Why are the colors of violets white poured. Violet ailments with photographs: effective methods of healing. Boroshnista dew on violets: jubilation by folk zasobami

The Uzbek violets, so beloved by the flower of the kvtnikari of our country, like and іnshі kіmnatnі roslini, pity, are weaker before the attacks of schoolchildren, suffer from wrong sight and it is important to endure infection of a fungal, bacterial and viral nature.

Sob not to waste the time to embellish the pіdvіkonnya, it's important, if you can recognize the problem earlier. Describe the ailment of violets, their photographs and glee, save the saintpaulia from death, help to quickly orientate in the situation, improve the sight of the roslins and turn the rosettes of health and beauty.

Why don't violets bloom in domestic minds?

Having succumbed to the problems of the growth of Saintpaulias, the trivial blooming of the flowers, or the damaged rosette rosette, the flower-amatori is guilty of shukati reasons:

  • at the wrong sight of the room roses;
  • among shkidniks who settled on violets or in the ground;
  • in the twigs of violets, which make the nature different, that is not safe for the roslins.

Vikhovantsi nedosvіdchenih newcomers most often suffer from the unwritten organized sighting. Especially soon on the leaves one can see traces of improper watering, lack of lighting and good violets.

When there is a lack of light, the new generation of leaves in paired with the old ones look dark and dry. The petioles are subdued, the edges of the leaf plates rise up. Roslin is quick to come back to normal, so put on the lightening of the vent, protected from the stretches.

One of the reasons why violets do not bloom in domestic minds, may be overworld acidity or salinity to the soil, incorrect soil storage. In this weather, they don’t only succumb, but at the same time, the adoption of the flower-bearers is attached, but the leaves are wary of twisting. Similar symptoms can also occur in case of an imbalance in the mineral warehouse, for example, in case of insufficiency or in case of overhead watering.

Uzbek violets supernaturally strangely react not only to the amount of water that is consumed in the soil, but also to the temperature.

Lights with patches on leafy plates begin to tell the kvіtnikary, how to properly water the violets. Such a reaction of growth signals about the supernaturally cold water, or opik, what happened through the fall of the sun on the surface of the leaf. To that very note, it is recommended to recommend vikoristovuvat more than warm water, and watering the Saintpaulias less in the evening, if the efficiency of the opium is minimal.

Violet ailments: leaf rot and root

The greatest risk of rotting of the stems of violets sips under the roslin under the hour, cutting that transplantation of the upper part of the rosette, or raising the children. The reason for this problem can be like shkіdniki, so it can be superfluous after a dry period of dry soil. Rotten bacteria settle especially quickly on the soft fabrics, and the damage to the roots and stems becomes more severe.

Symptoms of the disease of violets can be taken into account:

  • loss of leaf turgor;
  • waste of natural socket outlets;
  • v'yanennya petioles and leaf plates.

With the all-season nature of the violet ailment, as in the photograph, the rejoicing can be more terminological and cardinal. Poshkodzhenі fabrics are removed, Saintpaulia is rooted for the help of a healthy leaf, which can give new rosettes.

Brown rot schile zovsm young rosettes, children and root leaves. In the rest of the fall, the stalk of the base became brown-burim, rose and faded. On the ground under the rosette, bright threads of mycelium grow. And if you don’t get used to the terms, the violet ailments expand and grow on the dry land.

As a preventive measure for growing plants, which are rooted, they are treated with a contact fungicide, do not bury, and then carry out the growth of the plot under the stem of phytosporin or similar to a chemical.

V'yanennya that darkness zabarvlennya leaves posterіgaetsya and with the development of root rot. When growing roslin from the soil, it appears to grow brownish roots, attacked by spores of a fungus fungus, as it multiplies quickly and grows in a watery medium. When the acidity of the soil is low, the spray develops the flooring unsafe for senpoliy infection.

One of the effective ways to fight against the disease of violets can be to reduce the frequency of watering. Despite the fact that the growth is rarely taken off the water, the portions may be bright. For prevention, that likuvannya ailments of violets, as in the photograph, vicorist root cuttings. It is possible to reduce the width of the rizik, vikoristovuyuchi not overly embarrassing the volog ґgrunt.

Sira rottenness also leads to the weakening of the green parts of the growth, with which the good commemoration of the gray fluffy pours on the damaged surface. All leaves with signs of ailments of violets, as well as leaf blades that died, and living creatures were removed, not letting them sink to the ground. To reduce the risk of infection in the cold season, it is even more important:

  • do not allow supra-world moisture;
  • v_dmovitysya v_d obpriskuvannya sockets;
  • water the violets correctly, avoiding stagnation of water and condensate.

From chemical preparations for the production of rosettes and їkhistu choose Swiss and fundazol.

