Cabin boat ruslan kreslennya described. Cabin boat "Ruslan. Description of the necessary materials and tools

Whether it's a swimming zasіb, whether it's a flat chauvin, a boat or a yacht, give some kind of freedom, like now it's more accessible to the rich. It would seem that recently self-made boats made of plywood have only reached their peak of popularity, but at the same time there appeared impersonal methods for designing such designs and methods for processing plywood molds.

Oskіlki guessed the design will be small-world, the life of a boat from plywood is not worse than everyday difficulties. It’s enough to stock up on materials and tools, as well as to get necessary supplies.

Description of the necessary materials and tools

The advantages of such a material, like plywood, do not varto, the shards are rich, which already singsongly stuck with the advantages of plywood virobiv.

Get respect! Projects of boats made of plywood are based on the material of the FSF brand. The number of vicorous leaves varies between 0.5-1.5 cm in the fallow, depending on the recognition of the design details, as it will be different.

Plywood floors of the FSF brand are distinguished by a high level of durability up to a moisture content. Tim is no less, in the process of robotics your cabin boat made of plywood is more than once processed. Give special respect to the quality of the material during the hour of purchase. The surface of the plywood sheets is to blame, but it is more likely to be freed of any defects, there may be visible cracks and chips, as well as the cracking of those strong knots, which often grow on the wood. This moment is more important, shards of acid equal to the material to lay the final result of your work, as well as the superiority of the design.

Fahіvtsі, who already had a chance to stick with such zavdannya, like a boat from plywood, to say that it’s better to work with a great sheet of richer, more comfortable, and also, і shvidshe. To that, give priority to large-format plywood saws.

Additional materials:

  1. The cut is planed wood, as it is needed for glazing the seats, internal openings and boards. To win a functional boat made of plywood, give priority to light woods.
  2. The collar is made of plastic or thin drіt, as if it will vicorist as a suture material for joining various parts between itself, which lie up to the boat's skin. You can win the hair out of a kapron, but in such a state of mind, the mother of a decent comrade is to blame.
  3. Adhesive warehouse for sealing seams, which are sealed at the places of sticky parts. The best way to win sumish on the basis of polymer resins.

Obviously, people who know how to encourage a boat from plywood can supplement this list with other materials. ale in to this particular type a butt of a minimal set of additional materials was introduced. Most often, as an addition, all varnished warehouses are vicorous, as well as special seepage, which prevent rotting and swelling of the structure, as long as it is in contact with water.

Krim tsgogo, for gluing seams between details, you may need such a material, like a cloth, as you can replace it with an analogue - scloplastic.

And, obviously, don’t forget about the wonderful aesthetics of your viroba. For tsgogo pіdіyde i farb, yak allow you to attach all the seams and reach the necessary color.

Nabir іnstrumentu standard practiсal for dermal symptoms:

  • electric or manual jigsaw;
  • a set of cloths of different roses, which are added to the jigsaw;
  • file, recognized for work with wood;
  • grinding machine;
  • grazing;
  • brushes of different purpose: for applying varnish, fermenting, applying seepage;
  • a hammer;
  • chisel.

What is worth rozmіrіv, like a mother boat made of plywood, armchair designs can be the most manipulative, that is unlikely to be more specific.

However, you can zoom in on standard sizes:

  • double-headed structure - 3.5 m;
  • boat width - 1.35 m;
  • board height - 0.5 m-code.

It is necessary to transfer all the details to the plywood, after which it is necessary to cut the sheet in the right way to the mark. To see this task, you need an electric jigsaw, shards of other tools can damage the material, and a line of vision looks uneven with chips.

Scattered in our windfall is a boat, its transom of obov'yazkovo should be pasted over with a supplementary ball of cloth and, if possible, strengthen its construction. For whom you can vikoristovuvat boards, vikonanі z hard woods. The cream of which is strong, screws will help you.

Get respect! Even if you haven’t worked it out to the end yet, like building a boat from plywood, do it for the sake of professionals: the design stage and the design of the vantage performance is even more important, even if you have mercy on the main parameters of the vessel, the result of your work can hardly be called functional.

What is the cost practical recommendations, then before folding all the structural elements should be supplemented with an additional planer. The best vikoristovuvaty electric tool. If it is necessary to open the vikonaty, open it, as if it will be a victorious year, if you take the hull of the boat together.

To make the installation of the transom easier, you can beat the special goats, as if it were awkward to grow independently. After that, the bottom is fixed, then the side parts of the boat.

Get respect! The number of details of the shoes are connected to the nose part. Don't forget to wear that symmetry.

Sheathing details and the sheathing material itself can be fastened in two different ways. For the first type, you can have a seam material, for another type, you can use a special glue warehouse. In the process of which you happen to manually stick up to the edge of the plywood, looking for a singing kut.

