Profitability of trade on the speech market. How to open your store: cover instructions

Krapka on the market in the 90s was respected by the right pributkovoy and prestigious. This moment call yourself a businessman or a businessman, get up on the 8th rank, if the backwaters and factories in the country have already been working, and earn styles, draw on your energy. He will drink for a year on the market goods, becoming a fall. Critic pavilions, namets, and vddili at super- and hypermarkets took him. As a matter of fact, the commodities moved on, it was dry and warm. The buyer, having bought some non-standard goods there, knowing who to turn to, change the hat and turn the pennies. And for market traders, difficult times have come.

Chi є sens vіdkrivati ​​outlet on the market

Those who have entered the market a lot of fates, and the deacons of that decade, it seems that the trade is dragging on, and the robot is slowly starting to shape your new way of life. For trading, a singing warehouse is needed for the character of that quality, one cannot do without them: communication, demand, analytical warehouse for reason. Well, zvichayno, you are guilty of goodness and good luck. Market traders didn’t stick together with any kind of warehouses, nevertheless, their kind of activity brings pennies, and the master of the trading point himself determines how much time per day, day, month, time. Also, trading on the market has a singing sensation. If you have your own head and boldly organize your time and finances, then it’s acceptable.

Give before them, like ...

If you hit a bargain, you won’t be able to throw yourself in the markets of blue, strimgols. For the cob, it is necessary to sprout an important food. Know what you are selling. Tse not obov'yazkovo dyag, vzuttya chi food and eating. You can sell services, for example, repair shoes and laces, work keys to locks, or repair clothes. What do you care, take care of it. Chi podrostaє child? Trade childish vzuttyam that clothes. Do you like tasty food? Sell ​​food products. What do you need to do city work? Sell ​​nasіnnya, roses, vegetables and fruits. Golovnya - so you won the joy of the process. In addition, there is a small plus: you can always sell goods that you didn’t sell at once.

Now there are a lot of nationalities. Here there is a simple rule: the more goods are sold, the less the national tax, and the packs. Pennies mayut pratsyuvati, constantly rebuvat in obigu. Only for cheap money you can throw 200-300%. In the beginning, earlier in the whole world, in the middle, they traded for a 10% profit. I respected the norm. Nina everything changed. Increased margin, becoming more rich. For the very same, when buying two goods, you will be charged a third without a cost. It doesn't matter, skіlki "navaryuє" the seller.

Do not sell goods that are on the market and are so full. In the first place, it’s nasty to rozkupovuvatimut, but in a different way, you can seriously rozmovu mother with competing susides. Just as the language has already come about them, it is necessary to honestly remember that no one checks on the market of newcomers with large volumes. There, all spheres are already subdivided; It is important to know good postal workers in order to buy goods at a low price. Chim more retail at the “wholesale / retail” vartost, there are more opportunities to reduce the price, as the goods are not sold in bulk. It is necessary to protect such a factor as seasonality. Some goods are more likely to take a snail, the more active they are to buy a fee. Plan the assortment, so that you can take a profit at the right time to rock.

Dekilka of brown joys

One of the leading figures in the market is the administrator. Vіn can spend different podії. If you want, and your point is to lean in the most passable mist, and not worthy of you - trading in the back. That's why you need to be friends with the administrator. Tsya people will help to "resolve" folding situations. But you can create them, if you don’t know spilnu mova. As you have already done, in what market you trade, you need to explore. Go to the market, marvel, de, basically, the people are buying, what is the free time there. Talk to the merchants about those who are important to you, but do not know who you are choosing to trade here.

Stay behind the counter yourself. So you better know the market in the middle, marvel at what a viruchka will be. For the future, just do it right, you can’t do without a seller. But don't trust them at all. This is the kind of people who, out of satisfaction, will cheat not only buyers, but also you for company. For this, it is necessary for the authorities to re-verify them, easing under the sight of the buyers of other people. Tse can be your relatives, friends, know. Don't let the stench wonder, that the seller does not depend on the price for your life, putting the cost of your own in the gut, that you do not make good purchases. Otherwise, the seller needs to change. Do not be afraid to experiment, promote new products. Get ready for the holy day ahead and on the ground. With a distant spread of such a day, you can earn a month's wages.

Organizational moments

Otzhe, you all fainted and ready to trade on the market. The time has come to get to know the administrator. With a smile, introduce yourself and pozіkavtesya, chi є vіlne mіsce. In times of positive opinion, find out about the variety of orendi, look around the place. Until that moment, it was the fault of the nobility that it was not for nothing that they went to the investigation. If you lure you into power, then you can draw up a contract. Do not varto once rozrakhovuvati on the "bread" place. Life on the market, go with your black, who wants to come, who wants to go. With a year you can improve your mind. Golovnya, don’t cook with kim.

The other stage will be going to the tax inspection, in order to get the job done. There you will be consulted, what documents you need to submit in order to become an individual entrepreneur. While the permit is being issued, you can take up the selection of an assortment of goods, so you can’t sit idle. Think about the modern look of your shopping area. It’s still small, but it’s decorated with gusto, buyers will immediately appreciate it, even if more of them are put on the market postiyno, that’s a new point of stench to cheer up. If you let him be ready, show the administrator all the documents, pay the rent and get ready before the working day. Don't forget to give a bonus to the first purchase. Vin, like the first kohannya, is remembered for all life.

