Inexpensive do-it-yourself navis for a summer residence. Navisi to the dacha for cars, gazebos, ganks, photos of simple life. Pergolas with wooden beams

For additional help, you can save your house from the wood, snow and sleep, expand the living space, hide the car or other equipment. With impersonal functions, like vikonu tsya pribudov, life is hanging with your own hands - more lower you can create a task for a novice!

Hanging structures - from arrival to wake-up!

Navіs - a solemn name for the great number of spring incomes and independent budіvels. The designs of the hanging ones are the most versatile – one-handed and two-handed, straight and richly faceted. And the classification is better for the expansion of the designs even more:

  • pribudovani navіsi zvodatsya vprituly up to the wall budinka or other budіvlі, above the entrance or vіdkritim balcony, veranda. Such constructions are easy to vikonate after the life of a house, the stink on the cob does not enter the plan of life;
  • vbudovanі konstruktsії є є part of the architectural ensemble, which are transferred to the stage of designing budіvlі. So hovering most often over the maidan for a barbecue, roblyachi yogo nibi prodovzhennyam booth;
  • okremі navіsi zvodyatsya aside budіvel. Most often, they sporudzhuyut through the marriage of the garage, or for a short-hour collection of any materials. Structures that can stand still are also popular on wide, open-air maidanchiks, where they are lined for the repair of people, as an alternative to gazebos.

For navіsіv vikoristovuyut different materials, as for the creation of the most load-bearing construction, and for pokrіvlі. Call the tree, polycarbonate, corrugated board, metal profile, outline. The “alive” hangings look original, the cover of which is overgrown with lianas, for example, girlish grapes. Easiest way, the beams can also be replaced with metal pipes.

Budіvnitstvo hanging with your own hands - why start?

Let's look at the variant of the building, which is hung over with one's own hands, without the involvement of fahіvtsіv and assistants. For the implementation of the project 6 * 3 m overhang at the first stage you will need:

  • six profile pipes 100*100*4000 mm;
  • 13 boards 50*150*6000 mm;
  • 15 boards 30*150*6000 mm;
  • 2-3 bears of cement;
  • 0.2 m 3 crushed stone;
  • 0.2 m 3 pist;
  • Bulgarian;
  • betonozmіshuvach or єmnіst for manual mixing concrete.

Try to carry out purchases without intermediary before the cob of work, shards for clarity, it is better to fold all materials without intermediary for the life of life. After purchasing robimo rozmіtku pіd support, it is necessary to create a rectangle, the sides of which are 3 and 6 m.

The upper ends of the supports must be prepared in front for fixing the beams. Zrobiti tse awkward, but you need a grinder. It is cut with a tool along the corners by 100 mm and bends in the middle of the two sides, making room for the landing of the beam. At the standing sides, robably, two are opened for bolts, with which the beams will be superficially fixed.

At the preparation of the pit, a little bit of crushed stone is poured to the bottom, we install posts and fix them for additional extensions. The profiles are rotated according to a six-meter doshtsi, so it is necessary to put up to two extreme risers. Z tsієї w doshtsі you can set up and the middle support. In order to check the upper borders of the posts, make sure that the upper borders are two meters apart and make the marks. Pulling the twine between the extreme struts, for the help of a rare equalizer, which is necessary to apply to a horizontally stretched twine, we check the correctness of the framing of the supports.

If you finish with one side, go to the offensive. Robity is necessary for everything behind this very algorithm, there is only one view of the sides - at different heights of the supports. One side can be 30-50 cm thick for water drainage. If the posts are installed and fixed, proceed to the preparation of the cracking - for 1 part of cement, 3 parts of sand and 4 parts of crushed stone are needed. Ready-made rozchin is poured at the pit with exposed supports. Having given you the trochs to death, you should fix the upper ends, having placed the plates on the preparation of the mass.

Bazhano pokat, docks concrete gain sufficient hardness, at the same time you can drink from two days to a month.

Do not forget to water yoga in the sinter, and as soon as frosts are approaching - cover the supports of the foundation with a garniy ball on the ground. The best time needed for a complete overtaking period, and even more necessary, before the final stage, you can proceed as early as a few days.

How to grow navis - we proceed to cover and cover!

If the concrete is well caught, the very hour is to proceed to the roof and cover. You need the following materials and tools, such as:

  • metal tile chi polycarbonate chi іnshiy type pokrіvlі - 18 m 2;
  • samonarіzi for metal tiles (160 pcs) or reinforced for another type of roofing;
  • 0.5 kg flowers (120 mm);
  • 10 bolts and nuts (diameter - 10 mm, length - 150 mm);
  • fastening pіd zholobi (20 pcs);
  • zholobi zlivnі - 6 meters.

Yak robiti navіs - pokrokov scheme

Krok 1: Installation of beams between st_ykami

Like beams, you can install a beam, but after a certain hour, later cracks can appear at a new one, which worsens the hardness of this material. Therefore, it is recommended to vicorate two boards 50 * 150 * 6000 mm, as they are bolted together.

