The lady from Minsk didn’t spend much on the child after the cleaning at her apartment. Old on the right in a new way

Curtsy to ours and yours

As a reminder of the past week, independent Belarusian ZMIs have received information about “there are reprisals for the support of Ukraine”. Ale, at that time, in fact, they did not give any reason to take into account those who were being subjected to truly large-scale and serious reprisals.

Let's say Andriy Strizhak, Coordinator of the Humanitarian Route of Belarus-ATO, with whom we speculated on the 2nd of April, even skeptically posing to "incite panic."

“In my opinion, those who I immediately speak to you, and not to the next, eloquently note about the total cleansing of all who are connected with Ukraine. Everything is quiet, no one is picking us up. Not long ago, they sent a ton of additional help, and now we’re ready to take it. Yesterday, with the help of our intermediary, the Ukrainian representative office of "Santa Bremor" delivered to Bakhmut about two hundred kilograms of settlements for refugees. Everything is going according to the plan,” Andriy said.

Vіn vysloviv dumku, scho represії may sooner ostentatious and point character. Possibly, even if you do not want to demonstrate loyalty after taking pennies from Russia, but the government itself does not want to go far. Andriy also shared a subjective thought that he should be tied for all the quiet, who the Ukrainian government does not deserve through his fate at the protests near Kiev. Accept, at a glance, it would be for the soul of the Belarusian government - to curtsy both ours and yours.

Out of Ukraine

And yet, on the next day, on April 3, I pulled a thread, yak called me to explain the fact that the scale of the repressions was significantly greater, lower. It’s not just about the pressure, shackling, and indoctrination, but about criminal justice, for which dozens of people are already sitting.

Moreover, what is more important, repressions are carried out no less, and perhaps not so against the quiet, who without a middle ground are tied to Ukraine with this or that rank. Reprisals directed at these people, who could possibly invade Belarus from the side of the "sworn ally" could be the first to act against the sovereignty and integrity of the country. Tobto against the Belarusian patriots, ymovirno, zdatnyh fight for their land and truth.

I opened my journalistic investigation from the Ukrainian side, having talked with a Kiev volunteer Olga Galchenko In order to get used to by the Belarusians on the Ukrainian front, in addition, Olga organized a visit to Minsk to collect coins. I slept її, she has such sympathy for Belarussians and that I know about “there are reprisals for the support of Ukraine”.

“While my appointment to Belarusians, then everything starts from small things. For example, acquaintance with one person. Then you don’t get to look around, as if you had a whole country, you love you, that impersonal people, you worry about them, ”Olga rozpovida.

The volunteer can’t name the exact number, but she says that the right-wingers “came to all the homelands of our lads, as if they were going to the front at once, to bring them to absolutely not enlightened people.”

“Come to relatives, to friends, to close people, and start talking about the topic - and we know that your man, son, brother, friend, having gone to war as a Naiman, drink for a long time, learn information, and then conduct a survey. With whom you choose to make calls and electronics - laptops, telephones, tablets ... Looking back at those who are fighting men, they are mostly people in the country, for them to call such conversations is a great stress, ”says Olga .

On the її thought, the last drop, as if provoked by the outbreak of repressions, it became the urochist of the 28th of February near Kiev with a memorial sign, dedicated to the death of Belarusians for Ukraine. The sign, embroidered in white-red-white colors, with the emblem of Pursuit, with the inscriptions "Glory to Ukraine!" and “Live Belarus!”

“It pissed off the Belarusian government, in my opinion, for two reasons. Persha - Tse those that the bula country is represented by unofficial symbols. Regardless of the sight of the straight fence, as I understand, the stench is looked at by them like strangers and soothsayers. Another is a public manifestation of the union of two peoples. Let me go, the art of Belarus, as if nіbito supports Ukraine, go out on the principle: friendship is friendship, a penny is given by Moscow, we will correspond to this at this moment, we will be respite from Ukraine, ”Vvazha Olga.

"Socially close element"

My attacking spivrozmovnik is the commander of the tactful group "Belarus" with a pseudonym Vasyl Kolyada- I reiterated Olga's words about the scale of the repressions. Ale vociferated that they cannot be called spontaneous. Vlada chimed in with them, who went to Ukraine, from the very cob. The information was collected, secretly, through electronic intelligence. If they had their own people in the battalions, they angered the lists of soldiers. We walked in huts and experienced the same for a long time. Just all at once, perhaps, enough information has piled up, and then another Russian loan has been taken away. From i the command "fas" lulled!

Vasil, it seems, that Vlad was already nalyakana to the zdobutts of combat proof by disloyal Belarusians. To that, for this information, it is planned to change the Belarusian legislation, as to allow the introduction of a statute about "hiring" and quiet, who fought for ideological mirkuvan, not possessing penny wine, and also volunteers, as they assisted in the selection of cats, medicines, products.

Tse legal nonsense. Ale, how to punish, stink to exasperate, ”- say Vasil.

Vіn аlѕо аnvаvu vіdsutnіst vіdomosti about represіії shkodo іt, hto voyuіє on t.v.zv battles. DNR/LNR. Navpaki, є facti duzhe humane setting before them.

“It looks like those who have power in them to have a socially close element. You know, like the Stalinist hours podіlyali prisoners: the politicians are the enemies of the people, so we are contagious, and the carnivores are a socially close element. It's paradoxical, fighters for the "people's republics", well, it's just obvious, they stink to become a great potential threat to the Belarusian government. The idea of ​​an independent Belarus is absolutely far away, the stench in the Donbas is shedding blood for the renewal of the empire. But our country in the near future can be bumped into. Todі voni to turn against the Belarusian state. And the axis of chi will be deprived of someone who will become a zahist, like a prisoner in a free independent Belarus transplanted? Vasil explains his position.

