The religion of Christianity, її is the basis of that essence. Summary: Christianity is one of the forms of religious religions

Christianity is one of the worldly religions, which is changed for the number of followers in the first ministry. Vono originated in the 1st century AD. from Palestine, conquered until this hour by the Roman Empire. At the heart of the religion lies the specialty of the founder - Jesus of Nazareth. I for the greater Christians themselves Vin, and then we will do everything else - Yogo vchennya, religious doctrines, celebrate just the most. The very specialness of Christ, faith in the New, in the thought of rich Christians, unites people who belong to different Christian currents, denominations, denominations, sects in those that we call Christianity.

For a long time, Christianity was not the only one in the religious and organizational attitudes. In the process of historical development, geographic and cultural officials, theological, political and other denominations have added those that in Christianity one can easily see three main pillars (confessions): orthodoxy, Catholicismі Protestantism. Krіm them іsnuyut іnshі less nіshі nіshіnі nіrіkіlі - monophysitismі Nestorianism. Іsnuyut so and so khristianskie denominations, yakі it's important to know up to kakogos іz main directions. At one's own side, at the skin one, for a long time, new denominations, groups and sects were seen.

Statistics figures show that Christianity is the largest for the number of followers religious religion. In this hour, according to the data of the famous English fahivts and confessional statistics of D. B. Barrett, there are 1955 million Christians in the world, which is about 34% of the total population of our planet (Muslims become about 18%, Hindus 13.5%, Buddhists 13.5% ). In this rank, the skin of the third bag of the Earth is a Christian. In this plan, Christianity may be vdvіchі I turn over to a friend for the numerical religion of the world - Islam.

The majority of Christians are not in Europe, as it was before the 19th century, but in America. The number of Christians in this part of the world in 1996 amounted to 711 million people. Tse 36% of the entire Christian population of the Earth. In Europe, including the Asian part of Russia, there are 556 million Christians, or 28% of them savage number, in Africa - 361 million (18%), in Asia - 303 million (16%), in Australia and Oceania - 24 million (1%).

The largest confession in the Christian world is the Roman Catholic Church (Catholicism). In 1996 there were 981 million Catholics, which is close to 17% of the planet's population and 50% of all Christians. Most of the followers of the confessions live in the lands of Latin America (90% of the Meshkans in the part of the world). In Europe, Catholics make up 37% of the foreign population. On another mist - Protestants. The number should be over 600 million (without the so-called marginal Protestants, which are over 100 million). Protestantism is on the rise 12% of the total population of the Earth and 36% of all Christians. І in the third month they change Orthodox Christians - 182 million. Most of the Orthodox are alive in our country (70-80 million).

How should Christians be placed one to one and to other religions? The official position of the Christian directives at whom food is different. The Roman-Catholic Church, having seen its bitter re-examinations of thinkers before, has changed a lot. Vaughn officially denounced similar acts, but ascribed them not to the church in vain, but to the most zealous representatives. After the Other Vatican Council (1962 - 1965), the Roman Catholic Church recognized the right of the people to Oman, as Augustine's hours (354 - 430 pp.) quarreled. Now they officially call Orthodoxy a sister church, and Protestants - brothers who were re-created. In non-Christian religions, Catholicism recognizes the presence of a good cob in the other world and declares its importance to them. It is noteworthy that in the framework of the celebration of the 2000s of the birth of Jesus Christ, Pope Ivan Paul II called for the holy religion to be chosen for the holy church service.

It is important for Orthodoxy to show unity, which is demonstrated by the Roman Church. Even more infuriating in the new long-standing trend is not to call non-Orthodox, but also, heretical, in their opinion, Christian denominations. Prikhilniki given approach respect that people who do not listen to the Orthodox Church, you can hear the words of Christ: “If you do not listen to the church, then you will be wine, like a pagan and a mitar” (Matt. 18: 17).

Protestants, who are not united in the dogmatic, not in the organizational aspect, before the other Christian currents are placed in a different way: in the total list of all who do not follow their form of religion, until the new acceptance of themselves, all, all. Traditionally, Protestantism is characterized by a sharply negative attitude to Catholicism, as in the hours of the Reformation it is distinguished from the Antichrist. The protesters part of the Protestants came out in front of these positions and there were signs of convergence. With the help of a great number of Protestants, with the invisible rice of biblical Christianity, respecting the freedom of conscience and the status of their religious values, influencing the non-violent struggle for their reconciliation.


Christian straight lines, currents, denominations of the ninth already quarrel with each other. Tom give charitable characteristic Christian faith, cult, ecclesiastical organization badly. However, regardless of the three-year period, the minds of the wind are one kind of one, rozkoly, unreasonable, and at times I am a fortuneteller, among Christianity, insanely, є those who indulge in yoga in other religions and see more of yoga representatives.

In order to better understand why in Christianity they were founded, what are the ideological reasons for the stench of viklikany, we are guilty, krіm osgogo іnshoy, z'yasuvat, like dzherela vіri, stars are scooped up and introduced the main doctrines.

Christianity to lie down to tz. secret religion. This means that the core of true knowledge in Christianity is not a human being, not a healthy person, but God. Vidpovidno to tsієї stances, the very beginning of the fact that God, for his mercy, enlightens the mind of a person, exclaims that people know about New and Yogo will. Mustache ways, zavdyaki yakim, zgіdno z christian faiths, God gives knowledge to people we can not sanctify, because God, following the words of the author of the Epistle to Hebrews, speaks in a different way (Heb. 1:1). Ale, you need to name the head. In Christianity, as a rule, there are two main dzherel dzherel okrovennya: zagalnoy one especially.

The first kind of bloodline is called “ blatant secrets”, to that it is more accessible to all and animals, the head rank, to the mind of a person. It is important that you guard for nature, history, and mutual understanding between people, you can take an intuitive understanding of God and that Yogo character. Ap. Pavlo pointed out that the skin can know about God: “For the invisible Yogo, the power of Yogo is eternal, that Godhead, in the creation of the world through the sight of the visible creatures, so that the stench is inseparable” (Rom. 1:20). Formerly, the psalmist wrote about it like this: “The heavens preach the glory of God, and the firmament speaks about the right hand of Yogo. Day and day convey language, and night and night reveal knowledge” (Ps. 18:2,3).

