Peloponnese is the most beautiful place. Pivostriv Peloponnese: reminders. Tourists' comments about mandrivkas. What can you buy for skilki

Pivostrіv Peloponnese, reminders of someone to attach to their shores great number guests - the largest breeding island of Greece, roztashovaniya on the pivdenny side of the mainland, which is washed by the Іonіchnі and Aegean seas and is characterized by incredibly beautiful nature.


The main feature of the pivostrov, widely shaved not only by tourists, but by the Greeks themselves, is a touch of familiarity to tradition, which was molded by centuries. Here mustache nibi dikhaє іstorієyu bagatioh centrate; places, hotels and shops to bear the names of gods and mystic heroes, and the island itself is named after Pelops - a mythical hero, like Yogo's father Tantalus, having served the gods, giving him an insult. The gods resurrected Pelops. Vіn made friends with the tsar's donka, mother of beautiful children and onukov i lived a happy life. Peloponnese, reminders of what to melt away from other tales of history - Greece in miniature!

Peloponnese: breeding self-reliance and tradition

The Peloponnese island, reminders of which are sharpened on the skin, are characterized by a mild climate; under the lagid prominences of the sun, one wants to walk inexorably insipidly among the stone, the skel, the vezh, the ones, like one mile, a thousand centuries rushed by.

Peloponnese, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich becomes close to 22 yew. sq. km, divided into 7 prefectures: Arcadia, Achaia, Illya, Argolida, Corinthia, Messinia and Laconia. The valleys of these territorial units are respected in Greece by the most popular ones. All the stench can go to the sea and those wet beaches: food or from a small house of pebbles. The capital of the Pivostrova, which has a population of 1 million inhabitants, is the beautiful place of Corinth, famous throughout the world for its old Corinthian columns. Carrying the spirit of antiquity in their urochisty, today's stench embellishes the interiors of modern mansions.

Spend some time in the Peloponnese, the memories of which are heard from the first rocks, you can by air flight through Athens, by motor transport by a comfortable route or by a way across the Corinthian inlet.

Uniqueness of the Pivostrov

Peloponnese! Greece! Great reminders! You can talk about them inexcusably, even a leather hut is a kind of small museum, and a leather tavern is a gourmet's secret dream.

Unique settlements, Byzantine churches, the most beautiful fortifications at the bottom of the majestic vegetation, caves, mountains, the sea and the food beaches enchant, suffocate at home, vrazayutsya in memory as the most beautiful life.

Mr_ya be-such a mandriving - poke the Peloponnese, reminders! The sights of tourists who have seen this ancient land are suffocated. I would like to turn around here again, wander around the winding streets, sing the most deliciously frosty Greece, listen in the evening on the embankment to the live vikonnannya of musicians ... Many guests of the brewery were struck by the large number of citrus trees, so that cafes and budinkivs were growing. Those same inhabitants of this historical land are smiling and welcoming, and, it is a great pity, many of them do not know English. But I don’t create inconsistencies with tourists, even if I use gestures and emotions, as if it were a good idea to give that interest. For the caution of tourists, it is better to plan for the end of summer in the Peloponnese, if the temperature is comfortable, and the heat is strong for the whole hour of the decline.

Peloponnese Reminders

The route is historical and memorial, with the help of rich tourists, you can start from the center of the oldest civilization - tse Mykeni, de to this day, the ruins of the palace with the main entrance - the Left Gate, which they fought against their sight and instilled in them. A ringing architectural memo, dated to the 13th centuries BC and the oldest monumental sculpture in Europe, 4 vapnyak monoliths, embellished with a relief depicting lions and columns.

Today, the ruins, if there may be a place, are scattered near the village of Mikinis. Behind the legend, having fallen asleep Mykeni, the fall of such falls falls on the 2nd millennium BC, Perseus is the legendary champion of the Gorgon Medusa. At that time, the greatest power of the Mediterranean was trading with Egypt, Italian colonies, Finnish places-powers. The zanepad arose from the promise of a suicidal Argos, to which the place sank into fallow land. Step by step, the flourishing polis was abandoned by its inhabitants, which were served in the hopes of a better life in the other regions of the Peloponnese, about the basis of which, as a guess, the ruined temples of that palace were lost.

The stay of Sparta, guided by its strict laws, is the fatherland of 300 Spartans of Ancient Greece, strong in body and spirit, which was uplifted in the V century BC. the onslaught of rich Persian troops. Abo Olympia - progenitor Olympic Games. Today you can visit the stadium of that ancient hour, which, having taken a sprat to that first sportsman. Epidaurus, roztashovaniya at pіvnіchno-shіdnіy part, be famous all over the world for the old theater, the acoustic ability of which opposes the minds of today's architects. The ring of the coin, which fell into the center of the stage, is felt at a distance of 60 meters. At the same place, the theater-goers flock to the pilgrimage.

Pechera Diru is one of the most beautiful on the planet. Roztashovana on the island of Mani on the pivdenniy side of the Peloponnese, it strikes with its beauty: chimeric stalactites of different colors, which hang like grottoes from stele crypts. The Great Territory of the Pecheri is occupied by an underground lake, which, among the satisfied number of tourists, organizes water excursions.

Dihannya history at the skin stone

Mitras is a special place of the remaining svitanka of the Byzantine Empire, the place of mayor, the middle Pompeii. The new miraculously preserved Orthodox churches with frescoes of the XIII-XV century. In the same place of coronations Kostyantin Paleolog - the remaining emperor of the Byzantine Empire, whom the world remembered as a person, as he inspired the Turkish sultan at the building of Constantinople in exchange for saving the power of life. Having heroically defended his place of wines, like simple warriors, having for himself the signs of imperial dignity, and killings in that battle.

Let's take its ancient architecture into the place of Nafplion - the capital of Greece in the first days of its independence; zokrema, the fortification of Akronafplia, roztashovana at the bottom, it is available for tourists. Until the arrival of the Venetian conquerors in the city, the place was roztashovuvalos in the middle of the castle fort.

On a hillock 200 meters high, the fort of Palamidi stands up, to which you can reach the cannons. There are 1000 stones to the man-made stone spore; climbing on them, you can enjoy the dazzling natural views.

At the center of the tributary, you can see a small island from the Venetian fort of Bourdzi. Sporudzheny like the XV century, victorious as a fortress and v'yaznitsa, today it's a hotel, as well as a venue for holding different shows and concerts.

Mega Spileon - man's monastery

The budinki of this monastery were supposed to move up to the strimkoy skele, which called for an increase in the interest of tourists. To the abode of Vede malovnicha Zalizna road, scho winding the middle of the forest that skel. The brothers Theodore and Simeon fell asleep as a dream Holy Mother of God. І to this day, this image, instilled by Evangelist Luke and healthy rich human bodies And the souls are saved in the walls of the monastery, or rather in the kіmnatі, de ikon bula pridbana, and from the cell of ancient chentsіv not vysilili through numerical fire.

