The main heroes of the work of a woman with a dog. Chekhov's essay "The Lady with the Dog": analysis, theme, main characters. Yalta resort and earlier early

Description of the writer A.P. Chekhov “The Lady with the Dog” was written in 1898. Vіn є one of the most famous works of the writer, which he shows between two people, as if they were afraid of a suspenseful litigation. Such books have well absorbed the expansion of the suspense: the stench helped the people to learn, as if hypocrisy was fatally binding.

The first edition of the publication was planned by Chekhov at the sickle near the city of Kislovodsk with a different name. Beginning in 1897, picking notes to the point of rozpovidi, and already in 1899 roci tvir sang the light at the journal "Rosijska Dumka". So, it seems that the writer wrote the book “The Lady with the Dog” after a long-term movchannya, a creative lull, that the public accepted the turn of the idol more favorably.

Rozpovid was created near Yalta in 1898. After trips to this place and hearing from their wives, the writer had to write a story about two grown-up people, between them blaming one to one, but he was not destined to break up due to low psychological reasons.

Genre straight

Genre - rozpovid, prote deyakі critics stverdzhuyut, scho "Lady of the dog" - tse story. All the same, the main characteristics of this work indicate those who are vikonan in the genre of explanation. The plot is based on one line, there are few heroes, and there are fewer dynamic characters. In addition, I agreed for more zamaliya.

Directly - realism. The book describes everyday situations without clues. Have a fate wonderful people With typical characters, theirs is like the flooring and naturalistic, and the problems, with which stinks stick together, are the expansion of nourishment from our life.


Heroes from different places, and yet the stench hits once. Vіn friendships, but not the best squads, they are not friendly, but you don’t see happiness in the hat. After a few days of controversy, a thought changes in a woman, blames her for changing her life and becoming happy, but in her there is her ALE. And the axis is a hero of madness, sho tsya zustrich is a chergovy holiday romance, like a yoma to death, succumb to the guilt of embarrassment and play the role of a biased cochance through those that are so wound up. For the help of whose creation one can understand the psychology of mature people: what do people look for in such situations? Dmitro is afraid of destroying his family, but at the same time, the unfaithful squads are looking for love on the battles. І qi come in handy to shave yoma, fit yogo. The hero has a turbulent reputation with the Suspіlstvі, even if it's not likely to take good yoga shots. The woman is afraid to see a person in the unknown, deceitfulness and the brand of "invalid squad" on her. One will be on the Vidchaydemny Krok - Zranda, in the Yaki, roscharov, Aja ї Ideal Viyavavu Zvishayn Kutilo at the diets of a cheap burden.

The essence of creation is a description of the two dead, their thoughts and rozrakhunkiv, sensing that behavior in public. At the fetters family life They are fettered by the fear of a huge litigation, and the stench of a vain self-deception also knows joy. In the finale, the rozcharuvannya reverses the addiction: Dmitro and Hanna are parted forever.

Head heroes and their characteristics

  1. Dmitro Gurov, no longer young, from Moscow. Vin is a philologist who works at the jar and works at Yalta. At Moscow, having left the squad, yakіy vіn nevirniy, three children. Yogo's types have a more familiar attitude: intelligence, humor, empathy, unconventional thought. Ale Gurov does not accept women for ordinary people. Shvidkolіtnі lyubovnі zustrіchі with them - tse predilection of a person. Regardless of luck in the amorous right, the author shows it as an unfortunate person: work not for calling, live with an unloving woman, grieve in the arms of vipadkovy znayomih. It is clearly seen that they should work for their unfortunate family, leaving them alone in another place. Zrada for the hero is a normal situation. I feel guilty that I didn’t see the right mutual swindle.
  2. Anna Diderits from St. Petersburg, but living with a man near the city of S.. A man’s life won’t squawk, happy in his life he doesn’t know, he doesn’t know love and spiritual harmony. When Hannah fights for morality and does not know health, vvazhayuchi tse for sin. Vіdnosini z Gurovim їy at the tractors, but still a little bit to the new є, to that zustrichi try. She takes it seriously, maybe, the woman fell in love with her companion, the separation is given to him even more hard. You can call her a sumptuous, honest, sensitive and deeply unhappy heroine. Neither slut, nor prejudiced suffocation did not bring їy bazhanoї controversy of the soul with another person.
  3. Topic

    Topics love vіdnosin. The author raises the topic of fidelity and for the sake of describing Gurov's usefulness on the side. The wines of the flooring are typical, which can be shown how many of such shukachis are suitable for nippling at the shackles of a light vidobutka. The hero is a philanthropist, who slaughters game among women. Vіn vіdmovlyаєєєєєє іm іn іn іѕ іn themselves, аlе аrе аrе true fοr thе unimportant attitudes before thеm аrе a share οf thе people. To this very reason, we are protecting the squad. Vіn avenge їy for the need to take away її that children, unluckily loved by the right. Vykhodyachi zgogo, you can create a non-trivial visnovka, that the author starts and calls on the topic, its role to our life way.

    Insha Rich - Annie's zrada. In his vchinku the author visvitiv theme kokhannya, bazhanoї and malice predilection. The woman seriously choked on Gurovim, took their novel seriously. For her, an affair is a fatal accident, in spite of her principles. Ale died and was ready to sacrifice everything, and for her indiscriminateness she paid the price of roses. On її butt Chekhov shows that a person can, persh for everything, take care of yourself, otherwise you will risk being shabby, moreover, it’s hard.

    Tsikavo, who is the author of a rozmirkovuva y about faith in God. Yogo heroine appeals to religious concepts, explaining her position to the point of innocence. Won to believe in the sanctity of love-strings, and the axis of Gurov no longer believes in anything, so the meta has reached the sight of closeness to Ghana not to bring you satisfaction.