Vlada squawk is not "hiring"

Rozpovіdayuchi about the quiet, who, having spent under reprisals, the commander guessed Viktor Melnikov, dad Yana Melnikova. The old man called for a drink at the GUBOZ, then the spivrobitniks of the GUBOZ and KDB carried out a survey at the new house. Taking away at the same yoga voice speech tezh.

Through the information provided by Viktor, a thread was pulled. Feeding was less - with a certain attitude, the law enforcement officers robbed their right, which of them was the most annoying, how can you understand from their behavior, for whom and for what the stink is really digging.

You can judge by the words of Viktor, citing the law enforcement officers, it is not the fact of hiring. For example, stripes and chevrons from Ukraine did not come off for an hour. Zovsіm didn’t zatsіkavili їх i diplomas for different achievements, although the crime on the right is worthy of a particular special choice of a lad, then the characteristic of yogo specialty is of little importance. Ale no.

At any other time, having closed a notebook with a symbol of anarchism on the obkladinci, it’s like a vіv Yang at sixteen roki. And the most important contacts were with the fans of the MTZ-RIPO (Partizan) football club, which is no longer known.

“With the roses of the senior upgrade of the GUBOZ by Colonel Roman Kizhapkin, a person illuminated and sensible, I had an enmity that I didn’t cry, who had moved to Ukraine and now, maybe, it’s not soon to turn around. For those of Belarus, for those who have patriotism, they are ready to act and give money for consumption ... Well, how to instill them in a condescendingly laudable way to the soldiers of the "people's republics" ... Before the speech, in addition, I know Kizhapshchina violations of criminal rights, ”says Viktor. “Well, you can make visnovki yourself.”

Maybe, more vin ... patriot?

For the guidance of Viktor Melnikov, I go further. I know that drunk squad Іllі Volovik, the killer of the football club "Partizan", which was arrested and placed on 23 berezny in the isolation ward at the right court prescription, tied up with an ordinary beater among fan groups.

Olena Volovik at the same time for the last month of pregnancy, after the experience of the first hour of arrest, the stress of the person was taken to the liquorice, de y dosі zalishaєєєєє. You’ll be afraid to move a little, because Illa overpowers it from the insulator of the leaves, in which you don’t ask for anything and don’t make a galas for a lot of things, for it’s not enough to harm you. To that I will drink Olena about the state of health and about those who are for the people of Ill, nothing more.

Olena rozpovidaє that Illya has long since ceased to take part in the fan's life. They checked on a child, ruled a family nest, they were concentrated on sports and on a future robot by a coach. Do not use a public figure on the Internet without making any political comments. At the sight of Deer, as if she was an activist of the youth opposition organization, Belarus was skeptical about political activity, saying that “we need to change the awareness of people”.

However, the right-hand protection authorities are obviously more advanced - Olena is about drinking dozens of people, from whom they try to get a lot of information about Illya, like not a single hundred years before asking about the fan's essence. They tried to recruit Illya himself in exchange for freedom. Even earlier - for the sake of vikhati from the countryside, she did not turn around, because of which she was moved. The deer will be ruined by the guesswork of the reasons for what is happening.

“Illya is a man of honor and principles. For a new one, for example, it is unacceptable for the sake of your friends. You must love the history of Belarus, you are a great patriot. If they discussed how to name the children, oh, it was even more funny ... garazd, I'm not talking about ceremonial, about intimate-family speeches. Hmm, maybe, stink for the price of a new one, and were so angry, what is the patriot guilty of? “, - like Alona.

I add cicavia fact- Illya forever speaking out against the "Russian world".

“Not publicly, but in rozmov with friends of the wines, fortify yourself as your principled position. Illya categorically did not accept anyone who shouted "Glory to Russia!". Among the Belarusian fanatics, it is more important than among the dynamic ones. Illya, writing to herself in her own country, she loves me, ”Olen told.

"Why don't you have a v'yaznitsa?"

Zustrichaєmosya in the mindless mist from two leaders of fan groups. We call them Sashkomі Sergiyem. The stench of the representatives of the old guard, as if they remember well the distant nineties. The hearts of your rich biography stink well enough to know, among the representatives of various law enforcement agencies. One of them is a change of “right”, the other is not less than a change of “levi”. The united sleeping enemy is an aggressive "Russian world", whose possible expansion of the stench is ready to resist for consumption.

Under the hour, the stench one by one stinks: “Why don’t you have it at the vineyard?”. Aja for the first time, for the latest rose, they stalked on the most important level - on the Porsche Cayenne car, and on the other night, the Almaz group rushed to the other secret apartment. Wanting to stink and vybachilis zreshtoy - moving, had mercy on the address - the lad was well-reasoned.

Zagalom, fan "firms" are one of the most critical public organizations. They can't stand the stench of journalists, they conspire to mourn, save the mystery of their fan life, inspire them to follow the side of the police.

But now they are not up to these principles. Sergius from Sasha seems that the fanatic movement in Belarus is full of destruction, all the groupings have spent the distribution, it’s quiet behind the wine, as if the police were always in control. For supposedly big, to add the boys, tse and grouping, like “come to the sectors with the imperial ensign (white-yellow-black ensign) Russian Empire- Auth.)".

Be strong, fight that mother your territory

Here the next step is to find out about the ambiguous reception of fans in the Belarusian society.

Even so many people take them like aggressive “gopniks”, like they are in charge of shkodi football, they look like “normal people” with their windings. Let's think through the fans sim once, first go to the match, then more with the child. Such people vvazhayut that the fanatics need to be fenced, sent to the distribution of wagons, the Polish robotic army. And at the same time, you get the right to be merry without cost - talking, through such shibeniks, the masses, like paying for cost-free medicine from their taxes, stand in the halls for surgery.

Ale tsim sprynyattya faniv not vycherpuvalos. Bula and other position, that the fan movement is a positive thing. Postiyni beats zmushuyut before them in a special way, getting ready, going in for sports, and don’t let them stink better like that, sniffing glue, etc. I vzagali, it means that there is strength among the people, fighting on the streets - you didn’t serialize marveling, lying on the sofa.

