Pokrovsk kreydyany mountains, Significant memorials of the Orenburz region. Cretans are on fire. Chimera Skele Lisogirka

Kreidoví Gori is one of the most suffocating species, which you can sing in the rich clumps of our country – near Bilgorod, Voronez, Kharkiv, Luhansk, Volgograd, Donetsk regions, on the banks of the Don and the Siversky Dyntsya. The Cretans burn in the distance, guessing the gloom that they descended to the ground in a vіdpochit, or the majestic snow shaved, which lay in the middle of the green dew. In the sun, the stench shimmers and shines with interspersed quartzite and carnelian, the stench creates an effect of the present and the unintelligent. Often in the midst of the crade's guitars, "singing" sound, like you see the wondrous sounds that vibrate.

Tours in the Jewish Desert can be spent by stretching for a few days, by bicycle or by quad bikes. Tourists know living in one of the numerous hotels near this region, otherwise the stench can be rotting under the stars, so you can taste it in a right way.

Caspar David Friedrich, Fog. Before the start of the French Revolution, the loan to the mind was turned on. The person is new again, that the darkness is undetectable by my mental race. Irrespective of those that this person moved out of the masses, and Rousseau, having written the “Social Agreement”, was not satisfied with it, the shards of Napoleon, who voted himself an emperor, ruined Europe, flooded the wasteland.

For millions of years, Europe was known under the waters of the ancient Turonian Sea, on the days of which there were remnants of roslin, turtles, skeletons of ribs. At the thought of the scientists, this process took 70-100 million years, and then the sea bottom began to rise to the surface. Tovshchina kreydovyh vіdkladen at deyakih mіsts reach 50-60 meters, on rich vіdlyanka vіdbitki ancient roslins and sea baggers were saved. Kreydov burn - all the evidence of the creation of the world that they carry great mystery All-world, until I guess the people. In ancient times, in kreydyanikh skele and caves, chentsi and samіtniks knew the porch, and holy monasteries will be appointed from it.

It is right that the revolutionary thought was the cause of the breaking of the absolutist institutions of the monarchy and the Catholic Church, and at the same time, from the development of the illuminated bourgeoisie, laid the foundations of the genesis of ideological individualization, romanticism. It's an act of rebellion, a kind of buv, it's worth the effort of art, opposing the traditional iconographic and formal tradition, introducing a new form of that zmist. Tse buv deeply philosophical ruh, especially rozvineniya galuzі nіmetskoїї geography; it was inspired by the philosophy of authors, such as Immanuel Kant, Friedrich Schelling, a dialogue was established between the literary work of Kleist and the poetry of Novalis.

Of particular interest to biologists is the unique growth of calcifications that grow only in such areas, rich in calcium, vape and meadows: levkoy zapachniy, norichnik kreydyaniya, Don Polin and others. Near the Kreidyany Mountains, unique natural reserves are created, in which you can grow miraculous growths: orchids here judge with meadow grasses, ferns and white latattas. These places have a very special microclimate and a lot of people come here with the hope of enjoyment. Near the Volga region in the Khvalinsky mountains, for example, there are unique Cheremshan fogs, full of healing ions.

This sense of Frederick's goiter has a sense of the soundness of his painting, two aesthetic concepts, which appear in the works of such authors, such as Kant's "Concern for the senses of beauty and beauty" and Burke's "Philosophical reflection of our idea of ​​\u200b\u200bprosperity and beauty." In this rank, Kant hangs his thoughts at random.

It’s a little more subtle, like we can look at it at once, it’s a lot more folded from two views: a little bit of the present and the beautiful. Emotion is in both receptions, but we call it otherwise. The view of the mountain, the snowy peaks that rise above the gloom, describe the fierce storm, or the painting of Milton’s hell is done by the reception, but poednanu with heat; from the other side, gazing at the fluffy strength of the forest, the valleys with winding streams, covered with shepherds; describe to Elizium or the painting of the belt of Venus in Gomer, so it will be safe for receptions, ale of merriment and smiles.

