Blackberry with lemon rubbed with zucr. Chornoplidna gorobina, harvested for the winter: the most delicious and the simplest recipes. Varennya with chornoplidnoy gorobini

Chornoplidna gorobina is rubbed out with zucrum for the winter.

Chornoplidna gorobina (chokeberry) is already corny, and to that, try to get used to it with a fresh look, and also prepare these berries for the winter. Let's use a simple recipe for harvesting - mashed blackberry with zukr. Aje, having prepared tsyu korisnu berry in reserve, you will provide all this with vitamins.

For the recipe "Chornoplidna gorobina rubbed with zucr for the winter" we need ingredients:

Preparing the recipe "Chornoplidna gorobina rubbed with zucr for the winter"

Gotuemo "Chornoplidna hump rubbed with zukr for the winter." We wash the berries, put them on a towel, so that the berries dry up, we don’t need a vologer’s call. Let's take a closer look at them for the help of a meat grinder and a blender. Vikladaemo otrimana masu in deep єmnіst, sippaemo tsukr. Kіlka razіv peremіshuєmo, pokie | docks | tsukor povnistyu rozchinitsya.

Then we transfer the sum of clean sterilized, obov'yazkovo dry jars, covered with boiled lids. Take it in a cold place (more like a refrigerator).

Chornoplidna hump rubbed with zucr for the winter

Chornoplidna Gorobina - tse even savory sweets, as well as coryne harvesting for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis.

Chornoplidna gorobina rubbed with zucrum is ready for the winter!

Video recipe "Chornoplidna gorobina rubbed with zucr for the winter"


Well, it's important, but you don't want to give birth? There are a lot of ways to save the roughness of these berries and give them an incredible taste. For lasuniv and not only we picked good recipes.

In my yards, you can often drink a red gorobina, it’s not too tasty for a berry. That is why, having sipped the black rіznovid, the trochs have been destroyed, until you try it. On the palate, obviously, not tsukor, but to rob it with such a valuable material for culinary experiments. The fruits themselves grow in crowns, the berries are great, with a springy skin. Dozrivay chernoplid on the cob of autumn. But it’s not necessary to hurry up for the selection of birds, since you don’t have many natural competitors, for example, birds. To the extent that the humpback became as brown as possible after the first frosts, the axis is the same hour for zakotka for the winter.

Chervona Gorobina

A cream of enchanting relish, which can be taken away for the help of various conserving methods, the berry may have a splendid effect. Naybazhanіsha won on the table with hypertensive patients, but it is also scary for people with gastritis (in different low acidity), with high penetration of vessels, atherosclerosis and other ailments. Ale obov'yazkovo varto specify the doses of berries, which are recommended, in case of treatment or prevention, be it ailments. Obviously, the blackberry itself was harvested from it to become the criterion of vitamins and mineral speech in case of avitaminosis.

Black berries

Do you think there is no place for these berries on your table, because you don’t like stewed fruit compote? Do not hurry to turn a corner, even if they prepare for the winter more richly, and also to dry, to wallow it. We urge you to propagate those recipes, so that they can catch up with you. Tsya berry is not good for people who suffer from gastritis and suffer from high levels of acidity.

Samy shortest way save for the winter crooks of authority chornoplid - do not cook. Ale imovirnist, scho vytremaetsya for a long time, is small, you say. It’s true, but all the same, you can give a part of the birth to harvesting this type. Berries can be saved and milked for a long time, so as not to see them from a penny. For this purpose, cut the whole rosette of the foundation with scissors and lay out more than one crown in a wooden box. Put the container in a cold place, better for rain, it will be dark and the temperature should not exceed 5 degrees. You can also call the brushes on a skein, all in the same way. Golovna umova - the berry is guilty of being completely dry, don’t wash it and don’t take the wood afterward, or the fog or the fog.

Harvest yagid

Preserve the brown set of speeches of black plywood on equal fresh berries and allow drying. Ale, the preparation of the troch itself is not good, it is not recommended for those who scorch with the oven. It’s necessary to pick up the yagidki and put them on papyrus, and then we’ll steal from time to time. Everything is to blame for being in a warm and ventilated area, where the temperature does not rise above 50 degrees.

Drying blackberry

And, obviously, the hour of refrigerators and freezers gives us a chance to save a berry for the winter right from the bush. But it’s also important to work properly. The berry is also frozen in the form of fruit and placed in the mode of dry freezing. Do not fill yourself up for a long time to divide the crop into portions, to defrost the plant to cause the blackberry. Miti її not recommended, just rinse on the hands with running water and hang in natural minds, and then already water the yagidki. Sound out of the bush, the fruits are not fertile, but for the slaughter, the saw of the whole procedure is enough.

The most favorite lassochi of children and grown-up middle-aged preparations from the black-and-white gorobini is varennya. It will not be more savory with the addition of other fruits, but with pure black beauty, and the sour-licorice relish gives great scope for creativity. Ale, schob won all the farbs, it takes a little preparation of yagid (before any kind of war). Gorobina itself is a trifle dry, so її blanch - clean fruits soak up to 5 quills in the sprinkling, and then sharply lower the cold water. After that, we pour water through a drushlyak and you can proceed to harvesting.

Rest in peace with diabetics, as soon as they burn the recipes, the cooking is neobov'yazkovo can avenge the zukor, however, it seems to be even more specific for relish, but even more brown. We will have a little drink. We take a large saucepan, there you can put jars. In order not to bring a brazier to the kitchen with buckets, vicarious 0.5 l containers. Put a ganchirochka at the bottom of the pot so that the boiling does not overflow the jars. Fill the container with chopped berries and put in a boiling pot. Riven water is to blame for buti on the plate of the can, and the boiling is not intensive, even though it is not all crooked. Berries step by step osіdatimut, and your zavdannya pіdsipatimu more, until all pіvlіtra is filled with jams. For all pіde up to 40 quills, it’s too much to roll up the container with a metal cap.

Varennya with chornoplidnoy gorobini

Now let's move on to the boiled іz tsukrom. All recipes can be used for approximately one spіvvіdnoshennia, it sounds like this: 1 kg of jagіd, 0.5 l of water (you can vicorate the one that has lost its blanching) and 1.5 kg of zucru. Sprinkle syrup (water and 0.5 zucru) on the back of the head and pour the berry, bring to a boil, trim 5 more chills and take it. After that, it is necessary to deprive him for 10 years, so that the gorobina leaked out. Then it was necessary to add tsukor, which was overflowing and boiled to such a consistency, so that a drop from a spoon, falling on a stele, did not rise, but was left lying in a bag. After that, you can roll up the caps.

Apples can be added to chornoplid, fruit can be added equally (0.5 kg each). A new component in the recipe can also be blanched. Boiling syrup is poured over berries and apples, let it brew for 3 years, then boil 5 whilins and again dry for 3 years. Once the gorobina has become soft, repeat the warto procedure. If the berry still succumbed, the jam can be roamed for the winter. To change the recipe so drastically, but if you want to experiment with gusto, add cherry leaves to the water for blanching (100 g per 1 kg of gorobini) and then work on it in the same way as described above.

Blanching yagid with apples

For lovers of savory savory mixes, we suggest trying recipes with citrus fruits. Total consumption is 2 oranges and 1 lemon per 1 kg of gorobini. Pass the citrus fruits in front through a meat grinder, it is not necessary to remove the skin. Add an exotic component to such a preparation from black pudding for the winter next before the final cooking. If you want to add an apple to your cocktail, then cut it into slices and lay it all at once with zukr, which is overflowing (citrus fruits still check their cherries aside). Just don’t hurry to put on the fire, let the rest of the ingredients sit alone for three years. Let's cook 10 quills and stand again for 5 years. The axis is now full of citrus fruits and it is necessary to bring the brew to the required consistency.

