Test of the greater nervous activity behavior of the psyche 8. Tests of biology "Analyzers. VND. Dihalna and circulatory system". Vishcha nervous activity

Option 1

Task 1.

1. The principle of reflex work of the brain was revealed:

B. Illey Illich Mechnikov

2. Zvuzhennya zіnitsі, slinovіdіlennya can be brought up to:

A. Mind Your Reflexes

B. Crazy reflexes

B. Let's ban reflexes

3. The building of the newlyweds before swimming without a front hand-butt:

A. Mad Reflex

B. mental reflex

B. Instinct

4. The basis of the learned behavior is to lie:

A. Crazy Reflections

B. Smart Reflection

B. instincts

5. Beginners of katana on kovzan, bicycles, sailing are formed on the basis of:

A. Dynamic stereotype

B. instinctive reactions

B. Crazy reactions

6. If you don’t make a clever imitation insane, become:

A. Crazy gamble

B. Awareness of the reflex

B. Umovne galmuvannya

7. Myslennya vinikaє on the basis of:

A. Instinct

B. Reasonable activity

B. Crazy reflexes

8. The essence of the adoption of mental reflections, the processes of awakening that galvanization bula vіdkrita and reportedly vvchena:

A. Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov

B. Mykola Ivanovich Pirogov

B. Ivan Petrovich Pavlov

9. Sleep є:

A. One of the views of galvanization of measles pivkul of the great brain

B. One of the special types of measles


10. Sleep hour for the brain:

A. Pin your activity

B. Renew your practice

B. Improve your practice

Manager 2 . Insert the missing word.

1. Crazy reflections ... are transmitted from generation to generation and appear like ... reactions to songs ... imitations.

2. As an example of an insane reflex, the ringing ..., ... in the mouth is empty and more folding forms congenital behavior - ...

3. Reflections, which are blamed for protracted life, are called ..., strictly ... and blamed on ... imitations.

4. Think reflection to lie in the basis of ... behavior, which ensures adaptation to the necessary light, that folding system mental-reflex sounds in cory pivkul, sho... a stereotype, which underlies rich sounds and...

5. Over the course of a year, mental reflexes can become ... or ... chicanery with the appearance of a mental imitation of a new ... reflex.

6. Hypothesis about the reflex basis of activity... to lay the brain..., and the creator of a whole concept about mental reflection is...

7. For the normal life of a person, it is necessary that the period of active sleeplessness is changed ... like Pavlov, calling ... galvanism, which restores the functions ... of the system.

Manager 3 . Give a short summary of one or two propositions.

1. What reflections are called insane? Why is it important?

2. Give examples of the instinctive behavior of a person.

3. What is smart reflection? How are stinks formed?

4. What is the meaning of mental reflections?

5. Explain the understanding of the dynamic stereotype.


Option 2

Task 1. Choose one correct answer.

1. People get sleep during the period:

A. Awakening

B. Good sleep

V. Shvidkogo sleep

2. A person has grown up and can sleep on the doba:

A. 4 years old

B. 8 years old

About 10 years

3. The camp of a trival bagatarian sleep is called:

A. Lethargy

B. Hypnosis

B. Somnambulism

4. Specific mental imitation of a person є:

A. Diya

B. Word

V. Dumka

5. Statements about the color, shape, surface, smell of the object are added to:

A. Spriynatta

B. Violence

V. Vіdchuttya

6. Establishing a relationship between facts - the basis:

A. Logical memory

B. Mechanical memory

B. Auditory memory

7. The building of a person on the basis of already known knowledge to get new information is called:

A. Piznannya

B. Myslennya

In memory

8. Neuro-innovative, excitable type of temperament is called:

A. Sanguinik

B. phlegmatic

V. Choleric

9. A vrіvnovazheny, calm, inert type of temperament is called:

A. Sanguinik

B. phlegmatic

V. Melancholy

10. Type of temperament and features of the nervous system:

A. Inherited by fathers

B. Lie down in the middle of the earth


1 Tests on the division of VISCHA NERVOUS DIALYNISTIE 1. Previously, experimentally obgruntuvav reflex nature of the activity of the spinal cord and brain: a) I.M.Sechenov b) P.K.Anokhin c) I.P. Pavlov great brain: a) Descartes b) I. Prohaska c) I.M. Sechenov d) I.P. Pavlov 3. The flattening of the eyes when sleeping light is a reflex: a) crazy b) piece c) mind 4. The reflex of seeing a shed in a hungry person when thinking about hedgehog є: a) crazy b) piece c) a reflex of a different order d) mind 5. Heart-eye reflex (Daninya-Ashner reflex) є: a) insane b) a reflex of a different order c) we will calm down 6. Before the start, the runner often breathes for the shape of the reflex: a) insane b) orientation c) intelligent middle, - tse a) dynamic stereotype; b) instinct; c) reflex of the fourth or fifth order; d) urіvnovazhenіst. є insane reinforcement when vibrating: a) dynamic stereotype b) orienting reflex c) mental reflex of another, third order d) mental reflex of the first order 10. Mad reflex ) mental reflex of another, third and second order d) mental reflex of the first order

