the investigation, they tried not only to change their appearance in the appearance of the prizvisk of the young and the young, but to signify the installation before them, to take away the stench for such furnishing. It turned out that the day of the prison prison's non-permanent years was taken away more importantly from primacs - graduates, special schools, special vocational schools, similar insulators and VTK.

As a rule, more than 50% of the non-commissioned ones can win one prize. Prote, at the quiet, who before the VTK had a special vocational school, having visited a special school, having gone to a child’s house, a boarding school to another closed primary and secondary mortgage (for example, at an additional school), there was a kilka nickname. The stench also replaced their names with that nickname. The number of nicknames is growing due to the greater number of convictions and the experience of malicious activity of the young man. The third leather was taken off the prize from the Vіtsі up to 14 years, then it is still in secondary school, and the leather is p'yaty - from the Vіtsі up to 10 years. Growing number of nicknames in older children and young people with transition sacred lighting school at vocational schools and especially from the entrance to the malicious group (zgrayku, gang). Over 30% of non-permanent law enforcement officers took away the bonus from the first day of that year to change from the right and wrong institutions, so when passing the "registration" (if we want this number to be underestimated).

The breadth of the privilege of the middle class and young law enforcement officers can be explained by their centuries-old features, schilnistyu to grie, and smut - the need to comply with the norms and "laws" of the criminal world. On the basis of criminal values ​​and norms of malicious sins. stink sprat of mutual functions:

    replace the name (function of recognition);

    є a special stigmatization (from the Greek. Stigma - brand);

    fix the status of special group hierarchy;

    to serve as a verbal means of depersonalization (a way to endow people with discordant and imaginative nicknames);

    to serve as a verbal means of personalization of specialness (a way of giving "upper" with sweet-sounding "honorable" nicknames).

On the basis of the special characteristics of the law enforcement officers, broken in the group evidence (540).

It should not be forgotten that in the evil spirits of a prisoner they are kidnapping a law-breaker in the case of re-investigation by the law-enforcement authorities, trying to grab the right name of a person, like wearing that chi іnsha prizvisko. Like a lizard throwing off a tail, like a її following the enemy, so the evil-doer "throws off" one prize and takes away the bandy's other, like a criminal investigation and investigation. For this, in a special, trivial hour to lead a mischievous way of life, there may be more than a dozen nicknames, passports, and, of course, a nickname. Earlier, among the wealthy, especially among the "villains of the law", the prize was stable. I knew all the villainous light. A change in the prize could have become only a change in the status of an individual wearing it. Axis scho write more "evil at the law", reshuffling the number of members of the "evil order" on a note: "At the Volodymyrsky Viaznitsa in the middle of 70 rubles, the whole evil color was picked up - Vitya of Kiev, Vasya Diamant, Slavik Rudiy, Kurcha Tolya and others (110).

We need to show patterns of giving evil, especially from the number of minors and those young, depending on the mechanisms, for the help of which the stench is settled. The analysis showed how the character of a person is distinguished, their physical characteristics, psychological characteristics, character, behavior, specifics of malicious activity. Nicknames are transformed into nicknames and names, social and regional affiliation, national belonging, amount (dozlochinne) of life, and diyalnist and other. (div. table 10).

Table 10

Characteristics of nicknames among junior and young law enforcement officers

At a premium

Specialists and criminal rights

According to thin that press




Characterological features and features of behavior

"Shnier" - shrill, "Prisch" - shkidlivy, "Chorus" cunning, "Torpedo" - penetrating, "Plague", "Cholera" - shkidlivy, revengeful, "Gertolit" - basic, "Luty" - mentally ill

Physical features

"Eye" - one eye, "Oxiy" - crooked, "Rudius" - hair behind the color, "Dowel", "Soldering iron" - may be great, "Militsia" - kulgaviy

Transformation names and names

"Kolyan" - in the name of Mykola, "Tsar" - Tsaryov, "Kuzya" - Kuznetsov, "Shpak" - in Ukrainian. fam. Slag, "Skin" - type Furs, "Michael" - Mikhailo

Status in society (evil group, zgra, gang)

"King", "Prince", "Director" - from the number of "upper", "Chmo", "Infertility", "Personal", "Ugly" - representatives of the "lower"

The specifics of malicious activity and the month of evil

"Tugrik", "Diamant", "Gulden" - a money changer, "Kilka - a beach man" - a beach villain, "Tsvyakh" - a lone villain

Protilezhnі yakosі (often with irony).

"Hockeyist" - kulgaviy with a key, "Vesely" - sumny, "Associate Professor", "Intelіgent" - bad, implacable, "Malishka" - vazka, tall girl

Socio-regional adventure, nationality

"Mongol", "Gygan", Track", "Japanese", "Odesit", "Khersonets"

A lot of dozlochinna diyalnist

"Puck" - a hockey player, "Dukhar" - a musician, "Klistir" - a doctor, paramedic, nurse

References from foreign literature

"Dreg" is a bastard, "Ranger" is a tramp, "Kite" is a card sharper, "Rock" is a skull


Note. The results of the table indicated over 100% of the errors, the scores in some law enforcement officers were listed according to the number of marks, for example: "Guboshlep", wine "Tsvyakh", wine "Klistir".

It can be seen from the tables that the widest and most informative descriptions, in which characterological features and behavioral features malice. On the basis of us, there are negative signs of the nature of that behavior: greed, shkidlivist, zhorstokist, cunning, slyness, strife, arrogance, stupidity, incompetence and other.

3 physical features in a special way, we are ahead of a small amount of physical development and peculiarities of a splendid look: oblique eye, nose size, wuh (for example, "Burdock", "Locator"), crooked hand, kulgavist ("Militsia"), the presence of a hump ("Hunchback", "Camel" and іn ), povnota ("Kubishka"), rostannia ("Ogloblya", "Basketball player"), status ("Motil"). The nickname "Shurik" is given for a small growth (by analogy with the hero of a film comedy), a big head - "Kettle" and so on. The one who wears eyepieces traditionally takes away the prize "Trolleybus", "Bespectacled", "Microscope", the prize "Painted" takes away the one that has a lot of tattoos, the prize "Biliy" - not maє єх.

It is characteristic that change of names and nicknames with the approved nickname signifies becoming a special group hierarchy. So, the special vocational school of the middle "authorities" on the nickname of Bobkov was called "Bob", and the "pigs" with the same nickname - "Bobik". Two students of Oleksiyevyh took away the prize: "Alik" ("kid" on the side) and "Alka" (from "images"). Mustache Mihayli (Vedmedics) have a different name "Mashka".

At a premium status of special group hierarchy(zgra, gang, evil group). Individuals that occupy a high camp, mow high, "honest", "harmonious" prizviska. Here Ide to name the position of the osib іz of the official structures. That is why stereotypes are heard in the youthful and evil groups and the heroes of the whole world. In New York, London, Moscow, the uncrowned "Kings", self-styled "Princes", "Counts", "Baronies", "Lords", "Presidents" are panting, and in the middle of the women - "Atamans", "Mami", " Countess", "Lady", skinny.

As far as the osіb, which sit in the lower chablis of the group hierarchy, then the choice of the nickname is significantly richer. Here it is necessary to wear a degrading and imaginative character. To clarify them, stop all the positions listed in the tables: in order to improve the characterological details of the behavior of the young offender and the young offender to the position of terms from foreign literature. They blame the name of the name, so to speak, of "unacceptable" creatures, birds, other living organisms ("Bacillus", "Toad", "Crow", "Schur", "Ameba", "Worm", "Ascorida" toshcho) P.).

An important role in the enlightenment of the nickname is gray, as can be seen from the table, specifics of malicious activity and toponymy malice. There is also a lot of traditional, stereotypical. So, the villain is the same - "Tsvyakh", "Robinson"; beach villain - "Resort", "Beach"; money changer - "Pound", "Gulden", Tugrik" (in the name of the currency) and so on.

When approved, the nickname is widely victorious the principle of parallelism with ironic subdivisions of physical features and other qualities, protilezhnyh nayavnym ("Boy" - a temple, great health; "Merry" - a sumptuous person; "Associate Professor", "Professor" - bad, inconsiderate, etc.). The irony here is most often victorious as a humiliation of a person, її depersonalization, stigmatization and, even more rarely, "warmth" of the setting to a member of the group, to wear such a privilege, for example, a heavy girl, a way of a bag, so called "Little bat".

It should be noted that the number of nicknames is increasing from the sharpened interregional and interethnic conflicts, socio-regional and national peculiarities malice. The axis is only a small one: "Chechen", "Asiat", "Japanese" (actually Korean), "Hutsul", "Gypsy" and so on. the special features of the offender are taken into account. To that, in addition to such privileges, law-breakers take others, which reflect their special features and other characteristics.

In the official culture, individuals of non-indigenous nationalities in the republics are often infringed on their rights and belittled, which is even better. I in the criminal subculture in the same process. Die and opposite trend - the internationalization of malice. Vaughn does not call either on the state cordons, or on the deafening of the sovereignty of the republics. That is why the award for the national sign is given, ring out, from the international evil groups. Among the evil groups that are the same for the national sign, the prizes are established for the sake of greater rules.

At the light, the nickname is called out and kolishnya podlitka i young man. Basically, the goal is sports, primary, less - labor, and more - asocial activity (vagrancy, drug addiction, prostitution too). It is clear that "Puck" is a great hockey player, "Scribbler" is a student who learns at school or a vocational school, "Plebey" is a school activist, Dimka - "Mandrivnik" is a tramp, Heifer "is a prestigious act, "Klyushka" is a starter , "Moroziva", "Baton", "Chocolate" - a person, mutated to oral contact.

With the advancement of equal enlightenment of the population, the appearance of fashion on foreign movies increase in the number of law enforcement officers, yak vikoristany foreign words. Spriyaє tsomu growth of such types of malice as smuggling, illegal currency transactions, malice, connected with splintering of malice with foreign hulks. Mother's name like "John", "Michael", "Ranger" is prestigious, just like wearing a suit like Cardin, jeans "Montana", "Levis", smoking cigarettes "Marlboro" thinly. To that, Ivans become "Johns", Georges - "Georges", Sergis - "Serzhami", and Mikhaili - "Michaels".

