Love sms at the top. Beautiful sms about kohannya at the top and prose.

What is love? It’s the most beautiful time, if you come to a rose, so for the sake of Kohanoi, the building burns down, podkorit be like a peak, make those toppings, without thinking about it. And for the next hour there are millions of sms about the mess one to one, thousands of phone calls and other romances.

You will know faceless funny and beautiful SMS about kokhannya, written at the top and prose for your other half.

"You are beautiful"
You are beautiful, like a room at a room,
І sweet, like a fox pіd srіbl.
Affectionate, like first drops
I lower, like a zhovtets under the board.

Thi garna, how to exchange a sweatshirt,
I am a mystery, like a new moon.
You are good, like a sleepy summer
I dovirliva, mov quiet hvilya.

You are turboless, like a snowball in the sky,
I'm irritating, nache pelyustka.
Describe all the thoroughness of me
Hundreds of thousands of rows did not hang out.

"To the beloved lads"
Love you. Words are simple
I wiggle around,
Povіr - vyznanny not empty,
I value you alone.

You are the best, the best,
I want to get to you soon
Be at your life in the head,
Aje for me is the worst.

“I have been given such happiness”
I have been given such happiness.
Doskonal_tse zustrіti.
I love you! I type of misfortune
I'm ready to protect you!

I will close myself in disgrace,
I'll sleep in the summer baking!
Tobi I go near the fire and near the water.
Tilki kohai and be with me!

"Your smile"
Your smile for me -
The sun of a sleepy day.
When I hear your voice
No need for music otherwise.

І after our skin teeth
The separation is given to me forever.
Kohana, I breathe you
I am writing about you.

"The Day of Passing Without Our Zustrich"
Day passed without our zustrіch
The crisis is almost here.
Samotny, sumny evening.
Peace and suffering.

I want your hugs:
The stench would lie to me!
Nezatishno me in lizhku,
There is no kohannya for a yakіy!

"Great stronger kokhannya!"
Before you, I live a rich life.
І, if you want, we will tell you:
I respect you, my love,
I value you.

I see the lower,
І addiction to my hvilyuє shelter.
Ale smut, obviously,
Greater stronger kokhannya!

"Your kohannya is like a fresh wind!"
Your kohannya is like a fresh wind!
І vіn vіrvavsya in my life.
I didn’t really remember
How did I know that I'm choking.

How sensible: we are one with you,
And nothing can help us.
You became my half,
I want to live with you!

"Guess what I'm thinking about right now?"
Guess what I'm thinking about right now?
Leather time...
About you, my kohana, and about us -
Skin of the year.

I don't see your eyes like that.
Together we...
Maybe just chatting now?
What time is it?

"For your sake, I'm ready for a bagato"
For your sake, I'm ready for a bagato:
Lubricate cutlets, shirts;
At evening Saturday, it’s necessary, then I’ll renew -
A couple of pairs of shkarpets to sort out!

Tse, however, does not mean that
I also love stitches behind the booth.
I just want to spend more nights
Order from you to carry out!

"To the Beloved Person"
I want to tell you now
that I love you for a long time
I often think about us
I live like a movie for him -

Aje feel like not seeing your own
It’s hard for me for an hour,
I want to talk about kohanny
Mind me, my love.

"I love you when you call"
Like a wound checks a sweater,
So without you me -
Nіbi i nі...
I live for you, my love.

I love you when you call
I say: "I love",
What do you think, do not sleep
I want to be with you!

“Again spring has come to our place”
Spring has come to our place again,
Everything wakes up from sleep.
I'm all the same - at the speck in the cold
My soul is gone!

I'll dial my love number
I am editing the bottom sheet:
Kokhaniy, after you - want at the vir,
I live by you alone for a long time!

"Beloved squad"
My dear, my pearl
My diamond, stars of merekhtinnya
What a happy me, why are you with me
According to life, she is in my knowledge.

What do you share your life with me
I in the days of fun and confusion
Burn you over me
The gods have vindicated us with the Sun.