If you see the advantage of compotes, then you can grow a sprat of options for the winter. The simplest is a one-time filling with syrup. 1/3 cans of cleansing and preparing yagid are covered with syrup to the neck (tsukor: water - 1:2, boil 10 khvilin). The container may yet be sterilized before it is put into storage. Like only a syrup, slumped in the middle of the jar, її wander with a metal lid, the compote is turned upside down and wrapped up for even achievement. We’ll sweat everything in a cold dark place and we’ll be deprived of checks for the winter.

Filling with syrup

In the first way, it is necessary to guess the amount of syrup, and if you don’t throw an eye on the stiffness, then you can make compote in a different way. Soak the berries, fill them with sprinkles up to the neck, and all the same zavantazhit in a saucepan, squishing the trochs of the sprinkles to the beast as a reserve for Wikipedia. We’ll boil it all, until the scruff of the yagid is not cracked, then we’ll sip the zukor and we’ll still cook 10 whips. Fill up evenly spread the berries in jars, pour out compote and roll up the lid. True, such a thermal treatment can be reduced instead of brown speech.

If you want to experiment with citrus fruits, then before putting the syrup in jars, prepare peeled lemons and oranges. For the skin, a 3-liter portion of compote is enough for a couple of small chalices of medium size.

Lemon and orange for compote

You can take one more berry, it’s unlikely that Syria will fit, and the axis at the seams will give you a cicaviar taste. Tse. At once from black pudding for compote її miyut that dry. The ratio of sea buckthorn and gorobini is 2:1. A tsukru need 130 g per skin 3 liters of water. The container is sterilized and filled with 1/3 berries. We pour the syrup in there, and put the jar itself in a boiling saucepan and sterilize it again with compote. For 1 liter of tare, 10 quills are sufficient, and for 3 liters, a check of five years is enough. We sweat the compote with lids, also steamed in front, turned over, cut for a sprat of days.

If you have more to relish, then the same recipe to the speech. We take berries, miєmo, we dry that podrіbnyuemo. Then it is necessary to fill the oatmeal porridge with cold water (for a skin kilo of such puree, 3/4 of a bottle is sufficient). Dali put everything on a weak fire and cook for about 15 quills. Now trohi is checked, it’s crazy, but it won’t be over, and let’s get it on the press, and take it off on the way out, not adding junk to the old time, we’ll filter it on sprat balls of gauze. Ale, while not ready yet, bring it to a boil and take 5 quills on the fire and then pour it into sterilized platters or jars. Take care of them like a cold dark place.

If you are not a lasun, then, perhaps, you will fall in love with alcohol? Shvidko that just can zrobiti liquor. For this, fill a jar of 3 liters, burn it with berries, oversip it with zukr (0.5 kg) and fill it with a burner. To the edge of the neck, it is necessary to cover 2 cm. The jar must be closed with a polyethylene lid and stored in the refrigerator for 2 months. After that, filter it, pour it into the dances and renew it in a dark, cold place, you can check it at your own time.

Pouring from chornoplidka

Wine lovers will have to try a little more. It’s better to speed up with a 10-liter dance. Chornoplid (2 kg) is added to the back of the head and placed in a container, 1.5 kg of zucru is sent to the animal. To help blukati, at the future, throw wine at the harvest of raisins and gray rice. The starter is ready, it was left to put it in a warm place and put on a mitten on the neck, and pierce the middle finger in a fun way. Drink your wine today and remember the suliya, but don't take off your mitten.

If 3 days have passed, it is necessary to buy a bottle of zucru and 2 liters of boiled cold water to break down. Everything is added to the middle, strewed and anew closed with a mitten. For a stretch of 10 days, we're rushing together. Let's repeat this operation again for the same amount and check again for 10 days, to add zukor and water again. The pouch has three 33 days. The mitten can puff up, then the wine can be poured out. As if something didn’t happen, just a little more, in a few days everything will be ready.

Making homemade wine

If you angered the wine, then you should throw off the siege. After 2-3 days, it is poured into the new suliya even lower, so that those that are on the day are gone there. Now I’m checking again the splendor of days and getting ready for the pure black suliya. For a sufficient purity of wine from black fruits, such a transfusion should be done 3 times. They gave us room to prepare wine at the cold place, having previously clogged the її well, wandering neobov'yazkovo.

If you don’t like alcohol for your sake, then the same seasoning is definitely worth it. Take 5 bottles of Gorobini and 2 . Pass them all at once through a meat grinder and add salt to taste. Stop spreading in small jars and put them in the refrigerator. Be-yaka m'yasna Strava in a new way will light up your taste buds. The cream of the tribal harvest of black plywood can be vicoristed for vypіchka, kisselіv and other herbs, ale tsi recipes will be described in other articles.

Yagіdniy kuschch chernoplidnoy gorobini - a representative of the wild flora of Northern America, cultivated by the Russian breeder, gardener - geneticist I. V. Michurinim, endowing with jubilant authority and decorativeness. Aronia (scientific name for growing) is not rare in gardens for planting natural brown products. Chornoplodka, looming the official status of the medicinal plant,
I rejoice at the abundance of the harvest, I am loved and cherished by folk healers and culinary specialists. Shanuvalnikov in the originality of the black-and-white gorobina prepared for the winter to sweat with a unique relish.

Chornoplidna gorobina and її korisn_ authority

Brown fruits of that leaf of the roslin, from which they brew jubilant tea. Biological inventory warehouse:

  • vitamins A, B, C, P, beta-carotene;
  • microelements iodine, boron, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, molybdenum, fluorine, magnesium, salt, midi;
  • folic, malic, oxalic acids, pectin, zucrami, cellular.

The quantity of anthocyanins is great, on which it indicates the black color of the yagid, as an antioxidant. Astringent relish - the presence of tannin, which protects from the tufted puffs. Regular implantation of the black gorobini:

  • normalizes cholesterol and glucose;
  • thickening the blood, avoiding bleeding;
  • zmіtsnyuє walls of vessels;
  • increase the acidity of the shell juice;
  • regulates the processes of the liver.

A good diuretic that reduces blood pressure. The tannins of the speech help to regulate the etching disorder, when the radiation is detected, they act, remove the free radicals from the body. The power of yagid accumulate a great amount of iodine from the soil, cory in case of ailments of the endocrine system.

Zavdyaki to the whole jubilant complex of speeches, chornoplid is a bright immunomodulator, relieves stress, improves memory, restores sleep.

Respect! Aronia is not safe in case of hypotension, increased pharynx, gastritis, diuresis and duodenal ulcers.

Harvesting chornoplid with a natural look

Shchіlnі dry tovstoshkirі fruits allow prepare aronia different ways. Healthy rich vitamin warehouse, black gorobina can be saved in the natural (without thermal processing) look. Dry, freeze, freeze, roar wine.

  1. The best, easiest way is freezing. It is necessary for the freezers of freezers to pick up the hron, clean the stalks, wilt, hang, lay on the pallet, dry with a towel, or be it in some handy way. Fold the container at the container, put it in the cold-freezing chamber, so that the zucor at the berries does not turn into starch. Freshly frozen chornoplid vicorist is used for preparing fresh herbs, desserts, tea.
  1. You can save the chokeberry from the immensity of sight. Choose brushes that are ripe, allowed with needles, hang them in a cold room, where the temperature does not exceed 5 degrees (lowering, burial, covering the balcony), or put them in cardboard boxes, wooden boxes. Garniy way save the birth of a trivaly hour.

Please! For freezing yagid, you can vicorate plastic balls z-pіd milk - do not crack at the freezer.

How to properly dry yagid

Chornoplidna gorobina is original, it will require a special approach before harvesting. Fruits, picked after full ripening, choked by the first frosts, will again show their value. It is necessary to hang them in such a way, so as not to waste power, which will heal.