Even before the Ukrainian podias, a part of the politicized segment of the Belarusian suspense was deliberately thinking about the prospects, if the lads stop mutuvaty one alone and give encouragement to show authoritarianism with “power democracy”.

Until then, the fanatic movement is constantly demonstrating the exercise “to shake up and mother your territory.” Zavdyaki tsyomu in nymu z hour appeared bazhannya in_dstoyuvati Belarusian identity. Chimalo quiet, who 10-15 years ago brought "Imperial" to the matches, and immediately replaced them with "Pursuit".

When the militiamen roused the fans

However, don't say it, stink "hooligans". They call themselves that and, in fact, they are є. Sounds like my latest inquiry to Sasha and Sergius: what if the law enforcement agencies were looking for a novelty?

The lads say: the test is rooted in the blame for the fan revolution in the history of Belarus. I was not tied up with “hooliganism”, at the new earlier, krіz fingers marveled. For example, like Sergiy, 2009 the fate of the stench dominated the mass beat on National Day. Lukashenka not far from the Budinka of Mercy, not knowing about those who were going to come there. Zhakh, zhakh, scandal, pіdriv foundations! I shotoyu? Nothing! Navit criminal law was not destroyed. Zatrimannya, administrative protocols, "dobu" - and that's it.

More than once, law enforcement agencies, like Oleksandr, turned to fan groups with different propositions of spivprac. As one of the applications - the proposition to encourage drug dealers in exchange for a whole loyal attitude to fanatic essences. They preached their defense - moving, be under observation, so that no one disturbs you! The militia serve mainly people, militiamen are security officials, who do not understand the need to show their strength.

Sashko and Sergієm zagaduyut low vipadkіv, if you endure grievous injuries, inflicted on fan beats, ended for the wines in sane terms. Through those that a fan declared against a fan without writing and confirming for sure.

In a word, the re-examination earlier had a little point character, it was always “at the right”, but there was no mention of “war” against the fanatics.

Zovsim іnsha gra

Now the gra has gone zovsіm іnsha, it seems Sashko from Sergієm. For their tribute, no less than thirty representatives of fan groups from different places of Belarus rushed behind the gates.

“Who for what? Moreover, the terms are given seriously at once, one lad got 10 deaths - for the very same, for which they used to give a smart term before! ”, - even Sashko.

“And what do you remember, if the fans of “Partizan” doused the famous Russian neo-Nazi Tesak (Maxim Martsinkevich – author) in Minsk with water pistols? Vіn u vіdpovіd at once with their defenses, having ruled the stabbing. The Russian guests of the Belarusian capital came together after ten days! Well, the lad, having somehow removed a deep knife wound, later changed to “chemistry”, and if they changed wine to “chemistry”, they destroyed the bismoctane from the finger on the right for the expansion of pornography, and they closed it in a right way. Know the difference, what is called, ”say Sergius.

Sashko and Sergієm slander: "curve" the fans of the big one on the basis of diy, yakі є zgіdno with the Criminal Code. Prote “curve” superciliously zhorstko, supermassively, most often at a link with long-forgotten faults, like in a different situation no one would be called. That stench characterizes the re-examination of the fan movement as politically motivated.

It all started from the mass informational releases of the Russian ZMI, as they branded the Belarusian football fans as “the soul of the Maidan”. Tse sprinyali yak command "Face!".

Before the wild threat, the Belarusian fan groups reported all the efforts to unite, having been inspired by the essence of each other. Prote special services zishtovhuly provocatively zishtovhuly them among themselves, mocked some testimonies against others, irritating their principles.

Sashko, it seems, that they gave him a voucher for cleaning up from the center, but from the same center - more food. Vin call guess vіdomy vіpadok from the entrapment of fans through the unofficial national symbolism. Then the government demonstrated that we don’t see one in ourselves. Navit to show patriotism through neo-official symbolism, as if they unambiguously branded it as a “tell”, it appeared, look there.

"Militia minister, sir Shunevich, having known himself as the head enemy of the fanatic movement, as well as national patriotism. Traveling from the Lugansk region with love to the form of the NKVS to inspire thoughts in the trash, ”say Sergiy.

Rib food

Behind the words of my spіvrozmovnіvnіv, okrіm impersonal inquiries against the fanatics, po'yazanіh іz dіbnіmi criminal episodes, іsnuє one mega-right with the caption "Organization of malice grouping in preparation for the coup d'état". Malicious groupings, calling for preparations for a coup, are fans of the Partizan football club, which is no longer known.

This fanatic consciousness is unique for the post-traditional space for three reasons.

The reason is the first: a long time before the end of the day, as if closed, the football club "Partizan" basing itself on the pennies of its bolivalniks. Tobto ce bula is an absolutely self-organized structure.

The reason for the friend: the fans of "Partizan" podіlyali anti-fascist look, scho itself dokіsne a sight for the victims, but sometimes for the European football fans. For the fates of their foundation, the stench became a victory over the street fights, bringing up the ultra-right competitors.

The third reason: regardless of those who are left, anti-fascist look at the anti-national attitude, in the situation of a potential threat to the base of Belarus, the fans of “Partizan” switched to the Belarusian language, began to include national symbols in their symbolism. And with a zagal they designated themselves as patriots, ready to defend their country for consumers.

Let's confirm this in the form of the Poshug grouping, with the activists of what kind of bulk it was said to be right about graffiti. Grouping was born among the fans of "Partizan". Call viyshov Yan Melnikov, known as a “Belarusian anti-fascist at the Right Sector” *.

“Fans of Partizan, without question, stand on anti-authoritarian positions. However, the stench of good reason and reason, that in a situation even a real threat to independence, one should look at the main thing - the defense of independence. Our country is the guarantor of independence, the stench is ready to support it. That's why the stinks have taken a patriotic position,” says Sashko.

And I add that these researchers have taken the position of “ruinivna sovereignty”.

