The tickets are empty plastic plates. New ideas for the garden or made from plastic balls. Preparation of the middle of the ticket

Korisnі oradi

You can embellish gifts, place this/or leaflets. The stinks don't just look beautiful, but they will forever "blossom".

And so, as when preparing vicorous plastic balls, you also help nature. slabs made of plastic can be laid out 450 - 1000 years. Today is near 90% success plastic discs do not recycle, and we want to change.

Robiti zі smіtya beauty tse miraculous and noble in relation to our planet. We offer you a sprat of color options, broken from plastic plates.

Kviti from a plastic plate. Option 1.

You need:

Plastic plates


Igniter and candle

Pliers or tweezers

Porada: try to practice in a room with outdoor ventilation, on a balcony or on the street. If you have done the preparation of plastic tickets at home, then open the windows and fill them for the next hour, every hour, after the work.

1. You can twist the central, lower and / or upper part of the plastic plate.

For the cob, it is necessary to paint the template of your card and visualize it.

3. Mustaches of the petals of the flower should be folded into one beak.

4. Prepare a flare. Pliers take a ticket and bring it to half-day. In the world of that, as a flower is heated up more often, її pellets begin to deform.

Be careful and do not overdo it with heating, otherwise zip a ticket.

One by one form all the pellets.

5. Varto sprout sprats of such blanks.

6. You are ready to drink products. Now they need to go together in the middle. Prepare 2-3 blanks. Z'ednannya it is possible to grow for the help of the same heating.

You can also open it in the middle of the blanks in two and sew them at once, attaching a decorative gudzik to the animal at the back.

A card from a plastic plate. Option 2.

1. It is necessary to make 7 blanks, but the skin can be smaller for the front. To work it out, paint 7 templates (divine picture).

2. Outline the templates on the back of the preparation of parts of plastic dances and visualize the chotirilists.

3. In the middle of the skin blank, it is necessary to make a small opening with an awl.

4. Now I will prepare the skin for melting over the fire. Vikoristovyte igniter or a candle, like in the first butt, start heating the workpiece, with which the fluffs are bending uphill.

5. Prepare a plastic bowl of green color to make a bunch of sepals. To build a vіnochok, like the front details, tobto. trochs melt the skin of the pellet and open it in the middle.

6. The stalk of the flower with leaves also fights from the green puff and dart. From the central part of the plate, a spiral follows. The width can become close to 1cm.

7. Prepare drіt. Її it is necessary to wrap a spiral, virizanoy z buns. When winding, it is necessary to heat the spiral over the half-lights.

9. Squeeze the vines one to one, so that you can throw a dart, which, at your hand, should be bent into a loop.

10. Prepare a stencil for leaflets from a thin paper and chicory, so that you can see the leaves from a green plastic plate. Like and other details, leafing is necessary to melt and spin the troch (wonderful picture).

A card made of plastic bands. Option 3.

You need:

Plastic plates


Farbi aerosol cans

1. Prepare farbi two colors. With one can, paint over the top of the dance, and with the other spray, paint the sprat of the husband.

2. If the farba is dry, cut the skin puff into two parts (you can choose the size if you like).

3. Fix virіzati pelyustki. For which purpose it is necessary to make incisions on the skin part of the plastic plate. Work it out so that you have wives, so that the pellusts will guess.

Plastic pads. Quote. Master class. Option 4.

You need:

Plastic plates

Stationery nizh


1. Prepare plastic buns and dry them at the bottom of the skin.

2. Try the tips of the pelyustok over the candle, so that the stench swells up more realistic looking.

3. Choose the color of farby, for example, orange, and buy a quote. Kіnchiki pelyustok you can also cook, applying a thin green line.

4. Fry the speck in the middle and glue a twig to it.

5. Whisk green farba to make a small flower.

6. For beauty, you can attach a bead to the center of the flower.

7. Now you can get all the details.

How to make clothes from plastic balls. Option 5.

You need:

Plastic plates



Decorate for tickets

Glue (preferably superglue)

Deco for VIP


1. Wash that visushit plastic dance.

2. Scissors cut the lower part of the plate. You can experiment with the form, but you still can find the form is similar to a ticket.

3. Change your mind, that the place is well ventilated. Prepare an old sheet and put it on the new lower part like plastic plates.

