I will be in the Russian Empire. Who are the nobles and the boyars? What are nobles?

NOBLE. At a good hour D., those individuals were called, as if they were constantly changing at the court of the prince: all the people and the unfortunate princely households and the free representatives of the young squad, grid. At the monuments, the term "nobles" is more pronounced ... Viyskov encyclopedia

The nobility of privileges became a part of the feudal society. Understanding is often confirmed by the bourgeois society. In a wide sense, the first nobility is called the European feudal aristocracy in vzagali. With whom you can talk about ... ... Wikipedia

Div. Nobility ... Great Radianska Encyclopedia

Nobles- (from the 12th century) in the pet of princely Russia, young (on the boyars' side) members of the prince's court. At 14 15 Art. They are supposed to give boyar children. Z decorated at the second. become. 15 16 Art. grand duke. court as a special corporation serving term D. becoming a member. tsієї … Russian Humanitarian Encyclopedic Dictionary

Nobles tsukrovі (gingerbread), villagers arzhanі. Div. CALLING SEND ... V.I. Dal. Sending the Russian people

Nobles are one of the categories of service people in the Russian princedoms and Moscow Russia. Zmist 1 Prehistory 2 History 3 ... Wikipedia

Moscow (abo "great") nobles of the ranks of serving people for the votchiznoy, who came from the kingdom of Russia. At once, from stolniks, solicitors and stinkers, they became a group of Moscow service people. The earliest list of Moscow noblemen ... Wikipedia

NOBILIES "VIBIRNI"- “vibr”, in Russia XVI–XVII centuries. - The greatest ball of the povitovoy nobility, another step of the nobility. "Vibіr" virіs z urakhuvannyam yard children boyars, but with the fate of city people. First, the “selection” is guessed at the Kashirsky Ten (1556). U… …

MOSCOW NOBLERS- in Russia in the XVI–XVII centuries. the highest step of the nobility. They occupied a place for the court ranks, ahead of the bagmen and the local dmoryaps were named. The cob of the Moscow nobility was laid by the decree of Ivan IV 1550, punishing him to give a mail nearby ... Russian statehood in terms. IX - the beginning of the XX century

Div of the Sword… Encyclopedic dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron


  • Benevolent nobles, V. S. Poroshin. Benevolent nobles: Opovid V. S. Poroshina U 251/209 U 202/672 U 330/103 F 22/200: St. Petersburg: Type. Imp. acad. Nauk., 1856: Created in the original author's spelling.
  • Benevolent nobles, Poroshin. Beneficent noblemen: a warning / V. S. Poroshina: At the Drukarni of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1856: Art. S. Poroshina Created in the original author's spelling dated 1856.

Nobility- Privileiovanie camp, scho mav at the power of the land and becoming the basis of the sovereign feudal harmony. The terminological interpretation of the word “nobility” was observed by the Middle Ages. While the Russian nobles were more of a military-serving ball, then the European stench acted as an aristocracy, and then the difference among the roses became less obvious.

See nobility

Fallow in the way, the noble rank is assigned to the people of the nobility are divided into:

    Ancestral nobility. Such nobles have a slender kilka and may have a family name, recognition and recognition. The nobility was especially swaying, so the status of which can be confirmed, and the basis of such a trivae is over a hundred years old.

    Complaint to the nobility. Noble status assigned sovereign fiance for special merits to the state authorities military service. Vono in his line is divided into two types:

    • Spadkov - the status is assigned as a prominent representative, as well as to other children.

      Dovіchne - noble privileges are seen only by specific people and are transferred from the recesses.

For the type of nobility, the whole camp is subdivided into:

  • Untitled. Such nobles were given tribal titles, for example, a prince, a baron, a count, then. The salaries of non-titled nobles often did not reduce the land grants of the Volodin.
  • Titles. This type of noble family has a special status, not a camp. Titled noblemen are respected by the most prestigious class, although they are smaller in number.


DORITY, one of the main stanіv suspіlstva (order h clergy), which is little enshrined in law and transferred to the fall by privileges. The basis of the economic and political influx of D. is power over the land. At Russia її viniklo in 12-13 Art. like a lower part of the military-serviceman I will become. Z 14 Art. nobles took land for service. Under Peter I, the formation of D. was completed, as it was popovnyuvalsya vykhіdtsami z іnshih verstі as a result of їх prosvaniya sovereign service (div. SHEETS OF PRO RANK). In 1762, D. achieved the title of obov'yazkovoy military and civil state service, ordered by Peter I; the nobles did not know the corporal punishment, they were forced to pay recruits, special taxes. The charter (1785) of Katerina II (for the rights, liberties and privileges of the Russian D.) established a wide range of special privileges for D., introduced self-regulation to the nobility. Yak camp D. was abolished after the Zhovtnevoy revolution of 1917.

Jerelo: Encyclopedia "Batkivshchyna"