Such an angel is mine
For affection, kindness, warmth
What is in my share
I life so spared me

Vibach me some other
I will manage to darken the days
Hello, I love you forever
About a hundred dreams with you!

"Without you, I don't want to go wild"
Without you, I don't want to go wild
I'll hurry up to cheer you all up
Until then, as we speak to me again,
To show your kohannya.

I want to hug you soon,
I look into your eyes again.
I can't be strong anymore,
I'm running from my dreams to you.

I don't want more hvilin
Be without you, and I scream
Sob soon they would shoot again.
You don't want to go wild without you.

"I want a bootie"
My love! I want a booty errand
I don't need anything more.
Sob only your lips to roll
And never separate.

I love you with a skin day -
Please don't leave me.
Let me drink your love
And at once inexorably buti.

“Kohannya is a charming country!”
Kokhannya is a charming country!
The hearts of people live out.
Land of smiles, caresses, mriy
Bring others to tears.
Vaughn, like a strong veleten,
Lure us into traps.
Shvidka, tempting boo,
Like the first snow, hour tane,
Get out forever...
Have you started a kohanna Dane?
To win the hearts of people,
Sob were simple and kind.
love love,
Kraina kokhannya…
Quickly open the door!

"I respect our stosunki"
I respect our stosunki,
The strongest in the world I value.
To you, dear, to bear
Samoviddano, I love you so much!

With my heart, I have planted the navіki,
I don’t go anywhere.
You became my kohanoy people,
І tse, I sing, remember!

Leather living needs
Poruch - cool pants!
Tse to the word about kokhannya,
I just want yours!

Lower my pratimu,
I will need to know you.
Ale for other cunning ladies
I won't give you your pants!

"If everything will be good"
If everything will be good,
Learn to value my kohannya.
I am raptom with a calm soul
I will say: "I love you more than one."

If everything is stacked up with us,
But I don’t know de, if and how.
Possibly, not today, not at once,
Ale, I'll read the report sign.

"Beloved woman"
There are no such people in the world
Yak ti, my kohana,
I protect thee from us,
I love with all my heart, do not dance,

Your beauty, your smile -
Yak Nathnennya for me
I would have been a terrible pardon,
Yakby, I'm not talking to you!

"I want to be strong"
I want to be strong, like a skeleton,
I wanted to, but she couldn't.
I wanted to say - I didn’t zumila,
About those that I love you.

The one to whom the yak is on the right, -
Everything will be like a share.
Everything will be so, as God wants,
Ale vin i didn’t see him,

Do not hesitate to help me be with you,
I didn’t take the trouble.
Ale tse and take it not varto.
Not unila quiet worries.

"My bottom card"
Mila, licorice, lower flower,
I'm without you, like a zavzhd, self-sufficient.
I'm sending a text message in an envelope kokhannya -
Catch this "warm" one at a time.

I so want to call you back
I will not allow anyone to imagine.
Thy me, kohana, life is dearer.
Kohaesh me? I love you too!

"Love of the girl"
I want to give you kohati
My kohana
With you forever entrusted buti
Believe me, I'm dreaming

My beauty, shvidshe
You are the door to me,
I'm already standing by the door
I can hear your voice.

"People are rich who are afraid"
People are rich who are afraid
In a right way, zakohuvatis.
In the sight of sticky senses the stench is ticking -
Protect your freedom.

Unfortunate! Von don't know
What do you spend a lot of money.
And I'm not a cooper's axis,
I adore you, dear!

You are the best and the best! (for girls)

SMS z_knannya - lyubovn_ virshiki

wrote every time
Aje right? The lads have gone through this!
They helped me a little bit to help you.
When you sit, and it’s already impossible to think,
Take a look here, you know what you need!
Before the problem
Virishili go. І axis with us
Usі SMS-ki, just the highest class!

Telephone SMS-information is the reality of our current life, moreover, reality is already accepted by some of us. Cost to fuss love vіdnosin: here SMSs become the right helpers, and most often they are the ryativnits in some situations. You can’t always say kohany people in all words, before that, as it is written in the SMS-information, it’s not only a kohan, but also a telephone, and that means, wine or there can again and again enjoy your words. At the distribution of love SMS-advice of the choice of vyznannya, vibachennya, grafting from the form of SMS from different vipadkіv of life.

