Stuffing from pears for the winter. Various recipes for preserving pears for the winter. Pear jam with apple juice and citric acid "Smolyanske"


Pears, canned whole can be prepared different ways and leather in its own way. Іsnuє mass of species of blanks from domestic pears - starting from conservation and ending with freezing. But all the same, how best to save fruit for the winter? About this report, we gave you a report.
We have shared with you the recipe for this cover photo, how deliciously to cook from hard pears I will prepare winter preparations, as if the whole homeland will be captured. Preparing fruits for the creation of a beautiful drink requires special respect, for that it is necessary to choose fruits with a springy skin, so that during the hour of canning the pears do not rise and become silly.
Close the pears for the winter in such a way - it means to secure one day for two brown products, firstly, - home-made canned pears, and, in a different way, pear syrup, which is also full of natural relish and aroma, as if it were another home-made drink.
It is recommended to proceed negainally to the preservation of pears at home, but it is respectful to us in front of us Pokrokov instructions prepared, I’ll bring the troch lower.


Pears, canned povnistyu - a recipe for cooking

The first step is to prepare home-made pears, then sterilize jars and lids for fruits. Tse can be robiti, be it in a way that is convenient for you. While the container is being processed, we will be busy with the processing of pears. Relatively їх promiєmo and vіdokremimo vіd ponytails і вілокі. After all the crushed fruits are prepared, we use the jars already grown - the more they fit, the more there will be canned pears for the winter.

Now you need to freeze, you need some sucrose syrup for fruits. For whom, fill the pears with water to the top of the cans and immediately pour them into the pan. Bazhano add a little more to drive on that swing, so you still can’t hit it. At the pot with water we add bloody pisok, good, everything is mixed up and let’s boil the water. Tim, for an hour in the next room, we heat the water and blanched it in a pear..

Now the jars are scalded with sprinkles and mixed fruits are placed in them.

At the jar of pears, add one teaspoon of citric acid, and then, brew it with zucchini syrup. Now the cans are filled with lids and the quality of the hardening is checked, so that there are no defects on the lids.

І smut - turn the jars over with lids to the bottom and wrap them in a warm carpet. We will leave them in such a position of the docks, the docks instead of cans are not cooled. Pears, canned for the winter in syrup, ready.

Pears are a licorice and savory fruit, which can be eaten until the order of the day. The most delicious fruits are those that reach closer until autumn, so that they grow in natural minds. Save them until winter with the help of the simplest recipes for conservation. Moreover, it is possible to preserve like a small part of a fruit, and a whole fruit.

In addition, there is a mass of recipes for the preparation of various compotes, jams, marmalade, and thin jam. Moreover, everything is prepared without any special difficulties in the home minds, so it is necessary to make the recipes lower and easily preserve the fruits for the winter. Axis kіlka most popular and water hours simple recipes canned fruits.

Preservation of pears for the winter in whole syrup

Product list:

  • pears - 2 kg;
  • water - 2 l;
  • zukor - 400 g;
  • citric acid - ½ tsp.

Stages of conservation:

  1. Rinse the fruits and see their tails.
  2. Dali need to signify, skilki pears to be taken from one bank. For whom, fill it up with fruits, then transfer it to a saucepan and fill it with water. Then add tsukor.
  3. It is necessary to sterilize the fruits, put a pan with them on the fire.
  4. As soon as the water boils, transfer the fruit to a prepared, sterilized jar and pour hot syrup.
  5. Roll up the jar, put it on the lid (on the neck down), and right “under the fur coat” until it is completely finished.

If you turn them to the correct position, save them from a cold place.

Preservation of pears for the winter in batches: a pokrokovy recipe

List of products for jars of mistkistyu 3 l:

  • pears and water - skilki uvide;
  • zukor - 200 g;
  • citric acid - 1 tsp;
  • cinnamon - 1 tsp;
  • cloves - 3 pcs.

Cooking crumbs:

  1. Wash the pears, cut into quarters and remove the fruit from the core.
  2. Dali put the quarters prepared ahead of the jar and sip a lemon.
  3. Pour okrip on top and cover with a lid for 20 chills|minutes|.
  4. Pour the water back at the pot. Before it, it is necessary to add tsukor for tasting the syrup. It will be easier to make the water angry, like victorious for whom a special cap with dirochki.
  5. While the syrup is boiling, add 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and 3 pieces of cloves in a bowl.
  6. As soon as the syrup is boiled, pour the yogo into jars and roll up with sterile lids. They let me turn the upside down and wrap it up.

