Por_vnyalny characteristic of Charles 12 and Peter 1. Por_vnyannya Peter I and Charles XII pіd hour of the battle. These sponge hunters turned from their traditional craft in Pivnichniy Africa to home on the island of Simi, which is located near Rhodes, if there are raids.

Candidate of Historical Sciences I. ANDRIEV.

At Russian history the Swedish king Charles XII was not spared. At the mass svіdomosti vіn representations mayzhe caricature-godly, shove the king-junak, like a half-hearted Peter, and then be beaten. "Having died, like a Swede under Poltava" - tse, well, and about Karl, wanting, as it seems, under Poltava, the king did not die, but, having sunk in full, he continued the struggle for ten more years. Having consumed the shadow of Peter at the can, Karl did not fade away, but perished, shrugged. Vin, like an extra in the filthy p'essi, mav z rіdka z іdka z іdka z іdka z іdka z іdka yavlyatsya і іstorіchnі sі sі і podіlі і, pokkanі vysvitliti vіdіtlіti protagonist - Peter the Great. Do not be afraid to calm down yourself so to bring the Swedish king and the writer A. N. Tolstoy. On the right, not in the fact that Karl appears on the sides of the novel "Peter the First" episodically. Quite differently - the motivation of vchinkiv. Carl is light-hearted and primkhlivy - such a coronation of his centrist, which is to inspire Western Europe at the jokes of glory. Vin is absolutely opposite to Tsar Peter, let him be ignited, and nervous, and think about the Fatherland all day and night. The interpretation of A. N. Tolstoy became the blood and flesh of mass historical evidence. Talented literary tvir influx on the reader mayzhe always reveget volumes of serious historical creations. The forgiveness of Karl is the whole forgiveness of Peter himself and the scale of everything that happened to Russia in the first quarter of the 18th century. Already one is enough, to try to comprehend what has become, through the establishment of these two particularities.

Petro I. Engraving Є. Chemesov, adapted from the original by J.-M. Natje 1717 rock.

Charles XII. Portrait of an unknown artist on the cob of the 18th century.

Young Petro I. Nevidomy artist. Ear of the 18th century

Officer of the Life Guards Semenivsky Regiment. First quarter of the XVIII century.

Science and Life // Illustrations

Science and Life // Illustrations

Science and Life // Illustrations

Peculiarities of the speech of Peter I: captan, officer's breastplate and officer's scarf.

Bust of Peter I, created by Bartolomeo Carlo Rastrelli. (Rozfarbovani v_sk and gypsum; Peter's peruka and hair; eyes - sklo, enamel.) 1819 rec.

View of Arkhangelsk from the bay. Cob engraving XVIII cent.

Carl Allard's book "Nova Golanskaya Ship Budova" was translated by Russian language following the decree of Peter the Great. The library of Peter had a few copies of that kind of knowledge.

A cup, turned by Peter I (gold, wood, diamonds, rubin) and presented by him to M.P. 1709 rіk

Turning-copying verst, created by Maystr Franz Singer, who worked for a long time with the Florentine Duke Cosimo III Medici, and then arrived to St. Petersburg at the request of the Russian Tsar. In Russia, Singer made the tsar's lathe.

Medallion from the relief images of the Battle of Grenham in the Baltic on 27 September 1720 (a lathe machine).

Peter I at the Battle of Poltava. Little baby and engraving by M. Marten (sina). First quarter of the XVIII century.

Petro and Karl did not hesitate at all. Ale, with a protracted bagatioh rokiv, they conducted a correspondence super school one by one, which means they reconciled, marveled one to one. If the tsar found out about the death of Karl, he became quite embarrassed: "Ah, brother Karl! You can only guess about those who themselves almost stood behind these words I'm sorry. Ale, it’s getting better - it’s more, it’s just monarch’s solidarity ... This super girl was on the floor for a long time, the king was so taken over by the logic of the illogical vchinkiv of his crowned opponent, that, for sure, after the death of Karl Petro, he spent some part of himself.

People of different cultures, temperaments, mentality, Karl and Petro were at once completely similar. But the similarity of a special quality is in the dissimilarity of other sovereigns. Respectfully, to gain a similar reputation with the capital, if extravagant self-expression was in fashion, the task is not easy. Ale Petro and Karl obscured the bags. Your secret is simple - insults to zovsim did not shy away from extravagance. The stinkers lived simply, vibuduyuchi their behavior clearly until they were informed about the bed. So much that was given to others so important and necessary, for them it may not play the same role. I navpak. Most of the presenters took on the most part of the time as a divacity, for the larger one - as a lack of illumination, barbarism.

The English diplomat Thomas Wentworth and the Frenchman Aubrey de la Motre have banned the descriptions of the "Gothic hero". Their Karl is stately and tall, "but in the end, neohainy and neohainy." Draw thin. The hair is light and greasy, and, yes, it does not streak with a comb. Kapelyuh winter - the king often put yoga not on his head, but on his paw. Reitarsky uniform, only cloth short capacity. Chobots are high with spurs. As a result, everyone, who did not know the king in disguise, took him for a reiter officer, and not of the highest rank.

Petro buv nastіlki w unviable in clothes. Wearing cloth and shawls for a long time, from time to time until the dirok. The sound of the French courtiers of the day appearing in a new cloth called out in a new gluzuvannya: "Mabut, a lad can't know the beauty, what kind of dress is biyogo in full to savor?" - Drazhniv wines of the Marquis of Libois, appointed to the honored guest by the regent of France himself. At the reception before the king, Petro showed up in a modest frock coat of a gray barakan (like matter), without a crib, cuffs and lace, in - oh zhah! - Unpowdered peruka. The "extravagantness" of the Moscow guest was so impressed by Versailles that for some time it became fashionable. The courtiers of the chepuruni for a month bent the court ladies dikuvatim (from the look of the French) with a suit, which otrimav the official name "outfit of a dikun".

It was reasonable, for the needs of Petro, standing before the piddanim at the full glimpse of the royal greatness. The first decade on the throne had the so-called Great Sovereign's Arms, later - richly tidied up European dress. So, at the wedding ceremony of Katerina I with the title of Empress of the Tsar, she appeared in a caftan embroidered with a sabre. Before that goiter was called by the ceremony itself, and those who diligently worked over the embroidered veil of urochists. Truth be told, under this sovereign, who did not like zayvih vitrate, did not dare to change his footsteps. With such a look, I put a crown on Katerina's crown, which cost tens of thousands of rubles in treasury.

