From a certain age it is possible to have a child's fig and a strong wine allergen for small children. If it is possible to give figs to children in such quantities? Drying figs for children



Figs - the chain of a fig tree. Figs are also called figs, figs. One of the oldest cultivated roslins. Asia Minor is honored by the Fatherland. Growth is miraculous in warm places.

Figs are a bag of subtropics, roslin with its own fruits and a specific relish. Figs grow near the Crimea, near Central Asia, in the Caucasus and on the coast of the Krasnodar Territory. The fruits can be bought from the season of ripening on the market, and also sold for a long time in the harvest of figs. New figs are harvested badly.

Dietologists recommend that practically everyone should include figs in their diet to achieve balance in eating. Fresh fruits of figs rich in zukri (sucrose, glucose and fructose), cellulite, pectins and organic acids (octova, malic, citric). The stench of revenge is rich in fatty acids, ficin and copper. The stench is also a good dose of vitamins (C, A, B1, B2) and can boast of a wide range of micronutrients: zinc, sodium, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium.

Can you give figs to children and what wine is korisny?

Fresh figs have a lot of brown tongues. Newly found in 12 to 24% cukriv, up to 1.3% protein, in 0.09 to 0.38% organic acids, close to 3.1% glucose, 2.29% levulosin, in 1.8 to 3.69 % sucrose, also trohi mannoheptulose, arabinose and sedogentulose. Sik іnzhiru bagatii for glucose, maltose, fructose and sucrose. Among the acids, the most citric acid, also vengeance for glycerin, folic acid and pantheonic acid. To deposit organic acids and zucru depending on the fact that the fruits are mature, and that kind of minds grows. Chim zrіlіshiy plіd, tim less in nym of acids, especially pomіtne fast citric, shikimic and quinnic acids.

Also, in figs there is a lot of pectin, the largest amount of which is expected to develop fruits on the cob.

Є in yoga fruits and carotenoids, especially rich in violaxanthin. In fresh figs, there is beta-carotene, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, PP and C. The middle of mineral speeches is especially rich in potassium (268 mg per 100 g), so in 100 g of fruits, close to 18 mg of sodium, 34 mg of calcium, up to 20 mg magnesium and up to 32 mg phosphorus. For instead of potassium, figs are worth less than peas.

Dried figs contain a specific coating, which avenges fructose, glucose, lysine, asparagine, aspartic acid, as well as traces of malic and citric acids.

Dietary cellular tissue, like in the fruits of figs, is a miracle plant for the normal functioning of the herbal tract. These fruits are used to prevent the development of ailments of the intestinal tract, circulatory diabetes, and heart disease and vessels.

Well, then what is the brown fig for children? Impeccably brown, especially Tim, who is rotten. Aje figs improve appetite and improve the work of the herbal tract.

In case of a cold, brew a child with figs on milk, add honey or oil and take away the symptoms of a cough, not worse (or even better!) be some pharmaceutical preparations.

Zavdyaki licorice relish completely replace the small zukerka. And in case of constipation, give children figs, they will help you to get rid of this problem.

Well, and how dzherelo zaliza - tse miraculous zasіb in the fight against anemia.

However, it is necessary to introduce the product into the child's diet step by step, so as not to cause a negative reaction from the side of the intestinal tract.

At the eating of malyuki, they are so savory like ginger, they can be vicoristed after the 2nd year of life, one at a time, then 2-3 pieces a day - for example, before tea, replace tsukerok, otherwise it’s a snack for walks.

Otzhe, you can make a nevtishny visnovka - figs for children are brown, and even brown. Needless to say, it’s not only fresh fruits, but also dried figs, which come with us in the post-traditional lands, naturally, are simpler. It’s a pity that such a fig is not suitable for growing a new sik.

Even if the little one does not appreciate the relish of the overseas fruit, it’s not a big deal - you can cook savory compote from figs, which greatly inspire the greatest drink from dried fruits - even dry figs with dried fruit and є.

Cough cough in children with milk and figs, recipe:

Figs with milk - a miraculous homemade zasіb for a splendid cough, and a sore throat that swollen in the throat. Zavdyaki milk, zіrіvayutsya and pom'yakshuyutsya zv'yazki, and the fruits of figs saturate the body with additional vitamins and microelements. Bezpeka that practical vіdsutnіst protipozan rob tsey zasіb neshkidlivim and effektivnym. One of the features of the sum will be licorice relish, which will allow children to live without problems.

Take one fig for a second bottle of milk. Golovna umova: milk can be as fresh as possible and high fat content (ideally homemade, you can shop, but with a minimal term of attachment). The greater the fat content of milk, the more soothing the throat and the easier it is to cough. Figs can be taken fresh, dried or dried, at no cost to the efficiency of the brew.

The algorithm for preparing the sumishi is even simpler: boil the milk with figs in the right fire, so that it changes to about a tretina. If it is better, wrap up the bed at the carpet or a towel, so that the troch has been insisted.

