How to make friends between your creatures and Budinkovs. How to make friends with Budinkov's little drummer. How to appease Budinkov in a new or rented apartment

It is not uncommon for psychics to talk about how to appease Budinkov at his apartment. We have steadily re-examined the burghers of the monastery, which is located in the private sector, today marked in rich apartment living units.

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Why is it important to chat with Budinkov?

Understand the situation: you bought a brand new apartment, moved in safely, got dressed, and after a month or two you realize that there is someone else living on these square meters. Moreover, he respects himself as a rightful ruler and is always trying to make you lose your position.

Note everyday speech - lights on or non-working electrical appliances, sounds, gibberish, saw-eye, moving objects - you will begin to think what God wills. Pray to your loved ones who are procrastinating with you, and then realize that you have become a victim of the advances of your house-dweller.

The name is inaccurate. Psychics confirm that the image of a small, curly-haired grandfather, which is prominent in folklore, does not seem to represent the essence that settles with you. :

  • the spirit of a dead relative of the rulers;
  • the first ruler of the apartments, who died an uncontrollable death by laying hands on himself;
  • vipadkovo chi navmisno vyklikana potoybіchna force (demon, poltergeist).

Don't rush to get rid of the bastard. Let me first explain what I need from you. Remember, the house-elf appears before important events in life. For the good relationship of the meshkans, the booth is protected from magical gifts, negative energy and other inconveniences. So you can’t catch the invisible assistant, you can just get along with him.

How to appease a brownie in a new apartment

Speed ​​up in one of the following ways:

  1. To flatter the enigmatic susidov, if they are placed before him, like a booth up to the head, and call him a father or a ruler, they become brutal to a new “housekeeper” or “grandfather”.
  2. The nature of the house-houses is to move, truth, creak and give signals about change. Regardless of lack of comradeship, “sir” is to love, if you ask someone for the sake of it, talk about your experiences, simply ask for the ancient spirit or after all.
  3. So that you can live peacefully in your home, tell us about the place where you will spend the night. Choose a quiet little bundle and create a quiet little bed: take the cat or the box from the bottom up, put some scraps of fabric on the bottom, so that your grandfather’s softness will fall asleep. Don’t forget to make the carpet so that the house doesn’t freeze on cold winter evenings.
  4. The spirit to love, if people talk about madness, which we so diligently protect from evil. Don’t mess with the symbols of your home: rarely stroke the walls, splash on the sofa, get into the apartment more often so that dirt and debris do not accumulate.

The Slovenes performed one awkward ritual - try to earn it yourself.

The ritual must be performed on the third night of the new month. Clean up the cabin first, light a candle at night and stand with it in the center of any room. Make a slope on all sides and wash:

Master-father, bless our home with happiness and prosperity!

Repeat the tricha ritual on the next and third month.

In ancient times, the presence of an invisible assistant was respected with great importance. The old men were getting wet pick up Budinkovovo at the time of moving in another life, and many were specially prepared.

How to appease Budinkovogo with baits

Chakluny knows that it is sweet to love essences that hesitate for long. If the house is empty or it’s suffocating at night, try to serve something tasty.

To cook porridge with milk, as the Slovenian ancestors tried, or to leave a plate of sweet goodness (tsukerka, ice cream, pechenka) in a quiet little corner - people believed that the mysterious sauce lived behind the grain. There are ways to interact with the Budinkovychka near the apartment.

So that the invisible gentleman reveals his cunningness, deprive him of the night in the natural world. There is no refrigerator or space under the radiator.

Know: the house-elf loves milk - pour it into the bottle of your beloved one more often. Enjoy a saucer of buckwheat porridge. Lasoschi for housekeeping - a piece of bread with some seasonings.

However, do not overdo it with frequent chats, gradually appeasing Budinkov, you run the risk of acquiring unwanted life by driving comas. If you are saving a gift for the night, don’t forget to pick up the money.

These are the days when people are preparing to have a pet at home. The day before is 28 September, 7 February and 1 week.

Choose a beautiful plate, place it on it and go to the keeper with the words:

“Our dear Lord, invisible to the eyes! With great gratitude I offer you frequent prayers.
Protect our monastery and all household members, so that the fire does not fall and the water does not drown,
So that prosperity will arrive and we will drink more and more!”

