Andriivsky monastery. Orthodox Andriivsky man monastery Andriivsky monastery

Near the same-named wire, and above it, the modern concrete spores of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences hang over it, which dominate the urban landscape of Moscow. The cloister is new today, but don’t start like this.

In front of the Andriivsky monastery behind the famous historical orders was the boulevard Preobrazhenskaya pustel, which was founded in the XIII century. Monastic wooden spores As if rozpovidaє litopis, in 1547 the vshchent burned down at the half-moon, after it had been burned.

Later, right there in the tract of Sparrow Hills, which was called Polonyanki, a small wooden temple was built in the name of Andriy Stratilat. More on the day, if the Church of the Great Martyr Vshanova, in 1591, a rich army was led by the wire of the Crimean Khan Kazi Girey raptovo and untransferred beagle from the walls of Moscow. In the middle of the 17th century, the roundabout Fyodor Rtishchev, who vipitav allowed Tsar Oleksiy Mikhailovich and, having taken yoga, like a blessed patriarch, here the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the boyar of the foundations of the Andriivsky Monastery were erected.

Among the monks who settled in the monastery, there were consecrated chants, given by the Metropolitan of Kiev Peter the Grave for the instructing of letters like boyar children, as well as people of a simple rank. Because of whom you can see that a brotherhood was formed in the walls of the monastery, members of the yogo practiced over translations and listings of books. At the monastery, there was also a school, which taught letters, philosophical sciences, rhetoric, Greek and Latin languages. Zavdyaki Rtishchev founded a library and founded a school for young people from different countries, scientists who were later translated and became listeners of the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy, which was established at the Zaikonospassky Monastery. They moved there as scholars, and part of the chents, and on the ear of the 80s of the XVII century Andriivsky monastery was attributed to the most important monastery.

During the reign of Peter I, the Andriivsky monastery was inflamed, as if the churches had become the most important parafials. During the coming century, the cloisters were victorious with a different method: an apron for children-children, an almshouse, a liquor for divine, a commercial school, for radian hours - budinki-communes, a laboratory with mimicry equipment.

Monastery architecture

The main complex of the monastery sporudzhuvavsya in the middle of the XVII century. Yogo budіvnitstvo was conducted under the kerіvnitstvom of the architect Grigory Kopil. Later, a stone church over the gate appeared in honor of St. Andrew Stratilates, the vishucano was decorated with kahls. On the mіstsі before the sporudzhennogo temple of the Resurrection was roaring the vibrancy of the new, yogo vysvіtlennya was in 1703 rotsі. On the monastic territory, with a kosht donated by Count Sheremetiev, a ring was raised.

In the 20th century of the last century, the necropolis of the monastery was built, and most of the monastic buds were disassembled. We took care of the Andriyivsky Monastery of the Church of St. Andriy Stratilat, the Cathedral of the Resurrection, the Church of St. John the Theologian, roztashovanoy at the fire, and the building in the almshouse.

In 1991, on the territory of the Andriivsky monastery, the Patriarch of the Podvir was opened, and in the middle of 2013, it was turned into a human monastery. Everything turned into circles.


Martyr Andriy Stratelat of Taurus he was a military commander in the Roman military for the reign of Emperor Maximian (284-305), who was a pagan and a persecutor of Christians.

For the goodness, impermeability and justice of the holy bov kochany at the Roman troops. If the number of Persian troops invaded the Syrian borders, the ruler Antioch entrusted St. Andrew with the work of the Roman troops, giving him a title. "Stratilat" , then the commander-in-chief. Saint Andrew chose for himself a small death of good warriors and spoke out against opponents. Yogo warriors were pagans. Saint Andrew himself had not yet received Baptism, but had believed in Jesus Christ. Before the battle, having reconquered the warriors, the pagan gods - bisiv and help in the battle can not give. He preached to them Jesus Christ, the almighty God of Heaven and earth, who helps all those who believe in New. The warriors entered the biy, calling out for the help of the Savior. Throwing a small zagіn at the flow of the number of military persiv. St. Andrew, turning from the campaign with glory, having gained more victory. Ale zazdrіsniki reported to the ruler Antioch that Vin was a Christian, who had turned around his faith in the support of the warriors.

