A glorious autumn is healthy and vigorous in the wake of strength. Zaliznytsia vіrsh Mikoli Nekrasov. Analysis of Nekrasov's verse "Glorious Autumn"

"Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous ... ”(a snippet from the verse“ Zaliznitsa ”)

Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous

Povіtrya vtomleni forces badorit;

Ice is unmistakable on river jelly

Nemov yak tsukor, scho tane, lie down;

Bіlya fіsu, like m'yakomu lizhku,

You can hang out - calm and open space!

The leaves have not yet caught up,

Zhovti and fresh to lie, like a kilim.

Glorious autumn! frosty nights,

Clear, quiet days.

The whole text is a cognizable fragment. Z books Russian Radian science fiction novel author

The road has a hundred parsecs New names and straight lines. "Far" theme - a new stage of science. The man is that car. Cybernetic analysis by A. Dniprov. Philosophical-fantastic story of G. Gore. Split of "myths" and "numbers". "Anti" is a fantastic short story I. Varshavsky. Fantastic

3 books A book for people like me author Fry Max

The road to nowhere Oleksandr Grin, a human being, balanced most of his short life between two worlds - "Zdijsnenim" and "Nezdiisnim", - for the unkind irony of the share of uveishov in the history of Russian literature, as the author of "Chervonih vіtryl", one, one novel

Books of Russian poetry of the other half of the 19th century author Orlitsky Yuriy Borisovich

The road Dark moon is far away To shine in the mist, I lie summarily Snigova galyavin. Bili z frost, Vzdovzh shlyakhu rows Stretch birches With bare knots. The three-wheeler is quick to rush, The twinkle of a twinkle, Singing softly My coachman is awake. I'm in a rolled tent

From the book of Vitchiznyan science fiction literature (1917-1991). Persian book. Fantasy is a special kind of art author Britikov Anatoly Fedorovich

The road Deaf steppe - the road is far away, The wind field is far less windy, In the distance the fog is less vaguely passing and the darkness takes less tight. How the horses do not fight - I give up, lazily stink. In the eyes of one and the same - All step and step, for the cornfield I renew the cornfield - “Navіscho, coachman, you don’t

From books Science fiction - a special kind of science author Britikov Anatoly Fedorovich

The road has a hundred parsecs New names and straight lines. "Far" theme - a new stage of science. The man is that car. Cybernetic analysis by O. Dniprov. Philosophical-fantastic story of G. Gore. Split of "myths" and "numbers". "Anti" is a fantastic short story I. Varshavsky. Fantastic

From the book Dumka, inspired by the Romans [A poetic anthology from the history of the Russian verse] author Kholshevnikov Vladislav Evgenovich

The road has a hundred parsecs New names and straight lines. "Far" theme - a new stage of science. The man is that car. Cybernetic analysis by O. Dniprov. Philosophical-fantastic story of G. Gore. Split of "myths" and "numbers". "Anti" is a fantastic short story I. Varshavsky. Fantastic

From books Liskovskie namisto author Anninsky Lev Oleksandrovich

From the book Charivno-kazkove root of science fiction author Neyelov Evgen Mikhailovich

From the book Visnik, or the Life of Danila Andeeva: a biographical story in twelve parts author Romanov Boris Mikolayovich

Way-road Vіdomo, scho image of the road lie down to universal, "eternal" images of folklore and literature. “The meaning of the chronotope of the road in the literature is great, - supported by M. M. Bakhtin, - it’s easy to do without any variations to the motive of the road.”

3 books Merciful Road author Sorgenfrey Wilhelm Oleksandrovich

From the book At super girls about Russia: A. N. Ostrovsky author Moskvina Tetyana Volodimirivna

II. MERCIOUS ROAD to Oleksandr Blok… Odkrov. St. Ioanna Remembers the month that is pouring in. Everything that has been and gone, Ale in the soul, that it is pokirno tanya, Empty, sparkling and light. Above the earth - a swirl of snow, At the heart - povilna

From the book of Russian literature and medicine: Body, order, social practice [Selection of articles] author Borisova Irina

Healthy - ill Ostrovsky wrote forty seven original letters and a record number of children for the great Russian writer (ten; four, like Agafi Ivanovna, died early). Vinyatkov and yet universal fertility. "You are our hero," - write

