What savory z'isti. What to say, what to say? Low-fat chicken or vegetable soup

The woeful bazhannya to catch up with two hares often ends in failure. Often, but don’t worry. A rich woman, trying to lose weight, cuts the diet of eating to a meager amount, quickly getting enough calories! Categorically wrong solution. It is necessary and it is necessary to navit. More nutrition: what you need to eat, to lose weight. And, it turns out, the list of products for those who want to get close to their favorite jeans is great, you won’t get hungry. Ale about everything in order.

Why is it important to eat enough?

The body of the day stained even richer energy less supportive of homeostasis, tobto. become a comfortable function. Taking less energy, lower it is necessary for you, you should improve the process of life later it’s like “paliva”, then it’ll be less!” Otherwise, it seems, it’s very important.

Basic principles of eating:

The first step is to proceed to a detailed analysis of the menu, to be more precise, the principles of eating for lowering your meal. Otzhe, yak є, to lose weight:

  1. 5 times per day. Tse snіdanok, lunch, obіd, noon that supper. With a skin, you should think it over ahead of time and don’t try to be rude to know what, if anything, could bring hunger to your hand.
  2. Small portions. Zrazkovy volume: three fists for the main reception їzhi, 1 fist - for the additional one. Products from quiet, what you need to eat, to lose weight, will be repaid lower.
  3. Until you can see a light smell of sieve. Do not stray with the passage! Harchuyuchi often, there is no sensation to be found.
  4. Relatively rezhovuyuchi. Detailed zha is more likely to be re-adjusted not to be trimmed on quilts and waist.

products for weight loss

Zreshtoy, reportedly follow those that you need to eat, to lose weight.

  1. Bіlok. Lean meat turkey or yalovichini, chicken breast, fish (be it!) and seafood. The protein is good not only for its low calorie content, but also for its dominance of the "budding material", being the basis for the growth of m'yaziv. As you can see, the springs and the loose m'yazovy fibers are rich in energy.
  2. Foldable in carbohydrates. All fresh vegetables (especially cabbage, licorice, carrot), macaroni s | iz | flour|boroshna| coarse pomelo, buckwheat, uncleaned rice.
  3. Olive oil of high purity. In the opinion of nutritionists, such an oliya will help change the obligation of fat deposits on the quilts. A great option - replace the name Sonyashnikova Oliya in salads on the corisne olive. Lubricate on a new one, obviously, not a trace. That one wondered about how to lubricate when you are thin?
  4. Fresh fruits. Nasampered - green apples, grapefruits and oranges. Citrus fruits contain vitamin C in the body, which boosts immunity and helps fight against the disease.
  5. Low-fat dairy products Vikidaemo sour cream, mayonnaise and licorice siri, replacing them with yogurt, low-fat cheese and matson.
  6. Zha with low salt content. The power of power can trap water in the body, which leads to swelling and the appearance of cellulite.
  7. Peas. Migdal, pea hairs, pea pecans. Yak a snack - ideal zasib. Golovna - know the world.
  8. Green tea. Sprinkles the removal of toxins from the body, and also positively affects the immune system in general.

The list of fenced products is known to the skin woman, so she tried to throw off the vaga, and the axis of what you need to eat, to lose weight, the lists are rarely added up. I darma. If you think before your eyes, it will be easier for you to put together the menu for the day, change it and add it, approaching the obligatory figure for the hour of the call. Obviously, often those that need to be eaten, to lose weight, are given less savory, less greasy products. Psychologists zapevnyayut: tse right zvichki. A couple of tyzhniv - and become kohanim. Tim more, if you love jeans again every hour.

The law of nutrition: as if it were, it would be more important to lose weight. Many people think that the best hedgehog for weight loss is the one with the least calories. We have a piece of truth, but calorie content is still not the only criterion. The correct hedgehog is for losing weight, but it’s more sieve, easy to cook, and it’s less than a small increase equal to insulin. Mayuchi all these criteria, let's choose the right menu!

1. Egg white

The most favorite product of bodybuilders, fitness models and other kachkiv, more than stovіdsotkovy protein. Two grams of protein, zero grams of carbohydrates and fat, and a total of 16 calories. Do you want ten egg whites? It's not a problem, it's just zhalyugidnyh 160 kcal, yakі satiate you until the vіdvalu. An omelette made from egg whites with additional vegetables and low-fat syrup is a miracle snack, and water cream from a boiled egg whites is a good snack, to add vegetables for otrimanna klitkovini.