Raise the oven and bring the temperature to about 200 degrees. At this temperature, it is necessary to trim a sheet with plastic sheets for about 10 strands.

4. Pull the sheet and let the forms cool. Znіmіt їh and pochnіt embellish to gusto. You can use markers, or glue beads in the middle of the card.

How to make a ticket from a plastic plate. Option 6

You need:

Plastic plates

Stationery nizh


Akrylova farba and penzlik

Glue (preferably a glue gun)

Drill (for openings)


Happy holidays

Candle, igniter or thermal gun



Needle nose pliers

1. Drill the lower part of the plastic plate to take the shape of the flower, which you guess.

2. With an awl, open 2 in the skin "kvittsi" - open the guilt on the opposite sides, on the edge of the skin flap. Having opened them for help, you will be able to eat all the tickets with kiltsy.

3. Put blanks on the sheet. Treat the ticket with tweezers, start heating the ticket in half-light or with a heat gun. Work carefully and do not overdo it. So varto remembrance about the safety and airing of the place.

Under the hour of heating, the pellets of the flowers will begin to fold, so start heating up, if the pellets are in the shape you need.

4. Repair the farbs with acrylic farbs. Then let the farbi dry. Not obov'yazkovo farbuvati z both sides.

5. Zrobit two open in the middle of the skin quilt, to sew on the gudziki.

Plastic balls with miraculous syrovina for the preparation of various varieties. It's cheap to make stench, it's not easy to know them, so it's one of the most important materials. Today we want to teach you how to work beautifully with them, so that we can decorate the interior of your life or make you happy tsiliy rik at the dacha.

Kviti from plastic balls: master-class

Let's try to prepare a ticket I'll call it a garna Clivia. The new name sounds like Clivia Cinnabar. The growth of this flower near Pivdenny Africa. May be the color of a bright, bouffant color, which makes the twins guess with its shape. On the stems, there can be up to thirty flowers, which are sown on the basis of the heart, and that's how long it takes to calm the eye of your flowers.

Simplicity is the beauty of the kvіtіv kіvії can not help but groan. Nothing fancy, everything is perfect. It turns out that Roslin is a messenger from distant lands, for ever that bright orange mood. Before you is a photo of a flower in nature.

And you can also vikonati іnshі іnshі z plastic dances: quilts, panicles, figurines of creatures and navіt furniture.

Forming the middle

In order to grow the uterus, take a thin drіt of 20-25 cm and put on her a truly curly shape. Now zginaєmo drіt navpіl і nadjagaєmo on insults kintsі at once 22 green namistini. For a chick, you need that same drіt and such a dozhini. Namistinki are strung according to the same principle, like on a queen, only 19 pieces in a quantity. The color of the beads is blue. In total, for a flower it is necessary to prepare queens for a quantity of 7 pieces and 42 eggs.

If you want to get a ticket, we will need a queen bee and 6 eggs. Then we took a piece of aluminum with a length of 20 cm, and we fastened a mother to it with a thread, smearing it with glue at the same time. Tichinki roztashovuєmo like a uterus and everything is wrapped with a thread of a ball.

Quote. We take 7 pieces of plastic plates, we cut the upper part. Now the skin of the flax is rozrazaemo on the equal part of the smug, rounded, like a flower petal. There can be 6 such husbands.

Now the pellets are being processed, trimming the candles over the half-lights. If the plastic starts to melt, we give it a round shape. In this order, on the back of the head, walk with fire between the pelyusts, then the edge of the skin, pririmuyuchi іnshі pelyustki.

Now mi rozfarbuёmo derzhu detail on the sides with a red color. Farba rather take alkydna and carry out the procedure, vyyshovshi on the street. Put on a mitten or a plastic bag on your hand and saw the farba on the part, covering it evenly on the sides. Farba must be applied to two balls. If the red ball is good dry, cover the middle of the pellet stake with yellow farboa.

Now, on the right, there is a cork in the form of a plate, pierced with an awl and expanded with scissors. Dali poured into crust glue. Also, we glue the point of sealing the uterus with chicks and stretch them through the cork. Rozpravlyachi, nadaemo garnogo looking. Gurtok with pellets is inserted into the cork and checked if the glue is dry. As long as the glue is hanging, the flower is better trimmed in a vertical position near the vase or bants.