The manners of the two sovereigns were simple and rude. Karl, for the respect of his fellows, "is it, like a throw", lost in his thoughts. When you think about it, you can smear olive oil with bread with your finger. I’m simple and, yes, I’m valued by the head rank for a glance. On the day of his death, Karl, having eaten, praised his cook: "You are so good that you happen to be recognized as the head cook!" Petro nastіlki w nevibaglivy at їzhi. Golovna yogo vimoga - everything can succumb to the fuse-heat: at the Summer Palace, for example, it was blanched so that they drank it on the royal stele right from the stove.

Nevibagly in їzhі, the sovereigns greatly differed in terms of the amount of time before the mіtsnih drinks. The maximum that Karl allowed himself was a weakly dark beer: that was a pledge, which the young king gave after one cassock. Zarіkannya over the top of the mіtsne, without steps. Petrov's untidy party is nothing, I regret the harsh zithanya, I don't cry out to yogo's apologists.

It is important to say who is to blame for my fatal addictions. Most of the people close to Peter suffered the same vice. The prudent prince Boris Golitsin, to whom the tsar bov laid the goiter at the fight for Tsar Sophia, in the words of one of the fellows, "drinking innocently." Without seeing the new and famous "deboshan" Franz Lefort. Adzhe vin - chi is not a single person, like a young king trying to inherit.

And just as sharpened and dragged Peter into the piracy, then the tsar himself, having grown up, no longer tried to put an end to his "service tavern", which dragged on. To finish telling the "session" of the famous Vsezhartivlivy and All-Purpose Cathedral, after which the sovereign's head was shaking fitfully. "Patriarch" of the blatant company Mikita Zotov had to guard "Herr Protodeacon" Peter from the faraway place on the field like "Ivashka Khmelnytsky".

It's marvelous, but to bring on the galasli festivity of the king, wrapping up on your own selfishness. Yogo Vezzhartivlivy Cathedral is not just a way to wildly relieve that stress, but a form of affirming a new routine - knocking down the old for additional laughter, beating that burden. Peter's phrase about the "old times of the old days", like "forging the best for the new", is the most illustrative of the essence of what I'm thinking - even the tsar praised the "Svyatoruska old times" at the blaznivsky krivlyann of the "God's Cathedral".

It’s easy to naїvlyat the true way of life of Charles to the Petrovsky passion “be drunk at all days and do not lie down to sleep in any way” (the statute of the All-Zhartivlivy Cathedral is paramount). Zovni tse was not particularly signified by the stretch of the right. Ale, call me less. The dark flame of the history of Peter is kicked like a fact of untidy drunken anger, anger to the point of killing, waste the human image. Forming the "chmіlny" style of life for the court, the new aristocracy, the sums of all vіdnosinah.

Neither Petro, nor Karl did not quarrel with the subtlety of sensibility of that virtuosity of manners. There are dozens of vipadkivs, if the tsars with their vchinki viklikav easily zapіpenіnnya in otochuyuchih. The German princess Sophia, sensible and penetrating, so spoke her anger after the first king of Peter: the tsar is high, garniy, shvidki and virnі vіdpovіdі yogo to speak about the vitality of the rozum, but "for all the virtues, like yogo was bestowed by nature, bashcho the new one was less rude."

Rude and Karl. Alas, the rudeness of a soldier was soon reinforced. So we should be led in the fall of Saxony, giving Augustus an understanding of that yoga piddanim, who defied the war and who can pay for the rachunks. However, if close people were standing on the right, insults could be respected and brought down in their own way. Such Petro in the sheets before Katerina: "Katerinushka!", "My friend", "My heart's friend!" and type "Lapushka!". Dbaylivy i zapobіzhny i ​​Karl at the sheets to the next.

Karl unique woman. Wine is equally cold with noble ladies and with them, who, as women, "for all" accompanied yoga in wagons. For the knowledge of the fellows, the king has a weak statute like "a lad from a remote village." Such a strimanity of the year began to inspire turbulence among others. The stench more than once tried to heal Karl to the slubu, but that of the enviable inquisition was unique in the love of the tongue. Particularly dbala about family happiness onuk that decay of the dynasty, the widowed queen-grandmother Hedwig-Eleanor. Sam їy Karl declared "reasonable" up to 30 years. If, after reaching the term, the queen guessed the stars, Karl, in a short sheet of Bender, voiced that the wine "is impossible to guess your own similar obityanka." Until then, until the end of the war, there will be "overwhelming transcendence" - a whole vagoma support for the implementation of the matrimonial plans of "dear Mrs. Babus".

"Pivnіchny hero" pіshov іz zhittya, not having made friends and not having lost the recession. This turned into new difficulties for Sweden and gave Peter the opportunity to put pressure on the Scandinavians, who had already begun. On the right, Karl’s nephew, Karl Friedrich Holstein-Gottor, son of the deceased king’s sister, Gedwy-Sophia, laying claim not only to the Swedish throne, but also to the hand of Peter’s daughter Annie. And although in the first turn the chances of yoga were problematic, then in the rest on the right, it went straight to the weighing table. The king is not opposed to speeding up the situation and haggling. The eloquence of the unspoken Swedes was set by Peter at the stalemate in the light of the world in Russia: you will become insolent - support the pretensions of the future son-in-law; go to the signing of the world - take your hand in the form of Duke Charles.

Peter's engagement with the women was reeking of impudence and rudeness. The sound of punishment and the belligerent temperament did not take away the tidying up of this trouble. The tsar buv is not more fussy at the linkages. In London, the girls of easy behavior were formed from the drive of not royal payment for their services. Petro reacted negligently: like a robot, such a fee.

Next to respect: those who were sued Orthodox Church and was called "fornication", in the European Svitsky culture it was considered not the norm. Petro is like a quick forgetting about the first and easily accepting a friend. Truth be told, for a truly French "polites" a new one did not get that penny for an hour. Vіn repairing is simpler, vіdokremlyuyuchi pochtya vіd zv'yazkіv. I had a chance to accept Katerina. The endless marches of the tsar to "metresam" became their listings the subject of jarving.