Krok 2: Installing the crucible and resolving

On the beams with a winder, 75 divs are fixed to each other with a rub of transverse boards. Across these boards, along the edges and in the middle, we put smaller boards with peretina, for the stability of the vertical position. Fasten the boards to the beams with great flowers, the shards of the screws break in the vibration, even if they are vibrated, add potassium. After fixing the boards, we will install "thirty-fives", which we have lost, until then we will fasten the metal tile. Vіdstan mіzh doshkami maє buti equal or less in terms of width to the width of the covering material.

Krok 3: Laying the cover

When metal tiles are installed, the lower leaves are needed, and then the upper ones. As if blaming the excesses, cut them more quickly with a grinder and metal scissors. To establish special reinforcement.

Krok 4: Spillway

If the cover is ready, the very hour of rozpochat vlastuvannya evil zholobiv. Vіdmіryаєmo nebhіdnu dovzhina, zayve vіzaєmo bolgarka, і, rozpodіlyayuchi on all vіy dovzhіnі navіsu, krіpimo їkh self-tapping screws. If all the fortifications are installed, it is the very hour to put the gouges in them. You can see the scheme in front of him, like building a visor over the garage - you will only need to repair two days, if you want to replace the wall of the garage. Under such a visor, it is easy to climb into the wood of other falls, not only a person, but also a car.

Important nuances - what you can’t forget about!

You already know, how to grow navis, lost the z'yasuvati, how to continue the term of yogo exploitation. For this and metal and wooden elements before installation, shave with storage warehouses. In the case of metal pipes, anti-corrosion primers should be used, and wooden elements should be treated with anti-fungal and water-based primers. The stench seems to be as bezbarvnimy, so sinking, to that, krіm zahisnoї ї ї ї, add to the overhanging sovnіshnіshnі privablіvі.

Having grown navis, do not forget to add respect and respect. Options are rich - from a concrete screed to a pillow with gravel or crushed stone. Well, there are many disputes at home, then best option there will be a wooden pidlog. Do not cover under the overhang a sprinkling of sockets and a garne of illumination. Sob not to stain on the curtains of budmaterials, to plant curly growths near the overhanging, for example, girlish grapes, which, in one season, curled a majestic square. This is both beautiful and practical, even if the winds of the lianas you take away the good wind in the wind.

Vlasniks of dachas and private cottages, with great satisfaction at the weekends, would spend more than an hour on open air. However, such a repair can sip the sun and the woods, driving people back to hati. Therefore, hanging from such places is simply necessary, it protects well from the sun, creating a shadow. In such a place it is acceptable. How to encourage the navіs with your own hands for repair, and how the design for the tsy pіdіyde, we'll talk about it.

Depends on the design of the overhang

Talking about everyday life hanging for a break, next to say about those who stink like. If you have a vision to the lake or a river for a picnic, then you can pick it up easy, mother to finish a stable frame. The navіs can be without a frame, looking like a great vіdіzu fabric awning with skeins along the edges, the price is the simplest kind of navіsu. However, for yoga reinforcement, you need high and white wood. It won’t take you a lot of time to stretch the rozbіrnogo navіsu with your own hands, it’s possible to turn around if the person has grown up.

If it is suggested to hold a house at the dacha or near the yard of a private booth, then in this case you can be different, including the choice. One of the fast-installed navіsіv є dacha rose navіs. Yogo fasten the booth to the brackets to the wall. Pushing the buttons on the control panel, the navis turns around, shaking the area of ​​the booth from the sun. Dachnі navisi this type ryatuyut vіd plank and ultraviolet change.

Install such a navis with your own hands not in a difficult warehouse. The advantage of yoga is that you can burn down even more quickly, if it is necessary, for example, strong winds will rise at night, if you want to lie down just in the sky, having mercy on the stars, or burn down yoga for the winter hour. You can pull on such a navis like a booth over a gank, so over a terrace. Rozsuvnі navіsi can be buti and okremi, but for obshtuvannya such a zone, you need a vіdkritiy maidanchik.

Most of the time, people will hang on the dachas above them, so that they can be beaten not only timchasovo, picking right or picking the hang, but stily. Such a navіs vryatuє not less than in the summer sintering, but in the hail, sometimes in the snow. Up to such navіsіv it is possible to add navіs from the covering from:

  • polycarbonate;
  • corrugated board;
  • metal tiles;
  • awning fabric.

Important! For cladding of the zone, it is not necessary to varto vikoristovuvat corrugated board as a cheap material. To the right, in the hour where the wood is standing, there is a strong noise from the impact of the drops on the dash. It’s unlikely that I’ll allow you to do it, just a little dratuvatime.

