How to win the blue vitriol in the city. Planting blue vitriol at the garden, how to prepare roses. Vikoristannya vitriol in the garden vlitku

The stagnation in the garden of blue vitriol is suitable for exaltation and prevention of ailments of roslin, including those infected with deaky mosquitoes-shkidniks.

Midniy vitriol may look like a crystalline powder of blackish-blue color. With repeated contact, the crystals of middling vitriol become pale right up to a light gray color, and the same amount of powder is poured in - when the speech is soaked, it becomes a black color. Tsej zasіb vіdnositsya to fungіtsіdіv a wide range of diї, scho is sold in all stores like "Garden-city" in bags with the inscription "СuSO 4".

Blue vitriol is a contact drug, with proper dosing, the processing does not accumulate in the tissues of the plant. Tim is not less, I think, that the blue vitriol, dipping into the soil, the building's coating of phosphorus from the floor. In such a time, the growths, which grow on a cross-cut middling substrate, show signs of phosphorus starvation, for the adoption of which it is necessary to supplement with mineral fertilizers with the promotion of phosphorus.

The owner's garden constantly has to deal with problems caused by environmental degradation, abnormally dry and superthal summers, snowless and frosty winters.

Through the rapid change of the climate, the immunity of the trees of weakening, the stinks do not get adapted and become infected with bugs, among some pathogenic fungi and shkidli komakhi. Supporting the garden in a healthy and fruitful stan, succumbing to the side of the gardener, it is necessary for him to follow the situation with the trees and constantly carry out the chemical processing of the roslin. One of the most popular and available preparations for garden cultivation is blue vitriol.

For garden roslins This speech can be more brown, as it is correct to choose the concentration of the worker. Mіd take part in the rich oxide-water reactions that occur in the tissues of growing plants for an hour in carbohydrate and nitrogen exchange. With a sufficient amount of midi in the substrate and in the organism, the growth develops yoga immunity and building resistance to infection with shkіdniki.

Most often, in the case of non-stalk midi, the growths suffer, growing on peaty sandy soil, covered with black soil. It is recommended to cut trees and chagarniks with copper sulphate on the river: spring and autumn. The procedure is carried out at a positive temperature, ale, bagan, so that there is no leafing on the roslins.

In autumn, the dressing is carried out after leaf fall, and in spring - before the opening of the brunok. More often than not, blue vitriol is not allowed due to the lack of accumulation of midi in the ground, but in the future, the normal growth and development of roslin will be overshadowed. Too much midi in the soil and fabrics of roslin can damage biological jealousy, which will lead to negative consequences, both for birth, and for healthy people.

The maximum allowable weight in midi at ґruntі is 2-3 grams per 10 square meters.

Blue vitriol enters the warehouse of such popular sumishes for garden processing, such as Burgundy homeland, cupronafta, bordeaux sumish and others, so control the introduction of these dobriv.

See the difference between fallow and concentration

How to cook?

Instructions for preparing the size of midi sulfate for processing the garden consists of two stages:

  1. Preparation of uterine rosette from blue vitriol. For the preparation of the uterine rosette of blue vitriol, it is obov'yazkovo koristuvatisya with a glass of utensils, for which we will not drink or the people of that creature will eat. For this 100 g of blue vitriol, dilute with a liter of water. Pour the granules of the powder with water (warm, 50-60 degrees, shards of blue vitriol are not the best in water). Mix to powder. As a result of this weed, 10% of copper sulphate rose, which is not suitable for direct stasis in gardening. Dali, the uterine rosette is injected with water to a vitriol concentration of 1-1.5%.
  2. Razvedennya uterine growth to the required concentration of working speech. For this next, pour the uterine rosemary of blue vitriol into a large capacity and add water, cold, to the required concentration (7-9 liters). As much as possible, it is better to carry out the processing of roslins with the help of a special spray gun, although in the old way you can brush the roslins with a whisk.

Zastosuvannya hinged

Most often, gardeners zastosovuyut a crop of roslin with a variety of blue vitriol hanging. There are reasons for this: the growing plants are in the midst of the maximum demand for flowering, if the exchange processes in the fabrics of the growing plant are at the peak of activity.

It is important that the spring dressing with blue vitriol near the garden is richly effective, lower autumn, shards help to saturate the growth with brown microelements until the fruiting season on the cob. And then there is the memory that it is not possible to grow the flowers of the growth, the fruit and to bring the leaves for the help of the growth of the blue vitriol, the shards of the stone can be used to call the chemical opium. Blue vitriol has a sour reaction and in the new plant it is a house of sulfuric acid, which explains the problem of speech for living organisms.

It is sensible to treat the garden with preparations to avenge the mid, with other chemicals, for example, with vitriol.

The dressing of trees with copper vitriol and fruit and berry crops is planted in sprinkling of chicks and earth under the growth. Prepare rozchin for obraskuvannya immediately before the procedure, the shards of blue vitriol are scalable until the cold water crystallizes. The most effective and preventive treatment of healthy plants, as yet not infected with fungi.

Sometimes, blue vitriol is hung on the city before planting vegetable crops to fertilize the soil and vitiate the fungi, which could hibernate near the ground. Such procedures should be carried out before planting a tea plant, cibulis, radishes, carrots, cabbages and other plants.

