Peter III is alive in some rozі. Childhood, youth, vihovannia

During the hour of his short reign, Emperor Peter III zoomed in on a raging activity. For an hour of kingship, I signed 200 decrees! The Acts of the Laws of Mali are extremely important.

Peter III, having carried out the decrees, they continued the line of the yoga of the enemies, and in an hour they navited away for them. So, many of those conceived by the emperor start with the year to realize the yogo team - Katerina Oleksiivna, as she sent the throne to the past.

Manifesto about the freedom of the nobility

Decree on secularization

At an important camp, they tried at 60 roki. XVIII century of the fortress of church and monastic lands. For 20 years, the number of peasant rebels on the monastic lands increased threefold. The villagers urged to translate them at the camp of the sovereigns. Peter III, having signed a decree on secularization: from churches and monasteries, the lands with the villagers were confiscated, which they inhabited, and were transferred from the power of the state. Tse meant the pilgrimage of hundreds of thousands of villagers and the eminence of the state treasury.

Images (photo, little ones)

On this side of the material behind the topics:

(born Karl Petro Ulrich of Holstein-Gottorp)

Rocky life: 1728–1762
Russian Emperor in 1761-1762 pp.

The first representative of the Holstein-Gottorp (Oldenburg) gulka of the Romanovs on the Russian throne. Volodarny Duke of Holstein (since 1745).

Onuk, son of Tsesarivna Anni Petrivna and Duke of Holstein-Gottorp Charles Friedrich. According to the line, the father was the grand nephew of the Swedish king Charles XII and back to back, like a fall to the Swedish throne.

Biography of Peter III

Mother died 1 day after the first people, and in 1739 p. vіn vtrativ i dad. Ditina grew up as a timid, nervous, irritable boy, loving painting and music, but at the same time loving everything in the world (at the same time she was afraid of harmonic shooting). Behind the character, the boy is angry boo. Youmu was not given good lighting, Then they often gave warnings (shmagann, standing on peas). As a result of the decline of the Swedish throne, yoga was swayed by the Lutheran faith in hatred for Russia, the old enemy of Sweden.

And if a yogo titka, a lad on the cob of a fierce 1742 brought to St. Petersburg and 15 (26) leaf fall 1742 deafness, fell on the Russian throne. Nezabar having accepted Orthodoxy and having taken away the name of Peter Fedorovich.

At the herb 1745 p. voted by the reigning duke of Holstein. At the sickle 1745
R. making friends with Princess Sophia Frederick Augusta of Anhalt-Zerbst, future. Shlyub vyavivsya not far away, a bunch of children buv, less than 1754 p. the stench was born son Pavlo, and 1756 p. - Hanna's daughter, her fatherhood was a bit of a subject. Spadkoemets-nemovlya Pavlo immediately after the people were chosen by the fathers, the Empress Elizaveta Petrivna herself was engaged in yoga. Ale Petro Fedorovich in no way chimed in blue.

The future emperor has a connection with the maid of honor O.R. Vorontsova, the niece of Chancellor M.I. Vorontsov. Katerina felt humiliated. In 1756 p. she had an affair with Stanislaw August Poniatowski, the Polish envoy to the Russian court. It was clear that Peter the Third and his retinue often ruled sleeping evenings at the same time from Poniatowski and Elizaveta Vorontsova.

On the cob 1750s. Peter 3 allowed to write down a small zagіn of Holstein soldiers and all the time they were engaged in military rights and maneuvers with them. I also love playing the violinist.

For the fates spent in Russia, Petro Fedorovich did not try to better recognize the country, the people, the history, not having the Russian voices, doing an improper rank at the hour of the church service. Elizaveta Petrivna did not allow Yogo to participate in high-profile political meals, and she gave Yogo the tenure of director of the Shlyakhetsky corps. Vona forgave richly to you, as a son, her beloved sister died early.

Being the shanuvalnik of Frederick the Great, Petro Fedorovich publicly spoke about the hour of the Seven Wars of 1756-1763. his pro-Prussian sympathies. Vidkrita yogo hostility to the whole of Russia called out the anxiety of Elizabeth and created a project of transferring the crown to the young Pavel under the regency of Catherine and Catherine herself. Ale did not dare to change the order of succession to the throne.

After the death of Elizabeth on December 25, 1761 (September 5, 1762), Peter the Third, without succession, ascended the Russian throne.

Emperor Peter III

In the assessments of yoga activity, two different approaches converge. The traditional pidkhid is based on the absolutization of yoga, accentuating yoga of dislike to Russia. And the other pidkhid looks at the positive results of yogo rule.

Designate what Petro III energetically engaging in sovereign rights. Yogo politics is small and consequential and progressive in nature.
The forces turned I.G.

A number of important reforms were introduced in the internal politics - squeezing the tight salted mito, protecting the evil Taemna Chancellery (the head organ of the political rozshuk), Manifesto on the 16th of February 1762, granting the nobility the right to call for service (decree on the 18th of birch) (2nd birch). .

