Problems with a short-hour memory in a young vitsi. Revealing secrets, why the memory is lost. Right for the development of memory and respect

There is no understanding of normal memory. Under the norm, here you can swear at the accumulation of information, as in normal minds, a specific person has a memory. Do not use the upper intermemory, even though people with super-memory know how to fix the most important nuances of all the undertones of speeches;

Memory is the essence of building up, collecting that information, as a specific person takes a long life. It is necessary for anyone to understand that the understanding of memory is invested as a physiological, and cultural basis.

People's memory can be divided into longevity for a short time. Spіvvіdshenie dannyh vіznоvidіvіv іmmyаtі іn all people іndivіdualі, іn the case of the importance of the long-term memory of the people, it is easy to give education, but if the information is taken, it will be left behind with him forever, and in the case of the short-line variant, all the navєki will be taken to the occasion.

All the same, it doesn’t sound like I’m eating a protracted life, because at that moment the memory doesn’t start to get better. Forgetfulness is also used by different species, skins from some of them in a different way are added to the memorization of different information.

Causes of death

The reasons for the deterioration of memory are impersonal, all the stench is attributed to centuries of change, those causes that are due to brain damage, such that blamed on various ailments of other organs, the effects of intoxication processes on the negative factors, which are responsible for

To the reasons that are connected with uninterrupted damage to the brain as an organ of a person, they include craniocerebral injuries, acute blood damage or a stroke, various oncological problems in this organ. To zvnіshnіh factors, scho unacceptably poznachayutsya on the camp of memory, lie insufficient sleep, different stresses, change in the life of the minds, strengthening the brain anxiety. Under chronic intoxication processes, which call for forgetfulness, then become wiser, as if provoked in the body of a person by alcoholism, tyutunopalism, drug addiction, maladies of tranquilizers and other pharmacological drugs.

People's memory is to lay waste in different modalities. Modality can be zorovoy, auditory, rukhovy. Modalities can also change in different proportions among themselves. Tse vyznaє those, by which rank a particular person is easier to remember information. It’s important to read it more clearly, to read the information out loud, to whom it’s easier to remember what you read, it’s easier to read the language, it’s better to read the side with the text or the graphics, in the way the material is supposed to be. The differences in the human brain are different for the different functions, caused by the memory. Vіddіli in the oblast skronіt vіdpovіdat for auditory spriynyattya movi or zvukіv, potilichno-tim'yana zone - for expanses of that zorovy spriynyattya. In the left pivkul, the spriynyattya accentuates on the letter and subject, and on the right - on the optical-spacious, color and face. The lower tenim zone is particularly strong for the functionality of the hands and the moving apparatus, which can lead to astereognosis in case of damage, which makes it impossible to designate the object in a navpomatic way. In this rank, you can make whiskers about those who are destroyed by the very same kind of memory, which is the most powerful singing zone of the human brain that suffered.

Current research may be impersonal evidence of some theory about those that the hormonal background is rich in what is influencing the mind process and memory. Positively on qi processes, such hormones as testosterone, vasopressin, estrogen, prolactin can be added. Hormones transfer the transformation of short-line memory to long-term memory, but not all. For example, oxytocin, on the other hand, significantly weakens the process of memorization of information, which leads to forgetfulness in women with breastfeeding that post is gentle.

Pathologies that erode memory

The most common illnesses, which significantly weaken the process of memory, are craniocerebral injuries. The most unsafe severe and great injuries, the scales of their severity are directly proportional to the process of memorization. In case of craniocerebral injuries in people, retrograde and anterograde amnesia appear as occasional manifestations, which are characterized by confusion not only under, when the injury occurred, but it was quiet, so they changed the air or went after it. Also, craniocerebral injuries are powerful blame for hallucinations and confabulations. Under the hallucinations, crazy images arise, which in real life could not be (naturally, it was not). Confabulations є hibnymi spogady, yakі podkidaє memory of a sick person. So, in case of guilty confabulation, the patient may be on food about the day of the past day, confessing that he saw the theater, but actually lying at the medical ward, shards of injuries.

Memory loss is also often seen through impaired blood circulation in the patient's brain. With atherosclerotic vessel changes in the brain, the blood flow changes to different brain cells, which provokes a weakening of memory. At to the current world atherosclerosis having ceased to become ill in people of a frail age, and more and more often it is diagnosed in the young population. Atherosclerosis also provokes the development of a severe disorder of blood circulation in the brain. Dane zahvoryuvannya, like a stroke, may torment different brain zones, perekrivayuchi blood strum to them often or in full obsyazі. The functionality of such zones is rudely destroyed, suffers for everything, deep memory.