Deyakі gorodniki obraskuet awnings before planting potato bulbs, which allows to reduce the risk of late blight infection. For this vicory plant, the concentration of blue vitriol is 0.2%.

As a result, the midden vitriol near the bulbs of potatoes moves in place of zucru and starch, which improves the quality of the crop. Tomati and potatoes are considered to be even weaker to infection with fungi, so it is recommended to carry out the cultivation of their seedlings with a variety of blue vitriol. Ale mіstsya, devisadzhuyut tsі roslini, slid cherguvat, sob to hide the accumulated midi from the soil.

So a lot of city dwellers will soak in front of the day in a weak rose of blue vitriol, to protect their types of ailments after hanging and speed up the appearance of gatherings. Ale rich fahіvtsіv vvazhayut such procedures are not primed and shkіdlivimy for healthy people, shards of midi can not be seen from the growth and rozmoktatisya at the soil.

Zastosuvannya in fallow land in the sight of roslin and ailment

Culture and method of processing Shkidniki and ailments Concentration of working sum Norm of zastosuvannya drug
Tree trimming:

tufts (plums, apricots, cherries, alich, sweet cherries, peach);

pears, apple trees, quince.

fruit rot (moniliosis);
leaf curly.
Vitrata rose one tree to become 2-5 liters, fallow in vіd vіku roslini.
Obskuvannya yagidnih chagarnikіv (agrus, currant, barberry). Anthracnose;
other plamy.
Obpriskuvannya decorative roslin (trojandi, barberry). Powdery mildew;
black weeping;
Lіkuvalno-prophylactic razchin іz weak concentration (0.5%). Close to 1.5 liters for 1 bush.
Disinfection of the roots of garden plants of fruit and berry crops. Powdery mildew;
root rot.
Likuvalno-prophylactic rozchin (1%). It is necessary to lower the root by 3-5 quills from the spring, after which the root should be washed with clean water.
Obrobka vusіv sunitsі, polunitsі. Powdery dew. It is necessary to lower the bushes of bushes for 3 hvilins in a container of roses, after which wash them with clean water.
Soaking the vegetables for the first hour of preparation before planting. Fungi that overwinter in the soil. Rozchin for dobriva and pіzhivlennya (0.02-0.03%). Soak in warm water for 10 years, then rinse with clean water and dry.
Obrobka tsibuli, watchmaker. Fusarium. Rozchin for dobriva and rejuvenation (0.03-0.05%). Soak the planting cibulini at the plant for 2 years, after which dry it.
Signs of honey starvation of roslin. Leaf curl;
leaf chlorosis;
Intensive bushing without the establishment of fruiting pagons.
Rozchin for dobriva and pіzhivlennya (0.02-0.03%). Vitrata stores 2-3 liters per tree, fallow in the growth, and close to 1 liter per bush.

Vitrata in the fallow tree

  1. If a tree is up to 3 years old, it is necessary to vicorate no more than 2 liters of blue vitriol during yogo processing.
  2. For trees with a vіkom of 3-4 years of vitrata, it is close to 3 liters per tree.
  3. For trees of 4-6 years - 4 liters per tree.
  4. When processing trees over 6 years, you can win 5 liters of blue vitriol per tree.

Come in later

  1. Utrimatisya in the form of pink midi sulphate for the windy weather.
  2. The dressing should be carried out either early in the morning, or in the evening, if there are no direct sleepy changes.
  3. It is not recommended to cut the tree immediately after the plank. Better yet, while the stovbur dries, or add special additives to the copper vitriol, which will prevent the speech from sticking to measles.
  4. It is important to follow the concentration of blue vitriol in retail. Sumish, which should contain more than 5% midi sulfate, practically all microorganisms are driven in, but the growths will also be scorched.
  5. At the same time, you can’t obscurate a flowery garden with middle vitriol.
  6. Processing can be carried out before the blooming of the brunok or after the leaf fall.
  7. Vikoristovuvati іndivіdualnogo zakhistu (specialist, eyepieces, mittens)
  8. Zdіysniti cleaning of the spray gun after the completion of the processing.
  9. Like midday vitriol, it will rise in a great way at the great kilkost, it is necessary to carefully pick up yoga for help, to blame for the interdilyanka and bury it near the city, when there is no trouble of speech through the soil at the underground water.

Nebezpeka for people

Ale for people, midi sulfate is more brittle, lethal dose become less than 30-50 ml. Tsya speech is also easy to soak into the body with a seductive sweat, so when working with it, it is necessary to try to enter an individual zahist. Slid uniquely consumed blue vitriol in stravochid and mucous membranes.

Blue vitriol is an aggressive chemical speech that calls out blindness when it hits the eyes. Wanting on its own, blue vitriol does not reach easy speeches, the products of this mountain are also unsafe for people. When heated, midi sulfate dissolves toxic gases, which can be easily removed. Fungicidal action of blue vitriol also allows you to effectively help splashing.

How to stop the flow of that autumn?

