Problems of memorization of information. Diagnosis is that likuvannya destruction of memory. the main causes of poor memory

Memory is one the most important functions central nervous system, building, depositing, saving and providing the necessary information. Damaged memory is one of the symptoms of neurological or neuropsychic pathology, and may be the only criterion for illness.

Memory short hoursі long-term. short-hour memory I add to the bug, I will read the information of a sprat of khvilin, often without understanding I will. I have longed my memory analyze otrimanu information, structure and її that reflect on non-meanings of the term.

The reasons for the destruction of memory in children and grown-ups can be different.

Causes of memory loss in children : parts of colds, ailments, anemia, craniocerebral injuries, stressful situations, alcohol addiction, hyperactivity syndrome and lack of respect, congenital rozumov's disability (for example, with Down syndrome).

Causes of memory loss in adults :

  • Acute cerebrovascular accident (ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke)
  • Chronic damage to the cerebral circulation - dyscirculatory encephalopathy, which is most often the result of atherosclerotic damage to the vessels and hypertensive ailments, if the brain is chronically undertreated. Dyscirculatory encephalopathy is one of the most common causes of memory loss in adults.
  • Cranio-cerebral injuries
  • Dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. It is characterized by impaired regulation of the heart-vascular, as well as dichal and herbal systems. Maybe a warehouse endocrine disorder. It is more common in young people and requires consultations of a neurologist and an endocrinologist.
  • stressful situations
  • Puffins of the brain
  • Vertebrobasilar insufficiency (impaired brain function due to reduced blood flow in the spinal and basilar arteries)
  • Mental illness (schizophrenia, epilepsy, depression)
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Alcoholism and drug addiction
  • Damage to memory in case of intoxication and metabolic disorders, hormonal disorders

Memory loss or hypomnesia often go by this name asthenic syndrome which is characterized by increased stiffness, nervousness, drops in arterial pressure, head pain. Asthenic syndrome, as a rule, develops in hypertensive ailments, craniocerebral injuries, vegetative dysfunctions and mental illnesses, as well as in drug addiction and alcoholism.

At amnesia Fragments of pods fall out of memory. Viriznyayut kіlka vidіv amnesia:

  1. retrograde amnesia- Destruction of memory, in case of any memory, a fragment of the subdivision falls, which was before the injury (often it occurs after a TBI)
  2. Anterograde amnesia- broken memory, if a person does not remember that podia, as it became after an injury, they are saved in memory before the injury. (this also applies after craniocerebral injury)
  3. Fixation amnesia- filthy memory on the current floor
  4. Total amnesia- a person does not remember anything, he erases information about himself.
  5. progressive amnesia- Loss of memory, which is impossible to get into, from today to the past (worn with Alzheimer's disease)

Hypermnesia broken memory, while a person easily remembers a great amount of information, it is considered as a variant of the norm, as there are no other symptoms that indicate mental illness (for example, epilepsy) and psychoactive data.

Decreased concentration of respect

To the destruction of memory and respect, it is also necessary to avoid looking at specific objects:

  1. Lack of respect otherwise, if a person cannot concentrate on topics that are being discussed (often due to decreased memory, sensitization in children with hyperactivity syndrome and a lack of respect, in a young age, with schizophrenia, schizophrenia)
  2. Rigidity- Upovіlnіnіnіnіnі z odnієї those іnshu (beware of ailments for epilepsіy)
  3. Lack of concentration of respect(Maybe special temperament and behavior)

With all types of memory impairment, it is necessary to go to the doctor (neurologist, psychiatrist, neurosurgeon) to make an accurate diagnosis. The doctor z'yasovuє, chi did not have a sick craniocerebral injury, chi has long been afraid of memory damage, ailing the patient (hypertonic ailment, bloody diabetes), chi do not live alcohol and drugs.

The doctor may recommend a general blood test, an analysis of biochemical blood tests and a blood test for hormones to exclude memory impairment as a result of intoxication, metabolic and hormonal disorders; as well as MRI, CT, PET (positron emisian tomography), with which it is possible to treat the tuft of the brain, hydrocephalus, and rupture the vessel of the cerebral lesion as a degenerative one. Ultrasound and duplex scanning the judge's head is that shiї, I will become the judge's head that shiї for evaluation, you can also get an MRI of the vessel's head that shiї. EEG is necessary for the diagnosis of epilepsy.

Likuvannya destruction of memory

After the diagnosis is established, the doctor proceeds to the treatment of the main illness and the correction of cognitive impairment.

Гостра (ішемічний і геморагічний інсульт) і хронічна (дисциркуляторна енцефалопатія) недостатність мозкового кровообігу є наслідком серцево-судинних захворювань, тому терапія повинна бути спрямована на патологічні процеси, що лежать в основі судинної мозкової недостатності: артеріальна гіпертензія, атеросклероз магій.

The presence of hemodynamically significant atherosclerosis of the main arteries leads to the recognition of antiplatelet agents (acetylsalicylic acid at a dose of 75-300 mg/dobu, clopidogrel at a dose of 75 mg/dobu).

Evidence of hyperlipidemia (one of the most important indications of hyperlipidemia is elevated cholesterol), which does not require correction of pretreatment diabetes, will require the recognition of statins (Simvastatin, Atorvastatin).

An important fight against risk factors for cerebral ischemia: chickens, hypodynamia, diabetes mellitus, obesity.

For the presence of vascular cerebrovascular insufficiency, it is necessary to prescribe drugs, which is important to add to other judges. Tse is so called neuroprotective therapy. Under neuroprotective therapy, there may be a strategy to protect cells from death after ischemia (non-sickness).

Nootropic drugs are subdivided into neuroprotective drugs and direct nootropics.