Boroshnista dew on saintpaulias

One of the widest ailments, which are called by shriveled fungi, attacking and violets of the uzambar. Zovnіshnyo having manifested the disease of violets, guessing the rossipan on the leaf plates and the veins of the leaves is borough, and the infection of the senpolia comes from the help of the spores of the fungus, which are found in the soil.

Violets are the most sick before falling ill, weakened after transplantation, recently grown specimens, young and new, old, growing.

As a prophylactic stop, rosettes protect against temperature fluctuations, properly water violets and vicarious revitalization. Even though the infection is still infestation, the senpolia needs to be treated with a fungicide.

Fusarium as a disease of violets

The most safe for violets, the disease begins to sprout a bunch of root growth, as it rots and grows, and then, along the vessels, the infection spreads to the stem, petioles and leaf blades of the lower leaf. When ill at this stage, there is more of an old leaf in the lower level, the stems and edges become sparse, and then we die.

Shvidkіy death of the growth of spryaє yogo weakened after the color, not good enough for violets, and also the temperature is lower than 16 °C.

The fight against fusarium disease is carried out in the term in the field of ailing growth from the sub-contact, where other violets are located. The best defense is a copy of the attack at once from the soil, and the miner medium vitriol or an available fungicide. As a preventive measure, it is necessary to improve the watering regime, and also, in every case, it is correct to water the violets with phytosporin. Such a procedure is carried out shomіsyatsya.

Late blight of rosettes senpolia

Late blight on the roslins of Saintpaulias is manifested by looking at the brown patches, which are drying up on the leaves. In the world, the development of ailments on violets expands like that, the tissue is affected by necrosis, the rosette is in the yane. Reinforce the springiness of the leaves do not come out after watering.

Even though the upper part of the rosette is not damaged, you can see and try to root it, having previously sprayed it with an antifungal drug and removing all the violets of the fabric that have been touched by the ailment. Healthy zrіz is to blame for the mother of light-green flowers. For rooting, you can take healthy leaves.

Reshtu sockets are reduced, preventive maintenance is given to all violets, which were judged by an ailing specimen.

Viruses of bronzeness and mellowness of leaves

Illness of the viral nature changes the natural appearance of leaf plates, the supply of fabrics and the development of roslin. These ailments can be the reason why violets do not bloom in the minds of the home, and then cease to develop in the heat.

Bronze virus, for example, should be produced before the appearance of a poisonous leaf against changes in disease. Such growths for an hour appear to be lifeless and dwindle. And the shkіdniki can spread the ailment of violets, who grow up in the apartments. At to this particular type ce thripsi.

Shkіdniki on roslins of uzambar violets

Shkіdniki, scho vrazhayut senpolії, zdatnі zavdati seroznoї shkodi kіmnatnіy kіmnіy kіnіtі, skolki in the sphere їх_іхірісів spend and green parts of roslyn, i korinnya. Krіm tsgogo, the stench of spreading the naivіdomіshi ailments of violets.

The ticks in the minds of the home become the safest shkіdniks of the room growths. On the violets, those scurvy cyclamen mites are especially wide, infected with yakami at the cob stages are practically not littered. It is only when a new leaf appears that it becomes obvious that the rosette is populated with microscopic clods, that the rosette grows to a pinnacle, and violets bloom in the minds of the home, detailing that twisting of the leaves in the center of the rosette.

To fight against the shkіdnik for an additional phytoverma or other insecticides, first of all, isolating the ailment of the roslin.

Not less than the approaching horde of violets. From the soil of the worm, they penetrate the root system of the roslin and judge, to live the outlet. The stench bleeds juices, destroys the growth with toxins, and destroys the supply of fabrics. As a result, the violet looks weakened, blooms grow, rotten growth. On the green part of the growth, the nematode-damaged growth looked like a stalk of the stem, that change in the shape of the leaves, the mass adoption of children.

With this, on the roots of good memory, that pukhirtsev's sweating, the cysts of the worm develop.

With such a violet, it is reasonable to diverge, but if you multiply a rare variety, you can’t take leaves from the lower tiers, even if you have nematodes. Roslin is smitten with the earth at once. Piddon, the miner, that flowerpot is disinfected with great care.

The popelets show up more easily behind the sticky sights on the leaves and the very clumps on the lower side of the leaves and on the petioles, which support them. It is possible to kill the shkіdnik with a miles of roses, if you don’t remake the soil, as well as with the Antitlin preparation, fitoverm or tyutyun saw.

Thripsies, which easily move from roslin to roslin, are the most unsafe for Saintpaulias, which can be found in household minds. Until then, the shkіdnik, who eats the juices of the roslin, quickly multiplies and transfers the building to the rosettes of the bells of various ailments of violets. You can get rid of thripsy with the help of Aktari or another similar drug. When dressing the shoes, the earthen breasts are torn apart, and, of course, they shave off the quilts, in order to spare the skipper їzhi - the file of senpolia.