If the noise doesn’t please you, then hanging from the corrugated board will become superb shelters for repairing at the dacha. From such a material, it is possible to build one-schily or two-schilia. To build an arched navіs the best way to vikoristovuvaty polycarbonate. Polycarbonate is easy to bend and swell, whether it be a form, or else, behind the power of the wines, it does not give way. Hanging from tarpaulin, PVC and acrylic fabrics can also be used. Fabric navis can be taken for the winter period.

Features of the installation of supports for the canopy

To build a country navis with your own hands, you need to stock up necessary materials, it is necessary to conduct them in the fallow, in the form of expansion of the overhang and the thin area, as if it were overhang. As for the cover, then everything is more or less understood. Let's talk about those, which can be a supporting structure. For supports, call vicorist metal stovpi, glued timber or sawn timber.

Metal stovpi can stand for ten years, and the axis of the tree at the shortest time is 15, fallow in the face of weather minds. When tsmu їх the installation is carried out in an offensive rank:

  • near the soil, there is a pit with a depth of about 60 cm;
  • gravel and sand pile up on the bottom;
  • farther the support is installed in the pit and fixed at the vertical position;
  • then it is necessary to fill the pit with rose cement, mixed with gravel and sand;
  • let the cement be well caught with a stretch of 2-3 days.

In addition, it is possible to concrete the dacha of the zone for repair, especially as the soil at the dacha is swampy and uneven. And then we will cover this Maidanchik with a plank or with paving slabs.

We will hang with our own hands

Let's look at it, as if you were hanging on the dacha with your own hands, on the butt of a simple design with a single-sided dah, which sticks to the booth.

  1. We take a bar with a diameter of 90x90 mm of a 2.5 m zavdovka for a quantity of 4 pieces, and 1 such bar of a zavdovka 4.5 m.
  2. Several front supports are installed using the concrete method to a depth of 50 cm, and the rear support is fixed on the wall of a booth at a height of 2.4 m, so that the slope is steep.
  3. Now, with a beam, the rear support from the front support behind the additional kutochkiv.
  4. Robimo frame made of timber 50x50 mm.
  5. On the wooden floor, I will firmly cover it with polycarbonate, laying the leaves with the side away from the hillside from the ultraviolet.

    It is necessary to fasten the sheets of steel-coated polycarbonate on bolts with a gum washer, moreover, it is necessary to work hard, but do not press the bolt into the sheet.

  6. A drain can be screwed along the front edge of the dahu.

In order to build a navis from a metal frame, it will be necessary to carry out a brewing operation. Such a variant for the creation of the zone is not necessary. First, it’s an expensive option, but in a different way, you need special equipment, and also, you have to get a job from a business company. If it’s clear to you, then on the bottom of the testimony is the butt of how you can build a metal overhang zone with your own hands.

It's easier to arrange hanging PVC pipes and curtains for the bathroom with your own hands. For a zone of recovery at the dacha on a smoky summer day - not a good option. For such a navіsu it is necessary:

  • two curtains for the bathroom with a size of 2.4 x 2 m;
  • a piece of shchilnoi fabric for loops;
  • two PVC pipes with a diameter of 25-30 mm, a sash 6 meters.

Curtains are sewn between themselves in height, so they are folded with a side of 2.4 m and are stitched by a machine. Viide is a rectangle with a width of 2.4 m and a length of 4 m. Loops of thin fabric are sewn on both sides. The optimal cut between the loops is 15 cm. PVC tubes are stretched in the loop, and then they dig into the ground to a depth of 30-40 cm, like in the photo. Miraculous navіs at the dacha in the sun ready. Internal lining of such a zone should be repaired independently.

Otzhe, navis for repair is simply necessary. Navit the simplest, sprout from handy materials, hover over you like a son and allow you to spend an hour on the street. And to that, without prejudice, cover yourself with such a little tuft in the fresh air.

For a change, on a fresh wind, there are pale patches of sun or wood that do not spring up at once. The most popular types of food are for summer cottages, for self-motivation, or for lucrative fahivtsiv. stink serve optimal zahist in the sun or falling down, it’s not easy to argue with your own hands at any place in a country house.

What is a country navіs

Hanging, like sporadzhuyut on summer cottages, with a supporting structure near the looking dekilkoh vertical stands, which support the covering system of a flat or curved form, on which a covering is installed from that or another material. It looks simpler, hangs on the dacha - the cover is lightened, it is installed on high stilts and it is victorious for protection from different atmospheric manifestations.

The specificity of these spores lies in the fact that as a result they are created without walls, they are adopted, that they cannot construct, that they steal. In some vicarious vaults, there are zvichayny firankas, with which they cover the inner part, obsessively close the application to the mark of the mark. In fact, the navіs is the most simple, a small version of the gazebo, which can be quickly built up, doing without the foundation, building walls and other elements of the traditional gazebo.

What are the functions?

Hangings near the garden can serve different functions. Nasampered, the stench is recognized for repair on the fresh air with relatives. Zahist in view of sleepy exchanges, or allow the board not to be taken to respect, wait a minute, then take away the satisfaction from the combination of that change of situation in whatever minds.