“But I still remember, like a follower, like a RNU right on the cob of zero, shouting at the members of this organization: you see where you look, what you rip, you don’t know what the Grand Duchy of Lithuania was here ?!”, - guess Sergiy .

Nini, it seems lads, among the right-wing guards there are now more people without a root, without a native national identity, for such a center, at which stench they constantly look around, to be found near Moscow.

Sashko from Sergієm rozpoіl, scho zusilly people, like unfair reprisals shdodo patriots, was broken up a list of Belarusians, like fighting on the battlefield of the "people's republics". Through its channel, the list was handed over “kudi treba”, to the first law enforcement agency. Movlyav, chi is not more beautiful to savage respect for these people? Or would you like to use these people for the sake of restoring balance?

Otriman was found in the presence of an unnamed dzherel in the right-wing organs, Sashko and Sergius were stupefied, she was shocking. They said that they would not require such a list, the shards "will need all the information about destructive elements from the FSB colleagues."

Why can’t you mean such a camp of speeches, ask Sashko for Sergiy, that Belarusian patriots, people ready to defend their country from the times of imperial aggression, are “cleansing” from the initiatives of foreign special services?

To the right of the journalist - put questions. In such a situation, it is necessary to put a ruba. I would like to feel the reading from the side of the Belarusian government.

Original taken from budimir Belarus is being cleared of patriots

As a reminder of the past week, independent Belarusian ZMIs have received information about “there are reprisals for the support of Ukraine”. Ale, at that time, in fact, they did not give any reason to take into account those who were being subjected to truly large-scale and serious reprisals.

Curtsy to ours and yours

As a reminder of the past year, independent Belarusian ZMIs have received information about " ". Ale, at that time, in fact, they did not give any reason to take into account those who were being subjected to truly large-scale and serious reprisals.

Let's say Andriy Strizhak, Coordinator of the Humanitarian Route of Belarus-ATO, with whom we speculated on the 2nd of April, even skeptically posing to "incite panic."

« In my opinion, those who I am talking about at once with you, and not with others, eloquently note about the total cleansing of everything that is related to Ukraine. Everything is quiet, no one is picking us up. Not long ago, they sent a ton of additional help, and now we’re ready to take it. Yesterday, with the help of our intermediary, the Ukrainian representative office of "Santa Bremor" delivered to Bakhmut about two hundred kilograms of settlements for refugees. Everything goes according to plan", - saying Andriy.

Vіn vysloviv dumku, scho represії may sooner ostentatious and point character. Possibly, even if you do not want to demonstrate loyalty after taking pennies from Russia, but the government itself does not want to go far. Andriy so, having shared a subjective thought, what to fasten for everything quiet, which the Ukrainian government does not deserve through its fate in protest actions near Kiev. Accept, at a glance, it would be for the soul of the Belarusian government - to curtsy both ours and yours.

Out of Ukraine

And yet, on the next day, on April 3, I pulled a thread, yak called me to explain the fact that the scale of the repressions was significantly greater, lower. It’s not just about the pressure, shackling, and indoctrination, but about criminal justice, for which dozens of people are already sitting.
Moreover, what is more important, repressions are carried out no less, and perhaps not so against the quiet, who without a middle ground are tied to Ukraine with this or that rank. Reprisals directed at quiet people, as if it were possible to invade Belarus from the side. sworn ally", could have become the first, who had stood up for the defense of the sovereignty and integrity of the country. Tobto against the Belarusian patriots, ymovirno, zdatnyh fight for their land and truth.

I opened my journalistic investigation from the Ukrainian side, having talked with a Kiev volunteer Olga Galchenko, as it is already used by Belarusians on the Ukrainian front to help others Olga organized a visit to Minsk to collect coins. I asked why can I feel like Belarusians and what do you know about « hvili reprisals for the support of Ukraine».

« When I set myself up to Belarusians, then everything starts from small things. For example, acquaintance with one person. Then you don’t get to look around, as if you had a whole country, as you love, that impersonal people, for whom you are worried", - rozpovidaє Olga.

Volunteer can't name the exact figure, but she insists that the law enforcement they came to all the homelands of our lads, as if they were going to the front at once, bringing them to absolutely unilluminated people».

« Come to relatives, to friends, to close people, and start conversations on the topic - but we know that your man, son, brother, friend, having gone to war as a Naiman, spend a long time drinking, learning information, and then conducting a survey. When you choose to use it, you need to make calls and electronics - laptops, telephones, tablets ... Looking back at those who are fighting men - they are mostly people in the country, for them to call such conversations - even a great stress", - seems Olga.

On the її thought, the rest of the drop, as if provoked by the outbreak of repressions, it became the tract of 28 birch at Kyiv memorial sign dedicated to the death of Belarusians for Ukraine. The sign, embroidered in white-red-white colors, with the emblem of Pursuit, with the inscriptions "Glory to Ukraine!" and “Live Belarus!”

« It pissed off Belarusian power, in my opinion, for two reasons. Persha - Tse those that the bula country is represented by unofficial symbols. Regardless of the sight of the straight fence, as I understand, the stench is looked at by them like strangers and soothsayers. Another is a public manifestation of the union of two peoples. Let me go, the curiosity of Belarus, like nibito supports Ukraine, go out on the principle: friendship is friendship, but Moscow gives pennies, we’ll make it happen at this moment we’ll see Ukraine", - vvazhє Olga.

"Socially close element"

My attacking spivrozmovnik is the commander of the tactful group "Belarus" with a pseudonym Vasyl Kolyada- I reiterated Olga's words about the scale of the repressions. Ale vociferated that they cannot be called spontaneous. Vlada chimed in with them, who went to Ukraine, from the very cob. The information was collected, secretly, through electronic intelligence. They had their own people in the battalions, yaki angered the lists of soldiers. We walked in huts and experienced the same for a long time. Just all at once, perhaps, enough information has piled up, and then another Russian loan has been taken away. Axis i sounded the command " face»!

