Phillips: history, population, sovereignty and political system. Filippini

The Republic of the Philippines is a great power to be on the Pivdenny Skhod of Asia. It is accumulated from a large number of islands, roztashovannyh near the region Pacific Ocean between Taiwan and Indonesia.

I have a thought that the Filippini - tse ruined the middle of the oceans and seas and navit trohi kazkove. power of seven thousand islands". To speech, tse is not an epithet, but a real figure. The Philippines occupy 7107 islands, some of which are distinguished by their tourist character and exotic atmosphere. Here are the majestic glooms with susides and palm trees.

The only minus, perhaps, is a costly flight. Ale z tsim can’t see anything anymore.


Number of population

101 833 938 osib

Population size

306 osib/km²

pilipino, english, spanish


Catholicism, Protestantism, Islam

Form of government

unitary presidential constitutional republic

peso, centavo

Time zone

International dialing code

Domain zone on the Internet


type of sockets - A, standard - B

Climate and weather

The climate here is monsoonal, tropical, which smoothly transitions to sub-equatorial ones on pivdnі. The temperature at the warehouse is the most +24…+28 °С, and in the mountain regions, the troch is colder. The rainy season in the Philippines begins in grass and three until the fall of the leaves, until after the first monsoon sunset. There is a dry season at the corner of Palawan, Lusson and the Visayas Islands. Falls on the islands fall from 1000 to 4000 mm.


Most of the territory of the islands is covered with tropical wet forests with palm trees, rubber trees, banyans, aptongs, mayapis and lauans. Often you can plant bamboo, orchid and cinnamon in them. At a height of about 1200 meters above the sea level, the growth of chagars and rich meadows.

In the Philippines you can hunt deer, mongoose and wild boar. There are a lot of birds and different reptiles here. Near the coastal waters, pearls can be harvested - mollusks, which can make pearls.

Significant reminders

The largest city of Phillipin Manila. Place to know Luzon islands. Not only the capital of a state, but also the main economic and cultural center. It is worth entering at the conurbation of Velika Manila, the population of which is 10 million houses. More to її warehouse to enter Calookan, Quezon City and Pasay.

Manila has:

  • Philippine National Museum;
  • Museum of Anthropology and Natural History of Santo Tomas;
  • Metropolitan Museum of Art.

In the historical center, which is called Intramuros, to be fortified, houses of that church of the XVI-XVII centuries. Є in the city and great botanical garden.

Guide to preach to tourists excursions not only to Manila, but to Lake Taal, where repeated safaris and numerical folklore shows are held.


Mabut, the most popular grass in the Philippine Islands - tse rice. Yogo is often served as a side dish before the main stew. Here you can also taste different seafood.

Those who can choose seafood yourself, who, having been honored in stores, buy and bring it to a cafe, de yoga, cook for you. Ale for whom it will be necessary to call in a cafe for a drink.

The most extraordinary country in the Philippines is " baluot". Tse zvarne kachine egg from the embryo of the middle. A bunch of eggs are trimmed in special incubators for the required temperatures, and then the seller roses locally and sells them.

Fresh, different wines, coconut milk, local beer, which is based on coconut milk, are the most popular on the islands.


Basically all hotels in the Philippines bungalow type, you can also visit the guesthouses. There are few richly overhead hotels on the islands. It is due to the fact that the state is talking about saving the natural landscape. In the rest of the hour on the islands there are hotels from the home of holy names. Ale kіlkіst zirochok on them do not zavzhd vіdpovіdaє іvnya service personnel: a lot of them are even more povіlnі.

The standard voltage for Philippine is 220 V, 60 Hz. The sockets here are strung with two (American) pins and three. It’s better to ask for an adapter once, as soon as you arrive at the hotel.

Rozvagi and vіdpochinok

Filippini in their majestic coral reefs and beaches. The best tourist resorts are located near the pivdenniy part of the Cebu islands, Boracay, Palawanі bohol. It’s not enough for tourists to preach Beach resort, and more active: diving, cruising, surfing.

On the islands, there are numberless national parks. The biggest places for tourists will be Mount Apo, Mayon, Taal, Kanlaon, roztashovani on the islands Mindanaoі Luzon.

Today, the islands showcase all kinds of tourism: extreme, beach, ecological, sports and educational. Political conflicts and the unstable situation in the country have a negative effect on tourism.


Shopping in the Philippines rejoices in the possibility of brown and inexpensive purchases. The found place for making purchases is Manila. Mall of Asia- the largest shopping mall near Pivdenno-Skhidniy Asia. Tsey shopping complex occupies one day chotiri budіvlі, and trams ply the majestic territory, like transporting buyers.