Sort out the pickled gorobina, water-cream from the fruit, sort, mute, dry. It is recommended to dry the berries in three ways: dry on open air, dryer, electric dryer, oven. Dotrimuyuchis temperature regime, you can choose any option.

On the open air

Chornoplodka vyaliat like a gronami, so rossip. Cleaned in smіtty, rotten, pecking birds yagid, parasols roam on the hair in a well-ventilated place, as if there were dry sleepy days, it is allowed to blame the gron on the street.

Periodically look around for mechanical psuvannya, splash. It is not recommended to allow the onset of fruits that have already dried up. For drying, spread parchment (otherwise, be it another food) paper on the pallet. The prepared chokeberry is thinly laid out. To dry - yak on the graves, periodically thieves, overturning the yak_st of the yagid.

Ready chornoplidka troch is similar to wrinkled moles of dark color, with a glossy sheen.

Important! Dried fruits are vvazhayutsya vysushennyy so when squeezing the fruit between the fingers do not see sik.

Electric dryer

On the trays, which are added to the dryer, a gorobina is prepared. Vitrimati for the singing temperature, appointed by the instruction, sound, the cob drying is at +55 - 60 degrees, the dried berries are dried at +40, the approximate hour of readiness is 4-5 years.


At home oven they are filled with them, only on modern ovens they turn on convection, a great oven - they fill the doors with chimes, often twisting, stealing. It is necessary to stitch, so that the color of the fruits does not light up - the black hump embracing the color, embracing the power.

Please! Like chornoplid dried up and crumbling, not boronyaetsya grind it in kavomoltsі, add to the boil.

How to save dried chokeberry

Chornoplodka, as if it were one of dried fruits, can choose the power of the vologer. To protect the product, do not use utensils that pass through it again: paper bags and boxes, plastic containers.

  1. Glass jars with rubbed lids - the best option, dried fruits are saved whole river.
  2. Blyashani banks, which are strongly curled up, choke the chokeberry in the vіd vologa close to pіvroku.
  3. At the food plastic (containers and zip-packages) drink the product to stretch 3 months.

At room temperature.

Dovidka! The fruit of the black gorobini is a dietary product. Zavdyaki low zucru in 100 g yagid 52 kcal.

Likuvalne wine

Natural drink, which saves all vitamins and minerals authority black gorobini, as well as stress, what do you know - tse wine. The fruits of the chagarnik avenge a small part of the zucru (9%), the process of wandering is better than the wild one, the wine comes out sour, tart (for the rahunok of the great instead of tanning speeches), but brown low-calorie drink People who suffer from diabetes are recommended to drink only this kind of wine.

For cooking, for any recipe, they choose dry, stigl, mіtsnі fruit, in the form of which to lay down the taste of wine. It’s important not to sigh - it’s important, wild wine yeasts live on the uncleaned skins of black-fruits, ferment the weeds like a vine, and the ford turn on the wine stone, settling on the bottom of the container, seen during filtration. Crush the skin yagidka with your hands or vicorist all the attachments: meat grinder, podribnyuvach, press.

Chornoplodka to finish off a low-juice berry, it is important to choose sik, not licorice, so wine-growing, to improve the savory qualities of wine, that brodin, add tsukor.

Technology of traditional wine


  • 5 kg trimmed gorobini;
  • 1 kg zucru;
  • 50 din moles;
  • 1 liter of water.

Syrovina sip into a 10-liter capacity. For the completion of the broth, it is allowed to add some small rods (50 - 100 g), which may also be wine. Add 500 g of zucru, thoroughly mix, put for 5-6 days in a warm place to see the juice, without blocking the container. Spreading sprats once a day will prevent the appearance of splashes on splicing (after seeing the juice) skins.

If the berries give enough quantity to the juice, the pulp (skins) of the plum, the pinna is characteristic, the time has come to reap the juice. Hands relatively shake the pulp, anger the homeland at once, filter through gauze.

Pour cleansing sik into a container for a distant wandering, for example, damn the jar a lot of homeland is not guilty of overwhelming the halves of the container, so that there was no room for wandering products and an offensive portion of juice. Pull the gum mitten (or be it some other water seal) on the neck of the jar, piercing one finger in front, for carbon dioxide to escape, put it in a dark, warm place.

Add tsukor to the boiled pulp, which is filled with warm water (30 - 40 degrees), mix, cover with gauze, tidy up the juice for a distant view, for a day, stir a sprat for a day. Vitrimati 5 days.

After the end of the term sik, as I saw it, carefully pass without vigilance, so that kalamutnya from the top of the head can sip the taste of wine. Leave home in a jar with the first portion of juice, close the water seal, clean up the bottle for wandering. The remaining period of wandering is three months and more.

The mitten drooped about the attachment to the process (otherwise, the presence of bulbs with a different type of shutter), the motherland became clear, on the days of the siege. Pour the wine gently through a straw, without causing a siege.

Now the wine can ripen. Shchіlno closed, up to the top of the filled jars put in a cold place (lioh, refrigerator) for 3-6 months. As soon as a siege begins, the wine is filtered. Such wine is stored up to 5 years.

With the help of technology, you can make wine without adding zucru, add alcohol and other components before making wine for ripening, removing the fortified water, the essence of the wine will not change, it will be depleted of vitamins, microelements, and other brown words.

Please! To cool the wine in kelikha, you can beat frozen grapes. to this particular type do not come.

Harvesting juice for the winter

Irrespective of the low juiciness of the black fruit, it is possible to extract a little bit of the natural extract from it. Fruit mayut tovstu mіtsnu shkіrka, schob її rozm'yakshiti, є two ways: blanch or freeze - rozmoroziti. Such a vitamin reserve, which is rich in berries, cannot be harmed by any other.

The black pudding is prepared; For crushing eggs, you can use a meat grinder, a blender, a wooden weaver. I will add the mass of squeezing through a sieve some sprat balls of gauze. Makukha can be vicorated for other savory tastes - fruit drink, marmalade. Take the juice out of the container for ice, freeze to a dry freezer (vitamins are taken in full) or preserve:

  • anger sіk in enameled or stainless steel containers, just bring to a boil;
  • pour hot juice into sterilized glass jars;
  • close it with lids, throw it upside down, wrap it warmly (the jars sterilize themselves).

This way of conservation saves a maximum of vitamins. Take the jars away from a cold, dark place.

It is allowed to stosuvannya juice cooker, de pіd pіd pіd vplіv hot bet sіk. The parts are made of stainless steel (when it is stuck with metal, rich brown components will be destroyed in the oxidation process). Ready juice is already to be pasteurized in a juicer, it is enough to pour it in sterile jars, wrap it in a sterilization carpet.

Aronia - honorable honey plant. Adding a large quantity of bdzhil, the harvest of yagid, as a rule, is rich. For distillation of juice of great volumes and minimum costs, you can distill ready-made fruit presses or make yoga with your own hands.

The taste of chokeberry is specific - tart and viscous, the color is dark - ruby. Before vzhivannyam, for bazhannyam, add | add | tsukor, spices, dissolve with clean water.

Please! Chi do not boil sіk. Glyboka thermal watering with drink is a mineral-vitamin complex.

Varennya and jami with chornoplidnoy gorobini

Aronia bagat on the cell tissue, without any impossibility of proper etching, with vitamin PP (nicotinic acid), which works for the exchange of speech, beta-carotene (vitamin A), which takes part in the cell regeneration, richness with microelements, to be influenced by temperature products after boiling. You can cook varennya, do not be afraid to take the marna from the malt.

Vykorivuyutsya fresh fruit, frozen, soaked in front of dry (water, in which the gorobina was soaked to make syrup).