Prior to the most important rights, one can see the interest in trade and industrial activities by the creation of the Sovereign Bank and the issuance of banknotes (Decree of the First Decree of January 25), adopting a decree on freedom of foreign trade (Decree of April 28). In Yakozh, the greatness of the double staging is also avenged to the forest as one of the most important riches of Russia. In the middle of the last visits, the last ones issued a decree, which allowed the organization of a factory for the production of glass linen in Siberia, and a decree, which qualified the farming of the villagers by the helpers as “tyrannical flour” and passing it on to their daughters. So they pinned a reconsideration of the Old Believers.

However, come and go did not give the emperor popularity; moreover, the introduction of the Prussian order in the army called out more irritability in the guard, and the policy of tolerance pursued by him inspired the opposite clergy.

The reign of Peter III was assigned to the enforcement of strong law.

Legislative activity was in the order of supremacy, for an hour of this short reign, 192 documents were adopted.

Politics of the fate of the reign of Peter III

In your foreign policy Vіn rіshuche vіdmovіvsya vіd anti-Prussian course єlizavetinskoi ї diplomacy. As soon as I came to the throne, I pinned the war on Frederick II and laid with him on April 24 (May 5), 1762. an agreement, turning Prussia all elected in it with Russian military territories, and on 8 (19) chervnia joining him to the military-political coalition. against many allies in Russia (France and Austria); The Russian Army, Field Marshal Z.G.

Widespread dissatisfaction with these actions has sown the cob of a coup d’etat, which had long been prepared for Katerina’s otochennyam, which women with a man were trying to change at a time; the emperor threatened to imprison її in a monastery and turn around with his favorite O.R. Vorontsova.

On 28 chervnya (9 linden) Katerina, for the support of the guards and her comrades-in-arms, the three brothers of Orlov, the officers of the Izmailovsky regiment, the brothers of Roslavl, Passeka and Bredikhina, sacked the capital and voted for herself an autocratic empress. Among the most important dignitaries in the Empire, the most active dignitaries were M.I. Panin, guardian of the young Pavel Petrovich, M. M. Volkonsky and K. G. Rozumovsky, Little Russian hetman, president of the Academy of Sciences, lover of his Izmailovsky regiment.

End of reign of Peter III

In the evenings of the same day, the Empress rushed with the troops to Oranienbaum, de rebuvav її man. Having found out about it, he suddenly decided to try to occupy Kronstadt. On 29 chervnya (10 limes) of wine, turning to Oranienbaum and proclaiming Katerina to divide the power, but having taken away the guardian, the throne was called out of turmoil. On the same day, I arrived at Peterhof, de buv zareshtovaniya i vіdpravleniya to Ropsha.

Prote 6 (17) lime, having lived at Ropsha for less than a day under the supervision of O.F. Orlov, died for unkempt furnishings. In a row it was stunned that the wine died in the attack of hemorrhoids. With the expansion, it was revealed that in the emperor's colossus, dysfunction of the heart, inflamed intestines, signs of apoplexy were pronounced. Prote zagalnobashirovannaya version calls vbivey Oleksiy Orlov, illegitimate son of Katerina, according to Grigory Orlov.

Suchasnі doslіdzhennya svіdchat, scho mozhliva cause of death instantly іg іg іsult.

Katherine II, from a political point of view, the death of a man was invisible, to that, for the new support of the guards, the power was unbounded. Having learned about the death of a person, she said: “My glory is gone! Don’t give a damn about a lesser, mimicry evil.”

More often than not, the emperor was honored without the usual honors in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, to that in the Peter and Paul Cathedral there were more than crowned honors. The Senate at the warehouse asked the Empress not to be at the funeral, but secretly said goodbye to the man.

In 1796, right after the death of Katerina, by order of Paul I, surplus big man We moved back to the house church of the Winter Palace, and then to the Peter and Paul Cathedral. Yogo was buried overnight with the funeral of Katerini II; Emperor Pavlo himself especially zrobyv rite crowning the ashes of his father.

During the reign of Katerina, for її people, we saw a lot of impostors (about 40 vipads were recorded), we found some of them Omelyan Pugachov.

Petro Fedorovich used to be friends once. Druzhina: Katerina Oleksiivna (Sofia Frederik August Anhalt-Zerbstskaya). Children: Pavlo, Ganno.

