Sagittarius woman who is herself. Horoscope of the squad-Striltsya: how do you buy the slub of the Striltsiv zhіnok? Kar'erniy Shlyakh Zhіnki-Striltsya

People who were born under the sign of Striltsya are inspired by zealousness and love of life. The stench is optimistic, wide and zavzhdy domagayutsya delivered meti. Prote, between women and people of the same sign of sovereignty, especially if there is a love sphere on the right. Zhіnka-Strelets - what's wrong with Kohanna and their other manifestations?

Characteristic Striltsiv women's status

Those who want to once come close to the women of such a sign of the Zodiac, to know that people are powerful in their opinion and inspire a simple straightforwardness. At one time, this simplicity often becomes the cause of the overworld of an idealistic shower of the world.

Many girls and women often fail to express their "women's" character to the point of softness and diplomacy. A volitional character often inspires him to engage in tedious work. The uneasy character of Strіltsya-zhіnki formє її osoblive stavlennja to professіynoї and special spheres.

Career and profession

The leadership qualities of Strilchikh help them reach significant successes and professional growth. The stench is vidpovіdalnі and vykonuyut their obov'yazki on conscience. With whom, it’s not important, I’ll plant a wife-Strelets.

Yaka won at the robot? As busy as bringing їy joy and a little satisfaction, you can look at the people of total self-discipline. However, this is the turning point of the medal: if such a fighter has lost interest to the right, she can go out and not bring it to the end. To that same Streltsy it is not possible to choose a routine profession.

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Representatives of the fiery sign are already respectfully mothers of the flexible work schedule: so you can plan your hour and not get tired of the task that is being celebrated. One of characteristic rice Striltsіv є їх rich facet at the same time praciovity. The stench of buildings develops at once in a number of directions, one by one, plant one's profession.

Friendship is mutual with people

Vidkritist Striltsiv that deyak naїvnіst shy so, stench already trust people. The women of this sign have an altruistic character, through which they often suffer through the years. Right in the fact that they are smart enough to respect other honest and noble people, attributing their own drawings to them. The axis of why, out of a whole hundred of well-known friends, with a bunch of fluff, no one can come to the aid of the Striltsev.

Such women are like people: they stink, they are good-natured, and they smell wonderfully humorous. Friend-Streletz is a superior, strange comrade, a kind of guide to assess the vіddanіst and pіdtrimka. One of negative rice such a friend can be called її clearly pronounced straightforwardness. Deyakikh people vіdshtovhuє such directness. Moreover, the Sagittarius friend is stingy with compliments that in the air.

Kokhannya and family girls

Women-striltsі temperament and emotions. The stink of natural privablіvіst and mayut power nevimusheno behaving with the opposite status. However, lightness in behavior does not mean readiness for intimacy. Through her voice, such a girl can be the soul of a company of people.

Tim is not less, fire pans - to finish the death of nature. So the stench itself can be chilled to the point of obrance, as if it did not inspire their interest in their own person. Striltsі-zhіnkі skhilnі prihovuvati their predilection for romance, prote z rіdіstyu ready to promenіyat galaslivі get-togethers for an intimate promenade or supper with candles.

Some representatives of this zodiac sign can have a little sloppy, even a routine housework is unlikely to fit them to the soul. Bagato Strilchikh feel comfortable without a partner. Others do not hurry to join the bonds of the slave. These zhіnok zovsіm do not lakaє the share of the old divi, even if the stench is instilled in yourself and self-sufficient. It will be even more difficult to get such a person zamіzh. By doing this, this woman is guilty of nobility, that she will not be surrounded by her hoards and that she will not be deprived of her beloved robot.

What signs are suitable for a woman-Strelts?

The most suitable for the girl-Striltsya are representatives of other fire signs, that is Leo and Aries. These people are also independent, active and inspired in themselves. The people of these signs miraculously understand and add to the woman-Striltsa, not interfering with her freedom. Setting up food family life that vihovannya of children from them, zdebіshgo, zbіgaєtsya.