Recipe 1. Varennia "Vitaminne"


  • 1 kg gorobini;
  • 1.3 kg zucru;
  • 2 bottles of pure water.

Cooking varennya is required for a sprat of priyomiv.

  1. Blanched 5 minutes (or after freezing) visipati gorobina in dishes for cooking. Sizzle with a sip, pour water (or make syrup from zucru and water), mix. Leave for 12 years, so that the fetuses took in glucose, saw sik.
  2. Through the appointment period, put the berries on a full fire. Pomishuyuchi, bring to a boil. Kip'yatiti 1-2 hwilini. Take it from the stove at the age of 12.
  3. Varenna repeat. Such stages can be rich, cook until ready (drops of the product do not appear on the plate).

Gourmets can add different spices to their taste. I am ready to pour hot chornoplid into sterile jars with cold lids. Take the brew from a cold dark place. Before chokeberry, you can add a cherry leaf (300 pieces), add piquancy to the brew.

Important! Do not beat aluminum, enamels with cracks and chipped enamel utensils for cooking brewing, preparing gostrikh and sour herbs. When acids are poured in, it enters the warehouse of products on the walls of the dishes, oxidized metal, which induces relish and brightness.

Recipe 2. Aronia jam


  • 1 kg of gorobin puree;
  • 1.5 kg of chicken pisku;
  • 2 bottles of water.

Jam - the same thick licorice is the same mass as fruit, won by a path of boiling syrup. Shkirka chornoplid harsh, I’ll boil it down to that homogeneous mass hard to swallow. To make jam, you need to make puree:

  • stole the fruits of blanching 10 min;
  • pass through the meat grinder chi with a blender.

Boil syrup. At the water that has boiled, with a thin string, hang half the norm of the zucru, stirring. Kip'yatiti until the motherland does not become a seer. Cool the troch.

Gorobin's mashed potatoes in a wide container with low sides (a basin, a bowl, such a dish will spriya for the best steaming of the water), mix with syrup, visipati tsukor, which is overwhelmed. Boil, continue cooking on a povіlny fire, stir regularly. After 20 minutes take it out of the fire, let it cool down. At the same time, you can add spices (lemon zest, cinnamon).

The readiness of the jam is overturned with drops on a saucer - it doesn’t rise and it’s covered with a splash - the jam is ready. The hour of cooking is rich in what to lie down due to the stiffness and frontal harvesting of fruits.

The product is transferred hot to a sterile container, taken from a dark cold place. Duzhe garni for stuffing at vipіchtsі.

Please! For bazhannyam, for quick boiling of the product, add pectin to the product.

Malt with black-coloured gorobini: marshmallow, marmalade

For lovers of "licorice", who have a lot of problems from super-worldly vaga and glucose strips, vishukami salami, marmalade and marshmallow, prepared from chornoplide-gorobin puree.


In recipes for cooking, it is recommended to rub the puree through a sieve, otherwise the product will be spared the most important component of black pudding - cellulite, which will pickle the pickling, so it is better to leave the puree in an unchanging look (how to prepare it is indicated in the recipe for jam), mix it up with water, boil it goose.

On wetting a cold leaf of viklasti yagіdnu masu, evenly spreading a ball of 1.5 - 2 cm.

From the finished marmalade, you can cut into shapes for the oven of different figures, or simply cut the marmalade with a knife, roll in zukri, put it in a jar with a ground lid. Go to tea.

Chornoplidna gorobina has its own zukri, for 1 kg of berry puree you need 800 grams of zukrovy pisku, and it has little juice, you have to add 400 mg.



  • gorobine puree 1 kg;
  • tsukrovy pіsok 1 kg;
  • egg white two eggs.

We mix the egg with zukr, put it in a glass of fried dishes, crinkle it with a lid, simmer in the oven at a temperature of 160 degrees until we see the juice.

We remove the dishes from the oven, we remould the zucru until the whole meal. Masa looks jelly-like. You can grind it through a sieve, having removed the cellular tissue, or else get rid of it like that, taking all the brown fibers. The jelly is chilled, the whites are coming. Beaten with a mixer, the docks of the marshmallow were not beaten.

An important step is drying. Є 2 ways:

  1. “Rolls”: spread parchment papier on the table, spread marshmallow with a thin ball near the sprat (you can peel with a wide knife), remove the puff at room temperature. As soon as the layer is moving, gently twist it with a tube, pore on small rolls (the marshmallow is plastic, it is easy to form and break into paper).
  2. “Sharovana marshmallow”: divide the “dough” that came out into three parts, spread one thin ball on a sheet, put it to dry in the oven, on the smallest fire, open the lid or convection. On the first ball, after drying, another one is laid - to dry, then the third one. I’m ready to take the marshmallow out of the oven, close it with a paper towel until it’s finished. Dali cut into squares.

The glossy surface of the marshmallow does not require additional embellishment. Take the product from a cold place with a lid. You can drink sour tart black wine or juice.

Recipes for drinking from black gorobini

The presence of berries with anthocyanins makes vishukans have a dark ruby ​​color. Podnannya chokeberry with smaller fruits and spices give specificity. The sacredness of color and innocence of relish give the possibility of improvisation, recipes for cooking on the Internet in the faceless: on the table there are wines that are fortified, licorice and without zucru, laborious and easy.

Infusion with honey


  • 5 kg gorobini yagid;
  • 1 liter burner for cognac;
  • 5 st. a spoonful of honey

Yakіsnі berries troch strangle. Put it in a jar mixed with honey. Cover the neck with a cloth saw. Take away in a warm place in the dark to see the juice. After 5-7 days, fill it with a bottle of cognac. Close with a slotted lid. Vitrimati at room temperature for a few months for ripening, periodically zbovtuyuchi.

Let's sweat through a sprat of balls of gauze (not wiping primus oil) cake. Pour the tincture over the dances. Take away from the cold mist.

Pouring without alcohol

In this recipe, the drink is taken away from the process of fermentation by a large amount of zucru and wet wine yeasts, which are found on the surface of the yagid. That stench does not rush, they climb from the bush for dry weather. Vіd yakosі yagіd to lay down the taste of the liqueur. For a greater guarantee, the victorious broth is not miti rodzinki, but for the piquancy of relish - a stick of cinnamon or vanilla, lemon juice and zest.

Quantity of products:

  • chokeberry - 1 kg;
  • zukor 1.5 kg;
  • rodzinki - 50 grams;
  • water - 1 bottle;
  • spices.

Mix berries and rodzinka with zukr, spices and water. Put a mitten on the neck of the jar and pierce it with your finger. Put suliya in a warm, dark place for 2 months or until the end of the journey (if the mitten is loose). Procіdzhuyut liquor through a sprat of balls of gauze without primus vіdzhimannya. Pour into bottles, clean up at the end of the ripening period (minimum 2 - 3 months).

Important! The optimum cooling temperature for effective wading is 23 - 27 degrees. Lowering the temperature under the term of readiness, lowering - driving wine fungi.

Liqueurs, liqueurs, wine can be used for power, but not more than 50 - 100 ml per day.

Harvesting gorobini without varіnnya

Іsnuє rich recipes for whole blackberry and without alcohol. The most powerful chokeberry without thermal treatment.

Recipe 1. Chornoplodka rubbed with zukr

For 1 kg of chokeberry, add 500 g of chives. The recipe is simple. Berries for this product are better picked after frost or individually frozen. With frost, the fetus is naturally bitter. Choose zіpsovanі, poshkodzhenі, relatively promit, pіdsushiti. Zmіshati іz tsukrom. Learn more about the blender. Dati stand 30 hvilin. Once again, touch the blender until the zukor is broken. Pour the gorobina into sterile jars.

In this way, you can eat aronia with other fruits: apples, plums, peas, oranges.