In the summer season, as a result of the growth of roslin, the rosemary of blue vitriol will soon fade. Processing with medium vitriol for temperatures exceeding 30 degrees is not recommended. This way to stagnate only in times of emergency, for example, if young plants show signs of middling starvation (weak growth of pagoniv, chlorosis). Ring out at the linden.

It is possible to infect tomatoes with sulfur and white rot, black cabbage, potatoes with late blight. In such cases, in ailments of tomatoes, bloody diseases are established, cabbage is covered with black rot;

The dressing of roslin with rose sulfate midi is carried out at least a month before harvesting.


In autumn, trees are trimmed with rose sulfate midi, after the stench leaves the leaves, but the temperature returns to positive. Tse allow to save roslini from chemical opikiv.

Autumn processing of roslin helps to wake sleeping clods near the bark of trees, as well as fungi that have passed into the passive phase. Obov'yazkovo it is necessary to throw off the leaves under the crown of the tree and the adjacent soil, the shards of rich shkidniks form their winterers there.

About those who are half-lived - one of the most effective (and important, cheap) means of combating mold and fungus, to know a lot of people, the shards of which are no longer everyday life, then everyone is engaged in repairs. However, there is not a single area for the accumulation of copper and free vitriol. Dosvіdchenі dacha owners vіddayat prevagi їh numeral store fungіtsidam.

The priority of the appointment of powders is that the stench of vicarious is wider, and not less for the elimination of damage to garden growth rot, scab, moniliosis and other diseases. No less effective stink and as a disinfectant preparation, and also often added to deaks vidi ґruntіv as a mineral rejuvenation.

However, not everything is so clear. Mіzh zalіznym i mіdnim vitriol є vіdmіnnostі vіdmіnnostі in deyakih vlastnosti, specifіtsі vykoristannya іnshih parametrіv, scho zіlkom zrozumіlo vrakhovyuchi vіdmіnnostі in їkh khіmіchnuyu vladі. Don't take it to the heart of the little-informed summer residents, vvahayuchi, that the scope of their zastosuvannya in gardening is almost identical. Otzhe, it is important to know, what kind of viko powder can be used for such purposes.

Yogo blakitnі, z trohi green vіdlivym_stya about 55% of the active speech.

Technical mind for products - grade, chemical warehouse and a number of other features of sulfuric acid salt or iodine sulfate (named powder, which is often used) - reported in GOST No. 6981 to 1994. Before speech, some wines are called sulfate heptagidrate salt (II).

Special features

  • Paired with the middle “brother”, the flooded vitriol practically does not avenge toxic components. However, yoga overdose is not a problem, and the oskilki call out a number of side effects. Therefore, when preparing different varieties on a yoga basis, it is necessary to trim the recommended proportions.
  • The flickering cold vitriol does not blow. However, the bagatioh dzherelakh vomit on the fact that the wine is vibukhon unsafe. This fact dictates the need for a particularly reliable approach to safety.
  • The term “savings” is non-objection, on the face of the greater advertising of expensive drugs. The only help is for dry matter and for hermetic sealing.

As a rule, it is sold in bags of 200 and 250 g.

Zastosuvannya of saline vitriol

Pіdzhivlennya ґruntu

Zalizo is one of the most important chemical elements for Russians. Introducing yoga into the soil, you can increase the crop yield, “reanimate” old or new trees and chagarniki, in a word, give a new impetus to the development of garden plantings.

It is recommended for autumn work on the site to add the cold vitriol to organic fertilizers, like before it, how to start digging the soil, spread around the territory. This is especially important for fruit and berry plants and a number of decorative roses. For example, currants, agrus, trojans. Through the winter period, not without help talikh waters, The earth is filled with a flood of sufficient depth. In this kind of root system, representatives of the flora of yoga are much easier to choose.


Zastosuvannya zaliznogo vitriol as pіdzhivlennya - nutrition even more delicate. The dosing indicated on the packages is approximate and may not be a recommendation. It is necessary to protect the characteristics of the soil of the soil, and the type of growth, old look of that other representative of the flora It is possible, for a new flood in the soil it is enough, and the reason is in the bad leaf (bad crop, other fruits) is in the other. Otzhe, consultation fahіvtsya schodo tsgogo item zayvoї just will not. Especially take it to the point of respect, that there is a lot of stosuvannya khіmіkatіv vkrai nebazhane.

Reimbursement of shkіdnikіv

5% of rozchins are destroyed not only by coma, but also by larvae, laying eggs. Zalizny vitriol is recommended to be zastosovuvati and for the application of garden roslin, and as an additive to the whitening, such as stovburi are processed. Baghano and autumn, and on the wind.

Unfortunately, not all dzherelakh show the specialty of preparing a protein warehouse. Mixing of salt vitriol with vapno, yak is mainly vicoristed by summer residents, non-Bazhans. It is necessary to zastosuvat the powder itself for prevention, then the bility of the tree and the stovburi of the chagarniks is necessary in a special way. Yogo is often called garden farboi. Chi is not scarce, and cheap.

Fight against the ailments roslyn

Dosvіdchenі gardeners vikoristovuyut zalizny vitriol not only for the fact that when the fires of the disease are revealed, but we are ahead of it as a prophylactic plant. Vіn effective anti-cancer, fruit (sіroї) rot, scab, bog dew. I don't complete list all ailments, such as vitriol. Also, the wines are planted for the relief of growth and the garden plot in the form of lichens, moss.