Before neuroprotective preparations to be taken:

  1. Phosphodiesterase inhibitors: Eufilin, Pentoxifylin, Vinpocetine, Tanakan. The vascular expansion effect of these preparations is increased in the smooth lingual cells of the vessel wall of cAMP (special enzyme), which leads to a relaxation of that increase in the lumen.
  2. Calcium channel blockers: Cinnarizin, Flunarizin, Nimodipin. May sudinorozshiryuvalny effect of the vein is changed in place of calcium in the middle of the smooth lingual cells of the vessel wall.
  3. Blockers of α 2-adrenergic receptors: Nicergoline. This drug has a vasodilatory effect on adrenaline and norepinephrine.
  4. Antioxidants a group of preparations that improve the processes of the so-called oxidation, which can help with ischemia (non-staining) of the brain. To these preparations it is recommended: Mexidol, Emoksipin.

Before direct nootropics be seen:

  1. Neuropeptides. The stench of revenge on amino acids (proteins), the necessary polypsy to the brain. One of the largest zastosovuvannyh drugs in this group Cerebrolysin. According to the current manifestations, the clinical effect occurs when this drug is administered at a dose of 30-60 ml intravenously per 200 ml of the physiological dose, 10-20 infusions are required per course. Also, up to the group of preparations, Cortexin, Actovegin should be added.
  2. One of the first drugs to improve memory is Piracetam (Nootropil), which belongs to the group of nootropics, which can be used directly. Raising the stability of the brain tissue to hypoxia (non-staining), improving the memory, moods of ailments and healthy people for the normalization of neurotransmitters (biologically active chemical speeches, for the help of such, the transmission of nerve impulses). The remaining hour of the recognition of this drug in early prescribed dosing is considered ineffective, to achieve a clinical effect, it is necessary to dosing 4-12 g / dobu, additional intravenous administration of 20-60 ml of piracetam per 200 ml of physiological dose, 10-20 per course is necessary

Roslinni preparations for improving memory

The extract of ginkgo biloba (Bilobil, Ginko) is used as a preparation to improve cerebral and peripheral blood circulation.

How to go about dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system, if there is also a damage to the side of the nervous system, which is caused by insufficient mastery of the sour head brain, nootropic drugs can also be administered, as well as, if sedatives and antidepressants are needed. With hypotension, it is possible to infuse such herbal preparations as a tincture of ginseng, Chinese magnolia vine. Physiotherapy and massage are also recommended. In case of dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system, a consultation with an endocrinologist is also required to rule out the pathology of the thyroid gland.

Therapy with nootropic drugs is victorious for any damage to the memory of the improvement of the correction of the main disease.

Therapist Kuznetsova Evgeniya Anatoliivna

Smirnova Olga Leonidivna

Neurologist, educator First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov. Work experience 20 years.

Articles written

Problems in the memory of young people may have different causes. The process of increasing the building to the memory is developing step by step. Tom, as if at once to show damage, you can hide a distant development pathology.

The memory of people accumulates and saves their lives. There you go. At first glance, a person quickly acquires information, but saves it for a short period. With long-term memory, it is not easy for the material to be remembered, but the data is lost in the memory of old fates. People are cursing different types memory. A skin person may have a different memory threshold. To that it is clear to designate the norm, in order to understand the memory, it is not possible.

Why piss off

The problem is most often associated with:

  1. Stress, depression, restlessness. Like a person overexcited, or melancholy, they don’t give up respect for navkolishniy svit. I praise Yogo less than those imitations, like introducing Yogo into such a camp. Therefore, forgetfulness for such vipadkіv is a wider manifestation.
  2. Lack of sleep, chronic exhaustion. To make the brain better and more memorable, having remembered information, I need sleep. Lack of sleep negatively affects the functioning of the organ. People who suffer chronically because of this, forcefully concentrate their respect on the smallest details.
  3. Shkіdlivami zvichki. A young man has a lot of people who live in alcohol, drugs, speeches, start smoking. Everything is negatively recollected in memory, .
  4. Nedolіkom. Especially tsya problem posterіgaєtsya in the winter season of rock, if you do not pick up fruits and vegetables. I'm losing my memory. Therefore, we should go into vitamin complexes in case of avitaminosis, as well as improve the diet.
  5. Informational interests. Tse є actual phenomenon. The Internet, radio and TV broadcasts supply people with new information constantly. By changing or filtering the facts that go into the brain, you can reduce the burden and eliminate problems from memory.
  6. I sour a little. The brain needs a walk in the fresh air. Therefore, people who linger at great places are recommended to periodically visit nature.

Often, in order to normalize memory, it is enough to turn off the inclusion of these factors. Korisno vykonuvati right shdo її rozvitka.

According to the findings, every episode of forgetfulness is typical for people from 18 to 35 years of age. Most of it is connected with an unhealthy way of life.

If you are afraid of forgetfulness, then it is important to give respect to your way of life and to signify it, having poured in some factors, it called out destruction. With a low-grade way of life, insufficient brain activity, chronic lack of sleep and improper diet, brain function deteriorates.

Memory problems in young people are blamed for other illnesses. Іsnuє kіlka hundreds of pathologies, yakі mаyut podіbnі manifest. This symptom is associated with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression and anxiety.

Memory gets worse:

  • for the presence of evil puffs;
  • with pink sclerosis;
  • with pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  • with tuberculosis;
  • with Lyme disease;
  • yakshcho in the body do not stand up rіdini;
  • with prolonged stress and depression;
  • with infectious processes in the brain.

In order to immediately reveal the sickness and carry out a likuvannya, it is necessary to see a doctor at the first manifestations of ailment, especially as the memory of the grandfather is more aggravated and the camp does not normalize.

What is Robity

If they blamed the problem on the memory of the young vіtsi, then we are the next to determine the cause of the camp. When you need to be merry, shards with the development of ailments, people will cease to be a regular member of the society. However, it is not possible to choose one's own medical prescription on one's own; The type of drugs, the dosing and trivality of the course is to blame for the appointment of the drug.