Pearls of the Pivdenny Sea, dishes from terracotta, mother-of-pearl, likhtariki from fabrics, embellishments from shells, various T-shirts, figurines from wood and clothes from calico are among the great popular souvenirs.

In the Philippines, cheap coconut oil is sold cheaply. Vono, like the sellers sing, miraculously protect from the sleepy opikiv.


For a more expensive country, it is better to choose internal air tickets. On the skin resort island there is a vlasny airport. It’s better to ask for tickets early, if you plan to fly around the holy days, even if you’re shy, then the tickets may not appear. You will need to add the price of the toast tax before the bill is ready: for international transfers 15 $ , domestic flights - 3-4 $ . Remember that on domestic flights you can carry no more than 10 kilograms of baggage.

Another good option for moving around the islands is poromi. Prices for them are significantly lower, lower for light, but the road takes more than an hour.

You can travel around the island by public transport. jeeps". Tse mіstseve minibus taxi, zroblene z vіyskogo jeep. The leather car "jeep" is unique and tuned in a fallow way from the vlasnik's passes.

Buses in the Philippines are also wider. Here, the fare for an air-conditioned bus may be more expensive, lower for a bus without air conditioning.

Taxis in the Philippines are generally a cheap form of transport. Do not forget to ask the water to reset the lichnik before the trip. Like a raptom, the lichilnik practices nadto swiftly, obov'yazkovo to respect the taxi driver's respect for the price. Be near the airport and check for taxis from the electronic scoreboard. Cost of travel by them is more expensive, lower by higher cars.


Oskіlki Filippіni - tse kraїna, yak borrowed over sіm thousand islands, mobile calls here are good connections and mobile internet is also available.
For statistics, maybe the third filippetets can access the Internet, and the fourth — their account on Facebook. However, most of the traffic in the country goes through browsers for mobile devices, and the computer axis is far from all.


On the Philippine Islands, you can be chatted on the need for natural character. So, for the tribute of the Brussels Center of the Philippines, the most safe country in the world in terms of natural disasters. Earthquakes, typhoons, storms, volcanic eruptions have already become a priority for the local inhabitants.

Crime of natural disasters on the islands is accompanied by various religious and political conflicts, if the demonstrators go to block the streets, they stop transport. Traplyayutsya here sea pirates!

If you take tourism in stride, then the rіven of malice here is not high, the filippіnci are even more benevolent with foreigners and behave splendidly.

Business climate

Perevaga Filippin - tse vydkritist for any foreign investors. Hulks are often protected from lying in the form of foreign financial costs.

Filippini - tse nasampered agrarian-industrial country. Increased productivity of the agricultural state, export of bananas and pineapples. Badly developed textile, electronic, grub, chemical, pharmaceutical and woodworking industries.

Groshova unity of the islands Philippine Peso.


The most popular objects for the sale of non-violence in the Philippines will be the houses of that villa that grow on the birch of the ocean. Here you can buy an apartment from the company of a forgetful person, for example, near the capital. Same Manila is the most popular place for buyers, it is the right place for those who do business in the country, work for a trade representative, and Manila is the economical, cultural and political center of the country.

A lot of investors buy indestructibility from the Philippines for rent, they gave it for rent, even if the power to bring here indiscretions in profits from the building. A lot of foreign pensioners, usmen from European and Asian lands, buy living here. Life here is inexpensive and quiet.

The Philippians are truly sorom'zlivі and povіlnі, don't be surprised at that.

Don't forget to take with you Russian-English rozmovnik. Zavdyaki colonial past land here can know everything English.

Remember what's in the Philippines rather do not drink water from the tap and do not brush your teeth with it. Better vikoristati bottled water.

There are a lot of police on the streets, like in uniform, so in civilian, especially in the capital. Do not be surprised at that, as before you pidide, a seemingly transient one, asks for your documents. The police are put up to the tourists even dbaily and shanobly.

Visa information

The citizens of Russia, in order to see the Philippine Islands, do not need a visa for the mind, that the term of rebuking in this country does not exceed twenty one days. When you cross the Philippine cordon, you will need to present a foreign passport (the term yogo di maє becomes no less than six months at the time of entry), and also prove the obviousness of the necessary financial assistance for the establishment of the trip and the ticket.

With a recent feast, you can also get a visa for 59 days of rebuying. Cost of taka visa is $50 + 510 Philippine pesos (about $12).

Moscow Philippine Embassy: 121099, Russia, Karmanitsky Prov., Budinok 6/8.

Phone: (+7495) 241-0563.