Blood diabetes can be similarly added to the process of storing information. For aggravated circulatory diabetes, there may be angiopathy - an illness that manifests itself in the sweating of the vessel walls to the level, if other judges cease to function through recrimination, and the great ones sound significantly, improving the blood flow. Blood circulation to this particular type damage in the skin organ and systems of the human body, including the brain. And if the blood circulation in the brain is damaged, it will lead to the destruction of the memory function.

When the function of the memory is impaired, it is possible to work the visnovkas about the possibility of getting sick in the thyroid gland, as they are characterized by an insufficient amount of hormones, which are caused by it - hypothyroidism. Hormones of the thyroid gland can resist up to 65% iodine. With this disease, in the order of poor memory, there is an increase in the vagi, leading to depression, bloating, apathy, drativity, m'yazovy tone becomes even weaker. Prevention of iodine deficiency is necessary with a healthy diet to avenge obov'yazkovo iodized strength, dairy products, sea ​​fish, seaweed, peas, persimmon, hard varieties of cheese

The inflammatory process in the tunics (meningitis) and in the speech of the brain (encephalitis) significantly affects the work of the entire brain as a whole. The most common causes of encephalitis and meningitis are neurotropic viruses and bacteria. Therapy of these sick people is even more successful, as the stench is manifested at the same time, memory loss can be lost in a person as a legacy of sickness.

More therapeutic methods are used for degenerative brain ailments, for example, Alzheimer's ailments. With this pathology, the memory is gradually, but gradually reduced, leading, as a result, to a decrease in the patient's intellectual well-being. The worst situation is the camp, if a person ceases to orient himself in space, it is not possible to engage in self-service. Alzheimer's ailment is powerful for people of a frail age after 70-80 years. Prot_kaє won't be povіlno, step-by-step, and the cob stages are not remembered. Signs of pathology are reduced respect and memory failure. If you stay close to him, the patient begins to forget, and if you ask about them in a nonchalant manner, you will sooner or later remind them of the past. All this imposes a hit on the character of the patient, leading to an increase in hisism, leading to an increase in exuberance, whimsicality, and apathy.

If so, you don’t start to rejoice at the same time, people stop orienting themselves in the hours of that space, they don’t know the current date, the place, they don’t know, they don’t know what it is necessary to work for different natural needs. Today's medicine vvazhaє Alzheimer's ailment spadkovoy, for the duration of the likuvannya won the song moment progresses sharply, protely її likuvati, overbig її spovilnyuєtsya and є dosit easy.

However, the loss of memory is far from leading to brain damage, and often the person herself tries to forget inacceptability and fears, zastosovayuchi psychological mechanisms of zahistu, which are even richer. With frequent zastosuvanni these mekhanizmіv from the side can be formed damage that people suffer from a breakdown in memory, but not so. Such “forgotten” emotions and become filthy pour into the nervous system, leading to aggressiveness, neurosis and so on.

Celebration of memory loss

It is possible to rejoice at the loss of memory only after the cause of this process is established. Medicinal culprits are recognized exclusively as medics, as a rule, nootropic drugs, such as:

  • Glycine;
  • Piracetam;
  • Bilobil;
  • Pantogam;
  • Aminalon.

Kursov lykuvannya tsimi zabami to finish the trivale, it is always closed with the intake of multivitamin complexes. Some doctors prescribe to patients and physiotherapy. With reduced memory, it is effective to practice the procedure of electrophoresis with intranasal administration of glutamic acid (preparations on a її basis). Pedagogical-psychological corrective methods are also effectively used to improve memory in cases of low level - teachers teach patients to remember, exercising the unaffected functionality of the brain. When it is impossible for the patient to remember the words in his voice, he can begin to imagine a visual image of what was said about, and then the memory becomes real. Folding and trivality of the process of learning lies in the fact that it is important not only to teach a person to go into the incompetent links and parallels of the brain, but also to bring the whole process to automatism.

The loss of memory reduces the social skills of a person, which may indicate the development of other pathologies, being a poor prognostic symptom. Neurologists, neuropsychologists, and therapists deal with pathologies related to memory impairment. However, it is important to understand that even more often in depression, if patients suffer from memory loss, they really suffer from loss of respect. Such a standard of speeches is typical for scholars and people of a frail age. Vіdbuvaєtsya through underestimation of everyday information that people come. It’s easy to get into trouble with disrespect and respect, but people rarely see that there is a problem in it, so tell them directly about it. Exit from the situation of the situation and the constant work on the upper body of information – training of respect and memory by way of fixation on the papers of statements, recording in the electronic appendix and otherwise.