At navіsіv dachas є chimalі gospodarskie funktsії. For example, spore, I was sent to the dacha booth, to ensure the vikonannnya rіznih robіt pіd zahistom vіd chi sontsya, so that I can significantly extend the working hour.

Sound close to noon on a spicy day, all life in the country villages zavmiraє through speck, but the life is hanging on giving the opportunity to celebrate this year more rationally. Not less zruchny navіs pіd hour doschu. For example, if you need to do more car repairs, it’s easy to just smash it up and slacken off the comfort of your mind.

See the hangings

First of all, you will begin to build a country navіs with your own hands, you will need to designate it with yogo dimensions, construction and material, from which to create a dispute. Nasampered, next virishity, in what order to mount a bearing construction. Summer cottages become stationary, installed in a singing place for a permanent victoria, and arbitrarily, which may allow moving in a be-like place, which was worthy of a job. Most of all, for summer cottages with their own hands, they can work as stationary, but the possibility of changing the place is far from being on all plots.

There are two options for the folding of the supporting spore:

  • A design that is worth it. This option is a milder version of the garden gazebo. Hanging over the table allows you to spend an hour with a family member or a company of friends, practically come what may.
  • Arriving to the wall of the booth. Such a design is economical, shards of support on the wall allow you to secure sufficient hardness and strength. In addition, the proximity to the booth made it easier for the rulers to work at the table setting, transferring styles or other furniture. Often pribudova navіsu dopomogaє virіshity power supply from the possession of the parking space of the car, de є brighter sleepy lighting and you can carry out clumsy repair work.

Having risen from the supporting structure, it is necessary to replace the power supply with the covering of the overhang. Її you can prepare different types material:

  • Decking. Metal cover over the mitzna, freely showing the snow during the winter period. With whom there is power to rust, with the help of a polymeric frosty ball, make up heavily under the board.
  • Slate. The traditional type of asbestos-cement material in this hour is considered environmentally friendly, but now you see the slate does not avenge asbestos and is safe. In addition, the latter see the material is richly light, which will simplify the most to the design that they carry.
  • Polycarbonate. Napіvprozoriya material, scho may have a few options for zabarvlennya with a different level of transparency. Light, alemic. Noise under the plank, the building plastically bends, swelling the shape of the supporting structure. More folding forms of hanging can be covered with polycarbonate.
  • Fabric. The simplest type of cover, which is easy to install and remove for early cleaning. The material burns under the sun, it is wet under the wood, it is not durable, but it is notably inexpensive. Vykoristovuetsya mainly in the summer period.

In addition, the next step is to select the cover configuration. Summer navіsi can mother so see pokrіvlі:

  • It's straight, which is flat without a hitch. Under the hour, I’ll do it so I can’t think of an organized drain of water, so it’s safe to do so. The most common hangings of this type are light spores with covering from fabrics, which, if necessary, can be easily removed for cleaning.
  • Skatna. Dakh navisu maє stole in one bіk () or in two, on a kshtalt dahu booth. One-hill garden sheds for a summer residence sound close to the wall of a booth, two-hills are installed again. The shape of the slopes can be symmetrical, or it can be folded into two different ones over the area and the size of the flats.
  • Complicated shape. The cover is not flat; Smoothly rounded dahi sound shy at the navіsіv, it’s okay to stand, and wimpy - at the arrivals. Hang on the dacha folding shape the covers are high decorative yakostya and embellish the davit.

Let's take a look at the options for preparing the support structure from different materials:

Metal hangings for a summer residence

It should be clarified that the phrase "metal hangings for summer cottages" can only be applied to the supporting system, covering it with any material. Go about the racks and the supporting system.

Like a stalk, ring out the vicorist metal pipes of a round or rectangular cut. The stench was buried by the lower stumps in the soil and concreted, and the upper ones were sown in a rough way, or for additional bolts, they were tied with crucible farms. To strengthen the stamina and increase their stamina along the later axis, t.z. zv'yazkovі trusses Most often they are fixed at the upper part of the stands, under the krovyanimi farms. Tse allow you to use the space below for re-dressing, accommodation of furniture, or any kind of outbuildings. Metal navisi metal, superimposed in operation, and ale їх varity of things for the varity of other species.

Hanging trees

For be-like a person, yak conceived to encourage a navis for a summer residence with her own hands, a tree is the best choice in the distance. It is easy to use, affordable and inexpensive. Wooden navіs neobov'yazkovo bury in the ground, є design options, installed directly on the ground. Such a dispute can not great vaga, which vyyshli z fret elements can be easily replaced or repaired. A short village is building up to zhaloblennya, fixing cracks, rot. In addition, the wood is fire-resistant, which creates for such sporuds supplementary fencing (installation of braziers or barbecues, raising the bag toshcho).