It's a pity, at this moment, well, not all people can know someone from their feelings. And they can’t stink of anything, for they are afraid of the guards, they feel the spirits. Ale, and for such vipadkіv є vihіd, who is guilty of honoring you. І polygaє vin at that, schob vykoristovuvat sms zіznannya - lyubovnі vіrshiki. Tsim way rich people koristuyutsya. So, from one side of the wine, it is the ability to please a person, and from the other side, find out what is really in her soul before you. If you speed up the proposition, then you can find those that you so want to work.

And for the very cob you just need to guess garne sms vyznannya, or love virshiki. You need to get ahead of yourself, because it will not be so easy to work, as you can get away at first glance. So, far from being a skin person, it is possible to move and fold like a text. But let’s get you into such a state of mind that you don’t want to be embarrassed. So that you can win the text already ready for SMS recognition. And for whom you just need to go to our site, and choose the recognition that suits you best. And so, as our site itself is supposed to be, whoever cares for a large number of different shelters and knowledge, you can visit it periodically. Let everything be the way you want it to be. Let your life be filled with richly colorful farbs, which will help you make your life richer and richer. So always try to work only correctly, and then you can definitely succeed. Come on, you will never demand anything. Happiness to you and good luck to everyone, so that you do not rob. Bring on the sun of good luck, no matter how you turn around.


Dear girls, this collection of sweet and romantic memories has been specially selected for you, with them you will be able to convey your feelings to the kohan with them. A mustache row of rows can bring a lot of joy to you, and also convey your warmth, if it is far from you, for example, at the train station or on a robot.

Decals so want to send SMS to the kohan, but it’s impossible to pick up the words, so that you can convey those, like you are dear and you love you very much. In such situations, you will be helped by ready-made textual notes, so that you can choose the language that is ideal for your application. Just to show, it is acceptable to take away small things, but even more significant for a new light in the kohanna. For additional representations here, you can tell your kohanom not only about a little bit of it, but about those, how many wines you need and about those, how much you don’t get much.

I want to hug you,
Squeeze and do not let in,
Caress, shaleno kiss,
I want you at the same time!

I want to write to you
About those, how I love you!
I kiss you, my dear!
I'm thinking about you!

Є for me, it’s less for you,
Less about you my mrії,
I don’t want to guess the axis,
What the hell I do to you.

My kohaniy is that dear,
I check on you as soon as I get home!
I can't live without you.
I love you so much!

I love you - you know yourself
I love you and I don't see anyone.
I'll write an SMS so that you know
What is it with my breasts that my heart is crooked.
Why only bring you a day of light,
What is brighter than the sun for me, your eyes are light.

Kokhaniy my, how can I manage
I want to hug, kiss, -
I want kohati for you at night
And never leave!

Prince my unity
Prince my bazhany
affectionate, lower,
and dogoochіkuvany.
Happy day,
my sleepy prominchik
Ty for me, forever

My bunny, dear and beautiful
You are the best on earth!
With you, bring only happiness
I am glad for our skin day!

Loves of my man:
Dear, only my, dovgoochіkuvany!
I send a good luck sms to the sms,
Sob you know what you are naybazhanishy ...

Sometimes it's like that
What rozmoktuє us dribnitsa.
I really want to say
I won't call again.
Don't get angry anymore
And vibach and laugh.

How much I cheer for you,
Nobody knows about it.
I give you more love,
And my heart is rekindled.
You are my kohany, my dear,
I need you in the whole world.
And as if happiness is with you,
I will forget about the fence.

I love you, I love you forever
I love not to draw strength.
You are the best thing in life,
Least you give me happiness.

For the day, if I chiseled you
Dolі dyakuvati I will not get tired.
І say, as I love you
I will never stop!