Dіyut i historically formed principles adoption of nicknames when giving fashionable nicknames. Even though, until the 18th century, the peasants in Russia did not have few nicknames. The stench is less than the names of that nickname (vulichni or for the fahom of the father). For example, Mykola, blue farrier; Petro, son of a merchant; Anna, the daughter of a saddler, etc. Only in the 19th century, the prizviska changed into prizvischa - Kuznetsov, Kuznetsov, Shornikovi, etc. The same principle is the same at the same time when the prizvisk is established. So, the young, abyssal vagrant Fedya, who was taken by the kolgospor to the hospital, having taken off the title of "Kolgospniy", and did not remember the shards of the wine of his name, then it was prizvisko assigned to him as a prizvische, and after the father had taken off the head of the kolgospny on him. In one of the Moscow groups of law enforcement officers, Volodya M. was called "Vovka is a pensioner", because he has an old retired father.

Often especially snarky, impudent and zhorstok chi cunning and sprit malice among the people endow with a "legendary" prize of mischief, what was wild in our country, or beyond the cordon at the past. So, malice, who is blamed for 5 vbivstv, 7 vbivs, 4 swings for vbivstvo that vbivvannya, stealing valuables from their victims among the people, they called him, like a forerunner in the USA, "Jack the Ripper" (175).

From the analysis carried out, it is clear that the majority of evildoers and right-wingers have a lowering and imitating human character (with special rights to stench become 60%, with artistic literature - more than 50%). "Promote", "euphonious" nicknames - more than 10%, and others are neutral for human goodness. It should be noted that we support the Chinese traditions, that we respect that no more than 10% of people can be like a leader. It is important for the leader ("gorby") to wear a noble prize.

Significantly, dissonant, derogatory prіzviska incompetent and young do not fit. The stinks would like to see them wake up and replace their prestigious, sweet-sounding. By the way, the shutters are rarely raised to the sound. The investigation showed that it would be possible to change the status of a person or replace them, and young law-breakers want to belittle a person (65%); % would like to ask for help for other reasons. How will the prizviska be called? Aje won't be "sticky". Prіzvisko nibi grow up with specialty and are saved, so that a law-breaker can be transferred from special schools to special vocational schools, graduate from the same mortgage, graduate from VTK. Most of the prizes are taken from soldiers who are in reserve, as well as from young people who have changed their place of residence.

Tsikavo, scho among young law enforcement officers from among the migrants, was taken away in a new place of residence, due to the change and the mechanism of enlightenment in more and more 70% of the cases are reduced from earlier. In the new minds of life, the old nickname, as it were, is confirmed, to the one who victoriously presented the same for її otrimannya, which was earlier. Particularly worthy are the awards that are given for a good look, a type of behavior, taken away for a national sign. For example, as a reminder of the "Soldering iron" (for a great nis), then in a new place of residence it is given most often on the same pedestal. And the choice here is a small "Soldering Iron", "Dowel", "His", "Rule", "Test". As for the character of the litter, it is shkidlivy, then the new one is close to the old one after the change: the replacement for "Prisch" will be "Bacillus", "Ascaris", "Klisch" or it is identical to them. In addition, reports about the old prizvisko can go to the new sharpening with different channels through friends, but only from the police.

Deyakі law-breakers are trying to ask for help, trying to change the behavior, as it has become a substitute for them. If the behavior has changed to a better one, then the teacher, the practitioner of the convict and the right to correct, establish a follow-up of yoga, to ensure such a fad, or the young person is defending against encroachment on socially imposed osib. Buvay, that the behavior is changing and in a bigger bek, for example, among the "images", like their aggressiveness in the new middle, they try to "cleanse" themselves, take away the suspicion from themselves. The stench is most likely to threaten with the right to those who gave them a prize. Everything can end up with conflicts, leaks, arthropathies, feigning sickness, etc. Try to get used to the derogatory nicknames of "authority" from "shtiki". The stench re-examines the osib, as if they are trying to change the status, shards for sim may change their social and psychological status. And tse means that you can give up your place in society to the applicant, "snuggle up" on the hierarchical drabin. Why, obviously, no one wants to work.

Knowing the nature of the nicknames, the practice of incompetent and young victorists, it is necessary rob the system to fight them yak included b:

    the nicknames and nicknames of the lives of people have been given to the youth of history by the irrelevant ones;

    roz'yasnennya asocial functions of nicknames in evil spirits;

    molding of humane, good-natured vіdnosin in pіdlіtkovo-youthful middle; vihovannya mercy that spіvchuttya;

    more strongly attached vipadkіv znuschannya and znuschannya over the weak, new deіnde (at the child's booth, the schoolgirl of the vocational school, at the viysk's child), providing him with the supra psychological zahist;

    victoria contributed to satire and humor in the fight against controversy;

It is important to shake off the old hatred. And even more important - the view of the old kokhannya. On the native planet Meli Galdes, the struggle for power is crooked, mercilessly shattered like in business, and on the battlefield. The fates of the deadly mastery of Meli correctly served the interests of the sim's. Vaughn has long earned the right to drink in peace, but today to ask for one more, remaining service - to kill the one who destroys your life. For the help of a miraculous dіlovoї grip, that vminnya led the sword of Selino Karvanna, having won the right to repair it the way you want. I can’t have more than one wine ...

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It seems that all the carnivores of evil can be called a nickname, and they are rarely called right names and a nickname. Why is it necessary and for what principle to give a prize to the criminal world?

Dedicate rituals

The tradition of giving evildoers and bandits a prize (otherwise, in thieves' jargon, "poked") vinyl in the XVIII century, if in Russia even a little, but evilness began to take shape. In order to join the “villainous brotherhood”, they were asked to contribute a penny sum of pennies to the villainous “common fund”. If the stench was taken away, it could be taken in by full-fledged members of the criminal community. At our own hour, our co-workers performed such a ritual. A newcomer, who wants to go to the criminal community, standing up outside his cell and shouting: “Prison is old, give me a cry.” At the vidpovіd іnshі, the convicts began to pronounce the yoma of the conscience. When tsomu vіn mav the right to act as a “foul”, as if it were not up to you like. Enough Bulo to shout: "Do not kitty!" Not much has changed in this plan. So, dedicate the rite to the “evil in the law”. A gathering of criminal authorities is being elected, as if they are discussing the “candidate” and proving who is the best of that so-called “coronation”. If everything goes smoothly, then all zatsіkavlenі individuals (those gangs of wicked groups) take away “little ones” - a messenger to avenge short information about the “recruit” and including yoga.

Change the nickname

Doslidniki D.A. Koretsky and V.V. Tulegeni see a sprinkling of various criminal nicknames. Here are the “elite” prizes that reinforce the high status of the carny evil: Givі Nіs, Vasya Diamant, Vasya Buryat, as well as the Prince, Count, Baron; neutral, as if they could resemble names, mental and physical authorities, biographical data - Gorobets, Sting, Dovgy, Chechen, Afghani, Karabakh. Nareshti, use figurative awards that show the low status of your nose - Goat, Sheep, Pig, Patsyuk, Mashka, Galmo, Gondon ... Ring the award to give "senior for the ranks." Thus, the gutsy villain Pavlo Zakharov, after shrugging off Pasha Tsirul, looked like an old villain, whom he had not far away shivered at the vineyard, shaking his head with a razor. Victor Nikiforov otrimav prizvisko Kalina - on the name of my mother Kalina Nikiforova, as she was also tied up with crime. The famous V'yacheslav Ivankov Yaponchik was christened by his mentor in the criminal right, which Mav was named Mongol.

Are the sounds taken by appointment?

In some vipadkah "poked" є pokhіdnym vіnіmen and prіzvisch karnih zlochintsіv. For example, Vladislav Kirpichov otrimav Tsegla, Yuri Pichugin - Pichug, Mansur Galyavova began to click simply Mansur, Viktor Panyushnik - Pan, Oleksandr Severov - Pivnichchyu, Oleksandr Desyatnik - Chervonets. To finish often on the basis of the name of the city, the stars of the “thieves” kind abo de vin having grown their “career”: for example, Georgy Aloyan was called Zhora Tbіlіsky, Anatoly Shakurov - Kievsky, Oleksiy Sergіїvsky - Siberian. Quite often, it’s like that, that “fouled” it, they seem to be like the quality of their noses. So, Andriy Isaev took off the award for those that all the body was inscribed in tattoos. Pavel Struganov was nicknamed Pasha Muzyka for the manner of blinking fast for an hour of remembrance. Givi Gvindzhiliya becoming Givi Nose of a veil of the visible part of the guise. There are few nicknames for the specifics of malicious activities. So, currency traders are often given the prize "Diamant", murderers - "Kat". Vіdomі vipadki, if the prize is given for the profession, which is engaged in mischief in the "colossal" life: "Duhar" - a musician, "Klistir" - a doctor, "Finanist" - an accountant. For example, it is unknown, like Gennady Zagorodnikov becoming Knur, Yuri Smikov - Khmir, Boris Petrushin - Barigoya, Oleg Semakin - Yeva, Volodymyr Bikov - Baldoya, Lev Genkin - Siskoyu. The peculiarity of the criminal prison is in the fact that it is saved for the “thieves”, you don’t know where you are and where you don’t spend: follow him from one penitentiary mortgage in another, from one place in another ... tse vdaєtsya.

