Holy religions. Describe the features of the skin. Buddhism, Christianity, Islam lie before secular religions. The history of vindication and the foundations of religious religions lie before the religious religions

What kind of philosophical statements about the advent of religion do you care that people create God, shards that look like their own best spiritual qualities and transfer them to vigadan istotu?

Who is the first person to live the word religion?

III. Test control knowledge

II. Correct that task

Knowledge control

I. Food for self-verification:

1. Give a clear understanding of religion

2. What sense did Cicero, Lactantsii put into the understanding of "religion"?

3. What are the functions of religion in society?

4. What are the concepts of religion?

5. How do you come to the understanding of the essence of God?

6. Reveal the structure of religion

7. Recycle the forms of religions

8. Reveal the essence of the first vіruvan

9. Reveal the features of national religions

10. What are the traditions of religious religions?

11. What is the relationship between religion and science?

1. In the Christian religion, God is love. Chi means tse, what darling people already є at the singing sensi believing?

2. Will you wait for us when a people without religion and faith ceases to be a people, becomes a population? Possibly, this stage has already come, - even then there are few truly believers and religion cannot be of special significance for most people?

3. If the Germans came close to Moscow, I. Stalin having punished for a long time closed the churches and started worship in them. Yakimi, in your opinion, with mirkuvannyami vin keruvavsya?

Option I

a) Lakatos;

b) Cicero;

c) Caesar;

d) lactation

a) theological theory of the inner religiousness of a person;

b) idealistic theory;

c) anthropological theory;

d) materialistic theory;

e) psychological concept;

f) theosophical concept

3. Spivvіdnesіt philosophical statement about the likeness of religions and yogo essence:

1) theological theory;

2) idealistic theory; b) a person creating God, to that one, who, in his own eyes, has the best spiritual qualities, to transfer them to vigadana;

3) anthropological theory; c) religion is a fantastic witness to people of real external forces, which are perceived as supernatural;

4) materialistic theory; d) religion - a mechanism of psychological compensation of a person in front of the unknown and the prophetic world of the outer nature and internal instincts;

5) psychological concept; e) religion - accessible to people's knowledge of the world's spirituality and spirituality, which is really based on nature, but not supernatural;

6) theosophical concept e) a person’s inner awareness of the presence of God

4. Deism - tse:

a) revelations about the impersonal gods;

b) a system of religious beliefs based on the manifestation of the one God;

c) a religious light-gazer, who emerges from the rose of God as an absolute individual, as if changing the posture between the world, freely did yoga and die in the new;

d) religious-philosophical doctrine, as if knowing God as a luminous mind, which, having constructed a complete “machine” of nature and having given laws and regulations, ale, you see God’s self-development away from the self-development of nature

5. Zoomorphism - tse:

a) religious and philosophical vchennya, which idolize God and the whole of the world;

b) religious-philosophical vchennya, zgіdno svіt svіt perebuvaє in Bozі;

c) the likeness of people, endowed with human powers of objects and phenomena of inanimate nature, celestial bodies, mythical essences;

d) similarity to creatures endowed with animal powers of objects and phenomena of inanimate nature, celestial bodies, mythical nature

6. Social form of organization that unites believers, like clergy, and laity:

a) a church

c) denomination;

e) verification

7. Extreme form of sect:

a) a church

c) denomination;

e) verification

a) Zoroastrianism, Shintoism, Taoism;

b) Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism;

c) animism, fetishism, totemism;

d) Buddhism, Christianity, Islam

9. The cult of inanimate objects:

a) animism;

b) totemism;

c) fetishism;

What religions lie before the light?

What kind of philosophical statements about the advent of religion do you care that people create God, shards that look like their own best spiritual qualities and transfer them to vigadan istotu?

Who is the first person to live the word religion?

III. Test control knowledge

II. Correct that task

Knowledge control

I. Food for self-verification:

1. Give a clear understanding of religion

2. What sense did Cicero, Lactantsii put into the understanding of "religion"?

3. What are the functions of religion in society?

4. What are the concepts of religion?

5. How do you come to the understanding of the essence of God?

6. Reveal the structure of religion

7. Recycle the forms of religions

8. Reveal the essence of the first vіruvan

9. Reveal the features of national religions

10. What are the traditions of religious religions?

11. What is the relationship between religion and science?

1. In the Christian religion, God is love. Chi means what a person, what to love, yet in a singing sense of faith?

2. Why is it good for you, that a people without religion and faith ceases to be a people, becomes a population? Possibly, this stage has already come, - even then there are few truly believers and religion cannot be of special significance for most people?