It is necessary to postulate the stability of the expansion, otherwise, as a result, you can make a great gap between the details, for the adoption of which you will not only have to cut the frames, but also to disassemble the entire structure.

The frames are rib-like details, for the ribs of which the necessary ribs of the hardness of the frame of the boat reach. Qi details are cut from the plywood sheets of the curtain 6 mm and are installed with a crochet of 0.8 m. You can have 4 pcs.

It is impossible to underestimate the importance of such a detail, like a fender flare, lining along the line of the sides. Vіn mozhe mother zovnіshnє chi vnutrіshnє rozmіschennya. If you have stocked up on clamps, then these attachments can give you an invaluable help and significantly forgive the robot. If you don’t have a sufficient number of clamps, it’s necessary to fix the fender bar with them in the process of pressing the fender bar, if you want to use control points. Let's not stop zastosuvannya banderіv, yakі can be razmіsti between clamps.

After vikonanny vyschezgadanikh robit can proceed to the installation of the frame. If you are not afraid of risking and majete fragments of excess plywood in your order, this detail can be made not solid. Don’t forget the smut when you cut it, form an opening in the middle of the frame.

If you cover this area with a deck, then as a result you will be able to take away a small covered area, as you can victorious like a treasure for speeches. On the preparation of the deck, you can use leftover plywood.

If you want to make a report, like a boat made of plywood, a video look, lower bids, to help you figure out all the subtleties of this process.

Carrying out internal and adhesive work

To carry out adhesive work, you need to prepare a sum that is made up of epoxy resin and aeroforce, mixed in equal proportions. Kutovі zones of the bottom, transom and sides slid to help for the help of wooden zholobnikіv or kutochkіv.

The gluing stitch of the fabric is placed on the zone of the inner seams, with the help of which the bag was prepared earlier. Їx vicorist and when fixing the frames.

On the completion of the glue work, the flooring of the bottom, the seat, the stumps and other details are mounted, which can be transferred to your project of the vessel.

After that, the construction is left for drying, and then all the necessary work is done for stripping that pasting over the seams with fiberglass.

Schob yakіsno vikonati farbuvannya sіd:

  • vikonati procedure of anti-fat surface;
  • cover the material with a special warehouse;
  • apply a putty to get rid of all the blemishes, like so;
  • apply a ball of primer.

Farbuvalny warehouse can be absolutely be-yakim, or better vikoristovuvat pigment barvnik, appointments for work with wood. Selecting brushes to replace the farbopult to color the result of the farbovannya.

(Finished. Cob No. 5, 1975)

At the front room, the world was told about the new boat, the creations of our huge design bureau. Keeping up with the best traditions of the small shipbuilding industry and new trends, this boat has turned our attention to the perfection of forms, the equal simplicity of preparation and the availability of materials that are victorious. Father, I'm calling "Ruslan".

Folding the hull is carried out uphill by a keel on a slipway from two wide boards with a thickness of 40-50 mm, placed on edge (Fig. 1). Such a slipway is sometimes called a frame, shards of wine are a thick frame, which ensures great accuracy in the installation of frames, later elements in the set and the stability of work when sheathing the frame with plywood. The frame slipway at the process of viconnanny operations can be rearranged from month to month, many times overturned, without risking damage to the set, and so on.

You have long dreamed of being on a promenade boat, enjoying the countryside views beer capital, what are the hours of excursions on the water arteries of St. Petersburg? Renting a motor ship is a wonderful opportunity to have fun for an hour with a good company, such a gift will give you positive emotions and be very cheap.

On the slipway, with great accuracy, the buti was broken up for the grooves, in the yak, when the frame frames are installed, the shergen-planks are included, which are fixed in their places (after the vivirka) with flowers or small wedges. Dosvіdchenі budіvіlniki sound zakleyuyut shergen-planks tightly, scho scho great zhorstkіst set.

The frame frames after the installation (div. Fig. 1B) are decorated with late clock rosettes and braids. It is necessary to ensure the perpendicularity of the frames according to the extension to the DP and, in addition, to avoid distortions, which are to be blamed for the installation of elements of the later set.

The next operation is the insertion of later elements (div. Fig. 1). It is carried out in this order: 1 - keel with stem, 2 - fenders, 3 - fork stringers, 4 - side stringers, 5 - bottom stringers. The marking of the grooves for cutting is carried out after the job for the help of a long flexible lath, which is superimposed on 2-3 frames at once. The rake helps to reveal inaccuracies and to correctly build the malkovka.