Peter's lack of tidying up did not disdain him to think about the houses and the family. Zvіdsi virostali yogo prilnostі. Back to Annie Mons, the daughter of a German wine merchant, who settled at the German settlement, then to Marty-Katerini, like the tsar, having drunkenly at 1703 menshikov's roci. Everything began, as if forever: swvidkoplinne zakhoplennya, such was the faceless of the impatient sovereign. And then the fates passed, but Katerina did not know from the life of the king. Rivna vdacha, cheerfulness and warmth of the soul - everything, maybe, brought the king to her. Petro creaked as if at home, which meant that the new one did not have a home. Now I’ve got myself a house and a master, who gave him a family calmness.

Katerina herself is not far off, as the first squad of Peter, Queen Evdokiya Lopukhina, was imprisoned to the monastery. Alya Petrova did not need a bula cheerleader. Then, in front of the disgraced tsarina, Katerina could easily sit in a human company, or, choking on speeches in the vozok, rush after Peter to the ends of the world. Vaughn did not wonder about empty meals: decent or obscene similar toppings. Such nutrition simply did not fall into my mind. Having called the sovereign sounding - otzhe, treba.

For the sake of great indulgence, it is important to call Katerina a sensible person. If after the death of Peter її they were called to the throne, it became clear that the Empress was too late to take care of the right. Strictly seeming, with the very same ugliness out, maybe, I ate it to my hangers-on. But the household of Catherine the Empress became at once the strong side of Catherine the friend, that was the king’s squad. Vaughn was sensible in a life-like way, which means we don’t have a high mind, but rather stick around, don’t fight, know your place. Petro appreciated Katerina’s unscrupulousness and that’s all, because of that, they had to put up with it, be patient. At the heart of the sovereign fell and її physical strength. I'm right. I needed a mother of non-Abian strength and a non-Abian of health, to catch up with Peter.

The special life of Peter appeared rich and dramatic, the lower special life of Charles. At the sight of his opponent, the king knew his family happiness. And yet, you had a chance to drink the cup of family negativity all over the world. Vіn passed through the conflict with his son, Tsarevich Oleksiy, a tragic rozvyazka that put on Peter the brand of sinovbivtsi. Bula in the life of the king and a dark story with one of the brothers of Annie Mons, chamberlain Willim Mons, victorious in 1724 at the link with Katerina.

Petro, who had little respect for human goodness, if he publicly knew about the cook Katerini, who was deceived by the squad. Tsar to punish having hung over the door of the yogo booth deer antlers. And then he himself spent at the double-valued station! Petro bov at the nests. "Vin bluv blidi, like death, blazing eyes shone with yogo ... All, shaking yogo, were stunned with fear." The banal story of the lost trust of Vikonan Petra was taken away by the dramatic zabarvleniya z vіdgukami, which astonished the whole country. Mons was arrested, she was judged. Revenge king, first of all, run through the retinue, zmusiv її to look at the head of the unfortunate chamberlain.

L. N. Tolstoy could write a novel about Peter's hour in his own time. Ale varto you to sink into the epoch, like faceless similar vipadkivs they turned the writer into his mind. The bitterness of Peter struck Tolstoy. "Osatanіly zvir" - the axis of the word, like a great writer of knowledge for the king-reformer.

There were no such calls at Karl's address. Swedish historians navitt yogo decision to zastosovuvat zastosovuvat pіd hour of the consequence of tortury: the king vіdmovlyavsya vіrity vіrity at the reliability of otrimanih such a rank ringing. The fact is noteworthy, to tell about the different camp of the Swedish and Russian society. However, in a sense of humanism in the spirit of Protestant maximalism, Karl's vibratory character is not enough. Vono did not respect you to slaughter the Russian captives, taken in battles near Poland: they were killed by them.

The attendants, evaluating the behavior and manners of the two sovereigns, were indulgent to Peter, lower to Charles. No other Russian monarch was minted. The rudeness and unceremoniousness of Peter їm is exotic, as it is the fault of the bula obov'yazkovo to accompany the behavior of the ruler of the "barbarians - Muscovites". With Karl folded. Charles is the sovereign of the European power. And knowing manners is not probable to inspire the king. At the same time, the motivations of the behavior of Peter and Karl were rich in many ways. Carl recognizing, Petro not adopting those who respected them to be sovereigns.

The Swedish and Russian monarchs rejoiced at the practice. Moreover, this prac- tism was strongly challenged by the prac- tiovitity of Louis XIV, who proudly declared in his time that "the power of kings is gaining prac- tice." What insults to our hero would be used to chime in with whom the French monarch. Ludovík's proteo-practice was more specific, surrounded by themes, the hour and the royal caprice. Ludovіk did not allow more than gloom on the Sun, and corns on the palms. (At their own hour, the Dutch issued a medal, in a kind of gloom they blew out the Sun. "King-sun" quickly rose to symbolism and sank with anger to fearless judges.)

Pratsiovity Charles XII was distal in his father, King Charles XI, who became for the young man a vision of behavior. The butt of the boulo was fixed with zusills illuminated by the fall of the fall. From early childhood, the day of the king-viking was filled with pracs. Most of all, they were fighting turboti, important and troublesome battle life. Ale, after the end of the war, the king did not allow himself to be weakened. Karl got up early, sorting out the papers, and then violating the inspection until the colony was installed. Vlasne, simplicity itself in manners and dress, it was already said about the yak, go rich in what kind of sounds to practice. Vishukane vbrannya here - less than a pereskoda. Karl's manner of not wearing spurs was born not out of lack of stamina, but out of readiness, at the first call, to mount a horse and rush to the right. The king repeatedly demonstrated. Nayvrazhayucha demonstration - seventeen-one stribka Karl z Bendery to the river Prut, de Turks and Tatars sharpened the army of Peter. It's not the king's fault that he had a chance to stupefy the saw over the columns of the troops of Peter, who went to Russia. Karla did not have mercy on "the whimsical maiden Fortune". Nevipadkovo її were depicted at the XVIII century with a naked sweatshirt: zazіvavsya, not rushing at once for the hair in front - remember what your name was!

"I rejoice my body with waters, and my feet - with butts," - having stunned Petro in Olontsі (Karelia, mayzhe for 150 kilometers from Petrozavodsk) on martial dzherelakh. At the phrase, the voice was timidly shy at the word "drive" - ​​Petro was proud of his resort. History rightly transferred the voice to another part. The tsar of justice, having given them the butt of naughty ones, and without rudeness, for the good of the Motherland.

