Valeriy Solovey professor at lectures on rock. Professor Nightingale: This is the rest of the calm river of Russia. "At the manipulation of svidomistu, the death of democracy, the Nazis and Radi went one way"

Sobesednik creative editor Dmitro Bikov spoke with political scientist Valery Solov'em. More rozmovu can be read on the website of the magazine.

- We are talking about the arrest of Dzhabrailov on the day ...

Already arrested? Chi is not zatrimannya?

- While it’s zatrimannya, but the ringing is hanging: hooliganism. Shooting at the hotel. Four seasons. White Chervonoy Square.

Well, no big deal. I think let it go. Maximum - pіd pіdpiku. (While writing, they allowed the subscription. Otherwise, you knock on it, or you write the script yourself. - D. B.)

- Ale earlier vin vzgali buv nedorkannym.

Hai will not be at once short-lived, cream of a nayvuzhgo stake. The problem is that there are no institutions in Russia, and the one that ceases to practice is characteristically Russian institute - yes. A month ago, they pulled me in, because two cans were hit by a blow - “Vіdkritta” is another one, which is respected by ethnic people, and you can’t hang a koshtiv on a row. Shoino "Vidkrittya" vryatulyali. Otzhe, the bank, what is left, get ready? And there is such a dah!

- What about Kadirov? Yogo do not want to change?

They wanted to change Yogo for a long time.

- After Nemtsov was beaten?

After Nemtsov’s death, he’ll wind up for another hour after leaving Russia. But the idea came earlier, I think, they knew the change - but that person hadn’t been to Chechnya for a long time and didn’t come. Vtіm, for Kadirov, it would have been more painful for usunennia: it was about the status of vice-premier. But without a portfolio.

- And in Chechnya did they know about tsyu gadana z-amin?

So. I Kadirov, well, well-known. Aje tsya yogo is famous for the phrase, scho vin - “pikhotinets of Putin”, which means readiness to obey any order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief.

- Has Putin already firmly praised the decision to go to the polls?

Calling on those who are moving ahead with the campaign, - so. Vlasne, everything became clearer, when the young people became wiser: the Kremlin realized what they were missing out on. In the meantime, the President is not only stalking young people for bindings: youmu, it seems, should be talking to them.

- And ym?

Їm - no sings.

- Why, cicavo: Schubert, syphilis ...

Syphilis in Schubert bov. І problems from women were. Ale still young cіkavіshe іnshe, and Putin does not speak with my own words. Yogo PR started up yet does not look gleaming: a photo shoot with a naked torso is not far away a replica of a ten-year-old photoset.

- How do you think the rest of the term - which wines will be lost forever?

I am wondering what to name is not the rest term, but transit. We'll be sure to follow the Yeltsin scenario in two or three years.

Whenever Khodorkovsky gave such a forecast to Spivrozmovnik itself, everyone laughed, but today it’s even better...

Well, now it’s definitely not up to the laugh. Є signs that the situation is getting out of control. Like the same viide, it’s traumatic - it’s still unclear: in similar historical palettes, there is always a colossal number of unknown ones, and the stench is added. Є smooth scenario - just like before repetition on December 31, 1999. E non-smooth, ale peaceful - for the fate of the street, ale without violence. How to show the signs of 1991 and 1993 years, the army is reluctant to shoot at spivvitchizniks. Well, if, God forbid, blood spills, then from the knowledge of the Kiev Maidan it is clear that a peaceful revolution can be created after the first killed ones sharply change their character. Nearly 120 cases were beaten in Kiev, and after the first regime of Yanukovych, there were a lot of denunciations; If everything goes smoothly, Putin will simply hand over the power to the attackers.

- Shoigu?

Pretty sure. Before Shoigu, there is nothing new, imperceptible trust. The president and the minister of defense are already close, but the enemy is, in order of difficulty, and as a psychological shock. It is possible that Putin and Shoigu are similar in some respectable way: they are both powerful and sung mesianism. With whom Shoigu, he is not the most popular minister of Russia, who was credited with the merit of yogo bliskuchoy, also an hour of the Ministry of Taxes and Public Relations. Truthfully, I’m an antrohi and I won’t believe in any way that, regardless of my locality, the Minister of Defense of Buildings seems to have praised independent action.

- Rogozin?

No great. Vin, maybe, even hotiv.

- Tody who?

The security forces - and the army, and special services - are discussing Dyumin's candidacy as a verdict.

- What is Dyumin President?

Even I have doubts in yoga zdatnosti utrimatisya that utrimati situation. Chi bachite, Putin's system is the whole system, imprisoned personally (naked: personally!) under Putin. This is the pyramid that stands on top: cunningly, ale trimming. Like a top, tidy up, a pyramid at the bottom, and the axis, like a bottom - it’s already untouched.

– Іtodi territorial disintegration?

Lord, well, what kind of territorial disintegration? Why raptom, stars? The country is embellished by three, vibatch for viraz, creaking, skin s of such bulo would be quite enough. Russian language. Russian ruble. Russian culture. Golovne - no one is eager to get out Russian Federation navit veterinary centers of Tatarstan are useless - they can ask for symbolic preferences at most ... Navit Pivnichny Caucasus, the safest region for your sensi, does not know who you will stumble upon in Russia and how to live.

- And who can come to power, so that the attacker does not interfere? Fascists?

In the first place, I didn’t become “fascists” without calling them, because I didn’t care about right ideas, programs, or organizations. Give an interview of the stink of the building, but encourage a young organization - no. So at the same time the stench was driven into a pіdpіllya and demoralized in order. In another way, to give them a chance to go to the parliament, the stench will take five - five hundredths (for the best for them, I'll put it up). And I am for those who want to send them to the parliament - they even civilize and lower the level of insecurity. No fascism can be at once, because everyone molts. Guess the right fascism: Italy, Nіmechchina - a colossal strain of forces. And at the same time, nobody wants to strain, there are no ideas, and so speeches without ideas do not shy away. And for the quiet, whom you call fascists, the whole entourage of the past century, the stench of the same kind of novelty, was not provided.

- Do you also exclude mass reprisals?

What about sens?

- Pure satisfaction.

Navit FSB generals do not take away the appearance of the right satisfaction, because the special yacht is on the right. And їхні children and preparations. I’ll understand why you care about the reprisals, but on the right, Serebrennikov, it’s just a test of the security forces to show who the master is here. Hatefully so. For the deyakі already thought that they could pour in on the front of the guise. Nobody can, that and then - the first person in eternity, in history. And here the siloviki are all over the place. How did they chant at opposition rallies in 2012? "We have power here!"

- And I got it, scho tse pіdkop pіd Surkov.

I don’t threaten Surkov with anything. Vіn yakraz nedorkannyy, but vede usі foldable talks like Ukraine, like Donbass.

- Before the speech, about Ukraine. Yaka, in your opinion, the share of Donbass?

What will be the posture of Ukraine more importantly, it will be more important to integrate it there, and the time line, like on me, is five years. After some thought, that fortune teller can become an important permutation. As if the Russian side was at the talks: if we weakly support Donbass, then the Ukrainian troops will see and open up mass reprisals. Vtim, іsnuє kompromіsny variant: Donbass to pass under timchasovoe international administration (UN, for example) and there enter "blakitni helmets". Kіlka rokіv (not less than five - seven) for the reconstruction of the region, the formation of the organs of power and other. Every year a referendum on yoga status is held. Ninі Ukraine is actively encouraged by the idea of ​​federalization, because it promotes Russia. And if Europe is propagating federalization, then Ukraine can praise this idea.

- No Zakharchenko?

Let's go somewhere... If not to Argentina, then to Rostov.

- How do you know: in the summer of 2014 it was possible to drink in Mariupol, Kharkiv, far away?

At the end of 2014, it was possible for the rock to grow rich more easily and no one could be protected. One high-ranking character, not naming names (if we want to know), calling Turchynov and saying: lean on - in two years the landing party will hang on the das for the sake of. Vin would not hang out, of course, but it sounded so sloppy! Turchinov tried to organize the defense - but the real order was less police with pistols. And he himself was ready with a grenade launcher and climbed on the dachas in sholomy ...

– Why didn’t you send? Wondering what to enable SWIFT?

I don't think they would have turned it on. In my opinion, they would have forged it just like that, as if they had forged a zreshtoy Krim: even the head sanctions we have for the Donbass. Ale, first, it appeared that Kharkiv's and Dnipropetrovsk's moods were far from the same as those of Donetsk. And in a different way, let's say, you annexed Ukraine as a whole - and what work? Krimu has less than two and a half million people - and this integration to Russia is, frankly, not smooth. And here - close to forty-five million! And what do you work with them, if you are unreasonable with your own, how to get along?

- Zagalom є one more scenario. Kim Chen In babahne - and all our problems will cease to exist.

Chi is not a woman.

- But why? Launching a rocket over Japan?

There are few missiles in the new one. І s Guam vіn nothing to break. The only one that really threatens wine is Seoul. Ale Pivdenna Korea has the status of a strategic ally of the United States, and after the first strike on Seoul - and there you really can’t do anything, walk 30-40 km to the cordon - Trump’s hands are untied and the Kim regime ceases to exist.

- Tobto there all skіnchitsya nothing?

I think it's for Trump. My friends from Seoul...

- Tezh dzherela?!

Colleagues. And it seems that you don’t feel the threat of war and war threats: the metropolis is living in a wonderful life, people don’t panic.

- Yaka, in your opinion, is the role of Russia in the transfer of Trump real?

Russia (otherwise, as it called Putin, "patriotic hackers") really robbed the attacks, after which Obama, after him, ahead of Putin, and the attacks stumbled. Ale tse Bulo before Spring 2016! Otherwise, Trump's victory is the result of a long distance political strategy and pardons of Hillary. You can't rely on the intelligence factor. For the whole hour, talk about your uncontested victory - they want to check you out. Tse, before the speech, one of the reasons, through the yak Putin calls for the denuded campaign. What zrobiv Trump? Yogo team clearly understood that some states needed to win. Trump successfully politicized rednikiv, white middle class, bitterness and often stagnant. You have shown them an alternative: you are voting not for a person from the establishment, but for a simple lad, in the flesh of a right America. I won on tsoma. Ale Trump - and here it was understood - is not so good for Russia: Clinton simply did not suit Moscow better.

- Why is there no global revenge of conservatives in the world?

In mythology, it is possible to win against the sixteenth century, if Brexit was announced at once, Trump wins and Le Pen has a chance. Ale Le Pen is not a small chance to go far for another tour. That and then ... Relapses happen, without them the era cannot go, but just as the era of Gutenberg ended - so ended the hour of political conservatism, which we knew before. People live in other ways, in other ways, and the fight against globalism is the share of those who want to live in the “mental Donbas”. Such people will always be, ce їх sobistі yavlennya, yakі nі on scho do not spit.

- BUT great war Chi is not visible on the Russian paths?

We definitely її not іnіtsіyuєmo. How else to start, which is very small in the region, - to happen to take the fate, but Russia itself does not have any ideas, no resources, no blessings. Yaka war, what are you talking about? Look around: why did anyone go as a volunteer to the Donbass? Vіyna is a miraculous way to solve internal problems, not to bring the docks out to self-destruction: this is the situation itself.

- But why did they take Krim? Were you challenged by the protests?

I don't think. Protest boules unsafe. Just asking Putin: what kind of new thing to lose in history? Olympiad? And what if the fault was true, having lifted Russia from the knees, why did it show up? The idea of ​​assigning/turning over to Krim came before the Maidan, just for the mildest option. Let's buy mi yoga from you. About tse z Yanukovych, you can do it yourself, but then the power in Ukraine fell, and Krim actually fell by the hand.

