How to beat with your hand stronger. How to rob a strong blow and bring down all the strings

then you need to find out why you’re out of it, and for which you need to know the principle. People often confuse the meaning of the word vaga that masa. If the body has a great mass, then the yoga of inertia, obviously, is more. It can be called the most important aspect of strength in martial arts.

From which it is possible to work visnovok, that a blow to an important athlete is more important to block, a lower light athlete, more skilki b vіn no training and no maw will increase the strength of the hand. In this way, one can say that mass gives strength .

Shvidkіst is so important, like tightness, to that, if you are too early, the enemy will have an hour to take a lot of hits and an hour of ochіkuvannya. Walk with a bear of swedish blows and marvel, like a swede you will pragnet litati. Don't forget to vicorist put it right that trimati thumb perforation.

Trim your strength training at the current station. Conducting strength training is a miraculous way to save your body in the best shape, but not to kill yourself with a stronger boxer. It is your fault to train your mind for punching punches, and not for lifting the vag. In this way, the main idea for exercising training procedures is to tighten the legs in that central area of ​​the body for maximum tightness.

What is important to know?

In order for your blows to become stronger, you should master the correct beat of the body. In order to develop as much as possible and increase the force of punching, you need your own start from nothing

However, following the nobility, it’s important to hit all the parts of your body. Aje people energy and її transmission є two different speeches. The athlete is guilty of remembering the energy production and those that the energy transfer needs to affect all parts of the body.

The attack allows you to score opponents points. A good position for an attack is offensive.

  • The corps is guilty of being known to the rіvnovazi pіd hіdvіski.
  • Kulya maє buti beast that in front of the head for an hour of contact.
  • The shoulder may be completely hanging.
  • The gesture ends with a dew of the wrist.
Note. A lot of gravity is important to hit the ball as much as possible, the body of gravity can be bent to the maximum. Ale brought, scho in order to m'yach buv with maximum force, The body of gravity is guilty of being straight and not angry.

Otrimati effective result is possible only in that case, if you put your body into the blow. When an hour strikes, the hand will not be straightened again, otherwise the drift will begin to twist. Strike the next zavdati under different cuts , even with such a rank you can lead opponents of strong and strong blows.

The attack is divided into 5 main stages. To go about those, to climb on the singing number of supports, to descend by the center of gravity, to fix on the ground, to shoot vertically, without overturning the grid. Over the top of the gravel, two strokes are beaten in front of it, like a haircut, the first cut is the cut of the front winding, and the other cut is beaten for blocking. For the right-handed person, the front-facing viklik is on the line.

Blocking allows you to position your body as close to the ball as possible and to increase good traction, so as to allow you to reach the maximum height. Tse blocking is changing the horizontal speed, I will cut off the hour of the race of impulses in the vertical speed.

For the purpose of the strike, it is necessary to give respect to such factors, like:

  • spread your feet wider over your shoulders;
  • on the back of the head, the heels are lifted;
  • the foot should be turned around at the same hand;
  • if it is necessary to strike with the left hand, then the right of the foot is lost on the spot, and the heel of the left foot is lifted up and down.

Main Features

In order to achieve an effective result, athletes need to pay respect to I'll forgive you, and also suvoro dorimuvatisya features of the technique of hitting the blow . For example:

It’s not guilty to be blocked too close to the border, and in the fall of the grave you will be blessed under the hour of your life. In these vipads, the gravel often breaks under the ball, which causes serious technical damage. At the hour of the call, the legs were bent, the stovbur of the wounds was ahead, the hands were behind the body and the eyes were fixing the ball.

Then the gravel is guilty of vikonati dynamic traction, as it is characterized by the expansion of the brushes, the number and the stegon. Rukh is accompanied by a projection of hands uphill and forward. Suspension is the hand of the hand. The hand is broken, if the body is uphill, the elbow is wider behind the shoulder and the hands are behind the neck. A free hand can tell the ball to set the height.

  • bend the knees, and move your main body forward;
  • stegna needs to be deployed at the opponent’s bik;
  • under the hour of the blow, the corps is guilty of collapsing with the world;
  • it is necessary to sharply turn the toelub, and do not pull the body forward;
  • clench your fist with a stronger blow;
  • under the hour of skin shock obov'yazykovo need to work vidih.

