How is the electronic lamp of daylight. How to connect a fluorescent lamp and remember the lamp? Schemes for connecting fluorescent lamps

When choosing a daily method of illumination, it is necessary to know how to turn on the day light lamp independently.

A large area of ​​surface lighting spriyaє otrimanna equal and pink lighting.

That is why such an option has become Rest of the Rocks even more popular and in demand.

Luminescent lamps are visible up to gas-discharge lamps of illumination, which are characterized by the adoption of ultraviolet vaporization under the influx of electric discharge in mercury vapor with distant transformations on the temple to visible light.

The appearance of the light is marked by a presence on the inner surface of the lamp of a special speech called a phosphor, which is used for UV-viation. Changing the warehouse of the luminophore allows you to change the color of the light. Luminophore can be represented by calcium halophosphates and calcium-zinc orthophosphates.

The principle of operation of a fluorescent light bulb

The support of the arc discharge is followed by an additional thermoelectronic emission of electrons on the surface of the cathodes, which are played when the stream is passed, which is surrounded by ballast.

The shortage of lamps of day light is represented by the possibility of connecting directly to an electric grid, which is mindful of the physical nature of a lamp light.

Significant part of the lamps, used for the installation of day light lamps, may be used in lighting mechanisms or choke bars.

Connecting a day light

In order to competently set up a self-contained connection, it is necessary to correctly select a fluorescent lamp.

Such products are marked with a three-digit code to cover all the information about the brightness of the light or the color index and color temperature.

The first number of marking marks the rіven of the color transfer, and the more it shows, the more reliable the color transfer is to be taken from the process of display.

The value of the temperature of the light of the lamp is represented by digital displays of another and third order.

The most wide-spread was the economical and highly efficient connection on the basis of an electromagnetic ballast, supplemented by a neon starter, as well as a circuit with a standard electronic type ballast.

Schemes for connecting a lamp light with a starter

It is easy to independently connect the heating lamp, which is included in the kit with all the necessary elements and the standard folding scheme.

Two tubes and two throttles

Technology and features of an independent subsequent connection in such a way:

  • supply of a phase wire to the ballast input;
  • connection of the throttle output to the first contact group of the lamp;
  • adding another contact group to the first starter;
  • connection from the first starter to another lamp contact group;
  • setting the free contact with the drotom to zero.

In a similar way, connect another tube. From the ballast Ide is connected to the first lamp contact, after which the other contact from the same group is switched to another starter. Let's try to connect the starter output with another lamp pair of contacts and the same contact group with a zero input rod.

Such a way of connecting, in the opinion of fahivtsiv, is optimal for the obviousness of a few dzherel illuminating and betting of successful sets.

Scheme of connecting two lamps from one choke

Self-contained connection from one throttle - less extensions, but a more clumsy option. Such a two-lamp last connection is economical and uses an induction throttle, as well as a pair of starters:

  • to the lamps for the help of a parallel connection, a starter is attached to the pinned out from the ends;
  • after the arrival of free contacts to the electric line for an additional throttle;
  • connecting capacitors in parallel to the contact group of the lighting annex.

Two lamps and one choke

Standard switches, which belong to the category of budget models, are often characterized by sticking of contacts as a result of moving the starting streams, to which it is necessary to add special options for contact switching devices.

How to connect a day light lamp without a choke?

Let's look at how the connection of fluorescent lamps of fluorescent light is connected. The simplest scheme of the choke-free connection is to be wound on the tubes of daylight lamps, which have burned out, and the rotting threads are blown up during the day.

At this point of life of the tube of the lighting fixture, there is a clear increase in the constant voltage behind the help of the diode bridge.

Scheme of switching on a lamp without a choke

Such a scheme is characterized by the presence of a streak-conducting dart or a wide sleeve of foil-coated paper on one side, which is attached to the introduction of the lamp's electrodes. For fixation on the ends of the flask, metal clamps are used, similar to the diameter of the lamp.

