How do you forget a lot of squad, do you like yaku? Practical advice and recommendations. Why do the squads throw kohanih cholovikiv? I love її, but I can’t leave my family

Hello Komsomolskaya Pravda!

I already fell in love with your heading "Castle Sverdlovina". With her, people open their souls, even if you don’t live, that and not everything can be told to relatives and loved ones. I also wanted to tell you about my own life, which would torment me even as a spiel of fate.

I am friendly. Men are 45 years old, and the squads are 40. Twenty years have made friends with me. We lived in love and joy, and everything in our life was miraculous, the docks did not become famous. The reindeer was vagitna, and if she was naughty, it became scary. The canopies were more important, everything seemed to go wrong ... Zagalom, my squad was paralyzed. More precisely, it paralyzed the lower part of the toulub. And say, Rukhati is shouldered with her hands, she could lift her back. Ale, all the same, it was such a terrible blow for me, that it was given, becoming the end of the world. All doctors unanimously told me that Olena was doomed. Having forgotten the troubles after what happened, I guessed that there was a daughter in me. The druzhina gave birth to me a healthy child, having paid for її life itself. I write the word “guessing”, because my mother took care of the child after a few squads. I'm overwhelmed with turbot chomps about ailment and my grief. Ale potim, I started to take the fate of my daughter's wife: walking with her, babysitting. Rocks are gone. The daughter grew up, entered the university. My retinue could not hang on to her: a good beauty. And all things flowed evenly and loudly, as if by raptom I spoke to my wife. Please don't judge me harshly and don't call me a bad guy. Mustache, I didn’t marvel at anyone. Turboti buli: squad, daughter of that robot. About those who are such a woman, I already forgot. Ale raptom came out ...

Svetlana came to work as a cleaner for our organization. The woman is quiet, modest, congenial. And in the future, it’s like that, which will tell me a squad in my youth, until misfortune. As if we were moving, I recognized that she was a widow. Sin is already grown up, made friends. And so my soul sunk into my soul її voice, looking that I had spent that calm dream. I’ll wait, robing everything, to drown out my feelings, but my patience ran out for a while. Those of which I was so afraid, it became. Mi zі Svіtloyu became kohantsy. More and more often, I began to zatrimuvatsya after the work, which, obviously, my squad could not help but remember. Days, when I turned my back for the umpteenth time, she energized me: “Seriously, tell me the truth, did you have another wife?” I am three thousand at the voice of a voice: “Who are you, Olenko! I don’t have anyone, I don’t care for you, I don’t!” I koshtuvalo majestic zusil to calm the squad and develop suspicions. I can't tell the truth to Olen! And then the road is out, a person is close to me, and I will forever entrust her. Ale, I feel ugly. I feel even more sore because of what lies. Sergiy, Rostov-on-Don.


“To finish off morally to yourself!”

Olena NOVOPERSKA, Rostov-on-Don :- Skin people have the right and can take a share for their money and within the framework of their own development, almost morality and conscience. Sergius, you are a great person, so your bіl is rich strongest for bіl others, quiet, who cares for a close person, not worrying about the legacy. To this I see great reverence for the words, as I will write to you. You see the goiter of understanding, you feel more strongly, like you see the Svіtlan, - is it love to be addicted? Do you value your homeland?

Are you ready to radically change your life? Accept the relatives, if you tell me about your decision to drink? How can you continue to deceive the squad, taєmno zustrіchayuchis zі Svіtlana, zavdavshey pain? Yakimi would not have been vіdpovіdі, tighten the decision not varto. You are guilty of understanding that you have a goiter in front of your retinue, but no one is afraid to live with her in one go. From the other side, it seems that they shove up to Svіtlan, they can also go out quickly. What to please you? Take a pass and break your way at the road. Only one. There, in the distance, at peace, take a decision, otherwise, stock up on yourself with moral shocks. Recorded by Irina LENEVSKA [email protected]


“In a foreign country, they will rub their feet about you!”

We published the story of our reader Alina from Rostov-on-Don (“I love a Muslim, but I don’t want to accept his name”, “KP” on July 22). Vaughn wrote that the Arab lad Ali proponed to win a new country. Ale with whom to put the mind: Alina can become a right Muslim. The maiden is buried in Ali, but the life of a distant land is lamented by those strangers. Feedback on this material was rather rich. Axis like thoughts hung our readers.