Having drank in this marvelous place - Kredyany mountains, you will pass by the bottom of the ancient sea, as if 280 million years were poured here, follow the yogi bagatians, as they were saved on the rich delyankas. And, to spare you, you will know that there are traces of a dinosaur, that they lived here for a very long time. Such a discovery was recently broken up near the Saratov region, if in the middle of the Creidian sightings a fragment of an Ichthyosaurus flipper was found, which was taken to the annals of paleontology under the name "Saratov fish-lizard".

Burke high describes it like this. Predilection, viklikana great and pіdnesenim in nature, if tsі causes to be more difficult, - zdivuvannya and zdivuvannya - tse camp of the soul, for which yogo ruhi is accustomed to the song step of zhahu. At this point, the mind of the flooring of its own marks, that you can’t remember more, or else, the mirroring of the object, which is clayed yoga. Zvіdsi great is the power of the brought, yak, far away in order to be crushed by our miraculous, transferring and accepting us with unhealthy strength.

Kredyany burn photo:

Silly-bіli krey people simply can't help but win the respect of tourists. As a rule, the places of departure for the whole world were stunned by nature reserves and monuments of nature. Where can you help the people of Crete burn in Russia? What stink of cicava?

In short, those who Kant and Burke come to tell us are those that the manifestations of nature can awaken the effect of what is presented in us and that in the singing minds a terrible and zhah calls out satisfaction. For example, a terrible storm, or a ship's accident, will give rise to the sight of the present, but it might only make us happy, or rather, as we are not affected by this real legacy. Tobto be the joy of only we will be peeps, and not the protagonists of these manifestations. Shorter seeming, the day allows us to see strong emotions at an aesthetic distance, not physically lingering.

Kreydyany Gori: photo and description of a natural diva

Kreyda - tse hirska breed of the siege type, soft, white and rozsipchasta. Vaughn does not separate from the water, it can be organic. As a matter of fact, it is a product, made from other creatures - sacks of sea clays. From the skin of the skin of us, we know well more from the school lava.

The process of active accumulation of speech in earth measles having begun approximately 145-150 million years ago. І lasted for 90 million years. In geochronology, the hourly wind is usually called

Itself in romanticism, if the phenomena of nature are gaining significance, it is not known until that moment, earlier in the history of art, the torment of a person stands before nature; And the landscapes that are to be created are victorious for the design of the mental states of a person in them.

The composition with three flats and a crimson human figure has been cleared - the formal elements that reach the empty landscape. Among that number, the monk perebuvayut at the mystical, transcendental moment, deferring to himself the invisibility of the space, which makes you think about your worthlessness before nature, that її self-sufficiency. The artist shows us a tragic landscape, the sea is vibrating, and the sky is threatening with a storm, which sublimates the atmosphere of the scene. In this rank, Friedrich speaks to those who respect the artist.

Kreydyanі gori - unique geological settlements, which are seen in the various little clods of Europe. The stinks have settled in quiet places, de milliononi rokіv that squelching Tetis - a warm and shallow ocean. Kreidyans of bareness often avenge the houses of quartzites, so the stink of the garnet shines in the sun. Zavdyaks of their puffy structure skele and skele z kreidy often attached respect to the chents and the different kind of hermits. Here the stench made their own cloisters and entire monastic complexes.

The artist is guilty not only of those who are in front of him, but also of those who are in the middle. If you don’t want to win anything, you can pin the paint on those who are in front of him. "A monk who marvels at the sea" - tse stan to the mind and imagination of the artist. The picture, how to come out of the middle, from the same, is the communicative potential of the robot. Tse emotional is naked, de vin vikrivaє her tightness. The goal is not to paint a realistic landscape, but to paint the landscape like a mirror of the soul. Like a romantic artist - tse subjective, introspection, like zmushuє yogo baby.

Kreidov burn: butts in Europe and Russia

Millions of rocks in that majestic expanse of Europe were under the water. Over the course of an hour, the tricks of turtles, fragments of roslin and fish skeletons accumulated on the day. The mustache was progressively compressed and transformed into a new breed - the creid. In some places, the tovshchina of such burdens is 50 meters.

Frederick has a miraculous quality of expressing emotions, his robots have great melancholy and torments, demonstrating them in the landscape, which is at once a fortune-teller, but without a turbo, and the very same wipes, as collapses and turbulence, both of us, in such a rank, to convey the impression.