If you have a seller, set up a fixed salary for a small salary, and put the main part of the earnings in the fallowing position. Tse will be a wonderful incentive for your helper. The seller is guilty of a good deal with your goods, to help the buyers with professional joy, to be more important. Your surplus is stale in the face of rich factors, and all of them need to be secured. Experts confirm that if a trading point on the market is organized correctly, most of the investment in it pays off through rivers. So everything is within your power. Good luck and prosperity!

Mikhailo Vorontsov

Why start, do you want to open your store? Which store is better than picking up goods for trade? How many koshtuє open your small store and how to start from zero?

Hello, readers of business magazine With you Oleksandr Berezhnov.

If the entrepreneurs-pochatkivtsiv are guilty of food, such a business, then they choose the simplest and most obvious - to distribute trade, and to open their own outlet to the store, which is essentially one and the same.

The article will be especially for the novachkovs, who have broken the store without getting enough information. Vivchivshi її, you know about all the secrets and nuances of that business.

The information in the article is universal for any kind of stores.

For example, if you see a clothing store, an auto parts store, a child's or a grocery store, then you have to go through those same steps. Here you will also find recommendations for the widest types of stores. This will be especially relevant for you, as it is still not seen that this store is clearly visible.

I'll tell you right now in order!

1. What do you need to know to open a grocery store

Dear friend, naygolovnіshe, you are guilty of understanding, that the absolute majority of people think that the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bgiving the store as a simple commercial project at first glance.
To be precise, I will look at the objective pluses and minuses of your store as a business. So it will be easier for you to praise the solution, what kind of store is worthy of respect and on what you should respect.

Plus (+) your store as a business

1. Mindfulness for the inhabitant

For the same reason, the biggest project is looking at your store as the first project. Our children called bachiti markets, kiosks and supermarkets, today you can buy almost everything.

The truth lies in the fact that a person with carelessness takes on the right, as if there is no mind. We're in the middle of a shop, as it turns out, we have the least problems. Ale tse rightly more than often.

2. Ease of implementation of the idea

Over the years, 99% of all business processes have been practiced for a long time in trade.

Not for nothing, opening 1 store, yoga vlasnik often doesn’t grow up and with the right approach to the right trade point, they multiply like mushrooms after finishing.

Really, everything you need is not to blame for finding a bicycle and drinking the second way, as it is your duty to bring your business to success, so you, obviously, do not push the jambs on the cob itself.

3. Ease of rozrahunkiv (forecasting income and volatility)

Trade is the most intriguing business, even if you look at the roses. You have є sobіvartіst goods, trade nationality and vitrati, yakі you carry with you.
You will be left with less to worry about the forecasted viruchka and see it in line with it. So you can estimate what you can sell visually and how much profit you can potentially take away.

4. Stability to business for yoga promotion

A point of sale has been set up - a place for її Vlasnik. For example, a “living” grocery store near a residential area can provide you with a trouble-free life, navit unrespectfully on the orders of competitors.

5. Possibility to sell your store ready business

Vibuduvavshi correctly the entire management system of the store, you can no longer co-ordinate the main processes, you can manage to be inertia. So you will become the master of the entire autonomous system, like bringing in surpluses.

It is natural that a lot of people want to become the owner of such a “hairless little thing”, like they can make capital, but do not start their store from scratch.
At the same time, sell a ready-made business just like a car or an apartment, so it’s better to tell potential customers about those who sell your own store.

Minus (-) your store as a business

1. High competition

Back to simplicity and intelligence, the store is facing a high level of competition. The adzhe of such eager stalkers of a vlasnoi trade point is already rich. Leather other business, if you want to open your store in your other sphere. This is a very difficult start for this business, and this is a further development.

2. Remarkably high threshold for entering the business

If you are right with the goods and sell it through a special store, then you will need a bill of hundreds of thousands of rubles, or in the average of 10,000 dollars, so that you can start your right.

3. Appearance of stocks of unsold goods

Yet another weak side of the store as its own business is the surplus of goods.

Especially often the stench settles in grocery stores and stores that sell seasonal goods. For example, with new toys and other Christmas accessories.

Vartіst zalishkіv goods should be turned on to the current ї vartostі, scho lead to the padіnnya popita, oskіlki kіnceva cіn the product growth, and the buyer does not want to overpay.

4. A large number of periodic routine operations

The post-employees and the work with them, in the supply of goods, updating the assortment, rent, work with the staff (for yogo nayavnostі), tributes, perevіrki, inventory - the axis is far from the latest transfer of the one, from which you happen to get stuck at the process of robots over the power store.

5. Seasonality of business in the fallow in the chosen niche

Leather trade has its own seasonality. Won may be more or less pronounced. For example, influx of budding and home improvement materials are sold well, and the fee for the sale is now falling.

Other stores new river, and “moisten your paw” in the new pributkovy season. Give respect to this factor for the choice of a niche for a future store.

6. Spend 80% of the pennies for a short-term business result

If your business is not sold in raptom, then the purchased goods will have to be sold for free, and the surplus of the goods can also be sold in bulk or simply donated to friends on the holy day (so the goods cannot be stored until the product is eaten).

I am sure that now you can improve the picture of how you tell your store and you know, with some difficulties you happen to get stuck in the process.