Universal anthology. 3 class author Team of authors

Sylvia Zasse “Think of Health”: Mikoli Evreinov’s Theater Therapy in the Context of Theatrical Aesthetics

From Narissa's book on the history of English poetry. Sing doby Revival. [Volume 1] author Gurtkov Grigory Mikhailovich

A peasant from a nigtik (a verse from a verse "Peasant children") Once, in a winter studio, I am a fox viyshov; boo hard frost. I marvel, I climb properly up the Konyachka mountain, that I was lucky. I, walking pompously, in a calm orderly, the horse was led under the bridle by a peasant

3 books by the author

“Cheerfully syaє ...” (a snippet from the verse “Winter is not at the village”) Cheerfully syaє Mіsyats over the village; White snow vibrating with a blue wagnik. Monthly exchanges of God's temple of douche; Cross under the darkness, Like a candle, burn. Empty, just Sonne village; Zaviryukhami deep hati skidded. Tisha

3 books by the author

The third road Way of Tom-Lunatika - sees the world of reality. Kokhannya, bozheville - less than a part of that rich-stage rocket, which is resurrected, for the help of which it shaves the bonds of the earth's gravity, winds up in misfortune and turbot.

Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous
Povіtrya vtomleni forces badorit;
Ice is unmistakable on river jelly
Nemov yak tsukor, scho tane, lie down;

Bіlya fіsu, like m'yakomu lizhku,
You can hang out - calm and open space!
The leaves have not yet caught up,
Zhovti and fresh to lie, like a kilim.

Glorious autumn! frosty nights,
Clear, quiet days.
There are no inconsistencies in nature! I Kochi,
І moss swamps, і pnі

All is well under the moonlight,
I am familiar with Russia, I recognize ...
Shvidko I rejoice with slats of chavunnymi,
I think my mind

Good tattoo! Why in enchantment
Razumnogo Vanya trimati?
Allow me for a monthly syayv
Show you the truth.

Pratsya tsya, Vanya, bula is terribly majestic
Do not give strength to one!
The world has a king: this king is merciless,
Name the hunger youma.

To drive in the army, by the sea by ships
Edit, in the artil sganyaє people,
Walk behind the plow, stand by the shoulders
Stonemasons, weavers.

Vіn zіgnav masi narodnі here.
Rich someone - in a terrible struggle,
Until life, having called for no trinity,
Troon was known here by others.

Straight road: sip the vuzki,
Stovpchiki, slats, bridges.
And from the sides all Russian brushes ...
Skіlki їх! Vanechko, do you know?

Chu! Wiggooks felt like griznі!
Dullness and gnashing of teeth;
The darkness fell on frosty bugs.
What is there? Natovp dead!

That obganyayut road chavunnu,
Then the parties to fight.
Can you hear your sleep?..
We love to bachiti your pratsy!

We were torn under the heat, under the cold,
With an eternally bent back,
Lived in dugouts, fought hunger,
Were cold and wet, ill with scurvy.

We were robbed by literate foremen,
The bosses were silent, the need was pressed ...
Everyone knew me, God's warriors,
Peaceful children, children!

Brother! You are reaping our fruits!
We were judged in the earth.
Chi us, poor ones, remember well
Chi forgot for a long time? .. "

Don't be afraid of this wild sleep!
From the Volkhov, from the mother of the Volga, from the Oka,
Three different kintsiv of the great power -
Tse all take yours - men!

Shamefully afraid, curl up with a mitten,
You are no longer small! .. Russian hair,
Bachish, stop, lihomania,
Tall ailment Belarusian:

Bloodless lips, povіki, scho fell,
Virazki on thin hands,
Forever standing by the water up to the knee
Legs swollen; kovtun near the hair;

I'm pitting my chest, diligently on the spade
Day after day, she laid all the hundred.
You look up to the new, Vanya, respectfully:
It’s important that the people got their own bread!

Without breaking your back to a hunchback
Win and now: stupidly mumbling
I mechanically rusty shovel
Frozen land dovbaє!

Tsyu zvichku to pracі gentry
It’s not bad for us to care for you ...
Bless the people's work
I learned how to respect a man.

But don’t fight for the vicinity of love…
Vinis dosit the Russian people,
Vinis i tsyu road zaliznu -
Vinesa everything that the Lord did not send!