Nutrition 2. Nicknames

vykonuyut low vzaimopov'yazanih funktsiy: zamіnyuyu prizvische, im'ya, after father (function of communication); to serve as a means of stigmatization (other Greek. oputsp - prick, plam) (tavruvannya); fix the status of specialty In group ієrarchії; serve as a verbal means of depersonalization (a way to endow people with imaginative nicknames); . win the function of personalization osib (set to osib with high villainous status)1; sometimes they play a conspicuous role, help to attract an okremi episode as a criminal, and another type of activity.
As a rule, the prizviska stays, stick so that you don’t feel like it, don’t mess around, and they change only if you change the status of your wear. At 30 rocky. XX century stavlennya to prizviska was sacred. So, D.S. Likhachov writes: “Acceptance is a necessary act of transition from the villainous middle ground (his own “monastic tonsure”). Leather villainous maє prizvisko, vіn tattoouє її chi її the symbol on your body does not change

navit that, if you become familiar with carnivorous rozshuk, if you obviously misbehave with you, if you become familiar with all your old convictions. The greater nickname is to say about the dignity of the villain, and only as a punishment for the villain the nickname is confirmed, as to destroy him and do not let even a trio of folded assemblies of the evil archi- At the same time, they don’t play such a role - the criminal authority of them can be mothers and sprats, and not mothers, and take them.
YES. Koretsky and V.V. Tulegenov to divide the prize of a small number of species, we will consider it to be indebted to the status of the convict: elitist, yak sound neviddilni in the presence of specialness and, in my opinion, they will follow such a formula “im'ya plus title”, tobto. podviyni, for example, Givi-nis, Vasya Diamant, L u Kitaєts, Stiv Yaponchik, Vasya Buryat (according to the authors' credits, there were no such arraignments among the authors, and among the "villains at the law" - 14.8%); prestigious awards can be given to noble ranks: Prince, Count, Baron, resemble names after fathers (name them after fathers when combined with great groups, they don’t win, in the main nickname, that’s why it’s prestigious, for example, Vanek, Petrovich, Mikhaylich, Andriukha) (among the "villains near the law" їx 44.1%, among all convicts - 9.6%); neutral do not reflect the status of specialty, can belong to anyone, will be in the form of names (“Ivan” from Ivanv, “Sparrow” from Vorobyov, Grorobtsov), mental (Sting, Hlybokiy, Movchazny), physical (Dovgy, Borovik), biographical (Afghan , Chechen, Karabakh) authorities (for “villains under the law” - 32.7%, for all convicts - 76.7%); nickname-images can resemble names (Kozlov - "Goat", Baranov - "Sheep", "Pig" looks like Pig, "Shchur" looks like Krisenok), names (Mikhailo - "Mashka", Oleksandr - "Sashka"), mental (“galmo” in the form of commonness), physical authorities (“Gondon” - a name similar to a condom); ganebni prizviska by activity (“Bullshit” - not having seen the Kartyar borg, “Suchenya” - who is engaged in denunciations, “Krisenya” -.

steal from your own).

Prіzvisko nibi grow up with special features and are saved, navіt as a right-handed person was transferred to another institution or changed the place of residence. For migrants, living for a new place has been taken away, and in 70% of cases it is possible to pay for money from earlier. Especially worthy are stereotyped nicknames, which are given for a good look, physical and characterological features, regional pohodzhennya. Part of the pіdlіtkіv i yunakіv namagaєtsya pozbutis prizvisk imaginative, evil, scho to go in the form of їhnіh physical nedolіkіv, filthy rice character that zvichok. Prote tsi try to sound opir from the side of criminal authorities.
Addendum 4. Prize
On a prіzvіsko vіdobrazhayutsya ob'ektivnі і і sposobistostі, її otochennya:
a) characterological features of that zvichka: “Shnier” - shrill, “Prisch” - shkidlivy, “Gvintokril” - basic;
b) physical features of that imperfection: "Rudiy" - for the color of the hair, "Doubel" - for the great nose, "Slanting" - for the defect of the zor, "Hunchback" - for indulgence;
c) the names are transformed: "Michael" - after Mikhail, "Tsar" - after Tsar'ov, "Chorus" - after Khorkov, "Skin" - after Mekhov;
vr) status in society (evil group): "King", "Prince", "Director" - leaders; "Bedbug", "Bacillus", "Ascarida" - low;
e) irony: "Associate Professor", "Intelligent" - bad; "Merry" - sumny; "Hokeist" - kulgaviy with a key;
f) the specifics of malicious activities: “Diamant” - a currency clerk, “Vognik” - a villainous apartment, “Kat” - a hacker;
g) social and regional change and nationality: “Chechen”, “Mongol”, “Japanese”, “Odesit”;
h) a lot of perseverance: "Duhar" - a musician, "Klistir" - a doctor, "Fiyansist" - an accountant;
i) in reference to foreign words: "Dreg" - a bastard, "Ranger" - a tramp; one
j) name the creature: "Vedmіd"; "Vovk", "Jackal", etc.

Who is the villain of the law to cross

“For one hour, at the link on the right of Bikov, the name of Pavel Struganov, who was also called kvіtomuzikoy, did not leave the TV screen. Okay, the stars of the villains at the law are calling out, and what do the stench mean? - the reader chirps.

For one hour, at the link on the right of Bikov, the name of Pavel Struganov, who was also called kvіtomusika, did not leave the TV screen. Tsіkavo, zvіdki zvіdki zlodіїv v zakonі z'yavlyayutsya prіzviska ta scho stinks mean?

The TRADITION of magnificence of villains on the prize began already from the 18th century, if only they began to form such an understanding, like the “villainous brotherhood”, “fenya” and “common fund”. Todі zlodіy, yaky bazhaє enter to "suspіlstva", mav to bring the sum to the cauldron, and for this reason they recognized him as their own. At our hour of consecration, the villain has turned into a special rite: a gathering of authorities is being gathered, how to discuss the right candidate and virishuyut, chi varty of that party. After the adoption of a new position in the mustache of the fatherland, the little ones are sent, then a messenger, debrief about the life of a recruit, and they will tell you about it.

As a rule, prizvisko villainy is given to older comrades, which often become hellish provisions, sometimes according to pure vipadkovost. For example, if Pasha Tsirul (Pavlo Zakharov) had a grenade, having taken it off the v'yaznitsa, where he made up for a gut steal. Vіn goliv to the old authority and from negligence zashepiv with a razor for vukho. The dignified villain got angry and wanted to kill the scumbag, but, marveling at the bad bastard, changing anger to mercy: "Well, get up, king of figs, help the blood to rise up." From that hour, Pasha Shchipach, the pisly-military intestinal villain, began to be called no less than Pasha Tsirul. Tse im'ya vіn saved after the wedding.

Viktor Kalina (Viktor Nikiforov), having taken his honor literally from the recesses: it was delivered to you in the presence of Kalina Nikiforova, your mother, and became you baptized at the villainous right. Kalina Nikiforova for 5 years ago was called the mother of Russian malice, she was respected and feared to inspire the worst authority. She didn’t take away her evil rank through belonging to a weak status, but she could still get it for her son, who was crowned most importantly for the merits of her mother.

To say that V'yacheslav Ivankov was baptized as Yaponchik by his mentor Gennady Karkov (Mongol). And he gave wine to you and even more, the truth, less than in the house, the Assyrian son-in-law: Jap made friends with Lydia Aivazova, an Assyrian for her trips.

Often they were called, or they slandered, in a bad name, or a nickname: Tsegla (Vladislav Kirpichev), Pichuga (Yuriy Pichugin), Mansur (Mansur Galyavov), Pan (Viktor Panyushnik), Pivnich (Olexandr Severov), Chervonets (Oleksandr Desyatnik). It is not uncommon for the name to be given the name of mysticism, de villainous virus and create your own military path: Zhora Tbіlіsky (Aloyan Georgiy), Kievsky (Anatoliy Shakurov), Sibiryak (Oleksіy Sergіїvskiy).

Sometimes the prize reflects the special vigor of the villains, for example, Andriy Isaev was called the Rozpis for those who practically hit the tattoos. Pasha Kvіtomuzika having taken away his honor for those who, when rozmov, blinked, and Givi Gvindzhiliya, having earned the filthy Givі Nіs, zavdyaki of his significant part of the guise. Most importantly, it’s important to set it accurately, the stars sounded the same way, and only fortune-telling is left behind, how the villains managed to take away such signs, like Boar (Gennady Zagorodnikov), Khmir (Yuriy Smikov), Bariga (Boris Petrushin), Eva (Oleg Semakin), Balda (Volodimir Bikov), Siska (Lev Genkin).

5. Prіzvisko in criminal subculture.

There is no, sing-song, like literature about the young and old, those mature evil-doers, especially in the books of the detective genre, there is no like a newspaper or magazine article about them, there would be no mention of them, and no mention of the adventures of the rest.

Significantly, the expansion of the prize and the middle of the legislative hearings and young people. The stench reinforces the characteristics of the special features of the nose, the status and the role of the informal group.

In criminal cases of incompetent and young people, they may have a skin member. She will replace his name and name. The prolongation of the study, carried out by us in the period from 1979 to 1990, showed that from the number of obstructions in 69 to 80% (in 1979, 1981, 1983, 1985, 1987, 1990) confirmed the presence of cli. In special rights, there are about the presence of nicknames in 71%. Most of all, those who had a stink of a petulant and imaginative character did not want to name their own name.

Prіzvisko is an indispensable attribute of the criminal subculture. The stench is clearly visible in the peculiarities of the mutual relations among the right-handers. About 500 nicknames were selected and analyzed from the special rights of law enforcement officers and rozms with them, spіvrobіtnikami priymachіv-rozpodіlnikov, special schools, special vocational schools, VTK, similar insulators. 350 nicknames were taken from periodicals, and about 200 were taken from literary works and films.

In the course of the investigation, they tried not only to change their appearance in the appearance of the prizvisk of the young and the young, but to signify the installation before them, to take away the stench for such furnishing. It turned out that the day of the prison prison's non-permanent years was taken away more importantly from primacs - graduates, special schools, special vocational schools, similar insulators and VTK.

As a rule, more than 50% of the non-commissioned ones can win one prize. Prote, at the quiet, who before the VTK had a special vocational school, having visited a special school, having gone to a child’s house, a boarding school to another closed primary and secondary mortgage (for example, at an additional school), there was a kilka nickname. The stench also replaced their names with that nickname. The number of nicknames is growing due to the greater number of convictions and the experience of malicious activity of the young man. The third leather was taken off the prize from the Vіtsі up to 14 years, then it is still in secondary school, and the leather is p'yaty - from the Vіtsі up to 10 years. An increase in the number of students among juniors and young people with the transition from a globally enlightened school to a vocational school and especially with an entry into a malicious group (grass, gang). Over 30% of non-permanent law enforcement officers took away the first day of the first day of that year of rebuking from the right and wrong institutions, that is, when they passed the “registration permit” (though we want this figure to be underestimated).

The breadth of the privileges of the middle class and young law enforcement officers can be explained by their century-old features, schilnistyu to grie, and smut - the need to comply with the norms and "laws" of the criminal world. On the basis of criminal values ​​and norms of malicious sins. The stench wins a sprat of mutually independent functions:

* Replace the nickname (function of recognition);

* є zasobom stigmatization (from the Greek. Stigma - brand);

* fix the status of special group hierarchy;

* to serve as a verbal means of depersonalization (a way to endow people with dissonant and imaginative nicknames);

* to serve as a verbal means of personalization of specialness (a way to endow "upper" with sweet-sounding "honorable" nicknames).

On the basis of the special characteristics of the law enforcement officers, broken in the group evidence (540).