The Peloponnese, the memory of a great number of tourists and the pride of the inhabitants of the city, has retained its self-reliance until today. There are no industrial enterprises here, the mountain villages of the Kremlin and are located on the same countryside. Waterfalls, anchored in the eyes of the eyes, to reach deep gorges, blaky and boundless sea expanses ... The population of the breeding island is engaged in fishing, the state government and creatures.

Peloponnese for guests

Today the Peloponnese, a reminder of which is to be glorified throughout the world, is a tse pіvostrіv, which is to please the guests. Numerous sightseeing tours to learn about the history of an important part of Greece. theater festival at the theater of Epidaurus, which is to pass through, be famous for its ancient Greek performances at the vikonnі greek theatrical corpses and guests from abroad. Itself here it is necessary to resurrect the works of Aristophanes, Eschylus, Sophocles and Euripides.

Raznomanіtnі sporty enter the pіvostrov; here you can organize jeep safaris, walks to waterfalls, horseback riding, beach volleyball, basketball, rafting, mountain tourism, bicycle routes. Rich tourists should save those beaches that are optimally suited for organizing water sports; in pershu churg tse windsurfing sport and windsurfing.

Peloponnese may have a water park, roztashovaniya on the Isthmus of Corinth. The guests of the Peloponnese are in the heart of anonymous restaurants, taverns, bars, confectionery and cafes, which delight with savory herbs, a calm, friendly atmosphere, which rozkripache that spryyaє splkuvannyu. Night life is easier and more fun: there are discos until early morning, cinemas, unique “bouzouki”.

The children, having learned from the legends about the Olympian gods and the male Spartans, developed an enmity that these places were not true, but the stench was spread on the Peloponnese breeding island, which is part of Greece and is washed by the waters of the two seas - Egon.

The Peloponnese is one of the most beautiful regions of Greece, ale, the Crimea of ​​enchanting nature, there are impersonal monuments here that know about history, culture and architecture. ancient Greece. Popularity among tourists in this region is more popular with those who, having grown up, can take one-day excursions to the Peloponnese, here you can look at what to look at.

Antique memorials to the Peloponnese

Bіlya pіdnіzhzhya mount Krono, the order of the moon was the birth of the river Alpheus and Kladeos, the rose of the most ancient sacred center of the religious cult of the Peloponnese - Olympia, was inspired by the honor of Zeus and the sight of the world as the mass of the first Olympiysky mountains.

Here you can see the temples of Zeus and Geri, the ruins of sports spores, which inspired the Olympian mountains, and the Archaeological Museum of Olympia, which collected priceless exhibits of excavations of an ancient place.

Less than 30 km away from Nafplio there is Epidaurus - the sacred liquor of the ancient world. The most important reminder here is the theater, which is well taken care of, and the temple to the god of jubilation Asclepius. The Epidaurian Theatre, famous for its miraculous acoustics, hosts a summer festival of walnut drama.

On the site of the ancient city of Sparta, which played a significant role in the history of Greece, through those that did not have defense walls, a shard of ancient spores was preserved: the theater on the hillock of the Acropolis, the arch gallery and the ruins of the sanctuary of Artemis. Here is the Archaeological Museum of Sparta.

Orthodox saints of the Peloponnese

Territory of the Pivostrov Peloponnese Orthodox monasteries and temples:

Natural monuments of the Peloponnese

Surrounding the shrines of the Peloponnese, tourists will be attracted by the unique Cave of Lakes, which was planted in Kastria. There is also a large harn of the cave of the head of the maizha 2 km from 15 gіrsky lakes and waterfalls. Photographing at the stove is fenced, but in order there is a souvenir shop, where you can buy її photographs and leaflets for a riddle.

Loutra Kaiafa - thermal dzherela, roztashovani on the Peloponnese firth of Loutraki, on the birch of the Corinth tributaries. Seeing the dzherel rejoice in hydrotherapy in the midst of a pictorial landscape, the aroma of pines and eucalyptus. The thermal water of Caiaphas spring helps with skin diseases, neuralgia, asthma, rheumatism and diseases of the intestinal tract.

Today we are virushaemo to the Peloponnese! Memories of the Peloponnese, yakі here є - not the most favorite place for tourists, but a small number of those who grow up here with skin rock.

The most important part of mainland Greece. Bagatiokh brings clean sea water and beaches of the Peloponnese Pivostrov. On the pіvostrovі arch of the pictorial nature, that great decline of historical and cultural monuments. Strictly ostensibly, the Peloponnese is an island, along the Corinth Canal, put into operation in 1893, it was turned piece by piece on the island.

The times of the month are repeatedly seen not only by foreigners, but also by the inhabitants of Greece, who value their cultural richness. And the Peloponnese is alive and kicking with mystic traditions and vibrancy, tremblingly guarding all that decay, as you have gone through. Let's take a look - like the most important reminders of the quiet, which the hotel pronounces to see Greece, it is necessary for the tourist to admire it. In order to spare an hour for their jokes, and also to lay down an easy route, you can calculate your budget from the reminder card, you can buy it in advance, or get it on the Internet.

In contact with

Head memorials of the Peloponnese island (Greece)