2. Low fat yogurt

Vіdmіnne dzherelo not only protein, but also calcium, before that, you can say, dessert, you can indulge. A million fresh yogurts, you need less wonder, if the warehouse has little zucru. It’s better to take yogurt without additives and independently crush it into new fruit, and then beat it in a blender. One serving of whole walnut yogurt contains 22 g of protein and a total of 120 calories.

Studies have shown that the use of yogurt helps to absorb fat. Maybe, on the right, in the fact that calcium decreases the amount of fat in your body, or in the singing lancets of amino acids, which can be found in dairy products. Zagalom, yogurt helps to lose weight.

3. Indian

A turkey without shkіri is the most fat meat, like only on the shelves of shops. Would you like to have an Indian breast? Easily! It has less than 240 calories and a cup of protein. Just don’t forget to take off your coat: it has fat, which star will wear your mustache to choose a “bad” diet.

4. Apple

Vіdmіnny variant, to that it is easy to take an apple with you and є be it. An apple of medium size has 24 g of carbohydrates, 3 of them - cellular tissue, and 80 calories. Chervonih and green fruits are worth the cost: Mayzhe all apples are the same for calorie content. Vibirayuchi їх, pay attention to the smell: an apple can smell like an apple. Not far away, a dark house was seen: it has a lot of cellular tissue and antioxidants.

5. Salad

The new one does not have so much cellular tissue, but it takes more calories for it to be over-etched, so you don’t have to go to the new one yourself. Acceptable fact. Tse so titles product іz negative calorie.

The main reason why yaku lettuce is on this list is simple. Take a salad, add some vegetables and some legumes - and you're welcome. One more plus: the salad is chewed for a long time. Why is it good? Mozok rozumіє, scho sity, less than 20 hvilin after їzhі, and chim older ti їzh, tim less z'їdaєsh. Another bonus is antioxidants and vitamins.

6. Low-fat chicken or vegetable soup

Yak and salad, soup - tse strava, yak need to be thoughtful, and as a result you get less. Soup is easy to eat and eat with fewer calories. In one pot, you can cook it like a vegetable. It’s more like a cibula with carrots on a small amount of olives, as if thinking of a song borscht, then a beetroot. Reshtu vegetables are thrown into the sirimi pan. The result of failures. Fight to buy soup at restaurants: call there to put tops, then sir, then sour cream, but this is far from a dietary option.

7. Migdal

Vіn high-calorie, like all peas, however, the new one has healthy fats. To be more exact, almond is the last fruit of the almond tree. The new one has a lot of vitamin E, and navit protein.

The studies showed that the calories, as we take from the mountains, are less ugly in the figure, lower the reshta: human body there is no way to effectively extract energy from mountains.

Anyway, be careful with them! Gorikhiv is easy to move. A quarter of a cup of almonds has 140 calories and 15 grams of fat, which means that a whole cup (namely) has 560 calories and 60 grams of fat! So your dose is the same as a quarter of a cup.

8. Vivsyanka

Even a blue product, de troch calories. This porridge has plenty of carbohydrates, so that it will be safe for you to see the sieve, and it won’t irritate the insulin equal to the skies. Especially kind, as if you don’t work with licorice: I, honestly, can’t understand how you can eat licorice porridge. Mіy vibіr – vіvsyanka on water with soy sauce. The axis is like a peasant, without honey, that yagidok-raspberries, thu! How to prepare a vivsyanka,.

9. Tuna

I feel hot, that in the vast world of a bodybuilder it is easy to recognize by smell: you can smell fish from a mile away, more than a hundred times a day there is tuna. Choose canned food without mayonnaise, otherwise you won't have any crust in them. Mayonnaise - tse vzagalі famously for any tastes to throw off the vag, to that scho to take revenge on rich fat and empty calories. In other varieties, brown tuna, especially as a freshly harvested blue steak.

10. Broccoli

Most often sold at a frozen sight. Add to the omelet, whether it be vegetables or fish, which are stuck in the oven, you can throw in vegetable soup. I give up, get out of the way to the moon. Just gold, not sheep!

If you read it respectfully, singsongly, thinking that all these products can be combined one with one and take such a rank of healthy, low-calorie and livelihoods, for example, if you lose weight.

