Against the illegal life of the Elk Island shopping mall. Zapovidnik Losiy Ostrіv became a sleeping area. Spring Water check special order

Let's get started. It seems like such a gigantic metropolis, like Moscow, still has Wild Nature. Just like that, from the great letter. And not to the fact that our mother is out and so else ... Everything is richly prosaic and more serious: we live in the climatic zone of forests, and the docks of the capital will vanish the foxes, we will be wild. No parks, no public gardens, no more green plantings, even skilki їх bulo, cannot play the role of a natural air conditioner for a 15-million-year-old place.

"Elk Island" - the green belt of the capital.

And now the bad news. Podmoskovny foxes - later, and all of us - at the great heaven. Literally, foxes' fates can appear for healing. I will not be blamed for this by the beetle-bark, the dryness of a diligent watch. The serene urbanization of the territory, the greed of forgetfulness, and the unreasonable city policy of the government of the Moscow region can lead to the fact that even in 10-15 years of living near the capital it will become impossible.

Shield like a Trojan horse

In light of this fate, the Duma praised the amendments to the law “On the protection dovkilla”, How to create green shields around megacities. Z іnіtsiаtivu acted zagalnonarodny front, yogo palko p_drimali ecologists and defenders of nature. Pochatkov's idea was correct: it is necessary to establish a special status for the forest park zones near the great cities of the country. Zahistivshi їх vіd vіrubka ta forget, mi i vіd vіd vіd vіd environmental problems in the future.

Ale, in the process of numerical editions, the text of the legislator's initiatives having recognized the change. For a person unknown in environmental legislation, there is no sense - for example, for example, for Moscow, the word "forest-park forest belt", and the camp "forest-park green belt". Ale fakhіvtsі vvazhayut that now, for the new law, our primіskі and mіskі lіsi to spend more money, less come.

“Narazi near the forest park zone, whether capital life, Crimean hydrotechnical spores are fenced off,” explains Galina Morozova, a Moscow ecologist. - And in the forests of forest park green belts you can wake up everything, we will surround the life of those industrial objects. I Yakshcho is our natural Teritori, I am particularly hunting for, myski lies abstain is especially hunting green Teritori (є in Moscow I Take!), Not the LISTOSKOSKY zone is not the case of PIDMOSKOSKOVSKY GOLOPHIS, then in the yogo lsa, he will be in the lies of the trumpet. , children, kindergartens, schools, objects of the tourism industry and others.

“We care about washing the clothes of the capital’s forgetfulness after these departments,” said Anton Khlinov, a member of the Moscow region branch of the ONF. - The President, who signed the amendments to the law on the "green shield", was introduced into Oman. And let us strive to improve the situation and do not calm down, the docks of the forests will not be returned to the status of zahisnih.

Zahopiti and legitimize

One more sumnіvna zakonodavcha іnіtsiаtiva, with which the governor of Pіdmoskov'ya Andriy Vorobyov recently acted, is the forest amnіstіya. Per Rest of the Rocks on the territory of the region, about 300,000 unauthorized burials of land plots of the forest fund were recorded. The head of the region motivates his position, that here it has already been announced that the population of the residential microdistrict has already been called, not to hang people. And if you don’t give legal status to “self-destructive”, then it’s impossible to accept the general plan of municipal establishments. Adzhe go out, scho flies for documents, but in fact there have been houses for a long time and the shopping center is working.

Boris Samoilov.

“This is not a safe precedent, - apparently the editor of the Chervonoy kniga of the city of Moscow Boris Samoilov. — First of all, it is impossible to legitimize lawlessness. Tim is bigger in such majestic scales. Just think about it: 300,000 forest workers were buried and forgotten! So without a hitch in our forests, nothing will be left behind. And in another way, the expansion of urbanization is necessary not to want, but instead, to stream it all the way. Moscow and the region at the borders of the Central Ring Road is a majestic agglomeration, a gigantic diffuse place. And if wines and let it grow at such a pace, roaming like a fox, then soon we will take away a lot of environmental problems.

The truth about the corydi

Podmoskovni foxes are the majestic wealth that we got from the recesses. They occupy 42% of the territory of the capital region and at least for environmental safety.

And in us іnshі lead for national pride. For example, the national park "Elk Island". Not only that, but it is the largest forest on the continent, but there is more richness for such a bioriznomanittya, which has not been seen in such European countries for a long time. The Dutch sprats of rocks tried to fertilize the upper swamps. They imported wagons of soil from the Volodymyr region - everything was fine. And in the sharpened mіskoy forgetful "Elk Island" stench. Even on this territory there are broad-leaved forests from 300 forest patriarchs - the oldest forest in Europe!

