Smokey ice makeup technique. Technique make-up ice ice for blue eyes. Smoky ice colorful - yak

If you want to create a mysterious and cicavi image for an additional make-up, then invariably speed up with the smoky eyes technique, in order to enhance the beauty of the eyes, the roblyachi look important and vizim. Previously, it was important that smokey ice would be seen less in black and wild tones, but for other feasts of makeup, actively zastosovuyut other colors!

Thin smokey ice makeup

This technique of applying make-up in the literal translation of my Russian language sounds like “wild eyes”. With the help of the shadows, or the olive, it is clear to paint the eyes, the roblyachs are softly moving to a less intense eye. Smoky ice - to finish a popular type of make-up, and, especially, w, especially relevant for evening visits. Representatives of the beautiful state fell in love with technology for those who can reach a deep and mysterious look beyond the veil. In Denmark, smoky eyes are worn with different colors - as a rule, for the skin color of the eyes, different palettes are used. This type of make-up is not a novelty - yoga was actively promoted by fashionistas of the 80s and 90s, but a few wines do not lose relevance, overgrown with new nuances. Among celebrities who often successfully practice smokey ice, there are such stars as Keira Knightley, Cara Delevingne, Angelina Jolie, Amber Heard and many others.

As if you have brown eyes, then for the smoky ice technique, try wicker palettes with brown and beige shades. Smoky girls can experiment with purple shades. Don't forget about the "classics" - black smokey ice.

Girls with green eyes can choose a wide range of shadows for smoky eyes. Cream of classic black and wild tones, of course, try to infuse green shades. No less effective option can be used for additional turquoise, chocolate, dog, brown and bronze shades.

Even if you have blue eyes, then the classic smokey ice in black and wild tones looks really effective at evening sunsets. For everyday make-up, it is recommended to vicorist all shades of grey, blue, black or turquoise.

How to learn to farbowati smoky ice for orphaned eyes

To the hands of the gray eyes of the robot over smoky ice, cream of the classic version, all the shades of gray will go, which include mother-of-pearl and shimmering. For a daytime make-up, try vicory blue tones. Fair-haired girls will effectively look with smoky eyes in beige, golden or reminiscent of erysipelas.

Pokrokov's instructions for daily smokey ice makeup for beginners

The basis of such a make-up is the technique of olive oil, and sometimes the colors are used. If you are a novice in this right, then it is better for you to choose a soft fat olive and a shade for experiments, so that you can be assigned to the residual choice. In addition, you need penzliks, for the help of which you can shade the shadows along the upper edges. In advance, it is recommended to put a foundation on the vіku, so as to save the accumulated shadows from the warehouse of the century. Smokey ice looks have unique clear contours and without special need not to sag the arrows in order to achieve that same smoky effect.

At the daytime make-up, the vicorous sound of hateful and bright lights, which looked soft, lower "dramatic" evening option. All acceptable beige, gray, brown shades. Dark-haired girls are more likely to vikoristovuvat dark colors in smokey ice, light-haired cicavo look with black, erysipelas, peach tones in smoky eyes. Rudiy is recommended to be respected in yaskra colors - blue, bronze, turquoise. Below you will read, as you will learn the technique of daily make-up in tones that are suitable for that other type of eyes.

The technique of classic smoky eyes in images

As we already guessed, smokey ice can be robed with shadows of different colors, but for the sake of accuracy, it’s better to make a photo better.

Such smoky eyes are striking, vicarious brown shades of shadows, and most effectively seen on brown girls.

This kind of smoky eyes with wild parts or black shadows or olives, in general, can win the girls with the color of the eyes, to add some color to the earth. Make-up in such tones will sound dramatic, so it will be more beautiful at evening sunsets.

Deyakі see smoky eyes vіzazhisti complement the arrow, and it’s especially tsedorechno in the fall, like the girl’s eyes are small - the arrow will help them to “explore”.

Light smokey ice makeup for skin day

For little eyes

Povіki that prostіr over them to the eyebrows should be covered with a foundation or powder. Take the olive of that color, in which you want to wear smoky eyes, and draw a line with it over the upper winds, gently sticking out of the inner fold to the outer one. Similarly, work on the lower capitals. Now, creating the famous “cat look”, lightly shade the lines with a special pencil, a cotton swab or with your fingers.