What other sign of the zodiac can I identify? With a man-Archer, a woman will get along less in that situation, as one of the partners will be ready to do something else. Two volitional peculiarities with pronounced leadership traits threaten to spend a life with the post-superior girls about those who have the same head.

Aquarius, Teresa and Bliznyuki, have bad luck with the Sagittarius women. However, in such an alliance it is important that the partners cheer and greet each other, otherwise for a fiery girl, such pitfalls will become overly boring.

And the axis of Taurus, Divi and Capricorns is unlikely to go to Sagittarius. Representatives of earth signs, as a rule, are not active enough for such temperamental and restless specialness.

What kind of people attract Strilchikh?

The representatives of this fiery sign are a fair storm of emotions, which is far from leathery. What kind of person did a woman-Streeltsyu in what kind of fall? Cі yaskravі individuals most often choose their companions of life with a sense of humor, fragility and enthusiasm.

The most important thing for such a woman is not to be boring and not to fall into a routine. Women value intellect, but not to blame tediousness, that will be done by partners who are not bad, but are outrageously intelligent.

The archers called for independence, to which the people are guilty, but they are ready to take care of the kermo rule in an hour woman's hands. Solution, in a restaurant like a drink and a trellis, it is better to look at the vital, such a couple accepts the woman herself. However, in folding life meals, the squad-Streletz may be able to reach compromises with their partner.

> Zodiac sign Sagittarius: female

You won’t get through such a woman, because the zodiac can turn respect. Tse tsіkava people, as if trying to reach prosperity for everyone. To love to decorate, to eat a sprat of colors in one selection. I want to and look daringly, but not unsavoryly. Zhіnka is shy to razgonistih ruhіv, yakі zavzhdy vіrіznyayutsya graciousness chi spritnіstyu.

Sagittarius: characteristics of behavior

Spilkuvannya zі sign is not zdobuєtsya like imbeciles. Tse kind-hearted and good-natured people. It is natural to behave naturally. Do not give rozum to zabobons. The vchinki are cherished by the soul and even crying or laughing loudly, then there is no drop in the water. Tse yaskrava and strong people, like maє neymovirnu fantasy. Tom with her is by no means boring. Navkolishhnі zazhazhayutsya її zhittєradisnіstyu. You can rarely know Striltsa, who is suffering from depression.

The horoscope seems that the woman is not forever endowed with this chuynistyu and lower, as a check was accepted as a representative of a beautiful state. Ale її straightforwardness - it’s not enough to imagine someone. She won’t guess that in certain situations it would be more reasonable to promote. In his honed sign, the sign of directness becomes stronger and angry, as if he were inspired by him.

Kamin on the sign of that career

Pick up the stones and talismans of women, focus on their practicality. Also, if you dream of zbіshiti chi zakripiti її material camp, then the zodiac needs a tiger's eye (for example, a bracelet). Sapphire smooth conflict situations and help not to stir up the situation (pіdvіska). And the sardonyx stone will serve as a helper at the roadside (kilce).

The role of a housewife is not for her. Tse high-class fahіvets, building viperedit be-such a human competitor. It is not for nothing that the zodiac often hugs the stones and plant them. It was necessary to organize people in the future, to show initiative and creative inspiration until the next day. The selection of professions is great. Golovna, on the right, allowed the manifestation of creative nature, and constantly encouraged interest;

Kokhannya and the summation of signs

Vzaєmini іz cholovіkami - tse important part of the manifestation of the sign. The shooter is romantic, emotional and shows passion in the head. On the right side of the soul, the stench is turned off by the heart. The special life is relieved of monotony and tedium. And often the zodiac experiences a sprig of lovers. Archer vvazha for the better to lower intelligence and already on the first step can be accessible. Ale, not rozbeschenіst, but all the same straightforwardness. Through the innate breadth of the stench, they do not spend an hour on the game and once again remind about those who are spoiled. Tse helps to get closer to the opposite statue.