became the privileged landowners, who first settled in Kiev-Novgorod Rus. Russian Pravda knows to create two such classes: one, - maybe, already dying, the other - that has developed and is ready to take the first place. The old hromadsku group were the fires, the bigger new one was the boyars. The likeness of the first of these two classes, the fire, which is explained in a different way by the path of etymological closeness, it is easier to understand the data of the Russian Truth and others: the fireman is here in front of us as a strong inhabitant, and the noble one is under the influence of in the hands of the greater drіbnі silsky people (Vognevtin). The presence of the new clerks (tyuniv), who are guessing the order of the military workers, zmushu let it go, that the wine in the military state is the leading rank for the help of the primus worker. Ale, in the role of a silsky ruler, yogo already remembers the prince and the close combatant of the rest - the boyar. Uninterrupted strife ensured the princes and the masses were full of retinues, servants. On the back - in the era of zhvavih trade money from Byzantium - most of the servants went to the non-villian markets of the Mediterranean Sea. Ale skochennya tsієї torgovlі at the XII century. zmusilo shukati for the full of other living, and on the princely and boyar lands a great state is developing - you can judge by the urivchasti tributes, mayzhe of the plantation type. Until XIII-XV Art. the boyar is the only type of landowner on the rights of full authority; Crimea is new, the lands of Volodya are less than a prince. The boyar votchina is represented as a power in the miniature: the vlasnik її orders all the lord’s rights of the population of the patrimony (transfers, for example, land), judge yoga, collect taxes - may, perhaps, deake the right to the specialty of the villagers, who live on this land, epochs - the right not to let out old-timers. homemade rice all these privileges are individual and not class character: the right of the patrimonial court, etc. it was fenced in a skin-smooth look with a special letter of commendation, as it was possible to confirm after the death of the prince, who had seen him. In order to build up a strong class and achieve a strong class, the nobility of the pet epoch was too small in number, and insufficiently uniform. Warehouse of yoga, especially at the hour of transition to yoga of the lavas of remote princes, stars of their own tables by Moscow sovereigns, becoming more folding. The boyar canopies hung in the old days; mysticism, which squeezed the sovereign's swaville to the next homeland, but they also respected and sim'yam closed in one place. For reasons of all, try the boyars to secure their political guarantees with political guarantees, in fact, they ended up in failure: the political power of the boyars immediately turned into an oligarchy, which called out against the middle of the boyars themselves, as if they rose to the ruling group. The right ruling class of mavs has grown up from a different root - and the journey of the current Russian nobility to us is explained importantly by two minds - economic and political. An economical umovoy bula was a change of the great patrimonial landownership of the middle and small - pomisnoy. The boyar-patrimony of the petty Russia of the XIII-XV centuries, in opposition to the boyar of the Russian Pravda, was a typical representative of the natural state. Ale already from the XVI century. in Central Russia, and in the Novgorod region a century or two earlier, beginning to establish a new statehood, establishing missionary centers for the s.-g. products, markets. The great landlords, who were previously satisfied with the quitrent of their villagers in kind, now mend the giblets and the rulers themselves, but change the patrimony to great s-x. acceptance was not under the force of technology at that hour. The most viable way of exploitation was to subdivide the patrimony into a sprat of other states; so vinik maєtok, - on private lands, palaces and monasteries earlier, lower on sovereign ones. Drіbnіshiy vlasnik, renting the land from the big one, paying for it, obviously not a penny, but by service, delivering to the patrimony more and more necessary for the new master’s minds administration. For an hour, the most important type of pomіshchitskoi service of the flock of viyskova; here the infusion of political minds of the tієї epoch appeared. T.sv. the fall of the Mongol yoke has few negative consequences. The Tatar Horde, gazing at Russia as if it were its own sovereignty, sneered at the plunder of the ancient steppe huts. If the Horde broke up into a sprinkling of other parts, then they remained, not losing their strength to conquer Russia again, they began to rob: the war on the pivdenniy outskirts of the Moscow state became a chronic phenomenon, and for the fight against the huts, it was necessary to stay strong. The distribution of land in the months for the military service of the Timchas's sergeant began to be practiced by the Moscow sovereigns already from Ivan III, which avenged the low-serving people on the lands confiscated from the Novgorod boyars. Later, the sovereign “black” lands enter into distribution. Pomіshchiki vіdrazu took away their orders deyaki rights of the patrimony, the right to the court, for example. From Syria. XVI Art. stench became the most important tax collectors of state taxes on their own land - signs of the right to give the villagers a clear mark. Alenovy class zovsіm not bv repetitions of the boyars in the changed look. In the first place, it’s true that the bulky class is behind its limits: serving the militia until the 16th century. there were up to 70 thousand. osib. Then, at the first "layouts" at the service, the squad gave the robes, not coping with the people's adventures, but taking up to the point of respect only її fighting attachment. They took to recruit people, as if they were trying to change from servants at private offices. Zavdyaki tsomu, a new class has appeared behind the warehouse, equal to the boyars, more thin.
Statements about ancestral honor, about the fatherland could not put down a deep root here; the victory of the nobility of the 17th century is residual. accompanied by the fall of the mystic. Farther, joining the new, financial state was too expensive for the current landowner: for the 16th century. we may have a low opinion of the ruin of the great patrimonials. The position of a dribny helper - a city (provincial) son of a boyar's bulo is more important, and he lay down in a row in a row, somehow helping him with penny vidachs (salaries). Just as the boyars stood by the fact that the fatherland and the sovereign are impossible to give to anyone, then among the other servants it will not be soon established that, on the contrary, “great and small live the sovereign’s salaries.” Sleeping with the old "retinue" of the new Viysk class was too little, so do not take to honor the name of the nobles, which in the hour, if the people took away the maetka, they served at the prince's court. On the back of the head, the name was given only to the lowest rank of the servants, the others were called the children of the boyars. Pіznіshe insults terms get used to the baiduzh, if the nobles stand higher than the children of the boyars. Social camp of the nobility of the XVI century. it was still not high, the proof of which is є 81 st. the tsarist Sudebnik (1550), which hedges “we serve the boyar children” to be sold to servility. About those same pamphlets of the hours of Ivan the Terrible, who appeared from the service middles with splendid barves, who paint the humiliation of the nobility by the boyars. And yet, at the same time, the nobility begins to play the role of a regional life: the provinces establish, as they saw the criminal court and the security police, on the cob (1550) they lean in the hands of the nobility, from which the lips of old age are taken, step by step to make another plan for the lips of the non-nobles. The formation of the best servicemen of the tsar's guard (1550), which took off the shirts under Moscow itself, brought the new class closer to the central government and made it stronger by injecting it on the right. The sovereign coup of 1563, which took power from the hands of the boyars and transferred the oprichnina, buv zdijsneniya to the Terrible for the help of the guards and supported the class interests of the nobility. The social sensation of the oprichnina, plunging itself into the forcible impersonality of the great patrimonies, yak potim and nadіyshli in distribution like a mother, zbіlshyuchi land fund demanding the nobility. But the rest of the land could not be satisfied with the rest - and the policy of confiscations, rozpochata Grozny, trivaet for Godunov, if the nobility can have their own royal throne for the help of the Zemsky Cathedral, de service lay more richness. Tse politically overpowered nobility continues to zmіtsnyuvatisya Smootie; Godunov was knocked down by the nobility, dissatisfied with yoga visits under the hour of hunger and її samples to raise the camp of the villagers. For the help of the service militia, they went to the throne of False Dmitry, and the rest of the rest Vasyl Shuisky was on the throne all the time, for he did not get along with the nobles, especially overwhelmed by yoga "scnarist" - inaccurate distribution of pay. The attempt of the boyars to put Vladislav in the kingdom was smashed about the opir of the nobility itself, as it did not recognize the involvement of the Poles at the landowner's helpers, and the cleansing of the Russian land from the enemy was on the right of the noble militia, even for the material support of the city. As a whole, naturally, in parallel with these political successes, the social significance of the nobility is growing, and little by little, it becomes more democratic for the warehouse of the aristocratic-privileged class.