Hang from the chains

At to this particular type it would be more correct to speak with victorious tsegly, shards of splendid shyness only stand for stіyok. As if we were laying flat supports for the roof system, then as a result we will have a completely capital altanka, and we will need a foundation with earthen and teslyar-concrete robots to add to the new. That is why the best option is to strengthen the entire lower part of the stilts, as if they increase their stability, to fix them on the ground and give the possibility to take a support for the railing, enclosing or other elements of the structure, which are vikoristovuyutsya as required.

How to encourage navis at the dacha

In order to grow on the dacha with your own hands, you need the presence of a few positions:

  • Robot project. Sporuda, prompted without a plan, navmannya, maybe it will not show up, that it was planned on the spot. Navis, which can raptly fall on the heads of the guests of the household, is over a careless mess. Necessary report project, which is sure to have all the details, ways of installation, just enough.
  • Tools and materials. On the basis of the project, the necessary tools (as there are no more) and materials are bought. Practice shows that the material should be bought from the current stock - about 10-15%. It’s not necessary to make more money, but to help you blow your temper through pardons, it’s wrong to do it too thin.
  • People, yakі mayut sevnі znannya і navitchki. Shards will hang on my dachas with my own hands, hiring practitioners from the side is turned off. Tim is not less, I won’t get the advice of a knowledgeable person in such situations, as a good knowledgeable relative may appear.

Because of that, as all the projects and post-starter nutrition virishenya, it is no longer necessary to indulge in hanging at the dacha with your own hands. The largest expansion option - metal navіs - will follow this scheme:

  • Rozmіtka delyanka, appointed place of installation of stands.
  • At the designated points, the tops of the ridges of about 60 cm are excavated. A small ball of gravel is heaped on the bottom for the drainage of groundwater.
  • Near the Sverdloviny, metal studs are tangled up. At their ends, it is recommended to weld steel maidanchiks, which will increase the strength of the connection and the stability.
  • The posts veer relatively vertically and are fixed in the correct position. For whom you can winkle up the stretch marks, as if they are fastened with buns to the ground, or you can install a time band, like fixing all the posts in the required position.
  • Sverdloviny are poured with concrete and vitreated until they are completely caught.
  • The selection and installation of krokvyanyh farms is being carried out. Tsі dії can be carried out both on the ground, and without intermediary on the installation site. On the earth is richer, but if you happen to climb up the mountain, you can do important farms. On the mіstsі - folded, but you need less okre parts, which is much easier.
  • The last point of the camp is the installation of a coating of selected materials - polycarbonate, profiled sheet, slate and fabric.

Slid to get to the top, I could not be safe when vikonann robit, the shards of the deacons will happen to win on the heights, high and not too great.
It is clumsy to make a garden awning with your own hands; As a result, it became more convenient and more comfortable place for getting married at the dacha in the company of close and dear people. Simplicity of construction, installation robots, or to keep an eye on the spores є suttєvimi navіsіv on the country house, and the possibility of giblets to add їkh configuration to slacken so arguably to make it promising in the operational plan.

Video about everyday life for a dacha

Through the river of life, I wanted to get a booth up to the yogo facade wall hanging. Sob vin buv is functional, but at the same time it’s even simpler for the design. What is needed for the overhang? Naygolovnіshe - for the rahunok of the new one, I wanted to take an additional place for the summer vіdpochinku, protected from the sleepy changing that board. For sit-downs on the floor, you can bulo and dine at the yard, and at the sun lounger. Behind the project, navis maw, as a matter of fact, I am replacing the vіdkrytoї gazebo, but with a bigger simple design. For the first hour of everyday life, a minimum of material resources and physical suspense was sifted.

For 2 tyzhnі ideas the plan was made. On the basis of taking away practical skills and knowledge, I want to propagate your respect for the life of the simplest classical canopy, brought to the house.

The construction was standard for this type of canopy. It's just a krokvyan system of pokrіvlі on supports. Rozmіri navisu in the plan - 1.8x6 m, height to the dahu - 2.4 m. From one side, as a supporting element, there are metal stovpi (4 pcs. to the facade), from the other side - a plank, screwed to the wall of the house. Pokrittya pokrivlі - leaves of Onduri (analogue of Ondulin, s great roses leaves). Between the steps, it was planned to install the parts, so that you could sit in the shade under the eaves, enjoy the nature and fresh airs, wind up in the midday heat.

Otzhe, I’ll start rozpovid about those, how tsey conceived buv realizations. I hope I can describe the whole process in an accessible way.

Krok #1 - installation of metal stovpіv

Having started the installation of metal stovpіv, so that the vertical stіyok hang, on which the krokvyan system of the dahu can be placed. There are less than 4 pieces, the stench goes to the facade, on the vіdstanі 1.8 m vіd stіni. Behind the plan of the dovzhin navіsu to become 6 m (along the entire dovzhin façade of the booth), then the stіyok will be 1.8 m (with the improvement of the vinosіv pokrіvlі on the sides of the vіd stіyok).