- I get rid of the Russian one?

I guess so. It will be written in the Ukrainian Constitution that she is Ukrainian, but everyone should be reconciled.

- And how do you express that idea, in what life of post-Putin Russia?

Even simpler: dressing up. To that, at the same time, the country is very ill, and everything is familiar to us. The problem is not in corruption, it's a vice. The problem is deep, triumphant, infamous immoralism. In absolute absurdity, idiocy, which is sensible on all equals. In the middle class, where we fall, it’s not because of evil will, but simply to the one that can’t move forward, then it’s light to roll back. Need to turn back to the norm: normal light, calm business, objective information. Whom do you want, moreover, for a small blame, to bring Putin into the middle. And everything will calm down from the majestic relief, if the norm turns around. If you stop inflating hatred, and stop fear as your head emotion. And then to send money to the country to turn pennies - Russian zokrema, brought in and zahovani. And we will become one of the best starting Maidans for business, and economic growth with a stretch of ten to twenty years can become a record.

- And how can we all live again at once - so be moving, Krimnash and Namkrysh?

Well, how did they live after the Gromadyansky war? You don’t show, like everything is overgrown. People zavovyut stosunki, if they do nothing, and then they all show up on the right, for the most part, in the country, there is total stupidity and aimlessness. Tse to end - and all to know your own busyness. Crimea is quiet, well, as if you want to be deprived of the irreconcilable. There are five such in the skin suspіlstvі vіdsotkіv, i tse їхній specialties vibrir.

- Nasamkinets explain: how to tolerate you at the MDIMV?

You know for sure what people are in MDIMV. Є retrograde and liberals, є right and left. And I'm not the same. I marvel at everything from the position of a great, non-engaged healthy mind. And to everyone who wants to be a successful tlumach of reality here, I can give a single joy: do not joke about the upcoming plans and the evil people there, deyut banal foolishness, greed and fearfulness.

Political scientist, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Advertising and Communication with the Community of the MDIMV Valeriy Solovey wrote on his Facebook page that he was in contact with the university political reasons: "Special officer of the hromada. Today, I filed an application for a permit vlasniy bazhannyam s MDIMV, de propraciuvav 11 years. For political reasons, the institute no longer bazhaє mother zі hodnykh inquiries. I'll lie to my mind until I'm unhappy. And I will be vdyachny, as they gave me an everyday rank not to associate with MDIMV ... About my plans. Closest hour for prayer because of the great European vision, I will start writing a book, I will modestly promo about the topic. I won't turn back until the weekend. Russia is entering the era of drastic changes, and I may take our fate in them. Stay tuned".

Friends and comrades-in-arms vibrated with words of encouragement. Head of the Party of Changes Dmitry Gudkov:"I wish you good luck and I speak to the students!"

Bezminny looker "At the Moon of Moscow" Kseniya Larina: "It's not enough status, you knew. I'm convinced that you didn't have any chances to choose the way"

Bibliist-modernist Andriy Desnitsky:"Andriy Zubov (summarily a Vlasovite professor - Note) having ceased to be consumed by MDIMV for five years, Valery Solovey only contagiously. Marvel at foreign policy Russian Federation, razumієsh: but really, do you still stink there?".

Many members of the Central Sake DPNI* (for the year - a liberal, a hater of "vatans" and the Russian World) Oleksiy "Yor" Mikhailov: "Vіha, so. I wish you success in that development, further creativity and political self-realization! Well, "Stay with us")))".


Israeli ultra-zionist Avigdor Eskin: "It's mad. Through the skilki rokiv at the MDIMV chorale do we care for Professor Nightingale? After 3 roki? After 5 roki?".

Oppositionist actress Olena Koreneva: "It's legal. Check the book!"

Poetesa and coordinator of the movement "Republican Alternative" Alina Vitukhnovska:"Hi be happy!".

"Valeriy Dmitrovich's contract has ended, and having praised his self-reliant decision - drink for the power of the gods. For political reasons, toil on the street - you can check with the new one," they explained RBC at the press service of MDIMV.

Solovye himself by declaring the Rosiyskiy service bi-bi-si, the UNIVIVITET "MAY LEARTH OF VISHENNY" before Yogo Zvilnnnya, with the Tsom Yomi, they gave the zrosumi, the pobazhnnya of the rejuvenation of spvypsyu was " vvazha vkrai nebazhanim, so that I pratsyuvav in a new one, they called me zokrema in the fact that I'm leading a pilot business, engage in anti-state propaganda. Such a style of formulary zmushu zgadat radyansk past". In the rozmovi z "MK" wines respected that a new one "begins a new, even more important stage in life".

Chi on empty mist viniklo ringing in the anti-state activity? What kind of "epoch of abrupt changes" was guessed by Solov'em? Її on the cob of wine vvazha podії navkolo "Help Golunov". A few days ago in an interview with the opposition portal "Moscow activist" the professor said: "Deserve a strong man, in my opinion, powagi those people, like 12 worms, still went out into the streets. Those that we are contagious at once - the formation of mass new rights. Tse often similar to those that were seen in 2011 fate, well, 2012 is not brotherly, there the dynamics were already high. Well, a group of people is ready to go, regardless of those who are trying to bring down the dynamics on it, regardless of those who are fixing a vice on these people. Tobto suspіlstvo zminyuєtsya literally on the eyes. Willingness to mobilization is much greater, lower than that. More money. Vaughn is growing. Ale, in order to change your readiness for the wild, you need to practice, to go out into the streets. Ready to grow up risky, if it’s new to sing. It’s only understandable that there are dozens of thousands of us, and more than that, if there are more than ten thousand of us, three more are organized, and there is a chance at a price, then an organizing ear will appear, the behavior of these people will be different. Not immediately, but step by step, there will be a need for such three-chotiri mass actions, in order for people to begin to behave differently, and a return beck - so that the police begin to be afraid of them.

I'm talking about the whole thing in a basic way: the police, the riot police in Moscow are not rich. Really, it’s not rich, mind you? I like only to go out on the streets 25-30 thousand people, yaki get ready to fix the opir,

like an organizing cob, the situation is changing ...

(І.: Why didn’t you call out to the Maidan?)

Already coming fate, not in the first half, but in the other, closer to the end, we regional power pіdsudzhuvatime mіstsevim protesters, sob in such a rank fix a vice on Moscow.

(I.R.: Oligarchic Maidan?)

The axis, which we guarded at the turn of the 1991-1990s, is known for sure. I tse practice, so to repeat, in tsomu there will be nothing special for me, unsustainable. Whiskers were talking when they were trampled. It's just that history has reached them suddenly. We know each other figuratively like 1989 rock. For clues."

Speaking about the same Nightingale at the recent public debates, initiations libertarian Mikhail Svitlov:

“At once, it started to change a lot. To bring on the beaten-killed people from the opposition, they decided in a different way. Autumn cheer up, if a group of people appears, they are ready to fight, and they will turn wild to all.

Bo realized what to rob, how to rob, what to say, what to vimagati.

Forward from 2012 to rock, and navit earlier from 1990 to rock bajannya zmin appeared, which was not 30 years old, and readiness appeared for the sake of tsikh zmin to sacrifice. Suspіlstvo in Russia is more and more ready for violence".

Vin prophesy the revolution, pragne "pozhezhi", which brought up "reinstall Russia Yogo zovim not vlashtovu, in pershu cherga, "aggressive foreign policy".

Judging by the mustache, The nightingale may name namir to propagate a candidacy for the role of "on the cob that organizes" the Russian Maidan.

All the same be afraid of the security forces:“I sing you, that they are “enthusiasts”, like they call out to more zhorst and mass entries. Get ready for what. The lists are quiet, whom it is necessary to take under the varta without calling out, the stench is ready already until 2012. I popovnuyutsya. Moscow has close to 1.5-2 thousand such people. It’s important to intervene these people, then go ahead and decapitate any kind of political rumble.І cі "enthusiasts" swear that there is no harsh line. Putin, if you want, you actually stream them. I don't ironic antrohi. Ye people, ready to die rіshuchіshe and zhorstkіshe”.

Varto guess the main milestones of the biography of Valery Dmitrovich. Born on August 19, 1960 near the town of Shchastya, Voroshilovgrad region, Ukrainian RSR, child rocky provіv on Western Ukraine.

Graduated from the Faculty of History of MDU im. M. V. Lomonosov, in 1983-93 he was a graduate student and a collaborator at the Institute of History of the USSR Academy of Sciences of the USSR, during his working hours he defended his Ph.D. business history Since 1993, he worked as one of the leading experts. "Gorbachev-Fund".

Pіdgotuvav kіlka dopovіdey of international organizations. Parallel proishov internship at the London School of Economics and Political Sciences, pratsyuvav there zaslednikom doslidnikom.

In 2005, he received a doctoral dissertation on the topic "Russian nutrition" and yoga influencing the internal and external politics of Russia (ear of the XVIII - ear of the XXI century) and having become able to make contacts with the part nationalists, applying for status national ideologist, "anti-imperialism", "progressive, democratic national liberalism without anti-Semitism and Orthodoxy".

Getting seriously close to DPNI* Oleksandra Belova/Potkina and Russian gromadsky rush Kostyantina Krilova.

Notes on "Russian marches" and other visits, regardless of the dissatisfaction with the low nationalists in a plea "A Jew from the Gorbachev Foundation".

Since 2007, I have worked at the Department of Advertising and Communication with the Public at the MDIMV MZS RF (in the course "PR and advertising in politics", "Fundamentals of information campaign and media campaign", "Fundamentals of state policy in the information sphere"). Postiyny, baghany guest "Echo of Moscow", "Radio Liberty", "Rain" and other fortune-telling maidanchiks.

Taking an active part in "swampy" pits; walk a little bit, scho having overwhelmed the most frozen wrestlers to storm the State Duma.

Todі vіn pisav on the site APN: “A revolution has begun in Russia ... As a show of light, three minds are needed to overcome the revolution. in other places it grows, at that hour the morale and the physical camp of the police and the riot police will die. she will lose her physical strength.

At one time, violence against the revolutionaries is drawn into the masses of new people and the scale of the protest is increased. Make an arrest low leaders of the streets are not able to reduce the stress on the arm. Rivne navpaki, violence, like being like a morally illegitimate government, it’s not enough to force the will to win. A friend of the mind won the revolution - the union of a part of the elite with the people who have risen. The Elite is in ruin. The deyakі її groups are already ready to stretch out the hand of the revolution, but they will be afraid of the wrong turn. However, the first last lady showed up. Deputy of Derzhdumi, intercessor of the head of the security committee Gennady Gudko in

not only expressing solidarity with the rising people, ale and taking an active part in the protest action on the 6th of the month. Tse is not more than a man, but a wise croc. Drukovana press VZHE on the battles of the revolution.

Nezabar to talk about the revolution and official TV channels: I'll keep it neutral, and then - sensitively. I will become a sign that the elite turned back after the “national leader” they had long hated.

The Third Wisdom and Vodnochas, the culmination of the revolution is a symbolic gesture that marks the victory. As a rule, tse zakhoplennya kakoїs budіvlі, scho associated with a large regime. At France, the Bastille was stormed, at Russia, Zhovtnya 1917. - the capture of the Winter.

In sichni 2012 Roku Nightingale Ocholiv working group of the opposition nationalist party "New Force"(Evil movi talked about 2 million dollars, which they nadіyshli vіd vydnih pyatikolonnіkіv on the molding of such a structure), 6.10.2012 on the setting star headbutting.