It should not be forgotten that in the evil spirits of a prisoner they are kidnapping a law-breaker in the case of re-investigation by the law-enforcement authorities, trying to grab the right name of a person, like wearing that chi іnsha prizvisko. Like a lizard throwing off a tail, like a її following the enemy, so the evil-doer "throws off" one nickname and takes away the bandy other, like a criminal investigation and investigation. For this, in a special, trivial hour to lead a mischievous way of life, there may be more than a dozen nicknames, passports, and, of course, a nickname. Earlier, among the wealthy, especially among the "villains of the law", the prize was stable. I knew all the villainous light. A change in the prize could have become only a change in the status of an individual wearing it. Axis scho write more “evil at the law”, overriding the number of members of the “evil order” on a prize: “At Volodymyr’s vyaznitsa in the middle of 70 r. choose the whole villainous color - Kiev Vitya, Vasya Diamant, Slavik Rudiy, Kurcha Tolya and others "(110).

It was necessary for us to show the regularity of the distribution of evil spirits, especially from the number of those who are not of sufficient age, and especially the young, to appoint mechanisms, for the help of which the stench is settled. The analysis showed how the character of a person is distinguished, their physical characteristics, psychological characteristics, character, behavior, specifics of malicious activity. Nicknames are transformed into nicknames and names, social and regional affiliation, national belonging, amount (dozlochinne) of life, and diyalnist and other. (div. table 10).

Characteristics of nicknames among junior and young law enforcement officers

At a premium

Specialists and criminal rights

By thin. lit. that press

Characterological features and features of behavior

"Shnier" - shrill, "Prisch" - shkidlivy, "Chorus" cunning, "Torpedo" - penetrating, "Plague", "Cholera" - shkidlivy, revengeful, "Gvintokril" - basic, "Luty" - mentally ill

“Eye” - one-eye, “Oxiy” - crooked, “Rudy” - hair behind the color, “Dowel”, “Soldering iron” - maє great nіs, “Militsia” - kulgaviy

Transformation names and names

"Kolyan" - in the name of Mykola, "Tsar" - Tsaryov, "Kuzya" - Kuznetsov, "Shpak" - in Ukrainian. fam. Slag, Skin - type Furs, Michael - Mikhailo

Status in society (evil group, zgra, gang)

"King", "Prince", "Director" - from the number of "upper", "Chmo", "Infertility", "Personal", "Ugly" - representatives of the "lower"

The specifics of malicious activity and the month of evil

"Tugrik", "Diamant", "Gulden" - a money changer, "Kilka - a beach man" - a beach villain, "Tsvyakh" - a lone villain

Protilezhnі yakosі (often with irony).

"Hockeyist" - kulgaviy with a key, "Vesely" - sumny, "Associate Professor", "Intelіgent" - bad, implacable, "Malishka" - vazka, tall girl

Socio-regional adventure, nationality

"Mongol", "Gygan", Track", "Japanese", "Odesit", "Khersonets"

A lot of dozlochinna diyalnist

"Puck" - a hockey player, "Dukhar" - a musician, "Klistir" - a doctor, paramedic, nurse

References from foreign literature

"Dreg" is a bastard, "Ranger" is a tramp, "Kite" is a card sharper, "Rock" is a skull

Note. The results of the table indicated over 100% of the errors, the scores in some law enforcement officers were listed according to the number of marks, for example: "Guboshlep", wine "Tsvyakh", wine "Klistir".

It can be seen from the tables that the widest and most informative prizviska, in some of them, characterological peculiarities and peculiarities of the behavior of a right-handed person are shown. On the basis of us, there are negative signs of the nature of that behavior: greed, shkidlivist, zhorstokist, cunning, slyness, strife, arrogance, stupidity, incompetence and other.

Of the physical features, we are favored by the shortcomings of the physical development and the peculiarities of the sound-looking appearance: oblique eye, nose size, wuh (for example, Burdock, Locator), curvature, kulgavist (Militsia), humpback (Hunchback, Camel) » ta ін), povnota («Kubishka»), rostannia («Ogloblya», «Basketballist»), statura («Motil»). The nickname "Shurik" is given for a small age (by analogy with the leading hero of a comedy film), a big head - "Bowler" is thin. The one who wears eyepieces traditionally takes away the title "Trolleybus", "Bespectacled", "Microscope", the prize of the Painted" takes off a lot of tattoos, the nickname "Biliy" - not maє єх.

It is characteristic that the change of the name and nickname when the nickname is approved becomes a special position of the group hierarchy. So, the special vocational school from the number of "authorities" on the nickname of Bobkov was called "Bob", and the "chushok" with the same nickname - "Bobik". Two students of Oleksiyevich took away the prize: “Alik” (“kid” on the side) and “Alka” (from “images”). Usy Mikhayly (Vedmedics) at the time of the salvage wins the prize "Mashka".

The status of specialty in the group hierarchy (grass, gang, evil group) is also considered to be preferred. Individuals that occupy a high camp, mow high, “honest”, “harmonious” prizviska. Here Ide to name the position of the osib іz of the official structures. That is why stereotypes are heard in the youthful and evil groups and the heroes of the whole world. In New York, London, Moscow, the uncrowned "Kings", the self-styled "Princes", "Counts", "Baronies", "Lords", "Presidents", and in the middle of the women - "Otamanshi", "Mami", " Countess", "Lady" thinly.

As far as the osіb, which sit in the lower chablis of the group hierarchy, then the choice of the nickname is significantly richer. Here it is necessary to wear a degrading and imaginative character. To clarify them, stop all the positions listed in the tables: in order to improve the characterological details of the behavior of the young offender and the young offender to the position of terms from foreign literature. They blame the name of the name, so to speak, of "unacceptable" creatures, birds, other living organisms ("Bacila", "Toad", "Crow", "Schur", "Ameba", "Worm", "Ascorida" toshcho) P.).

An important role is played by the clarification of the nickname of the gray, as can be seen from the tables, the specifics of malicious activity and toponymy of the mischief-making area. There is also a lot of traditional, stereotypical. So, the villain is the same - “Tsvyakh”, “Robinson”; beach villain - "Resort", "Beach"; money changer - "Pound", "Gulden", Tugrik" (in the name of the currency) and so on.

With the adoption of nicknames, the principle of oppositeness is widely vindicated with ironic underpinnings of physical features of those other qualities, opposite to the present ("Boy" - a temple, a big hefty; "Merry" - a sum of people; .). The irony here is most often victorious as a humiliation of a person, її depersonalization, stigmatization, and even rarely reinforces the “warmth” of the setting to a member of the group, to wear such a privilege, for example, a heavy girl, a way of a bag, so called “Little bat”.

It should be noted that due to the outbreaks of inter-regional and inter-national conflicts, the number of nicknames is increasing, in which social-regional ones are selected national features offender individuals. The axis is only a small one: “Chechen”, “Asiat”, “Japanese” (actually Korean), “Hutsul”, “Gypsy”, etc. the special features of the offender are taken into account. To that, in addition to such privileges, law-breakers take others, which reflect their special features and other characteristics.

In the official culture, individuals of non-indigenous nationalities in the republics are often infringed on their rights and belittled, which is even better. I in the criminal subculture in the same process. Die and opposite trend - the internationalization of malice. Vaughn does not call either on the state cordons, or on the deafening of the sovereignty of the republics. That is why the award for the national sign is given, ring out, from the international evil groups. Among the evil groups that are the same for the national sign, the prizes are established for the sake of greater rules.

In the light of the nickname, there is a lot of (dozlochinna) activity of the young man. Basically, the goal is sports, primary, less - labor, and more - asocial activity (vagrancy, drug addiction, prostitution too). It was clear that “Puck” is a great hockey player, “Zubril” is a student who learns at school or a vocational school, “Plebey” is a school activist, Dimka - “Mandrivnik” is a tramp, Telka” is a prestigious act, “Kliushka” is a pochatkіvets , "Moroziva", "Baton", "Chocolate" - a person who was mutated to oral contact.

With the rise of equal enlightenment of the population, with the appearance of a fashion and foreign language, a greater number of law enforcement officers are growing, like a prize for victories of foreign words. Spriyaє tsomu growth of such types of malice as smuggling, illegal currency transactions, malice, connected with splintering of malice with foreign hulks. It is prestigious for mothers like "John", "Michael", "Ranger", just like wearing a suit like Cardin, jeans "Montana", "Levis", smoking cigarettes "Marlboro" and so on. , George - "George", Sergi - "Serzhami", and Mikhaili - "Michael".

Dіyut і principle utvishchennya prizvishch, scho historically formed, when giving fashionable nicknames. Even though, until the 18th century, the peasants in Russia did not have few nicknames. The stench is less than the names of that nickname (vulichni or for the fahom of the father). For example, Mykola, blue farrier; Petro, son of a merchant; Anna, the daughter of a saddler, etc. Only in the 19th century, the prizviska changed into prizvischa - Kuznetsov, Kuznetsov, Shornikovi, etc. The same principle is the same at the same time when the prizvisk is established. So, the young, abyssal tramp Fedya, who was taken by the kolgospos for vihovannya, having taken off the title of "Kolgospny", and did not remember the shards of the wines of his name, then it was prizvisko assigned to him as a prizvische, and after the father had taken off the heads of the kolgospny on him. In one of the Moscow groups of law enforcement officers, Volodya M. was called “Vovka is a pensioner”, because he has an old retired father.

It is not uncommon for a particularly snarky, impudent and zhorstok chi cunning and sprit malice among the people to endow with a "legendary" prizvisko malchiat, such a devil in our country beyond the cordon at the minuloma. So, malice, who is blamed for 5 vbivstv, 7 vbivs, 4 swings for vbivstvo that vvbtuvannya, robbing valuables from their victims among the people, was called, like yoga forerunner in the USA, "Jack the Ripper" (175).

From the analysis carried out, it is clear that the majority of evildoers and right-wingers have a lowering and imitating human character (with special rights to stench become 60%, with artistic literature - more than 50%). “Promote”, “euphonious” nicknames - over 10%, and the reshta is neutral for human goodness. It should be noted that we support the Chinese traditions, that we respect that no more than 10% of people can be like a leader. It is more important for the leader (“humpback”) to wear a noble medal.

Significantly, dissonant, derogatory prіzviska incompetent and young do not fit. The stinks would like to try and replace them with prestigious, sweet-sounding ones. By the way, the shutters are rarely raised to the sound. The investigation showed that it would be possible to change the status of a person or replace them, and young law-breakers want to belittle a person (65%); % would like to ask for help for other reasons. How will the prizviska be called? Adzhe won't even "sticky". Prіzvisko nibi grow up with specialty and are saved, so that a law-breaker can be transferred from special schools to special vocational schools, graduate from the same mortgage, graduate from VTK. Most of the prizes are taken from soldiers who are in reserve, as well as from young people who have changed their place of residence.