Your affectionate and lower bunny,
You are my wild, biased animal.
My dear, roaring boy,
I'm on your vіk, povіr.

Move our doors through the path,
You pishov on the job, I miss the troch!
Turn around quickly on your way!
Kiss, hug and squeeze softly!

I love your eyes
I smile, and words.
Tі, what do you say to me.
I love you little one!

Your eyes fill me
I ruin a whisper about a kohannya.
Vipiti is ready licorice otruta,
Yakshto otrut your soul.
There is no way back,
Ale, I'm not kidding.
You gave me the sun light.
I live by you, I breathe by you.

Tobi, kohanoma, I will say
How strongly my heart beats.
What I can't do without you.
Soul on zustrіch to you torn.

Sleep my bunny dearly.
I will come to your bed,
I'll get under the carpet
I squeeze closer to you.

Nothing came, but I can't sleep,
I'm flying my thoughts to you.
Let me dream of this year
The one I want from kim buti forever.

"You are beautiful"

You are beautiful, like a room at a room,
І sweet, like a fox pіd srіbl.
Affectionate, like first drops
I lower, like a zhovtets under the board.

Thi garna, how to exchange a sweatshirt,
I am a mystery, like a new moon.
You are good, like a sleepy summer
I dovirliva, mov quiet hvilya.

You are turboless, like a snowball in the sky,
I'm irritating, nache pelyustka.
Describe all the thoroughness of me
Hundreds of thousands of rows did not hang out.

"To the beloved lads"

Love you. Words are simple
I wiggle around,
Povіr - vyznanny not empty,
I value you alone.

You are the best, the best,
I want to get to you soon
Be at your life in the head,
Aje for me is the worst.

“I have been given such happiness”

I have been given such happiness.
Doskonal_tse zustrіti.
I love you! I type of misfortune
I'm ready to protect you!

I will close myself in disgrace,
I'll sleep in the summer baking!
Tobi I go near the fire and near the water.
Tilki kohai and be with me!

"Your smile"

Your smile for me -
The sun of a sleepy day.
When I hear your voice
No need for music otherwise.

І after our skin teeth
The separation is given to me forever.
Kohana, I breathe you
I am writing about you.

"Great stronger kokhannya!"

Before you, I live a rich life.
І, if you want, we will tell you:
I respect you, my love,
I value you.

I see the lower,
І addiction to my hvilyuє shelter.
Ale smut, obviously,
Greater stronger kokhannya!

"Your kohannya is like a fresh wind!"

Your kohannya is like a fresh wind!
І vіn vіrvavsya in my life.
I didn’t really remember
How did I know that I'm choking.

How sensible: we are one with you,
And nothing can help us.
You became my half,
I want to live with you!

Leather living needs
Poruch - cool pants!
Tse to the word about kokhannya,
I just want yours!

Lower my pratimu,
I will need to know you.
Ale for other cunning ladies
I won't give you your pants!

"I want to be strong"

I want to be strong, like a skeleton,
I wanted to, but she couldn't.
I wanted to say - I didn’t zumila,
About those that I love you.

The one to whom the yak is on the right, -
Everything will be like a share.
Everything will be so, as God wants,
Ale vin i didn’t see him,

Do not hesitate to help me be with you,
I didn’t take the trouble.
Ale tse and take it not varto.
Not unila quiet worries.

"My bottom card"

Mila, licorice, lower flower,
I'm without you, like a zavzhd, self-sufficient.
I'm sending a text message in an envelope kokhannya -
Catch this "warm" one at a time.

I so want to call you back
I will not allow anyone to imagine.
Thy me, kohana, life is dearer.
Kohaesh me? I love you too!

"To the Beloved Person"

I want to tell you now
that I love you for a long time
I often think about us
I live like a movie for him -

Aje feel like not seeing your own
It’s hard for me for an hour,
I want to talk about kohanny
Mind me, my love.

"I love you when you call"

Like a wound checks a sweater,
So without you me -
Nіbi i nі...
I live for you, my love.

I love you when you call
I say: "I love",
What do you think, do not sleep
I want to be with you!

