Shkidlivist plasticity for nature. Plastic plates are an environmental concern. How it became possible

Take a look around - it’s a case of your phone, a bottle, you drink it, it’s a container, in which you packed your everyday snack, everywhere we see plastic. We victorious speeches from plastic so often that the stench has already literally become a part of us. Do not believe? For the results of the rest of the studies, chemicals, which are added to plastic virobs, are steadily climbing. human body. Plastic, buried deep under the ground on smіttєzalishchi, can seep that infect with shkіdlivimi chemіchnymi chіmіchnymi rechovina navіt ґgruntovі vіd, yakі potіm drenched at our faucets in the kitchen. Humanity is vibrating more and more plastic, and as a result, misbehaving too much middle ground and to ourselves. Zabrudnyuyuchi nature, we drive creatures and whole ecosystems all over the Earth. Possibly, after reading these details about the deadly infusion of plasticity, you change your mind about sonorous speeches and put yourself before the victorious plasticity more richly.

25. The scale of plastic production has grown strongly

Studies have shown that people began to grow richer in plastic. So, in the 1950s, the world produced about 2 million tons of plastic materials, and by 2015, the figure already reached 380 million tons. According to experts' estimates, by 2050, 34 billion tons of plastic have already been generated.

24. In Germany, plastic is recycled more carefully, but be still in the world

Photo: Pixabay

It is possible for them to recycle close to 56.1% of the output. Austria in this plan received 53.8% badges, having landed in another place, bronze went to Pivdenniy Korea, as it utilized 53.7% of smittya, and Wales - 52.2% in the fourth place. The USA did not reach up to dozens of the most distant lands.

23. The fight against plastic debris officially started in America on December 31, 1988

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The fifth addendum of the International Convention on the Prevention of Stray Vessels (MARPOL) prevents the passage of any kind of entry by the sea, and the signing of wines from the United States.

22. Close to 46% of all plastic floats in the waters of the Light Ocean

Photo: Pixabay

Plastic is everywhere, floats far away from the middle of the oceans, covering their surface with majestic "beams". I still don’t know how many pieces of plastic have already gone on the dark depths of the seas.

21. The usual plastic cup is laid out 50-80 years

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Disposable plastic cups can be removed from your own non-replacement components, so it takes more than an hour to store them. At the link with the cim in eco-friendly caverns like Starbucks, you will be given a discount of 10 cents, so you will come there with your wet bagatora bag.

20. Utilization of inputs for saving energy

Photo: Pixabay

The standard scalding of plastic in a smelter smelting oven is 2 times more energy, lower secondary processing.

19. Nearly 100,000 marine savants are dying soon, and the fault of all plastic itself

Photo: Pixabay

Creatures often mistaken for tiny pieces of plastic that float on, or settled on the ground. Hundreds of thousands of creatures are less likely to die through plastic entanglement.

18. The average American has almost 84 kg of plastic surgery

Photo: Pixabay

According to the data of the archives of the Agency for the Protection of the Natural Mineral of the United States, in 2013, the Americans generated approximately 254 million tons of output, and disposed of it processed only 87 million tons. Tse means that in the United States per person per day falls on 2 kilograms of special smite, and only 700 grams of them are recycled.

17. Today we celebrate 500 million plastic straws

Photo: Pixabay

At any restaurant with a Swedish meal, cold drinks are served from plastic straws. It's no wonder that they have been taken to the list of subjects that are recommended before the fence, which is constantly updated by the international non-profit organization 5 Gyres. It appears that all these straws made of plastic are the main zabrudnyuvach uzberezh. A lot of powers have long been either fenced, or else they are already picking up the fence of vikoristannya tsikh tubules. What do you think? What do you need to fence the tubes?

16. There are only 4 ways you can get stuck with plastic

Photo: Pixabay

Plastic can either be recycled, or vikoristovuvaty like a syrovina for the production of a fire, or spit, or vykidat in the right middle. Obviously, it’s best to go into the second conversion yourself, or convert the plastic to the source of energy.

15. Half of all plastic in the world is generated in Asia

Photo: Pixabay

On such Asian lands, like China, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines, about 60% of all light plastic that wanders our oceans and nature falls. China, Indonesia and China are generating plastic entrances in the largest countries in the world.

14. 40% plastic victorious for packaging

Photo: Pixabay

Packaging and bags are the things we could really do without. In another place, behind the frequent plasticity that vibrates, there is the sphere of everyday life. The third bodice behind the whole vikoristovuvannogo plastic - textile industry.

13. For the production of bottled water, you need more water, lower yourself at the dance itself

Photo: Pixabay

Yak bi sumo chi did not sound marvelous, so і є. The process of making water bottles requires 6 times more water, and as a result, they pour into plastic containers.

12. 14% of the total amount falls on the balls and other containers for drinking

Photo: Pixabay

In most cases, disposable cups and labels are not included. By turning on our disposable packaging, we could solve the problem of plastic pollution.

11. Americans win 100 billion plastic bags per river

Photo: Pixabay

In the sight of the wealthy of other civilized lands, like they hung plastic bags, people in America continue to feast on them every day. In England, the population behaves differently, even though it is normal for English people to come to the shops with their wet bags or bags of bags. Yakby mi stopped vikoristovuvat all disposable plastic bags on a good basis, the plastic in the world changed b.

10. Through chemical spoluk, present in plasticity, people see and gain vag

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Bisphenol A and diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A are the same chemicals that vicariously occur in plastics. The stench is not related to fats in the middle, but it’s good with one publication in the scientific journal Environmental Health Perspectives, and chemicals are indirectly added to the weight gain.

9. Microplastics in our drinking water

Photo: Pixabay

Microplastics are tiny particles of plastic. The number of small things on the flooring is small, so that more modern filters are not obscured. Studies have shown that microplastics are in 83% of tap water in the largest places in the whole world.

8. The problem of plastic obscuration cannot be overcome by a secondary reworking of the mind.

Photo: Pixabay

Utilization of waste - ce garniy way change the clutter of the superfluous middle, tied with plastic smіttyam. However, the growing amount of plastic that is vibrating, and the low speed of its layout, can be boldly affirmed, that reworking is less than the tip of the iceberg, a symptom of a serious problem. To be clear, we need to terminate the reduction in terms of volatility and plasticity.

7. Through plastic all over the world to bend coral reefs

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Coral reefs are one of the largest ecosystems that are constantly developing on Earth. On them, impersonal various marine organisms live, and also many reefs protect the coastlines from the harmful influx of mildew and tropical storms. Until then, coral reefs take part in the processes that regulate the concentration of carbon and nitrogen. It is important to note that over 90% of all coral reefs in the world until 2050 may emerge from the Earth through plastic turbidity. It's all the fault of the disease-causing bacteria that seem to be consumed on corals at once from plastic smіttyam.

6. In some countries, the government officially hindered plastic

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In Kenya, for a few plastic bags, you can be hit by 4 years. In 2018, the government of Great Britain announced the launch of a 25-year plan to minimize the obligation of plastic entrances. For vikonannya delivered meti in the country are gradually introduced fencing and fencing on vikoristannya plastic tubes, cotton buds and other types of plastic. It is quiet in Zimbabwe, whoever is caught making speeches made from polystyrene foam can be fined as much as 500 dollars. Let's guess, from this material, disposable isothermal containers for hedgehogs are often made. In 2016, France has become the first power in the world, as it has fenced plastic cups, plates and table accessories.

5. The Great Pacific Smithy Plama is true, and it is located off the waters of the United States


The great Pacific smіtєva plama is found on the river between the Hawaiian Islands and California. It is folded mainly with plastic and microplastic, which is not folded. Why the island is not familiar to us, but the area of ​​the surface is approximately 1.6 million square kilometers, for which it is sometimes called the smittev continent!

4. Close to 4% light vicarious oil bottle for plastics production

Photo: Pixabay

Naphtha is more valuable than energy, which is not inspiring. We have naphtha fires for cars, we heat our houses and we provide energy for all the industries around the world. Based on the rest of the statistical review of the light energy industry, published by the BP oil and gas company, in 55 years we can use up all our oil bottles. Significantly lowering or turning off the plastics production, we could save at least 4% of the light reserve of the most natural copalin.

3. All plastic, which, if ever, has been made by people, do it here, so that the wine is still not broken

Photo: Pixabay

On the halls of plastic smіtya, you can lay out even 1000 rokiv. In order to bring back all the already known smitniks from plastic outlets, we will have a chance to pick up a sprat of trillion rokiv. The biggest names are slaughtered to save the place for the fire, and the remelting of the plastic smite (especially the puffs), but in the process, again and again, they consume even more toxic whiskers. Secondary processing of plastic building significantly reduces the amount of smite, which is consumed on simple names, plastics are removed in far from the most environmentally friendly ways.

