Against the water prepared zastosuvannya. Melted water in household minds. Preparation of taloi (opposite) water. Chim korisna melted water

A healthy way of life at the same time becoming more popular in our country, today it’s even richer, it’s true, there’s only one “ale”. It’s out of the question that it’s not easy to get all the recommendations that matter to people of significant importance. Through the midst of the greatest Russians, the idea was established, for example, for a healthy way of life - the share of riches, and from ordinary people so satisfied not with the intestines.

It is partly true, but, at one time, using low methods, with the help of such a health improvement of the body, it is possible to achieve without great material losses. For example, against the water, at the thought of fahivtsiv, may a strong positive influx on the camp of the people. Preparation of counter water accessible to skin care and vzagali not tied for a penny.

Who has the power of the opposite water

Already a long time ago, scientists established the fact that practically all the long-lived inhabitants of the planet Earth beat their own diet against water. Why does the secret of the miraculous powers of which one is so special? Nasampered, in the optimal amount of calcium - an important element for the normal life of a person.

It is important that the acceptable amount of calcium in drinking water can be 8 to 20 mg per liter of water. Obviously, it’s far from a leather brand that can boast of such showpieces, but you can’t even talk about the amazing water from the tap. At the same time, the amount of calcium in the opposite water should be 16 mg/l.

In addition, against the water is characterized by a miraculous exuberant influx on the body - it helps with cuts and ailments, normalizes the work of nirok.

The essence of the mechanism

From the high school course of chemistry, we know that water is half the total of two elements - water and sour. Indeed, the speech is foldable, to the warehouse that a great number of various elements and polymers are included. From the point of view of medicine, some of them are more appropriate for our body, and otherwise, on the other hand. To the task preparation of counter water to start before you clean the її from the unfortunate houses, taking it from your chest.

Method of withdrawal brown water It is based on the fact that for a person, the isomer of important water freezes first at low temperatures. Traplyatsya more for positive temperatures - about +4. In such a rank, krizhana kirka, which settles on the surface of the water, and є tі naivazhchi іsomers, for example, deuterium, ryatuvannya like є the main method.

Likewise, in the process of distant freezing, ice, which is settled, as if it were seeing into the lower part of the container, all the differences in the water, invisible to a simple eye, and also light measurements. Seeing similar houses, naturally, it is necessary to have fun.


Preparation of counter water carried out in three stages. The first one is a preparer. It is necessary to collect the dzherelnu water, and for the availability of such a possibility, boil and stand a water pipe.

Dali proceed to another stage. Prepared to wag the motherland at the metal pan, as it is placed at the freezer. Here, it’s important not to miss the moment of the first crying sack - as soon as you show up, you need to have enough dishes, anger the water, it’s not frozen, and the ice is thrown out.

At the third stage, pour water from the same pan and put it again in the freezer. What time is it necessary to catch the moment, if about half of the volume of water turns on the ice. To anger the water without freezing, and for the first time її they are spared. The lead that got lost in the result is that water itself. It is more than enough to drink yogo for a distant victoria.

Obov'azkovo read:

We all know that for normal functioning, our body requires regular water intake. Alya, not all water is suitable for drinking, it may be more mary, or else it is girshoy - unsafe for health. The most important thing for all hours was the opposite water. Їy is attributed to the powers of power, the stones are easy to conquer, it is good to cleanse the body and to uplift the old. Buy such a miracle-zasіb not see, to that water wastes its power while saving and transporting. Prote against water in your household minds will become your handy little stick-viruchalochka.

Deuterium water is important and detrimental for the body, the shards present in our houses improve metabolism and disrupt the chemical processes in clitins. Ale oskіlki obsyag shkіdlії rіdini insignificant, we do not see її її zubnoї ї ї. all crooks of authority ascribe to the very opposite water, to the same vvazhayut zherelom zdorov'ya that dovgolittya.

Physical and chemical power

It is important that natural water is made up of two types of water: anti-deuterium and deuterium water. Even at school we were taught that water is made up of H2O molecules. But it’s true that everyone can build houses, and they also look at the structure of molecules. Against water, it is taken in as pure, the shards are formed from atoms with a molecular weight of 16 1 and 2 atoms in water, with a mass of 1 atomic unit of skin.

Pure water is often dissociated into ions, reflecting acidic and puddles of power at once. This is the speech of the leading retailer and the middle man, who may have all the life of important chemical processes.