“Again spring has come to our place”

Spring has come to our place again,
Everything wakes up from sleep.
I'm all the same - at the speck in the cold
My soul is gone!

I'll dial my love number
I am editing the bottom sheet:
Kokhaniy, after you - want at the vir,
I live by you alone for a long time!

"Beloved squad"

My dear, my pearl
My diamond, stars of merekhtinnya
What a happy me, why are you with me
According to life, she is in my knowledge.

What do you share your life with me
I in the days of fun and confusion
Burn you over me
The gods have vindicated us with the Sun.

Such an angel is mine
For affection, kindness, warmth
What is in my share
I life so spared me

Vibach me some other
I will manage to darken the days
Hello, I love you forever
About a hundred dreams with you!
Kokhannya is a charming country!
The hearts of people live out.
Land of smiles, caresses, mriy
Bring others to tears.
Vaughn, like a strong veleten,
Lure us into traps.
Shvidka, tempting boo,
Like the first snow, hour tane,
Get out forever...
Have you started a kohanna Dane?
To win the hearts of people,
Sob were simple and kind.
love love,
Kraina kokhannya…
Quickly open the door!

"Beloved woman"

There are no such people in the world
Yak ti, my kohana,
I protect thee from us,
I love with all my heart, do not dance,

Your beauty, your smile -
Yak Nathnennya for me
I would have been a terrible pardon,
Yakby, I'm not talking to you!

"I respect our stosunki"

I respect our stosunki,
The strongest in the world I value.
To you, dear, to bear
Samoviddano, I love you so much!

With my heart, I have planted the navіki,
I don’t go anywhere.
You became my kohanoy people,
І tse, I sing, remember!

"The Day of Passing Without Our Zustrich"

Day passed without our zustrіch
The crisis is almost here.
Samotny, sumny evening.
Peace and suffering.

I want your hugs:
The stench would lie to me!
Nezatishno me in lizhku,
There is no kohannya for a yakіy!

"If everything will be good"

If everything will be good,
Learn to value my kohannya.
I am raptom with a calm soul
I will say: "I love you more than one."

If everything is stacked up with us,
But I don’t know de, if and how.
Possibly, not today, not at once,
Ale, I'll read the report sign.

"Guess what I'm thinking about right now?"

Guess what I'm thinking about right now?
Leather time...
About you, my kohana, and about us -
Skin of the year.

I don't see your eyes like that.
Together we...
Maybe just chatting now?
What time is it?

"For your sake, I'm ready for a bagato"

For your sake, I'm ready for a bagato:
Lubricate cutlets, shirts;
At evening Saturday, it’s necessary, then I’ll renew -
A couple of pairs of shkarpets to sort out!

Tse, however, does not mean that
I also love stitches behind the booth.
I just want to spend more nights
Order from you to carry out!

"Love of the girl"

I want to give you kohati
My kohana
With you forever entrusted buti
Believe me, I'm dreaming

My beauty, shvidshe
You are the door to me,
I'm already standing by the door
I can hear your voice.

"People are rich who are afraid"

People are rich who are afraid
In a right way, zakohuvatis.
In the sight of sticky senses the stench is ticking -
Protect your freedom.

Unfortunate! Von don't know
What do you spend a lot of money.
And I'm not a cooper's axis,
I adore you, dear!

“Kohaniy, I’ll sum up for you!”

Kokhaniy, I will sum up for you,
I want to pamper swidshe
I'm suffering without you,
Between my many loves.

You be the leader of my order,
Kokhany, don't waste happiness,
And I don’t need a lot of money -
Hug more often!

"I'm more than happy!"

I'm happy, bo
Є in me, rіdna, ty.
You are everything that I need!
You are instilled by the world!

My beloved goddess
My heartless ideal,
I don't care for you
I don’t see in what world!

"I love you if you're okay"

I love it when it's okay.
I'm good with you!
Laugh. gesture, look
I whisper to you: "You are mine."

I am dying again,
You alone live ...
In your hands I will dance.
Kokhaniy - I'm yours!