Electronic ballast

The principle of functioning of the lighting fixture with an electronic ballast is based on the passage of an electric jet through the vibrator, with forward passage to the buffer zone of the condenser.

In the electronic ballast, in a row with the classic starting regulating attachments, the start-up and stabilization is dependent on the auxiliary throttle. Zhivlennya lie down in the high-frequency struma.

Electronic ballast

Naturally arranged circuits are accompanied by a whole low gain paired with a low-frequency option:

  • improvement of performance;
  • usunennya merekhtinnya effect;
  • reduction of the vag and dimensions;
  • the presence of noise in the robotic process;
  • promotion of arrogance;
  • trivial operational term.

Whether or not the mind is worthy of the fact that electronic ballasts belong to the category of impulse attachments, that inclusion without sufficient effort is the main reason for going out of tune.

Rechecking the practicality of an energy-saving lamp

Inconvenient testing allows you to detect a breakdown and correctly identify the main cause of the malfunction, and sometimes vikonat independently the simplest repair work:

  • Dismantling of the rosette and respectful glance of the luminescent tube with the method of revealing the stained glass. Even the swede has a blackened kіntsіv kolby to tell about the burnout of the spiral.
  • Perevіrka threads razzharyuvannya shkodo vіdsutnostі rozrivіv z s podomogoyu standard multimeter. Depending on the length of the threads, the indicators of the support can be changed at the borders of 9.5-9.2Om.

If the re-testing of the lamp did not show any failures in the robot, then the actual functioning may be caused by the breakdown of additional elements, including the electronic ballast and the contact group, as it is often necessary to finish the oxidation and require cleaning.

Rechecking the practicality of the throttle is necessary when the starter is turned on and when it hits the cartridge. Then it is necessary to short-circuit the lamp cartridge and freeze the throttle opir. Even if the starter is replaced, it is not possible to take into account the problem result, the main fault, as a rule, is in the capacitor.

What does it mean for trouble in an energy-saving lamp?

Different energy-saving illuminating accessories that have recently become quite popular and fashionable, according to the opinion of some scientists, it’s a good idea to bring serious harm not only to the average heart, but to healthy people:
  • pollution with mercury-containing vapors;
  • damage to the skin folds due to pronounced allergic reactions;
  • promotion of the development of evil puhlins

Merekhtlivі lamps often become the cause of insomnia, chronic fatigue, decreased immunity and the development of neurotic states.

It is important to know that mercury is vibrated from a broken flask of a fluorescent lamp, so the operation and further disposal are to be blamed for the requirements of the rules of the past.

Significantly short term for the service of a fluorescent lamp, as a rule, is caused by instability of the voltage or malfunctions of the ballast support, which, with insufficient yakіsnіy work of electric power, is transferred to the other lamps of heating.

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Reading hour ≈ 3 hours

The most wide-ranging lighting fixtures that are located in office, virobnichesky and huge booths are fluorescent lamps. In the rest of the hour, at the link with the economy of energy resources, they also began to often stop at home.

Standard luminaires, apart from their advantages, such as less energy saving, ease of installation, low varity, low constructional shortfalls. Some of them stand out from the crowd: zastosovuyuchi cheap, outdated, schemes and materials, the brewery changes the variability of the lamp, while at the same time, it slows down the quality.

Connection diagram for fluorescent lamps

The connection of one or two fluorescent lamps of factory selection can be changed by selecting the original lamp. Zvichayna is standard, widely used circuit for connecting fluorescent lamps, including a starter, a choke, a blower, a capacitor, and the lamps themselves. At to this particular type vikoristovuєtsya so called electromagnetic keruyucha system.

Polіpshiti independently the steps of illumination, tidy up the irritating buzz that blinking is really real. For whom it is necessary to replace the old control system with modern electronic (EPRA).

For the cob, it is necessary to dismantle the lamp, winyat all the stuffing from it. Having added a new electronic unit, depending on the parameters of the lamp, it will be possible to connect fluorescent lamps without a choke and a starter. For such a job, you need twists with different stings, wire cutters, a screwdriver for fastening wire blocks, electrical tape, a twist tester.