Through conservation, it is necessary to transfer savings to the field.

Preservation of fruit halves with lemon: a recipe for compote with a taste of vanilla

Ingredients for a can of 3 l:

  • pears (tіlki mіtsnі fruits) - 1.5 kg;
  • zukor - 400 g;
  • vanilla tsukor - 1 sachet;
  • citric acid - not a teaspoon;
  • water - 2 l.

Stages of conservation:

  1. Wash the pears well, cut them into halves and clean them from the core, ponytails and kinks.
  2. At the sterilized jars, put the halves from bottom to bottom. Mistkіst needs to be remembered to the letter.
  3. This compote is poured with syrup, after which it simmers. To prepare the syrup, boil water from the zucr, then pour it over the jar of pears. If you want to show up a little, top up the dill from the teapot. After five khvilin, pour the syrup back at the saucepan. One fill.
  4. Repeat the procedure 2 more times, removing the filling three times. After 3 drops of syrup, add to a new lemon and vanilla zucchini and boil for about 2 hvilin.
  5. Pour the syrup back at the jar and roll it up with a sterile lid.
  6. Turn the place upside down and wrap it up. Wipe її not less than 2 deb, after which you turn it over and put it away in a cold place for storage.

After three times pouring the fruit, the trochs will settle and take up only half the jar. Compote, prepared in this way, comes out incredibly savory, and the fruit swells with an insignificant aroma of vanilla. Instead of pears in this recipe, you can also vicoristate an apple.

The most delicious brew

Product list:

  • pears - 2 kg;
  • zukor - 2.4 kg;
  • water - 400 ml.

Cooking crumbs:

  1. Rinse the pears, put them in a basin for boiling.
  2. Then we chop the pear pieces with a fork, sip the zukr and leave for a couple of years until the juice appears.
  3. Water vikorivuєtsya only in the fall, yakscho produce little juice. After the end of 3 years, put the basin from the boil on the fire.
  4. After boiling, change the fire and cook the brew for at least a year, by stretching some kind of yoga it is necessary to periodically make it.
  5. The brew is ready. Now pour yogo into jars, yak, yak and lids, wash them sterile, and roll them up.

Add 3 lemons at the brew to add to you not only a light citrus aroma and relish, but also a warm color.

Pear Jam in Jars: Pokrokov's Recipe

Product list:

  • pears - 2 kg;
  • zukor - 1.5 kg;
  • vanillin - 1 sachet;
  • cognac - 1 tbsp. l;
  • lemon - 1 tsp

Steps of preparation:

  1. Vimite pears and cut the core. As a victorious variety with a thick skin, know it. Pulp, which is left out, cut into small pieces and transfer to a saucepan for cooking.
  2. Place zukor on top of the fruit and place a saucepan until the juice appears.
  3. Let's put the saucepan on the fire. How to boil a little masa, clean up the pinu, which the beast has hid, and raise the casserole from the fire.
  4. As soon as the pear mass has cooled, set it to cook again.
  5. At the boil, add vanilla and lemon. Change the fire and cook the jam close to the beginning of the year, often helping the process.
  6. Add|Add| cognac in the mass and burn it in the fire. Dali sumish needs to be turned into puree. It’s easier to do it for the help of a burry blender.
  7. Arrange the jam according to prepared jars and close with the best nylon lids.

Containers with jam should be saved in a cold place.

An easy recipe for moonshine from pear puree at home

Required products:

  • 5 kg of pears;
  • 50 g of dry yeast;
  • 2 kg zucru;
  • 10 liters of water.

Steps of preparation:

  1. Rinse the pears, cut the core and the bones that were zipped. M'yakot, scho sloshilas, podrіbnіt to become mashed potatoes, grated on tertsі or passed through a meat grinder.
  2. Puree, which has come out, transfer to a bowl for fermentation and pour half of the water.
  3. Heat the other half of the water up to 30 degrees, sip the zukor in it and mix it well until it is completely clear.
  4. Then pour the syrup into the fermentation container and then add the fermentation according to the yeast instructions. After mixing all the ingredients, carefully close the container.
  5. Put the sum of blakati in a warm place for about 10 days, stretching out some girls for good will need to ruin the upper ball, which you have settled.
  6. After 10 days of wandering, anger your brother for a siege and marry through a moonshine.