"Love of the girl"

Without you, my love
Vs_ kvіti in the world v'yanut,
I can't be happy without you
I kokhannya, obviously, don’t buy.

I want you to entrust bula,
I want to love you
Sob hugged me sooner,
For a moment before you, I hang around!

"Ti - a dream of hellish promise"

Kohana! Ty - a dream of hellish promises,
What to shine during the day, and at night dark,
If the moon is falling due to the fog,
I think about you alone.

I want to be in the wind in the dark,
Sob hair and your lips to roll,
You carry life in your arms,
Have kohanna you majestic znavatsya.

"Dear squad"

My love, my friend,
Kokhanka, beauty, squad ...
Happy star called us together
I circled around the Kazakh fiesti

Change holy and weekdays,
All mіtsnіshe, tugіshe pov'yazyuchi doli -
Yours with mine ... I am happy to know,
I can't stop getting into you!

“If we are at once, the hour is known”

If we are together, the hour is known,
I joy spovnyuє skin mit.
And for me, the light of the sun is just tane -
In your guise of yoga, I'm running a vіdblisk.

You are more graceful than wild orchids,
Charming bezturbo strumka.
My love spodіvaєtsya and believe -
I am writing about you today!

"I'm not afraid of folding mandrivok"

I'm not afraid of folding mandrivok,
How can you say only: “I check”,
Through a thousand passes
I'll come to the party!

How else do you click,
And you will marry me,
That is long overdue, love, vlipnesh:
Revenge and day and night!

"Give me a kiss"

Get close to me kiss,
To the selflessly dying lips!
I don't want to myself now
Forgive the sweatshirt of the fool!

I am in my dreams with you,
Yak is a turboless droplet with a glass,
I live drinking in love
Less than my beloved double!

"Agent on the job"

I am a moving agent on the job,
I’m going to be far behind!
I try my best
Reach for what you

I was honored with glances,
Hug, nache with the cities!
Do not stray more pereshkod,
I would give a drink to the world!

"Beloved woman"

I swear, my kohana,
I caress your hands
I can't do without you,
Good luck, we have two.

You are all beautiful, believe me,
Insha - not needed,
You made me at the happy door,
You are the only one in me!
If one of us did not pass by.
My least, least and dearest,
My hot and quivering cooing!

"To the beloved lads"

My Kokhannya is stronger with a skin day,
Forget it, I'm ready to go
Ah, abi tіlki buti with you together
I will soon slap you again.

Kokhany, don't forget about me,
And remember about everything that was between us!
I love you - do not hesitate, know
Your kohannya pissed my soul!

"I love to marvel at your eyes"

I love to marvel at your eyes
І in them to a drop razchinyatisya.
Kohana, chuesh, nicoli
I don't want to break up with you.

You see black bid and drill Ukrainian,
So that your days don't bump.
And let me call you I'm not standing -
I love with a skin day stronger!

"To the dear person"

Rock Rock
I share a share -
Vipav me a happy lot,
Because I'm chuffing!

I love not just like that -
And his squad,
Without you - everything is abyak,
And with you - wow!

“With a skin day I wonder in your eyes”

With a skin day, I wonder in your eyes.
In the hour you don’t reach the kohanna,
There is less mіtsnіshe unite for us
I turn the earth into heaven,

At the balad there is a bazhan,
De do not hurt that suffering,
And happiness wins our hearts.
About tse I want to tell you!

"I'll tell you a secret"

You are a radiant sleepy light
All life reminds me of mine.
I'll tell you a secret:
I love you crazy!

І with skin day only stronger
Kokhannya pahkot at the breasts.
Get out of us, kohaniy, zіgrіє
Have cold nights and days.

"So buvay, scho bachimosya pobezhno"

So buvaє, scho bachimosya pobezhno,
On tizhnі dovgo mi narіzno.
Navit n_koli just call:
Five hvilin to "smoke and smoke."

When I lie down to sleep on my own,
Tilki tim, road, I'm trembling,
What on the bedside table I charge
Photograph below yours!

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