In the chase for the string, the women are ready to drink for a be-scho, to lead to starvation. However, if any nutritionist will tell you that if you want to lose your weight, then you need to eat. Starve yourself to the point where the body becomes stressed and begins to increase calories. One day you just zirvetes. What to say, to lose weight? Kovalkov released a whole book on this topic. It is necessary for girls to simply learn how to choose the right products for their diet of eating, so that they can take the weight off their lost kilos.

Feeling hungry - who is for the new one?

Hunger in humans scream hormones. And if you speak more precisely, then tse grelin. Itself blames the fact that the body uses calories, after which we begin to eat.

The biggest rіvenest of this speech is manifested in the category of people who are constantly on low-calorie diets. What better do we eat ourselves at eating, what a zhorstkish diet, we start warming blood more warmly. Obviously, there is a growing risk that as soon as we get away from each other, it’s obov’yazkovo for a piece of fat chicken or a box of tsukerok instead of a healthy one.

In order to stick with ghrelin, you just need to remember the simple rules:

  • Proteins are important for the production of ghrelin. The stench of the building is more trivaly terminus, almost like hunger.
  • It is necessary to understand, which is the very hunger for us. If you add a scale from 1 to 10, de 1 - ce sity, and 10 - hospitable hunger, then it will be optimal to have a snack if you are slightly hungry in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe numbers 4-5. Hide reidannya in to this particular type it will be easier.

Eating after physical training

As the main meta of your workouts is in order to get rid of fatty mass, it is even more important to take care of the correct eating tactics. What should I do after training? In order to lose weight, try to keep yourself cool for at least 2-3 years, so that the body can absorb moisture from the fat.

On the right, in the fact that after training, free fats are vibrating, as they can be worn out for a long time. If you don’t finish it and if you do, then you can be convinced that the training went for nothing. When hit, the body is caught in the air, the fat is turned on the body, and the energy is saved from these products, yak vy choyno z'uli.

Fractional eating

Grazing - tse understand what it means more often, shot-and-shot eating. This system does a good job of helping to reduce the amount of fat in the body, while resisting stress and not hunger.

How much do you need to pay per day to lose weight using the cym method? The essence of grazing is that a person is guilty of eating 5 times a day, the optimal interval between meals is no more than 3 years. For calories, everything is also simple. Three їdi obov'yazkovo owe but ponovotsіnimi, vengeance leather 400 kcal each. Two more - not a snack, the calorie content of the skin is not more than 200 kcal.

Such a regime will lead to the culture of eating. Vrakhovuchi those who live the body of the skin for three years, almost do not blame hunger. She becomes hot, as if she ensures the correct work of the hose and the whole organism.

fruits for weight loss

Diet from zastosuvannyam fruktiv - tse one of the most visible and most effective ways to get rid of zavoi vaga, especially in the summer period. Someone asks a lot: what to say, to lose weight? Are all fruits the same for the body and have few calories?

Not all fruits can be eaten with a diet. Deyakі from them to avenge a rich zucru, which leads to excess carbohydrates to the point of vindication. Far away stinks transform into fat cells. You can live the following fruits:

  • kavun;
  • orange;
  • pomegranate;
  • cherry;
  • crane;
  • dinyu;
  • lime;
  • apricot;
  • grapefruit.

In the period of the diet, you will see bananas, grapes, mangoes and figs.

In order to be more familiar with the fact that the fruit is effectively spriyat zvіlnennu vіd zayvoї vagi, spend the day to get used to їх yakomog more, especially zamіst a snack. One orange will be richly curly, lower shmatok greased meat. Moreover, it’s almost as if it’s more succulent, you don’t care.

Advantages of fruits during the diet hour:

  • bajannya їsti greatly change;
  • with proper cultivation of fruits, you can get 5 kg per day;
  • the organism is more likely to react to the circus instinctively.

Greens and vegetables for weight loss

Sheep leather is a useful screen, belongings such as vitamins, minerals and other biological components. The stench does not help to help you gain weight, but also to support the normal functioning of the body.

Whether a vegetable can be called low-calorie. Schodenne vzhivannya ovochіv to rob the lowering of the vagary of the resultant and healthy. To that very thing, you thought about what to eat, to lose weight, plant vegetables - and do not have mercy.

Particularly popular diet based on broccoli. If you try to get the whole product (whether you look at it), then you can throw off up to 8 kilograms.