How to keep Budinkovo ​​happy with toys

There were a few stories about how children love to be empty: hoarding money, decorating and other small objects, making dishes in the kitchen at night, crap appearing on the table. Or they especially stuck with similar twists of the hidden bag.

A mischievous spirit drives out those people who, through furnishings, have to rent someone else’s life. There is no discontent that a stream of different people passes through the walls of the booth and wants to show themselves as the rightful ruler.

It is possible to make a hundred-year-old happy - give her something so that you can become a toy for her.

A wonderful gift from a treasure trove - an old one that no one should wear. I'm happy with the hot drinks.

When you choose a dribnichka, put it in a bright box and leave it in a quiet place. It’s fun to enjoy a new toy without worrying about what to do with such activities.

There is no time to clean up the container - you can give the housekeeper a coin - put it behind the baseboard. Tell the story about this feature:

“It’s a shame for you, masters! Oh, grandpa, a penny for the malt!”

There is no need to work hard to avoid rot. They are carefully placed before the new one and before their monastery. If you get along well with the house-elf, you will gain a loyal ally, help you in your reign and be ahead of future changes.

Attempts to restore peace in spirit did not bring results - seek help from a practicing psychic. It’s important to figure out what the dark reality is that doesn’t give you peace and what you want.

Doesn't care about those in to the current world Technology is becoming more and more important every day, and many people continue to trace their ancestors. A dozen more times ago, a house-elf was a significant figure in every life. People fooled around with it and lived in every possible way, because they believed that the invisible spirit was the guardian of decay. Although a lot has changed in life, faith in potbochny world I lost it from a lot of people.

How to make friends with a house elf?

Often in difficult situations people resort to violence for help from invisible forces. For happiness, the guard of the little house is witnessed by the invisible ruler, so it is important to know the sound of his call. There is no middle ground between the evil and the good depending on the behavior of the rulers. If they bark often and do not keep order, then the invisible spirit will be aggressive and laggard.

  1. To love the stench, if the rulers break their prayers with them, and it is worthwhile to be timid. Call him nothing less than “sir,” or even worse, “didus.”
  2. Prepare the brownie thoroughly with carved relish. To love wine tsukerki, gingerbread, baked goods. To find a contact, first place something on the table naturally. Sometimes place a bottle of milk on the table or in the kitchen. I would like to prepare a porridge specially for Budinkovo ​​once in a while.
  3. The invisible ruler holds his own sacredly. On the 28th of today our ancestors marked the day of Budinkov’s nationality. On this day, it is recommended to prepare chasti for the spirit. Golovne, so that the strain does not have meat.
  4. Never leave knives or other sharp objects on the table; the stinking fragments can reduce your strength. As a result, the house-elf will not be able to resist the negative influx of various evil spirits.
  5. Kishka often plays with Budinkov, so you can tell from her behavior what kind of mood he is in. If the creature is calm, then the spirit is peaceful.
  6. To love perfume gifts, and especially soft toys, miscellaneous jewelry, coins and other shiny objects. Find a special box and place it in a quiet place. Put all the gifts there for Budinkovo ​​yourself.

If, having tried all the methods, it didn’t work out to improve the relationship with the house-elf, then you can try. For this it is necessary to sweep all the piles into the booth with a broom, at which the following words appear:

“I’m wagging, I’m wagging you, you naughty, alien house-elf!”

Perform this ritual every day of the week, around Friday. Since it’s not easy to lose something for long without Budinkov’s support, it’s time to call for a new one. The most beautiful robot is 10 fierce. After sunset until midnight, open the window, place the white towel across the window and say 3 times:

“Uncle house-elf, master-father, come to our rich door for happiness, health, joy, wealth.”

After about an hour, take the towel and close the window. Place the frequency on the table and say:

“For the health of you and our homeland, grandfather.”

How to appease the brownie before the time of moving?

In order for everything to go well in the new place, it is necessary to take the brownie away from you when changing your place of residence. If someone fails to work in a new place, a variety of problems and incompatibility may arise. To appease your brownie, follow these recommendations:

  1. Take stare vzuttya, Let's go with the perfect boot. Place it under your arm and ask the brownie to drink with you. On the day of moving, move your bag, close it and don’t open it until you end up in your new place.
  2. You can place your slippers on the threshold and say the following words:

    “Housewife, homemaker, let’s go to the new house, we have a lot of life.”