Prodzhuyuyut rozroblyaty and provadzhuvati novі methods of struggle with filthy memory.

If the patient does not remember that in the voice of the phrase, then the doctor can read the thoughts, imagine the image of the phrases and remember the material of the text. This is the most important option of working on yourself, but it gives good results.

In order to improve the memory at the cob stages, the development of the damage goes up to. In my warehouse, there are components that are poured into the head brain, enhancing the building, concentrating respect and inspiring memory. Similar preparations are made to expand the vessels in the brain for all types of memory impairment.

As soon as the appointment, why the memory of the young lady is lost, did not go far to reveal the real problems of health, then it will be easy to get out of forgetfulness.

Caution seems that people, who often suffer in a nasty mood, are more likely to lose their memory, so doctors should be glad to save optimism.

An excellent variant of the blood streak in the vessels of the brain is physical activity. Zavdyaki sports are relieved of tension, normalize the eating of clitin.

Vzhivayuchi m'yaso, more often than not, let the yalovichi, indichtsі, by-products survive. There is a large number of halls in my warehouse. This element is to enter the warehouse of vegetables, fruits and seafood. To that, if you live them in reasonable doses, you can’t blame a lot of problems for your health. Sea fish and natural olive oil must be present in the diet. Alevarto beware of certain carbohydrates. Zavdyaki potatoes, black bread, pasta from hard varieties of brains are filled with energy. Ale, for help, tіstechok, bіloї vypіchki and malt, the memory will not be improved.

It is important that the organism had groups W.

If it is turbulent, the memory is filthy at 30 years, but for the youngest vice, then it’s bad:

  1. Under the hour of taking away new information, I should carefully delve into it, so that it was more likely to be learned from memory.
  2. They connect the taken data from the given images, podia, objects. Correspondingly translate the information in the form of the verse. For an hour, I’ll ask you to train your brain.
  3. At the end of the day before bedtime, carefully analyze the skin detail of the past day.

Postupovo similar training to bring good fruit.

Yakshcho z'appeared the first time to show a loss of memory, it is necessary to see a neurologist, a neuropsychologist or a psychotherapist. They will look around and recognize the additional investigation of the cause of the damage.

It is also possible to get used to it on your own. Vіdomo, scho problems іz zam'yatovuvannyam poserіgayutsya, yakshcho people do not attach proper respect to information, scho reach, zamyatovuє її shvidkoplinno or not priymaє alleyoz. For the adoption of this syndrome, it is necessary to constantly work on yourself and train your brain, concentrate your attention on the singing details, write down your signatures, keep a record and pranks in your mind.

As the obstezhennia showed the presence of pathological processes, the therapy should be carried out in accordance with the diagnosis. The prognosis is to be made fallow depending on the stage of the development of the disease and the characteristics of the organism.

Come Prevention

To overcome the problems of youth, follow:

  • vodmovitysya in the form of alcoholic drinks, narcotic speeches and chickens;
  • add balance to the diet;
  • sleep enough for an hour;
  • control the level of physical activity;
  • develop the brain for the help of other rights.

There is no understanding of normal memory. Under the norm, here you can swear at the accumulation of information, as in normal minds, a specific person has a memory. Do not use the upper intermemory, even though people with super memory know how to fix the most important nuances of all the subtexts of speeches, it is rare to get it right.

Memory is the essence of building up, collecting that information, as a specific person takes a long life. It is necessary for anyone to understand that the understanding of memory is invested as a physiological, and cultural basis.

People's memory can be divided into longevity for a short time. Spіvvіdshenie dannyh vіznоvidіvіv іmmyаtі іn all people іndivіdualі, іn the case of the importance of the long-term memory of the people, it is easy to give education, but if the information is taken, it will be left behind with him forever, and in the case of the short-line variant, all the navєki will be taken to the occasion.

All the same, it doesn’t sound like I’m eating a protracted life, because at that moment the memory doesn’t start to get better. Forgetfulness is also used by different species, skins from some of them in a different way are added to the memorization of different information.

Causes of death

The reasons for the deterioration of memory are impersonal, all the stench is attributed to centuries of change, those causes that are due to brain damage, such that blamed on various ailments of other organs, the effects of intoxication processes on the negative factors, which are responsible for

To the reasons that are connected with uninterrupted damage to the brain as an organ of a person, they include craniocerebral injuries, acute blood damage or a stroke, various oncological problems in this organ. Until the ovnishnіh factors, which are unacceptably marked on the camp of memory, there is insufficient sleep, different stresses, changes in the life of the minds, a strengthening of the brain anxiety. Under chronic intoxication processes, which call for forgetfulness, then become wiser, as if provoked in the body of a person by alcoholism, tyutunopalism, drug addiction, maladies of tranquilizers and other pharmacological drugs.

People's memory is to lay waste in different modalities. Modality can be zorovoy, auditory, rukhovy. Modalities can also change in different proportions among themselves. Tse vyznaє those, by which rank a particular person is easier to remember information. It’s important to read it more clearly, to read the information out loud, to whom it’s easier to remember what you read, it’s easier to read the language, it’s better to read the side with the text or the graphics, in the way the material is supposed to be. The differences in the human brain are different for the different functions, caused by the memory. Vіddіli in the oblast skronіt vіdpovіdat for auditory spriynyattya movi or zvukіv, potilichno-tim'yana zone - for expanses of that zorovy spriynyattya. In the left pivkul, the spriynyattya accentuates on the letter and subject, and on the right - on the optical-spacious, color and face. The lower tenim zone is very good for the functionality of the hands and the moving apparatus, which can lead to astereognosis in case of damage, which makes it impossible to designate the object in a navpomatic way. In this rank, you can make whiskers about those who are destroyed by the very same kind of memory, which is the most powerful singing zone of the human brain that suffered.