2. Vіdkrittya store from scratch - licorice myth chi gіrka true

As if under the “zero” of understanding the knowledge and experience, then such a zero will not be at the forefront of the project implementation.

But if you think that your store can tell you nothing, then I'm sorry to tell you - it's a true myth!

Let's take a look at the obov'yazkovі elementi, without which the store is simply impossible to find out in principle.

I will override this minimum, and then you yourself will be able to figure out in numbers how much money you can get for modest pranksters and pay the store.

For example, one of my acquaintances, opened the store woman's clothes premium class, including new more than 1200000 rubles . At tsyu sumu uvіyshla rent of imіshchennya, repair at nyomu, kupіvlya goods, kupіvlya trade obladnannya, rent to personnel, reєstracії kompanії.

How many koshtuє vіdkriti vlasny shop?

1. Application (trade area)

Vlasne chi rented.

Naturally, that your accommodation (not rented) gives you enormous advantages, but it’s a pity that a small number of people can have such a bonus at the start.

Get ready to rent a bigger part of the income, and in the seasonal recession you can go to zero, not earning a penny, or go to the minus, putting pennies out of your intestines.

2. Trading facilities

In lonely vipadkah you do not need counters or other equipment: stands, refrigerators (as you can see a grocery store). Zalezhno, depending on the specifics and expansion of the trading point, the variability of the commercial property will vary.

3. Product

You can take a part of the goods from the postal worker pіd realіzacіyu for the minds of the payment. Tobto, vіddaste for a new penny after the sale. Ale іnsha half of the goods shvidshe for everything happen to come.

It is especially important here to bring the gravel-pochatkіvtsyam of this market. So, if you are a novice, then it’s not a leather postal worker who will wait for you to deliver the goods for sale through the door of delivery.

4. Seller

You can play the role of a salesperson yourself, and you will inspire well, even if you yourself are the master of success in the success of your business.

So you see the found goods, improve the list of buyers and you can transfer your direction to hired prospective contractors.

5. Legal and accounting nuances

In any case, you will need to officially register your commercial activities, as well as periodically file a call before the tax inspection of the Pension Fund.

In addition, you can count on the right with invoices, invoices and contracts. From time to time, you will have to successively rise up.

Skіlki koshtuє lease of commercial premises (butt from life)

I will direct the butt of price for rent in the city of Stavropol, where I live. There are about 500,000 sacks here.

In Moscow and St. Petersburg, apparently, the numbers will be richer.

For 2015, the mid-range rent for retail space (area) will be 1,000 rubles per sq. m. m.

The size of the rent actually adds up to the size of the accommodation - which is less, more importantly, the price per square meter.

3. How to open your store - 7 simple steps for newbies

Come on simple steps to make it as easy as possible for this difficult, scarlet path.

Try not to forget any details of the cover instructions and instructions, so that your chances for success in undertaking will grow richly.

Tsі kroki will help you to open a store to find a shop in a small place and to grow your profit.

Krok 1. Evaluate available resources for the start

First to marvel at everything, so that you can help your store to see it in your own order. You already have resources, so you can otherwise subdivide them into tangible and intangible ones.

Material resources:

  • accommodation (trade area);
  • penny cats;
  • trade possession.

Intangible resources:

  • friend-practitioner (successful entrepreneur with his own store);
  • vlasny business-dosvid;
  • zv'yazku in the administration (tax) of your locality.

For example, if you have a good job, but it’s not suitable for you to open a store, let’s say you don’t have a government job, then you can build yoga, but on the basis of a penny, you can rent a trading floor.

Tse hot principle. We will help you to choose a niche, so that you can trade directly.

Krok 2. Depends on the niche of the goods

Vіd obranoї nishі (spheres of trade) is rich in what your success lies in.

How to choose a niche:

  1. Evaluate the level of competition there, de bazhaєte open a store. Yakshcho near the area, de vie plan to engage in trade, already start great graves, then dodatkovі risks. Such a time has a sense strategy of niche. It’s not worth talking about the Russian billionaire, the founder of the Magnit trading company Sergiy Galitsky: “Just as you have failed the grocery store commissioned by a giant, then do not try to overtake yoga for all positions, you will be even more coherent. Choose your niche, for example: meat products, malt, bakery products and try it out ideally. Also, you can select existing clients for your trade segment.”
  2. Settle the starting budget for the project. Be sure to pay for those who will spend 30, or even 50 more hundreds of dollars more, you planned a little more. This is also confirmed by the confirmation of my friends-principals. The rule of depriving a penny reserve for non-transfer credits is one of the key ones, not only for the store, but also for any kind of business.
  3. Vznachte, chi your niche has pronounced seasonality. If you allow, what a niche, if you were taken away, if seasonality is pronounced, obligatory pay it when planning your business. How do you work in the “deaf” months and how to “make money” as much as possible during the hour of good trading.
  4. Marvel at, chi іsnuyut on the market shops taken by you directly. It is important that if you open a store that has no analogues, you do not get caught up in the total number of customers. Already a lot of pіdpriєmtsіv-pochatkіvtsіv are sticking with an offensive pardon - as if there is nothing on the market that I can sell, then through the presence of competitors I will quickly grow rich.

Ale! The truth lies in the fact that these are analogous in most cases to that, and it is not possible that this product zovsіm no requests.

Therefore, do not hurry to become a millionaire, but start your own business in a smart niche with a well-known product for people. So, having earned the first pennies and gaining the necessary knowledge, you will have more opportunities and benefits for experiments with "exotic" niches.