The presence of boletus worms is seen as white plastics on leaves, stems and petioles on areas of their plant with a stem. In the soiled coma, in the wounded growth, there is a commemoration of the whiteness of the breast. Tse mіstsya skuchennya worm'yakіv, yakі gorchuyutsya juices of the roselin. Violet is infected in a shvidko v'yane, leafing becomes dark, yellow.

If you don’t get used to the terminology, you might as well die the violet ailment, and suffer the sudan rosettes. The jubilation is carried out for the additional watering of the violets by Mospilan or the Regent, the parts of the obov'yazkovo are seen to fall.

Sciaridi is well known to all kvіtnikara, as they are engaged in the cultivation of indoor crops. Dried black flies over the mountaineers are not safe and yet, who are eating the juices of saintpaulias, and looking at the larvae of the building, they give serious harm to the underground parts of the roslins.

The fight against the Saint-Polian shkіdnik in the spilled soil with a systemic insecticide, as well as improved surveillance of the roslins. In this way, as if in no way, important correct watering of violets, shards of the transcendental vologer in the ground spryaє reproduction and activation of shkidlivih coma.

The ailments that the violets oppose, the floorings can tremble, but the flowers do not know the reason for the death of the roslins. Root rot, ink leaves that leaf, but why? Watering incorrectly? Did the ticket take less or more, lower the need for sony light? In order to know the difference in nutrition and ahead of the bad news, it is necessary to know the main ailments of violets and correctly conduct the celebration of the tickets. A correct sight will help you to escape from these misfortunes.

You know you? Goethe loved violets. Under the hour of their walks along the frontiers of the wines of the rosey in today's day. Unforgettable mustards near Weimar were filled with cimi apartments. The stench will still grow there, and in honor of the memory of the great classic they are called Goethe's violets.


Tsya ailment viklikaє rotting rosettes of violets. The main reason for falling ill is due to the banal wrong watch over the bush. In this way, the Fusarium fungus penetrates into the young roots of violets. Through tse i start away from bending the flower. Petioles grow brown and fall, and the root becomes dark and can no longer trim the growth in the ground.

Why can't I work for an hour to watch the violets? Type of sprat:

It is necessary to treat the ticket with fungicides, and the dead parts of the growth are often removed. It is necessary to keep an eye on the growth of Russia, vidpovidno to all the rules. As a prophylactic, come in next to water the violet with rosemary fundozol.

As if on the leaves of violets, more plastic ones appeared, and the rosemary looked like it was sawn down, then the dew of the bogweed struck. Room violets are especially strong to the point of being ill. Bіlі plyami vrazhayut so stalks of flowers. Let's talk about the factors that treat the appearance of such ailments:

  • Roslina is obsessed with the lack of natural dormouse lighting.
  • Water content near the room exceeds 60%.
  • It's too cold now.
  • Sawed and confused self-growth and that of the mountaineer, in which he is known.
  • Soil with lack of phosphorus and potassium, ale with excess nitrogen.
How to protect the appearance of boroshnisty dew?
  • Kvitkove leafing through the next day, wipe it with a laid servlet.
  • The premises can be cleaned and well ventilated.

Important! Such a glance is necessary not only in the case of the Vipades, if Saintpaulia has appeared in your house. Growing ailments act as a deaky indicator of anxiety, which is the middle ground for residents. Children are especially appreciated.

Even though your violets are still full of wine, it is necessary to know about the methods of rejoicing. Really everything is easy to do. Slid as if to cover the ticket with benlat and fundazol. The effect of jubilation can be seen not at once - it can take an hour to check. After a second time, repeat the procedure. After the improvement, I will grow up, take care of the benefits of preventive measures. Viroblyat watering the violets with water, the temperature is not lower than for the room.


Іrzhavimi, leafing violets become after infection with rusty fungi.

Important! Do not stray with calcite opik, which is also manifested in the sight of rusty patches on the leaves of that soil.

In case of illness, the upper part of the leaf is covered with orange humps, and the lower part is covered with brown pads. As a result, the stench rises, wilting the super-flowers of rusty mushrooms. After contact with the skipper, the leaves are out of the world and fall off. Mushrooms settle only on the living parts of the roslin, and for the further ripening of the super mushrooms, a vologer is needed. As a matter of fact, this disease is more typical for the rich of other plants, and violets suffer even more rarely.

The temperature regime, which is suitable for the expansion of mushrooms, is between 10-20 degrees of heat. Іrzha vilіkovuєtsya priskuvannya fungіtsidov, odnovіdstkovy rozchiny burgundy sumіshi or sіrchanim saw.

The correct name for these ailments is botrytis. Vіn viklikaє syri poured on all parts of the growth, after which the fabrics of violets rot. Unfortunately, the ailment is much wider and develops rapidly. The violet of the guinea is rather swept away.

