Oleksandr Trutniv son Yuri. Yuri Trutnev. Minister of Natural Resources Yury Trutnev to set up a house near the waters of the Kamsky Reservoir

Yuri Trutnev - mayor of Perm, Governor of the Perm Territory Head of the Ministry of Ecology and natural resources. Assistant to the President Russian Federation. Intercessor of the Head of the Order of the Russian Federation. Party for the sake of "United Russia".

Childhood and youth Trutnev Yury Petrovich

possible state fiend born on the first birch of 1956 near the Perm region, near the village of Polazny. A small place roztashovana bіla beautiful Kama reservoir. The very happy fates of childhood and youth passed there. Vіn virіs in not a vicious homeland, yoga fathers worked as naphthoviks.

Yogo father keruvav dіlyankoy that yogo often called out to the robot at weekends, holy days and nights, for there were always accidents and breakdowns on the lines. The head of the family did not stay at home for 2-3 dobies, all the problems of domestic work fell on the shoulders of the mother. But those, my father, who did not shy away from the daily situation and did not leave their work, who was marked on the character of the future capitalist. Vіn having taken over from the fathers the suffocation and purposefulness of the profession. After graduating from a local village school, having a great education and not hurting us with his strengths and talents, he entered the Perm Polytechnic Institute. Vіn іshov in the footsteps of batkіv and tezh having chosen their profession, having joined the faculty, they are preparing future fahіvtsіv naftovoї promyslovі.

Yuriy Trutnev: "Skhidny economic forum of requests"

From the first to the third year, Yuriy was especially not suited for the future profession and education, for the years of his life he became a student, but in the fourth year of his life, he was able to work hard and take away the scholarship.

In 1978, a roci young student graduated from the VNZ and took a diploma of pro Vishchiy illuminating. Yuriy Trutnev was a wise lad for no reason, for an hour of student life, he won the practice of the new oil and gas organization "Polaznafta" There, otrimav otrimav dosvid work and know a lot of novice and knowledge. At tsomu managerial vins, having captured the planting of the driller’s helper and the operator for the vidobutka of gas and oil.

So, as a result, I finished the fourth year of study on the promotion of a scholarship, and secured insurance to a number of the best students of the VNZ. The first best student of the Perm Polytechnical Institute Yuriy Trutnev was sent to the Perm NDI as a young scientific specialist.

Yuri Trutnev: "The Perm region has wonderful prospects"

Cob kar'єri and commercial activities of Yury Trutnev

Yury Petrovich pochav svіy kar'erny way plant a young scientific spіvrobіtnik at the Perm NDI. Ale robot youmu Shvidko became tedious, and virishiv not to engage in scientific activities. Vіn pіshov z іnstitutu and vіdmovivsya vіd post-graduate studies, but yogo vikladacі and spіvrobіtniki dilili press, scho chet vіd nіgo professor's estate. Ale Yuriy vvazhav, what is very important for the new and for the future will be the settlement of the settlement of the instructor of the Moscow Komsomol. Before yoga obov'yazkіv included the organization of strong student fraternities, budding and youth zlotіv. Trutnєv buv zahopleniy tsієyu robotі i iz satisfied vygaduvav schos new for students. Such a zakhoplenosti to work served as a love for sports, wrestling, sambo, tourism and karate.

On the cob, Yury Trutnev was convinced that you want to start your life with a cooperative movement, and rightly, you’ve already started drinking. Youmu became tsіkavo, as the organization can itself earn money, that itself will manage the earned pennies. Vіn putting yourself for the meta - organize your own cooperative or company. For which wines, having left their place of work, and having dared to take up a new right.

Most of all, for nezazumіla, that unknowingly right experienced yoga mother, she didn’t understand, how you can save a good planting with a stable salary on a stupid solution. Having created a small cooperative under the name "Contact" as partners, we started investing in renting a room on the first territory of the sports committee.

The first pennies the stinks earned easily, the stinks predicted the program of sports performances and performed independently in small places. The partners took a small amount of pennies, they gave them more money for the construction and installation of training complexes. After a few hours, however, good simulators were delivered to schools and boarding schools in the Perm region.

In the 1990s, the firm "Contact" was replaced by the organization "EKS Limited". Vaughn specialized in the supply of food products to the region from behind the cordon. Capital grew, and business prospered. A few hours later, Yuriy Trutnev launched a new company - "Doctor EKS", which supplied imported medicines.

Yuriy Petrovich, already loving his right and doing his best to help him develop, all the while victorious, that is not the pinnacle of yoga possibilities. Virishiv try yourself at the political car'er. Pushing through the car'er descents of the vines, it is narrowly and on the cob, having occupied a nasty place. Yury Petrovich once settled a place with the lower officials in the municipal district, de vin becoming the head of the Committee economic policy that podkіv. Already in 1996, the fate of Yuri Petrovich Trutnev was appointed measure of Perm. With the arrival of such an important settlement, the authorities at the municipality of that region began to enjoy themselves, the people were already satisfied with the representative of the government. Zavdyaki youmu buv prompting tunnel under the Trans-Siberian. This project has changed the transport situation in the city to a better place.

The stars of a good reputation, like the year 2000, Yuriy Petrovich became the governor of the Perm region. Under this ceremony, the association of the Komi-Perm'yatsky AT from the Perm region was held. In 2003, the referendum gave the year for the union of these two territories, and the Perm Territory became established.