Now take a palette of vodkas, as you plan to win. Apply the best light next to the whole eyelid. If necessary, take a medium sized and apply yoga on the area of ​​the dry fold or a little below it. Now tіnі slіd zmіshati zvnіshnu fold of the century. For blending, it is better to take a fluffy brush and with it shade the dark eye from the palette at the outer fold of the eyes, as well as at the crease, so that you can get a dark thick shade. Increase the intensity of the color, showing the middle shade along the lower edge, shading and fading with the shadows of the upper edge. Kuti, as well as the davelka shkiri under the brow seen with light shadows, after which the carcass is applied.

For great eyes

Apply powder on the povіki foundation. Now apply a shade of neutral color on the loose upholstery (beige or cream). Buff them out to a lovely fold of eyes. The next technique will be based on your individual data. As if the eyes were set wide, next to the area near the pivcola above the crease of the century, zastosovayuchi the shade of the middle eye from the selected palette. As soon as the eyes are planted close, then use the shadows of a dark eye to cover the area closer to the transfer, gently shading them. Now apply a dark line next to the top row of vіy. Now bіlya tsієї linії apply a shade of the middle color, rozpodіlyayuchi їх on the lid to the fold and lightly rostushovayuchi. Apply a light tone under the eyebrow. Gently blot the extra shadows with a servette and apply mascara for a volume.

For the hanging capital

The main foldedness with such a budovі povіk is that the deak area for applying shadows is attached. And all the same, smokey ice is quite possible, and visually help to improve the weather.

Apply a base on the entire rukhlivu povіku and uphill to the eyebrows. After that, with a soft olive, I would paint a line of respite on the upper capital. Kindly shade the line behind the ruhomy century, which you have settled - you will become the color base for the shade.

Now start practicing with shadows. Having taken a palette with shadows, choose a medium tone and with a pencil apply yoga on the entire crumbly upholstery, and with this trishki stick out and crease over it. Stand up straight and marvel at yourself in the mirror - if you look at the crease, then you applied yoga correctly. Let's move on to a dark shadow of shadows - dial yoga on a penzel and spread it along a rumpled hair, not sticking out the folds above it. Shade between yourself with a fluffy penzlika offending the inflicted tone. Work with light and neat movements along the line of the stiletto stick, thereby achieving a smooth transition.

In addition, put a black tint on the lower ridge of the upper ridge, giving special respect to the old land, so that the shadows from the lower ridges sank into shadows from the upper ridges. Then go to the brightest light, applying it to the eyebrow. Nasamkinets relatively profarbuyte vії.

How to grow colorful smoky ice in home minds

Rich girls will be able to work not classic smoky ice in wild tones, but vicarious color shades.

For my type of make-up, it is necessary to work properly to the shape of the eyes. More you could smooch, like working smokey ice for eyes with an impending eyelid, small and great. Work on the make-up well up to the point of view, protect against the blue shades.

Such a smokey ice miraculously looks on karo-eyed or green-eyed girls. Learn about the recommendations on how to master the technique of applying such a make-up, and proceed to the new, vicarious purple tint.

Smoky eyes, perhaps the most popular and most requested type of eye makeup. First of all, wine is suitable for absolutely all women, regardless of the shape of their eyes. In another way, smoky ice is an ideal technique for correcting an overhanging upper back in any gradation of shades: from beige to charcoal-black. Thirdly, for a competent shading of shadows, you can reach the naming depth and the brilliance of the look. It is not surprising that a lot of Hollywood and Russian beauties choose smoky ice for the tracts.

If you want to learn how to work professionally and smokey ice makeup, then you will be helped by the lessons of Pokrokovo, as we have chosen for different eyes.

What is classic smokey ice? The whole thing is bright, tinted and resolutely shaded black eyes. And at the same time, at the technіtsі smoky ice, you can make eyes at any color. For example, replace the black one with some kind of color scheme, or change the make-up in your own technique, or in more nude natural shades (beige-brown dami). In such a rank, smokey can be as bright as an evening, so for a light day, and before that, you can boldly bring universality.