Moonshine to go out to finish the mіtsnim (40 degrees) and may receive relish.

Pears, canned without sterilization

Such conservation comes out like a zapashnoy and nagatuє childishness. To fight fast, like a charge.


  • green, hard fruits of pears - 2-3 kg;
  • tsukru - 1 bottle;
  • citric acid - 5 g;
  • mint - 2-3 leaves;
  • vanillin - 1 sachet.

Steps of preparation:

  1. Banks should be relatively large, bazhano іz sodovim rozchiny.
  2. The lids are sterilized obov'yazkovo.
  3. Must be fruitful relatively peremivaemo.
  4. Rіzhemo on chotiri parts, virіzaєmo ponytail, core and shaped zіpsovanі mіstsya.
  5. The mustache of the heart should be boiled. Tse will be syrup.
  6. Add vanilin and tsukor to the new when cooking.
  7. All chastochki are filled with sour water, so that the stench does not darken, then the water rises.
  8. Then the pears are placed near the jar and poured with syrup.
  9. At the same time, put a sprat of leaves in mint and add citric acid.
  10. Banks will shut down. Do not forget to take them away from you when you reach them.

Canned pears with apples

Tsya workpiece looks amazing, more її shy at the syrup. Vzimka is welcome to drink fragrant pear-apple compote and savory fruits. Children especially love fruits prepared for this recipe.


  • unripe pear fruits - 1 kg;
  • unripe apple fruits - 1 kg;
  • tsukor - 1-2 bottles / for an amateur;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • water - 500 ml.

Steps of preparation:

  1. The next step is to prepare the banks. Vimiti їх іz soda, resolutely vibrating, draining. After that, lubricate in the oven, stretching ten or fifteen whilins.
  2. The lids are sterilized.
  3. We choose an apple and a pear. The stench mayut buti mіtsnі, pruzhnі, most immature. It is not possible to victorious beat, zapsovani and m'yatі fruits.
  4. Relatively wash them with running water and give them the opportunity to dry out.
  5. In pears and apples, we see the middle and we pick up the tail.
  6. Large fruits are cut into pieces, the middle ones - on two, small ones can be put whole.
  7. Lemon needs to be washed and cut with wide rings.
  8. At the great єmnіst pour water and put it on the stove.
  9. Vsipaєmo tudi tsukor i zbiraemo white pour when boiling.
  10. At the jar we put a small piece of fruit, as well as a wedge of lemon, pour everything with syrup.
  11. Cans are pasteurized by stretching five quills after boiling. If you peretrimati, then the fruit will be torn apart.
  12. Zakochuєmo, put on the lid and kutaєmo.

After a new achievement, the entire blockage must be blamed in a good cold weather.

Green canned pears

For this recipe, the fruits are full, and the stink of the wine is not due to ripeness, but rather green. You can taste such savory taste of the leather member of this family, starting with children and ending with grandmothers and grandfathers.


  • green pear - 1 kg;
  • tsukrova powder - 250-300 g;
  • citric acid - 5 g;
  • water - 1 l.

Steps of preparation:

  1. Banks and lids are being prepared. Miyutsya and sterilize.
  2. Pears are selected only good quality they are washed by the water. Hanging out.
  3. At the jar, fruits are laid, sip with zukrovy powder and citric acid.
  4. Boil water at the pot.
  5. Vilivayemo її after boiling at the container, filled with pear fruits.
  6. Cover the top with lids and bud, until the jars are sterilized, with a stretch of 20 strands.
  7. After some process, the caps will wander.
  8. All the rooms are wrapped up and after that, like to cool down, put in a cold place.

For this recipe, you can quickly increase a large amount of conservation. Navit our grandmothers were cured with this recipe, and none of them were able to cope with the blockage in the winter period.

Fragrant pears in syrup for the winter (video)

Knowing these recipes for canning will help you in the implementation of the great fruit. Moreover, you can beat absolutely all the fruits, like overstuffed - for jam and brewing, so і mіtsnі, greenery - for compote and preservation of fruits in whole.