Krok 3. We create a business plan for the store

Do not stavtesya to tsgogo krok as a formality.

Tse does not mean that it is necessary to paint the Talmud on hundreds of sides with a leather copy and dozens of variants of the development of the underlay. However, tell me about those, so that you have a letter plan in front of your eyes with approximate plans for three possible scenarios:

  • pessimistic scenario;
  • realistic scenario;
  • optimistic scenario.

Such a pidhid is guaranteed to save you at the start up to 30% of the cost and give you a clear picture.

How to put together a business plan, I have already reported on one article, which is made up of three parts ( , ).

Croc 4. We know the place for trading or 99% of the success of the store - place, place and again place!

Navit not yourself best product it would be better to sell there, de є great flow of large buyers.

Itself on tsomu ґruntuєtsya the assertion about the importance of the place at the vіdkrittі shop.

It is not for nothing that retail trade often wins the understanding of the “red line” *.

Chervona line- A trading point, the road has been refurbished with great traffic and automobile traffic.

3 main rules for choosing the ideal location for a retail outlet:

Rule number 1. Great potik of potential customers

Tse means that the place of your store can be passed. If there are more potential customers to support your proposition, then there is a greater chance that you will buy.

Clients pay less for those who bachat!

A penny is the price of your classy goods, great assortment, bonuses, discounts and so on, because the client simply does not know about you.

Rule number 2. Efficiency for clients (availability)

Tsey point bezposeredno pov'yazany іz front. Since your store is easy to know, if there is a better parking lot, you can see advertising signs nearby, you can be sure that you are going uphill on the right.

Rule number 3. Correct positioning

If you are selling elite-class goods, choose a place that suits your needs. For example, near the center of the city near the famous business center.

Navpaki, as you trade in shirvzhitkom, there is no sense of roztashovuvatisya in one house with expensive boutiques, where there will be a divine increase in rent and a minimal presence of a target audience.

qi simple rules help you choose the ideal place for a future retail outlet.

Krok 5. We select post-employees

At the same time, the skin seller chooses his client and the postal workers do not blame.

Adzhe postachalnik - tse, in fact, the same store, only wholesale.

Dekilka rokiv I was lucky to work at the house of the Coca-Cola company in the marketer's settlement in Stavropol.

At the process of work, I have learned a lot about the distribution of trade, and now I can, with the help of which I tell you, which postal worker can be kind and for which I should choose.

Criteria for choosing a postal worker:

  1. Hopefulness. The most important criterion. Nadіynіst poєdnuє y sobі takі parameters yak obov'yazkovіst vykonnannya your zamovlennya, chesnіst u vzaєmorozrahunkah, svoєchasne postachannya goods;
  2. Price. Obviously, the skin is normal people want to buy goods at the lowest price. Equalize the prices of different post-employees and choose the best for other equal minds;
  3. Assortment. Zzvichay tse important criterion, adzhe wide lіnіyka goods privablyuє more purchases;
  4. Know-how (brand). Trading is psychology. Selling goods in vіdomih virobnikіv, you will more richly build a positive reputation, and there will be fewer problems with rebranded (branded) goods. Aje yoga can be easily replaced for a guarantee, turn the ship around and repair it at the service center of the postal worker (at the time of work with non-food goods);
  5. Gnuchkist in rosrachunks. Vіdstrochennya platіv, vidacha goods pіd realіzacіyu, nizhki and bonuses - ce dodatkovy rіven servіsu, which fit you to the soul and allow pratsyuvati z dodatkovoy benefit. Don't be fooled by this criterion.

Krok 6

If you can trade more at home without registration of activity, then you should not work more at home, so as not to make your own problems from customers and regulatory authorities.

For the management of trade activities in the form of a retail outlet (shop), it is better to use IP (individual distribution) or TOV (company with a closed supply).

At the same time, I will not go into detail and por_vnyuvatimu two forms of business.

Everything is in my articles on the topic: "", "", "".

Krok 7. Launch the store and analyze the results

Here I don’t tell you about those, how to pay a trade owner to arrange a store, the prices are individually for a particular skin store. For the selection of trade possessions and formalities, I recommend turning to specialized specialists.

Let's once again touch the krokiv, as it is necessary to vikonati, first open the store:

  1. Designate a niche;
  2. orenduvati and prepare an appointment;
  3. Buy trade possessions;
  4. buy a product;
  5. Register the activity (Vіdkriti ІP chi TOV);
  6. Hire staff as needed;
  7. Carry out an advertising campaign for your store.

If so, you can barvistly decorate the facade of the store, buy a cooler and ask for a professional presenter, who ruled the whole show. Ale tse already behind the bajannyam. If your budget allows for the increase, then it's good.

At the extreme end of the official window, the store can carry out self-tagging.

As soon as you can see the results of the entry, then you can act as a presenter yourself, having worked out the program with competitions and small prizes.

Krіm leading on vіdkritti obov'yazkovo can be present DJ (sound engineer) with hard speakers and other necessary equipment.

After seeing the store, having improved a month or two, wonder what you have to go in and what not. Better for everything, you have a process of “moving” and goods that are “stale”.

Clean up non-liquid and search for relevant products for your customers.

Tsey pіdhіd can be zastosuvat and to solve business processes.