It is possible to train the functioning of the brain using the American method of Professor Lawrence Katz, which helps to stimulate the activation of brain activity, the creation of new associative links, which is behind the differences in the brain. The right of these methods to include a small number of practitioners. Fahivets to talk about those who need to be motivated to win over close ochima. Right-handed people are recommended to spend some of their daily routines (brush your teeth, brush your hair, brush up on wrist year) with the left hand, for the left-handers - navpaki. It is important to learn how to use basic gestures and Braille (a sheet of reading for people with early pathologies), learn to practice on the computer keyboard for the help of all 10 fingers on the hands. It is recommended to start from scratch, whether it be some kind of applied type of needlework, to develop the motor skills of fingers. On the dotik, it is necessary to train to separate coins of different denominations. It is important to learn new things and to help yourself to a good life - learn new language, read stats in an ignorant way for yourself by those who know different people, rise in price, open up new jobs. All these simple things have the right to train your brain activity, and also, remember, to ensure normal self-confidence for a three-hour hour.

Preventive visit

Prevention of damaged memory can also be done effectively. Don’t check, if forgetfulness bothers you more often and happens to be the cause of її viniknennya in the midst of ills. It’s better to lead a singing way of life from a young age, so that in deep old age you will be left with a “solid memory”. All the recommendations given below will help to preserve not only the memory, but also the health in general in the government, so that the body should serve its master more than once in a lifetime.

Correctly, that povnotsіnne eating is a guarantee not only of dovgolittya, a beautiful self-feeling, but a miraculous memory. The most important products in this context can be fat, licorice and salt. A positive impact on the psyche and the brain’s work in general is given to the sedation of cinnamon, ginger, tincture of ginkgo biloba and vitamin E.

Regular sports activities miraculously show up not only in the figures. With whom gym, pulling heaviness and visnazhlivі training zovsіm not priyat zberezhenniu functionality of the brain. For yoga active work, and, therefore, for memory, it is recommended to take regular walks on a fresh day, which will improve blood circulation and suppleness to the brain, as well as good rank gymnastics, which starts the metabolic process in the body.

Vіdmova vіd shkіdlivih zvichok - to alcohol and cigarettes - drought in oneself zmіtsnennya zahisnih funktsіy organіzmu, pobobіgaє posobіgaє posbіlіє toxic otruєnі, the resultі bring to zberezhennya pomyatіyatі. Also, for training in memory, it’s important to constantly remind yourself to learn, play at the logical game - checkers chi checks, winch mov.

Regardless of the reasons, through the memory, it began to suffer, and it began to suffer, it was important to obligatory seek medical help for the first symptoms of such a process. Sometimes forgetfulness is situational and does not carry the threat of amnesia, sometimes necessary employment with a psychologist, sometimes - drug therapy. There are more and more diagnostic methods, more and more smut at the same time - do not waste time and take care of your memory from early years.

Memory is one of the most important mental functions of a person, it is necessary for the accumulation, implementation of that memory in everyday activities of receiving information. Decreased memory or dysmnesia can be blamed for different environments. Most often, discord occurs in people of a frail age in the aftermath of age-old changes and illness, but it also manifests itself in young vice sound at once from the increased concentration of respect. So, like a similar camp, the quality of life is deteriorating and the normal adaptation of people in society, having commemorated the signs of a breakdown in memory, it is necessary to turn to the doctor, so that he will establish the exact cause of the destruction and recognize the resurrection.

Provocative factors

The functional breakdown of memory, as a result of the deterioration of the function of respect, can be called out by unfriendly officials, as if they are insignificant. The most common reasons that cause dysmnesia in young and old people are seen as follows:

  • century change;
  • damage to the brain and worsening of blood circulation in the new aftermath of strokes, craniocerebral injuries, oncological illnesses, atherosclerosis;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • bacterial and viral lesions of the brain (meningitis, encephalitis);
  • infection of other organs of the human body;
  • inadequate intake of sedative drugs, drug addiction;
  • unhealthy way of living on a spree with nicotine and alcohol addiction, eating sickness, and the presence of physical problems;
  • psychological causes associated with stress, lack of sleep, rozumova revulsion;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • circulatory diabetes; pathology of the thyroid gland.

Do not stray functionally lowering the memory of elementary forgetfulness, as you can be powerful in wealthy absolutely healthy people. The preparations for the treatment of dysmnesia guilt are recognized as a doctor on the basis of the reasons that brought the memory to a breakdown.

Lyudina may have different forms of memory and for the skin of them, they show the song of the brain. Primir, skronevі chastki vіdpovіdalі vіdpovіdalі vіdpоvіdalі і for auditory i movlennєve sprіynyattya, liva pіvkulya — for object i literal, right — kolirne, potilichno-dark'yanі oblastі — expanse і zorova thinly. Obviously, if a particular brain is damaged, that other kind of memory can be affected.