2 11. The work of the slash mihur can mentally reflexively change: a) so b) n 12. The bloody vice can mentally reflexively change: a) so b) n ) can change - reflex c) can not change 14. The fate of the new cortex is necessary for molding: a) instinct; b) orientation reaction; c) food, state reflex; d) mental reflex. buti: a) more b) less 16. More insane reflexes are manifested: school age c) in the 20-fold century 17. In the person of the 20 fates of insane reflections: a) they cannot appear b) they can be re-discovered c) they appear in total communication 18. The connection between the centers of mental and insane reflections is called: a) b) dominating c) convulsive 19. Galvanic bath, which vibrates through the prolongation of an individual life, which blames the influence on whether or not subdivisions of any receptive field: insane galmation is seen: a) , later b) later, fading galmo, postyne galmo c) fading, differential, postyne galmo 22. Galmuvanya, which is blamed for the influx of third-party subdivisions for the reflex, which is caused, is called: a) external b) internal c) differential d) foreign

3 23. Border galvanization: a) protecting the nerve centers from excess information; b) allows you to differentiate close to the nature of the podrazniki; c) allows you to save energy resources; d) Infusive nimitznikno head of the navichy naviky, close to the nature of the on -the -term c) permitted Ekonomi Energresursi d) the tuning naviganno navchika 25. Galmuvni, the shamefulness of the reaction, d) 2. more social skills that have the character of a fence: a) fading galmo b) differential c) fading d) smarter galmo ) реципрокне 8 .Диференційне гальмування: а) охорон яє нервові центри від надлишку інформації б) дозволяє розрізняти близькі за характером подразники в) дозволяє економити енергоресурси г) сприяє зникненню неміцно завчених навичок 29. При дуже значному збільшенні сили умовного подразника рефлекторна реакція у відповідь: a) Blame it more b) Blame it more c) Blame it for the same kind of swedishness d) Don’t blame it 30. Art. an orange dog pripinya їzhі when looking at a third-party person in the aftermath of galvanization: a) splendid b) differential c) fading d) mental galm 31. The high jitteriness of nerve processes is characteristic of: a) non-striated type of HNA (for P.I. type of VND (for P.I. Pavlov) c) greenhouse type of VND (for P.I. Pavlov)

4 32. The building of a fast-growing and mentally virobility of the mind reflects in: a) a living type of HNI (for P.I. Pavlov) b) a calm type of HNI (for P.I. Pavlov) d) hothouse type of GND (for P.I. Pavlov) 33. The live type of GND (for P.I. Pavlov) is influenced by the calm type of GNA (for P.I. Pavlov) the power of nervous processes: strength c) fragility 34. For a person with a non-streaming type of HNA (according to P.I. Pavlov) it is characteristic: , neurodevelopment 35. When analyzing the synthesis of signals in specific subjects, the following dominate: a) the hypothalamus b) the left ventricle c) the right ventriculus d) the reticular formation of the middle brain functions of the left half of the body c) move and list 37. Rights piv The brain of the brain dominates in: a) analysis of verbal signals b) perception, processing, analysis and synthesis of signals in the first signal system c) regulation of the function of the right half of the body 38. ) Modern functions, logical and mathematical thought d) Artistic features 39. The rights of a pivkul as a whole are formed: a) Logical and mathematical thought b) Musical, artistic zdіbnosti c) Positive emotions d) Lack of mental functions, powers 40. є є spolkuvannya and mechanism of intellectual activity, tse: a) longevity of memory b) learning c) language d) social motivation ) frontal part d) thyme part