Malkovka polagaє near the visible irregularities and kutіv, which protrude from the frame elements in order for the skin to fit evenly and shyly, not supporting the shape of the hull given to the armchairs. Malkovka is beaten with small planers, chisels and rasps. Vіd relnostі її vykonanny to lay mine old look Virobi.

Sheathing the "Ruslan" hull with plywood has its own peculiarities. On the right, in the fact that the side panels, hanging down, satisfy the splendid walls of the sponsors. This backbone is due to the buti sheathed central part of the hull, with a small allowance for trimming, and only a little later - the sides with a difference in size. Then the foam plastic is glued, which makes (repairing to the frame No. 2) a tunnel between the sponsons and the middle part of the hull (div. Fig. 1 D). Edge the plywood as best as you can with the front split templates on kraft paper or thin cardboard.

The fastening of the skin to the frame is repaired from the transom to the bow. Z'ednannya leaves vykonuetsya "on the vus" right on the frame chi behind.

A - the main expansion of the slipway; B - installation of frame frames behind additional shergen-planks (frame No. 1 and transom planks are fastened with screws without a middle to the end walls of the slipway); B - embedding of later elements in the frame (keel, fenders, forks and long stringers); G - sheathing the frame with plywood; D - gluing the finished hull.

The plywood is fastened to the frame in a stepwise manner: with “zagin” flowers to the stringers and with 20 mm bolts - to the frames of that keel (div. Fig. 1D). Before putting on the plywood, the frame is thoroughly smeared with epoxy glue. On the end sections of the parts, the glue is quickly absorbed and the spread is repeated. Heads of flowers, which should be stuck for fastening the plywood to the frame, flatten in front, so that you can “drown” the plywood - otherwise the stench will tear the cloth, which will glue the body. The heads of the screws should be sunk 1-2 mm deep into the plywood.

Having sheathed the hull, proceed to gluing the tunnels with polystyrene foam. Shmatki are glued on the back, which approximately run after the form. Residual work is done after polymerization with glue. Dribnі nerіvnostі vіvnyuyutsya mastic with tirsi with epoxy resin.

The sequence of gluing the hull with cloth: edging the back of the head with narrow bands and after polymerization, carefully clean the cuts and ribs on the lines of stitching. Then glue the entire surface with one ball of ASTT-B cloth. Install late redaniums and resolutely glue with males (or strіchki) of fiberglass.

Engraving on the hull is done with primer No. 138 or AG-10 with epoxy, glyphthal or nitroglyphthal enamels using superior technology. Alkyd imported enamels, which have recently appeared for sale, have proven themselves to be good.


The frame of the nadbudov (cabin) is the frame (Fig. 2) and the later slats (stringers), assembled on glue and plywood knees. The lower part of the frame (“lower”) is hung behind the frame frames of the hull, as shown in the little 3, so that the stiffness of the structure is necessary. After that, as the gluing of the frame of the nadbudov will be completed, it must be done and prepared before sheathing with plywood (with a thickness of not more than 3-4 mm), otherwise the nadbudova will be put on top of it. Zvichiy nadbudova sew up with plywood in the background, and virizi for sklinya slab already at home with a narrow hacksaw; this way is recommended.

1 - central strut of the frontal fold; 2 - binding of the front part of the dahu; 3 - bobishka; 4 - succulent frame of the nadbudov on frame No. 3; 8 - rack on frame No. 6, 9 - door frames, 10 - bulk bulwark, 11 - plywood knitting, which attaches the top frame with top timbers. 12 - stringer behind the contour of the fold, 13 - shackle of the frontal fold, 14 - strapping of the frontal fold, 15 - middelweiss. A - an insert of a warehouse on a humic ridge; B - inserting a warehouse behind an additional frame made of plywood; B - easy-to-wear kermo with attachments.

Insert a zvichayne sklo into the opening of the nadbudov and not a trace; better zastosuvat triplex chi plexiglass. For the frontal fold, the vimoga obov'yazkov. It is hard to insert on the gum groove, as shown in the little 2B.

On the frontal slope, it is necessary to install "doors" - cloakrooms with electric or manual drive. Practice has shown that it is better to put them on the beast, the shards under the hour of installation from below the waterproofing is folded.

Zovni all nadbudova can be pasted over with one ball of thin cloth on epoxy resin. Tse better zrobiti before the warehouse is installed; as if pasting would be carried out after that, a warehouse was used to protect the resin, sticking papyrus on them with grease.

The hinged part of the lid is made up of a light wooden or metal frame, which is sheathed with 4 mm thick plywood. The cross bars due to the mother are bent in shape, so that the lid was slightly swollen, as shown on the armchair. For bajannya її it is possible to work not zsuvnoy, but znіmnoy or such, scho vykrivaєtsya on hinges; tse significant world to lay the minds of swimming.