Preserved as a whole, or occasionally, the fruit of a bribe will tell you about the ashtrave sonyachne summer. Also, the stench is miraculously suitable for the filling, whether it be licorice vipіchki. Try it for you obov'yazkovo befits.

Aromatic, juicy, yaskravі pears suit everyone without blame. It is especially satisfying to bring fresh varieties that ripen in autumn, if summer is already late, and sleepy shelter at the looking licorice fruit is gone. Pears, looking like apples, are rottenly saved, so to save that licorice shmatochok warm on the rock, it is best to prepare home preservation for the winter.

From pears you can make a lot of preparations for the winter - compote, jam, mashed potatoes, jam and a lot of other things. Canned pears are good not only as an independent dessert, but also as a filling for pies, buns, decorate cakes.

canned pears

This is a good dessert, which you can fully remember the high-calorie vipіchka. Canned pear juice can be simply eaten as a snack, or you can cook from them savory desserts- Pears with chocolate, toppings for cakes, fruit salads.


  • pears 4-6 pcs.,
  • zukor 2 tbsp. l.,
  • water 2 tbsp. l.


  1. Wash the pears. With a host knife, open the scruff, open the pears, remove the saplings and the stalks. You can preserve it in halves, or you can cut it into thin skewers.
  2. Place pears at the prepared sterilized liter jar. Prisipte tsukrom and add a tablespoon of water. Close the jar tightly and put it in a saucepan with water (not less than 70 degrees).
  3. Sterilize with a stretcher.
  4. Turn the jar upside down and fill it in this position until reaching.

Candied pear

You can't think of better laoschiv for winter tea. Totally dietary, with the same licorice it is more aromatic. Such candied fruits can be added to porridge, cheese, licorice casseroles, biscuits. The best candied fruits are taken from the glassy containers with cracked lids.


  • pears - 1 kg.,
  • zukor - 1 kg.,
  • citric acid - 2-3 g.,
  • water - 300 g.


  1. Wash the pears, see the middles and the stalks, cut them with not thick parts. Blanch shmatochki in sprinkling with a stretch of 10 strands. Transfer the pear pieces to cold water.
  2. Prepare zukrovy syrup by making tsukor near the water, which boils.
  3. Transfer the pears to a saucepan, pour boiling syrup over and let it brew for at least 4 years. Potіm kuhovariti їх protyazh 5-8 khvilin. Znіmіt iz vgnu i znovu zalishte for 10 years.
  4. Repeat this procedure 2-3 times, pear docks will not become clear. For the rest of the cooking, add citric acid. Stir, add, add to the drushlyak, so that the syrup from the pears is a stack. Tse become about a year.
  5. Heat the oven up to 40 degrees and put the candied fruit on the sheet, which is covered with a paper for the wine. The cooking time is around 9:00.

Pear Varennia

Mayzhe kozhen budinok maє svіy secret recipe for pear jam. Our variant - more swedish and prepared lower for relish.


  • pulp of pears - 4 bottles,
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.,
  • pectin - 2-3 tbsp. l.


  1. Miєmo that clean pears, cut into small pieces, trochs are crushed with a spoon, so that the pulp let out a sik.
  2. Add lemon juice and pectin. We put it on a medium fire and bring the mass to a boil. Visipaemo tsukor and stirring, cook on a weak fire until cooked.
  3. Varennya is ready, like a yoga droplet, put on a saucer, do not rise.
  4. We transfer to the bank and zakochuemo.

Pickled pears

Pears in this look can be added to salads, m'yasnі stravi, stew, vicorist as an original garnish.


  • pears - 1 kg.,
  • water - 1 l.,
  • citric acid - 2 p.,
  • tsukor - 5 tbsp. l.,
  • ocet - 5 tbsp. l.,
  • cinnamon, cloves, ginger to taste.


  1. My pears, we see the stalks.
  2. We add citric acid to the water and blanched pears in sprinkling with a stretch of 3-5 strands.
  3. Cool fruits by cold water. Stored in pasteurized and dry jars.
  4. Get the hot marinade ready. For this, I add tsukor, ocet, spices to boiling water.
  5. Pour hot pear marinade. Sterilizable liter cans hot water has about 15 whilins. We zakochuєmo and turn over the banks until reaching.