Recipe 2. Aronia rubbed with lemon

  • 1.5 kg gorobini;
  • 2 lemons;
  • 1.3 sukrovy squeak.

For gorobini, the principle of preparation is like 1 recipe. Peel the lemon from the skin, divide it into segments, reverse the appearance of the brushes - remove. Skip the two through the meat grinder. Eat the product, refine with a blender. In 30 hvilin|minutes| repeat mixing. Take from sterile jars.

Note! The natural acidity of fruits and tsukor preserve the freshness of the products and the strength of power.

How to prepare a black gorobina without zucru

There is no difficulty in harvesting gorobini with wet juice, it will take revenge on its acid and miraculously save. The only minus is the whole process.

  1. Aronia, which is blanching or it has passed the freeze, fill the jars. Install in a container (as for sterilization), as if filling with water up to the cans.
  2. Under a surge of high temperature, one sees a sik, a humpback settled. It is necessary to add berries until the jars are refilled.

It’s time for the process to lie down in the capacity and stiffness of aronia (in 40 khvilin). Zapovneni cans of the distance are closed with caps. Take care of such a hump for a long time.

Candied fruit with chokeberry

Cі gorobinnі lasoschi is even more popular. Yogo vikoristovuyut at vipіchtsі and how I will sour malt. Stigli fruits sip with half of the recognized dose of tsukra, deprive them of the harvest, so that they appear sik. Motherland, which I saw, angered me into a dream. The berries sizzle with piss, when they are dry, they are dried again for production.

At the dishes with fruits, wiggle earlier, add half a lemon and a vanilla stick. Put on a full fire, boil 10 minutes.

Ztsіdzhuyut gorobina through a sieve. The fruits are placed on a sheet, covered with parchment. Put the deco in the oven on the weakest fire, having repaired the doors. Dry 30 min.

Remove the leaf, cool the berries, then repeat the drying. Dried fruits are rolled in chicken powder and dried at room temperature, periodically torn. Candied fruits are vvazhayutsya ready, as if under pressure, no sik is seen. Shift them to a glass jar with a ground-in lid. For 1 kg of chokeberry, 1 kg of zucru, juice of half a lemon, vanilla stick.

Chornoplodka with other berries and fruits

The berries of the blackberry are brown and savory, but the transcendental life is in the camp and harms the body, you can only eat and drink in small quantities, it’s better to pick up the black gorobina, combining it with other fruits and vegetables. For example, after adding the zhmenyu yagіd chokeberry to the compote with apples, we didn’t only have a savory and brown drink, but also a garni, but a variety of assorted - piy, you want some skilki.

Black pudding compote with apples and grapes without sterilization recipe


  • chokeberry - 2 bottles;
  • apple "Antonivka" - 4 pcs.;
  • grapes - 1 brush;
  • tsukor - 1.5 bottles;
  • citric acid - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • water - 1.5 liters.

Rozrahunok for one 3-liter jar.

  1. Fruit relatively vimiti, sprinkle with dill (to avoid yeast fungi). Cut the apple into small pieces, remove the core. Grapes are taken from the fruit.
  2. Put the water to boil.
  3. Place the fruits in sterile jars, carefully filling with dill, leave to infuse for 15 minutes, covering with lids.
  4. Take the lids out of the cans, boil again. On the neck, put on a special lid with vents, anger the motherland back at the pot for boiling.
  5. At boiling waters, the piss is carefully visipated, help. Cook syrup doki become clear (2-3 xv).
  6. At the ready add the syrup citric acid and pour the fruit.
  7. Having let out the main bulbs, close the jars hermetically, turn them upside down, wrap them in a carpet.

When progressively cooled, the compote itself is sterilized. In this way, you can prepare different warehouses. In a cold dark place, compote is good to be saved.

Note! Compotes and brews are prepared not only from natural fruits and vegetables, they are dried vicarious, dried and frozen fruits.

Recipe varennya chornoplid with oranges

Similar to compotes, gorobina is good with other fruits and with jams. It is uniquely fragrant to come out of the brew with the addition of citrus fruits. On the butt of an orange, you can add lemon, tangerine, lime and spices, and add at once.

  • 1 kg of gorobini (chornoplidnoy);
  • 0.5 kg of oranges;
  • 2 kg of chicken pisku;
  • cinnamon stick.

The berries are reluctantly miyutsya. Oranges sink into hot water, the wax plume is removed, cut into segments, the tassels are removed. Prepared ingredients are passed through a meat grinder. They are shifted to the container for brewing, they go to the squeak. They get drunk for 4 years of sufficient juice.

At appointments, an hour is set on a small fire, cinnamon is added. After boiling, the brewing is three times 10 min. Arranged hot in a sterile container.

Please! For varіnnya varіnnya it is possible to vicorate the multicooker with the mode of quenching.

Recipe sauce to meat from chornoplidka for the winter

Chornoplidna gorobina vіdoma i tsіkava no less than malted. Chef culinary experts vicorist in prepared different sauces. Take chokeberry as a basis, adding spicy herbs and spices to make sauces for meat, poultry, ribeye, yak, and you can also prepare for the winter.


  • 1 kg of aronia berry puree;
  • 600 g zucru;
  • 2 grams of ground cinnamon;
  • 2 pcs. cloves;
  • 1g ginger.

Mix warehouses, boil on a povіlny fire 3 min. Pour into sterile jars. Sterilize the procedure liter cans 15 whilin. Close hermetically. Sauce from black pudding to m'yasnim stravam get ready to thrive savings.

At some hour, pick up a humpback and robiti blanks for the winter

Aronia zavdyaks have been harvested to bring out the savory relish of that aesthetic. Only hourly picking fruits will give a good result. There are no exact recommendations before choosing a ticket. Dotrimuyutsya natural powers of the fruit. If you don’t pick them up, and birds don’t peck them, the stench can sag until spring, so they pick fruits in the fallow land like the product that is being harvested.

The hour of ripening is autumn months. Vrahovyuchi, scho after the frost hot water go, savory yakostі pokraschuyutsya, the skin becomes m'yakshoy and recommended sbir. Pick up the gorobina with large brushes, cutting with scissors and pruning shears. In such a rank, the bush will be more reborn, the berries will also be bigger.


Such a valuable aronia berry preserves its structure (cell tissue), microelements and rich vitamins induce during thermal processing. Winter is an important time for the body. People! Cook jams and jams, lubricate, parte meat with sauces, enjoy compotes and tinctures with aronia, and the recommendations of the statute chornoplidna horobina prepared for the winter will help to save and store such miraculous berries.

At the garnoi of the master, there is always a place in the komori for preparations from the black-and-white gorobin. Aronia, it’s black, but it’s a garna in jams, compotes, you can make sik, marshmallow with it, you can pickle, dry, freeze. Today's theme of our rozmovi is harvesting black gorobini for the winter, we choose the recipes so that you can work with them without any special troubles, like a gentleman.


What is the best way to get out of the black gorobin for the winter? Well, varnya! It's easy to learn how to cook a gorobini jam for a young gentleman, I'll give you a recipe that is simple and accessible from a vikonan.

We need:

  • 1kg gorobini yagid;
  • 1.5 kg of zucru for 600 ml of water.