The location of the management bodies and the possession of the Ruslan interior is shown on the layout of the armchairs. The steering wheel is ruffled on the DP line, allowing the installation of motors with any direct wrapping and is especially handy when towing water skiers, if the water needs freedom of movement. Steering wheel "Ruslan" of the traditional for OKB "M-K" functional type, light, with a combination of fittings at the matochin (Fig. 3). The electric tachometer can switch, which allows you to freeze both motors on the fly. Vkazіvnik shvidkostі preparations on the basis of a small-sized pressure gauge for 1 Atm (GOST 53125). Two roses are mounted on the steering wheel: one, eight-wire, type ШР, for wiring the electrical system, the other - for receiving a speed indicator (durite tube with an internal diameter of 3 mm). The rudder drum of a large diameter ensures even a small amount of kerma (removal) of kerma;

Okrim zgadanih priladіv, on the steering wheel matochinі the tumbler of the electrical system: in the center - the indicator of the impulse motor, and on the upper panel - the lights of the running lights, the headlights and the ignition of the motors. A bundle of wires was laid in the middle of the overhead room with sockets for switching on a portable lamp or small-sized lamps mounted on a plug. A radio receiver of the “Geologist” type (the most water-resistant model of middle-class transistor receivers) and a TV set “Shilyalis” may have special sockets and a mounting on the front panel. The water can be covered with them on the go, without depriving its place, and on the teeth it is easy to transfer to the shore.

A tourist gas stove, installed on the right side of the cabin, is also easily removed from its nest.

A special fire tank was not refilled on Ruslana. We care that stationary tanks are not needed for our minds, the shards of gas stations on the water can not be carried all the same in canisters. Therefore, the liveliness of the motors is built without middle canisters, connected by the simplest triplets in two groups, two canisters in the skin. Tsya system was overridden by trivial exploitation, and it seemed to be even more handy. Polyethylene canisters with transparent walls make it easier to control the vitratypal.

The system of turning by motors is composed of the simplest gas sectors with single-cable wiring and a rotary spring on the throttles of carburetors. The reverse control is installed behind a two-wire scheme of a widely used type and is easily dismantled. The motors are connected by a tubular rod, which is regulated according to the length for the help of threaded tips. The antenna attachment is a box, which is folded, on the lower part of the installation of roses of the ShR type, and on the upper part - running fire and three telescopic antennas, of which two serve the TV, and one is the receiver. The television antenna is lightly broken so that it can be played on the birch at the same time as the TV.

At navigation in 1974, we took with us an additional set of two telephone sets (a child's toy). Vіn vyyavivsya korisnym for zv'yazku moored to the pier boats with the base camp on the birch. It’s even more convenient for mothers in the radio receivers of the UKH-range, on which zdіysnyuyut between themselves the radio signals of vantage and passenger motor ships; ce to allow a lot of inconsistencies and inaccuracies to go away, especially when sailing at night in filthy meteoums.

G. MALINOVSKY, master of sports of the SRSR

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Once, on the motorboat "Korkatka", equipped with a 30-horsepower "Vikhor", we had a chance to take in tow a yacht - a "one-ton" with a water capacity of 6 tons. obviously not showing its full tightness, the tightness of the towing folded close to 6 knots, so it may not be in the normal windiness, as if it were developing a windbreaker at an average wind. That's when the idea came to popovnit low projects, recommended by the editors for independent spores, to carry a comfortable and evenly large tourist ship with armchairs, laid out for swimming in a transitional to glide mode with a powered engine of 25-30 hp. With. The results of the victorious appeal are submitted to the court of amateur shipbuilders as a draft boat for an independent dispute.

The main data of the boat "Walrus"
Dovzhina is the largest, m 6,60
Dovzhina KVL, m 5,90
Maximum width, m 2,24
Board height on the midsection, mm 1,29
Fall on design waterline, m 0,30
Water tonnage according to design waterline, kg 1280
Empty carriage (without dvigun, stock of pallet and delivery), kg 800
Suspension of the subdural dvigun, l. With. 20-60
Speed ​​\u200b\u200bto go with the engine "Vihor-M" (25 hp), km / year 15-17
Speed ​​\u200b\u200bto go with two motors "Vikhor-M" (50 hp), km / year 30
Maximum passenger capacity, pers. 6

During the development of the project, yoga was based on the main principle: to ensure the safety of the crew on board with a few exceptions with a three-shaft internal swimming waterways. On the boat "Walrus" the crew is deployed in two cabins, one in the same cabin.

