Calm my garni. SMS for good luck to a loved one

Short verses to kohanom lads Nadobranich

M the legs of the girls are dying for a long time, constantly talking with their lads by phone for help calls and SMS alerts, even if you don’t have the opportunity to stay in order. Do you want to get lost in yoga thoughts and protyag during the night? For whom it is necessary to send an SMS-ku, which is remembered, in the evening, in order to help the beloved lads. Ale, let it be so that the messenger corroborated Yogo with his tenderness and warmth. The very same favor of a good night is chosen from the distribution of our site. The stench will help the girls to please their kohan evening, and, perhaps, then, let's bring them to come before the new dream.

Good luck, dear boy!
I love you so much, dear.
I wish you sweet dreams,
Let me take care of your kohannya!

Get up soon from your little bed,
Stretch your paws until the sun.
Sleep soon,
And don't let me in anywhere.
Press yoga to yourself,
I guess about me.


I have SMS to you for licorice dreams
Let me dream of you, I will renew,
And you will come back to me,
Sob were happy uvі dream!


Dolonya on the body to get through,
Goosebumps will be left behind ...
I want to make friends with the body,
Yak Skoda, what is your order?
Good night of love, my lad!
Love you!!!


You close your eyes, let the bottom sleep
Licorice dreams come to you.
Please, I want less for good
I have a happy day at dawn!


The path near the valley of dreams is such,
Let's attach the floorings,
Steel garniy and flooring tempting,
Why not vibratisya n_yak,
We are from licorice yoga paws ...


Shaleny day zgornuvshis in a coma,
Smallish licorice wine,
The one who has a thousand nasolod,
І malt taєmnih warehouse.
Tsey valuable belongings you know,
Leave your eyes as soon as possible.


Sleep, kohany mіtsnim sleep.
Under the rustle of the wind, I will hear the sound.
Problems tomorrow, we'll all sweat
And the order of the day I.


Flatten your eyes lightly,
Until you see, I’ll come quietly,
I'll stick your lips with your eyes,
Schob licorice licorice stench slept!
Receive dreams!


This year in the evening, in bed,
If you are spatime,
I will look into your dream of stealth,
To kiss you.
I encourage you to dobranich,
Let's have a good dream!


I will open the dawn carpet for you,
With lower words I will calm my soul,
I will be with you in order, your dream is protecting
Sleep, dobranich - I pray for you!


Goodbye! Sweet dreams!
Let the night come in dreams come kohannya,
Take a look into the soul
I will become a beautiful life!


Let me give you a nightly dream,
Let the licorice and turboless will be wine,
Ale, do not try to do not think about me,
And then I will come to you uvі dream.


Goodbye, I thank you
I want to say what I can.
Well, for now, let me
Send an angel to you
Send a kiss for me
I tell you that I'm yours!


Kokhany, my best,
Sleep well, my boy.
You are so powerful
Sleep well, love.

Goodbye, I thank you
I send you the first kiss of repentance.
Garny dream let you dream,
So that all of your dreams could come true!
Let the angels protect you
I dream of your licorice to harrow!

I'll invest in the valleys, I'm quiet
I will launch the sky yaknaishvidshe in the night,
It's warm
The one who is dear to me in life!

Let nothing be calm in you,
And it’s almost like a night to come to a night’s sleep,
Aje I, like a bright star, I’m with you!

Dobranich my loves. I hope that you had a good and wonderful dream, that you sighed and fell into a miraculous mood, with the spirits of the soul. Let this night be filled with calm and calm, and early bring light joy and promises of good luck.

So I want to be in order with you
I pestiti let us sigh with a glance.
I whisper to you in your ear:
"My man is the best".

I won't wake you up
I'll just stay in order.
I'll kiss you lower
I will say: "On dobranich."

Dobranich my loves.
Thanks for your love.
You are the best lad of the world -
The hardness is ready again and again.

I want to dream of you,
Sob dream buv shorter than other dreams,
Shchob vin buv kazkovo garnim.
With you, lead my kohannya.

I am writing to you axis q rows
I realize that you are with me.
I'll tell you: "Goodbye
I licorice dreams, my love.

I want you to see your dreams,
Sob buli mi again in two.
I feel heavy
At the lagid look at yours.

Come affectionately hug anything
Love, mitzni shoulders.
There is only one mind,
I'm checking for our coming zustrich.

I want to stick my lips
To the lips, and to the cheek, and to the viy,
Fly to you over the clouds
Don't let yourself dream of everything.

My love, lagidny, lower,
Hurry up and sleep with a smile.
Mi zustrіnemosya there, de i earlier, -
In dreams ... and with hope cunning!

Tsієї nights of dawn,
Monthly and beautiful,
Kiss your warm
I send you, kokhany.

dream yaskravikh,
My dear, I tell you
The youngest,
I hug you.