3. If the Germans came close to Moscow, I. Stalin having punished for a long time closed the churches and started worship in them. Yakimi, in your opinion, with mirkuvannyami vin keruvavsya?

Option I

a) Lakatos;

b) Cicero;

c) Caesar;

d) lactation

a) theological theory of the inner religiousness of a person;

b) idealistic theory;

c) anthropological theory;

d) materialistic theory;

e) psychological concept;

f) theosophical concept

3. Spivvіdnesіt philosophical statement about the likeness of religions and yogo essence:

1) theological theory;

2) idealistic theory; b) a person creating God, to that one, who, in his own eyes, has the best spiritual qualities, to transfer them to vigadana;

3) anthropological theory; c) religion is a fantastic witness to people of real external forces, which are perceived as supernatural;

4) materialistic theory; d) religion - a mechanism of psychological compensation of a person in front of the unknown and the prophetic world of the outer nature and internal instincts;

5) psychological concept; e) religion - accessible to people's knowledge of the world's spirituality and spirituality, which is really based on nature, but not supernatural;

6) theosophical concept f) people internally discern the presence of God, and it almost gives rise to the exercise of understanding God and religion

4. Deism - tse:

a) revelations about the impersonal gods;

b) a system of religious beliefs based on the manifestation of the one God;

c) a religious light-gazer, who emerges from the rose of God as an absolute individual, as if changing the posture between the world, freely did yoga and die in the new;

d) religious-philosophical doctrine, as if knowing God as a luminous mind, which, having constructed the whole “machine” of nature and giving it laws and regulations, and then seeing God as far away as self-development of nature

5. Zoomorphism - tse:

a) religious and philosophical vchennya, which idolize God and the whole of the world;

b) religious-philosophical vchennya, zgіdno svіt svіt perebuvaє in Bozі;

c) likeness of people, endowed with human powers of objects and phenomena of inanimate nature, heavenly bodies, mythical nature;

d) similarity to creatures endowed with animal powers of objects and phenomena of inanimate nature, celestial bodies, mythical nature

6. Social form of organization that unites believers, both clergy and laity:

a) a church

c) denomination;

e) verification

7. Extreme form of sect:

a) a church

c) denomination;

e) verification

a) Zoroastrianism, Shintoism, Taoism;

b) Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism;

c) animism, fetishism, totemism;

d) Buddhism, Christianity, Islam

9. The cult of inanimate objects:

a) animism;

b) totemism;

c) fetishism;

Before secular religions lie: Buddhism, Christianity, Islam.

Buddhism- recent religious religion. Vіn vinik near the middle of the 1st millennium BC. e. in India, prote, having survived the rozkvit there, having settled down in the practice of the peoples of other regions: Pivdennoy, Pivdenno-Skhidnoy, Central Asia, Far Skhod.

Retelling that an honorary member of the Shakya tribal consecration - Prince Siddhartha Gautama (from the Gotama family) after a trouble-free and happy youth, was greeted by the longevity and lifelessness of life, fear of the unsinkable low transformation of the soul. Etithely Tlumachennya of the priests of the text, and such a method of PI -Knowan was flooded in the framework of the traditional Brahmansky Mislennyna, I did not overcome the yogo, the snakes did not give the snakes of the people of the cosmic, the cosmic rang The enlightenment that came to Gautami allowed you to become a Buddha ("buddha" - enlightenments). The very Buddha Shakyamuni (“the sage of the Shakiv tribe”) was able to reach out and reconcile the pointing of Suspility: life for the suffering, in the case of suffering, you can turn away, the path of the sorcerer - the path of knowing and describing the Buddha. The head meta of a Buddhist - vyhid іz lantsyug perevtilen. The ideas of primary Buddhism were adopted by the wider community. A statement about the "three bones" of Buddhism was affirmed: the teacher - Buddhi, the vchennya - dharma, the guardian of truth - the sangha. According to Buddhism, life in all її manifestations є podnannya dharmas, yakі signify buttya ієї chi іnshої people, creatures, roslini, stone thinly. After the fall of the old day, death sets in, but the dharmis do not know obscurity, but establish a new combination; this is due to the rebirth of an individual according to the law of karmi - to pay indebtedly according to the behavior of the front life. Neskіchenny lantsyug rebirth (samsara, or the wheel of life) can be interrupted, and that can pragn the skin; pripinennaya rebirth, scho call out suffering, meaning reaching nirvani - I will become calm, bliss, angry with the Buddha. But the attainment of such an overthrow is only possible for an hour of a good life.