Vasil it seems that the government is more likely to nalyakana zdobuttyam battle dosvіdu disloyally inflicted Belarusians. To that, for this information, it is planned to change the Belarusian legislation, as to allow the introduction of a statute about "hiring" and quiet, who fought for ideological mirkuvan, not possessing penny wine, and also volunteers, as they assisted in the selection of cats, medicines, products.
« Tse legal nonsense. Ale, how to punish, stink to crush", - seems Vasil.

Vіn аlѕо аnvаvu vіdsutnіst vіdomosti about represіії shkodo іt, hto voyuіє on t.v.zv battles. DNR/LNR. Navpaki, є facti duzhe humane setting before them.

« It looks like those who have power in them to have a socially close element. You know, like the Stalinist hours podіlyali prisoners: the politicians are the enemies of the people, so we are contagious, and the carnivores are a socially close element. It's paradoxical, fighters for the "people's republics", well, it's just obvious, they stink to become a great potential threat to the Belarusian government. The idea of ​​an independent Belarus is absolutely far away, the stench in the Donbas is shedding blood for the renewal of the empire. But our country in the near future can be bumped into. Todі voni to turn against the Belarusian state. And the axis of chi will be deprived of htos, who will stand on yoga zakhist,how can you change the prisoner in the independent country of Belarus?- explain your positionVasil.

Vlada squawk is not "hiring"

Rozpovіdayuchi about the quiet, who, having spent under reprisals, the commander guessed Viktor Melnikov, dad Yana Melnikova. The old man called for a drink at the GUBOZ, then the spivrobitniks of the GUBOZ and KDB carried out a survey at the new house. Taking away at the same yoga voice speech tezh.

Through the information Victor and stretched out a deeper thread. Feeding was less - with a certain attitude, the law enforcement officers robbed their right, which of them was the most annoying, how can you understand from their behavior, for whom and for what the stink is really digging.

Naskіlki can be judged by words Victor, cіkaviv pravohorontsіv zovsim not a fact recruitment". For example, stripes and chevrons from Ukraine did not come off for an hour. Zovsіm didn’t zatsіkavili їх i diplomas for different achievements, although the crime on the right is worthy of a particular special choice of a lad, then the characteristic of yogo specialty is of little importance. Ale no.

At any time, having closed a notebook with a symbol of anarchism on the obkladin Jan cv at sixteen rokiv. And the most important contacts were with the fans of the MTZ-RIPO (Partizan) football club, which is no longer known.

« 3 roses from the senior promotion of the GUBOZ colonel Roman Kizhapkin, a person illuminated by that sensible one, I had an enmity that I didn’t cry for those who went to Ukraine and now, maybe, it’s not soon to turn around. For those of Belarus, for those who have patriotism, they are ready to act and give money for consumption ... Well, how to instill them in a condescendingly laudable way to the soldiers of the "people's republics" ... Before the speech, in addition, I know Kizhapshchina violations of criminal rights", - seems Victor. - Well, you can make visnovki yourself».

Maybe, more vin ... patriot?

For hover Viktor Melnikov I go further away. I know that drunk squad Іllі Volovik, the killer of the football club "Partizan", which was arrested and placed on 23 berezny in the isolation ward at the right court prescription, tied up with an ordinary beater among fan groups.

Olena Volovik at the same time for the last month of pregnancy, after the experience of the first hour of arrest, the stress of the person was taken to the liquorice, de y dosі zalishaєєєєє. Vaughn is afraid to speak, more Іllya nadsilaє їy z insulator leaves, in which to ask for nothing, do not rob and vzagali do not make a galas for a long time, for it is only necessary to mischief. That's why I drink deer about the camp її zdorov'ya that about those, what kind of people Іllya, nothing more.

Olena tell that Іllya already dosit long ago ceasing to take the fate of the fan's life. They checked on a child, ruled a family nest, they were concentrated on sports and on a future robot by a coach. Do not use a public figure on the Internet without making any political comments. On the vіdmіnu vіd deer, since she was an activist of a youth opposition organization, she was skeptical about political activity in Belarus, saying that “ we need to change the visibility of people».

In the photo: a protest near Kyiv near the Embassy of Belarus at a call from the "cleansing" of Belarusian patriots in Belarus

However, the setting to the new at law enforcement agencies is clearly special - Olena talk about drinking dozens of people, from whom they try to get a lot of information about Іllya, yak can’t wait to get in touch about the fan’s essence. І most Illu they tried to recruit into the exchange for freedom. Even earlier - for the sake of vikhati from the countryside, she did not turn around, because of which she was moved. Olena be ruined by the guesswork of the reasons for what is happening.

« Illya is a man of honor and principles. For a new one, for example, it is unacceptable for the sake of your friends. You must love the history of Belarus, you are a great patriot. If they discussed how to name the children, oh, it was even more funny ... garazd, I'm not talking about confiding, about intimate-family speeches. Hmm, maybe, stink for the price of a new one, and were so angry, what is the patriot guilty of?", - seems Olena.

І add cicavia fact - Іllya forever speaking out against the “Russian world”.

« Not publicly, but among the friends of the wines, you have given them a boost, as if it were your important position. Illya categorically did not accept anyone who shouted "Glory to Russia!". Among the Belarusian fanatics, it is more important than among the dynamic ones. Illya, writing herself in her own country, she is loving", - rozpovidaє Olena.

« »

Zustrichaєmosya in the mindless mist from two leaders of fan groups. We call them Sashkomі Sergiyem. The stench of the representatives of the old guard, as if they remember well the distant nineties. The hearts of your rich biography stink well enough to know, among the representatives of various law enforcement agencies. One of them is a change of “right”, the other is not less than a change of “levi”. The united sleeping enemy is an aggressive "Russian world", whose possible expansion of the stench is ready to resist for consumption.