On dobranich - dear and cohany!
My least and most recent,
Thy me, how to repeat the kovtok is necessary,
And in the whole world you are less like that.

You sleep, even tomorrow I'll renew the zustrіnu,
I send kisses to you.
I'm happy, maybe I'll cry,
Aja Shaleno I love you!

Sweet dreams and good night,
We close our eyes.
Let's make an island
Our fairy tales are weasels.

I love you dreams
Clean and accepting.
Sob prokinuvshis you healthy,
In a glorious mood!

I'll see you off
I'll hug you.
I want to get to you right now -
I kiss you!

Zasinai, my cohany, my licorice,
Let me dream about you in your dream.
We will be the least guilty and the most beautiful,
Just think about me before going to bed.

You are arrogant, suvoriy, but let me
Save your sweet dreams.
Get some sleep, get back to you,
І uvі snі order schob buli mi.

I want to get in order. Razumіyu, scho it is impossible, but nothing hinders the lesser desire. I'll be right with you soon. Close your eyes. I will dream of you. Just don't piss me off. I dream of becoming the best sleep for you. Dobranich licorice.

I didn't get tired of the welds. I know that everything will be forgotten if there is reality between us. Everything will be fine with us, I sing to you! Ale, it is necessary that you have no less antrohi, no less. Sleep, kokhany, we need to forget all the trash. Goodbye, my dear.

Love you. I don’t call, so don’t wake me up. I don’t write, so as not to be turbulent. You are an angel. Mriya, so that all your angelic dreams come true. Shine, sob to enjoy them and check them out. Licorice dreams, mowing.

My miraculous angel, if I have mercy on the night sky, I whisper, thoughts, words about the kohanny. I am impressed that my whisper will feel your heart. I love you, I love sweet dreams.

I want bachiti, so you close your eyes. I confess that I don’t slander your dream, if the wine creeps up to you. Navpak…. I am ready to do everything, so that I don’t know wine, lakayuchis of the moon light. Peace of mind to you, my joy!

If a nichka curves the place, and the stars illumine the whole sky with light. If my soul does not sleep. I think about you. I'm welcome to think about you. To that you are the most beloved and the most beloved. I'll just be lost without you. Don't give me the abyss, right, my sleepy one? Let you take off only good sleep!

I'm so vague and tedious, if you don't care about me. Come on, let's go back, let's forget goodbye .... I will crush you all. Help me to find out those that I vibudovuyu for us.

Kokhany, good. I would have seen everything so that I could fall asleep with you. I know that it’s impossible to do it all at once, but I won’t stop thinking about it. I will flatten my eyes - instructions. And nothing, but I have learned everything from the dreams. Golovne, what's the order, my love.

Dobranich my loves.
Smile for a month.
I don’t let the stars flicker strongly,
All the same, keep calm.

Kokhany, good! I want you to take a dream to yourself, as if only you were covered in a carpet. Go lie down soon, take a check on you!

It's time to go to sleep, dear. Lie down at the bedside, vkrysya with a carpet, buds and you suddenly wake up. Goodbye!

Kokhaniy, I already want to sleep and I wish you a better night and sleep! Tomorrow I'll lie about what happened to you. Dobranich I sleep!

Zaєts, nothing came, it's time to go to bed and sleep! And what if we live at night, and everything that happens during the day, we dream? Let's talk tomorrow, goodbye!

Let's sleep, it's possible, don't give me a couple of obedient pleasures, otherwise you can dream to solve the problem! Have a wiser early evening! Goodbye, my beloved!

Dear, I guess that a dream is similar to the Internet: I lay down on a whilinka, leaned over, but already early. So it goes without saying: zaishov for a couple of whilins, marveling at the hour, and yet the year has passed. True, there is only one headline: the dream is korisny :) Goodbye!

It seems that if you dream of giving advice on rich food, don’t boast about it, sleep and lie on a fresh head, everything is clear. I sing to you, then everything will be good! Goodbye, kohany!

So I want to fall asleep at your arms, look at yours strong hands, feel the velvety voice .. I fall asleep with a thought about you. Goodbye!

My dear friend, I can speak with you inexorably, but do not spare anything and spit on my eyes. Let's continue our conversation tomorrow, but today .. Goodbye!

I could have spent all of nothing with you, but nothing mercilessly tormented us to lie down to sleep! Garnogo sleep, my cat! Goodbye!

Love, lower man,
I wish you good evening:
Dobranich licorice dreams,
Usikh cheer for you elephants,
Sob vіd dumok sleep vіlnim,
The dream is dreaming of miracles.

Nadobranich dear!
I love you so much, dear.
I wish you sweet dreams,
Let me take care of your kohannya!

I sum up strongly for you,
I want to hug you!
Koshenya, guess about me
When you go to sleep!