Ale write that tsіnuvati, scho we got away from our ancestors, we can’t. I, perhaps, soon we can spend the Moscow foxes. The process, as it seems, is already a no-brainer. For the rest of the five years, the bark beetle with a mayzhe of 40 yew. ha near Moscow yalinniks. There are various reasons: the back of the head is abnormally dry and dry in 2010, then the boards are screaming, the wind is strong, that watcher behind the forests, moving, but not on the flat river.

Ale pro right reasons lock up. The first summer of dryness, and strong winds - only a few changes in the climate, and wind through the total forgetfulness of the territory of the Moscow region.

Following the words of Boris Samoilov, average temperatures are moving in Pdmoskov, the climate has become like that of the Tulsk region, which is known for midday. And yalina is a taiga tree, its roots are planted close to the surface of the earth and require watery soil. It’s healthy to protect a tree for yourself from shkіdnikіv. And the axis is weakened by sintering, if the resin is seen insufficiently, it turned out to be a miraculous food base for the larvae of the bark beetle.

Before the speech, all the rozpovidi pіdmoskovnoї vladi about those that the epidemic of the drukary has become possible, more in the region a great number of old forests is a myth. At the Siberian taizi, it is impossible to stand in such a way that it is impossible to get around them, and no bark beetle is not terrible for them. Because there is a healthy ecology and the stench grows near its climatic zone.

For the time being, in the "Elk Island" - and there is nothing like it anywhere in Europe - the village of the right pivden taiga was still preserved. Question: What's up?

“The impact of a majestic place on the climate is already being felt,” Samoilov says. — Budinki, roads — all open spaces are heated up and give off their warmth. At the locality, the temperature is always high, lower for її boundaries. Moreover, there are not only horizontal planes, but the walls of the houses are heated up, so the richly topped houses from the point of view of ecology are richly unsafe for little surfaces. On the dry hour of 2010, the average temperature was close to 32 degrees, and for the rich it was already a serious problem, but it should be noted that the average temperature will rise by a few degrees! In 2010, the yalinkas perished, and in the future, people may suffer.

Moose and fuckers

Although the president has not yet given permission to Pdmoskov to conduct a massive forest amnesty, in the region they are trying to legalize the burying of forest land. So, on the 31st of July, there will be public hearings about changing the cordons in the Losiny Ostrіv National Park.

At first glance, the message is positive: they want to turn on the Monіnskiy and Gorenskiy foxes to the park, the first farmer at once transfers to the balance of the Ministry of Defense, and the Nogіnskiy forestry has a friend. Ale, as it appeared, it’s too early to be happy for the bagmen of the national park. Such a "royal" gift in front of two additional territories - nothing else, like compensation for other lands, as earlier they entered the cordons of "Elk Island".

Behind the words of Galina Morozova, as at once with Boris Samoilov, she designed the cordoni for the national park, to which warehouse was specially included a sprinkling of rural settlements, which were planted on the territory of the Shchelkivsky district, the Moscow district of Balashikha, Korolova and Mitishch. They built it up specifically in order to create the most sacred forests in the buffer zone, on the basis of a fit of the main recreational ambition. Aje "Elk Island" is practical from the side of the otokiv mіsskoy zabudova, yoy today see a few thousand people, and for the river already millions of people. In addition, if the historical villages of Abramtsevo, Oboldine and others were included to the cordons of the national park, then they thought that it would be better to protect the landscape from the urbanization. Ale, it really became familiar to me.

Lisovі dіlyanki for zabudovnik like smeared with honey. We are the only ones to advertise in their avenues the beautiful ecology in the zone of their new buds, while they themselves are totally poor all the time.

“The first landfills on the territory of Losiny Ostrov began in the 1990s,” Anton Khlinov, a member of the Moscow Region ONF, said. - These Balashikha brothers zumili zvesti kіlka budinkov uzdovzh Akulіvskogo vodokanal. The crowd made a noise, the right-wing organs for the sake of appearance were destroyed on the right, but then everything calmed down.

And bezkarnist shtovhaє on repetition of evil. And already, everyday life without ecological expertise, without permission from the directorate of the national park, went on at full speed on the sum lands. For some reason, the power of Balashikha turned into a rock in that moment: for some reason, the village of Abramtsevo was included to the cordons of "Elk Island" - people live there, not moose. To the point, the meshkants themselves, as a rule, are more than happy that their populated areas can enter between the park - for them there is no guarantee that the village will not change into a place.