  1. We prepare a casserole for blanching, a casserole with cold water, a drushlyak or a sieve for blanching, a bowl for brewing, a towel, potholders.
  2. Gorobina vіdokremymo vіd zhilochok, sorted out, vydalayuchi unacceptable berries, promiєmo and vіdkinemo on drushlyak. Until it drains, boil water in a pot. Let's put the gorobina in boiling water for 5-10 minutes, then let's go - in the cold ice with small pieces of ice, vicorist rushlyak or metal net. Prepared in such a rank, the humpback is transferred to the pelvis or a saucepan for cooking.
  3. Prepare zukrovy syrup: 1.5 kg of zucru per 600 ml of hot water, bring to a boil, then boil the sprat of khvilin to the syrup. With hot syrup, slather gorobini berries, let it soak for 6-8 years.
  4. How to cook berries in order to save the maximum of brown? We cook the bagatora and boil it, tobto. It is brought to the point of boiling, we cook the sprat of quills, stirring, then we cook the fire for 15-20 quills. Repeat this operation 4-5 times.
  5. In the front, we prepare jars for bottling the jam: relatively washed in hot water with soda, rinse, dry. Sterilize the jars in the oven.
  6. For bottling the jam, we take hot jars and pack boiled boiled jars in them, hermetically seal and cool.

At the treasure house brown colors: Blanching allows you to expand the skin of yagid, preserve the structure of the product, facilitate the process of oozing yagid with syrup.

Compote from chornoplidnoy gorobini with zukr

How to manage without such preparations for the winter, like compote? Shops are in no way equal for relish and curiosity with homemade, diligently crushed with love.

What do we need:

  • Black berries;
  • 500 g zucru per 1 liter of water.


  1. We prepare jars, lids, a roaming machine, a towel, potholders. Banks are washed with soda in hot water, rinsed, dried and sterilized. Boil the caps.
  2. Let's sort out the gorobini berries, let's dry them on a towel. At the jar, berries are prepared, filling them by one third.
  3. Zvarimo tsukrovy syrup, hot yogo at the jar with berries, let’s eat 10-15 hvilin, pour the syrup into a saucepan, boil it and pour the jar into something else. It is necessary to fill in the neck, without suffocating the space for washing.
  4. We’ll clog it with lids, roll it up with a typewriter and turn the cans upside down. Oblish so until chilled.

To give compotes more rich relish, enriched with vitamins, to the main berry, you can add companion berries in small quantities: black currant, raspberry, shipshini fruit, add lemon or spices to taste.

To assign an amount of syrup to a jar of compote, it is necessary to soak a clean jar of berries, pour cold water up to the neck. Pour the water into a peaceful flask, simmer the volume of the water and loosen the necessary amount of tsukra.

Sik from chornoplidnoy gorobini for the winter

How to save a black gorobina for the winter, so we can cook with it later savory desserts? duje good option- zagotivlya juice tsієї berries in reserve, schob vykoristovuvat yogo vzimka for the preparation of fruit drinks, jelly, jelly.

What do we need:

  • Sik aronia;
  • Zukor from rozrahunka 200 g per 1 liter of juice.

Preparing a juicer, clean, sterilized jars, lids, a roaming machine, a towel, potholders.

  1. The berries of the chornoplidnoy gorobina are sorted out, weed in the form of a little chick, we kindly dry it on a towel. To take the sik z yagid, quickly with a juicer.
  2. Otrimany sik is mixed with tsukrom and rozillemo on banks. For a skin liter of juice, take 200 g of zucru.
  3. Dalі jars with bottling juice are pasteurized in a water bath at 80-85 ° C with a stretch of 20 strands and corked with lids, turned over, cooled.

The simplest option for sterilizing juice: draining from the juicer all the way into a saucepan, bring to a boil, boil it in a new zukor, boil it for 1-2 minutes and hot rose in dry hot jars, sterilize in an oven. Clogged with lids, turned upside down, left out for refrigeration.

Pasteurization (sparing sterilization) saves more vitamins, and boiling destroys the entire microflora and keeps the term for saving the finished product.

Why to roam for the winter from the black-and-white gorobina of the dbaylivy masters, who have grown sik from it? Chornoplodka - the berry is no more than juice, if we have enough juicers to make a lot of cake. At the same time, it is not possible to wikidate this valuable product! Variants of yoga vikoristannya are impersonal, beginning with the preparation of syroids bread and ending with the most delicious jelly. Yakshcho the whole top of the head is not far away from the vikorista in a bowl, you can freeze it, and pamper your household and yourself with a vitamin drink.

Gorobina, ground with zukr

How to prepare a black gorobina for the winter in order to save vitamins?

You can prepare a unique preparation for the winter with the best savings in vitamins - gorobina, grated from zucr.

What do we need:

  • 1 kg gorobini yagid;
  • 1 kg zucru.

Prepare clean sterilized jars, lids, meat grinder or blender, towel.

  1. Let's sort out the berries of the aronia, let's cut it like a little chick, let's dry it on a towel. For the extraction of pureed yagid, it is passed through a meat grinder or more in a blender. At the trimmed masu, dodamo tsukor and relatively mixed to a rozchinennya.
  2. If we want to take a “live” product, which is saved at low temperatures, we will have to transfer the egg mass in clean, dry jars, seal it and put it in the refrigerator.
  3. If we need a product that is stored at room temperature, then we mix the mashed potatoes with zucr and put it on a small fire, cook it for 3-5 mins until the zukr is fully expanded. Packed in hot dry jars and put in a saucepan with hot water for pasteurization.
  4. An hour of pasteurization of liter jars is 20 minutes. We seal the jars and cool them, not overturning.

Gorobina is rubbed with zukr without cooking, saving the whole complex of brown speech-vitamins, organic acids enzymes.

Gorobina without tsukru for the winter

Recipes for the preparation of black gorobini for the winter without zucru are even more relevant in autumn, if the berries after the first light frost become malty and juiced. As if it was the reason for the cultivation of the nebazhane tsukra, we can prepare a black-and-white gorobina for crusting in the simplest and most obvious way.

What do we need:

  • Gorobini berries;
  • Boiled water.

Prepare clean, dry, sterilized liter jars, lids, a roaming machine, a towel, potholders.

Let's sort out the berries of the gorobini, let's cut it like a chick, let's dry it on a towel. We put the berries in jars, filled with hot boiled water, (not with sprinkles!) Covered with lids and sterilized in a saucepan with boiling water 20 khvilin, corked, cooled.

A richer taste can be taken away by pouring the berries not with boiled water, but with boiled hot juice from the black gorobini. Such berries in wet juice can be given to the smallest children, especially when they are taken, if there is a shortage of vitamins.

Just wine

What do we need:

  • 700 g gorobini yagid;
  • 1 kg zucru;
  • 100 g raisins;
  • 500 g purified water.

We prepare a clean dry three-liter jar, a plastic lid, a side of a dance.

  1. Gorobini berries are sorted, wetted in the form of chicks, promiemo, dried. With a wooden weaver we will rose the berries, we will transfer the masa to a three-liter jar.
  2. Dodamo to the berries of nemitia rodzinka, 300 g of zucru, pour water, mix well.
  3. Cover the jar with a lid, make an incision in front of it, through which carbon dioxide comes out. We will clean the jar in a warm, dark place for 7 days.
  4. I’ll put the masa in a jar today, mix it up with strushuvannya.
  5. After 7 days, before the mass, to roam, add 300 g of zucru, mix it up and put it again in a warm place. The procedure is repeated every other day, and after a month the vitrimkas are added to the jar with 100 g of zucru and checked, until all the berries sink to the bottom. Wine can become clear.
  6. We will be deprived of yoga, pour it over the dances and ask friends for a tasting of this divine drink.

The wine made from black gorobini has a tart relish, a rich bouquet, rich aroma.

I will propagate you to marvel at the cicave video with recipes for harvesting chornoplid gorobini for the winter.

I love you, my readers.

As I said earlier at the statue, in which we looked, today I will tell you - if you pick the best berry? How to discover ways to preserve berries, so that the fruits of the blackberry will have the largest number of brown tongues? How can I make blanks from the black gorobini for the winter? And how can you please your loved ones today? The axis is a short perelіk pitan, such as we are stuck here.

Aronia berries can sag on the needles for a long time in that fall, as the birds do not actively grow them, or on the vineyards the feathered birds grow. But the most important food is about to stand in front of him, who has a black gorobina in the yard: “If you pick the best berry?”