A lot of known members of the "New Force" indefinitely violated in Ukraine for the sake of participation in the Euromaidan and the genocide of the Russian population;

let's call the head of the Bilgorod branch of the National Assembly Romana Strigunkova(Adolf Hitler's fan and ex-blogger with the nickname Hitlerolog, leader of the dwarf regional Russian national-social movement, the "Russian Legion" on the Kiev "Euromaidan"),

intercessor of the head of the Murmansk branch of HP Oleksandra "Pomora-88" Valova

(what a way from the Murmansk Hitlerite skin party to the Azov battalion **) or, for example, an activist of the National Assembly, a big movie actor Anatoly Pashinina(At the result, by clicking up to terrorist attacks on the territory of the Russian Federation and joining the 8th battalion "Aratta" of the Ukrainian Volunteer Army ** Dmytro Yarosh), which is zahoplenno stating: "Valery Solovey is the head of our New Force party. I listened to my yoga interview, I'm writing tsim after reading usi yogo roboti!".

At Birch 2016, Nightingale told journalists that the party was "frozen through those who threatened us with reprisals."

November 29, 2017, the fate of vin uviyshov to the campaign headquarters of a candidate for the post of President of the Russian Federation, business ombudsman, leader of the right-wing liberal Party of growth Boris Titov. Supervising at whose headquarters ideology, having found the functions of the key political strategist. Buv Titov's trusted special person, representing yoga at the front-line debate.

Author of the books "Russian History: New Reading", "Sensation, Logic and Form of Russian Revolutions", "Blood and Soil of Russian History", "Revolution, What Hasn't Been Seen. Historical Sensations of Russian Nationalism" (sister Tetyana Solovyutna was the co-author), Fundamentals of psychological warfare and media manipulation", "Revolution! Fundamentals of revolutionary struggle in the modern era", over two thousand newspaper notes and Internet publications.

Interview with the liberal portal 2016):

"Overton's Vikno" is a propagandistic myth. And the concept itself has a conspiratorial character: it is a group of people who are planning to secure a ten-year strategy of liberating society. Never and nowhere in history has there been anything like it, and it can't be. Usі change the history of people vіdbuvayutsya spontaneous rank.

Tse does not mean that behind them is not the same, as if they were moving... So, those who were anti-norms 100-200 years ago, become acceptable today. ale tse natural process, you don’t need here to bachiti “the hairy paw of the Antichrist”, which came to the whole world, to rule Armageddon through homosexual whores, more and more ... I respect that Podіl Russia and Ukraine Bov natural process. Vin rozpochavsya not two years ago, but still on the cob of the 1990s. Already too many analysts said that Ukraine will inevitably be drifting near Zakhod. I repeat, the whole natural process. And after the arrival of Krim to Russia, the war in the Donbas has passed the point of no return. Now already Ukraine will definitely not be a fraternal power from Russia. Anti-Moscow and anti-Russian moods will now be the outer stone for molding national self-confidence of Ukrainians. Here you can close the food... Donbass for whatever the situation of sayings buti "black dirkoy»on the geopolitical map. Tse bude region, de panuvatim malice, corruption, economic zanepad - like European Somalia. There is no need to modernize there, because the Donbas is not needed by anyone in particular ... Russia already by no means e be an empire. It was wise to inspire in the 1990s”.

Given an interview with Valerijm Solov'em - a political scientist, doctor of historical sciences, a professor at the Moscow State University of Arts - for the rest of the months one of (though not by himself) the exact guide of permutations in the greater echelons of the Russian government - was published on the Internet on the 24th of April.

Here is a lot of information for reflection:

– The idea of ​​pre-stroke presidential elections has been circulating among the political establishment of Russia since late spring. Economical that social situation is getting worse, and you know what it is getting worse. Through it would be counterproductive to conduct presidential elections in 2018, if the situation is significantly worse and the mood of the masses may appear to be different. Why, if Volodymyr Volodymyrovich Putin is not the choice, deyak, I can’t, unfortunately, I can’t tell them, like wines, it’s possible, I can’t go the choice. There is a serious reason, it’s even more plausible, but I don’t know, it’s just as reliable, we don’t know for sure yet. At the same time, Moscow is discussing candidates for people who could replace him. I deyakі z prizvisch buli vymovleni, deyakі z vіdchutya déjà vu, protest stinks are discussed. Їх here is close to pіvduzhin, 6–8 osіb.

– Can you name them?

- I can name one person, besides the one who creates apparently deja vu. Tse Tula governor Dyumin. If I want to change this option, it seems to be very implausible. Ale tse still not Putin's choice. As a matter of fact, there will be final choices, and Volodymyr Volodymyrovich will be on them, I think it’s more important that Mrs. Yarova chastised the committee of Dumi on constitutional legislation. Because the Constitution will happen to rule and rule quickly.

- Why?

- As we are talking about pre-stroke choices, it is required that the president's resurrection be pre-stroke. As the president prestrokovo pripinyaet vlasnі ponovazhennia, at the same time for the law of guilt in elections can not take the fate. Otzhe, it is required to make changes to the law. Pani Yarova Pani Yarova, in order to lead through the Duma of Bozhevilni Laws, I, with the core of the piditrim of the mere non -disclosure, is the lumber of the pereshkody in the thought of the not -aim .

– Tobto Yarova – an argument against the fact that Putin himself is going to the presidential election?

- How are we talking about pre-stroke choices, if you think, more stench? In the spring, what did you write about in one of your posts? And if in your next post you wrote about the "new age of opportunities" through the river (and tse osin), did you write about it again?

– As usual, we conduct pre-stroke elections, cereously work on the spring, while everyone is trying to win at the camp after the “bright” results in the parliamentary elections, while the opposition is morally devastated and developed and the society is ready to collapse in inertia within the framework of this model election, which is yazana. And speaking of those that can happen through the river, I can put it on the map in other ways: it’s possible for a new dynamic to appear, but this dynamic can be laid down in the spring of 2017.

I more. Zvajayuchi on those that I know, and here my assessments are based not on smart guesses, but on the thoughts of people who are significantly known, lower, the situation in the economy is bad. Vaughn, let us know, and the reserve of the economics of the economy can be drawn up until the autumn of the advancing fate. Not for the provision of the Reserve Fund, but for other problems.

І third: the reorganization of the state administration, as it actually starts to zdijsnyuvatisya at once, to lead not to the improvement of efficiency, but to disorganization. All good can be seen in the application of history Russian Guard and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Guards de facto still mute, it is more obvious de jure, and the efficiency of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has sharply decreased. As conceived personnel changes begin to be carried out, even if only half, we would like to disorganize the entire apparatus of the government from the bottom. Russia is so powerful that if the bosses change, then they start to change and all of them help. To that autumn of 2017, we can succumb to a new dynamic, a deak and an intermediate bag.

- A few days ago, official information appeared about those that 14 out of over billions of rubles were seen at the election of the president at the budget of 2017, and not 2018. Vlad is not welcome, what will happen in 2017?

- The preparation of the budget started earlier in the year, and at the same time, they began to circulate a bit about the completion of the presidential elections, decisions about how they can praise the pіdbags of the parliamentary ones. I am not familiar with the budget process, maybe, so I can but, what needs to be seen in 2017 for the preparation of elections-2018. But it’s not turned off, what to go for yourself about the choice of 2017 rock. (The New Times to prove that "pennies are pledged to the budget not in advance - but on that river itself, if the stench can be stained." - Note.)

– It is necessary to discuss your prophecies. You have a hot post on Facebook: “Friends from the administration called to say hello. Yes, you speak directly about the nature of informality. Putin's administration for a long time was famous for its absolute closeness. At the same time, we are wondering what information is being announced. There may be a marvelous, one-sided character, but it appears. This change is due to the fact that the government has broken up into groups, and you feel the stench freely, to deafen your picture of what is being seen?

- In my opinion, the inner pressure was already growing - through a strong ovish pressure. Under the oppressive pressure, I may not even be able to see the blue of Russia and Zakhod, even if he is a super-important official - for self-determination and special strategies of high-ranking representatives of the Russian elite, and political, and financial and economic. Those hills, who save the hardness of the mind, miraculously understand, that we collapse not from victory to victory, but from the filthy one on the top. And in the minds of the crisis, there is a struggle for resources that are soon. If everything is all at once - the pressure that is being exerted, the struggle for resources - then, naturally, the information begins to be named. A lot of people are already simply not in their minds, they stink about those who are bad, how hard it is for them. In addition, the information begins to win in order to fight against real and potential opponents, in order to prevent any reshuffles of personnel for the defamation of singing people. For example, the attack on Igor Shuvalov was a viklikan tim, that he was respected as an immovable candidate for the premier-minister's seat. Take the blame for yourself so respectfully. And right up to big scandals, especially po'yazanih s special indiscretion, every special power to be placed more respectfully. Another butt is attacks on Igor Sechin. Some of my opponents (I can say that one of them claims to be the premier-minister) wanted to stream the appetite of Igor Ivanovich and his corporation. Abo, for example, quite a few recent informational attacks on a dignified prime minister, behind which stood a high-ranking resident. Information begins to go beyond the borders of the narrow stake, circulate - and becomes available to everyone greater number of people. The one that I speak and write has nothing that would not be seen by all those who in Moscow professionally talk about politics. Ale tsyu іnformatsiyu treba analyze and systematize, evaluate її nadіynіst.

- This information is on the other side, often it is not correct.

- I respect that, even with a good result for myself, as in 50 hundred years of marriage, I can walk. Tse may the accuracy of the weather forecast be accepted in Russia. Tse glittering display (laugh)! Possibly, on the right, it’s simply that I share my reflections on Facebook, but I don’t want to share. I am by no means the only one who can tell you about the future with such accuracy.

- You guessed about the attack on Shuvalov, writing Navalny about Shuvalov, so you called Navalny in the fact that you are working on ...?

- No, I think to this particular type everything is more complicated. Oleksiy Anatoliyovich Navalny is like a politician, - may be more serious political ambitions, and not without prejudice, - and wisely respect that the expansion of similar information, zocrema, in his interests. For any opposition - in Russia and other countries - chaos in the elite of the week. І especially vigіdniy in quiet kraїnah, de pozitsіya actually cannot take part in the legal political process, її electoral chances є insignificant or not let them be realized. There is nothing marvelous in the informational activity of Navalny either.

- Let's talk about reshuffles, which are carried out on a large scale at once. Mi bachimo long list of candidates for reshuffle. You, before the speech, have the security forces and other groupings that can stand up to them, but it’s obvious that there are a lot of different groups in the middle of the security forces. Do you see the wholeness of what you think, why is there such a war of all against all? For the sickness personnel decisionsє zagalna logic?