Prior to the privileges, the decline of the patrimony, in the 1590s, the banishment of the pansky orank of the assistant came in the form of taxes; at n. XVII century and landowner villagers, for whom they gave landlords, are laid richly lighter for state ones. Such a privilege to place a serving landowner in a particularly vigilant camp, so that they can still help them, that other classes spend their offal right to rule over the earth; after the Regulations for non-serving persons, the right was forfeited only for the guests, and since 1667 it was also taken from them. The privileges of the nobility begin to change the load of obov'yazkiv, which was kicked at the service man; enlisted in service, without regard to tying him on a tie with a wet fleece, on his own horse at his own guard, he begins to look like a deacon of deity, as helpers try to close for their children spadkovo. Already at the other quarter of the XVII century. decrees are issued, how to enlist the children of non-serving fathers into the service. With the residual approvals of the krіpatstva mіstseve upravlіnnya more zoseredzhuєtsya to the hands of the nobility; drіbnі faults and wickedness of the villagers to judge the skin of an okremy helper in his own office, the great know all the nobility of the povіtu, hand in hand for the help of the labial institutions, and if the rest were scrambled (1702), through the nobility's colleges at the voivods. Peter I, in the middle and without us, expanding even more the number of noblemen's self-ranking: and earlier, for example, the nobles robbed their officers, bannermen and hundreds of goals from military service, now the officers are selected for the battalion of the officers of the entire regiment to win divisions. Petro wins the nobility to participate in the selected members of the greater state institutions- The College of Justice, for example, "the wrong ones stand up to all the powers."
Otzhe, the order of the hiba itself recognized the right of the nobility to control the sovereign administration. The rest of the leftovers of this fragmentation, like they respected the abode of the aristocratic class in Russia in the 16th century, fall at the stars. XVIII. The nobility of the Muscovite epoch was spread over a few groups (chiefs of the Duma, courtiers of Moscow, townspeople), members of which were far from the same importance among the service camp: the closer the group was the sovereign’s specialty, the camp was a boulevishche. And belonging to that other significant group of the world began to resemble women: if they were, members of them started their careers right from the court officials and quickly penetrated into the Duma, even though the majority could not rise to the heights of the Moscow nobility, that is. royal guard.
The table of ranks immediately ended the division of the nobility into groups, putting the camp of a nobleman in the service, including staleness in the city, yakim vin bouv appointments, and independently in the field of travel. All the nobility from the most famous to the most important helpers now represent one noble camp. Such a centralization of the nobility gave the ground for a svidomo show of solidarity, which in the Moscow era was known as a trace. The test of many honorable families to be admitted to an independent political group (so-called leaders) is small in 1733, the result is even greater than the result, similar to the test of the Moscow boyars. Navpaki, there, it was about the interests of everything, the nobles worked together; the law on uniformity, which, having tried to save more noblemen of land security, did not go through life and soon after, the important service was replaced by a term for 25 years (1736), and then and by decree of Peter III vіd 18) lyuty 1762), it was not easy for the blues of the nobility to learn the "soldier's right to the foundation" near the ranks, it was easier for the cadet corps to be improved. All this was due to the support declared by the nobility in 1730. Until the 2nd half of the century, following the influx of Zakhod, the noblemen had to take care of their interests and expand their privileges, a theory was formed at the string, the beginnings of this theory can be commemorated for Peter; already one of the noble projectors, a sleeping bag F.P. Saltikov, having preached to Peter to remake the Russian nobility in a closed, privileged camp for the Western European sign, with titles (duk, marquis toshcho), coats of arms toshcho. zvnіshnіmi attributes of the feudal nobility. Vinyatkov's right to rule over the land is not enough for the head privileges of the nobility, about the privileges of the daily political character of Saltikov, without saying, perhaps, the nobility itself was not enough in 1730. Until 1767, the more enlightened part of the nobility was well acquitted with the theory of the state monarchy. rule yourself. “Everyone understood,” he said at the commission of 1767. Kursk deputy Stromilov, - what a great monarchy needs to have a special family, which maw bi obliges to serve the state and help itself to replace the power of the middle class, placed between the sovereign and the people. The most external view was that the side of the nobility's pragnia knew itself from the works of the book. MM. Shcherbatov, editor of the Yaroslavl order. Entrusting the “privileges” of the Western European sensi with political pretensions, the nobility wanted and often reached the privileges and day of the master; that the strong statehood was more privileged by the nobility, with the extreme pressure of the landownership of other states, it appeared by itself; Prote nobility of the 18th century wanted and all the craftsmanship, the shards of it stole from farming (harvesting from lyon, hemp and “other earthly economic growing”), to work for noble privileges. Iomu was far away from the reach of this one, but he was brought to the most important for that Russia's vineyard of this kind - the distillery. In the area of ​​local administration, the nobility was born in 1767. declared so naishirshi domagannya. The Yaroslavl order was made by bazhannya, so that “do everything, how small weldings are in the lands, near the grasses, at the scars of the forest, at the small beaters, at the village houses and others similar, they were judged to be founded by those chosen by the commissars of the nobility.” "If you lie down to judges in places, then it’s not marvelous to be peaceful, yakby to the voivod in comrades ... it was allowed to choose that honor to the nobles from their own picks." Virase of special-bearing interests was small to serve the noblemen’s collections in the skin province. The order of these exercises is to expand the rights of the nobility, we will tell you in the orders of that іnshі: the bazhannya will ring out about the osіb, like you may have such rights. The Yaroslavl nobility is blessed, so that the rule was formulated, such that service in officer ranks gives the nobility, "so that the nobility is noble, as if the Sovereign were to lie down alone, buv removed ...". Regulations on the provinces of 1775 і The charter to the nobility (1785) was no longer given a legal form of a greater part of these favors. The Bulo Tsil was shared low by the Misses of the Organi, the Zilkom Abtkovo, the vibors of the Miss’s nobility, the vigs of the Miss: on the Choli Politziyi, the Buvs of the Putan-Spee of the Nobility, in the provincial Sudzovy Zemi, and the sodes of the nobility, and the sodes, and , i heads. The establishment of the nobility's deputy elections was given to the noblemen of the nobility to take away the organization of the nobility. Tsі zbori took away one political right - the right to petition: to serve food on the temple of im'ya. By the way, it gave the nobles the right to control the mist's administration, on the other hand, the nobles could swear without intermediary to the sovereign, but the skargi could cost only m_stsevykh rights.
At the central administration, the nobility of the Buv is represented by the right of the sovereignty of the nature of the right to appear. And here the theory of the stanovo monarchy is small for the deed of a historically formed tradition. The letter of honor was most importantly ratified by the nobility for those who either had already chimed in actually earlier, or whom they had done so long ago and stubbornly, that Katerina II did not know how to be with whom, I won’t fight, I won’t, like riches of other sovereigns of the 18th century. , bula zavdyachu the throne. Bulo secured by the nobility vinyatkove right volodynnya populated lands; the specialty of the "gentry" bull was spared the punishment of corporal punishment; confirmed the ban of a nobleman for service duties - without paying special taxes; dim yogo buv vіlny vіd vіyskovogo I’ll stand thin. Ale all tsim koristuvalis like nobles for the people of a special high honor, and the nobles in the service - th at times Katherine's legislation vindicated Russian historical minds, lower theories. Only the service qualification of the nobility of the dedali is more advanced in XIX century, vіdpovіdayuchi step by step and even weak peace on the bazhannya, declared by the nobles in 1767. In the XVIII century. among the middle class of the nobility, the tradition of sharing with one's own foreign ancestors is enforced, for the vicinities are considered to be insufficiently important. Nobles with diligence fold their own clans, often legendary, in which they speak of their relatives, not from Rome itself, then obov'yazkovo stars from Europe, to the extreme edge of the Tatar murzas.
Yakshcho Russian nobleman of the XVII century. for the forms of culture, light-gazing and vihovannyu (importantly churchly) are not disturbed by anything from a peasant and a local craftsman (foreignness was seen only in wealth and the number of servants), then a nobleman of the XVIII century. pragne to help the common people. Vіn orients on European culture, enlightenment, language, clothes and even before the 18th century. become a foreigner for his simple spіvvіtchiznikі. Surely, there were vinyatki, but the stench showed the tone of the noble camp. Wanting the nobles to continue to be in the service of Russia, that її interesi began to think more naturally, as if I would become my own interests. Vinikav prosharok people, yakі live with an eye on Europe and culturally more connected with it, lower with Russia, yak was deprived for them of an important place of service, that otrimannya income and stink willingly hid in the world of opportunity, spending a lot of rokiv behind the cordon.