More flowers came from 30 hectares of land in the national park near the Mitishchi district. There they tried to encourage a great shopping center, estimating the misfortune of nature at only 10 million rubles. Just remember that the land is unclaimed, but it’s not sacred to us, as if it’s true, let’s just say goodbye to us її misteznakhodzhennya - and the lot was planted 2 km from the Moscow Ring Road, - why isn’t it cheap for 30 hectares? Here you go, navit elk would be smarter to pay the price for such a lacy piece of land better! Ale, and in the Ministry of Ecology of the Russian Federation, do not suckers sit ... Otzhe, visnovki about corruption warehouses will ask themselves.

On the zahist metelikiv

Vletka near Moscow, passing the "round steel" of the problems of the new ring road near Pdmoskov. The ecologist was in the midst of additional comments, trying to explain to the present, that in the wake of everyday life, a rare, chervonoknizhny type of blizzards can die. They listened with great care, but did not call out a special sound of warning to anyone. I for nothing. The person has learned to destroy the biological jealousy, and the axis to reinforce її is far from going out so easily and simply.

“Europe no longer has wild forests at the borders of cities, not those that we have near Moscow and wind at the borders of the metropolis itself,” Boris Samoilov seems to say. - Some people can tell that on the streets of the western capitals you can shake squirrels, that they shave on trees, that you can run around in the city parks of zhachki and chipmunks. It’s wonderful, it’s wonderful, it’s nice and comfortable to live near such places. Ale ce not wild nature. Tse everything is pidtrimuetsya piece by piece.

In the rest of the hour, Pdmoskov'ya takes a butt from Moscow, and that city has its own backbone from the capitals of the west - the city of that region tries to organize its territory, but in the pursuit of the development of cats, officials do not know how to enter.

“Why was there a flood of that litas in Moscow? - ecologists explain. - The capital has already exceeded the allowable area of ​​sealing natural surfaces. Ordering the valleys of the rivers near the borders of the capital, the alarmists destroyed the hydrological regime of the rivers. Such is the situation itself in most Moscow suburbs. Pour the flask into the oil pan, and all of it will be slaughtered on the pіdlog. And if there is an oxamite tablecloth on the table, then all the water will get in. So, along the banks of the rivers, as a way to relieve natural vegetation, oxbows, flooded onions, wrapped in concrete and paving slabs.

It seems that in Europe, forest trees by themselves - through self-sowing - are no longer inspired. To that, for the growth of the forest trees, you need to wash the songs. And there to build a dead tree, even if it’s twenty years long, lying in the woods, not rotting - for which you need mushrooms, microorganism, like they were eating chimney. In order to improve the life of these piece forests, Europeans spend millions of euros on the river. We do not have such pennies. So, maybe, we still need to be more careful before wealth, what happened? As it seems, take care of nature - our mother!

A new life is planned in Elk Island!

Have a good time, read!
This is my first post here, perhaps, and not the rest.
I want to tell you about the new plan for forgetting about the inter-natural park Losiny Ostrіv, as well as some details about how to take care of this project.
I'll start from the beginning.
Having phoned me, I knew from my Yaroslavl region, having told me about the public hearing on the evening of the same day, 10 leaf fall.
As a result of the search, I know that a request was made to conduct public hearings on the site of the district administration. It is impossible to understand such an object of hearing until you download the documents from the yand-disk.
(Entry dated October 24, 2016 is not informative.)
Until 19:00, about 200 sacks gathered near the hall, or maybe more, but not all of them made it. On the cob they said that about the hearing was announced in the newspaper "Zoryaniy Bulvar", as well as on the website of the government. However, do not forget about those that Losinoostrivska Street is located near the Eastern Administrative Okrug from the other side of the LV, I think it was specially designed and behind the scenes to bring people into Oman.
The women on the stage, representatives of the zabudovnik, presented their project, as it was already the best and most importantly, as a boon for the Meshkants in the district. Tsya nonsense did not know the opinion of people and called out fair respect, as if they passed into the home.
One of the main ones, rushing to fight for those who are prosperous, which will come after life, build up an accessible territory, on which garages that road will go to warehouses, there will be a boulevard, where you can walk. For the accessibility of the territory, it is by no means surrounded, but you can walk around the entire Losiny Ostrov, who, the cream of the new residential complex, needs landscaping there?
We may have a district that is richly known for the fact that between HF and LV, in such small courtyards that more residents save their horses at garages, that the HF s were stoked with the permission of the Ministry of Defence.
At the same time, we are encouraged to build up garages, filling them with cars to the edge, and then add about 2,500 new bags to the dead end road, so they can drive through the area to the Yaroslavl Highway. Yaroslavl, as a result of the remaining reconstruction, has been standing near the center for 7 years, so that comrades will put their new booth in the traffic jam right next to the cork and take the age to the highway.
I know that the project covers the entire area, as far as the street of Vesnyanykh Vody, so after. At the fox, people walk not only from the Viysk town, but from the entire Yaroslavl district and the sudidnіh districts. Bud_vnytstvo and the LCD itself will once again create a look at the national park!
It’s also cool that:
1. For the expansion of the road, the small yards of the 2k4,5,6 yards of the houses 2k4,5,6 along the street of Spring Waters will be urinated, and the houses 2k3 will be brought down.
2. For the laying of communications, work will be carried out in Losiny Ostrov itself.
3. Part of everyday life is located near the water protection zone.
4. Expansion of the road also includes a water protection zone at a rate.
5. Change between the Losiny Island park:

6. Everyday pluses in the life of the city for the city's bagmen and the area can't be squandered.

(!) And now naytsіkavіshe. About to mumble, but it’s possible that the stench pierced here. On the diagrams of the project, the inter-traffic line "Ochakovo-Mitishchi" is shown, which is better for all the production of chordi.

Pivnіchno-zahіdna chord goes up to Losiny Ostrov - in the area of ​​the Severyaninsky bridge and Chervona street, pine trees carry garages, in the authoritative style for Moscow. Now, at that number, and looking at the everyday life of the residential complex, step by step transfer between the park and once the road goes through the new one. Let's say that everything was beyond the law.

The resting place of the natural forest on the territory of Moscow - the natural territory "Elk Island", which is especially protected - can easily transform into a magnificent sleeping area of ​​​​average gloom. Zabudovniki climb to Losinka from different sides, the Lord of Vlad does not get involved in the process.

As it became known, according to the Ministry of Defense AT "Garnizon", 159 hectares are planted on the streets of Vesnyanykh Vody, a third of which can enter the nature protection zone "Moose Ostrov". Chi bude zabudova zdiisnyuvatsya within the framework of the renovation program chi just like a great development project, still unknown. But those who may have 60 hectares of forest to transform into a living massif, are already practically unaccounted for.

About the plans of AT "Garnizon" rozpovitly one type of one two zabudovniks, as if they were drafting an offer, that one of the officials in the capital city. From their side, the press service of Garnison was told that the organization respects the non-social publicly discussing the details of the commercial activity, the implementation of the mine or the business. For prior information, the Agency for State Protection, Investment and Interregional Relations to Tatarstan may become the operator of the auction, which will receive about 60 million rubles for sales of the capital's assets.

At once, from dozens of hectares of forest and a bulldozer, they will go close to 110 days, among them - the life of the Arsenal of the nineteenth century, which is not included by officials in the register of objects of cultural decline in Moscow.

At the beginning of 2017, the natural reserve was forgotten from the side of Losinoostrivskaya Street. Yakes TOV "GrandNext" decided to call there chotiri living budinki 99 meters and a total area of ​​134.84 thousand square meters, as well as a school, a kindergarten, a shopping center and a health complex. Having found out about it, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Yabluko party and the directorate of the Federal Budgetary Institution “National Park “Losiniy Ostrіv” managed to get the ball rolling for the implementation of the project and impose sanctions on the address of “GrandNext”. Ale, like a bachimo, ignited the interest of the forgetful.

It looks like they are trying to turn one more plot of the national park into a budmaydanchik with a fashionable bag of goods for this season. On the forest land of raptovo, samoskids were taken to the wake of the summіzhny Mitishchi district. Let me tell you - bungling that try to save on vivezenny smіtya. Ale vlastovuvaty unsanctioned smіtєzvalishche on the territory, which is especially protected, just for the sake of the smіtєzvіlishcha - the wind is not visible. And the axis to lead in such a rank polluted the land of the s-pіd of protection - zovsіm іnsha rіch ...

So it's too early, but Moscow, it seems, will wake up on its Losiny Island. On the other hand, that very share is occupied by other metropolitan forest parks, the zokrema - Bitsevsky, the significant area of ​​which has already turned into a living massif. Aje tse before renovation.

Like a national park, rіk after rock spends hectares of forest

On April 21, Kommersant announced the plans of the Ministry of Defense to forget about 159 hectares of land at the brewery meeting in Moscow, with 40 hectares of land located on the territory of the Losiny Ostriv national park. Tsey vipadok - far from the first try to take away the territory of the natural territory, which is especially protected (protected natural areas): rіk after rock near the national park one can see hectares of forests and living complexes, shopping centers and rich roads. In case of obvious illegality, forget in which place, it’s okay, everyone who cares, take away their own: everyday life is either officially allowed, otherwise forgetful people are given insignificant fines and continue working. Vіdkrita Russia guesses who has already gone to snatch the pieces of "Elk Island".