In order to achieve these features and work correctly, then the force of the blow can be significantly increased and taken away from the result.

The barrel is straightened and rotated about the vertical axis, the arms are flared, to hit the ball, and the contact is important to expand beyond the help of the wrist, beaten over the ball. to plant yoga. To that zap'yastya we can be gnuchky and we will relax, so that we can play the ball correctly, zbіlshyuyuchi swidkіst or unique opponent. The contact is crushed to the bottom, the fingers are twisted. All bodies take part in the attack.

Gravets is guilty of controlling his fall, in order to avoid contact with a measure of penetration of the opposite side. Landing vikonuetsya on the front part of both legs, and then on the heels. There will be a small perish in the kolіns for the vikonan, so that a sharp fall will disappear.

We develop the strength of that mіts blow for the help of basic training

Іsnuyut deyakі clumsy right, scho to help develop the strength of the blow. You can take care of them at home minds, without the help of a professional trainer.

  • Stuffing a ball

Prepare an important ball, boxer's bagan. If you don't have such a ball, you can take a basketball.

This attack is activated if the ball is too close to the opponent's opponent, or if the ball is under the ball, which includes the transfer of the ball through the stance, disguising it in the defense of the mist. The leading hand curls up at the forward front. Contact can be welcome for a povіtryanoyu sack.

Graveets close the ball for an hour to the contact. A ball, rooms at an important place, to put an opponent at a twisted camp, then it’s worth it, to grow in strength, enough of a small ball, to put an opponent at an invisible camp. The axis of the kіlka is right to reduce the attack.

Get into a position - trim your body straight, and stretch your legs wider than your shoulders. Take it and raise the ball high above your head, then hit the ball hard on the ground. Repeat tsyu right next not less than nіzh fifteen times.

Practice on the wall, so that you can paint your hands with that clogged povtryanoї kuli. Attack with impulse: give the ball to the smuggler, which will rob the passers-by and attack. The attack of the zone on the other side of the field is specific: along the line, along the small diagonal and the great diagonal. Gravets can try to attack in three zones, for sure. Tsya is rightly important, so that you can get away from the counters.

Chervona zone - whole line. Zhovta zone - large diagonal. The blue zone is a small diagonal. Graveets to serve at any place on the field, turn the ball to passable at different places, and protect yourself in a good position, so that you can gain strength fallowly in the pass, which kind of wine will be taken away.

  • Haircuts with squats

For the cob, it is necessary to spread the legs shoulder-width apart, and insert the hands from both sides. It is necessary to fit insoles, if the knees will be on the same line with stegami. Then we need to hang up the hill, raise our hands up the hill. You can repeat the haircuts from the squats, the skils can pull strength. Regularly wiping qi strips can achieve an effective result. Well, if you want to achieve the desired result faster, take dumbbells from your hand.

It is not important for you to bear the burden of anything. Do you think that pidyom vag does not increase the impact force? Boosting your arm, like other methods of bodybuilding, may not be able to increase your punching power. The easiest way to write is to change the way you use the typing technique. І one of themselves simple ways to know that someone has a lot of wrong technique of introduction - if you know, you should believe in a robot with minlivimi.

You don't need to listen to me. And you don't sound like them, you can read more. Nobody bothers you to believe in your ideas. Have you been practicing with the vags? My ideas are the result of boxing training, as well as my experience of many different boxers and their training regimen. Tim, you can take a look at other speeches, so that you can talk, which will help you to get better. You don’t have to try anything new, and then turn back to what you tried earlier, as you don’t like this new method.

Develop swidkіst blow

For the development of speed, there are such clumsy, but even more effective ways:

  • hit with dumbbells on your hands.

At the hour of the strike, the body needs to be hit again. Krіm tsgogo, it is necessary to train the m'yazov masa in front of it. The m'yazi in front of the shoulder is even closer to the shock part, like a fist, so that vaga tsikh m'yazіv will be the most effective.

The rise of the voice will help you raise your strength, vibrancy, strength, mobility, etc. for your boxing trips vzagali. If you find out what is right for boxing conditioning, continue to be vigilant. Always try to change and improve those that you work. Tse zavzhdy garna ideya.