Here are shown typical equal harmonies between Strilts and other signs. Press on be-like a couple, so that they will be discussed in the report.


The horoscope vvazhaє, scho Sagittarius and Aries goiter, yazanі create a vіdmіnniy union. All the representatives of the fiery element, like a miraculous mind, one of one and collapse with a single swedishness.

Average chances are guarded by Sagittarius and Taurus. The stench is immediately attracted, but with a skin day, the routine begins to press and the Sagittarius itself is the first to do it. Tsim people will have to rub it in for a long time.

The middle indicator of wisdom is seen in the signs of the zodiac Sagittarius and Bliznyuki. Seems like dissimilar people, like they are attracted. Ale and here you need to practice over the stosunki and rub yourself for a long time.

Zhittєvі ways Striltsa and Raku practically never change. These are absolutely different zodiacal representatives, whose temperament looks like one to one. That Cancer will be uncomfortable with a sharp and straightforward partner.

Strilets and Leo may have good chances for a militant and stable union. Offended yaskravі, tsіkavі and privablі. It is important for Alya Lev to reconcile with the willfulness of the other half, and the stench is swayed for power.

Archer and Diva are immediately attracted by the average summancy, getting bored in the romantic period. Ale potim razumіyut, scho іsnuyut protirіchchya, with yak happened to come into contact.

Good chances for the Archer and Teresa, the shards of the partners add one to the other, sigh and pidshtovhuyut at the roses. For the first partner, it is necessary to be soft and streamlined with sensitive vagami.

The middle rіven of the totality of the installations of the pair of Striltsya and Scorpio. Between them there is a spark, passion and mutual interest. And yet the struggle for power and the superworldly vpertist are zavazhivaet.

The price is neimovirno tsіkava couple for the average summіsnostі. Archer and Zmієnosets - addicted and cicavi, which allows you to get rid of the routine. However, the stench is often boiled and confused by the rubbish.


This is the butt of an ideal couple with an obvious link. Well, who can better understand the Striltsa, and he is a representative of the yogo sign of the zodiac. We are comfortable at once, more than one, look at life.

Archers better bypass Capricorn on the tenth road, because the bet has a low chance of happiness. Tse protilezhnostі, mіzh yakim no tyazіnnya. That life stinks to marvel in a different way.


Striltsev was destined to live a miracle life with Aquarius. Tse active and diverse individuals, like cicadas. At any offense, the specialty of the space of the other half is respected.

A good riven of summancy is borne by the Archer of Ribami. Ale, it’s more than enough to worry about the fact that Ribi chirps under a partner, including the threat of scandals and feuds.

Sagittarius woman- it’s bright, independent, free from zaboboniv, already alive, natural in her behavior.

Strilec enchant your friendliness, let's forgive her, we'll shield the shutters, she has nothing false. І tears, і smіh її - from the soul. Vaughn is galasliva, merry, zhittєradisna, cіkava at splkuvanni, sensible, extravagant in ideas, nevicherpny dreamer and able to amaze the restless with her enthusiasm and optimism.

The melancholy and pessimism of the Striltsev is not in power, and it is necessary to take sufficient blows to the share, so that the frown will catch you for a long time.

Everything that robs this woman is brilliance. She's a girl in ruhs and decisions, she's smart, she gets people to herself, and especially people.

At the sight of people Sagittarius woman do not know everyday smarts. She is with them on a short nose, not respecting herself lower, in her sharpened and from her side she is light-weighted, ready for flirting and love, she is more womanly and a good-bazhana for people.

Ale need to know what Sagittarius woman so unhurriedly put to the point where you think about her, and don’t worry about your reputation, behave with people so openly and freely, to that you know yourself, your honesty, orderliness and stupidity. Whose knowledge is enough, so that you don’t give respect to those few tiles. In addition, if a woman is strong in spirit, she can protect herself and not give in her image.