Even if a person is confused by a telephone number or a date of birth, it still does not indicate pathology, so that people's memory is powerful vibrancy and speech simply cannot be forgotten. From a medical point of view, pathological memory impairment indicates such symptoms, in which a person cannot guess the recent events,
but in details he tells about those who lived with him a few months ago. The same alarming signs lie with the fact that the individual is not able to close and confirm the information that takes an hour. At whom you sound, there is a breakdown in the concentration of respect.

In people of a frail age, a sharp deterioration in memory, which is accompanied by the fall of many timchasovyh vіdrіzkіv, also lies up to the norm. Although the memory of this information may decrease over time, the severity of progressive dysmnesia may indicate the onset of Alzheimer's disease, as there may be other characteristic symptoms. Varto signify that modern pharmacological preparations can improve the health of the brain, remember information and help you, or else get sick, unfortunately, for the time being, you will be left with inconsistencies.


In order to reveal the reason for the loss of memory and respect, it is necessary to turn to the doctor, which of the reports of the anamnesis and individually recognize the necessary follow-up:

  • magnetic resonance and computerized tomography of the brain;
  • doslіdzhennya vessels of the brain;
  • ultrasound examination of internal organs;
  • hormonal and biochemical follow-up of blood;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • Continuing the function of memory for additional special tests and methods that allow you to show signs of an impairment just fine.


Likuvannya may begin with the manifestation of that usunennya factor that will reduce memory loss. Be it therapeutic methods and medicinal preparations, and guilty ones, they will be recognized as a doctor.

The cream of drug correction, dysmnesia rejoices for additional physiotherapy, electrophoresis or the introduction of glutamic acid. Also, the jubilation is carried out for the help of specially developed psychological and pedagogical methods. Fahіvets to carry out the work with the patient, in the course of such a wine, to re-memorize the information that needs to be found, victorious unaffected areas of the brain, it is also possible to vikoristovuvatisya method, with any ailment of thought, form the sense of phrases, memorize them. A similar technique, based on the improvement of memory and respect, at the same time increasing the attention of the patient, and further increasing the process to automatism, you can note the significant increase.

Medical correction

Medicamentous treatment for improving memory in the summer and young age, including drugs, which are directed to the polypsy of rozumovyh processes and concentration of respect. As a rule, the doctor prescribes medicines of the group of nootropics, which eliminate the necessary human amino acids, which are injected into the neurons in the cerebral cortex, which stimulate the restoration of the functions of memory and respect. Nootropics of the classical type are prescribed for people after strokes and other disorders of the blood flow to the brain, as well as for patients who suffer from physical overload.

Also, in the course of drug correction, drugs-substrates of energy metabolism can be recognized, which provide the necessary energy for the nerve cells and the action of the plant growth, which by the way stimulates the metabolism of nerve cells.


As an addendum to medication and physiotherapeutic treatment of fahivtsy, it is recommended to use a special set of rights for training memory and respect. Tse can buti be-like table games, chi tse checks chi checkers, learning to remember the verses and surviving from different prose, solving scanwords, crosswords, rebuses, learning foreign language, reading articles and pznaval'noi literature earlier, don't talk about those too soon. In the same way, as a training, you can make up vikonati zvichnі povyakdennі ії іz flattened eyes.

Also, there is a special technique, called mnemotechnics, directing the easier memorization of the necessary information by the method of forming associative links. Abstract comprehensions are replaced by these manifestations, which can be visualized as a kinetic and auditory way.

People's interests

So, as a decrease in memory often becomes a result of damage to the blood circulation in the brain, polypshit stan sudin can help not only pharmacological preparations, but also people’s health care, stop after consultation with a doctor.

So, help with renewed memory, you can take the infusion of fresh alfalfa. To prepare a teaspoon of syrovin, pour 100 ml of warm water and drink for thirty minutes to three times a day, stretching for decades. Also improve the hemodynamics of the brain to help the pancreas from hunger and periwinkle leaves. A teaspoon of periwinkle is mixed with half a liter of water and brought to a boil in the proper fire, after which add a tablespoon of hunger and infuse a sprat of years. Folk doctors are happy to take half a bottle of zilla about a year before dawn. People's rejoicing it is recommended to carry out as an addition to the main therapy.

The cream of medicinal herbs for restoring memory is even more important for health, perfect sleep, which helps to restore the body's potential on the clitin level, regular physical training, which ensures the normal supply of organs with blood, and also stimulates the body's blood . The work of the brain is impossible without proper rational eating. In order to prevent memory from eating in the products of eating, it is the responsibility of the sufficient number of lipids, the flooding of those other brown tongues. And the axis of malt fahivtsі is recommended to be around, shards of blood glucose can provoke memory loss.