Vines everything - and wide, clear
Make the way for your breasts.
It's a pity only - to live at the right time is beautiful
Do not happen - neither me, nor you.

Tsієї hvilini deafening whistle
Zoyknuv - a sign of NATO dead!
"Bachiv, tattoo, I'm a wonderful dream, -
Vanya said, - thousand five men,

Russian tribes that porid representatives
They appeared raptom - and vin me saying:
"The axis of stench is our road to alarm clocks! .."
The general is ready!

“Before I recently at the walls of the Vatican,
On the Colosseum for two nights tinyavsya,
Bachiv I at Vіdnі St. Stephen,
Well ... all the people having created?

You vibatch me smіh tsey zuhvaliy,
Your logic is wild.
Abo for you Apollo Belvedere
Hirshe for the pichny mountaineer?

The axis of your people - tsі termi ta lazni,
The miracle of the art - I've pulled everything out!
“I’m not talking for you, but for Vanya…”
Ale, the general did not give a shout-out:

“Your word is a native, an Anglo-Saxon and a German
Do not create - ruin maistri,
Barbarians! wild skupchennya p'anits!
Vtim, Vanya will take an hour;

You know, the vision of death, confusion
It's a sin to make a child's heart.
You have shown children now
Bright bik ... »

Radium show me!
Listen, my love: work is fatal
Skіncheno - nіmets already slats clade.
Buried dead in the ground; sickness
Attached to dugouts; robotic people

With a tight herd of bіla office zіbravsya...
Mіtsno potilitsі smelled stench:
Leather contractor is guilty of surplus,
Have become a penny absentee days!

Mustache brought foremen to the book -
Chi taking on the climb, chi lying ailments:
“Maybe, and here is a bunny here,
That axis, come on! .. ”They waved their hands ...

At the blue captani - an important meadowsweet,
Tovsty, additive, red, yak mid,
Where is the contractor along the line to the holy,
Where to marvel at your robots.

The holy people march out with dignity.
Pet wipe the merchant's face
I seem, bobbing picturesquely:
“Good ... schos ... well done! .. well done! ..

God bless, now on the houses, - I'm flying!
(Hats away - if I say!)
I present a barrel of wine to the workers
I - I give you a shortfall! .. "

Htos "cheers" screaming. Pidhopili
Better, friendlier, longer.
From the song of the foremen, the foremen kotili a barrel ...
Here and the line is not a moment to stand up!

Vipryag people of horses - and merchants
With a cry of "Hurrah!" rushing along the road ...
Come on, it's important to see the picture
Namalyuvati, general? ..

Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous
Povіtrya vtomleni forces badorit;
German kriga on the river studenoi
Nemov like a dancing tsukor to lie down;

Bіlya fіsu, like m'yakomu lizhku,
You can hang out - calm and spacious! -
The leaves have not yet caught the glare,
Zhovti and fresh to lie, like a kilim.

Glorious autumn! frosty nights,
Clear, quiet days.
There are no inconsistencies in nature! I Kochi,
І moss swamps, і pnі -

All the best for the month of the month;
I am familiar with Russia, I recognize ...
Shvidko I rejoice with slats of chavunnymi,
I think my mind...

Good tattoo! Why in enchantment
Reasonably Vanya trimati?
Allow me at the monthly syyanni
Show you the truth.

Pratsya, Vanya, was terribly majestic.
Do not give strength to one!
The world has a king: this king is merciless.
Calling youma hunger!

Drive in the army; at sea by ships
Right; in the artillery, they drive people;
Walk behind the plow; stand by one's shoulders
Stonemasons, weavers.

Vіn zіgnav masi narodnі here.
Who is rich in a terrible struggle,
Until life, having called tsі no triflіdnі,
Truna was known here.

Straight road: nasip vuzki,
Stovpchiki, slats, bridges;
And from the sides are all Russian brushes ...
Skіlki їх, Vanichko, what do you know?

Chu! Wiggooks felt like griznі!
Dullness and gnashing of teeth;
The darkness fell on frosty bugs.
What is there? Natovp dead!

That obganyayut road chavunnu,
Then the parties to fight.
Can you hear your sleep?..
We love to bachiti your pratsy!