Configuration of molecules

Different molecules of water may have different types of configurations, in order to lay the power of the motherland. At the opposite side, the atoms of H and O are placed so that between them the cut is established, which is 60 °. It is noted that the same meaning can be found in the young growth tree and the little ones in the frost on the slope.

Likewise, between chemical bonds, which mingle in the center of the oxygen atom, settle at about 104°. The same structure can be a crystal lattice from snow and ice. Speech with such a structure is most likely to be mastered by living clitins, to which they instill life.

Korisn_ authority

Against the water, there can be no personless authorities. Axis of action from them:

  • geroprotective effect - improvement of old processes;
  • genoprotective action - prevention of genetic and chromosomal mutations. As a result - an increase in the reduction of puffiness and a widening of the metastasis;
  • radioprotective activity - the removal of radioactive speeches;
  • antioxidant diya - sneshkodzhennya active forms of sour;
  • improvement in blood stock: increase in hemoglobin, elimination of excess cholesterol, elimination of houses and toxins;
  • promotion of practice;
  • full of memory, rozumovyh zdіbnosti and іn.

Cooking at home

The preparation of the opposite water in the minds of the home may not be disturbed by the preparation of the great melted water. Truth, there are some nuances. We have already talked about those that water has a different configuration of molecules and it is necessary to separate the isomers in order to take the most beautiful motherland.

In the basis of the bottom of the various storage waters lie the freezing temperature. Heavy water, or deuterium, freezes at a temperature of 3.8 ° C, before that it turns into ice. When the temperature is lowered to 0°C, pure water freezes, so that salts and broods waft. Water from such houses is not necessary for us either; Її it is necessary to keep the temperature high, so that the temperature does not fall to the lowest values.


Cooking that zastosuvannya antivoj water:

  1. Water supply or dzherelnu water needs to be filtered and maintained.
  2. Prepared water is poured at the container (I won’t glass it) and placed at the freezer or on the street in the cold season of rock.
  3. Approximately after 4 years, the container is removed and unfrozen water is poured into another container. Lіd, scho, is a deuterium, that yogo is spared.
  4. I will pour the motherland again to put it in the cold, and they will guard it.
  5. If the ice transforms approximately 2/3 of the time, a small part (a light isotope with houses) is angered.
  6. Lіd, scho zalishivsya and є opium water. Її it is necessary to defrost for room temperature, but not in any way warming up.
  7. Healing water can be vikoristovuvat for drinking that preparation їzhi. But remember that when heated, the structure of the molecules changes, and water exercises its unique power.

Drinking water. Plyashka or filter - what to choose: Video

How to purify water?

Tala water
We miraculously know that people, like constantly living in clean melted water, for example, residents of gir, live richly for money, while they don’t know anything about the problems of immunity, the need for vitamins and the health of a bunch of various ailments. Tala water improves the exchange of speech, sprinkles cleansing and rejuvenation of the body.

What does water do in the body? On the right, in the fact that the water has a clear structure, similar to that, the human body is accepted by the body as a disputed close product. Drinking into the body, melted water vitiates and replaces old cells, which expended their potential, and in this way sharply speed up the exchange of speeches, helping to achieve a clean cleansing and rejuvenation of the body. In addition, the water melted for its great internal energy potential, giving people a lot of strength, strength, energy. More than once, it was indicated that, drinking the water, they become as healthy, and as pracsessed, the brain activity increases, the productivity of work, the building is easy to virishuvat important tasks.

Well, work people, as if you live far from natural dzherel. It is not necessary to be embarrassed. Such water can be prepared at home.

How to prepare tala (against) water
The water engineer Oleksiy Labza was asked to use the technology of obtaining pure, biologically active drinking water, which resulted in a low slope.
For the preparation of countervailing water, it is better to take clean water. Like vikoristovuєsh water from the tap, bazhano її її vіdfiltruvati pobutovym filter. I filtered the water in plastic bowl, more shortly - in an enamel pan, place in a freezer. Vzimka - on the balcony, the price is better. After a deaky hour, the water will shovel in a cry. This ice has a concentration of molecules of important water, which freezes at a temperature of +3.8 C. To that water, which has not frozen, is poured into another container and again exposed to frost. And pershu the pan is defrosted and the water is poured out. In addition, as near the pan, exposed to frost, the water is about 2/3 frozen, the water has not frozen: the chemical houses of our civilization are concentrated and the mineral salts are in. Lіd, scho zalishivsya in a pan, and є є є є єva water in a frozen look. Її defrost before implantation less for room temperature. At the same time it is not possible to heat up, the shards are ruined її exuberant power. You’ll see for the savory yakosties, you’ll see how different it is between melting water and that, you’ll sound p’esh.