Zagalne roztashuvannya boat "Walrus"

1 - big cover of the submotor niche; 2 - vydkidna part of sorting out niches; 3 - onboard intestines; 4 - awning; 5 - top fire; 6 - slope; 7 – sound hatch; 8 - hatch cover, sloplast; 9 - ventilation hatch; 10 - a shelf for other items; 11 - chrest bollard; 12 - nasal railing; 13 - great brizkovidbіynik; 14 - locker or fresh water cistern; 15 - a sofa, under it a locker; 16 - winter style; 17 - storage seat for water; 18 - mooring pitching; 19 - sign bank; 20 - mooring bow bollard; 21 - steering wheel with a diameter of 300 mm; 22 - galley steel; 23 - gas stove; 24 - sink; 25 - coat coat; 26 - soft, locker below; 27 - doors in the closet at the forehouse; 28 - screenshot.

Bow cabin є sleeping and can be vikoristan for restoring, including during the daytime on the go. Here, at the screens under the V-like bed, you can place a part of the similar stocks of provisions and orders. The peculiarities of speech are saved in the headroom for moving the forepick and on the shelves, fixed on the sides under the deck. At the bow cabin, you will be able to wake up to the fullest extent, with a slight head; a small area of ​​the priest is enough, for example, in order to change clothes. The hatch at the bottom of the felling ensures the ventilation of this small room, and can also be an emergency exit.

The other cabin will serve as a mess-company and a galley at the same time. Stop is lifted at nothing; behind the help of additional support rails and soft sofa backs, as they fit on them, late sofas are transformed into one double bed.

It’s not easy to work out a seat, like zbіlshit the back of the bow sofa for an hour; if you put in the aisle a sprat of folding canvas stiltchikiv, you can place at the table at least six osib.

Owning the starboard side of the cabin can be rented to your taste. On armchair testimony, in our opinion, the best option is a large table, a two-burner gas stove and a sink for mitt utensils. The volume of the galley foot should be made large for saving in some dry provisions and the main part of the galley stuffing. Under the sink, you can put a cebro for washing; stіk іz miyka varto robiti right overboard.

You can have a toilet for the bazhannya zamіst shafi, prote pridbannya or preparation of the toilet bowl with primus pumping on this day is full of folding problem.

Expanse under the seats victorious for saving the bedtime speeches and part of the clothes.

The height in the cabin from the floorboard to the edge of the beams is 1.75 m;

Before the crossings of the "Walrus" you can see a "fully-sized" cockpit with an area of ​​2.7 m². If the weather is good, how to check the dosvіd, vin and be the main place to change the crew on the move. Crimea sitting water here є fodder znіmna bank, can also be vikoristan and sail sails-styles-retailers. Just an arc above the cockpit is not only a part of the exterior of the ship, but to serve sustainable basis for fastening I will. The awning is better than the vikonati with two parts: the bow, which closes the post of water and the entrance to the cabin, and the stern, as it will be needed only at that hour, if you want to be in the cockpit. To the point, let's expand the cockpit so that, if necessary, you can have a couple of sleeping spaces here, having put inflatable mattresses.

Expansion from both sides in the front of the motor niche can be used for placing the skipper's lane, spare gas bottles, and bibs. Handy transfers along the sides of the cockpit niche, where you can put fishing gear, cables, lighter, etc. To reduce the noise from the motor, which works, the motor niche is closed with a znimnoy krishkoy. Switching to sp. 7 it is necessary to ensure that it is superficially curved with a prominent upper part, so as to perform efficient maintenance and repair of the engine afloat and at the same time allows you to save the height of the board in the stern.

In the design of the boat, the main emphasis is on the safety of comfort and such sea qualities, which can be really guaranteed with one 30-horsepower powered engine. It turns out that the head of such a vessel does not go out, for example, near a large reservoir at a height of 0.6 m and a wind speed of over 7 m / s. On the right, it’s not that the boat is not sufficiently stable, or it may look like hell. There are two reasons for such an exchange of seafaring. First - the purpose of flooding the engine is to blame: even the carburetor is roztashovuetsya in total 550 mm above the surface of the calm water, and the motors from the "long leg" that hermetic tray, like to be placed on similar boats beyond the cordon, our industry is still not allowed. Otherwise, there is only an insignificant margin of emphasis, which is developed by a high-speed crest screw of small diameter. For that, in bad weather, a ship with a high freeboard, that rotting nadbudovaya, it will be important to vibrate against a strong wind and a high wind, or to settle down on a course with a torrential wind.

Outline the hull of insurance for the normal speed of the boat with one engine 18-20 km / year. This is consistent with the Froude number, which is 0.7. For such aerial swiddens, the appearance of significant hydrodynamic forces is characteristic of the feed, although the flow of water from the transom is still visible. Therefore, in order to change the swirl behind the transom, a smoother lowering of the bottom in the stern to the waterline was transferred, so that the transom of the boat is less often sluggish near the water. At the transom there is a horizontal section of the bottom, which is acceptable for lowering the running trim in Russia at maximum speeds, which can be increased with the least thrust (on an empty boat) or when installing another motor.