The best time to pick these fruits for brew, compote, liqueurs and other savory є spring-zhovten. Harvested from chornoplidnoy gorobini supplement urination styl and help the body to prolong long winter months to take vitamin rive, and also fight against some ailments.

They also know berries from berries and for freezing. But if you want to eat the berry of the greatest relish and with the largest amount of brown words, next to know: after the first frosts, the black-and-white gorobina reaches its fullness.

Preparations for the winter from chornoplidnoy gorobin.

Preparing for the winternatural look

  1. For an hour, pick up the shields (penzl) with scissors, folded into shallow pads. In order for the whole winter, under the hand of a fresh berry, the berries can be grown in a cold place, there is no access to the sleepy light, for example, at the foothills, cellars, basements, on the hills zamіskogo booth or at the closet on the balcony of the Moscow apartment. The optimum temperature of such blanks is close to +5 degrees.
  2. In order to remove the dried chornoplid, the berries are water-creamed into the stalks and laid out in one ball on paper, periodically stealing її. Robiti ce next to the place, which is well ventilated, at a temperature no higher than +50 degrees. So it’s unprofitable to be corrupted by ovens in this type of situation - it’s bad for the authorities to be ruined.
  3. A convenient way for those who are frozen in freezers or may have a large freezer in the refrigerator - freezing shvidka. Todi tsiliy rik to the members of the motherland of the black humpback! Harvesting coryne berries for the winter in this season is not the same as the annual vitrates. Just a few words about those, schob vіdokremlenі vіd podonіzhok and shvidko frozen berries in the freezer were arranged in portions. Do not zayvy time to defrost the whole fruit, to prepare, for example, compote or specter of the pie.

How to make a boiled black gorobini?

The most wide-ranging preparations of black-and-white gorobini, the recipes for which are the most popular among the gentlemen - tse, obviously, varennya.

Preparatory stage before cooking - thermal processing of chokeberry.

The berries of the chokeberry sprout in the air with a kind of dryness. To that, before the varіnny varіnnyа їх sіd "rozm'yakshiti". For this fruit, put on a sprat of quills (type 3 to 5) at the okrip, and then at the cold. І only after the procedure is already taken to the drushlyak and shifted to the container for brewing.

Before the speech, vіdvar, scho viyshov when scalded with sprinkling yagіd, not varto wiggle - a sprat of brown speeches has passed into the new one. For this, it is best to make fresh “Asorti” sour, adding syrups of other berries and fruits, zucru and starch.

Recipe for jam from chornoplidnoy gorobini without zucru

About those, how greedy to bring these berries to people, how they suffer from diabetes, it was already said more. To that, a word of advice about those who, for these ailments, was given here recipe for blackberry gorobini ale without tsukru.

I’ll make such a stash of troch folded, lower from tsukr, but that’s it, turn it up! We need more than a large pot of water, in which jars of berries are installed. At the bottom of the pot, lay the ganchirka.

The water in the pot is brought to a boil, in jars (more likely vikoristovuvat pіvlitrovі) we put the berries sprinkled with sprinkling to the brim and put them in a saucepan. The okrip is guilty of reaching the lids of the cans, but if it doesn’t fill up in the middle of them, then the fire should be small, only for the sake of boiling.

Under the hour of boiling water, the berries will be troch "sit", to that in the month that has risen, it is next to add yagid. This process needs to be continued for 20-40 minutes. Then the jars are taken one by one from the okrop and sealed with metal lids.

Recipe for jam from chornoplidnoy gorobini with zukr

The most wide-ranging variant of harvesting chornoplidnoy gorobini and jamid berries from tsukr. For the preparation of the master, you need a container of a suitable size, a stove and the necessary components to enter the warehouse:

berries (1 kg), tsukor (1.5 kg) and water (pіvlitra). The quantity can be changed or increased, keeping the assigned proportions.

It’s not easy to squirm with a multicooker, because it’s not profitable: the berries are too hard, so the process just stretches out for three hours.

From pivkilo tsukru and pivlitra vodi (you can vicorate part of the water, blanched the berry in it) prepare a syrup, how to pour a kilogram of chokeberry fruits (vaga is distinguished before thermal processing with okrop), and pour it on the prepared berry. After boiling, the masi її vitrimyut on the fire 5 quills, constantly stirring the boil. Potim znіmayut єmnіst, and zavarenі berries zavarenі berries ooze out with syrup for 8-10 years.

The last stage is the final cooking. Mistkіst again put on fire, add kilograms of zukra and cook until ready, until the syrup, when dripping on the flat, takes its shape, and does not pour.

You can store ready-made jams in jars with metal lids, as well as polyethylene. You can wind it up with clean little pieces of polyethylene swimming, wrapping them with soaked towline water from below. After hanging the hank, it changes in size, pulling the cloak tightly, which closes the neck of the jar, thereby creating airtightness.

Recipe for jam with black gorobini and apples

To prepare this miraculous brew, you need to replace half of the yagid with an apple, so before brewing, you should also blanch 3 quills in sprinklings, so that after scalding the black fruit, you’ll have enough.

The zukrovy syrup is prepared on the basis of tsukor, which is left after the blanching of water, simmering in it, after the preparation of such a syrup is taken from the fire. Then we lay apples and berries there and deprive them for 3-4 years. After cooking the masi with a stretch of 5 quills, I again let the brew brew for 3 years. This procedure can be repeated once, the blackberry docks will not become juicy and soft. The next time the brew is laid out in jars and covered with either kapron lids or metal ones.

Recipe for black gorobini jam on a cherry leaf

Chudovo savory varennya to go out, as if by the water for blanching, yagіd on the cob 5 quills, boil the cherry leaves.

  • Get ready for the recipe described above, for the preparation of a dessert from a kilogram of chornoplide, you need to take 100 grams of cherry tree leaves.

Recipe for jam with black gorobini "Asorti"

It is not uncommon for the preparation of citrus vicarious blackberry jam. Prepare your dessert for a great recipe, just before the last stage of cooking, put it in the oven with meat twisted on meat rubs at once from citrus peel.

  • It is recommended to take a couple of oranges and one lemon for a kilo of apples.

You can add assorted apples in the assortment. Ring out to celebrate after the first brew of the brew.

  • For a kilo of apples, take plenty of apples. After putting it in and adding it to the masa tsukru, which is overwhelmed, the brew is infused for 3 years, 10 quills are boiled and it is brewed again for 5 years (when preparing a wonderful brew, the infusion process is carried out once for 8 years).

Compote from chornoplidka

It’s also welcome to collect a jar of compote and treat yourself. Є kіlka retseptіv for the preparation of tsgogo drink.

Compote from black gorobini - the first recipe

The simplest of them is a one-time filling with hot syrup.

The chornoplodka is thoroughly cleaned and washed before simmering at the container.

Berries sag at a sterile jar for one third of the obsyagu.

To prepare such a winter harvest, it is necessary to take zucru and water in proportions of 1 to 2. Bring the sum to a boil and boil with a stretch of five to ten strands. Let's do it immediately after the fire is filled with syrup chornoplid near the jar.

Immediately close the containers with compote with metal caps. The jars turned down with throats burn warmly and dry until completely cooled. Potim can be lowered from lioh.

Compote from black gorobini - another recipe

Some gentlemen need to go in this way: berries, sipan in a jar, poured with sprinkles, freezing it up. Let's wag the whole time at the pot - at the same time with berries and boil doti, the docks do not burst the berries. At the same time, the necessary quantity of tsukra sips at the casserole and boils for 10 strands. Well, I respect that a lot of brown speeches and vitamins are used in this kind of mood.

We then pour the sum into the jars, put the boiled chornoplid there, and end up with the lids.