Under the hour of zustrichi, one by one, the stench is frying: “ Why don't you have a v'yaznitsa?". Aja for the first time, for the latest rose, they stalked on the most important level - on the Porsche Cayenne car, and on the other night, the Almaz group rushed to the other secret apartment. Wanting to stink and vybachilis zreshtoy - moving, had mercy on the address - the lad was well-reasoned.

Zagalom, fan "firms" are one of the most critical public organizations. They can't stand the stench of journalists, they conspire to mourn, save the mystery of their fan life, inspire them to follow the side of the police.

But now they are not up to these principles. Sergiy h Sashkom it seems that the fanatic rush in Belarus is more than enough to be destroyed, the distribution was spent by all the groups, it was quiet behind the wine, as if the police were always in control. For some kind of gain, to give the boys, tse t and grouping come to the sectors with the imperial ensign(white-yellow-black ensign of the Russian Empire - author)".

Be strong, fight that mother your territory

Here the next step is to find out about the ambiguous reception of fans in the Belarusian society.

Even so many people take them like aggressive “gopniks”, like they are in charge of shkodi football, they look like “normal people” with their windings. Let's think through the fans sim once, first go to the match, then more with the child. Such people vvazhayut that the fanatics need to be fenced, sent to the distribution of wagons, the Polish robotic army. And at the same time, you get the right to be merry without cost - talking, through such shibeniks, the masses, like paying for cost-free medicine from their taxes, stand in the halls for surgery.

Ale tsim sprynyattya faniv not vycherpuvalos. Bula and other position, that the fan movement is a positive thing. Postiyni beats zmushuyut before them in a special way, getting ready, going in for sports, and don’t let them stink better like that, sniffing glue, etc. I vzagali, it means that there is strength among the people, fighting on the streets - you didn’t serialize marveling, lying on the sofa.

Even before the Ukrainian podias, a part of the politicized segment of the Belarusian suspense was deliberately thinking about the prospects, if the lads stop mutuvaty one alone and give encouragement to show authoritarianism with “power democracy”.

Until then, the fanatic movement is always demonstrating the exercise. shake up that mother your territory". Zavdyaki tsyomu in nymu z hour appeared bazhannya in_dstoyuvati Belarusian identity. Chimalo quiet, who 10-15 years ago brought "Imperial" to the matches, and immediately replaced them with "Pursuit".

When the militiamen roused the fans

However, don't say it, stink "hooligans". They call themselves that and, in fact, they are є. Sounds like my latest inquiry to Sasha and Sergius: what if the law enforcement agencies were looking for a novelty?

The lads say: the test is rooted in the blame for the fan revolution in the history of Belarus. I was not tied up with "hooliganism" like that, at the new earlier, krіz fingers marveled. For example, like Sergiy, 2009 the fate of the stench dominated the mass beat on National Day. Lukashenka not far from the Budinka of Mercy, not knowing about those who were going to come there. Zhakh, zhakh, scandal, pіdriv foundations! I shotoyu? Nothing! Navit criminal law was not destroyed. Zatrimannya, administrative protocols, "dobu" - and that's it.

More than once, law enforcement agencies seem to Oleksandr, turned to fan groupings with various propositions of spivrobnitstva. As one of the applications - the proposition to encourage drug dealers in exchange for a whole loyal attitude to fanatic essences. They preached their defense - moving, be under observation, so that no one disturbs you! The militia serve mainly people, militiamen are security officials, who do not understand the need to show their strength.

Sashko from Sergiyem cause low vipadkіv, if you endure serious injuries, inflicted on fan beats, ended for wine in slang terms. Through those that a fan declared against a fan without writing and confirming for sure.

In a word, the re-examination earlier had a little point character, it was always “at the right”, but there was no mention of “war” against the fanatics.

Zovsim іnsha gra

Now gra has gone zovsim іnsha, it seems Sashko from Sergiyem. For their tribute, no less than thirty representatives of fan groups from different places of Belarus rushed behind the gates.

« Who for what? Moreover, the terms are given at once seriously, one lad was hit 10 years - for the same ones, for which they gave a clever term earlier!", - seems Sashko.

« And remember, if the fans of "Partizan" doused a Russian neo-Nazi with water pistols near Minsk Cleaver (Maxim Martsinkevich- Auth.) ? Vіn u vіdpovіd at once with their defenses, having ruled the stabbing. The Russian guests of the Belarusian capital came together after ten days! Well, the lad, having somehow removed a deep knife wound, later changed to “chemistry”, and if they changed wine to “chemistry”, they destroyed the bismoctane from the finger on the right for the expansion of pornography, and they closed it in a right way. Know the difference, what is called", - seems Sergiy.[natomist in Russia Cleaver closed in a right way tezh - there tezh do not like similar ones - ale - Valeks]

Sashko from Sergiyem blaspheme: "curve" the fans of the world on the basis of diy, yakі є zlochiny zgіdno with the Criminal Code. Prote “curve” superciliously zhorstko, supermassively, most often at a link with long-forgotten faults, like in a different situation no one would be called. That stench characterizes the re-examination of the fan movement as politically motivated.

It all started from the mass informational releases of the Russian ZMI, as they branded the Belarusian football fans like " congratulations to Maidan". Tse Bulo adopted as a team face!».
Before the wild threat, the Belarusian fan groups reported all the efforts to unite, having been inspired by the essence of each other. Prote special services zishtovhuly provocatively zishtovhuly them among themselves, mocked some testimonies against others, irritating their principles.

Sashko it seems that they gave a vodmashka for cleaning up from the center, but from the same center - more food. Vіn calls out to guess the vіdomiy vіpadok іz zatrimannym fanаtiv through unofficial national symbolism. Then the government demonstrated that we don’t see one in ourselves. Navit to show patriotism through neo-official symbolism, as if they unambiguously branded it as a “tell”, it appeared, look there.
« Militia Minister, Pan Shunevich, knowing himself as the main enemy of the fanatic movement, and national patriotism. Traveling from the Luhansk region with love to the form of the NKVS to inspire bad thoughts", - seems Sergiy.