2. Plastic drives in wild creatures

Photo: Pixabay

Plastic is bad for our oceans and for waterfowl creatures. Sea birds, sea turtles, ribs and seals are constantly suffering in our entrances. The stench either gets lost in the smitty that swims in the water, or perishes because of the fact that the plastic objects are pardoned. Mayzha 40% of the surface of the Light Ocean is covered with plastic outlets.

1. Half of all the plastic arts, like my victorious, are victorious immediately after the first victorious.

Photo: Pixabay

Buy bagatorazovі cocktail tubes, mother'yanі bags for groceries, dances for driving and containers for їzhі, you not only save your pennies, but also help protect our planet. The Americans soon harvest 50 billion plastic water bottles, and less than 23% of these water bottles are then processed at special factories for re-living. It appears that there are close to 38.5 billion tons of dances on the river, and the result is a fermentation of dovkillya.

On this day, people have lost six billion tons of plastic inputs on their own. So, on the ground, it is still possible to recycle, but on the sea, everything is not so simple - under the influx of sleepy changes, plastic breaks up into microparticles and expands throughout the entire Light Ocean.

national geographic reportedly rozpovida about those, how plastic appeared in the life of a simple life and what it turned out to be for the biosphere of our planet.

Without any marvelous material today's life would be impossible. Natom_st 40% of plastic vicarious vicarious are disposable, after which the ocean of light will be seen.

The yakby of plastic was already found in an hour, if the settlers from the English town of Plymouth were turned over atlantic ocean To fall asleep before the settlement in Pivnіchnіy Ameritsі, mi and this year, mayzhe through chotiri hundred, could know how to get out of the ship "Mayflower" smittya.

Yakby migrants, like rich modern people, threw dances and plastic packaging right over the side of the ship; Tsі shmatochki used to swim at the Ocean of Light until the next day, accumulating bruises of speech, until they didn’t feel like an oyster or a fish, and if it was possible - and some of us.

“It's good that they don't stink of plastic,” I thought, sipping along the pivden coasts of England. I rode to Plymouth on a journey from a human being, how can I explain, like a churn of plastic in the head of the planet, and zocrema, to the Light Ocean.

Bangladesh, Dhaka. After that, like a plastic bath was washed in the river Buriganga, a woman on Nurjakhan's name spreads it in the sun and turns it over for an hour, staring at her son Momo. After drying, the plastic slab will be sold for recycling. In the world, less than a half of plastic is recycled. In the United States, only 10% is spent on recycling.

Shards of plastic were blamed for example in the 19th century, and її every day the production started less in 1950, on the planet there is a total of 9.2 billion tons (here and farther away, an American ton, equal to ~907 kg, - approx. Newochem) of this material. Approximately 7 billion of them are incoming. With a total of 6.3 billion tons of plastic, they didn’t get to recyclers — this figure made them look like they were carrying out the refurbishment of 2017.

Unbeknownst to you, you know how many plastic entrances there are at the backs of the Light Ocean. In 2015, rozі zagalnu vavu was turned up by the professor of the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Georgia, Jenny Dzhembek, who consumes 5.3 to 14 million tons of plastic from coastal regions to the ocean. Jenna Dzhembek and her colleagues argued that most of the time it was not the passengers of sea vessels that were thrown out - plastic was simply called to the ground by a river - the leading rank in Asia. Let's sweat, blowing in the wind, or at the same time sweeping out of the water into the seas and oceans. It should be noted that through the skin of 300 meters along all the shores of the world there are five food bags stuffed with plastic bags - 8.8 million tons. For a modest assessment, Dzhembek itself, plastic stilts are thrown into the ocean. Not installed, it takes a while for the plastic to break down into molecules. Estimates fluctuate from 450 years to infinity.

Madrid. Plastic plates at the Sibeles fountain before the morning for the sake of the mother. In the autumn of the last fate, participants in the movement against the plastic pollution of Luzinterruptus threw 60,000 plastic dances at the Sibeles fountain and two other fountains in Madrid, in order to screw the respect up to the injection of plastic on dovkіllya.

In addition, plastic carefully drives in millions of sea bags. It has been established that 700 biological species have been affected, including those that survive under the threat of an outbreak. The deyakim of them is assigned a significant shkodi: the creatures will get lost to death in the thrown fishing nets, or plastic trims for beer cans. The suffering of others is less obvious. Sea creatures of all sizes, from zooplankton to whales, began to eat microplastics - particles of plastic no more than five millimeters wide. On the Great Island of the Hawaiian archipelago on the beach, which is not occupied - it is impossible to get there by an asphalt road - microplastic reaches me to the brushes. Vin Khrumtiv under the feet is like a bag of dry snіdanku. Walking along the beach helped me to understand why some people care that ocean plastic will soon turn into a catastrophe. The problem of plastic pollution can be discussed as widely as global warming. At the summit near Nairobi in the past, the former Director of UN Programs called the problem "an oceanic Armageddon" in a very serious way.

Whereas ocean plastic is, obviously, not global warming. Plastic pollution, obviously, does not block anything, and to solve the problem, it is not necessary to rework the entire light energy system.

“The problem ceases to be such, as it seems to be a solution,” says Ted Sigler, an economist from Vermont, who has been working for 25 years in the countries that are developing, with the perfection of Smith's nutrition. - We know, how to choose a smitta, - you can rob your skin. We know how to improve yoga transportation and processing. Sigler vvazha, that it is necessary to create a special organization system for this system, ideally - before the ocean irrevocably transforms into a soup of plastic.

To ride on the stretch sea forges are chived for algae, which drift, or it is natural to smittya. Near the zabrudnenih waters of the Indonesian island of Sumbawa, the seahorse had a chance to tangle for a cotton stick. "I want to be, so that I don't have any photography," says photographer Justin Hofman.

Under the characteristic of England, we will gloom over the autumn sky at the entrance to the marine station of Plymouth University on the birch harbor in the Cockside area on the back of the coin Richard Thompson, a stringy man at the yellow board, the fox top is framed by gray hair. Thompson is 54 years old, 1993, having started a career in marine ecology, having worked on a dissertation devoted to calicopods and microscopic algae that live on coastal rocks. The very same wines for the first time took their fate at the selected beaches on the Isle of Man. Other volunteers picked up the dances of that other great memory, and Thompson turned his attention to the crying particles that lay under the feet of the tide line. The back of the vine is not a boon, it's plastic. The consultation with the chemists cleared up all the doubts.

For a long time, food was put at the scientific stakes, which is why a lot of plastic in the sea does not increase over time. The production of plastics is increasing in the world: from 2.3 million tons in 1950 to 162 million tons in 1993 and up to 448 million tons in 2015. But there is a lot of plastic, which swims in the ocean and mimics ashore, it’s not surprising, it doesn’t grow like that wow. “Viniklo food: ‘Where does the plastic go?’,” Thompson says. “Without whom, we could not appreciate the steps of the subhuman nature of shkodi.”

At the onset of the fates of the wines, having begun to smear the vіdpovіd: calling on everything, in the ocean, the plastic breaks up into millions of small pieces, like an important memory. In your science robot In 2004, Thompson named these little things “microplastic”, and it appeared, as if transferring the potential of the unsafe large-scale accumulation near the Light Ocean.

Jerelo: Roland Geyer, UC Santa Barbary

We already talked with Thompson last fall, but two of them and two students just completed their studies, the results of which showed that plastic is ruining not only badly, but also very lightly. At the laboratory, the stench was on the alert for it, as amphipods of the species Orchestia gammarellus, crayfish crayfish, like lingering near the coastal waters of Europe, tarnish like pieces of plastic bags. One package of amphipods from the factory rosefarb for 1.75 million microscopic fragments. The amphipods are especially quick to clay the plastic, as if they were covered with a ball of algae and bacteria, so that we store our primary diet. Pieces of plastic stench either whistle, or they see at once from the products of life.

Microplastics were found everywhere: on the days of the deepest waters of the ocean, and in the Arctic ice, Rest of the Rocks Intense tannennya could make up to a trillion pieces of plastic. On some beaches of the Great Island of Hawaii, up to 15% of sand is plastic. Camilo Point Beach, the same one I took a walk on, picks up water from the Pivnichno-Pacific system of currents, one of the five main ones. The flows carried plastic and other smіttya, zbivayuchi yoga at the majestic ocean smіtєvі plyami. On the beaches of the Great Island you can find white cats, plastic balls and other containers with Chinese, Japanese, Korean, English, and other Russian language labels. On the deserted coral island of Henderson in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, the survivors revealed the majestic scope of plastic. Pivdenny America, Asia, New Zealand, Russia and Scotland.