Otzhe, looking at the greatness, order and beauty of the All-World, a person can be rich in what to understand God. Turning back to themselves, people can come to the conclusion that God is also special. Ale zagalne podkrovennya ceasing to be one and the same.

Another kind of secret is called “ special” at the link with them, which is given by God, to us in front of us through especially those who were entrusted to Him, through the prophets. The pinnacle of God's revelation is Jesus Christ Himself.

As the prominent Catholic church father Thomas Akvinsky said, we can know that we can know that God knows, prote about those who are Win - Triytsya, we can only know the secret of blood to a special one. The need for a different way of expressing the religious knowledge of the viklikan tim, scho is more intimate, from the Christian point of view, may be obezhennya. Crying in the beauty of nature, crying out like a wisely wielded human being, there is no less, you can’t put together the correct statement about the Creator, who, in a first way, is the rozum of surroundings, but in another way, the order is good in the world, richly evil and stupid. Behind the Christian picture of the world, the whole nature of a person is twisted by sin, which has dulled the building of the mind of God. To this the Lord, with His love, sent a special revelation about Himself. Through the new Vin, she contributes to Rozumov’s moral, that spiritual segregation of people, letting know about His unmistakable bazhannya to rob people.

Christians in a different way understand the meaning of a special secret. Ale all stinks, for the wine of marginal quasi-Christian groups, they know how to Bible, what is for them the Scriptures, the Word of God.

In the order of the Orthodox Bible and Catholics, they are more important for the hour, they respect the secrets of the blood Sacred Transmission- transmissions from generation to generation of the spiritual message of the Church, which includes the decrees of the Ecumenical and Memorial Councils, the work of the Fathers of the Church, liturgical practice, pious sounds and others. Zmist Retellings in Catholicism and Orthodoxy are one kind of one. In Orthodoxy, the Holy Letter is respected as a part of the Sacred Transmission, and to that “The writing is not heavy over the Church, but only in the Church and only a few in її overhead, you can be truly enlightened, in її uninterrupted spiritual enlightenment, in the Holy Transmission” (architect Alipiy Arch. Isay, Dogmatic Theology, Holy Trinity Lavra, 1997. Z 37).

Protestants, as the only one, cherished a special confession to recognize the Holy Letter. Von vvazhayut that the Bible is like the Word of God є miril be-such vchennya i dosvіdu, and to that everything that supersedes the Holy Letter, є hibnim. In the opinion of the Protestants, a person, endowed with the Holy Spirit, can correctly understand God's will, written in the Word of God. Try to undermine the priority of the Church’s equivalence, that Transmission over the Scriptures, in the eyes of the Protestants, equally pragmatically replace the authority of God with your own authority. In a number of Protestant streams, the transmission is taken to the point of respect, but not as a secret, but as a helper, which allows you to clarify important things from the Holy Letter.

Rizne razuminnya of that, through which God reveals the secret, gives birth in Christianity to different rites and life strategies. Partly stinks add up, improve one by one, being rіznomanіttyam at unity, sometimes they supersede. Reports on the specifics of the main Christian directions, denominations can be found at the leading divisions.

Most Christian denominations believe in single God, which is the essence of the unity of three special features - God the Father, God Sin, God the Holy Spirit. The vchennya about the Trinity is specific to Christian vchennya, as it is common to all other religions. This specificity is not in the fact that, on the divine equal footing, loss and loneliness appear in the sense of the same. These ideas have known their influence in various religious and mythological systems. The difference between the Christian Trinity and the pagan triads of theologians and modern successors to sing, krіm іnshoy, at vіdmіnnostі mіzh mutual transition of elements and vzaimovіdbityam specialities, between dvіynitstvom and dialogue. The appearance of the Trinity is the masks of a single Deity. The stench thinks of a single day, and іsnuyut sоrіvno і sovіchno Each Other. Father, Sin and the Holy Spirit are nevertheless divine and at one time different Individuals. The stench of penetration Friend for Friend zavdyaki Your own self-sufficiency and, at the same time, zim, mum self-sufficient zavodya of new penetration Friend for Friend, to that mutually between them there are special love stubs.

The idea of ​​the Trinity was formed in the first century of the founding of Christianity. The very word in the Bible is not construed. Therefore, part of the Protestants, speaking about God, swear by yoga uniqueness. Irrespective of the reality of the concept of the “Trinity” in the lexicon of the Bible, it is not possible to avenge the vision both about the unity of God and about the divinity of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Therefore, the majority of Christian denominations take the vchennya about the Trinity, fixed in the resolutions of the Nikeo-Constantinopolitan symbol of faith (IV century). The development of this dogma was of great importance to the Christians of the similar, Greek church. This report can be read from a part of the assistant, consecrated to Orthodoxy. About the specifics of the rise of the Trinity in other denominations, the zokrem in Catholicism, it can be found in the different divisions.

The Christian God is absolutely perfect Spirit, Rosum (Logos). Ale Vin is not a special spirit, but specialty. God is not just a force, an energy, a Law of Light, but a will, a power. Christians believe that God honors them with special attitudes, think about the share of the skin created by him and pray that others also intervened with Him at intercourse. To that, from the point of view of the dawn, the nobility of God does not mean a simple recognition of Yogo's foundation, the yasuvannya of Yogo's objective powers. Tse means that it is necessary to know God in such a way that we know the way for us people. Jesus Christ, having taught his followers to turn to God, like to his beloved father. Vіdnosini z Nim are characterized by the warmth of the minds.

