Big mark. How to formulate the need for the good walks? Healthy lifestyle

It is easy to overestimate the greed, like a person otrimuє, having learned how to be rich and forming the good name of robit tse shchoranka. The impressions, which are skin-like, to inspire a stuck-out runner, will be gleaned from this series of articles dedicated to the god, and at the same time, we can see it not only from a physiological, but also from an energetic and psychological side. Replying to those three stats, you can learn further.

And in this article we will talk about problems, through which people stop being rich, throwing passes and about those, how it is necessary to work, to formulate the need for the good.

Big lie of the day. How to form a bazhannya and a bigati zvichka?

Mastering esotericism, meditation, and gradually practicing over myself, I got to know the detailed everyday human body, information, energy systems and understanding how that chi іnsha building chi needs of people is formed.

Like without details, looking like this. Be it a function, a building, or a person's need, it is realized in a physical or energy system, or a complex of systems, as it is controlled by a program that is formed in a given bridge. Usі system spochatku laid at the skin. The main intellectual development of systems is their demand and regular training.

Tobto those who regularly rob a person a lot of times, develop systems, how to implement and form programs for managing this process. If the systems are opened, and the programs are formed, then the building begins to live its own life and vimagati its own realization, which is perceived by the people as a need in this activity.

Like a bachimo, in order to form the need in the daily jogging, it is necessary to regularly get rich, bazhano at that very hour, and not sooner, lower every other day. Vikonannya all of our recommendations (better so that you gain energy by overtaking vitrata, positive mood and malt) to speed up the whole process.

The main pardons that block the molding of the consumption of bigati:

  • Irregularity of traffic- Necessary systems are not being opened, navchikas are not being fixed, needs are not being formed in short walks.
  • Negative standard pіd hour bіgu(Bloody by problems, experience, litigation, images, fears, etc.) - the process of recruiting energy does not start, a significant part of the energy is spent on negative emotions, int.
  • Do not reach the necessary relaxation. The tension of the m'yazi filthy takes energy, clogs up, gets soaked up.
  • Gaining energy less for vitrate. Reasons: Do not reach the necessary relaxation; negative camp pіd hour bіgu; the energy collection process does not start on purpose.
  • God does not become a part of the way of life.
  • Big, do not become a process that is constantly developing. Be it a process that develops, sooner or later it starts to collapse.
  • Big pripinyaetsya in the cold season of rock and in disgrace. Trivali interrupt - ruination of the process. I'm starting over again on the back of a non-leather building.
  • Big - important work, violence. There is no salt, heaviness, vtom. Svіdomіst clearly vykonuє program: "It's hard for me", skinny.
  • Do not get used to, do not fully master the technology of big. Big rank does not give results, as it can give the technique of meditative big.
  • Less traffic per hour, which is necessary for the review of results. The break will end at the stage of entry into required mode more often than not, they are involved in the work of the system and the collection of energy. Reach, in case of lack of energy, I will become light and nasolid not see. Without taking away the planned results, a person earlier, or later, takes a break.
  • Intensity (speed) penetration is lower or more necessary. Even lower - the result is not reached, even more - see, in. through vanity.

Big lie of the day - the majestic nasolod

Nasoloda - tse special camp. Not everyone can see that a person will take the maximum of malt, if there is a great amount of energy of singing quality before it. Moreover, the energy flow of the temple floor, which calls out the vibrations of the skin cells of the body, as to give the best impressions, the great joy of that suffocation. Tse mozhe vіdbuvatisya at the process of creativity, if a person to create, create, is engaged in a beloved right; when running, if you become a loved one on the right; with zustrіchі zakohanih; under the hour of exchange of energy by partners under the hour of sexual intercourse, in.

Let's guess the truth: “A person can only be happy with what they love and what they value.”

In whatever mood, in order to reach the soul of the big one, it is necessary to vikonate like this:

  1. Succumb to violence against yourself - do not mock yourself, but formulate the need for your daily walks;
  2. God to love and grow with a kohana on the right;
  3. Take care, schob nabіr energії perevishuє її vitrati.

Violence against oneself is blamed then, if a person is wise, it is necessary for him to be rich and to work not on bazhan, but on willpower, zmushyuyuchi yourself bigati. Prerechno it means that violence against oneself, as if it were a negative emotion, leads to overexploitation of energy, blocking of the set, slowness of the process; accompanied by negative, unacceptable, ruinous energies that block the recruitment of positive energies. Usuvaєtsya shaping consumer at shchdennykh probіzhakh.

One of the best ways to live a healthy life is to exercise regularly. Sport, for its own sake, not only improves the state of health and makes your body beautiful, but also vibrates willpower. It is also a good psychological discharge.