Yangol:- Divchinko, what do you need? In young people, everything is so easy to get used to. I don’t think that you were born in order to become a Muslim, change your faith, put on a burqa and start cultivating their sounds and traditions. Yogo sim'ya is unlikely to be well placed before you. All the stench is soft and fluffy, and then we will wipe our feet about you. Tim is bigger, their women do not have the right to vote, and you will live not in Russia, but in a foreign land for you. Yogo country, but not yours. Trapish - crying. Think hard, Alina. Ask yourself questions, why are you able to live your whole life like this? My joy to you, do not waste your life. Zustrenesh garny rosiyskogo lad, which does not zmushuvatime you change the faith and follow the Muslim zvichay.

Inna, Mira ta Marina:- Alina, we read your story and immediately shared the same thought: you don’t follow the story of life with this lad! Alina, even if you are only 18 years old! Basically, if you suffocate in such a situation, you always think that this is your only slaughter and that’s it for all life. Ale, sorry, it doesn't happen often. It’s important to change your way of life for the sake of a kohanoi people, it’s a great feat that calls out from one side, almost suffocated by that povaga. And you didn’t think about those who would dare your young man to change yourself for the sake of love before you? We don't think it's likely. Aje vin may be the mother of a sprig of squads. Do you know that the psychology of Russian women does not allow them to put up with wealthy women, to show off their beauty under hoodies and old robes? What's new in such a young lady? I want to virishuvati, zvіsno, you. Good luck, and praise those decisions themselves, as if to make you happy!

If two people are separated, if they love one alone, then it hurts more and is unacceptable. Tim is bigger, as a friendly couple is falling apart. And whoever is not guilty, offended people suffer. It is easier for women to express their emotions: they can openly show their feelings and tears. A person in this plan is more folded, even crying and suffering in everyone’s eyes is not like a person. If a person suffers no less, a lower woman, and sometimes separation is given more importantly, for example, as if the squad left him, and he was not the initiator of the rise.

Yakshcho was thrown by the squad - psychologist's comment

The mustache psychologists unanimously say: the squad just doesn’t go anywhere, there’s a serious reason for it. Likewise, a woman does not leave a person spontaneously; Vіdkhіd vіd cholovіka - tse znachnі zmіni in life, even for women, keepers of the fire, it's important for mothers of their own, their little cloak, blessings. It’s hard to throw everything at once.

Mustache women in such a difficult time for this moment to think about us for children. To this, the squad can tolerate a lot: for the sake of, spree, physical violence, first and last forever. Їy know that for children there is a lot of smut.

Also, wealthy women simply have nowhere to go, especially those who have passed away in their youth without having attained enlightenment. Having consecrated that house to herself, the woman sticks with it, that in times of separation, there is nowhere to go, nowhere to live, and nowhere to practice.

As if the squad left the man, it means that family vіdnosinakh everything was not going smoothly, and the person knew more about everything. Obviously, it is the fault of the fact that the wine did not give meaning to the problems, it was better for all the blame, that the squad did not go anywhere. And, perhaps, just not taking them seriously.

How to behave, how the squad threw

But the axis is a fact: the squad left you. Mustaches should be broken in a different way: somewhere with a scandal, loudly gryuknuvshi door, breaking all the dishes at the booth before it, somewhere to sweat, leaving a note (delete some notes), and if you know you have the strength to separate calmly. Ale hoch bi yakim buv vіdkhіd squads, it is necessary to take care of self-control. It is not necessary for any one time:

  • roam scandals;
  • stop physical violence;
  • threaten;
  • stoop down and turn the blessings;
  • virishuvati problems with alcohol.

It is necessary to cross the hour, to give yourself the opportunity to come to you, to cool down, to think well and make a firm decision: what did you do? If you care that your family still has a chance, then you need to beat it. Even those who have left the squad, do not talk about those who have cooled down a little. Maybe, for her, it’s a way to make you think and remember your pardons. As if there is no hope for the revival of this, then the best way out is to save garni vodnosiny one with one, even if it’s sleeping children, talking and chatting together all life.