If you want to know that smoky ice is the olive technique, then you need a fat olive that doesn’t trim the arrow, but it’s better to shade it. Marvel at the photo-lesson of black smoky ice, as well as the initial video of the wild lover Deer Krigino.

We have looked at the classic smoky version, now let's move on to lighter everyday options. For example, even beautifully looking wild make-up with gray shades, like universal ones, and it means to go for any kind of eyes, and brighten with an accent.

Yak Zrobity Smokey Ice:

  1. Apply a dark gray tone on the dry and underside, for example, Maybelline Color Tattoo.
  2. To give a look of clay, paint the fold of the upper lining with a dark brown matte shade of shadows and shade them well.
  3. Apply a silver pigment to the center of the wash and lower back.
  4. Paint the water line of the lower one and the upper one with a black olive.
  5. At the inner corner of the eye, put an accent with coral shades.
  6. Profarbuyte black ink.

For an evening out at the world, create a bright smoky ice at the gray din. The photo lesson of pokrokovo is presented below.

If you like the offensive version of smokey ice in purple tones, then you can boldly repeat it, that purple shades are suitable for all eyes (and light skins).

For brown and blue eyes, it is a wonderful option for smokey ice in different shades of blue.

See also other photos of the universal make-up smokey ice pokrokovo, breathe and train at home, even with the help of technology, the skin woman can be voluntarily.

Smokey ice for brown eyes on skin day

Green smokey ice for orphan eyes

Smokey ice for green eyes in burgundy colors.

Purple smokey ice for blue eyes

You can be naked on the charm of black eyes with the help of a correct make-up. Smokey ice technique is even more popular among women today. The universal make-up looks good in any images, looks like a river at daytime and evening sunsets. For the help of the presented make-up, you can carefully adjust the hanging povіku, podkresliti vraznіst look. Smoky eyes is a wonderful vitver, which actresses and stars of show business casually demonstrate.

How to make a smokey ice makeup for black eyes: a classic option

Smokey ice or "dim part of the make-up" conveys a variety of bright and clear chords, as if neatly combined with light accents. Technology helps to create a charming image, with an important veil on the eyes. Make-up ideas take your cob for more hours in the SRSR, popular with girls from the rest of the world.

The standard way to make-up smokey ice transfers the most black and blue chords. Relatively shaded, those beautiful lines are due to be present in a brightly colored work. Smoky ice technology for black eyes transfers constant experimentation with colors. You can pick up a sprig of your favorite colors and create a fancy picture. Daytime make-up is worn by nudes. A light image of pofarbuє with bright farbs working everyday life, like shops and walks in the park. A universal creation, vikonan at the sights that are bright for the eyes of the blue, see the women’s advances in the distance and grab the nedolіki in the distance.

The process of creating a make-up for black eyes in the style of smoky ice conveys a variety of offensive effects:

  • soft olive;
  • tіnі kіlkoh vіdtіnkіv;
  • thin penzel for making clear contours;
  • middle brush for shading shadows on the upper area;
  • tovsty penzel for folding to the center;
  • carcasses

1. Okreslyuєmo between the centuries with neat lines.

2. Strokes are resolutely shaded.

3.Dіlyanku over the working surface is covered with dark brown chords.

4. Vіko farbuєmo with dark shadows.

5. Add dark pigments to the lower border.

6. Sudden and substantiate vії.

Choose yakі vodtinki for the image of smoky ice

For girls with bright veins, varto also protect the color of the shkiri. Snowballs from the black eyes are like a deep blue, rich in violet, light turquoise and sap of greens. For the sackcloth of the smoky coat and the black eyes, it’s better to vicorize the lower chords with brown pigment: chocolate, sand, beige or golden.

To create an effective smokey ice makeup, add the following colors: soft erysipelas, rich black, lavender, silvery and gray-brown.

For the sake of creating smokey ice makeup for black eyes

  • A neat make-up vide for the hour of vikoristannya olive. Dosvіdchenі vіzazhisti often vikoristovuyut tinі, the protej variant will require the solemn confirmation and correctness.