Periodically, the skin of a person begins to remember that they simply don’t remember what happened, what happened, or it’s roaring. In most cases, such symptoms are entirely natural, the stench will go away on its own, it’s less likely to change the vanity and get better. Ale, if you mark them fast, do not deprive such an unwell posture of respect. To deal with the problem of filthy memory and versatility, you can do it all by yourself, reaching out for simple recommendations qualified specialists. Father, how did you lose your memory of that respect that you had to work for the adoption of such destruction?

Like fahivtsy stverdzhuyut, that filthy respect is far from being explained by the age of the people. To milk often the same symptoms are blamed through.

How do speeches help improve memory and respect?

To improve memory and respect, it is necessary to accustom yourself to drink yakomoga more than native -. Sufficient spontaneity of the motherland ensures the fullness of the activity of the brain, helping to recover from the pain. Fakhіvtsі glad to accept the smallest of these bottles of water for the day.

In the diet, it is necessary to include more, the stench can be found in the oven, rich cereals and whole grain products. Moreover, in case of broken memory, and respect for the varto, there are more bananas. The varto menu includes dried fruits, peas, dairy products, fresh vegetables and fruits, including salads ( vegetable salad recommended to fill with unrefined Oliya). At the same time, bazhano should be taken into account in the case of slowing down in the doorway - oily, fatty, smoked, as well as canned food, brewed products and other.

To increase the activity of the brain (for the activation of memory and respect), you can take polyvitamin storage and growth stimulants (). We'll talk about them below.

Why work, how does the memory of that respect grow?

It is possible to go back with damaged memories and respect for the help of such changes in the way of life. So fakhіvtsі to please people with such problems, show the maximum respect - concentrate on one activity and not try to win the sprat right at once. Often forgetfulness and rozsіyanist are explained by a banal marriage of serenity.

Also, when memory is damaged and respect, it is necessary to train the brain - to make logical connections. To memorize new information, try to create associations with different tributes, acquired earlier. In addition, varto train figuratively myslennya.

Fakhіvtsі have long been brought to the conclusion that the robot's brain (zocrema and memory, and respect) is rich in what to lie in people. Age for active physical ambitions to the brain should be especially richly sour. Systematic physically right help also to stop with stress, which is negatively signified on brain activity.

To improve memory and respect, varto lift the brain at the worker's station. For whom you can learn new language, learn new information, memorize verses, solve crossword puzzles and solve logical problems.

Varto means that memory is good and respect is simply impossible when. If you systematically sleep for less than eight years at a time, you will always get stuck with various brain damage.

People's interests to improve respect and memory

Fakhіvtsі folk medicine to celebrate victoriousness of different health on the basis of medicinal roses for the activation of the robotic brain, for the replenishment of memory and respect.

So a miraculous effect is given by the infusion. To brew a table spoon of trimmed syrovin with a bottle of okrop. Vitrimati such a zasіb on the fire of minimal tightness with a stretch of ten strands. Let him cool his faces and proceed with yoga. Take a couple of table spoons of two or three tablespoons on the day after the meal.

Miraculous effect is given by the use of roslin-adaptogens, for example, eleutherococcus, ginseng and others. You can get such faces in any pharmacy without a prescription, but you can also prepare them yourself.

So you can prepare fifty grams of the finest rinds of rye rhodioli, fill them with tromasts of millions of burners and do it right in a warm place for one day. For the whole hour, do not forget to shake the faces that are getting ready. Take the tincture of the tincture in a teaspoonful of three times a day, about twenty minutes before the meal. Closer to the evening, drink її not varto, shards of it can cause disruption to sleep.

To prepare the tincture of Eleutherococcus varto, take two grams of dry root of this herb with one liter of burner. Lay at the dry place for two stretches, not forgetting to periodically shake. Pour the tincture into a glass jar and take twenty-thirty drops a day before the meal.

Є danі, scho vporatis z broken memory and respect can be z vikoristannyam. To prepare a medicinal warehouse on a її basis, add a tablespoon of dewy syrup with one bottle of okrop. Boil the sum on the fire of minimal tension by stretching five quills, then pour five years. Protsіdіt liki, roslinnu syrovina vіdіzhmіt. Pour the water in front with boiled water up to the cob volume in one bottle. Take yoga in a tablespoonful of three for a day.

With a strong memory loss and respect, it is necessary to turn to the doctor for advice.


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Memory is the central function nervous system, What will ensure the preservation of that victorious knowledge. This complex of folding processes is described under the common term "mnestic activity".

It will be broken for a variety of reasons: in the meantime, it is reversible to serious illnesses. Leave the posture of respect for the destruction of memory is not a trace, shards of stink can be evidence of organic damage brain.

    show all

    Causes of memory loss

    Until the memory is destroyed, a lot of reasons can be given.