The Russian nobility podіlyalosya on the downfall and special. The special nobility, created by a charter to the nobility, was awarded either with a favor (in practice, in practice, it was rare in the region), or with a rank and an order. From the ranks of the special nobility, the rank of chief officer was promoted to the military military service, and the rank of the IX class to the civilians. Three orders of special nobility were given: St. Stanislav II and III Art., St. Anni II-IV and St. Volodymyr IV Art. Special nobility was supported by a team of squads. A special nobleman was honored with the same special rights, like his offspring, but he could pass them on to his children, like they were honored with the rights of honorable offspring. Any corporate organization special noblemen are not small.
Nashchadkov's nobility was filled with the service of chi favors. In the service of the recession, the nobility was awarded the ranks of a civil servant of the state, colonel and captain of the 1st rank, taken to active service, and not at the service, and all orders of the first stage, St. George of all levels and St. Volodymyr of the first three steps (decree of May 28, 1900). On the spot, behind the table of ranks, the ranks of the recessionary nobility were lighter, but the nobility of the 18th century. zavzhdi skarzhilos those that, scho lightness of the nobility of the nobility won't "become". Ale less than the 19th century. the service of the nobility was made more difficult (laws of 1845 and 1856); in a decree on January 28, 1900, the banquet of the spadkovy nobility was enshrined in the Order of St. Volodymyr's IV degree (the right to the whole order is small for everyone, for they served 35 years in some classy suburbs). By the same decree, the right to ask for special nobility in the Spadkovo nobility, fathers and children of some small ranks, to give special nobility.
Krim pridbannya nobility, the law to talk about yoga pomіdomlennya. Vono was instructed to the people's children and squads, moreover, the nobility, taken away by the father and the man, was encouraged by the squads to those children, wanting to be the people earlier.
Nashchadkov's nobility was divided into 6 ranks, with yakim, vtіm, they did not lose their rights every day. Vinyatkovy rights of the nobles, yakі belonged to the skin їх okremo and vіdіznyа їх відінші stanіv, boules: 1) the right of the mother's family coat of arms; 2) the right to write as an assistant to one's maetkiv and a votchinnik of one's votchinas, spadkovyh and salaries; 3) the right to establish observances and timely observances (Law of January 25, 1899); 4) the right to wear the uniform of the tієї province, de vin maєtok chi vin records; 5) the right to receive the first class rank (upon entering the service of an individual, as it did not take away enlightenment) for the service of an especially short line (2 roki); 6) a declaration about the outpost of maetkiv at the Sovereign Noble Land Bank, which gave its patrons a number of benefits.
Corporate rights of the nobility for the XIX - n. XX century were rightly represented in such a way. The nobility of the leather province became a special noble estate. The Russian law did not recognize the sovereignty of the nobility of the nobility. Bodies of the nobility were: 1) provincial and regional nobility elections; 2) provincial and postal gangs of the nobility; 3) nobility deputies' elections and 4) povitov noblemen's opika. Nobility collections are formed: 1) from members present without the right to vote; 2) from members with the right to vote in all resolutions, crime elections, and 3) from members, if they take part in elections. The first category was formed from the descendants of the nobles, who were brought to the clans of the provincial book, full-fledged, not condemned by the court and not excluded from the nobility; for the promotion of a nobleman to another category, it is necessary to satisfy such minds: Volodya in the province with an unruly mine, or on the right of power and maw, or the rank of recognition of the XIV class, or an order, or a certificate of completion of the course at the main mortgage, a major salary nareshti, having served no less than three years on the vіdomih settlements. The third category of nobles, who were distinguished by their voice and the hour of election, was formed on the basis of special rights, which were distinguished by their special right and representation. The special right of mali: 1) they were mali in the province on the right of authority by the mayor committee, giving a declaration about the fate of the zemstvo electoral elections, more unruliness, estimated at least 15,000 rubles; 2) as if they had volunteered to be some sort of unruliness, as if they had served in the service the rank of a military civil servant like a colonel, and 3) noblemen, who served in the elections for one triletta planted a gang of nobility. For representation, they took part in the election of upovnovanі vіd drіbnomаєtnyh nobles (nobles, yakі volodіl not less than 1/20 povnoї dіlnitі, scho gave the right to a special fate in viborakh, became on the basis of special viborіvі zbori, robbed of the novation, venerated in zagalnіy kіlkostі lands and lay dribnopomіsnym, who were chosen); far away, through representatives, they took part in the election of a noblewoman, as if they were a common delyanka. The nobles, who had the right to vote, could pass yoga on to their sons.
Prior to the subject of the councils of honorary noblemen's gatherings lay: 1) compiling a list of noblemen with the signification of their skin rights for participation in the nobility's gatherings and 2) choose: a) one person to look at the noblemen's sums of nobles and b) mediators of a love relationship. The povitov noblemen's collections were called for months before the governor's appointment. The subjects of the administration of provincial collections were: I) selections, II) cloaks, III) folds, IV) vines from the middle of the vicious nobles, V) a look at the noble ancestry of the book and VI) the arrangement of the noble household by the main.
I. Vybori became the main subject of the nobility's collections behind the law. The nobility robbed: a) the provincial and povitovoe nobility, b) the deputies of the nobility, c) the secretary and d) the judges of the nobility. The nobility, which gave additional help to the gymnasiums, robbed the honorary students of the gymnasiums; in quiet provinces, de bouli vіddіlennya of the noble land bank, the nobility robbed two members of tsіh vіddіlen. For some provinces, it was established a step in accordance with these rules. Posadoví individuals were gathered at provincial nobility gatherings, and some - by the whole province, others (povitoví troop of the nobility, deputies of the nobility and judges of the nobility's office) - by povita. Vybori were obov'yazkovo balotovannyam. The nobility could choose to sit on the plantation, but all the nobles could take a stand.
The nobility's elections for the legislation of Katerina II, denounced by Mykola I, were given great sovereign significance: more settlements of the municipal administration and the court were replaced by them, including the entire povitova police with a reference book in choli. But the nobility, perhaps, did not in any way recognize the sovereign significance put on new bindings and marveled at the choice of officials, as if the nobles had gone bankrupt at the right to rule. That is why, with the skіlki-nebud stylized mystic suspіlnomu zhittі and with the promotion of the powerful to the administration and the court, ts_ viborni officials and judiciary were absolutely unproblematic. Therefore, the reforms of the first decade of Tsar Oleksandr II (the reform of the povitovoi police, the zemstvo reform and the judicial reform) may well have been taken out of our legislation by replacing the ranks of the estates with the nobility. Navіt zgodom, if the state has set the significance of the nobility as a metaphor and the bula created a strong majestic power in the person of the noble estate of the zemstvo district chief, the replacement of the estate was not given to the noblemen. From the settlements, replacing the nobility's elections, saved the significance of the settlement of the povitov and provincial vatazhkivs from the system of the imperial government. Before the revolution, the zavdyaks of a large number of obov'yazkiv, deposits on the guard's battalion, became the head of all the guard's administration. At the right of the nobility, the obov'yazki of the nobility of the nobility spoke: 1) at representatives of the nobility's needs; 2) from saving and stained noble sums; 3) at the heads of the nobility and others. The guards' battalions were not ordered by the provincial and acted for their own orders from the provincial.
II. The right to present to the rank of one's fussing could be even more important for the sovereign life, especially the law (6 December 1831) allowing the nobility to present to the higher rank about the mischief of mischief and the adoption of handicaps in the mist's management. But in truth, the right of nobility is not of little practical importance, and the obligatory right, completely surrounded by rescript 26 sich. 1865 and then again expanded by a high order 14 quarters. 1888, seems to be even insignificant and backward.
III. To the penny folds of the nobility, the law, having slapped the character of dobrovіlnyh vneskіv, why the right of noble associations to self-submission was squeezed to the brink. The choice of boules was two folds: 1) for consumption, the necessary nobles of all provinces; if the choice of guilt was confirmed by the recognition of two thirds of the present nobles, but for such a greatness, as if there were someone who didn’t fit in with the fold, a call was made, then the choice of the moment was confirmed by the newest power. Such a collection of boules of obov'yazkovі noblemen of all provinces; 2) choose your privacy; Tsі zbori obov'yazkovі were less nobles, yakі hung their fortune with them.
IV. The disciplinary power of the noble comrades was expressed in the fact that the suspіlstvo could turn on the nobleman from his middle ground, even though he was not judged, and even the dishonorable part of such a nobleman.
Noble deputies' collections were formed from the provincial gang of nobility and deputies, one at a time from the skin council. Vono led a noble family book and saw certificates about the nobility. Povitov nobleman's guards, like a guardian's gang of the nobility and judges, they saw the guard's blues. S.Yu.