God inexhaustible. Tse means that Yogo cannot be surrounded, with New, in principle, you cannot be between. To that, with a strict meaning of the word, all the positive designations of God, all Yogo's characteristics, as if at once pererahovuemo, shvidshe, show our surroundings with the human mind of the understanding of God, and not Yogo itself. Giving God's appointment, a person is less fixed, than God is anything. God Himself needs to be above all those that we can think about New and reveal. The prophet Isaiah conveys the idea of ​​God's greatness in this way: “My thoughts are not your thoughts, but your ways are My ways,” the Lord says. - And just as the sky is stronger for the earth, so are My ways for your ways, and My thoughts are for your thoughts” (Isa. 55:8).

The inconsistency of God means that Vin cannot lie in the hour. God eternal. Vіn іsnuє spochatku i maє buttya in Sobi Himself. At the book of Vihіd God to speak to Moses from the bush that burns: “I am who I am” (Veh. 3:14). Mustache butya suddenly shodo God, tk. the same Vіn є Creator, The cob of everything visible and invisible. Without it, it is impossible to sleep, because only Vin can give buttya. There is no other strength, which is dear to God, how we can resist Yomu. “I am the first and I am the last, and the world does not know God. For who am I? - the prophet Isaiah conveys the words of the Lord (Isa. 44:6). Nothing in the world is posed by Yogo's will. Navit opponents of God, zokrema. The devil, they can work against the New, only the one that God allows them to be terribly, skin to light up life in them. The Teachings of the Holy Apostles say that God gives “to all life, and rest, and everything”, “for by him we live and crumble and sleep” (Dії 17:25, 28). Tsya furnishing helps to put together a song about the worldlessness omnipotence God, in the eyes of Christians.

The incompetence of God is such that Yogo cannot contain the whole universe. Yak the Creator Vіn vіdmіnniy vіd vіd svogo tvorіnnya i not є yogo part. God knows more. Vіn nayvischiy i vіdmіnniy vіd vіd ugogo, scho we can work, show chi to think. Otherwise it seems transcendent. Ale doesn't mean that Vin doesn't have a yearly relationship to us, that of our world. At the same time, with the otherness of the world, God is present in the new, adzhe Vin ubiquitous. Wine is with the world, without being a part of it. The transcendence of God will again be satisfied with Yogo immanence. In the Messenger to Hebrew Ap. Pavlo write that the Son of God “trim everything with the word of His power” (Heb. 1:3). As you can see, God turns everything over, but at one time Vin is present to everyone and supports everything.

God omniscient. Youmu can see absolutely everything. Vin is alpha and omega. To Yomu the cob and the corn (Announcement 22:13). The Book of Servants says that the eyes of the Lord are on the skin and work both evil and good (Pr. 15:3). The author of the 138th Psalm marvels at the creation of God, but be creaking; In the Gospel of Jesus, it seems that without the will of the Father, a bird cannot fall to the ground and wind hair on the head of a learned mustache (Mt. 10: 29, 30). Omnipotence, omniscience of God, Yogo turbot about creation, about vagueness called out zdivuvannya not only from religious authors. W. Shakespeare, conveying the Christian message about God's providence, wrote: "Nothing happens without God's will and in death there is a sense." Such a faith of the people among Christians is almost like a power of significance, giving a sense of security and imparting special foundations with a zmist, which helps to make life difficult.

A thought about those who are skin deep is infinitely expensive to the Creator, who speaks about the skin, showing kindness God. Kindness, as it is in the world, makes Yogo kindness with its coil. It is impossible for him to think that she was overturning God. On thought app. Jacob is the best, that in this world, to resemble the Lord. “Every good gift and every gift of thoroughness will burn down, in the light of the Father of light...” - write wine (Yak. 1:17).

God's goodness is manifested in Yogo's holiness and love. The Bible has a God of names holy. The prophet Isaiah, in one of the parts of his prophecy, in which he basked the glory of the Lord, writing that the seraphim, that they were bіla Yogo to the throne, wiggled: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Hosts! The whole earth is dedicated to the glory of Yogo” (Isa. 6:3). Deyakі theologians take into account that the three times repetition of the word “holy” points to the three Persons of God. Like there was not a bule, repeated repetitions, whether or not in a flurry, means a stronger sense. Holiness means that the God of resurrection is evil, incomplete, impure in moral terms. Tsya akіst is taman only to Yomu and to no one else. In the Bible, all three Persons of the Trinity are called saints - the Father (Jn. 17:11), Sin (Dії 4:30) and the Holy Spirit, in the very name of Yakogo the rice of holiness is shown. The words of the Lord: “Be holy, for I am holy” (Lev. 11:45; 1 Peter 1:16) show that holiness is an aspect of Yogo's character, so that people can accept it in their lives. God bazhaє, so that people become saints, so that they can allow them to live in the Yogo Kingdom.

For a holy God, it is not natural to take human nature upon Himself, as if Christ had grown. The Bible says that God pishov for such a short time for the peace of the sinful world. Itself in the people of the Sin of God, Yogo life and hellish death of the love of God, the greatest world appeared to people. Father, the most important quality of the Christian God is love. The Apostle Ivan wrote: "God is love" (1 John 4:8, 16). In the Bible, love us before God, not man. “He has love, who did not love God with us, but with love for us, and sent His Sin to be a propitiation for our sins” (1 John 4:10). Tse bezkorislive kokhannya, like a gift, not conquest. Її directing to the subject to deposit in the form of its value.

In Scripture, the ancient Jewish word “hesed” (loving kindness) and the ancient Greek “agapi” used the principle of setting God up to people, as well as those who recognized the sight of people one by one. Agapі- love-mercy, as if representing a sympathetic, kindly, dbaylive setting up to another person. Agape - tse diyalna love, scho gift, love to the neighbor. Tse word in the New Commandment, characterizes the attitude of God before His creation, before man (Jv. 3:16; 1 John 4; 1 Cor. 13; Eph. 2:4-7; that John). God does not love what you need. Navpaki, Vіn love vіd povnoti. To create a creative world was not a viklikana as a necessity. The Lord, having created uncommon things, to love them thoroughly. And for the sake of them, God became a human being, pishov for self-abasement, suffering. One of the theologians said that Yakbi Christ could vryatuvat more than one sinner, then through love to the whole people of Vin, having accepted the bi flour of the cross.