Peter III (Karl Peter Ulrich) - Russian emperor. Batko - Duke Karl Friedrich Holstein-Gottorpsky, mother Hanna Petrivna, daughter of Katerina I (Marty Samuylivny Skavronskaya) and Emperor Peter the Great (First). Rules of Russia from 25 December 1761 (5 September 1762) by 28 chervnia (9 limes) 1762

It’s rare for such a sovereign to have been given such super-cheerful ... assessments. From one side - "reasonable martinet", "meaning tyrant", "toady Frederick II", "hater of everything Russian", "chronic p'yanitsa", "idiot" and "nezdatny man" Katerina II. On the other hand, important judgments that lay especially for representatives of Russian culture - V. N. Tatishchev, M. V. Lomonosov, Ya. Ya. Shtelin. Vіlnodumets F. V. Krechetov, in 1793 before Katherine II’s imprisonment in Petropavlіvka, mav namіr “explain the great number of rights of Peter Fedorovich”, and A. F. Voykov sings on the cob 1801 putting the name of Peter III “because of the names of the greatest legislators”. S. Milnikov "Petro III"

Short biography of Peter III

  • 1728, 10 (21) fierce - was born at the city of Kil (Holstein, Nimechchina).
  • 1737, 24 chervnya - for an excellent shooter for a meta on Ivan on the day of awards for this honorary title to a team of archers of the Oldenburg Guild of St. Johann near Holstein
  • 1738, lyuty - the ruling duke of Holstein-Gottorpsky Karl Fridrich was assigned the rank of second lieutenant
  • 1742, 5 fierce - arrived to St. Petersburg.
  • 1742, leaf fall - after the praise of Orthodoxy, Karl Peter, having taken away the name of Petro Fedorovich, the deafening of the All-Russian Grand Duke and the throne of the fall.
  • 1742–1745 – academician J. Shtelin
  • 1743 - the Grand Duke took off the sight of Empress Elizaveta Petrivna at the gift of Oranienbaum
  • 1745, 7 January - the Polish king and the Saxon elector August III, as vicar of the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation, voted the Grand Duke as the reigning duke of Holstein
  • 1745, 25 sick days - a hat from the princess of Anhalt-Zerbst Sophia Frederick Augusta (the future Katherine II)

“A description of the scene of Katerini's acquaintance with Peter in 1739. In the early editorial office (“Notes of Katerina II”), even before I ascended the throne, Katerina wrote: “Then I first slapped the Grand Duke, which was a true garni, loving and good waving. About the eleven-year-old lad, they just told a diva. The hanging scenes are changing dramatically in the rest of the editorial of the “Notes”: “Here I felt, like relatives, like bred, clucked among themselves, that the young duke was sickened to drunkenness, that those who were close did not let you get drunk at the table” (A. S. Milnikov "Peter III")

  • 1746 - the library of Father Karl Friedrich Holstein-Gottorpsky was transported to St. Petersburg to help the Grand Duke
  • 1746–1762 – having taken a permanent part in the planned weekly work in Oranienbaum, collection books, art and musical objects, and other rarities
  • 1755 - taking part in the creation of a ballet school in Oranianbaum for the training of Russian artists;
  • 1756–1757 – member of the Conference at the Great Court
  • 1759, February 12 - Elizaveta Petrivna appointed the Grand Duke as the Head Director of the Land Noble Corps in St. Petersburg.
  • 1759, 5 May - Head Director to enter before the Uriadovoy Senate with murmurings about expanding the number of victorious activities to the Corps and taking away the profit for the needs of other libraries
  • 1760, 2 breast - having returned to the Uryadovoy Senate with a plan to create a geographical description of the Russian state about the supply of the method of filling questionnaires for the month
  • 1761, 7 birch - handing over to the Uryadov Senate a project for the creation of a crafts school for the training of personnel of "national masters".
  • 1761, 25 December - the death of Elizaveta Petrivna and the accession of Peter Fedorovich to the Russian throne

“When the emperor got up, sound about the 7th anniversary of the wound, having listened from 8 to 10 years of additional dignitaries. About the 11th year of the year, they especially spent the military training, and about the first year, they talked about it - either at their apartments, where they asked people, like yogo tsikavili directly from the camp occupied by them, or they looked up to the approach of foreign diplomats.

The evening year was celebrated at courtiers by playing and rozvagi (he was especially fond of wine concerts, in which he himself likes to play the violin). After a late afternoon, sometimes up to hundreds of people called out to each other, and together with their hearts until late at night, again taking up sovereign rights. The rank year before the watch parade and the afternoon hour of the wines often won for inspections before the regular establishment of state mortgages (for example, manufactories) ”(A. S. Milnikov)

  • 1762, 22nd birch - a late trip to Shlisselburg for zestrichi z vyaznem - knocked down by Emperor Ivan Antonovich, then passing youma through Adjutant General Baron K.K. Ungerna presents (clothes, vzutta ..)
  • 1762, 29 chervnya - arrest, signing of the decree to the throne, ascertained by the guarded guard in the Ropshinsky Palace
  • 1762, 3 limes - murders (suffocations) on the same day. (Official date of death is taken into account on the 6th lime)