Connecting a ballast for fluorescent lamps is easy to use, having minimal knowledge in electrical circuits, and working with electrical wiring. In fact, the lamp will lose the block itself, a set of darts and a lamp light.

Before the cob works, it is necessary to select enough space in the body of the lamp for the installation of the electronic control unit, ensuring that the connection to the terminals located on the body is secure. We fasten the block to the body for additional self-tapping screws with a large screwdriver. It is necessary to connect the equipment with a lamp and a terminal connection.

The connection scheme for 2 fluorescent lamps is similar, just the stench is connected sequentially, and, depending on the order, the electronic unit's tension is to blame, but twice more for the lamps' tension. The same principle, when three or more lamps are connected, in one building.

After the folding of all constructions, it is necessary to change the connection to the correctness of the connection of all conductors, after which it is possible to install the lamp on the plate. Having checked the voltage in the measure with the tester, connect the lamp to the electrical wiring, connect the wires through a special terminal block.

The remaining chord, the increase in the voltage for the confirmation of the correctness of the work of the lamp. If the circuit, for example, the connection of two fluorescent lamps, was correctly installed, then the process of robotic work itself will be more easily recognized as cob. First, the lamps light up mittevo, without the so-called rozіgіvu, in a different way, there is a low-frequency buzzing, the light ceases to pulsate, it is commemorative for the human eye, and the blatant luminosity increases.

So the name of the lamp "day light" (LDS) is insanely economical, lower zvichayn lamps are lit, before the stench is richly dogovichnish. Ale, it’s a pity, they have that very “Achilles heel” - tension threads. Spirals themselves are most often affected during operation - they simply burn out. І the lamp to be brought to the Wikidata, inevitably zabrudnyuyuchi in the middle shkidlivoy mercury. But far from everyone knows what such lamps are as accessories for a distant work.

So that the LDS, in which more than one thread of roasting burned out, continued to work, finish just closing those stitches of the lamp, as if they were catching up with the thread, which burned out. See, like a thread burned out, and like a thread, easily with an ohmmeter or a tester: a thread that burned out, show an infinitely great opir on an ohmmeter, like a thread of a cila, the opir will be close to zero. So you don’t bother with soldering, on the pins, which go through the thread, which burned out, string a sprig of balls of foil (like a tea collar, a milk bag or a cigarette package) paper, and then carefully cut the entire “ball pie” along the diameter of the lamp base with scissors. The same circuit for connecting the LDS is the same as shown in fig. 1. Here the fluorescent lamp EL1 has only one (left behind the diagram) thread, the other (right) is closed for a short hour by our improvised jumper. The other elements of the fittings of the luminescent lamp - such as the L1 choke, neon, (with bimetal contacts) starter EK1, as well as the drive capacitor SZ (with a nominal voltage of at least 400 V), can be overwhelmed. True, an hour of LDS ignition for such an additional scheme can increase up to 2 ... 3 seconds.