Yuriy Trutnev talks to young people at the "Islands" forum

In 2004, the captain of the capital, which is very much the Perm Territory, was promoted to become the head of the Ministry of Nature, the deputy of Vitaly Artyukhov, who, having embraced the tenure of the remaining three rocks. Trutnєv did not hesitate to think and look at the Ministry of Nature of the Russian Federation until 2012. The first, important and serious right in this settlement was the formation of re-wires for the Sakhalin-2 project, after which Gazprom became the controlling partner and shareholder, taking 52% of the shares.

Already in 2012, Yury Trutnev became the first assistant to the President of the Russian Federation. Volodymyr Volodymyrovich Putin. Vіn buv goitre to supervise the resource department and supervise the State Council. From the beginning of 2013, Yury Petrovich was appointed to a new settlement - he became the new important representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Far East District.

Family life of Yuri Trutnev

The sovereign official has five children - two daughters and three blue ones. At the moment, there are three friends. Another squad - Trutnova Marina Lvivna - an athlete. Won merit master of sports in artistic gymnastics. Once in a while, I can shop clothes near Perm. Having offended yoga blue - Dmitro and Oleksandr were born from another squad. The third businessman made friends in 2006, on Petrov Natal Sergiev.

Yuri Trutnev at once

From the early years of my life, I dabbled in sports, but in Rest of the Rocks seriously choking on karate. In May, the most important step in the struggle is five denmarks, and since 2005, becoming the head of the Union of Combat Arts of the Russian Federation. And since 2011, rock - a spivgolovoy and one of the organizers of the Light Union Kekusin. Also, he is an extreme sportsman and a racing driver.

Governor of the Perm Territory, for some reason the region and the Komi-Perm'yatsky Autonomous Okrug were united. Number of Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation. Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation Far Going.

1978 graduated from the Perm Polytechnic Institute.


At the fall of the leaves 2006 Permian ZMIs actively observed the life of a living house near the coastal waters of the Kamsky reservoir on the territory of the Dobryansky district. It was pointed out that Natalia Petrova, Minister of Natural Resources Yury Trutnev, was assigned to the team of the Minister of Natural Resources Yury Trutnev, and the life is periodically supervised by the Minister of Natural Resources Dmitro Trutnev. ЗМІ appointed, scho vіdstan vіd urіzu lead to the house of Petrova Natalії Sergіїvni, which will be, to become close to 30 meters, which will destroy the decency of legislation. Later, the house was re-registered for another physical person.



Vice-Premier - Representative Yury Trutnev y 2017 zbіlshiv income by 5.7%, up to 377.3 million rubles.

Income of the vice-premier - presidential envoy to the Far Eastern Federal District Yury Trutnev in 2017 contributed 377.3 million rubles, which is 5.7% (20 million rubles) more than income front rock, Seeing data on the website of the order of the Russian Federation.

As it appears, the representative of the village from the retinue of authority may have a land lot with an area of ​​37 acres, two living houses with an area of ​​345 square meters. m and 170 sq. m, a part of the non-residential premises has an area of ​​​​over 1.95 yew. sq. m. Also in the bedroom of the retinue of power there are cars BMW X6, Porsche Cayenne Turbo, Mercedes-Benz ML 350 and Nissan Patrol.

Minister of Natural Resources Yury Trutnev to set up a house near the waters of the Kamsky Reservoir

Just a few days ago, an expedition of ecologists from the Permian ecological group “Zelena Eykumena” visited the place of scandalous life near the Dobryansky district of the Perm Territory. The activists announced that the booths would be built at the dealership No. 87 of the elite cooperative "Lukomor'ya". “The squad of Yury Trutnev Natalia Petrov was officially listed as the head of the head of the department, Natalia Petrov, about an hour ago, was sent in the documents as Mrs. Kozakova. For all the guardians of the elite cooperative and the practitioners, like getting a tower, to know what houses are “for Yuriy Petrovich,” the representatives of the “Green Eikumeni” voiced.

Near the coastal waters of the Kama Reservoir there will be houses of the squad of the Minister of Natural Resources

The squad of the Minister of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation Yury Trutnev Natalia Petrova will be visiting houses near the coastal waters of the Kamsky reservoir on the territory of the Dobryansky district. As mentioned earlier, everyday life is periodically under the control of the Minister's son Dmitro Trutnev. Vіdstan vіd urіzu lead to the booth of Petrova Natalії Sergіїvni, which will be, it will be close to 30 meters.

Beside the forest edge

At the water protection zone of the Kamskoye reservoir, growth, zgіdno z Russian legislation, especially foxes, so called foxes of the 1st group. The first axis of a few years ago, one fine day, one of such forest plots near the Dobryansky district, in the borders of the Perm agglomeration, to orders to the Order of the Russian Federation, without any motivation, I would like to see the forests of the 1st group and the budding of the living quarters without any motivation. And farther even more: here life began in the coastal zahisnіy smuzі - there, de tse suvoro fenced by legislation. Nataliya Petrova, the Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, Yury Trutnev (born Permian and the great Permian governor) Nataliya Petrova, became the head of the buddіvlі, having acted as the head of state.

Trutnev was smelt by the introduction

We cannot say that the head observer of ecology, Yury Trutnev, was accused by ecologists of being accountable to the evil destruction of all environmental standards. Trutneva called to the fact that the members of his homeland would be a cottage 30 meters away from the Kamsky reservoir. It became clear that the son of the Minister Dmitro Trutnev, having taken off, sent zabudova 48 acres at the address of Tantsorov, 10 near Perm, on the majestic right Kami birch, near the sanitary protection zone of the Orthodox "Holy Dzherel". Moreover, this was the reason why the flooring was blown out of the door, that the worker was registered on the team of Yuri Trutnev (maybe, already too much) to Natal Petrov.