Order of Peter III

1762, 20 January - a decree on the closest approach to the emperor: “Such a rich yogo emperor. In-stva to corrosity and glory of the empire of yoga and to the well-being of the faithful servants, they accepted us the best and the best in action they could, then they took away the emperor. v-stvo pratsyuvati pіd vlasnimi yogo іmper. in-stvo kerіvnitstvom and pіkluvannyam over the bagatma to lie on the right yogo high-ranking duke Georgiy, yogo lordship Prince Holstein-Beksky, Field Marshal Minikh, Field Marshal Prince Trubetskoy, Chancellor Count Vorontsov, Feldzeugmeister General Lieutenant General Melgunov. statsk, ward of secret secretary Volkov"

    Prince Georgy, uncle Peter, general of the Prussian service, calling to Russia immediately after descending to the throne of Peter, a kind of superb attachment to the new one: he made yogo a field marshal general and colonel of the Life Guards of the Film Regiment
    Prince Petro-August-Friedrich Holstein-Beksky, Uncle Peter, a field marshal, St. Petersburg governor-general, commander of the army and garrison regiments that were in St. Petersburg, Finland, Revel, Estland and Narva
    Minikh (Burchard Christoph von Münnich, 1683-1767)) - Field Marshal General, Lieutenant Colonel of the Preobrazhensky Life Guards Regiment (since 1739 for the victory over Turechchina)

Uvіyshov in Russian history is like a prominent military and gospodarsky fiend, an irrepressible field marshal, a successor to Peter the Great. Under the Viysk kerіvnitstvom, the Russian Army of the Mines always won the victory, Viysk's history Field Marshal Mіnіkh uvіyshov yak peremozhets Turkіv and krimtsіv.

Minikh bula carried out a colossal work for the rich and thorough Russian army, the powerful state of that tilu, and also the majestic creative activity of Minikh was celebrated state system Russian empire. in 1741, roci, from the reign of Elizaveta Petrivny, bv vіddaniya court, judgments to death for hibnym zvinuvannya in the sovereign state, aiding Biron, as well as swindle and embezzlement.

    Mikita Yuriyovich Trubetskoy, (1699-1767), prince - military state fiend, for the reign of Peter III, having consumed up to the number of "kokhanih courtiers" and was honored to become a colonel of the Life Guards of the Preobrazhensky Regiment.
    Mikhailo Ilarionovich Vorontsov (1714-1767) - sovereign fiance, diplomat, since 1744 - vice-chancellor, from 1758-1765 - chancellor of the Russian Empire
    Oleksandr Mikitovich Vilboa (1716-1781) - general feldzeugmeister (head of artillery) of the Russian army
    Mykhailo Mykytovich Volkonsky (1713-1788), prince - lieutenant general, in 1761 - commander of the troops that stood in Poland
    Oleksiy Petrovich Melgunov (1722-1788) - on December 28, 1761, he was promoted to major general, and in fierce - to lieutenant general; having accepted denunciations "about usir for the first and other point." Taking part in preparing the most important legislative acts of Peter III
    Dmitro Vasilyovich Volkov (1727-1785) - sovereign dean, secret guardian, senator, for Peter III, secretary of the Special for the sake of that imovirny ways of important decrees

Duty to the Order of Peter the Third

“On September 17, the emperor arrived at the Senate, de wasted from 10 to 12. Here I signed the decree about the return from the message of Mengden, Lіlієnfeldіv, Mіnіkhіv, Lopukhіnoї; then let me tell you: change the price of the sale of salt and put it to death, as it is not possible to work with free trade, about the Senate mirkuvati. Kronstadt's harbor, as if it was already poshkodzhen, so that with the labor of the ships, they can, negainoly favor, zaglybiv її i stoned. To the Senate of peace, like a bi Rogervitska harbor, to finish off with free people, and to transfer convicts to Nerchinsk.

Immediately, Peter was supplemented with the proposition of the late Count Peter IV. Shuvalov about getting water from the Volkhov River to Ribnaya Sloboda; in the proposition it was said: from Slobodia Ribnoi through Tver, Borovitsky rapids, Novgorod to Novaya Ladoga, the court walks 1120 versts, and є from Ribnoi Sloboda to Novaya Ladoga, another water path, and itself: from Ribnoi rivers Volga, Mologa, Chagodoshcheya, Somino , the river Bolchinka, lake Krupinim, the river Tikhvina, Syasya, and from Syas you need to be a canal to the Volkhov river and opposite the Ladozsky canal right at seven versts; cim tract is less than 592 versti. The Senate added to its own, which, after looking at the inventory of the tract, was corrected by Lieutenant-General Ryazanov, who was a vice-commissioned officer. The emperor looked at the plans, praised and punished all the robots to work with free people ”(Solovyov "History of Russia from the most recent hours")