The sumish is well prepared and stored in a clean dish in the refrigerator. When cold, the troch may thicken, but it is a whole normal phenomenon, which indicates the correct preparation of sumish. Before the vzhivannyam, the sumish is better than the trochs to reach a comfortable temperature.

Stigli that licorice fruits іnzhiru, madly, more brown, alya rіdko zustrichayutsya on the shelves of shops. On the right, in the fact that the lower flesh is covered with a thin skin, it is rotten to endure transportation and look like a non-marketable one. Drying figs is the most accessible dessert for us, which is a supplement for a trivial saving and saving a maximum of vitamins and microelements. Let's take a closer look at this product and find out about it and its harm to the body.

Product Power Correspondence

Fig (fig, fig) is a subtropical plant of the ficus genus. A tree, the height of which can reach 10-12 meters, can spread a crown and juice licorice fruits, which make a pear, with a heart, a fresh, natural nostalgia. There are over 150 types of figs used for eating. Exotic fruits grow in the krains from the scorching climate, before us the stench is mostly consumed from China, Turkey, Hungary and Uzbekistan. Pick up flowers, process them in special drying chambers, pack and transport licorice lasagne all over the world.

Life of speech, which enters the warehouse of figs, develops in a complex way and gives a profound effect on the body. Lasoschi brown for all motherland:

  • for rahunok high in place of cellular tissue, figs stimulate intestinal motility and normalize bowel movements in case of constipation;
  • cleanses the blood of toxins and slags;
  • taking part in the processes of regeneration (zagoennya);
  • helps the brushes and the snowdrifts to become more numb;
  • lowering the level of high cholesterol in the blood, leading to the prevention of heart attack and stroke;
  • abundance of vitamins warehouse stimulates ideas and creativity;
  • in excess of antioxidants, which are found in products, galmuyut growth and development of cancer cells;
  • zavdyaki salts, potassium and magnesium, the product stimulates hematopoiesis and improves the work of the heart-vascular system;
  • dried figs can reduce heat and sweat power.

Okrіm zagalnogo splendid infusion on the body, dried figs are succulent for people: fruit є vіdomim folk zasob increasing potential. And also brought the effectiveness of the drug in the glowing inflammation of the anterior ridge.

For representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, figs help to normalize the exchange of speech and throw off zaiva vaga. Another problem, with which women often stick - varicose veins veins. Exotic weasels saturate the vessel wall and relieve heaviness in the legs and veins that protrude. To help the product and to solve the problems of the woman’s state system: fig tree syrup folk medicine change in vision of whites with inflamed, fungal infection. With sick menstruation, it is also recommended to eat 2-3 licorice fruits a day to increase the intake of the disease and change the inappropriate symptoms.

Table: Chemical storage of dried figs (per 100 g)

Video: Wine berry bark

Contraindication and possible Skoda

Healthy people of dried figs do not zavdast shkodi. Ale іsnuє low zahvoryuvan, in some cases the product is unacceptable:

  • gout;
  • sechokam'yana khvoroba (through the safety of the nir's ring);
  • diabetes mellitus - figs to revenge the large amount of sugar and easily digestible carbohydrates and provoke a sharp drop in glucose in the blood;
  • obesity;
  • disease of the herbal tract (enterocolitis, gastritis, pancreatitis) at the stage of congestion;
  • individual intolerance, allergy.

Remember about carrying the power of dried figs and watching them in the camps, as they are accompanied by rare transformations.

Standards of living for healthy people

Exotic sweets on the pavement are savory, which you want to eat and eat, but doctors do not mind overdoing the recommended dosing - 10 fruits per day. In order to saturate the body with vitamins and lively rhecovins, it is enough to take in 2-3 pieces of dried figs.

The product is better than vrantsі, natsche - so you will get rid of problems with the intestines for a lіchenі days. You can fill the fruit with sprinkles in the evenings, and immediately after sleep, take 2-3 pieces and drink the motherland, you know the stench.

Sometimes on the fruits of dried figs can be used white pour. Don’t be afraid of yoga - it’s not a splash, but a dribbling crystal tsukru

Can figs be given to women for an hour of vacancy?

Figs are more brown in case of vaginess and not only sizable organism maybe mami, Ale and take care of the needs of the baby, which is developing, in vitamins and microelements. However, there are some nuances in the introduction of licorice lassoshchi in this period.

I trimester

In the 1st trimester, women are not able to recover from toxicosis. During this period, boredom can evoke a hateful aroma and licorice astringent relish of figs, which is why the fruit is unacceptable to you, if you look at the new varto for a certain hour, you will be moved.

Likewise, the salmons are well tolerated, obov'yazkovo, give 2-3 pieces of figs per day. It is especially important to take this product to women, who have caught a cold during the hour of pregnancy - active components, which enter the warehouse, help to overcome the high temperature and cough. It is valuable in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, if it is not possible to take more pharmaceutical drugs.

II trimester

At the middle of vagity 2-3 fruits of dried figs for a day will also become a miraculous vitamin charge. The product can be eaten with tea, added to desserts, fruit salads and compotes.