The main directions in Buddhism -"chotir great truths" to vote that 1) life is suffering, 2) the cause of all suffering is suffering, 3) suffering can be pinned with a way of relief from bread, "repayment" of the rest, and for whom it is necessary 4) to lead a good life according to the laws of "correct "Behavior" and "correct knowledge".

Lamaism - especially in Buddhism, (it is understood to resemble the word "lama" - name the priest or priest, the main figure in the variant of Tibetan Buddhism Vajrayani). Synthesis of various religions of the peoples of the Himalayan region of the initiations by the preachers from India and the 7th – 15th centuries.

Z VII Art. Tibet became the area for the expansion of Vajrayani Buddhism. Chan Buddhism. Mahayani Buddhism entered China in the 1st century BC. not. and already in the period of interethnic conflict III - VI Art. nabuvaє significant expansion, that development. In yoga, in fact, the canonical Buddhist values ​​are revealed: so, it’s possible to reach the chan, nirvani, osyayannya only once, if a person lives without meti (wu blue) and without straightened fiality (wu wei). The firm beliefs about the unfailing truth in words and signs can converge with Taoism. Still, you can talk more about embedding Buddhism itself into Taoism and the entire Chinese religious and philosophical tradition as a whole, about assimilation into Buddhist tradition, and not just. Ch'an Buddhism is expanding in Korea, Vietnam, Japan, and is successfully expanding in the lands of Zakhod, especially in its Japanese variety - Zen.

Christianity it took over and rethought the old ideological concepts of Judaism, mitraism, ancient similar religions, look philosophically. Everything was enriching and cementing a new religion, transforming it into a pushing cultural and intellectual force, standing up against all national and ethnic cults and transforming into a massive supranational movement.

God is recognized as the unity of three osibs (ipostases), de sin, who is eternally narodzhuetsya in the father, the unanimous father, the true God and self-sufficient specialness.

Christianity was not a single religious trend.

One of the biggest underpinnings of Christianity was the appearance of two main directions - Orthodoxy and Catholicism. This rozkol called for the maintenance of a hundred years. Vіn vyznavsya by the peculiarities of the development of feudal vіdnosin in similar and western parts of the Roman Empire and the competitive struggle between them.

Pravoslavia. A short summary of the main dogmas of Christianity, formulated at the first two ecumenical councils, is called the symbol of faith. Kozhen a Christian can remember yoga. Tlumachennya symbol vіri є basis " Orthodox catechesis."

Identity Orthodoxy is those who, during the hour of the first seven ecumenical councils, did not bring the desired dogma to its creed, towards Catholicism, and did not act like it, because there is little space in Protestantism. Same tse orthodox church I respect one of my main merits, which is to say about fidelity to the first Christianity. Orthodoxy nada dogmatic significance not only to one of the most important rites - baptism, but also to others (communion, repentance, priesthood, chrismation, shluba, holy consecration) and rites with them.

Rite and symbolize and establish a change in the practice of liturgical practice for the cult.

Catholicismє most directly in Christianity.

The basis of faith in Catholicism is the Holy Letter and the Holy Transmission.

Catholicism is known sim sacraments: communion (eucharist), baptism, repentance, chrismation, unction, priesthood and shlyub.

Catholicism is characterized by the celebration of the Mother of God - the Virgin Mary.

The head of the Catholic Church, the monk of Jesus Christ, the supreme ruler of the state of the Vatican is the Pope of Rome. The special status of the Roman popes is due to the decline of their power, transferred by Jesus Christ to the Apostle Peter, according to the church tradition, by the first bishop of Rome. The Pope is collected by the conclave of cardinals. + Protestantism div. 19 pit.