Head principle

Encourage those who are already doing good, and, as a matter of fact, get rid of those who do not bring results.

If you have ambitions and you can’t work on one store, then having worked out the whole scheme at one trading point, you can create your own trading distribution.

4. Kasovy apparatus - in some types of wines it is necessary and which is better than a pridbati

For proper legislation, you will have to win kasovy pristry, ale є th vine.

In order not to describe all the nuances here in a long text, take a look at the video of the leading expert of the Internet accounting “My Right” Margaret Grin.

Margarita tells about those, in some ways, cash registers are stuck (cash machines are obov'yazkovim, and in which you can do without a cash register):

Yak vibrati casovy device for your store

When choosing a cash register necessary mentalє inclusion of the KKM model to the state register. Tse you can find out about the hour of your purchase. Also, a cash device can be secured by an electronic control line stolen (EKLZ).

ECLZ(electronic cash line is encrypted) - the whole block of fiscal memory for collecting information about transactions.

Once per river, it is necessary to change the block (EKLZ). I myself tell you about the causal apparatus. After viymannya, the memory block is guilty of saving five years.

5. Which store is visually recognized - 10 popular ideas for opening your store from scratch

All the types of stores described below for the trade profile can be found both in a great and in a small place.

Peculiarities of their skin are arranged in a handy table for sprinyattya. The stench will help you to appoint, which store is better than vodkriti.

1) How to open a clothing store

One of the most popular trading options is for lovers of fashion and style.

2) How to open a lower white shop

This is a faster option (girls), and all people can do it as a whole, so that the seller of the woman's status can be delivered to such a point of sale.

3) How to open a grocery store

If you want to live, then such a store will become especially popular, as it will be good mist for example, on the prokhіdnіy zupintsi or in a densely populated sleeping area.

Item name Description
1 Necessary deposit $25,000 (rent, goods, staff salaries, cash equipment)
2 Grocery store features
  • the presence of new products (verification of terms of applicability);
  • appearance of food surpluses;
  • presence of a terminal for accepting plastic payment cards;
  • the number of visitors per day is great;
  • average check - up to 20 dollars.
3 Necessary possession
  • counters (racks);
  • refrigerators;
  • place for manual packaging of goods;
  • cats and whiskers;
  • cash attachment.

4) How to open a store for a child's clothes

This type of trade is for people who love children and show interest in our “life quotations”.

5) How to open a commission shop

A good and sensible type of outlet for the quiet, who is educated on a wide range of goods. Vіdkrittya komіsіyki garniy way start a business from scratch.

Item name Description
1 Necessary deposit $7,000 (rent, staff salary, cash machine)
2 Features of commission shop
  • zruchne roztashuvannya near the sleeping densely populated area;
  • the store area is large (100 sq. m.);
  • rozmir komіsії: vіd 15 to 25%;
  • pay for sales of goods - 2 times per day;
  • the commissioned store does not see a guarantee for the sold goods, but the stinks are presented as a second hand;
  • average check - up to $30.
3 Necessary possession
  • mannequins;
  • hangers;
  • conciliatory;
  • shelving;
  • cash attachment;
  • reception for viewing goods

6) How to open an auto parts store

Do you like cars and know the details? Todі tsya sphere of torg_vlі and vіdkrittya svogo car shop for you!

Item name Description
1 Necessary deposit $17,000
2 Features of an auto parts store
  • directing to the same brand of cars;
  • support of the range of goods for different models of cars of the trade mark;
  • delivery of some spare parts for a customer for a replacement;
  • presence of accessories and accompanying goods (key rings, osvіzhuvachі poіtrya, rіdini);
  • the need for the obviousness of the personal application;
  • average check - up to $40.
3 Necessary possession
  • shelving;
  • counters;
  • kasovy pristry

7) How to open a ticket shop

Trade in tickets - for lovers of aesthetics, emotions, sacred and delicate sensitive details. The shop of tickets will bring you not only profits, but also the joy of meeting with nature.

Item name Description
1 Necessary deposit $5,000 (rent, staff salary, cash machine)
2 Features of the ticket shop
  • nayavnіst rіznih forms of goods - vіd kvіtіv piece by piece to kvіtkovyh compositions at koshiks and miners;
  • registration for the construction of spring urochistas and other visits;
  • pіdtrimka kvіtiv at the fresh station;
  • sales of secondary goods (souvenirs and accessories: romantic and soft toys, leaflets, stickers on tickets);
  • the presence of a glassed-in window with an air conditioner
  • average check - up to $15.
3 Necessary possession
  • shelving;
  • steel for work with flower compositions;
  • cash attachment.

8) How to open a draft beer shop

If you want to open a retail beer trade, you can open your own beer store and build it practically from scratch. Why start such a business and how many pennies are needed for this reason to wonder in the tables below. Such a business is especially good in areas with a large contingent of people.

Item name Description
1 Necessary deposit $9,000 (rent, staff salary, cash machine)
2 Features of a beer store on tap
  • presence in the range of 5 to 15 beers;
  • sales of snacks: snacks (crackers, peas, fish, chips);
  • sales of themed beer souvenirs;
  • it is possible to visit the hall for the introduction of beer and snacks on the spot.
3 Necessary possession
  • possession for the sale of beer - racks with taps and beer cans (barrels) from the side of the gate;
  • glass counters for a visual demonstration of snacks at the store;
  • police for souvenirs that are for sale;
  • tables, tables and other furniture (for obvious accommodation for beer living on the premises).