How can God's love and justice be immeasurable? Chi do not superechat qi as a single one? In the Christian obyvatsky middle, one can see two false statements about God. It is with one of them that God is a wicked judge, who will follow him, so that people do not sin and punish them, the scum of life is not so acceptable. Forgiveness for others, God is a kind soul, “God”, who graciously forgives people for their sins, but does not forgive all their weaknesses and primhams. And those who have not yet been revealed about God are not apprehended by the biblical point of dawn and extremism. God is not a cruel despot and not an all-forgiving "god".

On the thought of rich Christian denominations, God's wrath is the other side of Yogo love. Right in the fact that God hates all those who are in charge of suffering, changing the beauty and harmony of the world created by Him. In this order, the justice of God and Yogo love does not supersede one to one, but a dialectical expression of Yogo's character. It is important to remember that from a Christian point of view, the justice of God is not so caring, but rather sweet, merciful justice.

Giving sinners the opportunity to turn around, the Son of God on Golgotha, having taken suffering, was recognized as violators of Yogo Law on himself. God of Christians Savior. Vіn does not mean the death of the sinner, but if you want, you must turn back to New and take away the gift of eternal life.

Henceforth, it is far from beyond the knowledge of the statements about God among Christianity that shows us that Vin is one. God is Person, Trinity. Vin - Spirit, Rosum, Love. God is boundless, eternal, omnipotent, transcendent and immanent, omniscient, good, holy and just. God can buttya in Himself, the Creator, the Lawgiver and the Savior of the world.

As it is said above, Christians believe that God is good, We love good and hate evil, We have established the rules of that law, We know that we were led for the good of God this way, and not otherwise. From the standpoint of Christianity, the All-Sveet deyaks speak and speak the right filth, and even the lack of perfection cannot explain the need for harmony of the whole. It sounds like a good God and a world of filth are not the same.

Light in Christianity is not a continuation of the Divine, a product of Yogo evolution and emanation. For this sense between the world and God, there is an intransigent prirva. The stench is absolutely alien to one another. Let's guess that in Christianity God is the first and the remaining cause of all that exists. And as such Vіn is also the reason for Himself. On the vіdmіnu vіd vіd osgogo іnshoy, God іsnuіє through the need ієї єї vlaї nasnostі. The reason for the need of the world is not dictated. God creates the world freely, granting everything as a free gift. It's like before, like an artist creating his own tvir. And as if you were taking your soul, thoughts, experiences of the creator, and light you carry the seal of beauty, goodness and greatness of God. However, part of the creation burned out of the way, recognized by the Creator and wasted its perfection.

Why is God allowing his creation to succumb in the sight of New? How can the goodness of God and Yogo's omnipotence benefit from the foundations of evil in the world? Try a rational explanation of the opposition between the omnipotence and absolute goodness of God, and the manifestation of evil in the world gave rise to the Christian philosophical and religious thought of numerical theodicy, tobto. divine truth. The most orthodox of them affirm that evil is not the essence of the created material world. Vono was born from a wrong choice of different sources. Evil is rooted in free will And if it’s not possible for a person to turn around for help fighting with her, until God can secure it, I will win.

That is why the task of the people is to turn to God, inspire Yogo to help his zanepali nature and the nature of the world. Tsіy methі to serve is established by God the main values ​​and vimogi. They set guidelines, from which specialty can self-sign, direct your will to need a channel. Their significance, importance is not the same. Light, creations by God, maє raznu the world of value. The hierarchy of blessings is led by God Himself. And if it is reasonable to take the place of the good of the greater good less, then it will go out into the sight of God. In such a rite, all values ​​bring a person to God, and the lower ones turn them back. Otherwise: for the help of greater values, people deny the possibility of transcendence, to go beyond the boundaries of their coopedness, and turning to the lower ones, they get bored with everyday life, a dullness, calling themselves on the spiritual animal at the streams of the flesh.

The Christian conception of a special God confuses the inevitable value, the substantiality and the uniqueness of the specialness, created for Yogo in the image and likeness. To this, the proximity to the Absolute is conveyed by the animality to the other people, in the yakіy Vіn of phenomena the most visible rank. Love before God is manifested through those who put us before the Yogo creation, first for everything, to our neighbors. Therefore, in most Christian denominations, as a rule, they downplay the importance of being bored in an ecstatic state, experiencing a mystical fortune, flowing into the world with problems and misunderstandings. Even though the light is not a weakened part of the Godhead, but the creations of Him, we can see the value, self-sufficiency and substantiality. Otzhe about the new one, about himself, his family, his power, suspіlstvo toshchoo. nebhіdno dbati. But this turbota is not guilty of ruining all our respect at any given time. Її meta polygaє at the vіddaі to yourself the most important values ​​- God is the people.

Vіdnosini between God and people in Christianity may special character. Aware of believing the character of God, the one who is inexcusably dear Creator, fill his soul with Love. Vaughn, in the opinion of the Christians, is guilty of mіtsnіti in the world of that, like a person in the process of life, to finally learn to trust God, to change into Yogo fidelity. Love gives people courage and the strength to conquer the will of the Creator, which is expressed in the Yogo Law, and the Creator and creation are united in one friendly family.

The specificity of Christianity, which is the most important view of other religions, is in the specialty of Jesus Christ. The majority of Christians chant the person of the Divine Trinity, the instilled God of the Word, into whom human that Divine nature has become like a friend.

Napoleon saying that having fought all his life to win the hearts of people, and Christ having fought without a fight, and millions of his followers die for him. The contemporary Christian theologian Hans Küng spoke thus about Jesus Christ and about that religion, how to wear his name: Nobody died so young. Prote, with a kind of majestic buv yogo infusion ... For a small number of adherents, Christianity far outperforms all religious religions. Henceforth, Jesus Christ has a special role to play, both in Christianity and in the history of the world.