  • For the introduction, it is not recommended to vicorate rare ones, because the stench creates clear lines. The daubing stroke is due to softly enshrine the shape of the eye, subtend the vigination of the virgin.

  • Draw a line slid to the golden fold. Kіnets strіlki can lift a trifle and save the tovshchina. The lower plot is adorned with a thin stroke.

  • When making smokey ice makeup for great eyes, it’s easier to do without sharply curved lines, narrow eyes look like obov'yazykovo promalovuvannya stroke.
  • The skin contour is responsible for buti relatively shading to create a soft, smoky effect.
  • The dark chords are to cover the outer yard and the greater part of the main surface.
  • Light accents are applied over the dry area and near the inner fold.

  • Evening version of smokey ice transferring a few balls of mascara. Harno look down and slightly twisted in the veins.

  • To accentuate respect for the eyes, the sponges are covered with streamers. Evening make-up can be diluted with red chords on the lips.

Smokey ice makeup for black eyes (photo cover)

M'yaki tіnі zdatnі accentuate respect for the eyes, give the image of lightness and brilliance. The main area is covered with black chords, over the surface, bright blue accents are applied. The lower contour is reinforced with a light purple stroke. The inner coil is crooked with bright colors. The rest of the touch is farbuvannya viy.

Enchanting makeup for black eyes

The lower siri garnets will come together with a bright skin and bright eyes. M'yaki akordi is applied to the upper edge, christened the lower boundary. There are slight brown strokes over the main plots. Black lines underline the contours of the eye, adding a romantic image. Vії pokrivaєmo carcass, timidly look rozkritim and deep. Rich make-up can be supplemented with coral or erysipelas lipstick. Romantic pampering, chatting with friends - the lower smoky ice will not be deprived of a pose of respect.

Romantic image

Virazny accent on the eyes will help create shades of brown eyes. The lower biscuits and deep chocolate accords harmonize with natural blakite vichko. The contour of the eyes can be added with dark gray or black strokes, the inner tuft can be hung with white or bright shadows. Garniy look can be worn at work, for a walk, or for an evening meal. Universal make-up for blondes and brunettes, it is wonderful to see the whiteness of the skin.

Burgundy creation in the style of smokey ice

The make-up ideas show the richness of the color, the building zakohat at first glance. A burgundy tone wraps around the upper hem, an evocative kutochok with dark accents. The picture is softly shaded, adding brown spots over the working surface, light suites we cover the inner lot. There is a slight dark stroke along the lower border, which, after the help of the brush, is transformed into thinning serpanok. An elegant image is suitable for urochist podias, romantic parties and hot evenings.

Summer makeup for black eyes

You can create a garnier image with the help of juicy greens, soft browns and bright yellow accents. The lower green color is applied to the upper edge, a light yellow color is left for the inner yard, and dark green accordion is applied to the outer flank. Above the crumbling eyelid and the lower boundary there are faintly brown strokes. You can add clarity for the help of a yellow arrow. A warm summer image adds its own lack of turbotness and brilliance, as if competently joining with black eyes. Representations of the image can be reconciled for daytime and evening urochistas in polished flamboyant rhythms.

Casual look

Smoky ice technique is suitable for young podiums. Go to work, go up to the store, do not get rid of the unmarked at once with a charming make-up. Make-up in brown tones bewitches with its lightness and simplicity of wickerness. The upper edge is covered with the main line, light strokes are applied over the rumpled plot. The bottom between the okreslyuyemo brown chords, add a cold blue tint. The cordon of the upper region is reinforced with a black olive, softly shaded between. The final chord is the line on the lower capital and the furring of the viy.

The shy girls are ready for anything to learn how to work on their own and the charming smokey ice makeup. Let us look at him to go out, we will be addicted and we will be crazy. Obviously, such a make-up looks like it’s done well, it’s so beautiful when it’s done. If you want to learn how to make your own smokey ice makeup, then we will share photo instructions with you, how to learn it.