Moreover, from the light hand of the Moscow sovereign, the image of the monarch was formed, the dignity of which was signified not by prayerful indulgence and unscrupulous piety, but by labors. Vlasne, after Peter, the goiter was pricked by the right emperor. A fashion started for practice - not without the participation of educators. Moreover, the Pratsya was not just sovereign, as if she was behind the Borg. Putting the sovereign in a bandage, the work is private, Pratsiu-butt, at the hour of such a monarch having gone to his piddanih. So, Petro was a carpenter, having been a ship, working at a turner (historians huddled with a rahunka, counting the crafts, as if they had mastered the Russian sovereign). The Austrian Empress Maria Theresa treated the courtiers with fresh milk, handed cows on the imperial farm. Louis XV, having broken into love, taking up the craft of trellis, and the son of Louis XVI, from the hospitality of a regimental surgeon, twisted the mechanical life of years and turned them to life. For the sake of justice, it is still necessary to recognize the original as copies. For Peter, work is a necessity and a life need. Yogo epіgonіv - sooner vtiha i vtikha, wanting, obviously, yakbi Louis XVI, the master of the war, skіntya bi in bed, and not on the guillotine.

The successors of the moderns have the practicality of both sovereigns, obviously, having little of their own. Karl, having put us in front of them like a king-soldier, thought that pracіy turned around like a war. The diyalnist of Peter is a rіznomanіtnіsh, and yogo "іmіdzh" is more polyphonic. The prefix "war" is more appropriate to accompany the yoga name. Vin that pan, what a madness to take care of everything. The diversified, seething activity of Peter knew his wit from the list. The axis is already over a hundred years old, historians and archivists have seen the leaves and papers of Peter I, and at the same time it is far from completion.

Miraculous historian M. M. Bogoslovsky, to illustrate the scale of the royal listing, taking for example one day from the life of Peter - the 6th lime, 1707. A simple resemblance of those damaged on the sheets instills poval. Adzhe the king-reformer stood in their memory, demonstrating great recognition. Axis of columns of topics: payment to the Moscow City Hall of sums for the Admiralty, Siberian and Pomіsny orders; recarburement of coins; staffing with recruits of the dragoon regiment of that yogo ozbroєnnya; vidach bread meal; arranging the defense line at the Derptian chief commandant's office; translation of Mitchel's regiment; transfer to the court of zradnikіv and zlochintsіv; new recognition; Budov pіdkopіv; transfer to the court of the Astrakhan rebels; attached to the Preobrazhensky regiment of a clerk; replenishment by officers of regiments of Sheremetev; contributions; Poshuk translation for Sheremetev; hanging from the Don; sending convoys from Poland to the Russian regiments; investigation of conflicts on the Izyum line.

Dumka Peter slandered at the indications the day stretched from Derpt to Moscow, from Polish Ukraine to the Don, instructing the king, instructing the faceless relatives and not even close relatives - princes Yu. V. Dolgoruky, M. P. Gagarin, F. Yu. B. P. Sheremeteva, K. A. Narishkina, A. A. Kurbatova, G. A. Plemennikova and others.

The practicality of Peter and Charles is the turning point of their drinking. In the history of the transformation, the tsar's very drunkenness acted as its own "perpetuum" and at the same time perpetuum mobile - the eternal motive force of reforms. Marvelous is the king's inexhaustible drudgery;

Dopitlivist Karl strimanish. Vaughn was spared by Peter's wickedness. The king is soft to the point of cold, systematic analysis. Partly in tsoma was given as a sign of the cost of lighting. It is simply inconsistent - a different type and directness. The father of Charles XII was cherished by European understandings, especially rozroblyayuchi for the son, the plan of learning that vihovannya. The prince's tutor is one of the most sensible officials, the king's guard Erik Lindsheld, the teacher is the future bishop, professor of theology from Uppsala University Erik Benzelius and professor of Latin Andreas Norkopensis. The fellows talked about Karl's silliness before the mathematical sciences. Yogo was gifted to someone to develop - fall to the throne with the best mathematicians.

On this aphid it is modest to stand Dyak Zotov, Peter's chief teacher, strongly program. Vіn, zvichayno, vіdіznyavsya piety and until the singing hour was not a "hawker". Alecia was clearly obscured by the prospect of reforms. The paradox, vtim, polagat that neither Peter himself, nor his readers could not admit, as if the knowledge of the future reformers is necessary. petro sayings on the vіdsutnіst єvropeyskoї ї svіti: first, її simply did not іsnuvalo; in another way, it was roaming for evil. It’s good that Zotov and that didn’t make Peter drunk with him. Petro is busy with self-illumination all his life - and this results in being hostile. However, the kings obviously did not get systematic enlightenment, zapovnyuvati how to get a healthy eye for a rahunka and great pracs.

Carl and Petro were deeply religious people. Religious education of Charles was in line with integrity. In childhood, I wrote essays on court props. Vira Karla wore a dash of silliness and fanaticism. "Whether there are any conditions, - respected the fellows, - you will lose your true faith in God, that Yogo will help you omnipotently." Chi is not in some part possible to know the explanation of the extraordinary goodness of the king? Like, for a divine providence, one day you had hair before not getting angry from your head, then now you should beware, bowing to the sacks? Like a naughty Protestant, Karl does not deprive piety of the rights of piety. In 1708, roci vin chotiri once re-read the Bible, wrote down (remember to write down the days, if you wrote the Holy Letter) and immediately sued yourself. Records flew from the fire under the comment: "I boast of this."

It is right for piety - even to consider yourself a conductor of the divine will. The king not only fights with Augustus the Strong, but with Peter I. He acts as the Lord's crown, punishing the names of sovereigns for breaking oaths and perfidy - a motive of supreme importance for Charles. Unequaled, more precisely, the imprisonedness of the "Gothic hero", who, without having to go to the world for any circumstances, is perverted by this change in appearance. To that, all the failures for the king are more than a test sent by God, a re-verification for mіtsnіst. The axis is one small stroke: Karl at Bendery crossed the planes of two frigates (he was busy with more than one Petrozim!) and gave them Turkish names: the first - "Yilderin", the other - "Yaramas", which at once shifts like "the axis I will come!" The armchair was sent to Sweden with the solemn command of negainoly roaring everyday life, so that we should be aware: nothing was wasted, more will come!