They called St. Andrew to the court, and there they confirmed their faith in Christ. They rolled yoga for that. Vіn himself lay down on the rozpechennoe middle bed, and, as if only having turned back to the help of the Lord, the bed grew cold. The warriors were painted on the trees, but they did not call Christ from them. Having imprisoned the saints at the pit, Antiochus sent a report to the emperor, not venturing himself to bring about the death of the glorified survivor. The emperor knew how much he loved St. Andrew, and, afraid of the cloud, sent an order to call the martyrs, and secretly zveli under the drive of the stratitis of the skin pores.

Resounding, Saint Andriy at once from the retinue of warriors came to the place of Tarsus. There is the christive of the priest, Bishop Petro, and Bishop of Veriysky Non. Then the warriors moved to the city of Taksanati. Antiochus wrote a letter to the ruler of the Kіlikіysk region, Seleucus, so that in the sight of the pursuit of ensigns, he overtook the squad of St. Andrew and drove them in. Seleucus overtook the martyrs, who stumbled in the gorges of the Taurus mountains, where they needed to suffer for the confession. Saint Andrew, calling the warriors his brothers and children, calling them not to be afraid of death. I prayed for all those who shanuvatima remember my memory, and asking the Lord to send people a life of healing in their places, where their blood would shed. Under the hour of prayer, the martyrs, who did not repair the opir, were truncated with swords (†c.302).

Flour of St. Andria. Tzortzі (Zorzis) Fuka. Fresco. Athos (Dionysiat). 1547 p.

Tієї well mitі z zemlі vyyshlo dzherelo. Bishops Petro and Non, like clerics, secretly followed the retinue of St. Andrew, buried their bodies. One of the clerics, who suffered from an evil spirit from a long time ago, got drunk from a jar of water and immediately got healthy. There was a voice about the ceremonies among the navkolishnіh inhabitants, and the stench began to come to the dzherel i, for the prayers of St.

In the middle of the Taurian gіr, a slightly deaf voice:

Nature sends God's sorrows to zіthannya.
Less than the moon to echo їy іz s_dlovin deep-
In their sufferers, the nature is selfishness.
Ale, the day has come, and the rocky peaks have trembled,
Nachebto bіla pіdnіzhzhya gіr entered the battle of veletni.
I stogіn new, like the voice of another world.
That was the end of the squad of the good Andriy Stratіlat,
Whose warriors have shattered their head under the sword, like lambs.
Andriy defending the empire against bloodthirsty Persians,
Ale himself became a victim of hardships of the merciless.
Two thousand yogo comrades shattered the colony
From the lips of the strategist they caught the word wiser:
"This year is welcome! The axis has come to us the day of the pryatunka!
We are not afraid of separation from the lives of Timchasov;
So zі humility praise, brothers, God
For all the blessings that gave us much,
For those who vouchsafed us martyrdom,
Without fear, before Him, we will stand at the right hour."
Finishing the word, Stratilat began a prayer.
Fellow brothers by clicking not on the battle.
I echoed the friendly choir from the warriors of the saints,
Who fell under the sword, escaping the bonds of the earth.
These hosts of Angels saw off the heavenly world,
Brahma їm paradise z poshanoy vіdkrivala:
Adzhe glorious Stratilat again healthy enemy.
Shedding blood for Christ, having won the crown for the ages.

(St. Mykola Serbian).

The Byzantine icon-painting art had a few types of images of Andriy Stratilata. The iconography of a young martyr-martyr in military uniforms, with dark hair and a small beard, is the most expanded.

In the old Russian art Andriy resounded in his military uniforms and cloaks, with a cross at his hands, with a short beard and curly hair with a gray hair; at the temple paintings - ring out on the step, on the sign, on the list, on the cibule and with the shield.