    In this rank, A.P. Chekhov, destroying his work with even more important topics:

    1. correct and false kohannya;
    2. fidelity that zrada;
    3. family vіdnosini;
    4. the truth is that nonsense;
    5. schirіst that hypocrisy;
    6. compliance with oneself to one's ideals;
    7. faith and bezvir'ya.
    8. Problem

      1. Happiness problem. Offended people were unhappy and reconciled with cym. At Yalta, the leading heroes recognized freedom, believed in the possibility of a happy life, alemarno: on deceit and hypocrisy, do not awaken prosperity. vulgarity
      2. The problem of hypocrisy. Having offended the heroes of the day, they deceive by making friends, which they cherish for themselves. The result of the stench was maddening lies one to one, podkoryayuchis minds zatiyanoy gri. Nonsense takes people from full and maddening to forget all their lives with illusory broken locks.
      3. The problem of holiness. Anna and Dmitro could have ripped the hats off, but the suspense would not have been more likely to be laid on the floor by appointment until the will of special will was manifested. It is easy to put yourself up to hypocrisy, but the right love is shown by the law.
      4. The problem of sexism and immorality. Gurov is placed before women with contempt, he does not have problems with his behavior. Vіn impudently mischief squads, zbivaє zі shlyakhu іnshih іnshih zhіnki, soothing їх on vulgar and indecent zv'yazyok. Through negligence, to a weak state of guilt, she allows herself to be immoral.
      5. sens

        Chekhov helps to reveal the reason for the misfortune of wealthy people - but the fear of instilling one's thoughts in life is not invariable. Yakbi hero pishov prazyuvati for calling, yakbi vin having formed a larger retinue squad, yakbi vin got rid of hostility, not deceiving anyone and not encouraging for nothing, vin lives honestly, openly, happily. And so I’m less likely to dream in reality, dominating the fact that it’s not necessary for you yourself and to bring it on fluidly. The heroine is also not capable of arguing with a person and starting life from a pure arkush. It’s easier for me to confuse myself from head to toe with nonsense and get tired of those short illusory mittevities that predict happiness from afar. For whom the reason is rozcharuvan. Such is the basic idea of ​​explanation.

        Visnovok is simple: it is necessary to live honestly, let us try to be honest with ourselves. It is necessary to remember yourself that the road is easy - do not wait for the right road, and you can bring it to a hopelessness. More richly gіrka truth, lower licorice, ale stupid self-deception. Tse Golovna thought- It's simple, ale dilov's truth, necessary for people.


        Pismennik Maxim Gorky turned to Chekhov from the questions: “What are you doing?”.

        You, nacha, drive in realism. And no one else can write about such speeches, so simply with such ease. Your explanations overshadow everything else. Otherwise, it is rude, "piece". Your little creations will choke your life. Reader to catch every part of life. (A. M. Gorky, dated 1900)

        Albov Veniamin Pavlovich (born 1871), teacher (author of articles), commenting on Chekhov's text:

        Such a “beaten theme of kokhannya” in your work sounds in a new original way, including deceit, nonsense, and evil. Sens yoga mind. (V. Albov, 1903)

        R. I. Sementkovsky vvazhav that it is impossible to name the main character garnoy people with yoga life principles. Vіn rob the unfortunate themselves important people his life - children. Rozvaga, short-time links, shatter Yogo's zhalyugidnu nature in Yogo's eyes. Chekhov portrayed this butt as a frivolous, vulgar and stupid fuss.

        Tsikavo? Save on your wall!

Kokhannya is a common theme in literature. Practicing over the explanations of "The Lady with the Dog," Chekhov did not neglect being original. Ale tvir classic, creations rest river nineteenth century, it was necessary to open up the supra-lingual opening to allow artistic analysis. “Lady with a dog” is a story about a cross-country holiday romance, told by a non-abusive author.

Far from Moscow

Chekhov's opening of the confession without zayvih vstupіv. Already in the first paragraph there is a young woman walking along the Yalta embankment following her. head hero, What kind of lady is more than happy. The image of the image is kept alive by the prolongation of a strong explanation and is less like a clear outline. And everything starts from the image of Gurov’s squad (such is the name of the character, that’s a person, like a lady with a dog).

The analysis of the heroes in roses is better to begin with the description of the hated squad. Those who stand in the eyes of their own person are the key to opening the head images of creation. And to sip wine with a narrow, not far-off suvora. Gurov's squad itself, zrozumіlo, about the power of the person in our thoughts. Suffering from feminist ideas, as if they have become the fashion of the middle, but the diyal women at the turn of the century, she calls herself a “mislyach”. Tse vkray dratuє Gurov, how and її manner of naming yoga Dimitri. And to that wine and zrajuє її often finish. And that you are so kindly far away from it, from home, from Moscow.

Head heroine: analysis

The lady with the dog was small in that look and manner of behavior, like people who were well-informed, they gave an understanding that she was friendly, resting on her own, and it was incredibly boring. Gurov was a well-known person. Wanting wine and talking about women is often unsettling in secular people's conversations, but it's still not possible to live without them. It took him one glance to give the young woman a true characterization, so that an analysis could be started.

The lady with the dog is super young sir eyes, At її behavior there is a lack of robbery. A further break in the rozpovidi to talk about those that a young woman is friendly with people, as she is unacceptable and unacceptable. Vaughn checks that її life will have a sign podia. I won't believe in those who will become. Gurov still does not know about the thoughts of a young woman, but deep in her gut she realizes that her acquaintance can be discovered. And to the one, as soon as the lady is approaching, it’s easy to cry to yourself a white spitz. Tim himself knows the gospodar dog.

Navkolo is a wonderful resort landscape. Chekhov's majsternist is clever in depicting the situation in the most insignificant and seemingly insignificant details. Worth to dedicate characteristic rice scribe short analysis.

A woman with a dog in the Yalta evening

On the day of the acquaintance of the heroes of the sea, the water was small and buzzy, it was soft and warm, and a month of gold went through it. A similar picture is typical for a summer evening near Yalta. Її, it is possible, the author, having admitted to the indignation of the resort place, as if he had not yet written the notice.