III trimester

The remaining vacancies are characterized by a significant increase in the vase. To this doctor, it is recommended to be careful with the introduction of dried figs before the diet. One or three things a day will be, like before, brown, as if I will replace them with such handicrafts of desserts, like chocolate, cakes, tsukerki. In addition, figs will help you to make a claim to your homeland from the body and get over the trouble.

Dried figs can be planted as an addition to a loved one to drink

Reception for breastfeeding

Figs are suitable for eating women, as they are breastfeeding. Golovne - dotrimuvatisya kіlkoh rules:

  • Vіdmovtesya vіd lasoschiv until the moment, if the little ones grow up for 2-3 months: a large number of cells can vibrate in the newborn colic.
  • Like any other product, introduce dried figs into the diet step by step: eat half of the fetus for a meal until the age of the year and watch for the reaction of the baby for a long day.
  • As if the child became restless, lowered her legs to her stomach, otherwise she had a whisker on her face or body, consult a doctor and turn on dried figs from the diet. You can try to turn to lasoshchiv in a month or two, maybe older child Tim is better off yoga herbal system.
  • Is there no negative reaction from the side of the baby? You can boldly increase a portion of dried figs up to 2-3 pieces per day.

Drying figs for eating children

Due to the large number of cells, babies up to 1.5-2 figs are not recommended: it can cause intestinal discord. And the axis for older children is a brown plaid - the best dzherelo of vitamins and microelements. Give the children 1-2 pieces of lasoshchi day for snacks or dessert, replacing the tsukerki.

Inclusion before the diet when losing weight (on a diet)

Calorie content of figs is high. Ale, with his guilt, is considered a miraculous helper for those who want to lose weight. Why so vіdbuvaetsya?

On the right, in the fact that the melancholy of the living speeches, which is lost in figs, significantly overwhelms the carbohydrates in this warehouse. A large number of cells and pectin start exchange processes in the body, and it is easier to walk in kilograms. Biologically active components purify the blood from high cholesterol and recycle fat.

Prote dried figs will be brown for losing weight less in that case, so take yoga correctly:

  • do not use a high-calorie product - 2-3 fruits per day will be enough;
  • їzhte dried figs instead of one of the priyomіv їzhі (for example, another snack or midday) and do not eat with other products;
  • nutritionists recommend to lower the figs by 30-40 minutes of cold boiled water before the implantation - so that the curly speech becomes more familiar;
  • drink more water.

Zagalom figs - a miracle alternative to confectionery malts, like a fence on a diet. The brain takes away its dose of glucose and endorphins, while the body does not suffer from empty calories.

Recipes for health

With milk I cough


  • dried figs - 2 pcs.;
  • milk - 1 bottle.

Remember the figs and cut them dry. Eat apple and milk in a small pot of heaven, put on a full fire, bring to a boil and cook 2–3 hvilin. Let's turn off the stove, and wrap the saucepan with a warm towel for 60-90 khvilin. Take all the zasib for relief of dry cough in half a bottle of trichi for doba. Likuvannya course - 3-4 days.

For healthy suglobiv


  • dried figs - 1 pc.;
  • dried apricots - 5 pcs.;
  • prunes - 1 pc.

As you are tormented by pain in the back and glooms, traditional medicine recommends that for a month, take a vitamin sum from dried fruits, taken from the appointed proportions.

Carry bags


  • dried figs - 100 g;
  • izum (black) - 100 g;
  • ground ginger - half a teaspoon;
  • chalking nutmeg peas - half a teaspoon.

Learn to taste dried fruits from a blender's meat or meat grinder, mix with spices. With wet hands, shape the bags with a diameter of 7-10 mm, put them in damn the jar put it with the lid in the refrigerator. Take salmon in case of problems with the style 1-2 times a day.

Dessert from syrah for weight loss


  • dried figs - 3-4 pieces;
  • low fat cheese - 250 g;
  • orange - 2 pcs.;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • honey - 3 tbsp. l.

Rub the cheese through a sieve, add milk, honey, figs and pulp of oranges. Masu, scho viishla, put into bowls, cool and serve like a dessert.

Zasib for potency


  • dried figs - 5-6 pieces;
  • milk - half a bottle;
  • saffron - 1 tbsp. l. (Without weights).

Soak saffron in milk, mix it up and leave it for 8-10 years, better for nothing. Then, for the help of a syringe, fill it up and cook the fruits of figs. Take one fruit 2 times a day for problems with potency.

Compote for lactation stimulation


  • dried figs - 100 g;
  • dried apple - 100 g.

Pour the dry fruits thoroughly with a liter of water, add tsukor (no more than half a bottle) and put it on a medium fire. Cook for 15-20 minutes | minutes |, then cool and strain. Drink half a bottle of warm compote for the first five years before the skin anniversary of the chest.

Іngirny tonic for appearance


  • dried figs - 25 g;
  • water - 250 ml.