“We were getting drunk under the heat, under the cold
With an eternally bent back,
Lived in dugouts, fought hunger,
Were cold and wet, ill with scurvy.

“The literate foremen robbed us,
Sіklo bosses, embossed need ...
We have recognized us, God's warriors,
Peaceful children, children!

“Brother! You are reaping our fruits!
We were judged in the land of vitikati ...
Chi all of us, the vigilantes, remember well,
Chi forgot for a long time? .. "

Don't be afraid of this wild sleep!
From the Volkhov, from the mother-Volga, from the Oka,
Three different kintsiv of the great power -
Tse all take yours - men!

Shamefully robiti, curl up with a mitten,
You are no longer small! .. Russian hair,
Bachish, stop, lihomania,
Tall, sick to Belarus;

Bloodless lips that fell
Virazki on thin hands,
Forever standing by the water up to the knee
Legs swollen; tangled hair;

I'm pitting my chest, diligently on the spade
Day by day she laid the whole century.
You look up to the new, Vanya, respectfully:
It’s important to get your own bread!

Without breaking your back to a hunchback
Win and now: stupidly mumbling
I mechanically rusty shovel
Frozen land dovbaє!

Tsyu zvichku to pracі gentry
It’s not bad for us to take over from you ...
Bless the people's work
I learned how to respect a man.

Don't fight for the love of the homeland...
Vinis dosit the Russian people,
Vinis i tsyu road zaliznu -
Vinesa everything that the Lord did not send!

Wines all - and wide, clear
Make the way for your breasts.
It's a pity only - to live at the right time is beautiful
Neither me nor you can happen...

Qiu hwilinu has a deafening whistle
Vysknuv - a sign of NATO dead!
"Bachiv, tattoo, I'm a wonderful dream",
Vanya said: “Thousand five men,

"Russian tribes and breed representatives
Raptom came, and wine me saying:
- "The axis of the stench - our roads are alarm clocks! .."
The general is ready!

Not long ago I was at the walls of the Vatican,
On the Colosseum, two nights are blue,
Bachiv I at the Vienna of St. Stephen:
Well ... having created all the people?

You vibachite me smіh tsey zuhvaliy:
Your logic is wild, -
Abo for you Apollo Belvedere
Hirshe for the pichny mountaineer?

The axis of our people - tsі termi and laznі, -
The miracle of the art - I've pulled everything out!
"I show not for you, but for Vanya..."
Ale, the general did not give a shout-out:

Your word is yanin, Anglo-Saxon and German
Do not create - ruin maistri,
Barbarians! a wild gathering of p'yanits! ..
Vtim, Vanya will take an hour;

You know, the vision of death, confusion
A child’s heart is a sin to overburden:
You have shown children now
Bright Bik...

Radium show me!
Listen, my love: work is fatal
Skіncheno - nіmets already slats clade.
Buried dead in the ground; sickness
Attached in dugouts; robotic people

With a tight herd of bіla office zіbravsya...
Mіtsno potilitsі smelled stench:
The leather contractor is guilty of being overwhelmed,
Have become a penny absentee days!

Mustaches entered ten's men in a book -
Chi taking on the climb, chi lying ailments:
“Maybe, and here now it’s a zayva,
That axis, go there! .. "They waved their hands ...

At the blue captani - an important meadowsweet,
Tovsty, additive, chervoniy, like copper,
Ide the contractor along the line to the holy,
Ide work and marvel.

The holy people are stepping apart sedately...
Let's wipe the merchant in disguise
I seem to have spun picturesquely ...
“Good ... nothing ... well done ... well done! ..

“With God, now for houses, - I fly!
(Hats away - if I say!) -
I present a barrel of wine to the workers
І - short gift!..»

Htos "Hurrah" shouting. Pidhopili
Better, friendlier, longer... Marvelous:
From the song foremen kotili a barrel ...
Here and the line is not a moment to stand up!

Vipryag people of horses - and merchants
With a cry of "Hurrah!" rushing along the road ...
Come on, it's important to see the picture
Namalyuvati, General? ..