Prevention (elimination) of chlorosis

Such a specific disease of horticultural crops is the result of a lack of soil elements. Bringing in the whole powder, the hairdresser of the village restores the eco-balance, and at the same time promotes the yield of the plants, and their immunity.

Disinfection of the area of ​​mechanical ears

It’s a pity that the tree’s scales and chagars are not only due to inaccurate occasions with gardening tools. For example, obrazannya, yak systematically carried out at the dealership. In addition, birds, which constantly whisper on stovburs and under bark clods; strong blow the wind that the jacks are breaking. The dressing of the fires of the wounds with vitriol sprays the shvidky wounds.

Finishing the surface

Zalizny vitriol - effective zasib, which are planted by gardeners for disinfection, various mini-warehouses and collections. Steles, walls and navіt pіdloga are made in a different way. Tse guarantees that that fungus is unlikely to show up in any open space.

Orientation dosing of saline vitriol

Tim gardeners, as they didn’t bathe yoga, but took it from someone, clear data on how the concentration of the powder can be in good fortune (at %).

  • Obpriskuvannya, squirrel - 8 - 10.
  • The fight against the black weed - 0.3.
  • Prevention of scab, black cancer and other diseases - 5.
  • Dressing of walls, steles of convents - 5 - 7.

As soon as the growths are perebuvayut during the growing season, then independently from the goals, like a gardener, zastosovuyuchi zasny vitriol, the maximum concentration of the powder is 1%, not more. About tse forget not varto.

Midniy vitriol

On vіdmіnu vіd vіd lіznogo analogue, the assortment of this powder is larger. Vіn vіdіznyaєtsya for brands (A and B) and varieties (vіd different to vishchogo). Specification for products is established by DERZHSTANDARD No. 19347 dated 1999. The content of the active chemical element in blue vitriol is more than 25%.

The color of the granules of blue vitriol is from blackite to blue.

Special feature

  • Blue vitriol is rubbish (non-safety class 3), I don’t want to know everything about it, but some people just don’t have such information. Also, in the process of stowing the powder, it is necessary to take special care. Nasampered, turn on the possibility of using the drug in the eyes or on the mucous membranes.
  • Vykoristovuetsya in a clean look, but as a component of other warehouses. On the basis of blue vitriol, the houses of large gardeners of Bordeaux native land and low sums are prepared.
  • One of the peculiarities of the drug is that it does not need to be zastosuvannya for the cherry-picking of other tasks rich in what is due to the season. Hanging roses of blue vitriol are vicorated, as a rule, for planting, in autumn - like a refreshment, which is brought in from the ground. There are few gardeners who work with blue vitriol. Only when necessary, roslin grows when the so-called root cancer is revealed, which is most often seen in gardeners.
  • Preparation of cuts based on blue vitriol in metal utensils is not recommended!
  • This drug may have a term of admissibility. Before zastosuvannyam tse sled vrakhovuvati. In fact, gardeners often simply increase the recommended concentration of blue vitriol, since the harvesting period has passed (for sure, within reasonable limits).
  • Toxicity zasobu viklikaє deakі skladnoshchі z utilizatsiєyu unstained warehouses. Tim is more on the zamіskіy dilyantsі, de, for rare vinnyatki, there is no centralized system of drains. The very same preparation on the basis of blue vitriol should be prepared in an obsyaz, necessary for the completion of the day, to stand in front of the gardener, and no more.
  • We are protecting ourselves from the misuse of blue vitriol from any other pesticides! Tse, to the point, not all gardeners know.

Sold in sachets mixed in 100 to 300 g or bottles (in 50 ml).

Drinking blue vitriol

Fight against rot

Danish drug is good vidomy as an effective way to prevent and reduce mold and fungal infections. Gardeners zastosovuyut yogo on the plots for the processing of summer cottages, outdoor houses and different designs, which are located on the territory (altanok, benches, bowls of pools), and also, if necessary, the ground. If you can find about soil madness, if you can find it in contaminated containers (containers, screens), spreading in greenhouses, greenhouses, pribudovs, then blue vitriol is simply irreplaceable with them.

Rise of garden shkіdnіv

Midny vitriol is dotsilno zastosovuvaty for obpriskuvannya plantings with warm days. The drug allows you to practically save a lot of larvae that have overwintered, those larvae (under the bark of trees, near tree trunks, in hollows, and so on), as well as a super fungus.

Cooking sumish

There are a few warehouses near the gardens, but in the private sector there are two more.

Bordeaux native land. She will go out on a path of zmіshuvannya rozchinіv, like they are getting ready for the okremo. You need 100 g of blue vitriol and slaked vape for a windmill.

Sumish Burundi. A bag of 0.5 buckets is filled with blue vitriol (100 g). At the same time, in such an obsyazі vody - dear gospodarska (40 g) that soda ash (90 g). At the final stage, another step-by-step mixing of vitriol is added, with which a constant mixing is carried out.