Pear compote

One of the most delicious fruit compotes. To that yakscho yogo gotuvati, then not one jar. Drink wine, even if it's quick and happy.


  • pears - 1 kg.,
  • water - 1 l.,
  • citric acid - 2 p.,
  • zukor - 200 g.


  1. Miєmo, cleansing the stalks of small pears.
  2. Blanching them in sprinkling with the addition of 1 gram of citric acid is about 10 khvilin. If the pears become soft, cool them in cold water. If you want to make a compote of shmatochkiv, you can skip this stage.
  3. We store pears at the bank.
  4. Ready tsukrovy syrup. For this, in liters of water, add zukor, 1 g of citric acid and bring to a boil.
  5. Pour in pear syrup. Sterilize three-liter jars for 30 minutes by hot water.
  6. Finished with lids and turned over until reached.

The process of preparation to cold weather begins with the appearance on the market and in the stores of the first fresh vegetables and fruits. Three wines to the very late autumn. At once, the gentlemen roam at the jar with practically everything: fruits, vegetables, berries and mushrooms. One of the cheapest, but at the same time savory recipes is compote of pears for the winter. Proponuёmo sprat of simple and original recipes of which I will drink.

The sickle is over, and it is the same hour to go to the market for dead fruits. Prices at the time of rock already fell into the troch, and the assortment of varieties is the largest on the river.

To prepare compote, you can vicorate the fruits of any variety, for a winter pears wine, as they are picked even greener for a thriving harvest. The fruits can be a kind of expansion (as if they are great - just cut them into small pieces).

Often, housewives prepare this drink, eating it with other fruits and fragrant spices. I hope I will give you special drink.

Preparing pears to the cob

The very cob of preparing compote is the same cleaning and cutting of fruits. Like garden pears (especially hard, green varieties) weave a tovstu skin, more often її neatly look. Otherwise, the compote is cooked from fruits at shkirts. After cleansing from the skins, you should look at the core of the nasinnyam and the fruit.

Respect! Pears may have the power of dark, so when preparing a large quantity of their fruits, clean the parts in a weak amount of citric acid (parameter: 1 liter of water per 1 g of citric acid).

You can cook like a large amount of fruit in a jar, or from a small one (for those who like it, I will drink it myself). According to the number of fruits in the compote, there is a lot of zucru, which is added.

Recipes for making pear compote at home

The gentleman's skin can drink my own recipe for cooking. Let's take a look at some of the most famous types of compote from pears, like they are prepared at home minds.

Simple way for the winter

The simplest option is to use a recipe, in which you need only two ingredients for a 3-liter jar:

  1. Vial tsukru.
  2. Pears (1 kg).

We cook pears before rolling, as it is appointed more, and invest in banks. Let's fill it with dill and fill it with cold weather. The water is infused with vicory for the preparation of citric syrup. For whom, tsukr is added to the water and boiled until it boils and the tsukr is freshly cut by the water. After the water has boiled, add the syrup to cook on a dry fire for five minutes.

Cym syrup is poured over the fruit and covered with a metal cap. Withdrawing the compote is crooked with a carpet and it is shown by stretching the doby.

Without sterilization

Sterilize the jars - on the right it's bad, I'll drink the recipe for that, which can be rolled up to the banks without front sterilization.

To prepare you need:

  1. Pears (1 kg).
  2. Zukor (0.1 kg).
  3. Water (2 liters).
  4. Citric acid (4 grams).

When choosing pears, make sure that the stench is strong.

Peeled and sliced ​​fruits are boiled at the pan until boiling, and they are laid at the jar. At the vіdvar add citric acid and tsukor. Let's move on, so that the stench has risen by the water and brought to a boil. Filled with fruit syrup, and then roll up and cover with a warm carpet.

3 whole pears

From solid whole fruits, a miracle compote comes out. Warehouses:

  • Chotiri kilograms of pears;
  • one lemon;
  • a teaspoon of citric acid;
  • a bottle of tsukru for 1 liter of syrup.

Before putting the fruits in a saucepan, thoroughly wash them under a tap. Let's boil a pot of water and pour it over the fruit. Varity їх it is necessary in 10 to 20 khvilin (fallow in rozmіrіv).