Khloponin and Trutnev - the most important members of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Federation

Oleksandr Khloponin, the intercessor of the head of the order of Russia, turned out to be the richest - having earned 484.014 million rubles in a short time, Natalia’s team was not a big one, having earned 4.8 million rubles. There are 23 land plots in Russia and one in Italy, as well as Bentley Arnage R, Jaguar and Mercedes-Benz cars, a Harley-Davidson motorcycle and a Phantom 46 boat.

Trutnivske "Lukomor'ya"

Boondocks are built at dealership No. 87 of the elite cooperative "Lukomor'ya". Yury Trutnev's team Nataliya Petrov was officially listed as the head of the post office, and Mrs. Kozakova was sent in the documents for the past six months. Prote, all the guards of the elite cooperative and the alarm workers, how to get the houses, to know that there are houses "for Yuriy Petrovich."

About ethics and about secret bureaucratic knowledge

In another hour, we were taken away from the very regional prosecutor's office. Buv vіn duzhe wide and mіstiv great quotes from laws. And yet, I didn’t mistiv vydpovіdі on our simple request: if it’s not possible to live near the coastal smoothies, then why is Trutnev’s squad legal Yu.P. Did Natalya Petrova wake up yoga? Not satisfied with the day-to-day explanation, we decided to have a talk with the prosecutor's office. And as a result, the bula was taken away.

Motherland Trutnevikh: great budіvelnі turboti

And in the order of the day, there is already a new history from the restless ministerial homeland. It was well known that there will be houses for Yury Trutnev's squad Natalia Petroviy near the coastal waters of the Kamsky reservoir on the territory of the Dobryansky district. Sin Minister Dmitro is also periodically naked in every day of life. Vіdstan vіd vіd vіd іzu vody, the so-called towpath, to the house of Natalia Sergіїvna Petrova, which will be, to become close to 30 meters.

Posada: from 2004 - Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of Russia
Destiny in business: U 1988 p. together with partners by creating a cooperative " Contact”, which was engaged in the development and manufacture of sports simulators. Z 1990 - general director of the enterprise " EKS Limited"(the intercessor of the CEO buv Oleg Chirkunov), yake was engaged in the supply of products to Perm from behind the cordon (zocrema, chocolates " Nestle"). Yak writing magazine " Profile”, a role in Trutnev’s success was played by his friend’s son with the police authorities, us in front of the current intercessor of the head of the UVS of the Perm region and the possible presidential representative in the Ural federal district. Petr Latishev.
Being a member for the sake of directors of the bank " Zorya Uralu". Trutnev's firm could not pay for the loan with the cim bank itself. EKS Limited».
U 1996. on the base" EKS Limited» bula created by AT « E.K.S. International", which united the enterprises of the group" CEN”, Yury Trutnev became the President.
8 breast 1996. Trutnev won the choice of the measure of Perm. The forward team was formed from the closest associates of the company " EKS Limited". Moscow and Perm ZMI called Trutnev's forward campaign aggressive, they called his team in destruction, the zokrema - at the forceful grip of the military company. EKS Limited» on the heels of Trutnev’s head opponent, a dignified measure of the place Volodymyr Fil.
Zhovtni 2000 r.. Trutnev, having put forward his candidacy for the election of the governor of the Perm region, as if winning from the chest. How ZMI was solidified, support was given to the largest businessmen in the region: the head of the company " Uralkali» Dmitro Ribolovlev the CEO of the company LUKOIL-Perm» Andriy Kuzyaev, which is also included in the warehouse of the initiative group for the hanging of the Permian measure at the governor's elections.
U 2004., due to the official income statement, Trutnev's average monthly income was $317,198. Vіdomostі”, as they published data, they told the representative of the Ministry of Natural Resources that the minister would earn money for the shares of a group of companies. Ex". Vіn selling їх on the payment after that, as if becoming a derzhsluzhovtsy. Have 2004 r. Trutnev otrimav for paper " Exa$ 3.5 million, which was 92 thousand dollars in his income. Have 2005 r. the minister having taken the largest income among the smallest ranks, having earned 211 million rubles for the river. 403 yew. 810 rub. Have 2006 r. special utrimannya decreased by a third - up to 133 million 605 yew. rub. Have 2008 r. Trutnev otrimav Mayzha 370, in 2009 - 155 million rubles.
At the moment, it is necessary to establish a sprinkling of enterprises that lie before the group " CEN»: TOV « E.K.S. International, TOV " Kerivna company "EKS", TOV " Management of indestructibility "EKS"» and in. Zgidno z danimi YEDRYUL for spring 2010, TOV " E.K.S. International» volodyut Svitlana Gennadiivna Kuzmich, Oleg Anatolyovich Chirkunov(Governor of the Perm Territory), as well as the Swiss company " Norpexal Holding SA"(76.42%). "E.K.S. International» He is the founder of over 50 Perm companies (they are most importantly engaged in trading activities).
Influx into business: In breastfeeding 2008 Minister of Natural Resources Yury Trutnev stood up for the company Uralkali", which lay yoga to an old friend Dmitry Ribolovlev y. The company could be found guilty in an accident at one of the її mines near Berezniki in 2006. The accident caused a collapse of the ground. For example, the special commission of Rostekhnaglyad decided that the man-made accident was the reason why Uralkali". However, in Zhovtnі 2008 p. on the front of the intercessor of the head of the order of the Russian Federation Igor Sechin a decision was made about the creation of a new commission and an updated investigation. In 2009 the order having appointed the residual sum, yaku " Uralkali» get paid as compensation for an accident in Berezniki. Our company can resell 7.8 billion rubles, of which 5 billion. Uralkali» to transfer to the everyday life of the outlying kolії kolії for all the villages of the Verkhnokamskoe potash genera - a 53 km deep valley.
Sim'ya: A lot of (friend) squad, Marina Lvivna Trutneva, master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics, head of the Perm federation of gymnastics
Synergistic view of another whore Dmitro Yuriyovich Trutnev, businessman. In 2003-05 rr. - Komersant, in 2006-07. - Assistant to the General Director of NP " Institute for Corporate Development". From 2007 - financial guide for " Central Cooperative Bank"(Bulgaria). Member for the directors of BAT " Insurance company "ITIL"(Kazan), JSCB "T atInvestBank(Kazan). Offended by the company to lie down to the bulk of the bulk of Bulgaria.
Have 2006 r. At the office of the Minister of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation Yury Trutnev, 23-rd Dmitry Trutnev a, she drank a land lot on the little Kami birch, in the immediate vicinity of Perm. holy dzherel", we will consecrate and chant the honor of the icon Mother of God « Life-Giving Dzherelo”(Microdistrict Stari Vodniki, Tantsorova St., 10). Decree of the head of the administration of the city of Perm Arkady Katz No. 922 dated 7 chervnya 2006 Dmitry Trutnev It was allowed to have a 3-overhead house with the government's offices, a closed parking lot and a damp boiler room. Prote zgod z'yasuvalosya, scho budіvlі not proyshov sovereign ecological expertise. After a resonant public scandal, Dmitro Trutnev said at ZMI that he had freed himself from the business and could no longer pay attention to his asset. Zgidno with a hero from the Unified State Register of Rights to the Nerukhoma Maino that pleases him on the 16th linden, 2007, a right holder with the type of law "power" of the object on the vul. Dancerova, 10 є hromadyanin Oleksandr-Bisman Volodimirovich Ross-Johnson. Vіn vvazhavsya representative of the company Parma-Engineering”, appointed by the deputy to work at the hour of everyday life, like ever after Dmitro Trutnev.
squad, Nataliya Sergeivna Petrova. At the fall of the leaves 2006 Permian ZMIs actively observed the life of a living house near the coastal waters of the Kamsky reservoir on the territory of the Dobryansky district. It was pointed out that Natalia Petrova, Minister of Natural Resources Yury Trutnev, was assigned to the team of the Minister of Natural Resources Yury Trutnev, and the life is periodically supervised by the Minister of Natural Resources Dmitro Trutnev. ЗМІ appointed, scho vіdstan vіd urіzu lead to the house of Petrova Natalії Sergіїvni, which will be, to become close to 30 meters, which will destroy the decency of legislation. Later, the house was re-registered for another physical person.