Make-up "smoky ice" can also be called "dim parts" make-up. Everything that is thin, like victorious when applied, tinted on the surface of the coating, and the damage is formed, we are not sorry, but when we do, the stench looks bright and distinctly.

Having finished the smokey ice makeup for a long time. Fatal women of the 20s and 30s of the twentieth century began to sing-along, blaming the drama and sexuality of their image. At that hour, only blacks and gray shades were victorious. Tom Danish view make-up in the style of "smoky ice" is considered to be classic. Women will do well to win if they are going to a photo shoot for a clubbing party. At daylight, of course, your image with such a make-up will be praised by everyone.

The skin of today's maiden can allow herself to be smoky ice, but smoldering with shades of different colors. For this reason, such a make-up is applied not only for evening visits, but also for everyday exits at the world.

You can learn how to work yourself "smoky ice" yourself, but for which you need such an arsenal:

  • tonalnik and powder, as if they match the type and color of your coat;
  • olive oil (here it is important, that it is the softest olive, and not rare cosmetic products, with which the girls often bring the contour of the eyes);
  • Тіні 3 different colors (obov'yazkovo one of them is due to mother-of-pearl overflow);
  • carcasses for wіy, yak podovzhuvatime їх i zbіlshuvatime in obsyazі;
  • flat penzlik for drawing shadows;
  • sponge parts for applying shadows;
  • beveled penzlik for applying shadows;
  • wadded sticks, sponges and other softly attached, for the help of which you can clean up a little make-up.

As soon as everything you need is ready for you, you can proceed to make a quick look, which will cheer up the hearts of all people, as they will walk you.

Smokey eyes makeup

Just like a make-up, "smoky ice" needs to be repaired not with the eyes, but with the preparation of the skin. You need to change your tone for an additional tonal foundation under make-up, powder and blush. The area of ​​​​the eyes is obov'yazkovo tezh varto farbuvati tsimi outbuildings, so you apply shade, like you apply, more often and more trimalis.

  1. Take a dark olive-watering and circle the contour of the eyes (in the classic version of the vicory, black soft olive is used, but if you don’t try the Smokey eyes evening make-up, but daytime, you can vicorist the olive, put on the warm, dark ones). Remember those who are not guilty of following clear and equal lines. Everything can be shaded.
  2. If you carry out a line on the upper capital, at the yogo ovnishny kutka the line will be followed by three days to the crown to fill up the її. Everything that you zafarbuєte, obov'yazkovo needs to be shaded. The line of the contour on the lower capital also needs to be made wild.

Deyakі v_zazhisti do not care for the correct application of water on the eyes before, as if they were victorious shades, vvazhuchi, that such a rank of dark colors is simply zafarbuєtsya. The stench draws the contour of the eyes at the very end before it, like applying mascara on the eyes.

  1. They gave it to be applied to the eyes of dark shades, as if they vibrated (because of the classic stench, it is due to pure black color, or you can take some other dark shade). Apply them on the top and bottom of the hands with the help of a special applicator. Wrath, that the edges of the fold are more heavily stuffed, and the middle is less light.

Before speech! The deyakі dіvchata vdayutsya to such cunning: don't stink the povіki with black shadows, but just boldly paint the old kut with an olive, and then resolutely rub it with your fingers.

  1. After that, take a shade, as if behind a bright light behind the front, and a flat penzlik (in the classic version of the “wild” make-up, shades of a silvery or pure gray color are taken). tsimi cosmetic care you need to fill the upper edge, but so, so that between the victorian shades the transition was not visible - one color is to blame, smoothly move into the next one, like a gradient. characteristic of rice Smokey Ice Makeup Techniques

Deyakі vіzazhisti praktiruyut trohi Іnshey style of applying the “smoky ice” make-up. The stench of the shoulder fills the windows with light shadows, and then we see through them, like dark clouds picking up, to reach the effect of wild frequency. It is most common to stop such a technique, if you are slacking off the everyday “Smoky Ice”. Sob the eye did not look vulgar, but neatly and brightly, brown shades are picked up, with which not only the eyes are well-kept, but also a fold, as if settling on a rumpled table.