Current research may be impersonal evidence of some theories about those that the hormonal background is rich in what is influencing the mind process and memory. Positively on qi processes, such hormones as testosterone, vasopressin, estrogen, prolactin can be injected. Hormones transfer the transformation of short-line memory to long-term memory, but not all. For example, oxytocin, on the other hand, significantly weakens the process of memorization of information, which leads to forgetfulness in women with breastfeeding that post is gentle.

Pathologies that erode memory

The most common illnesses, which significantly weaken the process of memory, are craniocerebral injuries. The most unsafe severe and great injuries, the scales of their severity are directly proportional to the process of memorization. In case of craniocerebral injuries in people, retrograde and anterograde amnesia often appear, which are characterized by confusion not only under, with which the injury occurred, but still and silently, that they overdid or inherited її. Also, craniocerebral injuries are powerful blame for hallucinations and confabulations. Under the hallucinations, crazy images arise, which in real life could not be (naturally, it was not). Confabulations є hibnymi spogady, yakі podkidaє memory of a sick person. So, in case of guilty confabulation, the patient may be on food about the day of the past day, confessing that he saw the theater, but actually lying at the medical ward, shards of injuries.

Memory loss is also often seen through impaired blood circulation in the patient's brain. With atherosclerotic vessel changes in the brain, the blood flow changes to different brain cells, which provokes a weakening of memory. At to the current world atherosclerosis having ceased to become ill in people of a frail age, and more and more often it is diagnosed in the young population. Atherosclerosis also provokes the development of a severe disorder of blood circulation in the brain. Dane zahvoryuvannya, like a stroke, may torment different brain zones, perekrivayuchi blood strum to them often or in full obsyazі. The functionality of such zones is rudely destroyed, suffers for everything, deep memory.

Blood diabetes can be similarly added to the process of storing information. For aggravated circulatory diabetes, there may be angiopathy - an illness that manifests itself in the sweating of the vessel walls to the level, if other judges cease to function through recrimination, and the great ones sound significantly, improving the blood flow. Blood circulation to this particular type damage in the skin organ and systems of the human body, including the brain. And if the blood circulation in the brain is damaged, it will lead to the destruction of the memory function.

When the function of the memory is impaired, it is possible to work the visnovs about the possibility of getting sick in the thyroid gland, as they are characterized by an insufficient amount of hormones, which are caused by it - hypothyroidism. Hormones of the thyroid gland can resist up to 65% iodine. With this disease, in the order of poor memory, there is an increase in the vagi, leading to depression, bloating, apathy, drativity, m'yazovy tone becomes even weaker. Prevention of iodine deficiency is necessary with a healthy diet to avenge obov'yazkovo iodized strength, dairy products, sea ​​fish, seaweed, peas, persimmon, hard varieties of cheese

The inflammatory process in the tunics (meningitis) and in the speech of the brain (encephalitis) significantly affects the work of the entire brain as a whole. The most common causes of encephalitis and meningitis are neurotropic viruses and bacteria. Therapy of these sick people is even more successful, as the stench is manifested at the same time, memory loss can be lost in a person as a legacy of sickness.

More therapeutic methods are used for degenerative brain ailments, for example, Alzheimer's ailments. With this pathology, the memory is gradually, but gradually reduced, leading, as a result, to a decrease in the patient's intellectual well-being. The worst situation is the camp, if a person ceases to orient himself in space, it is not possible to engage in self-service. Alzheimer's ailment is powerful for people of a frail age after 70-80 years. Prot_kaє won't be povіlno, step-by-step, and the cob stages are not remembered. Signs of pathology are reduced respect and memory failure. If you stay close to him, the patient begins to forget, and if you ask about them in a nonchalant manner, you will sooner or later remind them of the past. All this imposes a hit on the character of the patient, leading to an increase in hisism, leading to an increase in exuberance, whimsicality, and apathy.

Even if such an illness does not begin to rejoice at the same time, people cease to orient themselves in the hours of that space, they don’t know the current date, the place, they don’t know, they don’t know what it is necessary to work at different natural needs. Modern medicine vvazhaє Alzheimer's ailment spadkovoy, for the duration of the likuvannya won the singing moment progresses sharply, protely її likuvati, overbig її spovilnyuєtsya and dosit lungs.

However, the loss of memory is far from leading to brain damage, and often the person herself tries to forget inacceptability and fears, zastosovayuchi psychological mechanisms of zahistu, which are even richer. With frequent zastosuvanni these mekhanizmіv from the side can be formed damage that people suffer from a breakdown in memory, but not so. Such “forgotten” emotions and become filthy pour into the nervous system, leading to aggressiveness, neurosis and so on.

Celebration of memory loss

It is possible to rejoice at the loss of memory only after the cause of this process is established. Medicinal culprits are recognized exclusively as medics, as a rule, nootropic drugs, such as:

  • Glycine;
  • Piracetam;
  • Bilobil;
  • Pantogam;
  • Aminalon.

Kursov lykuvannya tsimi zabami to finish the trivale, it is always closed with the intake of multivitamin complexes. Some doctors prescribe to patients and physiotherapy. With reduced memory, it is effective to practice the procedure of electrophoresis with intranasal administration of glutamic acid (preparations on a її basis). Pedagogical-psychological corrective methods are also effectively used to improve memory in cases of low level - teachers teach patients to remember, exercising the unaffected functionality of the brain. When it is impossible for the patient to remember the words in his voice, he can start imagining a visual image of what was said about, and then the memorization becomes real. Folding and trivality of the process of learning lies in the fact that it is important not only to teach a person to go into the incompetent links and parallels of the brain, but also to bring the whole process to automatism.