The Dolphin motor chauffeur carried us with light whiffs all the way to the coast of Plymouth, while those who deal with plastic in the ocean talked to Thompson. Thompson, having launched a dribnokomirchast net under the name of manta-trawl - її ring vicory to catch that plankton. Not far away, the stars of the rock of that other successors wagged 504 ribini of ten species and handed them over to Thompson. Well, it was zdivuvannya, if microplastics were found in the telbukhas of the third of the forked ribi. The first smugs of the newspapers of the whole world were littered with headlines about tse vіdkrittya.

Photo from Life magazine, 1955. American family holy cob Throwaway Living (“One-time relief that makes life easier”), as it became possible to richly in what veins appear plastic. Disposable items have made life easier for wealthy people all over the world, but when they fall on them, a significant part of the plastic outlets, which make the oceans shine. Photographer: Peter Stackpole, LIFE PICTURE COLLECTION/GETTY IMAGES

We poured a sprat of whilin, and Thompson lifted the manta-trawl back at the chauvin. At the bottom - different colors of plastic confetti. Thompson does not even praise the presence of plastic in ribi: at the same time there is no evidence that plastic is consumed from the tube of ribi in meat. Vіn turbuetsya about Skoda, yak it’s impossible to talk about: chemical speeches that are added to plastic for nadannya yoma, for example, elasticity, as well as about nanoplastics, yak, yak, let’s go, є the onset of the decomposition of microplastics. And those, th іnshe theoretically can penetrate into the tissues of ribs and people.

“We know that in some cases the concentration of chemical speeches in plastics is already high,” says Thompson. “We don’t know how many chemicals are taken from other parts, as if by force to forge ribs.”

Nanoplastics have not yet been revealed in the most common medium: the analytical possession is not known to be part of such a growth. People are less likely to use their reasoning. The possibility of nanoplastics getting into the tissues of living organisms, and this fact can radically change the situation.

Thompson is not in a hurry with whiskers, so as not to run ahead of science. Vіn not skhilny pan_kuvati, ale perekonany, scho plastic smіttya in the ocean more, lower just an aesthetic problem. “Navіscho us checks, while htos z'yasuє, chi not safely їsti ribu chi ni,” Thompson says. “We have enough evidence to start working.”

Zhejiang on the way to China, the place of Yiwu. International shopping center Futian. The world's largest wholesale market for other goods of a wide variety and the right plastic fireworks. In a small number of shops, one in one booth, over 70,000 stores sell us, which is good for our souls: inflatable pools, kitchen utensils, piece kits. Photographer Richard Seymour saw the market at once and was painfully aware that, after all, local goods are sold all over the world; and zovsіm nezvichnym through inconceivable scale. China is the largest maker of plastics, a part of Chinese craftsmanship falls close to the fourth place of light manufacturing. More plastic bins for export. Photographer: Richard John Seymour

How did we get into such an unfortunate situation? If Skoda has become obvious in the past, how is the master of this wonderful material? I'm afraid that the same food can be put on a lot of wines daylight. Plastic helped to overcome Other Lights - if you want to take nylon parachutes and lighter details of aircraft - and from that hour it changed our lives more and more. Vaughn asked for help in space and started a revolution in medicine. For the account of plastic elements, the vag of all modern machines and aircraft, which quickly vikoristannya paliva, apparently, lowers the confusion of the navkolishny middle ground, changes. Plastic packaging helps keep food fresh. Safety pillows, helmets, incubators and navit plastic balls, with which all the cones are removed, and without them you can’t deliver water to the poor districts, thousands of lives are buried today.

At his early vikonann, the plastic should be sprung with a sling. wildlife. In the middle of the 19th century, the piano keys, billiard balls, combs, and all-powerful flasks fought with a scarce ivory brush. The population of elephants stooped under the threat of extinction, and the elephant's brush became smaller, and the population gradually grew. Just one billiard company from New York offered $10,000 worth of wine to someone who could think of an alternative.

In the book Plastic: A Toxic Love Story (“Plastic: Toxic History of Kokhannya”) Susan Frenkel spoke about the amateur winemaker John Wesley Hyatt, who was inspired by the proposition. He found the material of celluloid crushings on the basis of cellulose, as to be avenged by all roslins. Hayat's company was written about the need to "plunder nature in pursuit of rare materials." Cream of the quick recovery of the elephant's brush, celluloid, having allowed the billiards to the aristocratic status and having made the group accessible forgive people at any bar.

This is one of the examples of quiet profound changes that plastic brought with it, which marked the present day of material prosperity. Zmini hastened to the cob of the 20th century, if plastics began to work from the countryside, as it pleased us with cheap energy - naphtha. Ethylene is a by-product of the naphtha industry. Chemists have shown that they can be vicorated for the creation of new polymers, for example, polyethylene terephthalate (PET), and not used with dewdrop polymers. We kindly ask the world for new opportunities. From plasticity, it is possible to sprout well for sure, chim, calling for the cheapness of the material, richly scurried.

The plastic used for the flooring is cheap, so people used the products without consumption. In 1955, Life magazine spoke about the benefits of a housewife in an important job. Under the heading Throwaway Living (“One-time comfort, which makes life easier”), a photograph was placed, on which family, in a variety of disposable plates, cups and utensils. For those who needed to change all the dishes, it would take 40 years, but in the text it is indicated that “now the household can forget about you.” If the problem of plastic pollution has become obvious? At the very moment when the smittya on the photograph touched the ground.

Six decades later, after 448 million tons of plastic virobiv, 40% of the total contract, — viroblyayutsya with the method of a one-time vikoristannya. The best price packaging - її give for a quarter of credit for the purchase of a product. Virobnitstvo grows at a fast pace: maybe half of the world's plastic art was vibrated in the remaining 15 years. In the past, the Coca-Cola company, perhaps the world's largest producer of plastic bottles, first knew that it produced 128 billion bottles per river. Companies Nestle, Pepsico and other great companies also make dances in great cities.

Jason Treat and Ryan Williams, NGM Sponsors

Dzherelo: Erik Beckman, University of Pittsburgh.

The pace of growth in the production of plastics has significantly outstripped the possibilities of its recycling. That is why the Ocean of Light and yoga bags in the heavens. “It's not surprising that we upset the balance,” says Dzhembek. “Uncontrolled growth would have broken the system if it had not been prepared for him.” In 2003, in the journal Nature, the christians appeared with a new point of view for a one-time settlement, declaring him not a friend of a homemaker, but a troubled enemy of humanity.

In the rest of the years, the growth of the development of a healthy mind is active in the development of disposable plastic packaging in Asian countries with a growing economy, de systemic collection of smіttya lack of rozvinenі or vzagalі vіdutnі. According to Dzhembek, in 2010, half of the swept into the ocean of plastic inputs fell on at least five Asian countries: China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam and Sri Lanka.

“Navіt like the lands of Pvnіchnії America and Єvropi start to recycle 100% of plastic inputs,” said Ramani Narayan, the speaker of chemical technology to the University of Michigan, who also works in the fatherland, in the future of the plastic industry, — the problem of the plastic industry, — If you want to bring real mischief, destroy the system of collection and processing of inputs to the Asian countries.”

San Francisco. Recology's largest processing plant processes 500-600 tons of recycled syrup daily. One of the few factories in the United States that accepts plastic bags for recycling, the number of which has increased in the last 20 years. On the conveyor belt, the plastic inputs are fed to the optical sorter.

Hollis, Maine. The Poland Spring plant is the largest plant in Pivnichniy America. Yogo Vlasnik, Nestlé Waters, which supplies 11% drinking bottled water to the light market, claims that the quantity of vicorous plastic for the production of dances has decreased by 62% since 1994.

The river Pasig flows through the center of the capital Philippine Manili and flows into the Manilsk inflow of the Pivdenno-Chinese Sea. If the river was great, it was a bright ship-floating path and an object of pride for philippines. Today Pasіg enters up to ten of the most fertile rivers of the world. The waters of the rivers generously carry 72,000 tons of plastic into the ocean, as a rule, during the monsoon. In 1990, the river Pasig was found to be biologically dead.

Over the cleansing of the river since 1999, the commission for the rehabilitation of the Pasig river has been carried out, it’s easy to bring it on. The head of the committee, Jose Antonio Goitia, is optimistic. Vіn vvazhє, scho you can open a river, but it won't be easy. "Maybe, the best way out is to fence plastic bags," - vvazha Goitia.