Islam.(Div. Pet. 22) The main provisions of the belief in Islam were included in the main "sacred" book - the Koran. Muslims respect the Koran (ar. "kuran" - reading) as the most and most important of the essential sacred writings. Muslim clergy to learn that Allah, having passed the Koran to Muhammad through the angel Jabrail, was filled with secrets, most importantly at night, through vision. Islam spires five "stovpiv viri" (lasso ad-din), which indicate the most important obov'yazki Muslim. The first obov'yazok is a word of faith, tobto. vimova shahadi ("There is no deity of the Crimea of ​​Allah, and Mohammed is the messenger of Allah") in a voice, rozuminnya sensu tsієї formulas of faith, wider perekonannya at її istnostі. Another obov'yazok is the shodenna five-time prayer (Persian, "prayer", Ar. "Salyata"). Namaz played an important role in the consolidation of Islam among people - the more often a Muslim followed the orders, the more his religion became. Friday is the day of collective prayer, as it is held at the head mosques and is accompanied by preaching. The third ritual obligation of a Muslim is to fast (Pers. "uraza", Ar. "Saum") for the month of Ramadan. Thirty days on the river of a Muslim, to fast, from a sweatshirt until the present darkness, I have no right to drink, eat, or smoke. In Islam, there is a ban on fasting for the sick, for the weak people of the frail age, for the elderly women and others. A quarter of the obligation of a Muslim is zakat - obov'azkova splat tax, which is punished in the Qur'an, and the payment of a tax is divided in sharia. Zakat on the cob as a charitable alms in the name of Allah, then turned into a shackle of cleansing from sins. Five obov'yazkom skin Muslim (which allows physical and material possibility) є pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj), as may be the 12th month of the Muslim calendar. Hajj polagay at the entrance of Mecca, at the front of the Kaabi, the main shrine of Islam, the tomb of Muhammad in Medina, as well as other sacred places of the Hijaz and at the vikonan of the rites. + straight lines shiiti, suniti(Div. 23 Pet.)

The word "religion" is similar to the Latin term religio, which means piety, holiness, piety and zaboboni. The very understanding is one of the minds of faith in those who in the world discover supernatural phenomena. Such a judgment is the main sign of that element, be it a religion that seems to be believers.

Vinnyknennya religions

On this day, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam are introduced. The main and characteristic features of them are their wideness, as if to fall in the place where they appeared. The ancient inhabitants of the planet, if they made their first for all the fights about the presence of ethnic needs, and supported the song "countryman" to help their gods.

Viniknennya svіtovyh religii take their cob from ancient times. Todі buli and tіkі vіruvannya, yаkі vіdpovіdal to the dreams and hopes not only to the people, the stars of viyshov the prophet, who spoke the divine will. For such beliefs, the national borders were similar. Therefore, the stench became the mind of millions of people, as they inhabited different lands and continents. So they blamed it directly, like Christianity, Islam and Buddhism. Report them, see the table of religious religions.

How did Buddhism appear and what kind of religion is it?

Buddhism appeared in Ancient India in the sixth century by Ludina, like yoga, Siddhartha Gautama fell asleep, among the people more like Buddha. Nadalі yogo began to be respected as a singing deity, that I am a stotom, as I have reached the highest perfection, or enlightenment.

Holy religions are Buddhism and yoga directly. For yoga, the basis was taken as follows: the name of the statement about Chotiri the Noble Truth, which is formed from the upcoming divisions:

About suffering;

About the journey, that cause of suffering;

About povne pripinennya suffering that zniknennya yogo dzherel.

It’s good for spiritual practice, after going through such paths, you will experience right pains, and a person will know his/her finding point in nirvana. The greatest expansion of Buddhism was in Tibet, Thailand, Korea, Sri Lancia, Cambodia, China, Mongolia, Vietnam and Japan. In Russia, it is directly relevant on the territory of the Caucasus and on Sakhalin. In addition, today is the profile religion of Buryatia and the Kalmitsky steppe.