Rib food

Behind the words of my spіvrozmovniki, okrіm impersonal inquiries against the fanatics, connected with other criminal episodes, there is one mega-right with a hat. Organized evil grouping in preparation for a coup d'état ". Malicious groupings, calling for preparations for a coup, are fans of the Partizan football club, which is no longer known.

This fanatic consciousness is unique for the post-traditional space for three reasons.

The reason is the first: a long time before the end of the day, as if closed, the football club "Partizan" basing itself on the pennies of its bolivalniks. Tobto ce bula is an absolutely self-organized structure.

The reason for the friend: the fans of "Partizan" podіlyali anti-fascist look, scho itself dokіsne a sight for the victims, but sometimes for the European football fans. For the fates of their foundation, the stench became a victory over the street fights, bringing up the ultra-right competitors.
The third reason: regardless of those who are left, anti-fascist look at the anti-national attitude, in the situation of a potential threat to the base of Belarus, the fans of “Partizan” switched to the Belarusian language, began to include national symbols in their symbolism. And with a zagal they designated themselves as patriots, ready to defend their country for consumers.

Let's confirm this in the form of the Poshug grouping, with the activists of what kind of bulk it was said to be right about graffiti. Grouping was born among the fans of "Partizan". See Viyshov Jan Melnikov, vіdomy yak " Belarusian anti-fascist at the "Right Sector"».

« Fans of Partizan, without question, stand on anti-authoritarian positions. However, the stench of good reason and reason, that in a situation even a real threat to independence, one should look at the main thing - the defense of independence. Our country is the guarantor of independence, the stench is ready to support it. So the stench took a patriotic position", - seems Sashko.

And I add that they were reconsidering, now, they took a position. sovereign ruin».

« And I still remember, like a follower, like a RNU right on the cob of zero, shouting at the members of this organization: where you look, what you rip, you don’t know what the Grand Duchy of Lithuania was here ?!", - guess Sergiy.

Nini, it seems lads, among the right-wing guards there are now more people without a root, without a native national identity, for such a center, at which stench they constantly look around, to be found near Moscow.

Sashko from Sergiyem rozpovitly, scho zusillyami people, yakі vvazhayut unfair reprisals schodo patriots, was broken up a list of Belarusians, who fight on the battlefield "people's republics". Through its channel, the list was handed over “kudi treba”, to the first law enforcement agency. Movlyav, chi is not more beautiful to savage respect for these people? Or would you like to use these people for the sake of restoring balance?

Otriman found out about an unnamed dzherel at the law enforcement agencies, stverzhuyut Sashko from Sergiyem, bov shocking. They said that they would not require such a list, oskolki " all the information you need about how destructive elements can be removed from colleagues from the FSB».

Chi cannot mean such a camp of speeches, ask Sashko from Sergiyem, what Belarusian patriots, people who are ready to defend their country from different imperial aggression, are they “cleansing” from the initiatives of foreign special services?

To the right of the journalist - put questions. In such a situation, it is necessary to put a ruba. I would like to feel the reading from the side of the Belarusian government.

The first court session at the right of anti-fascists will be held on the 3rd fierce in the court of Pervomaisky district of Minsk at the address st. Tolbukhina, 9 (metro station Park Chelyuskintsiv).

Let's talk about the fans of the already unknown football club "Partizan", with their anti-fascist and at the same time nationally oriented views.

The formal basis for the criminal investigation of the fans was a beat at the trolleybus on 29 March 2014 on the horns of "Universam" on Nesterova Street in Minsk, in which the fans of the club "Partizan" took the fate of the fans of the competing club "Torpedo". The rest were watching the ultra-right glances.

Under an hour, the little things nevidomi broke the slope of the trolleybus. As a result, the criminal right for the article "Hooliganism" was destroyed. That time the police caught 10 cases, the protege of the year they caught the calls without calling. For about an hour on the right, the bula was lowered on galm.

In the autumn of 2015, the Head Office for Combating Organized Malice and Corruption (GUBOZ) took over. On spring 2016, the apartments of Minsk anti-fascists were raided.

In the wake of obshukiv pid arrest they drank Illya Volovikі Vadim Boyko. They called for part 3 of article 339 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus ("Especially evil hooliganism"). Tsya stattya transfers a warning at the sight of free will on lines up to 10 years. In the past, two more were caught - Dmitro Tsekhanovichі Philip Ivanov. They also called for the 339th article of the Criminal Code. Young people allowed a signature on the unknown.

At the right side, six people pass, four of them perebuvayut under the varta. Crime of hooliganism, one of the zatrimanih is also suspended for part 2 of Art. 193 KK - an organization either as a core of an unregistered organization, the activity of which is connected with violence against the hromadas, or for subjugation of their bodily ears, or with other encroachments on the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of the hromadas.

One-thinkers zatrimanih vvazhayut right politically motivated.

"They were accused by the" right anti-fascists ", at the thought of the GUBOZ, by the authorities of various groups of the anti-fascist movement of Minsk and becoming a threat dignified rule. Putting in front of them the leaders of liquidation of all uncontrollable power structures of the youth association in Belarus, the GUBOZP in such a rank is trying to reach its goal, "- write stinks at social networks

In the spring of last year, the newspaper "Novy Chas" published a material under the heading "Belarus is being cleared out of patriots", in a way, zokrema, there was a review of the fans of the football club "Partizan".

So, Viktor Melnikov, father Yana Melnikova, who at the same time fought on the battlefields of Ukraine near the warehouse of the Tactical group "Belarus", and earlier they were tied up by the fans of the football club "Partizan", rozpoviv, who until now came with skins from the GUBOZ and KDB, and also called out for drink. Most of the security officials were the contacts of Jan and the fans of "Partizan".

"Zi Zim Zi seniorly reigned by Gubozp, Colonel Roman Kіzhapkіne, Schuinoy, imposed by Rosumnoy, has been wrapped in enemy, and the bails of the Yaki Patriotism are dedicated to the davati. to the soldiers of the "people's republics" ... Well, you should work on the visnovkas yourself. Before the speech, since Kizhapkin, I know that there are dozens of violated criminal records, "Viktor Melnikov said.