Plasma ordinate table

Line/No. to the frame 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Tr.
Heights of OL, mm
Board - LB 1408 1368 1330 1290 1250 1217 1182 1160(1165)
Skula - LSK 554 413 312 258 230 222 222 222(226)
Kiel 212 0 0 20 65 127 176 180
Napіvіrotі vіd DP, mm
Board - LB 620 986 1110 1120 1115 1086 1019 945
Skula - LSK 230 688 912 980 975 946 896 850
Note: rosemaries in the arms are aimed to encourage transverse contours.

As far as the accepted concept of seafaring seafaring is concerned, it ensures maximum comfort, the line of the fore in the fore part is rather small, pomirny pidyom. This allows you to take a larger volume of the bow cabin and make life easier for the hull of the boat.

An important role is played by the swimmer on the stern half of the bottom: it propels the boat to the drift, sprues the stability of the boat on the course with the fresh wind.

The water capacity of the boat is the same when going to the swimming pool with people, according to the latest arrangements on board and the stock of fire on a 150 km track (about 90 l) is close to 1400 kg. With such a need for total tension of the engine, the optimal comb screw with crochet is 230-240 mm with a diameter of 240 mm (for "Vikhor-M" and "-30"). The regular twine of this type is absolutely unacceptable, the shards of swimming with it are passed with a changed swidkistyu and an overworld vitratoy of the toe.

With the installation of another motor (high pressure of 50-60 k.s.), speed increase of up to 30 km / year is observed, with a wind speed of close to 0.9 l / km. At the same time, you can use vikoristan like guinty, so і guinti with a crop of 280 mm. Ale, we repeat: circle the lines that are optimal for less speed, so with a two-engine installation, it is necessary to use the entrances to lower the running trim of the boat. In order to compensate by pouring the displacement of the center of the vag into the stern, it is necessary to put a part of the important vantages into the lower part, for example, to place a fresh water tank under the flooring of the bow legs, drive a capacity of 60-70 liters. It is necessary to install transom plates (div. dovіdnik “Kateri, chovni and motors in food and service”. L., “Sudnobuduvannya”, 1977) or putting wedges on the bottom at the transom.

Tim, who from the very cob rozhovuє vikoristovuvaty choven more importantly with a pair of 25-30-horsepower motors, varto zadalegіd trochy change around the stern parts of the hull: increase the siege of the transom and, in turn, change the bottom of the bottom into the stern, it is possible, the trochy of the bottom.

Although when sailing in a transitional mode, the boat’s cockpit may have a smaller influx on the speed, lower with a clean glide, it is still necessary to make the hull light: obvious tightness - 30 liters. With. - not so big! If the bottom is not glued with slop plastic, it should be sheathed with 8-millimeter plywood; fit plywood brand FSF good quality. When gluing the hull (two balls on the bottom, one on the sides), 6-mm plywood is enough on the bottom and on the sides.

The hull of the boat "Walrus" is designed to be built with a later-transverse system of framing with a seemingly small number of frames, like with a transverse system, they take a rich coryne volume in the middle of the vessel, thus increasing the weight of the hull and the laboriousness of the spore. In this case, the basis of the transverse set, which sets the shape of the hull, is a transom, three slings and all the frames, which are taken from pine rails with a cut of 22X60.

zbіshiti, 2000x2929, 781 KB

Structural armchairs to the hull boat "Walrus". Late rozrіz that plan

zbіshiti, 2497х1948, 600 KB

Moving between the cabins and the cockpit is reinforced with a hanging plywood lining: with such a design, it is possible to achieve good sound insulation, and the need for soundness, and the disgraceful appearance of the bulkheads (especially for decorative plywood). Tiєї well with plywood, you will need to sew up spatsії in cabins, vicorist like reshetuvach for fastening leaves fenders and side stringers.

Before the design exceeds more late links can be seen those that thin skin is divided on a straight cut board - panels of a pair of small sizes (for example, panels of the bottom skin can be no larger than 925X300 mm). Otzhe, at the time of turning the bottom, be it a cross, let’s say, a firebox or a stone, the force of impact may be taken by a hard stringer or a frame, on the right it will end with a crack in the sheathing, and not with a cracked hole, with a significant increase in the width of the panels ( pokhіdnyh minds, the repair of the hole will be foldable).