    When moving, be sure to take your slippers with you.

  3. The fathers transported Budinkovoy to the vinik. For this purpose, place him in the center of your life and call upon the spirit. Then place the broom under the aroma and you can wait.

75% of Ukrainians believe that there is a house-elf living in their house.

20:25 15.11.2012

It is believed that there is a house-elf alive in every little cabin, and if you interact with him, then the family will be happy and calm forever. Or maybe this is true?

At first glance, it seems that it’s simply ridiculous to believe in Budinkov’s clocks in our time. However, I was extremely happy when I found out that 75% of Ukrainians are converted, and that in their everyday life they are effectively lingering with these fabulous realities. As a child, I myself believed in them. As my grandfather could not know what he was saying, he had already said that the house-elf was guilty, saying, playing a little and turning around.

It seems that my sister and I are convinced that the apartment drummer is nothing more than a young boy, they began to call him. How to act, we knew: we needed to check in late at night, turn on the light in the apartment, and put a saucer of milk and stove on the radiator, and say: “House-house, house-houseman, we want you to do something.” Having sat in the soaked pile of quilts, we felt the doors rattle, and then a vase spilled over onto the table. The fathers laughed for a long time, explaining everything with the utmost urgency. Over the course of a year, I started to flock to this version. And yet, there are many who confirm that the Budinkovs are true.

Warm place

The faith in the Budinkovs has become familiar to the Slovenian peoples. The Belarusians have a hutnik or a hospodar, the Poles have a khovanets... These kudlati guards of the house came to us from pagan times. “Our ancestors believed in those that the true ruler of the budinka is the house-elf, like Olena Ryasina, a Fahivet from the Slovenian culture. - How to encourage him garni of wine, then in the future it will be calm and troublesome to bypass it. If the house-elf dislikes you, watch out for all sorts of new approaches. Initially, this saver of home warmth is alive under the threshold, behind the rough or on the hills.

Today's house-houses "moved over" to the radiators and stones. And it’s difficult to figure out the axis of this life, even if the house-elfs are empty, like hooligan boys, and, like a ruler, they talk about cleanliness and quiet.”

We know exactly what the house-elf gets to his heart's content, and what he can't stand. The most terrible thing for a new person is that untidy apartment. Love the house-elf so that all objects are in their proper place. That is why he is stealing from us all those things that are not where they should be. And if the area is clean and tidy, then you can help and protect family members from harm. The house-elf cannot tolerate smoking in the house.

Stay ahead of time

“It’s very easy to find out that everything is controlled by your Budinkov, - even a historian, a follower folk names Ivan Rozhko. - As a rule, he himself gets ahead when there is dissatisfaction. For example, since it is not appropriate for any of your guests, you will ask him in every way.”

“It’s amazing that when I spend the night with my sister, it feels amazing,” says Inna, a teacher. - At night, I feel as if those clumsy hands are pressing on me, and then they begin to choke me. At first I thought it was just my imagination, but then I was inspired by my sister’s news. She admitted that I don’t belong to her brownie, and she’s trying to see me. We read that you can get rid of Budinkov’s sweetness by drinking it often with malt and asking in a loud voice for a shakedown. That's how they did it. And from that hour, believe me, I will no longer be tormented on wonderful nights.”

Wartly pay attention to such misfortunes as speeches that disappear, cups that break on their own, salt that disintegrates on its own, or unknowingly spilled water.

“When we were robbed at our apartment major renovation“, the walls were worn down and the niches were closed, the cabin became a mystery,” says Valeria, a journalist. - First of all, we are starting to see items that are essential for our work disappear every day. Varto could only think about those who needed a roller, as they knew in obscurity! The first wall, which we tried to remove together with the alarm bells, gave in to us by force, and the next day, great cracks appeared in the plaster, which we tried to cover the niche with. When Vikonrob Zhartom said that our house-elf didn’t want any re-planning, we began to think. They wanted to “appease” the house-elf and asked him out loud for permission to carry out repairs. You can call it a hit, but from that hour everything went like clockwork.”