Filippіni - Tse Bagatoostostravna Power in the pivnito -skhіdniya, part of the Malaysky Arkhipelga, Shto turned on for more than 7,000 Ostrov, the Yaki Meshkyut Tilki 2,000. On the in number of numbers, the seaside is Omiva, on the Zalavino - Pyvdatyno - Pyvdatyatno -Kindyatnoye - Pyvdayatnoye - Pyvdayatino - Pyvdayatino - Pyvdayatnoy and on the pіvnochі canal Bashі subdivides the republic from the island of Taiwan. The total area of ​​the island complex is 300 thousand sq. sq. kilometers, relief - the head rank, burn, volcanic and pagorby. For the tribute of 2011, about 102 million people live on the lands of the Philippine archipelago.

The ethnic warehouse is diverse and from a large group: Tagali occupy 28% of the population, Cebuano - 13%, Binisaya - 8%, Bicol - 6% of the population. my sovereign in the Philippines - pilipino (Tagalog), the most important part of the population of Volodya and English. Groshova national currency is expressed in unity under the name - peso. The inhabitants of the region practice Catholicism (81%), Protestantism (11%), Islam (5%) and other religions.

Filippini - the capital of that great city

The capital of Manila was settled on the island of Luzon. Close to 2 million people live near the metropolis, over 12 million live in front of it. The Philippine capital is the largest place in the whole archipelago, it is the cultural, political, economic center of the state. and architectural values. More than half of the town's buds were cut from a coconut tree. Davao, Quezon City (2nd city after the capital), Cebu, Iloilo, Bacalod can reach the other largest cities.

Filippini - vіdpochinok ta turi

Filippini is a true tropical paradise, created by the hands of nature itself, the soul of a dream, be it a human being. The country propagates to its guests a majestic choice for recovery and rejoicing: from the white beaches to the night bars and discos. The resorts, which make a difference, are spread out on the famous islands of the archipelago: Cebu, Palawan and Bohol. Nasampered, coming, having left your luggage at the room, go to the famous beaches, see the white sand under your feet, splurge in the turquoise sea winds, look smart and just grow up. Smіlivtsі and extremals, obviously, try tidy nepokіrnі whvili. Crimean surf, you can go diving, to have mercy on the deep sea beauty, to plunge into the world, unknown to us, the charms of that life. For variety, try snorkeling, water skiing, parasailing and yachting.

See also: Islands that place

Vidpochinok in the Philippines - tse first-class spa centers, expensive canoeing, mountaineering and trekking, cycling and hiking, rich flora and fauna. And for sports lovers, there are special maidans for volleyball, football, golf and tennis. On the islands, life is already raging. Discos, clubs, karaoke, open beach evenings will not let guests get bored.
Travel to local monuments, museums, gardens, national parks, shops, etc. - Invisible parts are more expensive to the exotic region. Bezmezhny vіdpochinok proponuyut islands for mandrivniki, rozvinenі practically all types of tourism: beach, sports, extreme, educational and excursion.

Filippini - reminders

As a result of the Other Holy War, Manila was guilty of rich cultural and historical values. Intensive everyday life helped to restore some of the memorials. Near the old metropolitan area, founded in 1571, merits for the respect of the great forte walls of the 16th century, the length is about 5 km. Your comrade has a lot of impersonal galleries, museums and a great aquarium, which, without a doubt, will impress you with the abundance of marine life. Also, the capital is roztashovuyutsya: Fort Santiago 16 tbsp. antiques, colonial spores, dating back to 16 centuries. Visit the Rizal park with the planetarium, flower pavilions and concert maidans. The chic Malate Church, Harrison Plaza, Robinson Place, the lighthouse on Miss Boheador, national museums and a lot of other historical monuments are concentrated near Manila.

The island of Corregidor is home to crippled ruins, the tunnels of Malinta, hot sulfuric lakes and resorts on their basis (Los Banos, Cuiab and Pansol). On the pіvnіch vіd capital you will know the region of Zambale with the cіkavimy Sagadsky caves. And on the day before Manili lies the Tagaytay malovnichisky ridge, in the middle of which the national park and the Taal volcano flaunt.
The island of Mindoro is famous for its underwater National Park with its miraculous ichthyofauna; Mindanao is home to a great number of mosques, Pasonanka and Klimako-Fridom parks. The volcanic islands of Sulu, Palawan, Visayan, Cebu are the famous objects of the archipelago, and the majority of tourists are important here.