Lys in the middle of the metropolis

Particularly natural territory (PA) "Losiniy Ostrіv" is planted at the brewery meeting of Moscow and the adjacent part of the Moscow region. Approved for classification by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), won II category and the status of a national park, and also protected federal government and rebuy at the Ministry’s official natural resources and ecology. Crimea itself territory of the park, "Moose Island" along the entire perimeter may have a protective zone 150 meters wide - life in this "protective belt" is also fenced in, but is regulated by the power of Moscow and the Moscow region.

Behind the blame of the wager of the great highways that cross the park, that number of settlements in the middle, “Elk Island” is the main forest near the borders of the metropolis: here you can easily catch elks, deer, wild boars and hares, enjoy your fresh thoughts and unselfishly think, what do you hear the silence, and not the permanent mischievous homin.

On the official website of the park, it is indicated that the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bElk Island is 12 thousand hectares. Ale Moscow and the suburbs of Pdmoskov'ya - Mitishchi, Korolev, Shchelkovo and Balashikha - noticeably changed this figure. Stepping on the national park from the usual directions, and most of the time, the park is occupied by the local activists and the local residents, and not the foundation of the reserve by the federal government.

Spring Water check special order

The territory on the streets of Vesnyanykh Vody, about which "Komersant" wrote, is known to the AT "Garnison" (the largest "Oboronservis"), assigned to the Ministry of Defence. Earlier, the military part was roztashovuvaetsya here, and not far away - the arsenal. According to Kommersant's experts, the starting price of land with an area of ​​159 hectares here can reach 30 billion rubles, and with high-altitude life, up to 4.5 million square meters of non-violence can appear on it.

Close to a third of the village, where the Ministry of Defense lies, to be found at the borders of "Elk Island" - be it forgotten here fenced. An alternative for such a territory may be a recreational zone by analogy to VDNG, even if Komersant is an official at the city hall. For the sake of seeing, the Ministry of Defense was going to put the land up for auction in the next hour, and later in the evening of 21 April it became known that the first intercessor of the Minister of Defense Ruslan Tsalikov had entrusted "Garnizon" with arranging sales of a non-core lane "until a special order."

The novelty about the plans of the Ministry of Defense has already caught up with the mischievous bagmen. The Yaroslavl Highway is the only highway for this district: if a new living massif appears here, it will be necessary to expand the main roads, so that there will be access to Novobudov. “For people who linger on the streets of Vesnyany Vody, it will be a new nightmare,” said Sergiy Mitrokhin, a clerk of the Moscow branch of the Yabluko party and a long-time defender of Elk Ostrov.

17 hectares of Rio near Mitishchi

At the beginning of 2018, three kilometers from Moscow, a shopping center with an area of ​​175,000 square meters with a parking lot for 2,800 cars will be opened. The future shopping and entertainment center "Rio" has been opened in the security zone of "Losinoy Ostrov", which is super clear to the legislation.

Sergiy Mitrokhin actively spoke out against the illegal life of the center in this city in 2017. Having established that the company TOV "Georesurs" is engaged in the life of the object, 27% is due to the sons of the Prosecutor General of Russia Artem Chaytsi, 25% - TOV "Tashir Capital" and 25% - TOV "Mar'ina Guy Plaza", the beneficiaries of which are in the offshore zone of the British Virgin Islands.

“It’s a pity, we’ve got to the bottom of this situation - everything was already there. And at the same time there is already everyday life, like it’s impossible to sound. This is a gigantic territory, there is a sprinkling of hectares, as if close to Elk Island, ”says Mitrokhin.

Territory, on which life is conducted shopping center, and that protective zone is near the territory of the park. The fence for everyday life in niy was appointed at the spilnіy decree of the order of Moscow and the administration of the Moscow region in 1992. However, the legal force of this document, behind the words of Sergiy Mitrokhin, the rest of the hour to put pid sumniv.

Sergiy Mitrokhin at the hour of the public inspection of the national park
Elk Island, June 2017. A photo:
Dmitro Lebedev / Kommersant

“The decree is respected as innocent, because it is such an exotic thing from the 90s, if two subjects praise their law together. In my opinion, the decree may have legal force, without squeezing anyone. However, for Moscow and regional officials, it was like an empty papyr, they themselves spoke about me behind the scenes. The government of Moscow and the Moscow region did not accept the desired new supplementary normative act, which confirms the presence of the protective zone near the reserve. I respect that all responsibility for forgetting that threat to ecology lies on them and on the Ministry of Nature, as if there was no goiter, the power of two subjects to recognize this territory. And the oskіlki zone near “Losiny Ostrov” is an over-profitable territory, here one can see a corrupt interest. I admit that the Ministry of Natural Resources is aware that for the most part it doesn’t overcome its main binding. Why is the wickedness of the minister [of natural resources and ecology Sergius] Donskoy, who continues the tradition of his successors,” Sergey Mitrokhin explains.