Pour the chopped fruits with sprinkles and pour them for 3-4 years. Let's sweat the tonic and apply it on the face of that day after washing in the morning of that evening. Such a zasib will help the fire and give a shkir of a bright look.

The axis of such a wine is a plaid, familiar to people from the bible hours, and effective zasib folk medicine for the solution of the rich problems of health For the wealthy chemical warehouse figs are brown for all the motherland, and yogo is licorice, trochy astringent relish is known to many shanuvalniks among children and grown-ups.

From the point of view of the article, you know if it is possible to introduce dried fruits to the child's diet. How to choose colorful and yakish dried fruits and what to cook from them.

How many dried fruits for children can be included in a child's diet? Many fathers are wondering about such foods and would like to win dried fruits instead of shkidlivy tsukerok and other malts. І tse is absolutely correct solution. That is why dried fruits are savory and even brownish lasso, as they can and should be vinaigretted to enrich the diet of children.

Warehouse of the Korisn of power

Wintering and spring dried fruits will help to fill the lack of vitamins in the body of a child. Dried fruits take revenge on the great amount of potassium, calcium and salt, balance the balance of cellular tissue and organic speech. In addition, they contain pectin and enzymes, which are beneficially added to the pickling process. And also dried fruits are more caloric.

You can sell different sums of dried fruits from the sale. Fallow in the form of components that enter to their warehouse, the power of such sums will be different.

Otzhe, chim dried fruits:

name Korisn_ authority
Dried apricots It is recommended for the prevention of anemia, constipation and in case of heart disease. Rich in potassium and food fibers. Good cleanses the body, strengthens the immune system.
prunes Recommended for low hemoglobin and problems of the herbal system. Effectively relieve constipation. May have antioxidant power. Zmіtsnyuє judges.
Finiki Take close to 88% of carbohydrates - energy energy for the body. Mistat korisnі minerals - mid, zinc, manganese, aluminium, cadmium, sulfur, boron, gold, phosphorus, cobalt, sodium and others. Plants of vitamins A, B1, B2, C, B6, niacin, riboflavin and pantothenic acid, which are included in their warehouse, help to absorb carbohydrates and maintain a normal level of glucose in the blood. Try over 20 types of amino acids. Spriya zmіtsnennya brushes and m'yaziv, pіdvischuє vitrivalіst.
figs Improve the etching and spryya increase the appetite. Mist acid omega-3 and -6. Spriya see zayvoї rіdini from the organism. Effectively fight against chronic deficiency anemia.
Apple Normalize etching. Korisnі for the prevention of influenza. M_stjat bir, korisny for the robotic brain.
Rodzinki Beneficially pours in etching, normalizes acidity. Sweep iodine. Seems to be high in calories.
Pears Zavdyaki grub fibers to paint etching. To administer the excretion of important metals and toxins to the body.
Cherry Rich in vitamins and minerals, revenge organic acids- amber, lemon, salicylic, apple and quinine. Polypshuє diyalnіst mozku. May antiviral and bactericidal power. Korisna for the prevention of heart disease.
Banani Bagati for natural zukor. Jerelom shvidkoї energy.

Imunna sumish from various dried fruits, or 1-2 dried fruits of the same type, which makes a small skin day, allow you to make a deficiency of vitamins and minerals and improve your overall health. You can work on the basis of sumish savory compote, add cheese and porridge, work puree. Korisno will be familiar with the calorie content of dried fruits:

Which vіku can be given to children?

It is important that the optimal age, if it is possible to give dried fruits to children, will be 11 months. It is recommended to add dried apples and pears, cherries, and yak to porridge or compote.

Tse mayut but the same dried fruits, and not the candied fruits, as they are called candied fruits. There will be no peeling of dried fruits, shards of dry fruits, dried in the oven or in the sun without any additives, candied fruits will seep out with a high-concentration candied syrup and then dehydrate.

Single child is not recommended to include exotic dried fruits in the diet, so as not to provoke an allergy. In the fallow season, you can drink about 50-100 g of a day of savory and brown lassoshchiv - dried apples or prunes, pears and dried apricots.

Sumish from dried fruits for immunity

For a child older than three years, you can prepare a classic summish to boost the body's defenses.

We offer you a miracle recipe for immunity:


  • Take 300 g each - dried apricots, figs, prunes, hairy peas;
  • 2 lemons;
  • 2 bottles of honey.


  • Skip all the components through a meat grinder, washing them in front and drying them.
  • Twist lemons at once with a skin.
  • I will grind the mass, pour two bottles of honey on it, mix it well.
  • Transfer the sum into a glass jar, close it with a lid and put it away from the refrigerator.

How to stop:

Sumish is taken 1 teaspoon approximately 1 year before meals, 2-3 times a day. If you are guilty of it, the child has an allergy to dried fruits every day, and there is also no negative reaction to other components of the sum. It is recommended to consult with a child doctor.

We choose dark brown and yellow dried fruits

The bark of dried fruits does not mean sumniviv, but only in that case, as the products of the right yakіsnі are not treated with preservatives. Traditionally, the term “preservation of dried fruit” is used with sorbinic acid uranium - on the packaging of the virobnik they are indicated by the codes E200, E201, E202.