- It has logic, which does not mean that the permutations follow a supposedly stringent plan. Do you remember how Tolstaya describes the disposition, broken up by the Austrian general, in Tolstoy's "War and Light", and how then we will fight for the power of reason? The logic is advancing: most of the power can be fully aware of what needs to be done. What? Drinking on a compromise from Sunset won’t be possible - it meant b, on a thought, a serious reputational shkoda. You don’t want to carry out institutional reforms of the economy. The first axis is getting better, as it starts, to improve the system of state administration, to give dynamics to all spheres of life. As Karamzin wrote his hour, Russia does not need a constitution, Russia will require 50 reasonable and honest governors. Otzhe, we know sensible and honest sovereign servants, including governors. Stars scoop frames? Zrozumіlo, cadres scoop stars, de people who already trust. First of all, as if you are talking about the security forces, you will try to bring up not the FSB but the Federal Security Service and the Presidential Security Service, so you can end a serious conflict with Federal Service security. And the FSB is more afraid that the new head of the service might become a graduate from the department that competes. The same will be feared at once in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Moreover, at the same time in all the security agencies, in the security services, including the Prosecutor's Office, the Investigative Committee, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the stench is very likely to be staffed with officers from the FSB, which also means the tension in the middle of the security corporation. What are you going to bring? Definitely not up to improving the efficiency of the device. Tse already lead to yogo disorganization, to the point that tired communications are torn. Like the stench of the boules, the stench of food, otherwise, the stench of the boules, the stinks of the stench worked. These communications are torn, new ones are not being built, it will take an hour to wake them up. Nervousness grows, everyone marvels one on one with distrust, and then with hatred. So zagalna logic - the whole logic of saving and living the power of the government, no more than that. This is not logic, it is directed towards carrying out what we could call modernization, economic and political reforms.

- How amazing is your list of transfers: Medvedev "for promotion", the security official at the premier, Kudrina "resigned", Volodin at the Duma, Narishkin at the SZR and so on - how can one say that the logic of these will be recognized for those who 2017 Will Putin change Medvedev?

- (Laugh.) It's also possible. Remember, how it was in 2007, - before that, how to transfer the presidential government to the change, Volodymyr Volodymyrovich having placed on the key positions - intercessors for the ministers just - people from the corporation, until such faults professionally lay. You can also characterize it this way. Understand, we can rightly navit still not with the facts, we will discuss a little bit more. Let us allow us to vibuduvat whether a concept, naivitonchenishu conspiratorially, but there are no guarantees that it will turn out to be true. It is possible to take it as a way to create an insurance network for the emergence of a new candidate for the presidency in power, and simply as an increase in the efficiency of the apparatus, an increase in loyalty, an attempt to dynamize the apparatus, those who call the youth “movement”. The axis, as if "dvizhuha" will appear, and glaring fat cats will begin to catch mice.

- Nine choices, you write, have shown that the opposition has recognized a fiasco and cannot come to power by legal means, but it can "other ways." In addition, by a marvelous rite after these elections, we are bachimo in the public field are dissatisfied with pro-Putin people's stink, they are dissatisfied with them, as if the election was held. It seems clear that on all equals they are dissatisfied with the choices. Why are you creating a revolutionary situation?

- I don’t create a revolutionary situation, I just express the progressively unreasonable, rotting that destruction in all faiths of the supremacy, burn down from below. Nobody is wise, where we are falling. Russia at once guessed a ship without kerma and vitrila. What are our goals, what is the strategy, what is our home for - unreasonable. The greater number of people is more important if they see themselves as worse, as if they were more serious, and as if it were long overdue, don’t stink at the prospects. It is enough to read the official forecasts of the government departments, and it became clear: the stench is roaring, that the crisis, the recession will take at least three or three fates. And people are anxious to think: how can we live? Our real profits are going down a lot! So far, it has not resulted in a radical political and social behavior. Well, bachimo okremi flashes - a test of the march of tractor drivers to Moscow.

- Farmers are talking about Putin.

- And it’s even more correct to look at the power. It was necessary to start earlier, not to scatter, not to overthrow them, but to provide them with a sound, as if not with Putin, then it would be better to calm them down. In addition, you can calm down these specific ones, but in the country there are not a lot of pennies, so you can fill them with all similar problems for the whole hour. To that dissatisfaction with zrostatime. It immediately looks like smoldering peat: everything is fine, everything is adapting, but not so. Tse are not the ones who give up. It seems to be not even visible, but a serious change in the suspension of evidence. Sociologists don't know what fixes and changes. The stench is telling you that you will change your mother's character. But no one can give you food allowances if these changes result in a new social behavior and what kind of social behavior it will be. The only forecasts that come out of sociologists, in terms, like I’m bachiv, pointed to those that in 2017 there will be a turning point in the mass community. Alas, it doesn’t matter that there will be a turning point in political and social behavior. We talked about the fact that in the elite tension, conflicts, and even more conflicts can become a split, or rather, the elite is under the pressure of the masses from below. Just as much as we can, that the confusion, social protests, are crying out in a few regions of Russia, - one hour later, no matter what, - we are deeply respectful, that in the elite they appear as an independent political position The logic of all political changes in the world is normal, so do not take such extreme forms, as a military coup was stabbed and a sovereign coup, to which Russia did not go. We are changing for the classic scenario, as if the stench is coming.

– What is the classic scenario?

- The classic scenario is even simpler. Unsuccessful for everyone, - but it’s always unsustainable, - the social degree in the support is being promoted, protest actions are initiated, - it’s better for everything, I’m going to the provinces, in the industrial regions, because in Moscow everything is cemented, we’re afraid to open the door Praises begin, and people who appear on the streets - robot workers, tractor drivers, drivers, combine operators - you can’t call out for the fact that you are the “fuck of the column”, as if you are speaking on the pennies of State Deputies. After this - political speeches at the great places, in front of the capitals, Moscow and St. Petersburg. At once, the ringing of the elite, as if starting to pray over them, so that they could stretch out their hand to the people. And here it is clear that the deacons of the elite groups have always been with the people, they have always been democrats, they always wanted to change and fought for those who did not become stronger. Otse classic scenario.

– If you were talking about the scenario, that it’s not Putin, but Medvedev, who’s going to choose, don’t you see, if the government in Russia understands the situation itself, how do you describe it, and get ready to somehow protect yourself? You see, on the street, what are the special decisions of Volodymyr Putin?

– So, maybe there is some other motivation. But the factor that I'm talking about, always be safe. Vlada already squawks with the attitudes of the masses, is afraid of mass speeches, she was taught the end of 2011 - the beginning of 2012, if the speeches began unstoppably for everyone, like a devil from a snuffbox. And there is one more important situation: in order to keep the economy afloat in Russia, I’m not saying, in order to secure the least possible development, it’s critically important to lift the sanctions regime, or to seriously loosen it. Ale that power, like in Russia at the same time, can’t dwell on it with Sunset, which is good to know everyone in Russia, and at Sunset. Obviously, other government is needed, formally otherwise, as if it could take on the initiative of relieving tension in Russian-American waterways, as if at once, judging from the bottoms of Syria, they are collapsing to an unsafe boundary. We can unblock the situation, otherwise we are collapsing along a path of further escalation, if not military, so verbal, political and strategic, and it’s just undermining our economy. Russia is not strong enough to allow itself to compete with the entry into the economy and the Russian-strategic sphere.

- Tell me about your new book, that one about the revolution. How does your book refer to the situation in Russia?

– My book is called "Revolution! Fundamentals of Revolutionary Struggle in the Modern Epoch" and the genre is historical and sociological in nature, not historical. I write about revolutions in a flash. And let us take less time to see the so-called "colourful" revolutions, as they passed through the rest of the ten years, and especially to lessen the post-tradyansky expanse. I also interpret the Russian report of 2011-12 as a test of the revolution, as the government successfully bathed, on the vіdmіnu of the revolutions in Ukraine and some other post-tradyanskih and not only the post-tradyanskih lands. I will destroy the food about those who can start the revolution. Based on what I know and what everyone writes, who, having been engaged in the development of revolutions, although the revolution was not carried out anywhere and by no one, all revolutions have always begun unsupported. I analyze, as if it were a person, as if it were Russian politics and history, factors of risk, as if it were an infection in Russia. I respect that in us we don’t understand why the risk factor is the main factor.

- Why?

– We believe in the fact that in 2014 Russia itself discovered a new dynamic. Everything connected with Ukraine, with Crimea, was the beginning of a new dynamic. The situation until the end of 2013 in Russia was absolutely cemented. However, more often than not, crises begin not through outer and inner pressure, but through the power of the self. Vlada, I don’t make any calls, I’m spending a little bit of self-saving. Those that emerged in 2014 were in the sphere of geopolitics, but the system is set up in such a way that you begin to dynamicize one part of the system, and inevitably turn on the dynamics for other parts of the system. І tsezh classic change, yakі vіdbuvalis svіtі. The Radyansk Union was called not because of those that Zakhid had changed, but it was called after those dynamics, as it was known in the Radyansk Union itself. How to marvel light history, then it’s possible that reforms began in quiet chi іnshih kraїnah chi viyskovoy ekspansіya with a method to change the regime, give you a new breath, and ended up with us, that the regime collapsed. Alemie, we only need a few more if and even more often we can expand. Moreover, the beginning of political changes can be easily laid on the floor, so we, let's say, went to bed in one country, and we rolled over to another.

- We were taught that it is like a revolutionary force of revolution: a robotic class, what is not a robotic class, but what a class can be. Who can booty? Axis qi tractor drivers, miners? Who are these people?

- The peculiarity of modern revolutions in those who do not have a class-hegemon in them, cannot inspire a political hegemon. They blame the situational protest coalitions, and the troubles of social measures, the Internet - why the government is so afraid of social measures and the Internet - the coalitions are blaming strimko. If you marvel at the Egyptian "lotus" revolution, then you will sing that Westernized students stood on Tahrir Square square, as if they were demonstrating democratization, and the followers of the "Muslim Brotherhood". But those who fought on the Kiev Maidan. Situational protest coalitions are blamed even more quickly, because between these political and ideological clusters it’s already been taxed that I don’t practice, then I’m talking on the Internet social measures. The results of the Russian social blogosphere have shown a different kind of speech: we have political and ideological clusters, yak, nachebto, protilezhn - nationalism, liberals, lions - on the frontiers of other lands, intensively collaborating that spіvpratsiyu. The stinks don't make faces at their ghettos. That cultural basis for a similar protest coalition already exists. It’s just a requirement, so that a sprinkling of furnishing was made, and we would like to help the coalition, it’s more like a swedish winkne. Moreover, such a coalition always speaks out under the accompaniment of "We want justice." Members of the coalition invest in the understanding of the authorities, but only one thing died out in them: "Justice!" And to another, it went out: "Vlada is unfair, so he can be knocked down or changed." The axis of the whole ideology of the revolution. Stay 15–20 years old, it was like that. A party of a new order of a new type is welcome, no advanced class is simply not needed.

- This is an important correction. In 2014, after the Crimea, Russian nationalists moved into the next trench, and the parapets of the trenches are of such height that it is important to show that the stench is again joining the liberals in the fight against the regime of Volodymyr Putin. Do you think that the new coalition can have both nationalists, liberals, and democrats?

– I liv, and ecologists, and defenders of creatures... Nourishment for Krim, nourishment of Ukraine for third-rate contagion for Russian political discourse. The stench does not enter into the first order of the day Russian suspense. You can turn Krim into an inexhaustible shift, or you can blame Yogo for the shackle, saying: we have important problems, and if we have important problems, then we will sort out the rest. Those who have created PARNAS, having noticed the nationalist Maltsev, show themselves that such a coalition can be promoted. Did the parliamentary campaign have food about Krim Hiba? Ni. Food about setting up before the war in Ukraine, before the Donbass? Nothing of the sort. Suspіlstvo does not borrow. Vіn maє іnshі problems, і і і problems are described in one word - justice. The Russian suspense is greeted with justice. For example, those who are engaged in business, stink, that it is unfairly distorted, a strong administrative, fiscal and illegal pressure is imposed on them. Whether it's a group about yourself, you can say that it's unfairly scrived. Crimea and Ukraine cannot and will not have the same meaning for the future mother for the Russian political agenda.