Tsikavo, scho among young law enforcement officers from among the migrants, was taken away in a new place of residence, due to the change and the mechanism of enlightenment in more and more 70% of the cases are reduced from earlier. In the new minds of life, the old nickname, as it were, is confirmed, to the one who victoriously presented the same for її otrimannya, which was earlier. Particularly worthy are the awards that are given for a good look, a type of behavior, taken away for a national sign. For example, as a reminder of the “Soldering iron” (for a great nis), then in a new place of residence it is given most often on the very same pedestal. And the choice here is a small "Soldering Iron", "Dowel", "His", "Rule", "Test". As for the nature of the podlets, it is shkidlivy, then the new one is close to the old one after the change: the substitute for "Prisch" will be "Bacillus", "Ascaris", "Klisch" or it is identical to them. In addition, reports about the old prizvisko can go to the new sharpening with different channels through friends, but only from the police.

Deyakі law-breakers are trying to ask for help, trying to change the behavior, as it has become a substitute for them. If the behavior has changed to a better one, then the teacher, the practitioner of the convict and the right to correct, establish a follow-up of yoga, to ensure such a fad, or the young person is defending against encroachment on socially imposed osib. Buvay, that the behavior is changing and in a worse bek, for example, among the “images”, like their aggressiveness in the new middle, they try to “cleanse” themselves, take away their suspicion. The stench is most likely to threaten with the right to those who gave them a prize. Everything can end up with conflicts, leaks, arthropathy, feigning sickness, etc. Try to get used to the derogatory nicknames of “authority” from the “shtiki”. The stench re-examines the osib, as if they are trying to change the status, shards for sim may change their social and psychological status. And tse means that you can give up your place in society to the applicant, “snuggle up” on the hierarchical drabin. Why, obviously, no one wants to work.

Knowing the nature of the nicknames, the practice of incompetent and young vicorists, it is necessary to expand the system of combating them, which would include:

* Vyvchennya nepovnolіnіmi that young people of history blamed nicknames and nicknames from the lives of people;

* Explaining the asocial functions of nicknames in evil spirits;

* molding of humane, good-natured vіdnosin at the pіdlіtkovo-youthful middle; vihovannya mercy that spіvchuttya;

* strongly attached vipadkіv znuschannya and znuschannya over the weak, new deіnde (at the child's booth, the schoolgirl of the vocational school, at the viysk's podrozdil), the provision of his superior psychological zahist;

* winning the cause of satire and humor in the struggle with the prizes;



Evils in law nicknames names

Abwehr - Operative Unit of the Correctional and Labor Establishment (ITP)
Avtozak (funnel, brunette) - a car for the transportation of arrestees
Automatic pen
Authority (godfather, maz) - authoritative among the criminal middle ground, often - the leader of the OPS chi OZU.
Unit - 1. syringe for injecting drugs 2. vag for injecting narcotic speeches
Openwork - order
* All in openwork! - all good!
Academician - criminal authority
Academy - v'yaznytsia
Aquarium - the next insulator of the timchas trimann (ITT)
Acrobat (virmenian queen) - passive homosexual
Assets - notifications, yakі spіvpratsyuyut for the administration of ITN
Shark - judgments on the term for the confiscation of the lane
Aligator - in the frost
Alura - prostitute-pochatkіvets
Amba - 1. absence of life 2. end
Ambets (krantets) - death, death
Embrasure - finally in the cell
Amnukha - amnesty
Ampoule - dance with alcohol
Anarchist - evil-one
Antique - antique rich, virib
Anthracite - cocaine
Arap - Shahray, Shahray
* refuel arapa be-to-whom - bullshit
Aristocrat - highly qualified villainous-gut villainous
Arkashka - zashmorg
Artist - shakhrai
Orange - 1. a person who sees himself as a villain in law 2. a hand grenade
Athas! - Wow, nebezpeka! threat
swindler - swindler
Acetone - a drug of purification for the help of acetone

Baban - strength, simpleton, sucker
Babtsya - ring, ring
Grandmothers (bashli, bobi, loot) - pennies
* Vistaviti on grandmas - rob someone of a borzhnik
Metelik - 1. shirt-shirt 2. lower
Trunk - gut
Badai! - take it!
* Badatisya - z'yasovuvati vіdnosini
Badyaga - 1. uncommon, tedious on the right 2. empty rozmov, balakanina 3. nudga
Badyazhiti - 1. prepare food 2. spend pennies
* - Anu, fraєrok, rozbodiazh-ka qі lava!
Bazaar - Rozmova
* bazariti - rozmovlyat
Bazarilo - basic
Bazuvati - steal steals from public places
Bazlati - shout, shout, call for help
Baibut - dagger
Baidan - station, airport, pier
The baidan man is a villain who fixes thefts on the territory of the baidan
Baikal - weak tea
Tanks (boilers) - year
* drive in, drive in, screw in, drive in tanks - fool your head, deceive
Cormorant - hooligan
Baklanka - dribne hooliganism
Cormorant - convicts, yakі do not care about authority in the zone or at the prison
Balabasi (balabasiki, balabani) - pennies
Balanda - hedgehog for aggravated
* tskuvati gruel - brehati
Balda - 1. head 2. cock 3. drugs 4. deceit
* ganyati bulldozer - onanuvati, ledariti
Baldoch - soldier
Ballerina (charitable)
Balon kotiti - naїzhdzhati on someone.
Baluster - cowbass, lard, oliya
Bandersha - otrimuvachka brothel, pimp
Banzhikha (banova) - station povіya
Bank is a place for choosing cheaters
* Bankuvati - hand out cards to graves, treat alcohol, share stolen goods
* - Garazd, bank, comrade chief! - Garazd, yours took, comrade militsioner!
Barin - head of the zone
Bark - skhovanka at ITU
Bariga - entrepreneur, merchant, businessman
Barukha - a woman is available, "a fair davalka"
Basivala - wrong lawyer
Dad is a cook
Baby - eyes
* zasiti baby - vykoloti ochі
Beytsі - human testicles
Bendeshka (katseburka) - booth and gatehouse on the “stock exchange” near tayzi (div. Birzha)
Svavilla - break the evil laws, understand the housekeeping of swaville, svaville
* - Quiet, fraєr, according to the lawlessness you chuhaesh, in nature!
Tusk - fool, moron
* take on the tusk (clack) - robiti blow comus
Biksa ​​- beautiful (private, sexy) young girl, woman
Birzha - the territory near tayzi, on yakіy roztashovanі backyards and workshops from lіsu processing
Beat on the batteries - beat on the ribs
Blat from the city - swag, what to take (“pіdgodovani” Pіdmorguvannya and slander the evildoers of the spіvrobіtniki of law enforcement agencies
Blatna music - villainous slang
Blatniy is a man, how can I get in touch with the criminal world
Blatkhata (keldim, raspberry, haza, shanghai) - villainous cup
Close - gang members
* - And the decision is like that. I am Borov, and all are close to me.
Fornication is an unacceptable situation, a falsehood
* screw someone into a harlot
* go to the fornication
Beaver - div.
Bodyaga - nіsenіtnitsa
Bombila - water-private
Horthy - cheeky
Beard - bad luck
Bro (brother, bratello, brother) - recruitment to a colleague from a gangster craft Bratva - bandits (selected)
Brother - bandit, racketeer
Brother on hropіnnya - go by the throat
Tramp - his lad, with understanding
Bos - the head of the RAM
* turn on the boss - picture yourself as the head
Rolls - sideways
Chatterbox (likar) - lawyer
Bugor - prison foreman chi meister
Buliga - fake diamond
Boomer (beha, beemvukha, bemwer) - BMW (car brand)
Bur - a hut for the enforced regime
Buroviti - talk fools
* - Thi che burovish, darn condom!
Burom - cheeky
Burkali - eyes
Buffers - women's breasts
Bik is an ordinary lanka to criminals 2. a bad person.
* - What's up, Bik? - What's up, stupid?
* Smack bika - rob the wrong toppings
* Buwati - behave stupidly
* Bikivtsi - members of the Krasnoyarsk OZU
* Bichara - div. Bik
* Bichka (mizh kimos) - protistoyannya, vorozhnecha

Get out! - Go!
Knock - drive in
Valzanuti - beat
Jack - useless person
At the zamaztsi - at the borg
Vіk volі ne bachiti - word of honor
In the yalinka - right
Venus Miloska (dismemberment) - dismemberment of the corpse
Vіnik - infections with venereal disease
Vagovius - authority
Conduct - 1. be afraid 2. give in to the reception, deceit
* - Ty che pov_vsya on qiu bullshit?
Helicopter - nari, tapchan
Vertuhay - guard at the zone
Verniak - exactly
Vіchny fraєr - a person, I feel weakly
Give money - steal pennies
Take a crib on a red crib - drive it with a knife into a shii
Gwent - 1. pattern 2. vtecha z v'yaznitsi
Vintar (candle, batig) - gvintivka
Turn on (turn on) the lіchilnik - recognize the singing vіdsotok for the stitching of the borg
Vkurit (to get in) - to understand
* - Well, che, vkuriv, brother?
Put in - radiate
Vlamati - 1. beat 2. hurt
In nature - flawlessly, true
Zbukhati - 1. to be carried out 2. "nazhdzhati" on a horse
Vovk ganchirkovy - filthy people
Volina - pistol
Evil at the law (evil, lawyer, blue) - the most important step in the criminal hierarchy, a kind of evil political bureau
Vorovayka - a female villain
Funnel - police car
Vparyuvati - lies
Harness - intercede for someone divas. Pull your mazu
Turn on - div.
* turn on the theme
Razkriti shiya - drive in, stab with a knife
Colors - for sure! right, true.
* At color, brother!
* What її do not feed, you see the colors.
At purity - the pose of suspicion