How to improve the power of the water
Hang in the sun for a few years, so that the water is charged with the energy of the Sun of that sky. Such a rank of nadasi їy power of living water. Water is alive - water, which is simply the sky: rivers, lakes. Dead - flow under the earth Alive water penetrates through and chews everything. Dead water can turn back power. It sings all the processes in the body, everything sways and sings. Water is an eternal dream. It will be especially kind to put water on the sky just before the hour of Christmas.

Lay a sprat of silicon crystals before her, so that we will then be healthy silicon. Abo nazit with a silver, lowering a silver river into a bowl.

It is still possible to magnetize, having passed through the magnetic whirl, or for a certain hour, having put the magnetic charge. Magnetized water has wondrous powers. Vaughn becomes nibi fluid, easier to soak into the blood and penetrating through the most important capillaries, releasing salts and drawing them out. It’s even easier to believe: the scale on the teapot for an hour won’t be satisfied with the magnetic water.

You can harmonize the water with classical music, the sound of birds, the sound of the surf, recorded on a disk. The successors affirm that the information is well "recorded" on water structures, angry sweat from the body. І vіn sound hard, like an ocean surf; zlagodzheno, nache garniy orchestra; harmoniously that gnuchko, like a violin.
Before the speech, it is recommended to drink talu water without delay after the dance, then the greatest strength is in it. Do not check, until the bottle is collected, drink the water by the sprat, the effect will be strong.

As you practice, the nutrition of the post-mortem living in the water becomes more problematic, but all the same it turns out. Zamіst єmnostі vikoristovuy for zamorozhuvannya plastic puddle z-pіd juice or mineral waters of that size, which will be handy to carry with you to the robot. More than less than nothing.

In order to revitalize water, you need two flasks or cups (metal utensils are not suitable). We pour water into one of them to about half and begin to pour її zі flasks into flasks, raising the upper body, creating a small waterfall. І so approximately 40-50 times. The water that falls from the heights becomes full of sourness, sparkles and mutely smiles. Tse vzhe will be more clean and healthy water of the mountain river.

Until the speech, you can rejoice with water! Do not drink pіgulya with zhmeny, but clean water! The old way of yogis. With persistent indulgence and regularity, all the sickness is succumbing to glee. Father, take a bottle of clean, cold water, rather than the opposite. You put yoga on the left hand, and you close the bottle with the right beast. And quietly begin to steal the flask, so that the water begins to turn into it. Try vodchuti water, її cold, ruh. Vidchula? Wonderful! Water inspired your good mood and kindness. Nemov is like you. Now she has become a healer. Vipiy її small forgings. Reveal how the water fills you with winds of light, cleanses you of slags and toxins. As much as possible take care of the ailing body, be glad that you have filled with energy and become healthy.

Mosin O.V.

The technique of removing melted water is poured in different shvidkosts of freezing pure water and water to avenge houses. An experimental path has been established that it is quite catching, the ice is intensively burying the houses on the cob and, for example, freezing. Therefore, when the ice is removed, it is necessary to throw out the first krizhinki, and then, after freezing the main part of the water, to anger the unfrozen excesses.

Fresh talu water can be obtained in household minds. But for whom it is necessary to dorimuvatsya deyaky zagalnyh rules.

Tala water is prepared from the previously purified drinking water, as it is poured into a clean, flat vessel at 85% of the total volume.

Dishes for preparing melted water are tightly closed and placed in the freezer until freezing.

Do not pour water into the full vessel, for that which is out of glass, it can be torn, rather, vikoristovuvat vessel of plastic with marking "for drinking water."

Ice defrosting is carried out at room temperature in quiet, closed vessels, directly in front of the victories.

Frozen judges can be taken out of the freezer before going to bed, and a small amount of such water is necessary to come out.

Іsnuyut kіlka ways otrimannya fresh thawed water. Calling on those that are given, found on the Internet for the preparation of melted water, unfamiliar and super clear. below, the main report methods and instructions for the removal of water in household minds are suggested.