- For a successful revolution, we will come out from below, we may be part of the elite, as if ready to switch to the bek of promoters. You seem to think that Kudrin has been "reappointed" as an economic bloc in a row, like before, among the liberals. So the bitter "systemic liberals" of the political vagabonds do not lead, but, it is possible, to put Medvedev on the way - it's still empty of the miraculous. Can’t you be like that, that all these turns, about which we are talking about, - the very test of the part of the elite to give the nobility where to name, what, in principle, in the elite there is something, ready at that moment to commemorate?

– No, it would be strategically convenient for them. They think exclusively in group categories, although they may have an implicit ideology. Alecia is an implicit ideology - systemic liberals, security forces - will become apparent in a situation of social stifling that is being enforced. The elite is roaring, if the pressure is pressed from below and the operation of rational choice is established: now I’m drowning in the regime, so that I can stretch out my hand to the people, what kind of rise (we call it that)? I will soon see competition for those who are the first to extend their hand! Like a group of elites to appear successful - it’s important to say, it’s better to lay low in the environment. But I can say that I won’t repair anyone especially. Do not varto overpower the building of the ruling elite of Russia and vzagali regime to the support. Vіn is trying to cope with the damage of a hard, brutal, ready for anything, and successfully cope. However, our government is not a granite skeleton, not a monolith, but a cold Swiss sire. Vaughn just didn’t stick yet with a serious pressure from below, it didn’t stick with a serious pressure from below. As soon as we shut up, we care, as if the sir is more crying.

- In their time, they described themselves as a "nationalist with the best lucid words," a liberal and a democrat. The axis is people in power, who are talking to you, and you can admit that people are talking to those who are close to them with my sensi. How to show that a part of the elite is coming out from below, who will be - nationalism in the short sensi, liberals, democrats, what else?

- I guess, scho, more for everything, there will be technocrats. Russia has a technocratic sphere under vladі є chimali. Vіn not even remembered, because people do not shine, vvazhayut for the better not to be public, but stink even more. As a rule, there are people in the ranks of intercessors of ministries. 1st deaky ministers also Tse people, yakі razumіyut, scho problems, yakі to stand in front of the country, treba virishuvati, walking not from ideologems, but from a healthy core of that economic logic. Russia needs to secure economic development, to establish social subsystems. It is not about the reform of the protection of health and education, but about the renewal of their normal activities. It is necessary to improve the efficiency of the administrative apparatus. I need to create a working legal system. All large-scale, but technocratic tasks, the stench does not convey the same ideological bastard. We are not talking about those who want to change the form of authority, who we want to formally practice in the field ship system turn the revolutionary dotsіlnіst and proletarian legitimacy. In Russia, її є deyakі obolonki іnstitutіv, їх it is required to fill in with a blown zmіst. Navit at the times of the largest changes is not about the social revolution. The one that happened in 1917 will not be. There will be no large-scale transfer of power, no hromada war. Suspension has a low energy potential, so it went to war. We will have to overcome the problem of survival and development, posture with ideological paradigms. And if there is an ideology of protest, then whether there is a call to support from the side of the protest coalition will be populist. You don’t have to be afraid of it, it’s the norm in all lands, where similar changes have begun.

- I tsya hypothetical people - an attacker, which will be formulated in the middle of power, chi people, brought by this group to the pressure from below, - the elite of technocrats can accept it, and there will be їх ideological pretexts?

Sir iz dirkami

Interview with Valentina Barishnikova

Valeriy Solovey - political scientist, professor of MDIMV - for the rest of the months, one of the most (though not the most accurate) providers of permutations in the greater echelons of the Russian power.

On the 1st sickle, for example, he handed over the recognition of Anton Vain as the head of the presidential administration, and V'yacheslav Volodin - the head of the Derzhdumi.

After the election to the Derzhdumi, the government began a large-scale rotation of personnel - ahead of the day, apparently, the election of the president, as it may be officially carried out in the year 2018.

Personnel solitaire

"The whole summary is a bit, vitokіv and insinuations, under the hour of reading whatever the mother needs on the verge of two furnish: strategic and tactful.

Strategically: the principle food is not violated, hold the presidential elections in 2018 at the earliest and become the No. 1 candidate yourself.

It is more tactful: there are a couple of candidates for the skin position, it is recognized for this, for a redkish vinyatka, there is no way to see it in advance. Plus, the situation is more dynamic.

1. Dmitro Medvedev can be promoted...

2. Among the candidates for the premiership, which are discussed, including representatives of the security forces or their creatures. There are no liberals. Kudrіn nіbito povnіstyu i leftover vykreslyat іz tsikh razkladіv...

4. Prote liberalization of the financial and economic bloc in line with the high efficiency of the people to save. It is important that you successfully cope with crisis tasks.

6. At the time of the pre-strokovyh elections, one of the key political positions of the city is the first defender of the Presidential Administration, the curator of domestic policy. The beginning of Volodin's transition to the Duma is foreseen in advance. Surkov, a creature of Volodin himself, a candidate for security forces, claims to be in the yoga field.

7. The FSB, in its successful fight against corruption, did not stand aside its position in the "Varangian" from the departments that compete. Ale MVS have nothing good for the sensi.

10. Up to a dozen governors leave their plantations. Especially those, yaks have become serious imitations of the hromada thought. Krim can also be orphaned."

(About subbags of choice)

1. The victory of "United Russia" is obvious and insane. І on the right is no less in the administrative resource and other advantages of power. Voting for the EP - tse vibir is quiet, who is afraid of the future and is not ready to rizikuvati navit krihtami today. And there are more of them in Russia. I will always be greater.

2. Opposition recognized a miserable fiasco. Moreover, not so politically-organizational, as intellectually and morally-psychologically. Vaughn could not propagate the support of a mobilizing idea that was attached to the image of the future. And it means that the Kremlin knows Russia better.

3. A serious decrease in turnout can be done in a different way, but for the government of the Visnovkas it is unambiguous: they took carte blanche to carry out their own policies.

4. Unequivocal є vysnovok і for the opposition: electoral path to the coming to power for her closing. What does not include other ways.

5. Approximately across the river at the edge of the country, a new dynamic emerges, and a window of opportunity emerges. The results of the previous elections and the appeals against them by the Parliament will not be of the same value."

In an interview with Radio Liberty, Valeriy Solovey describes the political picture behind this series of transitions, comments on the very nature of the revolutions from the previously closed state and - as the author of the book "Revolution! Fundamentals of revolutionary struggle, what to prepare for"

in the current era" - rozmirkovu about the mood of the masses in 2017. Nightingale laugh, if you ask for a logical vysnovok from two yogo parcels: "candidate No. 1 is not appointed", - Minister of Russia?):

Їх close pіvduzhini

– The idea of ​​pre-stroke presidential elections has been circulating among the political establishment of Russia since late spring. Economical that social situation is getting worse, and you know what it is getting worse. Through it would be counterproductive to conduct presidential elections in 2018, if the situation is significantly worse and the mood of the masses may appear to be different. Why, if Volodymyr Volodymyrovich Putin is not the choice, deyak, I can’t, unfortunately, I can’t tell them, like wines, it’s possible, I can’t go the choice. There is a serious reason, it’s even more plausible, but I don’t know, it’s just as reliable, we don’t know for sure yet. At the same time, Moscow is discussing candidates for people who could replace him. I deyakі z prizvisch buli vymovleni, deyakі z vіdchutya déjà vu, protest stinks are discussed. Їх here is close to pіvduzhin, 6–8 osіb.

The constitution should be ruled, and ruled swiftly

– Can you name them?

- I can name one person, besides the one who creates apparently deja vu. Tse Tula governor Dyumin. If I want to change this option, it seems to be very implausible. Ale tse still not Putin's choice. As a matter of fact, there will be final choices, and Volodymyr Volodymyrovich will be on them, I think it’s more important that Mrs. Yarova chastised the committee of Dumi on constitutional legislation. Because the Constitution will happen to rule and rule quickly.

Carry through the Duma through the gates of God's laws

- Why?

- As we are talking about pre-stroke choices, it is required that the president's resurrection be pre-stroke. As the president prestrokovo pripinyaet vlasnі ponovazhennia, at the same time for the law of guilt in elections can not take the fate. Otzhe, it is required to make changes to the law. Pani Yarova Pani Yarova, in order to lead through the Duma of Bozhevilni Laws, I, with the core of the piditrim of the mere non -disclosure, is the lumber of the pereshkody in the thought of the not -aim .

– Tobto Yarova – an argument against the fact that Putin himself is going to the presidential election?

The situation in the economy is filthy, girsha, we are given

- How are we talking about pre-stroke choices, if you think, more stench? In the spring, what did you write about in one of your posts? And if in your next post you wrote about the "new age of opportunities" through the river (and tse osin), did you write about it again?

– As usual, we conduct pre-stroke elections, cereously work on the spring, while everyone is trying to win at the camp after the “bright” results in the parliamentary elections, while the opposition is morally devastated and developed and the society is ready to collapse in inertia within the framework of this model election, which is yazana. And speaking of those that can happen through the river, I can put it on the map in other ways: it’s possible for a new dynamic to appear, but this dynamic can be laid down in the spring of 2017. I more. Zvajayuchi on those that I know, and here my assessments are based not on smart guesses, but on the thoughts of people who are significantly known, lower, the situation in the economy is bad. Vaughn, let us know, and the reserve of the economics of the economy can be drawn up until the autumn of the advancing fate. Not for the provision of the Reserve Fund, but for other problems. І third: the reorganization of the state administration, as it actually starts to zdijsnyuvatisya at once, to lead not to the improvement of efficiency, but to disorganization. This is well seen in the history of the Russian Guard and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Guards de facto still mute, it is more obvious de jure, and the efficiency of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has sharply decreased. As conceived personnel changes begin to be carried out, even if only half, we would like to disorganize the entire apparatus of the government from the bottom. Russia is so powerful that if the bosses change, then they start to change and all of them help. To that autumn of 2017, we can succumb to a new dynamic, a deak and an intermediate bag.

Not included, what will happen in 2017

- A few days ago, official information appeared about those that 14 out of over billions of rubles were seen at the election of the president at the budget of 2017, and not 2018. Vlad is not welcome, what will happen in 2017?

- The preparation of the budget started earlier in the year, and at the same time, they began to circulate a bit about the completion of the presidential elections, decisions about how they can praise the pіdbags of the parliamentary ones. I am not familiar with the budget process, maybe, so I can but, what needs to be seen in 2017 for the preparation of elections-2018. But it’s not turned off, what to go for yourself about the choice of 2017 rock. (The New Times to prove that "pennies are pledged to the budget not in advance - but on that river itself, if the stench can be stained." - Note.)

Before the big scandals, especially associated with special indiscretion, every special power should be put more respectfully

– It is necessary to discuss your prophecies. You have a hot post on Facebook: “Friends from the administration called to say hello. Yes, you speak directly about the nature of informality. Putin's administration for a long time was famous for its absolute closeness. At the same time, we are wondering what information is being announced. There may be a marvelous, one-sided character, but it appears. This change is due to the fact that the government has broken up into groups, and you feel the stench freely, to deafen your picture of what is being seen?