5 42. Sensory center of movement (C. Wernicke's center) of expansions in: a) skeletal part b) politic part c) frontal part d) thyme part sweaty part c) frontal part d) thyme part Tests on division of YOUR MENTAL FUNCTIONS 44. Which functions are not typical for the limbic system? a) Formation of memory and emotions b) Regulation of homeostasis c) Participation in the development of mental reflexes d) Regulation of vegetative processes 45. The strength of emotion can be objectively assessed by: heart rates 4 Secretion of catecholamines during emotional arousal: a) does not change b) increases c) changes 47. Emotions change functions: a) informational, signaling, regulatory, compensatory b) kharchov, state; they are called: a) needs b) manifestations c) evidence d) emotions 49. People blame negative emotions if: a) mark b ) stereotypically and stereotypically stereotyped c) setting to the point of indulgence indifferently d) saving time for reaching the mark is enough, but there is no motivation a) asthenic negative emotion b) neurosis c) asthenic negative emotion 51. Asthenic negative emotions are characterized by: a) increased mobilization of memory, respect, activity b) a sharp decrease in energy and immunological resources; appearance of fear, tightness; skasuvannya in-line activity

6 c) the state of anger, fiercely that, which increases the resources of the body, which helps to overcome the set task 52. For stenic emotions, it is characteristic: a) a fall in the tone of the sympathetic nervous system and an increase in the tone of the parasympathetic nervous system; b) increase in practice, concentration of respect; stronger robotic heart, legen; Strengthening of current activity c) decrease in intellectual and energy resources, blamed on fear, tightness, sadness 53. When forming emotions, it is necessary to stimulate: a) hypothalamus, limbic brain; b) measles of the great pіvkul, spinal cord, thalamus; 54. Subjective state, which is formed on the basis of the needs of the body, is called: a) afferent synthesis b) motivation c) memory d) emotions 55. Motivation is formed on the basis of: a) respect b) demand c) manifestation d) emotions 56. biological motivations f: a) memory b) destruction of blood constants c) galvanization in the central nervous system d) emotions spinal cord d) thalamus 59. Become an organism that needs active mobilization for satisfaction, ce: a) dominating motivation b) thoughts c) memory d) language e) emotion 60. a) activation of the synthesis of RNA and proteins b) degeneration of the dominant cavity in the cortex c) reciprocal galvanization d) circulation of impulse flows along the closed lances of neurons

7 61. In the basis short-term memory lie: a) activation of the synthesis of mRNA and proteins; b) vyniknennya dominant cavity in the bark of the great pіvkul; c) reciprocal galvanization; d) circulation of impulse flows along the closed lancets of neurons. ) memory c) recall d) emotions 63. Mechanisms of memory are realized with the participation of neurotransmitters: Skronevy often measles, spinal core in) front bloom, reticular form of the brain d) of the reticular form of the middle core, the specific nuclei of the thalamus 65. For the formavny of mymile, respect for the fate is not possible: a) gypotalamus, the pre -vague to the brain of the cerebral) c) frontal clumps of measles, reticular formation of the brain d) reticular formation of the middle brain, specific nuclei of the thalamus 6 6. The following forms of respect are distinguished: a) fairly and mimic; b) social and biological; c) sthenic and asthenic; d) emotional and indifferent; 67. d) Tim'yanі 68. Thinking vikonu functions: a) analysis and synthesis of signals in the first signal system b) exaggeration of the necessary light in understanding, judgment, intellect c) consumer motivation d) formation of short-hour memory 69. The role of turning mind apherentation influences the safety of: a) ) assessment of the result dii b) conduction of excitation from receptors to the central nervous system c) expansion of excitation from the afferent lanka to the afferent d) formation of the acceptor to the result of dii

8 70. The state of activity and insomnia on electroencephalogram: a) alpha rhythm b) beta rhythm c) gamma rhythm 71. For the normal phase of sleep, characteristic a) alpha rhythm b) beta rhythm c) delta rhythm 72. On the structure of the central nervous system do you have a disease? a) On the nuclei of the cerebellum b) On the upper activating system of the reticular formation c) On the lower activating system of the reticular formation Pavlovim c) A.F. Samoilov d) V.V. Pravdich-Neminskiy 74. In 1929, a person registered EEG in 1929: a) A.F. Samoilov b) ІL. Pavlov c) G. Berger; d) V.V. Pravdich-Neminskiy 75. Alpha EEG rhythm has a frequency of colivans in 1 s: a) 0.5-3 b) 4-7 c) 8-13 d) Beta EEG rhythm has a frequency of colivans in 1 s: a) 0, 5-3 b) 4-7 c) 8-13 d) Theta-rhythm EEG may have a colivan frequency in 1 s: a) 0.5-3 b) 4-7 c) 8-13 d) Delta rhythm EEG may frequency of colivans in 1 s: a) 0.5-3 b) 4-7 c) 8-13 d) 14-35


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Control robot No. 5 on the topics “Analyzators”, “Most nervous activity. Behavior. Psychic"

part 1

Choose one correct answer:

  1. Which of the following analyzer analyzes the information that was needed:

A) a receptor

B) conductor

B) brain centers

  1. Hearing receptors are found in:

A) ravlika

B) drum empty

B) on the circumferential channels

  1. To enter the warehouse of the analyzer:

A) receptor that zone of the measles of the great pivkul.