Stepashin Sergiy Vadimovich Place of work: Rakhunkov Chamber of the Russian Federation
Posada that: in 1994-95 rr. - director Federal Service counterintelligence, 1997-98 - Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation, in 1998-99. - Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, from 1999. - First Vice-Premier and Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. Z 2000 - the head of the Rakhunkov Chamber of the Russian Federation.
Destiny in business: officially I don’t have the right to do business, as a military service official
Head of the Rakhunkovo ​​Chamber є kerivnik Association of Control and Accounting Bodies of the Russian Federation”, as the control chambers of several Russian regions fell asleep. Yogo in front on the seat of the head of AKSOR at the SPARK-Interfax data base Sergiy Georgiyovich Belyaev- obviously, the head of the faction of the State Duma and the big general director of the airport " Sheremetyevo". Administration " Sheremetyevo"The General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation filed a statement about the need to destroy the criminal law against Belyaev" for the systematic instigation of illegal actions on the merit of low commercial structures and against the interests of the state". "BUT socialization of control and accounting bodies of the Russian Federation registered subsidiaries: TOV " Ortiko, TOV Aksor-TV and VAT Aksor-Nerukhomist».
The head of the control department of registrations by the founder of the "Fund of legislators allowance" - together with the largest governor of the Novgorod region Mikhail Prusak, Deputy of the State Duma Pavel Krashennikov and the colossal supporter of the Ministry of Justice Oleksandr Urmanov. The Fund founded a low non-commercial organization that specializes in legal services. Zgіdno z ЄDRYUL, Sergiy Vadimovich Stepashin buv zasnovnik "R Russian beneficial fund named after Grand Duchess Elizaveta Fedorivna". The Fund created two commercial structures: TOV " Innovation company "Spivdruzhnist"» ta ZAT « TDL "Elizaveta».
The head of the Rakhunkov Chamber of the Russian Federation - the head " Imperial Orthodox Palestine Association"(ІPPO). The founders are a group of physiologists, daughter organizations - " Fund for Supporting Projects of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Association» ta ANO Russian Historical Institute". An active member of the IOPS is a businessman Mikhailo Gutseriyev. Sergiy Stepashin is active in action as the head of the association. So, on the cob of April 2011. at the Rakhunkov Chamber, the head of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Association with the right of the President of the Russian Federation was working Volodymyr Kozhin. At the beginning of the day, it was discussed the supply of remote practical bedrooms for the construction of the Sergievskogo podvir'ya in the center of Jerusalem.
Investment in business: Sergiy Stepashin's key spokesmen repeatedly figured in the economic criminal rights
Zokrema, for episodes 2007. sentenced a large intercessor of the director of the department for control over victories of the federal government of the Rakhunkov Chamber of the Russian Federation Vasil Koryagin, Inspector of Inspection with control over federal authority Sergiy Klimantov and earlier pratsyuvav at Rakhunkovyi Platі kolishnіy vice-mayor of Vladivostok Sergei Dubovitsky. The stench was taken away from 4 to 8 years of extortion for swag, which was paid by the FSUE practitioners, which was turned over by Klimantov and Koryaginim " NDI Geodesy».
Crime on the right of the head of the legal department of the Rakhunkov Chamber Dawn Farniev that colossal inspector Yuri Gaidukov not brought to court. It sounds like nothing in 2007. swing for the otrimannya swag at the border of € 7 million for NVO "Energomash", shakhraystvo, Farnієvoї - additional redeployment of townspeople. We blamed the change of the zahіd, they were charged with z-pіd varty pіd outpost.
2008 Rakhunkov Chamber on the prohannya of the president of the company " Transnafta» Mikoli Tokareva misinterpreted the “T Ransnafty" pіd hour of the work of the kolishny ker_vnik of the joint-stock partnership Nasinnya Weinstock and, having revealed the outlay of $4 billion. According to a number of experts, the re-examination has stolen Weinstock's entry from the head of the sovereign corporation. Olimpbud»that offensive way from the Russian Federation to Israel. In addition, Deputy Sergiy Stepashin supported the project of the construction of the Eclipse 500 light jet aircraft in the Ulyanovsk region. The author of the project was a sponsor of the venture fund European Technology and Investment Research Center Evgen Bolotin(Vin is the European businessman Daniel Bolotin). This international businessman was known to be Stepashin's assistant, acting secretary of the expert advisory service at the head of the Rakhunkov Chamber Oleksandr Korovnikov(at the moment - a member of the Radi Federation). Stepashin's supporter could receive the received investments from the program: affiliated with a state-owned corporation " Zovnishekonombank and earlier close to the ex-minister Leonid Reiman « Zv'yazok-bank» by investing $ 150 million in the company Eclipse Aviation, created at the Bolotin Foundation. After a deaky hour, the enterprise voted bankrupt for itself, the pennies weren’t pulled together and, in fact, they sank.
Sergiy Stepashin very editorial pleasure ZAT " vidavnichy booth"Financial control”, the intercessor of the head for the sake of - senator Oleksandr Korovnikov. VD, zgіdno SPARK-Interfax, perebuvaє vlasnosti fіzosіb - Katerina Oleksandrivna Korovnikovaі Denis Konradovich Smirnov, a Moscow businessman, as ZMI wrote, a figurant of operations from land plots in the area of ​​​​the Rublyovo-Uspensky highway. Behind the words of SPARK-Interfax, Oleksandr Golubchenko, General Director of VD, immediately stunned the company " Ruslesexport”, founded by Katerina Korovnikova. VD " Financial control b” a trivaly hour of publishing a wide-colored magazine dedicated to fighting corruption. In one issue of the magazine, most often 10 and more photographs of the head of the Rakhunkov Chamber are published - from different angles. Besides, the magazine " Financial control» to avenge news about revisions and post-market commercial advertising of state banks and other organizations, the activity of which can be distorted by the administration of Sergiy Stepashin.
With a vigilante budinka, we will tie ZAT with him " Fitil-project"(public shareholder - TV presenter Igor Ugolnikov) non-commercial partnership founded Cultural-friendly Club "Fitil"". Zgidno z_ SPARK-Interfax, company " Fitil-project”retrieved 24 million krb from the state for financing. as part of the renewal of the newsreel " Gnit", supported by the head of the Rakhunkov Chamber ZAT " Vidavnichy dіm "Financial control" draw up honorary diplomas for entrepreneurs, as they are signed by Stepashin.