Choose the hull best on the stocks uphill with a keel from the rear of the selected nodes of bulkheads, frames, transom and stem. The technology of work is reportedly described in previously published articles (for help in selecting material, you can give a book by Yu. budіvlі corpus), as well as good advice to amateur shipbuilders of the book “15 projects of ships for amateur sporudi”.

Insufficient knowledge of shipbuilding workers may be blamed for difficulties in the preparation of a bent stem and plywood sheathing of the bow of the bottom of the boat. When opening the leaves, the bottom should be repaired from the preparation of the nasal leaf. When laying the sheet on the set, it is necessary to orient it behind the direct fibers of the outer balls of plywood in such a way that the sheet is easily bent and firmly lying along the entire width of the edges of the details of the set. In extreme cases, you can slightly pry the edge of the floor timber, or, on the other hand, stick an additional rail on it to close the gap.

After turning the hull on the new one, it will be the basis for looking bulkheads on sp. 3 and 5 for shaping the felling. Having opened the grooves for carlings and having put them on the floor, you can lay the deck with plywood with a thickness of 6 mm, and then put on the edges of the virizu under the deckhouse and cockpit bars of the outer carlings, to which the deckhouses are fastened together with supporting rails.

B - pobudova patterns for bimsiv dahu logging and decks (B - width of dahu or decks; f - folded arrow; K - upper edge of comingsu felling; LB - line to board).

All sharp edges of plywood must be carefully protected from water for additional lath-beading, or swag of cloth on epoxy resin. At the nose, it is necessary to install a great brizkovidnik, which will change the winding of the sides of the bow and the cockpit shaking when sailing in windy weather. On the stern third of the boat's hull, it will be necessary to protect the board from the side for a little more than an hour of mooring, having installed a wooden beam approximately in the middle of the height.

The wooden hull itself, by itself, has a reserve of positive buoyancy, which is necessary in emergency situations, for example, in the event of a hole. One for the compensation of the Vagi of the motor I felling, the yak is guilty of the water over the water, and such a final reserve of the sales of the bajano bazao, glue in the soil, yak prostir, with the bottom of the pydmotornoye, sort of sample pikpo, at the outskirts of the bids, at the outskirts . Then the boat will be left afloat with six passengers sitting by the cockpit. Bazhano roztashovuvati pіnoplast vishche - closer to the fender and in the outskirts of the hull so that the chauvin does not turn over when filled with water.

Singing the portage of a pair of quiet tourist boats and the possibility of their own industrial traffic: from one side, having divided the crew into two watches, you can secure a normal wind on the boat, from the other - less trouble to become a stop, swim with objects. Therefore, during the life of the "Walrus" it is necessary to take care of the presence of the boat with signal-signal lights and that zherela of life. As soon as the boat is transferred to the vicorist for swimming along small rivers with a fenced-in height of the overall passage under the bridges, it will be possible to move in the U-like position of the awning over the cockpit, and let’s take a look at the felling. Tse allow changing the overall height of the vessel in DWL from 1.1 to 1.75 m-code.

Trivality Price Program
2 years old
20000 rubles
Building bridges
8000 rub/year
Progulyanka mistom
4 years old
7500 rub/year
Walk around the city with an exit to the Finnish tributary (malim kolom)
5 years
7500 rub/year
Walk around the city with an exit near the Finnish flood great stake, bathing)
6-8 years
7000 rub/year
A walk around the city (all places) with an exit at the Finnish flood (behind the great stake, bathing)
9-10 years
45000 rubles
A trip to Forty. Viewing 1-2 forts
10-12 years old
55000 rubles
A trip to Forty. Vіdvіduvannya 1-2 forti. Building bridges.

The start of the trip starts from the moment the boat is delivered and until the moment the remaining passenger disembarks.
Have an order to enter:
Vykoristannya primіschenya boats in full obsyazі
Corridoring the audio-video system of the boat
Vikoristannya kitchen equipment (mikrokhvilova pich, kettle, stove, refrigerator) and table utensils.

Description of the boat

The main recognition of this vessel is tse comfortable conditions in the water spaces of St. Petersburg and the Finnish tributary. For your own needs, the boat may have a wine-colored internal volume, which includes 3 comfortable cabins for more expensive tripalis, a spacious salon with a bar, a comfortable sofa and a table, a kitchen, a toilet, cabin for 12 guests with panoramic windows. Krіm tsgogo, the boat can, in its order, open the large deck and the stern maidanchik, on those with maximum strength, just the sky, our guests can roam. The boat has unperfected maneuverability and a small draft, which allows you to walk right up to the sandy beach. Seaworthiness of this boat allows you to go to the Finnish tributary and Ladozskoye lake.