The loss of memory reduces the social skills of a person, which may indicate the development of other pathologies, being a poor prognostic symptom. Neurologists, neuropsychologists, and therapists deal with pathologies related to memory impairment. However, it is important to understand that even more often in depression, if patients suffer from memory loss, they really suffer from loss of respect. Such a standard of speeches is typical for scholars and people of a frail age. Vіdbuvaєtsya through underestimation of everyday information that people come. It’s easy to get into trouble with disrespect and respect, but people rarely see that there is a problem in it, so tell them directly about it. Exit from the situation of the situation and the constant work on the upper body of information – training of respect and memory by way of fixing on the papers of the papers, recording in the electronic appendix and other.

It is possible to train the functioning of the brain using the American method of Professor Lawrence Katz, which helps to stimulate the activation of brain activity, the creation of new associative links, which is behind the differences in the brain. The right of these methods to include a small number of practitioners. Fahivets to talk about those who need to be motivated to win over close ochima. Right-handed people are recommended to spend some of their daily routines (brush your teeth, brush your hair, brush up on wrist year) with the left hand, for the left-handers - navpaki. It is important to learn how to use the basics of gestures and Braille (a sheet of reading for people with early pathologies), learn to practice on the computer keyboard for the help of all 10 fingers on the hands. It is recommended to start from scratch, whether it be some kind of applied type of needlework, to develop the motor skills of fingers. On the dotik, it is necessary to train to separate coins of different denominations. It is important to learn new things and to help yourself to a good life - learn new language, read stats in an ignorant way for yourself by those who know different people, rise in price, open up new jobs. All these simple things have the right to train your brain activity, and also, remember, to ensure normal self-confidence for a three-hour hour.

Preventive visit

Prevention of damaged memory can also be done effectively. Don’t check, if forgetfulness bothers you more often and happens to be the cause of її viniknennya in the midst of ills. More beautifully young vіku to lead a singing way of life, in order to instill in deep old age, to be left with a “solid memory”. All the recommendations, given below, will help to save not only memory, but also health in general in the government, so that the body should serve its master more than once in a lifetime.

Correctly, that povnotsіnne eating is a guarantee not only of dovgolittya, a beautiful self-feeling, but a miraculous memory. The most important products in this context can be fat, licorice and salt. A positive impact on the psyche and the brain’s work in general is given to the sedation of cinnamon, ginger, tincture of ginkgo biloba and vitamin E.

Regular sports activities miraculously show up not only in the figure. With whom gym, pulling heaviness and visnazhlivі training zovsіm not priyat zberezhenniu functionality of the brain. For yoga active work, and, therefore, for memory, it is recommended to take regular walks on a fresh day, which will improve blood circulation and suppleness to the brain, as well as good rank gymnastics, which starts the metabolic process in the body.

Vіdmova vіd shkіdlivih zvichok - to alcohol and cigarettes - the burden of the zamіtsnennya zahisnih functions of the body, pobobіgaє the possibility of toxic pollutants, the result of bringing to the preservation of memory. Also, for training in memory, it’s important to constantly remind yourself to learn, play at the logical game - checkers chi checks, winch mov.

Regardless of the reasons, through memory, it began to suffer, and she began to suffer, it was important to obligatory seek medical help for the first symptoms of such a process. Sometimes forgetfulness is situational and does not carry the threat of amnesia, sometimes necessary employment with a psychologist, sometimes - drug therapy. There are more and more diagnostic methods, more and more smut at the same time - do not waste time and take care of your memory from early years.

You go to the kitchen, but as a result, you don’t see the least manifestation, why you stumbled there, or you got to know each other and without a problem, people already forgot their name.

Poor memory is the scourge of modern suspense. The problem with memory can be blamed on any other person. You go to the kitchen, but as a result, you don’t see the least manifestation, why you stumbled there, or you got to know each other and without a problem, people already forgot their name. It’s sing-song, richly someone who is similar. Such failures, as a rule, are due to the misrepresentation of information, but some other officials take care of our building memory.

13 Biggest Causes of Memory Failure

1. Vitamin B12 deficiency

Similar to saline, B12 helps in the formation of red blood cells, changes the severity and risk of anemia, improves the process of memory life. A recent study showed that Vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to memory failure.

Research has shown that B12 works as a suffocating ball for myelin - speech, like nerves. If you do not get B12 in our system, the ball is not strong enough and takes damage. Tse poshkodzhennya strengthens nerve impulses, which can lead to failures in memory.

Deficiency of vitamin can be called out to the old man: The older we get, our slut sees less and less acid, so that it is important for our bodies to make clay of life speech from the hedgehog.

Another cause may be unhealthy vibir diet, anemia, that Crohn's disease. B12 is the most common in rib, meat, dairy products. However, before changing your diet, be glad for your doctor.

2. High Blood Vise

If you are overbuying with people older than 45, you often have problems with your memory, and you can sense your blood pressure.

In a study conducted at the University of Alabami, it was established that people, like a high blood pressure, suffer from a memetic oversight, as well as a decrease in cognitive skills, equal to people with a normal arterial pressure.

Good news is those who have a healthy diet, physically rightі vtrat vaga can help reduce the risk of problems.

3. Hypothyroidism

You often get tired, you gain weight, you feel humiliated and you constantly remember problems, you may suffer from hypothyroidism.

Hypothyroidism is often seen in the right way, lowering the level of the hormone thyroxin (T4), which may play an important role in the production of energy in our body. Low T4 indicates an increase in metabolism and an increase in cognitive function, resulting in memory lapses.

The main cause of hypothyroidism is autoimmune disease, like Hashimoto, if it attacks itself. Cream of that viral infections and induce ill health with antibiotics can cause hypothyroidism.

4. Menopause

The hot theory іsnuє zv'yazok mіzh zabudkuvatіstyu and menopause in women, was recently confirmed. A study conducted at the University of California confirms that estrogen fluctuates as little as possible, and there are gaps in memory. Estrogen protects neurotransmitters, and without adequate equalization of that hormone, stench becomes less effective.