    Moreover, in patients of different age groups, a decrease in function is caused by powerful factors.

    In children and children

    To the destruction of the memory of a child and a youthful child, the following factors are produced:

    • Hypovitaminosis.
    • Anemia.
    • Asthenic syndrome. Often ill with viral infections.
    • Injuries of the central nervous system.
    • Stressful situations (there are unfavorable families, despotism of the fathers, a problem with the collective, which looks like a child and a child). Let's call it a change in stress - adaptation to the beginning of learning at school in children of 6-7 years old, the transition from the youngest in the middle of Lanka 10-11 years old.
    • Destroyed dawn.
    • Fluffy processes that affect the head brain.
    • Relax the psyche.
    • Intoxication, among them are due to the introduction of alcohol and narcotic diseases.
    • The pathology is born, which is characterized by rosacea (for example, Down's syndrome).
    • Zastosuvannya deyakh medicinal products, what to add to metabolic processes

    Rude, impenetrable, not subject to correction of the memory of the childish age of the powerless. Pathologies provoked by congenital features and anomalies will require attention.

    The memory of children and children may be their own, as others can be mistaken for damage:

    • the child is more likely to forget stressful situations;
    • amnesia in children is manifested in the memory of the last episodes, which were small during the period of darkness, due to unacceptable podia (intoxication, coma, severe trauma);
    • in case of alcoholization, polympsest is indicated before molding the fallow at the first stages;
    • retrograde amnesia sounds like a minimum interval of an hour before the situation that stresses, and may be less pronounced, lower in adults; in a number of vipadkivs, in children, it may be left unmarked.

    For damage to memory in the early and late years, a characteristic type of dysmnesia. The manifestations of the discord of a similar type of building will negatively signify the school success and adaptation of the team.

    At the little ones, they see nursery garden, tsі rasladi vyyavlyayutsya at hardships zamem'yatovuvannya vіrshіv i pіsen, as a result stinks more likely to take the fate of saints and wounds. At the time of a broken child, without respect for the day, set it, you can’t see your hat, it’s important to know your speech in the middle, forgetting the names of the restless, you can’t tell about the days of the past day.

    In grown-ups

    In older people, the reasons for the damage to the function of memory, as well as the guilt of rozsiyanosti and spending building up to a trival concentration of respect, are most often pathological, becoming in the process of life:

    • Stress situations, which are especially often repeated or trips.
    • Chronic in volume, as physical, and psychological.
    • Severe damage to cerebral circulation (in patients older than 40 years, stench is more frequent, lower in young people).
    • Atherosclerotic lesion of the vessel bed.
    • Arterial hypertension (in a few fluctuations it traps in a young person).
    • Dyscirculatory encephalopathy.
    • Osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebral ridge and involvement with pathology, vertebrobasilar syndrome and insufficiency.
    • Cranio-cerebral injuries.
    • Decreased metabolism (for example, with circulatory diabetes, hormonal disorders, pathology of endocrine diseases).
    • Tufts of the central nervous system.
    • Alzheimer's disease and other degenerative diseases (typical for older patients).
    • Psychic disorders (depressive state, epilepsy, schizophrenia and others).

    Disorder respect

    Lowering the building to a concentration of respect negatively affects the process of storing information. Discord can appear when looking at such damage:

    Disorder respect


    Lack of respect

    A person in his broken place is constantly awakened, switching from one object to another. Instability of respect is characteristic of the syndrome of galvanism in children, hypomanic states, hebephrenia


    Characteristically, there is an increase in the exchange between topics and objects of respect. This symptom worsens in epilepsy and other mental illnesses. The patient is stuck on one topic that makes it easier to conduct a dialogue

    Lack of concentration of respect

    Such people look more radiant.

    This discord often takes on the peculiarity of the character and temperament

    Health to a concentration of respect reduces the incidence of somatic illness, which are manifested by symptoms, which may indicate more or less discomfort.

    See the destruction of memory

    Fahіvtsі see such variances of discord:

    • dysmnesia - changes that interfere without intermediary functions of memory;
    • Paramnesia - the creation of obvious thoughts in the wake of pouring into them the fantasies of the patient.


    Establish such a variety of pathological conditions:

    • hypermnesia;
    • hypomnesia;
    • amnesia.


    Tsey camp is characterized by the building of people, it is easy to remember and take in information, and also to create information, to make it rich.

    It is not uncommon for patients to say that they sing songs for no reason to merge in memory ("navigate away"), turn around at the past. Most people seem to not know why this information is stored in their heads and guessed at once. For example, summer man describe in detail the lessons at the school (right up to the dress of the teacher and classmates), give other details of one's youth, professional activity and similarity with the family.