Let's analyze the enemy technique

Naygolovnіshe - learn to beat your body. Navite as if you are moving in the air, but continue to strike with your old technique, you will not be helped either. Persh for everything, your tili has energy, as you do, sob shkodi. Todi є release of your fist, which you vikoristovuvatimete to connect power to the opponent.

Developing the m'yazi of the upper part of the body

In order to train the back muscles, triceps, and also the shoulders, you can use the following right:

  • vigimannya;
  • lifting;
  • exercise on triceps;
  • kick the weight.

Lifting up helps to achieve good results, especially as it is worn tight on the belt. Try to vikonuvat pіdtyaguvannya to the maximum result. When vigimanni, the hands are to blame, but the roztashovani are close to one to one. It is significant that the back can be even, so do not bend it at any time.

Potim, nareshti, is the transfer of power from your body, through your hand, to your opponent. Tse cob ruh of the body, where all the body begins to work, turns, turns, turns around, it expands to the fist. Truly true, whichever you accept.

Do you remember if your coach taught you punches? The stegna turns, the legs wrap around, the arm expands and the fist turns. Do you remember all these small technical details? I'll shoot the first crochet. All these details are just a blow to blow. The stench does not carry the same viability for all the sukupnіst vіdchuttіv that force of impact. With a wild pardon, it would be possible to find out about the shape of the blow and think about everything you need to know about the technique of typing.

Under the hour of vidzhimannya vіdminno train and develop and m'yazi back, triceps and m'yazi breasts. Too many people want to brush their hands. For what next, simplify the training process.

For vikonannya employment on triceps it is necessary to prepare lava. Put the palms up to the bench and lean on them. Significantly, it is necessary to turn your back to Lavi. Squat lightly and begin to let go and rise, spiraling onto your hands. Wick Danish view right about 20 times.

The most important parts of the pressure on the impact are the 2nd and 3rd stages

Extending your fist at your opponent is not the only technical detail for breaking through power. I, it is possible, as much as you can, to relax your whole body as soon as possible. Good, great, important to explain the “puffiness” of the whole body. It's not the same, if you let everything in, sob call on the sofa. It is more similar to those that your body has died down, like a stone. It is important to explain, more control, you can let the docks, it is important to understand.

The big problem is to go into tension, not to relaxation. The third stage of the impact method is the strength of the impact. Tse is your building to give the last firm support at the moment of action. All your body can be hardened and miraculously organized, so that you can put all your strength through your hand on the opponent. Your style has hardness and tension, and you are not guilty of working too much, so that, I’m sure, you happen to collapse again, to attack or defend yourself.

Lifting the weight is the most efficient kind of occupation. The same type of mіtsnoї brush and m'yazovoї masi lay down the strength of the blow, to that their training plays a key role under the hour of the blow. Tsya is right to have your own differences. Kozhen, who bazhaє vykonuvat tsyu right, is guilty of choosing one option. The best option has the right to be determined, protecting the physical fitness of the athlete.

Zvichayna problem lies in the fact that it’s necessary to create a load, or to save the load by stretching a thriving hour after the blow. The more masters you become, the more accurate your hour will be and you will need less stress. Yakbi vi buli karatekoy, sho smashing the whole of that dowel, then there, so, alone, on what you are vizatedzheni, - the creation of sufficient force for the destruction of the object. Ale in the box you have an opponent in Russia and more, you will be punished early. The way in which you deliver your sign is superbly important, so that you need to hit it with a straight cut and sufficient swedishness, so that you can spend it in the first place.

Professionals are happy to train for an hour to regularly stop the wrist expander. For the development of the strength of the blow, bazhano attach the most powerful projectile. The expander was squeezed sharply. To the right, with the help of an expander, it is also possible to develop as a front plate, and interdigital m'yazi.

Conflict in typing techniques

Otzhe, we have є 3 kroki at the enemy technique, yakі mi guilty uzgodit one by one, sob to proponuvat you the best blow. Generate transmission tension. transmission tension. . The problem is that methods that improve one aspect can be applied to another aspect. Abo, scho is worse, є methods, how to pour into your defense, or your building to launch more buildings.