  • 1762, 28 September - First decree on the dissolution of the Court Conference with the transfer of її rights to the Senate and the Foreign Collegium: "now there is no special thing for the sake of the Conference, but the skin board of your own superpower"
  • 1762, 29 Sichnya - for an accelerated review of the accumulated counts of the royal kingship, and again, there is a scarg and announcing the Appeal Department and similar departments under the Senate of the College of Justice, the Patronage College and the Judicial Order, and the 4th birch, repeating the fence on the middle of 1700
  • 1762, 29 September - a decree about those that the sovereign allows the robbers, who flowed to Poland and other foreign lands, turn to Russia and settle in Siberia, at the Barabinsky steppe and other similar places, the law is for them. old-timers, more “in the middle of the All-Russian empire and the new ones, like Mohammedans and idolaters, they add up, and those schismatics are Christians, a point in a single old zabobon and vpertosti are added up, which are not primus and crosses.
  • 1762, on the 12th of February - with a special initiative of the emperor, a Declaration on the establishment of peace in Europe was sent to the European powers. In order to hide the “distant shedding of human blood”, the sides of the small one should take the military actions and voluntarily move in the wake of the broken hour of the Seventh War of the territorial pridbans.
    (Declaration about the establishment of the world was handed over to foreign diplomats)
  • 1762, 16 fierce, 6 birch - indicate, direct to the army and navy
  • 1762, February 16, Birch 21 - indicate the secularization of the lands of the Russian Orthodox Church
  • 1762, February 18 - the manifesto "On the granting of liberty and freedom to the entire Russian nobility" was announced

“All the nobles, who didn’t change the stench in any service, could continue to її or go to the military service; ale viyskowy could not ask the office and take a permit at the hour of the campaign and three months before the її cob. An unemployed nobleman could immediately leave foreign lands without a break and enter the service of foreign sovereigns, and then turn to the first call of the order with all the might.

“My controversy,” said in Manifesti, “all noble nobility, nobility, our triges before them, the їkhnibroti, behind us all -ilddanskoye, the old man, is not the same. to enter and honestly and obscenely rank її accepting, no less than your children, with diligence and dbailivistyu, teach decent sciences ”(Solovyov)

  • 1762, 21 February - a manifesto was announced about the filing of the Chancellery of secret papers and the transfer of bonds to the Senate

“Vishchezgadan Taєmna rozshukovyh inquiries office znishchuєєєє now for now, and її її can be taken to the Senate, but for a signet until eternal zabuttya to the archives. Hateful whistle, but the “word and the right” itself, can’t mean anything now, we’re defending it: don’t live it for anyone”

  • 1762, 28 Lyut, 3 worms - Peter III soliden Dopovіd perish label, archaiter - Golovi of Medical Chancellery, Medic Medic, Medicheas, Medichesky Service: All the Pharmacy of the Phasini. payment, which was taken from the doctor's office - pensions; to fight against epidemics, to help local, provincial and provincial doctors, a plantation of provincial and provincial doctors was founded
  • 1762, 5 birch - a decree on the fence of the life of Budinka churches

“The house's church was once upon a time a property, whether it be a possible sadibi, to inspire a wealthy yard. In deep antiquity, all the time, and already in the Moscow era, the zealots of good church order were attacked by him.

At Avr. Palіtsina known to me a description of what the house churches were like: a small hut, a big iconostasis, wooden stuffing, linen clothes, and hungry; in the area of ​​hiring for one service, or for one requirement, “bezmіstsevy” nip ... Which would be easier to start and which would be cheaper to adopt “one’s own” church; Against this deeply rooted in pragmatism and becoming Peter III ”(Platonov“ The latest course of lectures on Russian history ”)

  • 1762, April 24 (May 5) - signed a peace treaty between Russia and Prussia (Petersburg Svit)

“Peter the Third’s plan, preparations for a peace treaty with Prussia, having taken away the enshrinement in three secret articles of the red treatise. Considering the first of them, Frederick II acknowledged the validity of Peter III's claims to Schleswig and expressed his readiness to do so "actively and in every way to help."

At times, as if further away, talks with Denmark (and the stench was heading for the cob of lime of the same fate) did not bring to the bazhan meti, the king of goiters "was" in the disposition of the imperial majesty of the All-Russian corps of his own military people, 15 5 thousand people of kіnnoti”, taking yoga for Peter III doti, “until the imperial majesty will be completely satisfied with the Danish court”

With two advancing secret articles, Frederick II goiter was praising the duke of Courland (deputy for the odious Biron) to the uncle of the emperor, Prince George Ludwig, and to the royal throne of the Commonwealth - a friendly candidate of Russia "(Milnikov)

  • 1762, May 25 - Decree "On the foundation of the Sovereign Bank"

Decree ordering to issue the issuance of midny pennies and the surroundings of the day, as well as the issue of banknotes. The decree was formed from the introductory part and fourteen paragraphs, which laid out a plan for the creation and foundation of the Sovereign Bank's activity.

The bank is obliged to fold for two years, near St. Petersburg in Moscow, and to see the positions of the people of our countries, for which they issue their tickets “which is the best and richest in Europe with the butts of the stars zasib”.