Enthronement of St. Andriy Stratіlat was at the meeting above the head. In Russia, St. Andriy koristuvavsya especially shanuvannyam at the prince's middle. At 1089 p. Vsevolod Yaroslavich called the Pereyaslavl-Pivdenny Church in the name of Andriy Stratilat. Onuk of Vsevolod, the youngest son of Volodymyr Monomakh, Andriy Dobriy was born on 11 September 1102 and 18 September of naming in honor of Andriy Stratilat. holy martyr heavenly patron Andriy Bogolyubsky. During the New Year, in the village of Sulist near Rostov the Great, a wooden church of the Holy Martyr Andriy Stratilat was built. Nadalі tsі mіstsya in the disputed recession passed to Dimitry Donskoy, de vin is alive with childhood in the prince's tower. For deakim tribute, Dimitry Donskoy baptized himself in the temple.

Near Moscow, a stone church was preserved in the name of Andriy Stratilat over a similar gate Andriivsky monastery near Plivnitsy .

Andrew's monastery on the background of MDU

Andriivsky monastery near Moscow (view of the beast)

The Andriivsky Monastery was founded by the “near people” of Tsar Oleksiy Mikhailovich F.M. Bulo was taken place after place, on the pivdenny sunset, on the right birch of the Moskva-Richka, where the Sparrow Hills rose. A sprat of the name of the month was saved: “in the mountains”, “Andriivsky Yari”, “near Vorobyovy steep”, protebranki - the widest.

Persha derev'yana church martyr. Andriy Stratilata, as she gave the name of the monastery, was summoned to this city, for example, the 16th century, as a tribute to the miraculous order of the capital in the name of the army of the Crimean Khan Kazi-Giray vlіtka 1591 p. Todi warriors of the khan roztashuvalis camp near the village. Vorobyov, the Russian tabir was broken on the mіsts of the modern Donskoy monastery, the Don icon was found in the tabor Mother of God. 19 sickle of the military khan raptov flowed in. For the next day, the memory of the Martyr is celebrated. Andriy Stratilat, the temple on the yogi was built to be placed in the middle between the Russian Tatar camps; At the same time, the Holy Celebration of the Don Icon of the Mother of God was installed.

View of the Andriivsky Monastery from the side of the Academy of Sciences

On the back, the monastery was called the Preobrazhensky empty place, and it was named after Andriivsky: “In the name of Andrea, the First-Called Apostle of Christ.” According to the tsar’s decree, they received clergymen, as well as priests and deacons, “in life, and rank, and in reading and speaking in the church, and in the cell rules of the good.” The monastery had a library and a school for young people of different levels. This monastery, in order of Novodevichy, Don and St. Danilov monasteries-watchmen, becoming Pivdenne zahisne kіltse of Moscow.

At the XVIII century. monastir buv skasovaniya and savagery at the parish. A school for children-children and children was founded near Yogo Budіvlyakh, then there were worships there, in 1803 an almshouse was established. At the radian hour on this territory, budinka-communes, metrological services were set up. The Synodal Library of the Moscow Patriarchate is being housed there, the Church of St. Andriivsky Monastery School, and in one of the churches - Resurrection - divine services are celebrated.

Fresco on the wall of the Church of Andriy Stratilat

The Russian villagers called Saint Andriy Stratilat Teplyak, moaning on the wind, which was close to the day of yogo memory from the pivdnya, ripening the ripening of the sun. From a distance, the villagers said: "Father pivden let the wind on the oats." Day of Andriy Stratіlat vvazhavshis Babin lita.

Material prepared by Sergiy SHULYAK

for the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity on Sparrow Hills

When copying the data, please send it to our website

Troparion, tone 5:
Having lost the earthly dignity of glory, Decreased the Heavenly Kingdom to You: with blood drops, like wonderful stones, imperishable crowns, having embellished You and before Christ, instilling a passion-bearing cathedral, with angels in the non-eternal light of the unsightly dream of Christ know. Yogo, pray for those who suffered with you all the time, let us save our souls.

Kontakion, tone 4:
Standing at the prayers of the Lord, like a star of the sun before the eyes, and praying for the treasures of the Kingdom of the Kingdom, chanting the joys of the immortal, the Immortal Tsar in endless centuries, as an angel ceaselessly praised, pray, Andriy Stratilat: with them.