Now we take green electrical tape and the same color farb. We make a cork, insert sepals into the yak, and if the farba is dry, we wrap the whole bottom of the ticket with an insulating line.

leafing through

We take five or six pieces of plastic flasks of green color and vizmemo details in the shape of the leaf. Number of leaves: the smallest 4 pieces, the middle 4 pieces and the great 8-10 pieces.

Following the same principle, as we practiced with pellets, our leaves are processed over a candle. Let's go through the fire along the contour of the sheet, then from the bottom along the front side, to straighten the sheet. At the bottom, robbed with an awl, a small puncture and push through there. Fasten with glue.

Now, with an electrical tape, it is wrapped around with a leaflet.

Folding tickets

The glue is dry. Now we fold some of the cards in such a rank, so that one bula is in the center, and three along the edges are in it. These stalks bend under the hood, as shown in the photo. We wrap the structure with a large ball of threads, the leather ball is fixed with glue and green electrical tape.

After hanging with tape, the stems are 30 cm thick and spaced three leaves in the same order as described in the front paragraph. So it is itself smeared with glue and wrapped with thread. Check if the glue is dry.

Vykoristovuyuchi the same principle, close two small leaves, then three large, two medium and again small.

Now it is no longer enough to wrap the stalk with tape to the end. The card is ready! The axis looks so guilty in domestic minds. The preparation of the tickets from the plastic balls is completed.

And here is the testimony of his natural middle. Just right! Our instruction appeared on the floor of the report, which can be called a video master class.

The axis of such a diva can be created with non-attachable material. Preparing tickets from plastic dances will bring you a lot of positive emotions and acceptance. And after reading our instructions, now you don’t only know yourself, how to make a lot of plastic dances for the garden, and even learn others.

Video lessons for mastrіv-pochatkivtsіv

Master class with handicraft. Clivia from plastic balls


People have long been koristuyutsya not only prepared, natural materials, but they themselves create new ones, such as nature does not have. Before them lie and plastics.

A group of these materials, perhaps, the widest, and even the same from plastics today, our craftsmanship releases the greatness of different varieties. The stench is different for recognition, shape and color.

The great popularity among people for decorative decoration of the dwelling and the garden plot is made of plastic plates. Plastic balls fixed the positions of ours everyday life. The life of plastic dances is not limited to disposable victories, the stink of the building is greater. So that the dances did not laugh in the middle I want to show you how you can give life to a friend of plastic dances. Pieces made of plastic balls oppose their diversity. Plastic plyashka is a friend of life, which will be richer, richer, different for the front, and will be the main material when folding a bouquet. Use your own hands to embellish your garden plot, kvіtnik and please your eye from plastic dances.

Plastic puffs with different flavors are over-farmed in green colors or transparencies. Virobi, vicons from them, original, light and modern. There is no between fantasy and creativity.

The work of preparing the hands from the plastic balls will spray the development of the hands, improve the okomir, close the labors and the skills, take away the hour of work with other materials. Tse types of working operations, all kinds of practical work.

Master-class of insurance for finishing handicrafts and beginners.

Tsіl: get to know teachers, promoters, fathers from this type of creativity, and also show how you can make cleats from plastic dances and embellish a caravan with them.


Develop a plan for the preparation of a viroba;

Screw respect up given species decorative and ugly creativity.

A good idea is to embellish the garden plot with flowers made of plastic beads, to give yourself, to people the joy of that warm mood.

Plastic plates are a wonderful material

Cheap and accessible: you can get away, be it;

You can give the necessary form over the candle;

Products can be prepared with alkyd, acrylic aerosol farbs.

Tse tsikavo

Clivia is brought to the Amarilisov family. Batkivshchyna klivії vologia subtropical foxes of Pivdenny Africa. Tse bastard herbaceous growths with old ones, pick up leaves at the rosette. Yaskravі pomaranchevі, zhovtі аbo chervonі kvіti kіvії zіbranі v sutsvіtya. On one bus, there can be 2-3 dozens of ringing tickets, which are gradually released, trimmed for a long time. Kvіtkovyh arrows one roslinі buvaє kіlka. Bliskuche, dovge, dark green leaves are even more beautiful.