M'yaso for weight loss

In rich diets they write that in any given time it is not possible to get used to the meat, to that which it is not possible to slay a set of zavoi vaga. Tse not so. Remember, there is no such meat, as it is impossible to eat. It is necessary just to remember yoga correctly to cook that deep-fried and lubricated.

You can get used to be-yakі m'yasnі products. In my warehouse there is protein, which is simply a necessary person. Instead of a greased chicken, you can її cook it, put it in a double boiler or an oven. With such a preparation, everything will be saved crooks of authority but there will be fewer calories. It is important to remember that you cannot add spices. The only thing that is allowed is tse trohi pіdsoliti.

As you still smash your head, what to eat, to lose weight, try to starve yourself and eat meat, if you want. Before speech, it’s even more delicious and colorful to go meat chicken in the oven, like marinating yogo in soy sauce.

Porridge for weight loss

Grains of porridge - rіznomanіttya brown for the body in carbohydrates. If you want to lower the speed and don’t get it back, I’ll replace the bakery bread with wheat, rice, buckwheat.

You can cook them like in the water, and on the milk. The number of calories in your diet is not growing. Introduce just one plate of porridge into your diet - and change your mind, so that the result does not get in the way.

To make it easier to choose, to lose weight, to lose weight, you can save a few calories on the Internet, as if you already lived in and lost some more.

Berries for weight loss

Lіkvіduvati zayvі kіlogrammy for help vzhivannya yagіd nabagato simpler, nizh іz vegetables and fruits. The stench has a lot less zukra in its warehouse, the prote can boast of a great number of microelements necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

If you doubt what to eat, to lose weight, choose berries - do not have mercy. The stench may have an antioxidant effect, which will be helped not only by the vagi, but also by strengthening the immune system.

Correct quote

Anyone who cares if you want to throw off kilos, then it is categorically impossible to take off. It’s wrong, you live your body with energy in order to feel good all day long.

You can’t get used to liquorice, kava, sandwiches, buns and chocolate. Qi products give no less energy, the stench may be especially special. Come out, if you have a bite to eat, you will lose more unspent rank calories. So vaga will not go soon. Tim, who wants to lose weight, you need to know what to do in the morning to lose weight. Remember what you need to eat, just importantly understand what food is good for the body, and what is just a screenshot of calories. That scho z'isti zranku, schob lose weight? It is possible, it is possible:

  • wheat whiskey;
  • wivsyanu chi Greek porridge;
  • fruit salad;
  • natural muesli.

All listed products may have a minimum of calories, but even more. With this stench, give enough amount of fire for normal functioning.

Sitny obid

The obid is guilty of including vitamins and other microelements, which will give a little sieve and secure energy to the body for a few years. Shorter version- Tse low-calorie soups. There are a lot of recipes for their preparation, but you can always come up with your own. Marvel at what kind of vegetables you have at home, and make brown soup.

First herbs are an essential element of proper eating. The stench instills in the body the necessary amount of light, to improve the work of the intestinal tract.

Father, what can you eat, to lose weight:

  • after a low-calorie soup, you can have a sprat of steam cutlets;
  • meat casserole;
  • baked or brewed meat (whether it be, krіm pork);
  • vegetable salad;
  • Sir.

Low Calorie Supper

The Supper is not guilty of being rich, to that at night the slug is not working to its full strength. Products for a snack should be taken more respectfully. Keep in mind what to take for the evening so that you lose weight

  • Vegetables- the best option for an evening meal. You can prepare a light salad dressing with olive oil. You can also cook stewed vegetables. The stench is over-etched richer and brighter, lower fresh.
  • Riba chi m'yaso. For a good evening, products from a mixed protein are suitable. So you can graciously eat a small piece of boiled chicken or baked ribi. With such an evening about zayvі kilograms you can not get over.
  • Sir. Treat yourself to a sweet dessert before bed. Take a little bit of low-fat syrah, add berries and cinnamon there. Axis to you and low-calorie, tasty supper.
  • Kefir. Still haven’t chosen what to eat for nothing, to lose weight? The best option would be to just live one bottle of kefir. Wine is not unsafe for a figure, it’s easy to eat, almost like hunger. Instead of kefir, you can drink ryazhenka. So you can eat one green apple.