Yogo visual scene - saving Pivnichnogo Pomeraniya in Nіmechchinі and Rügen island. For these landscapes, they create anonymous excursions, in which they record their own paintings. At the link with the cim of the robot "Kreidyan skele in Ryugen" is the result of the fact that the island was repeatedly seen from the island.

Year by year, the ocean began to step up, and the seabed turned onto dry land, exposing massive creeks. So I settled down in the real places of the Kreidyans of the mountains - they are evidence of the geological history of the Earth. The stench of roaming in different corners of Europe: in England, France, Denmark, Russia and Ukraine.

Caspar David Friedrich, breeders of Cretans near Rügen. Tsya robot - vyznannya kokhannya, yak was accompanied by yoga squad Caroline Bommer. At their honeymoon, the stench breaks on the island of Rügen, and they paint this yaskrava, that cheerful summer picture. Vin is the majestic blue sea and the skeleton of the intense skeleton white color, which contrasts with the suits.

Friedrich in this way breaks with the landscape format of the Dutch tradition and curves the edges of the vertical, which may hyperbole the geometry of the composition. Two hyperbole are vindicated for the robot, one is designated as the contour of the skeleton of the sea, and the other in the foreground is the contour that makes up the stovstorms of the trees and the edge of the skele. This allows you to generate height and create depth of sharpness, without going all the way to the classic composition of the point right away, to take perspective. If you marvel, the picture is at the highest point of the dawn, win over the whole resource, so that the crying rozmіr of figures will be supported in front of the deep and majestic landscape.

One of the best butts of crade weights in Europe is the name of Dovery. The whole grandiose 100-meter strimchak, spreading on the British coast of the Sea Whistle, step by step exudes yoga, making it easier to lift the shave of the massive ospi. The islands of the Needles off the English Channel are another example of Kreid's huts. These are the two majestic rocks, which have been painted on the shores of the Isle of Wight.

Characters, as they appear, - the artist himself, with his brother, that yoga team, representing them with their backs, like in all his paintings, - the whole way to ask us to think about those who win, like an artist, to work. We respectfully marvel, we remember that the contour of the trees and the contour of the cordon of the earth is a small figure of the heart, the top of which is on the left edge of the droplet. Friedrich forever deep, serene looking of this picture, as if calling us to look at it - it's beautiful.

Tim is not less, at yoga messengers, it is not necessary to be in this mood, a picture of subtle and extreme delicacy is reached. His interest in the landscape lies in the fact that he believes in a religious concept with a pantheistic view of nature, which adds to his status as a deep Protestant Christian. The firmness of Frederick gives us a revelation about this spiritual connection with nature.

Unique creedy illuminations are also spreading in Russia (near Voronez, Rostov, Bilgorod, Orenburz regions). So, the largest belt of the crested mountains pass through the air and її tributary - the Siversky Dіntsya. You take your cob at the borders of the Volgograd region of Russia and end up on the territory of the Ukrainian Donbas.

Divnogor'є - miraculous burn on the birch of the Don

There, where the small river Tikha Sosna flows into the Don, there is a museum-reserve "Divnogor'ya". Here, on an area of ​​10 square kilometers, there are scattered rocks and steps from the cradle. It is one of the most popular natural sites, which usually attracts at least 50,000 tourists.

I need self-sufficiency, so that I can start interfacing with nature. At the link with the robot “The Great Wound” – this is a deeply religious and symbolic picture. The Christian Great Day is more holy, consecrated to the Sunday of Jesus Christ, and the head of the holy Christian rock, like it is celebrated in the week after the first of every month of spring.

The artist has created personal iconography for the presentation of a sketch of the life of Christ, far from the traditional classical scene. This manifestation is given to me by spiritual, transcendental and universal, shards of the vicarist elements of nature, but rather symbolic content is given to them. Month, which is still a cold wound, to set us on the day of the Great Day, to lay a winding road, through which we are thrashed by women groups, to show that we are known in the holy field and trees, in which the stench is reborn before the leaves - this is the way of resurrection.

The inhabitants of Kreidyan Gori near the Voronez region called them “maidens”. Zvidsi and the name of the reserve. The flora of the territory is the same as the cicava. Botanists found here about 250 species of roslin, maybe half of them with calciphytes. in simple words- "small-lovers").