A beautiful decorative flower of roslin, which is breathtaking with its simple beauty. This quote has nothing special. Vіn garniy be-yaky period, chi is a flower, chi is a repair. Clivia blooms, transforms itself and transforms the whole vast expanse with the rich, rich beauty of many great ones and even more beautiful blossoms. There is hostility, that the messenger from the country, de zavzhd panuє spring, that orange-yellow mood!

Okhorona practice

Problems with robots:

Hand injury with scissors, awl;

Farbuvannya virob farboi;

You can object, working on a candle.

What is needed to work to the cob:

Put the tools and materials in a place for them.

What is required for work for an hour of work:

be respectful to work;

Lay the knives right-handed with closed loops and rings forward;

It’s better to cut plastic plates for the elders, because folding is blamed, especially on the very cob of the work (it’s important to pierce the plate). Across that vzdovzh plyashki, the material is cut with scissors easily. The most foldable in the design is the bottom of the neck of the plate, here it is necessary to work especially carefully, so as not to injure the hand;

Carefully handle over the candle, so as not to obstruct;

Practice in a place that is well ventilated.

Tools and materials

Plastic plates of green (5-6) and transparent colors (7),


PVA glue;

Clay Meister;

Farbi acrylic, alkyd aerosols (red, yellow);

Candle with a diameter of 2 cm;

Isolation stitch green color;

Drіt of different diameter;

Great beads of two colors;

Long and round beads;

Tovstі threads (iris).

Stages of folding a bouquet of flowers

Core preparation

1. Make 7 queen bees and 42 eggs from the great beads, beads.

To prepare the uterus, take a thin thread with a length of 20 - 25 cm, string a bead of green color on it, bend the thread and string 22 great beads of green color on two strands.

To prepare the eggs, take a thin thread with a length of 20-25 cm, string a long bead on it, bend the thread and string 19 beads of blue (white) color into two points.

2. To take one ticket, you need to take 1 queen and 6 eggs. Tovkach fasten with threads to an aluminum dart with a length of 20 cm, smearing with PVA glue, and scatter the stalks in a straight line evenly and creak them with a thread.

Preparation of a ticket

1. At 7 piercing dances, cut the upper part.

2. Cut the skin part into 6 equal males up to the neck. From the skin of the skin of the animal, the pellets are vibrated, rounding the upper part.

3. The skin of the pellet is worked over the candle, giving the pellets a rounded shape. Sweep the loin between the pelluses, and then the edges of the skin pellus, pressing the other pellets with your fingers.

Waste material / Bouquets and tickets

Kviti from plastic dances!


Today's industry is constantly supplying us with a wonderful material for creativity, and with the very plastic balls, which are inspired by different forms and color solutions, you can create flowers from plastic balls and other original varieties.

The unparalleled advantages of this material, without any other, are cheapness, cheapness, high plasticity of power and diversity. To embellish such suits from a plastic plate, whether it be a place of residence, to become a parent of a garden plot, and also to become a garniture for you that your child.


How to build a trojan from a plastic bowl:

What materials and tools are needed to make a trojan from a plastic plate?
Be sure to look at the fact that you walk around with the color of the Trojans, prepare the blue, white or red dance. For the stem, that leaf is green. Also, we need a candle, knives, an awl, a marker and a piece of hard dart in a wrapping.

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Preparing a bud:

Open the dance on the squares (we need 7 squares, div. small), then paint on the skin paddles: large, medium and small, and then turn. At the center of the skin preparation, for help, she sewed to make little darts. Over the half-lights of the candle, give the blanks a natural shape.


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Harvesting the sepals and leaves:

The sepals and leaves are robimo from a plastic plate of green color, The technology of picking up these parts is the same as that of a bud.

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Stem preparation:

The stem, the yak and all the green parts of the flower, are made from a green plastic plate. For this, we wind a line in a spiral, and then we wind it over a candle on a piece of solid dart.

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Trojan storage:

On the back we put on the stalk of the sepals, then we put on the pellets on the bud - from the largest to the smallest. To close the bud on the stems, throw the dart behind the help of pliers. They gave us a leaf and twisted yoga over the fire on the stem. Axis and that's all - our trojan from a plastic plate is ready!

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How to make a camomile from a plastic bowl:


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Robimo wines:

For the realization of the idea, there will be needed more platters of healthy yogurt.

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Of these, it is necessary to draw mugs with a diameter of about 10 cm, paint them in the middle with a felt-tip pen little colo, to serve as the middle of the flower. We gave 16 incisions on the stake at the skin preparations.