Nobility in Russia viniklo at the XII century, as the lower part of the military service camp, which became the door of the prince of the great boyar.

The laws of the Russian Empire, denoting the nobility as a camp, the belonging of such a “fellowship, as a kind of honor and honesty of people, as a mark of old, marked themselves with merits, which, merging the service itself in merit, made a noble offspring. Noble rozumіyutsya all those who are the ancestors of noble people, or monarchs for the goodness of the tribute. A.S. Pushkin:

The word "nobleman" literally means "a person from the prince's court" or "court". The nobles were taken to the service of the prince until the viscons of the various administrative, court and other hands. In the system of European manifestations, the top of the Russian nobility at that time is an analogue of the viscountcy. Nobles of the Spadkov 1 camp in the Russian Empire.


From the end of the 12th century, the nobles became the lower nobles of the nobility, without intermediary engagements with the prince and yogo state, for the leadership of the boyars. In the era of Vsevolod the Great Nest, after the defeat of the old Rostov boyars in 1174, the nobles together with the city dwellers of Timchas became the main social and military support of the princely power (Zokrema, the defeat of the Rostov boyars at the battle of Kaltsi was not marked on the military-Russian military).

Resurrection of the nobility

  • From the XIV century, the nobles began to take the land for service: a class of landlords - helpers was born. Later, they were allowed to buy land.
  • After the arrival of the Novgorod land and the Tver princedom (the end of the XV century) and the exile of patrimonials from the central regions of the earth, which was called such a rank, were distributed to the nobles for the service.
  • Sudebnik 1497 circumventing the right to the transition of the villagers.
  • By the fierce fate of 1549, the first Zemsky Sobor was born at the Kremlin Palace. Ivan IV entered the new stage from the promo. Inspired by the ideas of the nobleman Peresvetov, the tsar set a course for a centralized monarchy (autocracy) based on the nobility, which is not enough to fight against the old (boyar) aristocracy. Vіn publicly calling the boyars in evil power and calling out the strength to the soundness of the spirit of the unity of the Russian state.
  • At 1550 roci selected thousand Moscow nobles (1071 people) misplaced close to 60-70 km near Moscow.
  • Regulations on the service of 1555 actually equaled the rights of the nobility with the boyars, including the right to decline.
  • After the arrival of the Kazan Khanate (the middle of the 16th century) and the exile of votchinniks from the region of the oprichnina, the king’s voiceless power, the lands that were called such a rank, were distributed to the nobles for their services.
  • In the 80s of the 16th century, the observances of the year were enforced.
  • The conciliar tribute of 1649 sealed the right of the nobility to the eternal volodinnya and the lineless rozshuk of the villagers-vtikachiv.