Big is a wonderful way to go in for sports. Why does big and like wine pour into the camp of our health?

Bіg - tse cardio-adventure. Vіn dopomogaє vrobiti vitrivality, both psychological and physical.

One of the biggest advantages is the accessibility for all those who need it. Obviously, as you may have problems with your health, it is recommended to consult a doctor before such adventures. So yak big give a stronger ambition on the heart.

The melancholy in the sport is majestic:

- vitrivality and other special qualities are improved, such as willpower, self-control, and also self-esteem;

- burn out calories, which help to lose weight for girls and dry the lads;

- the m'yazi of the whole body, ale, especially the litkovy, are affected, thereby raising the body in tone;

- circulatory-vascular system is affected, as well as the heart and legenia;

- Significance of the musculoskeletal apparatus.

It’s rich who is strong, which is big shkidlivy for health, explaining to them, how to bring wine to pain in the swamps, to blacken the nails of the fingers, or to bring it to a strong grip. So, everything can get along with you, if you don’t know about the elementary rules in the game:

- clothes, in which you are rich, are guilty of but not only handy, but we don’t need to be warm. So, as early as the hour of the day, the temperature of the body is moving, and it’s easy for your body to simultaneously raise the normal temperature of the body and the air;

- just like that, it can be handy, ideal, if it’s a trifle larger than your leg size, so as soon as the hour comes, the feet expand, and, it would seem, it would be ideal for you to wear sneakers tinder;

- obov'yazkovo to do a small warm-up before the big. Tse zapobіzhit vіd nebazhanyh stretch marks and pain in the swamps;

- do not hesitate before training, give it some extra, absolutely you don’t need an effort on the body. Until then, such training will not be effective;

- if you have problems with your heart or circulatory system before training, turn to the doctor.

Big Garniy your versatility: if you want to loosen up after an important training - you will be helped by a big underdog 10-15 min.; if you try to lose weight, then shortest choice- Tse interval big 35-50 minutes; If you want to vibrate vibrancy, you need to go for a simple trial, for example: 40 - 70 min; Well, if you just want to grow up in front of the cob of training, you should be the first to see more than a stretch - 15-20 quills.

Interval big, rich in why, inexplicably crazy. What kind of promishes do you need to fix that vanity? How to follow the hour? How long do you need bigati to get a result?

Under the hour of the interval run, sleep more calories, which contribute to the reduction of subcutaneous fat tissue. In such a rank, people who lower the weight of the body are most suitable for this kind of big.

For pochatkіvtsіv butt training can be like this:

5 quills of quick walking, or more of a good run, and then on a whim, big - 4 quills, quickening 15 seconds, walking - 1 min. There are six such stages, after which turn before walking, inspiring breath. Take a training loan from you 39:30 hvilin, for which 15 hvilin you go, 23 - bіzhіt and 1:30 go to the quick .

For people who have been doing big for a long time, the number of stages increases in training, that, krim warm-ups and tricks, walking between stages is not included. But there you are quickened to 100% of your abilities, and you know, after such a quickening, you yourself already seem to be a good cause.

For such a big, I want to give you a cost-free supplement “Big for weight loss”. To be honest, I don’t rely on the entire program creators themselves (on the kshtalt “you will lose 15 kg in 2 months” and so on - cemarennia). And the axis of the plan of interval runs there is a warehouse of vіdmіnniy plus tsієї programs that you do not need to control the hour, you only need to watch the instructions of the audio coach. When you see it, without interrupting, you can listen to your favorite music.

With respect, Katerina Lemishko.

Purchase Date: 2014-09-24

How to vibrate the sound of a big bullshit?

I think everyone knows the viraz, scho is very healthy. The positive results of this process are visibly opposed: heart contraction, vagi stabilization, aggravated mood, best robot brain, zbіlshennya m'yazovoї masi, development of willpower and vitality thinly. bud. It is not surprising that the children of the big zdavavsya me a synonym for their own panacea.

I had an impersonal sample of almost a big lie, but all the stinks were short-lined and not far off. It’s better to wake up from your normal daily routine and make yourself stand up in a lie. Until then, I respected myself with an owl in the door, which only made it easier to set the task.

Possibly, from whom you can blame the question: why do you lie? Aje can easily work jogging and in the evening. On tse in me there was a lot of vagomi reasons. In the first place, the lie is richer than people, but it is not so cluttered with car whips. In a different way, I wanted to change my daily routine, go and sleep early, and help me more. We see that early breaks bring more good health, lower evenings. Zagalom, my method is not just big, but the big lie itself, on the sweatshirt.