Remember the smut rule - to get rid of the zayvoї vaga, it is not necessary to indulge yourself. Zha - tse necessary pain for the body, as if it were safe for the right, uninterrupted work. You now know what you need to eat in order to lose weight. Follow your healthy diet, eat right and feed on ideas brown colors. Believe me, what a result, which you will continue after the first day of such a way of life, it will make you happy.

1. Water
Water is golovnіsha, nizh їzha. This phrase can become a basic axiom for you. If it weren’t for the trapilos, you’ll have to drink enough money for a day. "Sufficient quantity" - means 30 ml per kilogram of your skin. So, if you take 80 kilograms, then you must save 2.4 liters of RIDIN per day (and not less than 2 liters) per day.
What is motherland? You are guilty of taking it, sho sik, kefir, milk - tse ЇZhA, Chi means that you are guilty of getting them for the homeland? So. But it’s so self-guided to understand that, having drunk a bottle of juice or kefir, you implanted a few calories, and you didn’t drink, but ate.
Your main drink may be pure water. We will become 50-70% of all saved homeland. It is also important to know "your" water. Sometimes, if you buy a super-road French drink water, you can get well, that you are glad to wind the water. I really do. The skin water has its own warehouse of microelements, and even though the water can be a wholesome drink for you, it cleanses, and if it gets stuck in the body, you will literally “swell up” in the water. From the past lesson, we remember that the amount of water needed to be evenly divided for a day, drink water 30 times before we die and after 30 times after we drink cold water and small bowls. And after the 19th year, it’s better to drink no more than one bottle of motherhood, so that you didn’t have a rash in the early hours. It’s also better to change the “dose” of rindine in the rest of the week before menstruation (in our case, at 80 kg, 1.5-1.8 liters of water will be enough), the shards in this hour will zatrimuetsya in the body.
What else can you drink and what can you not take in? It’s better to drink a drink with a high dose of vitamin C, which is a spice for an accelerated metabolism. You can brew sipshini at night in a thermos, or bring water to a boil, add sea buckthorn, cowberry or crane, boil 1-3 whilini, take from the fire and potovkti berries near the water. Ale remember that you are ready to drink in reserve, the stench of guilt vanishes in an opaque dish, shards of vitamin C collapse under the influx of light.
And also you should include 1-2 servings of water hydromel per day before your diet plan. How to cook hydromel? Kind of simple. Take 200-250 ml of water (no higher than 40 º C!), drink it with a whole lemon and add a teaspoon of natural honey (honey is not chemically to blame!). A lot of honey and water should be deposited, since it will be a sour drink for you. To prevent tooth enamel from being expelled, it is better to drink yoga through a straw. Ideally, you should drink yoga for 15-30 days before lunch and for five years before lunch or noon. This drink of beauty is not only to help you lose weight, but to improve your immunity. Regardless of those who have sour lemon, wine helps to normalize the acidity of the tube. In addition, hydromel miraculously reduces appetite.
2. Honey

The shards have guessed honey, and before that, most of the time people suffer from the abundance of licorice, let's get it right for that licorice.
Honey - your main licorice. Until 16.00 you can take 3 teaspoons per day. You can add yoga to hydromel or porridge, or to sir. But remember that with some kind of ailment (especially if there are dysfunctions of the subslut worm), honey is not recommended. What can you replace yoga with? First, as a substitute for zucru on a natural basis - stevia. What else?
1 tsp honey = 1 year. fructose = 10 approx. rodzinok = 3 pcs. prunes = 1 dried figs= 2 approx. dried apricots = 5 g hot chocolate (not lower than 75% cocoa).
Dried plums and dried apricots may be “native”, from many radian republics, not chemical ones. Chocolate as a substitute is consumed before your diet in the rest (!) of the church. Yogo is the best victorist before critical days If you especially want licorice, but as if you were interested in yourself, kohaniy, for example of the day, if you understand that today is right and right, we walked 4 kilometers, drank all the water. Then you need to show yourself that your life will not only become beautiful soon, if you are in a string with beautiful girls on the beach, your life is more beautiful already at the same time. You see, there is chocolate, damn it! You are getting thinner!! Until the speech, chocolate is the only thing of salt, so you can pick up after 16.00. Forget the evening. Ale is less than 5-10 grams! And, obviously, you don’t go out of the daily norm of malt.
3. Roslinna Oliya
Two teaspoons a day. Obov'yazkovo. Be yake roslinna oliya to take revenge on fatty acids, to help the best mastered and save your youth. Oliya can be like that, as you are better suited. But remember that during heat treatment (over one quill) brown fatty acids turn into trans fats, so you can add oil to salads or vegetables for 1 quill until cooked.
If you need to lubricate (would we know that it is not lubricated), you can use such cunning. Mix 1 part of a dewy olive with 8 parts of water and spray the pan for greasing from a spray gun, having good sumish in front.
If the oliya is so beautiful, then why can you do so little, feed you? That's why two teaspoons of olії qіlih have 180 kilocalories. We ourselves wonder how the stench is killed there.
4. Greens