Van I (to the coachman's fair).
Old Man! who's going down the road?
T a r a sh a (at the coat on a red lining),
Count Petro Andriyovich Kleinmikhel, my dear!
Rozmova at the carriage

Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous
Povіtrya vtomleni forces badorit;
Lіd nezmіtsnіliy on rіchtsі holodets
Nemov yak tsukor, scho tane, lie down;

Bіlya fіsu, like m'yakomu lizhku,
You can hang out - calm and open space!
The leaves have not yet caught the glare,
Zhovti and fresh to lie, like a kilim.

Glorious autumn! frosty nights,
Clear, quiet days.
There are no inconsistencies in nature! I Kochi,
І moss swamps, і pnі

All is well under the moonlight,
I am familiar with Russia, I recognize ...
Shvidko I rejoice with slats of chavunnymi,
I think my mind...

Good tattoo! Why in enchantment
Razumnogo Vanya trimati?
Allow me for a monthly syayv
Show you the truth.

Pratsya tsya, Vanya, bula is terribly majestic
Do not give strength to one!
The world has a king: this king is merciless,
Name the hunger youma.

Drive in the army; by the sea by ships
Right; in the artillery smashing people,
Walk behind the plow, stand by the shoulders
Stonemasons, weavers.

Vіn zіgnav masi narodnі here.
Rich someone - in a terrible struggle,
Until life, having called for no trinity,
Troon was known here by others.

Straight road: sip the vuzki,
Stovpchiki, slats, bridges.
And from the sides are all Russian brushes ...
Skіlki їх! Vanechko, do you know?

Chu! Wiggooks felt like griznі!
Dullness and gnashing of teeth;
The darkness fell on frosty bugs.
What is there? Natovp dead!

That obganyayut road chavunnu,
Then the parties to fight.
Can you hear your sleep?..
We love to bachiti your pratsy!

We were torn under the heat, under the cold,
With an eternally bent back,
Lived in dugouts, fought hunger,
Were cold and wet, ill with scurvy.

We were robbed by literate foremen,
Sіklo bosses, crushed demand ...
Everyone knew me, God's warriors,
Peaceful children, children!

Brother! You are reaping our fruits!
We were judged in the earth.
Chi us, poor ones, remember well
Chi forgot for a long time? .. "

Don't be afraid of this wild sleep!
From the Volkhov, from the mother of the Volga, from the Oka,
Three different kintsiv of the great power -
Tse all take yours - men!

Shamefully afraid, curl up with a mitten,
You are no longer small! .. Russian hair,
Bachish, stop, lihomania,
Tall ailment Belarusian:

Bloodless lips, povіki, scho fell,
Virazki on thin hands,
Forever standing by the water up to the knee
Legs swollen; kovtun near the hair;

I'm pitting my chest, diligently on the spade
Day after day, all the hundred were laid.
You look up to the new, Vanya, respectfully:
It’s important that the people got their own bread!

Without breaking your back to a hunchback
Win and now: stupidly mumbling
I mechanically rusty shovel
Frozen land dovbaє!

Tsyu zvichku to pracі gentry
It’s not bad for us to take over from you ...
Bless the people's work
I learned how to respect a man.

Don't fight for the love of the homeland...
Vinis dosit the Russian people,
Vinis i tsyu road zaliznu -
Vinesa everything that the Lord did not send!

Vines everything - and wide, clear
Make the way for your breasts.
It's a pity only - to live at the right time is beautiful
Do not happen - neither me, nor you.

Tsієї hvilini deafening whistle
Zoyknuv - a sign of NATO dead!
"Bachiv, tattoo, I'm a wonderful dream, -
Vanya said, - thousand five men,

Russian tribes that porid representatives
They appeared raptom - and vin me saying:
"The axis of the stench is our road to the alarm clocks! .."
The general is ready!

"Before I recently at the walls of the Vatican,
On the Colosseum for two nights tinyavsya,
Bachiv I at Vіdnі St. Stephen,
Well ... having created all the people?

You vibatch me smіh tsey zuhvaliy,
Your logic is wild.
Abo for you Apollo Belvedere
Hirshe for the pichny mountaineer?

The axis of your people - tsі termi ta lazni,
The miracle of the art - I've pulled everything out!
"I'm not talking for you, but for Vanya..."
Ale, the general did not give a shout-out:

"Your word is yanin, Anglo-Saxon and German
Do not create - ruin maistri,
Barbarians! wild skupchennya p'anits!
Vtim, Vanya will take an hour;

You know, the vision of death, confusion
It's a sin to make a child's heart.
You have shown children now
Light Bik..."