5. Migraine

If you suffer from migraine, you may be at risk of suffering from transient global amnesia (TGA) in women older than 50 years of age. TGA - tse camp, having drank there, still seeing, kim vin himself є, i hto yogo otchuє.

This type of amnesia is considered to be the cause of a genetic defect, which leads to the expansion of nerve impulses in the brain.TGA can temporarily paralyze memory, and migraines can be triggered by rapt zanurennyam in hot and cold water, extreme emotional stress can induce a state act. Fortunately, the TGA is a small-sized camp and it is easy to rejoice.

6. Long transfers

Dovgi shifts lead to strong exhaustion. Tsei symptom, as a rule, yelling filthy sleep, and inspire a broken biorhythm.

The study, conducted at the University of California, showed that a little bit of drowsiness, failures in memory, and difficulties in processing information can last for an hour after getting better, and after that, as the biorhythm of a person has turned back to normal. If we sleep, our brain is shattered, guess what, lack of sleep can be caused by failures in memory.

7. Vagity

Female women are often stigmatized , But in a recent study conducted in Australia, the successors equaled the productivity of female women against those who were not. The results were reconciled: the first group was richer in folding the task, tied with memory. The followers admitted what caused the way of life and diet.

8. Chemotherapy

The unacceptable side effect of chemotherapy, which is often reported, is a waste of memory. Aje not so often such therapies are called brain washings of patients.

Chemotherapy can influence the function of the brain cells, having been studied at Stanford University, which showed that women who receive chemotherapy to treat breast cancer, have failed in memory.

Tse, as a rule, you can correct the situation, and the functions of the memory turn back to normal with the help of chemotherapy, but in some depressions, the polypshenny borrows rocks.

9. Anesthesia

When carrying out folding operations, anesthesia is often the only way to keep the patient alive. Not enough are those who can lose memory and reduce cognitive functions after surgery. The University of Florida found that close to 38% of patients in 55 years suffered from memory loss after surgery, and 12.7% had minor serious problems recognizing the coming 3 months.

10. Epilepsy

Epilepsy is one of the sights of a “short flicker” in the brain, crying out to judges that hang around over 50 million people in the whole world. In the next hour, I will attack the brain with electric impulses, which will lead to such problems as the loss of rukhovyh novice, the loss of cognitive function and the deterioration of memory.

11. Faces of arthritis and asthma

Corticosteroids - steroids, which viroblyayet body, and stench can be taken to treat asthma and arthritis. Taking high doses for six or more months can lead to memory problems.

Irrespective of those who might end up with a rare appearance, corticosteroids can actually infect the cells of the brain and cause atrophy of the brain. Changes in dosing can help, but your doctor is responsible for advising you on other possible side effects.

12. Depression

Depression is associated with a low level of chemical speech in the brain, such as serotonin and norepinephrine. Cі chemical speech can be carried out processes, tied with memory in the brain. Antidepressants and psychological treatments can help with memory problems in my mind.

13. Overworld alcohol addiction

The more alcohol you save, the less your brain building save short lines help. Alcohol is injected into the hippocampus, changing its functions, in addition to the formation of new ways, it is sometimes forgotten that we made it like a party for an hour.

Trivale alcohol poisoning the term can lead to Korsakov's syndrome - building up to the adoption of short-line clues is used, which makes it difficult to guess recent information.

Povіlna, controlled rehabilitation can improve the process of memory loss in 25% of patients. If you have a tweet about this topic, ask them favorites and readers of our project

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Loss of memory - tse ailment, which is famous for one of the especially mysterious manifestations of our hour. Causes of її birth are not born until the end. Bagatyokh to say food: "waste of memory, what is the name of the disease?". The sickness is called amnesia. Polegaє won't be at the expense of spogadіv about deyakі conditions, impossibility to create okremі zhittєvі podії. Most of the time, an individual erases his thoughts about situations that have become especially important recently. Quite often it seems that an individual imagines the whole picture is not in the mind, in other words, God forbid the chastkov. With an absolute loss of knowledge, the subject is unable to guess the exact nature of the close sharpening, forgetting his own biographical data, and remembering everything that happened earlier. Amnesia can come on, for example, often seen with alcohol addiction. Krіm tsgogo, ailment, scho rasglyaetsya, may develop step by step, often looming timchasovy character.

Reasons to waste your memory

The reasons that provoke the blame for failures in memory can be divided into two categories, and the causes themselves are physiological and psychological in nature.

Physiological factors lie before: injuries, chronic illness (for example, heart and vascular ailments), damage to the brain and disorder of the functioning of the nervous system. So this discord arises as a result of a regular lack of sleep, a low-quality way of life, an incorrect exchange of speeches, a lack of eating habits, a malfunction in the blood circulation system.

To the psychological officials one can add: normal stressful situations, permanently because of this, lack of respect, expansive become (mlyavist chi zbudzhennya), zadumlivist. In the aftermath of the transfer of officials, individuals are reworked on a mechanical basis for other than one hundred operations, they should not be forgotten by their own.

A short hour of memory loss can be a vivacious impersonality of various damages. And the cause of її birth є depressive become, іnfektsіyni zahvoryuvannya, raznі poshkodzhennya, collateral effect in the form of poisoning with alcoholic drinks or narcotic drugs, taking some medicamental diseases, dyslexia. Among the most common factors that provoke this discord, we see: alcoholism, swelling of the brain, Creutzfeldt-Jakob and Parkinson, depression, stroke, meningitis, human immunodeficiency virus, epilepsy and so on.

Likewise, the interdependence of deacons medicinal products you can call for a short memory loss, for example, one-hour injection of Imipramine and Baclofen.

Of course, short-term loss of memory can occur in the aftermath of neurodegenerative diseases, cerebrovascular damage, skull injuries, normotensive hydrocephalus, sleep disorders, thyroid diseases, mental disorders, Wilson's disease.