In small quantities, sorbic acid is safe for the child's body, and, moreover, sulfite and sulfur dioxide will be unsafe. The fruit, which has passed through the processing of these speeches, may look pleasant looking - they look gleaming, with a twisted zabarvlennyam. Z'ednannya sirki can provoke a baby to get sick dichal system those problems from the duct-intestinal tract Often call for allergic reactions. Choosing store sums, try not to buy them, at the warehouse of some є speeches E220-226.

It is not necessary for him to choose dried fruits with a bright golden zabarvlennyam. Such apricots of aborodzinka are completely treated with sulfur sulfites. Dried apricots, dried without additives and preservatives, will look not shiny, but the color will be more brown. There will be more prote cory from such dried fruits. If the fruits are not guilty, but they are moldy and sticky, it is necessary to tell about those that the drying technology was broken.

How to make compote for kids

How to make a compote of dried fruits for a child, so that you can save as much as possible the curly speech and not harm the healthy baby? Like a little one, we try such a drink, for cooking, it’s better to take an apple, dried apricots and prunes. Qi fruits are less allergenic when paired with others. In the diet of a child, compote from such a sum can be introduced from the seven-month-old.

How to cook:

  1. Take 50 g sumishi from a dried apple, prunes and dried apricots. Relatively prompt;
  2. Pour sumish 500 ml of warm water, cover with a lid;
  3. Napolyagati 8 years;
  4. Chi without pouring water, put a container on the stove. Boil on full fire.
  5. Apply 1 year.

Bazhano do not vikoristovuvati tsukor. You can replace fructose or add a few moles. The compote of trohi is saved more doby. It is recommended for a baby to prepare such a drink every day.


Chi can be dried fruits for children, we s'yasuvali. Ale, the order with the brown power of dried fruits may be low and contraindicated. Including:

  • allergic reactions;
  • circulatory diabetes;
  • shyness to obesity;
  • illness of SHKT - gastritis, virazkov's ailment.

I troch nasamkinets

The right source of vitamins and minerals, energy and natural immunity stimulant - dried fruits are obligatory, but are present in the diet of children. It’s a smut to know the world, choose only yakіsnі and korisnі fruits and obov’yazkovo consult with a pediatrician, as if doubting the corrosity of that chіnshoy product. Let your child grow healthy!

The fruit of figs from a fresh looking in Russia is very important to buy. Their relish is neutral, not overly licorice, sourness is daily - as a rule, neither grown up, nor children show great interest to the fruits of the fig tree. Basically, the whole fruit has a zhovty or a reddish color, purple berries are rarely seen. In our country, the idea of ​​figs is more important than that of a dried one, but in the pivden regions, you can buy fresh yoga - there, de wine growing.

The fruit of the fig tree, like a jubilant zasib, victorious for the old hours. The stench helped with malaria and febrile fevers of various hikes, boils and virazki healed with them. One of the greatest healers of old, Avicenna, zastosovuvav їх as a protiotrut and for the treatment of syphilis. Today you know how to help children with figs to cough up a child’s cough, for which reason children can have this fruit, for which ailments there are contraindications.

Korist іnzhiru

Fresh figs have a significant quantity of sucrose - up to 25%. Crimson in the presence of organic acids, as well as pantothenic and glyceric, ascorbic acid, vitamins B1 and B2, mineral speech - salt, magnesium, calcium and richly others. Due to the presence of minerals in the presence of vitamins, there is a strong antioxidant effect - it can be taken with food poisoning to normalize the body.

The dried-up look saves all the power of figs, which are quite a few:

  • help to bring down the high temperature - do not hurry to pronounce the child's fever-reducing treatment, give them some dried figs, and you will feel better in the next hour;
  • help with colds, including those with trival cough and tonsillitis;
  • support the heart-vessel system, but in any case, do not varto rozrakhovuvaty, so that regular treatment will help to get rid of ailments - figs can be taken only as an addition to the main therapy;
  • helps with tachycardia and bradycardia - normalization of the frequency of heart rates;
  • zabezpechuu organism energy - navit 2-3 fruit good nasichuyut, dopomogayuchi svidnovitsya after physical navantazhen;
  • normalizes the work of the etching system, zocrema helps with constipation;
  • activates the work of the liver and the liver, helping them to cope effectively with the challenges;
  • to speed up the jubilation of viral infections, the flu;
  • help to fight against ignition processes;
  • іngir spryає purify the body, helping to remove new toxins and slags;
  • brown with fungus on the nails and skins;
  • effective against anemia.

The dried-looking figs are even more savory - children simply love yoga. This is the best alternative to chocolate zukerkas and ice cubes.

From what age can figs be given to children?

