The last Russian year. Russian wrist year - timchasovy break.

The Russian wrist yearbook for today is high quality, modern design and rich functionality. Vytchiznyany brands are at the peak of popularity at the same time, the stones are based on precise mechanisms, selected from high-quality materials and are more likely to meet the needs of the people. Among modern choices of wrist accessories Russian Federation you can taste like old, changed names, and young brandy. Buy - not only pіdtremati vіtchiznyany vіrobnik, ale y bring, scho chute style and subtle relish for you need a mustache.

Top 5 best wrist year collections of Russia:

  1. Golden and Srіbny year Chaika and Platinor– wonderful status accessories, which are constantly showing their title of prestigious models. Silver accessories and the golden year of Platinor are not less expensive than expensive metals. The purchase adds a greater stink to the world with its subtle design, in which there is a sense of chic and elegance. Seagull - yakіst, overwhelmed by the hour. Many people buy them, following the nostalgia, but the right connoisseurs know that the main mechanism - the axis - is the main reason for the bath.
  1. Special forces - year for right people One name of what wart! The new one has everything - strength of spirit, unstoppable character, strong willful decision, and richly other, powerful only the strongest half of the people. Spetsnaz is a superb, yakish, richly functional annual. Here you will find - a tachometer, a timer, a stopwatch, a calendar, a high level of water resistance and more. And the different style of design allows you to choose a model like a strict jacket, and like a casual variant of an outfit.

  1. Glory - Russian year for those who are nostalgic for the many hours of that communist past. Raznomanіtnіst models іz symbolіk Radyanskogo Soyuz podіdіyut people, yak sche remember yat hymn of the SRSR і like tying chervona kravatka, and also tim, hto may garne pochuttya humor. Along with such original accessories, the brand Slava Volodya dekilkom has sophisticated collections for women and classic ones for men.

  1. Polit- wonderful budget models, as they are valued in the world by people, as they know that Polit itself is the first brand, as it has been to Yuri Gagarin in space. And also Poljot - an ideal respectable wrist accessory for those who care about the status of an accessory. It is not shameful to sign an important contract with these people, coping with any objection of a successful businessman, who is conscious of both working food and prestigious brands.

  1. Схід - commander's year, about yaks mriyut cotton men of a different age. Skhіd Amphibia, commander's anniversary of the Airborne Forces, navigator, for captains of distant navigation and pilots, for tank crews, submariners, who work at the KDB and other secret state services and army pilots. Russian retro is a sign for collectors and conservative people who are tired of the new-fashioned viyans.

Anniversary anniversary… What do we know about them? It’s rich who cares about us, that our comrades don’t reach for the European quality, and the anniversary is not a blame. Tim is not less, I will hurry to develop all pardons from the drive like a Russian annual.

Everyone can see that after the collapse of the Radyansky Union, the European and Japanese year anniversary was taken out of the market of the country's anniversary mechanisms. We began to chase after European products, forgetting for an hour about those who can be better, original, closer, obviously, cheaper.

For today's day Russian Yearbook occupy one of the leading positions among the Swiss and Japanese brands. Їх to know from Russia, and th there. The proof of this was the fact that at the exhibition, which was held in 2015 near Brussels, the company “Record” presented the international brand “Soyuz”. And one of themselves popular brands"Rocket" presented its anniversary at the BaselWorld exhibition. In addition, a lot of models of birthdays, produced by Russia, are violating exports and earning popularity abroad.

Russian year of performances on the world and country markets by such brands:

  • "Record";
  • "Rocket";
  • "Denisiv";
  • "Romaniv";
  • "Mctime";
  • "Aviator";
  • "Seconda";
  • "Power";
  • "Glory";
  • "Volmax";
  • "Skhid";
  • "Nester";
  • "Shturmansky";
  • "Special Forces";
  • "Polit" and others.

It should be noted that the anniversary brand "Denisiv" has become the founder of family traditions in the anniversary business of Russia.

On the logo of this brand, the number 1951 is depicted, which is fate, if the father of the founder of the Denisiv company was in power to work at the 1st Moscow Anniversary Plant. At the same time, the company positions itself in demand with a prestigious brand and represents its brand in the price segment from $500 to $1000.

duje cicavia factіsnuіє i аbout the Russian Yearbook “Shturmanski”. It appears that the anniversary of the very same brand of clothes on Yu. Gagarin was the hour of the first flight into space in 1961.