As already mentioned above, in Christianity great value lead not so to the human mind, to the ear-drenched fall, as to the secret of God. Sgіdno from the bіblієyu people tse gunpowder and drank, clay, yak was chewed by God's breath. In this rank, I will lie down again in the sight of God, the only gift of life from the All-Sveta. However, the first man Adam, having violated God's Law of love, resurrected himself in Life. In order to turn the people's spent camp, God punished for the wickedness of the wickedness transferred to Himself. Sin of God (Friend of the Person of the Trinity, God the Word) became a human being at the singing hour.

One of the worst calms for New Bull, maybe, humility. Ale there, where the first Adam fell, the other Adam wins: God Sin, having strangled the carnal “I”, does not care about others, live on your own. Jesus, perebuvayuchi in a sinful body, I will again follow the will of the Father, having put aside the death of the human race in the punishment. In His life and death, Christ revealed the character of God's love. Yogo Resurrection marks the triumph of God over the forces of evil and the residual victory over them.

Following Christ, people are spitting their sins by the power of God, and they themselves are crying out in the power of lawless death. God endows people with self-reliance, building up to creativity, true knowledge about spiritual light, the building of love. In such a rank, the people of Christ become a special person, a God of grace.


  1. arch. Alipiy (Kastalsky-Borozdin), architect. Isaia (Belov). Dogmatic theology. Holy Trinity Lavra, 1997.

  2. Lewis K.S. Just Christianity // Lewis K.S. Love. Suffering. Nadiya: Please. Treatises. M., 1992.

  3. Men A. Radio call (Lectures). M., 1992.

  4. Young J. Christianity. M., 1998.

Korchova Sofia

Relevance: The school has a new subject of the foundations of religious cultures and secular ethics. We learned a lot of new things, and even more zatsіkav me divided "Christianity". I began to cry, what Christians believe, about what the Bible tells, what rituals and rites accompany Christian worship? Therefore, I took up the task.

Follow-up topic:"Christianity is a religious religion"

Problem: What role does Christianity play in our life?

Follow-up object: every day life of a people.

Subject of inquiry: the role of Christianity in life.

Meta follow up: learn about the adventures, zmіst and moral values ​​of Christianity; learn to recognize the symbols of Christianity, to recognize old-fashioned look belonging to a cult spore.


Front view:

To speed up the presentation ahead of time, create your own Google Post and see before:

Captions before slides:

Front view:

Relevance: The school has a new subject of the foundations of religious cultures and secular ethics. We learned a lot of new things, and even more zatsіkav me divided "Christianity". I began to cry, what Christians believe, about what the Bible tells, what rituals and rites accompany Christian worship? Therefore, I took up the task.

Follow-up topic:"Christianity is a religious religion"

Problem: What role does Christianity play in our life?

Follow-up object:every day life of a people.

Subject of inquiry:the role of Christianity in life.

Meta follow up:learn about the adventures, zmіst and moral values ​​of Christianity; learn to recognize the symbols of Christianity, to recognize at a glance the belonging of a cult controversy.

Follow-up task:

to know that Christianity is a secular monotheistic religion; about the march of Christianity; that Jesus Christ is the champion of Christians; what does the Holy Trinity mean; show the historical connection between Christianity and Judaism.

follow-up methods:

  • Collection of literature on the topic
  • Chat with fakhivtsy, with fathers
  • Caution


Holy religion - a religion that has expanded among the peoples of different lands and continents. At the same time, only three religions are designated by this term: Buddhism, Christianity, Islam.

Christianity (Greek: Χριστός - “anointed one”, “messia”) is a monotheistic Abrahamic religion of the world, founded on the life of Jesus Christ, described in the New Testament.

Christians believe that Jesus from Nazareth is the Messiah, the Son of God, God, who became a human being, and the Savior of mankind.

Christianity is the largest religion of the world for the number of Christians, which are close to 2.1 billion, and for the geographic breadth - mayzhe in the skin of the world, wanting only one Christian community.Christianity (Greek: Χριστός - anointed, messiah) is an Abrahamic religious religion based on the life and resurrection of Jesus Christ, described in the New Testament. Christians believe that Jesus from Nazareth is the Messiah, the Son of God and the Savior of mankind. Christians do not doubt the historicity of Jesus Christ.


The term " Old Zapovit"(Insh.-Greek. Παλαιὰ Διαθήκη) means goiter-yazannya imposed by God on the people.The books of the Old Testament were written by dozens of authors in support of rich century. Most of the books are small, according to tradition, of their own authors, as indicated by the title of the book.The Book of Butt (one of the five books)

Creation of the world;


Antediluvian hours;

All-world povin;

Christianity vanished in the 1st century in Palestine, which at that time was under the rule of the Roman Empire, a handful of middle Jews, and even in the first decade of its foundation, it expanded in other provinces and in the middle of other groups.

The root of the Christian faith connected with Judaism and the Old Testament religions (in Judaism - Tanakh). Vidpovidno before the gospels that church retelling, Jesus (Joshua) turned like a Jew, waited for Tori, saw the synagogue on Shabbat (Saturday), waited for the holy. The apostles and other first followers of Jesus were Jews. Even after 20 years after the founding of the church, Christianity began to be propagated among other peoples.

According to the New Testament text of the Die of the Apostles, the name "Χριστιανοί" - Christians, followers (or followers) of Christ, first took in the vzhitok for the recognition of the followers of the new faith in the Syrian-Hellenic r. Antioch in the 1st century.

In our days in Christianity, there are three main directions:



THEOLOGY - THEOLOGY - THEOSOPHY - religious and cultural types of divine knowledge; versions of philosophizing, which are fundamentally significant for the enlightenment of your chi and other religious culture.

Christianity accepts the Old Testament, ascending to Abraham, the tradition of chanting the one God (monotheism), creating the All-World that people. At the same time, a lot of Christianity directly introduces to monotheism the idea of ​​the Trinity: three hypostases (God the Father, God Sin, the Holy Spirit), one for their divine nature, but different in appearance.