Well, if you want a month, you can proceed to decisive action, to turn your squad around. Nasampered, it is necessary to supply food, why did the squad go? As it has already been said, the woman did not just go out of this, she was happy. Otzhe, treba shukati reason, wanting, singsong, out of sight. Women abandon their people for the following reasons:

  • Visibility of the mind. Nevmіnnya domovitisya, vіdsutnіst svіlnyh іnteresіv prizvoditsya before weldings, and zreshtoj і before separation.
  • Alcoholism of a person - That's the problem, more than one family was surging through the yak.
  • Physical violence. This problem, as a last resort, is evident from the previous one - addiction to alcohol. Proverezіvshi, man repents and vibrates, and then we repeat everything again, and images accumulate in the soul of a woman, like and cause you to get out of here with sim'ї. But also violence can zastosovuvat and a person, who doesn’t know, is simply rude for his nature.
  • Financial problems, nebzhannya cholovіka їх virishuvati early chi pіzno cause separation.
  • Overworld Jealousy that control from the side of a person is for the squad a manifestation of disobedience and distrust.
  • Problems in intimate life. Passion passes through the fates, sexual life becomes one-man, at the link with the cim, they make friends one by one and start making links with the partner on the side.
  • For the sake of a man. Deyakі zhіnki can endure zv'yazku man on botsі all life, and deyakі nezdatnі їkh probachit.
  • The stagnation of the squad. It's banal, but there are fluctuations, if the squad starts a tussle, which will zakohuetsya and go just to the new one. And then turn the squad on richly folding.

Most of the time, all these reasons come out one by one. So, alcoholism is in itself violence, unreasonable, problems in sex, for the sake of it.

Obviously, the skin has its own individual stounki that reason is also individual. Vykhodyachi z tsієї reasons, and it is necessary to shukati out of the situation.

It is necessary to understand that the squad left you for these other reasons, then you will only turn in that direction, if you change. Vіdnosini at tsimu vpadku happen to be іnakshe. If you are ready to drink to change in yourselves, listen to the bazhan squad, then go for it! Such a memory needs to be remembered, that the smut is the saving of this, that pride is not a comrade here. If it’s easy to change your mind, change, then you won’t get turned to a psychologist, who can help you. The squad does not turn around before that person, who has gone out, for that the need to change is obvious.

If you understand that the squad will not turn around, then in any kind of mood, you need to rozmirkovuvat firmly. There is no place for jealousy and aggression - these emotions can be shoved on the most important things and cause no evil.

To be left alone is necessary for any kind of temper, you can’t show weakness, rozcharu your squad. And weakness is manifested in threats, blackmail, scandals, retrials and humiliation.

It is necessary to respect the decision of the squad, to remember that they left you for the sake of another person. Perhaps your very calm, that kindly behavior will help you understand what you need to turn around.

Possibly, the sight of the squad є by the manifestation of a crisis in the family’s brethren, and not everything has been spent yet, it is necessary for him to simply take care of his pardons, in order to escape them from the future. You need to fight for your happiness - just sit, clasping your hands, save yourself and not see.

Hello, the squad threw me and depression began in me, for those who lived in a garne mіtsnoy homeland, the axis has been living for two months already, but I don’t want to live, but I really and truly think about death. They heard it right away and it turned out so that I didn’t need anyone. Only my daughter seems to love me, and only if it instills positive in the hvilinka, and so, alone and silently, I can’t do it any more, if not death, then the psychiatric hospital is safe, but this time, death is more beautiful.
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kinglion183 , vic: 36 / 04/06/2016


Good day! It’s more complicated to break apart, it’s more sore, but you need to trim! Tim more you have a donka, your prominchik is bright! Be kind, don't think about the trash! At once, if the wound is so fresh, it seems that there is no way out of the deaf kuta, but it’s not so! Come to your guts, practice, take care of the child, you can walk at once, go for a ride on a shackle, ride a bicycle, and calm down a little and grow up yourself! You are young, you have a lot of chances to fall in love again and create your own. Wish you the best!

Irina, vic: 28 / 06.04.2016

Do not dare to think about death. You have a daughter, how to love you in a right way, not one woman will love you like that, like a daughter, don’t kill her psyche with your insight, shave stats about those who are familiar with childish souls like fathers. Power on at least three robots, abi didn’t have an hour for stupid thoughts. Get in touch with your daughter, even if by SMS, just don’t get in touch with one single source, which is to love you. Earn pennies for her, even if you still learn and grow up. Think at once not about yourself, but about her. You can miraculously need Donetsk in your difficult life.

tv, vіk: 45 / 04/06/2016

And what does it take to know a new woman?
If the squad has done it so, then the doors behind it can forever be fixed. Seeing me, the squad has gone, try and break through!