9) How to open a grocery store

Particularly relevant type of sales in the heat of the day. Even more cost-effective human looking business.

10) How to open a store with a franchise

For those who like to go the second way for a clear and sensible scheme. Appropriate as for pochatkіvtsіv, so for dosvіdchenih pіdpriєmtsіv.

Item name Description
1 Necessary deposit $50 000
2 Peculiarities of the store that follows the franchise
  • choice of the statutory period for the franchisor;
  • payment of royalties (obov'yazykovyh payments for koristuvannya franchise);
  • Suvore dotrimannya was able to franchisor in all business processes;
  • less risk, less for an independent store, and less freedom for your business;
  • average check - $5 to $150.
3 Necessary possession
  • trade and other possessions of the right to the franchise

6. Real story about opening a store from scratch

Kіlka rokіv that one my znayomiy, yogo call Oleksiy, virіshiv to be engaged in business. At the moment, the boys were 24 years old and wanted to open their own shop selling Italian cloth and accessories for premium-class women.

Oleksiy having moved the father to go to Italy and buy goods right there. Everything was bought and cost about 300,000 rubles, or at that hour $ 10,000.

Appointment of wines was found near the center of the place, but the place was unshowy.

For 200 meters, the store knew the great shopping centers with the "big heads" of this business - yoga direct competitors.

If the repair is ready, I know that I have covered the advertisement and named my store with the fashionable word “boutique”. The prices there were good.

Oleksiy mirkuvav like this:

"I sell the goods approximately 2 - 2.5 times more expensive, if I buy them, the goods are expensive for me, so rent, salary and gifts will soon be given."

How to lie in vіn vlashtuvav barviste vіdkrittya shop with the sale of goods at a low price, schob attract buyers. On the vіdkrittya Oleksiy, having called his friends and having grown the unforgivable viruchka of that day, but on other days the sales began to fall and suddenly rose.

Todi Vіn Virіshiv, scho to the right of an unpresentable repair and investing close to $ 8,000 in the renovation of a modern-looking apartment. But, despite the fact that sales were low, they ran out of it.

I remember well, as before the cob of my project Oleksiy meni kav:

“You see, Sanya, if I open my own store, then they will say about me that I’m not just a lad Lyosha, but Lyosha is the owner of the boutique.”

In this phrase, I’ve made a visnovok, that I’m not guilty of working on a job, that work is difficult, but if I want to, I’d rather raise my status for a good job for business.

It's a pity, my battle was broken and after 5 months the shop closed due to the marriage of werewolves and the great in-line wiping with meager viruchtsi.

Tobto shop pratsyuvav on zbitok and "z'їv" usі pennies of a young entrepreneur.

As a result, Oleksiy spent about 1,200,000 rubles on this project. Good, scho tsі pennies to you, giving dad a business experiment and the stench will not stop.

And to show what would have been, if I had taken the sum of wines from a loan ...

To that very thing, before it, how to start, once again call all your friends and sleep on your back, and how much will I spend in case of failure?

And what thoughts are spinning in your head? Think!

7. Correspondence for the arrival of the first-time buyers when contacting the store

Cі please help you open a supply store and don’t close when it comes heavy hours, and you will have stench, believe me to my pripriemnitsky information.

Porada 1. Carry out a detailed analysis of the market, first analyze the project

Do not varto throw yourself at the virus with your head. Catch up with the well-known successful enterprises in the sphere of retail trade. I'm wondering what kind of bazhannya you know. Take care of them for the sake of these people and do not hate them.

Follow the specifics of the niche, you are choosing to open your own store. Go to the stores of your competitors and evaluate their weaknesses and strengths.

Porada 2

As practice shows, most business innovations in the process of work, and especially after the start, they need additional financing.

The store is not to blame here. Obov'yazkovo Mayte at your disposal those that you need less than 30% more pennies, lower you planned. And at any other time, do not open your business on the remaining pennies, or on the pennies taken to the Borg, because you have no evidence!

Porada 3. Delegate non-core tasks

Often an entrepreneur, launching a business, tries to start it himself. After a deaky hour, the wine gets drunk and throws its right on the pivdoroz.
Take care of the most important things.

For example, as if from the occupant, de vie chooses to open a store, it is necessary to carry out repairs, to hand over to the fahivtsy, having paid a penny.

Remember that routine operations, if you do not pass them on to others, take your time and bring the collapse of the project.
Focus on the head work with the post-employees, planning business strategies and so on.

8. Visnovok

How did you find out about the store, go back to practical reasons that krokiv, described in this article.

Here, the advantages and disadvantages of this type of business were considered, as well as the main points were analyzed, with which pripriёmtsі-pochatkіvtsі are sticking in the organization of a vlasnoi trade point.

However, I would not become the first entrepreneurial project to open my store.

If you are attracted to sell and it is unimportant to wholesale in retail, then it would not be good for you to improve in the sphere of trade, in which you plan to develop your business.

Having added the necessary information for whom, marveling at the trading "kitchen" in the middle, you will be richer in your plans.

On whom everything. I wish you high profits and satisfied customers!