The main capital is 2 million rubles, but the appropriations from the state treasury and also incrementally from the state treasury were transferred to the bank up to 3 million rubles to cover the reserve capital; according to which it was necessary to issue 5 million rubles worth of “bank receipts” for “special and for that special paper” for 5 million rubles in denominations of 10, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 rubles. it was necessary to accept them with the payment of taxes, whether there were any state taxes, or a crime.

The Russian Emperor Peter III lived less than 34 years and had two names - German and Russian. It is rare for such a sovereign to be given such superb scores by his fellows. Some said: "a sensible martinet", "a lackey of Frederick II", "a chronic p'yanitsa". Ale about the new and positive reviews of Russian children's culture and sovereign men.

Yogo im'yam, the leader of the village rush Omelyan Pugachov. Ale, in the national memory of wines, became the victim of his tsarist squad, Catherine the Great.

The Great Sovereign and the All-Russian Emperor Petro III Fedorovich was awarded the title of "idiot" and "needless man", or "impotent", Katerina II, and th, as having respected one of the pre-revolutionary Russian historians, to whom the tsar was given the title of stupidity.

Mrs and Mrs, I will sing you, there are no angels, no demons. All people, and Petro Fedorovich, born in the Lutheran faith Karl Peter Ulrich of Holstein-Gottorpsky (and in German: Karl Peter Ulrich von Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf), not being a virodkom baked. Another victim of the political intrigues of the court camarilla. Sounds of Peter the Third are looked at in the context of domestic Russian politics, most of the time without interfering with the food of international ones. It is important that Peter loves to call at the laying down of the separate peace of Prussia, to that he was the addicted chanuval of Frederick the Great and the whole Prussian.

The participants, using the method of knocking down the legitimate monarch, diligently spat at the supportive anti-nimetic mood, in order to turn the patriots against the emperor. Dosі rich votchiznânіh іstorikіv to sing with Peter Fedorovich zradnik, who was born in the midst of all the brilliant ones who won the Russian army on the battlefields of the Semirіchnі war і, having healed their ally - Austria and France - the shoal of the "senseless" svіt. Respectfully, it’s not just a thin light that is better for good welding.

The French king Louis XVI raised such respect for the drive of Peter III's letters to Frederick II: For Russia, it was so self-evident, as it is for us now, that Prussia and Austria did not become angry in one power. I can be with Russia, if the world of public relations zavdyaks to the friendly companions of Peter III, how to prove that the sovereign is a good politician.

In addition, you can take into account the thought of the deacons of Russian historians, who in the geopolitical situation in the middle of the XVIII century saw the coming of Russia to Skhidnoy Prussia was vague. In the meantime, the greatest Russian historian Vasil Klyuchevsky criticized and so sumnivne pribannya, like Poland is the core of the future revolutionary contagion. At the front of the Kenigsberzkoy province, Rich Commonwealth, I would like to have a cordon with Russia.

As if in the light of the propaganda galas of the royal hours and the ideological stamps of the hours of the Radians, it appears that Katerina Druga, in two years, signed the union agreement with Frederick of Prussia, a number of articles of which exactly repeating the clauses of the "welfare" III of the treaty.

Stamped look at Pyotr Fedorovich inspire at the scientific stakes of the nameless peaks. "A modern artist, inspiring qualifications, describing the portrait of Peter III penzle of the miraculous Russian artist of the 18th century A.P. Antropov, to dance with the whole splendid model depicted on the canvas" tovstii lives on thin legs, a small head on broad shoulders and thin arms, spider paws. "The sight and truth of not їh primnikh, if you want, it would be marvelously vimagati, sob on the Russian throne, not without exception, Apollo sits," the modern Russian historian Oleksandr Milnikov marvels.

Onuk of the Great Peter, Peter III, leaning in the midst of quiet children's history, about which we know more a little bit and myths, created by their political opponents, lower than real ones historical facts. More bak: one of the main journals about the new one is the memoirs of "Mother Empress Katerina". This most intelligent woman, madly, bazhayuchi, in the eyes of the piddanikh and naschadkіv unhandily "suspended" her man, set him up as such a stupid woman, zdatno hіba scho on a non-musical violinist and adoring not Russia, but her pipe-cohanku.

Peter III is far from being a single piece of nonsense in history. I call you not to go about yoga "post-mortem rehabilitation". It's just stupid. I still explain the total share of the imperial house of the Romanovs, the remaining representatives of which, like a beast, were found by the bilshoviks in the basement of the Ipatievsky house. Brutality is quiet, who fight for supremacy, gave rise to piznishі wickedness. The forerunners of the communist barbarians were the gentry noblemen, who dealt with Peter III, Paul I and John VI Antonovich.