It turns out that the Budinkovs began to love even more if their prayers were broken. For them, this means showing courage. Therefore, talk to your invisible spirit more often at home, give him compliments, ask for help. If you have pets, especially cats, pay respect to their behavior, says Ivan Rozhko. It is important that the creatures smell the Budinkovs and understand whether the stinks are good or bad. As if the cat hisses and arches its back as if it were empty, it seems that the order here is a lamb that does not belong to it. And when she exchanges words, waves her paws, and simply wonders into nowhere - well, the stinks are already getting along.

“In the budinka, such a place to love, it’s always quiet and warm. In addition, each person actually experiences a special, innate flow of energy, like bioenergetics Anatoly Ivanov. – And there is nothing mystical in it. Just physics! Creatures sense this energy better and can also react to it. And because of the value of energy, speaking with a positive attitude is often seen in the wind kind words And splutter about your life, it also becomes positive.”

Appeasement session

Kim bi chi chim did not have this energy, and was able to live with positive emotions. How to appease Budinkov and earn money so that he becomes a pomichnik?

Our ancestors have always tried to organize a place for Budinka. It was appreciated that the stinks really liked to hang out in the brooms similar to the straw sheaves, which were desiring to be put in any quiet little corner or hung on the walls.

Housewife Larisa gifts her housekeeper with various toys. There is a small screen near the living room, in which lie some sparkling cigarettes, coins, and penny bills. Until now, no one from the family members sticks around until Lara wipes it with a saw. The girl seems that before this screen appeared, no pennies were put into the booth, the salary was otherwise going nowhere. And now the family is doing well financially. As a house-elf, he took away his hair in the korsistuvannya and became the guardian of our family budget.

“My house-elf is a great weasel,” said Nastya, a student, with a laugh. - It befits you if there is no zucchini, baked goods, pies, porridge or milk on the table. Actually, I’m not going to the house-elf very seriously, but I still think it’s more like a dream. Therefore, when moving to new apartment I asked the brownie to come out there with us at the same time. She stood at the threshold of the old life and said: “My master, we walk with me, without you there will be no happiness.”

It is important that you need to let the guts in first into a new apartment, like Budinkov’s apartment. Since there is no fluffy lover, let the child come in first. Bring success to this family in the new place.

“Psychologists don’t believe in the Budinkovs, but those whose positive attitude brings success, like psychologist Angelina Dubtsova. - As you should take care of your apartment, practicing the ancient Slovenian rituals, continue the process obligingly. First of all, your home will become more beautiful and cleaner, and in another way, it will free you from your doubtful thoughts. Golovny, so that you believe in the positive result of your actions, and then you won’t get drunk!”

Dodomu є mayzhe u kozhnomu budinku. If you live there, where your grandmother and grandfather lived, and before them - their great-grandmother, you can not doubt the presence of a house-elf, who will become a good person. Why is the apartment rented? Come and see if the spirit is alive in her, and try to communicate with him.

How do you mean that the house-elf at the budinka

It is not difficult to determine the presence of Budinkov in the cabin or apartment; you must first listen to your listeners. You can often find yourself craving a little sleep at night, knowing that there are no domestic animals in your cabin. In addition, other sounds may be present – ​​squeaking, creaking, crackling. Shvidshe for everything, don’t go to the door. There is no need to be afraid of him, he simply checks that everything is good and builds his houses.

You can also take care of your pets. The guts and dogs are filled with spirits and still play with them. If your dog is surprised when empty, and the cat purrs and plays with something invisible, but does not show fear or aggression - be calm, your home is protected by a good spirit.

He very often looks after small children, especially infants. Increase your respect when your child looks at the empty space or reaches out to the next hand. It is important that children under three years of age can sense the presence of spirits and accept them as members of the family.

House elves love dishes, so if you clink dishes in a deserted kitchen, you know that your house elf is playing with them. In addition, the spirit can steal candies and other malts, as well as throw away children's toys.

If you are comfortable in the hut, you have no fear of sleeping in the dark, which means that you understand that it protects against the insecurity of the hut and your poor people. If you are friends with a house-elf, you can send prophetic dreams and banish nightmares, and also cause you to wake up because you overslept. Often, saving the daytime indicates that guests will soon arrive and a member of the family will return home. Buvaje, what are you going to entrance doors even before they called her? Know that this house-elf is telling you.

It’s a welcome place to stay at the booth, which protects a good spirit, there is a warmth and a kindly atmosphere, welding rarely flares up and ends quickly.