  1. Corinth Canal. A land canal that crosses the Yegeysk and the Ionichne Sea. The middle depth of the 6-meter canal is 8 m. And not for nothing, in view of such a misfortune of respect and time, for example, the walls of the channel rise to a height of 76 meters.
    The channel can be buoyed in 2 ways: pridbati kruїz chi pobachiti z visoti. High walls and marvelous lands will turn up to new respect lovers of bungee jumping.
  2. Aquapark Peloponnese recognized as one of the largest and most popular water parks in Greece. Here you will know your own roses as grown up, and children. The central pool has an area of ​​more than 650 square meters.
    Don't wander off, you can pamper yourself with cocktails to cool down. And the great round pool is a podium for the jacuzzis.
  3. Holy Lavra- Greek human monastery, the life of which Bulo was dedicated to the Dormition Mother of God. One of the important symbols of Greece, which marks the birth of independence. Today, the convent of the monastery, having ceased to be an original, the shards of the Laurus were repeatedly spat out vshchen, and in the middle of the 19th century, an exploding earthworm.
    Today, on the territory of Lavra, a museum is open, which is to avenge old icons, documents, images and sacred relics.
  4. Meteori. These hardened rocks, as if they were holding on to the main historical, cultural and religious memory of Greece - the monastery of Meteori.
    This place has been overrun by the monastery of hermits for over 1000 years. A lot of tourists make their way here on a special path to see a unique collection of libraries and frescoes, ancient icons and manuscripts, relics, temples, painted by famous artists. For tourists - 7 monasteries.
  5. Monastery of Blessed Potapii. One of the most famous shrines of Greece is named after the same-named holy miracle worker. History tells about the new one, like about a saint, who heals with prayers. The monastir of rotting itself is already high. To get there, you need to do 144 gatherings.
    Vіn zvedeniy recently - close to 100 years ago. Ale for yogo decoration showcases all Byzantine traditions. And the axis of the cave, in which the relics of St. Potapius rest, was painted by an unknown artist in the 15th century.
  6. Statue of Zeus in Olympia. The statue has grown to 7 wonders of the world of ancient clocks. The author is the sculptor Fidiy. The statue was ready to be placed at the Temple of the Divine, the light was firmly pumped її at 435 BC. e. The right statue of Zeus burned down in the 5th century. to the sound That is, it is impossible to name the exact parameters of today.
    According to historians, the height was over 13 m, the material was prepared - gold and ivory brush. Today's tourists may be able to recreate the statue of Zeus. Until the speech, the deacons and robots of the author of the statue of Zeus were saved until today.
  7. Temple in Olympia. In view of the Peloponnese, one of the largest sanctuaries of Greece, Olympia, is allowed to visit. She herself became the fatherland of ancient Greek gods, and she herself was buried here and the Olympic Games were held for more than one century.
    Today you can marvel at the ruins of the temple of the gods: Zeus and Geri. In order to save us, fragments of the temple of Zeus were saved, varto can be seen on the territory of the Olympia Archaeological Museum. In front of the temple of Geri, only a few columns and foundations were lost, shards of wine were heavily ruminated by an earthworm on the cob 4 tbsp. e.
  8. Misto ghost Mistra. Buv sporudzheniya on the cob 13 century that won the role of the fortress. For this reason, the ruins of the ancient Sparta were victorious, as they were only 8 km away from the place. Bagato is tied to him historical backgrounds.
    For tourists who love historical and cultural remembrances, this place is a true paradise. Agje Monastir Metropolis, Brontochion, the temples of St. Theodore and Hodegetria, the palace of despots, the historical and archaeological museum of Varti respect for the skin.
  9. Palace of Nestor. Until the middle of the 20th century, the palace (kingdom) of Nestor was only guessing at the works of ancient writers, and archaeologists were thinking about the possibility of scientific discovery. In addition, as they knew in 1939, they could declare that it was a majestic palace, which was formed from 2 surfaces.
    Bouli rozkishnі, behind these worlds, laznі, library, bedroom. More yoga was reduced for an hour later. Today the palace is included in the list of the most important historical objects in the Peloponnese.
  10. Monastery Mega Spileon. The walls of this spore were evidence of the old history of Greece. That is why the monastery is called the main spiritual center of the region. Vіn becoming the abode of wealthy pilgrims, they pray to the shrines and bow down to them in one of the ancient temples of the world.
    Tourists, on the other hand, mainly attach the spore of the monastery itself, as it is cut into the strimka of the skeleton. Vіdvіduvannya cloister є accessible to all migrants. The greatest memorials of the monastery are the miraculous icon of the Mother of God, the place with the relics of the founders and the museum. The rest of May is a unique collection of artifacts from ancient wikis.

The most beautiful place of the Pivostrov Peloponnese

The resorts on the farm are not so rich, but all the stinks are scattered in the smallest little places of the Peloponnese.

Loutraki is a resort, which is clean, calm sea.

Luxurious mineral dzherela, inexpensive hotels, garniy vibir rozvag for children and grown-ups zmushuyut again and again turn around in the city.

Elijah enchants the immaculate ancient monuments that are found in the midst of pictorial nature: the cleanest and most found beaches and the most invisible lakes.

Laconia - such resorts do not create beaches, which turn a part of this place into a wild one. Tse and give you specialness.

Only here you can feel calm in the face of everyday troubles. On the territory of Laconia there are singly food and pebble beaches.

No less beautiful places are taken in by the city's mountain resorts. So, tourists from all over the world can enjoy the winter season from the beginning of winter until the middle of spring.

Vіdpochivayuchi їgo here through good prices, high level infrastructure, proximity to the most famous historical monuments. The most popular mountain resorts in the Peloponnese are Kalavryte and Menalo.

It is possible to enjoy the days of nature with the calm and tranquility of the days of the great nations of tourists. Zapovidni foxes and gorges of skel privablyuyut here lovers of garnoy unique nature and pacified vіdpochinku.

What is necessary for tourists to marvel at the Peloponnese

  1. Pecheri Diros. Roztashovani vzdovzh pіdzemnoї rіchka, scho stretch more like 1.5 km. The walls of the oven are astonishing with their extraordinary forms and sights, the appearance of the invisible stalactites and stalagmites.
    The stoves of the Peloponnese Pivostrov have not yet been resurrected (less than 6.5 km), so it’s a reminder to keep a lot of mysteries in your own hands.
  2. River Lusios. An old legend speaks of those who are in the bathing place of little Zeus, which may be of particular importance for the inhabitants of the city. On the basis of the research of the Lusios river and other local water bodies, a museum of hydrodynamics was opened on the birch.
    The uniquely majestic nature of the river and embossed caves gives you the opportunity to work active species for tourism: hiking, rafting on strings and rafts, you can go down the canyon of the river.
  3. Taygetos- A ridge of mountains on the territory of the Peloponnese. The highest point of the Peloponnese is taken to be Mount Agios-Ilias. Spend your time on the top, you can see a small temple of the prophet Іllі.
    For most of the month, the most striking edges of the pivostrov are revealed. From the mountains, take the cob of two rivers, and strings, yak, for a bagatov's history, they created an unimaginable form of relief. At the central part of the ridge, the sleepy lanes are rarely worn, through which the name "Dark Side" was taken away.
  4. Plant olives. This product originated in Greece and is considered a traditional ingredient of Greek cuisine. Not long ago on the island (Sparta) a museum of olives and olive trees was opened.
    Here you can find out about the most recent varieties of olives, the secrets and peculiarities of their cultivation and the technology of olive oil production. The museum houses and most recent artifacts related to this craft - one of them is already close to 60 thousand. fates.
  5. Thermal springs of Kiparisiya. Roztashovani on the found beach of Europe, which is washed by the waters of the Ionian Sea. Dzherelo takes the cob at the stove Nimf Anigridon. Behind her are legends about the ancestors of the mythological hero Troyan.
    To improve your health and rejuvenate yourself here, go from the us kutochkіv of the planet. We will be surrounded by health-improving and luxurious procedures, and the opportunity to engage in various types of water sports.

What to bring as a souvenir

Having made a short travel guide with the Peloponnese, varto talk about gifts. The first place on the souvenir shops of the Peloponnese is occupied by statues of ancient Greek gods. The most popular is the statue of Hermes - the god of trade.