The transmission refers to the accusation of the man’s monastery “near the Sparrow steeps, near the loners” until the 13th century, but early documentary evidence about it is less likely to be seen until the middle of the 16th century. Until the end of the XVI century. the monastery was called the Preobrazhenskaya desert.

The miraculous funeral of Moscow in the wake of the Crimean Khan Kizi-Girey in 1591, which was trapilos on the day of remembrance of the martyr Andriy Stratilat, prompted the Muscovites to sprout a bunch of trees in the monastery, and then in 1675. - kam'yany nadbramny temple in the name of the saint. From that hour the monastery became known as Andriivsky.

The history of the monastery is related to the accommodations near its walls from the middle of the 17th century. of a respectful brotherhood, which united the illumination of chants “for the sake of the book book”, as it became, in fact, the first hour after hour of blame for the academic structure in Moscow.

In 1764 p. the monastery was turned into a paraffial temple, the shards "were seen as a hopeless damp sap".

In 1923 p. for the gifts of the Zamoskvoretsky District of Moscow, the Church of the Holy Martyr Andriy Stratilatus was closed.

Decree 14 serpnya 1991 p. It was said to the Patriarch of the Holy Monastery near the Kolishny Andriivsky Monastery with the Churches of the Resurrection of Christ in Branki, the Apostle Evangelist John the Theologian (Archangel Michael) and the Martyr Andriy Stratilat. Priest Boris Danilenko, head of the Moscow Patriarchate, is the rector of appointments. To the orders of the Order of Moscow issued on April 29, 1992. re-arranged more churches were handed over "under the patriarch of the underworld".

To the decisions of the Holy Synod on April 16, 2013 () Patriarch podvir'ya at b. Andriivsky monastery turned into Andriivsky stauropigian human monastery m. Moscow. Archpriest Boris Danilenko was sent to plant the rector of the Resurrection Cathedral b. Andriivsky Monastery and the Patriarchal Compound. The honorary Pivdenno-Zakhidny Vicariate of the Moscow Metropolitan area was recognized as the nascent of the Andriivsky Monastery

Andriivskyi monastery can be visited only from the upper surfaces of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences or the Novoandriivsky bridge. Vіn little vіdomy i nepomіtny. And in the days, passing through the Moscow Kіltsevoy, rapt in a jacuzzi, she babbled this monastery from the vikna of Lastivka and guessed about the new and the yogo folding history. Until the beginning of the 20th century, the monastery, and the brotherhood of the brotherhood, and the yard, and the outbuildings, and the outbuildings were settled here. In a sing-song manner, the first monastery, like a Bulo skasovano - even after Catherine's reform of 1765.

Behind the commandments, the cloister of Vinikla in the city of the 13th century. For the first time, the wooden church of St. Andriy Stratilat was raised only for the 16th century on the occasion of the miraculous order of the capital in the wake of the army of the Crimean Khan Kazi-Girey in 1591. That same warriors of the khan were beaten by a camp near the village of Vorobyove, the Russian tabir was beaten at the church of the modern Don monastery, the Don icon of the Mother of God was known near the camp. 19 sickle of the military khan raptov flowed in. Shards at the same day celebrate the memory of Andriy Stratilat, a temple on the name of Yogo was built to be placed in the middle between the Russian Tatar camps. At the same time, the Holy Celebration of the Don Icon of the Mother of God was installed.

Rozkvit cloister fell on the XVII century. In 1648, the noble boyar Fedir Mikhailovich Rtishchev founded the monastery and fell asleep here as a brotherhood, they taught basic grammar, words and Greek, rhetoric and philosophy.

ON THE. Martinov.Andriivsky monastery near Moscow, 1840. Paper, lithography

Photo from the album N.A. Naidyonova

1. The “Rtishchi Brotherhood” itself became the basis for the Slovak-Greek-Latin Academy itself, as it gave the beginning to the Moscow University. Ale already in 1682. the Andriivsky monastery itself was assigned to the Zaikonospassky Moscow monastery in Kitay-mіsti, perhaps, to that in the Zaikonospassky monastery the Slavic-Greco-Latin Academy was prepared before the arrival, and part of the brotherhood overcame it. This fact became the reason for the beginning of the fall of the Andriivsky monastery.