For the walls, 4 steel pipes 60x60x3 mm with a square cross section of 3.9 m were purchased. The stench will be buried 1.5 m in the ground (lower than freezing), the animal will lose 2.4 m.

On the back of my hand, I built with small pieces the place for the installation of stovpchikiv - strictly on the vіdstanі 1.8 m vіd stіni. I cleared everything, opened the horizontal lines. Then we used a drill with a 150 mm nozzle and drilled 4 holes with a depth of 1.5 m.

Vіdpovіdno before the planned program, pіd stіyki will be pouring the pale foundation from concrete. It is worth trying in such a way: the skin layer is installed in the pit, into which concrete is poured. Reinforced fires come out, which make up the posts.

Pouring concrete without a middle at the visverdlenі hole is not necessary. It is necessary to work the insulation, as if it were an hourly work of the formwork. For whom I vyrishiv vikoristovuvat roofing felt sleeves - twisted at the sight of the cylinder in the roofing felt. Dovzhina sleeves can be such that concrete fires protrude above the level ground by 10 cm.

Concrete, pouring at the sleeve with roofing felt, thin metal studs.

I cut the pieces of roofing felt, folded them at the sleeve and creaked with tape (you can use a stapler). Dali at the bottom of the skin pit, having sunk a ball of 10 cm into the hole, and inserting a sleeve there. Formwork for concrete is ready.

The sleeve had metal studs installed. On the back - two extreme ones, I turned them vertically and vertically (2.4 m), pulling a cord between them and already placing two intermediate steps in the same way. After that, the bay near the sleeve is concrete (from the ready-made sum, adding more water and everything - it’s easy).

On shoplyuvannya that vіdkidannya concrete I vіdvіv 3 days. For this hour, it is not possible to make the racks, so I started preparing the wooden parts - the supporting boards and the crocks.

There will also be a corny material about those, how to build a terrace:

Krok #2 - robbed

The structure has 2 supporting boards, on which there is a layer of blood and the entire roof structure. One of the boards is fastened on the wall, the other one is on the stovpah-racks. On top of the supporting boards, at the transverse straight, krokvi are laid.

The boards were taken with a retina of 150x50 mm, a length of 6 m. Sheared off that polished them independently, which took a full hour. Then, the results have been improved, having looked at the surface for the greater class.

The crocks will be laid in the grooves of the supporting boards. Another one head bіl- it is necessary to look at the grooves, moreover, under the hood, the crooks are sharp. In order to determine the cut of that mіstsya vrіzannya, Vikonati had a chance to try the installation of boards. To the wall, I screwed such a doshka with capercaillie 140x8 mm, to the metal studs - with 8 mm studs with wedges of washers and nuts.

Now, if the supporting boards are in their places, a small child went to the head, for help, I appointed a kut nachily krokv. Because of what the boards were taken, and in them, with the help of the vіdomogo kut, the grooves under the blood were vibrated.

The krokvi is also prepared from boards 150x50 mm, 2 m of the headband. Usogo krokw veyshlo 7 pieces. Їhnіy krok installed on the supporting boards - 1 m.

After finishing the cut to the grooves, all the details were made by the Holz Lazur JOBI warehouse, what is needed, the “teak” color.

Dali everything was mounted. Supporting boards - like and before the hour of the front fastening, so for the help of capercaillie that studs. Krokvi fit the animal, in the grooves of the boards and were clogged with flowers. There were 2 flowers on the skin groove, hammered through the blood, it was sick, nazustrich one to one.

Boards 100x25 mm, 6 m long - 7 pieces were sent to Onduru's lati. I screwed them upside down with self-tapping screws.

Leaves of Onduri are laid on the grating and nailed with flowers with oval ties with plastic under the color of the flooring. As a matter of fact, you are already ready, now you can not worry about the plank and oblashtovuvat the place under the overhang. For example, bring a garden table and chairs there.

Navіs, covered with sheets of euroslate Ondura

The ends of the crocodile have lost their marks, which is not good for decoration. That gutter of creepiness showed up nowhere. Therefore, for completeness, I screwed to the ends of the crooked frontal board - lining, with a length of 6 m.

The frontal board perekrivaetsya buttsі krokv i create a support for rinvi.

The next stage is fixing the drain. Two gutters of 3 m each were installed on the frontal dosh.

Krok #3 - pouring the foundation under the min-wall

Sob for an hour the water did not drain the board under the navіs, I virіshiv zrobiti between the risers a low-lying pіdpіrnu wall іz tsegl. For her, a necessary line foundation, which I have built for standard technology. Digging between the supports of the trench on the bagnet shovels and putting up the formwork from the boards. At the bottom of the trench, I piled a pillow of 10 cm.

Without fittings, I was afraid to work, which is small, it is possible, cracks under it and fall apart. Let's mix up the concrete and fill it up to the trench. It was necessary to check, while the concrete was shoveling and hardening, I would turn around to the supporting wall again. And now - start decorating your spores.