Cholovіkіv, yakі consort with her, Sagittarius woman tezh can be entered into oman. Let's face it, she's easily accessible, the shards look at whether it's a flirt like a prelude to an intimate vіdnosin. In fact, it’s not so, and the woman will show the sign to the people, how much stench is superficial in their assessments and can’t understand women. You can beat some kind of companion, having mocked Yogo, you can, first know the blows, coldly and proudly making claims to Yogo.

Tsya woman does not lie and tell the merciless truth to anyone who asks for her. And to your nevdaho-cavalier outright to hang a mustache, what you think about the new one, not trying to help anything, and strike at the person's vanity.

Archers value wide, honest, straight stosunki s sharp. Often they do not see the womanly strangeness, the womanly softness, but they themselves see the whole life of their straightforwardness. Often, their respect is not tactful, but you can’t think of a way to reduce or reduce. Everything they say is for the good of the soul, as it suits them. Nonsense is just a geek to them, and they throw their truth at the bіy twice and fearlessly, not wisely, what, more quickly and promo. At the same time, I can’t feel heartless, and the stench will be zdivovanі and deep images, as if they were exercising to the width and truth, they didn’t have the right reaction, like the stench was cleared up.

Sagittarius woman so independent and worthy of freedom, like a person of that sign. To get out of the blue is put up with advances and can be completely deprived of an old maiden, not being aware of the everyday insecurities and not becoming a husband-wit. For her to stay abroad is to spend freedom. You will be guilty of forgetting about your wide interests, you will be able to sit at home, you will be more expensive, and your energy will be addicted to overdressing, the diversity of life will be closed at the family frame. She won’t succumb to the sense of life in a calm family way of life, but the future turbos about a person and children for her are a shackle and a shackle, which should be respected for a stern life.

Afraid to drink at the fire of passions, as if to lead, as one is given, until the animal is in a gloomy appearance, at the ordering of oneself to the blatantly accepted standards, which one can do zamіzhnya zhіnka, you can go cold and striman, which, obviously, is not so. Truly, she is romantic and remembers everything that hung in her heart, dbaily taking gifts and leaves. The shooter lies down to the fire signs, the woman has a warm heart, kindness and a beautiful soul, distant asceticism, she loves life, that emotion is sensitive.

Having thought of linking such a woman with family ties, it is necessary to show a lot of patience and a lot of fantasies, to show it, how much can be different, that emotional role of master, mother, friend. It is necessary to direct її cіkavіst at the beck of the family fire and poobіtsyat їy at the future self panuvati over your share, firmly commit not to overstep її і interests and zahoplenny, do not put slingshots in front of її pramennyam freedom, not vimagat in іd їїї.

I don't care about those Sagittarius woman reluctantly allowing yourself to be tamed, to make friends, there will be a cicava and energy in your new role. Aja won't believe in good tomorrow, won't be an optimist to the brain of brushes. Not too slender to a homely shchenno ї work, prote won become a garniable household gift, a living room, a guilty one. Vaughn and here we know the possibility of creating and experimenting. As an object of stasis of one's own fantasies and guiltiness, one chooses vishukani, one stray and a booth, which one transforms into a worldly salon. You know how to stain pennies, how to ring out and go to її more expensive that rose, - now you will furnish rooms, clothe children, power priyomi for friends.

As a person, we know that his team is from the "spawn" of the Striltsiv, we don’t rule the scenes, if you take the bag at the wrong time for admission, we don’t suspect you of indulgence in innocence, if the hour is overwhelmed by the odds. The woman of the sign of the Zodiac tsіnuє doviru that vіdpovіdatime on the new honest standing to the person. Vaughn is not fit for the underworld and to love clarity and breadth.

Children love their Archer-mom, tsіkavu, cheerful, comrade, romantic, dreamer, proud, generous, wise, free from cunning and deceit.