The fungus penetrates the roslin through the old soil. Therefore, for reinsurance, the soil needs to be frozen and filtered with manganese. The treatment is carried out with fungicides. The rotten parts must be removed at once from the earthen breast. Preventive visits are carried out at unpermitted parts and sharp temperature drops, as well as watering.

Important! Remember that improper watering is the first cause not only of botrytis, but of other flower diseases.

Sudin bacteriosis

Illness is seen, as a rule, in the stinging period. The lower leaves of the violets become almost covered with mucus and die indefatigably. Treatment is carried out with fundazol, zircon, previcur and immunocytophyte. It is also necessary to cool and improve the ventilation in the premises.

You know you? Violets knew their zastosuvannya in perfumery. Parma, which is in Italy, sells perfumes "Vira Violetta". The stench is prepared for old-fashioned recipes, which have already been repeated hundreds of years, from Parma violets.

Shkidniki Violets: Symptoms and Likuvannya

Saintpaulian is not only sick, but coma. Violet growers also “shine” their versatility, if the fight against them, basically, is reduced to the standard procedure of processing with special preparations. It is important that you go to preventive control, in times, it is also relevant. With their help, it is possible to reduce the risk of injury to people to a minimum. Dali timetsya about those how to carry out the processing of violets in the widest shkіdnіv.


Violets can be attacked by different kinds of mites:

  • Red spider mite. After the new growth is covered with red specks of cobwebs on them. The leaves are twisting and dying.
  • Zvichayny spider mite. The leaves are covered with brown spots.
  • Cyclamen mite. Attack the youngest leaves in the center of the rosette. As a result, the stench swells with unnatural forms and sways with yellow flames.
After these shkidnikiv, the intensity of the growth of the flower changes, the stem becomes short, the leaves fade, the buds do not open and deform. If the violet is infested with mites, then the leaves twist and the nibs are covered with a saw. If the mites appear, the glee of the growth of the next is carried out for the help of acarcidus at intervals of this day.

Important! If it’s impossible to name a shkіdnik, then water the soil of the violet with “Aktellik” or “Fitoverm”. Tse universal protection against complex lesions.


Thripsy - small flying "insects" that lead a wide range of damage to room growths. The stinks of a dark storm are zabarvlennya and they eat leaves. It is possible to signify their vtruchannya for white husbands and mortified leaves and vouchers. So are brown or black chickens. The treatment is carried out not only with the preparations "Fitoverm", "Aktellik" or "Aktar", but for the help of direct delivery - the collection of coma.

You know you? On lands enriched with zinc deposits, the growth of faceless violets. Voni are their own geologists of the flower world.

Tse krihіtnі worms, who live near the ґruntі. The stench is hostile to the root system of the rosline, vismoking from it brown juices. In parallel, the stench vibrates toxic speech and shkidlivy utvorennya, called galls.

On the back, the shkіdnik is absolutely incomprehensible. Only when transplanting violets, you can signify a hit (it’s enough to look at the root). With a slight nematode flutter, the leaves are covered with light green patches, which, as a result, darken and rot. A speck of growing violets dries out and deformed leaves appear from it. Violets, attacked by nematodes, grow badly, weaken, do not give flowers, the stalk step by step succumb to that gyne. It is impossible to bring in nematodes. For that, it is necessary to throw out a ticket from the soil at once, and the miner to do well.

Borosnisty bug

The preparations "Aktar", "Aktellik", "Fitoverm" will help the infected violet. You can also solve the problem by transplanting the roslin into a new soil and seriously removing the remnants of the old one.


The popelitsya on violets is fighting the flower-carriers, the buds and the flowers. Tsі small green clods vismoktuyut sіk іz roslin. After these leaves, the leaves of violets are deformed and v'yanut. If the popelets are too rich, they will establish a white ball of sticky home on the leaves. Roslin enjoys "Mospilan" or "Aktellik".


Room woodlice - all terrestrial crustaceans. The stinks are similar to small armadillos. Ideally wash for their reproduction - the water content and fluffy soil are promoted. Tsі bіlі komakhi ears jut the root of that leaf on violets. Especially unsafe even young roslins. Pevna kіlkіst mokrits live at the booths, de overwhelm the vogkіst. Rejoice in acaricides(it is necessary to carry out a covering of the growing line and pour the substrate in the soil).

You know you? Violets for the Romans were similar to cicada muzzles. According to the legend, the gods punished people for their tsіkavіst in front of the baths of Venus, and turned them into roslini.

Flies and mosquitoes

Sciaridi come at the most important peresvolozhenih and pereprilih ґruntakh. Mature individuals do not give birth to any bad violets, to the control of their larvae. The stink quickly destroys the substrate, the roots are rooted, the access to them is quickly sour, and the soil is greatly strengthened. Especially unsafe for young unimaginable colors.