Friedrich demonstrates the architecture of the building, like an artist in his robot - new nostalgia, but the one that rejoices at the same hour - if you depict a cold wound, those who build me are simply beautiful. What would have been the hike of our mountain range, how did it get out? In geomorphology, as a discipline, which develops terrestrial forms, the term Gyrsky Ridge cannot be vikoristovuvatsya for any kind of mountain ranger, to which there are ob'yazkovo faults due to genetic reasons, then only the mountain range is sure, on the edge of two tectonic plates.

For example, in the 15th century, the Greeks fell asleep here as a monastery. In the creek rocks, the stench smelt their own ovens-cells. In 1862, a church was erected in one of the monasteries. Today, this extraordinary temple of inclusions near the rich pilgrimage routes.

Burn from the crade on the river Ilovl

The Volgograd region can also boast of its home mountains. The stench is planted on the right birch of the river Ilovli, between the villages and Kіndrashi. Tsya is a unique natural light for a while, guessing wild and white empty. Schili kreidyanikh gіr on the birch Ilovlі dosit cool. But in some places, you can still climb up the mountain by car.

Can we call the mountain massif of the Andes, the Alps, the Himalayas, or the Brazilian vipadok such a rank? To discuss nutrition, we may inevitably fall into the same conceptual foundations of geosciences, but be calm! The first concept, as if calling out a lot of swindlers among people, is food about the time scale. For in different evolutions of the landscape, de elementi, which are folded, made of leather, and the history of them is rich in history, but at the singing moment the stench interacted and gave rise to a geoecological system.

Іnuє overlapping tsikh scalіv. If, for example, we are talking about an element, such as skeletons, relief and growth. A lot of people, as if they suddenly forgave a pardon, tied the boundaries with volcanism, the same type of rock emerging from inactive volcanoes, as if they “woke” Granit.

At the borders of tsikh gіr roztashovaniya Kam'yano-Brodsky Holy Trinity. Orthodox monastery, a kind of foundation for the hours of the Tatar-Mongolian heap. Chentsi dug in the kreydyanikh rocks of the oven, having gone through their transitions. On the territory of the monastery there is a dzherel with healing water, as well as sprats of oak-velvet trees up to 400 years old.

We still can't create such an association. Seeing off a short look Pokhodzhennya granite, we understand, that alone we can’t have anything to sleep with others. In fact, granite is a plutonian rock, set on thousands of feet below the surface of the earth, with memorial plaques of the past.

The boundaries are connected with igneous bodies, the so-called batholites, as well as plutonic bodies great expansion the wrong shape. Different types of granites vary according to different concentrations of the skin mineral. On a small scale it is shown that such a batholіt and yogo setting before volcanism.

Chimera Skele Lisogirka

Another wonder of nature roztashovans of Kreidyan near the Rostov region, near the village of Lisogіrka. Truthfully, the status of a natural monument of mіstsevіst nabula was recently known, less than 2006.

Kreydyany gory of the Rostov region roar the fantasy of tourists in their with a sultry look. In the midst of the snowy skelly of Lisogirka, you can look at the silhouettes of gloomy warriors, the contours of creatures, and human faces... Kredyan skelly roztashovani on the birch to finish the lake. The wind here is especially good: it is filled with the aromas of thyme, and the water can miraculously hurt.

Kreidyan adit Bіlhorod

Following the cranial period, you can watch the Bilgorod region. Zokrema, Bilhorod has long been famous for its high-yielding white credit. On the outskirts of the place there is an old abandoned adit, tunnels stretching for a lot of kilometers of coal. Today the won has become a popular object among the digerivs and outstanding tourists.

Near the corridors of the Belgorod adit one can find faceless artifacts of various kinds. For example, the remnants of an old wuzkokoliyka, as if the crade was taken to the surface. On the walls you can dance mysterious little ones and vise-bearers - follow the robots of drilling rigs. And in one of the corridors there is a right car VAZ-2101. Having drunk wine here, it’s impossible. Instructed from the pride of the vіtchiznyany car industry to lay a great piece of rusty metal. Vіn povnіstyu pokritiy pipis, zaschenimi dvіduvacha adit.

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