The Meshkants of Mitishch also helped to improve the life of the shopping center. Andriy Smirnov, a Mitishchinetsman, turned up with an official request to the Ministry of Natural Resources - there he was vindicated, which caused the “Rio” to wake up, it was given, shards of a village, for which a shopping center is being built, there is no special natural value.

Elk City

The place that forgetful people go to the "Elk Island" is not only from the side of the cordon in the park, but in the middle - the company "GrandNext" is going to build a living complex at the address vul. Losinoostrivska, volodinnya 45 - at the very center of the Moscow part of "Elk Island". On a territory of 14.3 hectares, it is planned to build a network of 99 meters (approximately 25 surfaces), schools, nursery, underground parking for 1500 cars and ground parking for 150. According to the company's estimates, up to two thousand inhabitants live here. Notice of publication

According to the Decree of the Council of Moscow dated 02.11.2012 No. 614-PP “On the Approval of the Regulations on the Interaction of the Authorities of the Vladimir Municipality of Moscow in the Organization of the Work of the Land Plots in the Illegal Placement of Objects on Them number of dismantling and (or) relocation of such objects "and by the protocol of the Okrug Commission for attaching self-sustained life on the territory of the Pivnichno-Skhidny administrative district of the city of Moscow, vіd 21.11.2019, the administration of the Yaroslavl district.

On the land lot at the address: st. Losivska, st. 6, refurbishment of a metal garage, without registration of land-legal certificates and permissive documentation for the placement of the object.

11/25/2019 roku

On the land plot at the address: 16, Yaroslavskoe sh.

The vlasnik of the ordered object, in a voluntary manner, needs to carry out the removal (dismantling), self-tightening and for the money of good money, at the lines up to 08/28/2019 roku. In times of non-compliance, illegal installations, the object will be dismantled in accordance with the established procedure, and it will be moved to a specially organized maidanchik for collection.


Information about illegal placement of objects, distribution on the territory of the Yaroslavl district of the city of Moscow

According to the Decree of the Council of Moscow dated 02.11.2012 No. 614-PP “On the Approval of the Regulations on the Interaction of the Authorities of the Vladimir Municipality of Moscow in the Organization of the Work of the Land Plots in the Illegal Placement of Objects on Them number of dismantling and (or) relocation of such objects” and by the protocol of the Okrug Commission for attaching self-sustained life on the territory of the Pivnichno-Skhidny administrative district of the city of Moscow, 21.08.2019, administration of the Yaroslavl district.

On the land lot at the address: Losivska vul., 1, bldg. 4, roztashovana metaleva budova, without registration of land-legal certificates and permissive documentation for the placement of the object.

The vlasnik of the ordered object, in a voluntary manner, needs to carry out the removal (dismantling), self-tightening and for the money of good money, at the lines up to 08/28/2019 roku. In times of non-compliance, illegal installations, the object will be dismantled in accordance with the established procedure, and it will be moved to a specially organized maidanchik for collection.


Information about the illegal placement of objects, distribution on the territory of the Yaroslavl district of the city of Moscow.

According to the Decree of the Council of Moscow dated 02.11.2012 No. 614-PP “On the Approval of the Regulations on the Interaction of the Authorities of the Vladimir Municipality of Moscow in the Organization of the Work of the Land Plots in the Illegal Placement of Objects on Them number of dismantling and (or) relocation of such objects "and by the protocol of the Okrug Commission for attaching self-sustained life on the territory of the Pivnichno-Skhidny administrative district of the Ministry of Moscow on April 25, 2019 No. 4, Yaroslavl District Administration.

On the land plot at the address: Prospekt Mira, vl. (parking lot No. 261), without registration of land-legal certificates and without evidence of permissive documentation. Dismantling of metal garages in a quantity of 104 pcs.

It is necessary for the owners of the higher-ranking objects to voluntarily order the removal (dismantling), self-tightening and for the money of the rich, at the lines until 05/02/2019. In times of non-compliance, illegally installed objects in the established order will be dismantled and relocated to a specially organized maidanchik for collection.

Information about the illegal placement of objects, distribution on the territory of the Yaroslavl district of the city of Moscow.