The sacrament is the priesthood, in whom the believer is brought under a visible rank, the grace of God is invisible (that is the divine power, energy).

Baptism - zanurennya baptized at the water, or pouring water on him, as if it were a sign of yogi's acceptance to the Church, that cleanses the sins;

Confirmation - the consecration of people with a path of anointing with aromatic sumish (peace), replaced the laying on of hands by bishops on the heads of those who believe in the growth of the number of Christian communities;

The Eucharist (communion), with the help of a certain believer, zgidno to Christian faiths, reach Christ (at Orthodox Church and the laity, and the clergy partake of the Body and Blood, in the Catholic: the clergy - the head of the Body and Blood; laity, or body and blood, or only body);

Spovіd (repentance) - revealing your sins to God at the presence of a priest, that otrimannya "exemption of sins" in the name of Christ;

Shlyub (vinchannya)

Holy consecration (soboruvannya) of the sick (for the sake of the Orthodox vchennyami, sins are forgiven to the sick, as if they had forgotten or did not comprehend);

Priesthood (consecration) - consecration to the clergy, as a bishop (was formed in the process of becoming a clergy).

The Pope of Rome (lat. Pontifex Romanus - "Roman pontiff"; abo Pontifex Maximus - "supreme sovereign pontiff") - in international law - a sovereign persona sui generis (persona sui generis)

Monarch and sovereign of the Holy See

Yak the patron of St. Peter (the first Roman bishop) - the visible head of the Catholic Church and the supreme hierarch

Sovereign state of the Vatican.

Recognition of Catholicism as Orthodoxy

Pravoslavia recognizes the dogma about the infallibility (bezpomilkovist) of the Pope of Rome and his supremacy over the Christians.

In Catholicism, on the basis of Orthodoxy, there is a dogma about the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary, as well as the death of the dead.

Catholicism, on the basis of Orthodoxy, has a dogmatic understanding of purgatory, and instills a conviction about the due merits of the saints.

In the Latin rite, a priest can be friendly and may give a home of bezshlyubnosti, and a person who is in the presence of priesthood priests may have the right to either enter the church attire, or take black vows.

In the Latin rite, the cross is sprinkled with a path, but it is not zanurenny.

Autumn with a cross is carried out right-handed in cash with the Orthodox that gold

Protestantism (Lutheranism, Evangelism)

Protestants respect that a person can take forgiveness of sins by faith in Jesus Christ (I believe death for the sins of all people and the resurrection of the dead).

Protestant Christians believe that the Bible is the only source of Christian faith, that education and stasis in life is respected by the important task of skin faith. Protestants report that the Bible is accessible to people by national language.

Look at those practices, which are not confirmed by the teachings of the Bible, are not respected by authoritative ones and are not obligatory for vicons.

In this rank, Protestantism made three important provisions:

Poryatunok with a special faith;

Priesthood of all believers;

Number of Christians

In the given hour, a number of Christians in the world of Christianity are moving 2 billion, of which in Europe - according to various estimates from 400 to 550 million, in Latin America - about 380 million, in Pivnichniy America - 180-250 million (USA - 160-225 million, Canada - 25 million), in Asia - about 300 million, in Africa - 300-400 million, in Australia - 14 million.

Religion plays a great role in the life of the state and the state. It compensates for the fear of death with faith in eternal life, helps to know the moral, and sometimes the material support for those who suffer. Christianity, to speak briefly about religion, is one of the world's religious sciences, as the axis has been relevant for over two thousand years. In this article, I do not pretend to give a complete summary, but I will madly name the key moments.


It’s not surprising, Christianity, like Islam, swears to the roots in Judaism, venerates the sacred book of the Old Testament. However, the uninterrupted mailing of yoga gave rise to only one specialty - Jesus of Nazareth. Zvіdsi th name (in the form of Jesus Christ). On the other hand, this religion was the only monotheistic heresy in the Roman Empire. Christians were slandered like that. The persecution did not play the role of the sacralization of the Christian martyrs, and of Jesus himself.

It seems like a long time ago, if I started studying history at the university, having fed Antiquity at the vikladach at a break, but when I spoke, Jesus was like a real person? Vіdpovіd otrimala such that all dzherela point to those who were so special. Well, and about miracles, as described in the New Testament, skin itself virishu, viriti їm chi nі.

As you say, abstracting from the world of miracles, the first Christians lived in the form of religious communities on the territory of the Roman Empire. Pochatkov's symbolism was very simple: cross, riba and in. Why did religion itself become luminous? Shvidshe for everything, on the right, like the sacralization of the martyrs, at the most learned, well, obviously, in the politics of the Roman government. Thus, the state's recognition won only after 300 fates after the death of Jesus - 325 fates at the Council of Nicaea. The Roman Emperor Kostyantyn the Great (himself a pagan) called to the light all the Christian currents, there were few of them. What a varta only Arian nonsense, zgіdno z such a God, the Father, for God's son.

As if it had not been there, Kostyantin understood the common potential of Christianity and forged this sovereign religion. It’s also a little slow to walk, that he himself, before his death, having revealed the bajan to be christened ... All the same, the rulers were wise: to do something randomly while the pagans - and then bam - and before death turn back to Christianity. Why not?!

From that hour, Christianity became the religion of the whole of Europe, and then the great part of the whole world. Before speech, I recommend a post about those.