Mikhailo, vic: 34 / 04/06/2016

Shanovny! I'm already sleeping. It is insanely important to survive the fall of sim'ї, sight close people. The camp of abandonment and inconvenience will follow you. The most intense stress. So it's not surprising that you want to forget and not live. Such a camp hoards wealthy people, as if they were trying to get through a similar situation. Tse truth duzhe girkі pochutya. But know what time it is to rejoice. You can almost feel it step by step, You can add more time to various speeches. New acquaintances. At once it is necessary to simply live, live with tim, scho є. One, one, one. Іz natural experiences spend. Your squad, better for everything, is a small reason for what you went, tse її vybіr, try to work it out. Your daughter to love you and demand your love, support her, and she will support you with her love. Believe that life will change. And this period will be a new stage in life. Might be the cob of what I could not dream about. Slowly you see it, you call it, you will live it any other way. Ale, I will definitely be. I wish you a productive and long life. And more dearly to love, dosvid and knowledge, to endure hardships, You will pass on your donations.

Julia, vic: 31 / 06.04.2016

Hello. I really want to support you. I will miraculously understand you, to that in the sickle of the past fate, I saw a man after 16 years. sleepy life. Having left me with two small children. I already kohal. I tried to work everything for the new, but the more I robbed, the less it was valued. Two months over a small term, sob felt better. For you, for your life, we saw magnificent things without anesthesia, and it took an hour, the wound healed. The bigger the wound, the bigger the hour is needed. Do not make a guess on the future, otherwise you will be true. For three months I had a panic, like I'll be alone, like a child ... but I tried to live this day. You need to collapse with small crumbs. Axis є day, є do it, yakі need to work and everything. Just Povіr become lighter, obov'yazkovo. I have passed 8 months. I won’t say that everything was direct, but it became calmer unequivocally. So, images and bil periodically accumulate, but now it’s much more appropriate. I life has gone in the direction of the zvichne, no one has died and no one is devout. Zrozumіy, it’s normal, that it’s more painful for you at once, you don’t feel like that, but you did it step by step, but then we’ll go through it, obov’yazkovo. I will entrust my thoughts and embrace you, get over yourself.

Tetyana, vic: 37 / 06.04.2016

Good afternoon!
I have another coat. I happy. So it seems like "As soon as a team came to you, then it's not clear who was spared." You have a daughter, More than anything beautiful for a person, everything is ahead of you.
So, in any given time, you don’t need to be angry!
So here the order is with you, one, as you were judged to be wise.
Everything will be good!

Mikhailo, vic: 45 / 04/07/2016

Good afternoon. I have the same situation. Vizhiv simple recipe. Having grown up with a child and a robot, and after 2 years, he had a wife, like a pokohav. The hour is rejoicing, do not hesitate to marvel ahead. Flatten your eyes and see how you live, let's say through the river. How would you like to live? Go to what. All bad things come in. Oh yes. A dekilka of sessions with a psychologist helped me, although my wife dragged me there after the fate of the struggle)

Ruslan, vic: 27 / 10.04.2016

Vitannia. I will understand you! I have been 36 years old, in the same days a team went to me, with which they lived 13 years. Moreover, exactly 13 years - we died on the same day 13 years ago. I have the same donka, how to love me. I (and my squad) also saw at once, nibi blew a great piece of clothing from the body. Seeing such a posthumous reason, motorosh that self. The most terrible thing at the time of separation was to say to the donets that my mother and I lived well, even though everything went well. We said that a man and a squad can be separated, maybe for a certain hour, they can be forever, but the fathers will never be separated - we will always be offended by fathers. And with my retinue, we were deprived of our closest friends. Do not lose heart, focus on the bottom, on encouraging new stosunkiv from the retinue, and on your own. Especially I choose to guess how it is - rich behind the backs;) And just women with a huge squad - remember that it’s not easy to catch it. You are thrown and self-sufficient, and the won have left and are aware of the motor fault. Well, it means that for other reasons, she couldn’t be more happy with you, but I have the right to be happy, and you and your daughter, remember about tse