The strength of the Russian nobility during the XIV-XVI century was an important time for the removal of land under the mind military service, which actually turned the nobles into the post-chief of the feudal militia for analogy with the Western European face of the Russian boyars. The system is in the system, conducted by the General of the Armenian in the situation, if the social-teokona roding of the Country Shchels without allowing the central is equipped with the Army (on VIDMINA, ONE, VID Franziy, de Korolsi ZiV Strikhati Faces on the Armenian Pays. and from the end of the XV century - on post-yny bases), turned into a crippled right, which swelled the tide at the place of working force and galvanized the development of capitalist capital in general.

Apogee of the nobility

Peter I, having succumbed to his father’s suspense, was spreading on the camp of “tax”, the goiter of the state with a “tax” (taxes and duties) and “served”, goiter of the state with service. In this system, in fact, everything was sealed, burned to the bottom, and the nobles were attached to the service just like the villagers to the ground, like a camp of Moscow Russia, like a post-mobilized military camp, taxed from three sides.

In 1701, Peter the Great’s clergy said that all “people from the lands served to serve, but for nothing the lands were not free.” In 1721, the tsar carried out a deep look at all the nobles, for a little wine, they lived near Siberia and Astrakhan. So that they didn’t have a good day, the nobles arrived to St. Petersburg and Moscow at two shifts: the first chest in 1721, the other - at the birch tree in 1722.

Already in 1718, the year of Peter the Great, the hour of the Tax Reform was carried out, including the subvention of the soul tax of the nobles, and in Birch 1714, he adopted a decree “On the order of decline among the rukhomi and neruhomih lanes”, which established the patrimony and maetok, and established the principle of unity.

Petro launched a decisive attack on the old boyar aristocracy, crushing the nobles with his support. In 1722, the Table of Ranks was introduced for the European sign, which replaced the principle of generosity with the principle of special service. The rank of the lower, XIV class, otrimaniy z vіyskovoї sluzhі, giving us, hto yogo otrimav spadkove nobility (according to civil service - only the rank of VIII class). On the back of the head, the recognition of the old, pre-Petrine, ranks of Moscow Rus, the Table of Ranks was installed, the prote commendation from the old ranks was attached.

  • In 1722, the emperor Peter the Great introduced the Table of Ranks - a law on the order of state service, foundations on Western European symbols.
    • Zgidno with the Report Card, the old (boyar) aristocratic titles were attached, although they formally did not stink. Tse became the end of the boyars. The word “boyar” was no longer used in the folk language as a designation of an aristocrat, and it evolved into “master”.
    • The nobility, as such, was a substitute for a busy rank: the rest was no longer a special service. “We are not allowed to have any rank for that,” writing Petro, “until the stench and patrimony show us no services.” Tse called out to the bewilderment, like the surplus of the boyars, and the new nobility. Tsom, zokrema, is dedicated to Friend Kantemir's satire "To the pride and pride of the evil nobles."

In parallel with the founding of the Table of Ranks, the King of Arms office under the Senate is being created, having become the appearance of the nobles, and clearing up I will become impostors, who periodically appeared, independently vibrated themselves in the nobles, and painted coats of arms. Peter I confirms that "No one, Krіm us, those other crowned divisions, do not lay down, whom we ask for the nobility with a coat of arms and a seal".

Nadali The Table of Ranks recognized the numerical changes, the protege survived until 1917, which in some cases brought life.

The possibility of separating the nobility through service creates a mass sphere of bezpomіsnyh nobles, as a whole lie in service. In a whole ninth, Russian nobility was in a very heterogeneous environment; krim rich princely names (until the last XIX century about 250 pologiv were insured), also a great ball of dribnomaet nobles (which were less than a hundred krіpakіv, most often - 5-6), since they could not take care of their own day of their life, and were less able to plant. By itself, volodinnya maєtkami and krіpak, did not automatically mean high incomes. Boulevard such vipadki, if the nobles, not looking for other benefits for the foundation, especially yelled at the earth.

Nadali nobles take one pill for another:

  • In 1731 p. the helpers were given the right to collect poll taxes from krіpaks;
  • Hanna Ioanіvna with a manifesto of 1736 between the service of 25 rokas; the poll tax of the villagers is transferred to their vlasniks;
  • Єlizaveta Petrivna in 1746 defended whether anyone, the Crimean nobles, bathed the villagers and the land;
  • In 1754, the Noble Bank was founded, which provided loans in the amount of up to 10,000 rubles at 6% per bank;
  • 18 fierce 1762 rock Petro III signed the “Manifesto on the granting of liberty and freedom to the Russian nobility”, which is the sign of this type of obov'yazkovo service; with a stretch of 10 years from the army, up to 10 ths. nobles;
  • Katerina II, carrying out the Provincial Reform of 1775, actually transfers power in the places to the hands of elected representatives of the nobles, and takes over the tenure of the nobility’s povy battalion;
  • A charter was granted to the nobility on April 21, 1785, the remaining nobles were enrolled in obov'yazkovo service, and they formalized the organization of noble self-regulation at missions. The nobles turn to the privileges of the camp, which is not the goiter of the state by service, and do not pay taxes, they have a lot of rights (the right to rule over the land and the villagers, the right to engage in crafts and trade, freedom in the form of corporal punishment, the right to rule the camp).

A charter was granted to the nobility, transforming the nobleman-keeper to the head agent in the order at the missions; Vіdpovіdaє for the selection of recruits, collecting taxes from the villagers, having a look at the suspenseful morality and іn.

We will especially privilege the nobles and make a declaration about the camp of self-regulation. Setting up a new state was twofold. At the same time, from the beginning of the nobility's self-regulation, the division was pieced together - povitov's organizations were not ordered by the provincial, and until 1905, it was the fate of the Russian noble organization.

In fact, the enlistment of the nobles by Katerina II in obov'yazkovoї service for the preservation of the strong rights of the villagers gave rise to a great opportunity between the nobles and the people. This super-accuracy gave birth in the peasant middle-class about those that Peter III did not want to save the villagers (or transfer them to the treasury), for which they were killed. The pressure of the nobles on the peasantry became one of the reasons for the rebellion of Pugachov. The anger of the villagers appeared at the mass pogroms of the nobles under the gas "Chop stoupie - the parkan will fall down on its own", less for the summer of 1774 the villagers drive in close to three thousand noblemen and representatives of the government. Omelyan Pugachov in his "manifesto" directly states that “If the nobles were at their matkahs and vodchinas, they were opponents of our power and obryuvachіvі іmperії i razzornikіv villagers, catch, strachuvat and hang, and repair just like that, like a stench, not looming Christianity in themselves, they repaired for you, the villagers”.

The well-being of "noble freedom" was the apogee of the power of the Russian nobility. Far away, the “golden autumn” began: the transformation of the great nobility into the “holy class” (at the price of step-by-step adoption of political life) and the complete destruction of the lower nobility. Strictly seeming, the “lower” nobility was not especially ripped apart simply by those who often didn’t “trash” anyone - the greater number of nobles who served were bezpomіsnimi.