Maybe, the main directing is to plant blue vitriol in the garden. Ground improvement is carried out, as a rule, there, where it is necessary to remove thick, sap grass for agricultural creatures. That one, in other types of wines, is not so intense, like a flood of vitriol.

Orientation dosing of blue vitriol

Value - in %


  • Fruit trees - species 0.5 (cherry, apricot, sweet cherry, plum and other stones) to 1 (apple, quince, pear).
  • Bushes of berries - 1.5 liters (1%) per skin. And just a little more about currants or agrus. For obpriskuvannya іnshih yagidnih bushes zastosovuvaty blue vitriol is not recommended!

Disinfection of the roots of garden plants - 1

The stench is pored over in a small amount of copper vitriol for 2 - 3 hvilin.


  • Soil - 0.5 (with a spread of 1.8 l / m²).
  • Planting material (nasinnya, cibulin) - 0.2.

Fight against diseases of roslin - 0.5.

It is necessary to add that neither honey nor cold vitriol is a panacea. To that rozrakhovuvat, scho stosuvannya gives a 100% guarantee, not warto. As a result, the result of a variety of variances in my case will appear to be lower for ochіkuvany, after trying other preparations. An important clerk is the correct definition of the terms of processing. Orienting only different calendars for summer residents is not correct, their information is not clear. Roslinnist on the dealership itself is suggested, if there is a trace of that other agrotechnical challenge. It would be more necessary to respectfully watch over her and everything will become wiser.

Blue vitriol is actively planted in gardens, everyday life, as well as for the delight of creatures and inspiring people.

Blue vitriol is a broad-spectrum fungicide. It is good to fight against the diseases of the roslins in the garden and city state. Also, yoga vicorist is used in everyday life for the treatment of fungal infections of the nails.

This river is actively occupied by gardeners and city dwellers for the obraskuvannya trees, chagarniks and old growths. Rozchin get ready without intermediary in front of victories, it is impossible to save, shards of wine are consuming all the roots of authority.

  • Cooking a meal: 50 g of powdered speech can be prepared in a small amount of water. Resolutely stir, the docks of the crystal do not break apart near the water. If so, give me some water, so that less than 5 liters will come out
  • Obrobka be carried out in dry weather, it is not guilty but the wind. It would be kinder, if the weather were to be dry (without boarding), I would like it to last 4 years. Carry out the processing before the opening of the knots
  • Zahist should be applied by stretching 2 days after application, and the preparation is started after 2 years after it hits the surface of the leaf, the root of the root.
  • harrowed zmishuvati midny vitriol with other methods of processing roslin
  • Come in safe they lie at the fence when preparing a meal in a food dish. When working with speech, it is necessary to wear a respirator and wear eyepieces for the eyes. Work with blue vitriol is not carried out in the presence of children and creatures. After the obraskuvannya is carried out, the person is guilty of relatively vimiti skins twist, rinse your mouth and put on clean clothes

Porada: Practice with blue vitriol far away from the drinking water. This drug may be class 3 of non-safety for people.

  • Blue vitriol does not satisfy the bruising chemical spoluk . Therefore, wines are actively harvested in gardening and urban areas for the processing of leaves, stems and roots in the form of seed clods and bacteria.
  • Show more blue vitriol in the fruits of that soil does not carry health problems for the health of the people
  • Midniy vitriol at zastosuvanni at orchards to grapes, troyand, Razluchaetsya with water in different proportions. All lay in the form of what is necessary to plunder and if
  • Root disinfection carried out after the removal of bacterial growths. Dilute 50 g of the powder in 5 liters of water, mix well until the preparation is completely dissolved. Try the roots in 3 pieces of cotton, and then wash them by the water
  • For the processing of leafing trojans and grapes, dilute 2-5 grams of blue vitriol per 10 liters of water
  • What needs to be done nirk grapes chi zav'yazi troyand dilute 100 grams of the drug in 10 liters of water
  • When planting, roslin near the ground, cultivate the land with a proportion of 2-5 grams per 10 liters of water

  • leaf, stem, root that vegetable and yagid during the long urban season, can fight different illnesses
  • in the spring it is necessary to cultivate the soil in front of the arboretum
  • After planting seedlings, for example, tomatoes, late blight can be treated in the beds. At the first signs of illness (storms on the leaves and stems), pour the soil with a variety of blue vitriol - 50 grams per 10 liters of water. Under the root of one growth, wag no more than 4 liters in size

Important: In the same way, you can make a rose garden of ogіrkіv and polunitsі. The planting of blue vitriol in the city: for tomatoes, ogirkiv, midnights, helps to vegetate the dew in the form of illness and take a rich harvest.

  • Tsvil- Tse unforgiving guest, which appears at the apartment quietly, that unfamiliar
  • A small flame grows rapidly, occupying more and more area
  • fight With this fungus, it is necessary immediately after the appearance of small patches, to which the superworts splash negatively on healthy people - cough, undead, headache and slozohinnist are manifested
  • Midniy vitriol when stagnant at everyday life against the fungus and the splash, vikoristovuetsya at a glance: 100, 200, 300 or 500 grams of the drug should be diluted with 10 liters of water. Mix well and apply on the affected surface with a fungus for an additional brush for whitening. Dosage to the drug
  • After the work was carried out, it was necessary to air the premises. Practice in mittens, gowns and respirators. Put on special eyepieces to protect your eyes from falling on your mucous membrane

Important: Since the color of the yakomoga did not show up on the surface of the walls before, make a preventive visit. Even in the apartment, moisture is increased after a bath, or after cooking in the kitchen, then ventilate the skin room more often.