B) receptor, conductor and zone of measles of the great pivkul

C) receptor and conductor

  1. Sudinna shell of the ophthalmic apple vikonuє:

a) shut down the function;

B) live a function

C) receptor function.

  1. With short-term growth, the change is focused:

a) on the site

B) in front of the sitkivka

B) behind the screen

  1. Hearing brushes:

A) conduct ta pіdsilyuyut sound

B) protect the internal ears

B) call out the drum beat

  1. To the warehouse of the middle vuha enter:

A) ravlik and pivkruzhni channels

B) the sound auditory shell, the outer auditory passage

B) hearing brushes

  1. Organi Chuttya:

A) vouch for the work of all organs

B) ensure the orientation of the person in the necessary medium

C) accept changes from the necessary medium

9. Having created a statement about insanity and mental reflection:

A) I.M. Sechenov.

B) A.A. Ukhtomsky.

C) I.P. Pavlov.

D) N.I. Pirogov.

10. As a kind of imitation of the dosvid Pavlov I.P. above the dog is light:

A) Let's get it right.

B) flawless.

11. As a kind of imitation of the dosvid Pavlov I.P. over the dog є їzha:

A) Let's get it right.

B) flawless.

12. Help to stick to the minds of life that change:

A) Crazy reflections.

b) Smart reflection.

13. Zovnіshnє galmuvannya:

A) A call from the lesson.

b) car signal.

14. Internal galvanization:

A) A call from the lesson.

b) car signal.

C) The bowel ceases to react to the bryazkalets, as the sound of the bryazkalts does not sound like a cowboy.

15. Like reflexes tumble for the help of the ovnіshny tinkering:

A) Crazy.

b) smart.

C) І tі, th іnshi.

16. In what way to deposit GNI creatures?

A) The creatures of the GNA have daily, their behavior is based on reflexes and instincts.

B) Vіd rozmіrіv tіla - the bigger the creature, the more folding the GND.

C) Type of the nervous system - which is more foldable the nervous system, more foldable than the GND.

D) Type of folding of the blood-bearing and dichal systems.

17. What is another alarm system?

A) Zoru organ.

b) the organ of hearing.

C) Information taken away for the help of verbal and written communication.

18. How does the sleep phase begin in a person after sleep?

a) The phase of soft sleep.

B) The phase of regular sleep.

C) Rivnoymovirnі offensive options.

19. To lie before the recognition processes:

a) sleep

B) will

c) sprinyattya

D) wavy

part 2

A) Determine the sequence of the process: establish what sequence of sound vibrations are transmitted to the receptors of the organ of hearing.

A) sound of the ear D) drum retina

B) changing the oval vein

C) auditory brushes E) hearing organ receptors

B) Spіvvіdnesіt termіn that understand



1 More nervous activity

A Straightforwardness and the focus of evidence on that other kind of activity, objects

2 Dynamic stereotype

B Collapsible complex of attached dry assets, directing to satisfaction, what is in the body, and how they appear in the purpose of directing activity

3 Dream

Exposition of the five powers of the subject

4 dream

D Objects and things that become the center of our respect

5 intuition

D Disrespect of a person

Episode 6


7 Sprynyatta

F Uvaga, what the posture blames the will of the people

8 Objects of a shower

Z Crying, laughing, showing satisfaction, fear, confusion and other feelings in people

Episode 9

І not only in the brain, and th active recovery yoga work, necessary for the ordering of the otrimanoї pіd hour of unsleeping information

10 Memory

Visualization of the subject as a whole

11 Mislennia

Svіdoma self-regulation of people's behavior, which ensures the support of hardships on the way to the reach of meti

12 Rosum

M Folding process, which is formed from the storage of information

13 Will

N Uvaga, what is shown when people are living together and vimagaє in the presence of her oxen zusils

14 Respect

About those functions of the brain, which are connected with the inner light of a person, his psyche

15 Mimovilna respect


16 Pretty respect

P Folding mental manifestations that are based on past experiences

17 Rozіyanіst

A good or filthy mood, the camp of a raging emotional sleeper,

18 Emotional reactions

T Purposespryatvovane sprynyattya, de suvoro appointed, scho need to try to pamper and in some order, yakі vimiryuvannya need to be carried out and at some hour

19 Emotions

Health care tasks for additional help

20 Behavior

F Combining a few mental reflexions into a single language, which is less likely to be used in the cinema, if all the mentally reflexive ones are victorious

C) Set the difference between types of temperament and their characteristics

A) partnership 1) choleric

1. Receptors that receive light in the minds of daily lighting are called ___.

2. A dilyanka sitkivki, de vidsutnі receptors are called ____.

3. Biconcave eye lens ____.

part 3

Give the razornutu vіdpovіd on zapannya:

  1. Why does it seem that the eye marvels, but the brain swells?
  2. What is a dream? Two stages of sleep (signs of the skin stage).