Close your eyes licorice,
Shvidko, dear, zasinay,
Don't let you dream,
De two mi - I and you!
De love is alive for us
The wind here is sleeping for us,
De paradise for us,
Shut up!

Good night, my sonechko, my joy! I give you licorice, like honey, warm, like hot sand, garnih, like pelyustki flowers and sleepy ones, like a ranky dream. 1000 addictive kisses!

To the dearest, kindest, positive vedmezhattsi, I correct the ship, filled with enchanting dreams! And like an additional bonus for the secret screens with receiving dreams of love, passion kisses.

Bila, a fluffy haze of sleep to fall before you in a lizhko and rush to the edge of the eternal kohanny. We drink nectar from flowers, we walk with green galyavins, we hear the spiv of birds. The sea of ​​love will take us in its embrace and will not let us in until dawn.

Tsієї nights, I know I'll wake up to you again. Your eyes, your lower hands, that smile. I want you to dream of me this night. Aje tse miraculous - not only in reality, but also in a dream. On dobranich, my cohany, sweet dreams of you, with my fate!

Darling, I don't get you like that. I want to be in order with you, not only during the day, but also at night. So let's take it one by one. Zasinay, my kohany, and uvі snі mi zvіm zstrіnemosya again. And maybe, in my dream, we will wake up that world, which we cannot wake up in reality. Goodbye, my love, licorice dreams!

Goodbye! Let me dream about you. So, maybe I'm hisist, but it's good not to be separated from each other to wind up your dreams. Aje, I love you, and I know that you love me. And tse means that we can always be at once, to wake up as we sleep in different beds. Nadobranich, love.

My love, I wish you sweet dreams! Give me nothing to give you a dream, so that the wound in you will give strength to all my whims and windings. I love you, I will take care of you. It's so important for me to hoot without you. I know that you can't sleep. Let's sizzle together, if you want us to fill the same place.

I’ll tell you I won’t say anything - I really want this one! I want it on the bedside tables and on the sofa! Navpochipki and uphill with your feet! I will bake in the cold and summer, if the rain is over my head! And navit it like hell, I want to ... say “Goodbye!”

I check your bottom kiss, licorice, I want to hug you soon. I love you very, very much, go to sleep shvidshe coshen! Sweet dreams!

Gleaming in the sky like fire,
Zirka fell to the valley,
To help you without words
Dobranich licorice dreams!

You don’t have order, you don’t get me,
Quiet nothing, my eyes are flattened,
Sleep licorice and dream about me,
I will fall asleep and dream of you!

Nastane nothing and silence,
When you fall asleep without a turbo
Come to you my soul
I kiss bottom-bottom...

Go to sleep, dosit zmushuvati me to think about you! Goodbye! ;) Fluffy dreams!

Probatch, as if I woke up, I can’t fall asleep - I’m thinking about you ... I really want to pamper you, just realize what you entrusted ... I love you!

The youngest and fluffy, kind, warm, clean and beautiful, wonderful, grayly! Super fashionable, smart, modern and fashionable!
With a cool beat, with a cool bass, if you want to - inspire with beer, with the smell of flowers! Zagalom super-duper dream!

I'll run the finger of my right hand along the finger,
On the back I will run with nails.
I want to kiss you endlessly.
Well, can you sleep with such thoughts?

Let your carpet be warm for my hands...
Let Your pillow be lower for my ruin...
Let Your dreams be bright for my eyes.
I’m going, I’m going to eat before them at once!

I want to say a lot, I want to tell you, I bring a lot of words, so that I can kiss you, but I can’t order the worst one ... I can’t order you! Goodbye, I'm thinking about you!

Stars of Heaven
Shine at the darkness
And one miracle
Shine on you!
Eyes are closing
Nothing for the weekend!
Don't let you dream
Samy licorice dream.

Good night, my sweetheart! Let you dream about the most beautiful and most beautiful dreams, and let me dream of them with you at once! I promise that I will come to your licorice dream, I will give you the best emotions and the best kisses, and then when I wake you, I will make you in reality!

Infection, sing-song, sleep,
Moon shine at the end
Goodbye, my baby,
One in the world!

Dobranich my loves.
Yak Skoda - now I'm not with you ...
Menі zustrіch is so necessary!
Ty is my everything, ti is mine!

One more evening to come to the end,
I call again SMS I dial:
I am writing to you: “For good,
I love you, I kiss you I will.”

Good luck on my dobranich shmatochok,
Such a bazhany dumb sonechko in disgrace,
Lie down, relax and sleep,
Maybe in my dreams you will bash me!

About pіdbagyorlivih
I... just garnih dream!

Goodbye, yangolatko!
I love, I kiss, I check for a call!

Let the sky be a curtain, and the stars will shine with warmth, let the angels fly at night, wrapping you in a lower sleep!

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