Compote from black gorobini - a recipe with citrus fruits

A wonderful drink comes out of a number of components - assorted compote. Yogo is prepared in the same way, as described in another recipe, only before pouring hot sumisha yagid and syrup, add to the jars a small part of a peeled orange and half a lemon.

I love this trocha otherwise recipe:

  • At the jar already prepared, I fill it with one-third of a berry, then I put in the orange and lemon slices.
  • I fill the jars with sprinkles. I leave the whilin for 5, pour the water from the cans into the okrema saucepan, sip tsukor (1.5-2 bottles per can), bring it to a boil. I refill banks with it. I'll end up with metal caps.

I turn upside down to nothing. I lower the vranci of the coming day at lioh.

Compote from black gorobini - recipe from sea buckthorn

For preparation, take berries and chornoplid in proportion 2:1. Mustache berries are washed, cleaned, hung on a clean towel.

Banks are steam sterilized.

Boil syrup from rosemary 130 g zucru for 3 liters of water. Berries are placed near the jar (the proportions indicated above) so that the third of the container is filled up, and up to the neck (three times more “plіchok”) are poured with hot syrup.

Then we sterilize jars with compote in boiling water. For 3-liter containers, it is necessary to carry out the first procedure, for 2-liter containers - 20 quilins, for liter containers, it is necessary to draw 10 quilins.

After that, as the jar was removed from the water, it was necessary to “roll up” the metal, again, sterilized in the sprinkling, krishkoy. It is necessary to put a clogged jar on the lid uphill with the bottom, wrap it up and keep it for a few days.

Stravi that napoi іz chernoplіdki to svjat

Those who, with the help of the miracle berry, can be sown in such a way, as if to embellish the Svyatkov style and sprout, they can become a rodzinka zastilla.

Recipe for liquor with black gorobini

It’s easy to drink this wonderful alcoholic drink.

  • Suffice it in a three-liter jar to “plіchok” to sip the black puff (it will be close to the second kilogram of the egg), sip the zukra close to the pivkіlogram and fill it all with a burner, without adding 2 centimeters to the edge of the neck. Call enough 1-1.5 liters of alcohol at a time, so that a 3-liter jar is taken as a container for liquor.

Cork the liquor with a glass of parchment paper or a polyethylene lid, then put it in the refrigerator for two months or more. According to this term, pour the liquor at the dance, re-cork it again and save it until it is put into the cold place.

Cake "Skorospilochka"

Sob berries like liqueurs didn’t come for free, you can beat them for a cake. Tsey dessert is a whole pidide like a biscuit for a snack, like a yogo, decorate with cream. As well as sprinkling biscuit sprigs, making creamy prosharok and embellishing it with the beast, then we can make it simple and cheap, but even more savory cake.

  • For a couple of flasks, you need a flask of kefir or sour milk. Vlasne, pidide and ryazhenka, or another thick dairy product. There, it is necessary to drink a bottle of tsukru and a bottle of black-and-white brew, add pivsklyanki yagid from liquor and break a couple of eggs. Now, after mixing, it’s necessary to drink a teaspoon of tea soda, mix it up again and get rid of five whilins.

Quietly vikladaєtsya in a form smeared with some kind of fat and vipіkaєtsya pіvgodini in the oven for +180 degrees.

Wine Chornoplidne

The miraculous wine from the black gorobini is not only a garnet, savory, but also dark. It is important not to remember that the abuse of the most dangerous product can lead to a negative result. Ale 200 grams for the extraction of this divine drink - spravzhnya komora vitamins and mineral speeches - to help normalize the vice, get into the zir, stop sleep and the work of the intestines.

Rip the wine like this:

  • In a 10-liter salt, sip 2 kg of black-fruited meat-cutters and sip 1.5 kg of zucru. If you want it to be bigger and tastier, then add 5-6 kg of fruit. You can add a pinch of rodzinok and a pinch of brown rice for a more active drink of wine dredges. Then we put a medical mitten on the neck and pierce it with the middle finger and put it in a warm place. Butel is not necessary to wake up once, but from the garnish of the day, forget not to wart.

First option: After 3 days, add a bottle of zucru and 2 liters of cooled boiled water. I will put on a mitten again and keep on shaking each day in place of the dance.

Another option: Can be done in 10 days. Drіzhdzhi begin to be established with yagіd. Rodzinki and rice will speed up this process, but if you don’t add them, then after 2 days they won’t settle down any more. For the first time, the wine will be ready not in 33 days, but in 40.

To pass 10 more days, and the home winemaker will repeat the procedure again - add a flask of zucru and 2 liters of water to the container.

After 10 days, the procedure is repeated again. The 1st axis has already passed 10 days again, and 33 days have already passed the wine. It's time to pour wine! And just like a mitten to which term it sends you a welcome, wash to the top, inflated with gases, then varto troch bud - a day or two.

Angry wine zalishayutsya. After a couple of days, yoga is carefully poured into another suliya, trying not to shake the siege from the bottom. This procedure is also necessary to visconate three times, through the skin 2-3 days until the wine becomes clean and clear. Then it’s important to cook before living. You can save wine in a cold place with a closed lid. If it is a bank, then the polyethylene cover will be completely attached.

You can replace some of the yagіd with other ones, or you can add vicorist fruits, for example, apples, pears, grapes, currants or cherries. Ingredients can either be frozen or dried. The relish of the assorted wine will be bigger and thinner.

Sіk іz chernoplodnoї gorobini

Just that shvidko can be prepared with sik іz chornoplidnoї gorobini, which zberіgaєtsya to finish the trival hour. Watch the video with this recipe:

Chornoplidna gorobina - recipes in vise

  1. Here you can guess what this berry is by itself - already faces in oscalls normalize yoga. Therefore, it is easier to take 100 g of fruit from a fresh eye (you can beat the frozen berries with this method) three times a day in that case, as there are no problems with varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and virazkovy ailments.
  2. For more crusty, often vicorist is made from yagid, preparations from a kilo of trimmed fruits and 100 g of water. Vivaruvati sumish slіd protyagom pіvgodini on a small fire, potіm protsіdzheni vіdvar zberіgati in the refrigerator troch more than 24 years. Vіdvar, scho vipivaєtsya to zhі, normalіzuє vice. You need to drink according to the pivsklyanka not more than 3 times for the extraction.
  3. Also brown nasty from chornoplidka. For yogo preparation, 3 tablespoons of dry yagid are enough, so that they are steamed with two flasks of okrop in a thermos. Drink nastіy just like that, like vodvar, 3 times a day for pіvsklyanki.
  4. 50 g of selected berries are mixed with a tablespoon of honey and are taken daily in a course of 10 to 40 days.
  5. Miraculous effect for the normalization of the vice gives a fresh fruit of chokeberry, which takes root 3 times a day for the first five years of the year. Drink a quarter of a bottle - what is enough, so that the ailment has entered.
  6. You can improve the taste of “likiv” from chokeberry juice and help yoga deya for additional honey. And here, on two-thirds of a bottle of fresh juice, add a teaspoon of honey. Otrimanu sumish to be divided into three additional prizes and take up to one for 30 credits. After two days, it is necessary for the recipient to take a two-month break, after which it is recommended to repeat the course.

The axis is such a miraculous berry - a black gorobina! Recipes in a vice, to the point of speech, rozkryvayut in full obsyazі її likuvalnі mozhlivostі. It’s not for nothing that old people seem to think that it’s impossible to buy health, but you can grow yoga in the garden. І tsya prikazka stosuetsya subject of our current rozmovi - if we looked at different simple recipes for chornoplid gorobini chi aronia.

On what dear friends I will finish the article, but it would be better to recognize it, and why are you preparing the recipes for harvesting for the winter from the black gorobini? Share be kind in the comments to the article

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