The front is robit, what is left, it can be seen with an indefatigable eye. There are 51 tributaries of the river, some of them are lined with entrances from spontaneous settlements that have settled on their banks. Having risen in order from the Chinese quarter of Manili, de zhalyugidni huts roam around the land with modern booths, the floors are clogged with plastic entrances, so you can cross them from one coast to the other. Dotted with smіttyam and the beaches of the Manilskaya zatok - in its hour the most popular place for bagging places, there are 13 million of them. Last fall, the Break Free From Plastic coalition, which includes Greenpeace and other organizations, cleaned up the beach on Svoboda Island, which is respected by the ecotourism area. Volunteers took 54,260 plastic surgery items on the spot to food containers. I saw the whole island for a sprat of tizhniv, and the beach was a new place filled with buntings, wrappings and packages.

Bangladesh. Under the bridge, one from the tributary of the river Buriganga, mothers and children remove labels from plastic plates, and then sort the plastic into greens and bezbarvny, - prepare for sale. Warehouse workers earn about $100 a month on average.

The situation in Manila is typical of all the great Asian cities. The population of the Philippines stores 105 million items. The country is suffering from a variety of health problems, including the fight against typhoid fever and infectious diarrhea, which are transmitted through water. It is not surprising that the Filipinos do not try to solve the problem of plastic confusion. Manila has a system for collecting money, as it covers 17 municipal districts, which are the main sources of inputs. In 2004, there was no more land in the region for the creation of safe landfills. Today from maidanchiks for pohovannya vіdhodіv hospital deficit.

A small part of the niche is occupied by the private processing industry of Manili, as it is mainly made up of the choice of the mind. Armando Sієni 34 years old, the yoga team of Enji is 3 years young. The stench was born on the all-worldly sight of Smokey Mountain, closed in the 90s, and all the life of the stink lived in the middle of the city. Nin_ stinks live together from three children near Manila, in a one-room apartment without bedding, plumbing and a refrigerator. From lighting - one electric bulb, from furniture - a pair of plastic style. The apartment is located in the littered with smіtty bіdny quarter Aroma ("Fragrance"), instructed from netriv, yakі call Happyland ("Land of Happiness").

Today, Sієna їzdit around the outskirts of his quarter on a bicycle, looking like an appendage for the conversion of smіtya. Kharchov containers are a price of knowledge, for a kilo of containers you can charge 20 pesos (38 cents). Sієna sortuє she sells her knowledge at the specialty shop to her uncles, and the wine is already distributing the recycled waste to the processing plant on the outskirts of Manili.

Filippini, the city of Valenzuela. Vantazh_vki іz plastikovyh plashki zazhdzhayut at the processing plant. Plyashki are picked up by the capital's selectors, sold to merchants with secondary syrovina, and they are delivered here. Plyashki and krishechki to trim them, sell them to other smіttєpererobnym enterprises and export them.

Deyakі stverdzhuyut, scho virishit problem zabrudnennya without electors not vide, need only additionally pay for their work. Nearby on the Baseco embankment in Manila there is a famous Plastic Bank store that accepts recycling (“Plastic Bank” is a startup from the Canadian city of Vancouver that transfers the exchange of plastic on digital tokens, for yaks you can buy food, water or get a mobile phone. Vikoristovati in the appendages, the perpetuity of tokens permanent on the їkh comer. Startap bouvs for virishnnia problems of plastic scruffen to the ocean of the Aziastsky Countries. social and social company.

Ted Sigler, an economist from Vermont, has taken a back seat to what's emerging in the country and is skeptical of schemes like those of Plastic Bank. “Plastic doesn’t pay for the building’s stained glass, it’s like transferring a similar scheme of work,” Sigler says. “It’s cheaper to finance a centralized system for managing inputs, and it’s cheaper to subsidize a selective choice of plastic.”

Come on, yak clog the rivers and get on the beaches of Manili, to witness Sigler's look at the melancholy. Most of the smttya is stored in portion bags for shampoo, toothpaste, caviar, spices, and other products. The stench is sold to millions of ordinary people who cannot afford to buy more than one serving at a time. Manila is sizzled with sachets like singed leaves. The stench does not take a second turn, so they don’t take anyone. Christian Lao, a member of the National Commission for the Management of Incomes, said: “This type of packaging is more popular, which makes it easier to work with solid incomings.”

Colored pieces of plastic are taken, washed, sorted and dried on the birch of the river Buriganga. The informal processing industry near the district of Dhaka has about 120,000 people. 18 million residents of the capital today generate 11,000 tons of output.

After cleaning up the beach on Liberty Island, Greenpeace published a list of companies whose portion bags were found on the beach. The first place was occupied by Nestle, the other by Unilever. To the thought of Greenpeace activist Ebigail Aguilar, the wines are not less than those who don’t carry the smite to the ballot box: “The problem is the head of the head — the companies, like they say they advertise one-time packaging.” A representative of the Unilever company said in a statement that the company is already distributing bags, accessories for processing.

At Birch 2014, the fate of the day, which was the launch of the scheduled passenger flight 370 of Malaysia Airlines for the route Kuala Lumpur - Beijing, radar sign. The region was dragged from Indonesia to the border cordon of the Indian Ocean. The whole world is respectfully following the situation. Ulamki was never revealed. A few times on the signs of satellites, there were a bunch of objects that float on the surface of the sea, and there was a hope that these were the tricks of the litak. Ale tse bulo smіtya: tricks of vintage containers, fishing gear and, of course, packages.

Kathleen Doen, professor and president of the science-based organization Earth and Space Research (“Earth and Space Research”) in Seattle, sang in a positive way: the signs from space demonstrated the problem, as the world’s sleep was ignored. “At first, the whole world marveled at the blazes for the death,” Kathleen told me at the peak of suspenseful interest. “People may dream of a miraculous year to see that the ocean is transforming into a graveyard.” The steps below brought її rightness.

Freeport, Texas. At the gigantic plant of the Dow Chemical company, under the influence of high temperatures, the thermal decomposition of carbohydrate molecules from high-temperature fire is carried out, resulting in the formation of 1.65 million tons of ethylene per river. Polyethylene is a polymer based on ethylene - one of the types of plastic that is widely used.

Boeing 787 Dreamliner hull revision before electronics installation. Mayzhe half of the hull of the Vikonan is not made of aluminum, but of plastic, reinforced with carbon fiber, and other composite materials, which make it lighter and change the vitreous paliva.

The problems of plastic damming to the ocean in the rest of the hour are given a lot of respect and report on chimalih (albeit not systemic) zusil for її vyshennya. Tse breathe. Axis is an incomplete list of good initiatives, beginning in 2014: Kenya came to a growing number of countries, yak hindered polythene bags, imposing significant fines and fines for guerrillas until jail time. In France, until 2020, the fate of disposable plastic utensils. Fence on vikoristannya microplastics for the effect of peeling in cosmetics is gaining rank in the USA, Canada, Great Britain and other countries.

The great companies listened to the big thought. The Coca-Cola company, which, in a way, drinks Dasani water, announced its goal of “pick and recycle 100% of its packaging by 2030”. PepsiCo, Amcor and Unilever are aiming to recycle 100% bagatatorase, recyclable and compostable packaging by 2025. Johnson & Johnson is now spinning cotton sticks with a paper base.

People can also rebate their contributions. British yachtswoman Ellen MacArthur created a foundation for the promotion of the "cyclical economy", the idea of ​​which supports a hopeless production, so that all materials, including plastics, are to be recycled, and not brought to the hall. Actor Adrian Grenier became the face of the campaign against disposable drinking straws. The young Dutchman Boyan Slat vіrny his pіdlіtkovіy oath to liquidate the largest smіtєvy island in the Pacific Ocean. This organization has collected $30 million for the creation of an ocean smelter, which is still at the stage of development.

Ease of processing to deposit in the region. The diagram shows data from Pivnichnaya America. Deyaki see plastic, in principle, do not require rework. Jason Treat and Ryan Williams, NGM Sponsors.

Smitya fills the planet. Bіlya mіst virostayut smіtєvі buy, scho vysnazhuyut smorіd. In some countries, the problem is becoming threatening. For example, at the end of 2015, in the capital of Lebanon, Beirut, they became enchanted through smіttєvі buy, which they settled in the city. More and more sensitive flock of seas and oceans.

Plastic confuses nature

Plastic puffs, filled with gaseous water in the yak - the life of modern people. Forgotten plastic dance can be the head of the chimalo shkodi. Having spent on the smіtєzvalishche, plastic, zmіshany z іnshimi vіdhody, start to expand properly.