Tsі shkіdniki kіmnatnyh violets call out rotting of the stem and root system. The stench of karbofos rises, we spill it at the soil. Dodatkovo, the edge of the mountaineer can be anointed with dry targans, and the upper ball of the soil can be powdered with krichta. Grown-up individuals sneer like aerosols on the Raid and Dichlorvos kshtalt. You can also hang sticky lines from flies.

In case of a strong infection of the soil in the miner, I should replace it again. Roast the prepared soil in the oven. Tse singly in the leftovers of roslin, that they did not spread out, that so many flies and mosquitoes are added. Push yourself away and do not re-solder the ground.

Shield and false shield

Shchitivka and false shield roztashovuyutsya on rosettes of violets, on leaves or petioles. The clods reach seven centimeters from the zadovka and look like brown shields. It is possible to recognize their ruinous activity for sticky visions on roslins and at a distant їх znakhodzhennі. If only one person grew up in the field, it means that you need to cut all the sockets, so that you stand on guard. Wear shields under your shell without a faceless child, as they easily move and scatter. Treat roslin with agravertine.

Foot-flaps, fool around

The stench settles on the surface soil, loves the water and in it they are willing to multiply. Violets, in principle, don’t give a damn about stench, but with a massive population, young root flowers can hurt. In order to introduce them, slid the soil with a change of peretrum, and also optimally dry the soil.

Prevention of violets in ailments and shkіdnikov

So that the risk of infection of your growth is minimal, follow the next recommendations:

  • Soyno pridbana violet is guilty of being in "quarantine" for a month.
  • Do not buy planting materials after sumnivnyh roslin.
  • If you suspect that I’ll become a purchased ticket, get it “Fitoverm” and water Fitosporina-M for a month. Ce daily prophylactic preparations.
  • Always carry out the sterilization of the soil sum before hanging the roslin.
  • The land with greenhouses, greenhouses and hotbeds can be contaminated. Її better not vikoristati. Harvest the ground at the fox, file it in the mіsskoy border.
  • Wash well and sterilize the miners.
  • Do not give the roslin a splash of low temperatures.
  • Do not overdry and do not flood the violets. Take care of them with a sufficient amount of light, so that in another fall - loosen them up.

You know you? The aroma of violets is a wonderful zasib that relaxes the body, calms the soul and strengthens the spirit. Having smelled the violets, you can be charged with optimism and strength for self-healing.

Chi bula tsia article brown?

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Write in the comments, on the basis of your request, you did not take away the opinion, we obov'yazkovo vіdreaguemo!

135 times already

Saintpaulia or as there is more of a house - the violet embellishes the pіdvіkonnya bagatioh. Її nonviolent, beautiful and trivale, the color calls out to a mass of positive emotions, and it’s like covering up, if the ticket is unknowingly why it becomes attached with a lot of nasties, which starts to swell all the leaves of the dew with a nameless shvidkistyu.

Tse head is a sign of boroshnistoї dew. At an early stage, you can take it for a drink and wave your finger, but if you don’t get sick at the same time, then the leaf can die. And the axis, as if looking like a barrow dew, that popelitsya on trojans, and how you can fight with it, you can fight

How to appoint dew to the boronist?

White poured on the fleshy leaf of the growth is nothing more than a mycelium of boroshtorosyanyh fungi. The stench penetrates the flower leaves at the flower bed and sips the juice from the new one, causing the lower leaf of the growth to die, it wastes its decorativeness. Cobwebs on the leaves are zhovti dіlyanki, then virazki come to change.

There are two types of bog dew:

  • Help. For her, a white pour is established.
  • Hibna. Creamy on the leaves are ore and storms, and the stench can attack and the stalks of growth. On a wicked variety of ailment, the moisture of the place is poured in, what’s the matter, the ailment is fighting the violet of the swidshe.

Maybe you can also ask for information about those, how to get trojans from the popelytsya and how to varto vikoristovuvati

On the video - barley dew on violets:

Often, the bog dew appears on these colors in the spring period, for the right variety of illness, moisture again does not play a great role.

And the axis, like the popelitsy on the Trojans, for the help of the people's benefits, and the ones from the benefits of the most efficient, appointed

When roslin is shill?

Arguing fungi, that they call out ill, live near the soil, but the stench may not show itself for a long time, until they scatter the songs around:

  • Vogkіst, gloomy and cold weather. Cі factori zdebіlhogo vplyvayut on rosliny, scho grow on balconies and in to the critical soil, room relatives can suffer less for strong moisture, which exceeds 60%.
  • The fungus can buti urazhenі susіdnі z vіalkami roslini.
  • The soil, which has a visage, has a great amount of nitrogen to avenge.
  • At the water, recognized for watering the roslins, through stagnation, the fungus superworts will also become established.
  • Ignore the watering regime, how to produce before the appearance of an ailment. Before the onset of watering, it is necessary to dry out the earth, but not to allow the overworld to dry out.
  • If one of the roslins near the kvitnik is already infected with downy dew, then it is necessary not only to isolate it from other roslins, but after interacting with it, thoroughly wash your hands so as not to endure the superworts.