1-2 bunches daily. The bundle is approximately 2-2.5 centimeters in diameter. You can eat greens be-yaku. Moreover, it is especially important for us now not to turn off the products from our culinary cat, but to add them there, you can easily experiment. Make sure you try all sorts of salads and greens in our supermarkets. Try to eat salads and greens with different products: meat and fish, cheese and vegetables, you can infuse with fruits. Shorazu you will have a new taste!
5. Groats
Serving once a day. What is a portion? Those that fit into a 250-milliliter kitchen. The very same portions of the blame become your skin's welcome. Included in the list of cereals and only semolina, then our list will include buckwheat, wheatgrass, pearl barley, millet, rice, porridge 4 cereals. I, obviously, we remember that buckwheat means the core, the vine - the same herculean plastic. Shvidkorozchinni porridge is not for such princesses as mi. Grechanu ta porridge it is best to steam, other porridge is better to cook. Rice is fed to us by Krasnodar chi Bury, steamed rice is also cleaned. Wash the rice the best, soak in cold water for a night, wash it in the middle, undercook it three times and wash it again. Vzagali, all porridges (as well as macaroni virobi) are no longer overzealous. Moreover, we try to undercook them. It is the best way to save cellular tissue in these products and change it glycemic index. The glycemic index of porridge-rozmazni is significantly higher, and the cellular tissue is richer.
How else can you improve the quality of cereals? Sprout the grains themselves and add the harvest of sprouted grains to the porridge for a couple of quills until ready. Parosts have 30-50% of vitamins and 30-50% of grains, moreover, they have a great amount of positive energy, strength, like to rob you of young people in the middle. Until the speech, vcheni, yakі vvchali the power of cereals, vvazhayut that buckwheat is a blood-shedding and live us in full, the vvvsyanka is already corny for the robotic brain, and the sochevitsa is used to boost sexual energy.
You can add peas, honey, fruits, vegetables, greens, olives to porridge. Ale vy guilty memory, scho supplements can become less than a fifth part of the portion, and more smut you are not guilty go beyond the daily norm.
For more than two days, there is no trace of that same porridge, it ceases to be conquered by the body by 100%. Groats give us good energy, as they are sifted properly, they seem to be stale for 3-4 years, it’s better to eat for a meal.
Once every 10 days you can replace a daily portion of cereals with a portion of potatoes and pasta. Macaroni is only made from hard varieties of borosh, and even better, as the stench will be from unfinished borosh. With potatoes or pasta, you can eat less vegetables, especially greens with them, you will lower the glycemic index of these products.
6. Eggs
Eggs are an ideal protein product. For this day, you are to blame for 4 chicken eggs. one chicken egg= 5 quail eggs. But remember that the egg is ideal for an hour of cooking due to boiling 6-8 hvilin, the very same protein will be conquered, and we do not care about cholesterol from the zhovtka.
Eggs do not smear better, but cook, otherwise you can make an omelet for two eggs and skimmed milk.
7. Fruit

No more than two doses per day. In case of ailments of the underslung worm, you can eat less fruit until 16:00. І remember that tse is an independent method of life. Fruits can be like, for a little wine, they have a higher glycemic index, such as bananas, grapes, fruits that are overripe (such as persimmons). All fruits are due to be bitter, they have more cells. Fruits cannot be mixed, shards of stench vary in acidity and are broken in different ways. So forget about fruit salads better.
For a better satiation, eat an apple on fried shmatochki, eat it with a dessert fork, rightly so. Or take a grapefruit top and eat it with a teaspoon. Then after 15 minutes, if you come a little sieve, you won’t become “suttevish” anyhow. Decorate syrah with frozen berries, add a little fruit to porridge, make jelly with agar-agar (without zucru).
Sometimes you can make a smoothie, mixing sour or yogurt, crane, apricot and half a banana in a blender. Like a vinyatok, obviously. Ale to add malt to your life.
8. Vegetables
Your daily diet may have at least 400 g of vegetables. Moreover, you should be blamed for green vegetables: common types of cabbage, green squash, ogirk. From the "coloured" vegetables, carrots, tomatoes, peppers are miraculously suitable for diet.
Vegetables are the most common or minimally thermally processed. So the stench not only saves the color and shape better, but the smut - in them, like before, there is a lot of cotton. 50% of your diet is to be folded with raw vegetables, the rack can be ready. Extinguish the vegetable needs no more than 3-5 quills, cook it so that the stench crunches, grease it on the grill until it is ready.
With vegetables miraculously eat like meat, bird and fish, so macaroni and grits.
9. M'yaso, fish, bird