For a person Sagittarius woman be the ideal sexual partner. It's all robiti vitonchenno, bliskuche. Do not make a vignette and an intimate vіdnosini. Vaughn pragne new enemies - and in sex tezh guilty. Її partner takes away all the help from the malt, oskolki її energy and temperament are inexhaustible, you won’t be able to transfer all your emotions to him, like that you also see without too much.

Sex for Sagittarius women- Tse part is quiet in the malt, like giving people life. Summously, as a person of a woman, I can't seem to feel the same temperament. Tse zagrozhu sladnennyam vіdnosin. A woman of this zodiac sign, sound true to your sexual partner, you will be embarrassed by suffering, which can be overcome by nervous stress. It is possible to come out, to some її shtovhne disharmony: or pleasurable calls, but separation. Why such a result is a strong woman, true to her fire sign You can take the zodiac like a distant hot spot, do not lose heart, do not fall into this tragedy.

Drinking that energy Sagittarius (zodiac sign) female vibrantly rejoices in the wild mass of the neimovernoy narration of its own soundness. Striltsі-zhіnki zavzhdy privertyut respect osіb protilezhnoї statі. They value originality and a great number of expensive embellishments, with which conservatism is absolutely not powerful, but nesmak. It is good for women to know what to go for the most beautiful colors and colors, as well as the courageous decisions of designers.

The hands of the women-Streltsiv ring out the swedes and the wide ones, the spreading ones are far from being graceful. Spritnіst - not їkhnya yakіst.

The character of women-Striltsiv

For their nature, women-Strelts are good-natured. The stench is to love naturalness and absolute freedom in the face of any kind of zaboboniv. In the main, they are absolute realists, as they cannot feign emotions and let them go. Such zhіnki є vkrai tsіkavimi svіvrozmovnitsami, oskolki stench deep creative people and create a beautiful fantasy. The stench of life is inspiring in oneself and in one's own bright future.

Prote є th negative picture of the character of women-Streltsiv - women rarely become strange and delicate. Їm power and straightforwardness and courage, moreover, the stink of an hour is not in the power of promotion.

Kar'erniy Shlyakh Zhіnki-Striltsya

Zhіnku-Strіltsya to finish foldably closed at the chotiri wall and zmusiti become a housewife. It's just not a place to dedicate all to yourself, only your homeland and your home robot. Whose plan is it for women to love the freedom of choice and opportunities.

The stench can easily get along with people practically in any sphere of science and activity. Often women-Streltsy reach success in career growth and occupy the prestigious planting of stoneware. These women are strong and strong, they show initiative everywhere. Vikonavchi and active, stink є vіdmіnmi pracіvniki be-yakіy galuzі.

Sex and love in life

Irrespective of the day, the sharpness, or to the song of the world, is non-classical femininity, women-Strelts are more romantic and deeply emotional. Your nature is biased with crystal clear breadth, you can bewitch practically any person, some kind of leaning order. It's a pity, being totally and completely in tune with your passions, such women often forget all reasonable arguments. Zvіdsi - parts of short, but even more boisterous and unforgettable novels. It is possible to call a sprat of love.

Women-Striltsy for an hour look like light-hearted persons, but it’s not like that. This is a good behavior dictated by us in front of the breadth of emotional impulses, but not by the disobedience of ignorance. Those individuals are pure and honest in their lives, they allow this to be done freely with people.

In this sphere of special life, the Strilts-zhіnki are so very active and sensitive, like in a life of swearing. Especially guilt and rozkutist allow you to lead a different sexual life. Why, with a squeaky temperament, to rob such women with practically ideal kokhankas - the stench of the building is for everything!

For the beautiful representatives of this sign, partners are needed, as they may have a similarly biased and temperamental nature. Sexual dissatisfaction can be seriously naughty love vіdnosinam in a vipadka with a woman-Strelts, shards of stench already value good sex.