family: Druzhina, Tamara Volodimirivna Stepashina, banker. For the tribute of ZMI, she was the founder of TOV " Nord-Service Co» ta TOV « RusEconomInvest". Vlasnik of the rest of the infection, zgіdno zі SPARK-Interfax, є її mother, mother-in-law of Sergiy Stepashin Maria Vasilivna Ignatieva(95%), and the general director is son Stepashin.
The career of the team of the head of the Rakhunkov Chamber of the Russian Federation is closely connected with the business of the kolishny sergeant of St. Petersburg Promislovo-budivel bank”(PSB), Director of the Department of Life of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation Volodymyr Kogan. In 1994 Kogan became a shareholder of the bank, and his companion Stepashin was the patron of the philanthropist in Moscow. In 1996 Kogan was confirmed by the head of the government " PSB”, Stepashin - the head of the capital's family. In 1997 Kogan became the president of the banking booth St. Petersburg» (« Prombudbank", bank" St. Petersburg» ta « International Bank "Saint Petersburg"”), Stepashin - vice-president, then intercessor of the head of the government structure.
Following the recognition of Sergiy Stepashin by the Prime Minister of Russia, " Promislovo-budivelny bank", as they wrote" New News”, having rented three houses on Velykyi Lubyantsy (d. 14, budovi 1 and 2; d. 16, budova 2). Earlier, the objects belonged to the KDB SRSR, then they were victorious. Inkombank". Usі budіvlі buli buildings " PSB" for a symbolic rent of $200 per sq. m on the river. Overnight, the bank added for 5.83 million rubles. Palace of Culture of the KDB on Lub'yantsі, before the purchases " Inkombank for $4.5 million
Until 2004 part of the shares of the squad of the head of the control department at the BAT " PSB increased from 0.883 to 5%. The newspaper "Vidomosti" estimated this stake at $30 million. Prombudbank» buv sales "Zovnishtorgbank(bank " VTB"). The middle of the sale of shares was the share of Stepashin.
Kolya Volodymyr Kogan born in 2010 choliv glad directors BAT " Moscow Metrobud", and the tender for the pribannya tsієї kompanії won steadfastly, for some kind of tribute, youmu well TOV "Centrobud”, published information about the commercial conflict of the Kolishny Vlasnik “ PSB with the head of the DUP " Moscow Metro» Dmitry Gaivim. The Rakhunkov Chamber conducted a review of the work of the State Unitary Enterprise. For її pіdbags Gaev was zvіlneno, on the contrary, the criminal right was violated under Art. 201 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (harmfulness by repeated actions). As the auditoriums were installed, the life of the metro and highways near Moscow was dependent on 230 billion rubles.
After the sale " VTB shares " Prombudbank», Tamara Stepashina Bula was named Senior Vice President VTB". This bank is one of the 20 largest bitcoin banks in the world. President " VTB» є Andriy Kostin, the leading shareholder - power, top managers - blue directors of the FSB of Russia.
U 2010. The Rakhunkov Chamber has decided to review the battery " Bank of Moscow", poglinannya what was planned " VTB". Following the achievements of the previous housekeeping for the sake of the re-verification, it was pinned - to Andriy Kostin's prohannya. If the process of transferring assets was delayed, the Rakhunkov Chamber issued a revision. In 2011 VTB» adding back shares « Bank of Moscow»yogo has a great president Andria Borodina, zoom in to form a control package. 20.32% of the shares were transferred to the power of the son of the Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Igor Yusufov, businessman Vitaly Yusufova. Andriy Borodin, who emigrated to the UK, sounds like the Joint Committee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation at a reimportant trip.
Tamara Stepashina, Sergiy Stepashin and Andriy Kostin were actors in the political scandal connected with the finances of the Republic of Abkhazia, the Russian Federation. The amount of Russian assistance was 7.3 billion rubles, pennies were repaid to Abkhazia through the bank VTB”, the re-verification of the whole victorious was ordered by the Rakhunkov Chamber. Assessing the budget of the revision on the cob of 2011, Sergiy Stepashin stated that “Shakhrai did not reveal the development of Russian financial assistance to Abkhazia". The head of the People's Party of Abkhazia (PPA) has its own statute Yakub Lakoba having adopted the scheme of guiding Russian coins through affiliation with the sims of the republican ceremonies in the commercial structures, calling the departments of Stepashin's friendship with the corrupt mind. Following the publication of the author, it was arrested, under the pressure of enormity, it was released.
mother-in-law, Maria Vasilivna Ignatieva, businessman and pensioner. Mati Tamari Stepashinoya, for the tribute of SPARK-Interfax, Volodila TOV " Neruhomist-SV" (closed in 2007), TOV " Sun project(mabut, " Volodymyr Stepashin”), “N nerukhomist ST"(mabut, " Sergiy-Tamara"), TOV "Project ST". Vaughn - General Director and participant of TOV "Lubyanskiy dvir", which used to belong to TOV " Neruhomist PS".
The participants of the company "Nerukhomist VS", as a guide from SPARK-Interfax, took in too many " Prombudbank"(VAT" Bank VTB Pivnichniy Zakhid ") and the structures of the Stepashiny homeland. For information from the press, Ignatiev also had TOV " Aksor-Nok» ta TOV Nord-service Z". TOV « Nord-service So» added a few hundred shares of BAT « Golovne system design bureau Concern PPO "Almaz-Antey" named after academician A.A. Rozpletina».
Syn, Volodymyr Sergiyovich Stepashin, businessman. Graduate of St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance, Candidate of Sciences (dissertation topic - " Sovereign antimonopoly policy in the context of national security"). Pratsiuvav in the financial sphere - for the tribute " MK", buv pov'yazany іz St. Petersburg "Prombudbank". At Moscow pratsyuvav at ZAT "E electronic trading system "Direct", which befell the company" Interfax Business Service With" Michael Komisar.
Volodymyr Stepashin figured at the victorious dzherelakh at the link with the change of power of the group East-line(airport control " Domodedovo"). Have 2001 r. The FSB of Russia caught up with the company, in its offices there were investigations at the criminal right about the smuggling of shirvzhitka from China, the police were supine - the commercial operations of the holding were turned over by the Rakhunkov Chamber. The Rakhunkov Chamber declared about those that the audience did not see in the activity " East-line» the destruction of the current currency legislation. The leaders of the active groups are currently respected Dmitro Kamenyarі Valery Kogan.