For some fate, I left the rest of my mind. Before that, as if I had started victoriously the ranking ritual, here, for a long time, I morally adjusted to the beginning of this action. Good motivation is the guarantee of success, and I had enough reasons for big lies. Until then, she’s helping out.

If the day X came, it was easy for me to finish my self-improvement at a distance about the fifth wound. Having thought and doing some light exercises, I put on my clothes, took an MP3 player, got myself for the sake of the great dream, and went to the park. The trivality of my first rank run was no more than 10 whilins, but it still felt like it. At the next day, I, not caring for the whole world, got up early at once and went for a walk. The next day I made five hours more, at the end of the day I made forty more minutes, and I felt better and better.

If three days of good luck had passed, I went through easily and without an alarm clock. The trivality of the passage became already more than a year old, but the hour passed without a memory. My self-confidence grew, my self-confidence grew smaller, and after the big time, I felt a little satisfied with that lightness. Now the big lie has become my star, without which the day is not perfect. As a result, I'm healthy, self-aware that old look richly improved.

Tim, who knows a lot of lies, but still doesn’t care, I want to give a sprat of joy.

  1. Great meaning can be taken and that clothes for big. Vaughn, madly, can be like that buti handy. Feel free to buy specially for someone else, it will be additional motivation.
  2. With music, it’s easier to get richer. On the back of the hand, it helps to help in the event of unacceptable remarks and forget about an hour. Big pid I love music - addicted to nasoloda.
  3. Having set yourself up for the meta to get up early for a ranking run, you need to skip the alarm clock. It is not allowed to take a nap or a whiff, shards of stink can turn into a birthday, and you can forget about a run.
  4. May buti dosit strong motivation. Forget all the positive consequences of the big day not to make.
  5. Before going to bed, it is necessary to think about the early ranking of the day and visualize the reception in the process.
  6. At the hour of the big day, marvel at the mountain, so blame it for the good, and it’s easier to fly. Marveling in front of you, wondering what will be pulled into the tunnel. If you marvel down, then bіgti more importantly, pull down.
  7. Having missed one or a few days of the rank big, do not give up and give up. Golovne - almost bigati, wanting to be two-three for a day, a positive effect will be in any mood.

Zvichka rich lie to rob life as a hero and povnotsinnym, signifi- cantly increase self-esteem, help virobit willpower and discipline. Zavdyaki big can forget about ailments and problems

Nezalezhno vіd putї meti - whether it's a marathon, a new “specialist” or a waste of extra kilos, q 8 rules will help you get motivated, avoid injuries and achieve a good result in a planned term.

Zvichki form the behavior and way of life of a skin person. The ancient Greek philosopher and sage Aristotle said: “we are those that we are timidly fast.” If you want to achieve success in the big game (that and be it any other kind of sport), then one of the best speeches, if you can work in the first line - develop in your own capacity that you can accept it.

8 brown stars are pointed below, for the help of which you can become a successful, efficient and happy runner.

1. Think positively and visualize your success. It has been scientifically proven that a negative thought can be reduced to a reduction in physical practicality, so you should clear your mind and indulge yourself in all negative and third-party thoughts before future training. Reveal yourself, as if you were satisfied and take it away from the big one, and how faster and stronger you become with the skin at once!

2. Set goals. The setting of goals - short-line and long-line - allows you to create specific plans to achieve your goals and get motivated, followed by those inspired by your actions. Butt: long-term meta - run a marathon, short-line - increase your current mileage. Be patient, focus on robots, and success will come without fail!

3. Be disciplined. Store (pick up) the training plan. Don’t varto bigati thoughtlessly, or an hour at a time, otherwise you risk just spending an hour for nothing, or even worse - take away the injury! In addition, ce allow to attach big to your way of life.

Also, conduct a training program to check your progress and adjust the training plan according to your needs. And in the world of that, as your ostentatious people grow, you will be an additional motivation!

4. Unique calm chi shkіdlivih zvichok. Try to get rid of everything that can cross the reach of your goals (kick too much, eat badly, get nervous, etc.).

5. Be easygoing. The weather is unacceptable, even if robots or filthy moods often cry out that it’s not necessary to go to training, but you must clearly understand that there is one more crochet that will bring you closer to success. In addition, the rush of endorphins to the end of the training will raise your spirits, and you will write that you overcame yourself and worked for yourself. Guess as soon as you feel like you want to make a run.

6. Be social. Win the opportunity to train with those who share your exercises. In addition, a small friendship is a supernice, or a good partner will help you perform better in training.