Chi practically all doctors, and beyond the cordon, and in Russia? thoughts are being added to introduce figs into the diet of children from the 9-month-old. As a child, it develops normally and is healthy, until this period there are enough enzymes in the organism to process dried fruits. important! Respectfully note that you change what you see with a child after the first acquaintance with figs. Did the temperature rise? Vіn vtraiv appetite? An attack of diarrhea? In all of these ways, turn up to the doctor. Introduction to diet:

  • The first dose is up to 0.5 teaspoon of dried figs. Soak yogo in sprinkling, after which prepare a new puree - it's easy to grind with the aid of a blender. Respect! Dried figs themselves are licorice by themselves, so you don’t need to add zukor to the new one!
  • Gradually reduce the portion to 0.5-0.75 of the fruit of the fig - this is the norm for the baby to the rock.
  • Until the second time, a child can be given up to 1 whole fruit in a dried species. Living in figs in the supra-world can cause a breakdown in the sluice, or cause it to carry.

Recipe for good luck::

The fig is a dark brown fruit, but it does not mean that one should pronounce the child every day. The optimal period between implantation is 1–2 days.

Figs with a jubilant method

It's great, if you take liking for relish, dried figs. Believe me, for my healing power of wine, I will definitely reverse the preparations and cough up those colds. Bioactive components, which enter into the warehouse, help with problems with dyshalal passages, and it can be used to treat tracheitis or pharyngitis. Our recipes will help you turn the baby around.

Medicine for cough

Ingredients: 3-4 figs of medium rosemary (wrap, which are strongest in power in purple fruits) - fresh or dried, 1 bottle of milk with fat content up to 3%.

Wash the figs thoroughly under running water and pour them with milk, after which put them on the fire. After boiling, change the fire to the minimum, and cover the saucepan with a lid. Tomity for two years - such a trip is necessary in order to bring out the maximum of brown speeches. Think of it as a variant of vining figs, trim it with a blender, and then grind it with milk. Give the mixture sooner before the hedgehog - 5 times per doba, 20-40 ml each. Before implantation, heat up to a temperature of 38–40 °C.

Likuvannya colds zahvoryuvan

Prepare figs from figs - pour the fruits (1 plіd) with water (2 bottles), bring to a boil, trim on the right heat to 20-30 quills. Zdiditi. Rub your back and chest wall. To save more heat, immediately after the procedure, put on a child a T-shirt or a golf course with natural wool, and then - a smell of light (you can wrap it with a blanket from the outside). Periodicity is recommended - up to 4 times a day before the final treatment. Also, in the preparation of the vіdvar, you can gargle - skin for 2-3 years, it is necessary to draw it in front of you.

Figs are the fruit of a fig tree, or a fig tree, the same leaf that helped the forefathers of mankind Adam and Eve to cover their nakedness.

Ale, not less than a fig tree, became famous.

For her long history, she brought a lot of coriste. The melancholy that Skoda figs was known to people in ancient times.

For example, the warriors of Alexander the Great, vilifying near distant lands, always hung a small bag of dried figs on their belts. The stench knew that a porridge from a trimmed fig would help to lighten the wound early, and after an important battle, or the transition would take more than a sprig of fruit.

Korisn_ authority and protipozannya іnzhiru obumovlenі yogo vіtaminno-mineralny warehouse. The fruits of the fig tree are completely savory, but they do not save a long time. For this, you can most often drink figs from a dried (dried) look. And yet, with such a looker, you don’t waste your powers, but create new ones.

The fruits of the fig tree are completely savory, but they do not save a long time. For this, you can most often drink figs from a dried (dried) look. And yet, with such a looker, you don’t waste your powers, but create new ones.

From the table it is clear how the value of dried fruits is growing.

After drying in figs, it significantly increases in place of macro- and micro-elements - manganese, midi, selenium, zinc and others:

  • 10 times (!) more sodium in new, lower in fresh;
  • potassium is more than mayzhe by 3 times;
  • calcium increases by about 5 times,
  • magnesium at 4,
  • zalizo 3 times,

Therefore, to replenish phosphorus, it is better to have fresh fruits. And behind the brown authorities, that instead of potassium, the figs do more than the peas.

For a quarter of a year, the fruits of a fig tree overturn the most intense post-emperor - an apple.

Corisna of power and contraindication of fresh figs is rich in what to deposit in the concentration of vitamins. So, the fresh one in the dried looking fig to revenge:

  • vitamin C,
  • nicotinic acid, beta-carotene,
  • thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), vitamin E.

In figs, there are also:

  • organic acids,
  • pectin and enzymes.

Nalit, which appears on dried fruits, avenges fructose, glucose, lysine, aspartic acid, asparagine, and trochs of citric and malic acids.

Korisn_ power of fresh and dried figs

Yogo vzhivannya at a fresh chi to a dried look helps:

  • shvidko rejoice,
  • improve the work of etching, help the heart, bake and slug,
  • vilіkuvati cough and sore throat,
  • give me a pass,
  • vryatuvat vіd otruєnnya, dopomogayuchi nirkam and liver vivoti toxici.

M'yakush of fresh figs:

  • can prevent fungal infection,
  • brushes,
  • beneficially pouring onto the skin, changing the zukor in the blood.