For a comfortable meal, on the boat there is a brazier for cooking on the stove, a richly functional kitchen with an induction cooker, a refrigerator, a miika. Spacious sanvuzol with a shower cabin and a washbasin. On board there is a voltage of 220, an audio system, a TV set. The boat can be at its own disposal of open spaces aft maidanchik with gatherings, from which you can easily pierce the water. If you or your children want to sleep, or just lie down in silence, having mercy on the water through the windows, there are 3 okrem cabins.

Irrespective of those that the water area of ​​the yacht club was occupied more than once, from the look of the pavilion exposition there was an impression that the number of participants in this fate changed. However, as commenting on the situation, IFA General Director Sergiy Levit: “Such an animosity could have accumulated through those that a lot of companies did not respect that fate for more pulling great chants into the pavilion. It’s more expensive and, without a hitch, be listed on the price. ”

In the meantime, the leaders of the company put up their chant in the pavilion. Among them: Faserind Boats, Aerogroup, Sealine Sales Russia, Alfa Yachts, Restmar, Bavaria Yachts, Admiral Market Marine, TOV "Yaroslavsky Kater", Seagal Marine, Trade Marine, Royale Marine.

Special offers for buyers were given by the company. Andriy Fadeev, representative of the company in Moscow, has opened the website: “Nimbus Boats yard completed the acceptance of offensive rock 15 days ago. Prote zrobil vinyatok for the period of this exhibition. Here the yacht can still be mooved.

Special basic discounts for Beneteau boats were given by the company - the official dealer of Beneteau motor boats in Russia. At the third Moscow International exhibition "Salon of Yachts and Boats" the company Boatmarket krіm catalogs with already well-known models presented catalogs with an updated model range of the Antares line: Antares 6 and Antares 7 - comfortable motor boats, which you can eat at your own cruise.

What is the cost of the exposition on the water, in the waters of the SHORE HOUSE yacht club, ships of the following companies were placed: Premium Boats Service, Grand Marine, TOV Saratov Shipbuilding Plant, RSV - Yachts, Universal Marine, Bavaria Yachts, Ship Art Projects, Petroset, Ultrasail, Autopik-M , Sport-Aqua, Unisail-T, KSMZ, Timmerman Yachts, Poseidon-M, OAO DMZ Kamov, Trade Marine, Flagship, Aquaecopark, World Yachting Group, Aquadrive and Aoyama Motors.

The company presented the Kral 700 Classic at the exhibition. According to the representative of the World Yachting Group, Kostyantin Yudin: Fiart Mare 42 is just perfect for a boat trip. Until then, the sound of the motor of the flooring is soft, so that you can press on philosophical thoughts while you are cruising.

The company, which presented the trawler of the American company Mainship - 40 Trawler, also raised the proposition. Behind the words of Oleksandr Ilyin, the captain of the vessel: “40 Trawler is a full-fledged boat on the water. Here is everything you need for a comfortable stay, to create a summer kitchen in the fresh air. This ship is ideal for distant, expensive rivers, seas or oceans.”

Okremo I would like to say about the propositions, the destruction of the business enterprises. The motor yacht "Tourist" was given great respect to the buyers, it was designed and inspired by the tradesmen. This yacht is ideal for a great company. Spacious cabins that allow guests to feel calm and comfortable with the help of more expensive, equipped with all the necessary galley, equipped with a crinoline lift mechanism, solarium on the sleepy deck for lovers of pozamagati. The large head deck is divided by the control cabin into a large stern and a small bow part, which allows you to manually place a company of passengers without requiring a captain to control the ship. At the aft part of the head deck, for the convenience of the sailors, there is a full-deck galley, a sanitary vault, a descent to the crinoline to the engine room, and also a walk to the sleepy deck. For all its advantages, the cost of the motor yacht "Tourist" is one order of magnitude lower than its foreign counterparts.

Irresistibly interested in the RIVERLIFE heat guide, prompted by OAO DMZ Kamov. Houseboat RIVERLIFE deputy house, beach and yacht. Without flooding the quiet walls of the ship, you can make the river more expensive, hold a picnic on the other deck, and make you feel like you’re in the right place. RIVERLIFE is a great time, which is only 50 cm long, which makes it possible to moor to any shore. One more irresistible plus - when building hulls, aviation technologies are used to make the folding more accurate and accurate. For the price of RIVERLIFE, won't be more peaceful.

"Queen of the exhibition" bula megayacht " Nova Zirka", presented by the company. Behind the words of the President of the International Association of Dealers of Yachts and Kateriv Andriy Andriyanov: “This is a ship of the highest class. I am sure that Timmerman Yachts and our other brewers will gradually take a serious niche at exhibitions outside the cordon.

So far, the main goals, as stated by IFA General Director Sergiy Levit, were “consolidation of the market of yachts and boats in Russia and stimulation of trade”.

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