Officials massively spoke about their income for the last month. One of the rest of the middle departments of the declaration was publicly held by the Steering Committee of Russia. Unexpectedly it appeared that Yogo's head Oleksandr Bastrikin becoming more earning. Last year, wine brought home a total of 5.422 million rubles, which may be a million less, lower than the past (6.297 million). Vtim, i tse vzhe garazd. Dmitro Medvedev, for example, for that very hour, he got richer by 3.378 million. Volodymyr Putin - by 5.042 million. Ex-Chief Bastrikin Prosecutor General Yuri Chaik and - less than 2.16 million. Zapit " Spіvrozmovnika”, for nightstands Oleksandr Bastrikin dіstaє pennies, The next committee was closed without a vote. Unofficially, the committee allowed that part of the income of their boss is made up of fees from reading lectures and publishing books.
According to my information, Bastrikin’s salary at the committee is no more than 180 thousand rubles per month, so that you can be on a par with Chaika’s salary, – rozpoviv « Spіvrozmovniku» deputy Oleksandr Khinshtein.
Oleksandr Bastrikin, obviously, not Dumas-Batko, but a good writer. Yogo im'yam signed " Criminalistics”, “Commentary to the Criminal Procedural Code”, “Dactyloscopy”, “Theory of State Law» and other books of the lawyer. The circulation of bestsellers, however, is not so great - mostly 500 and 1000 copies (є і 5000, a little of a medium height). Then there are a lot of omissions from them in St. Petersburg visionary " Halo". Zgіdno z vipiska z ЄDRYUL, tse TOV was created on 03/12/2003. Kerivnik - the first team of the head of the committee Natalia Bastrikina. In business leaders, she is also listed as the rector of the St. Petersburg Law University and the head of the undertaking of protection. Andromeda”, as a spіvpratsyuє z security officials and enter the register of postal workers for products for the government of St. Petersburg.
In parallel, the name of Natalia Bastrikina is included in the Register of Advocates beer capital as a spokesperson for the law office Egorov, Puginsky, Afanasiev and partners". Bureau founded Mikola Egorov, classmate ex-friend Bastrikinihі Volodymyr Putin. And a classmate has already worked as a senior lawyer of the bureau Dmitry MedvedevІllya Єlisєєv.
Zvichayno, navit unrespectfully on such an enemy. Halo”, it is not easy to get rich on small-circulation publications. Ale deyaki of Bastrikin's book, judging by the annotations, published " on behalf of the number of students of the Russian Legal Academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation". Nasampered the Pivnichno-Zahidnu branch of the academy, bewildering himself a senior officer, and at the same time cherishing his friend’s team - associate professor Olga Oleksandrova. So I’ll open a guarantee market for yoga assistants at cheap soft objects, but at an expensive price of 600-700 rubles apiece.
Professor of the department " Theory of power and law» Bastrikin, according to the layout, advises students from your team once a month on the second year. I didn’t get a call at the day of the consultation at the department - no one took a hearing aid. Olga Oleksandrova did not respond to the question of how much money is worth taking for her own education at the university. Її vlasny income torik became less than 1.864.850 rubles, and it is unlikely that Bastrikin's fees were higher. With whom, Olga Ivanivna saves not only the secrets of her person, but also mine. Judging by the rest of the declarations, by the end of the year, he rewrote his apartment with an area of ​​216 square meters on her and the children. The market price of such a living is about 60 million rubles (you can’t get the same official family income for such a purchase).