Nut - signet, ring
I'll be a bastard! - honest word!
Garrik - heroin
Gasiti (kogos) - beat, beat
Extinguish - hovatisya, hovatisya in the presence of anyone (like a mouse)
Extinguishing - p'yany
Gerich - heroin
Open your eyes! - Be more respectful!
Drive on someone - naїzhdzhati
* Don't slander, freak! - Chill! (Change turnovers!)
Gnidy - cunning
Gnida - filthy person
Rotten zahid - cunning pidkhid
Rotten - mіzki
Govnoterki - chvari, welding
Shit - 1. shanty 2. robit schos nasty
Golime - 1. singsong 2. river of filthy quality, unworthy
Golovnyak - unacceptable
Burn (burn) - eat, pierce, buti zaareshtovanim
Prepare the passenger - shukati the victim for deception
Grand wet - robbery from driving
Hrebinets is a passive homosexual
Grev (grevak) - transfer to the zone, help with the will of the aggravated (pennies, vodka, drugs)
Grim - shafka, shafa
Zavantazhuvati - be rich, give information
Grunt - the object of evil
Gudok - seats
Guzhuvatisya - grow up
The geese flew (drive the geese) - zbozhevoliv

Dalnyak - toilet
* go far - go to the toilet
Squeeze the liver - keep an eye on the woman, shilyat її to the state act
Dati gwent - flow into the convoy
Give anesthesia - slap a man on the head
Dilovy - villainous who can be trusted
Dolphin - unlawfully injured
Derbanity - dility vidobutok, grab
Wooden mac - string
* Send be-to-someone (dress someone in) a wooden mac - drive in
Decal - trishki
Cheap - patient
Jaga (plow) - lower
Jeep'yara - jeep
Nazdoganyat - razumiti
Milking - div.
Until melted - until the rest
Dotman is a fool
Drap (fool) - marijuana
Drati - fuck
Firewood - sirniki
Dubak - escort, visual observer
Hollow (dimohid, ace, point, ochello) – anal opening
* vdmuhati (hariti, drukuvati) into aces
* clean the oven,
* take soot from dimar,
* vdmuhati in the ass - have anal sex
Arc (sloping bucket, progіn) - hibna information
Dur - a common name for drugs
Oven - div.
Diryaviy is a passive homosexual
Dyadin dim - ITU, v'yaznytsya
Uncle - the head of the corral ITN
Woodpecker - 1. provincial spіvrobіtnik operchastina 2. fool

Їdali - teeth
Odnosіbnik - villainous, scho diє alone
Yalinka - good, okay, right
Єrikan - old
Yorshiti - see yourself as a villain in law

Pity - mova
* - Take the sting! - Help!
Speck - restlessness
Zalizo - 1. brace 2. metal crowns, teeth
Friendship - mixing, diluting
Vent - div.
Paliti - see the sleepers
* cleanly, in a Zhigansk way - with an arrogance, right, for understanding
Lived - greedy, stingy
Zhirna shkira - hamanets іz penny
Zhirny (charges, licorice) - rich people with pennies
To live with the master - the choice of the term
Goon - div.
Zhopnik (back) - rear gut
Zhorzhik - shahrai
Zhukuvatiy - knowing from the evil world

zabashlyat - pay
Zabalakati - develop a drug for injection
Zaburiti - know
Fill up - drive in
Zavafleti (zaparaffiniti) - "lower" the coke
Curl - sell
Zavyazati - 1. leave the evil past 2. leave the filthy star
Extinguish - 1. grab something. 2. beat someone * - Extinguish yoga, Frol!
Stick (shirnutisya) - inject yourself with a drug
Zapozichennya - punishment cell
Zakaznyak - Zamovne driving in
Make up your shroud! - Get ready to die!
Zakozliti - nastukati, convey
Lawyer (legal villain) - div. Evil at the law
Zakots - 1. put on handcuffs 2. recognize
Close - plant z v'yaznitsi
Zalitny - coming villain
Smearing - under the supervision of the police.
Freeze - take communion, send a call from sleepers for a certain hour
Zahidno - 1. impossible 2. breaking the evil taboo
Screw up a bika - robbit foolishness, behave incorrectly
Confusion - unreasonable, nasty situation
Charge - 1. financially pay for the needs of a person 2. provide information
Plant - 1. sell
* plant a mafon (tape recorder) who needs to raise an article act
Enlightenment - 1. spend the night in the field of law enforcement agencies 2. remove irrelevant reports
Wipe the booze - scandalous
Shut your mouth! - shut up!
Imprisoned - 1. person 2. self-confident cold armor (like a stiletto)
Zamutiti - zbagnuti, vigaduvati, distance
* robiti gasoline, theme
Hold - place in ITT, ShIZO, SIZO
A divak is eating - a man, as if he sees himself as a sensible
Zahezaniy - fecal contamination
Appreciate - marvel
Protect yourself - eat up to the hands of the police
Dzvin - 1. rozmov 2. mov 3. vchennya villainy 4. tiles, bits
Call - tell a lie
* - You call nicely, fraёrok
Dzvinok - the rest of the day at the v'yaznitsa
* Vіdrubati vіd zvіnka to zvіnka - pohnіstyu vіdsіdіti termіn
Greens - dollars
Zeleny prosecutor - taiga
Zіchka - group, which is seen by the prisoners
I give a tooth - a word of honor
Zamis - discord, scandal
* - There's such a zamis!

Head - 1. lower 2. syringe
Golkowy is a drug addict
Grati on the flute - beat the blowjob
Toy - 1. member 2. spivbag 3. pistol
Icon - photo for oblіkovy data
Spovid - dopit
Vikonati kogos - kill kogos
Ishak - 1. pidlabuznik 2. v'yazen. which sumlynno works on the selection

Yak himself? - How are you doing?
Kalgan - head
* take on kalgan - hit your head in disguise
Rope - 1. go, go
* - Kanai zvіdsi! - Get lost!
* - Tse is not here - Tse is not true (not proof)
* rope under someone - imitate someone, imitate
Gimp - unacceptable history, scandal, stosunkiv
Rosin - 1. deceit 2. cheap river that can be seen on the road 3. nіsenіtnitsa 4. pointless rozmov
Kant_vka (kant) - evidently easier life, unobtrusive hour-hour
Cabbage - div.
Crucian - possible people
Catala - card-sharper
Katit (fartit) - to be happy
Convict - dosvіdcheny, shanovny convict
Goydalki - tense situation, deciphering
Muscled - pumped up people, athlete
Kent (kentyara, corifan, sidekick) - friend
Kidala - shakhrai
Kidok - scam, deceit
* present a kidok to smb. - Get somebody. to reprimand for deceit
Throw a subscription (for someone) - give someone a diva. Pull mazu
Killer (m'yasnik) - driving in for hire
Throw on the brigade (vіdhariti locomotive, put on the choir, let go to the kolgosp, skip, call) - group salary
Kipish (kipezh, kipish) - div.
Kir - alcohol
Kicha - in'yaznytsia
Intestine (intestinal lust) - 1. careless person 2. slug
* fill the gut - eat
Klikukha - nickname
Klift - tabirna robe
Kill the clown from someone - tear the company of the coma from the fighter
Dziob (knife switch, shnobel, schniff, kermo) - nіs
Knopar (wikidukha, fixator, cape)
Male - lesbian (active)
Koblukha - lesbian (passive)
Kolupat earring - zlamuvaty castle
Kilimka - 1. woman who masturbates 2. lesbian
Pazuri to tear - tіkati
Kodla (stay, sharaga) - evil, evil group, villainous company
Shkiryana potilitsia - protect, protect
A goat is a convict, which works for the prison administration
Kozir - zbroya
Kozirniy - an authoritative villain
Collective (tram) - group zґvaltuvannya
pounding - 1. get to know a bad guy 2. take drugs internally
Kilshchik - convict master, what to do tattooing
Kolyma capercaillie - a convict, which is seen in the pivnіchny zones more than one term
The commander is a decent animal brother to a policeman
Commerce - div.
Koni - chobots
Kіntsi - knives
Coronation - the rank of an authoritative recidivist professional in the rank of "evil in law"
Kosorizati - rudely have mercy
Cant - 1. cigarette with marijuana 2. obscene toppings, violating villainous norms
* Flog (uporot) the jamb - destroy the evil code
Kotli - anniversary
The stoker is an active homosexual
Kranti (krantets) - death
* Youmu kranti - vin died
Beautiful, beautiful - well done
Chervona zone - 1. zone, de power to lie administration 2. zone, de topping the top three cops, or de richly connected with the lava of law enforcement agencies
Chervonoperiy - a soldier of the internal military (VV)
Chervoniy is an activist near the zone
Redhead - pretty girl
Mole - 1. healer, shifter, "alien among one's own" 2. operative practitioner, in the gang
Navkolosvitnya - anal-oral sex
Krutilivka - an operation from the capture of evil spirits
Cool - solid, rich, not safe, man-flint
Torsion - cunning
Patsyuk is a man who steals from his own people.
* - What do you know about me? - You are stverzhuєsh, why did I cheat my own?
* swearing - steal from your own, grab a part of it, or the whole vidoboot, booty
Kritka (krita) - div.
Dakh їde (poїhav, flicker) - an attack on psychosis, divine will
Crack - die
Ksiva - 1. note, mostly - taemna. 2. document
Lyalka (block) - a model of a penny pack
Kunka - female genitals
Trigger - skhovanka
Kusalove - welding
* - There is no way to power kusalovo among yourself!
Shmatok - thousand

Lavrushnik - Georgian villain at the law
Lave (lavandosi) - div.
* anger someone with lava - give someone a penny
Labukh - musician
Crap - nonsense, lie, nonsense
Lancy - pants
Lasty - hands
* Twist lusty - tie your hands, cuff them in handcuffs
Lygovy - policeman
Sculpted - a representative of dribnoy shpani, who didn’t blunt the zone, but they tried to pretend to be similar to cool authorities
Lipiti hunchbacked - brehati
Forest regeneration - taiga zones
Likuvati - 1. lies 2. appease
Smear the forehead with greenery - sue until the shooting
* - That's it, kid, smear your forehead with greenery! Everyone, get ready to die!
With a crowbar of undertakings - a flint man, a cool, strong-willed and strong person
Shoveler - hamanets
Loch (lohushnik) - a man, a yak can be fooled, a victim.
Kudlaty safe - female genitals
* zlamuvati koshlatii safe - ґvaltuvati
* - Prepare a cheap safe for a boiler! - Get ready, I'll fuck you!
Month - deception
* spin the moon for a month - fool
Monthly zasmagu take away - die
Luptsuvati - beaty
Lupara - an image of the Mislivskaya towel
Larva - div.