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Round off the edges of the pellets for an additional knife, and open it in the center with an awl. For the writing of the ticket, you can use two such blanks. Let's sweat the candles over the half-lights and form them.



Such a trick is bestowed on the pellusts of naturalness and trochs of a curved shape. Here, let's keep it safe, the shards, with a trivial sign above the half-lights, the details can be seriously deformed.

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Preparing the middle of the ticket:

To prepare the middle of the chamomile, you need a yellow dance. Cut out two or three mugs with a diameter of about 2 cm. For an additional manicure knife, make a fringe along the edge and lightly curl it over the candle. On one detail, cut a small part about 1/5 of the stake.

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Robimo sepals, stem and leaves:

Like a stem, a wooden skewer can act, or it is wired in a winding. Dali technology, like in trojans.

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From a plastic plate of green color, make a spiral-shaped woman, not more than 0.5 cm thick. For additional candles, wind it on the stem. For the creation of the sepals, make a sprat of green five or six-pointed stars.

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Over the half moons again give the bagan shape. The leaves of chamomile can also be grown from a green platter.

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We take a ticket:

The final stage of selection.


On the pointed part of the stalk, put on the ear of the sepals, then the bases of the pellets and the core.

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As if a skewer stood out like a stalk, then on її rush to put on a little piece of plasticine, as if you were grimacing with a dart, then build a loop so that the details do not fall off.

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Let's sweat the leaves to the stem, touching the yoga over the candle. The axis and that's it, the chamomile from the plastic plate is ready!

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How to make a pivony from a plastic plate:

In front of the front robots of pivoniya, it is only a bud and larger leaves on the stems. To this, we give instructions below, how to work the bud itself, and you can work the stem of that leaf in the way described above.

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Preparation for pivony:

Let's make a blank for the template on paper - paint a vinochok at three sizes.

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Now we are working on three blanks - every time we take a container for the opening, and then we will cook it in the required bright colors. Do not forget to cut through the skin of the pelage of the mayzhe to the core.

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Nadaemo "live" looking at the vines, after tasting the preparations over the candle.

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Zabarvlennya that picking a bud:

We cover the blanks with acrylic farboi from a can.
We select the details of the bud, gluing them one to one. Then we decorate the core with beads, imitating pilyoviki.

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Latatta for decorative bet



Details for blanks:

To fold the ticket, you need three upper parts of the plates without a neck in white color and one upper part with a neck in the form of a yellow plate (as there is no yellow plate, you can make a part from white or transparent plastic and cover it with acrylic farboi).




Robimo the core of the latatta:

It is necessary to start from the middle of the ticket. Take a blank and make 8 pellets with rounded ends.


For chicks, you need a wide coat of yellow color, cut with lokshina.


Above the half-lights, light up the chicks in the middle, twist the detail behind the year's arrow, creaking with glue.


Pick up the eggs from the heart of the flower for additional glue.

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We choose latatta:

Now take care of the pelusts of the latatta itself, like squirming from the white blanks.


Accurately on a stake, make dowgast pelyustki from sharpened kints.


All three more details should be put on the core with chicks. Ready for the lata!

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As you can see, the things from the plastic plate can be even more different and zastosovuvatsya for different purposes, having shown three of your imagination and speeding up with our butts, you can create a whole composition, like embellishing your houses and cottage.

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If you want, if you want to rock the dacha by embellishing the ash-tree bushes of the midnight, hanging cherubs, white daisies, and in the evening a firefly is burning, then you know that everything is possible from plastic dances.

Mitla made of plastic balls

Vaughn is invariably needed by the state. She can not only take care of the hut, but also pick up the disgrace of the leaves, remove from the garden paths.

To prepare the axis of such a mіtsnu volotka, you need:

  • 6 plastic balls;
  • scissors;
  • a hammer;
  • live bait.
Nasampered, beat the dances under warm water, see the labels from them. Now, cut the bottom of the five puffs, cut through the necks. Starting from the bottom, cut the canvas of containers into 1.5 cm wide bands.

Do not cut off the neck of the fifth puff, so you yourself will add a fringe on it. Now put 4 dances on her beast. Get ready for the show otherwise. Shave її below the shoulders, stripping the neck.