Archer-wife at the family life

Such women are called upon not to enter into a club, which is clearly in vіdrіznyaє їх vіd rich representatives of other signs. The self-sufficiency and willfulness of anthrohi do not lakayut women-Streltsiv. This is dictated by us before the absolute independence and the exercise of freedom of special Striltsiv. It is important for a wife with such women to give them an understanding that a school cannot encircle freedom in other spheres of a person's life. Striltsі value vіdvertіst, honesty and clarity in vchinkah and words of partners.


The creation of a small family fire for Striltsiv-women is the same important task, no matter how it is. With a thorough dislike for domestic work and button routine, for the sake of family well-being, such women report all their creative efforts to create comfort in a booth. Stinks love to change the situation often and update the interiors. Love stained glass pennies, however, from zamіzhzhyam tsі roztrati become vuzkosravovannymi - home, homeland that calm.


That creative nature is active, the woman-Strelets is built to become not only a strong mother, but also a wise one. Such women, without mentioning it themselves, actively develop their children. With such mothers, little ones are comfortable and have fun. However, let’s protect and remember that the little Strelts-women are honest and strong, the little stinks are strong, especially the hundred of their children.

The famous Barbrie Streisand has an irritating song, like a lot of rock is already crying out to lovers of right music. It is called simply: "A woman in a kohanna." An enchanting melody, a gloomy, striman-biased voice - all at once creating the same chaklunstvo, as if the heart beat faster, as if only a song began to sound.

Sign to symbol

And why is Barbra here, you sleep? What is the link between the composition and the theme of our nineteenth century? On the right, in that the lyrical heroine is already similar to the heroines of the statue. Let's talk about those who are a female Sagittarius in a kohanna. Ale spochatku kіlka slіv about the sign. People, people under him, know under the influx of two super-fluffy cobs - the spiritual, the sublime and the mundane-bodily. It was tied with the symbol of Striltsiv - a centaur. Zgidno with myths, the sage Chiron was the mentor of Hercules and became a vipadkovy victim of yoga myslivsky fun. The gods placed Chiron in the sky, transforming the suzir'ya on the sky. especially yaskravy and garniy itself in this dilyantsі povitryanogo expanse. Let's turn to the centaurs. From one side, the stink of the untidy, the elemental beginning, passion, which is between irrationality. From the other side - wisdom and arrogance, tact, sincerity, exaltation of the high and the beautiful. Such a versatile and super-cheerful woman-Streletz at the kohanna.

Ideal beautiful Dami

The most illustrative and characteristic representatives of the sign are a romantic dream, beyond the reach of other ideals. On otochuyuchy stench to celebrate truly unforgettable hostility. Aja behind the vishuka zvnіshnistyu, which often predicts the tendencies of Japanese figurines, the mind of hosts and watchful, original, often paradoxical, but logic is crying. Such an extraordinary woman is the Sagittarius of the kohanna. To those people, who do not only want to win the favorability of such ladies, but pretend to be the companion of life, try something to harmonize the emotional and sensible cob, show gold the middle between the spiritual and the sensible. In my opinion, a woman-Strelets has a kohanna family vіdnosinakh rozkvitne, like a miracle flower.

Zahidna that skhidna astrology

If it is necessary for astrologers to talk about a division into sectors for 12 months, then the wise sages know that it is necessary to look at more long periods of time. The patrons of that other fate - the creatures - brought power to their share and in this plan Strilets-Kin (female) - the most important symbol of the sign. Such women of life, to love the fit, independence, everything is beautiful, bright, stringy. Your character is light, it's easy to make friends, flirt with pleasure. Similar to the rare thoroughbred horses, the representatives of the sign are not overwhelmed in the shade in any kind of supplication. It was given to me to sit, pidkoryuvati, enchant. Like a true Strilets, Kіn-zhіnka energy, strіmka, їy needs freedom to change. Zhaga mandrivok - one of the manifestations of її nature. A person, who is a pragmatist to such an untidy mustang, is not guilty of forgetting about such an important figure in the character of his kokhanoy.