Method #1

The method of one of the active popularizers of the stagnation of tall water A.D. Labzi: Pour cold water from the faucet into a pіvtoralіtrovu jar, not reaching the top. Cover the jar with a plastic lid and place it in the freezer of the refrigerator on a pad of cardboard (for thermal insulation of the bottom). Designate the freezing hour for about half a can. Podbirayuchi її obsyag, it doesn’t matter to reach, sob she won 10-12 years; Then you will need to repeat the freezing cycle for more than just food, in order to secure yourself a day's supply of melted water. As a result, a two-component system emerges, which is composed of ice (in fact, the water is frozen without houses) and water non-freezing rosemary under ice, which avenges salt and houses, as if seen. The water rose is poured into the shell, and the ice is defrosted and vicorated for drinking, preparing tea, and other herbs for the grub diet.

The simplest and most efficient method of preparing melted water in household minds. The water fills up with a characteristic structure, and it is well cleansed from rich salts and houses. Cold water is taken from the freezer (and the charge - on the balcony) doti, the docks are about half її not frozen. In the middle of it, the water is still unfrozen, yak wriggle. Lid is flooded with tanuti. Golovne in this method - by experimental way to know the hour required for freezing half of the obligation. May be 8, 10, 12:00. The idea lies in the fact that the water freezes on the back, the majority of the houses are left in retail. Let's imagine sea ice, which is formed from fresh water, even if it settles on the surface of the salty sea. And since there is no single-bottom filter, then such purification can be supplied with all the water for drinking and household needs. For a greater effect, you can vicorate under the water purification. For this small ear, it is necessary to filter the water supply through any filter, and then freeze it. Let's sweat, if the first thin ball of ice is established, we can see it, because. the new one has deaky shkіdlі svidko-zamerzayuchі vazhki spoluki. Then re-freeze the water to half its volume and remove the unfrozen fraction of water. The water is clear to come out. Method propagandist, A.D. Labza, himself in such a way, being guided by the great water supply, forcing himself into the presence of an important ailment. In 1966, a nirk was removed, in 1984, the veins were already not collapsed due to atherosclerosis of the brain and heart. Starting to rejoice with melted purified water, and the results turned over all the points.

Method #2

A more folding method for preparing thawed water is described by O. Malovichko, de tala the water is called the opposite. The method is used in the footsteps: It is necessary to put an enameled pan with filtered or excellent tap water into the freezer of the refrigerator. After 4-5 years, it will be necessary to get enough її. On top of the water, the walls of the pan are already choked with the first crig. Qiu water is poured into another pan. Lid, which is left in an empty pan, avenges the molecules of important water, as it freezes earlier, lower water, at +3.8 0C. This is the first lead, which to avenge the deuterium, to spit out. And we put the pot with water again in the freezer. If the water in it freezes in two thirds, if the water does not freeze, then it is "light" water, it won't avenge all the chemistry and shkidlivy houses. And that lead, which was left in the pan - tse and є against water, as the human body needs. Vaughn was cleared from houses and important water by 80% and 15 mg of calcium per liter of water. It is necessary to drink ice at room temperature and drink water by stretching it.

Method #3

Degassed water (method of brothers Zelepukhin)- Another way to prepare biologically active melt water. For whom the amount of water supply is not large, bring it to a temperature of 94-96 0C, so to the point of the so-called "white key", if there are small bulbs near the water, but the establishment of the great ones has not yet begun. After that, the dishes with water are taken from the stove and cooled quickly, for example, by placing them in a larger vessel or in a bath with cold water. Let's freeze the water and defrost it according to the standard method. According to the authors, such water goes through the phases of its cycle in nature - it evaporates, cools, freezes and defrosts. In addition, such water has less gas capacity. To that, it is especially corny, the shards have a natural structure.

Slid podkresliti, prote, sho take degassed water, sho maє a great supply of energy, you can not freeze it. The most active (5-6 times more in pure water and 2-3 times more in snowmelt) is boiled and cold water in the minds, which includes access to atmospheric air. At this point, the laws of physics degas and do not re-saturate with gases.

Method #4

Another way to prepare thawed water by proponing Yu.A. Andreyev, author of the book "Three Kitty Zdorov'ya". Vіn zapoponuvav podnadnat two front methods, to give the degassing water, and then freeze it again. “The revision showed, - write wine, - that there is no such price. Tse in a right way the water is healthy, and even if someone has it, it’s a mess in the intestinal tract, it’s out for him.”