As soon as you get to Greece, you can have a bottle and amphora, Greek boats for drinking, models of a church. Varto respect and respect for dishes, gold and silver embellishments, cosmetics, prepared from natural ingredients.

Peloponnese is a paradise for lovers of gastronomic tourism

Pivostrіv vіdomiy vіdomiy їzhі їzhі її її ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ії їїї raznomanіtnistії retseptіv, yakі mаy mаtiїs z neospodіvanіshіh іngredіentsіv. Do not necessarily go to an expensive restaurant in order to appreciate the taste of Greek cuisine in a fair way.

You can also try local food at famous cafes. Horiatiki salad, dozens of types of sauces, souvlaki and kokorets kebabs, seafood and olives have become traditional dishes, which are recommended for skin tourists.

Memories of the Peloponnese in the photo

Those who want to see Greece, and the Peloponnese, rich, ale and town are still not so popular, but apparently there are no natives. Here you can calmly observe the spirit of a long-standing civilization, relax on the beaches, choose an excursion program for any taste and gamanets.

The Peloponnese will help you to enjoy all the attributes of Greek culture, history and nature. Having received a map of the Peloponnese, on the yak there are all the main signs of the brewery, and you will not miss anything. Dear you!

The Corinthian Canal across the Saronic Influx of the Aegean Sea from the Corinthian Influx of the Ionic Sea. The nutrition of yoga creation began to rise in antiquity. The author of the idea can be credited to the Macedonian ruler Demetrius Poliorketus, who pobazhav two strategically important streams near the 307th roci to our eri. Demetrius and її future thinkers (such as Julius Caesar, Caligula) sounded the pardon of the waters of the Corinthian tributary to flood the Saronic tributary, and at the same time a couple of dry islands. Closer to the realization of the idea, Emperor Nero poked his head in. He created a six thousand team of slaves and convicts, and he himself took part in the sights of the built-up rock for the help of his golden pickaxe. Ale, unstoppable at Rome, there was a rebellion, and Nero was knocked down.

Checks had their final realization of the idea about the creation of the Corinth Canal until 1882. Today, the canal helps ships speed up their paths for 400 km.

Coordinates: 37.93444400,22.98388900

Archaeological Museum

On the central square Syntagma of Nafplio, as one of the oldest and most beautiful places in Greece, there is the Archaeological Museum. The collection of the museum is a unique collection of artifacts from the estuary shore of Argolidia.

Archaeological Museum of stowing at the tripover old Venetian booth in the Baroque style. The museum's large collection includes ceramics and bronzes, figurines, hand-made fillings, jewelry embellishments, armor, tools, tools, various funeral artifacts, terracotta and many others. The exposition of the museum is over 33,000 years old.

Coordinates: 37.56920900,22.80744600

And what kind of reminders of the Peloponnese did you deserve? Order from the photo and icons, by clicking on them you can rate those in another place.

Church of Saint Sophia

One of the most significant monuments of Monemvasia is the Byzantine church of St. Sophia. The temple, founded in the XII century by the emperor Andronnik, is located on the edge of the rock, at a height of over 2.5 thousand meters. For Turkish rule, a mosque was rebuilt in the church, the dvinitsa bula was turned into a minaret. As early as 1821 the church became Orthodox church. And in 1938, a large-scale restoration began.

The church has an eight-cupped dome, houses richly embellished with sculptures and frescoes of the 12th-13th centuries. From the historical documents, it is clear that the temple was consecrated to Diva Hodegetria, the protege of 1821, after the war for the independence of Greece, it was renamed to the church of St. Sophia. The temple is respected by a copy of the Hagia Sophia church in Constantinople.

Coordinates: 36.68965500,23.05489500

The Corinthian inflow underlies mainland Greece and the Peloponnese. There is a deep verge of the inflow of the Ionic Sea, bordered at the exit by the Isthmian Isthmus, and at the entrance - by the Rion and Antirion misses, crossed by the Rio-Antirio bridge. One of the most seismically unsafe areas of Europe is located here.

The inflow is connected with the Aegean Sea by the famous Corinth Canal and all its beauty is visible from the critical seaside places. For example, from Nafpaktos. Before the speech, close to the very sight of the 16th century, the greatest naval battle in the butt, for which the end of Turkish power in the Mediterranean Basin was marked. Other famous places of Greece - Delphi, Corinth, Loutraki, etc. are located in the immediate vicinity of the streams.

Above all, the cicavia and subdivision of the Peloponnese, which found in the world that the mainland from the same island. Vіn buv vіdkritiy to the Olimpiyskiy іgorа near Greece, although the idea itself appeared earlier. The gigantic place with a length of 2 kilometers 252 meters and a height of 65 meters is trimmed on four supports with a height of 230 meters of skin, with some veins fastened with suspended steel cables. The design is superbly foldable, and the upper seismicity and stressed ship navigation at the buttocks.

Coordinates: 38.19070400,22.64790300

Geri Temple

The oldest of the ancient Dorian temples in Greece was roztashuvavsya in Olympia. This is the temple of Geri, the date of yoga life is dated to 600 BC. The widest version, that the temple of the Olympians was presented by the Meshkans of Elidi. Until now, only the backing of the temple with a massive orthostat, as well as the lower part of the columns, has been saved.

At a long time near the Temple of Geri stood Hermes Praxiteles, which today is an exhibit of the archaeological museum of Olympia. So the Romans often vicorated this temple as their sanctuary. Opposite the temple, there was a majestic vіvtar for sacrifices, dedications to the god Zeus. Today is the place to remember that the sacred Olympic fire is ignited here.

The temple of Geri buv persecution by an earthworm on the cob of the fourth century.

Coordinates: 37.63888900,21.62972200

Poros Island

Poros is a Greek island, which became famous for its beauty and emerald landscapes. So Poros itself is well known to Russian history buffs, as the largest base of the Russian fleet (near the 19th century), in honor of which one of the bays of the island was named Russian.

In ancient Greek mythology, Poros, having become the abode of the god of the sea, Poseidon, a temple was erected in honor of him in the depths of the island. Unfortunately, only the ruins of the marvelous architectural controversy have survived to this day.

Today on the island of Poros live less than 2,000 Meshkants. The economy of the island is supported by tourism. The bell with the great earth helps to support the poromy and "dolphins that fly" that make it 31 miles in one year.

Coordinates: 37.51666700,23.46666700

Temple of Apollo at Corinth

The ancient Greek period of the development of ancient Corinth is represented by the temple of Apollo, the patron god of this place. Incitement at the middle of 6 tbsp. BC on the post of the front, ruined in the 7th century, the temple of the stars in the Doric style and on the back there were six columns on the skin end and fifteen airs of the skin side. Those who have the temple of Apollo became aware of the description of Corinth by Pausanias and the small tablet dedicated to Apollo, which was found on the territory of the temple.