To put on a ball for the preparation of five containers. Insert the petiole at the neck. Now troch to squeeze the blanks, so that the mіtla has become more flat.

Having left the rest of the stroke, open the sprat with an awl at the working part of the hair, dress it up here, fasten the veil on live bait. Axis like a robiti mіtlu іz plastic flasks.

Yak zrobiti leleku

The axis of some kind of miracle leleka can embellish your garden, my door.

As if you had a house after a house, or the repair was left with scraps of a wooden board, the stench would go even more river. Axis of what is necessary to prepare them:

  • plastic plates for milk;
  • green and red insulator;
  • self-tapping;
  • block of wood;
  • 2 metal rods;
  • glue gun;
  • glasses for toys.
Stretch the bottom and neck of the dances. From the stripped canvas, prepare chotiri feathers. For the first one, open the ribbon on the side, then use scissors to cut off the canvas on the rectangles. Round off the lower part of the skin and frame the fringe with a fringe, cutting the edges of the blanks.

Paint on paper or cardboard a pattern of leleka, apply to the board, paint, vip with a jigsaw. Finely paint the wing, also cut 2 such details, screw them to the body with small screws.

Fill the still unformed dzhob of birds, starting from the head, glue the body and krill of the leleka with blanks from plastic buns. Give respect to the fact that the plumage of birds on the head is blown away by the plumage on the body. For the head, make short preparations.

For the design of krill, it is necessary to add not only white, but also black fringes. Stop cooking by taking a splash of the shampoo of that color. So, ale dovgі, you will need when you decorate the tail leleki.

Wrap the electrical tape of the red color on the bird's leg. Glue the eyes, attach two metal rods on the plate of the foot. Close the lower part of the lower part on the bar.

The axis is like a little cherish, so that you don’t waste your money on the purchase of such a garden figurine.

Decorative flowerbeds - first idea

Beautifully designed card-cards to silence the eye. At the same time, plastic plates will also help. What do you have country houses, the idea presented below, you can turn on the wind on the territory near the city, on your balcony and wind on the pidvіkonnі.

The flower bed-container is also made of plastic containers, ale rectangular shape. For robots, prepare your feet:

  • 3-4 plastic balls;
  • awl;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • I used farba.
Cut the necks and sidewalls of two dances, filling the "sides". Set up 2 spaces, glue the space of their z'ednannya so, as shown in the photo.

Similar plastic flowerbeds can have at their base not two, but more puffs. The same middle elements of the quilt are displayed without "sides".

Now it is necessary to open it with an awl at the day of blanks for draining the water. Like such a decorative flowerbed at home, it is necessary to put it on the pallet.

Garniy parkan is also seen from plastic plates. The vertical fragments are 4 cm wide, and the height is 5-7 cm higher than the height of the sidewalls of the containers. The upper part of such a picket fence is pointed, the lower part is rounded.

Now I'll cut the dance for a long time. Apply them horizontally to the vertically stacked picket fence, glue. Like dances - gaps, pofarbuyte їх at the white chi be-any other color, let the farbі dry, and then look at the elements of the fence. After that, glue yoga to the card.

You can leave out such a flower bed or decorate it with її quilts, crushed from plastic dances. When the containers are filled, put drainage at the bottom of the cob at the sight of dribbling chimneys, then a small ball of great sand, and then sip against the native soil.

Another variant of flowerbeds made of plastic plates

Such a thought is obov'yazkovo suitable for lovers of classical forms. Trim the necks of two eggplants, but do not let them go. The photo shows how it is necessary for them to give a form, so that these details are transformed into the lower legs of the flower bed.

At the sulіїv themselves, the sidewalls are folded, and on the board, the white of the bottom and the white of the shoulders are overlaid. Insert one part of two containers into the other, not forgetting to fix it with glue. For the help of the new one, fasten the shoes.

It was left to cover your work with farboi, let it dry, fill it with a small ball of drainage, light soil and plant your beloved growths.

Buying glue, wondering what to go for plastic. Well, it’s worth it and farbi, even if it’s not skin-friendly, it’s good for the whole material.

Products for the dacha

After winter, there are still few yaskravih farb near the garden. Fill up this clearing with such hollow plastic bands. These merry targets become at once small flower beds that color the garden.