Everyone sees that Buddhism lies before the religious religions. Sound yoga to the Great Cossack and Vespers of the Elders (Mahayana and Theravada). To the first sight, you can see Tibetan and Chinese directly, as well as a sprat of okremi shkіl. Yogo followers add their religion to the Great and the Lesser Kolіsnitsa. Another species, Theravada, is the only school of Nikaya, which was preserved. Here, the understanding of the "meta-bhavana" is actively vindicated.

Tibetan Buddhism is characterized by Vajrayana, as it is called the Diamond Chariot, or tantric religion. In some vipadkas, she is respected by the okremoy, and sometimes one by the school of the Mahayani. Tsya gіlka dosit is wide in such kraїnah, like Nepal, Tibet, zustrichaetsya won and in Japan and Russia.

Vindication of the First Literature of Buddhism

If the Buddhist religion was established, literature and writing appeared. It is true that one of the religious religions, the shards of the world may have millions of followers. Back in the distant fourth century before ours, the famous Panina, having created the grammar of Sanskrit language, the rules of that vocabulary fund, which then significantly helped to improve the interrelationship and mutual understanding of different nationalities and numerical tribes. In the same period, in Sanskrit, such famous sings were written down, like the "Mahabharata" and "Ramayana", and moreover, treatises from various galluses of knowledge.

Holy religions - Buddhism, Christianity, Islam - carry in their direct lines the same information. They leaked various selections of fairy tales, myths and tales. During this period, the main rules of worship were expanded. For svetorozuminnya in Buddhism is typical potyag to parables, metaphors and povnyan. Other remarkable and unique religious-philosophical creations of literature. Most of the stench, of course, is associated with a description of the life of Buddha, and inspire with yoga sermons.

Injecting Buddhism into the construction of temples

In Japan, for example, with the emergence of Buddhism, new architectural forms have developed, as well as the technique of everyday life. Tse showed a special type of planning of temple complexes. The bricked foundations have become an important technical novelty. In ancient syntoist constructions, the severity of life fell on digging into the earth's core. Tse signified between rosemary spores. At the temples, the inner territory of a rectangular shape was separated by a corridor, which was covered with a dash. The gates were opened right there.

The whole monastic territory was set apart by sable walls made of earth with a gate on the skin side. The stench was called straight out of the way, where they told. In addition, to finish an important moment in the fact that a lot of old-fashioned memos were forged from a tree.

Indeed, the process of life of religious places is still relevant. Navit in the beginning of its development, if only the foundations of religious religions were born, people meant similar places. On this day, if the main religions have taken root, numerous churches, monasteries, churches and other sacred places continue mothers great value and play a great role in the life of the skin people.

When did Christianity become viniclo?

Such a new religion, like Christianity, appeared to the first capital of ours, Judea (a similar province of the Roman Empire). In addition, to svіtovih religions lie down and directly. It is based on the belief about the human God Jesus Christ (Sin of God), who, following the legend, came from the world to people with good rights and preached to them the laws of a proper life. Having accepted the great suffering itself, that pained death is on the cross, to cover up their sins.

The word “Christianity” is similar to the Greek term “Chriotos”, which means the anointed one, or the Messiah. On this day, it is respected by a monotheistic religion, so that together with Islam and Judaism, one can enter into Abrahamic confessions, and together with Islam and Buddhism, part of the three religious religions.

Previously, there were many people who believed that they had 4 worldly religions. Christianity is one of the most widespread religions in the world. Today yoga is spreading more than a quarter of the people. This religion occupies the first place in the whole world for its geographical breadth, so that it is practical in the skin of the country if only one Christian supremacy is needed. Without middle root Christian faith closely related to Judaism and the Old Testament.

Legend of Jesus

The gospels and church orders seem to be that Jesus, or Joshua, was swaying like a Jew. Vіn dorimuvavsya the laws of Tori, observing the lessons of the synagogue on Saturdays, and also marking the holy day. If the apostles and other first followers of Christ, then they were Jews. Prote already, after a few years after the church was founded, Christianity, as a religion, began to be propagated in other peoples.

As you can see, at the same time there are three worldly religions. From the very beginning, Christianity expanded among the Jews in Palestine and the Mediterranean diaspora, prote, starting from the first years, through the sermons of the Apostle Paul, even more followers of those other peoples came to the new one.