The temple is one of the central and significant spores of Corinth. Yogo ruins, which have gone down to our days, can be boldly buried to the very photogenic buds of the whole complex. This monolithic vapnyakovy columns were not called by the Roman general Lucius Mummii, who was born in 146 r. BC having burned down and destroyed the place, having healed the death of people, and having sold women and children into slavery, not an hour.

Do you know well, how well do you know the reminders of the Peloponnese? .

Island of Hydra

Isle of Hydra (behind some old dzherelami - island of Hydra) is an elite resort-reserve, which in the past was called "little England". On the right, in the fact that in the era of its expansion, the island of Idra was inhabited by over 25,000 people, and its fleet included 120 current ships, ready to give it to any foreigner. Podіbniy zakhist having allowed Іdrі to conduct calm trade, anіtrochs are not afraid of the attack of pirates and robbers. The pennies that were spinning on the island allowed six monasteries and over three hundred churches of the most sophisticated architectural styles to be built here.

Today's economy of the island is more likely to fall into the hands of tourists. Here, the tourist infrastructure is well-established - there are no hotels, restaurants, markets, and recreation areas. Here everything is necessary, to conduct a release, which is to be remembered.

Coordinates: 37.34941800,23.47051600

The most popular memorials in the Peloponnese with descriptions and photographs for any relish. Choose best place to see the city of Peloponnese on our site.

More important reminders of the Peloponnese

In the past, I leaned on the Peloponnese 6 years ago, if I was looking for a more civilized and inexpensive alternative to Chornogoria and Croatia. First, the hoarding turned into an addiction, and then it became a right kohanny.

The Peloponnese is a majestic island, and you can't get to know it in one trip. Varto rozpochat z vіdpovіdey on zapitanya:

  • When do I want to go?
  • What do I want to do?
  • How will I move?

It's not surprising, but food can be lost behind the scenes - as if you are only in places that are far from the tourist mainstream, or you fall during the inter-high season, trips become inexpensive, especially for European worlds. If you speak of history, then the Peloponnese will strike you in a right way. Here everyone breathes Homer; Here Heracles, having performed his greatest deeds, began to discover the history of the Olympian mountains.

If you like active waters, the Peloponnese will delight you with mountain skiing, rafting, and picnic hiking and climbing routes. Those who like to lie on the sun can not get overwhelmed - the beaches here can be known for any relish.

Lovers of tasty food for the correct approach to the Peloponnese check an unforgettable note. The area is no less leathery, and the leathery locality can boast of its unique relish. The winery part of the winery is pierced by “wine roads”: local wines are known all over the world and win the most rewards at international competitions. Here, not far away from small family cheese breweries, you can try unique varieties of syrup. From the mountains of Arcadia, they collect miraculous honey, cook jams everywhere, come what may, right down to olives. Olives and olive oil in the Peloponnese are an excellent topic and in the skin region they pan their varieties.

I hope that my glance, new love and tenderness to the Peloponnese, will help you to be appointed at the hour of your advance.

How to reach

The road to the Peloponnese is straight from the kіlkom nevіdomimi. You will need to pay more for your geography. If you see a pivnich - to Corinth, Ahoy chi Argolidis - then it’s definitely easier to fly to Athens and farther to mand the land. If you see Pivdenne or save Pivdenno-Zakhidne, then it’s a good idea to fly to Kalamati. It is easier to get to Zahidny uzberezhzhya through Patry. I’ll immediately change my mind, raise the price of other places in Russia, and get here, better for everything, through Moscow. There is a direct flight from St. Petersburg to Athens, but it’s better, and the layout is more rich.

Come nutrition - how do you plan to eat? Choose a specific place, according to the possibility of moving the forks around, or you want to control the right road conditions, moving from place to place. For another, I recommend going up in price through - there are more options for transfers, I found a car rental and a beautiful bus station, you can practically get a call in whatever little place you like.


Pivnіchna part of pіvostrov is available for flights through Athens, which allows you to save on tickets. Prices for receipts are heavily stale in the season and in the term of planning. My special dosvid I show that it is cheaper to fly with the Egean airlines or Elinair, and there is no sense of sensation on charter flights to Athens.

Prices for a flight from Moscow in the high season start at 250 EUR for a ticket to both destinations. Tickets from St. Petersburg will cost at least 50 euros more. Depending on the fare, you may have to pay extra for luggage at the rate of 30 EUR for a bag of 20–23 kg. To slander such prices, I am booking summer shifts no later than a birch-day. If you are not able to plan ahead of time, then you will be charged 350 EUR per person for all tickets.

If you have the opportunity to choose, then it’s better to rise in price in the Peloponnese, the one in all of Greece during the high season. I'm constantly monitoring the sales of airlines and, on my arrival, it's really possible to buy tickets, for example, for 130-150 EUR in obedba kintsi, navit with villot from St. Petersburg. The maximum discount of 30% (depending on the lowest price) is available when booking 4-6 months before the trip, in addition, one-time discounts are applied directly. It is possible to correct prices for bulity in actual dates.

How to get to the Peloponnese

On the day, day off and day off the Peloponnese from Athens will have to travel at least 400 km, so if you don’t like to be flown by charter, or if you need a fixed flight, then you can choose one of the two without airports.

The best of them is the Kalamati airport near the pivdenniy part of the pіvostrov. It’s easy to get to Laconia (Monemvasia, Mani, Gifio) and Messinia (Koroni, Metoni, Pilos). From the cob of black to the end of spring, on Tuesdays and weeks here fly direct flights from Moscow. The number of tickets for "early birds" is charged at 330 EUR for a more expensive "round trip". If you are not afraid of transfers, or if you have no other choice, then you can get here by Lufthansa through or by the Egean airlines through Athens, but it’s unlikely that you will be spared on such a transfer.

Another airport of the Peloponnese - Araxos - is located on the western edge of the pivostrova not far from Patras, the third most populated place in Greece. It’s easy to get to the western part of Achaia (Patri, Kalavrita), Іlli (Pirgos, Olympia) and Arcadia (and the famous mountain villages). From the beginning of the day to the cob of zhovtnya here 4 times a day a charter from Moscow. Variety of tickets from 380 EUR per flight to both countries. Regardless of the popularity directly, the posture of the summer season is here, unfortunately, it is impossible.


I live in the Peloponnese and, as a rule, I get here from Athens by train. If you need to have a meal in Achaia or Corinthia, the most economical and most convenient option, especially if you arrive at the Athens International Airport: the airport station is arranged in order and connected with the airport with a glass transition.