Olena Volovik, the squad of the zatrimanogo Іllі Volovik, rozpovіla, scho Іllya has long ceased to take part in the fan's life.

The protest against the new law enforcement agencies is clearly especially special - Olena told about drinking dozens of people, from whom they tried to get a lot of information about Illya, like not a hundred years before inquiring about the fan's essence. They tried to recruit Illya himself in exchange for freedom. Even earlier - for the sake of vikhati from the countryside, she did not turn around, because of which she was moved. Alona is ruined by the guesswork of the reasons for what is happening.

"Illya is a person of honor and principles. For her, for example, it is inconceivable to protect her friends. She already loves the history of Belarus, the great patriot took off. - like Olena.

Vaughn also said that Illya always spoke out against the "Russian world".

"Not publicly, but in roses with friends wines, constantly emphasizing their position as a principle. Illya categorically did not accept anyone to shout "Glory to Russia!" loving її", - rozpovit Olena.

The leaders of the fan groups, having spoken to the journalist Dmitro Galko, roared that the fanatic movement in Belarus is full of destruction, the distribution of the distribution was spent by the entire group, it was quiet behind the wine, as if it were always controlled by the police. For supposedly zbіgom, they added stench, tse tі w aggregation, yakі "to come to the sectors with imperials (white-yellow-black ensign of the Russian Empire)".

For їhnіmi words, try and root blame the fanatic revolution in the history of Belarus. I was tied up not with "hooliganism" like that, on the new earlier, krіz fingers wondered.

It all started from the mass informational releases of the Russian ZMI, as they branded the Belarusian football fans as "the soul of the Maidan". Tse Bulo was sent as the command "Face!"

Before the wild threat from the side of Russia, Belarusian fanatic groups reported all the efforts to unite, understanding the essence of each other. Prote special services zishtovhuly provocatively zishtovhuly them among themselves, mocked some testimonies against others, irritating their principles.

At once, the leaders of the fanatics rose, in the midst of the right-wing guardians, there were more people without roots, without any national identity, for such a center, for such a stench they constantly look back, to be found near Moscow.

"Belarusian Partizan"

On 7 April 2017, the Radio Liberty website published interview from the retinue of football fan Illy Volovik, sentenced to 10 years of free will for evil hooliganism.

I’m guessing that in Chernivt 2014, fans of the Partizan football club zipped a trolleybus, in which the opponents of the Torpedo club went, smashed a window and blew up the gas in the saloon. At Birch 2017, the fate of the participants in the incident was taken from 4 to 12 years of freedom. The forum "Freedom for politics" has reached the ruler of Belarus and the Parliamentary Assembly of the OSCE, calling on the participants to fight, shards of their arrest is not politically motivated.

I want to respect that among the nationalists, like “politv'yazni”, they call out an ambiguous reaction. From one side, it is necessary to annoy the hated regime, but for which all are good. Other than that, the anarchists' vchinok smells of criminality, as it is easy to find it at the necessary light before Sunset.

The interview with Volovik's retinue turned into a Frenchman and turned out to be true. She doesn’t try to explain why a person has grown up, how can I do it, how can I make a change, how can I still work on a pilot, which will forcefully finish a vocational school, but not an ideological “fighter against the regime”. Vtіm, Olena Volovik know that string, how to zachepit, abi hooliganism to present in a more visual way.

Vaughn declares that he is a fighter against the “Russian world”, as if punishing him and actually standing on the side of the state for the patriotic look. With whom, I also respect that she herself works at the lava of the right-wing organization "Youth Front", and this position was formed in youth. So I want to sleep to Olen, why can the hooligan vchinki obov'yazkovo hide behind political fumes? It is clear to Adzhe that he is a “nationally oriented” comrade, then there is nothing to inspire respect for him in arrest. I realized that the powers can not be sympathetic radicals, so I don’t have any reasonable sums for the following rights, which they raptly exclaimed. Understandably, the anarchists are trying to break it down, overcook it, and maybe turn it off like a manifestation. Prote, looking back at the dosvidnіh kraїn, such a practice is a great phenomenon.

It is especially important to point out (analyzing the words of the Deer), how anarchists and nationalists can create similar political ambush. As a rule, in life, representatives of these families directly do not love one alone. Vtіm, maybe we can rightly with a specific form of anarchism ...

It is important to say that Illi Volovik is "anti-fascist". Those whom you attacked, look a little like him politically, the propaganda of Nazism was not marked. Obviously, we can rightly see the greatest fan dissent, as if trying to politicize. For the deer, the vchinki Іllі buli thunder. Vaughn vvazha, scho її cholov_k engaged in similar martial arts, then no one could hurt shkodi. At the same time, I manifest the zhah of the passengers of the trolley bus, as they stumbled upon the rapt aggression of innocent young people. It is unlikely that in such a situation I would like to opine. Especially from small children.

The law enforcement officers were reluctant to expel the anarchists from the politv'yaznyami. The cost is not less than tsієї do it, but there are too many precedents. In this way, the only real element of politicization is the term cob of investigation. Obviously, Aloni does not dare to politicize from the right. However, she does not waste hope. I, like before, collect documents and certificates. Imovirno, razuminnya absurdity vchinka man has not yet come.

Chi varto plant people for hooliganism on such terms? It's hard to say. From one side, there were no serious bodily ears. From the other side, my bachimo, with which the “games” with frosts from fan groups in Ukraine will end. And if today the stench is just roaring, then tomorrow they can fire people. Fanaticism in itself is a manifestation behind the thinking head. A sensible person will not take the fate of bad picks from the most stupid drive. On the butt of the front plantings, we can grow visnovki, which
Anarchists in Belarus would not be fooled. Abo want to grow up. Well, you can’t have one idioti with each other.

Evgen Konstantinov
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