  1. Dalі take the most light colors, yakі you chose (the classic version can have buti bіlі). Use them to pierce the line under the eyebrows and the inner corners of the eyes. The look will then be even more striking and radiant.
  2. After that, farbuyte vії in kіlka balls. The most important thing is to attach respect to the viy, which grows in the best corners of the eyes. Tse help you reach the effect of the "cat's look" thought.
  3. For example, creating a Smokey make-up in your home minds, furbish your eyebrows. Lie, that it is not necessary to strongly accentuate respect for them, so that the stench does not interrupt the clearness of the eyes.

So that you could play around like a casual, evening or spring make-up "Smokey", we attached a photo instruction below:

"Smoky Ice": how do you get your eyes, your skin is hairy?

The “Smokey” make-up is also effectively looking, as if it were an hour to pick up the colors in the shadows to protect the color of the eyelash of the girl, the hair and pigmentation of the skin:

  1. How to choose the color of the ophthalmic iris:
  • if you have brown eyes, then for the “Smokey” make-up, you need to vicory shades of brown colors, olive options - also your option (brown-olive can be vicorated as one color), add more shades of purple color, buzak, rudko , but the stench also looks good at the dark eyes;
  • as if you have enchanting green eyes, then for the “Smokey” make-up, it is best to vicorize the shades of bright gold, chocolate, dark green shades to personalize you, and as an option, take a look at the bright purple shades;
  • представницям слабкої статі з прекрасними блакитними очима, для створення макіяжу «Smokey», стилісти рекомендують використовувати яскраву палітру тіней: підійдуть сині, блідо-рожеві тіні, можна також фарбувати повіки чорними, лавандовими або бузковими тінями, відтінки під срібло або чистого сірого коричневі відтінки - tse classic, yak blakitnookim even go;
  • for girls, for those who have blue eyes, for making the “Smokey” make-up, it’s the same, like a black-eyed one, you can wink whether it’s decorative shades for the eyes, but still, you can still choose the classic colors - pure black, brown, gold and silvery.

  1. How to pick a thin color hair:
  • if you are a charming blonde, then for the creation of the “Smokey” make-up of style and visage, it is recommended to put on erysipelas and black shades, as well as gray and brown;
  • if you have chestnut hair, then it’s best for “smoky ice” to take nude shades of shadows, gold color and black;
  • if you are the ore of the beast, then you, like no one else, are ideal for "smoky ice" to get olive shades and gold.
  1. How to choose the tone and color of the shkiri:
  • if you have a light skin, then you can win only a warm tone of shade - you can turn it off, so that you can visually expand your skin more;
  • For the “smoky” make-up, it will be necessary for the ladies with a smoky coat to wear only a dark shade, which will create a bright effect for the brud of the eye;
  • if you have a miraculous olive skin, then for "smoky ice" wink burgundy or bronze.

In the vastness of the all-world web, you can find faceless video tutorials on Smokey makeup. The skin of them is breathable, to the fact that the application of cosmetics to the face is a miracle, to a certain extent it is put in a different way. You should use your version of "Smoky Ice" to spit on your creative individuality. It is recommended that you try this tactic. Possibly, the option that you have, you are more likely to have a lower make-up, more for recommendations taken from the Internet.

Video: Smokey Ice Makeup

Svitlana Markova

Beauty - yak expensive stone: how easy it is, how dear!


In the rest of the couple of years, the neutral non-sharp make-up in the nude style is becoming more and more popular, behind the minds of some eyes only three are seen as brown olive and light shadows. However, the evening make-up, like before, dictates its own rules, and one of the most widespread techniques is smokey eyes smokey eyes, which can be worn as a kind of color.

How to make a garnier smokey ice makeup for green eyes.

Tsya technique is not too foldable, it is necessary for the girls to fill their hands, so that it is easy to fill their eyes with that swede. The essence of this technique is to call the upper and lower folds olive, to see the outer tuft of the eye with dark shadows and shade the colors throughout the entire century, the whites of yogo are all bright. The classic smokey ice makeup is worn in black and gray tones (the very name of the technique is translated as “wild eye”), prote nitrohi does not look better than wine in color versions.