At one time it is necessary to be sure that the entrance is being reconstructed at once and the train itself will take you only to K'yato - a small place in Corinth. They gave the OSE railway company to tell the mandrіvniki to transfer to a special bus, which can take you to Patras. Train to walk every day that without a break to the train at the end station, a bus goes. The best way is express, 4 times a day the bus to break the teeth at Dyakofto.

The fare from Athens International Airport to Kyato is 14 EUR. Children up to 12 years of age are covered with a 50% discount. Before the bus stop, you will have to pay a bus ticket, in the fall, you will have to pay an extra 4-6 EUR. You can buy a ticket for the bus both at the railway station and in Kyato.

The Crimea of ​​the main bay, in the Peloponnese, is also the tourist bay of Dyakofto-Kalavryta, which not only delivers all the passengers to this popular mountain skiing resort, but in itself is a significant memory and its own attraction.

By bus

The bus is most often seen as the most convenient public transport, which will take you to any point in the Peloponnese. Serving international passenger transportation company KTEL. All buses have air conditioning, often they have wi-fi. The roads are exceedingly beautiful, wanting to make winding winds in the mountainous regions, but you can see that they are simply unforgettable.

The main fold for an unacknowledged mandrіvnik is the distance from the central bus station from the airport when arriving. To get to the bus stations in Araxos and Kalamati, to get there by taxi services. At the Athens airport, around taxi (food price 35–40 EUR), you can get a special express X93, which breaks the skin 30–40 strands of grain between 4 and 5 exits to the “prilotu” level. An hour from the road to the bus station - close to the hour. Tse kіntseva zupinka, too, it is impossible to miss. Cost of travel 6-8 EUR.

At the bus station, get the information in English, and people will be happy to help you know your teeth and not get confused by the bus. The cost of travel is also adequate and to fall in the countryside, for example, a trip from Athens to Kalamatu costs about 25 EUR.

By car

Renting a car is the best way to increase the price of the Peloponnese, which will not only open your hands, but often allows you to spare in the middle of public transport.

The road to the Peloponnese from the Athenian airport is a miracle shvidkish highway, for which you have to pay close to 7 EUR, to get to the Corinth Canal, which waters the Kremlin from the mainland. Insanely, you can go through the old cost-free road, but in the same weather you happen to spend 4 years, instead of one.

After crossing the channel, you will have a choice: go to the stash at the piston part of Argolidia (Epidaur, Methanu, Ermion), continue your way to the corner of the brewery (Nafpaktiya, Arcadia, Laconia, Messiah) and or go to the zakhіd, zakhіd ) part of Messinia). If so, you will always have an alternative toll roads. Moreover, it is impossible to say that the girsha is without cost. Better go ahead, you miss a lot, more expensive on the highway. And yet another hour is your main value, boldly go on a toll road, saving more money.


Take a ferry to the Peloponnese varto less at 2 falls. As you will rise in price from Italy or by the price of the Peloponnese you want to see Egina, Agistria or Poros.

Sometimes from Italy it is convenient for those who have reached the distance to Greece by car through central Europe. For example, you can marvel at Venice, and then go for a ride by the sea (30 years), so that at Patras you can climb out of the vintage deck with a wet car and break where your eyes are amazed. Even though 30 years of a sea walk is too rich for you, you can sit on the porch in Ancona (23 years) or in Bari (17.5 years in the road). The price of the best and inexpensive couple, a ticket for a new one for a company of 4 persons, for example 2 adults with 2 children in a large car, will cost at least 400 EUR per bill.

Another way to the Peloponnese by ferry starts in Piraeus - the port of Athens, where you can go by metro, local buses, and taxis. The minimum porosity in the same company is about 60 EUR. Vartist at a higher price with a car with a view of the road, for example, the beautiful Eginya, will cost 2 times more expensive.


Peloponnese - one hour at a time

Retail per year:

Moscow 1

Kazan 1

Samara 2

Yekaterinburg 3

Novosibirsk 5

Vladivostok 8

When the season. If it's better to go

Wonderful Peloponnese tsiliy rik. I do not presume to recommend any song season, because in this way I will apply the beauty and excellence of other feasts. So, if your free entry permit had not been trapped, the Peloponnese will please you.

Peloponnese inflow

An ear of wormwood in the Peloponnese is miraculously fresh and fresh in nature. The weather can still be unsettled, and the sea is not warm enough (+20-22°C). For the recovery of the white of the sea at the right time, it’s better to go to the western coast, and also to Messinia and Laconia. There are a lot of singing beaches with crisp water, so the sea warms up more.

From the end of the chervnya, the most recent period begins for trips across the warm sea with a minimum of people, and with low prices. The influx of tourists starts from the other half of the linden, and at once from the growing number of people we fall down the quality of your recovery. This rule, unfortunately, is practiced in the Peloponnese everywhere and is especially signified as a hedgehog in coastal taverns.

Planuyuschie vіdpochinok bіla sea in the linden and serpnі, I vіdda vіdda vіdda vіdna vіdna vіdna vіdna vіdnazhu zberezhzhyu Corinthskoї inlet on pivnіchі Peloponnese. The clouds of dense greenery and protection from the hot air winds, here it is a little colder, and the lower moisture and the gentle breeze make it easier to endure strong heat. An alternative could be pivnichne and save Argolidia.

Peloponnese in autumn

Classes in Greek schools start on the 15th of spring, and for the oxamite season, varto їhati from the other half of spring to the middle of the harvest. At this hour the sea is the best - viscous-smooth, clear, more comfortable temperature with a subtle autumnal note. And the weather pleases with mild warmth and calm, even cold, evenings. The average water temperature in spring is +25 °С, in yellow it is +23 °С; repeat every day, it warms up no more than + 25-30 °С. Їhati at any hour you can be-kudi, the whole Peloponnese is beautiful.

After the 15th of the next day, the weather changes and becomes memorable, the boards begin, it may be cold and windy (+18-20 °С). The sea is still getting warmer (+21-23 ° С), so the Russians, who called to the river water, easily bathe. At this hour, autumn begins to grow gold, you can only sing yak in the mountains, for example, in the unique oak fox of Folo, where the islands of juicy green grass on the galyavins contrast sharply with the golden kilim of the oak leaf.


In fact, spring in the Peloponnese begins with the rest of the decade of the fierce. There are more sleepy and dry days, and the day temperature rises to + 16-18 ° С, or more. The almonds and magnolias begin to bloom, and again they are reminiscent of the aromas of honey. The ear of spring is best suited for more expensive archaeological monuments to the Peloponnese; Thousands of ruins are covered with a stringed flower kilim and blame it on you for the cartoons of Hayao Miyatzaki.

Spring is great, as for us it is more similar to summer, it springs from the other half of the day. At this hour on the shore you can be gracious with tamarisks and eucalyptus, and the Uzbek roads become red with poppies. In order to spare you a few days of sleep, the weather is spicy in summer, the sea can warm up to + 22-23 ° С.