7. Be serious until your renewal. The day of a sufficient recovery can be brought to the point that you are not aware of it and feel weary and beaten up before the devil's training. Tse mozhe vplinut on your progress in the whole and navіt cause injury to sickness. For successful athletes, the period of renewal is as important as the training itself.

8. Focus on the strength, not the amount of training. Do not increase the mileage for the mileage, otherwise do not count the additional tenth row, as on the front you could not keep up the necessary pace. The skin kilometer has its own meta, just follow the training plan, and you won’t get the result!

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Є different ways zmusit yourself almost a big lie. If you can give someone an obityanka, if I don’t lie on the street and I don’t get through, then I’ll pay him 1000 rubles. You can get a dog and a shoranka and walk around with her for a long time. And you can create a new sound, so that you can start a big lie more.

How to create a new star of the big lie? For whom one needs to work only this simple krokiv.

1. Make a decision.

On the back of the head, you need to be virishiti: work less than tse chi. Accepting the decision, it is important to understand that it will be a day, it will be a weather, it will be necessary for someone to come out of the house that way with their own route. Think about what you need? Need to torment and torment yourself like this? Sleep already in the warmth of that calm))) Find it here - stop navit without stopping. Tobto just spit on the qiu on the right: "Hundreds of years are not big and not figs are begun!".

2. Ask yourself why is it important to me?

If, nevertheless, you have said that you are rich, then ask yourself what is important for you. For example, it’s important for me to start big lies, because I want to be energetic. Why is it important for me to be energetic? For if I am energetic, then I have more spirit and brilliance. Why is it important for me to mother more vpevnenostі and rіshuchostі? To that, if I’m in my own mind and rich, I easily take on the task and bring it to the end.

Approximately so. Through the “why is it important” question, you can get to the bottom of right reasons. And the stench of zalyuvatimut and pіdtrimuvatimut your bazhannya and decision to start a big lie.

3. Prepare clothes and clothes for running.

First, let's go on the road, get ready for the new one. In what clothes are you bigtime? Who cares? Which route? Tse mozhe buti and stitch around the school, i park, i sports maidanchik. Think ahead.

4. Start small.

It’s better to start from small things: throw yourself 10 times earlier, lower significantly, pull up, put on your sneakers, stand in the corridor. I all. Take the sneakers and let them work for those who have worked forever.

As if you are given to bad occupations, you don’t have to do anything. But think for yourself: if you want to vibrate the sound regularly, big money, then you need to start small. From such a small crocodile, such a bi vie could not help but vikonati.

For example, just put on your sneakers and stand by the corridor. It is important to repeat tsyu diyu shoranka after that, like one dії. For example, they smiled, brushed their teeth and put on sneakers. The first thing you need to do is to praise yourself: “What a fine fellow I am! I vibrate the sound of the big bullshit! ”

Naygolovnіshe - repeat the choranka, so that the star begins to form. There are different days. It's been a day like this to set an Olympic record. And on the next day of nebazhannya nіs z-pіd kovdri distavati. Ale, I wouldn’t know who I’d become, the badory chi mlyavy, having slept chi ni, є hour chi I’m already late - I need to put on my sneakers and stand a couple of quills by the corridor. Let tse be such a new rite.

5. Get overhead.

In a week, you can add a little more: throw yourself 10 times earlier, put on your sneakers, go to the street and walk around the house. I all. I home. Bring on the chain less than 2-3 quills, no more is needed. Those who came out of the house are already a great achievement. I repeat tomorrow. І after tomorrow. I skin advancing day.

6. Walk the route.

Every other day - put on your sneakers, go out onto the street and walk through the swedish crocodile of the big route. Maybe not all. A small stash. Better than the mother of kіlka routes: maly, middle and povny. І fallow in the mood that bajannya choose one of them. On the first day of the coming day, repeat the following sequence: put on your shoes, go to the street and follow the route.

7. Start big.

More for tyzhden can already be more bigati. Until this hour, don’t get big money anymore, it’ll be impossible))) It’s possible and necessary to inquire for yourself: why is it important for me - big money. І vіdpovіdati z usієyu predilection and onslaught.

Bazhano rankovі probіzhki do not transform into a feat of the day, but robit the tsar's routine. It’s better to spend 2 days each day for a month, then in one day, take yourself for a year or two and then throw it to the right.

Vaughn is bezkoshtovna, it is read in total for 18 khvilin, and on simple butts it is rozpovida, as it is easy to awaken a new star, as if all life will be with you.

Well, are you ready to play the right way? You will be captivated by the simplicity and efficiency of the method.

For now, everything is for now. Dyakuyu for exercise to health, I'm that beautiful))) Press "Like", so you bula korisna tsya article about those how to start a big bullshit. And shorter -
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