Wash jars and lids before rolling and wash them in sprinkles.

Carefully put the fruit in a jar and add a squeeze of lemon to the skin. Then we prepare syrup, vicorist water, in which fruits were boiled (we add zucru per spoonful of water per skin liter). If the syrup boils, we sip yogo at the jar of pears.

It was left to sterilize with a stretch of 15 strands and close it with caps.

With citric acid

The main thing is, like making a compote from the addition of citric acid, in the case of the fruits of trich, they are filled with dill.

  1. After that, they put the fruit at the jar. We fill it for 10 khvilin, pour water, boil it.
  2. I pour it anew for 10 quills, after which we turn the water into a saucepan, put a second table spoon of zucru and a little m'yati and boil it again.
  3. Restore the jar of syrup and put a teaspoon of citric acid.

I lost my compote with a carpet and let it brew.

Three pears wild

From the fruits of the wild pear, an appetizing drink also comes out. Simple yoga recipe:

  1. For sure, with small fruits in a jar (sterilized in front) so that the stench took about two-thirds of the volume (approximately 1.5 kilograms).
  2. Bring water to a boil in an okremіy pot and pour it into a jar of fruit. Get 10 credits.
  3. Pour fruit and add 4 grams. Citric acid, as well as 0.3 kg of zucru (refined). Boil 2-3 hvilin, and you can wander.

After that, as the jars cool down, wrap the bagan with their warm matter.

Z pears Siveryanka

Residents of pivnoch - a specific variety. Fruits of licorice and juice, ale strongly weak to rot. Therefore, it is rare to make compote from such fruits. Ale, for the sake of іsnuyut.

Golovne - resolutely promit, cut the fruit and see the core. Before Tim, how to close the compote from Siveryanka, pour out the syrup and boil yogo.

Z mint

For the gentleman, if you want to prepare compote from pears with mint, the recipe is simple. All the dishes are allowed to be prepared with the addition of citric acid, plus, at the third filling, we add mint.

With cinnamon

It’s the same joy and when you cook a compote with cinnamon. The difference is less in the fact that cinnamon is added to the place of m'yati. Deyakі navіt poєdnuyut tsі dvі details.

Three plums

Often, other fruits are added to compote from pears. Proponuёmo vivchiti recipe zі zlivami. Need:

  1. Two great pears (Duchesse).
  2. Drive a second liter.
  3. 50 grams of zucru-pisk.

Pears and plums are washed, rіzhemo and add tsukor. Filled with water, boiled and sweat let stand 20 hvilin.

Z lemon

Lemon is a fruit, with which you can work, whether it be one of the lists of more drunks. With the best rank of wines, go with compote with mint. You can also add thyme.

3 apples

To prepare this, I will drink next, cut apple into pieces, add zucor and citric acid. Potіm pour water and boil close to 10 hvilin.

So it's just ready and pear compote.

All mixed up and poured into jars.

3 midnight

Such an option is to fight for the same principle, but with the addition of a penny. Different fruits are good to eat, you can add half a day to that and in apple-pear sumish.

Z siberian pear

This variety exudes small roses and sour relish. To that, in the compote, they add more and dilute the relish with apples or other fruits.

When preparing, I will drink the jars obov'yazkovo sterilized.

Compote of pears stuffed with thorns

The variant of the spikes is not only savory, but also superbly brown. For cooking you need:

  • Pears (1.5-2 kilograms).
  • Shipshina (one berry per skin).
  • Water.
  • Zukor (distant spoon).
  • Citric acid 2 g.

We clean the pears and store them in water with citric acid. You can see the core of the fetus and put a shipshina there. Sterilize the jars, store the fruit and fill it with syrup.

Let's finish the compote.

How to save compote

The best way to save money is to drink - yogo by the refrigerator. The optimum temperature is 2-14 degrees. Preserved compote is miraculously saved on the balcony.

A smut rule is not to allow direct sleepy changes, and the temperature is also to blame, but not more than +20.

Zakochuemo compote from pears

The principles of harvesting pears are clumsy and simple for the Vikonan. Until then, these fruits will avenge the great number of flowers and are practically not saved in apartment minds. In order not to waste a great harvest, it is better to recycle the fruits for harvesting for the winter. Best - make compote from them for our simple recipes.