A simple scheme for switching on LDS with one thread, which burned out, roasted

Practice the lamp in such a situation. As soon as a 220 V voltage was applied to it, the neon lamp of the EK1 starter was sparing, through which the bimetal contacts are heated, as a result of which the stench flickers, the L1 throttle is connected through the whole thread to the fire. Now this thread, which has been lost, is heating up the mercury vapor, which is in the glass flask of LDS. But without a hitch, the bimetal contacts of the lamp reach (through the extinguishing of the “neon”) the flooring, that the stench rises. A high-voltage impulse is formed on the choke (after EPC self-induction and inductance coils). The building itself “burns” the lamp, to ionize the mercury vapor. The ionization of the gas and the glow of the powder phosphor, like the flask is covered in the middle along the whole length.
And how buti, how in the LDS burned out the tension threads? Zrozumilo, it is permissible to switch the thread to another, However, the ionization rate of a lamp without a primus irradiation is lower, and the high-voltage pulse here needs a larger amplitude (up to 1000 and more).
In order to reduce the voltage of the “salting” of the plasma, it is possible to organize the call of a glass bulb of an additional electrode, as if it were an addition to two more. The stench can be a ringed belt, glued to the flask with glue BF-2, K-88, Moment, etc. A belt with a width of about 50 mm is cut from copper foil. To the new one, solder a thin wire with PIS solder, electrically connecting with the electrode of the protileous end of the LDS tube. Obviously, the streak-carrying girdle is closed from above with PVC balls of electrical tape, “adhesive tape” or medical adhesive plastic. The scheme of such an extension is shown in fig. 2. Cicavo, what is it here (like in a splendid mood, so with whole threads of roasting) to beat the starter is not obov'yazkovo. So, when the SB1 button is blinking (normally open), the SB1 button is switched on to turn on the EL1 lamp, and the SB2 button, which is blinking (normally closed), is for the LDS to turn on. Offenses can be of the type KZ, KPZ, KN, miniature MPK1-1 and KM1-1 just.

Scheme of switching on LDS with additional electrodes

In order not to wrap yourself around the winding of the stream-conducting belts, so that it is not nice to look at the bells, take the tension bands (Fig. 3). Let me once and for all forget about the problem of burning out the wrong threads of roasting.

A simple circuit for switching on an LDS with two threads that burned out, roasting for the help of a four-voltage

Quadruple to avenge two zvichayny vipryamlyach z undervoltage. So, for example, the first choice on capacitors C1, C4 and diodes VD1, VD3. Zavdyaki dії tsgogo vypryamlyacha on condenser СЗ is formed by a constant voltage close to 560V (oscalki 2.55 * 220 \u003d 560 V). On the condenser C4, the voltage is equal to the magnitude, to that on both capacitors C3, C4 the voltage is about 1120, enough for the ionization of mercury vapor in the middle of the LDS EL1. A little later, the ionization began, the voltage on the capacitors C3, C4 decreases from 1120 to 100 ... 120, and on the streaming resistor R1 drops to approximately 25 ... 27 V.
It is important that paper (or build electrolytic oxide) capacitors C1 and C2 are responsible for insurance at a nominal (working) voltage of at least 400, and mica capacitors C3 and C4 - 750 and more. It is best to replace the tight strumming resistor R1 with a 127-volt heating bulb. Opir resistor R1, its intensity of expansion, as well as the resistance to the intensity of a 127-volt lamp (sequence connected in parallel) are indicated in the table. Immediately, data were given on the recommended diodes VD1-VD4 and the capacity of the capacitors C1-C4 for the LDS of the required tension.
As a substitute for the resistor R1, which heats up a lot, turn on the 127-volt lamp, the thread of the roasting becomes ice-ice warm - the temperature of the heating of the thread (at a voltage of 26 V) does not reach 300ºС (dark brown ). Through the same 127-volt lamps, the buildings serve here forever. Poshkodity їх it is possible less mechanically, let's say, by accidentally breaking the glass of the flask, or by "cheering" a thin hair of the spiral. The 220-volt lamps would heat up even less, but the tension would be supernaturally great. On the right, it is possible to overexamine LDS tension in about 8 times!

The principle of operation of a fluorescent lamp comes from the effect of classical luminescence.

An electric discharge in mercury vapor creates an ultraviolet vibration, which transforms behind the help of a phosphor on a visible light.

In case of independent connection and repair of such lighting fittings, the specialty of the building and the principle of independent operation are insured.

The fluorescent lamp belongs to the category of classic discharge lamps with a low grip. The glass bulb of such a lamp has a cylindrical shape, and the outer diameter can be 1.2cm, 1.6cm, 2.6cm or 3.8cm.

The cylindrical body is mostly straight or U-curved. To the end ends of the glass flask, the legs with electrodes, which are coated with tungsten, are hermetically soldered.