Z vikladannym vyyavivsya po'yazaniy i vlasny business Oleksandra Bastrikina. Behind the documents of the Registration Chamber of the City of St. Petersburg, 11/15/1990 at once Maria Revnova vіn having fallen asleep legal scientific and practical center (PNVTs) Loyer". The cooperative rented an appointment at the Institute for Advanced Qualifications under the Prosecutor General's Office, as a kind of cheruvav Bastrikin. Through the second rocky " Loyer i Bastrikin fell asleep vlasne TOV Law Institute”, in which, through the PNVC, the likely shareholder was 40% and especially - another 20% (to enter the controlling stake).
Today's non-state illuminating mortgage " Law Institute» I don’t have a license or a credit card, but I’ll be happy on Vasilevsky Island. The rector is the same Maria Revnova.
Starting date for 2011/2012, we set the initial rate of education at a rate of 40,000 rubles per semester, - Vichi explained. - On absentee visa – 25.000 rubles th. Postgraduate degree - more than 70-80 thousand rubles per rіk. In addition, at the institute, there is a paid humanities lyceum and preparatory courses (24,000 rubles for 7 months with employment for two days). Chimalo, ale spraglih here to drink - I want to row the gati. Adzhe middle vikladachiv - practitioners of the bodies of justice, the prosecutor's office, too. Students will have practical training at the local authorities themselves, plus in government authorities (including the president's office) and great commercial firms. In the same place, it’s good to practice.
There is no information about those who Oleksandr Bastrikin is from the founders of this institute. Maria Revnova її also did not catch a cold. At the same time, the head of the Supervisory Committee declared three times more to that: - Neither I, nor the members of my homeland have NEVER been engaged in business activity in Russia, nor beyond the cordon. Extended at ZMI information is not valid.
2000 roci Oleksandr Bastrikin and Olga Alexandrova slept with the Czech Republic company LAW Bohemia. It was issued to the office Zhitlov's unruliness at Prazі, and cheruvav her emigrant Igor Shutenko. The Russian diaspora in the Czech Republic is convinced that it is not a business, but a pretense for buying a house and a free way to Schengen. " Everything that the company has is one or two apartments in Prague and zero work with zero income », - writing at the forum the director of that founder of a Czech company for immigration nutrition, business and restlessness Light City Mikhailo Sergachov. About partner Bastrikin Shutenko Czechs also wrote chimalo. For example, Tetyana Turchaninova: « With one hand I saw the companies, I saw the magazine "Prazka Carousel" with one hand, and I spent an hour shooting at the gas stations with the help of the turbot.» Shutenko, who was known far away through the Odnoklassniki website, asked for information about those who were involved in Bastrikinim and street shooters, without becoming. At the moment, the head of the UK is viishov from the founders of LAW Bohemia. (Oleg Roldugin)