Maza is a supporter, a defender, a strong argument.
* Trimati mazu for someone = pіdtrimuvati someone, intercede.
* In the zone of mazu, pull the villains - in the zone, lead the villains
* - Along the way, without ointment, tuddy roll - Marno toudi їhati
* - Maza zavzhd for me will be! - Remain the word for me!
Mazurik - intestinal villain
Ointments do not smear - do not spend in an unacceptable situation
Fuel oil - ink for tattooing
Makіtra - head
Maliy - baby, child
Malyava (malivka, baby) - a note in prison mail
* hang out baby - write, send a note
Manda - female genitals
Maromiyka - girl
Oliya - kmіtlivіst
* - Oil in the head
Butter (hand-worker) - onanist
Suit - 1. place, which is engaged in the evil hierarchy 2. evil specialization 3. success
* buti not according to suit - buti who is too tough - Siege back, fraёrok,
* I'm not suited to you!
* be of the same suit with be-kim - be equal with be-kim
* kittens are not suited! - work wrong
* do not change suit - continue to practice for your singing villainous specialization
* not in suit - do not have mercy
Matsati - matsati, pestiti
Merin (mers) - "Mercedes" (car brand)
Ment (mentyara) - div.
Mіsiti clay - zdіysnyuvati homosexual act
Mitla - mova
* sweep after the mіtla (do not sweep the mіtla) - stride after the words, do not say anything zayvogo
* tie a mіtla - lock
Minzha - div.
Wet - not safe
Mokruha - driving in
Mokrushnik - driving in
Motor (wheelbarrow) - car divas.
Metelik - gore dance
Mochilov - razbirannya, often - with deadly traces
Asshole (Vudila) (from Nizhny Tagil) - filthy people
Cholovik is a convict-robotic, so you can’t lie down to the caste of villains
Smittya (smittya) - div.
Smititi - lies, speak not to the point
Mutilivka - conflict
Mutniy is an intriguer, ignorant, suspicious person
Fly - cool
M'yasnya - beaten crooked separation

Blatuvatsya - 1. make funny ties 2. learn to speak in villainous slang
Muffler - to death
Nayzd - verbal and physical threat
*nazhdzhati - threaten
Nakotiti - 1. beat someone up. 2. sip
* Nakotity on charms.
Tsіlkom - singsongly, gruntly
Stress - stressed situation
Paint - show up.
* - Did you paint the stars?
Zovnishnist - stiffness
Naslіditi (nabrudniti) - deprive follow the evil, prove
swindle - deceive
Nachka - skhovanka
On kuli - no cost
Nashatkovy cabbage - a man with a penny
Don't strain! - Do not lie in your right!
Nezrazumіlі - nezrazumіla, kalamutna situation
Nesvіdomіst - vіdmova svіvprаtsyuvati zі sіdstvom, do not give evidence that you vikryvayut yourself.
Chi no sushi teeth! - shut your mouth!
Nephele - leftovers from thickly brewed tea
Nishtyak - good, miraculous
Matsati legs - get ready for the run
Mikati - howati

Mavpnik - camera in OVS
Images - pederast
Oblazhati - osmіyati, set up in a blind camp
Get screwed up - know the failures, think wrongly, ruin the understanding
Bummer - failure
Frostbite - impudent, do not know the evil laws, that you live not for understanding
Meaning (point by point) - argumentation of one's claims, one's camp, statement of the problem, by those
Obgruntuvati - to bring foul arguments, to explain correctly.
Rip off - escape the chase
Cry - deceive
* call minzhu in bed - lies
Common fund - a case of thieves, criminal spivtovaristva, community, grouping
Vivtsya is a non-authoritative, weak person
Vikno - back of the pants
Zabarvlennya (zabarvlennya) - 1st evil specialization, qualification
* Minify zabarvlennya (ku) - minify the villainous specialization 2. div.
Deer is a fool (prev.)
* - Thiche, deer, do not bachish, kudi presh?
Atonement - coercion, what to lie down to the caste of “pivniv”
Perekidati - enter into oman
Omit - zdіysnyuvati the ritual act of sodomy from the stagnation of violence
* omissions - convict, forcibly crushed by a homosexual, anger, the lower step of the evil hierarchy
Gorikh - a member of the city's OZU
Gorikhi - cartridges
Mansion - 1. special regime colony 2. recidivist
Vidpovid - dії power plan, pomsta
* turn on (turn on) vіdpovіd - call rahunki, take revenge
I confirm - word of honor
Viddacha - dії y vіdpovіd, pomsta
Vіdmazati - cover up, protect
Frostbite - div.
* frozen on the whole head - a mentally neurotic person, lawless
Vіdguknisya - swear!
Vіdpad - 1. good 2. rest point
Drive to Sochi (one hundred first kilometer) – drive in
Vіdsidka - the term of rebuking at the v'yaznitsa, in the zone
* pіti on vіdsidku - sіsti at v'yaznitsyu
Vіdstebnuti - give pennies
Vіdtoptati near the zone - vіdsidіti near the zone
Vіdtyagchalivka - tight furnishing for an hour
Relax - relax, pokurolesity
* revise - zdijsniti statuary act
Eagle - "hero" (neb.)
Gorikh - kulya
Oforshmachitisya - zganbitisya
Point - dupa
* vdmukhati (vlupiti) in the ass - anal sex
* squeeze the point - slykatisya
* - Che, the point is not enough? - What's up?
* mіtsne point - zaliznі nerves - We wonder who has a point mіtsnіshe! - Let's see who wins!
* - Right now, I'll break your point! - I'll beat you right now!
* Smіttya eyepieces lower - militsioner rank lower
Beware - be afraid
Ochnyak - points bet

Carrion (bastard) - filthy people, "radish"
Parasha - toilet
Paraffin - Shame
* paraffinity - ganbiti
Pariti mіzki - fools
Partachki (partak) - 1. rude, neokhay, unprofessional tattooing 2. nevmіha, novice, who is not evil and evil-minded
Partizan - a man in big
Graze - stitch for kimos
* vipas - lashing someone
Shepherd - boss
Kid (s) (boy, patsaeva (collected)) - one to one brotherhood
Pervaki - Kazan grouping
Turn over the guise - recognize the right name of a person
A perekidchik - a convict who throws a shirvzhitka through the parkan of a tabir, accepting at his own will a bottle of alcohol, drugs, etc.
Peretirati - speak, discuss
Peretrishat (shout) - talk
Feather - lower
The dog - suspected a person
Piven is a passive homosexual
Pich - anal opening
Pisati (pee) - cut the swarm of the victim
Letters - yours
Whip - 1. pistol
* put a kos under the gun - trim the kos under the muzzles of pistols 2. sniper rifle.
Plechova - povіya, like servants of long-distance drivers
The tiler is a villain who steals from the counters
Driven (bryazkalce) - div.
Lead (whomever it was) - work the wine other people
Pidlit - vtecha
Pidmazka - swag
* pіdmazati kogos - give swag
Pіdіgriv - div.
* pіdіrіti in the zone lads 2. zatsіkaviti smb. financially, help financially
Pіdrіzati - vkrasti
Prolisok - a corpse that came out in the spring
Supports - legs
Pozhezhniki - Angarsk grouping
Zagavkati - marvel
Ganebniy - filth, filth
* - Vovki ganebni! - You bastard!
Polozhets - one of the cores of the villainous community, who stays “in the position” (in authority) and proves to be the right place, district
Rinse - rozpovsyudzhuvati sensitive, basic
* rinse wuha - brehati, bazikati
Remember the phase - pierce the eyes of someone with a safety razor
Understood - unspoken evil laws, rules, breaking such an hour threaten guilt with death and a great fine
* live by understanding - dorimuvatisya zlodіyskogo code
* fraєr without understanding - frost
* not for understanding - not for the law
Pont - 1. sense, bluff 2. pennies
* ponti beaty (pontovatisya, pontiti)) - let him drink in his eyes
* bezpontovo - bezgluzlo
* squander ponti - recover all pennies
Sweat - fit, pidide
Pray with candles - drive in
Pontovitius - zarozumіly
Popadalovo - nasty, unacceptable situation
Popenhagen - dupa
The ass is a hromada people, like bandits vikoristovuyut navtioki. Like a call, on the phone, or to draw up your unruliness on yoga, cars, I’ll save you.
Rozkinuti mizkami - think
Virishiti - drive in
Empty - useless Rozmova
* drive empty - carry a fool, nonsense
Piglet - gamanets
A guarantor - an intercessor to authority
Landing - redirected to the airport
Put on a lick - create for an objectionable sleeping chamber unbearable mind
Decree - the camp is right, the layout
Early drink - drink on the sweater
Along the way - so maybe
Rule (rule) - 1. lower 2. sorting
* rule the rule to smb. - Reciprocate
Paraska Fedorivna - a bucket, it looks like a place
Preperedzhennya - ITT or SIZO
* take a steam bath in the preparatory - sit in the ITT, SIZO
Pres - a pack of pennies
Presuvati - give someone a moral and physical injection
Pribluda - 1st pistol 2nd lower 3rd bullet
Bombiti - pridbati
Land - spend on the chi zone
Outfit - clothes
* Cool guessing - good clothes
Funny - hot
* Prank - jartuvati
Pin up - 1. talk 2. fire
Prydbati - recognize the weak side in character
Accept - slander
* - Bratva, Ambala cops accepted!
Supply - brass knuckles
Sit on the wuha (rinse the wuha) - lie, fool your head
* Sit in the same place - take another place
Pristyazh - young bandits, smitten by a criminal leader, yogo sharpened
Prisunuti (komus) - mother of article contact from kimos
Sew (kogos) - drive in
Break through - recognize, discover
Progin - hardening, hibna information
Fuck - talk nonsense
Prosmiknut - pіti
Presentation - serious claims, calls
Seasoning - lower, razor
Psi - protection
Pukalka - pistol (nekht.)
Blizzard is bullshit
* drive the zaviryuha, avenge the zaviryukha - deceive
Shlyahovy - garniy, yakіsny
Garmata - div. value
Shove - smoke marijuana

Razbirannya - the struggle for the sphere of vlivu between competing brigades, RAM.
Breeding - foolish
* Raise a sucker for grandmas - by deceit, seize a penny of the victim
Rozgin - poured
Rozderban - podіl vidobutku, territories
* throw scho-l. on rozderban - subdivide the object, plunder yogo
Relax - relax
Razmіryat - drive in
Rozmin - sacrifice your people
* put on rosemin - kill, sacrifice a gang member, grouping
Unfreeze the zone - raise convicts to rebellion
Painted - convict, who has a lot of tattoos
Irzhaviy - pidly
Rams - nezazumіla, spіrna situatsija when sorting out, on the arrows
* Breed ramsey - virishuvati spirnu situation
* - Thiche, carrion, ramsey strayed ?!
Distribution - a real camp of speeches at the moment
* - Yogo to soak for any kind of layout - yogo to get at any kind of drop
Razkolotisya - zіnatisya chomus
* Razkolotisya to the very dupi - zіznatisya at all mortal sins
Open the bucket - spread the evidence of untruthful statements, sensitive
Maza is real - it's true, it's for sure
Rotterdam - mouth
* Travel from Rotterdam to Popenhagen - oral-anal sex
Rivok - vtecha
Ore gold