Power bulbs

On the outer side, the electrodes are soldered to the base pins. Z kolby zdіysnyuєtsya retelne vіdkachuvannya vієї poіtryanoї masi through spetsialny stengel, raztashovaniya in one z nizhok with electrodes, after which vіdbuvaєtsya filling the free space with an inert gas with mercury vapours.

On deakі types elektrodіv obov'yazkovo carried out deposition of special activating speeches, represented by oxides of barium, strontium and calcium, as well as an insignificant amount of thorium.


The standard scheme for connecting a fluorescent lamp is significantly foldable, lowering the process of switching on a traditional heating lamp.

It is necessary to zastosovuvaty spetsіlnі puskovі pristroї, yakіsnі and drіzhnіsnі characteristics yakіh bezporeddnо vplyvayut on terms and zruchnії ekspluatatsії ї illuminating prilad.

Wiring diagram for fluorescent lamps without choke and starter

In this hour, a few connection schemes are practiced, which are not only for equal folding of the robots, but also with a set of outbuildings that are victorious in the scheme:

  • connection from the stopover of the electromagnetic ballast and starter;
  • connection with an electronic ballast.

Another option is to connect the transmission of the generation of a high-frequency stream, and the uninterrupted start-up of that process of the work of the illumination device is programmed by an electronic circuit.

Scheme of connecting a lamp with a choke and a starter

In order to correctly connect the lighting fixture, it is necessary to know the throttle attachment and the starter, and also to check the rules for connecting such a device.

How do you sleep a fluorescent lamp?

How does a fluorescent lamp work? The function of the luminescent lighting fixture is ensured by such step-by-step actions:

  • on the electrode, roztashovani on the socle pins, a voltage is applied;
  • the high support of the gaseous medium in the lamp pro- duces the supra-stream through the starter with the approved discharge, which is smoldering;
  • the strum, which passes through the electrode coils, warms it up sufficiently, and the starter switches on the bimetal contacts flicker, which causes a discharge;
  • after reaching the starter contacts, it starts to open outside;
  • self-induction viklikaє viniknennya іpulsnoї pruzela choke, enough to turn on the lighting;
  • the strum that passes through the gas medium changes, and when the starter is turned on, there is a lack of voltage.

Lampi special purpose

The main features of the capacitors that are installed are the effective reduction of the overshoot. Inlet capacitors ensure a slight reduction in reactive voltage, which is important for the need to take off the lighting and continue the service life of the accessory.

Why is a choke required for a fluorescent lamp

The throttle allows you to provide the necessary full functionality of the lamp with an electric impulse. The principle of such an additional building of foundations on the zsuv phase of the chrystal strum, which will spray the necessary amount of strum for the furnace of steam, with which the inner part of the lamp is filled.

Depending on the level of tension, the operating parameters of the throttle and the sphere of yoga can be changed:

  • 9 W - for a standard energy-saving lamp;
  • 11 w and 15 w - for miniature or compact lighting fixtures and energy-saving lamps;
  • 18 w - for floor lighting fixtures;
  • 36 W - for a luminescent lamp with small indicators of sweating;
  • 58 W - for bedside lamps;
  • 65 W - for bagatolampovih fittings of the stele type;
  • 80 W - for hard lighting fixtures.

When choosing, it is also necessary to focus on the inductive support, which regulates the pressure indicators of the struma, which is applied to the contacts of the lighting luminescent fixture.

The principle of the robotic starter of a fluorescent lamp

The construction of the annex is represented by a compact glass flask filled with an inert gas. The flask is installed in the middle of a metal or plastic case with a pair of electrodes, one of which is suitable for bimetal type.

The voltage on the starter priming is not to be blamed, but the lower nominal voltage is the lifeline. In the process of connecting the circuit to the start-up before the electric supply, a significant part of the voltage is transferred to the starter electric plug. Under the influx of voltage, there is a small part of the discharge that is smoldering, a small part of which is victorious for the use of bimetal electrodes.