Fundamentals of the Christian Church

  • World of creations by God. This is the first camp of religion. It doesn’t matter what you think, what could be the All-World and the Earth, and for them more life appeared in the course of evolution, but be a Christian you say that God created the world. And as especially recognitions, you can name the river - 5508 BC.
  • Another camp - a person can spark God - the soul, as it is eternal and does not die after the death of the body. Tsya soul was given to people (to Adam and Eve) pure and unclouded. Ale Eva smelted an apple from a tree of knowledge, she herself made Adam a guest, at the entrance the vine of the original sin of a person. Blame the food, why did the tree of knowledge grow in Eden?
  • The third camp is the firstborn sin by Jesus Christ of redemption. The same mustache sins, like contagiously, - the result of your sinful life: gluttony, pride, thin.
  • The fourth is to scatter sins, to repent, to wait for the church attitudes and lead a righteous life. Then, perhaps, you will earn your place in paradise.
  • P'yate, as if you know an unrighteous life - you die in hell after death.
  • Shoste - God is merciful and forgives all sins, as if repentance is wider.
  • There will be a terrible judgment, the Sin of the people will come, the ruler of Armageddon. I God to cremate the righteous in the form of sinners.

Well yak? Scary? Part of the truth in tsoma, obviously, є. It is necessary to conduct normal life, respect your neighbors and do not rob the evil vchinkiv. Ale, like Bachimo, many people call themselves Christians, and behave directly in the opposite direction. For example, for the support of the Levadi Center, in Russia, 80% of the population respect themselves as Orthodox.

Ale, I don’t go out into the street: everyone eats shawarma in the past, and do all kinds of sin. What do you say here? Substandard standards? Possibly, people who think themselves Christians, it’s easy to be hypocritical. It would be better to say that they believe, but that they are not Christians. To the one that you call yourself like that, you are told that you are behaving like that. How do you care? Write in the comments!

With respect, Andriy Puchkov

Naipotuzhnіshu, naivplivovіshu i naychiselnіshu z usіh іsnuyuchih nіnі main vperedzhayuchi Buddhism and Islam, є christianity. The essence of religion, which falls into such ranks of the church (Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant and others), as well as impersonal sects, swearing in shanuvanni and worshiping one divine essence, and otherwise seeming to be the God-man, im'ya like - Jesus Christ. Christians believe in those who are guilty of the truths of God, the Messiah, who sent messages to the Earth for the sake of saving the world and all mankind.

The religion of Christianity was born in distant Palestine in the first century. e. Already at the rock of his own foundation there are few rich pribіchnіv. The main reason for the denunciation of Christianity, in the opinion of the clergy, was the preaching of the activity of Jesus Christ, who, being in essence his own god-monster, came to us in human form, to bring people the truth, moreover, it is not locked up in truth. About the first coming of Christ (the other Christian world is only a check) written chotir sacred books, which are called the Gospels. to the glorious city of Bethlehem, about those, like vin viris, like having become preaching.

The main ideas of this new religious vchennya were as follows: faith in those who are guilty, Jesus, right the Messiah, who is the son of God, that if another friend comes, there will be a resurrection from the dead. With his sermons, he called out to love your neighbors and help the poor. They brought yoga to the Divine adventure and those miracles, with which they accompanied their povchannya. The impersonal ailments were healed with a word abo dotik, three vines resurrected the dead, walked on water, turning it into wine and inciting nearly five thousand people, less than two, with ribs and five with cakes.

Vignav vignav from the Jerusalem temple of all merchants, showing them themselves that dishonorable people have no place in the saints and noble rights. Let us then bula the zrada of Judy the Iscariot, ringing in the naughty blasphemy and the praised encroachment on the royal throne and the death wreath. He died wine, being rozіp'yatim on the cross, having taken the torment for all human sins. Three days later, Jesus Christ resurrected, and then ascended to heaven. About the religion of Christianity to speak boldly: there are two months, two special expanses, inaccessible to people during earthly life. that paradise. Inferno is the place of terrible torment, which is found here at the tops of the earth, and paradise is the place of universal bliss, and only God himself virishuvateme, whom he directs where.

The religion of Christianity is based on a number of dogmas. The first - tse those that the Friend - vin trikovy (Father, Sin and Holy Spirit). The people of Jesus were inspired by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, God entered into the Virgin Mary. Jesus buv rose, and then he died, redeeming people's sins, after which he resurrected. For example, Christ will come to judge the light and rise from the dead. The divine nature of that human nature is indistinctly borne in the image of Jesus Christ.

Songs of the canons and commandments sing us the religion of the world, and Christianity propagates to love God with all your heart, and also to love your neighbor as yourself. If you do not love your neighbor, you cannot love God.

Religion Christianity has its own adherents in the dermal region, half of all Christians are in Europe, including Russia, one quarter - in Pivnichniy America, one quarter - in Pivdenniy, and significantly less than in Africa, Australia

The formation of Christianity as a religious religion

Greek mythology

Christianity established itself as a religious religion not in that culture, in a kind of vinyl, but in Greco-Roman. Yak voiced the Russian philosopher Vl. Solovyov, "two paths - prophesying spirits among the Jews and philosophical thoughts among the Greeks - the human spirit went to the idea of ​​the Kingdom of God and the ideal of the God-man" (Solovyov V.S. Works: 2 vols. M., 1988. T. I. S. 271). To this, we should read the chapter about the revelations about Greek mythology, as it later became the spiritual basis of Roman mythology and philosophy, and in the course of time, the formation of Christianity as a religious religion.

The mythology of Greece and Rome is important for us not only in itself, but also to the fact that Christianity, as a religious religion of the world, was formed by itself in Ancient Rome, which, having adopted the Greek mythology of the country, although the activity of Christ took place in Palestine. For some sensi, the formation of Christianity has slipped like those who have the Old Testament monotheistic - they have one God, and those who have the presence of the supreme god Zeus in ancient Greek mythology, were renamed by the Romans to Jupiter.

The statements of the Greeks about the journey of the world are similar to those of other peoples. Chaos is born earlier, and then the broad-chested Gaia and the gloomy Tartarus, “in the earthly pits of the deep,” remind Hesiod in the poem “Theogony”, written in the 7th century. to the sound e. The Theogony systematizes the mystic mythology of the numerical mist-states. Viyshlo chotiri generation of gods. Vihіdna couple - the god of Heaven Uranus and yoga team of the goddess of the Earth Gaia. A generation of titans look like them. The youngest of the blues of Kron (at the beginning of the new hour - chronos) that yoga sister Rhea gives birth to a new generation of gods. The most prominent of them is Zeus, who became the supreme god of Olympus, his team of Hera is the patron saint of the ship, their brothers Poseidon and Aid, the sister of Demeter is the goddess of Rodyuchost. All-world subdivisions between Zeus, Poseidon and Aid. Zeus got the sky, Poseidon - the sea, Aidu - the underworld kingdom.