The simplest way, which does not involve the great timchas vitrates.

Fruits are preserved as a whole, vicarious fruits are slightly underripe, of small size, without poshkodzhen. Best varieties in to this particular type"Limonka", wild pear, or else see fruits with the fruits of a small rosemary.

Necessary ingredients for preparing a three-liter jar of compote:

  • one kilogram of fruits;
  • 100 - 150 grams of zukrovy pisku - tsukor varies in fallowness with malted pears;
  • three liters of water;
  • citric acid - for a bag (ideally, take a three-liter jar of a beer spoon, but without it, the jars will not swell, because they have a rich pear base). I recommend playing it safe and adding її.

The process of harvesting for the winter:

  1. Relatively avoid pears, do not tear the stalks, so that the juice can be lost before the hour and preserve the integrity of the fruits during cooking.
  2. Pour the fruits with cold water, soak on the fire close to a third after boiling.
  3. Weaklasti boiled pears in a sterilized container for canning.
  4. З|із| pear vіvaru and tsukrovy pіsk brew syrup, after boiling add | add | into new citric acid.
  5. Pour jars of pears with hot licorice homeland, roll up.
  6. Turn the jars over, wrap them warmly.
  7. If the cold is to be blamed on the liohs.

Compote quarters without sterilization

Modern times have revealed speech in the fruits of the pear, which helps the children grow up and grow up with certain types of cuts and ailments, which without any doubt show on the basis of the color of these fruits and canned food prepared on their basis.

Such a variant of harvesting pidide for fruits that fell from a tree and may have defects. From them go out and taste better, the recipe for which we have already published. How to wash pears with a knife, a thick skin, rather clean it with a knife for peeling vegetables.

When you take summer and dessert varieties - add citric acid to the obov'yazkovo!

Required products for canning in one triliter jar:

  • one liter of water;
  • two hundred and three hundred grams of cucrum pisku;
  • chotiri grams of citric acid (half a teaspoon).

Cooking process:

  1. Relatively pick the fruits, see the poshkodzhenі or zapsovanі dіlyanki, add to the chotiri parts.
  2. You can see the stalks and the ones with partitions.
  3. Place cut pears in non-fat and sterilized jars up to the shoulder.
  4. Boil the syrup from the zucru and water, put in the recipe, fill the jars with the fruits to the top.
  5. Cover the workpieces with metal caps.
  6. After five khvilin pour the syrup and bring to a boil.
  7. Pour the quarters of the pear anew and again vitrimati them under the tops of five quills.
  8. Anger the motherland three times, bring to a boil, add citric acid.
  9. Fill jars with boiling rosemary right up to the brim, roll up.
  10. Turn over the prepared compote, wrap it up and keep it warm.
  11. After the final achievement, tidy up the harvest at the vіdpovіdne for saving for the winter.

Colored compote, sterilized

A pear in the eyes of people over three thousand years ago, the Greeks and Romans choked on the savory fruits of these fruits and prepared delicious desserts and not only from them.

The pear was popular in Russia, zokrema in the manuscript “Domobud” written in the old hour, and in the words of the tree that looked after him.

By itself, the pear compote is more savory, only looking bleak. In order to add to this yaskravostі, you can conserve fruits with different juices. Juices need to be prepared without intermediary before canning - even if the stench does not waste its brown quality.

Necessary warehouses:

  • liter of water;
  • a bottle of succulent squeak;
  • pіvsklyanki juice z yagid z yaskravim zabarvlennyam: raspberries, black currants and so on, on a leather liter jar;

The process of preparing for the winter:

  1. Keep the pears clean, peel the skins for the help of a potato peeler.
  2. Cut the skin of the fruit into chotiri-six parts, viyat the core with the walls and partitions.
  3. Lay the prepared fruits in the sterilization dishes up to the shoulders.
  4. Prepare syrup from zucru and water, cool.
  5. Pour the jars with cold syrup and yagіdnim juice, put a large container on a cloth pad, pour water up to the necks of the jars, cover with metal lids.
  6. Sterilize for a quarter of a year from the moment of boiling water at the sterilizer.
  7. Roll up and turn over.
  8. Cover with warm rice, cool. Take the spin for savings.