Choose a color shade for green eyes

Kіlka rokіv that at the rules of make-up there was a revolution. Our mothers were convinced that the shadows for the eyes should be chosen according to the color of the eyes (that for the black ones - black, for the orphans - siri thin). Today's fashion is calling us to enhance the beauty of the eyes with shadows of contrasting colors:

  1. Everyday smokey ice makeup for bright green eyes looks wonderful, like vikonati yogo in brown-golden, bronze tones.
  2. Blondes should go siri tіnі, but it's important, so that the stench rose from the wild coloring of zvnіshnostі.
  3. Rich green-eyed girls need cosmetics for eyes in buzkovo-purple tones.
  4. A funny idea - make-up with burgundy, red, wine color shades. Let's go girls such an option for the next evening.
  5. Green eyes look badly framed by black, blue, erysipelas shades.

For gray-green eyes

Often such eyes are seen by fair-haired girls. Mild contrasts are suitable for this modernity, so this option is to add smokey ice in dark brown-burgundy (for the little eye) and light powdery shades. Take the decision to navit the day: the eyes come to the “calm” depth. A little secret: use matte shades, without mother-of-pearl and shimmer. In addition, it is pleasant to look at the same quiet powdery shadows with a dark khaki shade.

For blondes with green eyes

So the girls are “seeing through” the color and lightness of the tone. Golovne - do not overwhelm them with a dark or bright make-up. Kindly look at smokey ice, wiping with light-grey shadows. You can add some buzkovy or horn-bearing vodtinka to the povіku. Come matte brown colors. However, it is necessary to remember that smokey ice for green-eyed blondes is a better evening option.

For evening and spring make-up

Two situations, in which women have to dress up with a loose cloth, are significantly disturbed by one in the same choice of cosmetics. Spring make-up is traditionally worn in light, pastel colors, so, as you all the same, you still managed to grow smokey ice, rather surrounded by matte brown and gray shades. It is permissible to literate them with a light erysipelas powdery base for povik. Such a color is especially fresh for the lower ones.

Evening make-up allows you to experiment with original cosmetics. Smiley solution to create smokey ice for yaskravyh green eyes in red-burgundy tones. This trend came to the podium in 2015 and fell in love with the wealthy. The red color will fade from green, but the mind of such a make-up - do not forget about the black water for the povik, otherwise your eyes will be weeping and crying. Do not experiment, as you are not inspired by the freshness of your appearance.

Rudy hairy

The day of the ore hair from the green eyes was especially important for the time being: this is how the books described the charming beauties, and the legends - in the eyes. ale Head problem green-eyed girls - for those who do not fit two-thirds of fashion trends, they can always have their own head on their shoulders. So, for example, for rudihs from green eyes (and, as a rule, a pale transparent skin), golden-bronze smoky ices become the best solutions.

The contour should be seen with brown (not black!) Olive or water, shaded with bronze shades in a tuft, and cover the entire surface with a thin ball of golden-beige. Such a make-up is bestowed on the eyes of a special person. Also, girls can experiment with shades of khaki color. Smokey ices will be smoky, some little patches of visions will have dark emerald shadows, and povka will be powdery.

Temne hairy

For brunettes with green eyes, like the beautiful Scarlett from the book, it is best to go with a bold version of smokey ice, vikona in violet, violet or buzkovy tones. With your help, you can create a demonic, sweaty image. It’s not possible to experiment with bright colors, it’s good to go for a thin color of cavi with milk, bronze or golden. Six colors better unique: looking at the big brunettes is too much for them.

For daily make-up

The main rule of everyday make-up is not to be evil with contrasting details and invisible textures (shimmer, mother-of-pearl). On a smokey ice day, they can be not old, especially if you work in an organization with a strict dress code. If you really want to see your eyes, choose neutral caviar shades with chi khaki milk. Vіd olіvtsya аbo pіdvodki povіk mozhna vodmovitysya. Often in sets, two dark colors are worn in a row. Matte is ideal for daytime make-up, and glossy is for evening make-up. Find out how beautiful you are

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