According to the Decree of the Council of Moscow dated 02.11.2012 No. 614-PP “On the Approval of the Regulations on the Interaction of the Authorities of the Vladimir Municipality of Moscow in the Organization of the Work of the Land Plots in the Illegal Placement of Objects on Them including the dismantling and (or) relocation of such objects” and the protocol of the Okrug Commission for attaching self-sustained life on the territory of the Pivnichno-Skhidny administrative district of the city of Moscow on 07.05.2018 No. 04, administration of Yaroslavl district.

On the land lot at the address st. Spring Waters, ow. 2, refurbishment of metal garages at a quantity of 163 pcs. (DSK "Zirka-N"), without registration of land-legal certificates and without evidence of permissive documentation. Dismantling of metal garages in a quantity of 163 pcs.

It is necessary for the clerks of the sanctioned objects to voluntarily order the removal (dismantling), self-tightening and for the account of the good money, at the lines until 05/20/2018. In times of non-compliance, illegally installed objects in the established order will be dismantled and relocated to a specially organized maidanchik for collection.


Information about the illegal placement of objects, distribution on the territory of the Yaroslavl district of the city of Moscow.

According to the Decree of the Council of Moscow dated 02.11.2012 No. 614-PP “On the Approval of the Regulations on the Interaction of the Authorities of the Vladimir Municipality of Moscow in the Organization of the Work of the Land Plots in the Illegal Placement of Objects on Them including the dismantling and (or) relocation of such objects” and the protocol of the Okrug Commission for attaching self-sustained life on the territory of the Pivnichno-Skhidny administrative district of the city of Moscow on 07.05.2018 No. 04, administration of Yaroslavl district.

On the land lot at the address st. Spring Waters, ow. 2 refurbished metal garages in the amount of 325 pcs. (parking lot "Arsenalna"), without registration of land-legal certificates and without evidence of permissive documentation. Dismantling of metal garages in a quantity of 325 pcs.

It is necessary for the clerks of the sanctioned objects to voluntarily order the removal (dismantling), self-tightening and for the account of the good money, at the lines until 05/20/2018. In times of failure, illegally installed objects will be dismantled in accordance with the established procedure and moved to a specially organized maidanchik for collection


Information about the illegal placement of objects, distribution on the territory of the Yaroslavl district of the city of Moscow.

According to the Decree of the Council of Moscow dated 02.11.2012 No. 614-PP “On the Approval of the Regulations on the Interaction of the Authorities of the Vladimir Municipality of Moscow in the Organization of the Work of the Land Plots in the Illegal Placement of Objects on Them including the dismantling and (or) relocation of such objects” and by the protocol of the Okrug Commission for attaching self-sustained life on the territory of the Pivnichno-Skhidny administrative district of the city of Moscow on 20.04.2018 No. 3, administration of the Yaroslavl district.

On the land lot at the address: Palekhska st., st. 122, bldg. 2, roztashovani metal awnings, without registration of land-legal certificates and permissive documentation for the placement of the object.

Vlasnikov vyschevokazanyh ob'ektiv in a voluntary order, it is necessary to zdijsnit (dismantling), self-tightening and for the account of vlasnyh koshtiv, at the lines until 04/26/2018. In times of non-compliance, illegal installations, the object will be dismantled in accordance with the established procedure, and it will be moved to a specially organized maidanchik for collection.


Information about the illegal placement of objects, distribution on the territory of the Yaroslavl district of the city of Moscow.

According to the Decree of the Council of Moscow dated 02.11.2012 No. 614-PP “On the Approval of the Regulations on the Interaction of the Authorities of the Vladimir Municipality of Moscow in the Organization of the Work of the Land Plots in the Illegal Placement of Objects on Them number of dismantling and (or) relocation of such objects "and by the protocol of the Okrug Commission for attaching self-sustained life on the territory of the Pivnichno-Skhidny administrative district of the city of Moscow on 23.08.2017 No. 8, administration of the Yaroslavl district.

On the land lot at the address st. Vesnyanykh Vody, pr. Dismantling of metal garages in a quantity of 50 pcs., hanging in a quantity of 2 pcs.

It is necessary for the masters of fortune-telling of objects in a voluntary order to carry out the removal (dismantling), self-tightening and for the money of good money, at the lines until 09/02/2017. In times of non-compliance, illegally installed objects in the established order will be dismantled and relocated to a specially organized maidanchik for collection.


Information about the illegal placement of objects, distribution on the territory of the Yaroslavl district of the city of Moscow.

According to the Decree of the Council of Moscow dated 02.11.2012 No. 614-PP “On the Approval of the Regulations on the Interaction of the Authorities of the Vladimir Municipality of Moscow in the Organization of the Work of the Land Plots in the Illegal Placement of Objects on Them number of dismantling and (or) relocation of such objects "and by the protocol of the Okrug Commission for attaching unauthorized life on the territory of the Pivnichno-Skhidny administrative district of the city of Moscow on 14.07.2017 No. 7, Yaroslavl district administration.