Apply technical conflicts before typing. Методи, які займають занадто багато часу, щоб генерувати енергію, можуть уповільнити доставку енергетичних технологій, які прискорюють подачу енергії, можуть зменшити кількість технологій, що генеруються енергією, які збільшують передачу потужності, можуть впливати на потужність, що поставляється на знімки слідуючи деяким методам управління electric power, you can rely on the different position of the transfer of energy. Deyakі methods of typing can make you unprimed intelligible for deyakіh methods of typing, yakі not є realistic like fighting minds. Deyakі methods of typing lacking the speed of real struggle. . You can talk all day about those methods that are better for each other, or you can learn that it is important to know the well-rounded stamping technique.

As a result, the fist becomes stronger and tighter. Haircuts on jump ropes it is also positively injected into the rosemary of the m'yazovoi masi. Apply for an hour of stribkiv, lift the quilt high, and reach the chest with your knees.

Right with a sledgehammer - one of the most practical and widest. For help with a sledgehammer, you can get strong blows for inappropriate tires. When such trainings are victorious, they develop and strengthen the very same m'yazi, like taking the fate of the hour of the blow.

Train well with a partner. The most effective blows here are invading hit, for which the athlete does not check . It is necessary to send unsuccessful blows to the supernik so that the vin did not catch the reaction. Develop swidkіst and force of impact to help the same ranks "bіy z tіnnu".

As soon as you can do it right and do at least ten quills, then soon you can see a positive result. If you want to develop a vibukhov blow, then you should varto v_dzhimatisya on the palms and on the fists. You can work three times a day and repeat it right ten times.

All rehabilitated vishche have the right to help effectively and maximum dryly develop the m'yazovu mass, as well as to work the tendons of the hands with vitrival and mіtsnіshimi. If you regularly and competently train and improve the technique, then in another day or two, the result will be remembered. Well, if you can’t independently achieve the desired result, then turn around to the help of professional trainers.

A practically skinny athlete, who is engaged in boxing, puts in front of him the task of throwing a frontal punch with his hand. But it's not so easy. To achieve something, it is necessary for a long time and hard work on training. Constantly hitting the punching bag, as well as the robot with the punching paw is the most effective methods to the blow.

On skin training, add “stuffing turmeric” to allow more severe blows. rozvinenі dosit weakly, the procedure is given to dosit important for the skin fight. Most of the time, the wrist suffers from the great finger of the hand. the hand is not guilty of viklikati bolovykh vіdchuttіv, and it leads to more injuries.

In order to prevent calisthenics, it is necessary to periodically “stuff” your hands. In the most visible and most effective way of spreading weakly developed mucks, it is necessary to work on soft, gummed pokritti. Pіznіshe, if the hands adapt, it will be possible to cross the wooden surface. A good training for kurkulіv buv, є і will be a direct blow with the hand on the Bear for training, we can buy it, so it's self-absorbed. Minus the first for those who are recognized for the stench for training in mittens. Normally fill your hand on such bears do not see. For this, yoga is better than doing it yourself. The vaga is guilty of becoming 60 kilograms and more, the outer ball is guilty of butting out of leatherette or tarpaulin. Dovzhina yogo sound close to pіvmeter. In the middle of the cylinder there is a great bear, which will be filled with millet or barley. To the very heart of the fact that the pear is stuffed with grain, the thickness appears similar to that human body. Tse dopomozhu rozvinut on training by hand.

Okrim shvidkost, an important role in the full play of strength. For її thoroughly є a lot of miraculous rights, yakі spriyat not only improved strength, but also a fierce physical form and vibrancy. It is necessary for us to perform a barbell bench press in front of the breasts. Come and go (24-32 kg). Strike on the pear - so the devil is right, as the strength of that stamina increases. Practically all reported coaches seem to think that it is necessary to put a pear through the bag, and not to hit it on the surface. For best practice, it’s best to go alone and strike with your hand.

Prote boxer's paw is left with one of the most unique training methods that help to develop bang hand. The spear axis is right:

1) a partner, who trims his paw, constantly moves, trimming his hands on the equal level, during which training he is guilty of exerting a straining blow from the most prominent position;

2) the partner trims his paw on one place, and in the other yoga hand there is a batig. The head of the trained one is to get a hit on the paw.

Є impersonal ways to deliver the strongest blow with your hand, but tsі have the right to do more devi. Golovna, constantly train and you will volodize the garrison guards.

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