- In my opinion, the inner pressure was already growing - through a strong ovish pressure. Under the oppressive pressure, I may not even be able to see the blue of Russia and Zakhod, even if he is a super-important official - for self-determination and special strategies of high-ranking representatives of the Russian elite, and political, and financial and economic. Those hills, who save the hardness of the mind, miraculously understand, that we collapse not from victory to victory, but from the filthy one on the top. And in the minds of the crisis, there is a struggle for resources that are soon. If everything is all at once - the pressure that is being exerted, the struggle for resources - then, naturally, the information begins to be named. A lot of people are already simply not in their minds, they stink about those who are bad, how hard it is for them. In addition, the information begins to win in order to fight against real and potential opponents, in order to prevent any reshuffles of personnel for the defamation of singing people. For example, the attack on Igor Shuvalov was a viklikan tim, that he was respected as an immovable candidate for the premier-minister's seat. Take the blame for yourself so respectfully. And at the same time, before the big scandals, especially connected with special indiscretion, the most important person of the state should be put more respectfully. Another butt is attacks on Igor Sechin. Some of my opponents (I can say that one of them claims to be the premier-minister) wanted to stream the appetite of Igor Ivanovich and his corporation. Abo, for example, quite a few recent informational attacks on a dignified prime minister, behind which stood a high-ranking resident. The information begins to come out between the narrow circle, circulate - and become more accessible to more people. The one that I speak and write has nothing that would not be seen by all those who in Moscow professionally talk about politics. Ale tsyu іnformatsiyu treba analyze and systematize, evaluate її nadіynіst.

Tse mayzhe already the accuracy of the weather forecast

- This information is on the other side, often it is not correct.

- I respect that, even with a good result for myself, as in 50 hundred years of marriage, I can walk. Tse may the accuracy of the weather forecast be accepted in Russia. Tse glittering display (laugh)! Possibly, on the right, it’s simply that I share my reflections on Facebook, but I don’t want to share. I am by no means the only one who can tell you about the future with such accuracy.

- You guessed about the attack on Shuvalov, writing Navalny about Shuvalov, so you called Navalny in the fact that you are working on ...?

“Ni, I think it’s better for someone else.” Oleksiy Anatoliyovich Navalny is like a politician, - may be more serious political ambitions, and not without prejudice, - and wisely respect that the expansion of similar information, zocrema, in his interests. For any opposition - in Russia and other countries - chaos in the elite of the week. І especially vigіdniy in quiet kraїnah, de pozitsіya actually cannot take part in the legal political process, її electoral chances є insignificant or not let them be realized. There is nothing marvelous in the informational activity of Navalny either.

Nervousness grows, everyone marvels one on one with distrust, and then with hatred

- Let's talk about reshuffles, which are carried out on a large scale at once. Mi bachimo long list of candidates for reshuffle. You, before the speech, have the security forces and other groupings that can stand up to them, but it’s obvious that there are a lot of different groups in the middle of the security forces. Do you see the wholeness of what you think, why is there such a war of all against all? For the hvileya of personnel decisions, is there logic?

- It has logic, which does not mean that the permutations follow a supposedly stringent plan. Do you remember how Tolstaya describes the disposition, broken up by the Austrian general, in Tolstoy's "War and Light", and how then we will fight for the power of reason? The logic is advancing: most of the power can be fully aware of what needs to be done. What? Drinking on a compromise from Sunset won’t be possible - it meant b, on a thought, a serious reputational shkoda. You don’t want to carry out institutional reforms of the economy. The first axis is getting better, as it starts, to improve the system of state administration, to give dynamics to all spheres of life. As Karamzin wrote his hour, Russia does not need a constitution, Russia will require 50 reasonable and honest governors. Otzhe, we know sensible and honest sovereign servants, including governors. Stars scoop frames? Zrozumіlo, cadres scoop stars, de people who already trust. First of all, as if you are talking about the security forces, you will try to instill not the FSB but the Federal Security Service of the Presidential Security Service, if you can bring a serious conflict out of the Federal Security Service. And the FSB is more afraid that the new head of the service might become a graduate from the department that competes. The same will be feared at once in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Moreover, at the same time in all the security agencies, in the security services, including the Prosecutor's Office, the Investigative Committee, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the stench is very likely to be staffed with officers from the FSB, which also means the tension in the middle of the security corporation. What are you going to bring? Definitely not up to improving the efficiency of the device. Tse already lead to yogo disorganization, to the point that tired communications are torn. Like the stench of the boules, the stench of food, otherwise, the stench of the boules, the stinks of the stench worked. These communications are torn, new ones are not being built, it will take an hour to wake them up. Nervousness grows, everyone marvels one on one with distrust, and then with hatred. So zagalna logic - the whole logic of saving and living the power of the government, no more than that. This is not logic, it is directed towards carrying out what we could call modernization, economic and political reforms.

Those who call juveniles "moving"

- How amazing is your list of transfers: Medvedev "for promotion", the security official at the premier, Kudrina "resigned", Volodin at the Duma, Narishkin at the SZR and so on - how can one say that the logic of these will be recognized for those who 2017 Will Putin change Medvedev?

- (Laugh.) It's also possible. Remember, how it was in 2007, - before that, how to transfer the presidential government to the change, Volodymyr Volodymyrovich having placed on the key positions - intercessors for the ministers just - people from the corporation, until such faults professionally lay. You can also characterize it this way. Understand, we can rightly navit still not with the facts, we will discuss a little bit more. Let us allow us to vibuduvat whether a concept, naivitonchenishu conspiratorially, but there are no guarantees that it will turn out to be true. It is possible to take it as a way to create an insurance network for the emergence of a new candidate for the presidency in power, and simply as an increase in the efficiency of the apparatus, an increase in loyalty, an attempt to dynamize the apparatus, those who call the youth “movement”. The axis, as if "dvizhuha" will appear, and glaring fat cats will begin to catch mice.

People are anxious to think: how can we live?

- Nine choices, you write, have shown that the opposition has recognized a fiasco and cannot come to power by legal means, but it can "other ways." In addition, by a marvelous rite after these elections, we are bachimo in the public field are dissatisfied with pro-Putin people's stink, they are dissatisfied with them, as if the election was held. It seems clear that on all equals they are dissatisfied with the choices. Why are you creating a revolutionary situation?

- I don’t create a revolutionary situation, I just express the progressively unreasonable, rotting that destruction in all faiths of the supremacy, burn down from below. Nobody is wise, where we are falling. Russia at once guessed a ship without kerma and vitrila. What are our goals, what is the strategy, what is our home for - unreasonable. The greater number of people is more important if they see themselves as worse, as if they were more serious, and as if it were long overdue, don’t stink at the prospects. It is enough to read the official forecasts of the government departments, and it became clear: the stench is roaring, that the crisis, the recession will take at least three or three fates. And people are anxious to think: how can we live? Our real profits are going down a lot! So far, it has not resulted in a radical political and social behavior. Well, bachimo okremi flashes - a test of the march of tractor drivers to Moscow.

Dissatisfaction is similar to smoldering peat

- Farmers are talking about Putin.

- And it’s even more correct to look at the power. It was necessary to start earlier, not to scatter, not to overthrow them, but to provide them with a sound, as if not with Putin, then it would be better to calm them down. In addition, you can calm down these specific ones, but in the country there are not a lot of pennies, so you can fill them with all similar problems for the whole hour. To that dissatisfaction with zrostatime. It immediately looks like smoldering peat: everything is fine, everything is adapting, but not so. Tse are not the ones who give up. It seems to be not even visible, but a serious change in the suspension of evidence. Sociologists don't know what fixes and changes. The stench is telling you that you will change your mother's character. But no one can give you food allowances if these changes result in a new social behavior and what kind of social behavior it will be. The only forecasts that come out of sociologists, in terms, like I’m bachiv, pointed to those that in 2017 there will be a turning point in the mass community. Alas, it doesn’t matter that there will be a turning point in political and social behavior. We talked about the fact that in the elite tension, conflicts, and even more conflicts can become a split, or rather, the elite is under the pressure of the masses from below. Just as much as we can, that the confusion, social protests, are crying out in a few regions of Russia, - one hour later, no matter what, - we are deeply respectful, that in the elite they appear as an independent political position The logic of all political changes in the world is normal, so do not take such extreme forms, as a military coup was stabbed and a sovereign coup, to which Russia did not go. We are changing for the classic scenario, as if the stench is coming.

Workers, tractor drivers, chauffeurs, combine operators will not be able to call the one who is the "fuck of the column"

– What is the classic scenario?

- The classic scenario is even simpler. Unsuccessful for everyone, - but it’s always unsustainable, - the social degree in the support is being promoted, protest actions are initiated, - it’s better for everything, I’m going to the provinces, in the industrial regions, because in Moscow everything is cemented, we’re afraid to open the door Praises begin, and people who appear on the streets - robot workers, tractor drivers, drivers, combine operators - you can’t call out for the fact that you are the “fuck of the column”, as if you are speaking on the pennies of State Deputies. After this - political speeches at the great places, in front of the capitals, Moscow and St. Petersburg. At once, the ringing of the elite, as if starting to pray over them, so that they could stretch out their hand to the people. And here it is clear that the deacons of the elite groups have always been with the people, they have always been democrats, they always wanted to change and fought for those who did not become stronger. Otse classic scenario.

Like the devil from a snuffbox

– If you were talking about the scenario, that it’s not Putin, but Medvedev, who’s going to choose, don’t you see, if the government in Russia understands the situation itself, how do you describe it, and get ready to somehow protect yourself? You see, on the street, what are the special decisions of Volodymyr Putin?

– So, maybe there is some other motivation. But the factor that I'm talking about, always be safe. Vlada already squawks with the attitudes of the masses, is afraid of mass speeches, she was taught the end of 2011 - the beginning of 2012, if the speeches began unstoppably for everyone, like a devil from a snuffbox. And there is one more important situation: in order to keep the economy afloat in Russia, I’m not saying, in order to secure the least possible development, it’s critically important to lift the sanctions regime, or to seriously loosen it. Ale that power, like in Russia at the same time, can’t dwell on it with Sunset, which is good to know everyone in Russia, and at Sunset. Obviously, other government is needed, formally otherwise, as if it could take on the initiative of relieving tension in Russian-American waterways, as if at once, judging from the bottoms of Syria, they are collapsing to an unsafe boundary. We can unblock the situation, otherwise we are collapsing along a path of further escalation, if not military, so verbal, political and strategic, and it’s just undermining our economy. Russia is not strong enough to allow itself to compete with the entry into the economy and the Russian-strategic sphere.

Mustache revolutions have always begun unsuccessfully

- Tell me about your new book, that one about the revolution. How does your book refer to the situation in Russia?

– My book is called "Revolution! Fundamentals of Revolutionary Struggle in the Modern Epoch" and the genre is historical and sociological in nature, not historical. I write about revolutions in a flash. And let us take less time to see the so-called "colourful" revolutions, as they passed through the rest of the ten years, and especially to lessen the post-tradyansky expanse. I also interpret the Russian report of 2011-12 as a test of the revolution, as the government successfully bathed, on the vіdmіnu of the revolutions in Ukraine and some other post-tradyanskih and not only the post-tradyanskih lands. I will destroy the food about those who can start the revolution. Based on what I know and what everyone writes, who, having been engaged in the development of revolutions, although the revolution was not carried out anywhere and by no one, all revolutions have always begun unsupported. I analyze, as if it were a person, as if it were Russian politics and history, factors of risk, as if it were an infection in Russia. I respect that in us we don’t understand why the risk factor is the main factor.