Fresh juice does a good job of helping with anemia, increasing the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Drying figs to fill the lack of vitamins and other speeches, necessary for the normal life of a person. It is impossible to overestimate the role of the splendid heart-vascular system.

The melancholy of the new fig is also due to the fact that it causes tachycardia. And zavdyaki instead of fіtsinu rozrіdzhuє krov, nizhuє kіlkіst "nasty" cholesterol and change the risk of atherosclerosis and thrombosis.

To this end, it is vital to prevent ischemic heart disease, which changes the risk of heart attack and hypertension.

For the jubilation of the vicorist, like the fruits of the fig trees themselves, and infusions (vіdvari) їх. Infusions can be anti-septic, antiseptic, regulate exchange processes. Especially good infusion of figs on milk.

Cooking them is even simpler:

  • it is necessary to pour 40 g of dried fruits in one bottle of water and milk,
  • bud for 5-6 years, until the fruits give milk all their strength,
  • and drink throughout the day in small portions.

Such a nastіy is more corny in case of a cold - it lowers the temperature and may cause sweating. Influences guilt and exuberant effect in case of ailments of the liver or spleen.

The exaltation of the power of the figs is zastosovuyutsya for the exaltation and prevention of sechokamyanoy ailments and cystitis. In this vein, the vicorist grows like an astringent zasіb of the root of that fig leaf. Chumatskiy sik іnzhirnogo tree vyvodit z nirok pisok and likuє rotten wounds and swells, which do not burn for a long time.

For summer people, the fig helps to cope with the lameness and crying of the brushes, improve the zir, increase the tone, and become more self-conscious.

Implantation of figs significantly reduces the incidence of morbidity in diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis and thrombophlebitis.

The mustache of the overexploited is already quite sufficient, so that to occupy a day in the midst of the richest fruits, the aloe cinnamon figs are not surrounded.

What is brown fig for people?

Corisna power of figs for people is affected by those who have active speech, who have licorice fruit, effectively cope with impotence. Vinna berry (another named fruit) is a natural and effective way to fight against state weakness in people.

At the gathering, they have long been accustomed to їzhu like zasіb, scho polyuє potency in any future.

It is enough to soak 2 fruits in a glass of warm milk and leave it for nothing, and drink the bitterness and get the pulp.

Figs help to overcome and are so unacceptable to a person who is ill, like prostatitis.

In folk medicine, there is such a recipe:

  1. It is necessary to take 5 fruits and fill them with a glass of hot water.
  2. Relatively remix, trochs to the floor and drink this drink dvіchі for a day? flasks for pіvgodini to їdi.

The treatment is carried out for one month, the course can be repeated if necessary in 2-3 days.

Yaku melancholy can bring figs to women?

Women sound like they are turbulent with a supernatural vaga and most often they go to small sums for losing weight. Ale є absolutely safe and healthy way to get rid of weight gain without dependent diets, chemical preparations and sick people.

A total of 2-3 fruits per day - and in a deaky hour the body was in the wake of lightness and stringness.

Corinthian dominance of figs, which is caused by a decrease in the vag, is determined by the calorie content of fresh fruits. It was said more about those that natural fruits have a lot less calories, so fresh figs will be corny for weight loss.

For the correction of the figure, a diet is necessary, if once a day there is a “figurious” rozvantazhuvalny day. All day long, you need 100 g of dried fruits, 1 kg of blue fruits, 0.5 kg of vegetables and drink 2 liters of low-fat kefir.

There is one more problem with which a lot of lovers of high picks are stuck - varicose veins. If you include sprats of figs in your diet, you can avoid unaesthetic protruding veins and preserve the beauty and health of your legs for a long time.

In the lust of the ailment of the woman's intimate sphere, the syrup from the fruits of the fig tree is additionally used - in usun I have such an intolerance, as if I were (seen with fungal and other ailments).

A rich woman vicorist is the crown of power of figs at the hour of vaginess.

Zavdyaki richness of brown speeches, yogo fruits nourish healthy mothers and babies with vitamins, macro- and microelements and other speeches needed during this period.

As soon as the future mothers have a shvidka zbіlshennya vaga, then the fig will help to make a meal in such a way, to stabilize the vaga without shkoda for the child.

Practically, the skin woman in the position sticks with difficulties in the prolapse of the intestines. Vzhivannya іnzhiru helps to quickly solve problems, giving a delicate piercing infusion.

Brown figs for vaginal and thym, which helps to recover from chronic deficiency anemia. For the last 1-2 days on the day of the blood donation, it is necessary to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

When a child is a year old, it is important that the body of a woman needs a sufficient amount of calcium. Unfortunately, in case of intolerance to milk and dairy products, they should be replaced with piece preparations.

figs to this particular type become a corian and a savory alternative. Ale, introduce yoga into the diet of mothers, as soon as possible, carefully, so that any fruit can be brought in by the child and blown up.