The expansion of that hem of Christianity

Until the fifth century, the expansion of the tsієї relіgії zdіysnyuvalos bіlа romanіїііїії, social іїї її viniknennia. Potim - among the German and Slavic peoples, as well as in the Baltic and Finnish regions. Such is the specificity of religious religions. In the given hour, Christianity has expanded beyond the borders of Europe, colonial expansion and robotic missionaries. The main religions of this religion are Catholicism, Orthodoxy and Protestantism.

First, Christianity was divided in the eleventh century. At that hour, the two largest churches appeared. Tse zahіdna, scho maє the center at Rome, and skhіdna, that was the center having changed from Constantinople, from Byzantium. As a table of worldly religions, Christianity also makes its own direct.

catholic church

The first church began to be called Catholic (at the translation from the Greek - sacred, chi universal). Tsya called it the scale of the zahodnoy church to the all-world wideness. The Pope of Rome is the head of the Western Catholic Church. Tsya christianity is preaching the vchennya about the "supernatural merits" of various saints before God. Such a house is its own treasury, such a church can be arranged as it is worthy, so it’s on the authority’s judgment.

The main svіtovі rіgії mаyut іh prikhlіnіv v rich powers. Catholic followers of Europe, as a rule, are present in such countries as Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, France, Belgium, Austria, Luxembourg, Malta, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Poland. In addition, about half of the people in Germany, Switzerland and the Netherlands, as well as the population of the Balkan Pivostrov and part of Western Ukraine and Belarus, are known in Catholicism.

If the powers of Asia, then the Catholic countries are the Philippines, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, India, Indonesia. In Africa there are Catholics in Gabon, Angola, Congo, Mauritius, Seychelles and other countries. In addition, Catholicism is more widespread in America and Canada.

Orthodoxy is the main straight line of Christianity

Holy religions - Buddhism, Christianity, Islam - are known to all people. What can be said about Orthodoxy? There is yet another great straight line of Christianity. As a rule, it is widely wider in similar European lands. To commingle yoga with Catholicism, then Orthodoxy does not have a suitable religious center. The skin of a larger-less large Orthodox community is okremo, approving autocephaly, and also it absolutely does not support any other centers.

Today there are fifteen autocephalous. Згідно з церковними традиціями, які враховують час їх отримання, офіційний список подібних церков полягає в такому переліку: Константинопольська, Сербська, Олександрійська, Антіохійська, Російська, Єрусалимська, Грузинська, Румунська, Еліадська, Болгарська, Кіпрська, Албанська, Американська, Чехословацька та Польська. The greatest Orthodoxy was celebrated in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, social and other similar European lands.

Protestantism is the third branch of Christianity

It's not a secret for anyone that Buddhism, Christianity and Islam are the holy religions. The third largest overrun of Christianity is Protestantism. Vіn є pevny raznovidom christianity and wide extensions in the lands of Western Europe, America, as well as in Russia. Old Catholics, Mennonites, Quakers, Mormons, Moravian brethren, so called "Christian sympathy" are called Protestants.

If we talk about the history of guilt, then we can say that Protestantism is the guilt of the seventeenth century in Germany. Tsya called it directly otrimav that vin buv own protest of the ruling powers of Western Europe, directing the administrative forces of the Vatican and popes.

The main world religions have expanded in the whole world. The first founder of this directly, like Protestantism, was the German deacon Martin Luther. This religion, which is similar to Catholicism and Orthodoxy, is rich in currents and churches, the most prominent of which are Lutheranism, Anglicanism and Calvinism.

Today, Protestantism is more widespread in various Scandinavian countries, America, Germany, Great Britain, Canada and Switzerland. Svitovy center - tse USA. Moreover, modern Protestantism is characterized by a pragmatism to integration, it knew its own manifestation in 1948 for the sake of the All-Worldly Church.

The Third World Religion: Islam

The foundations of religious religions to say that Islam is one of them. This is the third, naypіznіsha by the hour the vindication of the religious religion. The bele of the Arabian Pivostrova appeared on the cob of the seventh century. The word "Islam" resembles an Arabic term, which means submission to God, then to Allah, or to His will. In vzagalі іslam є Yogo followers vvazhayut that the first person and messenger є the Prophet Adam herself. In addition, the stench is over, that Islam is the first religion of mankind, and they worship the one and only God. Absolutely all the prophets expanded their religion and learned how to serve Allah correctly.