2. In the past, the monastery was founded in 1724, and then in the same walls, a school for children and youth was founded at once. Such a sus_dstvo at once seems wondrous.

3. After six years under the Empress Hanna Ioanivna, the monastery was renewed, but not for a long time. 1765 rec.

4. Under Katherine II, the Kolishniy Andriivsky monastery was opened in a row for the morning of the "divine to the power of a special booth for them", and in 1775 a woman's robotic booth with a spinning mill was opened here.

5. The Andriivsk almshouse appeared to Moscow in 1803, when the Moscow merchants' estate turned to Emperor Oleksandr I to obshtuvate "almshouse house" to the persons of both articles of the large Andriivsky monastery in Polonyanki. Same year 1805 at the project of the architect F.K. Sokolov's houses of the old monastic walls were called almshouses with the help of the Moscow merchants.

Church of St. Andrew Stratilates, over the shidnoy brama, around the end of the 17th century

6. Until 1898, 956 people were maturing with them. The representatives of the Bakhrushin, Korolov, and Botkin families were the guardians of the largest of this kind at that time. Merchants and manufacturers donated large sums for almshouse mornings.

7. More than one building of 1805 was abandoned at a time - a similar, pivnіchny building was built until the middle of the XIX century, and a new one, prompted by the architect A. Kaminsky, until 1878.

9. Three churches were preserved on the territory of the bogadilny: Andriivsky, Voznesensky and the church of St. John the Theologian.

Church of John the Theologian, not earlier than 1748

10. In 1900, a church-paraffa school was opened near the Resurrection Church, which was established here until 1917. In 1918, the rotational corps of the almshouse was transformed into Budinok-commune of the 1st Moscow factory Derzhznak. The school of workers of the Derzhznak ruled at the church of the holy martyr Andriy Stratilat. Under the club, the Church of the Resurrection of Christ was seen.

Skhidny building of the almshouse, cob of the XIX century.

12. By a wondrous rite, the Theological Church was not closed and services were held in it until the end of the 30s.

Church of the Resurrection of Christ, 1689-1703 pp.

14. In the 1960s, the All-Union NDI Committee of Standards was here, when they entered the vimiryuvalnye fittings, the buildings of the almshouse were abandoned with living quarters. The rest of the settlement was only until 1980, if the All-Union Scientific and Lasting Institute of the Metrological Service was located here. In 1996, the roci complex of the Andriivsky monastery was handed over to the Russian Orthodox Church without a line.

Entrance at the Andriivsky man monastery

Andriivska embankment

Influence of this rock in our region has appeared a povnotsіnny monastery, which is diє, - the Patriarch of the Podvir'ya in b. Andriivsky monastery was turned into Andriivsky stauropigian human monastery of Moscow (monastery website).

About the history of this monastery, which became the most important center of science and church reform of Patriarch Nikon, a school, a crypt, a psychiatric clinic, a workhouse for dissolute women, a bogadilny, a club for workers, the establishment of metrological services of the State Standard

Transfiguration Kestel

Behind the legend, from the end of the 13th century, on the birch of the Moscow River, they founded a monastery - “Preobrazhenskaya Pustel”. The first documentary riddles about the new one are found in the chronicles of the 16th century.

The place of the foundation was called "Polonyanka" - but here, on the birches of the Moscow River, rafts (like the word "palenitsі") were tied up. It is with a smaller, pink version of the name that it is pointed out to those who have caught the "hollows" here.

It seems that in 1547 Ivan the Terrible was in the midst of a popular uprising, which escalated after an hour later, as the activity of the monastery pinned down. After that, the monastery was revived, but became a "wretched house", where they brought the bodies of beaten, dead and dead people for burial, as if they died without repentance. In 1604, in order, a small tsvintar was ruled by a majestic tsvintar, on which they buried over a hundred thousand Muscovites who died of starvation and came from great forces and forces.