    By itself, hypermnesia on aphids is not affected by other clinical manifestations of illness. People, who have this phenomenon, create memories and create great obsyagi information (numbers, sets of words that do not fit together, translations of objects, musical notes).

    Ale hypermnesia can be a symptom of pathological conditions:

    • paroxysmal mental disorders (zocrema in the structure of epilepsy);
    • intoxication with psychotropic speeches (both pharmacological agents and narcotic preparations);
    • hypomanic states; in patients, there is a surge of energy due to the increase in life activity and practicality (often accompanied by attacks of hypermnesia, to go along with emotional restlessness, anxiety, impossibility to take pride).


    Ring out this camp to describe with viraz " filthy memory"Forgetfulness and confusion are part of the clinical picture of asthenic syndrome.

    For which damage, the following signs are characteristic:

    • Pronounced stubbornness.
    • Increased nervousness.
    • Filthy moods and dramatization, including unmotivated.
    • Headaches.
    • Meteorology.
    • The sleep disorder of the daytime looker is that sleeplessness at the night time.
    • Drop the arterial pressure.
    • Disturbed heart rhythm.
    • Vegetative pathologies (including hot flushes in premenopausal and menopausal periods in women).
    • Physical weakness, chronic vtom.

    Asthenic syndrome develops in the structure of the onset of pathological states, in which memory loss is noted:

    • Arterial hypertension.
    • Revival period after craniocerebral injury.
    • Atherosclerotic lesion of the cerebral vessels.
    • Pochatkov stage of schizophrenia.
    • The recovery period after the operation.
    • Severe intoxication.
    • Somatic illness.
    • Acceptance of some medical advice.
    • Organic damage to the brain (severe damage to the blood circulation, swelling processes).
    • Climacteric syndrome due to adaptation disorders.
    • Become depressive.

    Problems with memory in case of ailments are accompanied by their characteristic symptoms.


    With amnesia, the patient does not lose all his memory, but is afraid of the appearance of її fragments - they appear songs of the period hour, podії, names, individuals.

    Fahіvtsі see such a variety:

    Variations of amnesia


    Dissociative amnesia

    From memory znikakayut podії, pov'yazanі іz psychological trauma. The mechanism of the phenomenon of delusions is a sour reaction to the body, as caused by severe stress. As a result, the brain becomes ill with a traumatic situation, which is important for people to survive. Such a suggestion can be made only for the help of special methods (hypnosis)

    retrograde amnesia

    Mostly blamed for traumatic brain injury. The patient at some point forgets what was in front of her: to come to you, but do not remember who is guilty, what happened to him

    Anterograde amnesia

    "Failure in memory" in which case there is a fall after injury. Everything that was earlier, people remember well

    Fixation amnesia

    This term is the name for damage to short-line memory. Lyudina weakly remembers the current flow. Such vipadkas say "short memory"

    Total amnesia

    Whenever there is a difference, the patient forgets about all the cases, including information that costs one individual

    progressive amnesia

    This damage is characterized by signs from the memory of the future, from the past, from the past, from the past. The cause of pathology is the atrophic process of the brain, which occurs in degenerative diseases of the central nervous system, such as Alzheimer's disease or Pick's disease. Total amnesia can be seen in the midst of juvenile dementia. Patients with these injuries forget the names of the objects, which are used to fester, otherwise they simply do not recognize the language


    Paramnesia - tse damage, yakі poguyut spontvorennі spogаdіv аnd adding third-party information to them. Fahіvtsі see such a variety:

    Rіznovid discord



    Fragments of the wet memory emerge. The space is occupied by stories and podії, invented by the patient himself. Retelling the pardon, tell people to believe in those who speak. The plot of confabulations can be different feats: feats, gains, evil deeds


    Help, what came from memory, are replaced by podia, as if they were actually in the patient's biography, but at a later hour and for other conditions (Korsakov's syndrome)


    Cryptomnesia is characterized by the fact that the patient sees the power of the world and experienced by him himself, I will read from other ages (film, documentary stories, the testimony of people). Destruction of locally organic disorders, in which symptoms of lighthouse symptoms become more pronounced


    People know that I already knew about her, but I’m already dreaming. Similar situations occur in healthy people, but the stench is quick to forget about it, in that hour, as in pathological echomnesia ailments, we give them special significance, obsess over them.