On the land lot at the address: Palekhska st., st. 147, roztashovana metaleva budova, without registration of land-legal certificates and permissive documentation for the placement of the object.

The superintendent of the highest-appointed object, in a voluntary order, needs to carry out the demolition (dismantling), self-tightening, and for the money of good money, at the lines until 07/20/2017. In times of non-compliance, illegal installations, the object will be dismantled in accordance with the established procedure, and it will be moved to a specially organized maidanchik for collection.



Information about the illegal placement of objects, distribution on the territory of the Yaroslavl district of the city of Moscow.

On the land lot at the address st. Chervona Sosna, industrial zone 52, 8 bottles were stocked. 4 containers, fenced, without registration of land-legal certificates and permissive documentation for the placement of the object. Dismantling requires 8 bottles, 4 containers, fenced.


Information about the illegal placement of objects, distribution on the territory of the Yaroslavl district of the city of Moscow.

According to the Decree of the Council of Moscow dated 02.11.2012 No. 614-PP “On the Approval of the Regulations on the Interaction of the Authorities of the Vladimir Municipality of Moscow in the Organization of the Work of the Land Plots in the Illegal Placement of Objects on Them number of dismantling and (or) relocation of such objects "and by the protocol of the Okrug Commission for attaching self-sustained life on the territory of the Pivnichno-Skhidny administrative district of the city of Moscow on October 28, 2016 No. 18, Yaroslavl district administration.

On the land lot at the address st. Chervona Sosna, pr. 3453, a parking lot has been upgraded, equipped with metal garages for a total of 368 units, without registration of land and legal documents and permits for the placement of the object. 368 metal garages, fencing, guard post are to be dismantled.

Vlasnikov vyschevokazanyh ob'ektiv in a voluntary order, it is necessary to zdijsnit (dismantling), self-tightening and for the account of vlasnyh koshtiv, at the lines until 11/07/2016. In times of non-compliance, illegally installed objects in the established order will be dismantled and relocated to a specially organized maidanchik for collection.


Information about the illegal placement of objects, distribution on the territory of the Yaroslavl district of the city of Moscow.

According to the Decree of the Council of Moscow dated 02.11.2012 No. 614-PP “On the Approval of the Regulations on the Interaction of the Authorities of the Vladimir Municipality of Moscow in the Organization of the Work of the Land Plots in the Illegal Placement of Objects on Them number of dismantling and (or) relocation of such objects "and by the protocol of the Okrug Commission for attaching self-sustained life on the territory of the Pivnichno-Skhidny administrative district of the city of Moscow on 25.09.2015 No. 22, Yaroslavl district office.

On the land lot at the address: st. Kholmogorsk, st. 6, bldg. 2, side. 2, a parking lot has been restocked, equipped with metal garages for a total of 26 units, a fence has been installed, a guard post has been installed, without registration of land and legal documents and permits for the placement of objects.

It is necessary for the masters of fortune-telling objects in a voluntary order to carry out the removal (dismantling), self-tightening and for the money of the rich, at the lines until 02.10.2016. In times of unlawfully installed objects, in the established order, they will be dismantled and relocated to a specially organized maidanchik for collection.


Information about the illegal placement of objects, distribution on the territory of the Yaroslavl district of the city of Moscow.

According to the Decree of the Council of Moscow dated 02.11.2012 No. 614-PP “On the Approval of the Regulations on the Interaction of the Authorities of the Vladimir Municipality of Moscow in the Organization of the Work of the Land Plots in the Illegal Placement of Objects on Them number of dismantling and (or) relocation of such objects "and by the protocol of the Okrug Commission for attaching self-sustained life on the territory of the Pivnichno-Skhidny administrative district of the city of Moscow on 27.07.2016 No. 13, Yaroslavl district office.

On the land lot at the address st. Dudinka, ow. 2, bldg. 1, roztashovani metal awnings, without registration of land-legal certificates and permissive documentation for the placement of the object.

It is necessary for the clerks of the vyschevkazanyh objects to voluntarily order to carry out the removal (dismantling), self-tightening and for the account of the high-quality koshtiv, at the lines until 07/31/2016. In times of non-compliance, illegally installed objects in the established order will be dismantled and relocated to a specially organized maidanchik for collection.


As part of the implementation of the state program "Zhitlo", praised by the Order of Moscow No. 388-PP issued on 26.08.2011. Approved for the Investment Program of the City of Moscow for 2012-2014.

The rise of the dwelling houses on the territory of the Yaroslavl region has not been transferred to the designated program.

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