Occupation number 19. Sub-bag employment at the department “Physiology of your nervous activity”

I. Requirements for preparation for written test control

(for skin test nutrition, out of 4 options, you need to choose one correct one)

    Reflections that vibrate in the process of individual development of a person are called:

A. insane; B. spinal; B. wise up; R. orientation.

    For the formation of the mental reflex, it is necessary to reach all the meanings of the vimog, krіm:

A. an indifferent podraznik is guilty of being insane to the weak; B. indifferent

the podraznik is guilty of cheating on the insane, or running after him for an hour of diy;

B. normal functional state of the central nervous system; G. indifferent podraznik is guilty but the strongest for insanity.

    Changes in an athlete before the start of the functions of breathing and blood circulation and development:

A. instinct; B. orienting reflex; B. mental reflex; R. Zahisny reflex.

    Reflex of rosy vision in a hungry person with the smell of hedgehog:

A. piece reflex; B. wiser reflex; St _instinct; R. vipadkovistyu.

    The basis of the classification of major nervous activity (VND) into sprat types I.P. Pavlov was entrusted with such powers of nervous processes:

A. plasticity, lability, stability; B. strength, lability, stiffness;

St strength, fragility, plasticity; G. strength.

    For nervous processes of the "live" type of GNI z I.P. Pavlov is characterized by:

A. great strength, low friability, vrіvnovazhenіst; B. low strength, high fragility, vrіvnovazhenіst; St is great strength, high fragility, neurodevelopment; R. great strength, high fragility, vrіvnovazhenіst.

    For nervous processes of the "calm" type of GNI with I.P. Pavlov is characterized by:

A. great strength, high fragility, neurodevelopment; B. low strength, high fragility, vrіvnovazhenіst; V. low strength, low fragility, vrіvnovazhenіst; R. great strength, low friability, vrіvnovazhenіst.

    For nervous processes of a “weak” type of GNI with I.P. Pavlov is characterized by:

A. vrivnovazhenist; B. small strength; St is great strength, high friability; R. high friability.

    For nervous processes of “non-streaming” type of GNI with I.P. Pavlov is characterized by:

A. great strength, neurodevelopment; B. low strength, high fragility, vrіvnovazhenіst;

V. low strength, low fragility, vrіvnovazhenіst; R. great strength, low friability, vrіvnovazhenіst.

    Healthiness of mindfulness is reflexively and mentally most pronounced with the type of temperament:

A. sanguine; B. phlegmatic; B. melancholy; R. choleric.

    Vibration as a result of practice is a complex of mental reflections, which are reflected in the suvoriy sequence, tse:

A. mental reflex of the 3rd order; B. crazy reflex; dynamic stereotype;

R. instinct.

    When the neocortex is poor, a person does not have a formation:

A. instinctive; B. motivation; St emotsіy; dynamic stereotype. ?

    Crazy galvanization of mental reflections is characterized by the fact that:

A. vimagaє vibration; B. does not chirp at the centers of the mental reflex;

B. does not vibrate; R. is not accompanied by the implementation of a dynamic stereotype.

    To insane galvanization of mental reflections lie down:

A. extinguish; B. differential; V. galmo, why go out; G. zapiznyuvalne.

    A kind of tinkering with mental reflexes, which is blamed for the influx of outrageous, side-by-side given mental reflexes, teasing, tse tinkering:

A. differential; B. zapiznyuvalne; St umovne; R. insane.

    The galvanization of mental reflections under the name of an overworldly strong imitation is called:

A. behind the scenes; B. with a galm; V. differential; G. zapiznyuetsya.

    The galvanization of mental reflections, which vibrates in the process of life, is called galvanization:

A. orientovno-doslidnitsky; B. let's talk; St reciprocal; G. later.

    Differential galvanization of mental reflections:

A. spryaє viroblennu novice type fence; B. guards the nerve centers in excess

information; St allows you to save energy resources; R. allows you to separate close people for

subdivision parameters.