Compote of pears stuffed with thorns

An unusual vitamin drink can be prepared from the other half of the spring from the autumn varieties of pears and herbs, so that at that time you have collected the latest warehouse of vitamins.

A pear is like that, a rich source of macronutrients that are necessary for the human body. Poednannya z spishina I transform the splendid drink at the coryne supplement to the everyday table, like not only miraculously in the gammon spraga, but also with the help of the prevention of colds and seasonal viruses.

Required products:

  • two kilograms of fruit;
  • seven hundred and fifty grams of water;
  • three hundred grams of chicken pishka;
  • a quarter of a teaspoon of citric acid;
  • large shipshina - one fruit per skin pear.

Preparation method:

  1. Vimiti fruits, clean the skins, leaving the tails.
  2. Dilute water with citric acid, put pears in it, the skin is negligent after peeling off the skins, so that the fruits do not darken in the face of the wind.
  3. With a knife for peeling vegetables in the skin fruit, burying the protilazhnoy tail on the side and putting a spike in the new wimit.
  4. Put the stuffed fruits in jars up to the shoulders.
  5. Boil syrup, cool.
  6. Fill the prepared skin jar uphill, put it on water sterilization, crimping it with lids for preservation.
  7. Sterilize canned food, stale cans: liter - fresh, triliter - close to the year
  8. Remove the sterilizer and clog it negatively.
  9. Turn over, cover with a warm blanket.
  10. After cooling, the compote is ready to be taken in that thriving savings in a dark, cold place.

Compote for the winter "Asorti"

Even more beautiful and welcome to the taste of the drink to come out of the sumish pears from the wild berries. It is only necessary to protect the number of fruits, so that the pear aroma is not ruined by the aphids of the berry sum, the shards of the lower wines. Yagidna sumish is the responsibility of the mother for the most fermentation, citric acid is added at times, if the fruit is not sour enough.

Necessary products and their proportions:

  • 2 kilograms of pears;
  • kilogram of fresh fruits and vegetables - plums, raspberries, chornoplidnoy gorobini, and so far;
  • liter of water;
  • chotirista gramiv tsukrovy pisku;
  • three grams of citric acid (half a teaspoon without weights).

Method for thin preservation:

  1. Take the pears, take the scruff.
  2. Rose fruit navpil, viynyat that partition.
  3. Wash the berries, pick plums and wilt tassels.
  4. Lay in sterilized jars, so that the pears would be more than half of the full length of fruit up to the shoulders.
  5. Boil syrup, pour hot rosemary into a container of syrovine, put it on sterilization.
  6. The hour of sterilization after boiling the water: liter jars - ten khvilin; triliter - third of the year.
  7. Vinnyat, hermetically cork, turn over.
  8. Wrap canned food with a warm blanket, refrigerate.

Drink ready to live.

Compote from pears and apples for the winter

Even a simple recipe, apples and pears coexist miraculously at the same time and delight with their lower relish in the cold winter season. Appropriate for the great spirits, trochs of unripe fruits with hard pulp.

Recipe for zukrovy roschin:

  • liter of water;
  • chotirista gramiv tsukrovy pisku;
  • equal number of pears and apples.

Harvesting principle:

  1. Vymiti fruit, cut into small pieces of the same comrade and vyynyat heart.
  2. Trimati cleaned blanks after acidification with lemon juice water. You can vicorate citric acid from table otstu.
  3. Bring that zucra to boil syrup, cool to room temperature.
  4. Fold apples and pears in equal quantities in prepared containers up to shoulders, pour syrup to the brim of the dishes.
  5. Cover with metal caps, sterilize - liter fresh, triliter - close to a year.
  6. Seal hermetically, put it on a bed and insulate it with a blanket.

The product is ready to be used and save three hours. Prior to speaking, we published a recipe for preserving apple juice.

Most often in fruit compotes, the sum of fruits is left at the jar, while the motherland is drunk away. Fruits are cooked on a masher, boiled on a small fire until the required density and add to the savor of the succulent pisok. Vykoristovuvaty as a filling for pies and rolls. Before such a jam, like a snack, it’s good to go lightly smeared and crushed on the meat cutters hairs of peas.

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