Krok # 4 - installation of overlays on the steps of the trellis

The time has come to marvel at the sky with a critical look. Trochs vibrated from the scorched composition of the metal strut overhanging. Virishiv I їх to decorate and ennoble, sewing up with wooden overlays. For myself, I have lost a sprat of boards 100x25 mm. Їх I and zakripiv over metal stovpіv behind additional vіdrіzkіv M8 studs, washers and nuts. Between the overlays (from the side of the trellis installation), having lost space, I inserted a 45x20 mm rail. Reiki made ledges, horizontal elements of tapestries will be fixed on them.

The black of fastened tapestries has come. I have selected for them a part of the little ones from a cut opening at the center. Tsey otvіr having allowed me to vicorist for the trellis not only dovgі slats, but also trimmings. It can be said that there has been no way out of volatility. That one, looking like such a little one, clicks, below the standard monotonous squares.

Reiki for trellises were robbed, with a path of late release of boards 100x25mm, which I had. The board was split into three parts, the slats were cut off. Residual recutting of the rails (after grinding) - 30x20 mm.

The wallpaper is made without frames, the slats are fastened only on the vertical ledges of the stands. On the back, I put horizontal slats, screwing them up to the protrusions with screws. Let's sweat on top of them by fixing vertical slats. Veyshla is a decorative lattice, which was like a team planted grapes. At the same time, I’m already at full strength to climb along the trellis and may have crossed the wall of the spore. Darkness protects from the midday speck. Tse duzhe before speech, shards hovering from the pivden side of the booth and without hovering here it’s practically impossible to walk in the day through the anomalous speck.

There will also be a corny material about those how to rule the veranda to the booth:

The trellises are gathered from the slats without intermediary "on the spot"

Krok #5 - everyday life

The rest stage is the life of the pіdpіrnoї wall. Strіchkovy foundation pіd new already caught, you can rozpochinati robot. For waterproofing, I glued 2 balls of roofing material to the foundation line, smearing the skin ball with mastic. From above, along the roofing material, raising a pidpirn wall behind a equal, 3 ceglins high.

Pidpirna wall do not allow dripping boards and water, when watering, spend on the maidanchik under the eaves

Now there will be less mud when watering that board. That one looks so richly sympathetic.

Axis, maybe, and everything. Navis buv zbudovaniya. The whole project was implemented by me alone, but I didn’t mention the difficulties of the process. In the future, the Maidanchik under the eaves was covered with paving slabs. It can be said that I had a crita terrace chi a vіdkrita altanka - call it like anyone should. Wanting for the construction, tse - a great overhang on the stovpah, the hour for everyday life was not very rich.

On the back, let's figure out what is hovering and what kind of wind is blowing from the gazebo and the awning? Tse dispute, like at the moment of the villain, has long been sporudzhuvaetsya, shchob people, creatures, speeches. Widened throughout. Hanging for a summer residence is easy to build from hand-made materials with your own hands.

Advantages of navіsіv

  • The design is light, easy to install.
  • Sporuda mіtsna, but not so fundamental, like a gazebo or a wake-up call.
  • Stationary summer house, on the vіdmіnu vіd awning, i dovgovіchnіshiy. Serve the rulers a lot of years.
  • It's cheaper for other similar disputes, but the function of defending against the scoundrels is victorious.

There are few, I can only name one. Tsya Budova is open to all the winds, good is blown. About tse it is necessary to remember the hour of everyday life and that podbaty, so that your creation stood on the ground, it was especially mіtsnim, could be seen if the weather was good. Qiu’s mind is awkwardly vikonati, you see him, zvichayno, vporaetes, virishiv zbuduvati hovering at the dacha.
On the cob it depends on the type of construction and the necessary materials.

See the hangings

  • How to prodovzhennya dahu will arrive navisi - visors. From one side of such a booth there is a wall (part of a booth), the other sides are open.
    Vykoristovuyutsya for prikrittya ganka, storage of firewood, verandas, barbecues.
  • Okremi sporudi is another type of such constructions. Near the village, at the dacha, with a “parasol”, they cover the wells, summer kitchens, in the middle of the city - the grains of transport, parking lots, cafes, sports yards, bus stations, counters in the bazaars. At the dacha there were such hangings to plant a green fence. As a result, a miracle garden gazebo emerges.
    The universal spore protects the population from scorching sleepy shifts, anger, unacceptable wind, snowfall.

The guards of the buds are also different - I looked directly at the sickness.

  • Straight. The simplest option is straight cover. Vikoristovuetsya for parking.
  • Pohili. Buvayut one or two. Zavdyaki to that daha can be hurt, the water drains from the dahu in time.
  • Folding. In some cases, design projects are chosen for non-standard, non-standard, original forms. For example, from a drink. Such a navis is also unimportant to build with your own hands.

Materials for suspended structures

Arrangements for this type will be made from available materials, as they are for sale.