Radium show me!
Listen, my love: work is fatal
Skіncheno - nіmets already slats clade.
Buried dead in the ground; sickness
Attached to dugouts; robotic people

With a tight herd of bіla office zіbravsya...
Mіtsno potilitsі smelled stench:
Leather contractor is guilty of surplus,
Have become a penny absentee days!

Mustache brought foremen to the book -
Chi taking on the climb, chi lying ailments:
"Maybe, and here now it's a zayva,
That axis, come on! .. " They waved their hand ...

At the blue captani - an important meadowsweet,
Tovsty, additive, red, yak mid,
Where is the contractor along the line to the holy,
Where to marvel at your robots.

The holy people are stepping apart sedately...
Pet wipe the merchant's face
I seem, bobbing picturesquely:
"Good ... well done ... well done! .. well done! ..

God bless, now on the houses, - I'm flying!
(Hats away - if I say!)
I present a barrel of wine to the workers
I - I give you a shortfall! .. "

Htos "cheers" screaming. Pidhopili
Better, friendlier, longer...
From the song of the foremen, the foremen drank a barrel ...
Here and the line is not a moment to stand up!

Vipryag people of horses - and merchants
With a shout of "Hurrah!" rushing along the road...
Come on, it's important to see the picture
Namalyuvati, general? ..

Mykola Oleksiyovich Nekrasov

Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous
Povіtrya vtomleni forces badorit;
Ice is unmistakable on river jelly
Nemov yak tsukor, scho tane, lie down;

Bіlya fіsu, like m'yakomu lizhku,
You can hang out - calm and open space!
The leaves have not yet caught up,
Zhovti and fresh to lie, like a kilim.

Glorious autumn! frosty nights,
Clear, quiet days.
There are no inconsistencies in nature! I Kochi,
І moss swamps, і pnі
All is well under the moonlight,
I am familiar with Russia, I recognize ...
Shvidko I rejoice with slats of chavunnymi,
I think my mind.

The compositional integrity of the landscape painting, which starts the famous "Zaliznitsa" of 1864, allows you to see a poetic fragment as an independent work. Yogo main theme is the diverse beauty of “clear, quiet” autumn days, which beneficially pours into self-feeling. Behind the optimistic mood and a slightly cheerful tone, the tonality of the ugly creation approaches the impressions of the Pushkin hero, which brings the “Russian cold” into the air, which refreshes, rejuvenates, turns gusto to life.

The author endows the image of autumn with the appraisal epithet "glorious". The rest does not seem to be more suffocated, but it is the support of the energy mood of the lyrical subject. Explaining the laudatory viguk that the text reveals, the hero speaks about the healing power of the fresh wind. Here and there, the unimaginable for the poetic movement of the expanse of "vigorousness" is won. The combination of the "fresh" word with the lexemes "health" and "bad" creates a concentration of sounds "r" and "o". Allow the sound recording to support the impact of the chilly autumn weather.

To characterize natural objects, he sings as far as the original lines: thin ice is similar to “tsukor, sho tane”, a ball of scorched leaves is like a kilim or a bed. Listed stocks it is possible as a single combination, united by the semantics of home comfort. The purity and freshness of the calm and peaceful nature is similar to the calm of a human life.

Anaphora, as if beginning the third quatrain, continues with a phrase about cold nights and fine days. Vaughn is similar to the meanings of respect for the refreshing day of repetition, placement at the beginning. Priyom, which actually expands the boundaries of lexical anaphoria, step by step to bring the reader to the philosophical point. A lyrical subject to create harmony in the most prosaic details: bushes, swamps, stumps. It’s clear that positive emotions are transmitted through the description, which points to the presence of “dissimilarity” in paintings of a native country.

The final episode specifies the features of the position of the poster. It appears, vіn thoughtfully looking at the edge of nature from the window of the train. Trivala I will rise in price with “chavunny slats” explaining and changing the hour of doby: daylight, allowing you to indulge the yellowness of the leaves, to the “moonlight”, the merekhtinnya of such a mysterious beauty to the traditional hillocks and swamps. The motive of a strong movement, meanings with the help of the word “I’m flying”, viperedzha head topic"Zaliznitsi".

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