Scheme of a robotic starter

As a result of heating, the electric lantern starts to flicker, with the onset of a glowing discharge in the middle of the starter. Passing through the struma with a lancet successively connected chokes and cathodes to ensure their effective heating. The hour of the closed state of the starter electrodes is indicated by the trivality of the heating of the cathodes, whether it be a fluorescent lamp.

The middle term for the operation of the starter is more expensive than the work of the lighting fixture, but at the same time, the intensity of the voltage of the internal discharge, which is smoldering, is noticeably reduced.

Attachment and principle of the work of a luminescent lamp

Modern luminescent luminaires are included in the category of the widest types of above-mentioned and long-term lighting fixtures. Until recently, such outbuildings were more important in the obshtuvanni illumination of administrative and office buildings, then the remaining fates of the stench are more and more often known to be crowded with living quarters.

Dzherelo svіtla in such types of lamps is represented by a luminescent or gas-discharge lamp, as a function of the power of some gas-like and vapor-like speeches, to make it hard to shine in the minds of an electric field.

Luminescent lamp

Fluorescent lamps, which are installed in small-sized and compact lamps, can be round-shaped, spiral-shaped, or be a different shape, which is positively signified on the dimensions of the lighting fixture.

The lamps are manufactured according to linear and compact models. The first option may be characterized by durability, as well as the diameter of the colby. Compact models may sound like a bent tube, and the main features are represented by the type of base.

Regardless of the simplicity, I will add, and the clumsy principle of the work of a fluorescent lamp, in order to continue the term of service of the accessory and take care of lighting, it is important to carefully trim the connection scheme and vikoristovuvat complete only in the form of a misreading of the lamps, they promised themselves to be good.

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D in order to support and stabilize the process of discharge, sequentially with a fluorescent lamp, a ballast support is switched on at the edge of the snake stream at the sight of abo choke and capacitor. Qi addenda name ballasts (ballasts).

The voltage of the wire, with which the fluorescent lamp is operated in the mode, is insufficient for її ignition. For the establishment of a gas discharge, in order to break through the gas space, it is necessary to increase the emission of electrons in the way of their forward heating, or to supply an impulse of the increased voltage to the electric pulse. Those else take care of the assistance of a starter connected in parallel with the lamp.

Look at How is the process of igniting a fluorescent lamp

The starter is a miniature light bulb of a glowing discharge with neon coatings, which has two bimetal electrodes, which are normally open.

When the voltage is applied to the starter, the discharge and the bimetal electrodes, flickering, flicker briefly. After the flickering of the strum at the starter's lance and the electrodes, it is only surrounded by a throttle support, it grows up to two times the value of the working strum of the lamp and it is necessary to switch off the electric fluorescent lamp. At the same time, the starter's bimetal electrics, reaching, are roaring yogo lansyug.

At the moment of opening the lancet with a starter at the throttle, a pulse of increased voltage is generated, after which a discharge is generated near the gas medium of the fluorescent lamp and її zalyuvannya. After that, as the lamp is lit, the voltage on it becomes close to half of the lace. Such a voltage will be on the starter, but it will not be enough for it to repeat the flicker. Therefore, when the lamp is on, the starter is open and does not take part in the robot circuit.

Single-lamp starter circuit for switching on a fluorescent lamp: L - fluorescent lamp, D - inductor, St - starter, C1 - C3 - capacitors.

The capacitor, connected in parallel with the starter, and the capacitors at the input of the circuit are designated for lowering the radio transmission rate. The capacitor, inclusions parallel to the starter, the krim of that, inquisite the terminas of the starter, the ladies of the lamp, is adjacent to the binding of izhnnya ilpulsa in the starter (С 8000 -12 000 to 600 - 1500 c) with the one -toe zbillene yempuls trivality).