And the axis of why the population appears on the Trojans and yakі koshti varto zastosovuvat us in front, it’s appointed

On the video - how the downy dew appears on violets:

At the first stages of the ticket, you can wipe off the bog dew, but you can use the entire ticket. For usunennya tsієї adversity zastosovuetsya folk recipes and buy drugs.

And the axis, as if looking at the buds of the Trojan, is green popelitsya and what can be done with such a problem, it is designated in Denmark

People's interests

In the midst of pereverenih zasobiv, yakі to relieve Saintpaulia of illness and pervіrenі hour of variance and vіvvari, prepared from available zasobіv.


Rozchin is prepared for two components: drive and sirovatki, stinks are taken from the offensive spivdnoshchennі: 10:1. The dressing with otrimanim faces is carried out in dry weather, it is necessary to repeat the dressing of trichi.

Milk sirovatka for roslin

Sprouting from sirovatka I make a spit on the splint, so that it doesn’t allow the superchicks of the fungus to multiply, and the speeches, which enter at the back, remind the sprouting with brown speeches and mourn yogo dressing.

And the axis is like landing, that watch over the mesembryantemum and how varto їх to grow for the best result, it is stated

soda ash

Її slid z'єdnati in a quantity of 25 grams with 5 grams of rare mil, qі two components differ in 5 liters of water. Affected by the downy dew, the roslin is covered with an otrimaniim rozchiny dvіchi with an interval for a day.

Soda ash for roslin


For this recipe, it is necessary to pour 100 g of fresh, not dried horsetail with 1 liter of water and leave it for 24 years. After that, boil for 2 years, after which they cool it down. Potim diluted with water, vitrimuyuchi proportions: 1 part of boiled rosemary to 5 parts of water. Cі spіvvіdnoshnja komponentіv zastosovuyutsya for garden shrubs violets, yakshcho fell ill room roslina, їх slid change proportionally.


Take away the concentrate of vicory for the processing of roslins in spring and autumn, when the thorny dew appears most often.

Its effectiveness is measured at the beginning stage of the disease, the application is carried out three times a day with an interval of 5 days before the end of the treatment.

And the axis is like the process of growing Ursinia’s ticket and like looking like a ticket on the photo, you can work

Midniy vitriol

This speech in a quantity of 5 grams is scattered in a glass of water, in parallel with it, a miles-long variety is prepared: 5 liters of water and 50 grams of a wonderful sweet (better than the master's or a child's).

Midniy vitriol

Preparing the components of the unit without interruption. On the first day of the stosuvannya, the sprats were once rolled over the roslin, and then we repeat the work after the tizhne vitrimka.

Fundazol for roslin

Efficiency of these methods to deposit in view of the correctness of the processing of roslin:

  • Preparing the rosewood: set up її okremo in the form of healthy flowers, clean up all the withered and heavily damaged leaves from the stems at once.
  • Wave from the ticket, drank that smittya, squirming with a penzlik, and then let’s wash it with a jet of water. Vimiti piddon or a saucer, on which the mountain worker has set up with a dew, that clean the upper part of it, and take the upper ball of the soil.
  • Apply a violet, as indicated in the instructions to the selected fungicide. Water the soil with a ticket, just don’t fill it with yoga, fill the miner with a new land.
  • Repeat the work for the day.

In this way, it is possible to vicorate other fungicides: "Skor" and "Fitosporin".

Dryness for roslin

And for the prevention of illness, go: Gliokladin and Gamair. The stench is poured in softly and properly, so you may need a vikonati sprat to sleep. But even if the stench did not help and the ailment progressed, rather, turn on stronger fungicides, bring more.

Gliocladin for roslin

Safeguard violets in the downy dew to help increase the weather for their development: reasonable temperature, regular watering and maintenance, part of the airing of the plant. Violets are more likely to hang on the yards or roztashovuvat on the pіdvіkonnyah at the pivnіchny gathering.

Violet blooms under the richness of home decorative roslins, which can practically bloom tsiliy rik yakscho їy put a diligent watch and be respected to її I will become.

But be it the growth is shy to the point of illness, and one of the problems, through which your violet can suffer - a white pour on the ground, which is rich in someone who does not give a little bit of significance.

The reasons why such a pour is found on the substrates, can be sprat and not just understand why the earth has fallen ill, but we can try to grow in these food.

Why can there be more pouring on the soil of violets?

Poured on substrates, maybe mothers white color, Zhovtiy, syriy chi bury. Unfortunately, it’s more difficult to make an accurate diagnosis after one glance. Otzhe, step by step about all the possible officials of the problem.