More details are in the description of the image of the main heroine. Ruhi її nevpevnenі, nezgrabnі, і in natovpі out vodka lorgnette. All the same, I confirm Gurov’s thoughts, as if they came to you on the day of acquaintance: “I still feel sorry for you.”

Moral fall

The stench is turning into cochants. For the new one, there is nothing unseen in this undertaking. For her - happiness. Ale then, let's sit out of loose hair at the position of a sinner and tell him about his moral fall, for he cannot be true. Gurov at the same time thinks about how these words are stupid, and hurry up there is a kavun. For a realistic detail, without any doubt, the next additional analysis.

"Lady with a dog" - a tale of how to start from a great love affair. Vіn obtyazhuє її naїvnіst i zbentezhennya. Well, without understanding anything, continue to open up your soul. For whom, the main problem is the closure of two worlds - a woman's and a man's. Women to bachelor at their own kohanom are less likely to be those who care for bachiti. Problematics of the explanation of "The Lady with the Dog", the analysis of what is the theme of this article, which is meaningfully foldable and profound.

Yalta and early fog

The coming days will pass in bliss and dogans. The stench is sitting on the lava, marveling at the sea and mumbling. Chekhov depicts the landscape from the power of the manner, supplementing the description of nature with the philosophical thoughts of the hero. Gurov starts to think more and more about the high culture of the buttya and about human goodness. Vin is no longer a kavun and is no longer obtyazhutsya by the mental wiggles of a young woman. Now stink nalashtovani one hvilu.

Hour for pivnich

With these words Anton Chekhov finished one of the chapters. A woman with a dog, an analysis of the image of what a greater idea, and whose name (Gurov was able to recognize) Bula Diderits, broke to a distant Volzky place. And after turning back to Moscow, Gurov begins step by step to see the contrast between the sleepy Yalta and the cold capital, between the unhurried hour that tedious work in the bank. I, nareshti, we clean the world, we bring it to the lives of the inhabitants, we don’t chirp with anything, we’ll go around the cards, we’ll see the wine.

And sturgeon with a smell!

Seemingly people, as if after a change in the camp of euphoria, they were embarrassed to turn into gray action, depicting master Chekhov. "The Lady with the Dog" analysis already gave a statement about the deuce of realistic touches, which would add to the picture of the silence of romance and harsh reality, even if it was only to finish off the cicavia of this fragment.

The image of the zіtknennya romance and the inhabitant here is masterfully completed. The description of “The Lady with the Dog”, a short analysis of which allows us to confirm that the very riddle about the “sturgeon with a smelly” є culmination, gave a new image of Gurov.

High parkan

Under the sight of a business trip to St. Petersburg, Gurov blamed the inquiries of the Yalta woman. In this part, Chekhov appears as a right artist. "Lady with a dog", an analysis of what we are facing artistic contributions, scribbled by a writer, I can’t describe directly to become an indulgence. Gurov's mental anguish is depicted in the description. There is nothing to be said about yoga tightness. The inner world of the hero is conveyed by the author from seeing all the details. Gurov comes to an unknown place and takes a hotel room. There, to sip the wine of the Syrian cloth kilim, washed down the inkwell, the statuette of the one-armed horseman. And if you find the house of Dideritsa, I’ll look at a tall parkan, oozing with flowers. All these elements paint a picture of grayness, one-manhood, zneviri.


The image of the provincial theater takes on a special place in the creation of "The Lady of the Dog". An analysis of the denial of not shouting out the negative attitude of a writer to a lack of social welfare. At the end of the day, the critics were overwhelmed by the disrespect of the author of the description of the problems of the bourgeois school. One Chekhov is the first artist for everything. And that yogo tsіkavila lyudska soul. I indispensable for new letters of attachment, a very important subtext.

An analysis of the work of "The Lady with the Dog" - the culmination of such trifling details, like the similarity of Dideritsa with the footman, the image of the governor, the riddle of the vulgar lorgnette, yak bula in the hands of a young lady.

Affection near Moscow

Analysis of Chekhov's analysis of "The Lady with the Dog" is also to blame for those right and wrong side of life.

Gurov begins to grow up with his kohana in one of the Moscow hotels. Vaughn regularly comes and once again corrects the new of the messengers of the people at the red hat. Dosit reportedly depicted how Gurov sees his daughter off to the gymnasium, talks about her, tells about natural phenomena, and at the same time thinks about her own life, like it’s true. And the paradox lies in the fact that the nonsense is spoken for the lonely and boasted by them.

Tvіr is interrupted by pіvslovі. in tsyumu characteristic of rice little prose of Chekhov. Heroes long evenings are discussing how to feel the need to lie and hovatisya. Ale insults stench rozumіyut, scho all only pochinaєtsya.

Such an analysis of the description of "The Lady of the Dog". Chekhov was able to create, victorious, impersonal, unremarkable details, depict the world of romanticism of that inhabitant, poetry and prose, lofty and earthly. He has a unique gift of a writer, who has embraced and loved the world, whether it is like a quality - like a beautiful and pidnesenіy, so in Syria and miserable.

The description of "The Lady with the Dog" was created by Chekhov in 1898 in connection with the life in Yalta.
The theme of the creation is simple - a holiday romance and yoga legacy. Ale Chekhov's conceived buv depict a holiday romance. Meta creation lie richly glibshe. The author bazhaє show chitachev, as a lifeless situation, the fear of judgment from the side and the lack of time to work a little to his right kohanna gave rise to a deaf and blind to the whole suspіlstvo.
In the first part, the writer demonstrates the behavior of a person and a woman in a resort far away from this splendid way of life. The head hero Gurov Dmitro Dmitrovich has a sly thought about a quick-witted tie, about an affair with an unknown charming woman. At home, the dislike of the team that three children lost their dislike. Ale soul, as if tired without a kohannya, literally vimagaє caresses and tenderness. Such a joking rozuminnya and a woman with a dog. The head heroine of Navit did not like her man in any way. The familiarity of the unfortunate and the unfortunate with the slave was smart.