    On the speed of vibration of the differential galvanization, the following are the most important:

A. strength of the awakening process; B. strength of the galvanization process; B. level of nerve

processes; R. Rukhlivist nerve processes.

    At times, the reinforcement of the mental signal to insane distractions

galvanization is vibrating:

A. sgasne; B. differential; V. zapiznyuvalne; R. zovnish.

    Subjectively, in the brain, the actual consumption of people is called:

A. motivation; B. another signal system; St mental reflex; G. pam'yattu.

    Subjectively, in the brain of the magnitude of the consumption, the degree of satisfaction is called:

A. dominant; B. pam'yattu; B. emotion; R. motivation.

    Psychic function that mobilizes the body for satisfaction relevant consume, called:

A. pam'yattu; B. myslennyam; St mental reflex; G. dominating motivation.

    Motivations are classified as:

A. positive, negative; Bee. biological, social; St real, ideal;

R. objective, subjective.

    Emotions are classified as:

A. strong and weak; B. objective, subjective; B. somatic and visceral;

G. positive, negative.

    For self-preservation of an individual and the preservation of the mind, the main role is to lie:

A. social motivations; B. Other signaling system; B. biological motivations;

G. emotional stress.

    The main reason for blaming biological motivations is:

A. checked his memory; B. failure to meet people; V. change the warehouse and physical and chemical authorities of the internal environment of the body; G. defecti movie.

    Neurophysiological basis of biological motivation is:

A. activating injections of hypothalamic neurons on the structure of the medulla;

B. galvanic injection of hypothalamic neurons on the structure of the middle brain;

C. moduluyuyuchy infusion of the red nucleus on the motoneurons of the spinal cord;

G. activate the injection of hypothalamic neurons on the measles structure in the brain.

    From the standpoint of the theory of functional systems, the role of emotions affects:

A. assessment of parameters in the result of behavior?; B. accept decisions; V. molding the acceptor to the result of dії; G. creation of a plan and a program of behavior.

    The main physiological role of positive emotions influences:

A. molding of biological motivations; B. forming social motivations;

B. fixed in the memory of a positive message; R. zdijsnennya reflexiv.

    From the position of the information theory, the formation of emotions should be P.V. Simonov’s negative emotions in people are blamed on quiet moods, if in her:

A. vіdsutnya meta; B. stereotyped; V. setting to di ї podrazniki indifferently; R. є tsіl, ale іnformatsії for reaching meti is not enough.

    From the position of the physiological theory, the formation of emotions should be G.I. For Kositsky, negative emotions in a person are blamed on quiet moods, if she has:

A. vіdsutnya meta; B. stereotyped; В. ; G. є meta, ale іnformatsiї, energy that hour for reaching meti is not enough.

    The right intensity of emotion that a person is experiencing can be assessed for:

A. mimic; B. intensity of ruhiv; B. change the frequency of the heart quickly;

G. verbal description of the people.

    The state of emotional awakening is accompanied by:

A. activation of the parasympathetic nervous system, decreased frequency and strength of the heart rate; B. decreased level of glucose in the blood; St zvuzhennyam zіnits, zbіlshennyam slinovidіlennya; R. activation of the sympathetic nervous system, more frequent and stronger work of the heart.

    For stіnіchnyh negative emotions it is characteristic:

A. increase in practicality, concentration of respect; B. decreased tone of the sympathetic nervous system; increase in the tone of the parasympathetic nervous system; V. development of neurosis;

G. decrease in energy resources, showing fear, tightness.

    Asthenic negative emotions are characterized by:

A. promotion of mobilization of memory, respect; B. decrease in energy resources, showing fear, tightness; Increasing the pace of practice, strengthening the flow of activity; G. became angry and fierce.

    When experiencing emotions, a person is healthy:

А. B. rather ignorantly vegetatively show emotions; It is enough to stifle vegetative manifestations of emotions; G. rather disparage less somatic show emotions.

    A specific form of fermentation of activity for the participation of I and II signaling systems is called:

A. svіdomistyu; B. promotion; St myslenny; R. motivation.

    The greatest step of human knowledge, foundations on the creation to understand, manifest, reduce and form a new judgment and reason, are called:

A. svіdomistyu; B. promotion; V. myslennyam; R. motivation.

    Zdatnіst priymati and vimovlyat words to become:

A. instinct; B. I signal system ; Art.IIsignaling system; R. motivation.

III. Situational tasks for trainingbefore writing control know

    Before an hour, I’ll look at the healthy child, the pediatrician, before the birthday, taking the newborn child (the first 28 days after the birth) in the arms of the great camp for the anniversary. When this child began to smell the ruhi (smoctal reflex). For the same minds, after an hour of looking around at a 4-month-old child, the child did not begin to smoky up and turned back crying.