For the son of Ivan the Terrible, Fyodor Ioanovich the “founder”, the revived monastery became a symbol and one of the strongholds of the victory of the Russian siege over the Tatars. 19 sickle 1591 year, at the day of remembrance of St. mch. Andriy Stratilata, on the outskirts of the Transfiguration Monastery, the Russians raised the Crimean Khan Kazi-Girey, who came to Moscow with a 15,000-year-old military. On that day, the army of the Khan was smashed with a camp near the village of Vorobyove, the tabir of the Russian troops was broken at the house of the modern Donskoy monastery. On the 19th of September, the khan stepped in, grinning at the sign that they shot from the walls of the Transfiguration monastery, and the wonderfully miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Donsk", brought to the camp of the Russian viysk (year on this city, the winery of the Don Monastery).

On the occasion of the miracle, the order of the capital was piled up on Kazi-Girey’s military camp at the pivdorosis between the encampments of Russian and Tatar military troops, the church of Andriy Stratilat was raised.

Center of Light

Near the 17th century, the "neighbor people" of Tsar Oleksiy Mikhailovich Fedir Rtishchev fell asleep on the same city of the monastery (or resurrected the burning monastery of the 13th century). It appears that in 1640 the Metropolitan of Kiev, St. Petro (Grave) turned to Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich and settled in Moscow the chents of the Kiev Brotherhood in honor of the Epiphany of the Lord's monastery for the training of "children of the boyars and the simple rank of writing Greek and words". Rtishchev undertook the design of the project, which he had broken up at once from the great Greek Archimandrite Venedikt, who had been visiting Moscow from February 1646 to May 1647. Tsar Oleksiy Mikhailovich, the confessor of the tsar, Archpriest of the Annunciation Cathedral, Stefan Vonifatiev, gave support to Rtishchev. Moscow monastery (probable Patriarch) Nikon. Vіdomosti about the foundation of the monastery is mіstya in "The Life of the Gracious Man Theodore Rtishchev", written by an unknown citizen after the death of Rtishchev, 1673.

U 1648-1654 pp. Under the ceramics of the architect Grigory Kopil, a bud complex of monastic budivels was built, and the Church of the Resurrection was built (1648). Budivelni robots were financed from the royal treasury, and the monastery itself, which was sometimes called Preobrazhensky, avenged Rtishchev. In 1648 p. becoming the first rector of the monastery Dositheus, "a man with garlic embellishments", the cellarer - Pafnuty (Eropkin), translations from the Novospasky Monastery.

Vіdkrittya school and naming the temple in the name of the Apostle Andriy is brought to the end of leaf fall 1652 r. Hieromonk Epfaniy (Slavinetsky) clave virshi, in which he already called the monastery Andriivsky: “In the name of Andrea, Christ the first-called apostle, the monastery is.

According to the tsar’s decree, the Andriivsky Monastery received all the people, as well as priests and deacons, “in life, and rank, and in reading and writing in the Church, and in the cell rules of the non-abyak.” Nezabar at the monastery, a brotherhood was formed (the so-called Rtishchev brotherhood), as if it was engaged in translating books, and from the end of leaf fall in 1652, when a school was opened, teaching basic grammar, words, English, Latin and Greek, rhetoric and philosophy. At 1650 p. in the monastery lived the monks Epfaniy (Slavinetsky) and Arseniy (Satanovsky), who arrived from Kiev, together put together the "Lexicon of words-Latin". In 1652 p. Kiev spivachs (“spivaks”) settled in the Andriivsky monastery with the regent and composer Fyodor Ternopilsky. The very chants of the Andriivsky monastery were prepared before the Bible had been seen, as the light near Moscow at the Drukovany Dvor was born in 1663. At the monastery of Rtishchev, I also create a library and a school for young people in different countries. It was established in the name of one of the teachers - the Pole elder Varlaam from the Vilna (Vilnius) monastery of the Enchantment of the Holy Spirit. Varlaam taught the children Polish and Latin languages.


By the decree of Peter I in 1724 Andriyivska cloister was built, and the money was transferred to the Don Monastery. The churches became parfial, in other days, by decree, a school was set up for “scandalous children”, so that illegally people and children and vyaznytsya.

After the death of Peter I, in 1730, the monastery for a certain hour restores activity, and the school, and liquidates it. In 1762, the Synod recognized the Andriivsky monastery as a Timchas' place for the morning of the divine.