In front of the vlasniks of the pools and garden waters, food is placed: how to fight for the flowers, how to improve the transparency? The most accessible and the most effective plant is vitriol. It's wonderful to fight against rotting, plankton and fibrous algae.

  • Like yours water and stone, pull them out and clean them for the help of a thick brush. Rinse the stone with copper vitriol (50 g per 5 liters of water)
  • Yakscho water near the watermі kalamutnaїї can be cleaned: sew a cloth bag and soak in a new troch of blue vitriol powder. Put a little bear at the bottom of the pool - it will help to save the establishment of one-cell algae
  • For holding water disinfection vikoristovuetsya 0.9 grams of blue vitriol per 1000 liters of water

Important: Blue vitriol does not help in the fight against various infections and viruses. To address these problems in the pool, it is necessary to use special chemical preparations.

The home first-aid kit of a creature can have a lot of medicinal preparations, so that you can help the great horned thinness or other creatures to get rid of health problems. Blue vitriol is vicorous as an antiseptic zasib for healing wounds.

As it was said above, when working with blue vitriol, it is necessary to trim the outside entrances: put on eyepieces, a respirator, mittens and a dressing gown.

Still, when you become a middling vitriol, then you can’t be fooled:

  • When the drug gets on the skin termіnovo wash the surface with running water. For a few days, there will be a regeneration of the skin curves
  • What happened inhaling the drug then drink a large amount of water, take any kind of sechoginny drug. Just to watch for a rise in body temperature until evening, take an antipyretic drug and go to the doctor

Remember: Blue vitriol is good in fats, so it is not good for intoxication with speech, to plant milk products that oil. Tse potent otruennya.

  • Bagato woman successfully carry out treatment of cervical erosion for the help of blue vitriol
  • One tablespoon of crystals should be taken from 1 liter hot boiled water. For douching, 1 tablespoon of concentrated concentrated solution should be taken from 0.5 liters of water with a temperature of 35-40 degrees. Under the hour of the procedure, it is necessary to resolutely deepen the walls of the uterus and the cervix.
  • procedure work for 10 days at night. After that, go to the appointment to the gynecologist for a recheck

Remember: The treatment of cervical erosion with blue vitriol is carried out in the middle of the menstrual cycle. It is reserved to carry out the procedure at the hour of the month!

Important: Our health is the best that a person can have! Therefore, as you doubt the effectiveness of this method, it is better to seek help from a qualified doctor, who can make a diagnosis and recognize exultation.

The fungus of the nail is not ill, as it attacks the skin and the nail plate. How many people ask how to exalt tsiu ailment in domestic minds?

For a long time people have been vibrating the glee of the fungus of the feet and the nigtiv of blue vitriol:

  • Prepare the roses: 1 teaspoon of the preparation should be mixed with 1 liter of boiled water. With this help, you can work effective baths for relaxation
  • Bath preparation: Heat 10 liters of water to 40 degrees, add 100 grams of cooked rosemary and stir. Bury your feet on the pіvgodini
  • After all remove your feet from the water and wipe with a dry towel. After a bath, you can rub ointments and creams, like having prescribed a medicine
  • Carry out the procedure for 14 days- the result will be visible already after the first day of bathing

Apparently, even in ancient India, people indulged in sickness for the help of blue vitriol. Vіn helps to improve the health of the skіrny pokryv, pozbavlyayuchi people hated ill.

Nin_ a lot of people spend lusting psoriasis with blue vitriol. Vіn aktivіzuєuє zahіsnі forces organіzmu i maє vіdmіnny bactericidal injection.

Baths with blue vitriol for psoriasis:

  • Dispense 3 tablespoons of the drug in 200 liters of water
  • Water temperature may be not more than 45 degrees
  • Take a bath for 15 minutes
  • After a bath, do not rub your body, but simply put on a soft bathrobe
  • For a full course of such therapy, 15 procedures are needed

Ointment with blue vitriol for psoriasis:

  • Trim grass chastity (25 grams) and blue vitriol (50 grams) for sawing
  • Add to these ingredients 50 g of yellow sirka, 25 g of birch tar and 150 g of pork fat
  • Mix all the ingredients and put the sum in a water bath
  • After 15 minutes, remove the ointment from the fire and cool. Apply shkiri on the defenses of the village, every day for a month

Important: Before applying the ointment, conduct a test for an allergic reaction: apply it on the right side of the eye. If the shkir has not been blackened for 12 years, then on the coming day, the ointment can be victorious for jubilation.

Gardeners vikoristovuyut blue vitriol as a micro-fertilizer on the soil on the land. Tse dopomogaє zapovnit nestacha midi at ґruntі.