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Sound good people vvazhayut for better on the very cob of their business to open a small store that sells goods in retail. That's right, don't waste the big sum of money to the minimum. This option is ideal for a good start. As you have found a retail outlet, you need to:

  • know how to be afraid;
  • choose a suitable place;
  • correctly plan the entire assortment;
  • set prices
  • to take care of a literate appearance.

How to open a point of sale

  1. Nasampered, you need to be nominated by him, as a start-up capital. It is important to know how the products will be sold. After this varto, you will be engaged in a joke of the post-chiefs, how to preach to your mind, how they will be the most helpful for you. Kindness is also good to win over these goods, as if they are summ_zhnimi.
  2. You have proven your point with the great shopping center chi on the market? You obov'yazkovo need to be registered with the tax authority. Correctly rob the principle of paying taxes. USN - an ideal option for trading in retail.
  3. It is necessary to carefully approach the choice of the place where your point of sale will be restocked. Varto marvel at how shops are in order. Better yet, there will be few competitors. As you have already appointed, it is necessary to z'yasuvati, how much the cost of the lease. If you are already laying down an agreement, do not forget about the binding clause, which will allow you to break it up before the end.
  4. Ownership, scho to buy, it is your fault to confirm your points. Starry look The place for the sale is even more significant. Buyers pay attention to the number of parameters, and then marvel at the assortment.
  5. The seller pays for the expansion of the profit and the success of the trade. It's important, we'll tell you right. Such a person can better orient himself in the assortment. That yoga friendliness is no less important.

Prices. How do you put it right

The purpose of the audience (її concrete possibilities) directly affects prices. It is also necessary to insure the specifics of your products. Won can be elite or budgetary. As soon as you start your own business, it’s better to work the national tax at a minimum. Help me to get the buyers. But it’s necessary to prepare yourself for a moment so that you can turn back less than those who you have spent. But don’t think too hard that it’s a big cheat to secure a good profit. It is rare for anyone to sell a sale.

It is important to choose the variant of the value of the industrial character. It is necessary to state that the price of the markup on the goods that are sold will be optimal. It is also possible to carry out an analysis of prices, which sound like they are installed in a particular region. It is also important to remember at what price goods are sold in the stores of your direct competitors. Vikoite vіdpovіdne koriguvannya.

Work with clients

Principles of automating your sales

You are responsible to your mother to read about those in which your business is now. If you write everything down in a zoshit, it won't help you paint the whole picture. So you can’t be appointed to them directly, who needs to collapse. The ideal option is trade automation. For whom it is necessary to choose the right program for the management of the appearance, so that you can have all the functionality you need. Buy newfangled programs from stores not varto. The stench is expensive, as well as the need for service, which can be fatal for your company.

Today's smart systems that allow you to keep a look online. The stench does not require installation. You will always be aware of everything that is happening in the sphere of sale. If you can, you can do it, be on a business trip, or do something else. "Great Bird" - the system is requested today. It was out, like a zvichayna program on the Internet. For this reason, downloading that update is not necessary. System benefits:

  • You can organize sales at once in a few points.
  • The seller's interface is ideal for registering a sale.
  • You can form a call for the required period of remembrance.
  • Creation of that other document, yakі need.
  • Appointment of a reduction in manual or automatic mode.
  • Carrying out non-prepared and pre-made roses with a skin buyer.

You clearly know the rozmіr otrimanogo pributka, viruchki. You will see how profitable your company is. You will be aware of all the dynamics of sales, changes in goods and new stocks, I will become all prepared and unfinished costs. Inspection and supply operations to become as clear as possible.

If you win over the automation of your trade for the help of the "Great Bird", then you deny the ability to stop printers and barcode scanners for hand-held labels and checks. It’s easier to make it as a registration of sales, and as a record of the whole appearance.

As soon as you accept the order, then the system will be absolutely cost-free for you. At this hour, there is absolutely no obmezheniya.

If you have checked the point of sale, obov'yazkovo check all the details. Manage your success to lie in front of yourself.

On the Internet, there is a lot of inquiries about those on the market, but it’s hard to know the specifics, so in this article we will try to give an exhaustive opinion on food. Otzhe, first lower your point on the market, it is necessary to sign up for food, which you trade.

Tse can be a food group of goods or non-food. If you put money on turnover for the meta, then it is recommended to start trading in agricultural products (cinders, tomatoes, cibula, chasnik toshcho). And if you plan to earn money on prices, start selling clothes.

In order to open a point on the market, a state registration is necessary, there is nothing folding here, it is necessary to register as an individual application and choose a simplified form of submission.

Varto also talk about the choice of a post-employee, it’s not easy to know a good post-appointment at once, but it’s possible to do it all.


Not all goods have the same nationality, for some goods - 20-30%, but in others - 100%. On other items such as handles, a keychain, you can put 200 - 300% markup.

And for fruits and vegetables - from 5 to 15%. How much can you earn in a day at your trading point on the market? Tse vіd bagatioh chinnikіv: seasonality, prohіdnіst, navit weather.

For example! At the sheep markets, the turnover can be 1000 - 2000 UAH / day. And for speech (deposit during the season) 3000 - 7000 UAH / day.

I have a couple more happy to trade on the market. Administrator on the market - golovna lyudina! So try to make friends with him.

Reveal more specks. The more your points on the market, the more income. Step by step open new points.

Take care of renting a warehouse - like a lot of goods, and you can save money at home or in the garage.