Gurov just wanted to grow up and do good. Ale Zustrich from Ganna Sergievna changed yoga. Vіn schiro fell in love with її, having fallen in love like a firmer in life, having tasted in a mature way a timid youthful feeling.

Chekhov brings readers to the main postulate - everyone can do it. To that very same yogo the hero changed, became clear. Vіn is no longer a life-saver, but a person who is smart, be generous, faithful.

The plot line is painted by the author from filigree literary art. The axis of the middle is quiet, who walks on the embankment of the resort, reveals a new guise - a lady with a dog. For a few days, Gurov will get to know the lady. After the morning of the morning, after the words of Hanni Sergievna, there was a fall.
It’s clear that the “Don Juan” has reached what he wants, and what can be done for him. The sheet, which came from the person of Hanni Sergievna, with blessings about returning home, interrupt the reception of the hour spent. Nezabarom and Gurov went home, generously vvazhayuchi, that more than wine can not be swayed. Ale, the hero said goodbye not to his godly “good”, but to our past lives, with sounds and thoughts, and saying goodbye to himself. To that they gave and stood zovsіm a new person.
And just like turning back home, it’s acceptable and comfortable for Dmitri Dmitrovich to Moscow, then we’ll go back to Anna Sergievna. It’s almost as if Gurov’s face is sharp and they clear it out of hypocrisy and bait-and-switch. Internal change shtovhayut yogo for the jokes of a kohana woman.
The pismennik does not depict the grayness and gloom of the place S., de sagging the heroine. Tse nibi v'yaznitsya for pure and bright vzaєmin. Share to put them before an uneasy choice, but love to work miracles. Not losing the strength to overcome their own right, but strong enough, Gurov and Ganna Sergievna keep victorious to continue zustrіch. She's coming all the way to Moscow for a nap at the hotel.

In spite of the sanctimonious mood of the soul, the author clearly sympathizes with the main characters. І tse rozashuvannya can be seen in their portraits. Gurov is an orderly Muscovite, gracious, wine-loving, watchful and more respectful of women. She has beautiful blue eyes and a lower one.

Chekhov was fully aware of the adopted standards and even categorically developed the story of the justification by the whole opposite way. Andje in stories about resort romances, the heroes are not to blame for being so unfortunate.
Now, Gurov has two lives: obviously, but beyond the intellectual truth and deceit, otherwise - as in the mystery of the mindless.

Chekhov does not put food on those who check on these people. Vin just shows how a kohannya can transform a person. Ale, the spiritual development of testimony is less than the main hero. The lady with the dog doesn’t change, if she knows, the woman didn’t fall out. Ale її thoughts are now close and understandable to Gurov, even now I can love in a right way.

In the description of A.P. Chekhov's "The Lady with the Dog" the steps of the rose-case of the people, on the way to the right sense of life, are noted. From a banal story - a resort romance - there is a right, great and trendy kohannya.

Gurov, the main hero, the call is prosperous: the new one has family; and a robot, that one is alive and well. But all the same, it’s not life - a stingy likeness, a blaze of a good life in a crooked mirror of everyday life. Lyubov turns a person to the light of spirituality.

There are two people living in the resort, living like a tedious and stupid life. Їhnya persha rozmov - tezh about nudga. They can only get involved with their names for a name: Hanna Sergievna became a foreigner from a clover, a person does not care about his own, calling him a lackey; Gurov does not love his squad, vvazha єї її ceremonial and close, for a long time їy zadzhuє. Love is reworking both of them: it’s turning into another world, I’m afraid to live to the fullest strength, but it’s not mechanical.

Gurov, having fallen in love, you begin to see the beauty of this world: if they were sitting on the bench, “they walked like a person - maybe, a watchman,” looking at them and pishov. Tsya the detail was seen as such a taєmnichoy and tezh garnoy. And how contrasting is the description of the Yalta landscape with the description of the relaxed and monotonous life in Moscow!

For Gurov, "this little woman, not a miracle in any way, with a vulgar lorgnette in her hands" became the only method of life, a dearest person. How is it unlike the new one, who, having respected the woman of the “lower race”. And I haven’t invested in me for a long time in my head: “with a vulgar lorgnette in my hands”, and I’m more majestic in my sense. Chekhov deliberately reduces the image of the heroine; I don’t idealize, don’t rob the goddess for her - this is the name of a woman. To that scho kohannya - not those abstract foggy gloom, scho zmushyu hotly and unstriking zithati. Tse real pochuttya before real people. And the very same kohannya, which is blamed independently, spontaneously, ennobles the people, becomes a method of life. For example, the explanation of the future heroes is unclear. Gurov and Ganna Sergievna are convinced that it will not be long before "a new, more beautiful life will begin." Ale stinks so much, that "the end is still far, far away and that the best and most important only start." Tobto the most important are not those who will be given, but those who are at once, kohannya. And rather, darlings, don’t be inspired by tomorrow, but know for sure what will happen tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, in another day, in two.

Figurative analysis of the work of O. Chekhov "Lady with a dog"