The religiousness of Peter is spared by the truth of Charles. Vaughn is more low, pragmatic. Tsar to believe, more to believe, and even more so, that the faith will always turn to a visible crusty power. Іsnuє rozpovid, tied to Vasil Tatishchev. The future historian after turning back from behind the cordon, allowing himself to be vipadi at the address of the Holy Scripture. Tsar maw namir prove free-thinking. "Vchennya", the crime of coming into physical power, was reinforced by a mood, already characteristic of the "reader" himself. "How do you dare to loosen such a string, how do you put the harmony of the whole tone? - lying Petro. - I will teach you, how can I read that (Holy writing. -) I. BUT.) and do not open the lansy, so that everything in the annex will be revenged.

Lacking deep faith, Petro did not show the same piety to the church of that church hierarchy. Therefore, without any reflection, I began to reshape the Church's arrangements in the right way. From the light hand of the tsar of the history of the Russian church, the synodal period has come, if more church management was, in fact, reduced to a simple department of spiritual and moral rights under the emperor.

Offended people loved Viysk's right. The king with his head shattered at the "Mars and Neptune's sweats". Ale without a bar, he crossed the borders and took up the cardinal military transformation. Karlovy did not have a chance to rule anything like that. The deputy of the "potish" regiments of wines once took away from the "power" one of the best European armies. It is not surprising that, at the sight of Peter, there was a pause in teaching. Vin immediately became a famous commander, having shown on the battlefield an unabashed tact and operational mastery. Ale viyna, which Karla was full of, played an evil heat on him. The king soon confused the goal and cost. And if war becomes a method, then the result may always be seen as a sum, an hour of self-immolation. The French, after the innumerable Napoleonic wars, who killed a healthy part of the nation, "changed" by two inches. I don’t know for sure what happened to the grown Swedes in the Pivnichna war, but it’s possible to assert that Charles himself burned at the fire of the war, and Sweden broke loose, without showing off the burden of great power.

At the sight of "brother Karl" Petro did not cheat the price. The war and the reincarnation associated with it were deprived of it as a special present of the country. Starting after the end of the Pivnichnaya war to "peaceful" reforms, the tsar declares his intentions in this way: the zemstvos do the right thing "to put things in such order, like a military right."

Carl loves rizikuwati, he doesn't care much about the legacy. Adrenaline is boiling in the blood and giving you a sense of life. They didn’t take the side of Karl’s biography, they didn’t give any great and small episode to a sawy look, you can clearly see the divine goodness of the king-hero, it’s not a pragmatic thing to turn yourself into a minuscule. In his youth, he polyuvav on a bear with one horn, and on the question: "Which is not scary?" - Vіdpovіv without any painting: "Nіtrohi, so don't be afraid". Pіznіshe vin, do not deviate, walking under the sacks. The jumps were trampled, if you "stung" Yogo, but you were lucky until the singing time: otherwise the coolers leaned on the villa, or the wound was non-fatal.

In the love of Karl to the risk - yogo weakness is strength. More precisely, in order to follow the chronology of the subdivisions, it is necessary to say this: first hand - strength, then - weakness. In fact, the character of Karl gave him a visible superiority over his opponents, but the shards were always treated as "normal", as if they were rizik logic. Karl, on the other hand, showed up there and then, if they didn’t check for something else, repairing it like that, and not fixing it at all. It became similar to Narva at the fall of the leaves in 1700. Petro having left the position on Narva the day before the Swedes appeared (violating the reserve reserves) not to the one who was sly, but to the one who had come out of the hardship: the Swedes after the march were guilty, obshtuvati the tabir, explored, and then attacked. Ale the king with a mustache zrobiv navpaki. Without giving orders to the regiments, the tabir did not rule and on the sweatshirt, it soon became clear, raising its head and rushing to the attack. Just to think about it, all the figures and figures characterize the right commander. To these guards, that it is a song of mind, vikonannya of such a great commander as a great commander. Tse umova: rizik can be true.

King iz tsim rule do not want to call. Vіn throwing wiklik share. And as soon as the share turned out to be different, then, on the other hand, let it be worse ... share. Why marvel at the reaction to Poltava? "Everything is good with me. I only recently got through one particular case of misfortune, and the army recognized shkodi, which, I'm sure, will be corrected in no time," - writing wine on the cob of sickle in 1709 to his sister Ulrika-Eleonora. Tse "everything is good" and little "bad luck" - about the defeat and full of all the Swedish army near Poltava and Perevolochnaya!

The role of Karl in history is a hero. Petro did not look like such a smile. Vіn obachnіshiy i oberezhnіshiy. Rizik is not yoga element. Vіdomi naviti navilini tsar's weaknesses, if vіn vytrachav head that strength. Ale Tim, Petro, who is close to us, pay the building for yourself. Itself in whom to know your own violating one of the most important powers between Karl and Peter. Stink offended - people obov'yazku. Ale skin of them understand Borg in their own way. Petro feels like a servant of the Batkivshchyna. Tsey glanced at you - and morally true to him thoroughly, and the main motive, which promptly do that, fear, restlessness. Peter to think for himself for the Fatherland, and not the Fatherland for himself: "And know about Peter, that his life is inexpensive for him, but Russia lived in bliss and glory for your goodness." These words, spoken by the tsar in advance of the Poltava battle, seemed to more precisely beat out his inner attitude. Everything is different with Karl. For all the love to Sweden, transforming the country for the sake of realizing their ambitious ideas.

The share of Peter and Charles is the story of a quiet super-girl about those who are a better ruler: an idealist, who puts all principles and ideals above the mustache, or a pragmatist, who stands firmly on the ground and sees the priority of real, not primary goals. Karl, having acted as an idealist and prograve, shards of this idea of ​​punishing, in spite of us, treacherous opponents of the absolute, turned into absurdity.

Carl suto Protestant spirits, that people ryutuetsya one faith. I viriv at tse not good. Symbolically, the early preservation of what was written by Karl is a quote from the Gospel of Matthew (VI, 33): "Joke first of the Kingdom of God and the truth of Yogo, and everything will be given to you." Karl did not just follow the commandments, vin "nasadzhuvav" її. At the succession of his confession, the Swedish king is the greater middle-class sovereign, the lower king of the "barbarians-Muscovites" Petro. Vіn ohopleniy we honor religious piety. The Protestant theologian is completely self-sufficient in the obedience of yoga absolute dominion over the character in return from the followers. Peter felt the lack of a colossal "ideological equipment" of autocracy, which lay on theocratic foundations. Vіn obґruntovuє their power wider, vdayuchis to the theory of natural law and the "spoiled good".