At this hour, it’s better to rise in price with small places, which are relocated by tourists in the summer season, for example, live in Monemvasie, Nafplio chi Pilos. Leather from them is also the key to the whole region.

Peloponnese vzimku

Winter for me shortest hour in view of the Peloponnese. On the right, the climate difference between Greece and Russia is the most significant. The day of light here is three times significantly longer, and the sun itself is much greater. Statistically, a couple of daylight days fall on a day, one gloomy, and at the end of the day I guess a nice day at the cinema, or on the cob of a day. In the middle, daytime temperatures stay in the region of +12-14 °C, and cold weather, if the temperature drops below +10 °C, and warming up to +16-18 °C. Zrozumilo, go about saving. In the mountains, the temperature is 10-15 degrees lower than the fall of snow, which allows the functioning of mountain ski resorts.

For the celebration of the Feast of the New Year, it’s better to turn the zhvave place, for example, Nafplio. If you like the atmosphere in the style of “fireplace-mulled wine-snow”, then you can see tourist villages in the mountains that serve the local mountain resorts, for example, Trikala, Zarukhla or Kalavrita.

In the middle of winter, the right miracle begins - alkeonides - it’s on the kshtalt of our woman’s lit, but only in the middle of winter. The temperature rises to +16-18 ° C and the weather is calm. The whole manifestation continues to sound close to you and gives the opportunity to the most merciful ones to come. Really, the sea water is warm near the middle, lower near the birch, and it sounds in the region of +17 °С. On the milky waters of the lagoons, or in the places where the thermal vents flow into the sea, the temperature can reach +20 °C.

The fierce one begins preparations for the upcoming carnival. The largest of them, and not only in the Peloponnese, but also in all of Greece, pass at Patras. If you want to celebrate a more old version - you can destroy in one of the forces of the Greek Arcadia, and if you want to celebrate the "Venetian carnival", then in Nafplio.


Peloponnese - monthly weather

Yaki prices for repairs

The Peloponnese is propagating vіdpochinok to be a hamman. Navіt at the beginning of the season, here you can find prices in the region of 30 EUR for a 2-bed room per day. It is better to know the richness and the exclusive salary of services. Zagalne rule: what is the place in the house, tim is more dear

Eating in taverns here is cheap, lower in more touristic regions. If you include money and exclusive restaurants, then the average check is 10–15 EUR per person with alcohol (house wine). At the famous fish tavern you will have to pay 20 EUR per person.

The number of tickets for the first size monuments (Olympia, Mykeni) - 12 EUR (children under 18 years old can visit the sites of that museum free of charge), for smaller ones - 6-8 EUR, enter the museums for the cost of 3 EUR. Significant remembrances of a respectful character, for example, a stove, about 30-50% reduction was given for children.

It is possible to save money, as well as to see the special notes on special days, if the free entry is transferred. For the skin area, you can have your own supplementary days, but the full list may look like this:

  • April 18 (International Day of Remembrance),
  • May 18 (International Museum Day),
  • Rest weekends of spring (Day of the European recession),
  • 28th of Zhovtnya (the day of "Ohі"),
  • The skin of the first week of the month in the period from 1 leaf fall to 31 birches.

Basic important reminders. What to marvel at

The Peloponnese is superbly rich in famous memorials, and seeing the 5 best of them is a tricky task.

I will store up my special five of the top missions from classical reminders, for the sake of such vartos, go a long way to get out of the third country of the pivostrova.

Top 5

Beaches. Yaki better

The Peloponnese is majestic, and the garni of the beaches are everywhere. Deisno, there are not many unique ones. Yak zavzhd for the year's arrow

Churches and temples. Yaki varto see

Peloponnese is traditionally one of the centers of religious tourism in Greece. There are no such great monastic centers here, like Meteora, but the month is not less strong. Planning your own inspection of the monasteries varto podbati about the holidays (here it’s not enough to give out “sleeps”) at the same time (the skin monastery has its own schedule of work, which also lies in the season). If you want to sing to a song, then varto come lie, until you break for a siesta, as if you are sorry about the first year of the day.


The most popular center of pilgrimage is the Kalavryta place near the Achaia Mountains. Here, on the outskirts, sprats are rolled out, even in the houses of the monasteries, zokrema Agia Lavra- the monastery, from whom the blessed Greek revolution took away that most famous monastery of the Peloponnese - Mega Spileo(Great Pecherny, like yoga is called Russian). Rest for others, for a long time, from Christian monasteries, which are to be, after the monastery of St. Catherine on the Sinai Pivostrovo. At the monastery, a unique icon of the work of St. Luke is saved, as a miracle the sprat survived. In addition, here are the relics of the rich saints, and if you have mercy, then you can go to their shrine. At the monastery museum you can marvel at a small, or even rich, collection of books, icons and church stuff, and at the monastery shop nearby you can find various products: honey, jam, wine, herbs and savory delight from hairy peas.

The Іnshy Tsіkavy Monastery – Taxiarchon– restocking is also in Akhai, not far from the city of Egion. If the weather permits, then here you can take a walk to the old monastery, a rose-covered bush in the mountains on a narrow ledge, from which you can see a wonderful view of the valley of the river Selinus. Taxiarchon indulges in his brews from the trojans, like chants growing in his fields. Ale, people come here in front of us to bow to the great saint: here they take a screen with “relics of the Passion of Christ” - a gift from the Byzantine emperor to his brother, the founder of the monastery.


One more unique woman's monastery you can see Mistr - Byzantine city mayor, roztashovane not far from Sparta. This is one part of the place, where everything is life. The monastery of foundations in the 15th century is hostile to its architectural design. At the upper galleries of the head church, the original frescoes were preserved. Here is a list of famous icons Panagia Pantanasi, which is saved on Mount Athos. The icon is considered to be miraculous, which you can win at once for a large number of donations, donated by believers.

Crimea monastir, in the Peloponnese you can see a sprinkling of true unique temples.


Coping with the nakedness of the enemy Church of St. George order from the locality of Didim in Argolid. Why, I don’t tell myself, so that I don’t give a surprise, obov’yazkovo distance yourself from here, as if you would raise the price of this part of the Peloponnese


The strongest hostility on me Church of St. Theodore, in order from the village of Vasta in Arcadia (Megalopolis district). This is a crimson church, founded at the 12th century, three 17 mature sycamores on their daha, as if by a miraculous rite they did not grow up their vaga, they did not open the walls to the roots.


Panagia Katafigion- the church in Achaia, like a swallow's nest, crouched right on the rock with a bare edge view of the Corinthian inlet. Here is a tricky stitch, virubana in the rock, and you can reach the coast here for as little as 20 credits.