Doshcheva Vologa gets to the lower balls of the castle and goes along with the water-spreading shelves that are in these balls. Deyakі z'ednannya otruyni. Utvoryuetsya otruyny "broth" - filtrate. The filtrate is consumed in the underground aquifers, opening up the ecosystem and invading the middle ground.

Smіtєvі islands in the ocean

Other plastic plates are more expensive to make a chimera. Leaning at the string of chi rivers, the stench sips at the ocean of light. After a troubling drifting in the ocean, the plastic is attracted to the virus, de smittya climbs into the world, known as the Great Pacific.

This Pacific "smіtєvorat" - one of the least five smіtєvih plamas, shown by the last ones - is formed for the rahunok of the entrances, which were consumed in the ocean from the continents. Another part is thrown off by people from ships.

Threat to the marine ecosystem

Under the influx of water from the sleepy light, the plastic breaks up into small patches. Tsya depends on the water, that plastic is taken by ribs like a hedgehog. As a result, plastic is consumed in the middle of the sea. Sea bags to die and transfer the buildings of plastic to the sea creatures with a frying lance, as if they were giving their bodies.

Civilization way of utilization of vicorous plastic containers is recycling of special plants. Here the plastic is molded into blocks, trimmed, melted into uniform mass, to become syrovina, as if we were preparing other products.

Vcheni all over the world are searching for ways to replace plastic with other materials. So, in the rest the rocks are carried out, vibrated on the basis of algae.

Putting up the problem of utilization of butovykh vіdhodіv demonstrating the real growth rate of people. People are written with the fruits of scientific and technical progress, tamed wild nature. Ale chi tamed the person to herself, tidy up her addictions, like a living middle, in what kind of life?

Smittya threatens the biosphere of the planet Daedalus more. It is necessary for all people to think about it, how to stench in the wake of death and what to shy away in order to protect the planet from the environmental crisis that is being overcome.

plastic (plastic)- Tse material, taken away by a piece way. Plastic is cut off by zadnannyu one by one long-term molecules of molecules - polymers. Fallow in that, as the qi lances of polymers grow, lie the power of plastic. Hard plastics often replace metal in the manufacture of automobiles.

In our time, it is impossible to reveal the world without plastic and plastic virobiv. But, regardless of the breadth of such varieties, plastic appeared not long ago - about 150 years ago.

The first to take away the plastic of beliefs is the winemaker Oleksandr Parks from Birmingham. Vykoristovuyuchi at their doslidah nitrocellulose, alcohol and camphor, having cut off the speech, as if naming parkesin and first showing it at the international exhibition in London in 1862.

Ale, not respecting their power, plastic virobi command the majestic shkodi of our nature. The stench is getting lost її.

Plastic has become a global epidemic in the 21st century. Wines are everywhere: plastic utensils, bags, packaging, toys, furniture, equipment for houses and cars, miners, apartments, equipment and a lot of other things. Without any doubts, one can say that a person, as if he lives in a great place, today sticks to this material. Where did such a great deal of speeches from plastic go? Most of it is consumed by the Ocean of Light, and only a small part (only 5%) is going to be processed. The ecology of this middle ground is already suffering from the pollution of plastic.

Plastic at the Light Ocean

So many thoughts about the floating islands of sight in the Pacific Ocean. No stink of majestic flooring that can be taken from outer space. It's really not like that. There are no islands, but a lot of smittya. Vіn rozkidany on the surface of the entire ocean of light and the beast guessing new confetti. And in the photographs, which are walking on the Internet, the images of the coast are filled with plastic and decide.

Getting Serious environmental problem. In 2014, the world produced over 310 million tons of plastic. For the current short-term growth rates, until 2050, the fate of the plastic, which is vibrating in the world, will transfer a billion (!) Tons to the river. Just think about the numbers! For the support of the World Economic Forum in 2017, until 2050, it was obligated to remove the amount of ribi from the plastic at the Light Ocean.

Facts about plastic

Proponuemo your respect for sprat cіkavih facts about curiosity, reworking, and victorious plasticity, reading those, as a rule, zmushu zamislyuvatisya and wanting to remember a little bit about your look at yoga.

1. For the remaining 10 years, more plastic was prepared, lower for the previous 100 years.

2. In most cases, all plastic products are victorious less than once, and then they are simply discarded.

3. Less than 5% of the plastic is recycled.

4. Shokhvilin in the whole world wins close to 1 million polythene bags.

5. Through such a great number of sights at the Light Ocean, sea creatures and birds began to “live” with him. The situation has reached the point where 44% of seabirds and 22% of whale-like birds have plastic. Vіn your heart is a frequent cause of their death.

6. Apparently, plastic products are shipped in 500 to 1000 years. Obviously, all the plastic, like a buv made by a human being, is still there until this day in that other form (not rahuyuchi burnt).

7. For the production of plastic speeches, about 8% of all oil, which is found in the world, is used.

How to change plastic pollution

As if you are rightly praised by the future of your children, the people of that planet are in a daze, then it is necessary to start changing your calm sounds today. Who can get away, what yogo di - tse "drop in the sea", but turn it not so. Firstly, if it’s so mirque, then you can’t destroy anything from a dead center. In a different way, whether a person can become a butt and a nast for someone, and in such a rank a good-natured lancer will grow out of a wickedly nasty middle.

So, in order to change the pollution of nature with plastic, we should follow the recommendations below:

1. Vіdmovtesya vіd vіd vykoristannya polietilenovyh pakіkov. Buy or sew your own handbag for shopping.

2. Vіdmovtesya vіd vykoristannya plastic utensils. You can replace glass containers, paper bags, wooden utensils. Until then, ¾ of such dishes where you can take. And you do not need to spend a penny to buy a new one - you have mercy and you can win again.

3. Don't buy water from plastic bowls. Get bagatorazovoy and wear it yourself. And lovers of hot drinks are recommended to buy a thermos kukhol, so that they don’t have a chance to get dirty with plastic cups.

4. Take all the information from the "gloomy" services. It's handy, and eco-friendly. You do not need to buy CDs and DVDs.

5. Take part in various promotions and visits on the topic of ecology and the collection of death.

6. Sort your bag. Tse allow to correct the life of living not so in the name, but in the overcoat, which is signifi cantly positively signified to the superfluous middle. Use the Recycle map project to help you know where to collect waste. The pollution of nature with plastic can be significantly reduced; Try to replace any plastic product with a similar eco-friendly alternative. At the same time, it’s not a problem, as it seems, it would be a problem.

The text of the work is placed without the image of the formulas.
New version roboti is available at tab "Files roboti" in PDF format


The 21st century is not only a century of high technologies, but also of global environmental problems. One of them is the problem of contaminating the medium with various plastics and plastic bags. per life dzherelam On this day, plastic products are stored up to 40% of all butt outputs. It's not surprising. Previously, on the shelves of stores, goods were in paper packaging and glass containers. Now, these goods are in bachimo in modern barvisty packages, tobto. plastic bags, swimmers and other bags. Skin is good enough, it's easy, handy, cheap, but not from an ecological point of view. Adzhe more packing material is not laid out, but there may be a trivalent term for laying out.

In Russia, the problem of plastic exits, like a dzherel of anthropogenic pollution of the superfluous natural environment, has become of today's superhuman relevance. In our country, there are few ways of processing such inputs. The stench, as the main part of the life of the people (90-95%), climb on the smіttєvі polygons of that castle, with hundreds of years to destroy the earth, that water again. I don’t care about unsanctioned tombs, which will alienate our places. Sumny bags: our country is literally overgrown with mountains of smittya.

Relevance of selected topics. The problem of increasing the quantity of plastic smіtta and smіttєshvals of butovyh vіdkhodіv is also relevant for Leningrad region. Today, smіttєvі polygons occupy majestic land territories. The tightness of the bags is practically fixed.

Vykhodyachi s relevance meta-scientific research work: solve the problem of plastic inputs in the modern world

To achieve this goal, it was put like this task:

1. to carry on the pollution of the navkolishny middle with plastic entrances from the Russian world;

2. analyze the chemical warehouse of different types of plastics, including bio-foldings;

3. to carry out laboratory investigations to verify the authority of bio-folding packages;

4. conduct a sociological survey among the population of the river. Tosno;

Follow-up object: vikoristany plastic inputs (polyethylene bags).

Subject of inquiry: power of plastic inputs

follow-up methods: study and analysis of literature and materials on the Internet, caution, experiment, description, sociological survey-questionnaire, later analysis that ugly.