Protein products are required obov'yazkovo, moreover, you are responsible for 200 g of abo ribi meat until 17.00. Only in order to keep your body normal, you need 1 gram of protein per kilogram of your body. You can eat like red meat, so white meat, turkey, chicken, veal. After 17.00 the pickling will help, so that the protein can be digested, after 17.00 you can only eat fish or seafood no more than 100 grams. So the maximum amount of animal protein per day is 300 g. How can meat be better? It is optimal for those who want to lose weight, 2 times for a day - red meat (veal, low-fat lamb), 2 times for a day - white meat (ptah), the reshta of the white is guilty of coming to your body with ribi or seafood.
The best whites come from green vegetables and greens. And even worse - from tomatoes.
10. Dairy products
Dairy products are not suitable for everyone. But if you don’t care about anything, it’s better. Then up to your diet may include up to 200 grams of fermented milk products per day. You can use low-fat yoghurts, sir (up to 5% fat), kefir, milk and sour milk. Rest - maximum 2.5%, and more often for 1%. Obviously, everything can be without zucru and fruit flavors. I note that Syria had at least 16 g of protein per 100 g of the product. Try to buy products from the minimum term of saving. And even better, try to make sour milk yourself for additional sourdough, which you can buy. You can also have 2 tablespoons of sour cream for the day.
Sir - and on the day of yoga you can have 30 g, a small piece of rosemary from a box of sirnikova - buy only with low fat content, 17%. You can't live without inches of butter then a serving of syrup can be replaced with a tablespoon of butter.
11. Peas
Peas, yak and fruits are an independent reception of hedgehogs. You need not lubricate. How many can you pay today?
3 hairy peas = 10 almonds = 30 cedars = 10 hazelnuts.
So the peas can be soaked in nothing, and at the same time the stench can be matimuted by those authorities, which are the sprouting of grain.
12. Bread
Surely, no one is taking your bread. Ale їsti you can only whole grain bread, not more than 50 g per doba. And it’s best to replace fresh bread with 3 round dried bread (grain, rice or Greek) or 5 thin wheat bread. So your daily portion of bread can be 1 arkush lavash.
And savory?

For those who don't need anything more than a salted stag, once for a week or 10 days you can take 100 g of a sled or a salted ribey until the day of the day. Tse not guilty but preserve! Don't fill it up, clean it up. Well, and, obviously, do not varto water її oliєyu.
In addition, you can have 2 kelikhs of wine for the day. Ale, try not to drink pure red wine, it will overshadow the homeland, better wrap the evening white wine.
Yak e?
Otzhe, how to properly distribute these products?
For reference, you can contact:
cereals (adding fruits, peas and berries)
omelet + ogirok and greens
sir abo zapikanku z | iz | sira abo yogurt
liver apple
cheese + greens + greens + tea
fresh sik + 2 croutons
For another reference:
fruit and vegetable salad (carrot + apple)
smoothies (with kefir and yogurt and fruits and vegetables)
yoghurt abo sir, toast
tea + bread + honey
peas or dried fruits
svіzhovichavleniy sіk
For obid you can have:
soup from allowed vegetables (200 g) + 50 g meat
200 g meat + vegetables
chi potatoes spaghetti with vegetables
Noon (may be about 16.00-17.00 and midday):
cheese + tomatoes + greens
meat + vegetables
sour, compote, jelly + peas
avocado + shrimp
For the evening at 19.00, wrap those who are left out:
100% vegetable
70% vegetables + 30% ribi chi mushrooms chi grits and seafood
100 g syrah
As soon as 21.00-22.00 you wildly wanted to eat, at the same time do not drink juice and do not eat bread. Rather, drink a bottle of kefir, or take 100 g of low-fat syrup (0%), or sour apple or grapefruit, or chew carrots or a celery stalk.
Remember, if you missed the supper at 19.00, then you can’t eat at 21.00, come your reception on the afternoon after noon - tse snіdanok! At the same time, do not wait after 22.00.
Home tasks:
1. Take an arch paper A4, divide it into 7 equal vertical columns and 5 horizontal ones. Write down your meal, calling for knowledge, taking away today, for the day. Your task is to spend the whole coming day trying to catch up on basic eating, today, analyzing what you yourself can’t get out of, what you don’t get, it’s hard for you.
2. Let's give our eater a meal of the day "pіdval", for whom we write under the heading "what I made today, sob be a string":
skolki khvilin for this year came out pіshka or were engaged in physical culture,
skilki viepili vodi,
how did you manage to get the basic food,
Skіlki razіv for a day praised themselves and pіdbadyoruvali themselves.
Did you cheer? Even though you followed all our recommendations, we got closer to your ideal figure by a few centimeters. You're a good guy! You can have a small piece of chocolate. I, well, wine girky. Don't forget to write down your eating habit!