A wrist year is considered an indicator of the status of a modern person. The stench may not be less than showing the hour, ale and be stylish, mother modern design. As a rule, a year-old, which is consistent with all of these parameters, is even more expensive. Vinyatkom є vіtchiznyani brand.

Best dear Russian year koshtuyut richly cheaper, lower original swiss models. And all the less to those who have not yet managed to earn their own brandy in Russia. in the house of im'ya, for which people would give such great pennies, like stinks to pay for Swiss. And this fact, better than everything, requires the vows of the year of the votchiznya year, which is not enough. The optimal price for the miraculous quality and style in our hour is rіdkіst.

Враховуючи ситуацію, що історично склалася, коли виробництво годинника після розпаду Радянського Союзу на деякий час занепало, можна з упевненістю сказати, що вітчизняна годинникова промисловість справді здійснила тимчасовий прорив, вийшовши на світовий рівень якості та дизайну у створенні такого важливого для людини механізму як годинник.

Brand rating

"Skhid" is one of the largest collections of vibrators. Mistootvoryuyuche pripriёmstvo to be found in Tatarstan. It was founded in 1941, and through the river, a serial production of accessories was launched. As a rule, at that moment the shortest Russian year wore military servicemen. 2010, having become the date of the closing of the plant itself, which did not survive the financial difficulties, the production of "Skhid" products was distributed among many great companies, as they work with the brand and today.

I would like to give special respect to the brand under the name "Rocket". Vіn buv foundations for Peter I, as well as іsnuє doninі. Two actual models “Rocket” and “Light” are especially popular today. The staff of the company includes also specialists from Switzerland. The plant also opened a school, where you can learn the profession of a year old.

Rating the best mechanical Russian wristwatches human year ocholuє trade mark "Slava", the cob of virobnitstvo as dated 1924 rock. Another place is the Russian anniversary brand "Spetsnaz", the third - the jewelry factory "Arsenal". The original gold and silver silver is an original, original, stylish accessory. A leather accessory for surviving the hour is unique in its own way. The peculiarity of the country maisters lies in the fact that you can’t stop copying imported designs, that you can call for richness, a lot of fantasy, and always hang on to the design.

Interest is called out by the author's poems "Maktime". The stench is produced exclusively for exclusive designs and in a small, limited circulation. "Pilot-Time", "Russian hour", "Polit-Kronos" release people mechanical years Russian manufacturing, decorated in a sporty and classic style. Business-class accessories include jewelry items from the Polit-Elita, Romanoff, and Petroff trade brands.


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Choose a category Pobutov technique, електроніка Галантерея Дитячий одяг Дитячі товари Домашні тварини Інші товари Інструменти Корми для тварин Меблі Медичні вироби Взуття Одяг Оптичні прилади Відпочинок Продукти харчування Промислове обладнання Релігійні та ритуальні товари Сільське господарство Системи охорони та безпеки Спортивні товари Будівництво та ремонт Сировина Товари особистого вжитку Торговельне обладнання Транспорт, technics, spare parts

"First Moscow Plant Polit" released the famous historical year "Peremoga", design confirmations especially by I.V.Stalinim. Model "Polit" - Godinnikov's legend of the SRSR - smashed the first wrap around the Earth at once from Yuri Gagarin. The Year of Russian Virobniks is presented by the President of Russia as a special gift the best people edge. Russian anniversaries majstri release models, building vitrimat and serious testing:

  • practice without help by the water at a depth of 200 meters (“Amphibia”);
  • suprovodzhuvati spіvrobіtnikіv Ministry of Taxes and FSB as obov'yazkovy attribute ekіpіruvannya group "A" ("Spetsnaz");
  • as fully as possible to inform the representatives of the civil and military military professions (“Aviator”, “Shturmanski”, “Buran”).

Virobniche association "Skhid" continues to release the famous "Komandirski" chronographs with an accuracy of +/- 10 sec on the catch and a maximum average of light wrist branding with a reserve of minerality. The caliber of most wrist yearbooks is based on the venerable yearly caliber 3133, which is produced only in Russia and Switzerland.

The last years of the backwaters of Russia are whispering to dealers, pronouncing the supply of Russian anniversaries for export. More catalogs, price lists and prices are charged on request. Request to mutual assistance of regional dealers.

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