See also: An alternative to the closed Boracay is being whispered in the Philippines

Filippini - weather (climate)

Significant role in the molding of the climate is the differentiation of the relief, prote over the monsoon, maritime tropical and subequatorial climate. Inlet temperature rises from +24 to +33 degrees. In general, summer here is speculative, ale vologist. The dry season starts from autumn to fierce, the temperature varies from +23 to +39 degrees. The coldest months are leaf fall, chest - the average temperature in the day ... +26, at night - drops to +16 degrees. Frosts and ruinous typhoons are often observed in mountain regions.

Filippini - national cuisine

Filipino cuisine is far away interweaving of Malay, Spanish, Chinese culinary traditions. Otzhe, as the main ingredient of vicory rice. Vіn zamenuє filіppіntsam bread, which here is no more than extensions. Rice in all yoga variations (preparations, lubrications, with additions of vegetables, fruits, meat, sauces, ribs and other seafood) is on the table.
Philippine culinary specialists will also surprise you with a wide assortment. m'yasnih fears. Traditional delicacies - fried chicken "tinola", paella with chicken, pork and seafood, meat rolls "morcon", meat casserole "pankitmolo" with mushrooms, lubricated chicken with vegetables with addition of "riytafel" sauce, stuffed piglet. adobo" - marinated shmatochki meat, soup with vegetables and yalovichina, "relyeno" - stuffed riba abo kurcha, kebabs with buffalo meat. Like a bachite, at the preparation of more herbs, vicarious and vegetables.
Try also the grandeur of ribs and seafood: “siniganga” with mollusks, “pinakbet” shrimp, marinated fish, fish balls and cutlets. Stravi z seafood - a visiting card of the country. Here the quantity is unimaginable, and the skin of them is unique for its savory qualities.
The hotel bags will not overwhelm you without licorice. For dessert, you will be served various confectionery varieties. It is necessary to taste traditional malts: licorice patties from rice bog, syrn buns with zucr, bananas smeared with honey savory, desserts based on coconut milk and fruits and the popular frosty “halo-halo”. The widest drinks are lemonade, buko (coconut milk), natural fruit juices, as well as refreshing cold tea.

Philippines in Asia are respected by a special country. It’s true, it’s not so hospitable, like in other Asian countries. In addition, the European colonies made a great influx in Philippine. To that, Phillippins, as they are made up of impersonal islands, you can take in the marvelous Asian countryside with beautiful nature, waterfalls, old monuments and white beaches.

Geography of Philippine

The island state of the Philippines is located in the western part of the Pacific Ocean in Pivdenno-Skhidniy Asia. Taiwan is located on the river through the canal, Vietnam is on the way through the Pivden-Chinese Sea, and the islands of Indonesia lie on the river. Zagalna area tsієї kraїni - 299 764 sq. km

Over 7,100 islands enter the Philippine warehouse, the largest of them are Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao.

Most of the territory of the Philippine Islands is covered dense foxes. The largest mountain peak - Mount Apo, whose height reaches 2,954 meters, is located on the island of Mindanao. On the Philippine Islands, earthquakes often trap, but de stinks are noticed, because. too weak.

Finding a river in the Philippines - Kagayan, її dovzhina warehousing 505 km. Cagayan flows through the peninsula part of the island of Luzon.


Manila is the capital of the Philippines. About 1.8 million people live in this city at one time.

Official language Filippin

There are three in the Philippines official movies- Pilipino, which goes to the Austronesian modern sim, as well as English and Spanish.


Over 90% of the population of the Philippines professes Christianity (most importantly Catholics), and 10% are Muslims.

Sovereign Ustrіy Philippіn

Founded by a dignified Constitution, the Philippines is a presidential republic. Її head - the President, who is elected by popular vote for 6 years.

The bicameral parliament in the Philippines is called the Congress, and it is composed of the Senate (24 senators, for 6 years) and the House of Representatives (240 deputies, for 3 years).

Administratively, Philippine is divided into 17 regions and 80 provinces.

Climate and weather

The climate is tropical, hot and warm. The most special months - from birch to grass. The rainy season starts at the red and dry until the end of the summer (typhoons are possible at this hour). The coldest month is lyutium (the average temperature is +21C), and the most special is grass (+36C).

The best hour for seeing Phillippin is from the fall of the leaves to the spring. At this hour, the fall is much less, but the sea is warmer again.

Sea off the Philippines

Philippine is washed by the Philippine Sea, which is part of the sea. Zagalna dozhina uzberezhzhya of all Philippine islands - 36289 km. In this rank, the sea saves Phillippin, who found it in the whole world.

The diving season in the Philippines is three times from the cob of leaf fall to the end of May. The peak of the diving season is from Birch to May.

Rivers and lakes

There are over 45 rivers in the Philippines. Finding one of them - Kagayan, її dovzhina syagaє 505 km. Cagayan flows through the peninsula part of the island of Luzon.