Litsar on a white horse

What can you do to the scumbags themselves, so that the stench could turn their prince? Podnavshi skhіdnu zahіdnu astrology, vіdpovimo so: tse representatives of the Dog, Tiger, Boar, people under the signs of Aries, Taurus, Leo. It’s even more inappropriate to inspire you to see the Archer and Aquarius: now look at the world and life close, in such situations, the stink is practically the same. Freedom and self-sufficiency for both signs are sacred, and they can respect the principles and needs of a partner. That one physically pulls them one to one. Adzhe Strilets-zhіnka in sex razumієє, love everything that brings satisfaction, and become Aquarius's leading partner in all vіdnosinakh. If you decide to decide signs, then you can get along with them behind the bazhanny Strilchin. Aje one s unique powers tsikh charіvnih snіgurochok - vminnya pіdlashtuvatisya under the character of the kohani people, її zvichki that consume.

Human type

The zodiac is the zodiac, but the skin of a person is the whole world, which is blessed with its unique qualities. To that varto report it is better to look, with such a person to feel a happy Sagittarius-woman. The sexual horoscope is also taken to respect. Otzhe, who will need our beauties? If you talk about the soundness, then the strings are lads, like they are not tight with heavy kilograms. The beauty of rice does not play a special role - it's better, it's more important to be different. Looking at the options between a not so reasonable macho and a great bespectacled intellectual, Strilchikhs will give priority to the rest, to that for them intelligence, illumination, spirituality are the main thing and a sign for a garner physionomy and burn m'yazyv. Well, then, wait, if addictions get involved, people need to talk about it! And women-Striltsy are sensible people and live by the principle: “Similar to joke similarly.” And one more nuance: people like them neat, okhainy, with a pleasant smell of perfume, pure vimitim, gleaming hair (thick oats) and without a husband wandering under nails.

I'm a woman!

The spontaneous nature of the sign imposes a vibe like its own character, and the light is sensitive. Even showing off for someone else's plan Love horoscopeїї such a very stringent and rich, like th іnshі spheres of life. Mayuchi truly royal temperament, Strilchins actively begin to squawk to the protilege status little not from the podlitkovogo vіku. And then let's flirt and romancing around with strength, so that everything will come soon. This is a sign of an eternal joke, an inexhaustible exercise to know that One, for which life is filled with all the colors of merriment. So, women-Streltsy are idealists and maximalists, they want everything at once, including pure garnogo kokhannya, African passions and erotica in the style of Emmanuelle. They do not tolerate zrad, they are jealous of women, they value arrogance and arrogance and they are ready to play a lot of weaknesses to these people, as if they brought them the seriousness of their feelings.

Dear angel

About whom can women say so? І especially Striltsі? Tse, nasampered, can be a good person, lower, dbayliva. Affection and softness, which is called, in the blood of Strilchikh. Just do not need to swindle softness - synonymous with femininity, sexuality - with softness and lack of will. Something, but there are no similar rice in the characteristics of these women. And for all the independence and independence of a weak state, you really want to be pampered, pestiled and spat. So, we love the lady of power, shine - and stench I want a bit of compliments to my address, whispers of groaning, bachiti bouquets of letters for my nigs. Vtіm, if a person does not vlashtovuvatime “dances with tambourines”, to bow to bows and equivoks, garni gestures, but to put a shoulder, lend a hand, help with gifts and not only, that in word and deed will demonstrate their good intentions, then in person Strіzdochin I will find a friend of life, I can only dream about how.

Freedom without cordons

І sche kіlka sіv "about tse". Women of fire signs are miracle kohankas. Before the women-Striltsiv, they should be put in front of us. In the bedroom, the stench is roaring and roaring, natural and wide. Zvichayno, with people, like them to the like. Youth and nezgrabni, quickly go through the stage of learning, transforming into the right queens of erotica. Without any pretension to vulgarity and debauchery, the stench gladly knows all the spheres of sexual pleasure and generously shares them with their customs.

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