As if to continue the fight farther away, then here Stalin would appear, who, like the fate of the 1930s, would be hard to get rid of Lenin's comrades-in-arms. However, we agreed. For the time being, the revolution is still far away, Peter III, cherishing his great father’s namesake, from the first days I will ascend the throne, especially respecting the order of discipline in all the present missions, the ordering of the competence of the higher organs of power. Peter the Third was the only monarch after Peter the Great, who especially foresaw the Synod - the greatest church administration.

Princess Katerina Dashkova, who did not recognize the pretentiousness before Peter III, a participant in the palace coup under her namesake, wrote in her memoirs that "Peter III, having poked his guard, slapped him to the new, and called out deep anger to himself with his legislators." Tsya private thought of a particular person clearly mentions the opposition to the Russian monarch of the singing part of the great nobility. From the very middle of her life, that sharpened Katerina went for a walk in the light of rich myths about the onuk of Peter the Great.

The axis is one of them: the courtiers, moving, broke Peter III’s liquor to the Taemna Chancellery, about which he lifted the manifesto after that, yak, behind the scenes, Count K. G. Rozumovsky shouted at one of his comrades in the charm "the word and on the right" for those who have created the emperor, not having drunk for yogo, I'm healthy to the bottom. Historians blame it for a reasonable reason, why didn’t Rozumovsky and his comrades play the same show earlier, for Elizaveta Petrivny? Notwithstanding the fact that Kirilo Grigorovich was the brother of his long-time favorite and immorally morganatic Empress Oleksiy Grigorovich Razumovsky.

For his short pravlinnya, 25 infantry 1761 Roku (Pisly Death -Imtritritzi єizaver Petrivni) on 29 worms 1762 Roku (Kolya, Zarashtniy, Vin Pidennnya VID Prestol, and approximately 3 lipes of murder) nobility", "About the existence of the Tajmnoy rozshukovoy office" and a series of acts about tolerance and mutual power of the Orthodox Church.

Petro III Fedorovich Romanov

Petro III (Petro Fedorovich Romanov im'ya at the peopleCarl Peter Ulrich of Holstein-Gottorp; February 21, 1728, Kiel - Linden 17, 1762, Ropsha- Russian Emperor in 1761-1762, the first representative of the Holstein-Gottorp (virnish: Oldenburg dynasty, Holstein-Gottorp, which officially wore the name "Imperial Dim Romanov")on the Russian throne, a man of Catherine II, father of Paul I

Peter III (in the uniform of the Life Guards of the Preobrazhensky Regiment, 1762)

Petro III

The short reign of Peter III was less than fate, the next hour the emperor caught up against himself all the powerful forces of the Russian noble family: the door, the guard, the army and the clergy.

Born on the 10th (21st) of the fierce year 1728 in Kiel in the duchy of Holstein (pivnichna Nimechchina). The German Prince Karl Petro Ulrich, who took away the honor of Orthodoxy named after Petro Fedorovich, was the son of Duke Karl Friedrich of Holstein-Gottorp and the eldest daughter of Peter I, Anna Petrivny.

Karl Friedrich of Holstein-Gottorp

Hanna Petrivna

Having ascended the throne, Empress Elizaveta Petrivna called the son of her beloved sister Russia and appointed 1742 p. with his downtrodden. Karl Petro Ulrich on the cob of a fierce 1742 p. deliveries to St. Petersburg and 15 (26) leaf fall of vociferous її spadkoєmtsem. Having accepted Orthodoxy and having taken away the name of Peter Fedorovich

Elizaveta Petrivna

Academician J. Shtelin was appointed as a teacher to the new one, who could not reach any significant successes in the prince's enlightenment; moreover, it was less than a whistle-blower on the right, that gra on the violin.

Petro Fedorovich at the hour of rebuking by the Grand Duke. Robot portrait G. H. Groot

In early 1745, the prince voted the reigning duke of Holstein. In 1745, he became friends with Princess Sophia Frederick Augusta of Anhalt-Zerbst, future Katherine II.

Petro Fedorovich (Grand Duke) and Katerina Oleksiivna (Grand Duchess)

Tsesarevich Petro Fedorovich and Grand Duchess Katerina Oleksiivna. 1740s. Hoody. G.-K. Grotto.

Shlyub buv not far off, only in 1754. they gave birth to son Pavlo, and 1756 p. - daughter of Hann, yak died in 1759. Mav'yazok with the maid of honor E.R. Vorontsov, niece of Chancellor M.I. Vorontsov. Being a shanuvalnik of Frederick the Great, he publicly vented his pro-Prussian sympathies on the eve of the Seventh War of 1756-1763. Peter's fortune-telling to the whole Russian and obvious lack of knowledge to the sovereign right called out the anxiety of Elizaveta Petrivna. At the court stakes hung projects for the transfer of the crown to the young Paul under the regency of Catherine and Catherine.