  • Bring it kindly in early spring or late in autumn
  • Kindness of the earth is not more often, lower once in 5 years.
  • Refine the drug before drinking, so that eating will be effective
  • Take 1 gram of the preparation from rozrahunka per square meter
  • Open the crystals near the water and water the city

Midny vitriol - tse miraculous zasіb for zastosuvannya in other spheres of human life. Vіn dopomogaє effectively fight with zі shkіdniki and fungi. Gardeners and other people have long understood that they should buy the drug in pharmacies for their needs.

Video: Processing of trees and chagars in blue vitriol

Midniy vitriol (midi sulfate or midi sulfuric acid) is an inorganic, non-volatile part. Speech for a long time and even more actively vikoristovuyut in everyday life and gardening for the protection of roslin. It's good to know likuvalne zastosuvannya.

Description of the class of non-safety of copper kuparosu

Water-spraying powder-like crystalline speech of a characteristic blue-blakite farbuvannya. The active component of the presentation is midi sulfate, the quantity of which is 0.98 kg. Rozchin to the drug is zastosovuetsya for the infection and exhilaration of fungal infections on fruit and berry plantations. Also harvesting of sheep and fluffy crops, including trojandi. Zahisna diya continues for a month.

The mechanism of injection is involved in the reactions of midi ions and lipoprotein or enzyme complexes of the fungal or bacterial factor, which are hostile. As a result, the appearance of irreversible changes in the protoplasm and non-specific denaturation of protein folds. Non-safety class - 3 therefore, the drug is not safe. Proper preparation should be made in accordance with the instructions, which are added to the preparation by the preparation.

Instructions for pouring copper cuparos

The popular fungicidal zasіb is well-known in the water, it is widely vikoristovuєtsya during the processing of garden and urban growths, as well as in the minds of the room kvіtnitstv. Obskuvannya helps to get in touch with the shocks that are presented:

  • alternariosis;
  • ascochitosis;
  • moniliosis;
  • scab;
  • grape mildew;
  • spitting;
  • septoria;
  • hibny boron dew;
  • irzhey
  • late blight.

Power of blue vitriol (video)

Roots on the basis of midi sulphate at the same time serve as a garniture for hardened rejuvenation for rich garden and urban crops. Pro especially strong commemoration of midi nedolіk on sour food and peat soils. It is possible to zastosovuvati for the infection of the soil in the stolen to the critical soil. It is not recommended to vicorate the blue vitriol in autumn, which is bound by a high risk of oversaturation of the soil with midi ions.

Features of preparing a meal

Vіdmіryana sіlkіst pіshkopodіbіbіbі sulfate midi razluchaєtsya in a small amount of warm water, yak need to be poured into a plastic container. In the process of intensive mixing, the volume of water is added up to 10 liters. Instructions do not transfer metal utensils. In order to improve the efficiency and the most effective development at the final stage, filtering is carried out.

Technology and terms for the processing of urban and garden plants

Terms and rules of processing vary in the fallow of varietal and botanical features of garden and urban growth:

  • protection of apple trees, pears and quince in case of scab, phyllosticosis and other broadening of the plamy, as well as moniliosis and syhannia, it is necessary to dissolve in warm water 100 g of the drug. The first crop in the early spring period is 2-5 liters of water on one fruit tree. You can repeat the visit for a kіlka tizhnіv before picking up the birth;

  • protection against apricots, peaches, plums, cherries and cherries in case of infection with clasterosporosis, coccomycosis and other broadening of the glaucoma, moniliosis and curly leaves; The first crop in the early spring period is 2-3 liters of vitreous per one roslin;
  • zahist and likuvannya agrus and currants in case of damage by anthracnose, septoria and other glaucoma are bred in a bucket of warm water 50-75 g of powder. The first harvest in the early spring period is from a half-width of a second liter per bush;
  • application of new potato bulbs for protection against late blight before planting on the basis of 2.0 g of the preparation and 10 l of water.

Room climates and decorative leafy growths in complex prophylaxis are shaped differently, which are made up of a teaspoon of blue vitriol and a couple of liters of water at room temperature. Watering under the roots and obscuration of the above-ground part of the culture is consummated. Vegetable cultures are treated with a 0.5% variety based on blue vitriol and sechovin.

How to trim a tree with blue vitriol (video)

How it works

The stagnation of blue vitriol is carried out with great care, so as not to hurt the erysipelas bushes. The application is carried out until the phase of active flowering of erysipelas, only at the vegetative stage. Treat the above-ground part against the attack with black weed and downy dew at a ratio of 0.5%.

Under the temperature regime, it is repeated in the ranges of 5-30 about C, only in dry and calm weather. Before disinfection of saplings in garden and room trojans, it is necessary to remove all bacterial cancerous growths on the root system, after which the roots are burrowed into a range on the basis of blue vitriol for three fine lines and then thoroughly washed in clean water. For pozakorenevoy podgodіvlі decorative roslin, scho vegetative, the standard dosing is 1.5-2.0 g of blue vitriol per 10 liters of warm water.

Chim unsafe midny vitriol for roslin

During the rest of the hour, the Burgundian countryside is growing especially popular on the basis of blue vitriol and soda ash, bred by the water. Such an option can be similar to the Bordeaux sum of power and yakish characteristics. However, the Burgundian homeland has the strongest impact not only on pathogens, but also on living tissues of the plant this can provoke opiki on a young leaf. In order to avoid opikiv, it is necessary to vicorate for the appropriation of garden plantings and urban crops, a weaker 1% of rozchin.