When writing the work, they were asked for reference books on ecology and chemistry, periodic reviews, and also given to the Committee on natural resources Leningrad region and Greenpeace of Russia.

The practical significance of robots. Taken in the course of the work, the data can be taken at the lessons of ecology and the class year for informing the students about the negative impact of plastic inputs on the natural environment.


1.1. Modern day out

Humanity will not perish in an atomic nightmare

It will choke at the exits. N. Bor

The problem of visiting people and її vіdhodіv іsnuє z immemorial hours. Peace of mind was one of the main problems of humanity. People always made more exits, they knew what to work with them. I'm right. Our distant ancestors did not resent the arrogance. With a stretch of bagatioh, the greater part of the city was drowning in bags.

It is important to show how the great metropolises of the present have grown. You can boldly say that we live on the remains of the past. Ale smittya ancestors did not afflict us and did not afflict our planet. And how can future generations live in the halls of the 21st century in 100-200 years? How can our planet digest our grief, how did it digest the grief of the past? Aje te smіttya was natural and was given a layout in natural minds. Now the situation has radically changed.

The development of technical progress and the increase in the number of population has led to an avalanche-like increase in income. The statistics show that in the world there are more than a few million tons of tons of butt output. On the skin of a human inhabitant of our planet, 500 to 800 kg of income falls on the river. Nearly 95% of the products, as we buy, are displayed on the halls for six months. I'm not the worst.

Nine people wine such piece materials, like a natural way, hundreds of years are recycled, seeing with this toxic speech. To such materials, plastic is brought in, the viability of which is constantly growing. Just to mention: there are over 200 billion plastic bottles, 58 billion disposable cups and billions of plastic bags! I don’t care about quiet entrances, often enter the warehouse of any of these materials. For ten years, plastic has become a real disaster for nature! In 2017, there are no more suitable plastic packaging, as it would have caught a lot of expansion, all the stinks have “settled” on our planet Earth for a long time.

Today, plastic smіtty - not only a mіttєvalischa, but a whole mіtєvі mіsta (the piece island of Tilafushi in the Maldives, the place-village of Agbogbloshi in Accra) and build "islands" in the ocean . What is it? Our future? Even if we continue at such a pace, then our planet will be covered with plastic before it starts to expand. Possibly, the planet Earth itself will not perish. Ale chi get drunk on niy people? I think it's unlikely.

The main task of a modern person is to know the most rational and safe ways to deal with plastic waste, and also learn how to stop them in life.

1.2. The role of plastic today

And what is plastic and what is the main power?

According to the interpretation of modern dictionaries of plastic (or plastic) - cerechovina, prepared on the basis of high-molecular polymers (polymers) by way of folding synthesis. Traditionally, wines are made from piece synthetic polymers and that is not biodegradable, that which does not contain bacteria, as it was eaten.

The first plastic was synthesized in 1855 by the English chemist A. Parks. Ale practical zastosuvannya tsey material otrimav on the cob of the twentieth century. Naytsіkavіshe, which was created not for victoria in the butt, but as a vihіdniy material for otrimannya combat blast gas chloropicrin. Only in the middle of the 50s did yoga learn how to win for peaceful purposes. At the first moment, one might say, the emergence of a new doby - doby plastic surgery.

Today's victorious people are impersonal of different plastics. Most of them are synthesized from oil. The stench is not similar to that of natural materials and is a product found by human technology. The widest ones include: polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polypropylene, polyethylene, polystyrene and polycarbonate.

These materials are cheap and easy to vibrate. From them you can work plіvki and natonshі threads. You can put on a practical uniform. The stinks are characterized by high chemical resistance to acids and lugs, they do not let water through, they are resistant to corrosion and it is bad to conduct an electric jet. All the powers of power and brought to their mass vyrobnitstv that expansion. In the last few decades, the bulk of plastics growth has increased from 5 million tons to 100 million tons.

Today plastic is often, and in some cases it is more common, replacing it with itself natural materials yak wood, bavovna, wool, shkir, steel and paper. It is widely used in everyday life, for the manufacture of packaging, and for the production of electrical installations, for the textile industry, in automobiles and for winding aerospace galleys.

Ale є tsey material and minuses. After that, as prepared plastic products are consumed on the site, toxic products of their distribution are consumed in the natural environment, exposing the soil, soil, and water. In addition, a lot of packaging products can be laid out for centuries, which becomes an even greater threat to the environment.

Chi є out? How can a person save a plastic catastrophe today without being inspired by this universal material?

1.3. Recycling is the main method of disposal

plastic outlets

In this hour, the witches and light practices are developing methods for the disposal of solid waste products (TPV): burial at landfills and graveyards, scorching, composting and secondary processing. Which one of them is suitable for recycling plastic?

Having lived these methods, we have determined that for the disposal of plastic waste the most safe from an environmental point of view is the method of their secondary processing. Vіn allows you to bring out the maximum of the root components and reshape them into new speech, tobto. re-twist. From recycled plastic, you can work without any goods: clothes, furniture, stationery, household materials, etc.

The main advantages of secondary processing are:

saving the primary resources for our supplies;

Return of materials from the gospodarskiy obіg;

A short time for a number of exits to be taken to the hall;

Decreased coverage of dovkil's outputs.

The very method effectively allows you to change the greatness of the number of minds that vibrate, without worrying about any wrongful mischief of nature. I today different lands light, de bury the navkolishny middle ground great value already widely yogo zastosovuyut. For example, in Sweden they recycle over 80% of the TPV, in Germany - 64%, and in the end of the EU, they recycle in the material over 40% of the output. It was long ago learned from the world that it is not economical to just pick up the smittya.

It's a pity that in our country today, a tiny amount of TPV is being processed - a total of 5-7%, including plastic waste. The existence of a taxed system for the distribution of inputs, as well as the introduction of baggers to the problem of smittya, does not allow the development of the most efficient and safest method of secondary processing.

In the rest of the hour, there were positive trends in someone directly. At rich places, more and more often began to appear at the points of reception of the secondary syrovina and backwaters from її processing, at railway stations, in airports and other social facilities, special containers were installed for the distribution of the collection of smіttya, in some areas an experiment was introduced, see the result of which tons of recycled materials have been processed, including plastic materials.

However, this is already lacking ... Light practice shows that the population accepts a new system of incentives with inputs only for the obviousness of a few minds: the availability of points for the collection of smittya, the system of bonuses and benefits that support environmental behavior, sanctions for violating laws. In Russia, 2017 has been stunned by the fate of ecology, in connection with which it has been announced that there will be no changes, directing to improve the environmental situation in the country. It is possible to change in the situation with the use of butt-holes, especially plastic ones, the introduction of such nabuvay more and more problems for the navkolishny middle.

1.4. Bio-folding packaging as a way to fight

from plastic outlets

Today, at the thought of rich fahivtsiv, to reduce the severity of the problem of plastic outlets, you can switch to new packing materials from polymers, which can be built in natural minds.

In most of the rozvinennyh krajn already protyag dekіlkoh rokіv vіrobnіstvі vіdnіstviі іdbuyatіvіvіvіnіnі khіmіchіchі plastiііkі, scho vіzko і dovgo rokladyvayutsya, biorozladnimi (with a period of utilization 2-6 months). In these countries, fences and exchanges for sales and (or) the production of polyethylene bags have been completed, prices have been raised for bags, taxes have been introduced, and the selection of new bio-folding plastics has been introduced with leather rock.

So, what is bio-folding plastic, and why is it used in “traditional” synthetic ones?

Zgidno with a modern dictionary bio-folding plastic- ce plastic, which is more and more decomposed under the influence of microorganisms into carbon dioxide (in aerobic concentrations), methane (in anaerobic concentrations), water, biomass and inorganic substances.

The headliness of such plastics in the form of "traditional" ones - the construction of the building can be laid out on a short speech in a short period of time. But not all modern plastics that are laid out are functionally bio-folding and safe from an ecological point of view.

At the moment, virobniks proponuyut two groups of plastics that are laid out in natural minds: oxo-degradable and naturally biodegradable in the direct meaning of the word (spread out for help of organisms).

Oxofold plastics- all polyethylene with additives of salts of transitional metals: cobalt, nickel, zinc. The distribution of such plastics in natural minds occurs in two stages. At the first stage, it was light and sour, there was a breakdown of the plastic virobu into small fragments. At another stage, the share is not clear, but, as they sing a lot of virobniki, under the influx of microorganisms, fragments of polyethylene are split. An independent study showed that, after 350 days, more than 15% of polyethylene and oxoplasty are deposited near the ground to carbon dioxide. In this manner, a plastic bag, a kind of mav bi recurring in natural minds, transforms into a mass of small plastic particles, polluting water resources and soil. Therefore, these materials are not included in the bio-folding of plastics.