The power of figs for women is similar to those who have fig fruits that increase lactation, and when mastitis appears, they become a natural medicinal product. Rosemary in the milk of the fetus, as if applied to the breasts at the mouth of the nariva, easily breaks out of the inflamed.

Korist іnzhiru for children

Mothers ask a lot about what you can give licorice fruits to children. It’s not only possible, but it’s necessary, obviously, like a child can’t be counter-indicated.

What is brown fig for a baby? Nasampered fruits of figs are a powerful natural vitamin preparation, a modern substitute for a purchased complex of vitamins.

In a different way, with colds, the fig miraculously replaces faces. Drink from dried figs with milk, vershkov oil and honey - a miraculous natural zasіb in the face of any kind of cough.

Preparations with figs syrup - even a garnish tonic for small children - wines to improve the pickling and increase appetite.

Until then, a vase of dried figs can replace tsukerok as a substitute for purchased malts, but the mother needs to have a carrying effect.

If a child has problems with its style, then puree with these fruits normalizes the work of the intestines.

Including figs to the diet of a baby, following a step-by-step approach, starting with the need for small quantities and respectfully observing the reaction of the body.

Summing up, it can be said that the range of fig fruit inflow is even wider, so figs and preparations can be stoked in jubilation and prevention of ailments:

  • anemia;
  • infections;
  • fungi;
  • oncology;
  • musculoskeletal apparatus;
  • nervous, cardiovascular, herbal, endocrine systems;
  • shkiri, empty company and dichal organs;

Krіm tsgogo, fig victorious for the health of the brain, boosting the immune system, as an aphrodisiac, as well as for the delight of women and human ailments.

Skoda fig

Fresh figs practically cannot harm the body of a healthy person. Ale yogo fruit not varto to get used to the disease of the intestinal tract and gout.

V'yalenі fruits through a high vmіst they have a contraindication for diabetes and are not recommended for those who have a disease. People with sechokam'yanoy ailments should be careful to include yoga in their diet.

Shkidlivist figs for women, like and yogo melancholy, maє great value. In the period of vinification of the fetus, the figs are hindered, as the woman suddenly gains weight, she develops gestational diabetes, or she suffers from being ill with nirok.

The contraindication for figs is at least, but it does not mean that a healthy person can be killed in any number of bones. Everyone needs to know the world and have healthy eyes - for prevention, as a whole, 2-4 pieces per day are sufficient.

What is the right way to cook figs?

How zasіb for Swedish hunger іnzhir go near a fresh or dried look. Wine is richly decorated for tsukerki, chocolates and other malts, as they often live like a snack.

Dried fruits can be used as healthy dried fruits. However, it’s better to sprinkle yogo with sprinkles or steam it. Another option is to help save all the bark of the fruit.

Fresh figs the tastiest dessert Just cut the fruits into small pieces and pour over with beaten tops or with licorice sour cream sauce. And in the afternoon with soft syrup, figs turn into a miracle snack, which tastes the taste of champagne or white wine.

Good to eat wine from meat and poultry.

For example, stewed pork has a unique, exotic taste and flavor.

If you want to have some tsikavishe, then for the Christmas holiday you can bake a chicken in Greek. Vaughn is guaranteed to impress guests and households.

And it’s easy to prepare this grass:

  • pickle chicken legs,
  • fold them in a baking dish,
  • spitting figs between small pieces of meat,
  • and spend time with the spirits close to the year.

They appear, from figs, not respecting the powerful fruits of malt, preparing impersonal savory and brown straws with additional tsukru: jam, jam, marshmallow, cook or make wine.

Cooking with figs practically saves all the power and cook without special zusil.

The largest number brown authorities maє varennya s іnzhiru. For varіnnya classic recipe need:

  • 1 kg fresh or dried fruits (medium size),
  • 1 kg of chicken pisku,
  • 300 ml of water and trochas of citric acid.

Keep the figs, see the "tails" and pierce the skin with a toothpick in a few places. Then pour water into a saucepan and boil it. Wisipati figs I boil water and cook 10 khvilin.

After that, the fruit of the vityagnut, wash them with cold water. Hang figs on a dry towel. While the figs are drying, you need to make syrup: add zukor to the water (300 ml) and put it on the fire. When mixing the cook, the docks do not form the same mass.

She has dried fruits and cooks about 40 strands or more (be sure to lay them down due to the stinginess of the fruits). For example, add a variant citric acid and mix it all up. Put the jam at the sterilized jars.

The bark of figs boiled in the fact that yogo can be twisted like likarsky zasib in case of a cold, it is like a vitamin addition to the regular diet of eating.

The fruits of the fig tree have a healing effect on the body, not without reason they have long been victorious in folk medicine. Ale and this year, figs antrohi without wasting their jubilant strength and can serve a good service to those who respect for the better enjoyment in natural ways.

On the aphids of sucily piece preparations, which call for a lot of side effects, figs become practical ideal alternative, sho

Іnzhir is safe and bring only mischief, so that you do not limit the entire two rules - no more than 6 pm (and still sleeplessness is guaranteed) and do not live more than 160 g per doba.

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