The reforms of the military expansion began with the method of strengthening the regime, but ended with the collapse of the wines

– We believe in the fact that in 2014 Russia itself discovered a new dynamic. Everything connected with Ukraine, with Crimea, was the beginning of a new dynamic. The situation until the end of 2013 in Russia was absolutely cemented. However, more often than not, crises begin not through outer and inner pressure, but through the power of the self. Vlada, I don’t make any calls, I’m spending a little bit of self-saving. Those that emerged in 2014 were in the sphere of geopolitics, but the system is set up in such a way that you begin to dynamicize one part of the system, and inevitably turn on the dynamics for other parts of the system. І tsezh classic change, yakі vіdbuvalis svіtі. The Radyansk Union was called not because of those that Zakhid had changed, but it was called after those dynamics, as it was known in the Radyansk Union itself. If we marvel at the history of the world, then we can only believe that in the quiet lands of other lands the reforms of the military expansion began with the method of strengthening the regime, giving it a new breath, and it all ended with the collapse of the regime. Alemie, we only need a few more if and even more often we can expand. Moreover, the beginning of political changes can be easily laid on the floor, so we, let's say, went to bed in one country, and we rolled over to another.

Extinguished in them alone: ​​"We want justice"

- We were taught that it is like a revolutionary force of revolution: a robotic class, what is not a robotic class, but what a class can be. Who can booty? Axis qi tractor drivers, miners? Who are these people?

- The peculiarity of modern revolutions in those who do not have a class-hegemon in them, cannot inspire a political hegemon. They blame the situational protest coalitions, and the troubles of social measures, the Internet - why the government is so afraid of social measures and the Internet - the coalitions are blaming strimko. If you marvel at the Egyptian "lotus" revolution, then you will sing that Westernized students stood on Tahrir Square square, as if they were demonstrating democratization, and the followers of the "Muslim Brotherhood". But those who fought on the Kiev Maidan. The situational protest coalitions are blamed more than once, because between these political and ideological clusters, it is already not so much a partnership, but rather a connection in the Internet and social networks. The results of the Russian social blogosphere have shown a different kind of speech: we have political and ideological clusters, yak, nachebto, protilezhn - nationalism, liberals, lions - on the frontiers of other lands, intensively collaborating that spіvpratsiyu. The stinks don't make faces at their ghettos. That cultural basis for a similar protest coalition already exists. It’s just a requirement, so that a sprinkling of furnishing was made, and we would like to help the coalition, it’s more like a swedish winkne. Moreover, such a coalition always speaks out under the accompaniment of "We want justice." Members of the coalition invest in the understanding of the authorities, but only one thing died out in them: "Justice!" And to another, it went out: "Vlada is unfair, so he can be knocked down or changed." The axis of the whole ideology of the revolution. Stay 15–20 years old, it was like that. A party of a new order of a new type is welcome, no advanced class is simply not needed.

Did the parliamentary campaign have food about Krim Hiba?

- This is an important correction. In 2014, after the Crimea, Russian nationalists moved into the next trench, and the parapets of the trenches are of such height that it is important to show that the stench is again joining the liberals in the fight against the regime of Volodymyr Putin. Do you think that the new coalition can have both nationalists, liberals, and democrats?

– I liv, and ecologists, and defenders of creatures... Nourishment for Krim, nourishment of Ukraine for third-rate contagion for Russian political discourse. The stench does not enter into the first order of the day Russian suspense. You can turn Krim into an inexhaustible shift, or you can blame Yogo for the shackle, saying: we have important problems, and if we have important problems, then we will sort out the rest. Those who have created PARNAS, having noticed the nationalist Maltsev, show themselves that such a coalition can be promoted. Did the parliamentary campaign have food about Krim Hiba? Ni. Food about setting up before the war in Ukraine, before the Donbass? Nothing of the sort. Suspіlstvo does not borrow. Vіn maє іnshі problems, і і і problems are described in one word - justice. The Russian suspense is greeted with justice. For example, those who are engaged in business, stink, that it is unfairly distorted, a strong administrative, fiscal and illegal pressure is imposed on them. Whether it's a group about yourself, you can say that it's unfairly scrived. Crimea and Ukraine cannot and will not have the same meaning for the future mother for the Russian political agenda.

Swiss Sir Russian government

- For a successful revolution, we will come out from below, we may be part of the elite, as if ready to switch to the bek of promoters. You seem to think that Kudrin has been "reappointed" as an economic bloc in a row, like before, among the liberals. So the bitter "systemic liberals" of the political vagabonds do not lead, but, it is possible, to put Medvedev on the way - it's still empty of the miraculous. Can’t you be like that, that all these turns, about which we are talking about, - the very test of the part of the elite to give the nobility where to name, what, in principle, in the elite there is something, ready at that moment to commemorate?

– No, it would be strategically convenient for them. They think exclusively in group categories, although they may have an implicit ideology. Alecia is an implicit ideology - systemic liberals, security forces - will become apparent in a situation of social stifling that is being enforced. The elite is roaring, if the pressure is pressed from below and the operation of rational choice is established: now I’m drowning in the regime, so that I can stretch out my hand to the people, what kind of rise (we call it that)? I will soon see competition for those who are the first to extend their hand! Like a group of elites to appear successful - it’s important to say, it’s better to lay low in the environment. But I can say that I won’t repair anyone especially. Do not varto overpower the building of the ruling elite of Russia and vzagali regime to the support. Vіn is trying to cope with the damage of a hard, brutal, ready for anything, and successfully cope. However, our government is not a granite skeleton, not a monolith, but a cold Swiss sire. Vaughn just didn’t stick yet with a serious pressure from below, it didn’t stick with a serious pressure from below. As soon as we shut up, we care, as if the sir is more crying.

What happened in 1917 will not be

- In their time, they described themselves as a "nationalist with the best lucid words," a liberal and a democrat. The axis is people in power, who are talking to you, and you can admit that people are talking to those who are close to them with my sensi. How to show that a part of the elite is coming out from below, who will be - nationalism in the short sensi, liberals, democrats, what else?

- I guess, scho, more for everything, there will be technocrats. Russia has a technocratic sphere under vladі є chimali. Vіn not even remembered, because people do not shine, vvazhayut for the better not to be public, but stink even more. As a rule, there are people in the ranks of intercessors of ministries. 1st deaky ministers also Tse people, yakі razumіyut, scho problems, yakі to stand in front of the country, treba virishuvati, walking not from ideologems, but from a healthy core of that economic logic. Russia needs to secure economic development, to establish social subsystems. It is not about the reform of the protection of health and education, but about the renewal of their normal activities. It is necessary to improve the efficiency of the administrative apparatus. I need to create a working legal system. All large-scale, but technocratic tasks, the stench does not convey the same ideological bastard. We are not talking about those who want to change the form of power, what we want in the field of the ship system, who formally practice, turn the revolutionary dotsіlnіst and proletarian legitimacy. In Russia, її є deyakі obolonki іnstitutіv, їх it is required to fill in with a blown zmіst. Navit at the times of the largest changes is not about the social revolution. The one that happened in 1917 will not be. There will be neither a large-scale transfer of power, nor a hromada war. Suspension has a low energy potential, so it went to war. We will have to overcome the problem of survival and development, posture with ideological paradigms. And if there is an ideology of protest, then whether there is a call to support from the side of the protest coalition will be populist. You don’t have to be afraid of it, it’s the norm in all lands, where similar changes have begun.

Do not stop corruption and idiocy, but simply speed up to acceptable values

- I tsya hypothetical people - an attacker, which will be formulated in the middle of power, chi people, brought by this group to the pressure from below, - the elite of technocrats can accept it, and there will be їх ideological pretexts?

Valery Solovey and Dmitro Bikov about Putin's successors, Medvedev's prospects and about those whose agent Navalny

Professor Nightingale of Perceptions, as early as 2021, maximum 2022, there will be no Putin, no Putin system. What will you do, it’s still impossible to pass it on. It’s bad for the government to start perturbations out on its own, using other forms of inspiration for the Radyansky Union. I become the same year.

Photo: Anton Denisov, RIA Novini


I would like to say that Valery Solovey is the only political scientist in Russia these days. Others either moved, or they closed, or they changed their profession. What is political science, if there is no politics? Ale Nightingale continues to call out the opposition until today, and reshti will be very optimistic about what will happen. It is important that in a new way it is especially secret dzherela and knows the wine is richer for others, and that is why forecasts are often made. Give more bags to the fate, take it in, and there is not a lot of kim.

This interview had a sprinkling of riddles confidential information. I fill in the lacunae, like leather, you can remember in the world of your recognition.

- After the press conference of Medvedev, it appeared that, don’t laugh, I’m getting ready for the attackers again.

- What's funny here? This option is being considered. Among the others, but quite seriously. I'm the best candidate, but in the case of another design - if stability is not secured by him, but by a collective institute for the Derzhradi kshtalt. In this design, the main element, like before, will be Putin. Ale Dmitro Anatoliyovich feels on horseback. Before the speech, the residences were raised to the level of protection to the presidential one, which, obviously, increased self-esteem. Youmu was given an understanding that Navalny was not called to vikritt.

- What about animals?

— Nicer. New and Seagulls had serious psychological problems, the stench fell into a right depression, they were more respectful of themselves as short-tempered. Navalny's greatest merit lies in the fact that the fault of them is that of them, tsyu smelt of lack of torment. A seagull for three days was just a sign of a sound, leaving Moscow, sitting and worrying: it seemed to him that they had absolute privacy. Our litaks, mothers, dog-rollers may be attached to us, but we are not torn. Medvedev was so depressed that Putin, having punished Shoigu to be afraid of yoga, then the stench flew to the Pivnichniy Pole, do you remember? Otherwise, God forbid, zіp'єtsya. And for youmu to drink outside the camp of health, it seems, it is not necessary. I also happened to be driven by the pole.

- Is Navalny being fed information from the top?

- I don’t want to stress at any time that Navalny is an agent of the top, but, obviously, piss me off. І vіn well done, scho koristuєtsya tsim. Ale, wanting to Navalny їkhnіy insane enemy, the stench learned how to whip. By that time, the investigation of Navalny became a kind of insurance. Aja Putin can't call anyone under pressure.

Ale vzagali zovsіm unimportant, scho stench there plan schodo attacker. Everything will become richer earlier and zovsіm іnakshe. We can make a bet with you, that already 2020 will be fatal and in the historical perspective, 2019, which will end, will be called the rest of the calm rock of Russia with the usual perturbations. And even in 2021, maximum 2022, there will be no fate for Putin, no Putin system.

- Yak?! After what?!

— Let’s call it this: because of the collapsible combination of non-transferable internal and external political furnishing.

- Zovnishni - tied with Ukraine?

- I from Ukraine, and from Belarus, and from the Baltic.

— Go and crawl there?

- And why not? At the borders of geopolitical revisionism, you should try to renew the Radianian injection without formal confirmation of the SRSR. Tsya idea is relevant and bleeds.

- I spoke well from a superbly superior expert - I also think so, I'm just snarky.

- Great minds converge (laugh).

- І vіn vvazhє that NATO will not defend the Baltics.

- Well, don't cheat. I can't go into specific ways to implement the Kremlin's ideas, I can only talk about the ideas themselves. Take revenge for the “greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century,” as they call it. Zalyakati Zahid. And zalyakuvat in us vmіyut - vlasny people like zalyakuvali. The Baltics are the Achilles heel of Sunset. Namira zahopiti її nemaє - є bazhannya to press, to compromise NATO and the European Union with forceful blackmail ... After that, NATO will cease to exist, more is the needful military-political union, the inevitable defense of its participants? Moreover, at the time of the new round of geopolitical revisionism, the European Union will suddenly close up with serious problems - for example, a new bulk of migrants ... We don’t call it protests like the Kremlin does. There is such an aphorism: in Russia, for a long time, two furnishings are respected - first one, then another. So it is here: the forceful pressure of transferring a large-scale and rich-component plan. The plan is ready, but no one knows how far all the elements are prepared. In the stars, zvіsno, everything is miraculous. And really? And that nestovki pochnitsya practical odrazu. I - otherwise the readiness to show up to aggression is not like they report (the stench is not all lost their heads), or when trying to mobilize reservists - and to reach the end of the day soon - to close behind the mass support of soldiers' mothers. But it’s not enough - folding and large-scale think of the regime at once, no way under the force: “start,” as Gorbachev said, give up, and “destroy” the axis ...