Method #5

I have another one A new method for the removal of thawed water, fragmentation by engineer M. M. Muratov. An installation has been designed that allows keeping light water of a given salt warehouse with a decrease in the volume of important water in household minds using the equal freezing method. Apparently, natural water is a heterogeneous river behind its isotopic warehouse. Krіm molecules of light (opposite) water - H2 16O, which are composed of two atoms in water (opposite) that of one atom of acid-16, in natural water the presence of an important water molecule, and is based on 7 stable (which are composed of only a few of stable atoms) isotopes modification of the driver. The total number of important isotopes in natural water is approximately 0.272%. In the water of freshwater dzherel, instead of the important water, it becomes close to 330 mg / l (from a rosea per HDO molecule), and the important acid (H2 18O) - close to 2 g / l. Tse mozhna porivnyat or navit perevischuu admissible amount of salts in drinking water. A sharply negative influx of important water on living organisms was revealed, which indicated the need to remove important water from drinking. (Addendum by A.A. Timakov "Basic effects of light water" at the 8th All-Russian scientific conference on the topic "Physical and chemical processes in the selection of atoms and molecules" 6 - 10 leaf fall, 2003.) An article in the Komsomol called out the interest of the engineer M.M. . Muratova and vyrishivshi reversing the power of the water, vine from the fall of the leaves 2006. having become "easier" water for the preparation of їzhi and drink equal to freezing.

For the method of M.M. Murat's water was aerated and cooled by the water flow that circulates in the tank, until the moment the ice crystals were settled. After what was filtered. Less than 2% of ice was left on the filter, to avenge the water.

According to the author's data on this method, a 6-month-long lung implantation showed: When implanted in the lungs, that drink in the amount of 2.5-3 liters on the doba is a significant increase in self-esteem on the 5th day of implantation. It’s because drowsiness and chronic pain have passed, “heaviness” in the legs has developed, seasonal allergic manifestations have changed without healing the faces. For 10 days, literally, close to 0.5 diopters, having improved the size. After a month, the pain in the knee joint passed. After 4 months, symptoms of chronic pancreatitis appeared and there were slight pains in the liver. For 6 months there were pains associated with IXC and pain in the area of ​​the back and across. one viral infection passed through an easy form, “on the legs”. Changed manifest varicose veins veins. It is also indicated to remember the abundance of smoky bones and water and products prepared from stasis of processed water. The remaining fact is confirmed by the tasting commission of the industrial enterprise and is well remembered by the great gentlemen of the water.

Method number 6 - "talitsa"

Іsnuyut and recipes for the proper treatment of thawed water. Enthusiast healthy way of life, the national wine-maker V. Mamontov, knowing about the special power of melt water, the vinaish method of massage with melt water - “talitsu”. Vіn having added water to the kam'yanu silt at the talu, yakіy mіstya all zhittєvo nebіbnі microelementi, і troch otstu і tsey rozchin vikoristovuvav rubbing at shkіru for massage. And "miracles" began. Axis yak wine write about it: “After a lot of rubbing the heart, which you gradually guess about yourself with poking, shootings, sharp pains, it stopped turbulence, the robot of the slug was enriched, sleep was normal. They began to make veins, with ropes and harnesses, which had come out earlier on their feet and hands. After the normalization of the exchange of speeches, the judges became aware that they were close to the shkiri. The skin itself became elastic, soft, lower, nabula of a living, natural color, wrinkle-bearing flowers were smoothed out. Legs warmed up, old periodontal disease appeared in a few days, bleeding stopped clear.

Rozchin "talitsi" is prepared as follows: in 300 ml of taloi water, dilute 1 teaspoon. a spoonful of rock salt (rather than unrefined sea salt) and 1 teaspoon. a tablespoon of table otstu (more than apple or fruit tea).

For empty mouth baths (with sore throats, toothaches, clear, periodontitis) “talitsu” requires trimming in the mouth for 10-15 quills, performing a few procedures per day for 7-10 days.

Water and massage procedures with the use of “talitsa” can be urinating, replacing water with “talitsa” in other water procedures. Procedures with a “talitseyu” are readily available, do not require special training, do not have contraindications and give the body an intense tone.

And beautiful self-feeling - all the warehouses of a healthy way of life. Crazy, even better, as if it were possible to reach one’s own time healthy eating, go in for sports and get better. However, it is often said that the too high pace of life, the folding of the robot, which hangs out, is suddenly seriously designated as healthy people. In this case, it is necessary to turn for help to professionals, as if building in the shortest terms to help you deal with your problem, turning your wasted health. Whom to turn to? For the first time, read reviews about Nouhaumed - a modern clinic, in which you can recreate the beauty and health.

Krіm tsgogo, next look at the food, allowing the body to clean up from slags. And for that, we, the inhabitants of Moscow, need to get used to clean and healthy water.