Next generation: Apollo is the god of light and mysticism, Athena is the goddess of wisdom, Aphrodite is the goddess of beauty, Ares is the god of war. bud. and for tse prikuty to the Caucasian rock for the order of Zeus.

From Mnemosyne - the goddess of memory - Zeus gave birth to 9 muses: Urania - the muse of astronomy, Klio - the muse of history, Caliope - the muse of epos, Euterpe - the muse of lyrical poetry, Polyhymnia - the muse of hymns, Erato - the muse of love dance, Terpsichora - muse - the muse of tragedy, Thalia - the muse of comedy.

The "Theogony" has a more immaculate conception of Gaia Uranus, nymphs, Pontus. Zeus having narodzhuvav gods, looming around the squads of numerous kohankas, but for the bazhannya he could turn and alone, as if from Athena, as was born from his head. The gods appeared in the world without outside help - Aphrodite was born from a sea pine after Zeus bought her father Kron.

In Greek mythology, heroes, if not gods, like Hercules. The famous 12 feats were created by him with a method to achieve that, about the dream of Gilgamesh - immortality.

The Greeks formed a statement about the golden age, which was the beginning of the past, if the first people appeared. “They lived stench without turbot and worked, eating acorns, wild fruits and honey, dripping straight from the trees, drinking sheep and goat milk, never getting old, dancing and laughing richly. Death was scary for me, less sleep” (A reader from the history of world culture ... Z. 196). Potim buli people were silver doby, yak lived up to 100 years and did not fight one against one; people of the middle age, like they loved to fight, were rude and zhorstok. The people of the lower echelon age are godless, evil, unfair and deceitful. Vtіm, do not stink at all wine. Like Eva in the Bible, so Pandora in Greek mythology is recognized for human negativity. The first woman, created by Hephaestus at the order of Zeus, crowed the vessel out of crow's feet, put human vices, ailments and misfortunes in it, and let them go free, which is why the human family suffers. On Viko’s thought, I’ll name the golden century wheat, which tells about those values, as if land cultivation was given. Wool was called gold (“golden fleece”), and then golden apples went, gold yak metal and golden coins.

The Greek mythology was richly delineated compared to the previous ones, although rich plots are repeated. So, the myth about Demeter, as she is afraid to go down to Hades, replacing her daughter Persephone, guessing myths about Osiris and Inana. Steiner interprets the myth about Demeter as a symbol of the soul of that її eternal transformation of the change of people and death.

The Greek gods imposed an impersonal act, like they copied from human vchinkiv, which led to the “grounding” of the divine and was not worthy of Plato, which for the sake of the rulers took butt from the Egyptian culture. This joy turned utopian, but mythology gave up its leading position of philosophy. The meanings of the mysteries (Eleusinian, consecrated to the goddess Demetrius and others.) Step by step descended, at the same time the myth was deprived of mystical strength, weakening yoga.

Those that the Greeks and the Romans behind them did not conduct a sharp cordon between gods and people, allowed the splintering of the gods and people freely, creating a special order of the gods (for example, Hercules), other heroes - Menelaus, Agamemnon, Odysseus - became deities and mali of their own cult, it was easier to accept the Roman civilization of Christianity with the God-man. At Ancient Greece“God robbed given a person for human power, but only more powerful, have reached the divine rozmіrіv, to that the gods are characterized by beauty, strength, knowledge, and less power, like a kremlin їhnyu vіdminіnіst vіd people – їх immortality. The gods of Greece are human gods, and the religion of the Greeks is the purest anthropomorphism” (History of Religion ... P. 50). But the human likeness of the Greek gods is small and has a negative side, as it also attached the replacement of Greek mythology to Christianity. Tsya zamina bula viklikana to the further strengthening of the moral aspect of religion.

Greek mythology is naychitkish, logical, consequential and true, and it was not out of the blue that it broke through the power of the framework and became the cause of philosophy. Psyche pretended to understand the soul, Aphrodite - to understand love, then. But in philosophy, especially in the first stage, there are a lot of mythological manifestations, for example, statements about the posthumous judgment of Plato and are described by him in Phaedonia. Those who have committed evil deeds, suffer in Tartarus doti, until they beg for vibachennya from their victims. “Chomu Polegaє їhnya punishment, recognized by the judges” ( Plato. Phaedo. 114b).

The main elements of the Greek religion are prayers, sacrifices, witches. “The temples were a facade on the cross and placed in their own image the gods and other sacred relics on the square of the anchor of the Argonauts, the shoulder of Pelops, the blood of Hercules thinly. , statues that hovered the world ... and so on ”(History of religion ... Z. 55).

Tsey text is a cognizable fragment.

XVIII Monarchy as the supremacy of the moral ideal. - Significance of religion and Christianity. – Independence of the monarchy in accordance with the will of the people. - Subordination of the monarchy of the people's faith Otzhe, so that one-sided power could gain the significance of the Supreme, so that it could

3.1. The transition of the doslidnitsky interest from the “characteristics” of speeches to the “functions” of becoming characteristic mark scientific methodology of the remaining decades

4.1. The emergence of a phenomenon about the integrity of religion Substance pidhіd conveys the manifestation of absolute, borderline deep and outrageous substations of any form of static and dynamism, substrativity and functionality of existing phenomena. The term "substance"

Rozdіl 4 Formation of Chinese Zen Buddhism (Chan) The history of Zen is a church about enlightenment that originated on the basis of Buddhist mysticism. Irrespective of those who practice Zen to lie between rational categories, do not allow us to delve into

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