- But still, if Putin will be replaced, you can come to this place who is more radical, right, more conservative ...

- Turned off. The “case” of Putin is that people are invariably stale, they act intellectually, without some stink, they can’t be bothered. On the smoldering vines, without perebіlshennya, genius.


- Can you explain why the wine itself at once, in the equal place, chooses to fall into geopolitical revisionism?

- Optimum historical moment. Zahid is weak, divided, America is not up to Europe, Ukraine is ready for action...

- Zelensky ready?

- Three points of view of the Kremlin, so, get ready. I need to speed up. Do not talk about those that Donbas shove into Ukraine. For real, Ukraine will be brought to Donbas. If Zelensky recently spoke about the municipal warta on the territory of Donbass, he only reformulated the name of the Kremlin. Vartova is formally Ukrainian, but it is formed from the Meshkants in the Donbass, on which there are a lot of officers Russian army. To protect the ranks of the volunteer corps in the Donbas, the self-regulation of the volunteer corps, the ninth institutions - and all the same can be financed by Ukraine. So run from Moscow. The cordon is actually v_dkrit. People from Donetsk write a lot, nourishing: what amnesty will be? Behind the Kremlin's plan, the mother's impeccable and new character is to blame, spreading among those who have done mischief against people there. A part of the Ukrainian oligarchy, with the likeness of Zelensky right, is ready to lend a hand to Putin. The interview given by the Kolomoisky New York Times is not blackmail and not shocking, but a position of principle. The new one has such titles as an Odessa show off, but at the core everything is more serious. Kolomoisky extend the hand of friendship to Russia, and turn PrivatBank for you.

- And yet, at the time of Zelensky's pliability, the third Maidan is possible ...

- Same! You will look like this: the youngsters, who are faschuit, tried to use the plan of the legally elected president of Ukraine to restore the world. Two fraternal peoples only began to inspire stosunki - and on you. Todi - already on the scum of the legitimate president - why not give you brother help? Not about the slaughter of Ukraine - now? Including about strangling the Maidan by the forces of the same volunteer corps in the Donbass ...

- I don’t care what could get Putin into the right plan. Hiba scho Zelensky does not want.

- Under the pressure of the oligarchs you want. Ale tse tezh foldable plan, vіn peredbachaє skuvannya rich furnishing. It is time, nayіmovіrnіshe, about the advent of Ukraine to the Allied Power. But in this plan, there is no less than a part of the Viysk, written with special kokhanny, and still political. How to testify about the lack of knowledge of the subject. Type of Putin will be crushed in Kiev with bread-silly. But we think not so. I admit that in Russia I will again rise to the brink of enthusiasm. But then we will see that there are not enough professional military men, and for Russian women there is an existential situation: you are not ready to bring the stench of your people to war theoretically. Okremі elementi nadzvichaynogo camp… Necessity to include social media — but even more elements of addiction, God is not the food of politics. Tse pitanya zvichki, p_dadki on the head. The youth of the generation just lie in front of them. Then there is a mass exodus on the streets.

- And what about the Russian Guard?

— Є obl_kova kіlkіst Rosgvardії — close to 300 thousand osіb — and є reality: 25–30 thousand riot police. Yogo ice was stabbed at the sickle for a vegetarian Moscow protest. And at the right mass speaking? Zolotov, let's say, only pragmatically demonstrate his loyalty, but є, krіm ny, і professional officers, yakі zovsіm not to pragmat to shoot at the people. Aje tse serious rizik. And in times like this order, elementary sabotage will be revealed: you can’t break the roost, we have a lot of things, people have blocked the roads, don’t make calls ... The cost of cracking.

— On principle, I admit it, but between the first time I try the revolution and її another phenomenon is about ten years away. As between the defeat of the First Russian Revolution of 1907 and Love in ten years ...

- The main parallel is that for the first time you try the revolution you can still look like cosmetic changes. And the axis of another offensive її - the dismantling of the regime. The year 2012 was easily bought by a small democratization. 2021 fate will have to pay for everything with rahunkami.

"FOR THE RICK TO PROTEST, slander 70 thousand people"

- Did Trump use another term?

- What wine is on the new foot, insanely, wine is even more desirable. Impeachment can’t see anything, because what kind of scandal is there in Ukraine? What is Ukraine, what is Russia for the Americans here on the edge of the ecumene. Trump will not interfere with the Russian situation.

- It’s not like a zakordon to help, to have a chance to achieve freedom again, as it seems, with one’s own hand.

- There will be a lot of social and economic conditions for mass protest. There was a change of evidence, protests, wanting, as before, locally, expanded throughout Russia. Give different ideas: ecological, like in Shієsi, social, youth ... Nine potential Protestants - 13 counts. For the future river, the number of growth is up to 60–70. And every other day, move on to the kshtalt “I have recreated the greatness of the country” no longer cheer.

- Good, but why can't Putin just go for it and do without expansion?

- Turned off. A new month has a svіdomіst — without a great mission, there is nothing to work in this world. І implementation of the geopolitical revision plan may be unsatisfactory.

- Until the coming autumn?

- Yak bi not until the coming spring. Ready for you to chat with you this hour and revise. Putin's time is not so rich.

- Why is it tied up?

- From an exchange not so political, like a special, physiological hour. The very factor zmushuє yogo dyati. I to the speech, even richly pointing out to those who are close to that far sharpening of the “leader” of intelligence. The Rotenbergs and Timchenko go out to cash and take yoga out of the cordon; Alekperov thought about the possibility of selling his company.

- But in times of all these problems, a serious financial crisis, freezing of foreign exchange deposits is possible ...

- Tse will not be frozen. Exchange for rubles, ale at home borders and for a reasonable "fair" exchange rate. Do you remember the radians 95 kopecks for the dollar? Our people rely on reality - everything is given to them, so SOMETHING will not hit them. Plant? That is not all, but only protesters. Abo is less rich. Judge? Aje tse elita. So, in a fair way, the mass protest was blamed, requiring the population to be locked up to the wall. Aja people do not want to understand until the rest that they were glorified, wronged and plundered.

- But how can they stink, where will Putin go?

- The food for the beast is also being intensively discussed.

- And here you see your own idea of ​​uniting the protest forces.

— Tsya ideya in kakomu sensi є uncontested. It was clear that after Putin, it was possible that the arrogant national “round style” would be less likely to initiate and hold parliamentary elections and form a technocratic order. However, damn it, and the mess of Russia - no one can unite. Let’s make the archaists-imperials-aggressors sing out special pihatist - don’t stink in any way, who is the highest among them, sob to entrust leadership to the highest. And smart liberals are inspired by the theoretical diversity of the widest spectrum of nutrition - from feminism to lustration. But the liberals will still have to unite, more power is coming in Russia, it looks like it will appear liberal. People in epaulettes here cannot be taken by the closest future government - the stench of the world has demonstrated intellectual vitality plus planetary stealing.

- Yanov, it seems that tse bula was nibi the rest of the peace of Russia.

- So, and yogo may wistachiti for a long time. Golovna - they themselves are uncomfortable living in what happened: it’s too much nonsense, it smells bad.


— Does any of the politicians react to your idea of ​​unity?

- Politicians in Russia would like to pronounce the most innocently extinguished “Seek out the Constitution!” - Vin is not leviy and not right, zovsim vegetarian! — Ale nі, stink be afraid of vіdkritoi politicheskoї ї ї. The axis of the grassroots community activists is serious, they are right, everything is far away, the stench is ready to come down. I think that politicians, as always, will try to hold a protest, which is knocking from below. And then we’ll begin to cross over from the Kremlin, rozpovidayuchi, like the stink spent the whole hour secretly praising the protest.

“I’m here, and yet you underestimate the possibility of the arrival of strength, mentally seeming, strongmen for the lower security forces and putinish for Putin: I seem to call the crooked nationalists and the Stalinists ...

“The Ukrainian situation is more than just a point for reporting about the dismantling of the regime (and, I repeat, we are checking for dismantling ourselves to cause a ruin): nationalism, stench, screeching, stench can play a role in the power resistance. And to marvel, as we tried to lyakali "Right Sector" [the activity was recognized by the extremist, fenced on the territory of the Russian Federation by the decisions of the court - ed.], and as a result, the president in Kiev is a Jew. The nationalists are rooted in marginal support and always raise problems with a positive program, especially in to the current world.

- What figure of the president do you have a lot of ideas?

- The first thing you need to do is to form a Timchas coalition, a transitional body and hold parliamentary elections. If there is a real parliament, the presidential candidacy will be nominated.

— Do you include the territorial disintegration of Russia?

- In Russia, it is important to turn on, but I don’t have any chance of changing my mind for a new one, I don’t care about the usual, in a right way, local separatisms and nationalisms Pivnichny Caucasus) - tezh. In my opinion, there is not much more of a mass demand for fear and aggression, but they have become ob'їlis. Ask for creations, for fresh individuals, and for the sake of cim lustration, especially for the ship-legal sphere, for the destruction of the television propaganda machine. Ale no more...

- And this is the version that the Cossack sent messages ...

- Messages kim, if u kudi?

- The Kremlin, in opposition ...

- A sense? Information? Near the Kremlin and Lub'yantsi, and so you know everything. Provocations? But still, I still can very importantly provoke you to the simplest and a little spivpractice (laugh).

- And then, do you know the stars of your style? Type of your graduate Vaino?

- V_n_koli not bv n_ my graduate student, n_ dzherel. Ale dzherela is good with me. To that very fact, there were few people coming to my napіvzakritі lectures.

— And why were you tolerated so long in MDIMV?

- Long-term patience of the rector himself. Student house. For now, don't cross the red lines.

- Zvіdki tsі insider?

- From the most modest, even more modest dzherel. And I also listen to women. For an hour, woman's intuition does not match with everyday insider. And even after the election of 2018, the fate of my spying, whose thought I highly value, they clearly said: until the end of this term, the president does not interfere. I also believe to the scribes (laughing): they said it to themselves.

- Now I'm not overdoing it.

— Well, I know what the first reaction needs to believe. And having said to Talleyrand: do not swear at the first sound, ring out louder.

Rozmovlyav Dmitro Bikov

Spivrozmovnik, 01/09/2020

Valery Dmitrovich Solovey– Doctor of Historical Sciences (the topic of the doctoral dissertation is ““Russian nutrition” and that yogo poured into the internal and external politics of Russia”), professor, head of the Department of Communications and Public Relations of the Moscow State University of International Affairs. Chervni 2019 received recognition from MDIMV for “anti-power propaganda and political stability”. Author and spivauthor of five monographs, dozens of scientific and rich journalistic articles. Wide popularity having added 2016 after the number of exact political transfers.

Born in 1960 in the Lugansk region of the URSR. Sister - Tetyana Dmitrivna Solovey, also a professor of historical sciences.

Graduated from the Faculty of History of MDU im. Lomonosov (1983). Internship at the London School of Economics and Political Sciences (1995).

2012 rіk - chil working group s molding political parties"New power" and bov obrey її head. The Ministry of Justice voted for the party at the registration. On the eve of 2016, Nightingale announced in an interview that the party was "frozen at the link with it, that we were threatened with reprisals."

Friendship, maє sina. Offended by the football players of CSKA.

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