Before that, how to get to our apartments, tap water must pass through several stages of purification, including chlorine baths. This process avoids the vindication of epidemic diseases, but negatively affects the work of the heart-vascular system and the duct-intestinal tract.

Biggest efficient method purification of the water from the rozchinnyh at nіy shkіdlivih speeches є freezing.

Skoda vodi

Sound water (water supply, from the dzherel, cleaned thinly) is accumulated from:

  • "important" drive(because the so-called "dead" water is D 2 Pro, in which the atoms of deuterium are replaced by atoms). Її freezing temperature +3.8 pro;
  • fresh water(The so-called "living" lead H 2 O, as the basis of life). Її freezing temperature - 0 about С;
  • rossolu(Houses look like salts, organic compounds and alcohol chemicals). The freezing point is down to -7°C.

Shkidlivy houses are built on our loam, mucous membranes, internal organs, vessel walls, which lead to the vindication of various illnesses.

against water

Why does the tallow water smell like thawed water? Vіdmіnіst polyaє that thawed water to come out at the process of the splendid shvidkogo freezing that tannennya lead, scho to lead up to the fall at the sight of the siege of a part of the shkidlivih speeches (albeit not all).

When removing the antidote, conduct the process povіlnogo freezing and tanning water be governed by people And at the singing yoga stages one can see "vagka" water that rose. Fresh water was taken away and melted (against) water.

Preparing taloi (opposite) water

Freezing is vibrated in glassy porcelain containers, as well as in saucepans.

We collect water in the container from the tap of another dzherel. The place is placed on cardboard or plywood and curved with cardboard or plywood. Kindly add about 10 stones (skin size from a small hairy pea) to 3 liters in a glass of silicon water from a rosemary.

Give respect to water cannot be topped up to the top of the tank, because Kriega, who has made up her mind, can break the dishes.

The author of the article vikoristov having a refrigerator with a freezer up to -10 o C, fallow in the temperature of the freezer compartment of the refrigerator, the trivality of the cycles can be blown up when hovering lower.

Sequence of preparation of taloi (opposite) water

Cycle 1. After 3-5 years (in the butt - 5 years), after freezing the cob, it is robbed of control. When a "lattice" of 1-2 millimeters of deuterium ice appears, we break through a thin upper sack and pour water into the same container. Deuterium ice (about 150 ml per litre) after defrosting, it is discharged into the sewer.

Cycle 2. The place with overflowing water is again closed and placed on the same place. After 12-18 years, on the walls of the container, there are kriegs of pure crystals. Rozsil (with frozen wines of a yellowish color) step by step swells cone-shaped form and winds into the middle of the container. It is important not to allow the rosemary to be frozen, but to see the yogo, while it is still tense (yogo can be removed with a jet of water from the tap, carefully directing the yogo into the middle of the container).

Cycle 3. Roztaєmo prozory lid at the world of need (it is possible to work on the lower grilles of the refrigerator). As a result, about half savage number lead from cycle 2.

I’ll try to remove the water under a microscope, more likely that it’s the structure of the right crystals. This structure of the water is taken more by stretching the doby.

Water with a similar structure enters the warehouse of fresh vegetables, fruits and juices from them.

For a sufficient amount of opposing water, on it you can prepare stray. The structure of the water is collapsing, the purity is being depleted.

Even when brewing tea in such water, bring it to the "white key" (85 - 90 ° C), the structure of the water does not collapse.

With regular use of such an anti-oxidant, drive for 7-9 months and improve the internal water resource of your body.

Korisna's joy: Talu water periodically needs to be filled with mineral water (for example, adding "Narzan" or "Borjomi" to it).

Suggestions for inquiry:

With my permission, the water is frozen in a single-bottom refrigerator, I can tell you what to know optimal mode for clearing ice is only possible experimental way.

The cordon between is clear and impenetrable ice does not make clear expressions. The amount of impenetrable ice will change in the center of the river to the edge of the dishes and lie down due to such factors:

  1. Dzherela nadkhodzhennya drive. You can use:
    • water faucet;
    • dzherelo;
    • butt filter;
    • boiling until I become the "white key".
  2. Swidkіst zamorozhuvannya vodi, yak to fall in vіd vіd modelі that mode of operation of your refrigerator.
  3. Volume of water that will freeze.

In my mind:

PS: How do you want to signify chemical warehouse own lead, yoga can vikonati at the chemical laboratory.

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