For such a virobu for the garden you need:

  • plastic plates;
  • acrylic farbi;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • hair;
  • gudziki;
  • felt-tip pen.
Lay the plastic plate horizontally, swipe a bit of it in it, as it has now become the top of the container, but don’t let go yet. Paint on niy 2 wuha ta tail.

Farm the tail and body of a mouse from a plastic bowl in gray color, and wuha - at rozhevy. Glue all the details on your plate, like a wink of 2 dark gudziks. Paint on your mouth, glue hair pieces on your nis, like toys to become whiskers. After all, you can win for recognition.

The next kvіtnik for a summer residence is practically to fight for the same principle. Also, make a white part of the dance, wuha, tail for these gum pigs, then turn it into an erysipelas color. If the farba is dry, sip the earth in a container and plant flowers.

Buvayut products for the dacha, they look like a day, and even more effective - in the day, for the light of what a neon lamp burns in the middle.

Axis and materials required for work:

  • plastic dance of green color;
  • black or green drіt;
  • yellow paper;
  • golden decorative drіt;
  • neon lamp;
  • scissors.

Wash the dance with warm water, remove the label. Now wind 3 knots of the dart, twist them on the line as shown in the photo. The bottom of the dart will become the firefly's legs, and the other parts of the dart will be draped with a straight-cut, vyrazaniya from a yellow paper.

Paint wings on the cardboard, cut them and glue them on the back of the coma. Glue two namistinki to the top, like a firefly's eyes. Twist the golden drіt at the sight of the ears. Zignіt neon wand, schob blazed out, put in the middle of the container, fasten the upper part in the middle of the neck behind the additional adhesive tape.

The axis is like a firefly from a plastic plate. The wine looks beautifully entrusted with decorative roslins, so self-made with your own hands.

Sunitsa ta kviti from plastic buns

The axis of such a side of chamomile will be seen under the hour of empty containers of dairy products. Obviously, it is necessary to take good care of the labels. To prepare one ticket, put it in front of you:
  • 3 plastic balls of white color;
  • cap;
  • scissors;
  • drіt;
  • felt-tip pen.
Vіdrіzhte vіd vіd єmnostі nizhnі podіnі, stink іn preparation іѕ іt іn thе plastic plates іn't need.

On one dance, fill the neck, on the other two, її.

The top of the orange color is miraculously pidide like the heart of the flower. Tіlki will need to erase the numbers that indicate the date of selection and attachment to the product. Tse is easy to find for the help of acetone or a retailer for farbi.

Now, on the skin blanks, add 8 petals. Sob the stinks are the same, vikoristovyte the stencil or paint them on the back with a felt-tip pen, and then swipe. We will also need to erase yoga. I’ll prepare clothes for the first time, for which the neck was saved, for a friend, then a third. In front of you, plant the pellets, so that the flower was large. Light up the lid.

For the help of a drill or a baked flower, open 2 in the krishtsi, mix the soft drіt in them, wind it on the hard, as if you will become a stalk of growth. You can wrap it with green electrical tape or make such a color. It has lost its virіzati and creaking on the trunk of the leaves from the green puffball, the streak of 2 daisies, and the flowers, crushed with your own hands, ready.

Such bright juicy berries will also become a miraculous color of the dacha at the time of fate.

It’s even easier to fight this sunny bush. From the bottom of the plate, the bottom is opened, and the bottom is opened. The middle part of the container will not become in good, її і the neck needs to be trimmed and cut off. And the axis of that fragment, which is stuck in the neck to the bottom of the shoulders, insert into the bottom of the container. Also, 2 more berries can be smashed, or stilki, skolki you make it difficult to create.

Now, qi blanks need to be turned into a red color, and if this tone is dry, specks of white chi of a dark color should be made.

From the green flake, the sepals sprout and hang on the vine of the yagidka. At yoga, it’s the center of the drill, or for the help of flowers, that hammer needs to be drilled along the opening, pull them together and smack the drill. From the other side, leaves are pulled on her, virizani from a green plastic plate. Below the darts rush and the lower edge is built into the ground. As a result, what a wonderful virib for the garden you have!

Є y іnshі tsіkavі ideї for nadannya. From the video you know how it is still possible to get tickets from plastic balls:

At whom the video is recognizable, as if from small plastic dances, the growth of the bjil:

The next master class is to learn how to create the same material for summer cottage figurines:

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