Short-term amnesia, like I, can provoke hormonal disruption. Some representatives of the female part of the population during the first hour of menopause may have episodes of short-hour amnesia.

Chastkova vtrata memory - so the titles of the brain brain function, which is characterized by a discord of space-hour indicators, the integrity of the order and the succession.

The most widespread factor that provokes partial amnesia is the dissociative fugue, or the camp after a change of place of residence. For example, frequent amnesia can occur after moving an individual to another place. With which one can come from the memory of the podії, the prescription of which becomes from many times to many years.

Another reason for the analyzed form is a strong trauma to the mental nature of the shock. The subject learns from the memory of deeds biographies that provoke negative thoughts.

Krym tsgogo, chastkova amnesia can come after a dij on an individual. Individuals can guess those who see him in the process of hypnotic injection.

Old age loss of memory is suspected in summer individuals. However, її cannot be considered solely on the basis of the age-old changes. Most often, aging amnesia comes through the way of life of individuals. So, the reasons for the blame for this form of ailments can be: impaired exchange of speech, infectious disease, craniocerebral injuries, and various pathologies of the brain.

Loss of memory in young people can occur due to chronic lack of sleep, sleep disturbance, lack of vitamin B12 and regular stress. In young people, it is also possible to lose memory due to stress. Often after suffering a severe emotional shock, young people can forget all the data about themselves.


Tsya ailments are characterized by the suddenness of guessing the songs of people. All symptoms of ailments, which can be seen, lie in their severity, form, nature of the pathology. Crim is a sign of failure in memory and can also be caused by a worsening of the morning, headache, noise in the ears, disruption of spatial coordination, increased alertness, confusion of information and other symptoms.

Most of the current amnesia is due to head trauma, which often indicates a brain shock. In a traumatic situation, it is important to watch out for retrograde amnesia. Її attack can mother trivality until a few years. Individuals are constantly trying to win and receive information. The patient is familiar with the space-hour disorientation and looks ruined. The new one is afraid of the daylight, that he will overcome the traumatic one, or else he will be ill.

In case of anterograde loss of memory, there is a risk of loss of knowledge about the situation in the form of an illness on the cob for the preservation of images, in advance of the illness of injury. This form is afflicted with damage, which caused in the process of moving information to the long-term memory from a short-hour memory or from the destruction of information that is saved. Memory can be reborn in the course of time, but I won’t be able to. Clearings, as if they were in a post-traumatic period, to be left behind.

When remembering, remembering, the individual is doing good to know the facts and the like. You can often play characters in different television series, as if they spent more time telling about their own past life. To that bagatioh shanuvalnikov in the serials is also a turbulent food: “waste of memory, what is the name of the disease?”. It is indicated that the disease is like a reaction to the leak, or it is called the camp of a psychogenic leak. Sound like this becomes an important emotional shock or special experience and can take a long time. Often, individuals who suffer for this form, spend their memory, start in a different place and zovsim in a different, polished new life.

Among the main symptoms of amnesia, one can see: blind lapses in memory, which are characterized by a different trivality, folding from the memory of recent episodes and moments of sudden memory and confabulation or forgiveness.

Loss in memory can be a symptom, or it can lead to other mental illnesses.

Transitional amnesia is a rapt important attack of disorientation of knowledge, which is not saved from memory. characteristic sign Amnesia is important in the absence of recognition of loved ones.

Come past amnesia can manifest itself once in a lifetime, if only a little. The trivality of them becomes like a lot of wheezes until the twelfth year. Basically, the symptoms pass without any relief, but sometimes they do not change.

Wernick-Korsakov syndrome is caused by unbalanced eating and alcohol abuse. This form accompanies such symptoms as a loss of memory and severe disorientation of knowledge. Among other manifestations, one can name a worsened dawn, walking cunning, drowsiness.

Crimia of rehabilitated symptoms, amnesia can accompany such manifestations: bewilderment, decrease in cognitive processes, impaired coordination of mental illness.

Dementia is characterized by a progressive nature, confusion of knowledge and inconsistency of thoughts.

Decreased cognitive processes are affected by impaired spontaneity, foldedness by learned and creative operations. Zіtknennya z sim manifestation vvazhaetsya to report a symptom, scho injury.

Impaired m'yazovoi coordination is most often seen with low ailments of the spinal cord and brain.

Loss of memory head pain is most often accompanied either by a head injury, or by illness, which is characterized by the presence of pathological processes in the brain.

Raptova loss of memory is often at once due to the second memory, often in case of strokes.

Krim tsgogo, most often the loss of memory is seen after the stress of depressive states. As a result of the low investigation, it was revealed that the stress influx was ruining the growth of brain cells. To the one who is more depressive in the past, the greater will be poshkodzhennya.

See spend your memory

You see, when you spend your memories, they fall fallow under the pods, which have been erased from the shoulders, broadness, frivolity, roughness of the cob and the worn-out newcomers.

For the broadness of amnesia, it can be new, so that all help is used, and fragmentary use of help is often used.

According to the trivality of the descriptions of the disease, it is short-hour (waste of memory for a short hour) and long-term (forget not remembering the trival).

Behind the podia, which are erased from memory, ailments, which are looked at, develop into anterograde and retrograde amnesia. With the first type of amnesia, it is impossible for individuals to guess what will happen after injury while saving the memory of all podia to the causative factor. Most often Danish view poserіgaєtsya after the transfer of brain injuries, psychoemotional shocks and is characterized by short hours.

Retrograde amnesia is manifested in those who have suffered on the underside, which began before the guilt of the causal clerk. This form of amnesia is dominant for progressive degenerative pathologies of the brain (for example, Alzheimer's disease, toxic encephalopathy).