Golovne rule at eating - tse eat properly. In the diet, you can always have a buti їzha, to give you the beauty of the “middle”.

Rule #1. Don't overdo it. Make sure you are hungry, don’t overdo it, otherwise you will have to pay dearly for the dinner. It’s not enough to bring the transfer up to zayvih heavy kilograms, but it also causes an incentive to work internal organs. What is indicated on the ranks and become shkiri. Even though you are rich and actively collapsing, and your energy consumption does not match the calorie content that you are getting used to. What work?

Rule #2. Eat 5 times a day. Ale not rich! Take eating pіdtremuvatime optimal rіven glucose and strangle the "hunger hormone".

Rule number 3. Give me half of your proper portion.

Rule number 4. The blue color changes almost like hunger. Vikoristovuёmo utensils and a tablecloth of blue zabarvlennya.

Korisna Bilkova hedgehog.
For our body to restore the cells and the normal basis, the necessary protein is from the food products. You can’t do without the protein of a creature’s journey: yalovichina, rabbit meat, poultry, eggs, sour-milk products. M'yaso is also rich on the dzherelo zalіza, as if it were for the clitin's dihannya. Sour-milk products rich in calcium for bones, nails.

Even more important is the protein of the growing season, which is to become a friend half of the required additional norm of protein products. And to itself: a different type of bean roslin, kvassola, etc.

Obzhuєmo yourself at the expense of fat.
Through the fat we see, it is intensely old, the skin and hair become greasy, the ignition processes are established on the skin - this is an important fact. The diet is enriched with more growth fats, less animalistic behavior. Mostly vikoristovuemo olive ole. Tse - vіdmіnne dzherelo i dzherelo vitamin E. "Vitamin beauty", as they call it, is a hard natural antioxidant, a kind of reshkodzhenyu and ruynuvannya clitin.

Do not forget, also, about oil. This is one of the champions who will avenge non-essential fatty acids. Zavdyaks like the process of renewal and rejuvenation of klitin shkiri. The skin becomes smooth, springy and young.

Less tsukru!
From the next menu, turn off the room around the house. Vіn spryaє ruynuvannya collagen - the main component of shkiri. Aja same collagen carried the promise of youth and the freshness of our skin. We live more fruits, like riches for cellular tissue, vitamins, which are necessary for the beauty of youth.

Eat seafood.
Seafood and fish contain calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, and zinc. All the beauty of youth, that energy of youth. For that, if you want once a day in your diet, you can have buti riba, seaweed and other seafood, rich in non-essential fatty acids.

Live richly drive.
We live enough water - 1.5-2 liters for production. Tse mozhe buti not only water, but also drink: green tea, juices, compotes, fruit drinks, etc. Least of all, carbonated water, especially "farbovani" gaseous drinks: lemonade, soda, pepsi, cola.

Normalize the work of the intestine.
Shkіra є "mirror" of our etching system. Here, porridge, vegetables, sour-milk products, whole grain bread, fruits will come to help us. The stench is necessary for efficient and proper bowel function. As if there were daily problems with the intestines, it means that immunity is in order. With whom we are rarely sick and look miraculous!

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