Obviously, the sum of earnings is available at the same time good minds, ale 200 - 500 UAH from one point as a whole is real

Don't lie to anyone! taking a loan - it means you are guilty of turning! and if your goods are appreciated, it’s been foretold! what did you give?

Everything is reported and understood, but for whom the cob capital is needed and not filth!

Consumed capital - take a loan from a bank. If you are not afraid, then you are not in business.

Sergius, you ****. loans to the villagers.

Navіt like this, then what is nasty? Who doesn't want to live well, in abundance?

Really ... sit with a copy in the gut and think about business - it's stupid! Rich someone with credits and starting

Mlynets, but how do you get into business yourself through earlier borrowed loans?

Dmitro, then open the commission shop. for speeches, if you bring to pay, you don’t need a back. goods are paid less for the sale. Evaluate speeches as clearly as possible and put your mark. chi take speeches for implementation.

commission shop of the CHILD bring more clothes

and without KKM, is it really possible to trade on the market?

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The search for a place over the market is, insanely, the key moment in the creation of a business, the initial further success of a successful business. The best option would be an independent look at the market and choosing a suitable place, don’t forget that best place practically keep busy. Therefore, you should start up to the administration market, and find out about the presence and variety of free places, look at the proposed options.

In addition, as you have been charged with roztashuvannya, put the agreement on the lease for the administrative market, the obligations of the parties, the order of rozrahunkiv between the parties, the term dії, the requisites of the parties, the details of the lessor. Sound such an agreement in a standard form, prote before signing it respectfully to learn how to “underwater stone”.

After laying down the lease agreement, it is necessary to launch a point of sale - for which it is necessary to contact the seller. In the future of the greater world, a further success in business lies ahead, so it’s not varto to get your choice on the first-stupid people. Do not forget that the seller is to blame for such a quality, as highness, orderliness and honesty, moreover, the fault is not to blame for potential buyers, but instead, to win them. When accepting people to work, ask for recommendations from the previous robots.

Approximately assign ochіkuvany pributok, schob ozumіti, like a quick pay off vitrati, povyazanі z rent a place on the market. Why do you need to sell 1 kg or 1 unit of products from the purchase price? After whom to take away the money for renting a place wages snack seller. The estimated amount will be an approximate daily income from one trading month. Reveal respect, which can be blamed on unimportant administrative vitras, as it is also necessary to rebuke.

Now it’s lost to win the trust of buyers, because a person, as if once she bought products from your trading point, wanted to buy products from you more and more. Try step by step to expand your assortment, attracting new buyers.

Periodically adjust the prices for similar goods, which are traded by competitors and try not to envy them.

Most often, in the agreement on the lease of the trading place, it is indicated that at the time of untimely payment, the renter is guilty of paying a significant penalty, that term of payment needs to be paid.

Otrimati place on the market means for the enterprise, which is engaged in trade, mothers can sell their goods. In order to make an agreement for the administration of the market, you need to start filing for yourself as a private individual enterprise, or else put it on the form of a legal person.


Virishit, on market Which category do you want to view the trade place. On the universal market you can trade both food and non-food goods. Call for their areas to be large, like a large number of orders. On a specialized market You can only trade goods of the same kind. Weekend Fairs became popular. There, more importantly, they trade in the products of rural and farming states and goods of close directness - roses, flowers and gardens.

To sign the lease agreement, prepare a package of documents. You will need a certificate of registration of a company, a certificate of registration and assignment of an IPN, payment details, a seal to a bank, and a certificate of registration of a business. It is also necessary to add an order on the recognition of ceramics and an information sheet from the statistical authorities with codes of economic activity, in which case such a type, like trade.

Crimea, you will need to bring a cash register and add a registration card to the package of documents, or a KKM passport, as well as a VIN of registration for the seller, as well as an agreement on the technical maintenance of this device. Yakіst goods that are for sale, maє buti pіdtverzheno vіdpovіdnimi documents: visnovok Sanepіdnaglyadu on the product і svіdoctvo about the state reєstracіyu danї produkcії.

Have a package of documents, necessary, to take place on the market, owing to the rules of labor contracts with sellers and punishments for their admission to work, as well as medical books for sales personnel. In that case, as the sellers you will have to pay for immigrants, you will need to add the allowance for the recruitment of foreign labor force.

Visnovok Sanepіdnaglyadu it will be necessary to issue in that case, as you choose to trade food products that drink. As your product will be children's toys, bedding and other whiteness, handmaids for children, perfumery and cosmetic products, then you need visnovok about their compliance with sanitary standards, visions of Rosspozhivnaglyadom. Take away the certificate of registration for products, as it may not be safe for people, until the decision of the Order of the Russian Federation No. 262 and the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 657.

Video on the topic


  • Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 657 in 2017

For the organization of the vlasnoy trade, there is no obov'yazkovo to buy a special room - a pavilion, a stand, a window near the store. You can just rent yoga. However, not all entrepreneurs know what it is necessary to work to rent a trading place.


We need to choose a place, you want to expand your store. Ideal option - sleeping area. Obviously, the best, as a trading place, as if you want to take a job, get close to the city transport. This option guarantees you a great number of introductions, and also, a big win.

Pick up the relevant object for the voicings in the newspaper or the Internet. Most of the best propositions you can find yourself in specialized divisions. Before that, by analyzing the periodicals, you can easily put together a table of the average var.

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