However, the faith was changed by the people, and it wasted its rightfulness. Allah himself sent the rest of the prophet Muhammad, through whom the religion was transmitted to all people as a correct and thorough straight and the faith of all the prophets. Muhammad is the remaining prophet, who rose to embrace Islam. Here, similarly to other religious religions, there is one day. It confirms the basis of two main directives - the Sunni and the Shiite. Most importantly sunites, others live more importantly in Iran and Iraq.

Two straight to Islam

The culture of religious religions is varied. Sunism and the first ancient Islam. Vin appeared in the tenth century in the Arab caliphate and was a pan-religious current. The power of the caliphate served as a split. In order to equalize yoga with Shiite directly, then the idea about the nature of Ali and the idea of ​​mediation between the people and Allah began to quarrel.

As it seems, Islam lies before the religious religions. Shizm є yogo main directly. Appearing in the somomu century as a grouping, as a defender of Nashchadkiv Ali ta yogo rights in Fatimi. If shiїzm has lost its way in the fight for supreme power, vin has become a special trend in Islam.

In this rank, at the same time, three holy religions are founded. If you talk about them (Christianity, Buddhism and Islam), then you can get a better understanding of them, like including mythology, cults, come in, religious institutions, form vodnosin between religious people and religious organizations and many others.

In this case, for skin-directed religion, such moments are characterized by their specific meaning, a powerful history of guilt and distant reasons. And it’s the practice of all these given meanings in the development of rich religions, as well as their historical species as a special science, which I can call religion knowledge.

Religion is a specific form of fermentation of activity. Vaughn dosi zalishaetsya significant power in the world. Religious skygazer in the form of three religious religions widely widened in different lands world.

Buddhism, Christianity and Islam lie before secular religions. Let's take a look at the skin.


Buddhism is the ancient religion of the world. Tsya religion vinyl in UІ - U st. BC in India. At the present time won is widened in Burma, Vietnam, China, Japan and Korea.

The tradition of blaming Buddhism for the name of Prince Siddhartha (Gautami), who was called the Buddha, which means "enlightenment of knowledge." Gautama lives in luxury, having made friends with a kohan woman, as if she gave birth to you son. Three zustrіchs served as a postal service to a spiritual upheaval for the prince, as it is said retelling. Gautama, having spent the old old one on his eyes, then we suffer zhorstok ailments, and, nareshti, vin posterig, like they carried the dead man's coffin. So Gautama has known old age, sickness and death - the fate of all people. The prince secretly left the palace and his homeland. At twenty-nine rokіv vіn became a hermit and died the highest decimal elder on the day of his birth.

The head thinker of the Buddhist faith can be reduced to such basic ideas.

1. Reflection on life for suffering. Life is suffering, the cause of which is the suffering of that passion of people. In order to spare the suffering, it is necessary to take care of earthly passions and bazhan. Whom can be reached, as if to follow the path of salvation, we will show the Buddha.

2. After death, be it the truth is alive, including the people, I am reborn, and yet at the same time there is a new life, the life of such a person is recognized as his own behavior, and the behavior of his “victims”.

Z. Exercise nirvani, tobto. to the great buttya, as if reaching the spirit of the earthly likeness.

In Christianity and Islam, Buddhism has the idea of ​​God as the creator of the world and that ruler.

The sacred books of the Buddhist religion are called Tipitaka, which means "Three Cats". A written copy of the Buddhist vchennya was collected by the Chentsi of the island of Ceylon at 80 r. BC


Christianity viniklo in the tenth century. BC in the lower part of the Roman Empire - in Palestine. Christian religion- Tse religion, savage to all peoples. At its foundation lie the ideas of the month, tied with hopes on the divine ryativnik, and eschatology, tobto. faith in the supernatural universe іsnuyugo svіtu. Name Christ is a translation of the Greek and Jewish religious term "messiya" - "anointed one, ryativnik of people."

Christianity absorbed in itself the ideas of a number of other religions, not unlike Judaism, for which it conceived a few of the main ideas (which they recognized as a song of transformation).