Give a physiological review of the recognition of the reactions of a newborn and 4-month-old child to the pediatrician.

Indication: In a newborn, the smoctal reflex is activated, if you take it in your arms in the position of a year, be it a person, the child will no longer recognize his camp in his arms. Until a couple of months before the differential galvanization of mental reflexes, the reflex manifests itself less on the hands of the mother of the child, the shards of the wines distinguish the smell of their mother, and the milk that resonates with other people. In this way, podrazniki close to the characteristics no more activate the mental reflex.

    In three of the last juveniles, the characteristics of the processes of awakening and galvanization were determined. It has been established that in the first of them, the nerve processes were characterized by high strength, vrіvnovazhenistyu and fragility, in the other - by high vigor, vrіvnovazhenіstyu, but inertness, in the third - by high strength, but not neurovіvnovenіstyu.

To some types of higher nervous activity with I.P. Pavlov to be tested? What types of temperament do you stink after Hippocrates?

Suggestion: 1. Alive. Sanguine. 2. Phlegmatic. Calm. 3. Choleric. Nonstream.

    In humans, after a craniocerebral injury, there is a breakdown in memory, which manifests itself in the time of building, to remember the current, and also the memory of the recent past, at that hour, as a memory on the bottom, which was long ago, bula was saved.

What kind of amnesia can be expected from this person? How could the structure of the brain have been damaged by injury?

Suggestion: Fixation amnesia. Poshkodzhenno structures of the limbic system (near the name of the memory of Peipts), especially the hippocampus, and also possible the skeletal parts of the pivkul.

    It seems that for the vikonnannya of a person's current behavior and rozumovykh operations, information is collected, which is saved for a short hour. How is this kind of memory called?

Specify the main mechanism, which is the basis for the formation of this type of memory.

Note: Short-hour operational memory. Mechanism: cyclical circular recirculation of excitation through neurons “traversing” stereotypic pathways for conducting impulses (reverberation theory), ale metabolic changes and synthesis of a protein specific for cієї afferent information is not yet remembered for a short while.

Closed circles of lances can be formed by the growths of a single neuron, or by a few, expanding on the underlying structures (thalamocortical cola). Circulation can be trivayami khvilinami, zberigayuchi sequencing іpulsіv.

    Dosledzhuvanih-volunteers woke up for a long time for a long time of night sleep at the present paradoxical phase. After a few days, in the last few days, there was a deterioration in the mental-reflex activity, a deterioration in the memorization of information.

How can you explain the camp that was empty among the last ones? What electrophysiological method can reveal the current paradoxical phase of sleep?

Vidpovid: Povilniy - orthodox. Shvidky is paradoxical. Under the hour of paradoxical sleep, the awakening of neurotransmitters, the synthesis of proteins of the "memory", as if to attach the fixed information to the old-line memory, is restored to the short-hour memory. Therefore, healthy sleep is necessary for normal GNI. The sleep phases are recorded on the EEG, the paradoxical phase is dominated by the beta rhythm.

Biology test The most nervous activity of a person is a student of the 8th class of vidpovidami. The test is composed of 2 options. The first option has 21 days, the other has 20 days.

1 option

1. Which one of the lower reflexives is insane?

2. Like in the room, where the dog has a slumber-like reflex to the light bulbs, the receiver turns on uncontrollably, its sound ...

3. The mental reflex will be mіtsnim, as if it were a mental teaser.

A. Postiyno pіdkriplyuvati
B. Do not squeak insane

4. What sign is characteristic of the insane reflex?

B. Not transmitted by recessions
D. Viroblyayetsya in a skin species

5. To the highest nervous activity you can see

A. Dumkov
B. A group of orientation reflections
B. instincts
R. Reflexi, which provides for organic consumption (hunger, right, etc.)

6. What is the need?

A. A foldable complex of attached dry assets, directing to the satisfaction of the present in the body of the consumer
B. The need for something necessary for the support of life and the development of the body
B. Inner light of a person
D. The main form of activity of the nervous system