Samorobka (samopal) - a handicraft gun
Sanatorium - KPZ
Zbruya ore - golden lance
Blatuvatisya - get used to the sounds and laws of the criminal world
You will not be dumped for the price of a delyugo - you will not be seen
Turn - spare the tsnoti
Give back - get angry, show inconsistency, give up
Hold on sho-l. - embed
Siviy - convict watchman, teaching dosvidom
Sekel - clitoris
* - I'll tear you at once, bitch! - I'll tell you (I'll beat you)!
Nasinnya - 1. patrony 2. dribnitsa
Sim'yanin - the closest friend of the zone
Seryak - overcoat
Sit on your back - go to sleep
* My back is spinning - I want to sleep
Sich - marvel, remember, stezhiti, razumiti
* sіche chip, sіche galyavin - razumiti
Sinooka - police patrol car
Blue - 1. criminal group with recidivists 2. villains in the law
Space suit - 1. body armor 2. prison overalls
Skok (stribok) - plunder
Skoschukha - 1. abbreviation of the term 2. act
Solodky - maє values, pennies (about the victim of the robbery, about the sucker)
* - Along the way, wine licorice
Slam - 1. swag 2. part of the video booth 3. friendship
Slidak (peck, sich) - slid
Slonivtsi - members of the Ryazan group
A little for someone. - Bring dovidki about com-l.
* - You don't feel anything for Max?
Watching - 1. authoritative appeals, appointments of a villainous gathering, like criminal authorities head at the camera, barracks, colonies, settlements; vlasnik zlodіyskoї kasi 2. div.
Snіzhok - cocaine
Solntsevsky - a member of the sinister group
Sosolishche - mouth, ruin
Pacifier - 1. girl, girl 2. mint
Sokhatiy - simpletons of aggravations from the military
Zmalyuvati - to know someone (to know)
Zucheny - karny malice, scho vіdіyshov vіd zlodіyskih zakonіv, spіvpratsyuє z prison administration
Stovbur - pistol
Stall - garage, car park
Strіlka - zustrіch of two brigades, grouping, z'yasuvannya svіrnih food, sorting
* Translate arrows - blame the fault on others, represent someone
* throw an arrow (score an arrow) - recognize the zustrіch, sorting out
* Pierce the arrow - do not show up in a crazy place, on a zustrich
Pragnati - to be afraid
Knock - inform on someone
Such a zone is a zone, de vyznayut zlodіyskih to understand, de not able to rule the lawyers (for example - mentіvska zone)
Gathering (descent) - choose authorities and lawyers, villainous dilova zustrich
Syavka - worthless

Taski - buzz
Tashkent - 1. speck, hot 2. rich 3. heavily heated food
Struggling - watch out for the salt, take a look.
Telezhiti - 1. tell a lie 2. speak
Topic - on the right (mute, turn on)
* sit on topics (points) - mothers of their financial interests on any territory
* Є topic, brother!
Dark - suspicious
* temnit - lies, take your thoughts, twist, speak in riddles
Temnila - a person, as if I were grabbing my mind
Graters - z'yasuvannya stosunkiv, rozmov
Tolerant - tolerant
Tiger's eye - anal opening
Tovkovishche - 1. dissection 2. villainous gathering
A torpedo is a bandit (fighter) or a convict, who, having lost a card, who, for the decisions of a villainous gathering, or by order of authority, is guilty of killing a lawyer. A kind of suicide bomber. Having driven the villain into the law, the wine itself is automatically sued to death.
Sharpener - machine
Tochkuvatisya - make acquaintance
Grass - marijuana
Tranda is a person, yak basic all sleep
Treshnik - a trinitarian term of understanding
Krapka is the place of a robotic bandit, a territory that can enter the zone of financial interests of grouping.
Tusnuti - send, send
Bullshit - nonsense, nonsense, bullshit
* drive bullshit - bullshit
Rotten vein - anal opening
Garbuz - head
Vazhkovagovik - driving in

Boa constrictor - scarf
Vrobity - vbiti
Pete livoruch - get out of crime
Inject - 1. get drunk 2. take a dose of drugs
Vision in the wind - throwing off the balcony
Toilet bowl - div. Hollow * walk on the toilet - engage in anal sex
Fall into a joke - rozpovidati tsіkavi vipadki, tales
Uralmashivtsi - members of the Yekaterinburg OPS "Uralmash"
Urka (urkagan, urkach) - karny evil-doer, villain
Mustache - understand
Rannik - country villain
Uhitati - drive in

Pheasant - young misunderstood villain
Pheasant charge - bullshit
Fal - valiza
Fan Fanich - 1. not sticking to the tabor life of the convict 2. drinking tank
Fanich - teapot
Fatera - apartment, budinok
Pharaoh - div.
Fart - luck * lucky - lucky, spritny, fashionable
Farshmaciti - obsmіyuvati
Trimati style - behave proudly
Fenya - skoromovka, mini-wordlist, criminal slang. * Botati for a hair dryer - speak in criminal jargon
Figure - div. stovbur
Films - pennies
Filter the bazaar - stand up for your words, choose your words respectfully
Fofan - tilogrіyka, winter jacket
Fraєr (fraєrok, fraєryuga) - 1. hromada people 2. intellectual 3. misunderstood villain 4. victim 5. ordinary carny villain * honest fraєr - a person who seeks laws, rules and households * wild fraєr (fraєr without understanding) - people do not understand vyznaє i zakonіv, vіdmorozok * bitch fraєr - informer, zradnik * fraєr on kotushki - zhvaviy, spritny * zagruchovy fraєr - villain, well know KK * trump fraєr - more authoritative villain
Fray - 1. spit out 2. recognize failures in your right
Frant - certificate
Fufel - disguise * clean the bullshit - stuff your face
Bullshit - bullshit, nonsense
Sweatshirt - program by cardi
Futsang - honestly working convict

Havalnik - mouth
Havka - їzha * hovati - є * shovat someone from telbukhami - overcome, outwit
Haza - an apartment, where are the villains, lads
Hailo - div. Khavalnik * - Zakriy hailo ta hear syudi!
Freebie - no cost
Khanka - 1. Opiy Sirets 2. Gorilka
Hariti - mothers of articles from kim-l.
Hare - stop!
Hut - 1. apartment 2. camera at the yard * bita hut - lighting kublo
Hai - 1. shout 2. statement to the police
Scuff your tail - die
Khizati - to meet the need
Hipish - scandal
Khlibalo (khliborіzka) - mouth
Clappers - wuha
Walk like a kimos - podkoryatisya komus, serve * - Do you walk like a kimos? - Who do you work for?
Walker - a criminal record
Gospodar - head of the zone, in'yaznitsi
Chorus (round dance) - evil group, playing * throw on the choir - zґvaltuvati
Regotivnik - disguise
Khropovik (shnobel) - nіs
Cropa - throat
Crisps - pennies
Grunts - speak seriously, discuss

Centers - 1. cool lads 2. grouping in Ekaterinburz
Tsentrjak - yakіsny
Zincanuti - give a sign
Tsimus is the commodity of the highest quality

A seagull is a useless person
Kettle (pot) - head, skull
Chalitisya - sit at the v'yaznitsa, SIZO * - Why are you chalish? - What statue are you sitting behind?
Check (shah, shistka) - div.
Chupushil - stupid, brudna, a person has morally fallen, a person, who shouts out of fear of the otochyuchy
Chervonets - ten fates of freeing the will
Black suit - convicts, yak vyznayut villainous understanding
Blacks (pikonose, animals, rhinoceroses) - individuals of Caucasian nationality
Czechs - Chechens
Chifir - super sweet brew tea
Chifirbak - kuhol, tin can, saucepan, chefir is brewed into it. Drink, roblyachi kovtok and irritate another afflicted
Chmo - div.
Chocks - inhabitants of the Caucasus and Central Asia
Chukhan (chushok) - div.

Jackal - v'yazen-zhebrak
Slut - div.
Kuloviy - 1. bezkoshtovny 2. drug addict
Shvarknut tightly - drive in
Vovnyany - a convict, who works on the administration of the colony
Shіstka - div.
Shilo - inacceptability
Shirka (session) – drug injection
Shiryatisya - dope drugs
Slate z'їhav - having lost his mind
Shkiri - pants
Shkonka - soft, soft
The skin is a corrupt person
Sholomka - bowl
Slopantsi - ruin
Poviya - poviya
Shlindati - walk, blukati
Shmal - marijuana
Shmalati - shoot
Shmara - girl, act
Shmarovoz - pimp
Jmil - hamanets
Shmon - obshuk
Shnyaga - nisenitnitsa
Schnier - pribiralnik, servant, "shіstka"
Chocolate - 1. good 2. anus * - Everything will be with chocolate! - Everything will be fine! * - Are you with chocolate? - Are you with him at a friend's stosunkah? * - Have a new member of the chocolate bathe - live well * Booty with frogs in chocolate - buty with practitioners of the VTU good luck
Tapestry - div.
Shpilovy - shakhrai, threw
Stamp - 1. div. Ment 2. detective (profession)
Fitting Member
Shugatisya - be afraid
Shukher - not safe * stand on a nix - be a villain, which insures your sleepers in case of robbery chi thefts that are ahead of them about trouble
Shusheriti - pіdslukhovuvati

Crushed stone - 1. crackers 2. sil
Goldfinch - young, lack of knowledge, bad
Shemiti - 1. tuck down, belittle 2. sleep, sleep
Shchipach - villainous-kishenkovy villain

Іspit - judicial review
The crew is a wicked group
Eclair - human member
Expedition - task force
Exhibit - trial dose of drugs

Yuvilyar - a person who tried drugs for the sake of cicadas
Yuzanuti - vtekti
Yurik is evil
Whisk down - vkti
Yurtsi - v'yaznytsia

I'm in awe - I'm hostile, I'm embarrassed
Otruta - 1. evil 2. drugs
Mova - opera, led
Yakirnik - zhebrak
Pit - villainous cup
Yarizhnik - a person who makes dissolutions for children

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