Although it’s paradoxical, Karl, in his nameless obstinacy and in his talent, thought he had adopted the reforms in Russia and the formation of Peter Yak sovereign fiance. Under the patronage of Charles, Sweden not only did not want to be separated from the great power. Vaughn exerted all her strength, mobilized all her potential, including with the energy and intelligence of the nation, in order to save her position. At the same time, Peter and Russia yearned for the naming zusils of Peter and Russia. If Sweden had given up earlier, and who knows, how strong would the "roll" of reforms and the imperial ambitions of the Russian tsar be? Obviously, one should not doubt the energy of Peter, who is unlikely to be inspired by the urging and spurring of the land. But one river to carry out reforms in the country, as if we were conducting a "trivimirnu war", and then - as a completion of the war after Poltavi. In a word, Karl, for all his memories, win the battle and progravat the war, being Peter's best superhero. And even though there were no kings on the Poltava field, there was no health cup for the readers, lifted by the tsar, without a hitch, mav to the new one straight away.

Tsikavo, what would it be like to have Karl - bov be vin with tsomu - with his field marshal Renschild, who mumbled at Peter's toast: "You were kind to your teachers!"?

(1 option)

A.S. Pushkin values ​​Peter the Great in 1828. Pushkin, having written Poltava for this, at the same time with a loving, romantic plot, live in history storyline, connected with the social and political problems of Russia during the Petrovsky hour. The creation is blamed for historical heroes for that hour: Peter I, Charles XII, Kochubey, Mazepa. Kozhen from these heroes sings characterizing as independent specialty. A. S. Pushkina us in front of the clique of the behavior of the heroes at the hour of the turning point for Russia in the Poltava battle.

Showing two leading participants in the Battle of Poltava, Peter I and Charles XII, he sings special respect for attaching this role, as two great commanders played at the battle. The sound of the Russian tsar before the grand battle is beautiful, all in Russia, in the sight of the future, vin is the diya itself:

... To enter Petro. Yogo eyes

Syat. The appearance of yoga is zhahlive.

Vin all, like God's thunderstorm.

With his special butt, Petro cracks down on Russian soldiers, vindicates his accountability to the fullest, due to the characteristics of the hero A.S. Pushkin victorious discourse:

I rushed in front of the shelves,

Mighty and radiant, like a bey.

Vіn field devouring eyes ...

The Swedish king, Charles XII, represents the extent of Peter the Great, who portrays nothing more than the likeness of a commander:

Nesomiy faithful servants,

Goydaltsі, blond, unruly,

Suffering from a wound, Karl appeared.

The whole behavior of the Swedish king to talk about yogo zdivuvannya, zbentezhennya before the battle, Karl does not believe in victory, do not believe in the strength of the butt:

Raptom with a weak wave of the hand

On the Russians, destroying the regiments.

The result of the battle is shown by the behavior of the commanders. Describing two military commanders in Poltava, A.S. Pushkin characterizes two types of commanders: the phlegmatic one, who only cares about the power of the Swedish king - Charles XII, and the headless participant in the battle, ready for the ultimate battle, and the next major victory in the Battle of Poltava - the Russian Tsar Peter the First. Here O.S. Pushkin commends Peter I for his victorious victories, for this moment he made a single decision at an important moment for Russia.

(2 option)

Image two emperors at the poem "Poltava" compared one to one. Petro and Karl were already talking:

Suvoriy buv at the science of glory

Їy given to the teacher: not one

The lesson of failure and crookedness

Asking їth Swedish paladin.

But everything has changed, and out of anxiety, I’m angry to run in front of me Charles XII

Already not confused gloom

Unfortunate Narva vtikachiv,

And a thread of regiments of glittering, stringy ones,

Hearing, smart and calm.

We will describe the author, both emperors characterize Mazepp, moreover, as O.S. Pushkin describes Peter and Charles in the hour and after the battle, then Mazepa will predict the future and the future. Peter, in order not to make his own enemies, did not need to belittle his goodness, smacking Mazepa for his head. Karl Mazeppa is called "a lad who lives and lives", resurrecting the facts about the life of the Swedish emperor ("jump to the gate for the evening", "reply to the bomb with laughter", "exchange a wound for a wound"), and yet "I can’t fight with the autocratic velet". "Autocratic veleten" - Petro, who led in the biy Russian viy. Characteristic, seen by Karl Mazepa, more pіdіyshla bіdіyshla yunakovі, nіzh іnіmіnіmі vodtsevі: "Vin blind, stubborn, impatient, sly…”, “warrior vagabond”. The pardon of the Swedish emperor is a good thing, from the look of Mazepi, for those who underestimate the opponent’s fault, “the forces of the new enemy will be less successful”.

Pushkin's Karl is more "powerful", "respectable", but "beautiful grim", and two velvets closed. Petro comes out of the plan of "natovpom's lovers of exiles," his voice is resonant.

… Yogo eyes

Syat. The appearance of yoga is zhahlive.

Rolls of swedes. Vin is beautiful

Vin all, like God's thunderstorm.

Ide. Youmu horse lead.

Retiviy and humble virny kіn.

Feeling the fatal fire

Throttle. Eye askance

I rush at gunpowder battlefield,

Writing with a mighty leader.

How unlike the heroic portrait of Peter before the battle, the description of Karl.

Nesomiy faithful servants,

Goydaltsі, blond, unruly,

Suffering from a wound, Karl appeared.

The leaders of the hero followed him.

Vin at the thought quietly torn.

Zbentezheny glancing depicting

Nadzvichaine hvilyuvannya.

It was given, Karla pointed

Bazhaniy bey at zdivuvanni.

Raptom with a weak wave of the hand

On the Russians, destroying the regiments.

Just stay two rows, laming the picture, the rhythm, talking about those people who are somehow unsafe and unpermissible, how much power that threat is attached to Karli. Petro is powerful and radiant, Charles is bright and unruly, but insults in front of the battle. Order from the Russian emperor "chickens of Petrov's nest", from the Swedish - "leaders of the hero". For an hour of battle, everything was mixed up: “Swede, Russian - stake, rubaє, less”. The leaders, who started the battle in such a different way, behaved the same way in the heat of battle: “In the midst of anxiety and praise // At the battle with a look of tension // Leaders calmly marvel, // Stir the battles ...”. Ale is already close to win, and the Swedes are evil.

Sings Petro. I proud, I clear

I glorify yoga with a glance.

I royal benket yogo is beautiful.