Mykola, vic: 35 / 13.09.2016

Front prohannya Step prohannya
Turn to the cob

Stop talking about help
Separated from a man, they called me, and mothers at death. I want to die;
I’m 32, I’m left without a job, I have three children, like a mother, like a child ... Poluvannya end life, but it’s good, like a buti ...
My hands drop and I want to get out of this world. The druzhina caught hold of my daughter against me and taught me to call me all sorts of matyuki.
Read more nonsense

Meni 31 roki, at once I live in the house of mayzhe 9 rokiv, є one sin 7 rokiv. Right hat, what is for her, what is for me is different. For the first time, she has 10 years of blue, and May the same day of 10 years. Ninishny squad from a different place. live on rental apartments. On the cob of the cob, everything was ready, but in the future, I hunted another girl. We corresponded for a long time, and as a result, we had an affair. Tsomu novel may already be 3 years old. We froze. On the back of my mind, I thought that it’s just an addiction, but at the same time I realized that I love її. Ale, I can't leave my family. The druzhina is good in me, waiting for the scandal for 8 years, the miraculous household gift. The kohanka told me today that she couldn’t share with her, and she urged me to part ways and part ways. I told you that I can’t part, because I’ll have a bad squad, and children, so I’ll be bad for my mother, because after the first separation I got on insulin, she has diabetes. Todi the kokhanka said, what a joke to yourself, what I waited for, because I don’t have the right to trim. At once, she got to know the lad, for his words, they still just talk and talk, but they didn’t kiss. It seems to me that I should know shamefully, that I should be robbed of me for evil, and that a lad does not fit, but I want to stay abroad and my mother. Everything is smooth, scorched, to the right in the fact that I suddenly became friends for the sake of my father’s mother, the stench immediately told me that I could make friends. So, I'm a bastard and thinness, barking to myself, I'm exhausted, and I don't know how to be.

Alibek, Kazakhstan, 31 r_k

Advice of a family psychologist:

Hello, Alibek.

Well, if it’s just important for your fathers, if you were friendly, then it’s all the same to them who. So if you are separated from the ninth retinue and make friends with your kohana, there are no problems with them. If you want Sim'yu - be kind. Now about you. "I love you, but I can't leave my family"... What now? What do you want? Throw away your family and make friends with her; The third option - buti z dvoma vіdrazu - so I'll understand, I can't. Lost two - kohannya chi comfort. Abo what? Borg? Pretty? Tezh kokhannya? Why can't you separate from the retinue? What in the last one, what didn’t happen in the first one (because of which you could be separated) and what can’t be in the third one (you can’t drink before it) ???? Why don't you hang out, so that you could її pokohati? So far, the situation looks like that everything is not good enough, but a friend, all the same, it’s the best ... even if it’s not enough. I would have pleased you at such a time either a fourth, in which case you would be important to you in another and in the third, or try to get along with your friends with the lower squad and feel up to her. Maybe, can you change it, why don't you change it? It’s so important to you that you’re not ready to throw it away without regard for a trinitarian novel ... Think ...

With respect, Babievska Olena Kirilivna.

Maybe, it’s not rare. And so, having put your own skin on the skin of crippling and miserable people, whom the squad left. Youmu wondered if everything stinks good. What is your family, children, in love with a robot, friends in life. And then, none of that, she said that she wanted to separate. Abo just picked up the speech and that message. You know, why are you like this?

No, here on the right is not in the woman's commercialism. And not in other people. And not because the women themselves do not know what they want. Wow, you know.

What is the reason? There is no one's own person anymore. Vin alive and healthy. Vіn schodnya to come home. Some help. Abo navit graє іz dіtmi. Ale vin is no longer the same person, who declared love and respect all life. Be together at the mountain that joy.

If a person becomes a person, he forgets for a year that he has a squad. Vіn bachit її today. You can sleep from her in one bed. Vin will take care of my family. Ale vin forget that the person instructed him to live. What a squad is NOT an accessory for embellishing a booth. Not able to keep the same booths quiet. Not an incubator for children winemaking.

A woman is a living person. Chuyny, razlivyy, spovneniye zhnostі, predilections and love. Zhіntsi nebhіdno vіdchuvati, and not just know what її cholovіk dosi її kohaє. What should I say to my life? What I can't get up to її emotions. What wine do you want. What good did I entrust from her.