You need to be friends with a good house-elf, treat him with malts and deprive him of toys (gudziki, nastiny, strichki), give him for his help and help.

To check who is the keeper of your apartment, try giving it a few uncooked cuticles in a quiet place in the evening. In the morning you will discover that the zukerki lie differently or have completely disappeared.

Just like a chat for home spirit You can add milk, pechivo, licorice porridge or some honey. If the quantity of malt has decreased before the morning, this is a great sign that the house elf has taken frequent leave and will help you.

How to appease a brownie

To appease the brownie, try one of the following methods.

  1. It befits a mysterious vessel if it has been placed before with great importance, like a booth up to the head, and is called father or master, and is called “father” or “gospodar” to the new “housekeeper” or “didus”.
  2. Although brownies are more social in character, they can sometimes make noise, anticipating future events. Regardless of uncomradeliness, “sir” love, if the bastards are brutal until the new for joy, they tell about the events, or they simply ask for their help, or after returning home.
  3. So that the brownie was handy, tell him about the place of his dream. It has long been believed that the house-elf should sleep behind the rug. To make it easier for the “father”, choose a place near the eyes of the bundles, place a small cat or box there, put some scraps of fabric on the bottom, so that your grandfather can sleep well. Don’t forget about the carpet, so that on cold winter nights you don’t freeze.
  4. If you don’t like quarrels, scandals and shouting in your little house, then be careful not to bark, don’t cry sweetly, and don’t smoke in your little house - the house-elf won’t tolerate Tyutyun’s Dima.
  5. The spirit of love, if people with a turbo are put to the alarm, which is so diligently protected from evil forces. Show signs of courage: sometimes stroke the walls, you can splash on the couch, and more often than not, get into the apartment more often so that the drinks and drinks don’t accumulate.
  6. If you have begun to lose your speech, try to ask what the house-elf wants, perhaps he will tell you. Whenever there is an emergency, you can prepare a gift for the “grandfather” - put mud, stitches, balls of thread, coins in a box and put them in a quiet place. Just be sure to tell the spirit that this is a gift for someone else, otherwise they may not accept your gifts.

As you know, in order to make friendships without spoiling trash, you need a little bit of diligence and kindness. The most important thing is that they are placed with respect to the soul of the budinka and to the soul of the soul. Having partnered with the house-elf, you will find in his person a loyal ally who can help you with the rule and be aware of future changes.

Among the people of the subtle world, we most often associate ourselves with the house-elf. The house-elf helps those who live next to him, anticipates upcoming misfortunes, and tries to escape them. However, sometimes it gets lost, so budinkovy near the apartment It’s starting to be empty: it’s desirable because there’s no talk, noisy, and it doesn’t give you peace at night. In such situations with a brownie, you need to help and appease him.

If you have begun to notice that bad things are going on in your little house, or if you just want to get good luck to your little house, then you need to know the way to your house-elf. What is the benefit of this drive of esotericism?

How to appease a brownie

  • Talk to him. To love a house-elf if people say their words to him. It is important to ask him for help, to scold him for his mischief. Most likely, the house-elf at your booth will sense your calls and groans, calm down and go back to protecting the booth.
  • Sometimes you can give the brownie malt or porridge. Place a saucer of sweets in the kitchen, in a dark closet, and say: “Here you are, housewife.” They will come well and peace will come between their households.

  • When you turn to the house-elf, you need to call him Didusem, Domoviyushka, Khazyain-father, Sudar-domovoy, Petrovich, Kuzmich. That’s what our ancestors called the brownie.
  • Never leave prickly and sharp objects in the kitchen at night - knives, scissors, spies, as well as salt, cibula, pepper and chasnik - all this does not require the house-elf to protect your home from dark forces and negativity.
  • The house-elf does not like disorder. If the hut is a constant mess, then the house-elf can misread you. For example, your valuables may be lost, or the house-elf will wake you up more at night, preventing you from sleeping.

Not to like huskies, swearing, beshketa and smittya. The most important thing is to strive for your home and lead a peaceful life, without conflicts with loved ones. The housekeeper at the apartment will help you and keep you in order. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons

26.11.2014 09:15

A real house is a fortification and a pier for people. Ale lived without Budinkovogo, navіt...

It’s important that there is a little house-elf living near every booth. This is the spirit that calls to steal the booths in the face of adversity and misfortune. Zachist...

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