A.P. Chekhov is a writer of the psychological genre with a romantic twist. In his creations, he shows powerful people who live his mystical life of self-satisfied bourgeois. The side of their butt is visible spiritual light How to love to repeat secular voluptuaries, trying to reach tired stereotypes. Tse all pompous and piece camp can be at its core more deeply exercising proper spirituality. People, who called to see themselves as masters of life, ceased to understand the sense of reason. The main thing for them was empty talk about that very sensational buttya, trips to the water, where you can relax with a holiday romance, having learned by rapt that you hadn’t loved you before. The concept of "kohannya" has become synonymous with the word zrada, having used its cob zmist. So the names of passions have become the power of the spa resorts.
In the description of "The Lady with the Dog" two leading heroes - Hanna Sergievna and Gurov are sent to work on the seashore. Offended people were tired of the tedious and nabridly їm life at the great city. Sim'ya and everything that was connected with the promise of that ob'yazky, ceased to accept like a holy indestructible. European values ​​have grown to the flesh and blood of the Russian people, who strive for the ideas of freedom, zealousness and brotherhood. But, what is more paradoxical, forgetting about the reality of Orthodoxy, our spiritualist deeply perekonirovany at his spiritual bestiality in front of his dead brother. The main heroine respects herself, specifying Gurov, that the German name of a person is nothing more than a trip, shards of Orthodox wine. But at the same hour, Hanna Sergievna can call your man a lackey, your hated badge, like a lackey number, like one to wear at the buttonhole. I buoys, and a little fox became hated. And that "kokhannya", ospіvuvana poets of a high warehouse, like a woman lit up to a high-water resort acquaintance, Gurov, became for her an easy, boring life.
For Dmitri Dmitrovich Gurov, all women were representatives of the lower race. Iomu was forty years old, I have been friends for a long time and I have three children. Ale, everything has become a burden and a heavy burden. I haven’t loved the squad for a long time, often zhrazhuvav and vzagalі vavovav near. That is why trips to the Yogo resort were filled with good things with high passions and passion for the awakening of "spirituality".
On the first axis there are two people, for whom everything has changed into stupidity, distortion of reality and tedium. Їm only nevyamki, scho realnіst іsnuіє krіm them. And all things seem to be just a twisted statement of not turbulent evidence. My life has turned into inexcusable nonsense, people pretend to be like that, and not reality. The presence of the bazhannja podlannya is difficult, the recognition of the shortcomings of relatives and loved ones, not seeming already about third-party people, have become stupidity and self-confidence. Life for the sake of the malt and the otrimannya of various material goods - the main sense is not otherwise, like a creature I will become. And if such a representative sees restaurants, theaters and understands the current trends, then it is absolutely “spiritually” a wealthy person. It is not so safe to fantasize about bringing Gurov to the point of complete mental deafness. When I arrive to Moscow, I cannot forget my resort pass. Usі otochuyuchi dratuyut і irritate. The respect of the comrade about the sturgeon for an hour and a half hour about Anna Sergievna is simply to bring Gurov out of himself. Such an extreme lack of calmness, that tragic experience about one’s unfortunate fate, irritates the lashes of the authorities’ egoism, makes oneself foolish. Native people became outcasts and miserable through passion and increased "spirituality".
As the author himself is put up to similar protirich, which is blamed for the current "illuminated" suspenst, it is important to say. Vіn signifies the character of that way of thinking of that hour, which is alive on the evils of the historical svetoglyad. Possibly, infantile sincerity, the fall of family values, the hegemony of the proletariat and other revolutions caused a tragedy that swelled uncontrollably in our country.
Yakscho richo who illuminated people And there are no other contagions, they are widely addicted to feel and care about spiritual lives, those who check for quiet, who are actually weak to creaturely instincts. The axis is a real tragedy, as if retracing human life, and not showing the experience of driving a holiday romance, otherwise it’s like fools. Mriylivost and wilfulness, which lead a person to spiritual emptyness, internal blindness and deafness, become right demons, which make the soulless heart roil, turbovan is only his mystical spirits. Such a heart is not ready to participate in the fight, to the sacrifice of mercy. Gurov and Ganna Sergievna closed one on one, passion faded away. Tse pochuttya - not wealth, as if trying to bring to the present young generation but a catastrophic fall, which destroys everything on which human supremacy is based.
Gurov himself, escorting his daughter to the gymnasium and moving on with her, seeing his independence. Even though it’s true that you’ve been married to a young woman, and more hypocrisy pierced his soul. No wine, no yogo kokhan, as she deceived her man in the same way, were not happy in a right way. Both were tormented by the falseness of the camp, the need to hover in the eyes of people at the hotel room. Cholovik, bachachi his image at the mirror, marveling, like a wine aged. And at this hour of the night, the heart was bursting into a kind of insignificance, even though Gurov's love did not expand beyond pity about the sivin that appeared on the skeletal. For the time being, she was crying quietly, calmly putting a bottle of tea at the room, making her buds, while the woman calmed down. Ale, the decision was not found, for you will not be happy with deceit. The empty mriylivist about the new and beautiful life has been lost.
A.P. Chekhov, having left the finale of the apology with dismay. The writer of rozumіv, as if it were a human being, a two-valued camp of her heroes, as Hanna Sergіїvna herself designated "old" for the enlightened people to understand - a sin.

Gurov Dmitro Dmitrich - The leading hero of the opi-danny "Lady with a dog." A philologist behind light, but to serve at the bank, getting ready to sleep at a private opera, but throwing, maybe Moscow has two budinki. Yomu is forty, the new one has a twelve-year-old daughter and two blue-college students. Having made friends early, as a student of the 2nd course, the squad of the vines is close, afraid of them, not to like being at home, often irritating and talking about women badly, wanting to win over the very soul of a person, in a way it’s boring.

In Yalta, the hero gets to know Anna Sergievna, who you see here, von Diderits, as she brought on herself yoga respect, that she walks all alone, at the escort of a white spitz. Vіn shvidko zblizhuєєєєєєєєє with it, rozrahouychi on svydkoplinnu and light-weight suit. Spend every hour of stench at once - eat, walk, enjoy the sea, ride for a place. Seeing off Hanna Sergievna, who is leaving Yalta, Dmitro Gurov is aware that the stench won’t stink any more, and then, already in Moscow, I think that I will soon be covered in mist. Chekhov added the confirmation of the hero in the amorous right and instilled some kind of cynicism, so that this rapt’s death became more unsupported: a month passed, and Gurov’s memory became so clear that he had parted ways with Anna Sergіchornaya more than ever. Yogo instigates dissatisfaction with “scarce, bezkryla” everyday lives: inappropriately do it, “shalena gra in the cards, indifference, drunkenness, constantly talk all about one thing” ...