At the clicks of your own,

Have a name for your wine often

Their leaders, the leaders of strangers,

And glorious brothers to cherish,

I for my readers

Healthy Cup lift.

One of the teachers of Peter was Charles XII. De vin? How do we react teacher, do we learn how to overcome?

Nebezpeka close that anger

Grant strength to the king.

Vin your heavy wound

Forgetting. Shaking his head,

Vіn gallop, Russian women...

“Hundred years have passed”, but why remember these strong and proud people? “At the enormity of the brewing state, // At the її warlike share, //… you argued, the hero of Poltavi, // The majestic monument to yourself.” And Carla?

Three buried near the ground

I moss overgrown go

Talk about the Swedish king.

The heroes of Narva and Poltavi could tell a lot about that fame, sing, read and remember a lot of generations of readers.

4.38 /5 (87.50%) 8 votes

One of the biggest battles of the 18th century took place on Poltava, at the hour of the Pivnichnaya War on 27 chervnya 1709, between the Russians and the Swedish Viysks. The key role of the battle, and to bring about the results of the war, was played by the commanders of the skin side: Peter I and Charles XII.

Leading directors of the military podia, young and pragmatic rulers of the two major powers in their hour they miraculously understood what the battles of the war are at stake, what dragged on, - I will overcome the victory and laurels, otherwise the program and humiliation of the program. The peculiarities of the quality and the strategic vision of the commanders’ skin during the hour of the battle broke up the whole movie.

Tsar Peter I was constantly inspired to make the right decision in a difficult situation. The 1st Battle of Poltava did not become a culprit - smart maneuvers of the military, effective victorious artillery, fire and cavalry, practical implementation of the idea of ​​redutivs - all of that richly became the cob of kintsya for the Swedish opponent. It is important that with the special butt of Petro, he instilled in the souls of Russian soldiers the will to win, the spirit of their forces. Strimki and firm vkazіvki under the hour of battle at the zv'yaztsі z vdvazhnymi, and in some adventurous actions did not stop the check for a long time for the result - Peter's army masterfully crossed over to the defense before the onset of the residual defeat of the army of Charles XII.

The protegezhnistyu of Peter was under the hour of the battle of Karl XII. The short-sighted decision and zarazumila surrender of the king made him sick and weakened, if strong, the state of Viysk. The innocence in one's own strength and the pessimistic mood ahead of the battle could not be transferred to the army in a moment. Zlamaniy Karl led his soldiers to death - the redoubt and artillery of Peter. Under the onslaught of the enemy, Karl turned wild, leaving his soldiers and top generals depleted.

As a result of the confrontation of the characters of Peter I and Charles XII at the Battle of Poltava, the history of Europe took a new turn - the strong army of King Charles XII no longer existed, Charles himself went to the Ottoman Empire, the Swedish might of Sweden was exhausted.

Peter I and Charles XII at the Pomі Pushkin "Poltava"
(1 option)
A.S. Pushkin values ​​Peter the Great in 1828. Pushkin wrote the Poltava poem, at the same time with a loving, romantic plot, and a historical plot line that deals with the social and political problems of Russia during the Petrovsky hour. The creation is blamed on historical figures for that hour: Peter I, Charles XII, Kochubey, Mazepa. Kozhen from these heroes sings characterizing as independent specialty. A. S. Pushkina us in front of the clique of the behavior of the heroes at the hour of the turning point for Russia in the Poltava battle.
Showing the two leading participants in the Battle of Poltava, Peter I and Charles XII, he sings special respect for attaching this role, as two great commanders played at the battle. The sound of the Russian tsar before the grand battle is beautiful, all in Russia, in the sight of the future, vin is the diya itself:
... To enter Petro. Yogo eyes
Syat. The appearance of yoga is zhahlive.
Rolls of swedes. Vin is beautiful
Vin all, like God's thunderstorm.
With his special butt, Petro cracks down on Russian soldiers, vindicates his accountability to the fullest, due to the characteristics of the hero A.S. Pushkin victorious discourse:
I rushed in front of the shelves,
Mighty and radiant, like a bey.
Vіn field devouring eyes ...
The Swedish king, Charles XII, represents the extent of Peter the Great, who portrays nothing more than the likeness of a commander:
Nesomiy faithful servants,
Goydaltsі, blond, unruly,
Suffering from a wound, Karl appeared.
The whole behavior of the Swedish king to talk about yogo zdivuvannya, zbentezhennya before the battle, Karl does not believe in victory, do not believe in the strength of the butt:
Raptom with a weak wave of the hand
On the Russians, destroying the regiments.
The result of the battle is shown by the behavior of the generals. Describing two military commanders in Poltava, A.S. Pushkin characterizes two types of commanders: the phlegmatic one, who only cares about the power of the Swedish king - Charles XII, and the headless participant in the battle, ready for the ultimate battle, and the next major victory in the Battle of Poltava - the Russian Tsar Peter the First. Here O.S. Pushkin commends Peter I for his victorious victories, for this moment he made a single decision at an important moment for Russia.
(2 option)
Image two emperors at the poem "Poltava" compared one to one. Petro and Karl were already talking:
Suvoriy buv at the science of glory
Їy given to the teacher: not one
The lesson of failure and crookedness
Asking їth Swedish paladin.
But everything has changed, and out of anxiety, I’m angry to run in front of me Charles XII
Already not confused gloom
Unfortunate Narva vtikachiv,
And a thread of regiments of glittering, stringy ones,
Hearing, smart and calm.
We will describe the author, both emperors characterize Mazepp, moreover, as O.S. Pushkin describes Peter and Charles in the hour and after the battle, then Mazepa will predict the future and the future. Peter, in order not to make his own enemies, did not need to belittle his goodness, smacking Mazepa for his head. Karl Mazeppa is called "a lad who lives and lives", resurrecting the facts about the life of the Swedish emperor ("jump to the gate for the evening", "reply to the bomb with laughter", "exchange a wound for a wound"), and yet "I can’t fight with the autocratic velet". "Autocratic veleten" - Petro, who led in the biy Russian viy. Characteristic, seen by Karl Mazepa, more pіdіyshla bіdіyshla yunakovі, nіzh іnіmіnіmі vodtsevі: "Vin blind, stubborn, impatient, sly…”, “warrior vagabond”. The pardon of the Swedish emperor is a good thing, from the look of Mazepi, for those who underestimate the opponent’s fault, “the forces of the new enemy will be less successful”.
Pushkin's Karl is more "powerful", "respectable", but "beautiful grim", and two velvets closed. Petro comes out of the plan of "natovpom's lovers of exiles," his voice is resonant.