Biomortgage (biodegradation) plastics- a large family of different polymers. Viroblyayutsya from dewy syrovina and spread out on non-shkidlivy speech, not zavayuchy shkodi nature. Some of them fall apart in natural minds, and the main part - in the composting process.

Compliant with the European standard EN13432, plastic can be called bio-layout, as long as it meets the following criteria:

The quality of the material before laying up to CO 2 and H 2 O in the presence of microorganisms is not less than 90% lower for 6 months;

Repeated fragmentation of the material (after 3 months, the number of spots > 2mm may change 10% of the total mass of the material);

Compost, scho wiyshov, is guilty of mother low pokaznennya zabrudnennya important metals.

Today, all biodegradable plastics from tree syrovin can be mentally divided into great groups: polylactide - polymers, chemically synthesized from monomers, taken from tree syrovin; polyhydroxalkonoates - polymers synthesized by microorganisms, and materials based on starch. We also use materials prepared on the basis of log, chitin, cellulose and others.

In Russia, in the last hour, commodities from plastics began to appear, which are laid out, it is super important to learn how to separate them. Signs in our country are special marking for oxo and bio-folding plastics, and the formula “bio-folding” can mean like plastic, which is oxor-laying, so be it a kind of bio-folding plastics, when buying goods, follow the text, respect the text from some material the stink is prepared. Age oxoplast is not weak to biodegradation.

In addition, the signs of the most important environmental markings will help you choose the packaging, so that the recycling does not harm the natural environment.

What signs of eco-labeling do you need to know?

1.5. About the versatility of eco-labeled packaging

Ecologіchne marking (ekomarkuvannya) – specіalnі grafіchіnі symbols аbo text, scho pіdverdzhuyut vіdpovіdnіst commodities nіdpovіdnіst vіdpovіdnіst vіdpovіdnіst vіdpovіdnіst vіdpovіdnіst vіdpovіdnіst vіdpovіdnіst vіdpovіdnіst vіdpovіdnіst vіdpovіdnіst vіdpovіdnіst vіdnіnі svіvny norms zbepeki dovkіllya ta spozhivacha. Such branding can only be taken by that company, as it passed the examination and brought the environmental safety and high quality of its products.

You can recognize the eco-label as well as the product itself, as well as its packaging. Eco-labeling signs for packaging are most often indicative of those that її utilization is not easy for the most important medium, or, on the contrary, they are ahead of environmentally unsafe speech and materials. Also, the signs are wider, as if they call out to the spontaneous not to die, to give the vikoristan a chance for processing, to support various environmental initiatives (addition 1).

Ecological marking is essential for bio-folding plastics (Fig. 1). Moreover, for the recognition of this type of plastic, the marking is strictly regulated, which is the logo from the designated certification number. Marking the product without a certificate logo, tobto. which is accompanied only by a letter, for example, “100% is laid out” and in, to tell about those that the material is not re-arranged for bio-development and applicability for composting.

Rice. 1. Signs of eco-friendly labeling for bio-folding plastics

Zavdyaki іnformatsії, yak carry eco-branding, the buyer can take a half-life of dovkіllya through a selection of products, which is the manager of a smaller shoddy in the middle, lower analogous goods.

In this way, at the theoretical part of the work, it is possible to develop an offensive whisker: in connection with the growing popularity of plastics, the production of works from this material increases the rіk y rіk. The growth and quantity of plastic outlets, which are importantly laid out, yak negatively pour into the soil cover, water and the middle in the whole, creating a serious threat to the health and life of people. At present, the safest, ecologically speaking, way to deal with such waste is the method of secondary processing. But, unfortunately, this method is not known in our country. The main part of the butovykh vіdhodіv kisne on the polygons, representing the “bomb” of the increased diy.


2.1. Follow-up methodology

In the course of the practical part of the work in the period from the leaf fall of 2016 to the fierce year of 2017, a few stages of laboratory studies were carried out to improve the power of plastic (polyethylene) bags, including biofolding, formulating the visnovka.

Follow-up methods:

Variety of plastic bags, including bio-foldings;

Appointment chemical authorities plastic bags;

The designation of the building before the bio-arrangement of packages in different picks, declared as bio-arrangement.

1 stage. To carry out laboratory investigations, we selected a “traditional” polyethylene bag from the supermarket “P'yatirochka” (section No. 1) and a sprinkling of bags, declared by the pharmacists as biological packaging (addition 2):

Zrazok No. 2 - a package from the supermarket "OK";

Zrazok No. 3 - a package for loans from the "Fix Price" store;

Zrazok No. 4 - a packing bag for freezing from the Fix Price store;

Zrazok No. 5 - a package of "Castroni" from the Italian supermarket;

Zrazok No. 6 - package "Un sacco ecologico!" from the Italian supermarket.

Stage 2 After a selection of bags, they tried to determine the main chemical power of the plastic (appendix 3). For this, all the flowers were tested with water, ammonia, and oxic acid for a month. The results are presented in Table 1.

Table 1

Laying out plastic bags by the water, meadow and acid

package open


NH 4 Oh



(octoic acid 70%)



2nd edition)


(in a month)



2nd edition)


(in a month)



2nd edition)

27.12.16 (in a month)

No. 1 (package from P'yatirochka)

No. 2 (package from "OK")

No. 5 (Castroni package from Italian supermarket)

rozchin nabuv zhovtogo zabarvlennya

№6 (package "Un sacco ecologiсo!" from Italian supermarket)

the package has become smaller, it is easy to tear

Cream danikh tested on country house Bulo carried out the final examination of the selected eyes. The results are shown in Table 2.

Table 2

Salting of plastic bags

package open

Smell when burning

Half moon colors

Shvidkist mountain

No. 1 (package from P'yatirochka)


it is important to light up, melt

No. 2 (package from "OK")


it is important to light up, melt

No. 3 (packaging package for discounts from "Fix Price")


with a pronounced smell of paraffin


it is important to light up, melt

No. 4 (packaging package for freezing with Fix Price)


with a pronounced smell of paraffin


it is important to light up, melt

No. 5 (package "Castroni" from Italy)

great zhovty

easy to sleep, melt

№6 (package "Un sacco ecologiсo!" from Italy)

reception, slight smell of paraffin

great zhovty

easy to sleep, melt

3 stage. For the purpose of identifying the features of the packing of bags in the natural environment, an offensive experiment was carried out (addition 4).

We placed all the marks of the packages in the ground (universal), purchases from the ticket shop. For the creation of natural natural minds samples of the soil were covered with wheat and watered when necessary. The experiment was carried out for 2.5 months (from 11/28/2017 to 02/15/2017), after which it was taken out of the ground and checked for laying out.

2.2. Discussing the results

1. Visual inspection of selected sights. On all labels of the package, write about the bіorozkladanіst, but not all the smells of the pіdtverzhenі special eco-labels of plastic plastics and the warehouse of the goods:

1.1. on the package from the supermarket "O'KEY" (No. 2) є wrote "This package, which is degrading by 100%!" the eco-label “epiTDPA” of the Canadian company “Environmental Products Inc. (EPI)" (meaning that the goods are prepared with the addition of oxo-bio-folding additive TDPA) and "2 (PE-HD)" (meaning that the goods are prepared with low-pressure polyethylene and additional for secondary processing). Eco-labeling "2 (PE-HD)" is on the package from the supermarket "P'yatirochka", which is not bio-folding. In this rank, even though the marking of the mark No. 2 does not confirm that the given goods are prepared from the bio-folding plastic.

1.2. on packing bags from the Fix Price store (No. 3 and No. 4) it is less written “biorozlamuvani”, but eco-labeling, which means biorozlad, vіdsutnіy. In addition, to the warehouse, the material includes low-grade polyethylene - “2 (PE-HD)” and a bio-folding additive, and the decay period is 3 years, which calls for sums when placing these bags to a group of bio-foldings;

1.3. on packages "Castroni" (No. 5) and "Un sacco ecologico!" (No. 6) from the supermarket in Italy, the image says “Compostable” (that is compostable) and special environmental marking from the assigned certification number, as a confirmation that this material is used for biodegradation and adjunct for composting.

2. Significance of the chemical power of plastics. Based on the results of testing, it is possible to develop visnovok, which is polyethylene - a material that is not safe for the most natural environment. Carried out research confirms that wines have high chemical resistance to water, various meadows and acids, shards in the process of testing with plastic bags, nothing happened, behind the wine bags from Italy (No. 5, No. 6). After the experiment with water, the eyes became smaller, easily torn, tobto. started to crumble.