  • For the frame, vicorous wood is either metal, or the wood parts are combined with metal.
  • Plastic trumpets, like the basis of the vicorist, are more and more often the rest of the hour.
  • To cover, choose, for your own account, cover from the list:
    • metal tile;
    • modern polymeric material - monolithic polycarbonate, fiberglass, otherwise coated;
    • corrugated board;
    • slate;
    • special fabrics, designated for awnings;
    • mіtsne sklo, orgsklo;
    • Micium polyethylene.

Front work before everyday life

  1. We will think over the scheme of hanging, we will draw a chair.
  2. We choose a place for arrival, we clean it and we clean it, we work a mark for supports.
  3. For the protection of the countryside, the details of the wood are treated with an antiseptic. We prepare a warehouse or, for example, farbuyemo ґruntovka, and then farboy.
  4. We are preparing a support for sporudzhennya. Beremo 5 bars of wood (90x90 mm). Shards are planned for frailty, bars, used for front supports, but they are smaller by 40-50 cm in height, so they put a booth on the wall. We prepare the crumbs and blanks for reshetuvannya.
  5. Fixing the vertical stand on the bud with a horizontal bar (2.4 meters).

Do-it-yourself wooden canopy from polycarbonate cover for instructions

  1. Burimo open for the installation of a vertical beam. There is no drill, just digging with pits of 0.5 meters.
  2. Open the deep sand, gravel (10 cm) for folding the pillow. Then we insert the supports strictly perpendicularly, reverifying the correctness of the installation with a schila and equal.
  3. Filled with pits of concrete.
  4. Behind with a horizontal bar and tufts of support between each other.
  5. Mounting krokvi on horizontally attached rails and reshetuvannya designs.
  6. Two sheets of polycarbonate (1000x3000 mm) curtains 8 mm in front, in order to take into account the ideas of the expansion of the cover (2000x3000). It is recommended to win for which HP profile. In order not to crack the plastic for an hour of work, take screws with gum washers.
  7. I will install it on armor. At the link with difficult access to the mountain with great plates, you can work in front of the robot below, and then raise, say, an electric hoist and close it.
  8. Navіs for dacha ready. Viyshla is like a visor, the continuation of a Dahu booth.

Polycarbonate - napіvprozory, lightweight and mіtsny plastic. Hanging for a summer residence with a plastic cover protects well from a plank and snow. The veneer does not deform, if you want to bend it, I will need a shape with a new simpler, lower material. The present day of polycarbonate will serve you for a long time.

Installing an okremia hung over the cover of the corrugated board.

Covering from profiled corrugated sheet is used in most cases for parking at dachas. Mounted on metal racks.
Open for st_yok to be drilled glibshi - up to 1 meter zavglybshki.
The main parts of the construction of the zvarn - you need a zvaruvalny apparatus. Bіchnі fermi, lati get ready for a long way, and then all merge into a single frame.
A cover is attached to the grating.

Hanging from fabric covers

Yogo perevagoyu є raznomanіtnіst kolorіv і іdtinkіv, malyunkіv teknіnіnі. A fabric awning can become a display of art. Choose from the time of preparation of exotic author's designs. Vikonan covering from material to embellish your Dachna dilyanka, soften the eye. Vykoristovuyutsya most often for a summer residence.
Especially such a design and those that are fabric, at times, non-standard material. Under the hour of the autumn rascals, winter snowfalls, in the non-resort period, wines can become unacceptable, tear. Therefore, the fabric covering such spores is worn for the autumn-winter period and is dressed up in the spring, before the coming summer season.
There will be such an overhang just like the front options.

The simplest navis with your own hands from the simplest materials

It is necessary to develop terminology for giving a hanging structure with your own hands, you can also use a simple method.
For everyday life, we will take it

  • 2 five-meter PVC pipes (vinyl);
  • 2 shmatki schіlnogo polyethylene (pіdіdut curtains for the soul);
  • tasma, cotton threads.

Be aware of the instructions:

  1. Sew curtains in one large canvas.
  2. There are 40 loops to make 40 loops, on which there is an awning (for example, 40 double vents).
  3. Sew the loops to the polyethylene.
  4. Put loops on the pipes.

Let's take care of the installation of the construction. Mark the points on the ground with small marks, where you will insert the pipe and the awning. Place your spore, burying the PVC pipes on the ground. Your canopy is ready! Fantasy shows you the color of the curtains - and the awning looks wonderful.
The current materials show us other constructive solutions. Take plastic pipes and behind additional clamps (also PVC) choose a rectangular frame (painting the scheme in front). To attach to the animal the fabric or polythene. You take away the wonderful navіs for the car.
In the same way, it is possible to build a universal building from thin plastic pipes and polythene. Such pipes are easy to bend. Experiment with arched shapes. You have a foldable portable hanging spore.
Apply a little practice and patience - the result will show up at your dacha such a necessary burden.

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