Grigor'ev Artem, student of the Children's Educational Institution of Higher Educational Institutions of the English Movie No. 1354 m. Moscow

Peter1 and Karl12. Two portraits in inter'єri іstoriї (presentation before the lesson of literature from A.S. Pushkin's poem "Poltava")


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TWO PORTRAITS IN THE INTERNATIONAL HISTORY Petro I and Karl XII Grigor'ev Artem, student of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Fine Arts with Burials of the English Movie No. 1354 Metro Moscow Vchitel Korolova Olga Olegivna

In Russian history, the Swedish Queen Charles XII was not spared. At the mass svіdomosti vіn representations mayzhe caricature-godly, shove the king-junak, like a half-hearted Peter, and then be beaten. "Having died, like a Swede under Poltava" - tse, well, and about Karl, wanting, as it seems, under Poltava, the king did not die, but, having sunk in full, he continued the struggle for ten more years. Having consumed the shadow of Peter at the can, Karl did not fade away, but perished, shrugged.

Petro and Karl did not hesitate at all. Ale, with a protracted bagatioh rokiv, they conducted a correspondence super school one by one, which means they reconciled, marveled one to one. If the tsar found out about the death of Karl, he became quite embarrassed: "Ah, brother Karl! You can only guess about those who themselves almost stood behind these words I'm sorry. Ale, it’s getting better - it’s more, it’s just monarch’s solidarity ... This super girl was on the floor for a long time, the king was so taken over by the logic of the illogical vchinkiv of his crowned opponent, that, for sure, after the death of Karl Petro, he spent some part of himself.

People of different cultures, temperaments, Karl and Petro were at once completely similar. But the similarity of a special quality is in the dissimilarity of other sovereigns. Ale Petro and Karl obscured the bags. Your secret is simple - insults to zovsim did not shy away from extravagance. The stinkers lived simply, vibuduyuchi their behavior clearly until they were informed about the bed. So much that was given to others so important and necessary, for them it may not play the same role. I navpak. Most of the presenters took on the most part of the time as a divacity, for the larger one - as a lack of illumination, barbarism.

The English diplomat Thomas Wentworth and the Frenchman Aubrey de la Motre have banned the descriptions of the "Gothic hero". Their Karl is stately and tall, "but in the end, neohainy and neohainy." Draw thin. The hair is light and greasy, and, yes, it does not streak with a comb. Kapelyuh winter - the king often put yoga not on his head, but on his paw. Reitar's uniform, only cloth of the finest quality. Chobots are high with spurs. As a result, everyone, who did not know the king in disguise, took him for a reiter officer, and not of the highest rank.

Petro buv nastіlki w unviable in clothes. Wearing cloth and shawls for a long time, from time to time until the dirok. The sound of the French courtiers of the day appearing in a new cloth called out in a new gluzuvannya: "Mabut, a lad can't know the beauty, what kind of dress is biyogo in full to savor?" - Drazhniv wines of the Marquis of Libois, appointed to the honored guest by the regent of France himself. At the reception before the king, Petro showed up in a modest frock coat of a gray barakan (like matter), without a crib, cuffs and lace, in - oh zhah! - Unpowdered peruka. The "extravagantness" of the Moscow guest was so impressed by Versailles that for some time it became fashionable. The courtiers of the chepuruni for a month bent the court ladies dikuvatim (from the look of the French) with a suit, which otrimav the official name "outfit of a dikun".

The manners of the two sovereigns were simple and rude. Karl, for the respect of his fellows, "is it, like a throw", lost in his thoughts. When you think about it, you can smear olive oil with bread with your finger. I’m simple and, yes, I’m valued by the head rank for a glance. On the day of his death, Karl, having eaten, praised his cook: "You are so good that you happen to be recognized as the head cook!" Petro nastіlki w nevibaglivy at їzhi. Golovna yogo vimoga - everything can succumb to the fuse-heat: at the Summer Palace, for example, it was blanched so that they drank it on the royal stele right from the stove.

Neither Petro, nor Karl did not quarrel with the subtlety of sensibility of that virtuosity of manners. There are dozens of vipadkivs, if the tsars with their vchinki viklikav easily zapіpenіnnya in otochuyuchih. The German Princess Sophia, sensible and penetrating, voiced her anger after the first visit to Peter: the tsar is high, garni, shvidki and virnі vіdpovіdі yogo to speak about the vitality of the rozum the new one was less rude." Rude and Karl. Alas, the rudeness of a soldier was soon reinforced.

However, if close people were standing on the right, insults could be respected and brought down in their own way. Such Petro is on the sheets up to Katerina: "Katerinushka!", "My friend", "My heart's friend!" and type "Lapushka!". Dbaylivy i zapobіzhny i ​​Karl at the sheets to the next.

Otzhe ... Offended people loved Viysk's right. At the sight of "brother Karl" Petro did not cheat the price. The war and the reincarnation associated with it were deprived of it as a special present of the country. Starting after the end of the Pivnichnaya war to "peaceful" reforms, the tsar declares his intentions in this way: the zemstvos do the right thing "to put things in such order, like a military right." The Swedish and Russian monarchs rejoiced at the practice. The practicality of Peter and Charles is the turning point of their drinking. In history, the transformation of the tsar's very dopeness acted as the eternal motive force of reforms. Marvelous is the king's inexhaustible drudgery;

The share of Peter and Charles is the story of a quiet super-girl about those who are a better ruler: an idealist, who puts all principles and ideals above the mustache, or a pragmatist, who stands firmly on the ground and sees the priority of real, not primary goals. Carl at tsіy superechtsі having acted as an idealist and program

The Swedish King Charles XII and Tsar Peter I at the Pivnіchnіy vіynі vyrishuvannya about panuvannya in the Baltic. From the standpoint of the two lands, Russia has become a helper, having duly secured the camp of one of the most powerful maritime powers in Europe. Who is the moment to admit that the share of the two enemies will be eaten in the last cape of Peter III? In 1724, the Russian emperor saw his daughter Anna for Duke Charles Friedrich. At the tailor's agreement for the help of Peter the Great, the friendship was made in the name of claims to the Russian throne. emperor Petro III(The Cholovik of Catherine the Great) having fallen to Charles XII as a nephew.

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