Portrait of Grand Duke Pavel Petrovich at the Childhood ( Rokotov F. S., )

Peter and Katherine were given at the Volodinnya Oranienbaum under Petersburg

The protémpress did not dare to change the order of succession to the throne. The great duke, who was prepared for the occupation of the Swedish throne, the relics of the wines were also the head of Charles XII, having taught the Swedish language, Swedish legislation and Swedish history, from childishness the sound was put up to Russia with advances. A zealous Lutheran, I couldn’t reconcile with him, that he was tempted to change the faith, and if there were any good weather, he would try to raise his znevaga to Orthodoxy, from the tradition of the country, which is the fault of mav keruvate. Petro was not evil, not an approachable person, on the contrary, often showing softness and mercy. However, his extreme nervous nervousness robbed the future sovereign of the unsafe, like a person, like a middle in the hands of absolute power over the majestic empire.

Petro III Fedorovich Romanov

Elizaveta Romanivna Vorontsova, favorite of Peter III

Ставши після смерті Єлизавети Петрівни новим імператором, Петро швидко розлютив проти себе придворних, залучаючи на державні посади іноземців, гвардію, скасувавши єлизаветинські вільності, армію, уклавши невигідний для Росії мир з переможеною Пруссією, і, нарешті, духовенство, наказ , крім найважливіших, обрити beards, take off clothes and change into frock coats for the kshtalt of Lutheran pastors.

Empress Katerini, the Great with his man Peter III in Russia and his son, future Emperor Paul I

On the other hand, the emperor helped to suppress the persecution of the Old Believers, signing in 1762. a decree on the freedom of the nobility, skasuvavshi obov'yazkovu service to representatives of the noble camp. It was given, in a moment, to support the nobles. Prote yoga ended tragically.

Peter III is depicted on horseback among a group of soldiers.Emperor to wear the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called and St. Annie.The snuffbox is decorated with miniatures

It’s rich who didn’t feel satisfied when the emperor made an alliance with Prussia: not long before, for the late Elizaveta Petrivna, the Russian military won a low victory over the war with the Prussians, and Russian empire could rozrakhovuvat chimali political benefits in the form of success achieved on the battlefields. Union from Prussia, having crossed over all similar conspiracies and broken the good stosunki with Russia's most allies - Austria and France. Even more dissatisfaction was called out by Peter III Russian service numerical foreigners. At the Russian court, buoyed by powerful forces, the encouragement of such people ensured the stability of rule for the new emperor.

Portrait of Grand Duke Peter Fedorovich

Nevidomy Russian artist PORTRAIT OF EMPEROR PETER III The last third of the XVIII century.

Having speeded up the tsim, the court party is strong, prophesying Prussia and Peter III, the alliance with a group of guardsmen and zdijsnil coup.

Petro Fedorovich was forever afraid of Katerini. If, after the death of Empress Elizabeth, after becoming the Russian Tsar Peter III, nothing appeared to be an eminent friend, but rather a rich one. A little bit came to Katerini that Petro wanted to be taken care of, having imprisoned him to the monastery, or having spared his life, and to denounce his son Paul illegally. Katerina knew that the Russian autocrats had a tough time with the disorganized retinues. Aleone was too richly prepared to take the throne and did not dare to act like a human being, because everyone did not like and "slandered in a voice without trembling."

Georg Christoph Groot.Portrait of Grand Duke Peter Fedorovich (year-old Emperor Peter III

Through a new year after that, on September 5, 1762. Petro having ascended the throne, a group of christians in choli with Kokhan Katerini Count G.G. Orlovim hastened to the day of Peter at court and issued a manifesto in the name of the regiments of the imperial guards, like Petro, having spared the throne, and Katerina voted for the empress. Vaughn was crowned by the Bishop of Novgorod, Peter was laid in deputy house in Ropsha, de vin u linden 1762 kills, maybe, from the view of Katerini. Behind the words of the co-worker, keep quiet, Peter III "allowing himself to be knocked down from the throne, like a child, like a wake up to sleep." Yogo's death left Katerina's way to Vladi without a hitch.

at the Winter Palace, the string was commissioned by the string empress Katherine II (decoration room designed by architect Rinaldi)

After official ceremonies, the ashes of Peter III and Catherine II were transferred from the Winter Palace to the Peter and Paul Fortress Cathedral.

The Exhumation of Peter III is dedicated to an allegorical engraving by Mikoly Ancelin

Tombs of Peter III and Catherine II at the Peter and Paul Cathedral

Capelyukh of Emperor Peter III. 1760s

Ruble of Peter III 1762 SPb silver

Portrait of Emperor Peter III (1728-1762) and view of the monument to Empress Katherine II near Petersburg

Nevidomy pіvnіchnorosіyskiy rіzbyar. Plaque with a portrait of Grand Duke Pyotr Fedorovich. SPb(?), Syria. 19 Art. Mammoth tusk, relief carving, engraving, drilling

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Part 1 - Peter III Fedorovich Romanov
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