A short description of the starter circuit is low cos phi, which does not exceed 0.5. The increase in cos fi is reached by the inclusion of a capacitor on the input, or by the stoppage of the inductive-semiconductor circuit. However, in this case, cos phi 0.9 - 0.92 as a result of the presence of greater harmonic warehouse curves, which are due to the specifics of the gas discharge and ballasts.

In two-lamp fixtures, compensation for reactive sweating is available when one lamp is switched on with an inductive, and the other with an inductive-semiconductor ballast. І here cos phi = 0.95. In addition, such a ballast circuit allows you to smooth out the significant world of pulsation of the light stream of luminescent lamps.

Scheme of switching on fluorescent lamps with ballast and split phase

The largest width for turning on fluorescent lamps with an intensity of 40 and 80 W was found in our two-lamp impulse circuit of starter ignition from zastosuvannyam ballast compensating attachments 2UBK-40/220 and 2UBK-80/220, which are used for the “split. splitting” scheme The stench is a complete set of electrical devices with chokes, capacitors and discharge supports.

Sequentially, with one of the lamps, only a choke-inductive opir is switched on, which creates a struma with a phase in the direction of the applied voltage. Sequentially with another lamp, the choke valve, a capacitor is turned on, which is larger than the inductive choke support by about 2 times, which creates a surge, as a result, the total tension coefficient of the set comes out close to 0.9 -0.95.

In addition, the inclusion in series with the inductor of one of the two lamps of a specially selected capacitor ensures such a phase transition between the strumas of the first and the other lamps, at which depth the depth of the total light flux of the two lamps will be completely changed.

For zbіlshennya strumu pіdіgіv elektrodіv sequently z єmnіstyu the coil is switched on, which compensates, as it is switched on by the starter.

Wiring diagram for switching on a two-lamp starter device 2UBK: L - fluorescent lamp, St-starter, C - capacitor, r - discharge opir. The body of the PRA 2UBK is shown in dotted lines.

Starterless circuits for switching on fluorescent lamps

Insufficiency of starter switching circuits (significant noise that the ballasts create during robots, igniting during emergency modes, etc.), as well as the low starter yak_st, which are let out, have led to intrusive noises of starterless, economically efficient, rational ballasts, in installations, to make it simple and cheap.

For advanced robotic starterless schemes, it is recommended to install lamps with a streak-carrying smog applied to the bulb.

The largest width of nabuli transformer circuits for startup of fluorescent lamps in such a way as a ballast opir, a choke is installed, and the front subdial of the cathode is equipped with a hot transformer or abo.

At the present time, it was established by the rozrahunkami that the starter circuits for internal lighting are economical, and the stench may be more important than the expansion. For starter circuits, the energy consumption is approximately 20 - 25%, for non-starter circuits - 35%

In the rest of the hour, the circuits for switching on fluorescent lamps with electromagnetic ballasts are progressively connected with circuits with more functional and economical electronic ballasts (EPRA).

When re-roofing the lighting system with fluorescent lamps, it is necessary to repair it, which can not be built with compensating circuits without ballasts. Therefore, it is necessary for the designation of a rozrachunk streamer with fluorescent lamps to take cosine fi = 0.9 for circuits with compensation for reactive tension, and cosine fi = 0.5 for the capacity of capacitors in circuits. In addition, it is necessary to wear out the tension in the ballast.

When choosing peresiziv darts of chotiri-providing meshes from fluorescent lamps, it is necessary to protect the features of such meshes. Справа в тому, що нелінійність вольтамперної характеристики люмінесцентних ламп, а також наявність в них котушки індуктивності зі сталевим сердечником і конденсаторів виливають несинусопдальність кривої струму і внаслідок цього поява вищих гармонік, що істотно змінюють струм нульового дроту навіть при рівномірному навантаженні фаз.

The strum in the zero dross can reach a value close to the strum in the phase dross 85-87% vіd I f. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the span of the zero wire in the four-wire luminescent lighting lines, equal to the cut of the phase wires, and when laying the wires at the pipes, the admissible strumova need to be taken as for the two wires in one pipe.

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