7. What is the form of the highest nervous activity in a person?

A. Smart reflection
B. Crazy reflections
V. Myslennya
D. Elementary reasoning

8. Great deposit at the vchennya about the vision of nerve activity

A.I.I. Mechnikov
B.I.P. Pavlov
W. Louis Pasteur
G.N.A. Semashka


B. Do not change your name

10. Instinct - tse

A. Genetically fixed behavior
B. Nabutius protyagom life dosvіd
V. Behavior

11. Cho, for I.P. Pavlov, what is the superior appendage to the mechanisms of the robotic brain?

A. Reasonable diyalnist
B. Emotions
V. Mova

12. First signal system

13. The most important function movie-tse

A. Understanding that abstract idea
B. Designation of specific applications
V. Viraz emotions


A. Good sleep
B. Shvidkogo sleep
B. In both falls

15. Watching the guts for the cochens - tse

A. Mind reflex
B. Folding lancet of insane reflections
V. Learn more and crazy reflections

16. Concern for information on the other kind of activity, objects

A. Emotions
B. Uvaga
In memory

17. What kind of forms of galvanization are transmitted from the fall?

A. Zovnishne
B. Internal
B. There are no such

18. Why can't you pray in dreams?

A. Minule
B. Help
In future

19. Why does the mental reflex look like the insane?

20. What is the meaning of sleep for the body?

21. Why do the minds of the people see the rozum activity of the creatures?

2 option

1. Which one of the lower reflections can we understand?

A. Seeing the line at the hour of the show
B. The reaction of the dog to the voice of the ruler
B. Removal of hands from a hot object

2. As soon as the dog has a mental slumber-like reflex to the lighting of an electric light bulb, then it’s in that direction.

A. Є with a teaser
B. Є baiduzhim teaser
B. Є crazy teaser
G. Viklikaє galmuvannya reflex

3. What forms of higher nervous activity are guarded by creatures?

A. Only insane and clever reflections
B. Crazy and mental reflection and elementary rozum activity
V. Myslennya
G. Tilki elementary Rozumova activity

4. Mind reflex...

A. Characteristic of everyone
B. Buy a life protyazh
B. Transmitted from recessions
G. Є vrodzhenim

5. How can one of the forms of the main nervous activity help to improve mathematical tasks?

A. Smart reflection
B. Crazy reflections
B. Abstract idea
G. Elementary Rozumova activity

6. In the room, where the dog has a slumber-like reflex to light bulbs, the radio is constantly turned on. The radio is in every mood like ...

A. Smart teaser
B. baiduzhiy teaser
B. Crazy teaser
G. Factor, calling the galvanization of the reflex

7. At the period of dry sleep

A. The temperature drops
B. Breathing improves
D. Reduced blood pressure

8. In general, the reaction of the body to teasing receptors for participation and control of the nervous system is called

A. Humoral regulation
B. Reflex
B. automatism
G. Svіdomoy diyalnistyu

9. Sleep hour diyalnist brain

A. Sleeping for the whole hour
B. Get an hour of proper sleep
B. Do not change your name
G. Rebudovuetsya, cyclically changing prolong sleep

10. It's just that a car drove by in front of the schoolboy, unbeknownst to the great speed. Vіn zupinivsya like burrows. Why?

A. Spratsyuvalo
B. Spratsyuvav mental reflex
V. Spratsyuvalo internal galvanization

11. Another signal system

A. Analyze sign signals that look like symbols (words, signs, images)
B. Analyze the signals that come from the outer environment
B. Analyze offensive types of signals

12. Rozumova diyalnist – ts…

A. A great form of attachment to the minds of the middle
B. Building speak
B. Building victorious work

13. Dreams blame the period

A. Good sleep
B. Shvidkogo sleep
B. In both falls

14. Zasinannya people vіdbuvaєtsya

A. Tilki reflexively
B. Under the surge of humoral processes
B. Under the surge of humoral and reflex processes

15. Who first explained the reflex principle of robotic brain?

A.I.P. Pavlov
B.A.A. Ukhtomsky
V.I.M. Sechenov
G.P.I. Anokhin

16. Cho I.P. Pavlov rozumiv under the name "signals of signals"?

A. Pershu signal system
B. Friend alarm system
B. Reflex

17. Experiences, in which the attitudes of people are manifested to the extreme world and to themselves, are called

A. Navchannyam
B. Pam'yattu
B. Emotions

18. What is the biological significance of galvanizing mental reflections?

19. What is formed more folded: knowledge, what are the newcomers?

20. How else can you call the language of mental reflections?

Vidpovidi on the test of biology
1 option
19. Crazy reflections are transmitted from recessions, and clever reflections are vibrated after the people of life
20. Repair of the brain, active recovery of yoga work, necessary for the ordering of the received information for the hour of non-sleep
21. Myslennya - tse sposіb on the basis of knowledge gained new information, learn from the facts. Reasonable diyalnist - the main form of attachment to the minds of the middle
2 option
18. Allows you to stick to specific minds
19. Remember
20. Dynamic stereotype

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