In 1764, after the Catherine's reform, the cloister was left behind, part of the wall and the cells were taken apart, the churches were reduced to the parish ones. Under the hour of the epidemic 1771 p. The bele of the Andriivsky monastery was blessed with a zvintar for the noble townspeople and inhabitants of the Moscow monasteries.

In 1775 p. in the monastery, a robotic booth was set up for the “lazy” woman’s status (to be a free woman). At the robotic booth of the stench, hanks and ropes were made for the needs of the Admiralty.

In 1803 p. The monastery was transferred to the exile of the Moscow Merchant Association for the construction of both articles, which began in 1805 (architect F. K. Sokolov), the remaining building of inducements in 1878 (architect A. S. Kaminsky). The number of almshouses increased from 150 people in 1805 to 956 in 1906. The temples of the monastery were not only for cheering at the almshouse, but also for the Meshkants of the nearest Moscow settlements - Andriivsky and Zhivodernaya.

Until 1917, the Church of the Resurrection founded a church parish school, founded in 1900 on the initiative of the rector, Priest Mikoli Molchanov.

Radian period

In 1918, the almshouse's roci pripinil іsnuvannya, budinki-communes of the 1st Moscow Goznak factory were placed near the monastery's budinki. In 1923, the temple of Andriy Stratilat was transferred to the employees of Goznak and the school (but it didn’t come out), in 1925, a club ruled at the Resurrection Church. At the temple of the Apostle John the Theologian, divine services were held until the end of the 30s.

The necropolis of the monastery, which was built in the 18th-19th centuries (on the territory of the Andriivsky monastery, there were buried Pleshcheev, Shcherbatov, Sheremetev), mostly from the 20s - 40s. Only three funeral slabs (XVIII century), walled into the basement of the vvtar apse of the Church of the Resurrection, were saved until this hour.

In 1964, the monastery’s buddies were placed at the disposal of the Committee of Standards, entering and vimiruvalnyh priladіv SRSR, they were placed by the Moscow State Control Laboratory with vimіryuvalnoї tekhnika, reorganized by the year for the All-Union NDI metrological service of State Standard.

Since 1967, restoration works were carried out in the Andriivsky Monastery (the author of the project is the architect G. K. Ignatiev).

In 1991, by decree of the Holy Patriarch Alexy II, the Patriarch of the Podvir was founded in the monastery, and in the coming year, 1992, the Church of the Resurrection was consecrated, in which the service was celebrated. In 1996, the complex of the Kolishny Andriivsky Monastery was transferred to the church for the placement of the Synodal Library of the Moscow Patriarchy. Starting from 1998, there was a public illumination of the “School at the Andriivsky Monastery”. There is also the Institute of Biblical Translations, Zagalnotserkovna Postgraduate School named after St. rіvnoap. Cyril and Methodius, the Synodal Information Council of the Moscow Patriarchate and the Orthodox TV channel Soyuz.

To the decisions of the Holy Synod on April 16, 2013 under the head of the Holy Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Kiril Patriarch under the b. Andriivsky monastery was turned into Andriivsky stavropegic human monastery of Moscow metropolitan area. His Grace Bishop Feofilakt of Dmitrov, vicar of the Holy Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia, who holds the Pivdenno-zahіdnim vicariate of the city of Moscow, has been recognized as the nascent of the Andriivsky Monastery.

The formal address of the monastery in our days is Andriivska embankment, budinok 2. Coordinates: 55.71186, 37.57518. Travel to st. metro station "Leninsky prospekt" or "Vorobyovi ​​gory"

At the monastery, three churches were saved, and a small building of the 19th century with a complex of almshouses.


Temples of the monastery:

1. Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ in Polonyanki

2. Church of St. John the Theologian (at the door)

3. Church of St. Martyr. Andriy Stratilata over the gates

Other life of the monastery:

4. Pivnіchny building of the bogadіlnі (XIX century)

5. Pivdenny corps of the almshouse (ninth Synoydalna library) (XIX century)

6. Monastyrska sporuda

7. Concealed building of the almshouse (cob of the 19th century)

Scheme of the territory of the monastery from the site website about Orthodox architecture

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