Zreshtoy the hero does not see even the place to the city of S., having told the squads that they are going to work for one young man to get to St. Petersburg. There you can know the house of Ganny Sergievna, but you can’t understand for a long time, how to give it to know about yourself, so as not to destroy any suspicions. Zustrich will be at the theater, de vin will not come to her. She will be seen by you in the kohanna and ask for vikhati, obitsiayuchi to come to Moscow and win the obitsyanka. From that hour, the stench of living under their own lives is obvious and attached, secretly chirping once every two or three months, at the hour when Anna Sergievna arrives, and Gurov can no longer imagine his life without her. "... Just now, if in a new head has become gray, having fallen in love with you like a trace, in a right way - forward in life." However, you don’t know how to change the camp, what has been formed, what zmushuє їх hovatisya, lies, long time not bachitis. Chekhov closes his confession with a critical finale: the heroes are told that the solution will be found and everything will be good, wanting to stink and see that “it’s better and better only to start.”

Fon Diderits Anna Sergiivna - The head heroine of Chekhov's "The Lady with the Dog" Not tall, blonde. Gurov pays tribute to the "innocentness, ingratitude of unexplored youth" in the case of the unknown, thin, weak and beautiful, orphan eyes. She told Gurov that she grew up in St. Petersburg, but later she went to the city of S., de living already two years, that a man should serve in the provincial government, or in the provincial zemstvo government.

Mіzh her and її new we know we will start a romance, after her “fall” the heroine worries and repents, she will be afraid that Gurov the first will cease to respect, and she will try to reconsider yoga, to love honestly, pure life calling out to deyak the destruction and the liberation of the cochants. About a person out there, it’s like talking about a good, honest person, but with all that wine, he’s a lackey. After Gurov's appearance in the city, in the theater, it seems to me that all the whole hour I was thinking only about something new and unfortunate, and then we promised to come to Moscow.

Її zustrіchі z Gurovim near Moscow are becoming regular, but even so, the subway of life is more important, lower than Gurov. When the heroine was weeping, “in the sight of a mournful witness, that her life was so sumptuous; stink only taєmno, hovayutsya in the sight of people, like villains! She becomes more and more attached to Gurova, adores Yogo, crying out from Yogo's soul like I love love, and even more deeply. Vaughn, as if he was fighting, spodіvaєtsya on those who, as if by a rank, get rid of “unbearable fetters” and that vreshti-resht “begin a new, beautiful life ...”.

Razpovid "Lady with a dog" and yoga heroes

1 piece

"The Lady of the Dog". Entry

1.1 Get to know these words and virazami, as you learn from the text.

fatigue - formation, significant, constant, stable

everyday - schoden, zvichayn

klopit - turbota, restless

patriarchal traditions - old traditions

often - often

hold out - survive

Yalta - a resort place, rosewood on the birch of the Black Sea

spitz - breed of dog

benefit - benefit

mental sleep - boring, one-man, no life

1.2 Read the given words, memorize their word-creating links that day.

Dogovir - domicile - domicile;

Steady - settle - tired: tired of life;

Walk - walk - skhodzhennya: tsіkave skhodzhennya;

Memory - memory - guess - spogad: receiving spogad.

1.3 Announcement "Lady with a dog" .

The description "Lady with a dog" was written in 1899. This whole hour of a calm, weary life, like the majority of people, had troubles and troubles, problems and right. In Russia, at the time of Chekhov, there were even stronger patriarchal traditions of love and love: people often made friends and went abroad not from a coward, but for a "reasonable rozrakhunk", for a homely father. In his work "The Lady with the Dog" Chekhov told herself about such people.

The plot of the explanation is simple. At the resort in Yalta, two people are chatting: and Ganna Sergievna. Vіn friends, but she is friendly. Hanna Sergievna often walks along the embankment with her white spitz, which is called “the lady with the dog” here. Dmitro Dmitritch “holds on in Yalta” is another day, it’s tedious for you, and when an unknown, gracious lady appears, you don’t waste time getting to know her. Gurov is sure that his romance with Anna Sergievna will not end in any way, “and thinking about those that the axis of my life had one more good thing, or good thing, and it’s already gone, and now it’s gone...”. Ale Gurov having mercy, Hanna Sergievna was able to awaken in a new space and feel more strongly, having fallen in love with wine in a right way.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov is a subtle psychologist who can show the inner world of his characters. Yogo rozpovid "Lady with a dog" speaks about a person, "thrown in the form of spiritual sleepiness", chained with a great sense of love.

1.4 Give advice on the request.

If the description was written "Lady with a dog". Who is yoga author? What does viraz mean "patriarchal traditions kokhannya that shlyubu"? Gurov does not waste time getting to know Hanna Sergievna? What is the story about "The Lady with the Dog"?

2 parts

that Ganna Sergiivna

2.1 Read the words ta virazi. Memorize these values.

A philologist is a person who has acquired philological, humanitarian enlightenment, which she has learned about language and literature.

Serve - pratsyuvati

A gymnasium student is a student of a gymnasium.

Solid - serious, important

Not far (a person) is bad

Vuzka (people) - unreasonable

Ymovirno, possible

Bad - bad

Nature - nature, reality, soundness, soundness

Wabila - attached, attracted, approached

“A Muscovite, a philologist for enlightenment, but to serve at the bank; getting ready to sleep at a private opera, but having thrown, may Moscow have two budinki" /.../

“Yomu was not yet forty, and yet Mav was already a daughter of twelve years old and two blues of a high school student. Yogo was made friends early, if he was a student of another course, and now the squad was given up as a senior for a new one. She was a tall woman, with dark eyebrows, straight, dignified, solid and, as she called herself, mislycha. Vaughn read richly /.../, called the person not Dmitri, but Dimitri, and vіn potai vvazhav її close, narrow, nevitonchenoy, fearing її і not loving to be at home. Having changed this wine a long time ago, having often healed, perhaps, it’s bad for a woman.