Yakіst ґruntu

Too important soil can be rotten to let it through and take in water. The homeland, which has stagnated on the surface, is steaming up and pouring more - nothing else, like strength, that the water has been left behind.

The reason for the stagnation of watering can be a bad drainage system, if the vologer’s entrance simply cannot penetrate to the bottom and enter the pit.

Gorschik bazhano vibrati clay, ale can and plastic, smut schob at the bottom of the drainage hole. Before that, to sipat the substrate in the chamber, throw three small stones at the bottom, to improve the drainage.

Yakist water

Water from the faucet to take revenge on your own especially a lot of important metals, chemical spoluk, salt. Chim won zhorstkіsha, Tim is more important to rework the soil.

As if step by step, appearing and becoming accumulated at the violet, a white pour on the ground, the reason for which may be the indistinct speech, which is washed by the water.

What is Robity

It’s not possible to find a way, all the same, water the violet with filtered or well-drained water. As much as possible, vikorist water from natural dzherel, doschovu abo talu (requisition).

Water temperature for watering may be at room temperature.

Overpopulation of pidkirkami

Be kindly revenge the high concentration of valuable elements for growth. With the correct concentration of additives and dotrimann intervals between waterings, overdose does not occur. Alece is relevant for the period of active growth and the color of violets.

If the roslin is going to the “hibernation” of autumn, it won’t require active rejuvenation. Intensive watering with fertilizers can lead to overcrowding of the soil and the speech can begin to accumulate on the surface of the violet soil in a white-colored streak.

What is Robity

Suffice it to add complementary foods for a deakie hour, take the upper ball of the soil and stick it with a fresh substrate.

Wrong glance and zmist

Overworldly dryness is repeated in the place where the violet is found, you can actively pull the water out of the soil, after which salt deposits are overgrown on the surface. Too generous watering will also be brought to a resolution on the soil on the soil.

Saintpaulia is guilty of such an environment, dehydration again does not fall below 50%, and the average temperature becomes + 21-23 degrees.

What is Robity

Try rearranging the ticket in another place and adjust the watering. Like the whole house seems to be dry, then you need to expand the tanks with water.


Bila or siruvata osvita in a mountain worker can be viklikana fungal infections. But in this season, the flower also begins to show signs of ailment: the leaves can be covered with flames, they may wither away and in general, looking at the violets, they will be fading.

What is Robity

Nasampered Saintpaulia needs to be vodokremiti from healthy roslins. The ticket should be treated with a special antifungal drug (it is easy to find in any local store), and then transplanted into a clean mountain and new soil.

Violet, on the ground that you commemorated the white pour, I will also require your help. Tse more sensitive and the lower ticket, and if you don’t get used to the entrances, then the growth is more likely to expend life force. Don't ignore the problem, wanting to fix the cause right away. Take a look and replant the violet, then we will live long and please you with our flowers.

The Uzbek violet is the leader in popularization among mountaineers among lovers of roses. For the new one, it is necessary to optimally pick up the land, the capacity for planting and the schedule of maintenance. And all the same violet can make you sick. For good luck, їх ailments good vvchenі, and accumulated dosvіd їх adopted at home minds.

Why is the violet in pain

The reasons for getting sick can be a wrong sight, shkidniki and disease-causing fungi. So that you can taste the violet yourself competently, you need to recognize the difference between infectious and non-infectious ailments.

Signs of fungal and infectious diseases

Behind the evocative look of the leaves, that nature of the flowers indicates the steps of infection by violets and fungal infections. On what respect is given for an hour when I look at the growth:

  • white poured on sheets and quilts;
  • rot of the neck of the flower root;
  • patches of brown and color on leaves and stems;
  • gray-brown fluffy poured over all the growth.

Non-infectious infection of violets

Signs that the violet has a non-infectious disease:

  • deformation of leaves with flames of red color on them, pozhovtinnya;
  • inconsistent color and swidden v'yanennya leaves;
  • thin red specks on old leaves and yellow on young ones.

Cause that description of the violet ailment

How do infectious diseases occur in violets:

    Powdery dew.

    On the side, looking like a white chicken poured on the leaves, but simply rubbing with a ganchirochka marno - they appear anew. The expansion of this fungus screams bad lighting, low temperature at the same time with high water, drank and ford in the host, not enough potassium and phosphorus in the soil with excess nitrogen.

    Late blight.

    Non-negotiable ill, if you happen to dispose of some violet, and sterilize the miner. The reason is that the fungus penetrates through the infestation of the soil and there are superfluous spots. Calling the rotting of the root neck, on the leaves they appear as storms.


    Viklikkaetsya uncontrolled reproduction of the fungus under the name Fusarius. It is against the young growths, they were watered supernaturally, or they were watered with cold water, which would grow at temperature extremes near an overly spacious mountaineer with an important soil. Calling rotting roots and living things and falling young leaves.