1. The idea of ​​monotheism, that is. recognition of one God, who created the world and governs it. In Christianity, this idea is weakened by beliefs about the Divine Trinity (God the Father, God the Sin, God the Holy Spirit).

2. The idea of ​​a messianism, the idea of ​​a Divine messenger, called to betray people. Christianity develops a belief about the salvation of all people (and not just the Jewish people) through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

H. The idea of ​​eschatology is the idea of ​​the perishing of the eternal world at the hands of the Divine. In Christianity, this idea will appear in faith with a friend of the coming of Christ, as opposed to the ideological glances of the Qumran community - the Jewish religious sect. The members of this sect respected that the Messiah, for his nature and people, before he came, he would already see and be seen by a friend. The meta of the first advent is used in the true religion brought to people and in the redeemed of their sins. Another approach means the end of the world, the pinning of life on Earth, the resurrection of the dead and the Last Judgment.

The main dogmas of Christian faith:

1. Dogma about Trinity. One God used by three persons. Usі individuals іsnuyut forever, but the Holy Spirit resemble God the Father (otherwise, as Catholics respect, like the Father and Sin). The only God in three guises is an image that is undefiled for the human mind.

2. The basis of Christianity is faith in the Savior - Jesus Christ. Another person is the Trinity, God-Sin, є Jesus Christ. Vіn may at once two natures (Divine and human).

H. The third dogma is related to faith in sweaty life.

4. Knowing the origin of supernatural istots, for example, angels - incorporeal good spirits, evil spirits, bis, that lord - Satan.

The holy book of Christians is the Bible. The similarity of this word is often said to be from the name of the city of Byblos, de zdіysnyuvsya sales of papyrus and de, perhaps, the alphabet sheet was put in front. The material for the letter was called the Greek "bіblіon" - a book. In a literal translation from Greek, "Bible" means "books".

The Bible is composed of two parts: the Old Testament (39 books) and New Order(27 books). The first books of the Bible took away from the Jews the name Torah (Law); tsі books are also called P'yatiknizhzhyam Moiseevim (they include the books Buttya, Vihіd, Levіt Repetition of the Law).

The Old Testament is the oldest part of the Bible, the holy book of Judaism. The New Testament, the works of the Christian, include the gospels (revelation about the life of Jesus Christ, the Annunciation about the Savior), the Annunciation of the Holy Apostles, the Epistle and the Announcement of St. John the Theologian, or the Apocalypse. The Apocalypse is dated 68 p. n.

Already in the 4th century, Emperor Kostyantyn voiced Christianity as the sovereign religion of the Roman Empire. Ninі christianity ceasing to be the only religious one directly. It breaks down into an impersonal flow. At 1054r. Christianity was divided into foreign, but the Roman Catholic (the word "Catholic" means "universal"), the Church, that Church is gone, the Orthodox. At the XVII century. Europe began the Reformation - the anti-Catholic movement. As a result, the third main direction of Christianity appeared - Protestantism.

Both Orthodoxy and Catholicism recognize this Christian mysteries: baptism, light of understanding, repentance, communion, shlyub, the priesthood and the consecration. Dzherelom's Verification of Western and Other Christians is the Bible. Vіdmіnnostі vіdmіnnosti vіdmіnnosti vіdnіnії vіdnіnії іn the offensive: in Orthodoxy there is no single head of the church, every day the announcement of purgatory; zahіdnі and skhіdnі christians unequally accept the dogma about the Trinity.

Catholics look at purgatory as a place for the afterlife of souls, as if they were sweating in the heat, go to heaven. On the top of the Catholic Church stands the Pope of Rome (from the Greek "papas" - "the ancestor, the oldest, the father's father's side"). Old man is getting old. The center of the Roman Catholic Church is the Vatican - a power that borrows a small part of the city's quarters from Rome.

There are three main streams of Protestantism: Anglicanism, Calvinism and Lutheranism. Protestants respect the mental salvation of a Christian without formally pre-trial rites, as if I were special in the quiet sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Under the hour of the Reformation, Protestants voted the principle of a sacred priesthood, which means that a skin layman can preach for Protestants, asceticism in rites is characteristic, for example, the number of rites is shortened to two.

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