Zahid of the Son of the Nobility

At the beginning of the 19th century (especially after Vytchiznyanoi war) part of the nobility was adopted by republican sentiments. A lot of noblemen joined the Masonic lodges and taєmnі anti-series organizations. Rukh of the Decembrists mausoleum of the nobility front.

Year by year, the state begins to cut off the massive influx of non-nobles from the nobility, which has become possible for the service of officials. Especially for the satisfaction of the ambitions of such non-nobles, an “industrial” camp of honorable citizens was founded. It was approved on April 10, 1832, and I take away such important privileges of the nobility, as an exemption from the poll tax, recruitment duty and corporal punishment.

Kolo osіb, yakі mali the right to honor the hulkiness, the year expanded - children of special nobles, merchants of the 1st guild, commerce and manufactories-radniki, artists, graduates of low initial mortgages, children of Orthodox clergymen.

From 11 chervnya 1845 to the fate of the civil ranks of the X-XIV classes, the deputy of the special nobility began to give more honorable bulkiness. Since 1856, the special nobility began with the IX class, the spadkov - with the VI in the military service (colonel) and with the IV in the civil (de facto taemny radnik).

The hvil of the village riots during the hour of the Crimean war (the villagers signed up for the hour of the war in the militia, raising money for the security of the fortress, but there was no scarlet) to lead Oleksandr II to a thought about those who “It’s better to say the right to the beast, lower the check for that hour, if it’s more likely to say from below by itself”.

After the peasant reform of 1861, the economic position of the nobility weakened. With the development of capitalism in Russia, the nobility took positions in the society. After the skasuvannya of the strong right in 1861, the nobles took close to half of the land, taking generous compensation for the other half; prote on the cob of the 20th century, the helpers of the Volodymyr already only 60% of the land that belonged to them in 1861. In the spring of 1915, the assistants volodiyut at the European part of Russia 39 from 98 million acres of adventitious land. On the cob of 1917, the kіlkіst falls sharply, and the hands of the villagers show about 90% of the land.

At the beginning of the XX century, the recessionary nobility, as if officially accepted, as “the first support to the throne” and “one of the most important in the order”, step by step spends its economic and administrative dominance. In 1897, a part of the recessionary nobles of the middle military became 52%, among the civil servants 31%. In 1914, 20 to 40% of the nobles lived near the villages, others moved to the towns.

After the Zhovtnevogo coup of 1917, all the camps in the URSR were liquidated by the decree of the All-Russian Central Exhibition Center “On the destruction of the camps and civil officials” on the 10th leaf fall of 1917. Such an act, seen by the usurpatory power of a state that was not unknown at that time, does not pull after itself the legal legacy of any rights, I will become the Russian Empire, and become worthless. To that you can talk less about the innocence of becoming Radianskaya Russia and dalі - in the SRSR, but no more.


In the period of rozkvitu, the nobility was subdivided into:

  • Ancient nobility- Naschadki of ancient princely and boyar canopies (canopies were made in the VI part of the birthplace).
  • Titled nobility- princes, counts, barons (rods were brought in up to the fifth part of the clans).
  • foreign nobility- canopies were made up to the IV part of the rodovodіv.
  • Naschadkov nobility- the nobility, which was transferred to legal spadkoєmtsy (canopies were made before the I, II and III part of the genera):
    • canopies of the nobility of the Viysk - in the II part
    • canopies of the nobility, attached to the civil service or for the order - in the III part
  • Special nobility- the nobility, otrimane for special access (for that number, with the achievement of the 14th class in civil service), but it is not transferred at the recesses and it is not brought to birth. It was created by Peter I in order to loosen the insularity of the nobility and give it access to people of the lower classes.
  • Bezpomіsne nobility- nobility, otrimane without allotment and fixed lands (maytkiv).

Російське дворянство склалося з різнорідних елементів - у середу його входили: діти боярські по губерніях та повітах, великоруське московське дворянство, українське козацьке дворянство, остзейське дворянство, польська та литовська шляхта, шляхта по губерніях та повітах Росії XVIII бессарабське дворянство, осетинське, грузинське, вірменське , nareshti foreign nobility.

In 1858, there were 609,973 rotations of the nobles, and 276,809 special and servitors; at 1870 p. descendants of the nobles Bulo - 544 188, special officers and servicemen 316 994; noblemen-landlords, for official statements for 1877 - 78 rubles, was respected in European Russia 114716.

In the Great Russian provinces, nobles in 1858 made up 0.76% of the population, which was significantly less, lower in the krains, like England, France, Austria and Prussia, where their number outweighed 1.5%. Near the Commonwealth, the nobles became over 5% of the population.

The banquet hall of the nobility

Naschadkov nobility

Nashchadkov's nobility bathed Chotirma with paths:

  • yogo's favors for the special investigation of the autocratic power;
  • ranks in active service;
  • reward for "service badges" of Russian orders;
  • the caps of special noblemen and famous citizens, who were especially distinguished.

One of the main ways of the nobility is the service of the nobility. Previously, a nobleman automatically became a professional military officer, as if in the service of that other prince.

In 1722-1845, the nobility was given for the service of the first chief officer rank (fendrik, then ensign, cornet) in the military service (and the rank of rank, entered to the XIV class and more - for example, the rank of a shtik-junker was not a chief officer, ale the nobility gave) and the rank of kolezky assessor to the civil one, when awarded with the Order of the Russian Empire, since 1831 - for the vignette of the Polish Order of Virtuti Militari.

In 1845-1856 - for the service of the rank of major and civil servant, and for awarding the orders of St. George, St. Volodymyr of all steps and the first steps of other orders.

In 1856-1900, the nobility was given to those who had risen to the rank of colonel, captain of the 1st rank, military officer of the state.

It was allowed to fuss about the nadannya of the nobility of the recession in that moment, like a father and a did fussing about the special nobility, having served in the chief officer ranks. The right to attach the spadkovy nobility with the caps of special nobles and eminent hromadas was saved on the cob of the 20th century. The article on the law on the removal of the low-lying nobility, with a synopsis of having reached it again, and I will enter the service of the times, as if my father and father were "without reservation" in the service in the ranks, which brought the special nobility, not less than 20 years of leather, was decreed by Decree on January 28, 1900. Legislation about camps 1899 r. If it had not been earlier, the camp was dimly, that at the turn of the century, even the most famous people - grandfather and father - "they safely saved the name", then their senior onuk instantly asked the spadkov nobility for the mind of this unrestricted service that reached the 30th century.