A woman is such a person, it’s necessary for life to bestow one’s femininity on a kohan man. So, a part of your reserves will be given away to relatives, friends, children. And yet, the greatest number of warm emotions is reserved for the new one - himself. And where do you go, if you forget yourself what your squad will require? It is necessary for you not only to take yoga, but to prepare it for you. I want to talk, marvel at the vіchі. Engage in sex, vіdchuvayuchi predilection and zahoplennya, and not 5-hvilinnu disrespect person. You want to cuddle up butt sprat once a day. And not through force, but from satisfaction. Sob qi volume gave seconds of tenderness vom. He wants to get home on her, not a bad guy, but a person, as if he wants respect, like there is yoga.

Maybe, deyakі zhіnki zі can't wait for me. Movlyav, not everyone is so indifferent. But you can be like that. I'm just writing about quiet emotional and strange squads, like they really suffer in the absence of respect and caress.

People often tell the truth, that at the same time important hours. What will we all change. And nothing changes. Forget about it! We must live with the fever. It is important for the skin in its own way. Ale didn’t bring, to forget about your other half. Vіdsuvati її zavzhd to another plane. People have an hour and a day for work, for friends, for hoarding, for fishing, for watering, for computer games. You may be able to go to billiards or to football. There the stench smells inexplicable emotions. Not to mention the garage.

What about at home? At home rotten. Sofa, TV, hedgehog, sleep. And the squad? And the squad is. Vaughn can't be. I raptom її tezh nemaє. But you already understood why it was so.

Adzhe, everything could be different, yakbi people, dressing up the kіltse, did not forget about their friend's oaths. About love and passion, as if you had eaten them from a kohan woman. Yakby stinks remembered that a woman is a human being. Won can buti beloved retinue, the best friend, a support and a support for everything, so don’t forget about her, don’t turn it aside, like an indecent bag.

I guess that people today stray the family calm and prestige. The stench vvazhayut, that they have achieved everything, that the stench may sing the status of a success, a classy car, good job or your own business, then the stench has already reached everything in your life, and you have only lost yourself in beauty. But forget the stink, what for, in order to save the kohanna of your squad, which is not enough. And without її kohanny rich someone simply ceases to bachiti zmіst at all their reach.

And what is needed? Everything is much simpler. You need to give respect to your squad. If it is worth sharing with you, you need to listen. And not buried in the phone, I marvel at it right in the eyes. Vaughn does not cry for a day. Ale, yakscho їy need to speak, listen. If you don’t want to swear, find out about the reason. Yakshcho їy need help with joy, help. Aje tse is not easy, right?

A lot of people have already been drunk, as if it were the first time to take the kokhan by the hand, marvel at the girl and kiss her. Chomus muster vyrishili, scho zgodom tsі emotions zgasuyut. But not so. Navit through rocks family life you can resurrect addiction. New? And if you, people, rebelled, you wondered how you care about your squad? Hiba tse nonsense? Your passion has faded. And at the same time, the love of your squad before you died out. Do you want to resurrect the kohanny? To ignite one's passion again. Yak? Read more.

So, at the same time, there is a lot of someone who can not wait for me, especially people. Ale, I say everything in the name of women. In the name of the squads, they were worried that the people didn’t care about them. Can't you kohati? How about making friends? Navіscho bulo obіtsyati that take on the goiter? Shlyub - not less than a bandage, a penny will be beaten. Shlyub is just a kohannya. I docks out alive, alive and dear. And if the kohannya is dying, then don’t be surprised why the squads throw navit kokhanikh cholovikiv.

Do you think it's easy for the squad to rob this croc? Vkti vіd cholovіka, what kind of person to love? No, it's complicated. It's just that at some point it clicks in the middle and it lames. Hope is dying. I’m out of my mind, that among these women and in whom I love you, you can no longer be happy. And happiness is the simplest thing that we especially appreciate in life. Hiba not so? The skin of us is different, so that we are happy. Sob shchoranka with a smile and zasinati in the arms of a kokhan people. Todi and khropinnya do not fight. And the filthy sounds are given out only by the peculiarities of the vdacha.

Do not call the squads, like throwing kohanih cholovikiv. It's even more important. It's just that without some stink you can't know yourself again.

I bet your life never got like this. And just like that, right now, you see what you are experiencing similarly, you know - everything is in your hands! You can try to change that.

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