One of the largest temples in the Peloponnese, cathedral Saint Andrew, it is no less than one of the most recent in all of Greece. Yogo was raised in Patras especially for the return of the relics of Andriy the First-Called, as the hour of the Ottoman conquest was transferred to the savings before. At once, at the cathedral, you can bow the head of the saint and part of the cross, on which he was rozіyali. If the relics were brought to Russia, before them the wealthy cherga flourished, you can immediately put yourself in order.


A dekilka of unique temples can be seen in Monemvas, including Church of St. Sophia and Cathedral of Christ Elkomenos, founded in the 13th century by the emperor Andronnik ΙΙ Paleolog.

Museums. Yaki varto see

I am especially for those who want to see museums. A modest entry fee promotes the unique culture of Greece and helps save people's jobs.

History and archeology

Beautiful museums are located at all the great archaeological sites, in which it is not only good to comprehend the speks, but also to take into account new knowledge about the way of life, rituals and vіruvannya ancient Greeks and Byzantines. Vartist vіdvіduvannya such muzeїv enter vіdvіdin vіdvіdin without intermediary archaeological site. The price of a ticket ticket, as a rule, is 12 EUR. Children up to 18 years of age can pass free of charge for the evidence of the document, which confirms the age (may be sensible only if you have a high and responsible child).

The most important museum, where you need to go every once in a while - museum of the archeological site near the Ancient Olympia, for the sake of it, to make a sculpture of Hermes, the work of the famous ancient Greek sculptor Praxiteles, on the vlasnі eyes. Another such chance you can only be in the Louvre.

From the municipal (Mist) archeological and historical museums, they celebrated a lot of damage on me museums Nafplio, Sparti and Patras. Remain undeservedly bored without revisiting, besides, the best museums in Europe will save the true unique collection of Roman mosaics. Entrance to a similar museum is much cheaper compared to more reminders and it costs 2–3 EUR. Children see them without cost.

Thematic museums

From the museums of other subjects, I have become worthy of today Museum of the Olive Olії near Sparta Museum of Manі near Gіfio. As a rule, similar museums are commercial projects, and yet the price policy is not considered in state museums.


National parks occupy the southern part of the Peloponnese, especially near the southern part. In these areas, watering has been fenced off and, as a rule, pishohidnі and bicycle routes are occupied. Find out about them:

  • Mount Helmos and coils of Stiksu- the distance here is the simplest from the village of Zaruhla, where there is a tourist infrastructure. The routes are repaired between the villages of Solo and Messorugi.

  • Vouraikos Gorge- one of the most popular hiking and cycling routes that helps Kalavryta and saves the Corinthian inlet.
  • Ms Tenaron at pivdni– the nature of the city is similar to an alien landscape, and the oracle of the dead, which was found here, creates its own atmosphere.

  • Okrema theme - watch out for the birds, yakі zapinyayutsya on the lakes that salty lagoons, for example, near the district Aliki in the region Prokopiu Not far from Patras, as well as on Lake Caiafa. Over 100 species, including pelicans and flamingos, can be sown during the fallow season.

  • Also, to the national parks, one can carry the stove systems, the most famous of them - Diros ovens in the area of ​​Mani on the pivdni of the Peloponnese, Pechora lakes in the Achaia mountains Freight cave in Argolid.

Nearby islands

How far is it to go to the mainland, to gain respect on the nearest islands, tied to the Peloponnese by poroms. For the sake of clarity, I’ll follow the year’s arrow, starting from the Saronic stream.

Zha. What to try

A lot of people, with whom I had a chance to cooperate with the drive of the Greek cuisine, were left disappointed with their knowledge. Reasons why kіlka:

  1. They chose the wrong places. Do not varto rozrakhovuvaty on the quality of tourist mortgages from high traffic, as if only a few people were passing through the critical sign, the quality of navit in good mortgages falls from the razi. In addition, foreign tourists know little about what can be “the right taste”, which for tourists can always be spared on ingredients. Also, rob the place, where the men go.
  2. The stinks chose the wrong lines. If you don’t check for a long time, you need to buy snacks and get ready, which is called “magerefta” in Greek. Tse spekotne z different types meat, vegetable and meat stew. Such strains are prepared at the rozrahunka for 1-2 days, the stench is savory and gives the best information about the city's cuisine.
  3. The stench or less those who already kushtuvali. Tourists' knowledge about Greek cuisine ends with walnut salad and moussaka. The rest, before the speech, appeared recently. It is necessary not to be afraid of kushtuvati new stravita and nourishment for the sake of the ruler.
  4. The stench did not take the season to respect. Tasty hedgehog comes out of savory ingredients. For example, do not cook the walnut salad at the black one, or stewed green kvass at the chest. So always reconsider, if you produce at the peak of your hour, it will be more expensive.

The cuisine of Peloponnese merited on the other side of the article, and even practical in the skin place, its own peculiarity, like varto kushtuvati itself here. Kokoras cokinisto in Kalavryta, speck of piglets in Sparta, smoked chicken in Monemvasie - the list can be continued indefinitely.

Before the speech, if you love to cook yourself, then it’s practical in the skin of the great village of the Peloponnese on Saturdays pratsyuє markets (like I walnuts), where farmers bring their harvest. You can find out, de same wines from the local residents. In winter days, vegetables and fruit are better bought at greengrocers (manAvikos), fish in fish shops (psaragora, psarAdiko), and meat at the butcher's shop (creopolio). From supermarkets, choose either small local stores or large stores Galaxias and AV (Alfavita) - here the priority is given to Greek products, which are significantly better for cheap brandy, brought from other countries of Europe.


Holy in the Peloponnese, you yourself are holy, which is in all of Greece. Ale, zrozumilo, є i mіstsevі podії, yakі slacken more expensive at this hour more pribilivimi.

Come in leta

Summer, especially the other half, is the hour of the holy saints - "panigir". Tse absolutely vіdkritі come in, on the yakі bulk for the sake of vіtati all guests. You can pass the stench at weekends and you can find out about them behind the voices, or after talking with the local residents.

In addition, the sickle has a great religiously holy- Dormition of the Mother of God. This is an official weekend, if you come to the church with a bare bow, take a look at the blessed special bread - prosphora. Everyday it is common to lubricate not the horns of rams, so if you want to try this wonder - do not miss the chance.

Come autumn

Have a look monthly calendar. Great povnya all over Greece, and the Peloponnese have no faults, all the time without interruption, you can see archaeological sites, where you can come and have mercy on flooded with moonlight ruins absolutely without cost.

Autumns continue panіgiri, especially in areas rich in vineyards. Even tsіkavo have a holy meal, if the whole village is brewing on the central square Tsipur - mіstsevy grape moonshine. The aroma is over the top.

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