In 1900-1917, the qualification for orders was raised - the recessionary nobility according to the Order of St. Volodymyr could be won only from the 3rd stage. Tse obezhennya was introduced at the link with scho, that the Order of St. Volodymyr of the 4th degree was massively paid for the service of the fates and for the charitable donation. Before 1917 in the Russian Empire there were close to 1,300,000 people of noble nobles, or 1% of the population.

Special nobility

A special camp is occupied by special nobles, who appeared at once from the Table of Ranks. On the vіdmіnu vіd spadkovyh nobility, їhnya nobility nіdnіstіnі not dіnіstіv іn spadok, and іti otrimuyut sobbliviy status "chief officer's children". Specialists of the nobility take away the right to seize the low-lying nobility with a servant; so until May 28, 1900, the stench of rock was given the right to complain about yogo otrimanny, as if their fathers and didi served for twenty years without a hitch in the chief officer ranks.

The special nobility swelled:

  • favor, if a person was promoted to the nobility especially for the order of service, but, according to a special high court;
  • ranks in service - for the otrimannya of the special nobility zgіdno z Manifesto 11 chervnya 1845 p. "About the order of the nobility by service" it was necessary to rise to the military service: civil - to the rank of the 9th class (titular radnik), military - the first chief officer rank (14th class). In addition, individuals who took away the rank of the 4th class, or colonel, not in active service, but when leaving the military, were also recognized as special, and not low-ranking nobles;
  • award of the order - when awarded the Order of St. Annie II, III or IV degree at some hour after 22 lime 1845, St. Stanislav II or III degree at any hour after 28 chervnya 1855, St. Volodymyr IV degree at be -what hour after May 28, 1900 Individuals of the merchant rank, given Russian orders between 30 July 1826 and 10 April 1832, and the Order of St. Stanislav from 17 leaf fall 1831 to 10 April 1832, were also recognized as special nobles. Nadali for the special merchant ranks, the way of separating the special nobility through the nadannya was closed with orders, and they were recognized only as a special, more economically honorable enormity.

Special nobility was passed down from person to friend, but not to children and offspring. The widows of clergymen of the Orthodox and temporal-Gregorian consciences, who did not belong to the recessionary nobility, were coronated with the rights of the special nobility. The largest number of special nobles was among the middle officers of the Middle Lanka and the officials. Before 1917 the Russian Empire had about 6 million officials, and a part of them savage number such were the special noblemen.

Transfer of the Spadkov nobility to the Spadoks

Nashchadkov's nobility was transferred from the recesses and, as a result, the clan along the human line. Kozhen nobleman after visiting his noble guards and children. A female noblewoman, marrying a representative of someone else, could not transfer the rights of nobility to people and children, but she herself became a noblewoman.

The expansion of the nobility of children, the people before the award of the nobility, lay in the "greatest trial". The nutrition of children, narodzhennih to the possession of their fathers to the rank of the order, as they gave the right to the decline of the nobility, was done in a different way. Highly hardened Dumka Derzhavnoy for the sake of views 5 bereznya 1874 p. the fringe of children, the people of the tax camp, including the people of the lower military rank, were skasovani.

Awarded by the nobility after 1917

Presented by the nobility and titles of the Russian Empire, it was continued after 1917 by the heads of the Russian Imperial Budinka in exile. About such a complaint divas. Statue Presenting titles and orders of the Russian Empire after 1917.

Privileges of the nobility

The nobility has few such privileges:

  • the right to volodynnia by the inhabitants of the towns (until 1861),
  • freedom in obov'yazkovoї service (in 1762-1874, later the all-stanovo military service was introduced),
  • freedom from zemstvo duties (until the 2nd half of the 19th century),
  • the right to enter the service of the state and to withdraw from the privileged initial mortgages(At the Corps of Pages, the Imperial Oleksandrovsky Lyceum, the Imperial School of Law, children of nobles from 5 and 6 parts of the ancestry of the book and children were accepted, as if they were of a rank no lower than class 4),
  • the right of a corporate organization.

The skin of a gentle nobleman, having written down in the birth book of the tієї province, de mav unruly power. According to the High Decree on May 28, 1900. the introduction of landless nobles to the provincial clans was given to the collection of vatazhkiv and deputies of the nobility. With whom, not a few unruliness were brought to the book of the tієї province, de maєtkom volodіl їkhni batki.

Having taken away the nobility without intermediary through the rank of chi, the award was made with the order to the book of those provinces, wherever they stink, they didn’t make a small mark there. The camp was closed until the Decree of 6 chervnya, 1904. "About the order of conducting genealogy for the nobles, who did not record books in the provinces with the clans", for which the king of arms was supposed to conduct the genealogy for the entire empire to the family, where they began to enroll the nobles, if they didn’t manage the unruliness, but they were able to manage it in the provinces, de bouv noble establishments, navit yaki took away the rights of the Jewish nobility of the recession, they did not follow the Decree of May 28, 1900. brought to the provincial noble family books.

Specialties of the nobility were not included in the book before the ancestor. Since 1854, stinks, equal to honorable hulks, were recorded in five parts of the city's habitation book.

Nobles have the right to wear a sword. Spіlnim all the nobles buv title " your honor " . There were also generic titles of nobility - barons (baron), counts (your high nobility), princes (your lordship), as well as other titles. Yakshcho noblemen served, Mali titles of the I's Findii, Sho of the Council of Cyival Chicovoi, then the Non -Feature Nobility of the Zberigav the right to navigate the uniform of the provincials, de Mav Matok abed, and the right "is the right to nicknames of their own, the nicknames of the yogo mate. so i , Spadkovih and salaries of yoga fiefdoms ".

One of the privileges that belonged exclusively to the naschadkov nobles was the mother's right to the family coat of arms. Coats of arms were hardened by the skin of the noble family with the greatest power and then they were abandoned forever (changes could only be made with a special high order). The zagalny armorial of the noble families of the Russian Empire was created by the Decree of September 20, 1797. Vіn folded by the Department of Heraldry and Mіstiv little ones and inventories of coats of arms of the skin family.

The order was legalized on April 21, 1785. to 17 April 1863 spadkovі, osobystі, іnozemnі noblemen it was impossible to give corporal punishment like a court, and the hour of the morning before the brew. Prote in the aftermath of step-by-step svіlnennya in the body of the punishments of other versions of the population, the privileges of the nobles in the post-reform period became simply right.

In the Laws on the Stani of 1876, there was an article about the entitlement of nobles on special taxes. However, in connection with the taxation of the poll tax, it is recognized by the Law of 14 May 1883. This article appeared to be uncommon and seen in 1899. it was early afternoon.

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