It was given to Yomu that he should receive the teachings with a girky dosvid. It was tedious for the spouses of the people, not on their own, with them they were not balky, cold, but if they were middle-aged women, then feeling free and knowing about what to talk about with them and how to treat yourself; And it was easy for you to learn the language of youmu. In yoga, in character, in all yoga in nature, it was pleasant, elusive, which took his wife, lulled them; Vіn knowing about tse, and even the same yogo, as if the force wabbed to them.

2.3 Read the speech. Pass that same zmist, vicorist material at the temples.

1. Gurov knew how to give the blame for teaching with a strong word (we’ll be enchanted by a chomus ...).

2. Gurov vvazhav his squad close, narrow (non-kavy, bad)

3. Gurov's companionship was boring, not on his own, with them he was not balaky (uncomfortable, mischievous).

4. At the Suspіlstі zhіnok Gurov feeling himself at ease

2.4 Read the phrases.

Hirky dosvid - sumny dosvid

Uncomfortable - uncomfortably, unhandily, uncomfortable

Feel free - easy, welcome, comfortable, loud

Treat yourself - behave (at the suspіlstі)

2.5 Give advice on the request.

Where is that pratsyuvav alive? What is the birthplace of little Gurov? Yak Gurov being placed before the squad? Like having felt Gurov in the presence of people? Chi befitted Gurov to be at the house of the wives? Why? Describe the character.

2.6 Read the words. Memorize these values.

More suspіlstvo - enlightened, cultural, intelligent suspіlstvo

Provincial - away from the center

Lackey - servant

Krykhky - weak

2.7 Hanna Sergiivna von Diderits.

We don’t know anything about this heroine, but we don’t know anything, except that she’s “a young lady, of low height, blonde, with a beret”, she came to Yalta, didn’t have any friends here, didn’t know them, walking alone, with her dog - a white spitz . Її viraz, move, cloth, zachіska to talk about those who won є from a decent suspіlstva.

Hanna Sergievna grew up in Petersburg, but two years ago she came to live abroad and went to a provincial town. She won’t love her man, she doesn’t know, de vin practices she calls him a “lackey”.

For the first time, Hanna Sergievna has lost the affection of a tendit, self-made woman. Gurov says "thin, weak, beautiful, gray eyes" and thinks:

2.8 Give advice on the request.

They began to call "the lady of the dog"? Where was Hanna Sergiivna born? Like stosunki folded at Hanni Sergievna from a man? How can she deal with Gurov first? Describe the portrait of Anna Sergievna.

3 parts

“Tyzhen passed after the acquaintance of Gurov and Ganny Sergievna”

3.1 Get to know these words and virazami, as you learn from the text.

tighten - buti have heaviness, zavazhat

filth - filth

leather - be it

Oreanda is a small place, Garne Misce, roztashovane near Yalta.

Buttya - life

Cicadas - horses

Zastava - guarantee

Holiness - ungodliness

with an eye - with a fight, be afraid

invariably - obov'yazkovo, invariably

3.2 Read the given words, memorize their word-creating links that day.

Great - miraculous - great - great: great looking

Prikhovuvati - prikhovuvati - scream

Chari - enchant - enchant - enchantments: enchantments with beauty

3.3 Read the phrases. Memorize these values.

Zav'yazavsya romance - rozpochavsya romance

As a matter of fact - really true

Nitrohi not - zovsіm not

Not a trace of bulo - not required, not guilty bulo

Don't fool around - don't fool around

3.4 Read the text.

A day passed after the acquaintance of Gurov and Ganny Sergievna. The stench often walks along the sea, chirping and seeing off steamboats, eating frosty. A romance begins between them. I Ganna Sergiivna, and Gurov, tight-fitting with their family, came from different places. Dmitro Dmitritch is put on the cob to his acquaintance, as to being useful, as to what he does not goiter and does not hide in anything. Hanna Sergіїvna, for now, take those who have become serious. Vaughn hurt people, and often ask Gurov to know that you are now vvazha її "a filthy woman, like a skin you can know." Gurov zdivovaniya її child naїvnistyu, you become tedious, but acquaintance continues, and vіn take Anna Sergіїvna to Oreanda.

“In Oreanda they sat on the lava, nearby the churches marveled down at the sea and moaned. Yalta could hardly see the morning mist, on the tops of the mountains there were white glooms unruly. The leaves did not break on the trees, cicadas shouted, and the one-man, deaf sound of the sea, which in the valley below, spoke of a calm, eternal dream, which is watching us. So it was noisy downstairs, since there was no Yalta, no Oreandi, now it’s noisy and noisy, it’s just like that and deaf, if we’re not here. And in this fastness, in new life until life and death of the skin, we cry, perhaps, the pledge of our eternal order, uninterrupted life on earth, uninterrupted thoroughness. Sitting instructed by a young woman, as if on a sweater, she was given such a garna, calm and enchanted in this fabulous environment - the sea, gіr, hmar, wide sky, Gurov thinking about those, like, in fact, like thinking about it, everything is a miracle in this world, everything besides, what we ourselves can understand and work, if we forget about the future of the buttya, about our human goodness. /…/

That day the stench sang on the embankment, ate at once, offended, walked, choked on the sea. Vaughn was shaking, it’s bad to sleep and her heart beats anxiously in her, she asked all the food herself, that she boasts now with jealousy, now with fear, because she doesn’t respect wine enough. And often in the square in the garden, if there was no one close to them, they quickly turned it to themselves and kissed passionately. Thoroughly the coldness, the cycles of the middle of a broad day, with a glance and fear, as if no one had shaken, scorching, the smell of the sea and the constant blinking in front of the eyes of empty, chepurnyh, sitih people just reborn yogo: having said Ganni Sergievni about those, like a garna, she was calm, impatiently prejudiced, not going to see her on the crook, but she was often mischievous and kept asking him to know that she didn’t respect wine, not to love antrochs, but only to succumb to her vulgar woman. Mayzhe shovechora stench went far behind the place, into the Oreanda chi waterfall; And the promenade went into it, the foes invariably grew beautiful, majestic.