Culture Philippine

The great impact on the Philippine culture was made by Spanish and American colonial people. The very beginning of the Spaniards in the Philippines, the tradition of fiesti and carnivals has taken root.

The next day at Manila, the largest festival in the Philippines - "Day of the Black Nazarene" - will take place. On the first day of the day (and on the 9th of September) on the streets of Manili, hundreds of thousands of people come out.

Tourists in the Philippines will enjoy the Mango Festival, the Aurori Festival, the Ati-Atiha Festival, the Pineapple Festival, the Likhtar Festival and other rich ones.

All Philippine festivals are accompanied by great musical, dance and theatrical performances. Most of the participants in these festivals take their part in traditional national costumes.


Philippine cuisine was formed under the influence of Chinese, Malay, Spanish and American culinary traditions. Philippine cuisine for Europeans is not so familiar, like, for example, Vietnamese, Thai or Chinese strains. Philippine cuisine looks like the cuisines of other Asian countries, but it's not so hot. Wanting, zvichayno, filippintsі tezh love to add to spices.

Spices (chasnik, cibula, ginger) are needed by philippines in order to add aroma to the herbs. Like in other Asian countries, in the Philippines, the main food product is rice, as well as fish and seafood.

  1. Adobo - stewed meat (chicken and pork) with a soy sauce;
  2. Pansit - rice lokshina with chicken, pork and shrimp together with vegetables;
  3. Tinola- chicken soup with ginger;
  4. Sinigang - spicy soup with pork, chicken, fish and shrimp;
  5. Lengua - lubricated yalovicha mova with savory sauce;
  6. Calamares - buttered shrimp/squid;
  7. Kare-kare - stewed in the open fire of yalovichin;
  8. Bopis is a spicy pork intestine.

Traditional non-alcoholic drinks in the Philippines - "Sago" t Gulaman - licorice drink from melissa, coconut juice, licorice drink "Taho".

Significant city of Philippino

In the Philippines, you can sing overhead cicadas. So, on the island of Mindanao, near the city of Davao, there is the unique Apo National Park and there is a large orchid farm. On this island, tourists can see the middle Spanish port of Pilar and more natural parks. On the island of Sulu, you can see the villages of the natives living right on the water.

On the island of Cebu, there is an old Spanish fort, built in the middle of the 16th century, as well as a few middle-aged churches.

The ancient monuments of Philippine are included in the list of the All-World Heritage of UNESCO - the town of Vigan, the underground river of Puerto Princesa, the rice terraces at the Philippine Reefs, the Church of St. .

Place and resort

The largest places in the Philippines are Quezon City, Kalookan, Davao, Cebu, Zamboanga, Antipolo and the capital is Manila.

Filippini are home to the whole world with their fantastic food beaches. The infrastructure on the large beaches is well developed, there is a miraculous opportunity for active recreation, including diving. Before speech, deyakі Filippіnskі diving centers comply with usіm svіtovіm standards.

Top 10 best beaches in the Philippines:

  1. Island of Boracay. The length of the beach on this island is 5 km, white sand is dry. Vvazhaetsya one of the best beaches in the world.
  2. pagudpud. There can be strong winds here, and Pagudpud is a wonderful place for surfing. Porіvnyano from Boracay, vіdpochinok on Pagudpud vvvazhetsya more water and quiet.
  3. Mactan Island. On this island there are not only beautiful beaches, but merry night life. Suitable for tourists, if you want not just to look at white beaches.
  4. Island of Panglaio. Do you like diving? To the island of Panglao itself for you. Quiet, settled island, where coral reefs can be found.
  5. Camiguin. Tsey beach vvazhayut "Garden of Eden". The beach of roztashovaniya bіla garnogo waterfall, as well as hot and cold dzherel.
  6. Dakak. This is a private beach, its length is 750 m.
  7. Islands of Honda Bay. The islands are roztashovanny near the pivdenno-western province of Palawan. Vvazhaetsya miraculous place for diving.
  8. El Nido. Tsey island of roztashovaniya near the province of Palawan. El Nido is a quiet place with white beaches.
  9. pearl farm. A restocking resort on the fringes of the Davao city. Vvazhaetsya one of the largest Philippine resorts.
  10. Siargao. Tsei beach is another popular place in the Philippines for diving.


From Philippine tourists call to bring folk crafts, koshiki, gamants, gamants, kilimki, robes with hand embroidery, sarong robes, khustki, musical instruments(for example, bamboo flutes), figurines, hammocks, traditional Philippine knives, hats, Philippine delicacies (mango, for example, it is better to wrap it in a servette, so that the fruit is filled with fresh).

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