    At the clinic of paramnesia, two variants of damage are distinguished:

    1. 1. Short-hour failures in memory, viklikanі pathological alcoholic sleep (episodes of the past day stray between themselves and with podia, which have long since passed).
    2. 2. After 2 situations of one period of an hour - as a result, the patient himself does not know what was true


    Most often, turn to the doctor through the destruction of memory, like a trace of glee, patients to please relatives, and closer to perfection. At this point, the specialist will carry out decontamination, specifying:

    • The patient is suffering from illness. In the process of taking an anamnesis, it is often possible to reveal links between obvious ones that were transferred earlier by ailments and intellectual disabilities, and problems with memory.
    • The presence or absence of pathology, as an unmediated cause: dementia, cerebrovascular insufficiency, craniocerebral trauma, chronic alcoholism, drug intoxication, as a result of damage to the sphere of the body.
    • What kind of medicine is the patient taking for the whole hour. Similar benzodiazepines can be produced to such levels. As if the memory was damaged, provoked by medication, the stench may have a werewolf character.

    Diagnostics help the following:

    Diagnostic technique

    Destruction, which appear, to hide the disorder of memory

    Biochemical blood test

    Impairment of normal metabolism, deficiency of micronutrients and vitamins, impaired hormonal metabolism

    Methods of neuroimaging (computer, magnetic resonance imaging)

    Neoplasm of the brain, hydrocephalus, vascular lesions, damage to the degenerative character. At low levels of illness, the memory disorder is long overdue by a single symptom, which is why the neuroimaging methods are guilty of obov'yazkovo, the shards will help to reveal a serious pathology.

    EEG (electroencephalography)

    Pathological bioelectrical activity of nerve cells, sudomna readiness. Revealing such disorders helps to diagnose epilepsy.

    Particularly folding in the diagnosis of becoming depressive becomes, which is accompanied by an apathetic syndrome. Sometimes it is brought to recognize depressive probing likuvannya.


    At times memory loss as a result natural process the old order of drug therapy for people of a frail age is recommended to learn how to tell yourself about current help. Effectively, vikonannya special rights, for example, remembering the sequence of numbers that are not related to each other for the meaning of words, objects.

    Pharmacotherapy is based on zastosuvanni drugs that may have a nootropic effect, that way, improve blood flow to the brain. Medicines from these groups are not only found in patients who suffer from age-old problems, but also in pediatric practice. To drink this way, take care of the following courses, the frequency and frequency of such courses are determined by the doctor on an individual basis. When nootropic and vasoactive drugs are recognized, it is necessary to protect the age of the cold, contraindications and health before interoperability with other medications, if the patient is already taking it (especially relevant for people of the elderly age, as there may be concomitant somatic pathologies).

Rizke memory loss and respect, rozsіyanіst, disturbed sleep are signs of asthenic (asthenoneurotic) syndrome. If you attack, change your pulse and vice, feel the heat and cold, reddening of your skin, headache, then the syndrome is called astheno-vegetative.

Loss of memory and respect are signs of an indefatigable multiplier of illness, or before a sick camp. The reason is a sign of the body's struggle with chimos: an infection, a change, with a damaged exchange of speech, in the event of a lack of speech, or a damaged function of any organ, with an evil plump, can be accompanied by mental disorders, degenerative disorders. Rossiyanost and memory loss for the frail.

For the diagnosis of memory loss and respect, it is important, if there are other symptoms of illness, the background, on which the asthenic syndrome is blamed. If you have experienced a strong stress, or you know the advances, then you can think about a relapse of the nervous system, about a lack of vitamins and microelements, about dysbacteriosis. As long as your pace of life does not change, you maintain a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements, and if symptoms suddenly appear, you can start an infection on the cob, or worsen a chronic process in the body. Yakscho rozіyanіst that pogreshennya memory If the will and the turbulent trival hour appeared, then the reason is often found in hormonal disorders, especially on the side of the thyroid slough, as well as in evil puffs and depressions.

Ailments that can cause memory loss:

Memory loss: rejoicing

If necessary, improve the way of life (eating mode, sleeping and resting, relieving the weight of the voice), if there is no contraindication, then drink a vitamin-mineral complex for at least 2 months, in areas of iodine deficiency - supplement with iodine.

Cover the thyroid ridge, shelter the zukor.

It has become a memory loss for a frail young man, and you are in a turbulent state of frailty and memory loss, to pass through the obstezhennia, to miss the evil new creation.

They didn’t know anything serious, but it’s all bad for you, you see that’s why you turn to a neurologist or a psychiatrist. So often masked depression occurs.

At sharp loss of memory sled negainoly turn to the doctor, who has analyzed all the symptoms, to accurately identify the cause of the problem.

Age of memory loss delivers a lot of problems to people of a frail age and it is important to enjoy the glory. Loss of memory and rozsiyanost with vaginess not for nothing calls out the fear of future mothers, tk. may be the cause of many other diseases, for example, disease of the carotid arteries.

Parts of pardoning self-remembrance and respect

Vidsutnist obstezhennya and glee.

Even more often, similar changes will begin to appear from the century, which is fundamentally wrong. Joke the reason for the malice, learn it, and you can enjoy the life of any kind.

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