Properly preparing the homeland minimizes the risk of shocking the garden and city roses, and also allow them to be covered with a special protective bath. Zastosovuєtsya sumіsh similarly to Bordeaux native land. Crimea for the most part, allowed I am the sign of infection of the root system of sadzhants before their hangings in the fasting place.

Planting blue vitriol at the garden (video)

Yakscho say my scientific copper sulfate is an inorganic compound of copper salt of sulfuric acid. Zustrichaetsya in looking crystalline granules of blue color, yak easily disperse in the water. A good antiseptic, a disinfectant, a fungicide and a first class kindness - all the qualities of such a disease, like blue vitriol. How to breed yoga correctly, many summer residents do not know. About tse mi obov'yazkovo rozpovimo, ale trohi zgodom.

Know zastosuvannya in such galuzy:

  • dacha that city;
  • the medicine;

However, navіt for all your positive vigor This speech may have one side effect. Zocrema for the orchard of yoga zastosuvannya zagarzhu opadannya leaves. First of all, it’s necessary to tell about those who, at the time of rock, carry out the cutting.

When vikoristati blue stone?

The most pleasant hour of fate for the processing of trees and chagarniks is spring. It is recommended to start the first batch of rich fahivtsiv in the middle of the birch, if the additional temperature does not drop below +5 degrees. Obpriskuvannya to slacken after the preparation of trees. To enter it:

  • circumcision of the old and the sick;
  • purification of stovbur from dead measles and lichens;
  • picking the soil under the tree;
  • laying of all cracks on the stovburi.

Naipersha and important dressing is carried out before the appearance of nirok. Tse dopomozhe pozbutisya komakh and shkіdnikіv, yakі did not jump after the winter hibernation. Don't know how to fertilize blue vitriol for tasting? Here is a simple recipe for you: 100 g of speech is diluted in 10 liters, everything is thoroughly mixed - and you can proceed to work. Such a dressing helps to save young leaves. However, let’s take a closer look at the food about how to grow blue vitriol.

Summer period

  1. In summer, apple trees, pear trees, and apricots are scorched in the face of the pope. In it, there is twisting and falling of the leaf. No matter what, it is recommended to dilute 50-100 g of blue vitriol in 10 liters of water.
  2. The tassels of the tree - plum, cherry - are attacked by the Khrushchev, which eats young buds of fruits. You can get away with something, so that you can make everything with a rose of copper vitriol. For this, 20 g of blue stone is bred in 2-3 liters of water. This dose is indicated for the application of a tree.
  3. Raspberries and black currants often suffer from popelitsy and the appearance of different patches on the leaves. For the prevention of this lure, one bush is covered with 2 liters of water, in which 15-20 g of vitriol is diluted.

At the first hour of obrobka warto memory one thing: 15-20 days before picking up, I bring in all obraskuvannya varto to pin. Іsnuє impersonal recipes, how to breed midny vitriol. Deposit everything depending on what, how and if you want to grow.

Autumn period

Before winter, I’ll make a good varto tree. To slacken is not earlier than the fall of the leaves, if the leaves are in full fall. Prepare the tree, tidy up all the zayve - and you can start staking.

We protect vegetables

It’s not only the orchard that is in charge of shkodi disease. Vіd them suffer and ovochevі crops, zokrema tomato. Basically, tomatoes are sick with late blight. Even if it was not far off to secure the vegetables in it, then even varto began to rejoice for the help of the blue stone. So that your tomatoes were healthy, and they delighted you with the harvest, varto nobility, like growing blue vitriol for tomatoes. It is enough to water the earth with a rosemary, we will prepare for the coming recipe: 10 g of the powder is diluted in 5 liters of water. This portion is one bush. It is also possible to drink blue vitriol for leather root at a quantity of 1 g.

For finalization

Also, if you knew how to spread the blue vitriol, at the time of the year you should carry out a trial, perhaps, for any weather and temperature conditions, the following procedure is to be carried out:

  1. The best hour to doby is early or early evening.
  2. It is not the fault of the wind.
  3. The recommended temperature is +5 to +30 degrees.

When rozvednі rozhchin varto dotrimuvatsya deyaky zakhodіh zakhodі:

  1. Blue vitriol cannot be cooked near domestic creatures and children.
  2. More shortly, as a matter of fact, it is not possible to mix up in the wind. For example, for this pіdіyde of glassware.
  3. In order to protect the trees of those other roslins, it is better to grow blue vitriol with the addition of slaked vapne.
  4. When we work, we are preparing a rozchiny, uniquely used on the vіdkritі dіlyanki tіla and in the eyes. If necessary, it is necessary to wash the mucous membranes with warm water.
  5. At the same time, do not pour the excess of blue vitriol into the well, or near the water. Remember that this is an aggressive speech.

At the end

We ran into important people at our stats and gave reports on them. Now you know how to grow blue vitriol for the processing of trees of those other trees. For the help of such a help, your vegetables and fruits will be relieved of clods and ailments forever and will please you with a rich harvest.

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