For the quick onset of the disease, which is described, it is rapt, so we welcome the infusion of some causal factor, and we will act, that it is in the process of natural old age - aging amnesia.

For the learned skills, amnesia is divided into semantic, episodic, procedural and professional. Semantic amnesia is characterized by a loss of memory, which serves as a basis for the general adoption of the extraneous activity. For example, the subject cannot separate creatures, but grow in front of him. Epozodichna - you spend your time okremi podії chi singing moment. Procedural - an individual is trying to tell about the simplest manipulations, for example, forget how to brush your teeth. Professional chi working - polyagaє in the absence of nezdatnosti utrimuvaty іnformatsiyu, nebhіdnu vykonannya podernyh operіkі, navit protyazhku short interval o'clock. Such an individual is impossible to orientate himself to his working place, not to be wise, like a leader of wines can win over, in such a sequence.

The lower studies have seen a trace of the same form of amnesia. Korsakov's amnesia is related to chronic alcoholism and is characterized by a general amnesia during the hours of sleep and during the process of exit from it. It is not uncommon for patients, through those who have spent their time, to replace them with vigilantes.

The aging waste of memory is swayed by the laws of old. For her, the authorities have forgotten the streaming pods, the summer individual cannot guess what the liar was in the morning, but in all the details they can tell about the pods that they drank with him in deep youth.

Blame after a stroke. Loss of memory Headache, confusion, frostbite, Zorov's agnosia, impaired sensitivity, alexia, loss of jealousy are typical symptoms of a stroke.

Amnesia, which is the cause of brain injury. Practically zavzhd, navit for insignificant cowards, it is seen that there is no loss of memory. When you think about it, they are reassured.

Loss of memory after alcohol

It is important that one can induce amnesia at the first stage of alcohol addiction. Raptova amnesia due to chronic alcohol abuse becomes a stress for the individual. However, the loss of memory after the introduction of alcoholic homeland is far from being feared by everyone. For the vindication of timchasovoy amnesia, it is necessary to take a lower mind: the number of drinks drunk, the degree of alcohol, the one-hour infusion of various alcoholic drinks, the infusion of alcohol on a hungry sack, the use of alcoholic drinks with medicinal preparations.

There is a lot of damage to the connections between brain cells at the hour of drinking alcohol, to avenge alcohol, to deposit in the amount of ethyl alcohol that you have consumed in the body. It is important that small doses of alcohol do not lead to waste. However, after pouring alcoholic drinks on people, dosing it individually: for us, the dose itself is insignificant for different people in a different way, for others, the state of belonging to a drunken person can be of great significance, yoga is a wild state of health.

Also, there is a law, the higher the degree of alcohol I drink, the greater the imovirnist of the fact that the individual who sings will have memory failures.

Odnochasne vzhivannya raznih napoїv, scho to avenge different alcohol, sharply zbіshuє vіvіrnіnіnіnіnіnі amnesiї.

Having poured into a hungry slug with a drink of mittevu vmoktuvannya in the organism of the mother, after which all the ethanol may not be found near the roof, which leads to swidkoї іntoxicatsії, yak may be the most ruinous infusion.

When you take alcohol in the process of undergoing medical treatment, or in the process of administering alcohol and drugs, or tyutyunopalinnyam, the symptoms of amnesia increase.

Alcohol from three types of building memory can be added to the short-line memory, so that the individual can tell how to “fall” the hour.

The vtrata remembrance of the hour of alcoholic sleep is on after the palimpsest. A characteristic sign of the described state is the memory failure, so that the subject cannot guess the insignificant details that were spent under the hour of alcohol intoxication.

Memory loss in young people due to alcoholism is due to the Wernicke-Korsakov syndrome. This syndrome is suspected, if the organism of an individual suffers from tripaliy intoxication due to the daily consumption of full-time eating, lack of vitamins B and C group.

Excitement spend your memory

Mechanisms of memory should be folded, so we become logically nourished: "as a waste of memory." Aje is often a reminder of problematic nutrition. To this, we can turn on, nasampered, influencing the causative factor, neuropsychological rehabilitation, recognition of neuroprotective drugs, drugs that activate cholinergic processes in the brain, vitamins B and antioxidants.

Krym tsgogo in likuvannі amnesia practice methods of hypnosuggestive therapy. During the process of a session of hypnotherapy, the patient, behind the help of a therapist, remembers the ruined podia and forgotten facts.

How to exalt the waste of memory, nasampered, lie in the form of amnesia, її degree of virulence, breadth, subdivision, inclusion of memory and causal factors. In this way, the impersonal psychotherapeutic techniques have been disassembled. In some areas, color therapy is especially effective, in others - creative art therapy. With dissociative amnesia, methods are successfully developed, with retrograde - hypnotechniques.

Loss of memory in people of a frail age, how to exult? The loss of memory is respected by the age-old norm, as if progressing steadily. For a long time, a decrease in the health of memory and memory, caused cholesterol in the capillaries of the brain and degenerative processes in the brain tissue. Zvіdsi osnovne zavdannya be-yakogo lіkuvannya zavodnija to pobobіgannya pogreshennyu memory. In times of old amnesia, there is no need for outside clothing. Upovіlnennya protsessіv iznizhennya mem'yati є є suspіhom. To that, in the first line, they are assigned medicinal treatment:

- vessel preparations (such as: Pentoxifylline);

- Nootropics and neuroprotectors (such as Piracetam, Cerebrolysin);

- preparations that are directly injected into the memory function (for example, Glycine).

Of course, the following methods are effective: solving crossword puzzles and completing puzzles, reading books, memorizing the riddle of verses, rahunok reverse order vіd a hundred to one thinly.

Amnesia in people of a frail age, as a result of the examination of the fachivets and after the conduction of a relay diagnostic examination, which includes instrumental follow-up and testing, assess the function of the memory and determine the type of amnesia.

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