The intercessor of the head of the Council of the Russian Federation, the most important representative of the President in the Far Federal District.

Photo: http://superkarate.ru/tags/%D2%F0%F3%F2%ED%E5%E2+%DE%F0%E8%E9/

Biography of Yuri Trutnev

1978 graduated from the head office department of the Perm Polytechnical Institute for the specialty "head engineer". At the same time, I worked at the Institute without intermediary for the specialty: assistant driller, operator for the production of oil and gas at NGVU "Polaznaneft" and "Komineft".

After graduating from the institute, having spent the rozpodil to the Perm Scientific and Research Institute and the Design Institute of the Oil Industry. At PermNDPinaft, he worked as a young scientific specialist.

Propratsyuvavshi three years, transferred to the Komsomol robot as an instructor at the Perm city committee of the Komiteti VLKSM.

In 1986–1988, the Committee of the Right for Sports of the Perm Regional Viskonkom was elected.

In 1988, Trutnev's partners together created the "Contact" cooperative, which was engaged in the development and manufacture of sports equipment; simulators were implemented, most importantly, by various state organizations.

In 1990, the company “EKS LIMITED” was created on the basis of the cooperative.

1996 became the president of AT "E. K. S. International. In the Crimea, trade in simulators, Trutnev was engaged in organizing tours of strongmen from the brigade of sportsmen, selling imported cars and supplying Swiss chocolate "Nestlé", as well as wines zdіysnyuvav together with the trade representatives of the Russian Federation in Switzerland.

After the return of Chirkunov to Perm, the partners successfully moved the chain of supermarkets "7th".

In 1994, he was elected as a deputy of the Perm Region and the Perm Moscow Duma. At the Legislative Choices, the Committee for Nutrition of Economic Policy and Taxes was selected.

In 1996, the baby was elected the mayor of Perm, winning 61% of the votes of the electorate.

At the end of the year 2000, the governor of the Perm region received an address. Conducted a referendum on the organization of Komi-Perm'yatsky AT and Perm.

March 9, 2004, the appointment of the Minister of Natural Resources in the Uryad Mikhail Fradkov.

On September 31, 2013, he was appointed as the Intercessor of the Head of the Order of the Russian Federation - the new important representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Far Federal District.

Yuri friend, have a new son and two daughters.

Burial of Yuri Trutnev

Seriously take up sports: Kekusinkai karate and auto racing (classic ralli).

Є Vlasnik of the 5th dan karate kyokushinkai.

From 2000 to 2004, he regularly took part in the stages of the Championship of the Automobile Rally on Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution cars.

Give that achievement to Yuri Trutnev

  • Order of the Poshan (8 worms 1998)
  • Honorary Diploma to the Order of the Russian Federation (March 1, 2006)
  • Medal of Stolipina P. A. II degree (1st March 2011
  • Order of the Poshan (Pivdenna Ossetia, 1 chernya 2009)

The intercessor of the head of the Russian Federation became the 31st of September 2013, so that may be exactly 5 years of wine in this settlement.

And yet more wine and measures of Perm, and the governor of the Perm region, and the minister of resources and ecology, and the president's assistant. It seems like it’s a Swiss, a reaper, and a gravel on a pipe.

At the same time, 62 fates and wines are left alone at the plantation of Putin's most important representative in the Far Eastern Federal District.

Trutnev's friends are three. May 5 children: two bottoms and three blue ones. Ninyogo team - Petrova Natalia. Zrobiv proposition tsіy zhіntsi vіn 8 more years ago. The very front squad, Marina Lvivna, presented you with two blues, Oleksandr and Dmytro. Vaughn master of sports in artistic gymnastics. Today, we don’t know the share of the house, but we know that in Perm there is a vlasny shop clothes.

Trutnev zahoplyuetsya in sports, and she herself autotransports and karate.

And in 2016, roci yoga was honorably awarded with an order "For services to the Batkivshchyna" IV degree, tobto for bagatorіchnu "summіnnu" work. Hah.

So, pratsyuvav vіn zvichayno more sumlіnno. At the same time, you yourself recognize the skills!

Deyakі people already have mercy, thinking that Trutnev-tsіlkom good man:

But why is it a good person and an adjunct candidate for the president? The answer is simple, like three rubles. Vіn usіh robs us from you. What other official in the world can boast of such a great salary, like Yuri Petrovich? Tsya good person in 2009 and 2012 broke the record, like a person, yak earned the most sum of the middle order.

Sob don’t be rich, let’s make a declaration, we’ll earn a lot of wine.

Father, 2015 rec. Our faithful servant of Putin, having earned 153 million rubles.

2016. The amount increased by 203 million, so having already earned 356 million wins.

2017 rіk - 377 million.
Indeed, having glanced at the styles of the various declarations, I have never made such significant sums before.

But what the hell, that’s not all that Trutnev can boast of.

Two large living quarters, a land lot with an area of ​​3742 sq.m. I’ll secure that squad of my s children vin povnistyu from the vіd і to: at the skin svіy dіm, my own farm.

The car is from BMW, the new one has X6 in the declaration, the price is її:

One more car like Porshe Cayenne:

І one more type of Mersedes-Benz M-Class:

Believe it or not, there is one more car:

And also: Bombardier snowwalker, one quad bike and autopatch. Ale, in me, the head is already confused in the face of a faggot, the skilki are all at once koshtuvatim.

Otak from friends, then our officials profit from us with you. To live in chic minds, in houses of brand-new beauty, to live on high-quality yachts, to ride new cars for as long as possible, to take care of your children and relatives away from a calm and luxurious life.

And what can a great average Russian with a salary of 20 thousand? How to secure the life of your children? That navit not for children, but for yourself. Zhodna. Bad vibes. Beyond the line of duty in Russia there are more than 20 million people, at that hour the officials should already be afraid of fat. May God be the judge.

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