Nezabara there is a sheet of a person named Anna Sergievna, who swears on the trash of health, asking her to turn around like a kanaishvidshe. Gurov sees off її, and there it seems, what is good, what is there, what is the share: “I think about you ... guess. The Lord is among you, please. Don't remember hvatsko. We say goodbye forever, it’s so necessary, for that one who wouldn’t have been warned would be called to speak.”

Dmitro Dmitritch is summary, he knows that there is no better way to do it and think about those who had one more good thing in his life, or good luck, and it has already vanished, and now he has lost his way ... Gurov turns to Moscow.

3.5 Give advice on nutrition.

How to spend the first week of getting to know Gurov and Ganna Sergievna? How is Hanna Sergievna to be put up to whom? Guriv? Describe the experience of Oreandi. How did Gurov's appointment change to Anna Sergievni after Oreandi? Why would Hanna Sergievna go home? What do you feel when you separate?

4 parts

Gurov and Ganna Sergiivna in Moscow

4.1 Read the material of the country.

Pekti - a spore with stone, chains, metal for scorching, cooking

A nanny is a doctor, as she is engaged in watching children

Sleigh - winter visa on runners

Petrivka - a street near the center of Moscow

Selyanka - a thick soup made from ribi or meat with gostrimi spices (the same as hodgepodge)

4.2 Get to know these words and virazami, as you learn from the text.

Good - good

Resurrect - blame, reappear again with great strength: almost resurrected

amiable - cute, lovable

Tomiti - torment; tormented by bazhanny - tormented by bazhanny

Wretched - zhalugidna

Shalena - already strong

Tuzhiti - strongly nudguvati

4.3 Read the verses of the virazi. Memorize their meanings.

Spend charіvnіst - spend beauty

Postupovo - offal

Covered in memory with fog - forget

They spalahuvali the spogadi - the spogadi succumbed, developed.

4.4 Read the text.

“The houses in Moscow were already in the winter, they stoked the stoves, and the vrants, when the children got to the gymnasium, they drank tea, it was dark, and the nanny accidentally lit the fire. The frost has already begun. If the first snow comes, the first day, ride on a sleigh, it’s good to hit the ground, there were dahi, it’s soft, glorious, and at the same time the young rocks are guessing /…/

Gurov is a Muscovite, turning back to Moscow on a good, frosty day, and if he puts on his fur coat and warm mittens and walks along Petrivtsi, and if on Saturday evening he feels a ringing, then a recent trip and month, in such wines, spent all the charm for him . Little by little, having torn away the guilt of Moscow life, already eagerly reading three newspapers a day and saying that you don’t read Moscow newspapers on principle. Yogo already gravitated to restaurants, clubs, on the rank of obidi, jubilee, and even now it was all the same to him that there were lawyers and artists in the doctor’s club and in the picture with the professor. Already in a moment I’ll take a whole portion of the village woman on a frying pan /.../

Mine is a month, and Hanna Sergievna, it was possible for you to be covered in fog in your memory and only occasionally dream with a wicked smile, like others dreamed. But more than a month had passed, a deep winter had come, and everything was clear in my memory, otherwise I had parted from Hanna Sergievnoy just a couple of days. I guess they saved everything stronger. Chi valleyed by the evening silence to the yoga room the voices of children, like they were preparing lessons, chi chuv romance chi organ at the restaurant, chi curled in the fireplace khurtovina, like a raptom resurrected everything in the memory: and those that were on the pier, and early fog on the mountains, and a steamboat from Feodosia, and pozilunki. Hanna Sergievna followed him around, like a shadow, and stalked after him. Having flattened my eyes, vin bachiv її, as if I live, and she was made beautiful, young, lower, lower bula; and he himself was building his own best, lower bov todі, in Yalta. Vaughn in the evenings marveled at the new book coat, from the fireplace, from the kuta, the vines of the Chuv її podikh, the lapidny sherekh її robe. On the street of wine, after seeing the woman with a glance, shukav, there is nothing similar to her.

Gurov virushaє to the town, de live yogo "lady from the dog". Vіn nі on scho does not spodіvaєєє, but at the time of zustrіchі s Ganna Sergіїvna it is known that the vain summed up for him. Ganna Sergievna announced that she would come to Dmitri Dmitritch to Moscow. The stench is starting to bachitisya again.

“Hanna Sergiivna and wine loved one alone, as if they were close, dear people ... it seemed to them that the share itself appointed them one for one, and it was unreasonable, it was like friends, and it was friendly ... - and the decision will be found, and then the new, beautiful life will be revealed; And it was both clear that the end was still far away and that it was more convenient and more important only to start.”

4.5 To restore respect for the retail of significant words of hoarding that love. How can I speak more strongly? Kokhannya chi zakhoplennya vіdchuvav Gurov to Anna Sergіїvni?

4.6 Read the speech. Pass those same values, vicorist material at the temples.

1. Gurov, having gradually lost his life in Moscow, gravitated towards restaurants, clubs, on the rank of obidi, jubilee (becoming to lead the primary way of life).

2. Tell me about Anna Sergievna flared up more and more (vinicate with new strength)

4. From that hour, as Ganna Sergiivna and Gurov parted, she spent the whole hour summing up after him (nudguvati without anyone ...)

4.7 Give advice on the request.

1. How did Gurov live near Moscow after turning back from Yalta?

2. Why is Gurov aware that it is almost like Anna Sergievna - not easily suffocated, but a good mess?

3. What has changed since Dovkil?

4. coming to Moscow?

4.8. Retell the explanation "Lady from the dog." How do you know that you are checking for Gurov and Ganna Sergievna in the future? How do you stink far away?

4.9 Can you tell me, as if I had directed a film from the rose-poo “The Lady with the Dog” at you? Have you forgotten your heroes? Do you want to marvel again?

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