    Syrah rottenness (botrytis).

    Brown puffiness is poured, called by a fungus, which roams in the ground, which infects the remains of ailing growth for help.


    Viklikayetsya rusty fungi. On the upper and lower sides of the leaf there are yellow-brown ridges. For the maturation of the superwort, you need drops of water on the leaves and a warm, watery microclimate near the host.

    Sudin bacteriosis.

    Bottom sheet of glass. become slimy and disappear. Appears at the speck.

Overcoming non-infectious diseases in violets:

    Tsі komakhi penetrate to the dewdrops from fresh or dug up dewdrops, brought from the streets. They gulp with juices, which leaves them deformed and ingested.

    Worms (coccidi).

    Live in wax structures throughout the growth, as if they themselves vibrate. Zavdyaki zakhistu from wax, it’s important to work with otrutochemicals. In the months of the year, the leaves are filled with a red-brown color. Infection is similar to those brought in by calls of gardeners and tickets.


    Vrazhayut mainly roots, proteo and leaves of various species of other roundworms - afelenhoididi. They gulp down juices, the natomist sees shkidlivy speeches in the form of such roslin dross. Zovnishni signs similar to sulfur rot, ale without fluffy sludge. Infection occurs at the hour of transplantation.


    Drіbnі bіlі komakhi, scho to spend on a violet with poplar fluff and brought kvіta. Symptoms: irritated saws and tares, the flower is actively shifting dribbling clods, the stench is squealing from the flower, as if tapping on the bud.


    There are three main species for violet mites:

    • Red spider mite.

      Red specklets appear on the roslini, sharpened by peacocks. Leaves change shape and fade.

      Cyclamen mite.

      Vrazhє young leaves in rosettes. Yellow specks appear, the middle of the rosette is narrowed, on the bases of the leaves one can see a powder-like gray. The buds stop growing.

      Flat mite.

      Leafing against it, it becomes perforated, we will pierce the nibi with a blunt neck.

      Flies and mosquitoes (sciaridis).

      By themselves, do not harm the growths, unsafe їhnі larvae and the last, through which on the leaves begin the growth of black splashes.

    Looking after the violet in case of illness

    Jubilation in domestic minds

    Fallow according to the nature of the cause of the injury, at home they practice the following kind of violets:

    • Spraying with insecticides. When afflicted by shkіdniki. Іsnuє sprat of their classes: acaricides - against mites and crustaceans; nematicidi - against nematodes; broad-spectrum systemic insecticides - against everything that collapses.
    • Obrobka bacterial preparations and speeches. Effective in infectious lesions.
    • Mechanical processing. Visibility of the damaged parts of the growth, replacement of the soil, manual removal of shkidnikiv. It is effective in the complex with the anterior two ways, rarely in case of non-serious illnesses.

    How to get rid of fungi and shkidnikiv

    Prevention of illness

    There are a number of procedures that are obov'yazkovyh when looking, yakі help to prevent illness:

    • Quarantine. Novopridbana Roslyna stays far from others for a month.
    • Sterilization. The miner should be washed with hot water containing potassium permanganate. The soil is frozen, treated with bactericidal preparations.
    • Yakosti control. When buying sadzhantsa, they give respect to the camp of the grower - the donor, for any suspicions of ailments, don’t varto. When you come or take land for the soil: the best way is to take the land from the forest, far from the place. The soil from greenhouses, garden plots and parks, better for everything, even more infected.
    • Dotrimannya regime. Roslin love the light and the dead watering.

    With an excess of mineral components in the soil, over-the-world watering, overly smoky climate, the symptoms often appear in the growth, which can easily be confused with signs of illness, which is to be repaired. A correct look after the roslin helps to keep the green mass in good shape, and the roslin - life. For a normal microclimate for the least change sane looking leafing through the leaves, you can boldly diagnose those who are otherwise ill for characteristic signs.

    Valentina Kravchenko, expert

    Take advantage of the advancing rules of growing the Uzbek violet, so that you can save the roslin and protect it from shkidniks and sickness:

    • Rozmir mountaineer. For the cultivation of violets, small mountaineers with a diameter of 10-14 cm and a height of 10 cm will come. Do not like great violets.
    • Watering. Not more often than once a day, with warm water, from below.
    • Transplantation. Shhorіchno roslinі it is necessary to change the soil. Peresajuvati can be in the same mountaineer.
    • Promivannya. It is a real thought that violets cannot be brushed with water. It is possible, if necessary, to wipe the leaves dry and not to put the growth on the light, the docks are not water-stained.

    As you have already understood, you can turn the violet at home, and if you don’t need preventive measures, then you will grow up healthy for a long time. In the event of a guilty ailment, it is important to live in a negligent way, and zastosovuyuchi preparations, choose a combination of them directly under your growth.

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