When burned, an unacceptable, strongly pronounced smell of paraffin was seen (No. 3, No. 4), in some cases it is even more pungent (No. 1, No. 2), which can be evidence of the presence of blasted speeches in the warehouse of plastic.

3. Unpacking packages. After sifting the bags from the soil, we broke all the marks that were biodegradable, with the control mark No. 1 and showed that only Italian marks No. 5 and No. 6 began to be laid out (polyethylene cracked and the soil fell into small pieces). The root of wheat sprouted quickly and quickly, which also confirms the process of laying out, as it sprouts. The rest of the packs have not changed and have not lost their powers.

However, the duration of the experiment is short (2.5 months) and the presence of special minds for the composting process cannot give a full indication of biological storage. And yet, for obvious results, it is possible to increase the allowance, that plastic bags from Italy are bio-folding, and the axis of Russia for the present day still does not have such plastics. The main part of the bags, which may be written “biorozladayutsya”, are more oxo-degradable, not zdatnymi rozladatsya. In connection with the supply of food for the distribution of the collection, and the secondary processing of inputs, especially plastic ones, is even more relevant. But are the inhabitants of our country ready to help the state with the virishennі tsієї ekologichnоїproblem and switch to an okremium choice of natural resources?

2.3. Carrying out a sociological survey among the population of the m. Tosno

In order to reveal the thoughts of the meshkans about the problem of plastic smіtty, a sociological survey was carried out among the population of Tosno. For whom, on the Google platform, for the help of Google Forms, a questionnaire was prepared (addition 5) and placed in social measures"VKontakti". The questionnaire was conducted at the sich-fierce of 2017. 88 respondents from different age and social categories took part in the survey

Behind the results of the experiment, it is possible to increase the production of whiskers: everywhere, the development of plastics has led to a sharp increase in the production of buttocks. Close to 40% of the smіtєvogo cat of the average statistical sіm'ї fold the plastics, which are importantly laid out. People know about the current problem of plastic smіtta today, understand the need for safety and get ready to live in for її usunennya (to conduct a separate selection of smіttya when mixing special minds, vicory packing, which are laid out, and packages).

Depending on the results of the sociological research, it is important to note that the main recommendations for changing plastic income in Russia can be offensive:

1. arranging for a distribution collection of butovyh inputs;

2. life of smіttєpererobnyh zavodіv;

3. zaprovadzhennya exchange of sales of polyethylene bags;

4. selection of biological materials;

5. Ecological education and development of the population.


1. Plastic smittya is a global problem of modernity. Unique powers plastics have been brought to their ubiquitous victoria, and, as a result, a sharp increase in butt outputs. In Russia, the main part of such entrances is on the smіttєvih polygons and tombs, the owner of the incorrigible evil of nature.

2. Analysis of the chemical warehouse of plastics, showing that most of them are prepared from piece synthetic polymers and that is not bio-folding. When hit in dovkіllya, the stench is saved in nіy hundreds of rokіv, mayzhe do not fit the layout.

3. An experiment with bio-folding packages showing that even today plastics are being developed, buildings are laid out in nature. But it’s hard to say that such materials are victorious in Russia, so far there is no trace.

4. Carried out among the population of the city Tosno social education showed that more people know about the current problem of plastic smitta, understand that they are not safe and are ready to get used to coming in for її adoption.

5. Based on the results of the follow-up of the conducted sociological testing, recommendations were prepared to change the plastic inputs.

W list of vikoristanih dzherel and literature

    Aleksiev S.V. Navkolishne middle of St. Petersburg (a book for children and their fathers): popular science literature / S.V. Aleksiev, E.V. Gushchin. - St. Petersburg: TOV "Sesam-Print", 2005. - 136 p.

    Alimkulov S.O. Exit - a global environmental problem. Modern methods disposal of waste / S.O. Alimkulov, U.I. Almatova, I.B. Egamberdiev // Youth of vcheniy. - 2014. - No. 21. - S. 66-70.

    Bahaeva O.M. An overview of oxo-bio-folding additives that are vicorous for the disposal of packaging materials / O.M. Bahaeva, S.K. Ivanovsky // Youth teachings. - 2015. - No. 10. - S. 156-158.

    Korobkin V.I. Ecology in nutrition and behavior: a guidebook / V.I. Korobkin, L.V. Peredilsky. - View. 4th, dod. that overhaul. - Rostov n / D: Phoenix, 2009. - 378 p.

    Larina O.V. Amazing ecology / O.V. Larina. - K .: ENAS-BOOK, 2014. - 256 p. - (About what the assistants murmured).

    Zvіdusil about everything. Yak otpovisti on smіtєviy viklik (according to the materials of RIA "News") // Ecology and Life. - 2011. - No. 6. - P. 63.

Electronic resources:

    Biolocation: lіknep. Website of the company "" [Electronic resource] - Access mode: biorazlozhenie-likbez/.

    Wikipedia is a free encyclopedia [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:

    Lyoshina A. Plastics of the biological approach / A. Lyshina // Chemistry and life. - 2012. - No. 9 [Electronic resource] - Access mode:

    Mandalyan E. Pacific settlement. How to know the exit? / Ege. Mandalyan // Seagull. - 2012. - No. 9 [Electronic resource] - Access mode:

    Smith's planet. Article [Electronic resource] - Access mode:

    About the environmental situation in the Leningrad region in 2015. Update to the Committee for Natural Resources of the Leningrad Region. - St. Petersburg, 2016 [Electronic resource] - Access mode: http://www.nature.

    Greenpeace Russia website [Electronic resource] - Access mode:

Addendum 1

Signs of eco-friendly packaging labeling

"Der Grune Punkt". Green dot. To be placed on packing materials means that the picking company gives a guarantee of acceptance and re-processing of the marked packing material. Winning in Germany, France, Belgium, Ireland, Austria, Spain, Portugal and other countries.

Trikutnik from three arrows - “Möbius Loop”, meaning that the material from which the packaging is made can be recycled, or the packaging is often or more often made from secondary cheese.

The sign of plastic that can be recycled, which is placed on all types of polymer packaging. The very presence of the tricot fabric does not guarantee the possibility of processing - it is not necessary to lie in the material. For skin-type plastics, use your own digital symbol, which the pickers apply with information about the type of material, the possibility of reprocessing, and the simplified sorting procedure before editing for reprocessing.

And this sign means that the package should be left only in recognition for this month (in the bin, smttya). He was instructed to write often: “Trim your country in purity!” (Keep your country tidy - English) or simply "Dyakuyu" (Gracias - Spanish).

Addendum 2

Selection of plastic bags

Rice. 1. Opening of plastic bags, selected for delivery

Addendum 3

Determination of the chemical power of plastics

Rice. 2. Testing plastic bags with water,

ammonia and octic acid

Rice. 4. Laying open bags at the ground

Rice. 5. Opening the bags after the experiment

Addendum 5

Questionnaire for sociological education of the population

from the problem of plastic inputs (review link)

Hour of the survey: September–Luty 2017

Number of participants in the study: 88

living in such beautiful place Yak Tosno, I think, You rarely thought about the problem of waste disposal. Even if it’s plastic packaging, like you win at your life, bring majestic Skoda to your middle ground, and, first of all, to your health. In order to eliminate the problem of plastic smіtya in our city, we ask you to fill in this questionnaire. Please, after completing the questionnaire, you will think about such an important food and help keep our place and our whole planet clean.

Specify your application

Enter your age

Continued supplement 5

1. Do you know about the global problem of the whole world - the disposal of plastic smite?

2. How do you know what the problem is in Tosno and Tosnensky district?

3. How much do you think how many people in the average person choose to go to the river?

4. What do you think about zі smіtty after hitting the name?

5. How about a part of a cat for the memory of your homeland is folded with plastic?

Continued supplement 5

6. Is plastic broken?

7. Why is plastic synthesized?

8. How do you think how many rocks are made of plastic?

9. Do you think that getting sick can cause plastic exits?

10. Chi chuli Vi pro okremy sbіr smіttya?

Continued supplement 5

11. What is the choice of commemoration - traditional chi different Do you care for the right news on the territory of Russia?

12. Reprocessing of some components of butovyh inputs can give a surplus?

13. Do you often marvel at eco-labeled products and do you watch?

14. How do you deal with plastic outlets Do you think they are the most effective?

Continued supplement 5

15. What are the challenges for bioplastics in Russia?

16. What is the most important for you in regards to the problem of waste disposal?

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